Trust and Its Influence on Economic Development

Population In order to explain the relationship between trust and economic equality, the understanding of four factors is unnecessary, which include the social ties or social systems, assumptions on social relations, disagreements over social resources, and the opportunity cost of time. Studies confirm that inequality is a determinant of trust...

Special Education: Perspectives for School Professionals

Introduction Special needs education can be defined as a collection of processes of equipping learners with knowledge and skills, while considering their individual learning requirements (Friend 102). The interview was conducted on a professional in the field of special needs education. He was chosen for the discussion because he was...

Trimco Company’s Business Model

While Trimco is QS 9000 certified, its quality control procedure varies. Please find online how QS9000 certification is conducted, and develop a plan for Navistar to audit the performance of Trimco by itself (hint: you may determine whether you want to audit an area which has already been audited by...

“Rose for Emily” and “Barn Burning” Comparison

Introduction William Faulkner is one of the great authors of American History. “Barn Burning” and “A Rose for Emily” are counted as his best pieces in American literature. Both stories reflect the values pertaining to a typical Old Southern American society. Faulkner, through these two stories, has very intellectually illustrated...

Psychology: the Experimental Approach

The experimental approach allows for making conclusions about causal relationships between variables. In experiments, the conditions of the experiment (potential confounders) are kept on a constant level, and the independent variable (IV) is manipulated to see how it affects the dependent variable (DV). The conditions being kept constant permits for...

Judicial Precedent and Its Forms

Introduction Judicial precedent is a common law system by which a precedent serves as an authority, principle, or rule established in litigation formerly decided. This becomes a binding or persuasive precedent for lower courts or tribunals to follow in deciding future cases with similar facts or issues. The precedent appears...

Standard English: Privilege or Discimination?

Introduction The debate concerning the use of a standard form of English has been a heated one for several decades, especially amongst linguistic and partly the general public. One of the most central issues characterizing the debate is the use of Standard English in education and more specifically whether it...

Artificial Intelligence Through Human Inquiry

Introduction The last week’s readings and media sources prompted me to think more about the creation of artificial intelligence and the problems associated with it. In particular, the presented debate regarding singularity versus co-existence seemed very exciting, as I believe there are both benefits and drawbacks to both scenarios. Much...

Pop Art and Modern Technology in Artworks

Introduction Postmodernism of pop art refers to the historical events in the early 1960s that resulted in the advent of the new era of artwork. According to Osterworld (2003), pop art combines high and low art. Andy Warhol was a pop art revolutionist through the presentation of his artwork by...

Starbucks Coffee Employees Training: New Equipment Usage

Introduction and Background The concept of employee training has become a common subject for researchers and practitioners over the years. The primary principle behind training is providing a workforce with flexibility and freedom in making decisions related to work based on knowledge and skills. This is an anti-thesis of traditional...

Roommate Wars: What to Do When Your Roommate Is a Jerk?

Introduction It doesn’t necessarily take much for your roommate to behave like a jerk: being incredibly messy, borrowing your things (or eating your food) without as much as asking , being offensive towards your friends or simply not willing to compromise on anything are just a few of the most...

The Vancouver Art Gallery: Perception of Space

Introduction At the moment, the Vancouver Art Gallery is located in what was previously the provincial courthouse. The former courthouse is an impressive and imposing building built originally in 1906 and has been constructed following the neo-classical style. In readiness for its conversion into an art gallery, the building underwent...

Professionalism and Ethics in a Team

Implementation of ethical culture in the team After completing high school, I joined a local youth club. The club was established to provide youths with information and knowledge concerning post-school alternatives. After six months at the club, I was nominated as an official. When the elections were conducted, I was...

Leadership Skills Analysis and Comparison

Introduction Strong leadership abilities are necessary to ensure the success of any activity performed by a team. Leadership refers to a process through which one person uses the help and support of others towards achieving a particular goal or task. For one to be a truly effective leader, he/she must...

Curriculum Design and Innovation in Language Teaching

Introduction The present paper refers to the practical and theoretical implications of curriculum design and change; the proper regard is given to the historically formed traditions in language teaching, the most valuable innovations of the 20th century in both traditional MLT and more modern ELT. The ideas of Connelly (1988)...

Marriage in Family Life and Government Policies

Family This is an institution that has been created through an agreement in marriage. It has been accorded the right to privacy by the law. Privacy enables the family members and heads to make the right and best decisions for the sake of the whole unit (Dolan, 180). Family-related decisions...

East European Studies: “The Fall of Yugoslavia” by Misha Glenny

Introduction Misha Glenny’s, The Fall of Yugoslavia: The Third Balkan War is a book that gives an account of the events that led to the Yugoslavian conflict. In the book, Glenny gives a detailed account of his interaction with the Balkans and this provides a basis for understanding the origin...

Perfect and Monopolistic Competition in Markets

Perfect Competition: The Egg Market I do not remember seeing an individual egg producer’s advertisement and I do not anticipate coming across one in the near future. This is primarily because the egg market is a perfectly competitive market. In this regard, the producers of eggs (and consumers too) are...

Effective Management of Organisational Change

Strategy and Change Effective management of organisational change requires embracement of requisite change strategies. Effective change strategy requires managers to establish various mechanisms for managing organisational scope in the context of organisational culture. For example, in this process, Graetz et al. (2001) recommend the necessity for an organisation to deploy...

“Ghosts” vs. “A Doll’s House” by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction Ghosts were written in eighteen eighty-one as a scathing commentary on nineteenth-century fatalities. The two plays were sensational and often regarded as being indecent. Ghost and a Doll’s House criticized contemporary Norwegian society. A Doll’s House is an earlier play than Ghosts written in 1879 during the European revolution...

“V for Vendetta” a British Graphic Novel by Alan Moore

Human relationships may be of a different kind, and for some people, some of the relationships may seem strange; others may believe them to be ideal. Therefore, it is possible to say that people choose the way they are going to communicate with others on the basis of their character...

Amazon and eBay: E-Business Applications Development

Despite the fact that the majority of the online stores were created at the end of the twentieth century, only a few of them possessed the continuing supremacy of Amazon and eBay. These two e-Commerce websites retail a wide variety of goods, from the products of personal hygiene to large...

Sex in Advertising and Its Harmful Effects

Men and women in the society are unequal. There is a belief that it is a man’s world hence women play by men’s rules. One of the areas in which the inequality between men and women stands out is in the area of advertising. Men and women are unequal and...

Advertising and Culture

Importance of culture in advertising by Suzanne Robbe Summary Businesses in many sectors of the economy are continually becoming global. Technology continues to make the world smaller, and this offers a new business opportunity to local companies (Robbe par. 2). To enter these new markets and be successful, they must...

Historical Foundations of the Modern World

Introduction People say that no one can have a future without the past. Contemporary society will leave lots of facts to analyze for future generations. The abundance of information which is a characteristic feature of the beginning of the twenty-first century will help historians of the future. However, modern historians...

Anglicare Company’s Communication Structures

Executive summary This is a report of an interview held with Sarah Drum a worker with Anglicare. The interview was purposed to find out the organization’s communication structures. With this as a guide, it was easy to formulate the questions even before I met with the interviewee. This was measured...

Roman Catholic Theology of Rahner and Kung

Introduction Roman Catholic Theology is comprised of the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. Decisions on the Scripture and the Sacred Tradition are interpreted by the “Magisterium,” and these form the basis of the Catholic teachings (McGrat, 2006). This article evaluates the theology of Rahner and Kung in terms of...

Leadership Skills Development: Strategic Plan

Individual Mission Statement The term leadership can be defined in different ways. Some scholars define leadership based on the individual capabilities of leaders. In this definition, leadership is defined as a function of having self-knowledge, having a well-communicated vision, creating and developing trust among other people, and taking the right...

US Urban Planning Policies and Socio-Spatial Issues

Urban Sprawl in the U.S. and Urban Planning The issue of peri urbanization has become especially topical for the cities of the XXI century. Due to the rapid growth of major cities, the options that large cities provide in terms of employment, and the possibilities for personal and professional growth,...

Tiffany & Co.’s Strategic Choice and Evaluation

Tiffany & Co is a company with a strong brand name and famous for its luxury goods. The company was started in 1837 by Charles Lewis Tiffany and John F. Young. They opened a store in New York that was intended to sell Stationery and costume jewelry. In 1845, the...

The First World War and American Contribution

The First World War, also referred to as the Great War or WWI, broke out in 1914-1918. The opposite sides were presented by two alliances known as the Central Powers of Austria-Hungary and Germany and the Allies represented by Russia, France, and Great Britain. Although the event that triggered the...

Marriage and Family Counseling

Divorce In case the client was in my counseling room, I would first of all find out the details of irritation frustration the woman felt regarding her marriage. It is evident from her responses that she is fed up with her life and simply wants to refuse from everything, to...

Alcohol Drinking and Ethical Decision-Making

Introduction Human beings face various challenges in life that confront them with great dilemmas. In most cases, these situations have more than one alternative, and each choice has consequences for the victims and other members of society. Therefore, it becomes difficult for a person to make a decision when it...

Information Systems Analysis and Design Practices

Introduction The design of systems and their analysis is a pivotal sphere of managerial knowledge that requires frequent updating due to the fast-paced nature of the flow of information. In the sphere of information systems (IS), system analysis and design are invaluable to project success because many endeavors require strategic...

Changes in Higher Education

Introduction Higher learning changes arise from an emerging trend to accessible and open education system in the developing world. Higher learning is attaining education or scholarship at the university or rather the collegiate level. Just as the late 19th century was a development era full of changes and new areas...

Unequal Societies in China, Colombia and Australia

No one would deny neither the importance nor the breadth of scope of Chinese societal transformations initiated by the country’s industrial reform. However, relationships between Chinse private enterprises and the state are far from being balanced. One can argue that these relationships are equally far from promoting environmental sustainability. Neither...

Student Assessment System and Teaching Strategies

The differences between formative and summative assessment According to Gorlewski, formative assessment differs from summative assessment in many ways. For instance, the former emphasizes theory and practice while the latter emphasizes knowledge and skills. In this regard, formative assessment provides results about policy while summative assessment provides results about knowledge....

Change Management in the Workplace

Organizational change is a critical approach that many companies undertake to improve performance and profitability. Business leaders should be aware of the most appropriate strategies to transform their firms and engage all followers. This paper gives a detailed analysis of an organizational change implemented in my workplace. Selected Change I...

Thinking About Diversity and Inclusion

Introduction Culture is the complex of concepts including customs, laws, morals, beliefs, etc. assimilated by a person as a member of society. The overall picture of social diversity is formed according to these factors. One of the manifestations of the dimensions of cultural diversity is behavior in the workplace since...

Fire Safety Education and Risks for Children

Introduction Fire and rescue authorities around the world are increasingly concerned with the enduringly grave statistics of fire-related deaths of children. The vast majority of children are aware of many dangers associated with fire; however, there are also those who consider firing a source of entertainment, which endangers people’s lives....

International Atomic Energy Agency

Introduction As communities around the world continue to expand and modernize, it has become significant to address the increasing energy needs. The expansion and modernization of communities come together with the proliferation of aspects that are synonymous with modern-day living such as the use of appliances and gadgets that depend...

Developmental Model by Jean Piaget

Jean Piaget is widely recognized as one of the most well-known and impactful developmental psychologists in the history of the field (Slavin, 2015). Initially, Piaget majored in biology and then shifted to psychology. As a result, his focus was on the application of the principles and knowledge of biology to...

Diet and Nutrition Trends

Introduction After a 3-day exercise (1st Oct to 3rd Oct 2015) of tracking and recording my food intake, I was able to generate three reports: a daily food log for the three days, an intake versus goals report and a macronutrients ranges report. An overview of the reports revealed interesting...

“The Path to Blitzkrieg” a Book by Robert Citino

Introduction In history, there are a number of books that have been written depicting the wars of the past centuries. The books have mainly been centered towards numerous interests on military forces and the way that they organized their war plans chiefly regarding their ammunitions and leadership. Military excellence is...

Contrasts and Details of “The Cask of Amontillado“ by Edgar Allan Poe

Introduction Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado” was first published in 1846, and it is widely recognized today as the best or one of the best short stories written by the author. It contains a story of revenge taken by an insidious and dark man named Montresor on his...

The Availability Heuristic Concept

Introduction Throughout life, people tend to draw on their experiences in order to better understand a situation or enhance their achievement in some field. Such experiences are called biases or heuristics, and scholars differ in their opinions of whether these are good or bad. The target example for the paper...

Customer Needs and ACME Standards

Real-World Scenario: Agility The following grids represent all stakeholders relevant to the case study under consideration, based on their power along with their interest in the project. Figure 1 illustrates the “perfect grid,” where all stakeholders are placed based on their supposed roles in the project (Thompson, 2018). Here, Rebecca...

Psychology: Teenage Sexual Behavior and Education

Introduction Teenage sex is a topic relevant to both parents and kids, likewise. When teens approach puberty, they experience numerous changes in their bodies, ranging from an overflow of emotions resulting from developing hormonal activity to peer pressure from older members of their age group (Bukatko, 2008). Some feel the...

The Theory of Constraints: Manufacturing Methodology

Introduction The Theory of Constraints is a well-known managerial theory for manufacturing and production system enterprises. Constraints are factors that limit the operational capacity of a manufacturing facility and it is the job of managers to remove these barriers in order to increase outcome and profit. The theory is essential...

Nursing: Safety for a Heart Failure Patient

This case study about patient safety presents clinical indicators, team interactions, and safety concepts for a heart failure patient. A Background for a Clinical Care Scenario A 65-year-old man presents to the emergency department with difficulty in breathing due to heart failure. During the assessment phase, the nurse gathered both...

World War II: Why Germans Lost and Allies Won

World War II began with Germany’s attack on Poland in 1939 and ended with the attack on Japan’s Hiroshima in 1945 with the atomic bomb. Several battles were fought during these six years, which led to the Allies’ success and the defeat of the Axis Powers. There are some causes...

Carlos Ghosn’s Leadership at Nissan Motor Co.

Diagnosis and Rescue Immediately Carlos Ghosn was hired at Nissan, he embarked on a journey to understand some of the things that were hindering the country from realizing its goals. In addition, he identified things that would hinder him from achieving his goals at the company and immediately established ways...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Evidence-Based Practice

Chronic pulmonary obstructive disease (COPD) is a serious chronic condition among millions of Americans that is characterized by airflow blockage and various breathing-related problems. In the majority of cases, patients who are diagnosed with COPD have to be hospitalized in order to receive appropriate treatment and management of the disease...

Philosophical Ideas in Epistemology and Metaphysics

Rene Descartes’ argument for knowledge including the role of skepticism, the evil demon, and god in resolving his doubts Rene Descartes explains that Creator rules over all the animals in the world, despite the fact that people doubts His existence. From his assertions, it is clear that Descartes believes that...

Management Accounting Principles and Techniques

Introduction Accounting standards are basic rules that must be followed while planning budgetary report that will be circulated to individuals, shareholders, and investors. Accounting standards incorporate essential rules and expectations, for example, the cost guideline, coordinating rule, full disclosure rule, income acknowledgment rule, administrative principles, and consistency. Cost accounting is...

Sexual Harassment in the Nursing Workplace

Introduction Nurses often undergo different types of sexual harassment in the workplace. Although understanding how to curb the vice is an important topic in the nursing field, even the most experienced professionals may find it difficult to detect or even affirm its existence (Cogin & Fish, 2009). However, this difficulty...

Right Arbitration Case from Management Perspective

Summary of the Case The case revolves around Bobby Boss, John Demanding, and Wally Worker. The latter was asked to quit after he failed to perform his workplace duties for several months in a row. Wally was promoted because of the union and their claim that he would become a...

Cultural Tourism as a Niche Market

Cultural tourism has been a part of people’s lives for centuries as many individuals have traveled thousands of miles to visit different places. One of the major reasons for such travels used to be religious beliefs. At present, this field of tourism has become a global trend as transportation systems...

Islam and Politics’ Relations

Introduction The topic of interrelations between Islam and politics has been subjected to extensive research in the past few decades due to the complications in the processes of external relationships between Western institutions and those following the Islamic rule. In the very beginning, it is crucial to mention that the...

Military Organization: Leveraging Human Capital

Introduction Organizational leaders must use powerful strategies to empower, guide, and motivate their followers. Numerous models can be implemented in a given workplace depending on the emerging needs of the employees and the anticipated objectives. This discussion explains how human capital can be leveraged in a military organization to maximize...

Online Grocery Shopping Behaviors

Behaviors involved in online grocery shopping Personal thought Online grocery shopping calls for consumers to make adjustments to their purchasing procedure. They can combine information contact with product contact and transaction, such as reading a review when selecting a product online and having the system deduct funds from their account...

Strategic Executive Leadership and Integration

Introduction Power and the discretion to bring major revolutions is a crucial determinant of a leader’s potential influence on the performance of an organization. Managers face many internal and external constraints as they execute their duties. About the internal constraints, the CEO’s discretion can be limited by several internal organizational...

Sony Corporation’s Marketing Strategy in Action

Identify and discuss some of the cultural meanings for Sony possessed by consumers in your country. Discuss how these cultural meanings were developed and how they influence consumers’ behaviors (and affect and cognition). What is the role of marketing strategies in creating and maintaining (or modifying) these cultural meanings? Sony...

Patient Satisfaction in Health Care

Introduction The research problem that the authors of the selected article sought to answer in their research is on how to improve the level of patient satisfaction in the delivery of health care within medical homes and other health care organizations. The research questions that are addressed by the researchers...

“The Arbus Factor” Short Story by Lore Segal

The age of the characters Overall, I began to suspect that Jack and Hope could be elderly people when the author mentioned that in the past these characters were married to other people long time ago. In particular, the narrator says that Hope was a widow, while Jack had divorced...

Global Food Supplies, Overpopulation and Pollution

Introduction Food is an essential human need, and nobody can survive without eating for days. There are fears that the coming decades will be more hostile, especially to individuals who cannot afford decent meals in a day. This essay explores the problem of the threats to global food supplies and...

Asir National Park and Its Ecosystem

Asir National Park on 2 August 2011 I decide to take a drive through Asir national park making various stopovers to enable me to cover as much distance as possible to experience the diverse ecosystem. I notice that one of the most outstanding features in Asir is its diverse vegetation....

Sleep Apnea and Nursing Management

Introduction The article discusses obstructive sleep apnea, a chronic disorder characterized by the obstruction of the upper airways resulting in sleep disruption that could lead to fatigue during the day and the required management. This paper will seek to review the article and evaluate its application to professional nursing practice....

Personality in Classic and Modern Theories

Psychoanalytic Aspects of Personality In this week’s learning, the subject of the greatest interest is the eight aspects of personality. In this context, the topic about traits contains intuitive information about human nature (Friedman & Schustack, 2012). The traits consist of a person’s motives, skills, and to some extent their...

Modernization in Post World War I Turkey and Iran

After World War I, the important and contradictory process of modernization of Middle Eastern countries could be observed. One of the most interesting examples is the political evolution of Iran, where the conservative clerical elite tried to conduct a technical modernization of the country. Another example is the complicated development...

Regression Analysis for Healthcare Organization

Forecasting in health care is a functional representation of data adequately describing the process under study and is the basis for determining future values. The forecasting procedures and techniques based on data with non-numerical nature, for instance, predicting the quality attributes are based on the results of non-numerical data statistics....

Gamal Abdel Nasser’s Political Leadership

The political views of Gamal Abdel Nasser were initially complex and contradictory. On the one hand, he was interested in the idea of Western democracy, and in the solidarity and discipline of people, but ruled with the iron fist of a dictatorship on the other. Apart from that, he supported...

Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology

Purpose of the Book The authors of the book “Thinking through Paul: Survey of His Life, Letters and Theology” wanted to analyze the significance of Paul’s life to Christians. The book delivers powerful messages to the reader. Christians can imitate Paul’s life in order to achieve their religious goals (Longenecker...

Action Learning and Coaching in Corporate Settings

Abstract The paper provides an explanation for the term ‘action learning’ in the context of its connection with the idea of coaching in the corporate setting. Such core principles of action learning as the teamwork, taking actions to address the problem, and the learning as a result of reflections and...

The Nature Conservancy Problems

Introduction The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a non-profit organization in America. It has done well in many respects. However, the organization had a problem in achieving its mission. This mission statement focuses on the preservation of plants, animals, and any other part of nature that enhances sustainability on earth. Attainment...

Organizational Design Factors in the Food Industry

No organization can operate in isolation because reaching strategic objectives such as continuous growth and high levels of performance requires cooperation with customers and other economic agents. In addition to it, organizational performance is often influenced by the developments in the external environment, which includes legislation, technology, the situation in...

Gadgets’ Impact on Parent-Child Relationships

Adult-to-child interactivity Summary The research investigates the influence of gadgets on relationships between parents and their children. The study took place in the park, where the researcher compared the frequency of parents interacting with their kids to the frequency of their interacting with their devices. It was found out that...

The King Fahd Military Medical Complex: Patient Improvement

Introduction This report discusses process improvement at the King Fahd Military Medical Complex’s accident and emergency department. In the last two years, there has been a rise in the number of cases of prolonged stay and reduced patient workflow within this department. Through observation of previously conducted studies by the...

The Nurses Role in Strategic Management

From an interdisciplinary perspective, researchers have drawn contrasts between nursing and strategic planning (Carney, 2009). However, there is little evidence explaining the role of nurses in strategic management. Based on the failure to understand the interplay between nursing and strategic planning, this paper highlights the major areas of similarity and...

Relevance of the First Amendment

Introduction The First Amendment to the US Constitution is a document vital to the regulation of the life of its citizens and the functioning of the country’s governmental bodies (Stone et al. 21). Despite its significance, the initiative has been subject to frequent criticism. Although critics of The First Amendment...

Afaf Meleis’ Transitions Theory in Nursing

Scenario To encourage the active recovery of a patient, a nurse must create a platform for changes in the former’s life. The identified step also implies that a patient‘s family members must accept and embrace the change that is required for the promotion of a patient’s well-being. However, the specified...

Kindergarten Children Under Observation

Introduction This is an observation essay carried out in a kindergarten center. The observation exercise was carried out by just observing kindergarten kids for one day. The observation exercise was conducted as soon as the children reported for school up to the time they left for their homes. All the...

Working Phases: Characteristics, Issues and Concerns

When the psychotherapeutic group successfully reaches the working phase, the clients and the leader may concentrate on the specific issues that made them participate in the therapy. By this stage, the group has acquired such characteristics as a considerable degree of cohesion, empathy, trust, and support. Cox, Owen, and Ogrodniczuk...

The Stress-Buffering Hypothesis Test in a Mexican Sample

Introduction The current paper examines the results of a repeated-measures ANOVA provided in an article by Raffaelli et al. (2013). The brief information about the article is provided; the assumptions for the test are articulated, and it is assessed whether they were checked in the article; the research questions and...

The Problem of Non-Compete Agreements

Topic Overview and Current State The issue that is going to be investigated in the paper at hand is related to the problem of non-compete agreements or covenants not to compete. In contract law, the term refers to a specific clause under which an employee signs a document restricting his/her...

Intercultural Communication: Interfaith Marriages

Introduction Nowadays rapidly changing the world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of intercultural communication. One of them is a growing number of interfaith marriages integrating people from different countries, having different cultures and religions. This essay focuses on the analysis of this phenomenon based on the article...

Fad Diets and Their Impact on Human Health

People often consider diets as a temporary measure meant to help them attain the type of body they want. The problem with this way of thinking is that a diet is more than a measure; rather, it is the embodiment of a lifestyle choice. A diet can be considered as...

Therapeutic Group for Children and Adolescents

Group therapy has been used to help people of different ages to solve their issues. Children and adolescents also benefit from the participation in therapeutic groups as they develop skills necessary for their effective integration into society (Lin & Bratton, 2015). The choice of the topics or activities utilized during...

Employee Monitoring, Its Legal and Ethical Issues

Introduction The increased development and use of technology in the workplace has led to the widespread practice of employee monitoring. Through the use of information technology, employers can monitor the activities of the employee that is utilizing company-owned online accounts, software, and electronic devices. In the growing concern for digital...

School Library Management and Organization Plan

Introduction Creating an environment in which a student feels comfortable and inclined to study is essential for the efficiency of the academic process and the further performance of a learner. Of all elements that an academic environment must include, instructions and information resources should be regarded as the most important...

Motivational Strategies for Employee Productivity

Introduction Today, the environment in which public organizations exist is rather competitive, but each company is willing to achieve success. Trying to enhance organizational effectiveness, they recruit talented personnel that should be directed towards task fulfillment. This aim can be reached only if an organization has strong and positive relations...

Sales Process Flowchart and Its Analysis

Introduction A flowchart is a diagram representing a process by detailing the sequence of steps that are necessary to create a desired output. This graphical presentation uses symbols to connect one event to others by showing different outcomes at particular stages. Flowcharts can be used to analyze any process that...

Aggression Reduction and Social Behavior

Abstract Aggressiveness is a genetically determined characteristic of humans. However, it should be reduced to avoid other people and self-injury. Punishment is a widely used method to prevent aggressive behavior. However, it was demonstrated in several studies that the conception of punishment is not an effective approach to decrease aggressiveness....

Psychotherapeutic Group Development: Termination Stage

The final phase of psychotherapeutic group work is the most difficult one for every participant, as well as for a therapist. Once the therapy comes to an end, such issues as anxiety and uncertainty about the future might arise due to the role of the group in every patient’s recovery...

Thomas vs. Archer Contract and Opinion Analysis

Contracts are a critical part of the modern legal environment, as they guarantee that certain actors will engage in cooperation and remain satisfied with their results. In such a way, they can be determined as agreements between two or more parties that create a certain type of obligations enforceable by...

“Mastery, Tyranny, and Desire” by Bernard Trevor

Introduction Mastery, Tyranny, & Desire is a book written by a historian Burnard Trevor and published by the University of North Carolina Press in 2003. The book addresses the subject of slavery, white privilege, and abuse of power by white plantation owners in Jamaica in the 18th century. The author...

Financial Rewards as a Motivation Factor

Introduction When we describe motivation, we frequently denote “why do a group of individuals behave in a certain way, or how would it be possible to influence them to behave in a different or more specific way? There are in existence various attestations from the field of behavioral sciences, often...

The Problem of Nursing Stress

Introduction Nurse shortage has been documented as one of the factors that lead to increased medication errors and the inability to provide quality care to patients due to its capacity to generate burnout and stress among nursing professionals (Wittenberg-Lyles, Goldsmith, & Reno, 2014). As such, there is a need to...

“The Farthest” a Documentary by Emer Reynolds

Introduction The Farthest is a 2017 documentary that describes the story of the Voyager probes, the human-made objects most distant from the Earth. Since their launch in 1977, the machines have managed to survive to this day while sending valuable information back to Earth all the while. The generators installed...

Clinical Epidemiology and Its Importance

Epidemiology deals with the determinants of health among the population. Today, clinical epidemiology is defined as the science where predictions about patients and their diseases are made through the analysis of clinical events and group studies (Fletcher, Fletcher, & Fletcher, 2012). The relationship between clinical medicine and epidemiology is based...

The Nursing Process to Deliver Culturally Competent Care

Introduction In contemporary society, the delivery of the health care process that is culturally competent has become essential. Cultural competence entails the attitudes and behaviors held by nurses that enable them to communicate effectively with patients from different cultural backgrounds. It involves the delivery of health care that befits the...

Juvenile Justice System: A Madman’s Vacation

A reminder, what does this episode say is the purpose of the juvenile justice system? According to the information presented in the episode, the purpose of the juvenile justice system is to help teenagers rehabilitate instead of punishing them for their crimes. The author also states that the purpose is...

The Moral and Legal Status of Abortion

The key question that was raised by Warren was the status of any given fetus and whether it made the latter a person. The idea consisted in the fact that even if the fetus had any rights, it could not overturn the rights of a woman (Warren 44). In the...

Beach House Company’s Team Performance Management

Introduction Promoting employee engagement and performance improvement is an essential step toward succeeding in the environment of the global market. For this purpose, an efficient leadership strategy must be applied, and the appropriate values must be promoted to the employees. Furthermore, it is crucial to understand that the elements of...

Hygiene as an Evidence-Based Practice

Introduction Hospital-acquired infections are associated with a high level of patient morbidity and mortality. According to Shiva (2014), nearly 1.5 million hospitalized individuals around the globe suffer from the healthcare-related infections, and about 37 percent of patients referring to intensive care units catch them. Hospital personnel is considered to play...

Apple, Inc.: Financial Reporting Problem

Total Cost and Book Value Based on the historical cost principle, companies are required to record the assets in the balance sheet statement at cost. This value is reduced periodically using accumulated depreciation. The cost of an asset should be calculated properly because failure to do that can affect the...

The Four Ps of Marketing in Nursing

Introduction Marketing has become an integral part of many spheres of life in the modern world. Nowadays, it is setting a significant benchmark for public sector agencies enforcing their development. It is essential for every type of organization to utilize some core marketing techniques to obtain a wide range of...

Diabetes Type 2 Treatment and Health Promotion

Introduction Diabetes is a chronic disease that requires specific treatment and appropriate self-management actions. Over the past years, the evidence-based practice proved the importance of individual dietary patterns, nutrients, and foods in the management of diabetes and the prevention of complications. It is noted that self-management is known to be...

Reducing the Rate of Pollution

Introduction Background of the Problem This proposal is being written due to the decision of the E227 Global Solutions Company management to reduce the rate of its factory’s toxic outbursts into the atmosphere by twenty-five percent within the next year. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an appropriate strategy that...

Women’s Health Assessment and Diagnostics

History-Taking At the beginning of the work, it is pivotal to take a complete medical history from the patient to exclude problems with other systems of the body. When interviewing the patient, special attention must be paid to potential pregnancy, sexual history, past gynecological diseases, changes in general health condition,...

Nursing Critique: Comfort Theory

Meaning Katharine Kolcaba’s comfort theory focuses on providing comfort as one of the main purposes of nursing care along with patient safety and patient satisfaction. In the theory, a lot of attention is paid to defining the concept of comfort and establishing what contributes to it, what enhances it, and...

Epidemiological Studies and Public Health

Introduction The wellbeing of humans is a state of health that is subject to various determinants of health and diseases. Often, most epidemiological studies present risk factors as individual non-independent elements due to complex interactions and synergistic associations in practice (Fletcher & Fletcher, 2012). These health-associated conditions naturally fall into...

Levels of Health Prevention

The types of care that are maintained in healthcare institutions largely determine the nature of a particular treatment plan, the features of recovery, and patient outcomes. Based on the analysis of a specific methodology used by medical specialists as the primary means of assistance, it is possible to determine the...

Matrix and Tests of Validity and Reliability

TEST of Reliability Application and APPROPRIATENESS Strengths Weaknesses Internal Consistency Multiple experiments Accurate Reduce confounding effects Reduce external validity Expensive to conduct Split-half Comparative study Eliminates business Minimizes errors Low reliability Prone to confounding variables Test/retest Prospective study Consistency and variability Confirmation of findings Inaccuracy of intervals Lack of significant...

Masculinity in The Great Gatsby and The Breakfast Club

Introduction In any society, culture may be played out from different dimensions such as through masculinity and femininity. Masculinity entails a cultural dimension in which gender roles become distinct by spelling out characteristics that men should display. Such traits include materialism, assertiveness, and toughness among others. Conversely, women are expected...

Associate- vs. Baccalaureate-Degree in Nursing

Introduction The distinction in competencies between an associate-degree nurse (ADN) and a baccalaureate-degree graduate (BSN) is not often clear-cut. The reason for this relates to the similar educational requirements for licensure, which means that the RN license, not the academic pathway, determines practice roles (Matthias, 2015). Nevertheless, fundamental differences exist...

Differential Psychology as a Future Career Field

Introduction Psychology is concerned with peoples’ behavior at three different levels. These are the characteristics common to all people, the unique characteristics common to a group of people, and characteristics unique to each individual. This implies that while there are certain characteristics common to all people, there are those that...

Performance Management Issues: Types and Factors

Introduction To make elaborate management decisions, there is a need for organizations to analyze large volumes of information and be able to quickly assess the state of the organization in various aspects. In this connection, performance management serves as a beneficial tool to ensure an appropriate developmental direction. Performance management...

“Mightier Than the Sword” a Book by Jeffrey Archer

Summary Chapter 6 of the book, “Mightier than the Sword”, explores various cases of investigative journalism that occurred during the latter half of the 19th century which brought to light the various excesses of corruption and disreputable practices that various politicians, corporations, government agencies and captains of industry engaged in...

Professionalism and Ethics in Environment

Challenger Disaster Challenger refers to a space shuttle that was owned by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Challenger was scheduled to launch on 28th January 1986. On the scheduled day, the challenger lit off but it disintegrated immediately after liftoff (Chow). It is estimated that it was...

Johnson’s Behavioral System Model in Nursing

In nursing, theories are used as systematic explanations of a certain event and concepts which may be identified in terms of their relations and possible impact on people. Each nursing theory is the possibility to structure and organize nursing knowledge in a proper way (McEwen & Wills, 2014). It is...

Health Care Financing History in the United States

Introduction The system of healthcare in the United States is dominated by fee-for-service model. However, the issue of rising healthcare costs and low quality of care led to the development of other payment models, some of which are claimed to have a positive effect on patient outcomes while reducing costs....

Education in High School Versus College

Introduction Education is one of the most important issues in life. As soon as a person is born, parents start thinking about their future education options. In America, approximately 51 million students attend schools, and 21 million students visit colleges, meaning that about 22% of the US population is involved...

Christianity and Rastafarianism Comparison

Introduction Many religions are observed to manifest and follow eight unique elements. These elements include community, worldview, myths or general stories, ethics, rituals, emotional experiences, sacredness, and material expression (Guyette, 2014). These elements play a critical role towards bringing followers of the religion together. This discussion describes how Rastafarianism and...

Lighting Design Role in the Play

Introduction Lighting design is a significant aspect that can contribute to viewers’ perceptions of the play. It involves both creative, collaborative, and technical processes and requires the engagement of the whole team. This paper presents a description of these processes and ­provides a detailed explanation of them. It also features...

Authentic Leadership’ Aspects

The qualities and abilities described in the model of authentic leadership are not just knowledge and skills. A few different aspects may be included in this phenomenon: ethical and moral values, internal motives, etc. The concept of authentic leadership emerged not very long ago, but within a short period, it...

Artistic Representation of Society in Amat’s Paintings

Introduction The paintings sent by Don Manuel de Amat y Junyet in 1770 to the king of Spain belonged to a genre known as casta paintings. This artistic category strived to catalogue the diverse populations living in the colonial world, and thus it can be argued that casta paintings suggest...

Miami Gardens’ Vulnerable Population Health

Introduction Every community, area, or population group is unique. Its individual characteristics are based on such features as its geographical location, demographics, size, and socioeconomic status, to name a few. The community selected for this project in Miami Gardens. This is a suburban community situated in Miami City. Namely, the...

Domestic Violence Among Black Immigrant Women

The population of interest The selected population of interest for this study is black immigrant women. Summary of the search process The search sought to establish the prevalence of domestic violence among black immigrant women in the United States. Search terms included domestic violence, intimate partner violence, black immigrant women,...

Legal Personality Development in International Law

Introduction International law, IL, is founded on regulations created and acknowledged as obligatory in associations between countries and between nation-states. States are autonomous and equivalent in their relationships and can willingly make or accept the legally mandatory rules, specifically in the type of an accord or a pact (Kaczorowska 306)....

Why Guest Blogging Still Matters?

Introduction Guest blogging has had a rocky road over these last several months. The pundit-sphere was buzzing about the purported demise of guest blogging. This has been prompted by some seriously unsavory practices that remind this writer of bad old days gone by. Those readers old enough to remember radio...

Adherence to Antiretroviral in HIV Treatment

Importance of the Article and Purpose The article drafted by GĂŒnthard et al. in 2016 on ‘Antiretroviral Drugs for Treatment and Prevention of HIV Infection in Adults 2016 Recommendations of the International Antiviral Society–USA Panel’ is vital in the study of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) and their importance. The article delves...

Nursing Future in Institute of Medicine’s Report

Introduction The Institute of Medicine (“IOM”) created a report after an extensive study that identified gaps in healthcare delivery services. The report was crafted with an eye on the role of nurses in improving the health care delivery process. The IOM report highlighted the key recommendations in improving the education,...

Yalla Momos Restaurant Business Plan in Dubai

Introduction The catering industry is a profitable and successful platform for starting a business if the strategy is thought out in advance and the terms of the business plan correspond to the current market opportunities. As an analysis of such a venture, the Yalla Momos restaurant for expatriates in Dubai...

Roots Miniseries and The Saga of an American Family

Introduction Roots are the miniseries based on the novel Roots: The Saga of an American Family written by Alex Haley. They describe the history of the United States starting with the colonial times and ending with the Civil War and postwar period. The first two episodes are connected with Kunta...

Honesty and Withholding Information in Nursing

The work of an advanced nurse practitioner presents a complex system of rules and priorities to be followed for the delivery of high-quality services. Healthcare in its historical advancement is such a social institution in which many bioethical ideas were incepted and developed. To solve the problems that confront the...

Sales Management and Marketing

The firm’s success depends not only on how well each department performs its work but also on how well the various departmental activities are coordinated to conduct core business processes. List and briefly describe the five core business processes outlined in the text. The following are the five-core business processes...

Bank Reconciliation: Theft and Control Deficiencies

Introduction Internal control is a vital process because it gives reasonable assurance about the activities of a company and compliance with laws and regulations. Control activities seek to minimize the risks that companies face. The management often comes up with internal control measures depending on the risk level of each...

Soda-Ban on Extra-Large Drinks

Introduction In 2012, the mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, presented a proposal to enact a ban on the sale of large sodas and several other sugary drinks because of their high levels of sugars. If passed, the ban would apply in restaurants, street carts, and movie theaters. The...

Personal Nursing Philosophy and Theoretical Foundation

Introduction All professionals have a certain philosophy that shapes their actions and the way they make decisions. In the nursing practice, having a philosophy is very important as it helps nurses to remain committed to the profession and motivated to try hard to achieve their professional goals (Masters, 2014). This...

Drug Abuse Among Homeless People in Miami

Introduction Little Havana is located in Miami, Florida. It is a diverse neighborhood, full of rich Caribbean and South American cultures. Most of the population is represented by Latino Americans. The neighborhood is very much developed; most of its residents have full access to various social institutions and cultural sights....

Insulin Pump Therapy in Diabetes

Introduction The article explores a study conducted by Johnson, Copper, Jones, and Davis (2013) to determine the long-term effect of using insulin pump therapy in the treatment of type 1 diabetes in children. The aim of the study was to determine the impact of insulin therapy pump on the management...

The Manifestation of Christianity and Rastafarian

Introduction Human beings across the world tend to develop certain beliefs and practices. Some of these faiths are passed from generation A to B. This development has led to the establishment of different religious groups such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Taoism (Elton-Chalcraft, 2015). Evidence reveals that most of these...

South African and Namibian Healthcare

Introduction Having been liberated from apartheid, the population of South Africa is now going to overcome other obstacles. The success of the country’s further development requires strong leadership from the government and commitment from people (Skolnik, 2012). The impact The impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic is hard to overestimate. The...

How Personal Can Ethics Get?

Introduction Ethical decisions are essential aspects, which make efficient running of organizations possible. It is evident that, everyone evaluates ethical matters in the best way they understand. Thus, to avoid disagreement involving a person’s views and institution norms, organizations have put up rules and measures that guide individuals during decision-making....

Shui Fabrics Company: Operational Costs and Strategy

According to Ray Betzell, the rate of returns on investment that Shui Fabrics was making was too low compared to the expectations of the Americans and that was the reason why he said that the Chinese manager Chiu Wai could not be pleased by the way things were happening; as...

International Markets and Its Opportunities

There are various reasons as to why organizations internationalize which include: International markets offer more opportunities and a growth potentiality; outside markets have homogenization of preferences for their products; it a way of risk diversification into different regions; lower entry barriers in outside markets; intensified industry competition and rivalry among...

Water Resources in Australia: Usage and Management

Introduction Australia is one of the driest continents in the world. This condition informs policies concerning water; various governmental and non-governmental institutions have teamed up to face the challenges facing people as far as water is concerned. The organizations have joined hands to lobby the government and town councils to...

The UK Pharmaceutical Industry: International Business

Introduction Globalisation has been on the increase in the last couple of decades, as the world’s economy continues to grow. This has led to increased international trade. Most organisations are seeking to expand their customer base in the international market. International trade refers to the type of trade that occurs...