Applying Theory to a Practice Problem in Nursing

Introduction and Problem of Practice This paper examines the significance of applications of theory in nursing practical situations. Concerned with the care of communities, families and individuals, nursing is an expansive discipline within the health sector, which encompasses collaborative and autonomous care of sick or health people in various settings....

Sarbanes Oxley Act and Its Contribution to Accounting

Introduction Since the formation of the 1934 Securities and Exchange Commission, the Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOA) is perhaps the most important and instrumental piece of financial legislation in the Accounting field to emerge in the last century. It birthed significant reforms in the accounting sector by redefining how different professionals...

Isolation Wards Preventing Infections in Elderly

Effective infection prevention is one of the most pressing problems that emergency departments (ED) have to face. Since overcrowding is not a rare case in EDs, patients have to stay in close proximity to one another for a considerable period of time, which increases the risk of infection transmission. Acutely...

Shift from Naturalism to Modernism in Literature

Literature of the early 20th century was characterized by the shift from Realism to Modernism. A number of factors shaped people’s perception of the changing world marked by the development of industrial societies and rapid urbanization. Furthermore, people were affected by the horrors of the Civil War and World War...

“Symphony of a Great City” by Walter Ruttman

An in-depth analysis of any film allows viewers to appreciate the work as a piece of art. It explains all the working parts and encourages a better understanding of what is happening on the screen. However, the whole film depends on the theme, characters, their conflicts, as well as on...

Medication Safety and Drug Therapy Process

Introduction Medication errors can occur at any stage of the medication therapy process. This article covers a review of literature on medication safety from a global perspective. It discusses how the drug therapy process has influenced, changed, and enhanced medication safety. It highlights medication safety in the nine stages of...

Oracle-Sun Merger: Mergers and Acquisitions

Changing conditions of business environment normally result in various measures from corporations. While some aim at responding directly to immediate changes, most of the responses normally focus on mitigating possible crises following adverse effects of the dynamic market conditions. Mergers and acquisitions usually characterize business expansions and strategies aimed at...

Environmental Racism: Analyzing the Phenomenon

Today the humanity faces one of the most serious challenges it has ever experienced. The fast evolution of the industry, the rise of the consumer society, and the unwise use of natural resources placed people at the age of disaster because of the critical deterioration of the environment’s state. Global...

A Multiple Regression Analysis of the Data

Introduction In science, it is paramount to be able to analyze data in order to discover correlations between phenomena (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). This paper provides a multiple regression analysis of the data for the task 4 of the textbook by Field (2013, p. 355); the data can be found...

Benefits Mobile Applications on Education Organizations

Introduction Today’s world is becoming more digitalized every day. Mobile culture is rapidly being embraced that most people cannot leave without their cell phones. The mobile phone has become a very useful device both as a communication and networking platform. According to Sharples, Taylor, and Vavoula (2007, 27), mobile technologies...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Evaluation and Pricing of Fixed Assets on Phantom Profits for Companies

Introduction This research proposal will examine the impacts of evaluating and pricing of fixed assets on phantom profits for companies. The purpose of investing in business activities is to get profits, expand operations and control markets. However, macro and micro economic factors dictate the success of a business activity and...

Green Logistics Importance

Introduction The importance of green logistics as a new scientific direction in supply chain technologies has recently acquired significant interest among academic researchers. The core aspects covered by the aforementioned inquiry include the use of cost- and resource-saving technologies that are equally important to supply chain optimization and environmental security....

Female Genital Mutilation and Reproductive Rights

Burrage, Hilary. Eradicating Female Genital Mutilation: A UK Perspective. Taylor & Francis, 2016. The book attempts a comprehensive discussion of the concept of female genital mutilation, particularly as it applies to the United Kingdom. It begins with a demographic, epidemiologic, and socioeconomic analysis of the issue’s origins, as well as...

Chemical Dependency: Crisis of Addiction

The issue of chemical or substance addiction has long since become rampant all over the world, and the United States is no exception to it. Substance abuse includes the use of any substances such as alcohol, nicotine, medical prescription drugs, illegal drugs and many other subjects. Drug abuse can take...

Preventing Falls and Near Falls in Older People: Randomized Trial Results

Introduction One of the most common challenges among older people is falling. The main effects of falling include disability, poor quality of life, and economic constraints due to the financial costs of treatment and rehabilitation (Soriano, DeCherrie, & Thomas, 2007). America spends a lot of money on falls. Therefore, many...

Climate Change in Terms of Project Management

Climate Change and Management Over the past years, climate change has inevitably become the most discussed matter in terms of both social and scholarly contexts. The major reason behind this interest is the fact that people try to identify what anthropological actions contribute to the emergence of a worldwide natural...

The Internet: The Roles of The Private Sector and The Government

Technological progress contributed to the transformation of communication and thereby promoted the mass participation of citizens in essential political processes. This outcome could not be neglected by the governments, and their involvement in this area followed numerous protests of the population (Tufekci 12). However, the development of a new space...

Texas Should Not Legalize Marihuana for Personal or Medical Use

Introduction The drug use is one of the most urgent social and legal problems nowadays. Certain drugs have been historically used as the components of the medicines. Many are prohibited. The legalization of marihuana for personal and medical use is the subject of discussions and debates. The aim of this...

Manifestations of Faith in 16th-Century Writers’ Famous Works

Introduction Universal ideas about life, love, and religion are evident in the works of numerous writers. Many literary pieces represent the author’s thoughts on these subjects, which might correspond or contrast depending on the professionals’ views. The topic of religion was a prominent theme for various writers of the 16th...

Tarui’s Disease Due To Phosphofructokinase 1 Deficiency

Introduction Tarui’s disease is a genetic metabolic disorder that affects the utilization of carbohydrates for energy and the storage of excessive carbohydrates as glycogen. The disorder is a result of a deficiency of the enzyme phosphofructokinase (PFK), which is vital in the biochemical processes that lead to the conversion of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fiscal and Monetary Policies and the U.S. Economy

During the period of economic downturn, a stimulating policy (expansionist) is carried out, which implies an increase in government spending and a decrease in tax rates. During the upsurge, a contractionary (restrictive) policy is carried out. In the time of recession, a stimulating fiscal policy (fiscal expansion) is provided, which...

Financial Analysis of Investment Decisions

Introduction Recent trends in online trading operations have largely altered the basic principles underlying stock trade. The trends guide the approach adopted in the management of online trade operations. Additionally, the online platform allows people to easily access information as well as facts that define the online trends adopted by...

Approach to Cancer Care: Diagnosing and Treatment

Introduction Cancer refers to any disease that is characterized by abnormal cell growth and the potential to spread to different body organs and tissues (Eyre, Lange, & Morris, 2002). Common signs and symptoms include enlarged lymph nodes, inexplicable weight loss, tumors, persistent headaches, frequent infections, chronic pain in different body...

Organizational Politics in Project Management

Introduction While business processes keep changing, there is a need for a well-defined process to initiate, plan, execute, and monitor these processes (Schwalbe, 2005). This discipline is normally effected through project management. Stakes Incorporation is a fast growing IT project management consultancy firm established in the year 1998. The firm...

The Triumph of Death: A Prominent Theme in Gothic Literature

No species is more deserving of accolades than humans for consistently executing the dual role of creating problems and solving them. While some challenges predate humanity, many wrongs people seek correct are artificial. Mired in the endless maze of thanatophobia, the fear of death, people have grown overly preoccupied with...

CVS Pharmacy Inc. SWOT Analysis

Background SWOT analysis is a valuable strategic tool that could be used in planning when doing situational analysis in an organization. The strengths and weaknesses (S/W) aspect depicts the internal strategic factors that could be used to ensure a strong industry position. On the other hand, the opportunities and threats...

How the Knowledge of Human Cognition Improves Computer Design

Abstract The study aims at looking at how the knowledge of human behaviour will help the manufacturers of computers in coming up with better computer designs that are human friendly after incorporating much of how human behaves and relate. After the identification of the dominant human behaviour that can be...

Human Genetics: Multifactorial Traits

Introduction Multifactorial traits refer to the physical and behavioral differences in human beings. Such traits include height, skin color, fingerprints, physical weight and height, behavioral conditions and tendencies, and eye color among others. Some traits are inherited while others are acquired depending on the environmental conditions of one’s upbringing. According...

Advantages and Disadvantages or Becoming a Registered Nurse

Introduction All careers have certain advantages and disadvantages. Becoming a Registered Nurse (RN) is one of the potential avenues of developing a nursing career. RNs are the most common type of nurses (Temple 10). The other well-known group of nursing professionals is Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) (Temple 10). The choice...

Rights Against Self-Incrimination

Abstract The prosecution office in this country has the responsibility of proving to the court that a given suspect is guilty as charged. the Fifth Amendment gives the suspects right to remain silent when arrested, while the Sixth Amendment gives them right to have an attorney. The Queen County District...

Medical Error in Telemetry Unit

Introduction Today’s situation in health care is characterized by a radical shift in nursing practices in terms of leadership skills and management abilities. Nurses should make a strong focus on developing themselves as leaders who take responsibility for several internal operations. Specifically, “nursing leadership and management are complementary skills that...

Gerontology Nursing: Schizophrenia

What is Schizophrenia? People with schizophrenia tend to hear funny voices that do not even exist. Schizophrenia is, therefore “a chronic and disabling brain condition that affects many people” (Birchwood, Spencer, & McGovern, 2000, p. 93). The affected patients believe strongly that other people are manipulating or controlling their minds....

“A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” and “My Singular Irene”. Analysis of Stories

Introduction This essay will focus on examining two short stories: “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” and “My Singular Irene”. The pieces are dedicated to highlighting the way humans interact with others and form an understanding of one another. Both stories speak of alienation, disenfranchisement, mistreatment, and miscommunication, with...

Elections in Australia: Public Information Campaign

In 2004 the AEC conducted a comprehensive, large-scale public information campaign devoted to the issues of elections in Australia. This campaign aimed to facilitate the voters’ understanding of the process of elections and all the relevant problems connected with them. AEC also sought to emphasize its role in the electoral...

Hypocrisy and Its Manifestation in Moliere’s Tartuffe

Jean Baptiste Moliere’s comedies have been called the “mirror of the mores” of the time. One of Moliere’s favorite techniques was hyperbolization as a technique for creating images-types. Characters were typified in the minds of viewers and readers and became common nouns. The situation prevailing in the country at that...

Safety Evaluation Techniques and Accident Data Analysis

Introduction The main aim of this report is to find out the number of accidents that occurred in the year 2010 in the recreational boating services in US. The accidents has been grouped into various categories which includes; collision with recreational vessels, collision with fixed objects, flooding /swamping, capsizing and...

Therapeutic Model at Healing Clients That Have Experienced Emotional Abuse

Introduction According to the trait theory, people exhibit different personalities depending on the nature of upbringing, social environment and genetic predisposition. Individuals who possess a strong personality in life exhibit confidence and a resilient self esteem which enables them to overcome bad influence and wrong judgment. The trait theory therefore...

Overpopulation’s and Environmental Disasters’ Connection

Introduction Throughout the history of planet Earth, it seems that environmental problems and threats to survival only became incredibly acute and urgent when humanity began to evolve. With the transition to the industrial system, society began to consume more useful resources, which in itself caused the depletion of the planet’s...

Families, Gender Relations and Social Change in Brazil

Introduction The concept of family and family life has evolved significantly from the traditionally hierarchical and patriarchal structure to innovative modern patterns. Theories and Methods Used Feminism provides more plausible explanations and solutions to controversial issues. Postmodernism to explain challenges facing the contemporary family in Brazil. Scholars review existing literature...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Legalizing Euthanasia: Pros and Cons

Introduction Many consider the preservation of life to be the higher purpose of humanity’s existence. Thousands of doctors graduating each year take an oath to use their considerable skills to assist those in pain and prolong their existence by all means possible. However, the question of survival becomes more complicated...

Woolf’s “Orlando” & Defoe’s “Moll Flanders” Novels

Introduction The theme of clothing and its impact on people has been depicted in various novels, articles, and other publications. Clothes seem to have a significant effect on how people are perceived and even what roles they should act. The mentioned topic was raised in two notable literary works –...

Saudi Classic Aniridia Genetic and Genomic Analysis

The hypothesis of the study This research was conducted in Saudi Arabia to determine the genetic and genomic alterations that underlie classic anirida. Though the topic seems scientific, the researchers did not include the genes the research deals with in the topic. The topic does not give a clear picture...

EBP and Global Health: U.S. Healthcare

Abstract Being a relatively recent change to the existing nursing system, the adoption of evidence-based practice (EBP) as the key tool for nursing specialists in addressing the needs of their patients has triggered a range of issues, the necessity to reconsider the process of nurses’ training being the key concern....

Nursing Education Overview and Analysis

Introduction The roles of nurses have considerably expanded during the last two decades. For example, these medical workers should act as educators. Additionally, they often need to coordinate the activities of other healthcare professionals. However, many researchers argue that there is a gap between the education of nurses and their...

Design Doc Draft Creation

Introduction The management of remote systems and updates for about 170 remote desktops/laptops requires Microsoft AD, PKI, and other servers to be implemented. The research will discuss the remote servers and their features in managing security groups. Active Directory Services (AD) is a solution from Microsoft that allows for combining...

Intentional Exaggeration: Healthcare Plans and Products

Introduction Exaggeration is when a product mimics as if it has benefits, while in reality, they are not present. While exaggeration may result from an unintentional misinterpretation of research results, some entities intentionally manipulate information to attract customers or attain financial support. Exaggeration can be considered a form of deception...

Social Views of Death in “The Jilting of Granny Weatherall”

Introduction Attitudes to life and death vary depending on time, culture, and society. History knows many transformations in how people saw old age, illness, and dying. These perspectives find their reflections in a culture’s products. Therefore, analyzing the literature of a certain historical period of a particular country allows a...

Ethical Dilemma: Justifying a Right to Die

Introduction Everyday we hear of death cases occurring in hospitals. Some of the death cases are on a voluntarily basis while others are involuntarily. The concept of a right to die is a central debate on the issue of euthanasia. Application of ethics on the other hand has become very...

The Stories by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. “Harrison Bergeron” and Flannery O’Connor “Good Country People”

Introduction The analytical paper is dedicated to the comparison of the stories by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. “Harrison Bergeron” and Flannery O’Connor “Good Country People”. From first sight, the two narratives seem to be completely different and do not have much in common; however, there are topics covered by both of...

Stereotype as a Method for Categorizing Society

Introduction Stereotypes and labels are weeds that grow on land called society. People face and support prejudice on their own, thus distorting the global representation of communities, ethnic groups, and minorities. Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is a Nigerian-American writer who personally experiences stereotypes related to African descent, cultural preferences, and expected...

Strategies and Styles of Raising a Child

Introduction Marriages and relationships are important in the society as they form the basis of bringing up children. According to Strong et al (2011), a “marriage is a legally recognized union between two people, mainly a man and a woman, in which they are united sexually, cooperate economically and may...

Evil and Vengeance in The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most astonishing short stories that has been interpreted in numerous ways. Most notably, the work is considered to be an allegory due to the biblical image painted through the human foot crushing the head of a serpent (Saxton...

Can One Will Their Own Freedom Without Willing the Freedom of Others?

Freedom is defined as the right or the power to act, think, and speaks as individual desires. Humans tend to fight for freedom collectively, especially if the most influential individuals trigger its influence. An analysis of human psychology indicates that people act independently and always strive to abide by the...

Decision Making in Qantas Airline of Australia

The Qantas Airline of Australia is the most prominent airline in the country as far as fleet size, international flights, and worldwide destinations are concerned. It is also the 3rd oldest airline company in the industry after Avianca and the KLM. It was established in 1920, and its headquarters are...

Chiquita Brands International: Case Study

Introduction The Chiquita case is fraught with ethical intricacies and contradictions. This moral complexity has several root causes: the sociopolitical situation in Colombia, neglect of ethical standards and corporate social responsibility, as well as corporate greed. While it can be argued that the company’s root cause was the desire to...

Namwamba and the Magic Pots. Original Myth

Namwamba, a local peasant farmer with two wives and six children, was famous in the village for telling stories and fairy tales that often left listeners with more questions than answers. He was also known for his cunning ways as he often found excuses to abscond communal work like farming...

Standards of Knowledge for Nurses

Introduction Health outcomes of the general public depend on the knowledge that nurses learn while receiving education and utilize while working. That is why they are to meet certain standards formed on the basis of the needs of current society. Today’s nurse is to be “one that is equipped not...

The Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing

Introduction The continued use of evidence-based practices (EBPs) has transformed the nature of nursing education. Many nurses are identifying new initiatives that can address the needs of many patients. The use of EBP has made it easier for nurses to support the needs of many underserved populations. This essay explains...

The National Shipbuilding Strategy Challenges and Achievements

The National Shipbuilding Strategy Global transportation is fundamental in exchanging products and developing international relationships. More than 80% of worldwide exchange by volume and about 70% of its worth is performed by more than 50,000 vessels (Perry, 2017). Marine transportation is one of the first means of exchanging commodities in...

Aspects of Nursing Faculty Shortage

Introduction The shortage of nursing faculty is one of the trends that have significant implications for medical schools, hospitals, and ultimately patient care. In particular, one should discuss the lack of those educators that have Master’s or doctoral degrees because these people are more prepared to teach students. These professionals...

“Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes” by Richards and O’Brien

Introduction Misreading Scripture With Western Eyes by Randolph E. Richards and Brandon J. O’Brien highlights cultural blinders that distort biblical interpretations. The authors note that the East and West differ in beliefs and practices related to dating, dying, and marital relationships. Owing to these fundamental differences, the Western and Eastern...

The Statute of Frauds as Contracts Enforcement

The Statute of Frauds is crucial legislation that makes various assignments powerful and excludes the risk of falsification. Commenced in 1677 by the English Parliament, the act requires written and signed forms of documentation and provides a more forceful guarantee than oral contracts (Wen). The concept is broadly utilized in...

Death and Dying: A Case Study

The questions about death and terminal conditions are difficult subjects to discuss. For many people, faith explains such happenings, providing solace or guiding their decisions for healthcare. In the case of George, the diagnosis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) means that he has a limited time to live and that...

Information Technology: Real-Time Processing and Multi-Processing Database Systems

Abstract The computer database system has been identified as a strategic weapon of which a profit-maximizing organization can use to enhance its competitive advantages. This paper attempts to provide a recommendation between real-time processing and multi-processing database systems for the booking of Windsor Recreational Park (WRP). The paper compares and...

Medical Insurance Cover for Vulnerable Age Groups

Introduction Recent evidence asserts that young women aged 20 and above have a higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (Darwin, 2011). Medical experts have confirmed that early screening and detection of women among this age group is necessary in order to avert health crises before reaching a severe stage. Additionally,...

Accessibility For Students With Autism in Education in K-12

For most children and teenagers, K-12 education is the most valuable and influential part of their lives, providing them with many experiences, new knowledge, close friends, and basic social skills. Unfortunately, this sometimes may not be the case for schoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Even though the overall situation...

Ethical Issues Involved in Software Project Management

Introduction Ethics may be defined as a set of beliefs in relation to what is considered to be right or wrong. Behavior that is regarded as being ethical usually follows rules and guidelines that are acceptable in society (Reynolds, 2007). More often than not, those who act ethically are perceived...

Online Education as an Alternative to Traditional Schooling

Introduction There has been a longstanding debated about whether online education is more effective than face-to-face learning. Technology has advanced to the point where students can take classes in the comfort of their own homes. The novel pandemic of COVID has led to the rise in online studying due to...

Gap Between Nursing Education and Nursing Practice

Introduction The world is rapidly developing and the urge to improve education and practice in several fields is calling for attention. Cumulative and comprehensive literature argues on the trends of application of knowledge gained from basic nursing education to the profession itself. About this observation, healthcare systems across the world...

The Rhetoric of Condemnation in the Book of Job

The Book of Job belongs to the Ketuvim (“Writings”) section of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible. The main character, Job, is introduced in the prologue, where he is depicted as a godly man generously gifted with material and non-material gifts alike. The narration...

Rittel and Webber: Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning

Introduction Contemporary socio-political state involves continuous problem identification and solution debate, in which there is no one universal right or correct approach. Rittel and Webber (1973) in their paper, explore the roots of such debates and examine strategies people use to tackle social, political and economic dilemmas. Problems that once...

Healthcare System in the Republic of Panama

Introduction Panama has a classic social security system, which is run by the CSS hinged on two legal frameworks. These frameworks include the National Constitution and article 109, and they underscore the citizen’s entitlement to social security. In addition, the frameworks define the citizen’s right to the Organic Law of...

Analysis of Freebie Power Bank by Shell

How the Design Meets the Specifications The freebie power bank illustration meets the design specifications in various ways. First, the Shell logo’s red and yellow colors enhance the product’s visibility and identification by all potential customers, including the colorblind men making up about 10 percent of the male population (“Prevalence”)....

Deontology and the Categorical Imperative

Deontology is a theoretical and philosophic movement that directs people in understanding what action should and should not be taken by an individual. People subscribing to this view believe that persons are born with a set of obligations and responsibilities they must adhere to. This ethical theory places an increased...

Four R’s of Recycling in Modern Understanding

Focus of Essay The 21st century has been characterized by growing environmental concerns. Today, it is becoming obvious for many people that humanity has a great effect on nature, and researchers propose new ways of reducing this impact. Recycling is one of the areas, which receive much attention in terms...

Cardiovascular Disease Prevalence in South Florida

Introduction Diseases of the heart or the blood vessels have become increasingly prevalent in the US hence the need for timely intervention to curb the escalation of the menace. Cases of cardiovascular disease hospitalizations in the state of Florida have raised eyebrows thus necessitating the need for intervention to prevent...

Ban on Genetically Modified Foods

Modification of genes of the organisms has been used in the food industry over the long period. Genetically modified (GM) foods are those that are produced with the help of genetic engineering. Such foods are created from organisms with changed DNA. Quick expansion of GM foods has raised many concerns...

Server Virtualisation Models

Introduction Server virtualization is a technique of organizing several separate virtual machines on one physical system. These virtual machines can be thought of as virtual private servers that hide the physical servers, operating systems, and other network resources from people using the servers. By implementing several virtual machines, various operating...

The Brutal Reality of War in Poems and Art

The poem “The Man He Killed” by Thomas Hardy was published during the Second Boer War in 1902. Hardy opposed the colonial conflict between the British Empire and combined forces of the Orange Free State and the South African Republic and decided to portray the horrors the war embodied for...

Examining Racism in American 21st Century Society

Racism has plagued American society for more than two centuries. Despite the country’s encouraging racial progress, many people still feel relationhips among the different groups have not improved. Approximately one hundred and fifty years after the passing of the 13th Amendment, which outlawed slavery in America, yet most black people...

Nursing Leadership Scholarly Paper

Introduction Even though there are a number of different definitions of leadership, the notion in question presupposes essentially the same – one’s ability to encourage people to act in one way or another, without having to use any coercive force, in this respect: “In essence leadership is an act of...

Accomplishing the Intentions of Meaningful Use Program. Implications and Recommendations

Introduction Accomplishing the intentions of Meaningful Use Program is a very challenging duty to many health care providers (Dowling, 2014). In the health care sector, the term Meaningful Use refers to the processing of population and health statistics into, EHR, an electronic health record. The above process aims to enhance...

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Description of Pathology Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a medical condition characterized by a frequent flow of stomach acid back into the esophagus. The backwash is known as acid reflux or acid indigestion irritates the lining of the esophagus and can cause a number of physiological issues as well as...

Ethnographic Interview Project

Summary Unfortunately, many people are so busy with the daily activities that they forget about the value, experiences, and wisdom of older generations. Grandparents pass away, and their children and grandchildren never learn in detail what worried them in their youth, how their childhood went, and what was their sweetest...

Video Games and Violence: Danger of Video Games

Introduction The idea of associating video games with violence has existed for almost as long as the medium itself. Many titles enable the person to enact a character that is encouraged to participate in violence against other people, both computer- and player-controlled, without suffering any consequences for it. In some...

Google Search Reliability as a Research Tool

Google Search is a universal information search tool used by millions of people. Many scholars agree that Google Search is also a useful research tool (Miller and Record, 2017). But this tool has drawbacks and limitations, which should be considered when searching through Google Search. Moreover, awareness when using search...

Comprehensive Care Plan For a Patient With Asthma Problem

Patient Initials: JK Age: 9 years Sex: Male Complaints: The patient reported to clinic complaining of a heavy cough, shortness of breath, and audible wheezing. The patient was also having difficulty breathing when sleeping and complains of regular chest congestion. In addition, the patient regularly suffers chest pain. The patient...

WebMD Website Evaluation with Harris’s Tools

Introduction With the advent of the internet, there are so many websites online, some have authentic information while others do not. It is important to have the know-how of collecting authentic information from a website. This paper analyzes the website with website evaluation tools provided by Prof. Robert Harris....

Ethics, Responsibility and Sustainability: Schwartz Values Survey

Abstract In all people’s lives, there are many critical points where they have to make an ethical decision. From time to time, everyone becomes a part of the moral choices of other persons, and some of them may or may not have an influence on one’s life. Precisely these experiences...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Development of Company “Pound by Pound”

Pound by Pound (PP) has been progressive since it begun. A new plant to be used for food processing and additional production of herbal supplements may enable the company to further its growth. This memo addresses feasibility of expansion through analysis of capital asset purchases, sales, income, cash flows, value...

Domestic Violence and Its Impacts on Children

Abstract Domestic violence is an issue that has raised concern in the society because of its impact on the affected people. Domestic violence has serious impacts on children. When they grow up in a violent environment, they get affected psychologically and sometimes physically. Men and women also get affected in...

Emergency Room Triage in America

Introduction Emergency care and medical services are offered to play an important role in the life of every person, who is in need of professional medical help. The way how emergency care is offered in special rooms may define the quality of life and even the future of human life....

The Product Liability Law: Crucial Issues

Product liability law is the law that holds the manufacturers, distributors, retailers, suppliers and other individuals involved in the supply liable for any damage or injury that may be caused by the product. All these entities are expected to meet the set standards of which breaching may lead to legal...

Mental Health Nursing Class: Anxiety-Related Disorders

Teaching Topic. Mental Health Nursing: Anxiety-Related Disorders The following class is devoted to anxiety and anxiety-related disorders as one of the significant mental health concerns nowadays. The high level of stress, multiple factors causing additional pressure, and the high speed of life might affect individuals and precondition alterations in their...

The Tale of Kieu: The Value of Confucianism

Introduction The Tale of Kieu by Nguyen Du is one of the most prominent Vietnamese poems, depicting the life of a woman who had to save her family by sacrificing her own life. This poem presents the social and political challenges of the 18th century, when two dynasties, Nguyen and...

The Incorporation of Evidence-Based Practice into the Nursing

Abstract The issues of quality and patient safety have increasingly become the focus of nursing practice in contemporary society. The purpose of this paper is to highlight the significance of incorporating evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing care. EBP involves the incorporation of scientific knowledge into care processes to enhance healthcare...

The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution

Exclusionary Rule The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution protects American citizens against illegal evidence collections methods that are against their rights. The exclusionary rule has become a common doctrine that discourages the criminal justice system and the government from relying on information gathered in an acceptable manner. Many...

Reflections of the Black Church From Yesterday Till Today

The aspects of slavery in the United States started in the August of 1619, when 20 Angolans’ names were first recorded in a journal entry. These blacks were ushered into the British colony in Virginia, later to be sold to English colonists. The idea of enslaving Africans grew in the...

Importance of the Middle-Range Theory in Nursing

Introduction Theory in nursing provides the framework of defining the field of nursing, determining when nursing is needed, and exploring the objectives of the nursing activities. Concepts and propositions “form the basic elements that build a particular nursing theory” (Watson, 2008, p. 112). Propositions are elements that manifest how concepts...

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Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare: Approaching Patients From Diverse Backgrounds

I chose to interview a friend from Saigon, Vietnam, primarily because of the cultural contrast which meets the requirements of this task. For confidentiality purposes, I will refer to her as T.N. – a pseudo name. Nonetheless, despite the many years, she has lived in the country, she still fosters...

The Venetian Macao Analysis

Property Overview The Venetian Macao is one of the world’s most luxurious and the largest hotels and casinos. Located in Macao, China, the building was erected on reclaimed land. The 10,500,000 square-foot building is currently the seventh-largest building globally and the largest hotel building in continental Asia (Hao et al.,...

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections Risk Prevention

The Methods of Evaluating the Effectiveness of Change Evaluation is a very fundamental component of change management because it measures the performance of the new system or process (Acheterberg, Schoonhoven, & Grol, 2008). The implementation plan proposed three evidence-based solutions to prevent and reduce the risk of catheter-associated urinary tract...

The Cloud Computing Technology

Introduction Majority of the computer systems utilises a local computer for application and data software. Cloud computing is a relatively new term in the field of computer systems and as such, it still lacks a clear and strict definition while in use in various contexts. Technological changes have been noted...

Genetic Screening and Testing

Introduction Every expectant mother wants to be sure that her baby is healthy, well-developed, and complications do not threaten the pregnancy. Modern technologies allow detecting pathologies at an early stage of pregnancy, which makes it possible to make the necessary decisions promptly. Genetic screening (prenatal screening) is a maternally and...

Conceptual Teaching Plan

The focus on the concept-based class activities and teaching can be discussed as the modern trend because there are many advantages which are associated with teaching conceptually. The concept-based approach is effective to be implemented in relation to different theoretical and practical fields of knowledge, including nursing. General benefits of...

Idealism versus Realism in International Politics

Introduction The idealists believe in selfless human character, the likelihood of improving culture, the uncertainty of war, and the need for multi-lateral global efforts to eradicate war and prejudice universally. Realists deem that ethics and virtues are a barrier to the quest for state power and that the efficiency of...

Childhood Obesity and Its Potential Prevention

Abstract This paper delves into the use of early onset obesity detection in children and suggests methods of potentially preventing childhood obesity later on in the child’s life. Introduction The proposed change to help deal with the issue of childhood obesity was inspired by the study of Wright et al....

Acer Group’s R&D Strategy: The China Decision

Introduction Acer group R&D is a Chinese technological company that mainly deals in the manufacture and supply of electronic devices used in communication. The information and technology industry has been the world’s most growing industry considering the various developments that are being done in the field. Acer group was established...

Mental Health Buring a COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed individuals and families in the United States to government-imposed public health practices, most of which conflict with their daily programs. The actions imposed by the government in conjunction with the Department of Health encompass quarantine, closure of schools and some businesses, and lockdown (Galea, Merchant,...

Irish Revolution and Civil War of 1918-1923

Introduction The Irish Revolution and Civil War that started gathering impetus on the eve of the World War I and came to the peak by its end was unique in nature. Many forces fueled it and determined its direction and form. In Bitter Freedom: Ireland in a Revolutionary World, Maurice...

Tinker v. Des Moines: Court Proceeding

Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District is a historical case that was decided more than fifty years ago that discussed the limitation of rights provided by the First Amendment of the US Constitution. In this case, several students decided they wanted to wear black armbands to honor the...

Aging: The Bio-Ecological Model of Development

Introduction The concept of age has now been discussed on many levels and from a variety of angles to discover whether there really is a possibility to define one properly. Although the vast majority of people perceive age as the timeframe one has existed, there is a series of major...

“The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down” Book Review

The book The Spirit Catches You and You Fall down by Anne Fadiman is one of the highlights of the Hmong culture and the challenges socializing a family from Laos faces in American society. Misunderstandings and disagreements manifested in day-to-day interactions reveal distinctive values ​​and norms in the two cultures....

Negotiation Process Issues

The Nature of Negotiation in the World “Negotiations” is the dialogue between two or more parties that may occur at both the individual and organizational levels. The purpose of every negotiation process is to reach an agreement concerning a particular issue that should result in individual or collective benefits. According...

Effects of Aromatherapy in Treating Postoperative Pain

Abstract The use of aromatherapy as a complementary medical practice dates back long in history. The use of essential oils in therapeutic activities became popular in the 11th century with the invention of the distillation process. Today the technique continues to draw interest from different stakeholders owing to its perceived...

Criminology: USA Patriot Act Overview

Introduction USA PATRIOT ACT was enacted in 2001 in reaction to the September 11, bomb attack on the US. Reauthorization was passed in 2005 by Senate and made permanent most of the previous provisions about to expire in 2005. The Act strengthens and gives more authority to the federal agencies...

Plastic Surgery Trend Among Adolescents

Introduction The era of social media and other digital communications has influenced people’s standards of beauty and self-perception significantly. A generation of young people that identify selfies with a mandatory aspect of life observe one another on Facebook and Instagram and form specific preferences regarding appearance parameters. Even though a...

“I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen: Analysis

Tillie Olsen is considered one of the classics of American literature of the first half of the 20th century, and in her books, she raises important social issues through everyday stories. One example of such works is the short story “I Stand Here Ironing”, in which a woman speaks in...

Wise Men’s Leadership in the Old Testament

Introduction The Old Testament is a great book of universal human significance. Apart from its religious value, it can be analyzed by its political and legal aspects, since it carries information about the state and power structure. The Old Testament can be called a treatise on the government and order...

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The Indian Boarding Schools System

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How Pollution Is Poisoning the Leisure and Recreation Industry

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Benefits and Disadvantages of Prone Positioning in Severe Acute Respiratory Distress: Article Critique

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The Role of the Goldfish in “The Secret Goldfish” by David Means

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Creating a Collage about Black Lives Matter Movement

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Alcohol Consumption: Negative Impacts

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Creating Demand Through YouTube

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Making the Case: Teach Back Method for CHF Patients

Introduction CHF stands for congestive heart failure. This comes about when less blood than normal is pumped by the heart, leading to excess fluid’s accumulation in the body. This excess fluid causes congestion in the lungs due to leakage, and can result to swelling of the feet (Albert et al.,...

Blood Sickle Cell Disease: Etiology and Treatment

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Finance: Financial Intermediaries, Financial Assets & Investments

Role of Financial Intermediaries in a Developed Economy Financial intermediaries, also known as financial institutions, are organizations that issue financial claims against themselves and use the proceeds from the issuance to purchase primarily the financial assets issued by individuals, corporations, government entities as well as other financial intermediaries. Financial claims...

Learner Isolation in Distance Education

Background Research demonstrates that distance education is the “magic bullet” in addressing nursing shortage issues and ensuring that nurses have the opportunity to advance their skills and competencies (Mutea & Cullen, 2012). In nursing contexts, some of the advantages of distance education include: Time flexibility Convenience Lack of transportation worries...

Music Therapy: Review

Introduction Music therapy is the controlled use of music in treatment, rehabilitation, and a means of optimizing creativeness and pedagogical work. Behavioral therapists widely adopt music to treat depressive conditions. Since the mechanism of the effect is not always clear, music therapy sometimes seems like a kind of miracle, giving...

Trade Issues and Patterns of Mexico

Introduction Trade is one of the most important elements of a country’s overall economic success. It can significantly influence the federal budget and ensure the financial stability of a state’s regions. Moreover, developed trading relations and a sustained economic situation make a country powerful in different spheres of international collaboration...