Improvement of Nursing in Psychiatric Hospitals

In modern society, there is still a negative attitude towards the mentally ill and a peculiar fear of psychiatry. Most countries in the world are experiencing an acute shortage of nursing staff in the psychiatric service. The nurse mainly performs his or her duties in an automated manner. Work is...

The Essentials of Nursing Informatics: Computer Skills

The article “Implications of the American Nurses Association: Scope and Standards of Practice for Nursing Informatics for Nurse Educators” deals with the essentials of nursing informatics emphasizing the fact that having advanced computer skills is as important for the nurses as pharmacy, anatomy, and physiology skills. The article begins with...

Poor Solid Waste Management: The Health Effects

Poor solid waste management is a common environmental issue that not only affects developed, but developing countries as well. Landfills, recycling failures, and poor waste transfers characterize it (Environment Victoria, 2015). Poor waste management is an environmental issue because it not only creates “eyesores,” but also emits toxins, leachate, and...

Woody Guthrie’s “This Land Is Your Land” Analysis

Woody Guthrie composed “This Land Is Your Land” in 1940 with the hope of proving the Americans to diverse views. The poem is well known, and it is considered the nation’s patriotic anthem. While the composition is supposed to promote patriotism, some of the song’s stanzas contradict the tune’s intended...

Matal v. Tam: Protection of Civil Liberties

Introduction The role of the Supreme Court in resolving cases of the violation of civil liberties is significant. Being the highest court in the federal judiciary of the United States, it has the authority to review the cases ruled by the lower courts. Besides, the Supreme Court can re-examine statutes...

The European Trade Policy: Objectives and Benefits

Trade is one of the most significant means through which continental Europe establishes contact with the outside world. Europe exports the largest amount of manufactured goods and services to the outside world. It is also the biggest importer of both raw materials and finished goods. As such, trade is the...

The Discriminations Based on Significant Court Cases

The first authors of the American constitution left the decision of the question of racial segregation to the discretion of the future generations, and the civil war and the Reconstruction gave only a temporary respite from the racial discrimination for the former slaves and their descendants. However, in the middle...

Work Place Violence and Employer’s Liability

Introduction Cases of workplace violence are reported each day. In addition, the majority of employees face many legal developments and possible liability dangers due to domestic violence. For human resource departments to deal with violence cases there is a need to understand the existing workplace violence and its potential threats....

Rheumatoid Arthritis: Diagnosis and Treatment

Nowadays, more than one percent of the population of the Earth is affected by Rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is considered to be one of the most widespread inflammatory autoimmune diseases affecting people after the age of forty or even earlier in a number of cases. According to Firth (2011,...

Federal Policies Role in Increased Sugar Content in School Breakfast

The health damage associated with excessive sugar consumption is a topic that seems to attract considerable scientific attention. It is well-established that immoderate sugar intake among children and adolescents is associated with numerous health conditions and illnesses such as obesity and cardiovascular diseases (Winpenny et al., 2017). This significant public...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women Displayed in ‘She’ and ‘The Vagabond’ Films

Introduction The films ‘she’ and ‘the vagabond’ by Robert Day’s and Agnes Vardas consecutively have a similar way in which they have displayed the women. They are displayed as beautiful beings whose beauty is mainly to lure men for certain favors. The women in the movie seem to understand the...

Aspects of Nursing Education

Concept of Excellence as it Relates to Nursing Education The concept of excellence in nursing education refers to the practice of ensuring that nurses who graduate with diplomas, associate degrees, baccalaureate, master’s degree or doctoral degrees not only have the theoretical knowledge but also practical experience to handle patients (Wittmann-Price,...

Cultural Differences and Similarities

Addiction may have different or similar affect on different group of people or cultures. This article enumerates the differences and similarities of the effect of addiction on six groups of people – families, adolescents, women, people of color, disable persons, and Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered individuals. The paper first...

Every-Day Polarization Questions

Polarization occurs when two parties fail to agree on an issue leading to an interpersonal or community conflict in which the neutral parties take two opposing sides in the conflict. The parties involved assume extreme positions as the conflict develops, making it increasingly difficult to solve the conflict. As a...

PICO(T) Questions and an Evidence-Based Approach

It is of utmost importance to develop new patient care practices or implement changes to the existing ones, thus making them reflective of the recent trends in the field. The so-called PICO(T) method is used to guide the process of data collection since it allows practitioners to formulate specific questions....

Impact of Evidence-Based Medicine on Unnecessary Testing

Medical malpractices which occur in many healthcare facilities across the US have created challenges for the healthcare system. Erroneous tests and procedures done by doctors have exposed patients to harm. Some of the tests done by doctors are said to be unnecessary and they increase the possibility of erroneous treatments....

Juxtaposing the US and French Healthcare Systems

Introduction Healthcare systems in the United States and France are peculiar for the implementation of the latest technologies and theoretic findings. France is an international leader of in the field of the healthcare. However, both systems still face a number of complicated issues such as the growing number of the...

National Food Policy Guaranteeing Healthy Food Marketing

Food consumption habits are essential because they directly influence an individual’s state of health and lifespan. According to Bittman et al., the government’s lack of consistent national food policy is harmful to American citizens, leading to the development of dangerous chronic conditions (870). Moreover, without the presence of unanimity in...

Turnover of Nurses and Implementation Plan

One of the most burning issues at Intermediate Care Unit (IMC) of Kendall Regional Medical Center is the turnover of nurses especially novice professionals. Brewer, Kovner, Greene, Tukov-Shuser and Djukic (2012) stress that the turnover of new nursing professionals is especially alarming as it negatively affects both the employees and...

The Analysis of Paul from “Paul’s Case” by Willa Cather

Introduction Paul is a 16-year old boy who was brought up by his father and whose mother died soon after he was born. The narrative does not contain any flashbacks which might express the lack of the protagonist’s ties with the past. Paul’s appearance plays an essential role in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Risk Management: Various Insurance Types

Introduction The relations between human beings within the society have always been associated with danger and risk irrespective of the fact whether these are social, political, or employment relations. The progress of the mankind has resulted in the progress in the area of fighting the risks arising from these relations...

Major Health Concerns in Sentinel City

Sentinel City is a community mainly occupied by business units. The majority of houses in the city are two-storeyed and made of brick or concrete. Some of the old buildings appear to be in bad condition, while others are properly maintained. The city does not use sources of sustainable energy,...

Allocation of Fixed Costs for Commercial Organizations

Introduction “Cost allocation” is the process of identifying and allocating the costs of a multi-purpose project among the various authorized project purposes” (US Department of the Interior). The costs are allocated every year based on the costs incurred for plant-in-service and the maintenance thereof. “The cost allocation phase updates (1)...

Return on Investment in Education

In life, people need to make a number of investments to secure their future. In some cases, they have to forego immediate gratification of needs and ‘wants’ to pay the price for a better future. For example, one may forego marriage to focus on investments meant to establish them financially....

Market Screening: Review and Analysis

The rate at which the use of computers in Africa is growing so fast. There is an increase in the need for computers plus their accessories in countries like Kenya. Educational institutions, the public, and the private sectors are all undergoing computerization. There dire need for computers to enhance efficiency...

Analysis of Forensic Psychology Practice

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the forensic psychology is the junction of psychology and justice system, consequently, all the conclusions on the matters of the policies and principles for the City of Boston will be based on the understanding of criminal law within the principles of...

The Importance of Nursing Courses

PRE-Survey # Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 4 (40%) 2 (20%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 0 2 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 3 (30%) 1 (10%) 0 3 5 (50%) 2 (20%) 2 (20%) 0 1 (10%) 4 4 (40%) 3 (30%) 2 (20%) 1...

Innovative Care Delivery Models in Nursing: Evidence-based Research Model

Evidence-based research model for acute and chronic diseases Nursing concerns have been reported in the literature on acute and chronic care (Dewing, 2007). Evidence-based literature revealed that nursing education improves the wellness of patients (Kerr, 2007). However, clinical reports revealed that health care need is a growing concern in nursing...

Homer’s Iliad and Sophocles’ Three Theban Plays

The Greeks are some of the renowned writers who have ever been known. Although most of their works were done in the past, scholars still use their poems up to date. The Greeks seemed to have mastered the art of poetry and tales since the pieces were done in a...

The Mind of a Terrorist

Terrorism is an issue that has mainly been looked at basing on one side. After every terrorist attack, the focus is usually on the victims that succumbed to the injuries and cursing the people that were involved in the attack. There is generally nothing positive that is usually thought of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“The House of Mirth” by Edith Wharton

In her book “The House of Mirth”, Edith Wharton addresses several values that play an important role in the society of those days. One of the values, she discusses in detail and from different angles, is the value of responsibility to family and marriage. In the following paper, the influence...

Application of Statistics in the Real World

This article under research studies the aging data in Japan across all generations and genders. It also looks at how the social-economic structure of Japan and how it has played a role in this factor. In order to carry out an efficient and accurate analysis of this topic, statistics were...

Supportive School Discipline Initiative: Addressing the Problem of High Juvenile Delinquency Rates

Introduction Supportive School Discipline Initiative (SSDI) is a project of the US Department of Education and the Department of Justice, which aimed at preventing the implementation of school disciplinary practices that contributed to students’ delinquency. The project took place between 2011 and 2016 and involved awarding grants to eligible organizations...

Nursing Development: The Transition From a Student to Nurse

Modern tasks assigned to the nurse make this profession multifaceted and technologically complex. If, in accordance with the laws of dialectics, our society is now entering a new round of development of the attitude towards diseases, i.e., focusing on their prevention, it is necessary to accordingly form and develop a...

Obsession With True Crime and the Reasons for Its Growing Popularity

The recent years have been characterized by a surprising increase in the public’s interest in shows about famous crime cases and serial killers. The demand is met with an adequate supply, and every day the number of true crime shows, podcasts, and movies is growing. The Serial Podcast, Netflix’s Making...

“Missed Nursing Care” Article by Kalisch

This is a critique of a qualitative study in nursing of the article Missed Nursing Care. The critique attempts to investigate whether the nursing research journal about the study is effective in the presentation of the findings, biased, and relevant in the nursing field. However, a better critique requires the...

Data Collection and Management Techniques for a Qualitative Research Plan

In order to conduct a complete qualitative research and present a cohesive qualitative research plan, it is necessary to match the structure and topic of the study with existing data collection and management techniques. There are specific patterns and models for organizing data that would immediately allow a researcher to...

Hydrogen-Bonding Complexes Types Analysis

The following is a review of the article on the hydrogen-bonding complexes of 5-Azauracil and uracil derivatives. The article discusses the strong complexes formed when the derivatives of Uracil bond with complementary compounds such as 2, 4-dioxotriazine and adenine. They explore why the strong bonds are formed between these compounds...

Racial Justice Issues Analysis

Racial justice issues are a persistent problem contributed by classifying and treating people based on various factors that define them. These factors may include considering that a person belongs to populations from particular geographical regions with similar physical appearance. Additionally, individuals’ country of origin is a fundamental factor used to...

Hazard Analysis: Initial Risk Assessment, Additional Control Measures

Every workplace has issues that can cause safety risks to the employees, equipment, and the product. Hazard can be defined as a potential for harm and encompasses “all aspects of technology or activity that produce risk” (Manuele, 2014, p. 169). Similarly, inactivity can also cause threats in the workplace environment...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Criminal Law: the US Law System Structure

Introduction The American legal system is guided by various clauses of the US Constitution. “The US legal structure includes federal courts and state courts” (Siegel & Schmalleger, 2010). Federal courts execute legal issues stated in the US Constitution. “They have limited jurisdiction because they can only hear cases approved by...

Bolted & Welded Connections and Tension Experiment

Abstract An experiment, “Connection in Tension”, was conducted in laboratory conditions, and its outcomes are the main topic of the report. Exploring and comparing the expected and actual failure modes of both bottled and welded connections in tension are the primary purposes of the paper. In the process of the...

Preoperative Fasting Against Complications in Children

Preoperative fasting before undergoing surgical procedures that necessitate the use of anesthesia is meant to minimize the severity of complications. These complications are usually associated with regurgitation and aspiration. The ASA task force published practice standards, which dictate preoperative fasting procedures. These guidelines have also been approved by the CAS....

Nurse Understaffing: Problem Identification

Introduction The problem of nurse understaffing is a serious financial issue in the U.S. healthcare. Nurses working in understaffing conditions often experience stress and fatigue, and may suffer from burnout. Nurse understaffing increases the turnover rates and forces hospitals to spend more resources on nurse hiring and training. Nurse understaffing...

Gender Differences in the Treatment and Outcomes of Patients With ACSs

Kunadian, V., Qiu, W., Bawamia, B., Veerasamy, M., Jamieson, S., & Zaman, A. (2013). Gender comparisons in cardiogenic shock during ST elevation myocardial infarction treated with primary percutaneous coronary intervention. The American Journal of Cardiology, 112(5), 636-641. The research compares the gender intervention toward the hospitalized patients with acute myocardial...

Pandemic Effects on Churches and Families

The COVID-19 sparked concerns about an approaching economic crisis and possible recession. Moreover, social distancing, quarantining, and travel constraints have led to a reduced workforce across all business sectors and prompted countless lost jobs (Nicola et al., 2020). Educational institutions have shut down, and the demand for goods and manufactured...

The Unfair Treatment of the Enslaved Africa-Americans

Introduction The “Testimony by the Superintendent of Contrabands at Fortress Monroe, Virginia, before the American Freedmen’s Inquiry Commission,” was given by a Superintendent from Virginia in 1863. In this document, he describes his experience of encountering slaves that were running away from North Carolina. The “Testimony by the Superintendent of...

Court Cases that Address Prosecutors Ethics

Reasons why the unprofessional conduct occur and what need to be done A prosecutor is a person who represents a state in criminal cases in courts of law. He or she is responsible for executing a criminal who has broken a law (Miller, Hess & Orthmann, 2013). Ethical behavior refers...

The Philosophy of the Middle Path in the “If”

Introduction The poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling develops the theme of resilience, manhood, and middle path utilizing devices of rhythm, rhyme, repetition, and symbolism. This didactic poem presents the author’s advice to his son John and consists of one compound sentence. In this sentence, Rudyard Kipling describes paradoxical life situations...

Benefits of Using Radio Frequency Identification Technology

Introduction RFID technology is often regarded as a successor of the technology that has dominated for decades. Bar codes have been in place since the second part of the 20th a century and are now used in all the spheres where inventory management is relevant (Smith-Ditizio & Smith, 2017). The method...

Professional Development in Healthcare: Nursing Professionals

While focusing on the contemporary developments in the healthcare industry and looking for the best doctors to improve physical well-being, people forget about the essential role of nurses. These professionals are important agents in healthcare since they are the ones who care for the patients, create appropriate treatment plans, and...

Night by Elie Wiesel: A Memoir About the Holocaust Experiences

Children normally are the centerpiece of society. They are treated with love and lots of affection as they are the originators of joy in the families. At this tender age, a child is meant to learn the ways of society which in most cases constitute the norms and virtues of...

Frank Lyon Co. v. United States Case Brief

Case Summary Frank Lyon Co. v. the United States, 435 U.S. 561, is a U.S. Supreme Court case of 1978, during which the eligibility to tax deductions was reviewed in the context of a sale and lease back agreement between a bank and a Frank Lyon Corporation. The Worthen Bank...

Praise, Blame and Interpretation in Literature

Description and analysis are the initial stages of learning the content of a literary work. Notional selection for analysis of one side of the whole text and identification of its place and meaning in the system allows an understanding of its general meaning in a new way. However, singling out...

Master’s Prepared Nurse Interview: The Role of Graduate Education

Introduction The lack of specialists with graduate education in the nursing profession is a problem that undermines the prestige and effectiveness of the trade (Cherry & Jacob, 2016; Darbyshire & McKenna, 2013). Moreover, it affects job satisfaction as less educated nurses earn poor wages and are prone to dislike their...

Management and Leadership: A Diverse Workforce

Is prejudice declining in society and organizations? Prejudice is on an incline in the current organizations and society because people fail to understand their rights and lack a definite procedure to channel their problems. Basic knowledge of what a leader should do is essential for a country’s economy. In organizations,...

Cooling Water System Overview

Introduction Cooling towers are heat exchange devices that remove excess heat from different components in industries and plants by making use of the concept that water evaporation creates a cooling effect. The setup can be in form of a simple heating and air-condition system in a small structure or a...

IPhone 12 Mini Product Analysis

Introduction Apple Inc. is a worldwide technological company founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak; its headquarter office is in Cupertino, California. The company develops and designs new computer and phone devices using the most advanced technologies (Heracleous & Papachroni, 2016). Last year Apple introduced a series of...

Legacy of the Family. “Snow Falling on Cedars” Movie

Introduction Culture is the cognitive constructs and the shared patterns that identify a particular group of people (Egede, 2006). Culture transcends the material objects and the tangible aspects of human societies. It forms the basis of ethnic differences and practices. The following paper is an assessment of family culture and...

Conflicted State of Mind: Vaccination and Ethics

Introduction Vaccination plays an essential role in the arsenal of preventive healthcare. Vaccines have significantly reduced the incidence of once widespread childhood diseases, nearly extinguished malaria and polio, and eradicated smallpox (Hussain et al., 2018). However, an increasing number of people have come to oppose vaccination on personal or ideological...

“Twelve Years a Slave” Book by Solomon Northup

Slavery and racial discrimination are the two ugliest forms of human interaction. Unfortunately, for a long period in history, they had been an integral part of society and determined relations between different groups of people. However, the evolution of human thought and the rise of humanistic values created the basis...

Holistic Caring Process. Foundations of Nursing Practice

Holistic caring process is one of the core values of holistic nursing (Morgan & Yoder, 2012). According to Dossey, Keegan, and Co-Director International Nurse Coach Association (2012), holistic caring is the core element of nursing of future. The following paper will observe the selected core value of holistic caring process...

Conflict of Interests of the Patient and the Doctors

In the case under consideration, the principal issue is the conflict of interests of the patient and the doctors. It is clear that they both should be adequately addressed, but the needs of James and his proper treatment are a priority. From this perspective, the sooner the participants in the...

“Doughnut Economics” Book by Kate Raworth

Kate Raworth’s book “Doughnut Economics” (2017) opens up the reader’s mind to the new possibilities within the modern world of economics. The author shares intriguing insights about the global market and the economic opportunities that individuals, entities, and the government should consider in their quest for returns on investments (Raworth,...

Critical Appraisals and Paradigm Perspectives of the Neuman Theory

The application of nursing theories in practice has gained momentum in the last few decades due to the satisfaction and efficiency they bring to healthcare institutions and providers. This essay will critically appraise the Neuman theory in relation to the nursing practice, with emphasis given to specific cases on the...

Newmont Mining Corporation: Analysis of Risk and Return

Performance of the stock The graph below shows the performance for the stocks of Newmont Mining Corporation and Fossil incorporated as well as the market. It shows that Newmont Mining Corporation was doing well in the market as compared to Fossil incorporated. Both their performance is in upward trend apart...

Daffodils and Falling Leaves in Wordsworth’s and Cummings’ Poems

The poems “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth and “l(a” by E. E. Cummings could not be more different. Nevertheless, the theme of both of these poems is the same: loneliness and solitude. William Wordsworth weaves a vivid floral tapestry that invites the reader into the recesses...

The Austrian and the American Health Care System: Comparison

Background The nation chosen for this study is Austria. The Austrian health system is one of the unique health systems in the world. The approach in which Austria has chosen to handle its health matters has proven a success so far. The major challenge of health care systems across the...

The Civil Rights Movement Overview

Introduction The selected lecture focuses on the Civil Rights Movement, especially its origin and influence in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s. Professor Taylor chooses two main events to explore: the Brown v. Board of Education case of 1954 and the Desegregation of the Little Rock Central High School in 1957....

China’s and Poland’s Nursing Education: Comparison

Political History and Development of Nursing Education: Comparison of China and Poland Nursing in China was largely westernized because it was influenced by the Americans. The American missionaries took over the teaching and training of indignant nurses in China. The nationalist government founded the first secondary level school of nursing....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Decision-Making and Information Politics

Introduction Decision making and information politics form part of an organizations structures and are therefore important for success (Lauwereyns 13). In the current business world, organizational politics is a reality that we are supposed to face. This means CIO’s are supposed to act in a certain manner. As a matter...

“The Lottery” and “The Destructors”: Conflict, Characterization and Irony

Introduction This paper will be focused on analyzing, comparing, and contrasting two short stories. The first one is “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson, and the second is “The Destructors” by Graham Greene. The pieces share some similarities in terms of their approaches and themes, making them well-suited for comparison. The...

“Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl” Review

Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl is an autobiography of a woman who experienced a slave’s life during the beginning of the uprising of civilians for justice for African Americans. The story is a heartbreaking journey that starts with the writer’s childhood as a slave and ends with...

Arguments Against Science in “Inherit the Wind” by Jerome Lawrence

It is reasonable to believe that science should be appropriately appreciated by most people in the current time of unprecedented progress in all spheres of life and the availability of various information. It forms the foundation for all the technological advancements making everyone’s living more comfortable and attractive. However, the...

“The Globalization of Eating Disorders” by Susan Bordo

Introduction The success of any article and scientific work also depends on the written skills of the author. If the text is captivating from the first paragraph, the audience continues to read. The most challenging thing is to encourage the readers to finish the article to the end. The persuasiveness...

Victimology: Individuals & Terms as They Relate to the Study

Menachem Amir Menachem Amir is best known for his controversial and sensational study of rape. He collected huge data from the police achieves and reported that out of the total number of rape committed about 19% was induced or provoked by the victim herself and the victim participated in the...

Michelle Obama’s TED Speech: Rhetoric Devices

Introduction Giving a successful speech has gone far beyond being a tool for the information exchange since its major shift toward exposing an operative function, implying the creation of a specific effect on the recipient. Almost every significant period of history could be associated with a remarkable speech given by...

Care Planning: Patient’s Problems

Assessment Clinical Problem Client Goals/Desired Outcomes/ Interventions/Actions/Order Subjective: Patient has fallen prior to admission and was unable to get up from the floor. Objective: Patient appears weak. Patient holds on to objects to move from place to place. Risk of falls. Client will have no incidences of falls throughout stay....

Clinical Management Functions and Regulations

Running a clinical institution can prove to be an elusive and challenging task for all the individuals mandated with it, as they have to ensure that there is a consistent harmony between the Ambulatory Surgery Center management and the patients who show up for cosmetic and other surgeries, for example,...

Agricultural Traditions of Canadians

I would like to describe agricultural traditions of Canadians. Agriculture plays one of the most important parts in Canada’s life. A lot of people are involved in this area of economy. Canadians are great farmers; they work really hard and enjoy their work and results they get. Very often a...

Health Indicators Analysis: Life Expectancy and Neonatal Death Rate

As compared to other countries, United States incur higher per person cost on health. Despite the heavy investment in healthcare, United States still trails various developed nations in healthcare. Multiple health indicators reveal that United States has not achieved universal healthcare as many would expected. Two major health indicators where...

The “Sula” Novel by Toni Morrison

Introduction In the middle of the 1900s, the United States of America survived hard times when racism, poverty, and inequality shaped human standards. There are many literary works where authors tried to share their opinions and describe specific situations, conflicts, and lessons. One of them is Sula, a novel written...

Using Big Data and Predictive Analytics to Modernize Government Operations

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, the development and global spread of Internet communication technologies in modern states led to the emergence of an independent virtual political communication space with its principles of functioning. The introduction of new types of political communication influences the processes of interaction between...

Reducing Diabetic Foot Incidence and Its Related Complications

Problem Identification in the Professional Work Setting The problem is diabetes mellitus: Many clients suffer from diabetes mellitus and the incidence of this disease has been on the increase in the past ten years. A Description of the Importance of the Problem Diabetes mellitus is a problem that needs urgent...

Inspiration by Jessica Knight’s Poetry

Introduction A poem by Jessica Knight titled “Secrets under trees” is a reflection on how secrets should not be revealed. The author uses a metaphor of a tree and its leaves as a way of showing how secrets should be left to rot (Knight, 2016). My original art piece, a...

“Addicts Who Survived” by David Courtwright: Crucial Work on Drug Addiction

Despite all the government’s measures to combat drug addiction, this problem remains relevant to this day. Unfortunately, at the moment, it is not possible to cure every drug-addicted person. There is a significant amount of research on this topic. They are dedicated to the effects of various drugs, discuss remedies,...

Nutrition, Disease, and Malnutrition

Malnutrition Nutrition performs a critical role in an individual’s overall health. Not maintaining proper or sufficient amounts of the required nutrients over a prolonged or short period can contribute to malnutrition which often leads to illness and disease. Malnutrition refers to a lack of sufficient nutrition that is induced by...

Costs and Effects of Substance Abuse

Summar There are a number of factors of social, economic, environmental, biological and psychological factors that are recognized as the most common determinants of substance abuse. Among them, there are homelessness, incarceration, the level of income and education, gender, age and sexual orientation (Substance Abuse across the Life Stages, 2015)....

Obesity and High Blood Pressure as Health Issues

Caring for patients with such symptoms as obesity, high blood pressure, and other manifestations of an unhealthy lifestyle requires a wide range of laboratory tests. The causes of specific manifestations may be distinctive because individual body systems may function poorly, and to determine the exact prerequisites for the development of...

Improving Disease Surveillance in Developing Countries

Abstract Malaria is a parasite transmitted disease that affects most countries in Africa, especially those located near the equator. Kenya uses traditional and modern surveillance techniques to combat this disease, even though a lot has to be done to put it at bay. Illiteracy, inadequate funds, ineffective equipment, and corruption...

How Residents of Georgia Understand and React to Globalization

Introduction The far-reaching changes across American states, caused by globalization, affect everyone. Feng et al. (2019), for example, mentions that more open policies support new technology, which in turn create a more interconnected society. The level of interconnection introduced by globalization includes increasing investment, economic interdependence, and global production. Feenstra...

The Centrality of the Concept of Power

Introduction Humans have tried to explain the nature of the world around them for centuries, but they have never reached an agreement. Some believe that their lives are predetermined, others proclaimed themselves the only masters of their decisions, and the third group prefers the combination of those factors. One of...

United States and France: Healthcare Systems Comparison

Introduction The selected country for analyzing health care system in the paper is France. I selected France because it ranks higher in the world rankings as compared to the United States in terms of health care system. The paper discusses the comparisons of the health care system of two countries....

Cultural Competence in Nursing: Challenges and Strategies for Improvement

Culturally competent care requires knowledge and understanding of specific cultural characteristics. Identify and discuss some organizational, professional, and personal barriers to providing culturally competent care in your nursing practice. As cultural diversity is one of the main principles of operation in different areas in contemporary society, professionals in nursing should...

Strategy Options for Hotel in Sydney, Australia

Customer Attraction The current financial situation and CVP report indicate that the hotel’s price strategy is the best approach to attract clients during the high, shoulder and low seasons. Moreover, the hotel will continue to support the brand values and will not replace or eliminate some services during the shoulder...

Esophageal Cancer and Its Treatment

Introduction Esophageal cancer is cancer of the trachea (esophagus) (Chabner, 2010, p. 41). The trachea is an elongated, void muscular tube that is about ten meters in length. It connects the throat and the stomach. This condition can also be referred to as malignancy of the esophagus. This esophageal cancer...

Peculiarities of Creating Health Promoting Policies

Community Engagement in Policy Development In the modern world it is an established fact that the person’s health is determined by their surroundings, quality of life and the society they belong to (Haflon 2009). The factors that define people’s state of health, life expectancy and the number of diseases this...

Australian and American Companies: Continuous Disclosure Policies

Introduction The world of business lives certain regulations, and in Australian and US business environments these regulations mainly concern the policies of information disclosure. In Australia, these regulations are determined by the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX), and in the United States, it is Regulation Fair Disclosure (FD) that deals with...

Emergency Departments and Balanced Scorecard Assignment

Division Selection Emergency departments (EDs) provide services to patients that are brought in by ambulance vehicles, but those getting to the hospital on their own can also receive services in cases of emergency. These departments are established to help patients with a variety of acute life-threatening conditions, such as injuries,...

Sound and Space in Urban Settings

Project Description While Crossing a London Square, there are a number of views that you can experience. A London square-park has been chosen in order to experiment the experience of vision while you are passing through it.The square which has been chosen is surrounded by a number of features. These...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Internal System Control in an Organization

There are five different elements of internal system control: control of environment, risk assessment process, information and communication, control of activities, and monitoring. While functioning separately on basic levels, these elements of system control are also interconnected, and this allows better functioning of any system as a whole. Control of...

Sentinel Events and Role of Nurses

Sentinel events are described as unexpected occurrences which may result in serious physical and psychological injuries or even death (Frain, Murphy, Dash, & Kassai, 2004). Nursing care brings about interventions like hand washing before attending to patients to avoid hospital acquired infections (HAIs). Nurses ought to survey and identify activities...

Technologies as a Dominating Force in the Modern World

Technologies can be viewed as a dominating force in the modern world. Contemporary society benefits from the extensive use of diverse devices, software, and applications in different spheres of activity. They guarantee a significant increase in effectiveness, accuracy, and performance levels, along with the minimization of mistakes rate and effort...

Anthropometric Foot Measurements

Anthropometric foot measurements are imperative in the determination of obesity in children and adolescents. The measurements are categorized into direct and indirect. Direct measurements are calculated from the footprints while indirect are from radiographic and ultrasound images. To begin with, the calculation of Footprint angle (FA), Chippaux-Smirak index (CSI), and...

Advocacy and Support Needs of Old People

Old people with high support needs are defined as people aged 85 years and above who are frail physically and suffer from various chronic ailments or impairments such as dementia. However, a few younger people may also suffer from such chronic conditions and other forms of impairments because of long...

Cost Allocation: Types and Factors

Purpose of Cost Allocation in US Corps of Engineers Even though US Corps of Engineers is a branch of US federal government, there is the need for cost allocation for deriving an equitable distribution of the project costs among several projects authorized to be executed. In addition, there are legal...

Researching Religion in America

Religion in the United States of America is misplaced. Its position in the public realm is among the many prickly issues analyzed in religion, in America, including in government programs. Contributors and researchers find diversified conclusions about the private, religious lives of Americans and their personal attitudes on the social...

Leadership Style and Role in Hospital Management

Group activity The hospital management observed that cases of pressure ulcers among the patients have increased at an alarming rate. Our group was formed with an aim of discussing ways of improving the general health care and reducing cases of pressure ulcers among the inpatients. By addressing these issues, the...

Cholera Outbreak in Sierra Leone

In my study, the empirical research problem is cholera outbreak in Sierra Leone. As such, the principal aim of this study is to identify the causes and the extent of the outbreak. The units of analysis will be the prevalence of the disease and population, causes of the outbreak, and...

Implementation of Culturally Sensitive & Competent Strategies

The Hispanic population in the U.S has been growing significantly over the past decades. Hoffman (2011) has reported that the U.S Hispanic community accounts for 16% of the entire U.S population. The principal concern is the persistence of disparities in the U.S healthcare system. The Hispanic population continues to experience...

Korean and Finnish Education Programs Analysis

Introduction The education system is the branch of the state that determines the very future of the country. For several decades now, the Korean and Finnish education programs have provided their countries with highly skilled students, while the United States school education is experiencing stagnation. This work aims to analyze...

“Critical Condition…” by Barlett

The book under analysis called Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big Business – and Bad Medicine describes the flaws of the U.S. health care system. Even though the government spends much more money on sustaining health care services than other nations, the medical coverage and quality of...

City Planning and Pandemic: Efficient Approach

The coronavirus crisis revealed the burning need for an improved urban planning approach. The cities should be given technical support and information to create integrated infrastructure, social, and economic strategies locally. In turn, at the national level, governance should be improved to allow emergency response and recovery using more integral...

Response to a Journal Article on Drug Control Policy

Introduction This is a response paper to Philip Palmgreen’s journal article “Effects of the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s Marijuana Initiative Campaign on High-Sensation-Seeking Adolescents” published in the American Journal of Public Health in 2007. The topic of the article deals with the drug-related problems of Adolescents and the...

Mobile Forensics: Cell Phone in Everyday Life

Mobile Forensics is the art of extracting information from mobile phones. In the third season of The Wire, David Simon’s critically acclaimed police procedural masterpiece, a core element of the plot concerns trying to monitor prepaid “burner” phones and successfully get the titular wire. They find themselves stymied by the...

Male and Female Breast Assessment

Male Participant Physical Assessment of Male Breast The male breast is rudimentary in the entire lifetime of a male human being. The breast is very small and the only physical feature that can be observed is the nipple surrounded by areola (black tissue on the nipple) at the center. The...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest Directed by Gregory Doran

Introduction The Tempest is the title of the play watched; it was written by William Shakespeare and directed by Gregory Doran in the year 2016. It was produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company and held by it. The central driving force behind the production is its main character, Prospero. In...

Using Mau Technique for Choosing an Insurance Package

Treatment delivery is a multifactorial process, as it includes monitoring, evaluation, intervention, and prevention over the long term. An insurance plan’s choice combines financial and non-material parts, as the optimal package must correspond to the economic and medical benefits. Four coverage plans were analyzed, taking into account performance reports, which...

The Resistance Against an Oppressive Governmental Order

Throughout history, a plethora of factors affected humanity, which formed its current organizational shape. It seems reasonable to claim that the way people decided on how to structure relationships between each other has always been a contradictable point. Mostly, monarchs, kings, parliaments, politicians, and other officials tried to create such...

Date Rape and Victim-Offender Relationships Analysis

Uniform Crime Report/ National Crime Victimization Survey: Strengths and Weaknesses of These Reports The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) were developed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police in order to provide nations with uniform crime statistics at the end of the 1920s; The FBI became responsible for gathering, analyzing,...

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Understanding and Exploring Assumptions

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The Views on HPV Vaccination in Sweeden

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Anorexia Nervosa: Signs and Symptoms, Treatment

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2019 Brooklyn Crush Wine & Artisanal Food Festival

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The Market Crash of 1929

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Sexual Harassment Problem Analysis

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Access to the US Health Care

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New Policy on Steroid Testing: Morally Justified?

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The Aspect of Educational Blogs

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Ethical Decision-Making: Case Studies

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Success Factors in Silicon Valley

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Accidents and Driving in the UK

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The Frontier: Creation of the New American State

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Ethical Lens Inventory: Personal Ethical Principles and Values

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Social Media Tools in E-Commerce

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Crime Intermidiate Houses and Communities

Introduction Correction centers for crime offenders exist in an assorted list. They may include recreation, trial, parole, public duty and penalty alternatives. Majority of the type of systems command little attention from the society and hence do not usually cause public upheaval. Public duty like sweeping or mowing the lawn...

Worldviews in “Avatar”: Spirituality and Cult of Nature

Introduction Apart from being a form of entertainment, movies provide an opportunity for people to learn about different perspectives and views of the world, expressed creatively through the plot, characters, and visual elements. Avatar is a movie directed by James Cameron and released in 2009. The director offers to look...

Nursing Education Systems

Introduction Globally, nursing education is distinct among the nations. The nursing education of Poland is obviously different from that of Sri Lanka. This essay chooses the two nations because of their variations in economic development, educational growth, nursing management systems, and historical backgrounds. In presumption, the nursing education systems of...

A Home-Based Nurse-Coached Inspiration Muscle Training Intervention in Heart Failure

The purpose of this paper is to review and analyze the article “Home Based Nurse-Coached Inspiration Muscle Training Intervention In Heart Failure”. The article presents relevant information that can help inform the general nursing practice in clinical care. Regardless of the relevance of the information presented in the article, the...

Corporate Governance Against Financial Risk Up to Date With Banking Crisis

Introduction Currently the cases of financial crisis especially in banks have continued to increase hence raising attention of many people as well as governments and business organizations. It is because of the increased financial crisis that there is need for more attention and focus on the proper corporate governance of...