The Politics of Health and Care: Reforms Timeline

Timeline Analysis Political climate has a high impact on healthcare. The first events included in the timeline, the enactment of NMHA and HBA, took place a few months after the end of the Second World War. Both decisions were implemented during the presidency of Truman, the Democrat. The goal of...

The Phenomenon of Emerging Adulthood

Introduction Understanding the phenomenon of emerging adulthood and the factors contributing to its development is essential for providing young people with the needed support in their journey toward maturity while also ensuring that possible mental health issues are resolved accordingly. However, emerging adulthood is not endemic to Western cultures, so...

The Issue of Transracial Identity

In the article In Defence of Transracialism, the author Rebecca Tuvel explores different arguments against and for transracialism, standing clearly with the latter. Her main idea lies in the point that a strong and genuine sense of identification with a certain social group is similar in its essence to the...

The Homeless Shelter’s Staff: A Well-Being Program

In this paper, I am going to form a survey as a part of the implementation of a well-being program for the homeless shelter’s staff. The homeless shelter was chosen as an object of the survey because it appears to be a bright example of a non-profit social services organization....

The Consensus Model and the Advanced Practice Nurse’ Role

There are several population focused roles authorized by the Nurse Practice Act. In Florida, the Nurse Practice Act considers the following roles: certified nurse midwives, clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse practitioners, psychiatric nurses, and certified registered nurse anesthetists (Nurse Practice Act, 2018). An advanced practice registered nurse may prescribe and...

Handwashing Compliance of Healthcare Workers

The essential component of infectious safety is preventing the possibility of transmitting microorganisms from the patient to the medical staff and vice versa. Contagious diseases of medical staff associated with professional activity occupy a specific place in the structure of infectious morbidity. Infected hands play a significant role in the...

Guiding a New Brand of Hiking Boots Through the Growth Stage

When a new product enters a market, it is vital to make sure that its growth stage is managed professionally and a proper and effective strategy is selected. Regardless of this product’s uniqueness and quality, it usually takes a lot of effort to advertise and market it, and this process...

Health Level Seven: Value Sets, Code Systems, and Data Types

Modern healthcare programs are used worldwide to facilitate the process of information storage and transmission. The majority of hospitals use such programs to ensure the fast exchange of information, especially in emergency cases. One such technology is Health Level Seven (HL7), a standard series of predefined logical formats for packaging...

The Baader-Meinhof Complex & The Red Army Faction

The movie The Baader Meinhof Complex takes place in the late 1960s and 1970s Western Germany and tells the story of The Red Army Faction (RAF) – a far-left terrorist group that organized bombings, hijackings, assassinations, robberies, and kidnappings. The group consisted of people who believed that West Germany was...

Reasons for Downfall of Sophocles’ Oedipus the King

Oedipus the King is a well-known tragedy about ancient Greeks and the king of Thebes written by Sophocles. The content attracts the reader’s attention for many reasons, and one of them is the development of the events that result in the main character’s killing his father and marrying his mother....

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Feminist Rethinking From Racial-Ethnic Families” by Zinn

Abstract The current paper explores “Feminist rethinking from racial-ethnic families,” the structure of the text, the themes raised by the author, and the target audience. The article was written by the American sociologist Dr. Maxine Baca Zinn for her joint book with another scientist Bonnie Thornton Dill Women of Color...

Franchise, Crowdsourcing, and Retailer Business Models

A business model is simply the strategy chosen by a business owner to make money and deliver value to customers. Determining a business model requires the description of products or services, target market, as well as required expenses. They are numerous types of business models, which are categorized as traditional...

The Mississippi Floods of 2020, Its Impact and the Requisite Solution for the Future

Reasons for the Floods For numerous years, the Mississippi River has been prone to flooding incidences proved quite inconvenient for the local communities. The Mississippi region is characterized by lapses of extreme weather conditions responsible for the floods that occur along the Mississippi River. However, the floods of 2020 were...

Social Research Principles and Paradigms

Conducting research in the field of social sciences is a challenge for scholars. Its complexity is explained by the necessity to organize observation and reasoning in such a way that the participants do not face any conflicts while the required information is being gathered. Moreover, the process should be aligned...

Striving for Leadership and How To Be Successful in It

Introduction Striving for leadership is a sign of a socially prosperous, mentally full-fledged person. This is an attempt to take a worthy place in the group, team, and society as a whole. To my mind, being a leader is an expression of a person’s inner strength and self-confidence. Therefore, it...

Familial Trend of Caregiving in Russia and the US

The familial trend of caregiving about the elderly parents affects each family differently. It is happening due to many reasons, such as socioeconomic factors, interpersonal relationships, and cultural backgrounds. Different sociological perspectives such as conflict perspective, functionalism perspective, and symbolic interactionism perspective help to give a more wholesome perception of...

Improving the Oral Communication Skills in Classroom

Discussions are used in the classroom for many reasons: discussions increase student interest and participation, help get feedback from teachers, facilitate good lecture preparation, and improve student skills. There are many benefits to having class discussions during class (Vetter et al., 2020). Classroom discussions are a common pedagogical approach that...

Importance of Financial Management

Introduction A non-monetary policy is utilized by other financial authorities or a central bank when the traditional likewise policies are not satisfactory. The policies not involving such an approach include collateral adjustments, quantitative easing, negative interest rates, and forward policies. The non-cash dividends are seen by taxpayers as being distributed...

American Multi-Cinema, Inc. Analysis

Introduction American Multi-Cinema, Inc. (AMC) is the US-based movie theatre chain that was founded in 1920. With time, AMC acquired different other cinema theatres and became the largest organization in this industry. Today, AMC involves more than 2800 screens in more than 350 theatres in Europe, while these numbers are...

For Four, Hope, Promise, and Future Concert Analysis

Field studies are an essential source of gathering valuable information regarding the subject of interest. Through this method, the researcher is able to immerse themselves in the corresponding environment and observe the subject in it. It is particularly important in the various forms of arts, especially dances. In this case,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Activity of Citizens During Elections

The United States electoral system is highly variable, confusing, interesting, and old as America itself. Do such factors as election complexity and the day chosen for them affect voters’ presence? Although voter turnout among the American citizens has low ratings among developed democracies, and many voters are too busy to...

Teenage Drug Addiction Problem

The modern world is full of diverse activities and hobbies that can have both strictly positive and negative effects. In other words, the world’s versatility becomes both a virtue because each individual can find his own business, and a disadvantage because among the hobbies are often destructive addiction. One of...

Telehealth in Post-Discharge Follow-Ups

Medical technology such as telehealth is being rapidly developed and implemented as a potential complement or replacement to traditional visits to the healthcare professional. Often, patients are asked to come in for a follow-up appointment post-discharge from a hospital to ensure treatment adherence and to prevent rehospitalization. The use of...

Technologies & Artificial Intelligence Challenges

For innovative organizations, such as Apple, new technologies introduce not only benefits but also new challenges as the use of artificial intelligence (AI) changes the way organizations work. The first problem comes from the necessity to integrate new technologies into the collective and ensure people do not have conflicts with...

Healthcare Institutions: Budgeting, Planning, and Implications

Introduction Budgets are used to help improve the financial stability of an institution, whether corporate or in healthcare. Preparing an effective budget can help identify areas for improvement, areas that are effective, and overall cost-efficacy within the institution. Within inpatient settings, nursing managers are responsible for monitoring budgets. In some...

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals’ Advertisement Strategy Analysis

Introduction Sparrow Pharmaceuticals has acquired its client base by advertising credible and thematic articles and offering a high-quality selection of medical research findings. The given measure has granted the trust of its customers as it was useful for them together with the excellent performance of the company’s products. There is...

Aspects of Philosophy of Life

Every morning at 8 A.M., the alarm clock on the smartphone fills the room with an annoying melody that could have been joyful if it had not interrupted my sleep. Instead of waking up with a broad smile, I lie in my bed and think that a new day of...

Snowden and the Ethics of Whistleblowing

Many of the critical issues facing the modern world could be considered ethical questions that appear under the influence of the evolution of society. The process of the reconsideration of some traditional values has given rise to a great number of concerns. These have been related to such issues as...

Single Mothers and Sons Relationships

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise and accurate synopsis of key elements of your dissertation. Include the following information (suggested length: 400 words or less): Research topic summary (1-5 sentences) Provide a concise summary of your dissertation research topic. Explain the rationale for your study...

Motivation in the Workplace: The Organizational Culture

There was a time when my team was assigned to a large multi-department project that was challenging but could serve as a big breakthrough for the company. I felt motivated because management strongly encouraged the workforce, communicating well and emphasizing the importance. We were promised significant resources and support needed....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Role of Family in Healthcare and How Culture Affects Health Beliefs

Culture impacts the way a person views life, values, social norms, and other aspects that constitute daily life, including health and diseases. Individuals’ families also play a role in the way health is perceived. Patient-centered care implies involving family members and incorporating care tailored to the patient’s culture. This paper...

The Battle of Algiers: Political Violence in Action

Introduction Countries embroiled in violent conflicts put the lives of their citizens at great risk. Political violence that arises during such conflicts, particularly during wars for independence and civil wars, serves to further the agendas of independent actors against a state or other stakeholders in the dispute. Regardless of the...

Reducing Readmissions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction Transitional care is an understudied topic that is significant for nursing practice. Many patients, especially those living with chronic illnesses, experience readmissions to hospitals after discharge. The problem has an adverse effect on individuals’ health outcomes and nurses’ performance. The purpose of the research is to analyze what interventions...

Radiographer Malpractice: Case Study Analysis

The issue of malpractice occurred at the hospital during a CT scan. The RT injected the contrast dye in a 68-year old plaintiff’s arm to diagnose a pulmonary embolism (Medical Malpractice Lawyers, 2019). As the dye was going into the arm, the plaintiff experienced severe pain. A few seconds later,...

Protection against Violence and Discrimination in the Clinical Setting

Knowledge of relevant workplace laws and necessary recommendations that improve the quality of interpersonal interaction and client care is an essential part of a healthcare professional’s preparedness for the working environment. To uphold the standards of communication, positive attitudes, and respect for others, a medical worker should rely on relevant...

Proposal Outline: Being Too Dependent on Technology

In the modern world, when almost everything is automatized, and it is impossible to live fully without devices and gadgets, technological dependence appears to be a pressing concern. It has an impact on people’s brains, causing sleep disorders, anxieties, communication problems, an inability to distinguish the reality and the virtual...

Project Planning: Marketing Planning

In projects, some elements may fail to meet objectives or achieve their respective project targets. Identifying both items is critical during the project life cycle since they influence the overall outcome. The distinguishing of the entities that could go wrong or right in a program relies hugely on the risk...

Probability Sampling Importance for Successful Research

In the academic setting, the ideal for any study is a reliable and high-quality procedure that produces results that effectively represent objective reality. In other words, scenarios in which a statistical experiment was initially based on an incorrect, unrepresentative approach to measuring the quantity sought should be eliminated. For this...

Pigeon Creek Residence – a Dream Home

Introduction As a nature-lover, I have always dreamed about a modern house with a large garden located very close to a forested area. Pigeon Creek Residence is a medium-sized cozy house designed and built by Lucid Architecture in western Michigan that brings this dream into reality. This paper is aimed...

PEST Factors and PEST Analysis in Cybersecurity Industry

PEST analysis is essential for every business that wants to become and stay successful. Its main goal is to identify external forces that may affect the organization’s performance and profitability. Political-legal, economic, social, and technological factors all contribute to demand fluctuations for IT security solutions. The framework’s political-legal aspect remains...

Patient Safety Culture and Practice Change Frameworks

Patient safety is a crucial concern for care providers because it is directly connected to the quality of care and patient outcomes. Fostering a culture of patient safety can help to avoid errors in care provision, as well as the resulting adverse events. It can also impact the quality of...

Organizational Strategic Planning for Profit and Nonprofit Organizations

Strategic planning is important to any organization regardless of size or sector of operation as it realizes effective corporate governance and enhanced ability to compete favorably in the market. However, having a strategic plan is not a guarantee that an organization will achieve success; rather, success lies in the successful...

Nursing Occupation: Professional Side and the Use of Social Media Networks

The dynamic increase of social media platforms and their impact on human life pose critical concerns and challenges for nursing students and nurse professionals. With the digital takeover of the modern lifestyle, nurses might become less mindful of the ethical and cautious use of their social media accounts. However, social...

Older People and People with Disabilities: Social Protection Programs

At present, federal financing is available for people with disabilities and the elderly. Nevertheless, it is considered adequate as such groups of society are often forced to rely on charities, loans, and competitive grants. Additional support also involves non-federal organizations with limited resources (NIH National Institute of Aging, 2017). For...

Nurse-Patient Staffing Ratio and Advocacy Power

The contribution to maintaining a high level of healthcare depends not only on caregivers but also on those officials who control this sphere of life and, in many respects, influence current changes for the worse or, the better. An opportunity to influence legislators is the prospect that allows attracting the...

National Patient Safety Overview

Introduction Patients’ safety has become a global concern in the past two decades. This is mainly due to the rampant cases of medical errors that have led to many deaths within the health service facilities. Medical errors have caused death, serious disability disorders, and in some cases permanent pain to...

My Experiences as a Walmart Employee

Introduction At some point in the past, I used to work in Walmart, which is an international trade giant that prides itself on providing cheap products of acceptable quality to its customers. They were also always hiring, so getting a job there was easy. Working at a big trade company...

Professional Value Statements in Teaching

I accomplished a lot of creative work as part of my English Learning paraprofessional job using my digital literacy and creative thinking skills which benefitted my students by provision of more interesting learning material. To ensure that the students were truly interested in learning, I wrote and edited high-quality content...

Adultification of Juvenile Criminal Behavior

In our time, justice is faced with a number of difficulties and problems stemming from the unusualness of some instances and factors. One of the most challenging issues to resolve is juvenile trials, as well as the problem of juvenile adaptation. Based on the Haerle study (2018), one can judge...

Models of Mass Communication and Opinion Leadership

Introduction A summary of diffusion of innovations by Robinson Les. The diffusion of innovations is a broad topic that tries to find out how innovations are taken up in a population. Innovation is a behavior, a new idea, or an object that seems to be new to its audience. In...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Medical College of Wisconsin: The Primary Responsibilities of Institutional Review Board

Introduction Research involving human subjects is associated with various ethical concerns, hence there is the need for a regulatory body to approve clinical studies before they are conducted. Institutional Review Board (IRB) is an “administrative body established to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate...

Master’s-Level Nursing Education and Practice

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing provide a framework for all master’s degree programs in the field of nursing regardless of what sphere of performance a student may choose after graduation (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). In the following paragraphs, the important curricular elements, as well as...

Market Structures: Apple, Walmart, and Kroger

The selected companies are Apple, Walmart, and Kroger. Firstly, Apple was chosen because it one of the most successful businesses in the United States and occupies third place in the “Fortune 500” list. Apple operates in the tech industry and sells various tech products, including smartphones, computers, tablets, and accessories....

Macroeconomic Variables of Walmart

Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, owns sub-brands that manufacture products of different categories. Equate is a sub-brand that produces pharmaceuticals and cosmetic goods. Due to its affordable price and quality, Equate has stable sales of various drugs, but Ibuprofen may be considered one of the most popular medications...

Globalization and Personal Identity Intersection

Globalization is an objective reality of the modern world. It is impossible to deny the processes of unification, standardization, integration in all spheres of human society taking place in the world. The conditions dictated by globalization actualize the problem of cultural uniqueness and cultural self-determination, including identity. In the context...

Lego Group’s Analysis in the Toy Industry

Five Forces Analysis of the Toy Industry Threat of New Entrants The toy industry has a relatively low risk of the appearance of new players for several reasons. First, a common outlook is that toys gradually seize to be the primary entertainment products because of the advance of videogames and...

The Blossom Restaurant as Inspiration, the Freedom Tower as Art

The Inspiration Piece My inspiration piece is the Blossom Restaurant, one of the Silver Gelatin Prints of Berenice Abbott of October 24, 1935, Vintage (New York City). According to Martin (2018), Abbott regarded metropolis’ visual anarchy through a display of barbershop prices and bold window signs that advertised restaurant offerings....

Junk Food and Children’s Obesity

The consumption of junk food has expanded at a rapid pace during the past half century and the consequence of convenience has been the rapid expansion of the nation’s collective waistline. Junk foods dominate the grocery store aisles, are served every day in school lunchrooms and, in the form of...

Judiciary Independence Rules: The Judiciary Branch of Power

The proper functioning of a democratic state is particularly reliant on the unbiased rule of the judiciary system. The judiciary system is comprised of judges and courts that are expected to make decisions on the basis of the law without being hindered by the influence of any authority or political...

Introduction to International Labor Memo

In international business, organizations indulge in business in the global markets and in order to succeed they need to adopt different strategies. In this context it becomes essential to not only be aware of the relevant monetary aspects and cultural and political circumstances, but also the characteristics of the labor...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Indra Nooyi’s Management at PepsiCo

Indra Nooyi is a businesswoman who used her networking intellect skills to transform her firm and win the hearts and minds of her staff, as well as build a massive system of communication. She utilized several approaches to boost her mental powers and manner of thinking in a short period...

Information Age, Future, and Medical Banking

The adoption of new technologies is a vital step on the way to independence and self-sufficiency of medical systems. However, as can be seen from the case of Joe Sanford and Mid-Atlantic, the intention to integrate financing and investment functions of healthcare facilities is complicated by a number of factors....

Individual Power Plan in Nursing

My Sense of Power in My Organization My hospital has always provided timely and quality care to every patient. The hospital always focuses on the health needs of its patients. I have always used the best leadership theories to mentor my employees and nurse assistants (NAs). I have always used...

Hurricane Katrina: Hazards Management

Introduction The events of Hurricane Katrina that hit the Gulf Coast in August of 2005 are best described as the most devastating. Lives were lost, homes were destroyed and property worth millions ruined in this natural catastrophe which is described as the worst ever in America’s history. The few who...

Ho Chi Minh’s Role in Vietnamese Independence

After France withdrew its troops from Indochina, Vietnam was open to the Japanese invasion. Soon after Pearl Harbor, Vietnam was fully occupied by the Japanese forces. In May 1941, the Vietnamese League for Independence was created. It was an independent guerrilla network of peasants, socialists and nationalists designed to resist...

What Is Philosophy Based on Plato’s Views?

It is important to note that philosophy is a framework under which even ordinary knowledge and information are questioned through criticism based on a strictly determined set of principles and rules. In other words, philosophy address the fundamental aspects of the universe and existence itself with no room for inarticulate...

Cell Phone Addiction in Canadian Teens

Nowadays, Canadian teens are hooked to and reliant on their phones, especially smart phones. This occurs often without the users recognizing how excessive and incorrect mobile phone usage may negatively impact their social and daily life. Thus, mobile phone addiction might be readily dismissed as a terrible compulsive condition that...

Traditional and Contemporary Music in Africa

Traditional West African music displays intricate rhythmic and metric patterns through singing, dance, and instrumental music. Classical West African music neither separates music as a distinct art form of sound, nor rhythms as a distinct art form of time, as is common in the West and the Caribean. Conversely, the...

Discussion of the Virtue Ethics

Dr. Christina Sommers draws attention to the problem of moral illiteracy of the generation, which comes from modern methods of teaching ethics. The author notes that teachers mainly analyze social policy, which is only a part of moral life; private morality is rarely considered. Part of the problem stems from...

Disease in Vaccinated Populations

This academic work is a laboratory report summarizing the results of a practical simulation of the epidemiological dynamics of a simulated population. Thus, the report’s central tasks are to summarize the data obtained, answer the questions posed, and analyze the results critically. Results This lab report’s main results were obtained...

Mathematical Equations: An Overview

In the mathematical sciences, much attention is paid to classification and methods of solving equations: linear, quadratic, and polynomial. There is no doubt that the practical application of the equations can be found in any environment of public life: from sociology to rocket science. Thus, the precise identification of the...

Analysis of CNA Financial Ransomware Case

Introduction Attacks against insurance companies demonstrate how the criminals choose the financial services company to get large amounts of money. CNA Financial, an insurance organization, became a victim of a malware crime in 2021 (Mehrotra & Turton, 2021). The perpetrators were not identified because they had used the malware, which...

CEMEX and Its Acquisition-Based Growth Strategy

CEMEX and Its Mergers and Acquisitions Mergers and acquisitions refer to transactions in which operating units, organizational resources, or ownership are transferred or consolidated with other entities. However, the top three reasons why about 50-60% of organizations fail to achieve shareholder value from these growth strategies include; integration difficulties, inability...

Hitler and Stalin: Two Evils of the 20th Century

Introduction Hitler and Stalin were two political leaders who had a considerable impact on the development of the world that cost millions of lives. Some tend to evaluate the impact of these historical figures calculating the death toll associated with the war, concentration camps, and the Gulag (Snyder). Both were...

Gay Marriages in the Media: Different Opinions About the Question

Gay marriages are rather common affairs in the modern world. Many countries began to think about the legalization of same-sex marriages. The problem is up-to-date as more people fight for their rights in the global democratization movement. The opinions about the problem are rather different and even opposite. People, who...

CAN Community Health Agency’s Care Through Clinical Practice

CAN Community Health is a federal health agency in Florida, USA. Since 1991, the non-profit organization has continuously served the Florida community that lives with HIV. It has now extended its health services to the southern part of the country. The agency has always been dedicated to the continued wellness,...

Folgers Coffee Company’s Investment Analysis

Folgers Coffee is one of the most successful companies selling coffee blends and drinks. It is owned by J.M. Smucker Co., the price of the stock of which is the object of discussion in this paper (Folgers Coffee. n.d.; J.M. Smucker Co., n.d.). The company’s current (December 1, 2021) stock...

Fetus Abnormality and Morality of Abortion

Generally, there are various theories which have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people. They affect the worldview of individuals, especially when faced with challenging issues. The essay aims at discussing theories utilized by Jessica, Marco,...

FedEx Analysis: Tows Matrix Principle

TOWS Matrix indicates threats opportunities, weaknesses, and, strengths and illustrate the scope of business to facilitate the external threats and opportunities comparing with internal weakness and strengths. As a market leader with brand value, innovative technology, FedEx enjoys its strength by modernization of services and capturing global market. Here high...

Racial Identity Based on Personal Experiences

Racial Identification Reflection Racial identity is the unique complexion of the skin that human beings can be associated with, including the ethnic backgrounds and social settings based on the culture, such as language and style. Child development also has some aspects of racial identity because, at six months, children can...

Emotions and Their Influence on Political Violence

Introduction Political violence entails a broad range of violent acts aiming at attaining political goals. Political violence is a complex phenomenon, and multiple underlying factors and motives account for its occurrence. The utilitarian point of view which reasons that people use protests as a means to an end can be...

Effective Delegation in Nursing

Effective delegation is one of the most important components of the RN’s practice. Unfortunately, the delegation model is still neglected or employed improperly. There are various barriers to effective delegation but they can be removed, and the delegation model can be utilized. First, it is necessary to consider major elements...

Ethical Business Leadership Assessment

Leadership Styles in Action A great example of a modern model of ethical leadership is the concept of servant leadership. A servant leader sees their purpose in the role of a helper, therefore, making the principle of service his leadership behavior base. Manning and Curtis (2021) state that “in any...

E-Commerce and E-Business Similarities

E-business is a type of a business strategy which includes presence on the Internet. E-commerce refers to a set of online services which are used for financial transactions, purchases, and trade. With the development of modern technologies, the Internet has become an integral part of everyday life. Due to the...

Diviners, Priests, and Elders and Their Role in Art

Appreciation for special, esoteric knowledge has existed in every community, leading to the ubiquitous presence of a caste that supposedly has the ability to serve as the mediator between the divine and the ordinary. As a result, the functions of diviners, priests, and elders in society have been mostly homogenous...

Digital Technology Is Changing Childhood

There is a clear trend towards increased digital technology use in minors. In recent decades everyone has grown attached to their smart device, younger generations in particular. The urges to severely limit children’s screen time and monitor their online activity likely stem from genuine concern. For hundreds of years, it...

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Its Etiology

Decreased insulin sensitivity in the muscle, tissue, and liver leads to increased insulin production by beta cells of the pancreas. When beta cells can no longer secrete enough insulin to maintain blood sugar levels, hyperglycemia occurs. Left untreated, hyperglycemia may lead to coma and death (Silva et al., 2018). Epidemiology...

The Fromm and Roderique Talking Points on Disobedience

Commonly adopted social norms play an essential role in governing certain principles in civil society, like maintaining the status quo. Social norms are appreciatively important; however, they are harmful to people and society differently. If all kinds of social norms remain subject to no debate, they usually become powerful to...

Point of View in Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”

A Rose for Emily is a short story by Faulkner focusing on the life of aristocratic-like Miss Emily. The narration utilizes a first-person plural point of view, representing the town where she lived, although it immediately reveals the differences between the two parties. The author chooses to tell the story...

Role of Memory in Modern Human Life

Memory is the capacity of the brain to retain and voluntarily restore information. It is an ability that allows people to recall events that have occurred, thoughts, feelings, concepts, and the relationship between them. Even though the hippocampus is most associated with memory, it is impossible to attribute memories to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Receptive Vocabulary Size and Proficiency in English as a Foreign Language

Introduction The use of scatter plot is one of the strategies that studies employ to visualize and present information to readers. Data visualization has numerous advantages, including enhancing the understanding of a phenomenon, highlighting trends and patterns, and summarizing complex information (Li, 2018). Scatterplot aids in data visualization by depicting...

Discussion of Logical Fallacies

The 17 logical fallacies are unfortunately common throughout various argument processes, often compromising the discussions individuals attempt to hold. In most cases they are not used deliberately, instead representing the hidden failures within an argument a person earnestly believes in. Nevertheless, these fallacies can be damaging for the participants of...

Workplace Violence and Security

Introduction Workplace violence has become a prevalent issue in recent years, with the problem further exacerbated post-COVID-19 pandemic as people return to work. Workplace violence is defined by the U.S. Department of Labor as “any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs...

Transactional and Transformational Leadership: Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction There are two widely discussed leadership types, which are usually applied to different organizations and industries. One of them is transactional leadership, which focuses on rewards and punishments as tools to motivate workers. The second is the transformational style, which encourages employees by demonstrating an organization’s path. Both of...

History and Economics of North vs. South Caucasus

Throughout the history of the Caucasus, its two main regions, namely the Northern Caucasus and the Southern Caucasus, have developed differently. The distinction between these two parts of the region depends on the particularities of the historical events and processes, geographical characteristics, economic potential, and other factors. In particular, the...

Cyber Bullying Messages in Communication Networks

Introduction Bullying can come in many different forms, but it always causes injury or even worse. Bullying victims may carry the psychological wounds of their ordeal for the rest of their life, even when there is no direct interaction between both the bully and the targeted. Therefore, to avoid harassment,...

Images of Oedipus, Socrates, and Hamlet in the Interpretation of Tragic Heroes

King Oedipus is the central character of the same name’s play, a bright and significant person with an unshakable strength of spirit and a thirst for knowledge. The literary prototype of King of Thebes is the central character of Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet.’ Prince of Denmark is a multifaceted image, which...

The Concept of Digital Minimalism

There has been an increase in social media platforms in the recent past. This is due to the increasing innovation and the technological advances experienced globally. The majority of the global population is becoming addicted to social media platforms such as; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and even video games (Newport, 2019)....

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time” by Mark Haddon

Christopher, the protagonist in The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, is subtly shown as autistic by Haddon through his actions in the text. The author guides the reader to assume the protagonist has a form of cognitive issue evidenced by his obsession with inconsequential...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“A Doll’s House,” “Pygmalion,” “Blasted”: Similarities

Literature has always been used to mirror society; thus, the changes that occurred in women’s stance can be learned through literary representations. The main characters of all three plays, Nora, Eliza, and Cate, reflect greatly on the similarities in terms of a rigid stance of a woman in a patriarchal...

Oncology: Caregiving Burden, Stress, and Health Effects

The illness selected for this paper is cancer, which is a serious disease that sometimes can also be chronic. Caring for cancer patients is more difficult than giving care to older adults (Bevans & Sternberg, 2012). The care needed for cancer patients includes assisting with daily living activities, preparing meals,...

The Plea-Bargaining Process: Pros and Cons

Introduction The plea-bargaining process is a method of sentence bargaining. The prosecutor, investigating a case, accepts the possibility of imposing a lighter penalty or a sentence on a wrongdoer if they do not contest accusations and plead their guilty. It is a case of an exchange, where a defendant confesses...

Enslaved Mothers and Children Separation

The history of slavery is closely linked to the practice of separating children from their mothers at an early age. Douglass notes, “My mother and I were separated when I was but an infant—before I knew her as my mother” (2). This practice was common as children were used for...

The Federal Reserve and the Bible Relationship

The central bank of the United States is found in the state of New York and New Jersey, which was first proposed in 1913. The Bible questions (Carroll et al.,2008) the amount of American economic power that governs the nation. Three legal norms include money-related corruption, a wide range of...

Botulism Prevention and Food Security Approaches

Introduction Botulism is a life-threatening infection by the botulinum toxin produced by the clostridium botulinum bacterium. These toxins cause respiratory or muscular paralysis secondary to the impairment of nerve functions. Patients with this infection generally present with double vision, difficulty swallowing, nausea, vomiting, pupil fixation, and dry mouth not corrected...

Arguments That the South “Won” the Civil War

The outcomes of the Civil War underwent multiple debates because of the existing arguments for and against the victory of the Union and vice versa. Although the presidency of Abraham Lincoln and the 13th Amendment that abolished slavery proved the defeat of the South, there were significant elements in American...

The Meaning Behind the Lines: Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18

Creating a literary piece requires an understanding of various poetic devices. William Shakespeare is one of the world’s most renowned writers, capable of capturing the reader’s attention. Even though it is challenging to grasp the essence of one’s fairness, a person can indeed be more attractive than a day in...

The Electronic Health Record Functions and Capabilities

Introduction The development of the medical industry is one of the top priorities in many countries, and many innovative systems significantly improve this industry. The latest invention for medicine is called electronic health record (EHR), and many hospitals actively use it. However, professionals still research the usefulness of this innovation...

Australia: Geography, Language, Climate, and Culture

The Commonwealth of Australia consists of the Australian continent and several islands, including the island of Tasmania. The capital of Australia is Canberra, and the biggest city is Sydney. Australia is a federal democratic monarchy headed by the prime minister, Scott Morrison. Nominally, the Commonwealth of Australia was reigned by...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Poland: Democratic Nation vs. Communist Country

Poland, where the communists changed the rule and the economy of the land, was invaded by the Soviet Union between 1945 and 1989. Using the Red Army, the Soviet Union ensured the destruction of all anti-communists in the country (Bukowski & Novokmet, 2021). The opposition would be exiled or sentenced...

Healthcare and Governmental Efforts

The state should play a vital role in health in several areas at once. It is worth talking not only about financing but also about the direction of development of this most important industry of any state. First, the government should encourage continuous development in pharmacology, surgery, nursing, and other...

American Marketing Association’s Values

A professional code of ethics in marketing The American Marketing Association (AMA) has the mandate of promoting the highest professional, ethical values and norms standards for its members, constituting students, academics, and practitioners. The values committed to by the AMA represent collective conceptions considered morally proper, necessary, and desirable by...

“Happy Endings” Short Story by Margaret Atwood

Introduction In the short story “Happy Endings,” the Canadian novelist and poet Margaret Atwood discusses the nature of relationships, the importance of love, and its impact on human life. The author delivers six different scenarios making the main characters’ lives full of challenges and joy. In the ideal scenario (“A”),...

Psychopathy in the Criminal Justice System

A criminal justice system is a tool for ensuring and maintaining public order and safety. First of all, it is used to punish those guilty of committing various crimes and to prevent their reoccurrence. However, it is also important that the criminal justice system should also provide all members of...

Plot of “The Great Hack” Movie

The Great Hack (2019) The Great Hack is a 2019 fictitious movie that revolves around a breach of human data in the US electioneering period of 2016 and the UK’s Brexit. The company involved in the alleged hack in the movie is known as Cambridge Analytica (Amer & Noujaim, 2019)....

The Necessity of Cultural Sensitivity in International Business

Doing business with an individual from the USA differs significantly from an Asian customer. The varying nature of countries and regions propagates diverse cultural norms. Businesspeople should consider these aspects when conducting intercultural commerce. The world is getting increasingly connected with individuals exhibiting cultural differences. Our response to cultural variations...

Cultural Competence: An Overview of the NYC Department of Education

To improve the relationships between staff members and make their performance more effective, one should ensure that their cultural needs are fully met. These include relationships with other staff members, a company’s policy for hiring new staff, and other components of a multicultural workplace (“Questions frequently asked by Department of...

BOK Matrix Summary for Emerging Technology on Logistics

In the course, LGMT 685 Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the assigned exercise, Module 8.5 Research Paper, was aimed at studying the contribution of the new and emerging technology on logistics and supply chain management. Technologies are crucial in creating strategic opportunities, and it was important to research how...

“Contraceptive Adoption, Fertility, and the Family in Zambia”: Book Analysis

In their RCT, “Contraceptive Adoption, Fertility, and the Family in Zambia,” Field, Ashraf and Lee (2007-2009) address the impact of men’s decision-making on the limited use of contraceptives by women among the rural population in Zambia. In general, uncontrolled, unwanted, and ill-time childbirth puts a substantial burden on women’s physical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Code of Ethics Provision: Professional and Ethical Duty of a Nurse

Code of Ethics Provision 4 is concerned with the principle of responsibility for nurses’ activities and treatment. It is the professional and ethical duty of a nurse to provide, to the extent of their competence, emergency medical care to anyone in need of it. In addition, nurses are personally responsible...

Christopher Collins’s Securities Fraud

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has implemented several guidelines and rules to protect investors from the dishonest malpractices of directors and managers of different companies whenever selling or buying shares. Securities frauds are offenses that have the potential to affect the economic gains of businesspeople while at...

Challenging Gender Norms: Personal Experience

The traditional approach of reinforcing certain gendered norms on people is a common practice in many countries. I plan to wear makeup for the whole day to challenge these commonly accepted gender socialization norms, which also run contrary to the way I perform gender daily. Wearing makeup relates to this...

Cardiovascular Risks: Developing a Clinical Question

Abstract One of the quality indicators presented in the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators is focused on the issue of nursing hours per patient a day (Montalvo, 2007). This is the indicator selected for the clinical question development presented in this paper. The indicator is determined by such contributing...

Business Planning Process for Entrepreneurs

Introduction Business plan is the written description of the future of a business. It is a tool for entrepreneurs to realise their business goals. Entrepreneurs can use the business plan for coordinating the human resource personnel towards the business goals. Managers can be directed properly through well prepared business plans....

Substance Use Disorder in the Context of Mental Health

Almost every day medical professionals face obstacles and challenges in their job. They should take a responsible approach to the treatment of patients and competently solve any issues. The life and prospects of the client depend on them, so each step should be considered and acknowledged. It is especially difficult...

Sources Credibility in Internet Information About Stem Cells Research

Introduction The issue of sources’ credibility is of great importance in both educational and non-academic spheres. Particular attention of scholars is paid to the reliability of announcements in the area of medicine provided by various canals of information. An example of the mass controversy caused by the misuse of resources...

Assessment of the Canadian Market for Walmart Plus

The recommendation is primarily focused on 4P marketing mix evaluation and assessment of the Canadian market for Walmart Plus as a direct Amazon Prime competitor. Although the program possesses a wide range of critical strength points, it is also important to pinpoint the presence of the major threats. The first...

Asthma in Children: Evidence-Based Practice

This paper presents a discussion on asthma and its aspects to provide a background for the project that discusses the role of nurses’ education in the reduction of asthma exacerbations in children. In the report, the disease is defined, and its epidemiology, clinical presentation, complications, and diagnostic methods are outlined....

America’s Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists

H.B. 70 Summary: General Provisions recognition of the importance of Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) effective results within 150 years 43 million anesthetics annually extensive employment of CRNAs at all levels rural anesthetic care provided by nurse anesthetists CRNAs’ activities in all medical areas anesthesia in rural surgery and obstetrics...

Americans’ Working and Vacation Time

People in the most developed countries work a lot. Americans, Germans, Japanese, and French people are inclined to spend much time working. However, if employees in France have the right to receive five weeks of the paid vacation time, Americans can have only two or sometimes three weeks of the...

African-American Mothers’ and Their Sons Relationship

Abstract The purpose of the abstract is to provide a concise and accurate synopsis of key elements of your dissertation. Include the following information (suggested length: 400 words or less): Research topic summary (1-5 sentences) Provide a concise summary of your dissertation research topic. Explain the rationale for your study...

Accounting Transactions’ Effect on Financial Statements

Financial statements reflect the financial impact of transactions and other events by combining them into large classes according to their economic characteristics. These large classes are called financial statement elements. Elements directly related to the measurement of financial statements in the balance sheet are assets, liabilities, and shareholders’ equity. Only...

Diabetes: Community Teaching

Secondary Prevention of Diabetes Complications Diabetes is one of the most widespread diseases in the United States. A high number of risk factors and potential complications make this illness especially dangerous. Secondary prevention is the detection of the disease on an early stage and managing it to avoid complications. In...

The Negative Influence of Social Media on Teenagers’ Mental Health

Introduction The development of modern technologies marked new opportunities for people to connect with their friends and relatives and even make new connections through social media. However, with the significant increase in the number of teenage and adolescent depression cases in the last years, society now faces the problem of...

Reaction Rates and Effects of Temperature, Concentration, and Surface Area

Introduction When an acid and a base are reacted, a neutralization reaction occurs whereby a solution and a gas are formed. This experiment tests the effect of temperature, concentration, and surface area on the rate of reaction. Temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a substance,...

Recognition in Sophocles’ ”Oedipus Rex” and Homer’s ”The Odyssey”

The Purpose It is a rather well-known fact that ancient tragedies were written in compliance with certain rules and components. One such component is anagnorisis, which is translated from Greek as recognition. The recognition scene is the one where the main character learns something extremely important and makes a startling...

Standard and Nonstandard Normal Distribution in Statistics

The probability or chance of an event occurring is the probability or chance of it happening. In the most straightforward cases, to calculate the likelihood of event A occurring, divide the total number of events by the number of possible outcomes; after obtaining the probability of event A and its...

African American Culture and Identity in Visual Arts

Introduction Different looks towards something gives a theory and history of ideas regarding identity with consideration of visual arts and practices in the African American culture. With the early modern belief that art is an expression of a person, the painted picture expressing a coherent viewing point has led to...

Marine Organisms an Adaptations

One of the important aspects of marine biology is the study of how marine organisms exhibit a variety of physiologic adaptation that makes them suitable for the marine environment and particularly successful in a particular ecological niche within the overall marine environment. Phylum Porifera Phylum Porifera or Sponges are aquatic...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Documentation in Social Work”: Ways of Maintaining Documentation

Introduction The documentation of all processes and procedures in medicine plays an integral function. This is not only the coordination of all actions and plans but also an important aspect of quality control of services, reporting, and much more. In this regard, according to Documentation in Social Work: Evolving Ethical...

Discussion of Susan Chen’s Artworks

Susan Chen is among the most popular and promising artists who deal with the East Asian theme in their creative work. Her paintings have attracted the attention of art lovers before the COVID-19 pandemic and, especially, after it. For instance, Chen’s works at her first personal exhibition at Meredith Rosen...

The Idea of “Big Brother” in Modern Society

Nowadays, almost everyone who lives in one of the first-world countries has a cell phone or any other mobile device that lets them get internet access anytime. Furthermore, in today’s age of technological progress, every device with internet access is equipped with a camera, microphone, or any other recording tool....

The Dinner Party Installation by Judy Chicago

What is the purpose of your artwork? The Dinner Party is an installation piece created by Judy Chicago over five years (1974-1979); it is considered the first epic feminist artwork. The primary purpose behind this complex artistic work was to end the recurrent cycle of omission, wherein women were written...

How Is Virgil’s Presence Vital to Dante’s Journey Through Hell in Inferno?

Dante’s journey through Hell is chaotic and filled with haunting experiences that reinforce the point that the author is trying to make. Specifically, “Inferno” portrays the depth of sin and depravity quite accurately, allowing the reader to embrace the importance of ethics and moral judgment. Since Dante’s impressions and speculations...

Marcus Garvey’s Life and Cultural Revolution

Marcus Mosiah Garvey Jr. was a Jamaican-born activist and the champion of the Pan-African and Black Nationalist movements in Jamaica and the United States of America. Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in Jamaica in 1914 and established the US branch of the movement after his move to...

Aspects of Money Management

Introduction Managing money, personal, family, or invested in a business is significant work in every person’s life. In some cases, managing personal finances causes difficulties and subsequent stress, negatively affecting psychological and financial well-being. For this reason, money management skills are of critical importance. This paper includes a review of...

Super Bowl Inc.’s Disaggregated Revenue Analytics

Purpose The primary objective of this memo is to document the revenue data trends while predicting future sales to identify the specific dates and locations that distinguish them from others. Data The data used in the analysis was collected from the firm’s finance department. It was tested for accuracy and...

Is Lying to Patients Against Medical Ethics?

The article by Shelly Schwartz provides a detailed examination of possible cases in which lying to patients is considered normal or accepted. The author focuses on instances where lying to the patient is a part of the support needed to soften the bad news or provide comfort in a stressful...

The Importance of Home in O’Connor’s Literary Works

Flannery O’Connor is one of the most contradictory authors in the history of American literature. The topics of her works vary from racism and disability to the old-fashioned religious narratives (Mambrol). Despite such a variety of directions, she successfully managed to develop a number of characteristics attributed solely to her...