Property and Identity Crimes Discussion Post

In the modern world, identity theft is prevalent for a vast number of reasons. Personal data is not easy to protect, so violations in this area often occur. The main problem is that not all site owners carefully handle data and comply with the legislation. Mainly the data is stored...

Voice Over Internet Protocol Description

The development of technologies allowed humanity to communicate with each other over long distances. Today, when connecting is no longer a problem, the focus has shifted to the quality and security of networking. The Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) was created that allows for faster and cheaper communication. Although VoIP...

Skin Infections: Cutaneous Diphtheria

With an increasing number of people traveling abroad, there is a need for doctors and travelers to be attentive to uncommon and frequently confounding skin diseases. A young girl aged five years was taken to the emergency unit at Evelina Children’s infirmary in London since she had itchy, unpleasant sores...

Pythagorean Theorem: Significant Discovery of Humankind

The famous Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek mathematician and philosopher and lived about 2.5 thousand years ago. Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the squared hypotenuse – the largest side opposite the right angle – is equal to the sum of the squared legs – two smaller...

Epilepsy, Its Treatment, and Prevention

Diseases such as epilepsy pose a significant risk to people’s well-being not only because of their symptoms but also because of the stigma surrounding the condition. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2019), around three-fourths of people with epilepsy living in low-income countries do not get treatment. This high...

Polling: Strength and Weakness

Polling is a method used to study the opinions, attitudes, or behavior of individuals. Polling allows analysts to collect primary information based on direct (conversation, interview) or indirect (questionnaire) socio-psychological interaction between the researcher and the interviewee. The source of information, in this case, is a person’s verbal or written...

Perception of Race and Ethnicity

The topic for this week is race and ethnicity, and how these phenomena affect human relationships. Racial injustice is quite acute in modern society, so this topic is extremely relevant. In particular, it is essential to understand how racial and ethnic stereotypes are formed in childhood. The article I wish...

Pro-choice vs. Pro-life: The Question of Abortion

The issue of abortions has always been a highly controversial one, where the dynamics revolve around the problem of the authority of a number of different parties. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). These might include...

Garcinia Extract Used for Weight Loss

Garcinia extract derived from South Asian plants such as Garcinia Cambogia and Garcinia indica is used by people to lose weight. Considering the information from the randomized clinical trial by Onakpoya et al. (2010) and comparing it to other sources, it can be said that media in the majority of...

Ideals of the American Dream

The American Dream includes many ideals: democracy, liberty, rights, equality, and opportunity. Today I will talk about the last one: about the way, I think, one should own their opportunities. I firmly believe that hard work pays off. Ever since my first job at a supermarket in Produce, I began...

Popular Research Paper Topics

High School Diploma Is Important to My Future

All great paths start with a small footprint, and this first step can be considered as the most important and the hardest. It is an indicator that a person can accomplish. Individuals may use this fact to motivate themselves – if one goal can be achieved, then thousands can be...

Criminal Justice and Its History in America

The first stages of the American judicial system’s development were associated with the creation of institutions that regulate it, for example, courts and prisons. During this period, the primary documents regulating justice in the country were developed. One of the most significant events of this time was the reform that...

Consequences of Statistical Errors in the COVID-19 Era

In an era of coronavirus pandemics, statistical issues are indeed sensitive, as often the finite number called a politician from the rostrum, a live TV presenter, or an influencer is due to political manipulation rather than real calculation. For example, when authorities need to close a city and restrict the...

Is Ornament Necessary in Architecture?

A famous and talented architect Adolf Loos considered simplifying various architectural objects his primary purpose. In his well-known essay “Ornament and Crime,” he suggested achieving a four-hour working day and easier shifts by removing ornament, and though many architects agreed with him, this idea has never been brought to life....

Pathology and Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy (CP) refers to a group of disorders, which affect a patient’s ability to move or maintain an upright posture. Smith and Hustad (2015) assert that the CP’s pathology is easily comprehended based on the analysis of the constituent words: cerebral and palsy. The word “cerebral” is used in...

Establishing Source’s Authority

There are various ways to establish the authority of a source. These include the author’s scope, fame, level of education, professional interests, and other personal characteristics. In addition, it is essential to consider the publisher, possible biases, sources of information studied, and other factors. When working with a source, it...

A Discredited Vaccine Study’s Continuing Impact on Public Health

In the article “A Discredited Vaccine Study’s Continuing Impact on Public Health,” Clyde Haberman examines the history, motivations, and repercussions of the anti-vaccination movement. The article was initially published in the New York Times five years ago, prompted by an outbreak of measles (Haberman). Nonetheless, vaccine hesitancy did not cease...

Electoral System Used in Canada

The political system of Canada refers to a parliamentary form that is fundamentally different from the presidential form of government. Moreover, in Canada, provincial bodies are significant, since each province of Canada is an independent state within the country, with its laws and its health and educational systems (Heard, 2005)....

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Data loss is the center of focus of business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR), as this is the lifeblood of business operations today. Any business threatening IT-related disaster resulting in significant loss of data is risky for companies of any size. As a result, backing up information is essential to...

Speed Drill: Agility Training in Young Elite Soccer Players

The purpose of this paper is to describe and explain a speed drill for a specific athlete, using logical arguments and visual elements. The video that was provided for this discussion suggests several crucial points that will be taken into account when devising this exercise. A description of the target...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Vincent Willem Van Gogh: Life and Creativity

Vincent Willem van Gogh is a Dutch artist born on March 30, 1853, in Groot Zundert in the North Brabant province of Noord-Brabant, bordering Belgium. Memories of the famous artist about the beginning of life were sad, the childhood time was associated with darkness, coldness, and emptiness. The period of...

Health Insurance in the US

Health insurance is an essential medical document that an individual in the US must have to obtain easy and affordable access to health care services when needed. I have chosen an insurance plan with United Health Care, which allows me to spend less on my medical procedures. The insurance plan...

The Cultural and Psychological Aspects of Marriage

Marriage is a long-standing social and legal institution, and studying it through social sciences can change how we view it. Recognizing the cultural and psychological aspects of marriage and the shifts these aspects are currently experiencing is also important. For instance, separating marriage from childbirth and the rearing of children...

Workplace Bullying: Dealing With the Office Bully

The definition of harassment in the workplace usually refers to psychological violence, which can include gossiping, slander, social exclusion, deliberately making work more complicated, or a generally poor attitude. There is no doubt that not every small conflict in the workforce is equal to bullying. However, when harassment becomes systematic...

“His Girl Friday” Film by Howard Hawks

Watching His Girl Friday, one may not only enjoy dynamic comedy but also learn much about the technique of cinematography by how Howard Hawks fills energy in the static, prosaic environment. The restaurant scene, where Walter Burns leads his ex-wife Hildy Johnson and her fiancé Bruce Baldwin, shows a sign...

Impact of Climate Change on Early Societies

The early history of any civilization is mostly concerned with creating a stable society, which often primarily revolves around finding a source of food. Climate plays an integral part in that process, as a deviation in heat and rainfall can mean the difference between a bumper harvest and a devastating...

“The Conversation” by Francis Ford Coppola

Francis Ford Coppola’s 1974 film, The Conversation, is a mystery/thriller that strikes a viewer with a sound. The Conversation is shot from the point of view of the hero – a surveillance expert, who feels remorse over the content of the sound he recorded. Therefore, sound as an object appears...

Cognitive Dissonance in Abusive Relationships

The concept of cognitive dissonance can help explain a victim of an abusive relationship’s emotional state and psychological motivation. The term suggests that a person is in that severe situation when their actions contradict their beliefs and views. An extended stay in this state ultimately leads to a feeling of...

Andie from “Honky” Play by Greg Kalleres

Sexuality Stereotypes One of the main characters in Honky, Andie Chastain, is a young woman whose behavior reflects multiple stereotypes linked with sexuality (Kalleres, 2014). Today, social media researchers are concerned about the harmful stereotype, according to which women tend to lie about rape or sexual harassment (Stabile et al.,...

Evolution of Neurogenesis Concepts

Throughout her life, the author has been confronted with ideas — broadcasted by teachers and parents, among others — about the inability to restore nervous tissue. Thus, the adults tried to show how harmful to be nervous so such opinions can be perceived as protection, but as it turned out,...

Writing for Entertainment Shows: Pros and Cons

One should be aware that writing with the purpose of entertainment instead of informing has several advantages and disadvantages. The major benefit of such an approach is the presence of an opportunity to introduce humor and comedy. By having an additional objective of making people laugh, an author receives more...

What Role Does the Nurse Play in the Quality Improvement Study

In the context of the further spread of COVID-19, the clinical site continues to focus on quality improvement studies oriented toward examining, among other issues, how the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) can improve patient care. Currently, it is studied what is the percentage of medical staff representatives who...

The Definition of Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal communication is defined as an exchange of information, feelings, and emotions between individuals. Through interpersonal communication, humans seek to achieve personal and relational goals, for which they use both verbal and non-verbal cues and techniques. Empathy, the ability to take another person’s perspective, and understanding the context of the...

The US Estate Tax Reform

I believe that the US estate tax is reasonable and provides a number of social, economic, and political benefits to the state. Being first introduced in the 18th century, it conforms to the democratic principles of equality and fairness. However, the recent raise of the estate tax exemption is controversial,...

The Just-in-Time Compilation Inventory System

A JIT inventory is a management strategy that ensures the production schedules go hand in hand with the suppliers’ raw material orders. Also called lean manufacturing, JIT inventory aims to eliminate any form of waste and maximize efficiency (Voss & Robinson, 2019). Through a JIT system, a company reduces the...

“District 9” Movie Critical Review

District 9 in the sci-fi thriller genre tells about the arrival of a UFO shortly on the territory of modern Johannesburg, a South African troubled metropolis. Contrary to expectations of a hostile invasion, the aliens are refugees from their planet and appear before the viewer dying of hunger and huddled...

Consumer Product Safety: Relations and Standarts

The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is a regulatory agency that seeks to eradicate risks and injuries caused by consumer products. The organization directly relates to the concept of regulation since it designs and issues different standards concerning various goods to prevent them from being potentially hazardous. The CPSC also...

Cheyne-Stokes Breathing Pattern

Cheyne-Stokes breathing pattern received its name in honor of the Scottish military doctor John Cheyne and the Irish doctor, Professor William Stokes. They discovered it in the middle of the 19th century and described on patients with severe heart failure and stroke. The infrequent shallow breaths in and out gradually...

“My Almighty Grandmother” by Gabriela Roy

In the story “My Almighty Grandmother” by Gabriela Roy, the narrator is a six-year-old girl who unwillingly spends time with her grandmother in the summer. Through her eyes, I can see an old lady with failing memory. Also, the story revolves around three women who are separated by belonging to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Health Providers and Information Sharing

With the introduction of innovative information management tools for sharing patient data with providers and keeping it secure from third parties, the process of communication within the healthcare context has changed significantly. On the one hand, the levels of patients’ data security have risen noticeably, even with the presence of...

US Historical Heritage: American Identity and the Issue of Equality

The US historical heritage, to the great part, shaped the current position of the country on the international arena. Another defining aspect was the Puritan ethics that promoted hard and constant work as a way to stay pure and to atone for one’s sins. Still, it was impossible to build...

The Management Techniques: Mechanisms of Leadership

There are different leadership styles which include: democratic, authoritative, coaching, pacesetting, autocratic, and laissez- faire. All these styles have been employed in various organizations (Alkhawaja, 2017). These qualities demonstrate both positive and negative impacts on the specific institutions in which they are applied. The management techniques affect motivation of workers...

Vitamin D Effectiveness in COVID-19 Prevention

While COVID-19 is a respiratory infectious disease, it can cause musculoskeletal complications. Vitamin D is critical for the healthy state of bones and an adequate immune system. At some point, an idea went viral that Vitamin D can increase immune resistance to coronavirus, provoking many people to consume the supplements,...

The Influence of the Stress on Our Health: How To Cope With Stress

Stress has become an inherent part of modern people’s lives and is a prevailing pattern in middle adulthood. Numerous factors might contribute to stress. Among emotional problems, there are anxiety, grief, low self-esteem, anger, fear. When people hear about terrorist attacks in their country, it can cause them to feel...

Accounting vs. Bookkeeping: Comparison of Professions

If I were going to consider a career in accounting, I would choose the nonprofit sector. Nonprofits, especially big ones, need to hire professional accountants to manage their finances. It is a way to avoid fraudulent activities and keep track of cash flows. I am particularly interested in nonprofit accounting...

The Soviet Union and China’s Strategic Approaches

Nations The Soviet Union emerged as a response to a dysfunctional monarchy system, which took place in Russia before Lenin. He was the one who initiated the process of revolution within the nation, which resulted in the Communist party becoming victorious. However, Mao’s goal was to industrialize China to seek...

“The Forces That Are Transforming How Products Are Made” by Ambruch

At present times, the global industry undergoes a fundamental transformation in terms of altering ways of conceiving, designing, producing, and selling the products. During the preceding seven years, more than 70 percent of manufacturers experienced transformation (Ambruch, 2013). This transformation also affected the quality of produced services and goods. According...

The Current Breadth of Apple’s Product Line

The current breadth of Apple’s product line seems to be quite modest for the company of its size. However, it is important to keep in mind that Apple has to take extensive care of product quality, which explains the small range of product diversity. Nevertheless, there are ways for the...

Caste and Stigma in Yemen

In Yemen, the issue of caste discrimination has become a real problem. Yemeni people created a stigma that is expressed by calling special group of people “Al Akhdam”. These people are not supposed to deserve to be treated as equals. This essays aims to define terms as stigma and caste,...

Living Arrangements of the Elderly and Institutionalism Prevention in Nursing Homes

Aging is a genetically determined process that causes physical and mental changes in the human body. In turn, they result in changes in appearance and organ functions, which influences a person’s lifestyle, habits, and needs. With age, people require more care and attention to feel comfortable and enjoy their life....

Action Plan to Improve Innovation Within a Team

Innovative ideas as a set of changes in the organizational practice of the company are the engines of professional and financial development. The oil and gas industry is extremely volatile from product realization: every day, the cost of a barrel of oil is subject to fluctuations. Often, due to the...

Family and Medical Leave Act: Overview

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) offers some workers with up to twelve weeks of unpaid, job-safeguarded leave every year. It also necessitates that their group medical benefits be upheld in the course of the leave. It is planned to enable workers to balance their workplace and family duties...

The Perspectives on Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is affected by numerous factors such as brand loyalty, its remarkableness, consumer’s income, preferences, memory, emotions, to name just a few. Talking about my perspective on the issue, I should admit that my choice is guided by the attitude to the brand. Below, I will describe more precisely...

Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during COVID-19 Pandemics

The “Hoarding and Opportunistic Behavior during the Covid-19 Pandemic” article demonstrates that there has been a rise in unethical practices. The practices include opportunistic behaviors, such as hoarding of products and profiteering (Sobirova, 2020). For instance, the digital thermometer, which was retailing at $18 before the pandemic, now retails at...

The Use of Animals in Psychological Experiments

The method of experimentation is of great significance for multiple fields of psychology, especially for the behaviorist branch. When learning the patterns in behavior and neurobiological aspects of psychological development, researchers attend to animals as available and controllable experiment participants. The overall domain of findings in psychology and other naturalistic...

The World Trade Organization: Purpose and Functions

The World Trade Organization (WTO) is one the most vital parts of the modern trade. It is an intergovernmental organization, regulating sales across the world. It has a long history, which can be traced back to 1947. Providing a forum for negotiating agreements the agency is responsible for the world’s...

Deceptive and Misleading Advertisement

A deceptive advertisement is one that contains any deceptive information related to the object of the advertisement and/or the advertiser. Misleading advertising is an advertisement that lacks some of the essential information about the advertised product, about the conditions for its purchase or use, if the meaning of the information...

Boston’s Experiment: Harvard Business Review’s Lessons

In Harvard Business Review’s Lessons from Boston’s Experiment with The One Fund, Mitchell discusses lessons that anyone can learn from his experience with fund distribution to the victims of the Boston bombing. What stands out about Mitchell’s opinion piece is his entrepreneurial approach to charity. Many of the lessons described...

Record Breaking X-37B Unmanned Space Plane

Introduction USA-240 is the third spaceflight of the U.S. Air Force’s X-37 experiment program to ascertain the technological reliability and reusability of unmanned spacecraft in orbital missions. The secretive flight, which logged 675 days orbiting the earth, marked the first re-flight of the agile space shuttle specially designed to withstand...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Qualities Needed for a Successful Society

The notion of success is a highly subjective concern defined by personal needs and aspirations towards a prosperous future. Within the current materialistic society, the idea of the success of a single individual or the society, in general, became more problematic as it revealed its arrogant side. According to Burke...

Chicano Movement Development in Texas

The first Chicanos were the Mexicans absorbed by the United States following the Mexican-American war in 1848. This population was augmented by immigration from Mexico during the 20th century (Muñoz, 2013). While most Chicanos were relegated to cheap agricultural work, a small middle class developed in Texas, allowing some Chicanos...

“Squatter” by Rohinton Mistry

Rohinton Mistry is an author of Squatter, a story about two individuals, narrated to the local young boys by Nariman Hansotia. One of the characters in the story is Savukshaw, a great cyclist, pole-vaulter, hunter, and cricketer. The other one is Sarosh; a Parsi immigrant who lived in Canada and...

The Poor Living Conditions of the Slaves

The housing structures and arrangements were used during the period of slavery to define the racial boundaries and exercise power. In Building the dream: A social history in America, Wright (1983) explains the background of architecture and its history in the United States. The big houses, where the masters lived,...

Computer Ethics: Ethics, Laws, Definition & Privacy

The continuous development of technology and the rise of social media significantly shape the modern life of people. The majority of them use different devices (tablets, laptops, or smartphones) to access the Internet and exchange information with other human beings for various purposes. Computer ethics emerged as an answer to...

The Importance of Diet Monitoring

Adequate nutrition at an early age is one of the most important conditions that ensure harmonious growth, timely maturation of bone structures, and proper functions of various organs and tissues. It also influences optimal parameters of psychomotor and intellectual development, the body’s resistance to infections, and other adverse external factors...

Interracial Marriages: Racial Literacy Components and Border Patrolling

Interracial marriages have become an evident positive phenomenon of the present-day United States, but there are still those who share obsolete views and object to them. Bhusal (2017) states that systemic racist discrimination in the country persists despite recent efforts aimed at equality. Rockquemore and Henderson (2015) explore the issue...

Tradesmart Inc.: The Money-Back Guarantee

Tradesmart Inc. is a fairly broad marketplace, which, in addition to low prices, also provides customers with a unique policy of returning money for the goods. However, this system is far from ideal due to the fact that customers can return the goods essentially regardless of their condition and receive...

Racist Assaults Against Asians and Coronavirus Pandemic

At the very beginning of the year 2020, the world has encountered an unexpected and unprecedented virus outburst that changed millions of people’s lives across the planet. One of the critical outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be a distorted view of the public towards Asian people. This paper...

Joints Importance in the Functioning of the Skeleton

The skeleton is a robust internal framework of bones, which aid movement, give the body its shape, and offer protection and support to internal organs, including the brain, and the spinal cord. A joint is an area where bones meet with each other, making the skeleton flexible (Chung, 2019). The...

Stem Cell Therapy in the Treatment of Heart Disease

Stem cell therapy is a viable strategy in treating heart disease, but it is still undergoing research; therefore, healthcare professionals should be cautious in pursuing it as a treatment option. There are positive prospects about the curative approach, but there is no conclusive evidence on its effect on heart disease...

White Collar Crime, Corporate Crime and Substance Abuse

A single corporate crime can cause financial, psychological, or physical harm to many people. The fiscal impact of white-collar crimes significantly surpasses those of blue-collar offenses. It is worthwhile to note that a corporate felony is a form of white-collar crime (Goode, 2016). For example, the World Health Organization reports...

8 Harmful Examples of Standard American English Privilege

The article, written by a public anthropologist Andrew Hernández, provides an overview of eight essential benefits that are obtained by those who speak Standard American English (SAE). Apart from that, the author discusses the detriments of the non-SAE speakers and issues of discrimination on the language base. The current paper...

The Marketing Strategy Plan Analysis

The marketing plan suggests following some of the trends that have already become the cornerstone of the company’s success. It does not reject some of the key points of the current marketing strategy. Instead, it provides the guidelines for the future development of new services, the introduction of pet supplies,...

The Role of Nursing Code of Ethics

A nurse’s actions should always be guided by the Nursing Code of Ethics. However, one of the situations related to this code that can be observed in the future is associated with misinterpreting the role of nurses in relationships with patients. Nurses are expected to focus on people’s values, culture,...

Women’s Rights. Miss Representation Documentary

In order to fulfill the requirements of this assignment, I went to the Bunker Hill Community College Library and logged on to the Kanopy film database. I selected the film “Miss Representation” because the topics of women’s rights and gender equality are interesting to me. The film focuses on gender...

The Prevalence of Mental Illness in the United States

The prevalence of mental illness in the United States is high, and the number of people experiencing mental health conditions affects how society continues to function. According to the National Institute of Mental Health ([NIMH], 2019), there were more than 46 million adults with a mental illness in the US...

Ambivalence in Livy’s Introductory Remarks

In “Preface”, several cases of ambivalence proved Livy’s mixed feelings towards his project. First, Livy demonstrated uncertainty about “any return for the effort” because he did not “bring some greater authenticity” or new contributions but celebrated “the memory of the past” (1). The author seemed to doubt his intent “neither...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The School Board Candidacy Speech

The school board is especially crucial when children need exceptional consideration and care. Therefore, I want to do my best to contribute to the public school board and ensure that every child’s needs are met. The school board members assist the community in numerous essential ways, which I fully acknowledge...

“What the Black Man Wants” by Frederick Douglass

In his essay, Douglass calls for giving the fate of African-Americans into their own hands, to save them from the domination of Europeans. It also requires them to have the right to choose work, employer, and working hours, which free people can do. Voting right is also an essential requirement...

Deontological and Utilitarian Ethical Theories

The content of ethics is determined by the value categories of duty and justice. As professional ethics, marketing ethics has its own philosophical and methodological origins, which go back primarily to utilitarian theories. Ethical responsibility issues arise concerning the firm’s actions regarding personal and social needs, truthfulness in relationships with...

Southern Europe Flash Floods: Disaster Overview

Southern Europe flash floods are the most recent significant event. The October 23, 2019, flash floods caused havoc in Italy and Spain, killing dozens of people while many others were missing. A social scientist would describe flash floods as a natural disaster caused by an enormous amount of water collected...

Rapalje Band’s Musical Performance in Castlefield

In 2017, the Castlefield world music festival was held, and “Rapalje” carried the audience to the abyss of the Celtic folk again. Typically, the attendance at their concerts is repeatedly the same, but this festival attracted many new faces. After this concert, the number of “Rapalje’s” fans is likely to...

Type of Government Budget Deficit in United States

The phenomenon of deficit is a rather straightforward one, implying the lack of financial resources and suggesting that the current approach toward spending and resource management could use improvements. Traditionally, two types of budget deficit are singled out; these are cyclical and structural ones (Long, 2018). Applying the specified taxonomy...

Unmanned System Operations, Anomalies, and Recovery

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have been widely used in military operations for the last decade and a half. General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper, also known as Predator B, had been the backbone of the unmanned fleet. The UAV’s most critical component is its navigation system, as, despite the advanced payload, it is...

The City of Avon Park: The Jacaranda Hotel

The chosen object is the City of Avon Park or the City of Charm. This historical district is situated in Florida, Highlands City. This district takes its names from William Shakespeare’s famous hometown in England, Stratford-upon-Avon. The City of Avon Park includes thirteen buildings that are estimated to be of...

“Much Ado About Nothing” Comedy by Branagh

Although Branagh depicts Hero and Claudio as very much in love, the text of the play does not seem to provide convincing evidence of strong feelings between these characters. At the beginning of the play, Claudio expresses his admiration for Hero by calling her “a jewel” and “the sweetest lady...

Civil Disobedience: Socrates and Thoreau

The civil disobedience movement was widely supported by philosophers of ancient times as well as modern thinkers. However, their views on the matter significantly differed in the way they expressed them. The two contrasting figures in philosophy related to this idea are Henry David Thoreau and Socrates, and their comparison...

The Theatre Arts Program at the ABC Center for Families

In order to participate in the program to obtain the funds necessary for the implementation of a particular idea, it is not enough to find the required sponsor. The decisive condition is the correctness and completeness of the corresponding project application’s preparation according to the requirements of the grant competition....

The Problem of Increased Morbidity From Adverse Drug Events in Older Adults

In my project, I plan to address the problem of increased morbidity from adverse drug events in older adults. Currently, adverse drug events are a considerable bother of US healthcare, as it is associated with increased morbidity and mortality, longer hospital stays, and higher costs for both patients and care...

Rhetorical Devices in Debates: Biden, Harris, and the Issue of Women and Race

Political debates often appear to be very heated and overly emotional, yet careful calculations typically lie behind the statements made by all participants to represent their points clearly and accurately. Thus, the sue of rhetorical devices that allow appealing to audiences’ emotions are frequently included in political debates. In the...

Degree of Integration of Goals

The term “degree of integration of goals” refers to the extent to which individual employees’ goals coincide with the team’s purposes and the organization as a whole. In that case, it can be said that production is in a state of efficiency since different subjects pursue the same or related...

Insurance Issues in the Medical Center

A new community-based medical center may face various issues when starting working with patients from different backgrounds. One of all problems is the insurance of clients that have specific coverage of services. Further, the insurance issues of the medical center will be discussed, addressing the target audience of the institution....

Music of a Classical Era: Personal Opinion

When discussing the music of the Classical Era (1750-1825), there are many things that one needs to take into account. Such aspects as design, form, and order make the works of this period unique and memorable. Since I began this course, I have listened to several notable and famous compositions,...

Problems and Benefits Associated With Offshoring in the United States

The concept of offshoring is known quite widely in the modern economic environment, yet very often frowned upon as a tool that may lead to significant financial complications. In the context of the U.S. economy, two main problems with offshoring appear to lie on the surface. The first one can...

Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Legacy That Lives On

The famous Canadian psychiatrist Jordan Peterson defines evil as a human’s ability to cause suffering for the sake of suffering (Peterson 89). Building on this definition, slavery, a system in which people become property, counts among some of the evilest crimes against humanity. Probably, the most tragic event in the...

Strength, Weakness, and Positive Impact of Congress on American Political System

The founding fathers of America thought of creating Congress to be more authoritative. Congress was meant to have some special powers different from those of the president and the Supreme Court. For legislative purposes, Congress was established with two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. This paper seeks...

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning

Modern research activities use a variety of approaches, including inductive and deductive reasoning. While both methods are valid and capable of bringing results, there is a distinct difference between them. Inductive reasoning implies that researchers begin by making specific observations and, based on them, move on to broader conclusions. In...

LPN and RN; Standards of Practice

The main difference between licensed practical nurses (LPN) and registered nurses (RN) is the education required. RN course takes two or three years to get a degree or diploma, while the LPN standard only demands a year of studies and a certificate (Wisconsin Administrative Code, 2018). Education determines the set...

The Magical Science of Storytelling

All the stories David Phillips told in the video evoked different kinds of emotions: from joy and interest to sadness and sympathy. The reason is that while listening to stories, the brain is filled with neurotransmitters and hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and others, the so-called “angel’s cocktail” (TEDx...

Unethical Behavior Avoidance and Detection

For this assignment, the author has reviewed two articles that discussed unethical practices. One highlighted scandals that happened in 2017, while the other identified five large U.S. corporations that it considered most unethical. From the article by Shen, the author has learned that most scandals appear to result from leadership...

The Process of Marketing Research

The process of marketing research implies following the specific steps for a precise outcome. First, the marketers define the product buyers in general, for example, teenagers of 13-16 years old living in Los Angeles. Sometimes they use not real customers but the perceived people who would possibly be interested in...

The Importance of Hygiene in Gynecology

As a third-year medical student, I had a rotation in obstetrics and gynecology. At this rotation, I had an experience with a patient that transformed my professional path and encouraged my promotional community-based activity as a health care practitioner. The patient whom I encountered was a woman admitted for infertility...

The Impact of Political Reforms on My Life

Reform movements have greatly impacted today’s life by creating ideal social, economic, and political transformations and bringing them close to the people. They campaign for the desired change that will preserve and improve the present values and provide better means of implementing policies and frameworks (Young et al., 2019). I...

The Meaning and the Purpose of Social Science

Understanding the meaning and the purpose of social science, or sociology, is not only detrimental for further studies within the context of the discipline but also the general and multi-dimensional knowledge of an individual. Social sciences are essential for exploring the relationships and interconnections of human beings, including the conditions...

Impact of Communication in Mass Media World

The practice of being able to switch key elements of identity in an online communication process is mostly harmful to people’s self-concept. It is stated that an authentic and in-depth self-presentation on Facebook was highly associate with higher levels of self-esteem (Yang & Bradford, 2015). In other words, one should...

Sociological Failure of the War on Terrorism

The Global War on Terrorism, also known as the War on Terror, was a series of military operations initiated by the United States Government in response to the September 11 attack. The campaign targeted major organizations such as Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, the Islamic State, the Pakistani Taliban, and their derivatives....

The Positive and Negative Aspects of Globalization

Globalization is the result of many socio-economic processes associated with the widespread use of information technology and new means of communication. It is not difficult to find a connection between globalization strategies and philosophical categories. The new era of rational dialogue is characterized by a respectful attitude to worldview differences...

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Refusing to Allow to Have a Service Dog in His Apartment

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The Removal of Cash Equivalents

Under the current rules, the statement of cash flows features both cash and cash equivalents, short-term stable liquid investments that can easily be converted into cash. However, the FASB is currently considering eliminating the second category, working purely with money, and reclassifying noncash transactions as different categories on the statement....

The Process of Resume Creation

Over the past years, the process of resume creation has gone far beyond, indicating one’s professional experience and qualities. Resume and cover letter completion now require basic education on the formatting and style peculiarities, including knowledge of the current labor market tendencies. Moreover, the competitiveness levels in the market have...

Nursing Code of Ethics in the Human Trafficking Victim Treatment

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Individuals Targeted in Japanese Internment Camps

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Every project is a mutually-connected system that includes numerous operations. According to Jacobs and Chase (2014), a project is a set of related jobs that are directed toward a specific outcome. Usually, it takes some time and effort for a project team to achieve the desired goal. Thus, the principal...

The Most Segregated Schools in the USA: Schools in New York City

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The Analysis of Sociological Theories

The theory of functionalism proceeds from the assumption that social inequality is an intrinsic property of any typically developing social system. Durkheim has already justified in his work the idea that in each society, specific activities are given the highest preference, which lays the hierarchical structure of society (Schaefer 18)....

“Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms” by Kleinberg

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Microsoft Excel is an essential software to all organizations regardless of the industry under which they operate. They can be embedded in various functions performed by each department ranging from assigning tasks to accounting. As a finance officer, Microsoft Excel is vital in conducting basic financial accounting. Spreadsheets are giant...

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Social sciences emerged when the need arose for the scientific study of human behavior and the functioning of public institutions. This explanation underlies the analysis of the main spheres of society, such as culture, social interaction, problems of social inequality, social institutions, as well as economic and political systems (Colander...

“Villancico VI” by Sor Juana InĂ©s de la Cruz

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Chronic Kidney Disease: Preventive Measures

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Fyre Festival Project Strategy

The Fyre festival in August 2022 is planned as a large-scale event with thousands of guests. As a basis for the program development, the SMART methodology will be applied, which includes setting clear objectives and implementing them in a specific period. Firstly, the style of the festival should be chosen...

Spreading Misinterpreted Information in Media Sources

The case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard The case of Johnny Depp and Amber Heard proves the tendency of spreading misinterpreted information about celebrities among their fans. Indeed, the abuse cases in their families tend to be ascribed to men rather than women, especially if they are known for...

Accounting Function in Garment Organization

The organisation is dealing with garment manufacturing. It is a medium sized company having 250 skilled labours force including professionals and employees. Its objective is to make quality garment products using the latest state-of-the –art technology for the benefit of customers. When describing the key resources of the organisation, its...

Sensor Technologies of Unmanned Maritime Systems for Search and Rescue

Unmanned Maritime Systems (UMS), when used for search and rescue, require specialized applications and approaches to be used as people’s safety is the crucial point to consider while operating. The chosen system includes the integrated components for assisted rescue and crewless search operations and is called the ICARUS project. Its...

Should Companies Disclose Key Executives Medical Problems?

The issue of disclosing a key executive’s health problems to the public is a subject that has been widely debated. On one hand, the news would be vital to the company’s stockholders, suppliers, employees, and customers. On the other hand, the executives have the right to privacy, and any disclosure...

Effects of Radiation on Human Cells

External or internal radiation can penetrate the human cell to the nucleus and initiate ionization or trigger water radiolysis. The effect can be cell malfunction, Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) break, apoptosis, cancer development, or the affected person’s death. Accordingly, this essay evaluates how radiation can affect a person on molecular and...

Analysis of President George W. Bush’s Speech to the Nation on 9/11

Shortly after the events of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center towers on 11/9/2001, President George W. Bush addressed the American population with a speech. There is no doubt that the number of people and families, which suffered from this occasion, is unfair. By using the agitation and...

Rogers and a Therapeutic Relationship

My life experience allowed me to meet and get closer to a number of different people. However, not all relationships were as meaningful as the one with my best friend, with whom I have been together for more than eight years. Along with many other people, during those years, we...

Naked-Eye Angle Measuring Tool

Jacob’s Staff Design Jacob’s staff, which is also referred to as a cross-staff, is the simplest tool used to make qualitative conclusions regarding the angle and height of an object concerning the observer. It was commonly used by navigators and astronomers before the telescope was invented (Winterburn). The simplest form...

Congestive Heart Failure Research Planning

The final topic is congestive heart failure (CHF) nature and readmission of people diagnosed with this disease in respective hospitals. The problem statement is formulated as follows: since CHF is one of the main health care concerns in cardiovascular care, there is a need to conduct a research and determine...

Human Behavior: Economists and Political Scientists’ Views

Economists account for human behavior by reasoning that people have the ultimate capability to make rational decisions when presented with their preferences and constraints by weighing the benefits and costs of each option available. In other words, humans get motivated to act within each discipline by their inner-self. People analyze...

Correlation Between Military Leaders and Cultural Diversity

Smart leadership is one of the main requirements for success in any human activity area, but this is of strategic importance among the military. Modern military leaders must have critical competencies and skills, professionally performing their roles and functions in a global context. Military conflicts accompany the entire history of...

The Impact of the Internet on Human Heath

The Internet has gained great importance in modern society, providing lightning-fast information exchange. In a matter of seconds, one can find the necessary book on the Internet, contact a friend who is on the other side of the world, and find the answer to almost any question of interest. Internet...

Livy’s Consistent Attitude Towards Plebeians

Livy’s attitude towards the plebeians was consistent, as revealed in several instances. First, he was against what the Patricians were doing to the Plebeians, such as inequality in resource sharing. In particular, “not only was the belly nourished, but it also provided nourishment, since it supplied to all parts of...