Government Power Evolution and Interpretation

Introduction Political voting in America has declined today, for the reason that the level of articulate elite and mass political behavior has changed. However, this was not always the case in American politics. For most voters, the physical sense of casting a ballot was the juncture of an extended period...

If I Had My Own Island to Run

Local Government If I had my own island to run, I would definitely make a few changes. First of all, I would unite all the small communities of the island into one city-like structure, with a local government to administer it. An island does not have the same territorial characteristics...

Behaviorism as a Theory of Personality

Behaviorism appeared as a critical response to psychoanalytic theory that was suggested by Sigmund Freud. Many notable psychologists such as Edward Thorndike, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Burrhus Skinner, and others were convinced that in order to explain natural laws of human behavior, psychology should develop scientific methodology and conduct an...

Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

Abstract The paper analyzes two research articles in an attempt to present arguments for the legalization of cannabis. The articles covered are: “Acute Effects of Marijuana Smoking on Aggressive, Escape and Point-Maintained Responding of Male Drug Users” and “Abstinence Symptoms Following Smoked Marijuana in Humans.” Both papers feature the small-scale...

Shaping Values Among Asian-Americans: Impact of Asian Culture

This essay provides an insight into the impact of Asian culture in shaping the values among Asian-Americans. It focuses on its effect on factors such as decision-making, conformity, willingness to seek social support, personal display of emotions, and outcome on particular tasks. The essay brings out the element of collectivism...

Agency Problem and Capital Structure of Firms

Introduction Major corporate financing decisions center round selecting in between equity and debt financing. Finance managers sourcing funds for any new capital projects are likely to look at borrowing options, as such decision may not lead to cutting of dividends or to make a rights issue of equity. The decision...

The Concepts of Contemporary Democratic Governance and the Separation of Powers

Introduction This essay provides a working definition of representative democracy, constitutional democracy, and republic. It then evaluates how the foregoing concepts impact contemporary democratic governance. Representative Democracy, Constitutional Democracy, and Republic Working definitions are most relevant when one is dealing with concepts that have no definite meanings. In this case,...

Internet Penetration Policy and Its Implications in UAE

Introduction Over the last decade, the world has experienced rapid penetration of the internet even in countries that were previously deemed to be conservative. This rapid uptake has not spared even the most conservative countries in the Middle East and North Africa. As such, the heightened speed of embracing the...

Florida Health Information Technology Code of Practice

The current essay is a critical writing aiming to address the topic of health information technology (HIT) regulations and standards. A state (Florida) was chosen to approach the present subject. Concerning the content, the paper consists of the three following parts. In the first part, Florida’s privacy laws that are...

Dr. Bruce Tuckman Stages Models

Introduction Before work teams become mature and productive units they undergo a series of stages of development (Nelson & Quick, 2007, p.205). Dr. Bruce Tuckman in 1960 developed one of the most widely accepted groups development models, the Tuckman model. The models initially consisted of four stages namely; forming, norming,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Prison Reform in the US

Introduction The respect and protection of human rights are essential for each State’s welfare. Both conceptions emerge from the robust enforcement system – the legislation and the execution of sentences. Currently, the federal government confirms the ineffectiveness of the current justice system. The favorable living, working, and learning conditions for...

Stephen King’s 1408: The Image of Death in Contemporary Gothic Literature

Modern gothic literature involves the use of terrifying, horrifying, and uncertain death events. A gothic story requires a frightening setting and unusual characters. 1408, a story by King, is a reflection of modern gothic literature. It is composed of elements of terror, horror, death and suspense. Great parts of the...

Will Banning Plastic Bags Not Solve Pollution Problem?

Plastic bags provoke problems for both environment and human health. They go to landfills or to the ocean, where the garbage islands are accumulating. These are immense masses of waste generated in the ocean due to currents. Plastic is often dumped directly into the seas or gets there from rivers....

Trader Joe’s Employees’ Emotions, Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Introduction A business where there is a constant interaction between the customers and employees, the performance of the employees greatly influences a company’s general performance (Hoffman, & Bateson, 2010). Employee’s attitude towards their work influences how they perform. For example, the management should put more effort into ensuring that the...

The Four I’s of McDonald’s

McDonald’s operates in the fast-food industry that is greatly affected by the four I’s of non-market environment. With regards to issues, the organization experiences a myriad of issues that emanate from private and public politics. Health issues have dominated the list of factors that need the proper attention of the...

The Integration to Curriculum for Early Education: Anti-Bias Aspects

Ideas to Incorporate into Anti-Bias Learning Process Nowadays, children are aware of diversity from a very early age, and educators have to consider it. A teacher who values diversity increases the remarkable impact on how children perceive the differences in people and society. Moreover, children reflect the attitudes of their...

Lessons From Transition Economies

Introduction “Subsidiary Roles, vertical linkages and economic development: Lessons from transition economies,” by Bjo¨rn Jindra, Axe le Giroud, and Joanna Scott-Kennel is an interesting article that provides information concerning the vertical supply chains, foreign subsidiaries, as well as, foreign firms (Alfaro & Rodrı´guez-Clare, 2004). According to the authors, technological competencies...

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners: Their Role and Socialization Process

Introduction In the medical field, there are physicians (MD) and nurse practitioners (NP). The nurse practitioner’s position was initially created to fill up the gap left by the shortage of physicians. The nurse practitioners had to function under the guidance of physicians. The nurse practitioners bring medical aid to people...

Behavioral Dimensions and Hazardous Thought Patterns

Overview Accidents are an undeniable part of life, and some individuals with certain personality traits seem to be more accident-prone. For example, Powell, Hale, Martin, and Simon (1971) found that extraverts are significantly more prone to accidents than others; Clarke and Robertson (2011) hypothesized that low conscientiousness is associated with...

Shinetsu Chemical Company: Organizational Culture

Introduction Organizational culture defines an institution, whether based on profit, the kind of products and /or services offered, their arrangement, goals, and employee behavior which sum up to create a feeling of culture in the organization. Most organizations in the world have different cultures, and this mostly depends on their...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Commnication Study About Activism

The physical space can be used by the activists to further their goals, as well as by those who oppose them to prevent dissent. The importance of this aspect of the term is obvious. If people are allowed to gather publicly and announce their ideals and goals to the general...

Influence of Sexual Dysfunction and Schizophrenia on Human

Sexual Dysfunction Diagnosis In the case study under consideration, there is a man with evident sexual dysfunctional problems. The beginning of the conversation is unclear and pointless because truth can hardly be identified. The client admits that his GP and urologist have not discovered any physical problems. Still, his wife...

The US, Japan, and Germany in the 1940s

Introduction The period between 1940 and 1949 forms one of the pillars of the modern world history. As a matter of facts, the period is associated with numerous and renowned events that goes down as remarkable occurrences in the world’s historical books. For instance, the world most famous war i.e....

Reasons of America and The Great War

World War I was one of the bloodiest military conflicts in contemporary history, second only to World War II. Over 16 million people died in that first war, soldiers and civilians alike. World War I was a great tragedy that changed the world forever and paved the way to an...

ITT Educational Services Inc.

Basis of Company accounting practices Notably, a majority of the accounting principles adopted by ITT Educational services exist within the GAAP specifications. Non-GAAP specifications that have been used during the presentation of reports have always been considered alongside compliant reports, and not as a substitute of the same. This implies...

S&P 1000 Company’s Competitive Advantage

Competition has gone global and the market and industry dynamics have necessitated the need for companies to make concerted efforts streamlined towards ensuring that high quality goods and services are offered in the market at competitive prices. The American business concept and model embraces the fact that improved marketing abilities...

New York Politics in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century

As one of the nation’s greatest urban centers, New York City was the epitome of an American East Coast metropolis in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During the Civil War, in its immediate aftermath, or in the Gilded Age, the ever-growing city remained one of the most notable...

Immigration in the U.S. and Its Economic Implications

Introduction Immigration to the United States has been a major source of population growth and cultural change throughout the country’s history. The United States, created by settlers, continues today to accept a huge number of immigrants. The sharp increase in the scale of the entry of foreigners in the 70s...

Internet Filtering in the UAE

Introduction 20% of The United Arabs Emirates consists of native citizens while eighty percent of the country is populated by expatriates. Any sort of censorship affects more foreigners than locals. They are likely to object to filtering more than the locals, and future expatriates may be dissuaded from working in...

China’s International Entrepreneurship & Business

The nature of international entrepreneurship China represents a unique country geographically isolated from the rest of the world. Historically, it follows its own economic and political traditions and way of life. In response to the shifts in global production systems, China has amplified its search for policies that will secure...

The American Organization of Nurse Executives

The Focus, Goals, and the AONE Competencies Leadership is one of the most critical aspects of nursing education and the intense healthcare environment in general. The success of any organization is highly dependent on the proper development of leadership and training healthcare providers as servant leaders. A medical field unites...

Marks & Spencer Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Introduction Corporate social responsibility has become a common business imperative in today’s globalized world. Newspapers, print and audio media are increasingly engaging in debates on benefits that businesses are likely to derive by conducting their businesses responsibly (Darwall, 2002). Management experts are not left in the debate; they are organizing...

Business Ethics: Abercrombie & Fitch Company Case

Abstract Ethics is a vital aspect for the successful business operation. Progressive organizations have formulated policies that guide individual employees, departments, units, and organization as an entity. These policies ought to function based on the ethical principles for the organization to achieve its vision and objectives. The ethical principles are...

Media in Retail Business

Executive Summary The idea of interactive media is commonly applied in the marketing sector to arrest human intelligence through store imaging (Lievrouw and Livingstone 2002). Advertising products and services is a significant approach for businesses since it helps them create interest and awareness in what is being offered. According to...

Tax Forecasting for the Republic of Vardar

Introduction The Republic of Vardar gained its independence at the beginning of 1990. It came because of the broke up of the Soviet Union. Thus, as a governing unit it has existed even before, but as a part of the larger state of the Soviet Union. Due to the new...

Ways to Prevent and Treat Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are generally present in patients that are unable to move due to a particular condition freely and sometimes after surgical intervention. Although easily prevented most of the time, amounts of patients experiencing pressure ulcers continue to grown since the last decade steadily. There are a number of...

Compact Disk: The Product Life Cycle

Introduction All products have a life cycle which is the period between their launch in the market and the final withdrawal after completing all the phases. A product moves in different phases depending on how it is performing in the market. The manufacturing companies introduce a product in the market...

Consumer Behavior: Person’s Age or Generation

Introduction Consumer behavior can be “defined as the study of when, why, how and where people do or do not buy a product” (Torocsik, 2003, p. 2). The study tries to comprehend what drives buyers to decide on what to or what not to purchase (Murray, 2002). Several studies conducted...

Bourgeoisie As the Ruling Class

Introduction Capitalism dominates the world economic system today. Even in societies like China and Cuba where advanced forms of communism have succeeded, they have been heavily influenced by capitalist tendencies. According to Chilcote (2006, p. 32), there is not even a pure form of capitalism owing to state ownership of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Customer Satisfaction in Hotels and What Its Cost

In today’s rapidly developing hospitality sector, customer satisfaction becomes one of the key concepts. Hotels can use this term to support their competitive advantages and attract more customers. Service quality is the key factor that impacts customer satisfaction, and its poor organization leads to many negative reviews. In this connection,...

Pricing as a Mechanism for Differentiation

Introduction When we enter a supermarket or a mall to look for items or products we need at home or in school, we see different products and prices attached to them. Price varies on every product, say for example, home appliance like television which has different prices; some are high,...

Quantitative Methods in Scientific Inquiries

Descriptive Research The first type of quantitative methods is descriptive research which aims at describing the current condition of a variable identified by the researcher. Usually, these studies are conducted to gather and systematize information about a certain phenomenon (Boeren, 2018). Prior to the beginning of the research, scientists do...

A Family Experience of a Child Being Diagnosed With Cancer

Nowadays, the problem of childhood cancer is becoming more and more complicated. In 2004, one in 900 young people aged from twenty to thirty four was a survivor of childhood cancer (Clarke, 2005). This means that a growing number of families have to go through some of the most complicated...

Critical Decisions Making: Get Out of the Military

Introduction Critical decisions are important because they determine the destiny of our actions. In defining critical decisions, they are decisions one makes in certain situations, such that the decisions affect the individual, family, friends, or society. This means that decisions play a prominent role in our lives and the relations...

Adolescent Drug Abuse: Diagnosis and Cultural Awareness

Case Study – Substance Use and the Adolescent From what can be seen in the case study, it is apparent that the client in question can be diagnosed with Mood Disorder due to Amphetamine Intoxication with Mixed Features. Basing the diagnosis in the DSM, it is worth noting that the...

Aspects of Effective Communication in Marriage

Introduction Communication is the process of information transfer from a sender to a receiver through a certain medium. In this case, effective communication is the process of sending the right information to the intended receiver, who correctly receives the information and comprehends it. Based on this, effective communication is a...

A Care Plan for Pediatric Patient with Cystic Fibrosis

As a person involved in caring for patients and promoting the best possible health outcomes, I regard the proper use of evidence as a cornerstone for high-quality care that is compatible with patients’ interests and needs. In this paper, I will discuss the case of Caitlynn, a pediatric patient with...

Principles in Vehicular Networks and Data Exchange

Introduction Drive by wire is a new technology that has found its place in the modern automobile industry. It is a system which actively interprets the driver’s input and executes the commands to produce the desired vehicle behaviour by use of microprocessor-based control system (Guo, 2009). Guo (2009) also asserts...

The Task and Job of Recruiters

Introduction For recruiters, the onboarding and the orientation process can present some challenges overcoming which is an essential part of their job. The task of recruiters is not only about finding suitable candidates but also about having the employees prepared for the job and increasing their retention. There are several...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Federal Bureau of Investigation vs Russian Hackers

Introduction Hacking is a notorious activity carried out by individuals with broad knowledge of computers. Through hacking, these individuals affect the economic status of many countries in the world by accessing the documents of the bank clients and transferring money to their accounts. The impacts of hacking are global currently,...

Ethical Issues in Marketing Infant Formulas in Developing Countries

Particular ethical issues that should be considered in this case include health issues and the cost of the products. With regards to health issues, infant formulas have been associated with disease vulnerability among children in developing countries. The products have been considered as the major causes of serious infections and...

Marissa Mayer’s Leadership Style at Yahoo!

Abstract Scholars have come up with theories that underscore the different leadership styles that leader employ in different organizations. The majority of leaders appreciate these theories, as they are compatible with different personality traits. However, the challenge lies in becoming an effective leader for different people may lack the congenital...

The End of Cash Payments: Effects of Cashless Transfers

All over the world, people pay by cash in more than half of financial operations. There is a trend of substitution paper money by electronic transactions on a full-scale basis, and banknotes and coins will be of value only to numismatists. In the last decade, almost all countries have mainstreamed...

Cigarette Advertising Ban on Television

Given the society that we currently live in, it is almost acceptable to have any kind of commercial aired. Advertisements promoting cigarette smoking have been aired for so long despite the fact that some organizations have been campaigning against it. When one is viewing an advertisement on cigarette smoking, it...

Common Cold: Diagnosis and Pathophysiology

Diagnosis and Pathophysiology The diagnosis is the common cold. Rhinovirus is the most significant virus that results in a common cold (Kuchar, Miśkiewicz, Nitsch-Osuch, & Szenborn, 2015). In individuals that do not have asthma, the symptoms of rhinovirus infection are primarily limited to the upper airway leading to the condition...

Media Literacy and Political Manipulation

For a long time, scholars have understood the significant role that the media play in influencing public opinion and giving shape to the perceptions that people have about the world. But on the other hand, the debate about how influential the media are is clear even from the studies that...

Transactional Leadership for Organizational Performance

Leader-Follower Relationship in Creating a Performance-Based Organizational Leadership Relationship building between leaders and followers in a work-based environment serves a critical role in determining the nature and scope of organizational performance. Over the past years, many researchers have devoted considerable efforts to exploring this concept in the view of organizational...

Outsourcing at a Glance: A Theoretical Framework

Outsourcing theory Outsourcing is the exercise of utilizing external service providers with the job of performing in-house endeavors. This has attracted a rising interest in recent years as managers consider whether it is in their best interest to perform activities in-house or externally. Outsourcing is a contractual agreement whereby an...

Effective Implementation of Title IX

Introduction Title IX as a policy was primarily developed with the bigger picture of issues that are related to gender in mind. It was fundamentally meant to bring a sense of balance when dealing with the gender agenda in learning institutions. Some of the ideas through which we will navigate...

The Story of Civil Rights Movements in America

The Montgomery Bus Bycott The story of civil rights movements in America can be traced back to the Montgomery bus boycott that was instigated by Rosa Parks’s refusal to relinquish her seat to the white extremists. This was the chance that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. used to become in...

Cultural Differences in Business & Trade

Introduction and Background We live in a world of diversity. From one part of the world to the other we come across people of different races and cultures. These differences in most cases translate to a different worldview and therefore a different way in which people go about their day...

The African American Art Expression

Introduction It is well-known that contemporary literature and art contain works of authors of different skin colors and origins. However, in 1926 the issue of diversity of art creators was put a little rough due to the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance. We’ve only been living in these ghettos for...

From Civil Rights to Economic Security

Introduction: Racial Profiling as One of the Greatest Concerns in the XXI Century Whenever there is a human factor involved, it is impossible to consider an issue from a single viewpoint, and the business sphere is one of the most graphic examples of that. Demanding the ability to deliver accurate...

Business Ethics, Decision-Making and the Code of Ethics

Introduction A code of ethics does not only help in improving organizational performance and employee-employer relationships but also helps in improving the profitability of an organization. There are various approaches that an organization can use in ensuring that it makes ethical decisions. Some of the approaches include emergent and centralized...

MTC: Business Analysis and System Recommendation

Introduction This Business Analysis and System Recommendation report is prepared to help MTC meet its organizational objectives by increasing its competitive advantage. The goal of MTC is to continuously grow the number of projects and deliver quality service to customers. To accomplish this objective, MTC regularly submits applications to Request...

The Men Who Stare at Goats: Human History Against the Backdrop of War

American cinematography is known for its masterpieces touched upon burning issues of the modern world. The Men Who Stare at Goats belongs to one of such films which makes people think over the problem of wars captivated a human history. This movie is based on the book under the same...

2012 Olympic Games: Sports Management

When it was announced in Singapore that Britain will be hosting the 2012 Olympic Games, not many British supported the idea then. But currently, public opinion is changing due to several reasons. After only one year’s lapse, research has shown that public support is rapidly increasing. 53% of those interviewed...

Narrow Conceptions of Curriculum in Saudi Arabia

Introduction Generally, in curriculum studies, as in other educational contexts, researchers define curriculum as a document that describes the content of a subject area and, in varying degrees of detail, the teaching strategies to be used to facilitate student learning and performance in that area. This limited view of the...

Realism, Naturalism and Magical Realism in American Literature

The Incredible and Sad Tale of Innocent Erendira and Her Heartless Grandmother The whole story that is written by Gabriel Garcia Marcia Marquiz is a very interesting one that embraces three concepts, that is realism, naturalism, and magical realism. Realism Erendira who was fourteen years old was living with her...

Crime Among the Juveniles: Causes

Introduction Crime among juveniles is not a new phenomenon, and the trend has been increasing in the recent past. It is noted that in the late 20th century, concern has been on the rise concerning the criminal acts that have been committed by the youths. There has been a general...

Examining Biases, Complexity, and Reasoning

Despite the seemingly harmless and simple intentions, people are likely to fall victim to organizational and cognitive biases. Those decisions that are made without proper consideration of potential difficulties are more prone to turn out to be erroneous. This paper will analyze the case of a girl, who started studying...

Palm Inc.’s Inputs Diagnosis and Company Strategy

Introduction Companies in this world of capitalism always want more. They want more profit, more shareholder value, and more market share, among other needs. The realizations of these objectives have been attained through the successful initiation, development, and management of brands in most instances. Indeed, the effective development and management...

Teamwork: Reflective Account on Group Work

Group experience reflection First of all, reflecting on the group experience, it should be mentioned that the management style adopted by the group was the democratic style. Such a choice of management style met the requirements set before the group the most efficiently. The group work was organized in the...

Bioterrorism and Surrounding Issues

Introduction Bioterrorism is a terror activity where biological techniques (living agents) like biological toxins, viruses, or bacteria are adopted to intimidate governments or society for ideological or political reasons to cause deaths, fear, or widespread illnesses like smallpox and anthrax. Since Iraqi’s biological weapon program discovery, there has been a...

Team Building and Development in an Organization

Abstract This paper explores how team building and development is tied to the overall study of organizational behavior. The theories that sandwich motivation are also evaluated to understand the mechanisms through which organizations should put in place to ensure a work force that is motivated and satisfied. In respect to...

“Recovering the Sacred” by Winona Laduke

Introduction There is a book I have read recently that impressed me a lot with its content and the way it was written. It is called Recovering the sacred by Winona LaDuke. This book is about some cases when Native Americans took back their traditions, food, and lands. Reclaiming sacred...

Travel and tour company: Strategic Objectivities

Introduction Many strategists in the travel and tour industry are facing a challenge today as competition continues to go up. It is important to ponder the importance of being unique if a business has to attract any attention in the market. A tour and travel business today has to offer...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Intermittent Explosive Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction The American Psychiatric Association (2013) defines intermittent explosive disorder (IED) as behavioral outbursts caused by failure to control impulses of aggression. The disorder differs from other kinds of aggression individuals may show, as it is a reoccurring issue. Due to the fact that patients with the disorder struggle to...

The Efficiency of Fixed National HR Policy in Driven High Growth Economies

Introduction Human resource policies are codified decisions that an organization establishes to support its administrative personnel functions, employee relations, performance management, and management resource planning. This report tries to determine the effectiveness of human resource policies by focusing its study on Qatar (Budhwar & Debrah 2009; Budhwar & Mellahi 2007)....

Households and Businesses: The Influence of Social Media

Over the last several decades, the world has been experiencing a lot of advancement in the field of information and technology (Randall, 2011). These developments have changed the manner in which individuals and businesses interact with each other. For instance, Web 2.0 has played a significant role in the introduction...

The Issues of Democracy in Australia and the USA

Introduction This essay discusses the issues of democracy in Australia and the United States. In this case, the essay specifically compares the similarities and differences between the two countries. In addition, the essay also discusses matters related to governance, social changes, and public policies. Democracy in Australia The chosen country...

Ku Klux Klan: Research Paper

One of the most infamous terrorist organizations in the world, Ku Klux Klan took its origin in the American South, gradually expanding its activity to other states. With violent and often dehumanizing methods, it attempted to oppose segregation and equal-right movement for black people. Close examination of Ku Klux Klan’s...

A Manufacturing Plant in the Global Marketplace

Introduction One of the most important technological joints in the Modern times is the manufacturing plants. In recent times, the environmental aspect is one of the bigger setbacks for the manufacturing plants in recent times (Luo 2006). To set up a successful manufacturing plant of any type, there are some...

Classroom Assessment Techniques: Designing Units of Instruction

As a crucial and an operating factor motivating students to read, understand and perform, a designed unit of instruction not only assists to manage time, but also to achieve the ultimate goals in education. It is appreciable that people like Merrill, Kemp, Gagne, Bloom, and Kirkpatrick among others acknowledge that...

The Presidency of George W. Bush

George W. Bush was the President of the United States between 2001 and 2009, succeeding Bill Clinton and being followed by Barack Obama. His presidency was accompanied by controversy from beginning to end, starting with the election results and ending with the 2008 financial crisis. Nevertheless, he was able to...

Dealing With a Death of a Loved One

In the very first words of her book “The Year of Magical Thinking”, Joan Didion writes: Life changes fast. Life changes in an instant. You sit down to dinner and life as you know it ends. The question of self-pity (Didion, 2007, p. 1). In these words full of despair,...

Civil War in the US: Causes and Effects

The events of the American Civil War are considered to be the most important events in the history of the United States. Thus, it is crucial to know them in details along with a number of related things including the events leading to the war and the impact of this...

The Coronavirus Pandemic: Detergents Against the Germs

Background The coronavirus pandemic forced many individuals to find a way to remain safe, including loading up on cleaning splashes, gels, and cleansers. The pandemic is another ailment and a major danger to worldwide wellbeing. Hand sanitizer stations and wipes are all over the places: supermarkets, shopping centers, schools, chapels,...

G. Bush and B. Obama: Tools of Democracy, Public Policies, and Practices

Introduction The themes of this paper include tools of democracy and public policies. It also reflects on Bush’s administration and compares it to Obama’s regime about policy implementation approaches. The Descriptions of George Bush and Barack Obama George Bush was the 43rd president of the United States from 2001 to...

Stono Revolt Literature Review

Introduction In 1739 a slave revolt took place in South Carolina. It is referred to as the Stono Rebellion or the Catos Rebellion. It is not clear what actually triggered the rebellion by the slaves in South Carolina. On the fateful day of 29 September 1739, the slaves in South...

An Employee Empowerment Strategy to Achieve Effective Leadership

Introduction Effective leadership is among the crucial elements for the success of a corporate organization (Mears, 2010). Effective leadership is not only confined to approaches used by a leader within an organization, but it also depends on the situation at hand, which determines the most effective leadership style (Nohria &...

Team Dynamics and Their Analysis

Introduction Team work is one of the most difficult types of work as absolutely different people with various preferences should collaborate and work together placing the interests of the group above personal ones. The main purpose of the paper is to identify the group dynamics that occur when working collaboratively...

An Analysis of Desdemona’s Intellect in the Play

In Shakespeare’s Othello a very unique and intriguing society is shown. A relationship between a man and a woman is described in detail, illustrating their inner emotions and passions. Desdemona is without a doubt an intelligent and understanding woman, who is determined to accomplish anything she sets up to do,...

Eternal Law and Human Understanding

The laws of Nature and existence define life of every living creature, including human beings. The laws that people create are based on the universal laws of the physical and non-physical world. The fact that people base their laws on some preceding laws or laws that already existed, even before...

Quantitative and Qualitative Data Study

Introduction Data can be classified as either qualitative or quantitative (Black, 1999). Quantitative data is data that can be put in numerical form while qualitative data cannot. Qualitative data deals with quality while quantitative data deals with quantity. There is a distinctive difference between the two types of data. Qualitative...

America: A Culture Around Slavery

The United States of America is one of the oldest hubs that were involved in the practice of the slave trade in the world. Due to this, it has over time developed a Culture that does revolve around slavery. The presence of the majority of blacks in the United States...

Migraine Analysis From the Quantitative Perspective

Introduction Migraine has been an insufficiently researched issue for a while, hence the lack of clarity in the present approaches toward treating it. Although there is a tendency to medicalize patients with migraine, there are indications that other solutions for managing chronic pain could produce even better results in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Studying Abroad: The Benefits of the Opportunity

The number of study abroad programs has increased in the past decade significantly (Anderson and Lawton 86). In essence, Anderson and Lawton have projected a growth of eight percent annually (86). Colleges and universities have traditionally enrolled students in overseas institutions in an effort to improve their performance (Franklin 170)....

Mexican American Cultural Group: Background and Current Experience

Helpful Information About the Cultural Group There are several aspects characteristic of the Mexican American cultural group. One aspect is the group’s family relationships. The group has extensive family memberships and strong family values. Such a factor contributes to the group’s collectivist mindset, were helping younger siblings and relatives, in...

Elements of Leadership Styles

Introduction Maxwell (2005) and Kirimi (2007) argue that everything rises and falls on leadership. This means that leadership is a very important component of every organization. Therefore, this paper examines different leadership styles and their applicability within Clayton County Library System. Notable Elements of Servant and Delegative leadership Styles Robert...

Leadership Model for Migrant Workers

Introduction: When the Matter Should Be Taken into the Hands of a Strong Leader Immigration issues have always been on the agenda of most states, and are most likely to remain there. Immigrants always have to deal with many complexities, such as the process of assimilation, the economic and financial...

The Theme of Drug Abuse in Egan’s Book

In her novel “A Visit from the Goon Squad”, Jennifer Egan discusses a number of problems of modern society. Among them is the problem of drug abuse. Through the whole course of the novel’s story plot, the readers may see how ruinous it can be for people who take drugs....

The Issue of Race in Determining a Person’s Identity

Introduction The individual identity of persons is critical, since it defines their character. A keen assessment of these traits reveals a lot about a person, including their upbringing, education and life experiences. Thus, segments of human development is subject to influence by several societal factors. As a result, this paper...

Finding the Link Between Gender and Sexuality

The present paper analyzes a study on the role of gender differences as a predictor of particular sexual behaviors and attitudes. The study, entitled A Meta-Analytical Review of Research on Gender Differences in Sexuality, 1993-2007, was conducted by the University Wisconsin-Madison researchers Petersen and Hyde and was published in the...

Alternatives to Social Security

Social security is the largest welfare program in America, covering nearly all the American workers. In 2005, it covered around 92 percent of Americans aged over 65 years. In the same year, 156 million Americans were submitting social security taxes and 47 million were receiving monthly reimbursements. This program was...

The NFL Lockout and Its Effect on the Economy

Introduction NFL lockout may be regarded as one of the most prominent economic events in the world of sports in 2011. The reasons for the lockout are analyzed from various perspectives, and the economic consequences of these events are serious enough. The economic theory that may be applied for the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory

The development of an individual is a life-long process that can be influenced by the various factors. Urie Bronfenbrenner identifies these elements as the types of ecological, or environmental, systems. The ecological structures affect the individual or can be manipulated by the person. These processes contribute to the personal and...

Importance of Respect in the Army: Code of Ethics

Introduction Soldiers are required to follow established codes of ethics, core values, and philosophies that can make it easier for them to achieve their aims. Commanders and other professionals in leadership positions should have their orders and guidelines followed or taken seriously. The existence of various requirements and conditions is...

SWOT Analysis Company Nurture Inc

Information about the Company Name of the company: Nurture Inc. Slogan: Healthy and tasty. The name of the company refers to nature and nutrition; moreover, “nurture” is about care, development, growth, and potential. Mission Statement: About 60% of a human’s body is liquid, about 70% of the Earth is covered...

Aid Agency Discussing Different Solutions to Poverty in Urban Areas

Introduction Urban poverty has taken root in almost all cities and urban dwellings in the world, posing a new threat to the set social structure and resources, which are being strained beyond what they can support. Demand for water, medical and other services is straining available resources in many cities...

Social Phenomena Theories: Bureaucratic and Classical Theories

Introduction Theories are very important sources of scientific enlightenment. In many cases, a theory in a research study often appears in the form of discourses and time-tested ideologies. Scientific theories are used to explain certain social phenomena (Creswell, 2009). Therefore, the scope of this essay will be limited to two...

“Think Biblically” by John Macarthur

Introduction The book “Think Biblically” by John MacArthur can be acclaimed as an appeal to the audience to view the occurrences of modern culture through Biblical teachings. In the following paper, the strong and the weak points of this book will be discussed along with the value of the book...

Offset Printing for Small and Large Production Runs

The importance of a product’s retail packaging in modern consumerist society is difficult to overestimate. The way that a product is completed from the place of fabrication to the storehouse and finally to the end-user is protected and accompanied by its retail packaging. The product handling without proper packaging could...

The Black Plague and Its Social Impact

Introduction The Plague or the Black Death was the most catastrophic epidemic in the history of humanity. It devastated the populations of cities and villages and caused considerable political and social changes. Within the passing of only a few years, the population of Europe decreased by 30 to 50 percent....

Margaret Thatcher’s Political Biography

Introduction Margaret Thatcher was the first U.K woman prime minister and the longest-serving PM (three consecutive terms) in the 20th century she was in office for 11 years, from 1979 to 1990. Due to her tough character, she was given a number of nicknames including; The Iron Lady, The milk...

Bronfenbrenner Ecological Theory of Development

Introduction Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory of development is one of the approaches toward explaining the factors that influence adolescents in their pre-school period of life. In this respect, observers should look at the peculiarities of systems existing around a child’s space. The thing is that the developmental processes in a child...

American Attitude Towards War

Introduction America’s attitude with regard to war is quite hard to understand. For many years, the country had been reluctant to engage in war intervention measures among warring nations. In the past, the United States has endeavored to cultivate peace with virtually every other nation. On the other hand, going...

Sex in the Media: Effects on Behaviors and Relationships

The adolescents are among the groups that have much access to the media. They have access to such media as the internet, television, music, and video games among other media. These forms of media convey some sexual messages which are portrayed through dialogues, song lyrics, and images. Adolescents are at...

Defining Fear and Courage

Abstract Frances Moore Lappe’ & Jeffrey Perkins agree with Frank Furedi that fear is spread by politicians and the media both for economic and social status gain. They the politicians and media encourage people to be afraid of other countries, cultures rather than forgetting that, that which they consider right...

Recognizing and Minimizing Tort and Regulatory Risk Plan

All businesses strive to achieve clean operational track records where they can match up with market leaders in their respective industries. One of the ways current businesses make sure they are up to date with global standards is in ensuring that they conduct business in a properly strategized manner. This...

Effect of Physical Activity on Motor Performance

Introduction Competitive swimming entails contesting and increasing speeds (Everett, 2015). Consequently, elite swimmers strive to enhance their aerobic capacity and hone their race strategies. Other technical aspects of swimming include starting and turning at the wall (Veiga & Roig, 2017). Inspirited swimming, relay starts are swifter than starts from a...

Strategy Application in Marketing With Human Resources

Organization Description Riordan manufacturing Inc is a successful company that was established in 1991. It has expanded its operations from a research and development company to a plastic manufacturing company. The company prides itself on having a large customer base and manufacturing plants in China, San Jose, Georgia and Michigan...

“Changed Into His Image” by Jim Berg

The Main Concepts and Ideas of the Book The book Changed into His Image, by Jim Berg, discusses sanctification. Sanctification is a process through which people are made holy according to the Biblical teachings. Therefore, Berg endeavors to illustrate how Biblical teachings contribute to the sanctification of believers. Berg reminds...

Special Stages of Childhood Development

In the second half of the twentieth century, there appeared a great number of theories on child development investigating this issue from different angles. In particular, in the late seventies of the past century, Urie Bronfenbrenner suggested an ecological theory on child development in terms of cultural and social psychology...

Strategic Planning and Outsourcing

Introduction Strategic planning is very important in business management. Doing business entails managing scarce resources to ensure a good return on investment. While making decisions in business, there is the need for decision-makers to evaluate all factors involved in coming up with the best decision. Strategic planning defines a strategy...

Noise Pollution: A Closer Look at the Problem

Environmental issues are very important for modern people, because the future of humanity fairly depends on natural conditions. One of the most serious environmental problems nowadays is noise pollution. Noise pollution occurs in the area where the excessive amount of unpleasant sound is produced. Environmental noises are widespread all over...

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Thinking Like an Economist

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“Freedom Song”: Movie Review

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