Climate Change in Africa and How to Address It

Introduction Africa is the world’s second-biggest continent since it covers about 30.3 million kilometers. It accounts for six percent of the globe’s total surface area as well as 20 percent of the land. Its population is 1.3 billion inhabitants, which is 16% of the World’s human population.1 According to environmental...

Straw Man Fallacy Examples in Media

Straw Man Fallacy Examples in Media: Introduction Fallacies are errors or misrepresentations of facts that can be used either deliberately or unconsciously in an argument to convince the opponent. The Straw man fallacy is one of these common mistakes that obstruct people from objectively evaluation the viewpoints of each other....

Torvald Helmer’s Character in Ibsen’s “A Doll’s House”

One of the two main characters in the play is Torvald Helmer, a husband and a head of the family, whose “doll’s house” is torn apart at the end of the play. Torvald is a successful lawyer who is characterized by adherence to principles, pedantry, and purposefulness. He is far...

“The Gift of the Magi” Essay: Summary & Analysis of the Theme of Love

“The Gift of the Magi” Analysis Essay: Introduction O. Henry’s parable-like short stories are a tribute to pure love, non-material values, and devotion. Rehman et al. define “The Gift of the Magi” as the story of love, compassion, and care that stand against extreme poverty (264). The background of the...

Pros and Cons of Selective Attention and Multitasking

Introduction Selective attention and multitasking play a critical role in people’s daily lives. Divided attention is a technique of selecting certain stimuli to process while ignoring the perceived distracting parts. On the other hand, multitasking is the ability to perform more than one task at a given time. The technique...

Amazon Approach to Management and Performance Evaluation

Amazon is one of the most influential tech giants on the planet, and its market capitalization is similar to that of Microsoft and Google. It is possible to state that Amazon is arguably the most successful startup of the current era, and it has managed to replace Walmart as the...

Statistics: Orthogonal and Oblique Factor Rotation

Factor rotation is a technique used to transform factors gained from the factor analysis (FA) so that the factor loadings that are small would be minimized, and factor loadings that are large would be maximized in order to enhance the interpretability of these factors (Field, 2013; Warner, 2013, p. 848)....

“Stanford Prison Experiment Ethics” by Philip Zimbardo

Introduction In 1971, Philip Zimbardo conducted an infamous study, and he called it the Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE). This research is often considered influential in psychology. The experiment went beyond the traditional academic discourse and was referenced in movies and mass media reports (Le Texier, 2019). However, the research has...

How Do People Use Biology in Their Everyday Life?

Introduction Biology is a scientific subject that studies living organisms relative to their interactions with each other and their immediate environments (Phelan, p. 1). On the other hand, life implies cells or a state of energy. The concept of life as cells implies that a life form can be made...

Excellent Academic Performance: Causes and Effects

Background Reaching academic excellence is, perhaps, one of the goals that a lot of students dismiss since they misunderstand it. By interpreting it as being perfect in every way, learners often underrate their abilities and resort to a more relaxed and less challenging mode of learning. To create the foundation...

Apartheid in South Africa

Introduction Racial segregation is a significant problem that shaped the development of many countries and societies. In South Africa, apartheid was the institutionalized segregation of black people throughout the country. It had substantial repercussions for South Africa and its citizens, both positive and negative. Nelson Mandela played a crucial role...

Gender Stereotypes: Should Real Men Wear Pink?

Nowadays, studies regarding the topic of similarities and differences between men and women are becoming more relevant for social studies. Some of the most well-known facts about gender stereotypes usually relate to clothing. Even in the 21st century, there is a strong belief among people that real men should not...

The Time Warner Cable and Dish Network Merger

Introduction Understanding what constitutes a market and what features characterize a market structure is the first step in any market analysis. A market’s qualities that influence the actions and outcomes of the businesses operating within are referred to as a market structure. This essay examines industry concentration and provides recommendations...

The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The Massachusetts Disaster Preparedness Plan focuses on several key points. First of all, the state administration recognizes the region’s vulnerability to disasters of various kinds, from natural to man-made (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, 2019). Objectively evaluating their situation, the state has developed a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) to prepare...

Stress Response Plan for Massachusetts

Introduction Respondent’s stress is one of the unpleasant consequences of emergency events. People who are the first to experience such crises experience significant psychological and physical pressure (Feuer, 2021). The Massachusetts Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) does not currently address respondent stress (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, 2019). Therefore, identifying, managing,...

Ethical Dilemma and an Ethical Lapse Difference

Ethics are principles of conduct within a society and strongly apply to business settings as well. Widespread adoption of social media and the issue of transparency now is critical in a business environment and communication within consumers. Violation of ethics by companies is carefully observed by government regulators and the...

Delegate vs. Trustee Representation Models

The Delegate and Trustee types of representation are two models exercised in US politics. There are substantial differences between how these two types of representatives act. The Delegate acts as a representative who directly expresses the will of the voters and votes for bills following the wishes of the citizens...

Importance of Responsible Person

Being a responsible person entails doing the right thing in the right way. When one is responsible, he or she becomes accountable for his or her actions. Responsibility has everything to do with making wise consideration for all factors when making a decision. Responsibility is required most when a situation...

Organizational Structure of the Private Medical Company

Organizational structure is a system that reflects how activities are managed in order to achieve a company’s goals. The arrangement outlines the distribution of duties and roles in an organization. The current essay describes the organizational structure and the organizational chart of the private medical company that provides services in...

McDonald’s Restaurant Chain’s Organizational Structure

Organizational structure is of extreme importance for the effectiveness and efficiency of operations. Some types of organizations require a rigid hierarchy, while others can be more flexible with the structure. Thus, scholars identify two different types of organizational structures: mechanistic and organic (Hunsaker, 2018). Mechanistic organizational structure is the most...

“The Road Not Taken”: A Reflective Poem by Robert Frost

“The Road Not Taken” is a mostly reflective poem written by Robert Frost. This poem is primarily about the choices one makes in life. Once someone makes a choice, it is usually for better or for worse, according to this poem. The poem utilizes symbolism as a reflective tool. For...

The Problem of Homelessness: Sociological Perspectives

Introduction Social problems affect many citizens and make it impossible for them to overcome most of the hurdles they experience in their lives. Homelessness is one of them and it is associated with poverty and absence of personalized medical services. The affected individuals will also suffer family breakdown and poor...

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Lives

The global coronavirus pandemic has turned people’s lives upside down since last year. Since then, the situation has seemed to improve as people have learned to adjust to circumstances, but it still causes much discomfort in society. Despite all the real-world tragedies, COVID-19 will long be evaluated by sociologists as...

The Political Situation in Pakistan

Abstract The region today referred to as Pakistan was much of its history part of Persian dynasties including what is today referred to as India. Today, Pakistan is an independent country in South Asia to the west of India. But what led to the split and the rise of Pakistan...

Smoking in Public Places: Should It Be Banned?

Everybody knows about the harmful effects of smoking tobacco. It does significant damage to one’s lungs, as well as teeth and skin. Moreover, smoking is addictive, and quitting the bad habit once it has been acquired becomes a serious problem with time. In addition to that, smoking strongly affects one’s...

Advantages and Disadvantages of Software Suites

Software Suites Computer software refers to programs that direct the activities of the computer systems. These programs are written by programmers who use specific programming languages to generate instructions that the computer understands through the use of language translators. Thus, computer software consists of the detailed preprogrammed instructions that control...

Life Before the Internet Versus After the Internet

Outline This essay is a comparative study on life before and after the internet came into being. The focus is more on those issues that have affected our life the most, like communication media, relationships, business, etc. This also discusses the similarities that existed between life before the internet and...

The Seven Feasts of Israel: History and Symbolic Meaning

It is commonly known that the Israelis celebrate festivals or feasts described in the Bible. These holidays have a great significance to Israel and the whole idea of the Bible. According to Missler (2016), each Jewish feast has not only historical meaning but also a prophetic role for Christian believers....

Analysis of Health Promotion Theories

A model of health promotion is a framework that helps healthcare practitioners to explain, plan and evaluate health enhancing activities (Kozier, 2004). The main goal of health promotion models is to empower individuals and communities to have a better state of health and wellness mainly through prevention rather than cure...

The Book “Wonder” by R.J Palacio

R.J. Palacio’s debut book Wonder was first published in 2012. The author was working as a visual designer and writing the novel at the same time. The book focuses on August, who suffers from a facial deformation that stopped him from attending a public school (Palacio, 2012). However, this situation...

Doctors and Teachers Comparison

The role of doctors and teachers is crucial. In the past, these professions were appreciated; nowadays, people take them for granted. Doctors and teachers work with people and have almost the same salaries, but their working conditions and the results of work vary. The essay explains the differences and similarities...

Comparison Between Shakespeare’s Theaters With Todays

The Shakespeare theatres served the best interest of the audiences of the 16th century. Modern-day theatres have various similarities that were adopted from the Shakespearean theatres and several differences. The Shakespeare Theatre was mainly in a platform format. They were designed to assume a circular shape. Many of today’s theatres...

Distribution Strategy for Starbucks Coffee Company

Distribution Starbuck Company imports coffee beans from farmers in different countries to its roasting factories in US. Coffee cherries from the farmer are taken to the mills for processing to beans. These mills belong to a cooperative society formed by farmers mostly in small scale farming, large farms own mills...

Responsible Person and Their Traits

Responsibility can be determined in a variety of ways, depending on the views of a person. As far as I am convinced, being responsible means being aware of the future outcomes of your current choices. My responsibility covers my words and actions in my personal sphere, as well as in...

The Impact of Greek Architecture on Modern Constructors

The architecture of Ancient Greece possesses immense value for the contemporary world. Not only is it praised from the artistic standpoint but also is recognized for depicting the state of social affairs of that time. For this reflection, it was chosen to take a closer look at the marble column...

Marx’s Four Types of Alienation

Marx alienation focuses on the capitalist mode of production and an objective approach resulting from the reality that evolves in an individual’s knowledge in capitalist society (Lavalette & Ferguson, 2018). Alienation is the loss of control over one’s attributes whereby the participant’s relationship with the attribute is disconnected. The product...

Theory’s Role in Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Abstract There is a place for theory in all the three approaches to research namely mixed, quantitative, and qualitative methods. In a qualitative approach, a concept is used to offer the probabilities and clarifications among parameters being studied. The theory forms a bridge among the variables. On the other hand,...

Trait vs. Great Man Theory of Leadership

Introduction Every organization or group of people requires a leader who can motivate, unite, and guide them. Individuals follow various leadership strategies and styles depending on a situation, their personal preferences, the characteristics of their followers, and many others. Every leadership approach has some peculiarities that can determine whether subordinates...

My Dream Car: Personal View

The car of my dream is a vehicle of the new generation. It is easy to operate, powerful, safe, and, of course, impressive in appearance. The major issue of today is an environmental friendliness. Since I strongly share this point of view, my dream car will produce no carbon emissions....

Analysis of “Preface to Shakespeare” by Samuel Johnson

Introduction “Preface to Shakespeare” is one of the classic and universally recognized documents in the field of literary criticism in English society, which came from the pen of Samuel Johnson. This work is a collection of reliable knowledge, assumptions, and ideas of the author about the great playwright’s life moments...

Parents Should Limit the Usage of Screen Time for Their Children

Background Teenagers spend a lot of time staring at devices, which might conflict with getting proper exercise, finishing homework, and spending time with friends. Teens are more self-sufficient, but parents must still monitor how their children use technology (Ashton and Beattie). Teens may need to devote more time to completing...

Ratio-Trend Analysis in HRM: Example & Techniques

The choice among a variety of qualitative and quantitative techniques for forecasting human resources demand depend on peculiarities of businesses and industries. A particular attention should be given to industries with seasonal variations in demand for human resources. While qualitative techniques are also frequent in supporting HR management decisions, quantitative...

Roles of Individuals in Curriculum Development

Introduction Curriculum development is an important process requires the participation of all the stakeholders. Individuals participate in curriculum development in their capacity as stakeholders and they should have their functions clearly defined. Teachers According to Haladyna, & Thomas (1979) The teachers should be in charge of collecting current information that...

Literary Devices in Sonnet 18 by William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare captures the true meaning of love and beauty. Shakespeare has written many great poems in his time. This sonnet is one of the most beautiful verses in the English language. Shakespeare is comparing his adored love to a summer’s day. When one hears about love and beauty in...

Jacobs’s The Monkey’s Paw Literary Analysis

The Monkey’s Paw: Analysis Introduction The Monkey’s Paw is a horror short story written by William Wymark Jacobs in the early twentieth century. Despite telling about mysterious events and matters, the story feels probable due to realistic settings and characters. The synthesis of the real and unreal world helps the...

The Four Levels of the Multiverse by Max Tegmark

Introduction The document by Max Tegmark is an assertion that parallel universes by definition are not just imaginations but remain the domain of metaphysics. The discussion on the four levels of the multiverse is explicitly presented by Tegmark. These include level I – Beyond our Cosmic Universe, level II multiverse...

Why Abortions Should Be Legal?

Introduction Many controversies are surrounding the issue of abortion, regarding its legalization, accessibility, and overall admissibility. Some people are strongly against the procedure, while others claim that there are undeniable reasons why abortions should be legal. The information derived from examining the statistical data and the arguments they present allows...

Debate on the Role of Mass Media in Socialization Process

The process of socialization is a lifelong development of norms, beliefs, ideologies, and customs. This process allows for establishing relationships and identifying communication patterns, which promote the inclusion of a person in society. Socialization begins with childhood in a family and continues in adolescence and adulthood, when schools, peers, and...

Major Themes of Social Studies

Welcome to our essay sample on social studies themes! If you are about to write an essay on the 7 key themes of social studies, keep reading to get ideas for your paper. Social Studies Themes According to national social studies, standards, culture, global connections, time continuity, and change are...

Michelangelo, David and Donatello David: Comparing and Contrasting Works of Art

Introduction Artists have the talent of presenting their ideas through drawings or sculptures. From a sculpture, one can be able to understand the idea that the person who developed it wanted to put across. Different artists may come up with the same artwork but each has a different meaning. Based...

Living in Small Towns vs. Large Cities

Everyone is used to the environment in which they live, work, and interact with the outside world. Having lived in a small city my entire life, I got used to quiet streets and the fact that everyone knows each other, like a big family but without relatives. When I moved...

Character Analysis of the Knight from The Canterbury Tales

Want to know about social status and other characteristics of the Knight character in Canterbury tales? This critical analysis of the Knight from The Canterbury Tales has everything you need! Introduction The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer is considered as one of the most significant literary works of the Middle...

Mental Health Theories: Behaviorism Versus Cognitivism

Theories that focus on the aspect of mental health are intended to help clients understand their issues and deal with them. Mental health specialists can use one and more theories to guide patients towards recovery. Behaviorism, psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory, and humanistic theory are the most common approaches for understanding...

My Mother Is My Source of Inspiration: Speech

Do you have an idol? Many people do, nowadays. To some, those are sportsmen; to others – pop-stars, singers, Hollywood stars and dancers. I do not need to go far or look too hard for a role model. I take inspiration from a person I am close to, and whom...

The Samsung Company’s Headphones Target Market

Introduction Identifying the target market is vital because knowing the customers will allow the company to sell its products or services effectively. When producing the product, the company should consider consumers’ needs and preferences (Asdi & Putra, 2020). Identifying and analyzing the target market of Samsung will help the future...

Odysseus and Athena Relationship in Homer’s The Odyssey

Odyssey is one of the major poems written by Homer. It has been translated to a number of modern languages and originally it was expected to be sung, rather than read. Odysseus, a Greek hero, is a central character of the poem and throughout the story the reader can observe...

Baxter Water Treatment Plants and Public Health

The Baxter Water Treatment Plant is the largest water treatment facility in Philadelphia, supplying about 60 percent of the city’s drinking water. The government of Pennsylvania invested $73.3 million for the reconstruction and modernization of the Torresdale Water Pumping station supplying tap water from the Baxter (Rademaekers, 2020). The photograph...

Target Audience of Fast Food Restaurants’ Web Sites

Introduction When designing a website, its creator focuses on the needs of all visitors or some specific, defined audience. The target audience is those users on which the web resource is specifically oriented. These visitors are commonly called target visitors, as they are aware of what they eventually want to...

Poverty Effects on an Individual

People work hard to meet their needs. However, this does not necessary mean escape from poverty. Poverty can cause extensive damage on one’s life. This is mainly because poverty affects health, education, employment opportunities, family, friends and social status, among others. Poverty causes extreme suffering, especially if one cannot afford...

Apple Watch Target Market: Demographic Segmentation

This paper analyzes Apple Watch target market. It looks into the segmentation marketing strategy of Apple Watch, demographics of its audience, and the age of its users. Introduction The importance of the Apple Watch is undisputed in the global market of smartwatches. The impressive growth of the industry is associated...

Nestlé’s Costing System and Financial Statements Improvement

Cost assessment is crucial for a wide variety of purposes, as it helps to determine the profitability of products and create an optimal product mix. According to Savić et al. (2019), selecting the correct costing systems is crucial to estimate the profitability of a product correctly, as it may affect...

Strengths of the Moview ”Titanic”

Titanic is a popular film that received acclaim from the industry and the audience. It was a colossal and unprecedented success upon the release, and it took more than a decade for another work by Cameron to overtake it. Although some consider the film overrated, its long-lasting impact and universal...

The Key Elements of Zara’s Supply Chain Strategy

The success of Spanish retailer Zara can be measured by the number of its stores found in the most prestigious capitals around the world as well as in comparatively small towns in the middle of nowhere. The brand belongs to the INDITEX group and can be put under the umbrella...

Causes and Effects of Pollution

The environment people live in is affecting them, including health and lifestyle, and the nature around them, like plants, animals, water bodies, and the atmosphere. Environmental issues caused by humans using natural resources and treating nature with no respect have resulted in some negative changes. One of the most significant...

Why Is History Important? Analysis

The importance of history is discussed by many people, including popular actors, musicians, politicians, writers, and other public figures. The question is somewhat controversial because when some deny the significance of history, others, on the contrary, promote this science as the essential knowledge of humankind. This essay will try to...

Symbols in Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Poe’s short stories are widely known for the mystery and horror they hide. Being famous as an inventor of the detective genre, the writer filled his narrations with seemingly minute details that turned out to have had substantial importance in the end. “The Tell-Tale Heart” is one of the most...

Henrik Ibsen – A Doll’s House: Setting

Setting in A Doll’s House: Summary The play ‘The Dollhouse’ was written in 1879. In this work, Henrik Ibsen criticizes Victorian marriage and the secondary roles of women in society. The freedom and independence of the main character, Nora, is limited by her husband and father. Ibsen skillfully uses settings...

Similarities and Differences Between Islam and Hinduism

The two religions; Hinduism and Islam are considered poles apart from each other for many reasons, though one fails to consider their similarities as well. Being humans, no matter what religion or sect one belongs to, they think that their knowledge of the religion is best. For instance, all human...

Books vs. Movies: Comparison of Features

We all have a friend who yells during a movie that this moment was shown differently in the book. At the same time, another friend says that he or she is bored with reading and would rather wait for the movie adaptation. Both of these friends can be right, since...

The Most Embarrassing Moment In my Life

Introduction Every year our school holds a week-long cultural festival that is aimed at identifying and nurturing talents as well as showcasing the rich cultural diversity in our country. All through the cultural week, different events are held during the night and others in the daytime. The main events such...

Social Media: The Negative Impact on Relationships

Introduction Modern technologies are revolutionizing the way human beings share ideas, pursue their goals, and solve emerging social problems. Such inventions streamline communication processes and guide people to make informed decisions. Broadcast media is essential in educating, training, and informing the targeted audience. However, those who use these innovations stand...

Living in a City: Advantages and Disadvantages

People are usually faced with different options when deciding on where to live. That is do they want to live in the city or would they prefer to live in the suburbs where it is more peaceful. The essay that follows intends to show the advantages and disadvantages of city...

“Mericans” by Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Okita

“Mericans” by Sandra Cisneros and “In Response to Executive Order 9066” by Dwight Okita are the two works that have a common theme of the way people of different cultures lived in the United States in the twentieth century. The first story describes Mexicans, and the second poem is about...

Symbolism in “The Road Not Taken” by Frost

The poem “The Road Not Taken” depicts personal philosophy and perception of life by the author. This poem is full of symbolism which helps Robert Frost to create unique messages and appeal to the emotions and imagination of readers. This paper finds and describes unique symbols running through Robert Frost’s...

How Technology Affects Our Daily Life

Technology plays a vital role in every person’s life. In our everyday life, we encounter numerous technologies. Technology has affected every aspect of my life in many respects. It has made my day-to-day life much easier than before. It has enabled me to do things faster and more efficiently. I...

Description of the Falling in Love

How would you describe falling in love for the first time? If you’re about to share your personal experience, check out our sample on falling in love essay! Get some inspiration for your paper with the help of our example essay about falling in love. Falling in Love: Essay Introduction ...

Human and Animal Language Differences

How is human language different from animal communication? Find it out with our essay sample! Learn more about the similarities and difference between human and animal language and the language development! Human and Animal Language: Essay Introduction Communication is an important aspect of human and animal life because it helps...

Symbolism in The Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

Symbolism in The Story of an Hour: Introduction The action in Kate Chopin’s The Story of an Hour takes place in the Mallards’ house, were learning about her husband’s death, Mrs. Mallard experiences freedom and dies when she sees him alive within an hour. The setting of this story is...

No One Can Make You Feel Inferior without Your Consent: Meaning

When someone tries to hurt you, think about Eleanor Roosevelt’s words that nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. This essay unpacks the meaning of this quote. Introduction The famous line, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent,” is credited to one of the first...

Hinduism and Buddhism: Similarities and Differences

Many religions take similar paths and steps to help their followers or believers reach enlightenment. Other religions require their followers or believers to accept one idea or creed. Some believe in God and others do not. Whether they believe in gods or not, each religion has its followers who believe...

Hospital’s Organizational Structure and Departments

Explore hospital organization and function with our essay sample on administrative structure of a hospital. Here, you’ll find hospital hierarchy chart and the description of hospital organizational structure.  Introduction Hospitals provide very important services, and it should be done by the high-quality standards. However, each hospital is a complex entity,...

Speaking Skills in English Language

Definition Speaking is the art of expressing or conveying one’s feelings using language. Speaking can also be defined is a way of vocal communication aimed at engaging another person through language (Al-Sobhi & Preece, 2018). English words sound different from other languages, such as French, because the use of phonetics...

Five Elements of Communication Process

The five elements of the communication process are (1) a sender; (2) a message; (3) a channel; (4) a receiver; and (5) the outcome of the receiver (Kitson, Marshall, Bassett, & Zeitz, 2013). A sender is a person who is willing to convey a message. A message is a very...

Should Parents Be Responsible for Children’s Crimes?

Do you think parents should be held responsible for children’s crimes? Who should be punished when a child causes trouble at school or in public? Find out in this essay! Introduction There is no doubt that some children engage in criminal activities, perhaps thinking that they are invincible. Some of...

The Impact of Modern Technologies on Communication

Modern technologies have changed our life. People have constant access to the internet where they spend a lot of time working, studying and communicating with each other. Technologies make communication easier and let people communicate at long distances. There has been a movement away from face-to-face meetings to virtual communication....

Family Is the Basic Unit of Society Essay

The family is considered the basic unit of the society. It is where a person acquires his/her basic characteristics and habits. They say that the personality of an individual is very much affected by the family background. One classical definition is that a family “is a social group characterized by...

My Dream Home: Personal View

Most people need a place where they can relax, feel safe and comfortable. A place, where they want to go after a hard day at work or an intense day with their friends. Most people call such place home. Although it is not easy to build or make a house...

Why I Want to Be a Police Officer

Do you want to join the police and become a police officer when you grow up? Then make sure to check out this “why I want to be a police officer” short essay! Here, you’ll learn more about the author’s ambition. So, why do you want to become a police...

Reasons Why Face-To-Face Education Is Better Than Online Learning

The education sector is critical since it primarily impacts the growth and development of a country. Many nations have different learning methods used to ensure that learners acquire adequate skills in various careers. Modern technology has also been of great significance in schooling since people can attend their learning sessions...

Overcome Grief to Find Love Again by Mary Montgomery: A Book Review

The need to be loved and love someone in return represents one of the deepest, most powerful, and often, quite destructive desires unless managed with a proper understanding of the nature of these emotions and feelings. In her book, “Overcome Grief to Find Love Again,” Mary Montgomery (2020) explains the...

Birds as a Motif in “Psycho” by Alfred Hitchcock

Psycho, the psychological horror filmed by Alfred Hitchcock in 1960, is a recognized masterpiece. Its main character is Norman Bates, the owner of the motel where Marion Crane stops while trying to hide from the police after the theft she committed. A timid and handsome young man turns out to...

Commercial Banks in Nigeria: Impact of Cash Reserve Ratio

The Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR), which entails the set percentage of cash required to be kept in reserves as against the bank’s total deposits, has over the past increased in Nigeria, lowering commercial bank earnings and thereby harming the country’s economy. Therefore, if commercial banks in the country want to...

Value Proposition of Smart Technology and Self-Driving Cars

Introduction The challenges associated with human errors and vehicle safety are increasing rapidly due to populace escalation. Human transportation using vehicles is becoming challenging due to the high rate of accidents. As “Road safety facts” (2021) notes, distractions during the driving act as the main barrier to safe transportation. The...

Tuberculosis and Control Programs

Introduction Tuberculosis (TB) is a highly infectious disease that can be transmitted in almost any setting. Therefore, clinicians are to be aware of the dangers of the disease and the ways of controlling the associated issues. Careful control and prevention measures can minimize the risk of adverse events. The present...

The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA)

Need Assessment and Policy Design The original social problem that requires a solution is families at risk of entering the child welfare system. Various reasons lead to family problems, including parent’s substance use disorders. Children in these families experience parental neglect or abuse and are more likely to have a...

The Civil Rights Movement: Effects and Consequences

The Civil Rights Movement was one of the key turning points in American history, which ended segregation and institutional oppression of African Americans. However, the observed changes would not be possible without proper leadership and societal reconstructions. Although the movement was not able to achieve every objective it put forward,...

Researching of Media Advertising

The “Other Than Television” (OTT) concept has transformed traditional broadcast television and affected its viewership significantly. According to Kelley et al. (2015), “digital technology has reshaped how consumers use media” (p. 5). With the advent of free access to various online content, the vast majority of consumers have shifted their...

Organizational Culture Change at NASA: The Assessment and Plan

Micro problems Poor communication among stakeholders; Workers’ failure to adhere to processes and rules (NASA, 2004); Neglect of personal responsibility, accountability and competence; Employees’ inability to raise concerns to the management; Excellence is not valued among team members; Workers are hesitant to adhere to safety culture (NASA, 2004); Loyalty and...

Next Generation Air Transportation System

The constant development and evolution of the civil aviation sector are one of the major priorities of the US government. The emergence of new technologies in aviation creates the basis for implementing innovative technologies that might help to improve flight safety, reliability, and comfort. For this reason, Public Law 108...

Muja’s Poultry Farm’s Business Plan and Management

Introduction Poultry farming is one of the most fitting and profitable business models for Texas. The state has all the necessary prerequisites encouraging such activities. The business memorandum provided below describes Muja’s Poultry Farm as well as its products and services, business location, equipment, and the documents required for launching...

Mars Rover “Curiosity”: Review

New Mars rover “Curiosity” landed Mars on August 6. According to the comments of its creators, the purpose of this sophisticated device is in participating in long term robotic exploration of Mars (Webster par. 2). In particular, the mission of this Mars rover is to attempt answering the question that...

Investigation of Sustainability of Chocolate

Cocoa is promoted as an essential healthy ingredient for everyone regardless of their condition and diet. Chocolate is one of the most favored snacks globally purchased in gigantic amounts, taking a significant part in the Foodservice industry. However, the sustainability of the production is questionable since cocoa farming harms the...

International Space Station Project Recommendations

Introduction The International Space Station is a multinational project for a low-orbit habitable satellite that first housed a crew in 2000. It is a joint effort between the U.S., Russia, Europe, Canada, and Japan, with other countries supplying astronauts. The ISS is still operating, expanding, and hosting a variety of...

Honor Code Regarding Iranian Nuclear Program

Introduction The honor codes in any organization are written to maintain ethical conduct among the members of that company or institution. Honor is defined as a “fundamental attribute of character” and “a virtue which impels loyalty and courage, truthfulness and self-respect, justice and generosity” (Norwich University, n.d., para. 3). For...

Democratic Republic vs. Socialist State

Introduction Throughout history, the global population could witness the establishment and development of states under different government structures. The most notable ones are the Democratic Republic and the Socialist State, which are two contrasting approaches. The first one focuses on people’s power to affect significant decisions, while the latter uses...

Crises: Everything People Should Know

Types of Crises Crises have different types: sociocultural, adventitious, situational, and maturational. Some people can experience different types of crises, as listed below. Maturational crisis can happen during any period of transition in biopsychosocial development and growth. A maturational crisis occurs when a person cannot envision their new roles and...

Consciousness and Emotions in Animals

Animals are alive creatures that can feel pain, startling, freezing, and other spontaneous emotions. In general, it is assumed that animals are driven by their inborn instincts. For instance, when the sheep sees the lion, it runs away to avoid being eaten by the predator. In this case, the instinct...

Chinese Traditional Medicine and Medication Use

The United States is a country where multiple cultures coexist and interact while retaining their cultural identities. However, in some cases, cultural differences can lead to worse outcomes in health care. Chinese Americans are a significant ethnic group with unique health beliefs, which can impact their interactions with the health...

Childhood Obesity During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction Quantitative and qualitative data collection and study methods are distinct methods used in data analysis. While they differ in the type of data collected and approach, researchers must be aware of such techniques to develop their data collection and study methods (Hughes & Tarrant, 2019). Due to the varying...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Strategies and Goals

Caterpillar Inc.’s goals are directed to maintain its sustainability and profitable growth. The short-term goals for Caterpillar Inc. are water consumption, workplace injury rates, and by-product materials (Caterpillar, 2019). Its long-term goals comprise green emission intensity, energy intensity, and an increase in alternative energy source use (Caterpillar, 2019). As a...

Alcatraz Prison and Its History With Criminals

Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary, famously referred to as “The Rock”, served as a maximum prison from 1934-1963. It was located at Alcatraz Island on the San Francisco coast and could hold about 260 prisoners at any time. Alcatraz prison used to hold hardcore criminals from other federal penitentiaries, including Al Capone...

Enhancing Manufacturing Quality and Performance With Control Charts

Numerous techniques and technologies for continuous improvement have their roots in the industrial sector. This makes sense because mass manufacturing is, by definition, the creation of standardized goods in huge quantities, frequently through the use of assembly lines (Keats, 2020). The main objective is to efficiently produce a lot of...

Collection, Preservation, and Storage of Digital Evidence

Introduction Digital evidence is becoming increasingly important with the advent of new electronic and cloud media. Many companies already have the means to manage physical and digital evidence separately. Co-management tools need to be created to ensure a single and accessible evidence base. Collecting, preserving, storing and analyzing digital evidence...

The Trinity Firm’s Compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards

International Financial Reporting Standards International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) represent an essential article that must be observed by any company to ensure organized activities. Moreover, it provides international organizations to be as transparent and consistent as possible in their activities. The basis of this study will be an article by...

Enhancing Education Through Observation and Collaboration

The process of teaching and learning may be characterized as the sharing of information from educators to students. The process through which a teacher determines and develops the educational targets, develops instructional materials, and puts the teaching and learning approach into action is a blend of several aspects. However, learning...

Childhood Trauma, Development, and Spirituality

It is almost impossible to find a person in the world who has not been haunted by trauma since childhood. Nowadays, parents spend less and less time on a person’s future development and instead fixate on what the child looks like right now and what his habits and characteristics are....

Performance Management and Socio-Ecological Framework

Performance management is closely tied to the context of its occurrence. The context provides many variables that may influence performance management at all stages. However, it might be difficult to predict them. Missed opportunities provide a perfect example of such variables – it emphasizes situations and events that go beyond...

The Zappos Firm’s Strategic Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Positioning Strategy The target audience of Zappos is women and men of young adult age with an average income. To not lose current customers and attract new ones, it is necessary to connect them with the brand philosophy and inform them about the convenience of the Zappos service....

Coca-Cola: Working Capital and Supply Chain Management

Coca-Cola is a major multinational corporation with a well-developed supply chain management. The company’s working capital is appraised as the biggest, which ensures stable positions in the beverage industry. Its financial aspect is available online to demonstrate its transparency to the public. This paper aims to dwell on the working...

Analyzing Gender Bias in the Fire Department

As part of this assignment, the Assistant Chief of the local fire department is examining the potential problem of gender barriers that may exist in employee promotions. To do so, data from fifty employees who applied for promotions were collected and formed into the crosstab shown below. At first glance,...

Printing Equipment Purchase Decision Making

Decision-making skill is one of the most important aspects of every company’s leadership as it allows to make the right choices and minimize risks in connected parts of the business. According to Klien (2017), statistics is closely related to decision-making as specific numbers and exact data can make the production...

Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center: Case Study

Ochsner Lafayette General Medical Center (OLGMC) is one of the largest medical centers in Louisiana. It provides a full set of tertiary care services and maintains 334 staffed beds as well as an acute care medical center in Acadiana (“About Ochsner,” 2022). The organization is known for its high standards...

The Influenza Vaccine Study Critical Evaluation

In recent years, with the advancements in social media, it has become even more crucial to be critical of the incoming information. In the cases of health-related content, the well-being of not only individuals but the whole community or even the world can depend on it. The mass spread of...

Supply Chain Design at Crayola

Dynamic sales volumes – involves meeting the needs of volatile sales volumes that can stem from customer demand or internal promotions (Kajewski, et al., 2015). ColorWonder and WashableDeluxe are both highly popular global products that also contain products from diverse supply chains in the company. When designing the supply chains...

Discussion: Public Intimacy and Social Media

The communications in the modern social networking sites are characterized by the almost instantaneous feedback regarding one’s behavior or emotional state from close people as well as acquaintances. Although people may sometimes become victims of verbal abuse, it is fair to argue that most of the normally functioning online spaces...

ABC Manufacturing: Financial Management

As part of this task, it is required to evaluate the effectiveness of the financial management of ABC Manufacturing. A feature of the annually planned budget is the introduction of changes into it ahead of time, taking into account the fact that their implementation will be curtailed. Employees already know...

“Bear Came Along” by Richard Morris, Illustrated by LeUyen Pham

Introduction Bear Came Along is a 2019 book by Richard T. Morris, illustrated by LeUyen Pham. It tells the story of a group of animals on a river adventure. Published June 1, 2019, Bear Came Along is based on Morris’ memories of his first overnight camping trip. Pham’s illustrations in...

Germany and South Korea’s Cross-Cultural Interaction

Comparison of Germany and South Korea Cultures The two countries I chose for comparison and exploration of cultures are Germany and South Korea, where I want to work in the future. South Korea is a South-East Asian state, while Germany is a Western European country. These two cultures are distinct...

Cuban Missile Crisis: Intelligence-Gathering Operations

The Historical Value of Intelligence Gathering The US was interested in the Cuban missile crisis and its imminent threat to US national security. Essentially, the information was crucial because Cuba’s relationship with the Soviet Union was a security threat. The American intelligence authorities were highly concerned about the potential political...

Salem Witch Trials as a Metaphor for McCarthyism in Miller’s The Crucible

The literature is a powerful tool for provoking the thought process by various means. One of those mediums is a political analog, seen in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible. By focusing on the events that happened in the late 17th century in the United States, during the Salem Witch Trials,...

Lake Oroville Disaster: Analysis

The Oroville Dam is located on the Feather River in Northern California, east of the city of Oroville. The dam is an earth-filled embankment design and was built between 1961 and 1968. The dam is built on the geological terrain called Smartville Ophiolite Complex. It is described as steeply dipping...

Effective Leadership: The Main Features

The success of a business depends on the employees’ productivity and the leadership qualities of the management. Various narratives define who an effective leader is. Some theories define effective leaders as authoritative and insensitive to the employees’ feelings, while others describe them as those who engage with the workforce and...

Discrimination and Inequality in Society

The world has developed several approaches to interpreting and understanding equality on ethnic and racial grounds. Founded on these practices, legal and political mechanisms have been developed to protect people from discriminatory treatment and overcome inequalities. Nevertheless, the social processes by which imbalances arise and persist are complex and cannot...

Planning Programs for Adult Learners

Introduction Proper planning is among the core pillars of a successful adult education program. A well-devised template is crucial in this niche and should be capable of bridging the gap between goals and their eventual fulfillment (Caffarella & Daffron, 2013). In order to plan effectively, there is an Interactive Planning...

The Influence of Leadership and Management Styles on Team’s Progress

Management and Leadership Styles The managerial style presents one of the most important factors for employees’ performance as it allows concentrating employees’ collective efforts on organizational goals. Moreover, the communication methods associated with different managerial styles can provide support for the team and encourage the members by providing them with...

Netflix and Redbox Compete for Movie Rentals

Competitors such as Netflix and RedFox took over the brick-and-mortar rental market by providing low-cost per-movie offers as well as services such as demand mail-in delivery and online DVD renting alternatives. Due to the negotiating strength of the suppliers in this industry, the rivalry among these rivals has caused them...

COVID-19 Vaccine Acceptance and Hesitancy

Introduction When COVID-19 came unexpectedly, individuals and nations were not prepared. Everybody’s response to the pandemic was different, and this brought many changes in people’s lives. The pandemic changed people’s ways of life, how they behave, how they respond to uncertainties, and how they budget. Different authors started to study...

Capital Investment and Financial Management

A company’s capital investment is the money it spends on fixed assets like land, machinery, and buildings. Cash, assets, or loans may be used to fund the project. Businesses may struggle to start the ground without capital investment. I plan to invest in my sister’s small business which is an...

The Africana Studies and Their Historical Background

Africana study is a multidisciplinary field based on the experience of both Africans and people of African descent within North America. The introduction of Black studies in the 1960s was influenced by the demands of Civil Rights and Black movements (Anderson & Stewart, 2007). During this period, college and university...

The Free Housing Myth in Canada

Introduction The free housing myth has been an ongoing lie in Canada since immemorial. The fact that the falsehood has polarized Canada has become a major concern. Therefore, I thought of this chapter because there has been a popular belief that the Aboriginal group in Canada has been receiving free...

The Boeing Company’s Strategic Objectives

In creating an operational plan, one of the essential components is the resolution of operational objectives. They are necessary because they provide companies with a more precise and more accurate vision of what outcomes they can achieve. Moreover, strategic goals contribute to the definition of tools and steps that should...

Healthcare Data Quality Elements

Reducing the number of medical errors and making sure that patient satisfaction levels are high are two main objectives of healthcare providers. With the development of new technologies, it becomes simultaneously less and more difficult for physicians and nurses to follow all the guidelines and avoid mistakes. In order to...

Latino Culture: The Social Interaction Between Children and Parents

One of the critical elements of growing up as an adult is the period of high school graduation. The abundance of social perspectives, including choices between college, university, military service, or work, is a prime example. An essential element influencing the path a young person chooses is the family, as,...

Focus Groups: The Best Practice

Focus group discussion is a technique that is used to obtain data from selected groups to make an understanding of social issues. A method is a qualitative approach that can be used in conservation science to understand various human perspectives. A researcher assembles data and draws conclusions based on perceptions,...

Conference: Breast Cancer Survival

Introduction In the medical sphere, cancer studies are one of the most important and necessary specialties. For millions of cancer patients around the world, life is a continued fight for survival. With the evolution of medical technology, diagnostics, care, and treatment, it has become possible to significantly improve the lives...

The Sun Coast Remediation Dataset: Statistical Analysis

The Sun coast remediation dataset was used in this study to perform ANOVA and t-tests hypothesis testing to evaluate whether there is a statistical difference between groups. Excel tool pack was used as a statistical software to perform data analysis. Independent Data t-Test An Independent t-test is a parametric test...

Tradition as Theme of “The Lottery” by Jackson

Introduction Tradition is a good thing until it becomes dangerous for people who follow it. This idea becomes the central theme of the short story “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson. To show this idea, the author describes the life of a small village and its inhabitants. At first glance, they...

Qualified Candidates and Poor Credit Checks: The Ethical Theory of Utilitarianism

Different state laws in states across the United States limit employers from checking the financial situations of their employees. This paper overviews how a manager can employ an ethical theory of utilitarianism to handle a situation and conflict of a qualified candidate with poor credit checks. The applicable theory is...

The Impact of Media on Eating Disorders

Introduction Many people are concerned about their appearance when using digital media or seeing advertising. Influencers and celebrities present an idealized lifestyle and looks on image-based social media and media campaigns. They create a distorted perception of appearance for the audience, leading to heightened concerns about body image and self-esteem....

Thoreau vs. Roosevelt on Individual Freedom

Introduction The freedom of the individual in its various manifestations is today the most important value of civilized humanity. A person is a member of society and is obliged to reckon with its laws, primarily because the complete freedom of one person would mean arbitrariness concerning another. Freedom and responsibility...