Professor Henry Mintzberg’s Categories of Managers Roles

Henry Mintzberg identifies ten key roles performed by managers of firms in his works. One of the first roles is a “figurehead,” which characterizes a manager’s legal, social and ceremonial functions and duties. In this case, a leader symbolizes authority, power, and high status. As a rule, subordinates see a...

Thalidomide and Its History as an Ethical Issue

Introduction Thalidomide is one drug that changed the way pharmaceutical companies develop and distribute new medicines. The drug, as Atoyebi et al. (2019) claimed, was initially developed by a German company, Grunenthal, as a tranquilizer but was banned due to its harmful consequences. It took less than a decade to...

Importance of Oral Language Activity

The most effective approach to engaging students in active speaking in a foreign language is the use of various communicative activities. The latter allows the teacher to create an environment of real communication. Spontaneous communication in the classroom occurs when the learning situation turns into a natural situation (Bachelor, 2017)....

Descartes’ Concept of Self Described in Meditations

Introduction Descartes is correct that the essential self as a thinking entity is central to one’s consciousness, unlike the self as a material entity. The Core Argument Descartes’ concept of self revolves around the idea of the dualism of mind and body. In other words, the body and its physical...

Multicultural and Sensitive Leadership in Organizations

Most aspects of life will require guiding or influencing people or followers toward achieving a common goal. Leadership is the word used to define this statement, one of the most contributors to success in whatever one is involved in. a leader has to consider the diversity and the difference of...

Famous Poems: Themes and Critique

A.E. Housman’s poem “To an Athlete Dying Young” is about a record-breaking athlete regarded as a legend. The poem’s tone abruptly changes, causing the reader to realize that the athlete has died. The poem is notable for its themes of the bitterness of death at the pinnacle of greatness. Housman...

Leadership During the Los Angeles Riot of 1992

The Los Angeles Riot of 1992 The Los Angeles riot of 1992 occurred after the trial of police officers who had been accused of beating Rodney King. This essay is an analysis of various aspects of leadership within the ranks of the officers responding to the uprising. The disturbance was...

Columbus’s Exploration of America and Its Significance

530 years ago, on October 12, 1492, the expedition of Christopher Columbus reached the island of San Salvador in the Bahamas. This day is considered the official date of the discovery of America. Columbuswrote: “I took possession of all discovered islands for our most fortunate King by making public proclamation...

Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle History Novel

When learning about the past, humanity has always resorted to different forms of recording and interpreting the events. History comprises people’s experiences under different political, economic, social, and cultural circumstances, which are incorporated to portray an accurate description of a given historical period or event. In the 19th-20th century America,...

A Court Case That Influenced Federal Decision on Gun Control

Case Name and the Court Where the Case Was Held The debate about carrying guns in public places is still ongoing throughout the United States. The case of plaintiff George Young, who sues the state and county for denying him an application for a license for carrying a handgun in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Risk Management: The Project Risk Maturity Model

Introduction Risk is defined as the probability that the actual outcome will vary from an anticipated outcome or returns. Some or all of the initial investment might be lost due to the risk of losing money. Organizations set up procedures for analyzing the risks related to the nature of their...

Romanesque Church: Religious Imagery

The Stylistic Development of the Romanesque Church Between 600 and 1100 AD, the Romanesque architectural style flourished in Europe. Barrel vaults and arches were typical of Byzantine architecture. Stone was used instead of wood to endure fires and support the heavy roofs. Religious enthusiasm, battles, and pilgrimages were characteristic. Charlamagne...

Freedom of Expression in Artworks

Art has always been seen as the platform for uninhibited self-expression that is raw in its creativity. Furthermore, it is expected of artworks to push the envelope of the socially accepted, introducing viewers to the complexity of certain moral arguments. However, in some instances, art might appear to be undeniably...

Aspects of Studying English Phonology

First of all, it is worth highlighting that testing affects all the main aspects of language use, namely oral and written speech. In order to objectively consider the entire system, it is necessary to analyze each of the criteria in detail. First of all, teachers evaluate expressive oral speech, which...

“Hunting El Chapo” by Andrew Hogan and Douglas Century

“Hunting El Chapo: The Inside Story of the American Lawman Who Captured the World’s Most Wanted Drug-Lord” was written by Andrew Hogan and Douglas Century and published in 2018. The plot of the book revolves around the capture of JoaquĂ­n Archivaldo Guzmán Loera, a Mexican drug lord also known as...

Rent the Runway: Strengths, Weaknesses, and Future Growth

Introduction Rent the Runway is an innovative online business that rents out designer dresses for ten to fifteen percent of the retail price to young women. Co-founded in 2009 by Jenn Hyman and Jenny Fleiss, it is marketed as “Netflix for fashion” that provides women with the best night of...

The Case of Suzanne Chalmers and the Four-Drive Theory

Battling employee turnover has become challenging for Advanced Photonics, Inc. (API) due to the increasing competition from start-up companies that foster innovation and attract industry giants’ risk-seeking employees. The case of Suzanne Chalmers is indicative of the company’s mixed success in producing staff retention strategies that would consider leaving intentions...

Development of European Christianity in the Middle Ages

The medieval age in England was characterized by the rapid growth of Christianity, specifically the expansion of Catholicism. The church became dominant due to various historical occurrences, including the fall of the Roman Empire, the financial breakthrough of the church, and the establishment of new rules and leadership (Tanner, 2011)....

Conflict Management in the Workplace

Conflict and stress in the workplace appear to be a fact in life. In most workplaces, there are instances where different people with varying opinions and needs enter into an argument leading to conflict (Titov et al., 2018). As shown in the situation, the two medical providers argue because of...

Brazil’s Aspirations to Join the World Trade Organization

The purpose of the World Trade Organization is to help each member state promote free-market relations and attain a better level of economic development. Historically, Brazil’s aspirations to join the WTO faced a certain resistance on behalf of the country’s left-wing politicians who feared that the membership would destroy the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History” by Ulrich

Introduction The essay by Laurel Thatcher Ulrich entitled “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History” examines her slogan’s ambiguity on how well-behaved women rarely make history. One group of people might interpret the saying to mean that only misbehaving women are most likely to make history. As a reader, the first sentence...

Incorporating Criminological Theories Into Policymaking

Introduction Criminological theories, primarily behavioral and social learning, are pivotal to the policymaking process. They mainly provide insights into certain situations and provide extensive knowledge of the critical policy aspects that need significant attention. Moreover, these theories offer patterns that enhance the comprehension of society’s most efficient, effective, and beneficial...

A Layered Approach in the Linux Operating System

The Linux operating system resembles a structure where several layers are stacked on top of each other. The interface with the devices is at the core of the system. It cannot be completed unless the operational framework interacts with the equipment. The working framework is the component of a computer...

White Supremacy Resurgences and Cultural Healing Responses

White Supremacy Resurgences The modern world is still full of discriminatory practices, and the studied webinar discusses its roots and possible ways to solve the problem. White supremacy culture inherent in the system fuels racism and violence and allows it to develop further. This culture forms the system, influences the...

The Purpose of Dreaming and Personal Sleep Habits

Sleep has always been one of the general components of human existence. What is more, sleep quality has a crucial effect on a person’s condition during the day. It is necessary to sleep well and have enough hours per night to be able to live the day through in a...

A Feedback in the Manager-Employee Relationship

A manager-employee feedback system is an invaluable tool in enhancing the performance of a company. In most scenarios, a feedback gap exists between the manager and workers, especially when the former is high up in the hierarchy. Nevertheless, several managerial strategies can be implemented to close this gap. Creating a...

Down Syndrome: The Genetic Disorder

It is important to note that Schlapp’s piece is heavily impacted by the worldview and paradigmatic assumptions rooted in the reversion theory, although he presents the explanation on the basis of glandular or chemical cause. The observed data by Schlapp is still based on him accepting the notion of polyphyletic...

Veil in the Modern Muslim Community

Objectives of an Essay The goal of this essay is to consider the most relevant theoretical and methodological approaches to the interpretation of the meaning of the veil and covering the face and body in women professing the Muslim confession. From the perspective of an outside observer who does not...

Epistemology: Pragmatism and Moral Truth

Philosophers, since time immemorial, have been at a conundrum in defining the truth. Pragmatic theories have been at the frontline by proposing that true beliefs will be accepted “at the end of an inquiry.” Although the pragmatic theories concentrate on connecting the truth and epistemic practices, the truth can be...

The Antebellum South and Slave Resistance

The history of the United States is full of significant and pivotal events, and the Civil War is among them. The 4-year warfare resulted in a single political entity of the US, created a more powerful federal government, and brought freedom for many enslaved Americans and others. However, it is...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Implementation of Patient Portals

Implementation of patient portals has helped eliminate some of the significant challenges experienced by providers and their patients. Before implementing the portals, health professionals had to deal with a huge number of calls from patients seeking various services. Patient portals made the process easier by allowing patients to contact their...

Contingent Workers and Discrimination Prohibiting Laws

In terms of hiring contingent workers, there is a range of problems that might arise, and it is crucial to watch out for red flags to anticipate possible losses to the company. First, if I had former employees coming back as contractors or especially as independent contractors, it might result...

Analysis of The Odyssey and Its Impact

Homer’s Odyssey gives readers a heroic narrative about a protagonist on his quest to home from war. The protagonist Odysseus is far from flawless, and the reader explores his personality while he faces various opponents and his stupidity. The epic delves into themes of fate, revenge, humanity, and ferocious powers....

Bionic Vests: The Use in Business

CBC [ CBC News: The National]. (2018). A bionic vest decreases fatigue and prevents injury | The Fix [Video]. YouTube.  Bionic vests improve and facilitate working conditions for workers in Ford factories. This video describes the features of operation, the pros and cons of specific bionic vests. Based on the...

Paresthesia and Its Effects on the Sensory System

Summary of the Disease There are some medical conditions that can be felt by most people, even on a daily basis, due to a number of causes. Typically, there is no reason to worry because eliminating the cause is easy, and after that, the symptoms disappear as well. However, in...

Carbon Dioxide Factor in Climate Change

Introduction Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns. Although these changes can be natural, such as cyclical variations in solar activity, since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change (Tabassum 26). This is mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels...

Argumentative and Alternative Communication Systems

Summary Alternative and argumentative communication (AAC) uses symbols, pictures, written words, and objects that help autistic children to communicate. It also helps autistic children perform in an environment where they can communicate effectively (Beukelman 2020). PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System) is an AAC system with technology that allows persons with...

Iconography, Cuneiform Writing, and Spiritual Beliefs

The Conventions of Relief Sculpture and the “Stories in Stone”; Iconography in Relation to the Development of Cuneiform Writing Various scenes, carved in flat reliefs and painted, covered the walls of temples in Ancient Egypt. Egyptian artists reduced any volumetric three-dimensional body to two-dimensionality, refusing an illusory-perspective image. All specific...

Dante’s View on Crime and Punishment

Chevigny, Paul G. “From Betrayal to Violence: Dante’s Inferno and the Social Construction of Crime.” Law & Social Inquiry, vol. 26, no. 4, 2001, pp. 787–818. JSTOR, Web. This paper by Chevigny considers contemporary grounds for crime classification. Notably, the notion that the seriousness of crimes is founded in the...

Business Analysis of SpaceX’s Missions

Introduction The business context of focus for this discussion is SpaceX’s strengths and weaknesses. According to Pandya (2017), the United States is SpaceX’s primary customer with 23 launches. The company has launched various spaceships in its different missions, including geostationary transfer orbits, communications and weather satellites, human remains ships, and...

Analysis of “Letter from Birmingham Jail” by King

An open letter from Martin Luther King Jr. is one of the most famous documented conversions of a man from prison. Although the entire text is an oratory example, one of the paragraphs of this text, in my opinion, is the most revealing. In this passage, the politician refers to...

“COVID-19: Characteristics and Therapeutics” by Chilamakuri & Agarwal

Introduction COVID-19 has been widely researched throughout and in the final stages of the first pandemic cases. The Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences of St. John’s University conducted a meta-analysis of the virus’ investigated characteristics and vaccine efficiency. Moreover, the viral structure was studied, along with the main mechanisms of infection...

Hip-Hop Contribution to Forming Positive and Negative Worldviews

Hip-Hop Is About Injustice Hip-hop contributes to forming both positive and negative worldviews and ideological attitudes of today’s youth. Like other manifestation of art, this reflects modern reality; that is, it raises questions that concern its adherents. It includes various issues of sexuality, gender identity, refugees, sexism, and racism. As...

The Film “Chinatown” by Roman Polansky

Introduction Chinatown is a 1974 neo-noir movie directed by Roman Polansky, based on a screenplay written by Robert Towne. The film is a detective masterpiece that got Oscar for best original screenplay, which is interesting to read and re-read, studying how the story is masterfully built. Shot in Los Angeles,...

Shakespeare’s Macbeth: Ambition Corrupts Good Morals

Every individual is driven by an ambition which often manifests itself in the desire to achieve a goal. In this context, individuals will go to any length to achieve their ambition. However, in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, too much ambition is depicted as a corruptor of good morals. Through the character...

Promises Enforceable Without Consideration

Legal consideration presumes the exchange of several valuables in terms of a legally binding contract. Due to various political reasons, numerous courts are able to enforce several types of promises, even if they may not be considered (McKendrick, 2020). There are different types of commitments that can be executed without...

Spanish and Scandinavian Communicative Behaviour

Even speaking one language may not be enough to completely understand each other if you represent different cultures and perceive communications differently. I conducted a short interview about verbal and nonverbal communications, language, vocabulary, and gender in communications with my friend, whose culture is in many ways different from mine....

Tsunami Resilience Plan for Seaside

Any tsunami is a dangerous event that can take many people’s lives and deal much damage to buildings and structures in the area of effect. Citizens of coastal cities should be ready for such an occasion to save themselves in case of an earthquake strong enough to create a tsunami....

Researching the Concept of the Film Genre

A genre is defined as a form of communication in movies, music, or writing, including novels. It is considered a foundation of a story that helps the reader understand the story better. Genre helps influence the audience’s expectations in a movie or novel, and there are different types of genres,...

Freedom and Responsibility: Correlation Analysis

The chosen issue is the correlation between freedom and responsibility. These two notions are interrelated through social, political, and ethical norms. The freedom of the individual in its various manifestations is today an essential value of society. There can be no limitless, absolute freedom while there is a social order....

Popular Research Paper Topics

The “Middle Passage” Poem by Robert Hayden

The Middle East is regarded as the cradle of civilization, whereas Africa is the cradle of humankind. Approximately 60,000 years ago, Homo sapiens started leaving northeast Africa, crossing the Middle East and populating Eurasia (Hawley para. 1). The African region has a long and eventful history, one of the most...

Deep Frying and Pan Frying: Fats and Smoke Points

The deep-frying process takes only two minutes; it is very convenient when used in public catering. Deep-fried oil is used many times; it is periodically filtered and poured a second time. To prepare food, it must be completely dipped in the deep fryer using a special spoon. Food with this...

The Portrayal of Mansa Musa

Mansa Musa, the ruler of the Mali Empire, is touted as the richest man to have ever lived as portrayed in the available historical records. The Mali Empire was made up of eight present-day countries including Mali, Mauritania, Chad, Senegal, Guinea, Gambia, Niger, and Nigeria. The vastness of this Empire...

Amazon as One of the Best Well-Managed Companies in the World

Today, many public and private organizations demonstrate a high level of management and leadership, and Amazon is one of the best examples in the business field. Its founder, Jeff Bezos, has already proved himself an effective and mature leader who could achieve multiple goals and properly motivate many people with...

Healthcare Disparity in the African American Community

Background In the event of an epidemic, different individuals suffer differently. The prevalence and mortality rates between races have proved that some factors other than access to healthcare are involved. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the huge disparity in the African American community. While everyone is prone to the disease, medical...

Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque: Mosaics of Byzantine Art

Introduction The given formal analysis will primarily focus on Byzantine Art, where the emphasis is put on more abstract elements rather than a naturalistic one. The image is a mosaic, where it brings distinctive features to the imagery, such as depth. The depiction, as a part of Byzantine Art, consists...

Start-Up Restaurant Marketing Opportunities

Introduction Choosing an appropriate marketing strategy is particularly crucial when starting a new business that needs to win its first customer and retain them. A restaurant with a starting capital of $50,000 is bound to face intense competition from many similar small businesses, and, as such, the choice of the...

Ancient Sumerian Society in “Epic of Gilgamesh”

Introduction Folk art, especially of the epic genre, doubtlessly is among the most reliable sources of knowledge about the worldview that is peculiar to a certain culture. The works of such a kind normally embody the values of the storytellers, which makes them a bright illustration of the ways those...

The Decrease of the Pull of the North and South Poles

The main proof that the Earth is an oblate ball can be found with the help of a magnetometer. This shape is possible because all the angles of the magnetic poles represent different values. The Earth swells more at the equator as the world rotates due to the high magnitude...

Language and Literacy Development in Children

Summary According to the YouTube video by Amochi013 (2014, Jan 9), when babies reach 4 months, they have the ability to read and understand the movement of lips. These actions form the transition to the first stage of the baby’s language development (Amochi013 2014, Jan 9). In the bubbling stage,...

Nike’s Favorite Integrated Marketing Communication Tools

Introduction Integrated marketing communications is a concept revolving around different forms of media implemented by a company being carefully integrated. The marketing communication tool mix implemented by the majority of business organizations includes advertising, sales promotion, events and experiences, PR and publicity, direct and interactive marketing, and personal selling (“Nike...

The Apple and Google Strategic Alliance

Proposed Research Topic Strategic alliance of Apple and Google at the height of the pandemic: Well-developed step or striving to save lives? Overview of the Project The Research’s Direction This research will focus on the strategic alliance of two well-known companies, Apple and Google, deciding to unite their efforts at...

Social Significance of Censorship and Alternatives

Introduction Censorship is the review of speech, television programs, or any other media, and the suppression of parts that are deemed objectionable for moral, political, or other reasons. By introducing various forms of censorship, state bodies motivate this kind of decision by considerations of state security, the need to combat...

The Devil Wears Prada Film’s Critical Analysis

Introduction The Devil Wears Prada focuses on the courage of employees who do not care about the job’s specifics, even though they are interested in getting it. This does not prevent them from success because of their confidence and high qualifications. The devil is expressed in the head editor Miranda,...

Steroids in Sports: Overview and Analysis

Mazzeo, F. (2018). Anabolic steroid use in sports and in physical activity: Overview and analysis. Sport Mont, 16(3), 113-118. Web. In her article, the author describes the problem of the use of doping by athletes. Sport is one of the most common activities for both adults and children, but some...

Team Building Exercises’ Effects in the Workplace

I am happy to announce the project that our team three developed to propose a retreat team-building event for the company’s employees. Team building is a collective practice that promotes a positive, effective, and productive working environment. Individuals learn how to develop healthy habits associated with collaboration-based approaches, including understanding,...

Philosophy: Aspects of the Soul Theory

Individual identity is explained by evoking the soul, according to the oldest related concept, which is perhaps the most frequently accepted by ones who are not involved in the sphere of philosophy across the world. The soul may be considered a metaphysical, immaterial element of a human, according to this...

Fast Food Addiction: Comparison of Articles

Fast food has become so embedded in the daily menu that many can no longer imagine their life without cheeseburgers, fried potatoes, and other snacks. Researchers have been writing about the dangers of such food for a long time and constantly, but there are also useful elements in it. Both...

Benefits of Physical Activity and Nutrition

Both exercise and diet are instrumental in maintaining long-term health of an individual, both physical and mental. Age, ability, ethnicity, shape, or size have little bearing on the health benefits of physical activity, with the exception of affecting the suggested forms of exercise in rare situations. This essay attempts to...

TechFite Firm’s Emerging Technology Solutions

TechFite is a company that specializes in manufacturing medical devices used in space programs. TechFite currently experiences concern about the company’s security system, as due to its connections with a governmental agency, security should be the company’s top priority. The issue is that the company currently experiences financial difficulties because...

The Evolution of Cheese and Cheesemaking

Cheesemaking is an ageless art that has existed for thousands of years in human history. According to Bart Weimer, a professor of microbiology at UC Davis, cheese was discovered as a happy accident that occurred when a shepherd found they could store milk in the preserved stomach of a goat....

Robert Browning’s “Porphyria’s Lover”: Gender and Power Dynamics

The interaction of partners in a relationship is connected with the construction of specific power dynamics. Recently, gender roles have shifted, and a somewhat unusual dynamic may be built between two people based on a woman’s dominance or mutual assistance and approximately equal roles. However, such a variety of force...

Real Estate Investment and Hospitality Industry Performance

The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected real estate investments differently. Some businesses benefited from the rise of coronavirus, while others recorded so many losses. Investors and economic leaders could share different views and opinions on the current environment. Before embarking on business, property owners must assess possible risks and benefits....

African Americans: Racial and Class Exclusion

It is important to note that since W.E.B. DuBois’s publications, the living and housing conditions for African Americans did not improve significantly. One can even argue that despite a gradual recognition of the problem, these factors became worse than before. It is stated that throughout the twentieth century, ghettos inhabited...

The Americans with Disabilities Act Violations

A complainant sued AMC Entertainment Holdings, Inc. for violating Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act. The case is based on the allegation that the captioning devices at Tyler Galleria, one of AMC’s movie theaters located in Riverside, California, failed to work appropriately on several occasions. The complainant claimed...

Alexander the Great vs. Diogenes

The legends that have developed around famous personalities show how little humanity there is in the world. Alexander the Great, the conqueror of the ancient world, and the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes of Sinope were contemporaries who lived simultaneously (Bryan Lueck). One wanted to rule the world and conquered it;...

The German Empire of the Late 19th Century

The late 19th century’s German Empire, governed mainly by its Prussian prime minister, Otto von Bismarck, sought a diplomatic way of establishing the Empire’s prosperity due to the origins of its foundation. The conservative government viewed several political parties as enemies. The prime minister launched campaigns of removing the opposition...

Leadership: Transcript Discussion

Summary It could be seen from the conversation that Tyler demonstrates some good leadership skills. When speaking to Gus, Tyler makes it apparent that he has to communicate with Gus about his interactions with the other employees at the organization. Gus’s job behavior appears to be inappropriate and intrusive to...

Ideal Computer System and Its Main Features

Modern technology development is constantly updating by offering new experiences and opportunities to their users. One of the most dynamic industries has been the computer industry, where new devices allow for top-notch productivity in various spheres. In addition, the industry is highly competitive, as technology giants such as Apple, Microsoft,...

“Where Tourists Don’t Go” and “Saving Work” by Yanique

Two stories by Tiphanie Yanique, namely “Where Tourists Don’t Go” and “Saving Work,” were selected to identify the inherent conflicts. Religion is a recurring theme in both narratives; race and ethnic identity are at stake. “A church is burning down” begins “Saving Work” (Yanique 41). Both white American ladies, Diedre...

Emily Dickinson and Robert Browning

Feminism has been a matter of intrigue from across the civilizations man has ever passed through. Women have always fought for their rightful dominance, involvement, and expression at home, in their workplaces, and in various fields which are considered male-dominated. Women still face gender stereotypes that diminish feminism, resulting in...

The Documentary “F for Fake” by George Orson Welles

The film titled F for Fake is a documentary movie that focuses on the topics of lies, deception, and fakery with real-world implications. The main reason is rooted in the fact that it provides examples that are not fictitious in their nature. In other words, direct observations and assessments are...

Aspects of the Hellenistic Period

Hellenism’s era is a time of intense synthesis of civilizations, when culture, religion, and many other aspects were mixed. This era lasted for about three centuries, starting with Alexander the Great’s death in 323 BC. After the king’s death, his empire broke up into many different kingdoms, which formed the...

Pope Urban II: Calling for Crusade

The analyzed source presents the speech of Pope Urban II, in which he calls those present at the Council of Clermont to oppose Seljuks. His call is a response to a request for help from the Byzantine emperor Alexios I Komnenos, worried about the invasion of the Anatolian plateau by...

The Challenges Facing Church and Denominational Leadership

Most of the American population is religious people, while the church and the state are separated. America has a very global population, and mass migrations have had a significant impact on religious trends in the country. Religion in the United States has a state significance, and it has happened so...

Who Are True Successors of Tradition?

In the framework of this essay, it is intended to consider the ambivalence of the concept of “tradition”. Considered in different contexts, the idea of ​​traditions and the present, true adherence to them, may seem diffuse, blurry. Periodically, in different historical cases, the idea of ​​tradition can be directly opposite...

Specific Features of the Opening a Restaurant Business

Introduction Opening a restaurant business is one of the complex tasks that have several specific features. Having started opening a restaurant, owners must consider many factors and possible events that will help them start a successful business launch. Therefore, a start-up business should take into account a wide range of...

Stay Safe and Sexy: Chlamydia and Other Infections

Statement of Need Chlamydia and other similar infections are common problems in the US, which are usually caused by unsafe sexual activities. According to Wiesenfeld (2017), the infection is spreading at a high rate every year, and in 2015 the number of new cases was about 1.5 million. A new...

Socio-Political and Cultural State of Virgin Islands Community

The United States Virgin Islands is a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. The capital of the U.S. Virgin Islands is Charlotte, situated on St. Thomas island. The given area consists mainly of such islands as Saint Croix, Saint John, and Saint Thomas and is not more than 300...

Stakeholders’ Conflict of Interests in Healthcare Provision

Any person or an organization with interest in investing in a particular company is astakeholder. The business activities can affect or be affected by the stakeholders’ actions. Stakeholders in a business setup include customers, investors, suppliers, and employees. The advancements in business operations worldwide have attracted additional stakeholders such as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Drug Abuse Demographics in Prisons

Drug abuse, including alcohol, is a big problem for the people contained in prisons, both in the United States and worldwide. Imprisoned people are usually much more vulnerable to social and health problems and have little or no access to the proper treatment. In addition, social and racial tensions are...

Language Situations in Foreign Language Education

Introduction The components of a socio-communicative system serving a particular language community are in certain relationships with each other. Functional relations between the elements of a social and communicative system at one stage or another of the existence of a given language community form a linguistic situation characteristic of this...

Analysis of “My Wicked Wicked Ways” Poem by Sandra Cisneros

Background It is hard to disagree that the topic of the family may be difficult and heartbreaking for many people. To make it easier to relive happy or sad memories of the family, some poets devote their poems to this topic. For example, in “My Wicked Wicked Ways,” written in...

Casa De Vidro Interior Design: Abercrombie Theory

Introduction Interior design is a creative craft used to create beautiful environments to make life more enjoyable. Beauty is an integral part of life, and interior designers use it to make restaurants, hotels, events, and living rooms refreshing, healing, and inspiring. According to Abercrombie’s theory, the configuration of windows, doors,...

Optimization and Improvement of the Namibian Electricity Sector

Introduction In developing countries like Namibia, power supply is a key issue. Namibia’s local electrical supply has failed to keep pace with its expanding energy demands since it only generates less than half of the energy it consumes, according to ITA (2020). The current peak energy demand exceeds 600 MW,...

The Oasis Cruise Firm’s Marketing Issues

Summary and Business Activities The ship had to start its work during economic decline when the United States dealt with the consequences of the 2008 financial crisis. Managers were aware of certain risks but initially received good feedback from customers. The clients were mainly US citizens, although the company wanted...

The Effects of Increasing Enzyme Concentration Lab

Purpose: The primary purpose of the given experiment is to observe how specific the effects of increasing enzyme concentration, pH, and temperature are when utilizing potato juice and hydrogen peroxide. Procedure The list of ingredients with their corresponding amounts can be observed in Table 1 below. It is important to...

Nutritional Necessities of Individuals with Disabilities

This article highlights the nutritional necessities of all adults, children, and youths with intellectual and developmental disabilities with special care needs. Ptomey & Wittenbrook (2015), center their discussion on patients with CYSHCN and IDD special care needs. The research aims at developing nutrition interventions suitable to these populations. The authors...

Cohabitation: A Free Relationship

I have chosen this topic because the number of people who want to live in a free relationship without committing themselves is growing day by day. However, the opinions of psychologists and people who dream of starting a family in this regard are radically different. Some women find positive cohabitation...

“The Last King of Scotland” Film Analysis

If power is the ability to influence the results and behavior of others, then The Last King of Scotland helps us understand where despotism and tyranny can lead. The film was directed by Kevin MacDonald and was released in 2006. The story is about Idi Amin – the real ruler,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Stressful State and Its Negative Effect on Health

There are many different factors that affect human health and well-being. Stress is one of the most significant as it often comes from within and can be increased by external ones. Hence, this work aims to determine what contribution a stressful state makes to the state of health of the...

A Conversation with Koko Directed by Barbet Schroeder

A documentary film A Conversation with Koko, which was shot in 1999, tells a story of a gorilla named Koko, who demonstrates profound intellectual ability and a sensitive emotional character. The film evokes mixed feelings, as it explores the areas which humankind is not yet at ease with, such as...

Waltz and Machiavelli Thoughts on International Relation and Politics

Waltz And Machiavelli’s Thoughts This paper will discuss the similarities and analysis of Waltz and Machiavelli’s thoughts on international relations and politics. Waltz began his career as a political theorist to describe state behavior. He used the imagery of human nature and individual leaders, the domestic politics of nations, and...

Analysis of “Flatland” by Abbott and “A Fast Car and a Good Woman” by Martin

Edwin Abbott’s satirical work Flatland explores the nature of hierarchy, freedom, and reality. The story depicts a two-dimensional universe in which “side differentiation is meant by Nature to indicate color distinction.” As a result, it is a society in which certain seemingly abstract features determine the distribution of assets. This...

Environmental and Conservation Efforts Social Movement

Introduction Social movements are significant groups of people who are united by a desire for social change. They can advocate for a specific social change or unite to resist a social change promoted by another institution. Environmental and conservation activities, opposition to mass surveillance, second-wave feminism, and the American civil...

Fish Carcass Flours in Tapioca Cookies

The article is an experimental procedure to evaluate the various methods used to obtain flour from tilapia carcasses. The results of this experiment were obtained through multiple procedures, and many researchers contributed to the writing of this article. Some of the participants of this article includes; Maria Luiza Rodrigues de...

The Importance of Teamwork in Business

Introduction Teamwork is a group’s ability to collaborate, effectively communicate, foresee and fulfil the needs, and inspire trust in each other, culminating in a coordinated combined effort. Teams are recognizable social work units of two or more people who share numerous features (Schmutz et al., 2019). Therefore, based on this...

Governance System of United Kingdom and United States of America

It is impossible to learn about a country’s history and culture without understanding how it is governed. Having a basic understanding of the governance systems of two major English-speaking countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, is crucial. With the help of a comparison of their structure...

Change in The Metamorphosis Novella by Franz Kafka

You may think that you know a person very well, but just one occasion can turn them into a total stranger. Unfortunately, that is the truth many of us have already experienced or have yet to experience. The pain, emptiness, and disconnectedness that one feels when this happens are skillfully...

The African-American Battle for Justice

The school-to-prison pipeline is a worrying trend as children move from state schools into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. For a growing number of students, the route to prison includes such ‘stops’ as failing state schools and zero tolerance and segregation in school (Walton et al., 2017). The school-to-prison...

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Sexual Harassment and Assault in the Army

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Cultural Impact on Creative Expression

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American Homeless Veterans’ Needs: An Op-Ed

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Comparing and Contrasting “Casablanca” and “Bicycle Thieves”

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“Beauty and the Beast”: Which Version Is Better?

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Country Performers Supporting Social Causes

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The Challenges of Being a Parent

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Industrial Revolution and the Nineteenth Century Society

Introduction The French revolution significantly and rapidly transformed France’s political system, and Napoleon’s conquests extended several of the revolutionary concepts to other regions of Europe in an incredibly rapid and startling manner. During this period, the early 19th century, another revolution, an industrial kind of revolution, was altering the European...

Activating People’s Unconscious Behaviors With Advertisements

Introduction When implemented with a proper and profound understanding of the cultural background of the target audience, an advertisement can produce a tremendous difference for a specific company and its product. The advertisement in question, namely, Adidas’ 2021 ads aimed at ending the plastic waste, seeks to engage with English-speaking...

Amazon’s Online Marketing Strategy and Brick & Mortar Retail

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Contemporary Critical Theory: Definition and Usage

Introduction Contemporary Critical Theory consists of many different aspects that have been developing through generations. The origin of this theory occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century between World War I and World War II (Bronner, 2017). Contemporary Critical Theory is a part of a philosophical approach that includes...

Political Philosophy of Rousseau

Your post shows that Rousseau considered fallibility in the General Will came due to his philosophy since people within the commonwealth always have their self-interests within their minds. To contribute to what you build on General Will, sometimes the will contributes to the political agency by which humanity is influenced....

Researching of Politics of Technology

Modern society witnesses how rapidly diverse technologies develop, advance and infiltrate the environment. Nonetheless, few wonder how artifacts are associated with politics and by what means they may fulfill some forms of authority and power. This issue is discussed in the Winner’s paper titled “Do Artifacts Have Politics?” published in...

“Why You Should Take a Break” by Hardcastle

The TED Talk “Why you should take a break: Prioritizing mental health in schools” was given by Hailey Hardcastle on February 2, 2020 at the Salem Convention Center. The speaker’s primary message is that states and schools should institute provisions to help students who are struggling with their mental health...

Criminal Sentencing Options

Many alternative and innovative sentencing options are implied in the current criminal justice system because of the system’s need to adapt. Various circumstances may lead to the implication of those options instead of traditional ones. For instance, a recent study reports that the criminal justice system of England and Wales...

Cross-Cultural Analysis of Germany and the US

The modern culture of the USA and Germany is based on some patterns and manifests itself most often in everyday practices that ordinary people go through. Greetings, communication, language and courtesy, food and alcohol culture, and attitudes towards the property. In general, German culture is individualistic and based on the...

Azura Power Project in Nigeria

Project cost and funding mix The World Bank Group (2018) asserts that Azura’s $876 million financing involves $190 million of equity and $686 million of debt from a consortium of local and international financiers. According to the World Bank Group (2017): The tranche of commercial banks, including Standard Chartered Bank,...

Analysis of “The Material Culture of Lived Religion” Article

In a journal article, The Material Culture of Lived Religion: Visuality and Embodiment, David Morgan refers to the idea that religion is not exclusively a material phenomenon. Accordingly, his reasoning is linked to a concept that it involves all five human senses as well as abstract concepts, such as behavior,...

Ethical Responsibilities of Scientists

Undoubtedly, scientists are responsible for their inventions, and they should understand that their achievements may be both beneficial and harmful for humanity. Even if they create something in the name of technical progress, it is essential to foresee the possible consequences, such as the destruction of cities and deaths of...

Theology: Japan’s View of Christianity

Christianity is one of the most extensively practiced religions worldwide, and, in some countries, it even has the status of a state religion. At the same time, there are nations, the majority of populations of which historically have been practicing other beliefs. Thus, it becomes interesting to trace the origins...

Fight Club Movie: Summary Analysis

It is the constant struggle of the main character and the reader to determine what is real in Chuck Palahniuk’s book Fight Club. An ancient narrative tells the narrator’s journey up to this point. Tyler Durden, a philosophical anarchist and one of the traveling soap sales workers, helps the white-collar...

Intellectual Property Rights Locally and Globally

Introduction Intellectual Property rights are a critical aspect of the modern socio-economic world, considering the vast product creation occurring in various regions. The term Intellectual Property refers to the inventions, literary and artistic works, as well as any symbols, designs, or innovative information used in commerce (International Business Law, n.d.)....

Fat and Sugar Replacement in Cakes

Introduction This paper summarizes the article titled “Feasibility Study of Sucrose and Fat Replacement Using Inulin and Rebaudioside A in Cake Formulations” by Majzoobi et al. (2018). The authors begin with clarifying the intent of their study and state that the demand for healthier foods increases. They also claim that...

Analysis of the Enlightenment Century

The emergence of man from his self-imposed minority is referred to as Enlightenment. This minority is defined by the capacity to apply one’s knowledge without the aid of another. It is self-imposed if the problem is not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of courage and conviction in...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman Review

The short story The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman is an example of feminist literature, which explains the choice of the topic and the images the author uses. The narrator is a woman who suffers from the symptoms of depression and apathy after giving birth to her child. She...

Application of Some Economic Principles to Real Life Economic Situation

Introduction A household, a society, and an economy are all faced with certain decisions. Since human beings form a part of the groupings, they make key resolutions on behalf of the community. The conclusions that I make are important because of the scarcity of resources. Resolutions that I make must...

Secrets to Living a Long Life: Narrated by 109 Years Old Veteran

Everyone in this life is looking forward to having a nice long life where they are happy and full of life. The story of Richard Overton about his secrets to living a long life will have you dazzled. Richard Overton is 109 years old, and he is a war veteran...

Life of Jews in Eastern and Western Europe

Eastern Europe The Jews population in Eastern Europe was the largest. For example, it counted approximately 3,000,000 Jews in Poland, 2,500,000 in Russia, and 1,000,000 in Romania. The unique feature of Eastern Jewish communities was their desire for autonomy inside their countries. At the dawn of the 20th century, Jews...

French Revolution: The Birth of Freedom and Equality

The French Revolution is reasonably deemed one of the most significant events not only in the history of France but also in the whole world. The French Revolution began in 1787 and continued until the end of the century. The causes of the movement were numerous, and its consequences were...