Engineering for Sustainable Development

Background Study Sustainability construction involves an integrated strategy to construction that considers environmental, economical, technical, social as well as institutional concerns at every phase of construction. It helps to guarantee long term results of the house designs as well as ensuring lasting solutions in the supply of related infrastructures such...

Behavioral Administrator in a Public Psychiatric Hospital

Introduction Human behavior has been the focus of many studies in the recent past. Researchers have formulated theories in an attempt to explain the same issue. Careers that are dedicated to human behavior have found their place in the management of patients in health institutions. The developed society may be...

Disparities in Juvenile Sentencing Between Minorities

Introduction Disparities in juvenile sentencing are prevalent in the United States’ judicial system. Many juveniles from minority backgrounds receive severe punishments and are unfairly treated during sentencing. According to Leiber and Peck (2013), disparities are predominant in major crimes. Leiber and Peck (2013) aver, “The probability of a minority receiving...

Nurse-Driven Health System Strategies

Introduction and Overview of the Nursing Theories The role of nurses in institutions of healthcare is changing as they find themselves in positions where they have to make critical decisions that can save the lives of the patients under their care. According to Butts and Rich (2016), nurses were traditionally...

Al Ghurair Foods Company’s Total Quality Management

The model of Total Quality Management (TQM) is actively used in different organisations without focusing on their size, nature of provided services, customers, and industry. The reason is that the TQM is applied in organisations in order to improve the firm’s competitiveness while combining efforts in improving the production and...

Dehumanization and Its Evolution in Warfare

Introduction The advent of the digital age comes with various changes in the modern political landscape. In the last few decades, rapid changes in communications and media networks have resulted in different outlooks in regards to considerations of peace and conflict. Consequently, it can be speculated that these changes are...

Renaissance Art Analysis: Significance and Contrasts

The first work of art to be analyzed in this paper is the “Head of the Virgin in Three-Quarter View Facing Right” by Leonardo da Vinci. The very first thing to define in the work is what kind of art it belongs to. It can be said that the painting...

Healthcare Standards in England

Three stakeholders The term stakeholder refers to a person who has an interest in an organisation or a firm. Stakeholders are affected by the major decisions a firm or an organisation makes in the course of executing business operations (Paeglis 2012). In a hospital setting, the stakeholders include the healthcare...

Photographers with Henri Cartier-Bresson Award

The Photographer – Henri Cartier-Bresson Henri Cartier-Bresson is one of the most famous photographers. He is of French origin and is considered to be the father of photography. Street photography, also known as real life reportage, is attributed to him because he assisted in their development (Picture1). He was born...

Emaar Properties Company’s Entry into Turkmenistan

Introduction The companies that wish to expand to the international markets must take additional caution in exploring the opportunities and threats pertinent to each target country. The current paper contains a report for the Emaar Properties, a real estate company from the United Arab Emirates, on its international market entry...

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Supply Chain Management: Cross-Functional Factors

Abstract An effective supply chain management can be considered one of the fundamental aspects of all business companies. To a greater degree, it is preconditioned by the increased sophistication of the business environment characterized by complex relations between various agents and the existence of many barriers that should be eliminated...

Policy-Making: Systemic Thinking on Various Levels

Introduction Probably the main characteristic of modern living is concerned with the fact that, as time goes on, more and more social scientists grow increasingly aware that the functioning of human societies is highly systemic. That is, it exemplifies the validity of the main principle of the General Theory of...

Refurbishing Heathrow Airport Terminal 1

Scope and Scale of the Project The title of the project was “Refurbishing Heathrow Airport Terminal 1” (Project Management Institute n.d.). The manager of the undertaking was David Buisson. The project sought to refurbish and renovate Terminal 1 of Heathrow Airport with the slightest disruptions to passenger flow and within...

Lenovo Group Ltd.’s Operations and Information Management

Executive Summary The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of operations and information management and related concepts. The description of operations and information management is informed by literature review. The influences made by operations management on different spheres are discussed. In addition, the researcher critically analyses the...

Granite City Food & Brewery Company’s Value Chain

Introduction to Value Chain Analysis Founded in the year 1999, the Granite City Food & Brewery has grown into a fully-fledged company t6hat has more than 34 restaurants spread across 14 states across the US. The company was launched as a medium business in the region of St. Cloud and...

Current Health Problem in the United States

Problem Statement Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (UTI) is among the common consequences of urinary catheter application in conditions of healthcare facilities all over the world. It is a proven fact that almost 70% of catheter-associated UTIs can be avoided or prevented (Saint et al., 2016). Thus, the researchers agree that...

XYZ Hotel’s Performance Appraisal System

Introduction Generally, performance appraisal may be used to serve various purposes including monitoring performance concerning the attainment of organisational goals, rewarding employees based on their productivity and identifying developmental gaps performance (Cleveland, Murphy and Williams, 1989). In many of the organisations, the appraisal results are used either directly or indirectly...

Same-Sex Parenting Impact on Children’s Behavior

The increasing number of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) couples has led to a controversial debate over their parenthood. While some states in the United States and other countries in the world permit same sex parenthood, others do not have laws that permit such systems of parenting. The debate...

Supporting African American Women in Pursuing Higher Education

Phenomenological Research The goal of this phenomenological qualitative study is to examine the lived experiences of African American women participants seeking higher education. The study examines, identifies, and analyzes specific barriers and challenges faced by African American women when they plan to obtain a higher education. The secondary objective of...

Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Concepts

Introduction It is evident that any company or brand, which strives to be successful in the contemporary market, has to apply a profound theoretical framework to its marketing practice. The development of strategic marketing theories has a relatively long history: numerous scientists contributed to it by the elaboration of fundamental...

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Family Hui Hawaii: Nonprofit Organization’ Marketing

Family Hui Hawaii (FHH) is a nonprofit organization located in Oahu that aims to prevent child abuse and neglect by engaging parents and caregivers of young children in parenting support groups. The vision of the organization is that “every family is equipped with the knowledge and support systems needed to...

The Impact of Exercise on Adults Above 18 Years Old

Abstract The study’s objective is to determine the impact of exercise on the blood pressure, sleep, and mood of adults above 18 years old. The study pays attention to both physically active and people with a sedentary lifestyle within the same age group. The null hypothesis states that there is...

Canadian Housing and Construction Statistics

Introduction Growth for housing starts, completions and under construction was negatively affected by the economic downturn in 2008 with only 187,923 units registered. But this has surpassed the 1955 to 2013 historical average, which means that even if there was perceived negative growth the sector was performing well unexpectedly. The...

Digital Marketing: Search Engines

Introduction The recent advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have revolutionized how people interact with one another. In particular, the invention of the Internet has made the world a global village because many companies are expanding their operations globally through e-commerce (Stone & Woodcock 2014). For example, giant search...

Facebook Inc.’s Leadership Practices

Description of the organization This paper is aimed at examining the functioning of such a company as Facebook, Inc. This organization maintains a social networking site that is accessible in various regions of the world. Currently, the number of their active subscribers equals approximately 1.11 billion (Hubbard, Rice, & Galvin,...

Competency Based Clinical Supervision

Introduction Clinical supervision is a social process in which supervisors work together with their supervisees to promote clinical care. Good supervisors observe, counsel, train, assess, inspire, and create a surrounding that enhances self-motivation, knowledge, and professional development. Competency based clinical supervision is a process of supervision that describes the competencies...

“The Bible Among Myths” a Book by John Oswalt

Introduction The God that is seen in the Bible is described as the only true God and the only one that should be worshipped. This is beside the fact that the Israelite religion is not the only one that existed during the Old Testament period. Other religions were practiced by...

The Family Law Court System Functioning

Introduction It is worth noting that family law is one of the most complex and labor-intensive areas of jurisdiction because it is directly linked to the realities of life and, as a rule, affects people in their most sensitive moments. This places additional responsibility on lawyers, attorneys, and all participants...

Reducing Congestive Heart Failure Readmission Rates

Abstract This study is concerned with the rate of readmissions for patients with congestive heart failure (CHF), which happens within 30 days after one’s discharge from the hospital. The author examined whether an intervention of self-care education performed by nurses in the hospital before patients’ discharge could improve the outcomes...

Nike Inc.’s Marketing Concepts and Terminologies

Nike Inc. was established in 1964 under the name Blue Ribbon Sports. Today, the company focuses on the design, manufacture, and distribution of sportswear and accessories. It produces sports shoes, apparels, and accessories like gloves, bags, and sunglasses among others. Nike sells products under its brand (Mahdi et al. 2015)....

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General Motors Company: Strategic Implementation

Introduction The following essay is concerned with the strategic implementation aspect of organization. The essay examines the strategic implementation of the General Motors Company where I work. The essay determines as to whether it is true that the implementation is the most difficult aspect of strategic management. The main objective...

Leadership Development Strategy for Human Capital

Executive Summary The main aim of this research was to examine critical factors that need to be considered when designing an LMD strategy to build human and social capital. As business landscape changes, effective leadership, and management are necessary to create sustainable business practices. Based on the reviewed literature, it...

Treat and Reduce Obesity Act and Its Potential

Abstract The paper discusses the background, processing, and potential consequences of a Congress bill presented as H.R.1953: Treat and Reduce Obesity Act of 2017. The issue of the bill is to amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act. The essence of the amendment is the coordination of programs aimed...

Events of 9/11 and an Era of New Terrorism

Introduction The appropriate definition for the term “terrorism” has proven to be a daunting task for sociology scholars. Primarily, the ideas and motives of terrorists complicate the ideals that believers of this concept hold. Although the individual or political freedom of a group is often the reason for the heinous...

Public Administration: Ideal Governance

Relevance of bureaucracy as a description and a model for the current public services Public officials who lack a requisite flexibility stand a chance to construct bureaucratic models and systems of governance following rigid routines in the execution of their duties. Worse still, bureaucratic systems of governance hinder the ability...

The Media’s Role in the JFK Assassination’ Coverage

It is claimed that 50 years after the JFK assassination, nearly all the known facts have been propagated by the mainstream media. Nearly each idea known to the public has been either evoked or driven by individuals who restricted activities of the mainstream media (Gormlie 1). Thus, just like the...

Abu Dhabi Ports: Human Factor and Risk Occurrence

Abstract Project risk assessment is rather important in the modern business world. The researcher dwells on the key points connected to the significance of this area and presents evidence of its worth to the companies. Twenty Abu Dhabi Ports employees are interviewed. After evaluating the data obtained throughout the interviews,...

Internet for Travel Agencies and Tourism Websites

Introduction As mobile technologies provide more and more opportunities for travel, the need for travel agencies reduces. Such applications as Google Maps, Foursquare,, Airbnb, Tripadvisor, and hundreds of others make independent traveling easier, cheaper, and more convenient for regular tourists. Despite the presence of such rivals, travel agencies have...

Women’s Suitability in Human Resource Management

Introduction Research writing in management is important. It is essential to master the methods and skills of doing research. In the essay, there are two parts, with the first part being an analysis of research in one of the major management sectors. In this first part, I analyze one of...

Security Risks for Emirates Airline: Contingency Planning

Introduction This paper is a contingency plan to manage information technology (IT) security risks for Emirates Airlines. The plan specifies key steps the organization could take to address such risks by specifying the policies and procedures that company employees should follow and what the airline’s management should do to maintain...

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International System and International Society Relations

Introduction When World War I ended, the goal of nations that were engaging in the war was to enhance international peace through the establishment of the League of Nations. Its principal objective was to thwart the appearance of battle by enhancing joint security through ‘disarmament and/or settling probable international disagreements...

Compensation System: Employee Performance

Introduction The centrality of employee input in an organization’s overall performance can only be ignored at the peril of an organization’s long-term survival. The significance of employee performance in the contemporary business environment is accentuated by workers’ contributions in promoting organizations’ capacity to cope with the intense competition (Ola &...

Managing Misbehavior in the Workplace

Executive Summary The concept of quality of life in the workplace environment specifies the conditions that ensure the optimum use of the human performance capacity. Organizations can enhance the quality of the workplace environment by assessing and improving the factors affecting organizational culture. These initiatives involve empowering employees, advanced professional...

Project Planning, Integration and Scope Management

Abstract In a global business environment, there is increasing competition. Hence, dynamic businesses are striving to be more agile and organized. Companies are seeking to formalize and improve how they conduct their projects. In this context, the Project Management Office (PMO) is obviously a very important structure. PMO is the...

Personnel and Human Resources Management

Introduction The objectives of the HR department within any organisation include handling issues that relate to employees. Functional responsibilities of the HRM in an organisation comprise training and development, recruitment and selection, employee conflict resolution, driving employee motivation and job satisfaction programmes, and taking active roles in the establishment of...

Difficulties Facing Foreign English Teachers in ELI

Introduction At present, one of the detriments of teaching vocabulary in the English Learning Institutions (ELI) is the emergence of mixed-ability classes. As noted by Ansari (2013), a mixed-ability classroom environment is made up of different groups of learners with different learning interests, skills, and abilities. Over the years, EFL...

Joseph Schumpeter’s Evolutionary Approach to Economic Growth

Introduction Evolutionary economics is mainly concerned with the study of the processes involved in the transformation of global and local markets. The field focuses on economic changes in relation to industries, firms, and institutions. It also analyses the impacts of these developments on employment, trade, growth, and production (Dopfer, 2005)....

Airbus Company Systems and Operations Management

Systems and operations management is primarily concerned with ensuring that the execution of business operations of an organisation are in an efficient manner, using minimal resources in order to facilitate the realisation of business requirement. Typically, it is an example of a management strategy that aims at the conversion of...

Carbon Tax and Cap-and-Trade System

Introduction The problem of carbon emission into the atmosphere is highly associated with the greenhouse effect that has become a paradox in the world’s environmental economics. Carbon dioxide gas is one of the heat trapping gases that cause the greenhouse effect in the world. The impacts of carbon emission based...

Social Relationships and Development in Childhood

Introduction Child development is a process that begins from conception but it goes on until death. Development in children takes different forms and is influenced by a number of fatore as will be disacussd later in the paper. It inviolves diverse dimensions which peer acceptance and rejection, development of friendship,...

Cement Industry Strategy in Saudi Arabia

Executive Summary This research paper seeks to explain the five forces as postulated by Michael Porter and how applicable they are in the modern industry. A case study of the cement industry in Saudi Arabia is used to shed light on the significance of Porter’s five forces. The fundamental competitive...

Bad Management Theories and Good Management Practices

Introduction The business environment has become increasingly multifaceted and unpredictable because of the unremitting changes that affect every aspect of life. This situation has led to counterarguments concerning the relevance of school curriculums in terms of shaping business practices. Various management theories have been developed in an attempt to improve...

Balanced Scorecard in Production and Organisations

Introduction Over a long time, managers were utilising financial measures in evaluating and analysing the performance of profit-making organisations. However, this situation changed following the development of a balanced scorecard (BSC) in the early 1990s. Through the inclusion of internal, learning, and customer perspectives in measuring performance, BSC has helped...

Geological Disposal Facility Preliminary Site Assessment

Introduction The generation of today must be highly responsive to attain a safe, long-lasting response to the looming waste management problem (Adamson 2012). It is normally a matter of responsibility to exercise appropriate waste disposal because some waste is highly detrimental (Adamson 2012). One of the most debatable waste products...

Sanford Sandwich Company Business Plan

Executive summary Sanford Sandwich Company is a newly formed business that deals with the production of the finest sandwiches manufactured with natural ingredients and the best bread. I hope to establish a dependable big following by providing tasty and fresh sandwiches produced from local ingredients available. The ingredients will be...

Digital Technologies Role in Communication and Social Life

Abstract Digital technologies have had various effects on the communication and social life of many people all over the world. While some of these effects are positive, there are negative effects of using digital technologies nowadays. This paper provides an overview of various aspects of digital communications, and how such...

Problem Solving and Communication Expertise Development

Introduction The functions of managers involve a number of very demanding tasks under a given organisational setting. The basic functions of these administrators include planning, organising, controlling, leading, and staffing as far as their business firm is concerned. In essence, managers are expected to make human resource more productive. Consequently,...

Diabetes and Possible Interventions

Abstract Unhealthy nutrition may bring about numerous health concerns from minor to severe ones such as type 2 diabetes, even though genetic predisposition plays the most critical role in the appearance of the disease. Since this condition rates among the major causes of premature death and can provoke kidney problems,...

Child Labor Laws and Its Effectiveness

Introduction Different forms of child labor have been in existence as long as can be remembered; child labor is as old as humanity. It does come in various ways, including slavery and indentured servitude. When industrialization took form in many parts of the world, people abandoned farm work for factory...

Amazon’s Sales and Marketing Strategies

Introduction Founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, has remained the pioneer and the leading online retail firm worldwide. The initial business idea was to create an online bookstore that would create easy access to literature in an attempt to satisfy the ever-increasing demand for ideas and knowledge around the...

Organizational Behavior in the Nursing Settings

Introduction Leadership belongs to one of the phenomena that have been in existence for ages yet are very difficult to define due to the increasingly large number of concepts, notions, and ideas that they embrace with the introduction of innovations into the realm of the target area, nursing being no...

Google E-Business Model and Its Success Factors

Summary The Internet Age brought about significant changes in the way people conducted business. New business models emerged to replace traditional business models. Google is among the e-business models that emerged to take advantage of technologies and innovation. The search engine giant needs no introduction. The company derives its success...

Hybrid Intelligent System for Credit Approval in Banks

Executive Summary The use of credit by consumers necessitates the use of an approval process by banks to vet suitable candidates to avert lending risks. The major risks a bank deals with when forwarding credit facilities is fraud and default. Banks use credit rating as the first line of defence...

The Canadian Myth of Multiculturalism

Modern-day Canada has become an amalgamation of different cultures, religions, and races. Like other first world countries, Canada is a land of immigrants from all over the world. Similar to countries such as the United States, Canada’s early immigrants were from France and England (Bibby, 2000). Around the 1960s, Canada...

Tattoos Cultural Context: Ancient to Modern

Introduction Tattoos are designs created on the human body by inserting objects beneath the human skin. Tattooing is a form of body modification using indelible ink. The tattooist inserts the ink beneath the skin’s upper layer. Humans have the habit of adopting new cultures that emulate their perception towards various...

Nutrition and Food Security within the Aboriginal and Remote Communities of Australia

Introduction Food safety is one of the issues affecting food supply in public health nutrition. Provision of safe, nutritious and accessible food supply is the basis for individual and community health (Kaufman, 2007, p.307). The primary issues related to food safety include presence of toxic substances in the food supplied....

Overindulgent Parenting Style and Its Harm to Children

Abstract Children come into the world without resources and it is the duty of their parents to provide for their material and emotional needs. Some parents inundate their children with too much of the material and emotional resources and there are concerns that this might have deleterious effects on the...

The Film “Die Hard’

Introduction Over the last few years, the entertainment industry has gone through exponential growth. The film industry is among the ever-expanding industries across the entire globe. The rate at which movies are churned out today transcends the production ceilings that could only be envisioned only a few years back. This...

Government: Transportation Policy

Introduction A realistic and practical transport policy paper must take cognizance of key factors that have the potential to significantly enlarge or limit its scope (IPCC, 2007 and DoE/DoT (Department of Transport) (1994). The introduction of 2002 transport policy that in UK that seeks to tax car drivers according to...

Gender Dynamics in Development

Draft Gender issues must be understood if development goals are to be realized. This is not a requirement for just one region of the world or a certain group of people. It is a universal requirement because gender issues are the same for all people and for all places. The...

Privatization of Public Spaces in Urban Design

Introduction Public spaces may easily be attributed to governance planning and design, although most often than not, have been criticized for failing to consider many aspects of reality: human existence and sustainability, environmental concerns, and other spoken and otherwise contempt for such failures. It is to be understood that public...

Cooperative Vehicle Infrastructure Systems

Introduction Motor vehicle user in the United Kingdom or any other part of the continent knows the magnitude of problem caused by diversions and other traffic-related issues. “According to a study by the European Commission, the external cost of congestion already amounts to 0.5% of the gross national product (GNP)”...