The Market Research Findings

Introduction The real option, as per the case study, is a well-established firm. This assertion is supported by the fact that it is currently at the peak of expansion a factor brought about by increased demand. However, expansion, as observed in other markets and business organizations, presents several dilemmas. A...

Child Labour and Exploitation Controversies

Introduction It should be noted that researchers and theorists have been studying the problem of child labor and its impact on the children’s well-being for many years. In particular, they study how labor and economic activity affect the motivation and value orientations of adolescents and the way standards and working...

Australian Consumers Strategies to Reduce Food Waste

What are the challenges in educating consumers to reduce food waste? It is estimated that Australians discard food over $5 billion annually (Baker, Fear, and Denniss 6). Thus, government efforts to reduce food waste would result in significant financial savings. However, the government’s public education efforts face many challenges. First,...

Military Personnel and Psychological Risks

Military personnel is exposed to greater psychological risks than civilians. Soldiers occasionally face scenes and events that are disturbing or implying a great responsibility for the outcomes. It is not surprising that they are often subject to psychological issues as a result of their service. Researchers have discovered that the...

Nature Foods Ltd.’s Business and Consumer Needs

Executive Summary This report lists recommendations as to how Nature Foods Ltd. might shift its business model to take advantage of consumers’ growing concern not only with the state of the environment and their ecological footprint but also consumers’ desire to buy locally produced products. In recent years consumers have...

Literature of Discourse and Discourse Coalition

According to Hajer (1997), a discussion coalition is the clothing of a set of tale collections, the characters that utter these tale collections, and the methods that comply with these tale collections, all organized around a discourse. A discussion coalition can be said to control a given governmental region only...

Inquiry-Based Science Classroom: Elements and Methods

Introduction Education is one of the major building blocks of our modern society. One subject in the educational system that has made significant contributions to the advancement of human civilization is science. In recognition of the importance of science, researchers have dedicated many resources to search for the most effective...

Elizabeth Bay Before and After Colonization

Present Elizabeth Bay is found in the state of New South Wales in eastern Sydney. The Bay is situated three kilometers east of Sydney central business. It is a harbor-side suburb that derived its name from the bay found in Sydney harbor. In the north, it is bounded by the...

Should Stimulants Be Prescribed to Boost Grades?

Abstract ADHD is a widespread problem that causes considerable problems with academic progress in children. In this work, I analyze the opinion presented in a newspaper article and develop an argument that considers the disadvantages of the pharmaceutical treatment of ADHD, such as subjectivity of diagnosis, numerous side effects, uncertainty...

Tenets of the Cicero’s Just War Theory

Four Most Important Tenets of the Just War Theory of Cicero There are seven major principles of the Just War Theory. For a war to be just, it should be the last resort, it should be waged by a legitimate authority, it should be for a just cause, based on...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Change Management and Technologies in Marketing

Abstract The paper explores the way change affected the sphere of marketing and what field leaders can do about the occurring changes. The main aspect that caused several changes in the sphere of marketing is the rapid growth of technologies. Through the use of social media, market leaders can redefine...

Abortion and Its Moral Status

Assignment Title During our life, we constantly have to encounter challenging circumstances that create dilemmas and demand difficult choices. Sometimes, our decisions inevitably affect other people’s lives and therefore involve a wide range of moral issues. This is the case with abortion. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to detect...

Ancient History: Agricola and Germania by Tacitus

Introduction The Agricola and Germania is a book mainly written for two distinct historical purposes: the first one is to appraise Agricola, a talented commander and a real historic figure of the Roman Empire period, and the second one serves to praise the Germania inhabitants. In the book, we find...

The Concept of Attachment Theory

Introduction The postulates of attachment theory were developed by and John Bowlby. The author created a comprehensive approach to perceiving individual development based on concepts from numerous fields of research, including second-order cybernetics, psychoanalysis, developmental psychology, ethology, etc. (Blakely and Dziadosz 284). Due to incorporating different theoretical frameworks, attachment theory...

Network Layers and Communication Flow Levels

TCP/IP Protocol Suite covers a whole family of protocols, application programs, and a network. The architecture of these protocols is necessary for an integrated network, which consists of connected separate heterogeneous packet subnets. They are connected to each other via gateways. Heterogeneous machines are connected to each of the subnets,...

The Evolution of Financial Crisis

Introduction The modern world faces numerous problems that could not but impact the state of finances and economy of various countries. Moreover, the aftermaths of the world financial crisis are still significant and slow down the pace of economic development of different regions. Besides, Europe has always been taken as...

Religious Capital and Conversion to Other Religions

Personal Religious Capital and Impacts on It Religious capital entails the fundamental investment that individuals tend to make in their respective religious faiths. It incorporates the mutual time as well as the physical work devoted towards maintaining both religious faith along with private and special investments in the doctrines, practices,...

Prevention or Delay of Type 2 Diabetes

Introducing the Topic There are numerous health concerns affecting the quality of life, and type 2 diabetes is one of them. Regardless of the critical role of genetic specificities in determining predisposition to type 2 diabetes, the influence of lifestyle is as well significant (Asif, 2014). Therefore, it is essential...

Ethics in Reporting: Globalization and Media

The roles of the media during apartheid South Africa The mainstream media in South Africa during the apartheid regime was predominantly a white dominion. For the better part of this period, media overage split within ideological lines with the mainstream English service being pro-government while the Afrikaner nationalistic press tended...

Mountain Dew Brand Marketing Strategies

Mountain Dew was one of PepsiCo’s brands in the carbonated soft drinks category. In 1973, BBDO New York, PepsiCo’s “agency of records for Pepsi”, became the advertising agency for the Mountain Dew brand (Harvard Business School par. 4). BBDO was a leading ad firm that attracted high-end clients because of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Unruly Customers and Employee Turnover Intention

Introduction The ‘customer is always right’ is a slogan popularized by the management to encourage staffs to take customer complaints seriously (Zikmund & Babin, 2006). This view assumes that customers are always “rational and functional” in their encounters with employees (Harris & Reynolds, 2003). While honest customer feedback is vital...

Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia and Nursing Awareness

Introduction Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is one of the most widespread hospital-acquired infections among American patients. VAP can cause increased mortality rates, length of stay, and health care costs both for the facility and the patient. However, there is no accurate reference definition of VAP, as it is usually suspected if...

Bedside Reporting and Nurse Communication

Findings The current research utilizes the secondary data for the survey conducted at Washington Regional Medical Center regarding the implementation of the bedside reporting procedure in 2014 (Szeto, Wren, & Milborn, 2014). Nurses of the cardiac department at Washington Regional Medical Center participated in the survey to examine their perceptions...

6-Steps Training Model for Global Leaders

Abstract The paper discusses the six-step training model for global leaders used to develop their cultural intelligence. The model was presented in the article by Earley and Mosakowski (2004). The researchers state that while referring to the cultural intelligence, it is important to avoid mixing the concept with the idea...

Team Members and Patient Satisfaction’ Collaboration

Problem Introduction Caring for older patients who have complicated medical conditions along with potential risk factors is a challenge the majority of nurses face on a regular basis. The introduction of the Transitional Care Model (TCM) allowed nurses to better operate the interventions targeted at addressing the health outcomes of...

Globalization and Cultural Knowledge of China

Introduction China is growing at an unprecedented rate in the history of the world. It stands to cause ripples in the world as its presence in various aspects of the global economy grows. The policies that the Chinese government makes going into the future have to reflect on a globalization...

Analysis of Innovation and Marketing Management

Introduction Innovation is the procedure for generating and executing a unique idea. It entails the process of taking utile notions and changing them into beneficial merchandises; which is a requirement for innovation (Lee, Wang & Chang 2011). Creativity is the power to unite notions in a new method or make...

Evolution, Prehistory, and Physical Anthropology

Globalization can be described as a two-edged sword. How does it foster growth and destruction simultaneously? Globalization is a process which becomes more and more widespread nowadays. With the development of different means of transport and different communications tools, it becomes easier and easier for globalization to become more important....

Nursing Challenges: Inexperience and Ethical Dilemmas

Lack of Trust, Authority and Experience in Nursing To be a professional nurse means to face numerous challenges that arise from the nature of the given occupation. Communicating with people, a specialist should take into account numerous issues to establish contact with patients and assist them in their recovery. However,...

Health Promotion Among Diverse Populations

Introduction There is no doubt that the stable health situation of the population is among the factors that secure the well-being of the people. According to the key values of our society, all the people whose work is helpful for the country should be treated equally and provided with all...

Clinical Problem and Current Research

Stakeholders The main stakeholder groups that are important for the future change project include patients older than 65 years, their closest family, the nursing staff of the healthcare institution, and the hospital’s administration. The primary stakeholders are patients and the staff since they will be directly engaged in project implementation...

Gender Stereotypes Formation in Children

Introduction Modern Western society is characterized by a great deal of gender equality. Moreover, people tend to refer to such countries as Canada, the USA, European countries as egalitarian societies. It is natural to see women working in various areas and even occupy high posts in the sphere of politics,...

Healthcare Organizations Issues: Shared Vision Development

To Staff Members The healthcare sector has continued to provide quality medical support to many citizens. However, the practice has been characterized by a number of challenges. Proper knowledge of some of the issues affecting the sector can encourage more professionals to identify the best solutions (Buchan & Aiken, 2008)....

“A Treatise of Human Nature” by David Hume

A Treatise of Human Nature is a work of David Hume, which was published in three consecutive parts from 1738 to 1740. Hume was a Scottish philosopher who was increasingly fascinated by the study of human knowledge and mind. In A Treatise of Human Nature, Hume attempts to explore the...

Advanced Nursing Education and Barriers to It

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) report “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” focuses on a number of initiatives that can be implemented to ensure nurse practitioners (NPs) meet the needs of more underserved populations. The report was informed by the major gaps that were making it impossible for...

Tyson Boneless Chicken Breast: Company’s Issues

Introduction International trade has transformed the lifestyles of many people in the world. Human beings are using different services, goods, and foods produced over a thousand miles away. However, this scenario presents both negative and positive consequences. Many scholars have been examining the issues associated with international trade. This form...

African Self-Representation Then and Now

Introduction Nowadays, Africa is considered the poorest continent in the world. Remarkably, for such a long period of time, Africans’ way of life remains unchanged (Walton, Smith, and Wallace 2017). Certainly, there are many reasons for that, ranging from some peculiarities of their culture to the hundreds of years of...

‘Ziegfeld: The Man Who Invented Show Business’ by Mordden

Summary The book ‘Ziegfeld: The Man Who Invented Show Business’ is written by Ethan Mordden and is entirely about the inventor of the show business Mr. Florenz Ziegfeld. Ziegfeld transformed the unspectacular show industry into glamorous show business by the time he left the industry. He is widely known as...

The Becker’s Hospital Program

The purpose Leadership is a crucial part of the functioning of any organization, collective, team, etc. It contributes to better cooperation and mutual understanding. For this reason, the creation of efficient leaders and their becoming major actors who contribute to the improved functioning of an organization could be considered one...

Team Strategies and Tools in Nursing Practice

TeamSTEPPS Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety (TeamSTEPPS) is a system of evidence-based tools with the primary goal to improve patients’ outcomes through the development of teamwork skills among health care providers (Clancy & Tornberg, 2007). TeamSTEPPS can be used to improve the quality of medical...

Popular Research Paper Topics

IBM Company’s Leadership and Innovation Management

Why do large established companies, like IBM, find it difficult to build successful and sustainable new businesses? Large companies like IBM find it difficult to build successful new businesses since they become skeptical concerning the idea of building and defining their strategic goals together with boundaries. This is because they...

Faith in “The Hollow Men” and “The Funeral Blues”

Introduction Thomas Stearns Eliot and Wystan Hugh Auden belong to the brightest representatives of the American literature of the twentieth century. The unmatched virtuosity of each poet deserves particular attention and admiration from the audience. In their work, Eliot and Auden rise such crucial topics as love, war, faith, death,...

Dependency Theory in International Political Economy

Dependence is a corollary to dominance. Least developed nations depend on developed countries for domestic and international policies to stimulate their growth. We witness substantial dependence on both primary and agricultural products for exports. Dependency theory explains primarily how developed and developing nations interact. The theory is perceived as an...

Philosophy by Moore & Bruder: From Descartes to Kant

Explain and evaluate Rene Descartes argument for knowledge including the role of skepticism, the evil demon, and god in resolving his doubts Rene Descartes argument for knowledge revolves around skepticism, the evil demon, and God. Descartes uses skepticism as a tool to resolve his doubts and argues that if people...

Philosophy: Modern Metaphysics and Epistemology

Descartes and Dualism Descartes’s way of acquiring knowledge is one of the most interesting styles. According to Descartes, everything has two sides and can, therefore, appear as true or false depending on a person’s ability to interpret it. Skepticism is an important feature of the process of knowledge acquisition. Doubting...

Alan Wilson’s Career Choice to Change the World

Abstract The case study analysis is focused on selecting the best career option for Alan Wilson. The purpose is to choose the option that is most beneficial to make a difference. Although accepting the offer to work for Grepter in Zurich Alan acts rationally, this choice is most efficient to...

Medical School Strategies Learning

Introduction Learning is a quintessential process, upon which all education is based. There are numerous teaching strategies out there, designed both for individual and group learning. These strategies have their advantages and disadvantages. Medical schools put great emphasis on developing critical and clinical thinking through problem-solving and collaborative learning strategies....

Cisco System Inc.’s Enterprise Resource Planning

What factors had made the difference between the success and failure of the Cisco ERP project? Management of resources within organizations is very critical in the financial and efficient performance of today’s biggest organizations, organizations like Cisco deal with very many variables in their day to day business activities, especially...

Workforce Development and Its Stakeholders

The role of government in supporting strategies of skills development in the workforce Workforce development has been defined in various ways by different scholars. According to Jacobs (2002), “this word has come to be used in the description of a fairly wide range of policies, activities and programs. This includes...

The Problem of Nursing Shortage

The problem of the nursing shortage in the United States is primarily connected with three factors: permanent poor health care workforce planning, ineffective system of payments, and disadvantageous geographic distribution of nurses. According to MacLean, Hassmiller, Shaffer, Rohrbaugh, Collier, and Fairman (2014), in 2008 almost 50,000 applicants to nursing programs...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Transformational Theory for Efficient Nursing Services

Management of Power at SLMC Addressing the needs of patients from different backgrounds and with different health issues, at the same time managing the work of nurses, scheduling essential activities and handling the available data appropriately are crucial components of a nurse executive (NE) in the environment of the Saint...

Women and Media in Douglas’s “Where the Girls Are”

Introduction Susan Douglas’s Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media is a significant contribution to modern feminist thought for its critical look at how women of the Baby Boomers generation were severely influenced by the popular culture. The book also acknowledged the blossoming awareness and acceptance...

Dyslexic Students at University

Summary of the Disorder Dyslexia is one of the widespread learning disorders that affect the population on a large scale. According to some estimates, as much as twenty percent of individuals have it in some form or another (Lapkin, 2014). Despite such an impressive presentation and a growing body of...

The Tyco Company’s Business Failure

Introduction Tyco International Ltd is a manufacturing company involved in the provision of fire protection and safety systems and electronic security services. Between 1996 and 2002, Tyco made management decisions that contributed to its financial failure. The management of the company employed some inappropriate practices that contributed to bankruptcy faced...

Ancient Philosophy: The Power of Ideas on Reality

Heraclitus Heraclitus’s view concerning the nature of reality is that it keeps on changing. He argues that reality does not exist while permanence is an illusion. The most remarkable thought concerning Heraclitus’s view is that a person cannot step into the river twice because it constantly changes. Argumentatively, the water...

Cryptosporidium in “Outbreak at Watersedge” Game

Introduction The process of epidemiologic investigation can be used as a basis for an interactive game to teach students how the public health sector operates in the situation of an outbreak. The game “Outbreak at Watersedge” leads a player through a series of events in order to find the source...

“Art 21” Episode of the “Fantasy” Series

The ART: 21 Fantasy video is obtained from season 5 of the series ‘Fantasy.’ The episode focuses on a few artists with hallucinatory, irreverent, and sublime works. Their works lead the audience to create imaginary worlds with adjusted levels of perception. The video contains the works of four different artists,...

Crisis Situation: Survivals and Prevention

In a crisis situation, the immediate response is vitally important. Timely help to the survivals and the prevention of the disaster spread are the steps to be taken. As long as the situations may be different, each needs a peculiar approach. Back Home Again: Evacuations End, but Colorado Fire Still...

Special-Needs Children in the “Kids” Video

The issue in this case In the video “Kids…why can’t They Be Like We Were—Perfect In Every Way” the most important issue is the inequalities faced by some people in the society. From the video, it is evident that some groups of people in society suffer from discrimination either based...

Holistic Healthcare and Patient Satisfaction

Introduction The modern environment of economic growth, technological advances, and the quick pace of urbanization have led to a significant increase in patient expectations, and, subsequently, the decrease in satisfaction rates (Kravitz, 1998, p. 280). Therefore, there is an expanding gap that arose between what general practitioners consider important and...

Anorexia Nervosa: Perspectives and Treatment

Abstract Anorexia nervosa is one of the diseases that border with mental pathology. Currently, anorexia occurs in both adolescents and adults, among whom more than half of the cases are the consequence of neurotic reactions. The core of the disease is a deliberate restriction in food intake or complete refusal...

Evangelical Theology of Grenz and Olson

Stanley Grenz and Roger Olson explored modern theology through the grid of “divine transcendence and divine immanence” (Grenz, & Olson, 1992). They pointed out that “One significant theme that provides an interpretive tool and a means of bringing to light the unity and diversity of theology in the transitional century...

“Strauss & Co” Company’s and China Cooperation

Every company that achieved great results in its native country strives to cover new territories and expand its production into other markets of the global community. As the concept of globalization and cultural diversity is a well-known issue, entrepreneurs from all over the world try to address these issues and...

Voice of America during the Cold War

Aim of the public diplomacy project To identify the role of the Voice of America and its impact on the world. Scenario: The Context in which the activity took place/issue it sought to address The Voice of America is the legitimate extrinsic broadcast organization of the United States of America....

Medical Appliances and Supplies Industry Analysis

The medical appliances and supplies have proved to be a significant industry in the modern world. The industry is not only growing rapidly, but it is a very dynamic industry in terms of its ability to change and adopt new technology. The industry is a fast-growing industry that includes the...

Chinese Immigrant’s Experience in the United States

Immigration to the US has been reported to be one of the most “complex phenomenons” that has resulted in considerable population growth in this particular country. Apart from causing high population growth, immigration to the US is an incident that has dramatically brought many changes in society. In fact, the...

Volkswagen Emissions Scandal and Brand Reputation

The Scandal When it comes to the types of fuel, the automobile preferences in the United States and Europe differ majorly. The cars powered by diesel fuel that produces the emissions of CO2 (carbon dioxide) are more popular in Europe, while the Americans prefer the vehicles running on gasoline that...

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder at School

Introduction The following are observations of Jacob, a child with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which was made at Cornell Junior Public School. The school is a community-based learning institution whose functions are grounded on the cultural strengths of the surrounding community. The school was started in 1959 and has...

“Right Step” Fall Prevention Program in Florida

Facility Introduction Nowadays, many elderly people prefer to be the patients of specialized nursing homes and be under control of professional nurses and doctors instead of being cared for in their own homes and create numerous challenges and responsibilities for their relatives. As a rule, nursing homes are the places...

Truss Construction Shop Workplace Incident

Introduction Critical thinking plays an integral part in a successful organization as it provides essential grounds for evaluation and analysis. Considering methods and instruments of critical thinking, a leader can effectively address the existing challenges within a company. This paper aims at accurate assessment and subsequent analysis of the incident...

Ghosh’s Administration and Structural Changes at Appex

What were the challenges that Shikhar Ghosh faced when he joined Appex? At the time, when Shikhar Ghosh joined Appex, this company faced several challenges; in particular, one can speak about the inability to plan long-term projects and prioritize the activities of the personnel. Moreover, this organization lacked accountability standards,...

Lego’s Change Under Jorgen Knudstorp’s Leadership

Introduction Markets over the world are growing and becoming more complicated than yesteryears. Businesses face the challenge of expanding internal markets as they flex their muscles outwardly. Wrong decisions can easily lead to the downfall of a company. It is good to recommend that networking should go on in order...

Impacts of Diversity on Employee Communication

Diversity Leads to Prejudice According to Allen (2009), interpersonal communication in a diverse workforce is susceptible to prejudice. Consequently, organizational leaders and workers are required to choose their words correctly and structure a message in such a way that it is void of ambiguous phrases. Beamer (2007) maintains that jargon...

Early Social Interaction: Children with Autism

Introduction The bulk of the available literature and research does not explore the different factors that contribute to the effectiveness of the Early Social Interaction (ESI) program. Therefore, this paper analyzes an article addressing how the involvement of parents in the ESI programs affects the outcome of improved social and...

Ways of Treating Obesity in Older Patients

Introduction The area of clinical practice that is particularly interesting to me is the treatment and management of health issues in the elderly population. In most developed countries, including the United States, there is a general trend towards the aging of the population, which means that the share of older...

Vaginitis Diagnosis: Discussion and Analysis

Vaginitis is a common medical condition among women in the reproductive age group and is responsible for numerous visits to healthcare facilities and much distress due to its capacity to negatively impact the overall quality of life (Guedou et al., 2013). Although vaginitis is basically the most common gynecologic diagnosis...

DesignerTopFashion Company’s Information Technology Strategy

ERP systems ERP systems may not be the most appropriate solution for all types of organizations. For which of the following do you believe that ERP systems would be suitable: Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is a business management program that helps organizations to use a system of integrated systems to...

Women Characters in Chopin’s, Gilman’s, Faulkner’s Stories

Character Analysis Miss Emily, Mrs. Mallard, and the main character in the story The Yellow Wallpaper (her possible name is Jane) are three characters from three different stories written by different authors. In spite of the fact that these women may have nothing in common due to the different living...

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Diagnostic

Do Kendra’s presenting problems result from patterns of interaction with others? Indeed, Kendra seems to be having personal problems especially when it comes to interacting with other people. It is evident from the case study that she feels quite uncomfortable mixing with peers and other acquaintances. For instance, she is...

Primary Care Case Manager’s Interview

Introduction The interview for this assignment is A., a case manager working in the sphere of primary care. She is a Registered Nurse (RN) with significant experience in primary and acute care. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing and has been working as a case manager for three years....

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Cell Phones’ Adverse Impact on Social Interaction

Introduction All forms of technology are important to the day-to-day life of the 21st century. The gadgets that come from are made possible by modern technology and have simplified various aspects of life. Cell phones make up the bulk of technology in modern times. Cell phones have made interpersonal communication...

Genetics and Autism Development

Introduction Within the past two centuries, many researchers have been investigating the role of genetics in the development of various medical conditions. Such studies are taken seriously in an attempt to deal with different diseases and transform the lives of many people. One of the illnesses believed to be associated...

The Slogan “Stop the Hate”: Characteristics and Efficiency

Introduction A slogan selected for this paper is focused on human rights equality. This topic is chosen because it addresses the main issue faced by the discriminated population, gay individuals in particular. “Stop the Hate” is a phrase used by the HRC to make the members of the LGBT community...

Congestive Heart Failure

Background and Significance Congestive heart failure remains one of the important health issues that result in the death of thousands of people all over the world. As for the nature of the given problem, congestive heart failure occurs when the heart is unable to perform its functions properly and, therefore,...

Pacific Grove Spice Company’s Investment Decisions

What is the possible reason for the current pressure from the bank to reduce the debt level in 2011? While it is notable that Pacific Grove has made substantial growth in sales as evidenced by the financial statements, clearly, the increased costs of financing long -term financing has served to...

Imagery in “The Great Gatsby” by F. Fitzgerald

Although “The Great Gatsby”, a novel of the American writer F. Scott Fitzgerald, was written almost a century ago, in 1925, it still remains an unparallel classic of both the American and global literature, and is often considered to be one of the greatest literary documents capturing the fickle spirit...

Family Health History Genogram Assessment

Introduction The analysis of family history by health care professionals is discussed as an appropriate way to determine diseases and conditions which are typical of this family. The focus on three generations in one family is appropriate for such an analysis. In order to prepare a genogram diagram and a...

Rhetoric in “Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada”

Introduction To describe how the arguments (extracted from the book Pop Can: Popular Culture in Canada) appeal to aspects such as emotion, logic, and character; various scholarly ideas and notions on strategies for successful writing will be used. Moreover, various forms of reasoning will be relevantly used in furthering the...

Teacher Behavior: Designing and Intervention Plan

Given what you know about increasing and decreasing behaviors, design an intervention for your target student in accordance with the steps outlined below. What is the function of your student’s behavior (as determined in task #2)? The function of Anderson’s behavior is to avoid participating in class. What is the...

United Kingdom National Workforce Development

Introduction Several years ago, the UK generated a national “skill strategy” that emphasizes the urgent need for upgrading professional skills in the national workforce (Chalofsky 2014). In the meantime, more and more debates appear concerning the quality of the supply of education and the capacity of British graduates to meet...

“Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” by Zuberi

Matin Zuberi’s Journal Article Thesis This journal discusses one of the main shifts in policy and outlines the history of one of the most devastating events in the history of war in the world. Summary The article discusses atomic bombs dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan....

Amazon and Yahoo Companies’ Differences

Introduction was founded by Jeffrey Bezos in 1995 as an online bookstore. The company’s original mission was to provide customers with a larger and more diverse selection of informative, inspirational and educative books compared with the brick and mortar (B & M) bookstores (Hill & Jones, 2012). Over time,...

Licensing and Professional Organizations

Introduction Nowadays, nurses not only provide medical assistance to people in need but also tend to play roles of mediators between the management of the hospital and patients and become role models and active political leaders (Iglehart, 2013). Advanced-Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) tend to perform their duties in a diversity...

Domestic Violence in the Health Policy

Introduction Domestic violence is a crucial issue that has to be addressed in order to eradicate abuse and help the patients to overcome the issue of retained supremacy. It should be understood that such clinical problem requires a multidisciplinary approach that will help the nurses to contend with the premises...

Career Growth in Management

What is your overall assessment of the applicant’s potential for a career in management? For the entire period he has worked at Midfield, Chaitanya has consistently demonstrated personal and professional qualities which have clearly made him stand out. His efforts have invariably yielded extraordinary results and as a result, he...

Fast-Food Restaurant’s Capacity Increasing Options

A fast food restaurant is a service firm that produces food products and serves them to its customers. In this scenario, the fast food restaurant which is experiencing a booming business, is looking for ways to increase its capacity to serve more customers. The management and the day supervisors have...

Literary Devices in “A Good Man is Hard to Find” by O’Connor

Flannery O’Connor’s short story A Good Man is Hard to Find has always attracted the attention of various critics since this literary work can give rise to various interpretations. Moreover, it is possible to identify various themes that the author explores, for example, one can mention religion or social change....

Allstate Insurance Company’s Diversity Goals

Using the model for goal setting, evaluate Allstate’s goal-setting process to determine whether or not Allstate has an effective goal-setting program The main objective at Allstate is to bring together the differences in the workforce to achieve its mission and boost business success. In doing this, it has developed four...

Politeness Strategy in Same- and Cross-Sex Interviewing

Present the research topic and aims of the research The research topic of the study conducted by Barbara Johnstone, Kathleen Ferrara, and Judith Mattson Bean is gender, politeness, and discourse management in same-sex and cross-sex opinion-poll interviews. The objective of the research was to understand the means of the utilization...

Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare Leaders and Nurses

Introduction The high quality of care is one of the primary concerns for patients and the responsibility of health care providers. One of the factors which influence the quality of care is effective leadership. It is evident that healthcare professionals should know and apply leadership styles and theories (Giltinane, 2013)....

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Stakeholder Theory and Perspectives

Stakeholder’s Perspective on Human Resource Management Stakeholder theory In a corporate, the management of human resources will mainly be concerned with defining and implementation of good management practices, while it overlooks the conflicts that may arise from employment and implementation of the same management practices. In most cases, the management...

Jackson Memorial Hospital’s Nursing Roles

It should be noted that nursing profession is one of the most critical and challenging occupations due to a number of reasons. At present, in the USA, the majority of healthcare institutions and organizations is experiencing nursing shortage, which has been caused by high staff turnover and professional burnout of...

The Allapattah Community’ Healthy Living

Living a healthy life has very many facets and determinants. An environment in which one lives would quickly shape the health choices one has to make. The environmental concerns of the Allapattah community critically determine their healthy living and their health objectives. Community Overview The Allapattah is the community in...

Estate Planning and Trusts for Businesses

Estate Planning Minimizing Tax Liability One of the main benefits of estate planning for businesses is the possibility of reducing tax liability. If an owner fails to account for these expenses before death, the firm may suffer a significant financial loss in the form of estate tax (Herzberg & Boone,...

Family Nurse Practitioner in Professional Organizations

Introduction The nursing profession, in addition to professionalism, requires dedication and endurance, bordering on self-sacrifice. The specialist working in this sphere should not only know the theoretical part of medicine well but also be an excellent practitioner. The qualification of a nurse is essential both for patients and management. Self-education...

Personal Learning Style According to Kolb’s Theory

Overview of Kolb’s Experimental Learning and Experimental Learning Cycle Kolb’s learning theory is premised on four learning styles that refer to a four-stage learning model. In particular, Kolb’s model is quite practical and multi-dimensional because it offers effective techniques for understanding different learning styles that individuals apply. More importantly, the...

Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Performance

Introduction Corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as a sum of organizational activities aimed at the assessment of the organizational impact on a wider societal good and the subsequent measured and deliberate responsibility-taking process. The global economic crisis of 2007-2008 brought to the fore the importance of CSR as...

New York City and Religion in Literary Quotes

“The city is like poetry: it compresses all life, all races, and breeds, into a small island and adds music and the accompaniment of internal engines. The island of Manhattan is without any doubt the greatest human concentrate on earth…” (Elwyn Brooks White and Roger Angell, Here is New York)...

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Bacteria

Introduction Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are important biomolecules in maintaining the health of living organisms. Therefore, they are known as essential fatty acids. However, animals cannot produce PUFAs because they lack some of the enzymes required for their biosynthesis. As a result, there is an increased interest in PUFA production...

Continuous Quality Improvement Process’ Analysis

Introduction Continuous quality improvement is an extremely important aspect of the everyday life of any contemporary healthcare organization. Since healthcare is one of the most dynamically developing spheres, growth, change, and the ability to transform in order to follow the latest standards and best practices are the major tasks of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Siemens Company and Global Compact’s Principles

Executive Summary The business report is for Siemens Company based on two principles of Global Compact; corruption and bribery as well as employment discrimination. It is recognized that these two principles are very important in placing the organization at a better place in their quest to cut itself an edge...

Kate Chopin and Her “The Awakening” Story

Introduction American literature is the written or factual work prepared in United States and some of its former colonies. It consists of thousands of short stories and classic novels and covers all other kinds of subjects and genres (D’Arcy 6). One outstanding fact that remains is the struggle to forge...

Health of North Miami Beach Vulnerable Population

Introduction The area chosen for vulnerable population assessment is North Miami Beach, a rather quiet residential neighborhood in which the general level of well-being is high, and health-related indicators are favorable. However, a vulnerable population is identified in the area: homeless people. Although there are not many of them seen...

Mental Health Rates and Healthy People 2020

Introduction The Healthy People 2020 initiative states major goals for improving the health of Americans and tracks progress in achieving these goals. The measurements are performed based on 26 leading health indicators (LHI) divided into 12 topics. One of the significant aspects of the initiative is regular reporting on the...

Electronic Health and Medical Records

Introduction In the era of the modern technology, electronic health records are used to keep the information about patient’s mental and physical conditions, personal background and various illnesses (Carter, 2008). Using this approach allows retrieving the data rapidly and avoiding the loss of the information. For instance, nurses can easily...

Can Hospitals Manufacture Drugs in the US?

Introduction News bulletins report a stunning statement coming from some of the primary healthcare providers in the USA. Having been fed up with unfair prices and obscene shortages of primary and basic medications, the representatives of four leading US health systems have announced plans for developing a not-for-profit drug company...

Public Policy Meeting Summary

The Meeting The purpose of the meeting lies in need to discuss the Affordable Care Act Replacement Bill and various associated factors. The key participants are senior correspondents of Kaiser Health News Julie Rovner and Mary Agnes Carey. Key agenda items include the discussion of the effects that the ACARB...

America in the Great War and Leading Factors

Many historians believe strongly that the Great War was an unforgettable event that changed global relationships forever. Although the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in the year 1914 is what triggered the global upheaval, the agreeable fact is that several forces and events experienced throughout the 19th century led to...

Environment and Legislation Issues

Private action against polluters as a deterrent to the degradation of the environment Private action against polluters is often regarded as one of the possible deterrents to the degradation of the environment. This belief is based on the assumption that these lawsuits will prompt companies to improve their environmental performance....

Educational Issues: State Level Standards

What the US has done There has been a remarkable improvement in my state based on the education excellence for all children act of 1999. The US government has played a pivotal role in uplifting the standards of education especially in the elementary and secondary education. For instance, my District...

Health Policy: Long-Term Care in Nursing

Introduction Health policy is a highly complicated issue as it deals with a whole variety of problems that have to be taken into consideration. Policies can affect both separate individuals and organizations determining their access to certain health care services, availability of medications and technology, etc. (Shi, & Singh, 2014)....

The Empowered Woman and the Skirt

Topic Introduction and Thesis Although the fashion industry is often viewed as a rather superfluous area, the clothes that people approve for wearing in public can be considered as a direct representation of societal attitudes and philosophies. The specified phenomenon becomes especially clear when considering as simple an item of...

History of Healthcare Informatics and Areas of Practice

Introduction As human health is a multi-faceted phenomenon that is the subject of study of an array of disciplines, healthcare informatics does not comprise all the knowledge and instead divides it between different areas that can cater to the needs of every separate field of study. However, despite the fact...

Gun Control Laws in the USA

Epistemology of the Essays People’s knowledge and understanding of the facts are based on examining, analyzing, and referring to definite sources. These sources can be examined with the help of people’s senses, perceptions, and logic. Thus, the sources of knowledge are discussed as the objects of epistemology. From this point,...

Disaster Recovery Plan: Business Impact Analysis

Methods for Establishing Component Priorities Business Functions and Processes Disasters, be they natural or human-instigated, are rather difficult to forecast and, thus, extremely hard to handle (Johnson, 2014). As a result, it is crucial for an organization to design a comprehensive disaster management plan (DMP) in case of a disaster...

Effective Strategies for Students With Learning Disabilities

Wheelchair Etiquette Touching a person’s wheelchair is almost always acceptable-false. Make sure not to reach out your hand to shake the person’s hand; they may have physical limitations-false. Rarely speak to the person in the wheelchair; focus on the person assisting him or her-false. Never use expression such as “Let’s...

Organizational Culture in the Public Agency

The basic principles of scientific management in the public agency Basic principles of scientific management Taylor developed four basic principles of scientific management. The principles are as follows: The replacement of rule-of-thumb ways of doing work with methods which are proved experimentally to result in optimal production output Replacement of...

Role of Ethics in Healthcare Leadership

Ethics and leadership are indivisible. For an individual to be an active leader, they must be ethical. Ralston and Schroeder (2015) define ethics as the values that dictate individual’s behaviors or way of doing things. Ethics influences the decisions that a leader makes, particularly when in a dilemma. An ethical...

Barrack Obama’s Speech on the Oil Spill Crisis

After the oil spill, the US government looked at the situation from a different angle, which is inclusive of cleaning the Gulf, compensation of the affected, and also the dividends of the shareholders. The issue is considered in three dimensions; positioning BP to the point of coming to terms with...

The Infant Mortality Issue in India: Possible Solutions

Executive Summary Infant and child mortality is a global issue that affects many developing countries in the world. In India, these rates have been exceeding the average number of death per 1000 citizens for many years. Although recently the country officials announced that they were able to reduce the number...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Physical Activity’s Impact on Cognitive Function

Topic Description The idea that physical activity early on in life may help to improve cognitive function later on in life considerably is not new. There are many approaches and thoughts on how this particular issue can be developed. Best (2010) proves that cognitive function, and executive functioning in particular,...

Diabetic Foot Ulcers and Health-Related Quality of Life

Introduction Diabetes is one of the most widespread chronic diseases, which are known in the world. Apart from being a critical health problem, it affects various aspects of the lives of people who are diagnosed with it. Therefore, the disease in question might change the lifestyle due to its complications...

Stereotypes and Prejudices in Human Resource Industry

Group influence Group influence is important in determining how individuals behave in a society or at workplace. Generally, a group consists of two or more individuals sharing a common goal, and is usually adaptable and capable of influencing each other, perform interdependent tasks and affect one another in a particular...

Environmental Legislation in the US and India

What major event caused the Congress of the United States to enact a series of strong environmental legislation? During the 1960s-1970s, the new wave of the U.S. environmental movement contributed to enacting the series of strong environmental laws. The changes in the environmental legislation realized by the Congress of the...

Patient Medication Education for Chronic Diseases

PICOT Question In elderly patients with chronic diseases, (I) do patient education intervention, (C) compared with only medication treatments, (O) increase their health knowledge and improve their health status (T) in a period of 6 months? To answer the PICOT question, it is necessary to conduct a study that will...

Gap Inc.’s Challenges and Management Strategies

Identification of the problem At this point, Gap Inc. faces various challenges that are related to the internal and external environment of this corporation; in particular, one should focus on the following factors: 1) the competition with other retailers; 2) the impacts of economic recession; 3) inefficiency of the supply...

Healthcare Technology’s Usability and Integration

Introduction The concepts of usability, integration, and interoperability in the context of healthcare technologies refer to a variety of processes and events associated with the use of data to support the delivery of high-quality care to patients. The usability of healthcare technologies is explained as an extent to which individuals...

History of the Great Recession

The Great Recession The great recession started in December 2007 and ended in June 2009. The recession started when the 8 trillion housing bubble tumbled1. There was lots of wealth loss that reduced consumer spending. There was financial chaos due to reduced consumption and the business investments collapsed. Due to...

Fad Diets and Their Long Term Effects on Health

Problem It is evident that the principal reasons why people to begin using fad diets are, the desire to achieve visible effects in a short period of time, and the lack of education about the potential side-effects of maintaining a low-fat, low-calorie diet in the long term. These two factors...

Oncology Pain Qualitative and Quantitative Studies

Introduction Quantitative or qualitative approaches can be used to attain research objectives. Quantitative research appraises data to allow the generalization of the outcomes of a sample to a large population (Polit & Beck, 2012). The purpose of this paper is to compare information regarding the management of oncology pain as...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Personal Philosophy of Advanced Nurse Practice

The provision of nursing care is a complex and multifaceted process that involves a multitude of elements and tasks. In particular, there exists a nursing metaparadigm that is comprised of four concepts such as a person, nursing, health, and environment. These components represent critical dimensions in the nursing philosophy of...

Land Use and Environmental Ethics

The development of environmental ethic as a possible solution of environmental problems Land use entails proper execution as well as adaptation of natural environment into finer fields, purposes of settlements and pastures. It can also be referred to as the arrangement of actions together with inputs that are undertaken by...

Non-Renewable Resource Extraction and Wellbeing

The debate surrounding non-renewable resources and ecological wellbeing is akin to having pessimists on one side and optimists on the other. However, it is important to consider how non-renewable resource-extraction will affect the quest for alternative energy. There are several externalities that apply to the depletion of non-renewable resources and...

McDonald’s Company: Business Ethics Case

Advertizing and Manipulation Advertizing can be defined as a non-personal, open form of marketing communication having the primary purpose to draw public attention to particular goods, services or ideas. Advertizing can use various mass media to communicate its message. The initial goal of advertizing is to reach the target consumer,...

Gorbachev’s Governance and the Soviet Union Collapse

Introduction Mikhail Gorbachev’s resign in 1991has become the symbol of both the ultimate end of the Cold War and the Soviet Union’s existence. This event had a significant impact not only on the country’s relationships with the USA but the entire global structure. Although this date is considered to symbolize...

Diabetes Genetic Risks in Diagnostics

Introduction Nowadays, it has become significantly difficult for physicians to differentiate between Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) and Type 2 Diabetes (T2D) especially for T1D, which is treatable with insulin injection and T2D that is treatable through the intake of a specific diet and loss of weight. Oram et al. (2015)...

Hard Rock Café: E-Commerce and Globalization

Hard Rock Café was established in 1971 by two Mexicans namely Peter Morton and Isaac Tigrett. Since then the café has seen numerous establishments of other branches in other parts of the world. In fact the café has several branches in every continent. The café is very popular because it...

Urinary Tract Infection Caused by Foley Catheter

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a health issue that is often discussed by healthcare professionals because it is observed not only in those individuals who seek for care because of urination pain but also in those who are treated with Foley catheters. In this way, the disease becomes critical when...

Nike Inc.’s External and Internal Forces and Trends

The company that will be analyzed in this study is Nike, a world-famous brand of sportswear and equipment for training. As a basis for the research, a table is presented, which reflects the main factors and key elements in the organization of work. This corporation is one of the largest...

Starbucks’ Corporate Culture and Innovation

The success of Starbucks can be attributed to several elements of the organizational culture. In particular, the senior executives of this company lay stress on the need for empowering employees who are also called partners. These people are encouraged to take initiatives to meet the main requirements of clients. In...