Classless Society: A Critical View

Demand for social justice and equality has recently arisen with a new strength. Achieving the American Dream manifested itself in upward mobility that has linked to the opportunity with education and employment (Kendall, 2017). However, the idea of creating a more just and fair system without inequality and oppression is...

Lean Tools in Solutions of Vachon

The implementation of the proposed solutions will be possible through the use of specific lean tools that will help Vachon optimize its supply chain with maximum efficiency at the current stage. First of all, the use of the 5S system will address the improvements from a comprehensive perspective. It will...

World Literature Texts in Different Universities

A notable amount of a learner’s time is spent reading encyclopedias, textbooks, journals, academic books, magazines, websites, and newspapers. Various universities offer learners unique opportunities to examine in detail the diverse manners in which literary production is often shaped by the culture and the capability of international travel of themes,...

Healthcare Policy: Affordable Healthcare Act

Healthcare policies are concerned with the quality and quantity of care citizens receive, with most of the funding typically coming from the taxpayers. The USA does not currently have public healthcare, although this is often criticized by the supporters of free medical care for all. In 2010, President Barack Obama...

Battery Recycling and Its Impact on Our Future

Promoting and advancing the industry of battery recycling has become highly significant in the modern world. The famous international automobile manufacturing companies have started to produce electric vehicles, and the number has continued to grow ever since. However, the benefit of reducing carbon emissions does not outweigh the harm lithium-ion...

Medical Coding (CPT) Modifiers in Healthcare

CPT modifiers are systems of coded information that help healthcare workers label their practice decisions. Among the many modifiers provided under Medicare, there are at least two that I use in my practice. For example, I often use modifier 77, which is commonly used to denote a “repeat procedure by...

“Takings-Private Property Rights” by Rajagopal & Oesterberg

The article “Takings/Private Property Rights,” by Rajagopal and Oesterberg (2021), highlights those exclusive rights to a resource’s services and exclusive rights to choose how a resource is utilized are two of the most important characteristics of private property. The article argues that the right to exchange the item at a...

Financial Literacy and Self-Awareness in Entrepreneurship

Financial principles are one of the most valuable knowledge entrepreneurs and investors should have to succeed in business. The two essential concepts that can be beneficial for people in this field are financial self-awareness and literacy (Chowdhry & Dholakia, 2020). Financial self-awareness allows a person to accurately assess one’s current...

Occupational Therapy Volunteering at Camp Erin

Most of us do not know how to be around grieving people. I was deeply grieved after losing my mother to cancer until I was invited for a camping weekend at Camp Erin, where I am currently a volunteer. You or someone you know might be the next person in...

Key Christian Beliefs and Practices

Many of the essential teachings of Christian faith come from the parables, or short stories, that Jesus told. The key beliefs included lessons that persuaded individuals to love God and their neighbours as they would themselves (Matthew 22:37-39). Forgiving those that have wronged you is also a notable value and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Case Study: Miele. Difference through Marketing

Marketing involves creating and exchanging goods and services that are of value to customers, partners, and the community at large. With increased rivalry from other organizations, a company must always strive to achieve a competitive advantage (Plewa & Conduit, 2016). The resources that a firm has can be used as...

The Effects of Complacency on Business

Many organizations have failed because they are unable to keep up with the needs of the market and adapt to the changes of the rapidly evolving market. The tendency to be too complacent leads to less innovation, especially if the company dominates the market. This leads to laxity, which in...

Paperworks PLC. Strategic Marketing Planning

The case is concerned with a paper production company, Paperworks, wishing to expand its business and increase profits. It operates in two primary markets while holding the leading positions, but they are not as profitable as magazines and greeting cards. Thus, the company would like to have a presence in...

Reconstruction: Protecting the Rights of Blacks

For the first time, an attempt to legalize the rights of black people was made during the Reconstruction. The beginning of Reconstruction was promising in the fight for the rights of black people and the elimination of segregation. After the war, freedmen created churches for black people, which became a...

Ethical Dilemma: Autonomy and End-of-Life Care

The idea of providing someone with high-quality care involves the concept of respect and acceptance of the patient’s wishes. The definition of nursing practice is illustrated through the provision of diagnostics and treatment procedures as a response to a potential health threat (New York State Education Department, n.d). However, a...

“Confessions of Nat Turner” by Gray

“Confessions of Nat Turner” is a story given by Gray about an American Black man who had too much hatred towards the Whites due to the awful events in his life. Fabricant (1993) indicates that Nat worked for Americans as a slave and was mistreated by being beaten, raped, traumatized,...

Leviticus and Numbers Importance for Understanding the Pentateuch

An approach that works within the contrast between Leviticus, Numbers, and the Pentateuch can be problematic. This is due to the fact that laws and rites used in the two books named first lost their meaning in New Testament times. The revelation made the priestly vestments, the altar, the altar...

George Washington and Thomas Jefferson’s Role in the Liberation Movement

On the one hand, the activities of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are directly related to the liberation movement in America. On the other hand, the Founding Fathers were notorious for holding their slaves without freeing them when the opportunity was presented (Chervinsky, 2020). It cannot be considered hypocrisy because...

“Food Stamped” and Its Main Shortcomings

In 2009 one in eight Americans living below the poverty line, which meant they were qualified for food stamps. With food prices rising at the highest rate and fast food being the only affordable option for low-income families, the food stamp program tries to provide nutrition education and food assistance....

Resistance to Civil Government

Henry’s statement was correct, and I think about it when I see any injustice happening. I agree with his view on the collective duty to defy unjust laws when they happen or are enacted (Thoreau, 2016). For instance, institutional racism has impacted minority groups in the United States, leading to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Problem of Gender Stereotypes

Social stereotypes develop as a result of labeling a group of people with similar characteristics. For example, people can be categorized based on age, race, or gender (Zhang et al., 2018). Gender stereotyping seems to be an element of the traditional gender ideology that describes average differences between males and...

Historical Exchange Rates in Accounting Practices

In accounting, many transactions are carried out, and one must be keen to ensure that the correct information has been obtained. The failure to balance the sheets will lead to wrong decisions, and this will affect the organization since there will be errors in calculations leading to the organization incurring...

Forecasting and Time Value of Money

Time value of money (TVM) is a valuable instrument that helps comprehend the value of a currency in relation to a given period. It is a method frequently applied by investors to understand how the current worth of money compares to that of the future. The time value of money...

The Strategic Business Plan for the Product Tamazon 4

In my opinion, the strategic business plan for the product Tamazon 4 is developed very clearly and concisely. To optimize strategic business planning, a company must properly define its goals and conduct extensive research to properly understand industry trends, and in case of Tamazon 4, it had been done perfectly...

Family Characteristics Contributing to Dysfunctional Health Patterns

Family is the primary source for children to learn behaviors. Children observe their parents or caregivers adhere to a certain lifestyle and, based on their observations, develop their own behavioral patterns. Therefore, it is important for families to foster healthy habits to set a good example. Otherwise, children risk developing...

Harmful Impact of Climate Change

Climate change is one of the most notable environmental problems that humanity is facing today. The United Nations (UN) defines it as ‘long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns’, which are affected by both natural cycles and human activities (United Nations). Global warming is one of the major consequences of...

Importance of Radiology and Imaging Service in Healthcare

Introduction Radiology is a process that involves displaying images of various parts of the body for treatment (TomĂ  et al., 2021). Examples of radiology found in healthcare sectors are CT scans, X-rays, MRIs, and ultrasounds (Morris et al., 2018). Radiology has enabled early detection and effective management of chronic diseases...

Analysis of “A Rose for Emily” Story by William Faulkner

A Rose for Emily is a famous William Faulkner’s story primarily notable for its narrator point of view and intricate chronological sequence of events. The narrative is recounted in the first person, yet, in an untypical form of such point of view. There is not a single storyteller name that...

“Introducing World Religions” Through Christian Lens

Introducing World Religions, a book authored by Charles E. Farhadian. and published in 2015, is an insightful religious book that addresses the Christian audience of the 21st century on world religions viewed through a Christian lens. Professor Farhadian is a renowned author of Christian texts and a distinguished contributor to...

How Does Composer John Williams Unify His Films Through His Music?

John Williams is an American composer that is considered to have composed some of the most recognizable and beloved film scores in the history of cinema. His style might be characterized as an orchestral callback to classical Hollywood, with piano and trumpet at the forefront. John Williams’ music has the...

Ways to Avoid Catastrophic Drought

Water supply has generally reduced in major cities over the years and measures to conserve water need to be implemented to avoid the possibility of a catastrophic drought. The main ways to improve the available water supply are to enhance stormwater harvesting, water reuse, water conservation and seawater desalination. In...

Improving Performance in Disease-Specific Indicators

There are situations when organizational goals contribute to improvements and have no positive outcomes in the same sphere. Despite following the recommendations of the Medicare Hospital, the hospital performances for pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction (AMI), and congestive heart failure (CHF) vary. According to Spath and Kelly (2017), effective goals usually...

Factors That Caused Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a common mental disorder among the young males and females. Therefore, for this paper, I will be finding out the various effects of Schizophrenia on the young adults. Among the effects that will be further investigated include victims withdrawing from their peers and relatives, dropping out of school...

Texas Political Events: Woodlands Incorporation Issue

The case of Woodland township incorporation is the focus of the article by Buckley. The residents of Woodlands are fighting to shift the location’s status from a township to a city, which might result in increased freedom of infrastructure management (Buckley, 2021). According to Lasswell’s definition of politics, successful city...

Clicktivism and Slacktivism in the Activism Context

Information and Communication Technologies and the Internet currently play a vital role in distributing information. Due to the active development of these phenomena, the community identifies the emergence of such concepts as slacktivism and clicktivism. These technologies are characterized by information technology to mobilize large numbers of people to support...

Prejudice Reduction Strategy “The Fast Friends”

A good prejudice reduction strategy is the fast friends technique that was developed for people from different social groups. This method helps reduce prejudice among people because it implies strangers asking one another questions that allow them to develop closeness. Moreover, the questions with the fast friends method encourage people...

The Persona Method and Its Use in Working with an Audience

The Persona method is a way to “humanize” the product’s audience to work most effectively with its needs. The process consists of the fact that several vital personas are consistently created for the product. Each person or character represents a specific collective image of a particular segment of the product’s...

Primary, Secondary, and Supplementary Health Insurance

A medical insurance policy covering a client as a subscriber, an employee, or a member is known as primary insurance. Therefore, when people obtain medical care, their primary insurance is billed first. For example, most people’s primary insurance is their employer-provided health insurance. Conversely, a healthcare insurance policy covering one...

Virtual Tour to Sistine Chapel

I visited several of the 26 Vatican museums in the Vatican City. Some of the museums include Pinacoteca, Pio-Clementino museum, Sistine Chapel, and Raphael’s Rooms. The museums display a rich religious heritage, and in particular, the history of the Roman Catholic Church and Papacy. Some of the collections in these...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hume’s Skepticism: Evaluation and Personal Reflection

Hume’s analysis is a complex concept directed to understand the relationship between cause and effect. In his view, we enhance our knowledge of matter because of understanding its causes. However, our understanding of the cause of the matter is limited; therefore, we cannot fully accept the nature of events. The...

Dr. King’s Argument on the Imperative Nature of Integration

Dr. King speaks of integration as an important social principle that he feels can change the world but states that it is not enough to achieve an idealistic human participation world. Dr. King states that desegregation does not do much when aiming to achieve integration and views it as negative,...

Discussion of Working With Groups Aspects

Cultural competence is essential in counseling both as the means of establishing a rapport with the client and as the tool for adjusting the selected therapy approach to the client’s needs. A culturally competent counselor is aware of the significance that cultural specifics have in therapy, which is why incorporating...

“Relevance of Polynomials” in Everyday Activities

“Relevance of Polynomials” is a one-minute video done by Jacob. Jacob discusses the importance of polynomials in everyday human activities. Most of the uses he mentions are important aspects for the survival of the modern-day human being. For example, he mentions using polynomials in the stock market to tell how...

Animals Should Be Used for Research

Introduction Since humans and animals have similar biology, animals are often used to provide experimental studies and understand how diseases impact them or how drugs can help, but ethics and legal issues cause public controversy. Definition Animal testing, also known as animal research, uses experiments to understand the factors that...

Accountability Act in Electronic Medical Records Use

Cari’s post is especially valuable for understanding the intricacies of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) implementation. The discussion clearly explains how HIPAA impacts the social workers’ use of Electronic Medical Records (EMR), outlining the concerns related to patient data accessibility. Indeed, when performing their work responsibilities and...

The Description of Wallpaper in “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Gilman

In “The Yellow Wallpaper” (1981), Gilman describes the wallpaper using different epithets, metaphors, and comparisons. Among the most interesting ones, there were phrases concerning the pattern, It “commits suicide” and “destroys itself in unheard of contradictions” (78) as if it were a living creature. The paper is the cause of...

Chinese: The Next World Language

A language of world significance is a language that is widely used for communication by many people worldwide, having the status of a state or official in several states. In my opinion, Chinese will become the next world language because it is the leader in the number of speakers. In...

Sensory Experience of South Beach, Miami

Brightly colored, Miami’s one of the most famous beaches, South Beach, can be described as an earthly paradise. The breathtaking view of the ocean, with its bright blue and green color and pure water, already bestows you with this sense of being in a utopian world. Gazing at the horizon,...

Hiring Paths for Students and People with Disabilities

Regarding hiring opportunities available to students specifically, one key finding is that a person does not have to be actively studying at the time of filing an application. In some student programs and opportunities, an individual is still considered a student if he or she has been out of school...

The Irish Immigrants’ Influence on New York

This historical essay aims to discuss the thesis that although most scholars of the American economy have argued that Irish immigrants worsened labor conditions for citizens, further research shows that in New York of the 1840-1860s, newcomers profoundly influenced the Market Revolution.” While the newcomers were one of New York’s...

Ethics of Suicide Among Terminally Ill Patients

For many people undergoing physical, emotional, or mental pain, suicide seems like the most appropriate remedy for their agony. Patients abiding from terminal diseases and the elderly might lose hope and love for a living because of their daily challenges. They might opt to die rather than live and observe...

Michael P. MacDonald’s “All Souls” Memoir Analysis

All Souls: A Family Story from Southie, written by Michael Patrick MacDonald, is a sincere memoir published in 1999. The author uses his talent of putting life experiences and feelings into words to describe the place where he used to live in his childhood. The book starts with the author,...

International Airport: Management, Ownership, and Economic Regulation

Ownership and Management Airport involves various models in management and overall ownership of the aeronautical activities. For instance, the traditional model and federal authority placed practices of management of airports in the hands of the national government agencies, such as the national civil aviation authority. The only drawback of the...

“To His Coy Mistress” by Marvell

“To His Coy Mistress” by Marvell is a carpe diem poem that calls young women to enjoy the pleasures of life. There are many literary devices used by the author to make readers believe in his philosophy. I want to note two devices that are metaphor and simile. Metaphors appear...

The Threat of Nuclear Terrorism

The issue of nuclear terrorism has been discussed by many researchers and policy-makers. Some believe that the threat is unrealistic, because building nuclear weapons is extremely difficult even for developed countries, which reduces terrorists’ chances to do it. Acquiring them would also be challenging, as there has been significant progress...

Information Management Improving Patient Care Technology

The need to improve patient care in hospitals has led to the development of new technologies that assist nurses in managing, monitoring, and controlling clients’ conditions within the facilities. Information management allows each patient’s data to be recorded, stored, and easily retrieved by health professionals when needed (Bhatt & Chakraborty,...

Sociology from Theoretical Perspectives

Conducting sociological research while attempting to establish the nature of the parameter being measured or to make explicit the hidden causal relationships found in society requires complicated analysis. In testing, countless variables can confuse research (“Theoretical perspectives,” 2020). Therefore, many sociologists become committed to one of three perspectives that view...

Millennials Show Us What ‘Old’ Looks Like

The essential concept from this module is the idea that the way we view age and aging is flawed, and we should reconsider what a person in their 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s can do. The concept of old age and the idea of what an old person looks like...

Racial Injustice, Racial Discrimination, and Racism

Introduction Many people struggle with ethical dilemmas on an almost daily basis. Some range from really unimportant to serious. Racial injustice is one example of an ethical dilemma that plagues millions around the world mainly based on the color of your skin and your race. This essay will argue that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

James Joyce’s “Dubliners”. Personal Thoughts on Araby

James Joyce is a brilliant writer who utilizes homeland politics to criticize the current state of Dublin effectively. He uses one of his short stories, Araby, in his book Dubliners to explain the idea of coming of age. Joyce’s book focuses on the problems a boy undergoes when transforming childhood...

Review of “On the Duty of Civil Disobedience” by Thoreau

Henry Thoreau’s essay on civil disobedience illustrates his perspective on the prevalence of an individual’s conscience and personal moral standpoints over the majority’s law and opinion. The author’s acceptance of the principle “that government is best which governs least” could have implications for his involvement in protests if he was...

Social Sciences: Religious Individualization

Seneca does not object to slavery in and of itself, and there are several reasons for it. The author sees the reality as slavery as he explains that the society has a hierarchical structure, therefore, there is always someone with higher status or a bigger amount of power. On top...

Ways to Ensure Understanding When Delivering the Gospel Message

The question of what the preaching of the Gospel should be in the modern world today concerns not only those called to deliver sermons but also every believer. They are all called to preach the Gospel, bearing witness to it, of course, first and foremost with their lives. They must...

Blues as an Authentic Performance

Speaking about authenticity, one means something genuine, supported by historical factors or traditions. Blues is a shining example of authenticity: their origin is associated with a certain historical period and territory. It is African American folk music inspired by workers’ living conditions and natural phenomena such as flooding. A specific...

Kim Price-Glynn’s Research on Interactions in Strip Clubs

There are many ways in which a study can be conducted. However, it is essential that researchers stay objective and do not compromise their integrity, especially when immersing themselves in the observed environment and the lives and lifestyles of the participants. This paper will discuss Kim Price-Glynn’s research on the...

Assertive Communication at Work: Family Communication

Communication frequently involves controversial dilemmas and conflicts, which require solvation. In such cases, decision-making may be the most significant and the most complicated action. It may be particularly difficult if these conflicts or disagreements involve close people and family members. A wide variety of specific approaches to communication may be...

Southern Style, Dark Humour in the Everyday Life

To begin with, the presented part of the author’s work is one of the most common illustrations of Southern style and dark humor theory applied to practice. Interestingly, the author described a wide range of words that were the enforcing part of the creator’s Southern style, which was possible to...

The Significance of Soul Train

My pop culture moment was Soul Train, a television music program that aired from 1971 to 2006. As George (2019) notes, the program was “a pop cultural pipeline that taught mass audiences how to dance, how to dress, and who to listen to” (para. 2). Soul Train allowed the general...

Coding Compliance in Health Information Science

Coding compliance is essential in providing high-quality services and ensuring correlation with an organization’s laws. Specialists dealing with coding compliance must understand the standards and procedures established within the agency. In addition, these specialists must know the laws of their state and obey them to avoid issues with documentation and...

American Racism, Violence, and Brutality in the 21st Century

The problem of racism has been relevant in America for a long time. Still, it flared up with renewed vigor in connection with shocking and resonant incidents in the early twenty-first century. The rapid development of technology has made it possible to capture most of these cases (photo and video...

Prejudice in “On Seeing England for the First Time” by Kincaid

Jamaica Kincaid’s “On Seeing England for the First Time” is a piece that reflects on her pessimistic view of the country. The narrative of the writing constructs a growing dislike, or even hatred, for England through comparisons to what can be seen as negative metaphors, such as a leg of...

Mark Twain’s Satire in Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

In his work, Mark Twain extensively used satire, which is defined as the intentional humorous exaggeration and irony, mostly aimed at exposing people’s stupidity and failings. In the books, stories, and essays, Twain sought to shed light on the stupidity and hypocrisy of people around him, specifically to ridicule the...

The Issue of Violence in Media and Movies

From action movies to tragedies, violence is an essential plot point, a cliffhanger, a shock value tool, and it is deeply rooted in stories because it was and is so prevalent in real life. Even when it isn’t something you see every day, it is ongoing and in varying levels...

Arguments Against Masks During Pandemic and Personal Freedom

In recent decades, modern society has faced several problems and tasks that require analysis and solutions. One of the most famous and essential in changing the culture of human behavior is the recent pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. Despite all the destructive effects and consequences of the pandemic, many people...

Women Who Changed American History

An individual can influence or change the life of their nation or the entire world, and history includes various examples when one person’s actions became a turning point. Among these responsible historical figures were such women as Claudia Jones, Jane Addams, and Chien-Shiung Wu, who impacted the course of lives...

Nike’s Cause Marketing. Justice Communication

A cause-related marketing campaign is a campaign in which a company aligns itself with a good cause in order to improve its reputation, boost sales, and make a positive difference in the world. One of the most well-known and impressive campaigns of such type is Nike’s Colin Kaepernick 2018 marketing...

Substance Abuse Treatment in Pembroke Pines City

Pembroke Pines is a beautiful suburban city close to Miami. Unfortunately, the town is infamous due to the high number of people suffering from substance abuse. Numerous individuals have developed addictions, such as alcohol, drug, and fentanyl. In 2016, Pembroke Pines saw an outbreak of fentanyl abuse, where more than...

Impact of Social Media on Adolescence

Social media has showcased behavioral modification amongst its frequent users. Besides yielding positive impacts, it has given birth several negative effects to its users. According to recent studies, it is clear that social media has had a huge impact especially on adolescents (Keles, McCrae & Grealish, 2020). Past meta-analysis has...

Marketing Approaches in Cigarette Ads

There are different approaches that marketing directors can take when advertising their products but appealing to a particular audience by using consumer market research is key. In the examples given of the cigarette ads, the target demographic is obvious, as the designers have used profiling (ALTA Team, 2019). In the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Concerning Cruelty and Clemency

It is hard to disagree that most people see the world and the way they should live and treat others differently. For example, some persons find it challenging to argue even when necessary or protect their rights and interests because they are genuinely kind and soft. On the contrary, some...

Privacy, Ownership, and Surveillance in Social Media

As an individual using social media, I consider that hacking my data is a more dangerous issue than surveillance and sale of my online activities. I am impressed by Google’s and Facebook’s data collection activity described by Dylan Curran (Curran, 2018). However, I am more afraid of being hacked because...

Kantian and Utilitarian Ethics and Their Limitations

Immanuel Kant is a philosopher who tried to understand how people can be good and kind – outside the influence and persuasion of traditional religion. The philosopher was born in 1724 in the Baltic town of Königsberg. Categorical Imperatives are the principles that Kant defined by their morality and level...

Bald Eagle as Bird with Features of Dinosaur

General Information One of the most famous birds in the world is the bald eagle, which is the national symbol of the United States. Although this bird is a modern animal living in the Quaternary Cenozoic, the bald eagle has many of the features of dinosaurs, so systems biology often...

The Type of Ethics That Is Better for Businesses

Major ethical systems in philosophy include deontological and consequentialist ethics: the example of the latter is utilitarianism. Deontology is also called duty-based ethics: it states that ethical decisions should follow the set of rules connected with the situation. An example of such an ethics is the Kantian categorical imperative, which...

What Is Love?: Defintion and Discussion

Throughout history, literary writers, psychologists, scientists, and philosophers tried to define the word ‘love.’ According to Gottman and Gottman (2017), love is not a single concept but a process that constitutes three stages. In this theory, the initiation of love is triggered by neurotransmitters, and then a person gradually builds...

Medical Social Work and Teamwork

The philosophy behind teamwork is based on the assumption that the efforts of various professionals could create a synergy providing more effective treatment for the patients. Cooperation creates a fusion of multiple perspectives on the patient’s case, increases the efficacy of assessment involving diverse knowledge, and addresses health disparities and...

Fad Diet: Advantages and Disadvantages

A fad diet is a quick weight loss plan that promises results that are typically unsustainable in the long run. It permits eliminating an entire food group or a strict decrease in one’s intake of a particular food category. In an era where it is easy to gain weight because...

The Jamestown Massacre Controversy

The massacre that took place in Jamestown, which is often called the uprising, at first seems to make sense to consider in other terms since the event took place in the occupied territory. To a greater extent, the Indian attacks on the English settlers should rather be called a struggle...

“Let America be America Again” Poem by Langston Hughes

“Let America be America Again” by Langston Hughes is a poem dedicated to the author’s pain about an impossible American dream. The dream of a virtuous republic, which America has not still reached, but achieving this dream is a goal of every generation (Gorski, 2019). The author tells about what...

“Macbeth” by Shakespeare: Lady Macbeth Thesis Statement

In Shakespeare’s play, Lady Macbeth is revealed as an ambitious woman, overwhelmed with her desire to become a queen. She proves her strong verbal influence on her husband, who does not dare to challenge fate. Shakespeare created a vivid female character, combining a craving for villainy and the inability to...

Attributes of Gods: Similarities and Differences

Gods and various divine deities were always an object of interest in all times. The phenomenon of an unknown past explains this; contemporary people did not witness any of the Gods, and it encourages even more interest towards these creatures. Fortunately, now almost every human has access to the sources...

White and Black People in USA During COVID-19 Pandemic

The United States of America is considered to be a multinational country with substantial racial diversity. One part of the American society, concerning racial segmentation, is composed of White people. Although the community of citizens of the United States of America is possible to be analyzed by race, it can...

Assisting Nancy to Improve Social Interaction and Eat

Helping Nancy requires a collaborative effort between the teacher and her mother. Nancy is experiencing social problems as she appears not to fit in her age mates ‘ group perfectly. When children experience social conflicts, especially for children below ten years, an adult must step in and offer the essential...

Futuristic and Innovative Fabrics

Fashion is regarded as the most polluting industry in the world. As humanity has faced the environmental threat, it is essential to rethink the way people consume and produce items. The innovations concern fabrics as the latter are the indispensable part of the culture, the object of satisfying human needs...

The El Salvador Uprising of 1932 and the Haitian Genocide of 1937

The source offered for analysis speaks of two terrible events, the El Salvador Uprising of 1932 and the Haitian Genocide of 1937. The first event, the El Salvador Uprising, is the first peasant uprising in Latin America. In the early 1930s, the world economic crisis affected El Salvador’s economy as...

Social Media Marketing: Memes as a Branding Strategy

Through the last decade, memes evolved from funny and entertaining images into a communication tool. While previously memes fit only into one or several contexts, current memes present more of a trending template that could be used to describe a wide variety of situations. Thus, memes allow individuals to make...

Gender in Advertising “Dream Crazier” by Nike

Advertising aims to catch potential customers’ attention, and promotional managers usually use different strategies to attract people of different ages, genders, and races. According to Grau and Zotos (2016), many companies use advertising that imposes appearance, body size, and gender stereotypes. Nowadays, such huge organizations as Nike, Adidas, and H&M...

The Influence of Work Climate, Job Placement on Employee Performance

Each company strives for success using different instruments and tools. One of the critical factors to increase performance is the correct work distribution aimed at employee preferences. The placement of employees is essential for the company’s productivity factor. This process implies the rational allocation of work considering employees’ individual characteristics,...

Project Manager Position and Requirements

The title of this position (or role) can sound different: project manager, project leader, delivery manager, and other variations. The tasks of a project manager include the following: draw up and agree on technical specifications, set tasks for the team, distribute the workload and motivate, ensure the achievement of quality...

The Politics of Gender and Race in the Ilbert Bill Controversy

The Ilbert Bill is an essential contribution to the study of women in British Imperial history. It is important because numerous cross-cultural issues are currently the focus of attention. For example, the Ilbert Bill in India was one of the first attempts to eliminate racial discrimination under the Indian Criminal...

Behaviors of Manipulative and Difficult Patients

Behavior that would make me label a patient as difficult is when a patient somatizes. This type of patient manifests all the psychological stress they have been going through physically. For example, a patient may decide to punch holes in walls and injure themselves when stressed. Other symptoms may be...

Physio- and Psychological Causes of Obesity

Obesity is a complex problem in the formation of which many physiological and psychological factors are involved. This condition is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, reinforcing the need for its study (Adult Obesity Causes & Consequences). The first group of factors leading to obesity...

Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” Book and Movie Comparison

The book that I have read numerous times and never get tired of is “The Great Gatsby” by F.S. Fitzgerald. The novel describes the life of American society after World War I, rises a problem of tragic love and depiction of the American dream. Every time I go through the...

Civil Society Description and Overview

Civil society is defined as a place where people have common and shared interests, values, purposes, and actions. Civil society is different from for-profit and government organizations since it includes groups and organizations such as community-based organizations, charity groups, and development non-governmental organizations (NGOs) (Meyer et al., 2020). Civil society...

Discussion of The Future of Nevada

Nevada is a flourishing state with a tumultuous history. However, for a bright future with improvements on different levels, certain aspects need to be discussed. One of the critical topics that will assure a certain brighter future is addressing environmental issues. Water is precisely the problem that needs consideration when...

Moral Issues in A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess

In A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, Alex, the main character, loses his ability to enjoy classical music due to the experimental treatment, called Ludovico’s Technique, tested on him in prison. Any thought of violence, including classical music, which he associated with violence, made Alex dreadfully sick. The treatment that...

Computer and Smartphone Manufacturers’ Short Product Lifespan Strategy

The issue of products being intentionally manufactured in a way to break down or wear out is becoming more and more relevant. Such production principle may influence all kinds of products and affect every field of human life and particularly product consumption. Many people argue that a decade ago, products...

“Apple iPhone Again Best Tech Seller of the Year…” by Graham

Summary This analysis paper’s central core is the assertion that the forced need to stay at home was the deciding factor that brought Apple back to its leadership position in 2020 (Graham, 2020). Jefferson provides numerical data showing its sales growth and notes key marketing milestones related to the release...

Workplace Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity is a topic that has received increased attention in recent years. The impact of equal employment opportunity programs on the nation’s workforce is undeniable. In the workplace, the diversity advantages have been studied and extensively documented. However, practice shows that there are still problems with diversity in the workplace...

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Bibliography: Julius Caesar as a Tragic Hero

Encyclopedia Britannica. Julius Caesar | Biography, conquests, facts, & death. Encyclopedia Britannica.  Julius Caesar possesses a noble stature and represents the patrician roots of his parents. Gaius Julius Caesar and Aurelia helped their son become a great general (Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d.). Being named a dictator, Julius Caesar refuses at first,...

The Baroque Art, Approximately Corresponded to the Seventeenth Century

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Whole Foods Company’s Product Marketing in France

Introduction Whole Foods was founded in Texas, Austin, in September 1980. The company was founded when local businesses decided the industry was ready for natural, healthy food. The idea was to offer customers fresh and wholesome food to avoid dealing with health problems. Their products are new and clean. The...

Evidence to Support Nursing Practices

The article “Emotional intelligence in professional nursing practice: A concept review using Rodgers’s evolutionary analysis approach” is written by the Canadian scientist Angelina E.Raghubir and published in the International Journal of Nursing Sciences in 2018. The work explores how emotional intelligence (EI) impacts the nursing professionals’ careers, their methods of...

Communication and Organizational, Interpersonal, and Language Barriers

It is possible to state that non-verbal communication is a significant part of all interactions, and it is especially vital to encode the messages appropriately to ensure that the receiver obtains exact information. Sometimes, non-verbal communication is not deprived of noises that make the meaning of a message unclear, deteriorating...

Telemedicine: Issues and Implementation

Telemedicine is the practice of providing healthcare services remotely with the provider and the patient not being present in the same physical space and the information being transferred via telecommunication systems. As such, telecommunication shows great promise for providing healthcare to the areas that are hard to reach physically. However,...

Negative Customer Experience in Cosmetics Store

Customer experience is essential for consumers and owners of businesses. It is assumed that if people come to the place to receive service or buy a product, they will get high-quality treatment from personnel. In this case, it is not necessary whether the business is small or large; as customers,...

Themes in The Corporation Documentary Film

The Corporation is a documentary movie revolving around giant companies becoming increasingly influential in the current world. Cogitating on the functioning and development of these entities, the authors attempt to compare them to specific psychological patterns found in people (Encore+, n.d.). For instance, modern corporations focus on earning money as...

The Problem of Gun Violence in Boston

Gun violence is one of the crucial problems that Boston city faces. That issue has become especially remarkable during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the rate of homicide cases with firearms surged by 29% in 2020 compared to 2019. Moreover, the shootings that resulted in victims’ deaths grew from 23 people...

“In the Grove” Story by RyĆ«nosuke Akutagawa

In the story “In the Grove,” written by RyĆ«nosuke Akutagawa, there are several pieces of evidence of the murder of Kanazawa no Takehiro presented by different characters. Despite their seeming credibility, the testimony given by Tajomaru is more likely to be accurate than the stories of other people. This conclusion...

Black Ghettoes and Racial Residential Segregation

Although America is actively combating all racial discrimination, racial segregation is still a reality in several issues. One of the modern examples of interracial discord is the ghettos. A ghetto refers to an area where the country’s black population lives, separated from the rest of the city. Such sites create...

Materials Management in Priya’s Cake Shop

A cake shop, although a small organization, nonetheless illustrates the materials management process. The owner of the shop, Priya, opened the shop in the center of her city. It can be assumed that all essential ingredients for cakes she buys from local supermarkets. At first, she would accumulate all products...

Aspects of Communication Exchange

At the time of my freelance work as a copywriter, I received an order to evaluate the issues of the contemporary world. The customer left written guidelines for the order on the platform, so it was written communication. The word count for the order was relatively small, and the customer...

Psychological Effects COVID-19 Pandemic Leading to Hospital Nursing Shortage

The current project will incorporate the Grounded Theory (GT) framework as the theoretical basis for conducting guided nursing research. GT is a prominent model used in the nursing sphere, especially in domains where significant knowledge gaps are present. Initially introduced by Glaser and Strauss, GT focuses on the systematic collection...