Reimbursement Models in Healthcare

The introduction of Medicare and Medicaid, popular insurance programs for social groups that need additional governmental support, is a part of the plan to reduce the number of uninsured citizens. Eligibility requirements are not the same for different states due to various concerns related to financial costs and effectiveness. With...

Genetic Counseling for Cystic Fibrosis

Some of the inherited genes may predispose individuals to certain health conditions like cystic fibrosis among other inheritable diseases. Therefore, genetic counseling is recommended for people with a family history of a certain inheritable condition. This paper discusses the reasons for genetic counseling and possible responses from a patient together...

Beautiful Artworks and Viewer’s Perspective

In a standard perspective, the landscape does not only appear as sceneries characterised by a historical land-forming process such as faulting and volcanic activities among others but also the uniquely featured environmental topography and structures organised in an attractive and appealing stature. Primarily, people have such an impressive relation to...

How to Heritage Assessment and Health Traditions?

Health traditions vary in different cultural settings. The differences are conditioned by the geographical, religious, and socio-political peculiarities in each region of the world. The Japanese health traditions differ from the Latino health traditions as well as the European health traditions vary from the country to country of the European...

Health Information Systems in Patient Education

Introduction Considering the necessity to provide clients with a high-quality service in a short period of time that exists in any sphere of human activity, there is a range of information systems used by specialists to improve working performance. Nursing information systems are used by healthcare specialists as they present...

War Veterans’ Mental Health as Social Issue

Current social issue and the role of social work in addressing it The current issue to be discussed touches on the War Veterans returning home and not receiving proper mental health care due to a lack of mental health professionals serving the Armed Forces. In most cases, these war veterans...

Adult-Gerontology Acute and Primary Care Nursing

Introduction Nurse practitioners (NPs) should develop superior competencies to meet their patients’ health needs. It is also necessary for adult-gerontology acute care and primary care nurses (AG ACNPs) to expand their models and philosophies if they are to function efficiently in their respective healthcare units. This paper discusses the major...

Cloud Computing: Main Concepts and Features

Advancement in technology resulted in creation of computers, as well as the Internet has led to unimaginable changes in the way human beings carry out their day to day activities. The desire of firms to backup information regarding their customers, operations, among others, to reduce the costs led to the...

Electronic Health Records: Expensive but Efficient

Healthcare professionals, as well as patients, are concerned that the information related to the patient’s health is used in the most convenient and efficient manner. The aim of information systems is to provide convenient access to patient data, ensure privacy and protection of all the information. Despite the fact that...

Allapattah Community of Miami

The Hispanic population of the Allapattah neighborhood in Miami, Florida, is one of the most vulnerable groups in the region. Even though this community has the higher living standards compared to other Hispanic populations in the country, it is still exposed to various social problems. The poor economic situation of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Detection

Asiel Case Study Introduction The patient, Mary, has presented the list of complaints that allowed me to suspect Lyme disease, discoid lupus erythematosus, and systemic lupus erythematosus in her. The last diagnosis was confirmed by physical examination. I have developed a nursing care plan to address Mary’s problems and a...

First Aid – Heimlich Manuever

People have always been caring about their health most of all. Since ancient time they have being trying to avoid dangerous situations which could lead to some damage or even death. That is why, the life instinct was one of the most powerful instincts. Being at the edge of death,...

Pepsi Company Cross-Cultural Perspectives

PepsiCo is one of the leading food and beverage companies in the US and the world as a whole. It is involved in the production and selling of eighteen brands of beverages and snack foods and makes close to $98 billion in retail sales. PepsiCo brands include Pepsi Cola, Quaker,...

Bipolar Disorder I, II, and Cyclothymic Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is a medical condition characterized by unusual shifts in one’s mood, activity levels, energy, and the ability to undertake various tasks (Mondimore 21). The condition is also known as manic-depressive illness. Individuals suffering from this health problem are always unpredictable even to themselves. Sometimes they may be...

Risk Factors for Hypokinetic Disease

First Family Member The first family member is my sister, twenty-six years old. She claims not to have any specific dietary practices, although she agrees that she consumes fast food often (more than four times per week, at work). She began to smoke when she was 21, but she claims...

Data Integrity: Legal and Ethical Implications

Data encompass structured ideas and facts that can be used to generate important information capable of being communicated and interpreted in a series of processes. Data integrity refers to an important element of information security and can be defined as the consistency and accuracy of stored data in a database...

Pressure Ulcers Prevention and Skin Management

Introduction Pressure ulcers are skin injuries that appear in patients with limited mobility as a result of continuous pressure. The introduction of changes in skin management practices in intensive care units (ICU) is a response to this persisting clinical problem (Sving, Idvall, Högberg, & Gunningberg, 2014). The pressure ulceration acquired...

Rich-Poor Gap in Wages, Technology, Society

Introduction Equality is the synonym of “ideal society” to some extent. Equality is the basis of socialism. However, there is not an ideal society, and the term economic inequality is more suitable to describe reality. The video called Viral video shows the extent of U.S. wealth inequality demonstrates how the...

The Master’s Degree Programs in Nursing

Abstract The essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing at the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) focuses on the continuous call to creative thinking and change in graduate education. Master’s Degree is expected to prepare nurses for the effective leadership and critical action by equipping with necessary knowledge and...

Acute vs. Chronic Asthma and Their Complications

Introduction Acute asthma and chronic asthma are closely related variants of asthma, which is an inflammatory disease that affects the flow of air in the lungs. The obstruction of airflow in the lungs leads to different symptoms including wheezing, coughing, tightness, and pain in the chest, and shortness of breath....

Popular Research Paper Topics

American Society for Pain Management Nursing Analysis

Introduction Professional organizations for nurses can be seen as an appropriate platform for sharing knowledge, developing professional networks, and self-development. Many professional organizations exist, and they often focus on specific aspects of nursing. Registered nurses choose an organization that can best respond to their professional needs. This paper includes an...

Contrastive Discourse Markers in Saudi English Learners

Introduction Expressing negation through conversational exchanges can serve many functions (Gönen, 2011). An actual engagement of EFL Saudi interlocutors in a conversational exchange to negate can clearly reflect their inadequate knowledge of the pragmatic functions of CDMs in spoken discourse (Lewis, 2011). The way they frequently negate, by means of...

Pressure Ulcer Occurrence as a Clinical Problem

The problem which was observable in the past working environment, and, to some extent, can still be traced today, is the inconsistency in the measurement of clinical outcomes. The initial core of the problem was the lack of general understanding of the measurement process and scarcity of theoretical basis which...

Language Acquisition and Brain Development in Children

Introduction The connection between brain development and the acquisition of language is the subject of numerous debates throughout the history of scientific thought. Particularly, since the beginning of the 20th century, the discussion about this connection became more profound and diverse because significant discoveries have been made in this period....

Qualitative and Quantitative Research Designs

Introduction Both qualitative and quantitative research designs are regularly used by professional nurses and scholars who conduct different studies. The context and findings of every project require analyzing it to decide on the most appropriate research method that must be used in a particular case. The following paper is intended...

Music’s Importance and Influences

Humanity has always had a strong thirst for art. At the dawn of civilization, people understood that they like the sounds which nature produced. That is why, the idea to try to reproduce these sounds appeared. There is no use denying the fact, that these attempts were the beginning of...

Fabrics Incorporation’ Training Process Model

Introduction Training needs assessment is a prerequisite for functional performance in an organization, irrespective of its size. Training needs assessment encompasses processes such reward, job design, and performance among others. This paper will explore the strengths and weaknesses of the training process model with regards to the Fabrics Incorporation case...

Articles of Confederation Improved in Constitution

Introduction The Articles of Confederation was drafted and adopted in 1777 by the Second Continental Congress, bringing to an end the strife for a new government system. In the following three years, it was the de facto constitution. It was not until 1781 when the Articles were officially ratified. The...

Manitoba Mothers and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Problem Statement The qualitative study by Singal et al. (2016) focuses on a rather important problem of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy resulted in fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in children. The title of the article clearly identifies the key variables, including the target audience of women living in Manitoba,...

Otitis Media Treatment for a School-Aged Patient

Assessment of Data Subjective A 10-year-old female reports ear pain that has worsened during the past three days. Fever and discharge from the ear are not observed. A good appetite is present. The patient does not provide a clear description of pain expect, stating that it is of a reproducible...

Diet Educational Intervention for African Americans

Background and Significance of the Problem Obesity is a critical problem in the United States. According to Ogden, Carrol, Fryar, and Flegal (2015), over 36 percent of American adults are obese. Moreover, middle-aged and older adult groups were found to have higher obesity rates, with 40.2 percent of people aged...

Little Haiti Community’s Health Problems

The Problem Description Little Haiti in Miami has many health problems that are caused mostly by the lack of knowledge in people and the deficit of competent specialists in local hospitals. One of the most prominent health problems is hypertension. The most vulnerable groups that need support are elderly Hispanics...

Lamotrigine for Bipolar Depression Management

The Case of Jeremy Stewart Jeremy Stewart is a 44-year-old, white, married father of three who sees you for a psychiatric evaluation. Jeremy is a college professor at a local college, where he teaches art. He also has a small art studio close to campus where he paints. You diagnose...

Themes and Devices in “Disgrace” by Coetzee

Introduction The novel “Disgrace” written by John Maxwell Coetzee can affect anyone who reads it. The author of the work has received several awards for it, and experts in the field have highly appreciated the book. The reading reveals the essence of extremes that can exist in any person, and...

Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc.’s Leadership Outcomes

The Chipotle firm’s food safety problems deterred customers and reduced its stock by more than 20% leading to the shutdown of several outlets. How the Composition of Leadership Influences Outcomes Studies have shown that the top management team (TMT) has the responsibility of leading an organization (Colbert, Barrick, & Bradley,...

Cognitive Development and Children’s Health

Abstract The issue of cognitive development is a highly complex one and is related to a lot of other fields of study. Thus, the given review of four articles shows that cognitive development may be predetermined by health-related problems like epilepsy, as well as extrinsic factors like the environment, or...

Older Women’s Health: Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Examining Women’s Health The given case study presents the examination of a woman with the feeling of fullness in her groin area. Among the key symptoms, it is possible to note general atrophic changes in genitalia, cystocele, as well as rectocele. At the same time, the physical examination reveals that...

Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources in Hawaii

There is no use denying the fact that nowadays the world depends on energy greatly. It is impossible to imagine that even one hundred years ago people were able to perform their activity without the usage of electricity. Nowadays, people all over the world consume energy and, that is why...

Lawyer’s Social Class Position in Weber’s Views

Introduction This paper discusses how the social class position in the society is attained. The paper explains how a lawyer as a professional person attains a social class in the society. This is based on Weber’s attributes of social class and stratification that encompass power, prestige, and wealth. The paper...

Oral Stimulation’s Effects on Infants’ Behaviors

Was there a clear statement of the question, objectives, and aims of the research? The article provided a clear statement of the question which focused on determining the effects of oral motor stimulation on infants born with complex univentricle anatomy and who required surgery immediately after birth. The aim and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Facial Pain After Whiplash and Clinical Intervention

The article by Peterson (2015) presents a clinical case of facial pain after whiplash. The patient, a 41-year-old woman, was treated primarily with deep neck flexor and proprioceptive training, which was proved to be effective. The patient was symptom-free for months after ten intervention sessions for eight weeks. The case...

Unethical Practices and Organizational Failure

Business ethics and organizational culture In a bid to ensure that all stakeholders in an organization remain focused on common goals and objectives, organizations pay incredible emphasis on subscription to common ways of thinking, interactions, values, and norms. These aspects define an organizational culture, which requires people to align with...

Yerkes-Dodson Law: Motivation and Performance

Introduction Yerkes-Dodson law covers the concept of motivation in its relation to performance. It links the feeling of arousal with the actual conduct of a person or another living being. According to this law, intensive motivation and stimulation negatively affect human effectiveness while moderate psychological arousal is considered the most...

Indian Space Mission and Its Negative Aspects

The following paper will discuss the topic of ISRO to launch India’s first spacecraft to Mars. Even thought primarily it might seem as a sensation with positive factors, there are some concerns that have been voiced by people of India, as well as other countries. Some of the benefits attributed...

Congestive Heart Failure in Elderly

Congestive heart failure (CHF) in elderly is a complex health problem that arises due to structural or functional cardiac disorder. The condition affects ventricle’s capacity to pump blood. According to Lazzarini, Mentz, Fiuzat, Metra, and O’Connor (2013), CHF is prevalent amid the elderly due to age-related issues. The majority of...

Situational and Adaptive Leadership in Organizations

Introduction Context-based leadership is a stance that clearly justifies the existence of the situational model of leadership. Under the model, leaders should use appropriate leadership approaches that meet the requirements of a given situation. Different contexts in an organization require a leader to exhibit different characters that can match with...

Flagami Community’s Crime and Health Situation

Introduction The community under analysis is Flagami, where mostly emigrants and people with low social status live. The vulnerable population of this community, as a rule, is subject to a rather high mortality rate due to the involvement of local people in crimes. The purpose of this paper is to...

Thoughts on Leadership: Abilities and Problems

Introduction In literature, there is an abundance of definitions of good leadership and examples of being an excellent leader. All these definitions differ slightly from each other, but they have one common point, namely, a good leader has the ability to motivate people to do even those things that seem...

The Crucial Decisions in Nursing

Introduction Judie, who has served as the nurse manager for the past ten years, has been experiencing irritation and dissatisfaction due to certain administration issues at her working place. In spite of the initial priority for the patient’s needs, Judie has to ignore some of them for organizational matters, which...

Fetal Abnormality and Ethical Dilemms of Abortion

Introduction In the case study “Fetal Abnormality”, four characters face the same problem that is an abnormal condition of a fetus and the necessity to decide if to save a child or to consider abortion as the only appropriate solution. Each character takes a certain position and finds it necessary...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthy Lifestyle Promotion and Its Evaluation

Evaluation Plan The main purpose of this project is to assess the importance of the promotion of healthy lifestyles by nursing professionals via educational programs for patients, their families, and communities. The following clinical question was formulated to guide this project: In a group of participants ages 18 to 25...

Tanglewood Cases: Staffing Practices

Planning Tanglewood Case Two was about the planning of recruitment. Working on this case, I learned to analyze staffing data and determine whether staffing practices of an organization are adequate or not to fulfill its future needs related to human resources. Besides, Tanglewood case provides the learners with a great...

The Mount Rundle Hotel’s Customer Service Issues

Symptoms The confrontation between the customer and the hotel management, in the case of the Mount Rundle Hotel Banff, is a sign of service failure. Several symptoms show the existence of a customer service failure. The symptoms can broadly be classified into three. The first category is the lack of...

Transforming Forestry in Sweden: Costs and Benefits

Introduction and context The article under discussion provides a complex cost and benefit analysis of transforming forestry in Sweden to make the process more compatible with new environmental demands, i.e. the need for recreational areas. Bostedt and Leif point out that the major value of their study resides in the...

Terrorism Definition and Motivation

Abstract This paper defines the notion of terrorism according to the UN General Assembly Resolution as well as outlines three main reasons people make terrorist attacks on innocent members of society. Nevertheless, no matter whether a terrorist attack was driven by ideology or a political strategy, a person that is...

Organizational Reward Systems: Strategic Compensation

Organizational reward systems serve as the motivational basis of work processes. Benefits and rewards play a significant role in attraction, stimulation, and retention of human resources and the level of compensation can influence employees’ motivation in both a negative and positive way. An ineffective compensation strategy may provoke job dissatisfaction...

Increased Risk of Erectile Dysfunction

Introduction In the current discussion, a case of a 58-year-old man with a history of a high cholesterol level and hypertension is discussed and analyzed. Erectile dysfunction is the diagnosis of the patient. Erectile dysfunction, unspecified (N52.9), also known as impotence, is an inability to keep erection enough for sexual...

Congestive Heart Failure Patient Readmission Rates

Introduction The problem of congestive heart failure is increasingly found not only in elderly patients but also among young people. Moreover, one of the central problems regularly encountered by cardiologists is high readmission rates. In order to change the situation and achieve positive results in the fight against this disease,...

Leininger’s Transcultural Theory in Nursing

Describe the difference between culture and ethnicity Even though the concepts of culture and ethnicity are commonly used together, it does not mean that they have a similar meaning. To be more precise, the research conducted by Desmet, Ortuno-Ortin, and Wacziarg (2016) showed that the ethnic fractionalization was not in...

Nurse Staffing and Collaboration

Introduction The current paper is a literature review related to the issue of nurse staffing and nurse collaboration in hospitals. It is known that understaffing is a common problem in hospitals, which may lead to adverse patient outcomes. It is also known that low-quality nurse collaboration may also negatively affect...

Hiring Male Nurses: Evidence-Based Practice

Challenges during the evidence-based capstone project To acquire the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) and Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), one must be comfortable and experienced in researching topics. Indeed, evidence-based research is hard to overestimate, as it is the primary source of reducing unnecessary risks...

Women’s Health: Predictors of Postpartum Depression

The article written by Katon, Russo, and Gavin (2014) is focused on women’s health. It discusses predictors of postpartum depression (PPD), including sociodemographic and clinic risk factors. This paper will analyze the research article under discussion in order to prove that it is an authoritative source of information that can...

TSC’s Project: Distribution and Inventory Management

Key Issues Short-Term Objectives The major component of TSC’s Project 275 aimed to achieve growth in sales, EBITDA, and RONA is distribution center storage and throughout capacity. The analysis helped the company to reveal some constraints in distribution and inventory management which are primarily correlated with poor logic and lack...

The Electronic Health Record

Introduction Within the framework of this paper, the researcher will concentrate on the review of one of the key aspects of health IT. This technology is called the electronic health record and is used to store and generate the data regarding the patients’ state, safety, care quality evaluation, and possible...

Pfizer’s Palace Coup’ Scandal Case

Introduction Corporate management is complex as challenges are often diverse. The ability of the managers to maintain efficient performance and the ability to prove resilient to the management wrangles are considerable factors that make managers proficient (Yukl & Lepsinger, 2004). More frequently, controlling the top management officials where personal interests...

Registered Nurses’ Role and Regulatory Requirements

Introduction The number of diagnostic and surgical procedures performed by non-anesthetic practitioners is rising. The State Boards of Nursing issue directions on anesthesia methods that are adapted into hospital policies to avoid inconsistencies, ensure patient safety and promote regulatory compliance. The Board decisions are founded in practice principles and recommendations...

Kendall Regional Medical Center’s Quality Nursing

Quality medical care should be the aim of every medical facility. The health services offered by the facilities should be in tandem with the desired health outcomes. However, recent reports show that there are widespread deficiencies in the services several hospitals offer. This has led to the need for tracking...

Global Health Nursing Position Statement

The globalized world is characterized by various opportunities as well as challenges. Thus, nurses are equipped with various technological advances that enable them to provide high-quality healthcare services and reach larger populations. Lifelong learning is now accessible to everyone. At the same time, the globalized world also means the interaction...

Company Ownership, Enterprise Value, Current Ratio

Agency Problems Owners of a Corporation A corporation is owned by the shareholders who purchase the shares of the corporation. In return, the shareholders obtain a share certificate and are entitled to vote during the corporation’s annual general meetings. They also share in the dividends of the company in proportion...

Keurig Coffee Machine Product Pricing

The evaluation of Keurig’s coffee machine must start from its estimated pricing range and product qualities as perceived by the market. When it comes to household appliances, customers are often looking for the fair price versus performance as a primary criterion of judgment (Kotler, Keller, Sivaramakrishnan, & Cunningham, 2013). Other...

Impact of Single Parent Culture on Students’ Behavior

Introduction One of the major responsibilities of a teacher in a teaching environment is to manage students’ behaviors. Many scholars in education agree that a student’s performance is not dependent on intellectual ability alone but also in other factors such as behavior. A student’s behavior not only affects his or...

Multiple Psychotropic Medications Usage Among Adolescents

Introduction This article attempts to evaluate the prevalence of and risk factors associated with the overuse of psychotropic medications among children living under foster care services. These authors examine pediatric psychopharmacology practices that contribute to increased prescription of psychotropic medication among children. Research problem The authors are concerned with the...

Congestive Heart Failure and Patient Readmission

Congestive heart failure (CHF) is one of the burdens facing the global healthcare sector. This paper proposes a research aimed at understanding the nature of congestive heart failure and why affected persons tend to be readmitted in their respective hospitals. The discussion explains why the topic has been selected for...

Duke Ellington: Jazz Legend and Music Innovator

There are people in the history of music whose names represent a whole epoch. Duke Ellington is one of such personalities – a man whose talent was rare, whose improvising abilities were admired, and whose legacy continues to excite jazz lovers all over the world. Ellington’s brilliant technique, his bright...

Descendants of Slaves: African Americans

The psychological consequences of slavery for African Americans are discussed widely in society. In order to discuss the problem in detail with references to the statistical analysis, it is necessary to find the answer to the following research question: Do those African Americans who identify themselves as the descendants of...

Death and Dying in America: A Nursing Point of View

Birth and death are the two things that a single person can never avoid in this life. It is possible to avoid illnesses, financial challenges, hunger, psychological disorders, etc. Still, human birth and death remain to be unchangeable: one day, a person appears in the world, another day, a person...

Wal-Mart Company’s SWOT and Strategies in 2014

Overview of the company Wal-Mart operates in retail stores that are widespread in the United States. The stores are also available in other countries. The enterprise branches include discount stores, neighborhood markets, and supercenters. The company has a distinguished competitive advantage in the market. The firm is the largest retailer...

The Decline of the Jewelry Industry

Issues How to motivate Millenials to buy diamonds? How to sustain the competitiveness of diamonds and other jewelry products against other luxury items? What should De Beers do to improve the reputation of diamonds as luxury products? Should De Beers invest in a rebranding strategy and in new products versus...

Nursing Leadership: Isaac and Holiday Conflict

Nursing Leadership: case of Isaac In the case of Isaac’s behavior, the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the assistant nurse manager to keep the efficiency of the unit. On the one hand, Isaac remains one of the senior nurses of the unit with satisfactory patient care. As a new...

Competitive Advantage, Promotions, Segmentation

Competitive advantage The modern world is characterized by great rivalry. That is why every firm or enterprise should struggle for its success, trying to win in this fight. First of all, a firm should be competitive in the sphere in which it suggests its services. Every company should try to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Women in the American Defense Forces

The poster above is an illustration of women in the American defense forces. People have expressed different opinions about the ability of this social group to provide security to a nation. The proposed research will address this question. Research Question The proposed research will be guided by the following research...

Anarchist Ideology and Its Objectives

Compare and contrast anarchism and socialism. Where is there overlap? Where is there divergence? Anarchism entails much more than violence and immorality, as most people presume. Anarchists can be categorized into two sub-groups. In addition, anarchism overlaps with the ideologies of liberalism and socialism, which implies that anarchists share various...

“Salvation, Spreading, and Suffering” by B. Tabb

Introduction and Brief Summary The concepts of suffering and salvation remain to be central topics for discussion in Christian theology during a long period. Believers understand that their goal is their salvation, and they want to hope that salvation from sins and their consequences could happen only after a person...

Hybrid Political Regimes Characteristics

Democracy, though seemingly omnipresent in today’s world, is not a system that is easy to transition to for a nation with a totalitarian past. The members of the existing political elite in non-democratic states, in many cases, hold on to power and either decline the notion of the transit of...

Physical or Psychological Conditions: Family Assessment

1. Family composition This nuclear family consists of two parents and their two children (Mukherjee, Chaudhuri, & De, 2016). The father is 46 years old, and the mother is 44. Their two girls are 15 and 17 years old. They all are European Americans. 2. Roles of each family member...

Nursing Philosophy and Knowledge Dissemination

Introduction Nursing is a field where different aspects of health and medical care are discussed. It is not enough to have a desire to become a nurse and be sure that positive results can be achieved. Nursing combines specific values such as care, compassion, communication, courage, commitment, and competence (Sellman...

“You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train” by Zinn

Howard Zinn’s life was full of important events and experiences which shaped his political and social views. Being a devoted historian, he was aware of the many influences that affected his opinion on politics, government, and various social debates. In his book “You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train,”...

Communication and Social Media Ethics in United Arab Emirates

Introduction Nations growing rapidly through economic prowess and technological innovations stand competitive chances for social civilization, especially in regard to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) with 43% penetration of social media. The delivery of strategic information to the public through social media in such countries must be evaluated for relevance...

Sexual Minorities in Healthcare Study and Practice

Research, care, and resource availability for sexual minorities The presentation of therapy needs that sexual minorities have has helped to prioritize specific issues relevant to treatment sessions with these populations. The care I will provide for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and questioning (LGBTQ) individuals will address such issues as...

Family Nurse Practitioner’s Scope of Practice

Introduction Family Nurse Practitioners need to have specific qualifications and obtain licenses to provide practice. In order to understand what scope of practice FNPs have, paper aims to focus on the nurse practitioner who has been interviewed before. The answers to the interview questions will also be addressed in this...

Trump Presidency: Immigration and Climate Change

Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States on November 8, 2016 (Trump presidency, 2016). His widely publicized and somewhat scandalous election campaign featured many statements, promises, and declared intentions that were heavily criticized by many in the United States and around the world. Trump has repeatedly changed...

Reducing Toxic Emissions at the Plant

Transmittal Correspondence The context that will be presented below includes the outline and introduction of the project aimed at developing a strategy initiated by the E227 Global Solutions Company to reduce the rate of pollution it generates annually. Hence, this paper will present all the necessary points and sections that...

Code of Hammurabi and Justice in Babylon

Introduction Code of Hammurabi is one of the oldest sets of laws that has ever been deciphered. This code was used in the Ancient Babylon and it is believed that Hammurabi created and enacted it. In this set of laws, many issues are touched upon. The major purpose of the...

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Diagnostics

History and Physical Examination The patient under analysis is a female, thirty-five years old. The woman has a rash on the face for approximately one week. The allergic reaction to soap, lotion, or food is excluded. The rash is over the face and is itchy and painful. The woman did...

International Human Resource Management Challenges

Career management model The work environment is constantly changing due to various factors. Some of the factors which contribute to changes in the work environment include changes in technology and technical professionals, and the need for innovations and inventions in organizations. It is for these reasons that managers and professionals...

Chronic Bronchitis, Heart Failure, Hypertension

Introduction Chronic bronchitis (CB) is one of the usual occurrences during chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It presents divergent clinical complications such as a risk of acquiring of airflow obstruction in people who smoke, and increased lung function decline, an inclination to infections in the lower respiratory tract, and higher...

Dwayne Johnson’s Diet and Its Credibility

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson is a famous actor who is a former professional wrestler. As a result, his advice regarding diets and exercises is often perceived by the audience as credible and reliable. Johnson’s posts on Twitter include a lot of information regarding his dietary plans, supplements he takes, the...

Jesus Christ in “Resurrected as Messiah” by Ortlund

Introduction and Brief Summary Much attention is paid to the topic of Christ’s resurrection, and many discussions are developed on the idea of the justification of the events that occurred on Friday afternoon and Sunday morning when Christ’s believers and supporters had to deal with a huge amount of agony...

Agonistan’s Nations and Territorial Structure

The rhetoric of every Agonistan’s party contains the implications of popular sovereignty. Thus, the Majoritarians suggest that the equal rights of all the nations are recognized. Although they suggest that their guarantee is to be provided with the help of a strong national executive. Meanwhile, this party does not mention...

Organizational Changes in Law Enforcement Agencies

Introduction Organizational change is inevitable and constant. Virtually all organizations are susceptible to changes in their organizational systems and hierarchies. Some of these organizational changes come as a result of positive factors, while others are brought about by negative factors. Police administrations are not left out of this. Eight reasons...

Free Market Economics: Fluctuations of the Coffee Price

Most countries have a free market economy. The market forces of demand and supply determine the price of various products in a free market economy. There is usually very little interference from the government or regulatory bodies. High demand and low supply lead to a rise in the price of...

Nursing Associate Degree vs. Baccalaureate Degree

Introduction A strong academic background has a strong and important effect on all the fields of health science sin the modern times. It is the principal qualification requirement for all the professionals involved in the healthcare sector, including clinicians, physicians, laboratory technicians, biomedical specialists and pharmacists. To be a registered...

Smarter Working Initiative for Employee Performance

The development of information and communication technology (ICT), as well as the globalization processes associated with breaking borders in doing business, has led to finding new ways of organizing people’s work and cooperation. In this context, the concept of smarter working has been developed as managers’ and individuals’ response to...

North Korea and Global Cyber Threat

On December 6, 2016, BBC News World published a feature story on an alleged attack by North Korean hackers on South Korea’s military cyber command (North Korea “hacks South’s military cyber command,” 2016). It is indicated in the story that there are thought to be thousands of professionals in North...

Lee and Li Law Firm’s Ethical Misconduct

Identification of problems The given case study revolves around the problems of the Lee and Lis firm which appeared because of the rude interference in its traditional functioning of one of its workers. Being founded in 1953 in Taiwan as the law office, the firm managed to guarantee its blistering...

Nursing and Midwifery Recognizing Domestic Violence

Introduction, Problem, and Purpose The article “Are We Failing to Prepare Nursing and Midwifery Students to Deal with Domestic Abuse? Findings from a Qualitative Study” is a qualitative study conducted by Bradbury-Jones and Broadhurst (2015). This research article explores the issue of nursing and midwifery students recognizing abuse in practice....

Health Data Management: Sharing and Saving Patient Data

Consider the idealized cycle of health information in evidence-based medicine where database systems offer information sharing service for doctors, medical researchers, medical institutions, and patients. In this scenario, doctors and researchers can easily query and analyze medical information with much greater speed, security, and ease. What would facilitate achieving this...

Theories of Selected Creation Myths

Introduction There are various theoretical styles for analysis of mythologies of the antique evolution. The reality is that the myths mainly form a definition that scholars can easily follow and relate to during the current timelines. Physically, dichotomy exists entirely especially under the intensities of pantheons over the powers regarding...

Health Care Policy in Mercy Miami Hospital

This project is based on an interview with one of the employees at Mercy Miami Hospital. The peculiar feature of this site is that its people underline the importance of cultural differences and use them as one of the main strengths of the organization (Careers at Mercy Miami hospital 2016)....

Institutional Violence in Human Services

Introduction Over the years, human services professionals have been subjected to institutional violence. Usually, institutional violence is conducted systematically. Organizations or institutions are used to cause harm to professionals. Therefore, professionals are disadvantaged and find it hard to grow or develop under strict institutional policies or rules. There are several...

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Violence in Modern Versus Ancient World

Violence is the use of physical force against two or more people that results in injury, psychological torture, or death. Violence can be between individuals, communities, or countries. Factors that cause violence are numerous, and they vary depending on the causes. Behaviors such as drinking and insults also trigger violence....

Customer Satisfaction for Organizational Success

Introduction Customer service management is an essential aspect of the successes of any business (Wetzel, Hammerschmidt, & Zablah, 2014). The success of every company is as a result of keeping their customers satisfied with their products and services. This project will examine and discuss various results of successful customer management....

Employer-Employee, Client and Board Communication

Introduction Communication is an important aspect of business today. Managers and employees have to choose the appropriate communication technique to use to ensure their messages are delivered and understood according to their purpose. The following discussion analyzes various scenarios in business communication to determine the appropriate communication method to use....

Nurse Staffing Levels and Employee Retention

Introduction Nurse understaffing is an important healthcare problem that is associated with poor patient outcomes, burnout, high turnover, and other problems faced by healthcare organizations. The objective of the change project is to test whether increasing staffing levels will have a positive outcome on employee retention, the incidence of medical...

The Teens, Crime, and Community Project in the US

The criminal justice system collaborates with different agencies in order to tackle the major issues affecting the United States. The targeted project topic focuses on the problem of juvenile delinquency. Studies indicate that more youths and children commit different forms of crime in the United States. Such crimes continue to...

Nancy Jackson in Nurse Educator’s Interview

Interviewee’s Target Audience Nancy Jackson, the person that was interviewed, is a nurse educator (NE) and a nurse practitioner (NP). She has been working in a local nursing facility to assist individuals in training the skills that would help them manage their needs more efficiently and develop independence in self-care...

Circumcision, Its Legality and Morality

Introduction The question of whether circumcision is a medical right or a human right issue has been discussed for many decades in various forums by numerous scholars. Medical researchers and social scientists have focused on the different aspects of the issue to come to a conclusive answer as to the...

Religious Ethics and Health Legislation in Nursing

Spiritual beliefs affecting the health policy reform process Spiritual beliefs and political ideologies are inextricably linked to each other since the former impact the latter. In particular, the majority of people associate certain beliefs with social benefits, prosperity, and other positive phenomena (Ernecoff, Curlin, Buddadhumaruk, & White, 2015). It is...

Postpartum Depression as Serious Mental Health Problem

Introduction Postpartum depression is a serious mental health problem that can impair the quality of life of young mothers. According to O’Hara and McCabe (2013), the prevalence of postpartum depression in the general population ranges between 13 and 19 percent. Antidepressant therapy is considered to be effective in treating the...

Leadership: Importance and Types

Importance of a leader Some people should make some serious decisions and rule our world and, at the same time, some people accept these decisions, hoping that they will result in some benefits for them. It should be said that not always leaders, who are responsible for some important decisions,...

“Freakonomics” by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner

Underlying Theme Freakonomics by Steven Levitt and Stephen Dubner is an exploratory study of economics and the manifestation of its principles in everyday life. The main premise of the book can be described with the following quote: “Morality, it could be argued, represents the way that people would like the...

Teaching English Speaking Classes for Non-Natives

The English language is the most studied languages around the world. Most of the non-native speakers living outside Europe or America have a very good command of written English, but their spoken English is sometimes pathetic. On the other hand, non-native speakers living in Europe and America can speak English...

Visual, Aural, Read/Write, Kinesthetic Learning Styles

Summary of subject’s learning style The personal learning style that applies to this particular subject is to read/write methodology. The VARK analysis indicates that the most prominent aspects of this learning method are lists, notes, and texts that provide descriptions and other learning aspects. The individuals who fall under this...

Individual in the International Legal System

Introduction Since the institution of international law, numerous scholars have focused on the subject of the status of the individual in the international legal framework. This subject elicited numerous debates in the legal field. The main reason for these debates is due to the imprecise nature of international law. Evolution...

The Advanced Practice Nurse Roles

The nursing field does not include only the direct patient care. There are several specializations that require additional skills apart from the medical knowledge. The nursing specialists include practitioners, educators, administrators, and informaticists. Each of these groups carries out a different task. Nursing practitioners are engaged in the direct patient...

Dys- and Functional Disputes in Organizations

Introduction Choosing your battles entails calculated tactics, forethought, confidence, and solution-focused strategies to distinguish between dysfunctional and functional disputes, articulate Robbins and Judge (2015). In the context of organizational behavior, the ingenuity of disentangling adverse collisions and instituting effective conflicts is imperative especially for managers and leaders of team groups....

The Stamp Act Resolutions and Declaratory Act

Introduction The 1760s were difficult years for the British Empire. The British won the Seven Years War 1755-1763, but the prolonged conflict cost the country almost 50 million pounds, bringing its national debt closer to 130 million. The debt put a strain on the economy, which could not be replenished...

Health Issues Among Miami Homeless People

People in Miami, FL Need Urgent Help Miami, FL is an urban community with rather dense population rates. The family houses by which the community infrastructure is represented heavily are mostly well-kept and in good condition, yet the health issues are getting out of hand. Particularly, the problem of homelessness,...

Porcini Company’s Success and Rapid Popularity Growth

Analyzing the case, one should mind several crucial concerns that impact Porcinis success and condition its rapid growth and increased popularity. These are the unique recognizable image of full-service restaurants, a successful pricing strategy, and the high quality of the provided goods and services. The combination of all these aspects...

Domestic Violence in the US: Effects on Children

Introduction Topic The proposed research study tried to find out how domestic violence affects children in the USA. It reveals the most common motives and consequences of this issue. Its prevalence and prevention are considered. This topic also presents various decisions that must be taken in case of abusive practices...

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Elderly Fall Prevention Care in Florida

Introduction The reduction of the risk of patient harm resulting from falls was always on the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations’ agenda (Cooper & Nolt, 2007). Following the National Patient Safety Goals, Cooper and Nolt (2007) define patient falls as “sudden unexpected descent from a standing, sitting or...

Isaac’s Case: Resolution, Positive and Negative Impact

Conflict Resolution Methods in Isaac’s Case As an assistant nurse manager, I will have to do everything possible to investigate the issue with Isaac’s behavior and think of the most efficient solutions. My duties involve taking care of all patients and staff in the unit and making sure that all...

Seclusion and Physical Restraint in Psychiatry

Introduction Physical restraint and seclusion tend to be used by healthcare professionals because they are believed to be beneficial when there is a necessity to control patient aggressiveness. In this way, they seem to be a great measure to prevent harm to both staff and other patients. However, some professionals...

Napoleon’s Reign vs. US Government Perception

Introduction From a study by Markham, France is what it is today because of two things. The first thing is The French Revolution while the second is the rise to power by Napoleon (1). Historically, these two things played a vital role in shaping France. This paper compares and contrasts...

Patient Case: Patterns, Challenges and Needs

S. B. is a 27-year-old man suffering from PTSD for the past two years. The symptoms began when his wife went missing. They include insomnia, nightmares, and depressive moods; previously S. B. had hallucinations and displayed aggressive behaviors. The man has an underage son and experiences frequent stress from the...

Racial and Ethnic Trends in Childhood Obesity in the US

Intended audience: The author’s intended audience is comprised of educators, policymakers in the field of healthcare, students, and parents affected by the impact of having obese children in the family. In addition, the secondary target audience is the stakeholders that are directly or indirectly affected by the effects of childhood...

Nursing Development as to Institute of Medicine

Introduction In 2011, the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on the future of the nursing profession, education, and practice. The report outlined some of the key issues in contemporary nursing and suggested possible areas for improvement. The report has made a significant contribution to the development of...

Diabetic Patients with Obesity or Overweight

The Article The article that has been chosen for the analysis is called “Analysis of a sample of type 2 diabetic patients with obesity or overweight and at cardiovascular risk: A cross-sectional study in Spain” and it has been written by Lucha-López et al. (2014). Three years ago, the work...

College’ Sports and Education

Today, more than ever before, it is increasingly becoming clear that big-time college sports are adversely affecting the quality of education provided by American universities. Many of the students enrolling into these institutions seem motivated by other concerns outside the scope of achieving quality education. This trend is not new,...

The Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Factors

Facts of the Challenger Case Engineering design and its impact on future missions and on the society Focusing more on the schedule than the achievement of the right design, where NASA put more emphasis on the timeframe of the project as compared to the quality standards of the project. There...

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The Feeling of Powerlessness Among Workers

Feeling of powerlessness The feeling of powerlessness is a rather common complaint among employees who are dissatisfied with their jobs. First of all, the feeling usually accompanies stress in the workplace. While sometimes it is the defensive reaction of the human psyche and thus appears as a result of stressful...

United Arab Emirates 2021 Vision as to Information Security

Introduction It is necessary to mention that the UAE has been developing at rapid rates over the last few years, and it has become one of the leaders in some of the industries. The development of the vision of the region is critical because it is much easier to keep...

The Patients Suffering from Chronic Diseases

Introduction to the Problem The last several years could be characterized by significant shifts in the healthcare sector. The focus on the satisfaction of the main patients needs and improvement of their quality of lives resulted in the appearance of new challenges in the sphere that should be solved to...

Parkinson’s Disease and Primary Headache Disorder

Parkinson’s disease: recent advances Parkinson’s disease (PD) has been one of the least researched and understood conditions for a long time. Since the 1980s, due to a significant body of new research and a breakthrough in neurology, the scientific understanding of its mechanisms and causes has improved (Ali, 2013). The...

“The Guild” a Poem by Sharon Olds

The Guild by Sharon Olds is one of the several poems in which the poet attempts to produce some description of her father and his negative influence on the family. The relationship between the daughter and the father is clearly dysfunctional, and in The Guild Olds shows that such difficulties...

Ethical Standards in Wal-Mart Company’s Auditing

Ethics Audit: Key Stages of the Process Institutionalizing ethical standards in an organization setting is an essential step toward creating the environment in which a company can not only operate but also thrive. Ethical principles are required to build a competent communication strategy, make decisions at the corporate level, and...

Childhood Obesity and Family’s Responsibility

Topic Summary and Research Questions Topic Description In this paper, the task is to select a topic and develop an academic summary of the offered issue. There are many fields where different topics can be discussed, including education, technology, family, and healthcare. I find the topic of childhood obesity as...

Gender Discrimination and Equality Promotion at Work

Solution Considering the fact that gender discrimination acquires new tendencies in relation to both sexes, it is necessary to come up with the most relevant solution to the issue. In particular, it seems of great importance to promoting the equality that refers to the ability of everyone to access available...

The Aravind Eye Care System’s Innovation Process

Introduction The Aravind Eye Care System is the leading ophthalmological hospital in India. It has numerous local and regional branches. Dr. Govindappa Venkataswamy founded it in 1976. This paper examines the innovation process of the Aravind Eye Care System by providing an insight into its workability, transferability to other countries,...

Excess Weight in Children and Education Goals

Patient Education Instructional Goals To come to the solution of the problem of excess weight in children, certain instructional goals should be achieved: Increasing the literacy of children regarding those factors that may affect obesity and the consequences of the problem. Promoting the need to follow appropriate medical practices. Encouraging...