Introduction The methodology of the present experiment is built on the use of quantitative methods of analysis to study an artificial ecosystem. A brief overview of the entire experiment is that critical changes were consistently measured as a function of time for an aquarium prepared at week 9 with a...
Topic: Ecosystem
Words: 589
Pages: 3
Tap dancing that gained popularity in the first part of the XX century, has remained one of the best loved dances in the world. Being relatively simple and not requiring musical accompaniment, the danse attracts people by its beauty and ingenuousness. People can danse tap dancing without learning to dance...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 812
Pages: 3
Literature is a significant achievement of humanity that connects different times, philosophies, outlooks on life, and ideas. There are many different genres and styles, and each has its own characteristics. Moreover, there is the form of interaction with literature as a way of expressing ideas based on works, namely literary...
Topic: Literature
Words: 794
Pages: 3
Introduction Genome epidemiology is a relatively young but promising sphere of scientific knowledge that appeals to genetics to anticipate and cease the spread of infectious diseases. One of the innovative methods it applies to study outbreaks is whole-genome sequencing. As apparent from the name, it enables depicting of the entire...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 895
Pages: 3
The morality of the newspaper columnist breaking her contract relies, largely, on the legality of her breaking the contract. If it is legal, however, the utilitarian perspective will support the action. The pleasure/harm from the action between both companies competing for the columnist will balance each other out, and the...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 946
Pages: 3
Abstract India uses a system of five-year plans to ensure the economic growth of the country. The 12th five-year plan was implemented from 2013 to 2018. However, within each of the plans, there are both achievements and failures, which can be assessed only after its implementation is completed. This study...
Topic: Economics
Words: 956
Pages: 3
“A Good Man is Hard to Find” is a fiction book and a collection of short stories written by Flannery O’Connor. In the short story with the same title, the author focuses on the story of a family’s vacation to Florida, during which this family meets a criminal named The...
Topic: A Good Man is Hard to Find
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Introduction Although encouraging awareness for cultural diversity, cultural relativism may sometimes be detrimental. At its most extreme, cultural relativism allows no place to criticize other cultures. Essentially, I will analyze the proposals of Savater demonstrated in chapter 6 of The Question of Life regarding freedom in action via applying cultural...
Topic: Cultural Relativism
Words: 935
Pages: 3
Introduction The Rural Electrification Act (REA) was one of the most significant policies of the New Deal proposed by Franklin D. Roosevelt. The president implemented the REA to increase the coverage of electrical distribution systems in the country, primarily focusing on the rural areas. The three passages, Extract A, Source...
Topic: History
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Introduction Facebook and Myspace are some of the world’s most popular social media platforms. Even though the sites have specific differences, they also enjoy numerous similarities. Nevertheless, the paper will primarily focus on the differences between the two online avenues. A close review of the two social media giants reveals...
Topic: Facebook
Words: 1166
Pages: 3
Majora Carter appeared on TED in February 2006 with her speech “Greening the Ghetto” were she was describing her project of renovating South Bronx. By the time, that neighborhood had gained a reputation of a problem area that was strongly associated with crime, drugs, and diseases. However, the focus of...
Topic: Design
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The article “The articles of 21st-century faith” by Julian Baggini is the author’s attempt to reimagine the definition of religion to fit realistic expectations set by a society that is increasingly atheistic. Updating the Religion The article is a proposition that the author makes for religious people. It consists...
Topic: Belief
Words: 834
Pages: 3
A franchise is a company that uses the mother company’s name to operate in another region or part of the world. The mother company is known as the franchisor, and the franchise’s partner or individual is called the franchisee. One must pay a start-up fee and an annual licensing fee...
Topic: Franchising
Words: 929
Pages: 3
American society experiences a new wave of disagreements and debates in the most fundamental topics of American democracy functioning. The two-party system and unprecedented Donald Trump’s victory in the 2016 presidential elections caused new lines of polarization between the Republican and Democrat electorate (Abramowitz and McCoy 137). Migration and diversity...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 849
Pages: 3
The majority of the Thai population belongs to the Thai group (75-80%), and more than 90% rofess Buddhism. About two-thirds of the Thai group are Thais, and a third are Lao. In the Isan region, the percentage of Lao is much higher; in many areas, they constitute most of the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 884
Pages: 3
The standpoint theory is a theoretical perspective that argues that anybody knowledgeable is stemmed from a social position. The standpoint theory acknowledges diversity by welcoming the oppressed group of women (Halpern, 2019). The documentary shows that the US and Mexico border is the only line that separates the two nations....
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 817
Pages: 3
Identifying Creator of Cultural Works Georgia O’Keeffe is one of the notable American painters who revolutionized art in the 20th Century. Born on November 15, 1887, O’Keeffe attended various Chicago and New York art schools before becoming a commercial instructor. As a fan of oriental art, she started her career...
Topic: Art
Words: 842
Pages: 3
Detroit Fire Department is claimed to be one of the most passionate department about helping the community with the highest safety level possible. Workers from this department often teach and train firefighters that came from other states, such as China or the European countries. Detroit department applies modern technology in...
Topic: Firefighter
Words: 740
Pages: 3
Background Addiction to substances can be perplexing and difficult to comprehend. Despite the progressively unfavorable consequences, addicted people take drugs and alcohol obsessively. Psychiatrists and psychologists have created a variety of theoretical models to explain the paradoxical and complicated character of addictive behavior throughout the years. Various techniques have been...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 867
Pages: 3
Country Background With a population of 127,276,000, Mexico has become the third largest country in Latin America (Cline et al., 2021). Climatic conditions are influenced by its vast size, elevation, and topographic diversity. Most of the country’s precipitation comes from maritime air masses, and temperature varies only by 5 degrees...
Topic: Culture
Words: 758
Pages: 3
Introduction Statistical significance relates to the null hypothesis’ determination, which postulates that outcomes result from chance. According to Benjamin et al. (2018), a hypothesis is a presupposition or belief about the relationship between one’s data set. On the other hand, the null hypothesis, commonly denoted as H0, relates to a...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 954
Pages: 3
Domestic violence, meaning a violent act committed against a person in a domestic relationship such as a spouse, a relative, or a dating or sexual partner, has been a problem for centuries. Although society, especially Western, is formally developing in the way of spreading the ideas of tolerance, large mindedness,...
Topic: Domestic Violence
Words: 977
Pages: 3
The notion that people who have lived in a country for some time and still struggle with the language do not understand the realities of this country is not new. The idea that the inability to speak the language fluently handicaps an individual in all spheres of life is deeply...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 809
Pages: 3
Foundationalism According to foundationalism, justified beliefs are structured like a building: they are divided into a foundation and a superstructure, where the former supports the latter. The underlying beliefs are basic. Beliefs related to the superstructure are non-basic, they are justified by justified beliefs in the foundation. However, for a...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 923
Pages: 3
Introduction ChrĂ©tien de Troyes’ The Knight of Lion is an Arthurian tale about the heroic exploits of a gallant knight named Yvain. In several Arthurian stories, chivalry plays an important role in propelling the plot forward and providing context for the knights’ and the court’s organizational structures. Yvain’s actions and...
Topic: Literature
Words: 936
Pages: 3
OVW Fiscal Year 2022 Justice for Families Program Solicitation (O-OVW-2022-171024) was authorized in the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA 2013). The program attempts to improve the response and outcomes of the civil and criminal justice system (Office on Violence Against Women, 2022). The program will focus on...
Topic: Family
Words: 841
Pages: 3
The Language Theory provides broad explanatory value for why and how language is used the way it is and moves beyond simplified judgments and binary explanations. For example, scientists study how language is acquired, which brain processes are involved when it is used, language phonetics and morphology, syntax, and semantics....
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Rudy Wiebe’s novel “Peace Shall Destroy Many” surrounds the lives of the pacifist Mennonites in Saskatchewan during World War II. The main protagonist, Thom Wiens (a young farmer living in the most isolated community in Saskatchewan) makes the book fascinating by posing challenging questions. During wartime, local males would either...
Topic: Literature
Words: 802
Pages: 3
This paper reflects the importance of Cree communities retaining their language. The Canadian Government recognizes there are endangered native languages and need to be protected. Languages are important to Indigenous communities because they represent their culture, teachings, songs, and stories. These protocols are sacred to their ceremonial value, and this...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 1120
Pages: 3
In the modern age, the internet and computers have become a common practice, especially in the business sector. Most people rely on these technologies for work, entertainment, homework, communication, or medical advice. Health studies have pointed out significant consequences like addictions with increased dependence on digital advancements. The brain changes...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Introduction The reflection critically focuses on my personal learning experience, which shall remain memorable throughout my learning course. My native language is Arabic, and most students begin learning the English language as early as they advance from grade three. Even though our institutions attempt to avail the best learning resources...
Topic: Linguistics
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Summary Philosophy as science often questions topics that the average person does not consider. The purpose of this approach is to identify such categories as meaning, illusion, or reality. One of the riddles to solve the problem is, “If a tree falls in the forest and there’s no one around...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 938
Pages: 3
Recent systemic transformations due to globalization, trade and investment growth, and nations’ growing interest in economic internationalization to remain or become more competitive led scholars to evaluate the potential political risks of the internationalization process. There are three main sources of political risk in the internalization of the national economy....
Topic: Economics
Words: 941
Pages: 3
Introduction Scholars have discussed the most difficult aesthetic topic since Aristotle’s Day. The former believes that objective standards exist for judging the aesthetic worth of craftsmanship, whereas the latter believes that all perfection assessments are subjective. Martin Gardner was an outspoken supporter of the objectivist concept, stating that perseverance was...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 845
Pages: 3
Introduction Every leader has distinct characteristics evidenced by the skills portrayed by a leader in dealing with others. Leaders are the principal decision-makers in any organization, crucial for team management, process improvement, and talent management. Democratic leadership is one of the most important types of leadership for leaders to follow...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 823
Pages: 3
Introduction Everyday Use is a story written by Alice Walker and published in 1973. The text has become vastly prominent in the African-American community due to its transparent demonstration of rural life and the cultural heritage of black people. At the time of publishing, America was going through the reconsideration...
Topic: Everyday Use
Words: 902
Pages: 3
Human beings are likely to put their existence into several questions. A question about the meaning of life has been asked frequently, and many people have articulated different opinions and views. The response to this question is based on an individual’s perspective on life. Life is likely to have meaning...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 921
Pages: 3
The specificity of the infrastructure of the city of Edison lies in the fact that it is a city that provides large-scale transportation of goods. As a transit point, Edison is a city where the highways running through the city are particularly important. Walking in the city center and observing...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 867
Pages: 3
The belief in the equality of women and men has a long history. However, until the first wave of feminism in the 19th century, there was little to no public support for people who opposed discrimination and fought for equal rights (Hooks, 2014). Less than two centuries ago, the feminist...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 828
Pages: 3
Environmental management has been an ongoing concern for businesses globally. Businesses have created green initiatives to curb the rising cases of carbon emissions from industries leading to corrosion of major contributors to a clean environment for human existence (Popescu C. & Popescu G., 2019). Global warming is why most businesses...
Topic: Tourism
Words: 981
Pages: 3
Introduction Texas is now one of the 50 states of the USA; however, this province changed its belonging to certain countries. For example, Texas is well-known for previously being a province in New Spain, a frontier state of Mexico. Such a transformation of Texas into an American state occurred in...
Topic: Texas
Words: 873
Pages: 3
The Challenge The identified challenge is concerned with the limited access to preventive care services. According to a survey, only 8% of respondents get preventative care for their conditions, lowering health outcomes (Lehman, 2018). Because of this, the healthcare sphere has an inadequate capacity to improve health management at early...
Topic: Health
Words: 545
Pages: 3
Summary Museums educate people by preserving humanity’s social, cultural, and scientific history in a form that allows visitors to learn about people and how they behaved and reacted to the world around them in the past. Museums are beginning to adjust their programs and displays to accommodate a new generation...
Topic: Crime
Words: 933
Pages: 3
Many companies make outsourcing or in-house decisions primarily to reduce headcounts and costs. Mainly, companies consider different types of expenses involved in creating a product and service, including monitoring, transactional, labor, waste disposal, and storage requirement costs. International and local organizations adopt the outsourcing strategy if obtaining goods and services...
Topic: Outsourcing
Words: 828
Pages: 3
Since the advent of intelligence tests in the early 20th century, the relationship between race and intellect has been the subject of debate in both popular science and research literature. However, such tests demonstrate the disparities in average IQ scores between self-identified people of different races or nations. There is...
Topic: Intelligence
Words: 951
Pages: 3
COVID-19 is a health crisis whose impact has been felt throughout the world. Initially, most states in the world thought that it would only take a few months to contain the spread of the virus. However, about two years later, the crisis is still affecting the globe with most nations...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 893
Pages: 3
The philosophy behind morality helps to train mind in the disciplines of logical and critical thinking to distinguish between good and evil and what merely appears to be both of these things. As normative ethics became widespread, more theories and addendum were proposed by scholars and philosophers. Over the years,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 945
Pages: 3
Introduction Since the dawn of human civilization, the idea of studying the roots and causes of human interaction has been tempting. Scholars and philosophers made various attempts to systematize the knowledge about humanity in order to understand and anticipate the behavioral patterns of people under different circumstances. One of the...
Topic: Ontology
Words: 850
Pages: 3
Introduction The chosen poem for the current work is Sonnet 18 written by William Shakespeare, and it was first published after the death of the author in 1609. The cultural context around the composition is enigmatic since there is no particular person to whom the poem is devoted. Some scholars...
Topic: Literature
Words: 911
Pages: 3
Culture as a system of values serves to form people’s outlooks, attitudes, and stances. It plays a major role in all spheres of life but is especially relevant in business, as it may hinder or assist cooperation depending on how close the businessmen’s cultures are. The UK, being the center...
Topic: Culture
Words: 951
Pages: 3
Both Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Fresco (1508-1512) and Rivera’s Man, Controller of the Universe (1934) seek to depict man’s place in the world. The Sistine Chapel fresco was commissioned by Pope Julius II for the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace and was painted by the Florentine artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni between...
Topic: Michelangelo
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Introduction Playing video games can affect a person’s mental health similarly to the way gambling does. The American Psychiatric Association suggested that Internet Gaming Disorder is related to Gambling Disorder, which some researchers support, and others contradict (Von der Heiden et al., 2019). Excessive video games can lead to fewer...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 926
Pages: 3
The Nobel Peace Prize Award Ceremony distinguishes from other Nobel ceremonies and awards. In addition to another venue – Oslo, Norway, and not Stockholm, Sweden, this direction, unlike others, is less scientific and more political. This feature makes the award a clear political statement in the international arena. In particular,...
Topic: Entertainment & Media
Words: 755
Pages: 3
Introduction The event that I will observe in that essay happened a month ago in the art gallery I visited to see the modern art exhibition. I chose the show because I was curious to look at the pieces of modern art and try to understand them despite my lack...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 851
Pages: 3
Introduction The second half of the nineteenth century was marked by a multitude of drastic societal changes in the United States. A long-brewing conflict was about to turn into bloodshed that would completely change the nation regardless of the winning side. Having a smaller population, the South faced an opponent...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 831
Pages: 3
The role of decision-makers during a crisis cannot be ignored because they give strategic direction. They work to ensure that the crisis is managed effectively when it occurs (Okoli & Watt, 2018). For example, a crisis manager assigns roles to various stakeholders after assessing the crisis. They also determine how...
Topic: Communication
Words: 589
Pages: 3
The debate around the issue of antibiotics and the side effects that they entail, particularly, in regard to the response that viruses develop toward antibiotics, evolving and becoming more difficult to manage. In his 2016 article, “How Factory Farms Play Chicken with Antibiotics,” Philpott explains that the antibiotics-based approach toward...
Topic: Antibiotic
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Introduction At present, sustainability has become one of the central objectives of national development, and many organizations adjust their operational processes according to sustainability goals. The research transparently reflects the negative impact of manufacturing on global ecology and reveals the necessity of innovative and green approaches to business (Penn &...
Topic: Management
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Introduction Mike Rose’s essay, Blue-Collar Brilliance, illustrates why blue-collar employees should not be labeled as incompetent or uneducated. He mentions his mother, Rosie Rose, and his uncle, Joe Meraglio, as personal examples to demonstrate that blue-collar employees put in a lot of effort and should not be stigmatized in society....
Topic: Business
Words: 871
Pages: 3
Mozart and Beethoven are types of music played across the globe in contemporary society, even though they were produced several centuries ago. Mozart originated from Austria, while Beethoven was from Germany, and their works have continued to influence the music industry. The two pieces are almost similar types of music,...
Topic: Beethoven
Words: 905
Pages: 3
Introduction It is important to note that the performance ratios of a company play a critical role in assessing and monitoring the overall validity of the organization as a business enterprise. The given analysis will primarily focus on evaluating the financial condition of Costco Wholesale Corporation on the basis of...
Topic: Costco
Words: 834
Pages: 3
In today’s conditions of market globalization and a highly competitive environment, businesses are forced to adapt their operating models to withstand competitive pressure and operate sustainably to address the interests of as many consumers as possible. Successful companies that have implemented their international plans enter the global market and become...
Topic: Competition
Words: 826
Pages: 3
This paper provides a descriptive analysis of a mash-up poem created by mixing lines of two poems by JosĂ© Olivarez and a song by The Beatles. The poems’ names are River Oaks Mall and You Get Fat When You’re in Love, and the song’s name is All You Need Is...
Topic: Literature
Words: 806
Pages: 3
Introduction Throughout history, East Asian countries have been known as patrilineal and patrilocal ones; a major part of the East Asian culture, as well the society’s efforts were focused on a figure of a man. In addition, a person’s heterosexuality has been an unchangeable standard and requirement for many centuries....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 866
Pages: 3
Introduction Kelo vs. New London was one of the several land ownership cases decided by the United States of America Supreme Court. This case involved the transfer of land from one private owner to the other to develop the economy. The point is well captured in chapter 545 under section...
Topic: Law
Words: 1034
Pages: 3
Grendel and Medea are different characters who appeared from the pen of different authors in different periods. However, they are united by one crucial detail — the monster’s nature. From this detail, a whole complex of similarities grows, such as hermit, rejection by others, savagery, and inability to accept oneself....
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 951
Pages: 3
Indigenous people’s conventional foods represent a potentially new source of healthy dietary options in the contemporary world. The wild Amaranth plant resembles the soybeans in the early stages of growth. However, as the crop grows, it become taller, with purple-colored seeds producing amaranth grains, which can then be harvested (Kindscher...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Introduction There is exponential growth in social media usage to acquire and spread information. One of the reasons for the popularity of social networking sites is that they allow users to create, receive and share public messages at a cost-effective price. Moreover, there is significant internet penetration across the globe,...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 877
Pages: 3
The term “neurocognitive disorders” refers to a set of conditions in which the predominant deficiency is cognitive functioning. The American Psychiatric Association (2013) depicts those neurocognitive disorders emanate from Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s. The typical symptom for all the orders in this category is the victims’ impairment in cognitive functioning...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 962
Pages: 3
The number of crimes in different territories, in particular urban and suburban, varies. However, the urban environment, in contrast to the suburban environment, is also highly heterogeneous, which explains the different levels of crime in particular areas of one large city. Thus, the increased number of crimes in the city...
Topic: Crime
Words: 826
Pages: 3
This UniQlo SWOT analysis studies the clothing brand’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. It also includes a UniQlo competitor analysis which identifies potential threats to the brand. Finally, this report explores the internal and external risks faced by UniQlo in the Chinese market. UniQlo SWOT Analysis: Strengths The company has very...
Topic: Business
Words: 582
Pages: 3
Nelson Mandela, who was born on July 18, 1918, was the son of the head of the Tembu tribe, an ethnic group of the Kosa. His first name, which was given at birth, is Rolihlahla, which means ‘to tear a branch of a tree’ in the Kos language, a figurative...
Topic: Nelson Mandela
Words: 826
Pages: 3
John Malkovich’s film The Death of a Salesman is an adaptation of the 1949 play by Arthur Miller, which was also staged many times in the US, London, Berlin, and Bombay. The plot revolves around the main character, Willie, who feels despair, pity, and fear, being on the verge of...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 922
Pages: 3
Commentary and Analysis Since aging is a highly complex process that occurs under the influence of many factors, it is essential to explore multiple dimensions to understand its subtleties. Bengston and Settersten (2016), in part VI of their Handbook of Theories of Aging, highlight the importance of advancing aging theories...
Topic: Aging
Words: 906
Pages: 3
Gender inequality is a global challenge requiring immediate response from political and social principles from different countries. This inequality could not be more prevalent if a positive means of whistle-blowing from concerned personnel. There is an increasing imbalance between male and female workers in the security sector. This has been...
Topic: Gender
Words: 855
Pages: 3
Calculating the Risk and Interconnection with Market Investment Risk: The Reason for Comparison between the Company and the Index Despite the considerable number of shares’ valuation methods, the comparative approach is one of the most widespread. Many analysts consider the parallel share and index analysis as an effective one since...
Topic: Economics
Words: 685
Pages: 3
Introduction The modern world is very diverse and well combines current trends with the remnants of the past. Once multi-generational households were the absolute norm, different generations could coexist nearby or even under the same roof. The reasons for this could be entirely different, from economic to social causes. Standing...
Topic: Family
Words: 876
Pages: 3
The concept of Happiness presented by the Greek philosopher Aristotle in his classic work Nicomachean Ethics lies beyond the traditional notion of Happiness that has developed in the collective consciousness. Happiness is not determined by the amount of wealth or the constant pleasures that a person is able to experience...
Topic: Aristotle
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Liberal vs Conservative: Introduction The American society is traditionally divided into people who support either liberal or conservative course, although the major part still supports the mixture of values (Samara 354). This division started as early as the 18th century. After gaining independence from Great Britain, the country was left...
Topic: Conservatism
Words: 585
Pages: 3
The Raven Literary Devices: Essay Introduction Literary works are often analysed in terms of literary devices and themes outlined. However, it is also important to understand how linguistic features help people reveal their ideas and enhance the impact of the text. Yeibo and Alabrabra (2011) note that linguistic tools have...
Topic: Edgar Allan Poe
Words: 765
Pages: 3
Abstract Severe mental illness is a topic which both historically and in modern day has been viewed by the public with great discomfort. Individuals affected by such mental health issues are left misunderstood, stigmatized, and more often than not, lacking the proper treatment or care to address their problems. This...
Topic: Illness
Words: 1203
Pages: 3
Coca-Cola is among the world-class companies with tremendous success in their commercials and selling power. Among the memorable advertisements of this firm include the 2018 Super Bowl ad titled The Wonder of Us (The Coca-Cola Company). This ad illuminates a multitude of the canons of rhetoric, including invention, which surfaces...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Baroque culture significantly impacted musical development in Europe, and the world still admires that period’s compositions. European music of the seventeenth and first half of the eighteenth centuries, created in Italy, France, England, and Germany, is characterized by contrasting elements and differential instrumental sounds (Music of The Baroque). Harvard Baroque...
Topic: Baroque
Words: 824
Pages: 3
The author, David Grann, presents his understanding of the relationship between the United States government and the Native Americans. He explains that the adverse treatment of the Native Americans was driven by the jealousy the government had for them. The United States government saw all the wealth the Osage tribe...
Topic: Literature
Words: 808
Pages: 3
Christianity is one of the oldest and largest religions existing in the world. It is an Abrahamic religion that is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. According to Christians, Jesus’ coming as a Messiah to save people was prophesied in the Holy Bible. There are four large...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 928
Pages: 3
Introduction Peer pressure is a type of social connection between people in one group that implies direct or indirect influence on the decision-making process. Peer pressure exists in different environments and settings; however, scientific evidence suggests that one group is at the most risk of being affected by peer pressure...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 895
Pages: 3
Coca Cola System: Costs of Production Costs of production have a crucial effect on the company’s profitability and development. The main types of expenditures Coca-Cola faces include the cost of materials, production, distribution, and promotion. Each of these can alter in time, which inevitably influences the company’s profitability. While costs...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 869
Pages: 3
Introduction A rock star is a person recognized as a celebrity, especially in inspiring fanatical admiration. Stephen Hawking is termed as a rock star because he is the best-known scientist internationally. He is also astronomy’s most improbable rock star with smart brains caught in a weak body and a worldwide...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 952
Pages: 3
Gender Diversity First and foremost, it must be emphasized that gender diversity in the workplace is indeed necessary. The main point of this factor is the destruction of gender and social stereotypes. This can be explained by the fact that a visible manifestation of female power can convince society of...
Topic: Gender
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Many athletes have to experience serious health problems. Not everybody is capable of fully enduring all possible pressures. They are exceptionally high in people engaged in challenging sports or attending gyms. It is essential to use special means to strengthen the joints, the load on which is significant. Glucosamine can...
Topic: Sport
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Devouring works written by renowned authors; people tend to forget that the actual lives of the writers might have been even more exciting than the fiction that they have created. The personal journey of Samuel Clemens, globally known under the pen name of Mark Twain, is in every way just...
Topic: Literature
Words: 822
Pages: 3
Coca-Cola is the largest non-alcoholic beverage and one of the two most strong beverage brands. The soda industry has been hit hard by the economic downturn, and exchange rates have affected major soda brands’ earnings in the aftermath of the recession. This is because of the rising popularity of healthy...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction By continually taking one of the leading positions globally throughout decades, China has always remained its strong influence on world history and its development. Ancient China is considered to be the carrier of the oldest extant culture across the globe. Moreover, its origin and implications still deeply pervade the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 838
Pages: 3
In March 1968, thousands of American students took to the streets of Los Angeles to demonstrate their protest against the inequality in the system of public education for migrants. These strikes served to develop the Chicano, a broader movement for the rights of the Hispanic population. In the 1960s, East...
Topic: Equality
Words: 878
Pages: 3
Generic business level strategy determines the organization’s position and helps in positioning the company in a competitive position. McDonald and Subway are two companies that are in direct competition with one another. The companies use cost leadership and differentiation to broaden the target market in a cost efficient manner and...
Topic: Disney
Words: 597
Pages: 3
Entering an enforceable contract requires sufficient understanding regarding the agreement’s characteristics, ensuring the success of the endeavor. To avoid negative ramifications and create a legally binding agreement that will benefit both parties, it is essential to address each element of the contract and discuss a potential breach of the arrangement....
Topic: Law
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Process Evaluation During production, waste is defined as any process that does not add value to the final product. Examples of wastes are excessive or unnecessary motion, excessive inventory, periods used in waiting, over-processing, production defects, overproduction, and transportation. The Lean concept utilizes principles and techniques to reduce operational waste...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 1201
Pages: 3
Introduction It is important to note that cultural expressions play a major role in my life in order to reflect my beliefs, customs, and way of life. The given assessment of these elements will be centered around photography, religious traditions, and films. The former is reflected in the minimalism photo,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction Nursing before the American Civil War was perceived as a men’s profession. The extent of gender inequality at the start of the civil war hindered women in partaking in nursing roles. Women stayed at home to take care of their families while a number became school teachers. However, some...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 929
Pages: 3
Complex Overview In order for a specific subject to be examined, it is essential to compare it to other similar concepts and identify differences. However, based on the overall techniques that comparative research is based on, the approach is complex and facilitates a broad picture of the incidents or patterns...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 848
Pages: 3
Attempts to unravel the meaning embedded in the lyrics are a critical part of listening to music. Even those who perceive music solely as an object for entertainment and do not subject lyrics to analysis experience the influence of superficial and hidden meaning. For a long time, discussions among musicians...
Topic: Dance & Music
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction and Research Question The patterns of decision-making process taking place in correctional facilities are, by all means, worth the research effort due to little information available on the topic at the time when prisons are mostly perceived as unethical and violent facilities. Thus, the major purpose of the research...
Topic: Prison
Words: 839
Pages: 3
The auction represents a valuable aspect of the existence of the modern economy. Furthermore, an auction is a type of market trading in which the seller, in order to maximize profit, uses direct competition from several buyers present at the auction. It is worth noting that it is the seller...
Topic: Economics
Words: 904
Pages: 3
Facts Natare Corporation and Duraplastec Systems have a long history of competition against one another, during which they have spread disparaging information against one another as a means of unsettling the competition. These activities have resulted in 2 lawsuits against one another and an agreement to refer to arbitrage in...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Introduction Understanding the process of deciding on purchasing any product, especially an expensive one, is essential for marketers since this information allows them to adjust their selling practices accordingly. Different factors play a decisive role in consumer purchasing decision-making, which consists of several consecutive stages, at each of which external...
Topic: Economics
Words: 876
Pages: 3
Introduction Literature is one of the main instruments of comprehension and description of reality, which is significantly influenced by characteristics of nations and cultures, by religious, historical and ethnical aspects. Traditions and common values of a certain society and time are reflected by various elements of literature. Almost any literary...
Topic: Culture
Words: 847
Pages: 3
Introduction Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been? is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates in 1966. The narrative emphasizes the modern culture and norms of American society in the 1960s by telling a story of a 15 years old girl – Connie. The author uses various...
Topic: Literature
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Introduction Les Misérables is a French novel written in 1862 by Victor Hugo. There are many media adaptations of the literary work, including movies, TV shows, comics, radio plays, and others. One of the significant features of the novel and its media adaptations is the list of its characters, as...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 886
Pages: 3
Introduction: Article Summary The article “Cultivating Praxis Through Chinn and Kramer’s Emancipatory Knowing” was written to describe Chinn and Kramer’s Emancipatory Knowing model as a meaningful way to develop nursing praxis. The authors, Peart and MacKinnon, outline the history of the theory’s development. In 1978, Barbara Carpenter published her article...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 818
Pages: 3
After 40 years of regulatory protection, in 1978, the U.S. government decided to deregulate the airlines. This happened because the economists concluded that without any regulations, the airline industry would be close to perfect competition (Marcus et al., 1991). In the first years of this deregulation reform, companies differed in...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 861
Pages: 3
Introduction Literary techniques are essential in advancing the meaning that an author intends to portray. The passage Book of Songs (B) is a poem whose main theme is grief and sorrow. The poet used comparison in several instances to reflect the theme of grief. Another passage titled The Works of...
Topic: Literature
Words: 838
Pages: 3
The Santeria in Cuba The Cuban Santeria provides one of the best examples of a hybrid religious expression that developed in the recent past due to the blending of different cultures and beliefs. Also known as Regla de Ocha and Regla LucumĂ, the Santeria is a polytheist religious expression that...
Topic: Religion
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Introduction The experimental design is among the most systematic and comprehensive survey blueprints. This approach encompasses manipulating a single or more independent variable as treatments, the random allocation of participants to various treatment levels, and the observation of treatments’ consequences on outcomes. There are three primary experimental designs, namely quasi-,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 930
Pages: 3
Throughout the history of its development, the sphere of social work has witnessed the work of various contributors dedicated to achieving social equality and creating an inclusive environment in which all people can feel accepted and valued. Considering the diversity of such professionals is important for illustrating the multi-dimensional nature...
Topic: Charity
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction Due to the current issue of climate change, many organizations tend to come up with solutions intended to remove uncertainty and recognize the need to attain stability and focus on economic and environmental benefits. Unilever’s history shows that the company was interested in sustainable well-being from its founding date,...
Topic: Unilever
Words: 841
Pages: 3
Throughout the history of humanity, a woman has been assigned the role of being dependent on a man and, to some extent, subordinate to him. It seems to us that even though a lot has changed in the sexist-patriarchal structure of the world by the XXI century and it would...
Topic: Gender
Words: 894
Pages: 3
Introduction In the last decade, the concept of family has changed significantly in part due to the legalization of same-sex marriage in the USA. The contemporary understanding of a family unit and its purpose in broader society has undergone meaningful transformations shifting from the focus on the goal of procreation...
Topic: Family
Words: 862
Pages: 3
Introduction Former President Obama was the US commander-in-chief who authorized the Geronimo operation that led to the death of Osama bin Laden – the most wanted man at the time. Various reports show a series of consultations between the National Security Council (NSC) and the president way before the strike...
Topic: Operation Geronimo
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Nowadays, the most famous sins in society, regardless of religion, are pride, envy, anger, sloth, greed, gluttony, and lust. They gained wide recognition due to their mention in famous literary works, for example, in the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. Meanwhile, these seven vices are not simply condemned by religion...
Topic: Addiction
Words: 915
Pages: 3
Diversity and Inclusion Reflection My reaction to the word “diversity” is grounded on events happening in the world – I immediately think that diversity is necessary, but still, there are problems with achieving it. I am sure that it is a significant and influential issue and assume that now one...
Topic: Workplace Diversity
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Bullying is one of the most pressing problems in modern society. In particular, this phenomenon affects the younger generation. It is defined as a violent action of a negative nature that is directed at a certain person or several individuals in order to obtain a sense of superiority and honor....
Topic: Bullying
Words: 918
Pages: 3
The opioid epidemic has been a problem in the United States for years, and the situation in some states is only getting worse. In particular, Virginia has seen a steady increase in the number of opioid overdose cases and deaths associated with it (Virginia Department of Health, 2021b). The situation...
Topic: Economics
Words: 939
Pages: 3
Introduction In order to become a leader in the modern world, it is not enough to be well educated and good at organizing people and processes. Finding the right team lead or senior manager for recruiters and HR managers is challenging. Companies need not just a competent person, but someone...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Core VRIN-based Competencies of HBO Max Quality content Quality content is the number one core competency in the media industry. Warner Media owned HBO offers TV shows and movies to the audience. Its content is unique and has been known for establishing milestones in the TV industry. For instance, its...
Topic: Competitiveness
Words: 951
Pages: 3
Executive Summary Despite the development of modern society in relation to human rights, there are still several serious problems. Thus, women still face obstacles on the way to successful management activities. Such aspects as gender prejudice have a very strong and detrimental effect on women’s career growth in the business...
Topic: Gender
Words: 939
Pages: 3
Introduction God. Many people yearn to lend our maker but lack the chance to do it. That is why Brittany’s Hope is there to offer help in touching souls around the world. The non-profit believes in integrity, honesty, fairness, love, and above all, accountability. Brittany’s Hope operates as one of...
Topic: Business
Words: 914
Pages: 3
Throughout the existence of humanity, it was accompanied by religion, magic, and rituals. Thanks to people who preserve their way of life in the form it existed among their ancestor’s thousands of years ago, modern anthropology studies people’s past. In particular, magic that existed near representatives of these cultures was...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 852
Pages: 3
Introduction The discussion about the nature and causes of juvenile delinquency is one of the hottest in the sphere of criminal justice. It is important to give a comprehensive definition of this notion. The major factor in applying delinquency jurisdiction is the age of the offender which should be lower...
Topic: Law
Words: 920
Pages: 3
Abstract Individuals face various problems and challenges in their daily lives, making them feel vulnerable and nervous. However, people must comprehend the meaning and value of bravery to overcome feelings of vulnerability and apprehension and perform their responsibilities and roles satisfactorily. Furthermore, this attribute will aid in achieving desired goals...
Topic: Courage
Words: 1054
Pages: 3
Introduction As they say, a master of information is a master of the situation. That is why it is challenging to overestimate the role that data plays in various spheres of human life, and the healthcare industry is not an exception. It is not a surprise that the more knowledgeable...
Topic: Health
Words: 867
Pages: 3
On August 6, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law an act that removed legal barriers some states had created to prevent Black Americans from voting in elections. These barriers existed despite the fact that the Blacks were granted this right by the 15th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution....
Topic: History
Words: 929
Pages: 3
Introduction Writing the history of a country is not an easy task; many historians have tried to bring something of their own to the chronology of events. One such historian was Heinrich von Treitschke, who wrote many works, one of which was the History of Germany. This paper will present...
Topic: History
Words: 861
Pages: 3
The deployment of troops is always a complex undertaking that involves addressing numerous factors, and one of the most important of them is the relationship with the civilians. Due to the fact that combat activities and military presence lead to civilian casualties, the problem arises of how they can be...
Topic: Law
Words: 896
Pages: 3
Introduction In the epoch of Capitalism, the law of contract is widely used in political, social, and economic aspects of life. The purpose of contracts is to establish legal relations between the parties involved in the process. Consequently, their actions are supposed to be aligned to the conditions and duties...
Topic: Contract Law
Words: 875
Pages: 3
Several aspects of the Arabic language, natural resources, climate, religion, and weather are common in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Moreover, these two areas are the birthplace of the world’s three significant religions. In addition, these regions are studied together due to their geographic and cultural similarities. Countries in Southwest...
Topic: Religion
Words: 894
Pages: 3
Efficiency is of the utmost importance in any organization, and few organizations have as much at stake in this regard as the military. Unit readiness, which refers to the unit being prepared to fulfill the missions that may be assigned to it, is the crucial aspect of efficiency. Missions assigned...
Topic: Accountability
Words: 830
Pages: 3
Postcolonial era writers made several crucial attempts to deterritorialize their land, which colonists had taken. For instance, Kincaid sets this process in Antigua by narrating how negatively tourism has impacted Antigua. A Small Place by Kincaid primarily concentrates on how Antigua has been exploited and colonized through tourism. Significantly, the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 854
Pages: 3
Artist: Georges Seurat (French, Paris 1859–1891 Paris) Title: “A Sunday on La Grande Jatte” Movement: Neo-impressionism Date: 1884 Medium: Oil on canvas Dimensions: 27 3/4 x 41 in. (70.5 x 104.1 cm) Introduction A way of better understanding pieces of art is by observing them and drawing conclusions on certain...
Topic: Art
Words: 786
Pages: 3
Introduction Indo-Saracenic Architecture is a notable part of Indian, Malaysian, and British culture. The style has developed over the course of history with notable influences from both traditionally gothic architecture and classic Indian/South Asian/Arabic features. The buildings created in this style still present both historical and cultural interests. The present...
Topic: Architecture
Words: 835
Pages: 3
Introduction Geopolitical, economic, and other contradictions that arise among world powers are accompanied by intelligence operations and the principles of ensuring national security. One of the strategies that have been used for decades is the denial and deception tactics that consist in planting false and implausible data on opponents regarding...
Topic: Law
Words: 832
Pages: 3
The song “Take Me to Church,” to which the singer owes his success, poignantly narrates about deep and devoted love. Its songwriter, Hozier, constructed the song by solely using metaphors and comparisons to talk about two different but parallel notions. For instance, the unambiguous meaning of the composition lies in...
Topic: Song
Words: 829
Pages: 3
Introduction Strategic planning is formulated to attain the organization’s overall goals, such as the market restrictions, the demand from the stakeholders, and the accounting. A strategic plan is concerned with the organization’s future (Lo & Sugiarto, 2021). Thus for any business to remain vital and successful, it has to formulate...
Topic: Nike
Words: 825
Pages: 3
Great Britain differs from other countries because it does not have a single document called a Constitution. The absence of such a document impacts the state system and the rule of law in the country. Constitutional customs have become particularly important in Britain, as they have enshrined almost all the...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Introduction The 1960s and 1970s was an era denoted by the complexity of inter-related cultural and political trends worldwide. Therefore, due to the revolution, changes in the dressing code, the music industry, and schooling eventually transformed. Social character and taboos degraded as a result of the emergence of a wide...
Topic: African American
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Introduction Native Son is a story by American writer Richard Wright, which was written in 1940. The story is about Bigger Thomas, a growing black man who existed in absolute lack in a bad neighborhood in the southern part of Chicago. Without apologizing for Bigger’s violations, Wright presents an inextricable...
Topic: Literature
Words: 811
Pages: 3
West Kowloon Cultural District (WKCD) is a cultural development plan in the city of Hong Kong. It aims to create a district that will combine both traditional and modern elements, making it “A Place For Everyone” (About the District). The project began in the 90s and was approved by the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 945
Pages: 3
The Australian social media industry has faced various challenges due to different factors, including ‘media mogul’ subjugated media which facilitates conservative views and restricts people’s opinions. This report majorly aims to examine various factors impacting Australia’s social media industry PESTLE analysis. Conducting PESTLE analysis is essential to Australia’s social media...
Topic: Media Analysis
Words: 825
Pages: 3
The organization in which I volunteered for 25 hours is the Eastern Star “Imperial Chapter 431”. This subsection of the Order of Eastern Star is devoted to providing positive Biblical values into society by developing modern society’s charitable, educational, fraternal, and scientific factors (About Order of the Eastern Star, n.d.)....
Topic: Volunteering
Words: 866
Pages: 3
Background The English language is rightfully considered one of the most complex languages in terms of its genesis, derivation, and creation throughout the years. The history of the language, while unavoidably intertwined with the physical history of the land and people, reflects some of the most significant milestones in history....
Topic: Beowulf
Words: 867
Pages: 3
Introduction The most effective leadership style for superiors at criminal justice organizations to employ is the autocratic leadership style. This is a leadership style where all the decision of the organization solely depends on an individual, which is necessary during a crisis or emergency (Woodard, 2017). In the case of...
Topic: Protest
Words: 900
Pages: 3