Global Food Security: UN Speech

Speech to the UN from the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Problem of Global Food Security Mr. Chairman of the United Nations, On behalf of the government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, allow our delegation to consider urgent aspects that are currently discussed on the UN agenda. This is of...

“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

Introduction In the essay, Politics and the English Language, Orwell portrays that politics and economics create certain writing standards while making expression vague with no intended meaning in words and repetition (362). In this case, paying substantial attention to the selection of suitable language forms can help avoid using extra...

Parenting Styles: Values and Standards Transmission

Social and Emotional Development Numerous observations of children show that major developmental changes mostly occur during early childhood. It may be perceived by the parents in the form of imitation and observation. The research shows that children tend to interact less and simply mimic each other. The key developmental characteristic...

Insomnia and Its Negative Health Effects

Introduction People’s quality of life heavily depends on the extent to which the essential needs of the human body are fulfilled. It is known that eating disorders present conditions that are associated with significant health risks as proper nutrition acts as a key to good health. Similarly to them, the...

Conflict Management Plan in Health Care

Effective change management should not underestimate the role of communication in the change implementation process. Hence, it is critical to examine both the positive and negative aspects of stakeholders’ relations. Since change is associated with the involvement of numerous actors and interests, it is necessary to evaluate the role of...

US Ethnic Housing Market Strategies and Issues

Opportunities and Challenges The opportunities and challenges which housing lenders and real estate agents face across ethnic subcultures are different. The reasons that buyers from the three ethnic groups surveyed gave for buying homes were diverse. The surveyed ethnic groups consisted of African Americans, English -speaking Hispanics and Spanish- speaking...

Changes in Family Structure

Introduction The family is often considered to be the most influential agent of socialization. A family can affect not only its members but also the structure of a society or culture. However, families change under the influence of the world as well. In fact, the developments in the family structure...

Employee Motivation at the Public Library

The setting and specific management problem My client works as an acquisition librarian in a small public library. The key problems that she encountered were the low motivation of the employees and slow decision-making within the organization. The analysis of the organizational structure indicated that the difficulties, faced by my...

Fall Prevention Techniques and Patient Exercises

Literature Review Fall risk in acute care is one of the primary causes of the appearance of a wide range of complications. The latter may significantly decrease the quality of lives of elderly patients and deprive them of an opportunity to recover. Realizing the importance of the discussed topic, many...

The Roman Constitution: Augustus and Polybius Comparison

Introduction The significance of the Roman Constitution and the people’s role in it, together with the power executed by the Consul and the Senate, are discussed by Augustus in The Deeds of the Divine Augustus and Polybius in The Histories. The historical significance of both texts is in their somewhat...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Heart Failure Patients and Telephone Intervention

Introduction Patients diagnosed with heart failure or HF experience a significant reduction in their quality of life experience. Also, the disease takes a tremendous toll on their financial resources. Furthermore, HF patients form part of a state’s significant financial burden. For example, the researcher documenting the study revealed that nine...

Type-2 Diabetes: Condition and Resources Analysis

Introduction Type-2 diabetes has become an increasingly prevalent health issue in the United States. Population health trends demonstrate earlier onset as early as adolescence and young adulthood and continue to adversely impact health throughout the adult lifespan. Evidence suggests that early-onset type-2 diabetes has an aggressive disease phenotype and leads...

Nurse Manager Engagement: Concept Analysis

Nowadays, nurses play an important role in the healthcare segment, as they assess the patient’s health and propose appropriate interventions (Sellman, 2011). This profession is challenging since the nurses have to consider theoretical knowledge, environmental support, patient’s conditions, and expectations simultaneously (Mason-Whitehead, McIntosh-Scott, Bryan, & Mason, 2008; Chambers & Ryder,...

Magnet Designation: Nursing Managers and Leaders

Introduction Nurse Leaders (NLs) should use their competencies to address the unique challenges affecting the healthcare sector. Most of the issues affecting the industry can be handled by nursing leaders who are willing to deliver quality services to more patients. Reinhard and Hassmiller (2014) believe strongly that different leadership approaches...

Collaborative Learning Community’s Business Plan Models

Contemporary medicine needs innovating solutions and effective organization of the care process. However, implementing innovation involves taking risks that have to be carefully assessed. Writing a business plan is usually the first step towards elaborating on a new initiative that helps to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses, and feasibility. While there...

Restriction on Ownership and Its Impact on Real Estate Market

Summary of the Article Real estate is a sector that has attracted several investments in recent years. The sector growth has attracted several rules and regulations to protect both private and public interests of its acquisition and usage. The USA government federal rules have to a large extent been duplicated...

Religious Website “Faith Communities Today”

Introduction Religion can be defined as a particular essential set of beliefs and practices which are usually agreed upon by a group of people or sect, for instance, the Islamic or Christian religion. People generally believe in religion and follow it devotedly. There are various faith groups that are aimed...

The Federal Insurance Contributions Act: Economic Burden

Introduction Governments usually require taxes to meet expenses such as healthcare, security, and other public requirements. To raise the revenue, the government imposes taxes on goods and services as well as on the wages and salaries that employers pay and employees earn. In essence, payroll tax, such as the Federal...

American Nursing Competencies and Education

Introduction Nursing plays a crucial role in the treatment of patients. In 2005, an educational project for nurses about healthcare quality and safety was created to build a bridge between education and practice. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funded the project. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) was...

Remote Sensing Applications to Climate Change

Remote sensing is defined as the measurement of information and area property on the Earth’ surface by means of satellites and aircrafts. This process helps to evaluate and obtain data at a distance in case the object under consideration is not located in direct contact (Schowengerdt 2). In this regard,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Human Resource Manager’s Career Opportunities

Introduction This research paper covers some aspects of a possible career in human resource management. The career is important because it involves the management of the most vital resources – human resources in any organization. Hence, it is imperative to recognize that human resource management (HRM) is now considered a...

Ethical Perspective: the Philandering Parole Officer’ Case

Abstract This paper is aimed at analyzing the case of the Philandering Parole Officer. The analysis approach uses the concept of hedonism to justify and critique the fact of the case. Even though hedonism supports the idea of seeking for pleasure and happiness, the idea of free will and utilitarianism...

Police Officer Murder, Trial and Punishment

Introduction In the USA, killing a police officer on duty is considered one of nine capital offenses, which are punished either by a death penalty or by life imprisonment without the possibility of release (Bienen, 2010). Mr. James is charged with committing a capital offense in a state where the...

Project Closure: Bandai Pippin

Project closure is the concluding phase of a project, in which the main types of activities are finalized. The documents and decisions made during this phase are expected to result in a formal completion. Importantly, the closure includes a “Lessons Learned” component that may offer valuable data for conducting similar...

India’s, Indonesia’s, Haiti’s, Japan’s Earthquakes

India, 2001 At 0316 GMT (0846 local times) January 26, 2001, the major tremor hit the Indian state Gujarat. The nearest town, Bhuj was nearly destroyed by the earthquake with the magnitude rated from 7.6 to 7.9 using the Richter scale. It was reported as the most significant earthquake in...

Problem of Teen Pregnancy in Society

Introduction Teen pregnancy is a topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. It is paramount to note that the number of such cases has been decreasing, but it is still an enormous problem in the modern society that needs to be addressed. Statistics indicate that young...

Disaster Plan Activation and Healthcare Staff

All hospitals are required to have a comprehensive disaster management plan which is aimed to minimize deplorable consequences (e.g. disruption of patient care, physical damage to the building, injured and killed people, etc.) of a disaster by specifying the course of action a facility should take to respond and recover...

Assisted Suicide as a Humane Solution

Introduction Assisted suicide, along with euthanasia, serves the purpose of ending the life of an individual. Distinguishing these two methods is important. During euthanasia, a lethal drug is administrated by a physician, whereas during assisted suicide, the patient is responsible for taking it. Both ways of dying are voluntary and...

Logical Fallacy in Braun’s “Tougher Sanctions Now”

Introduction When it comes to arguing in favor of a particular point of view, it is important to keep the would-be deployed line of argumentation free of logical fallacies. The reason for this is apparent – the fewer of these flaws can be found in the written/orally delivered rhetorical piece,...

Afro-American and Latino Women’s Barriers to Health

Background of Study The research problem of the given study is the barriers and specifics that affect overweight African American and Hispanic women who are willing to adopt physical activity and/or dietary changes but cannot do so. Minority groups, especially communities, are rarely studied in qualitative researches dedicated to the...

Chrysler Company’s Organizational Behavior

Abstract Organizational culture is defined as the behavior of individuals at work, which determines the success of the organization. It entails all the major values that an organization drafts, the mission and vision statements, and the systems. In this paper, the organizational culture of Chrysler will be analyzed in various...

Howard Schultz’s Servant Leadership at Starbucks

Howard Schultz’s managerial style at Starbucks is admired and analyzed by many scholars. As the corporation’s chief executive officer (CEO), he applied servant leadership efficiently in order to empower his followers. This practice resulted in a positive culture that continues to drive the company’s performance. The presented discussion uses a...

Arab Spring, Terrorism and Libyan Political Changes

Introduction The Arab Spring refers to a wave of protests, coups, demonstrations, and civil wars that took place in several African and Asian countries between 2010 and 2012. The protests affected countries in North Africa and the Middle East. The countries affected include Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Iraq, and Syria. The...

Psychotherapy Group of Combat Veterans in Transition

Introduction When a psychotherapeutic group reaches the transition stage, many clients can drop out and become reluctant or unable to change. This stage is characterized by such features as group members’ reluctance, resistance, anxiety, passiveness, conflicts, and even aggression in some cases (Corey, 2016). Since the group members will be...

Consolidation Phase: Theory and Practice

The final stage of therapy is often referred to as consolidation or termination phase. It is noteworthy that modern researchers and practitioners tend to avoid using the word termination due to its negative connotation (Maples & Walker, 2014). The positive approach to this portion of group psychotherapy often shapes the...

President Obama’s Fallacy in Abortion Arguments

Introduction The debate on abortion has haunted the American Society for many years. The Pro-life and Pro-choice parties have engaged in heated debates over the years, and they seem to have reached a point where different communities uphold different opinions on the matter. However, the outspoken nature of the members...

Does Best Selling Reflect Good Writing?

Introduction Popular literature is a concept that implies its orientation towards the masses. As such, it is bound by several popular assumptions, some of which are less justified than the others. Among the most widely recognized is the correlation between the book’s popularity and its quality. However, it is much...

American Confederation and Constitution History

There was always intense debate between various parties, as they have dissimilar views regarding the same issues. A primary goal of this paper is to discover differences in opinions concerning the ratification of the Constitution. Firstly, the articles of Confederation and new a Constitution of 1748 are compared, and weaknesses...

Door-to-Balloon Time Reduction Strategies

Introduction This paper will discuss the various ways of reducing the Door-to-Balloon (D2B) period for ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients. The paper is backed by different studies that have established a strong link between D2B time and mortality incidence for STEMI patients. D2B refers to the interval between the arrival...

The Impact of Chronic Illness

Introduction A person chosen for the administration of the questionnaire is JF, who is a distant family member. JF has a stage 3B chronic kidney disease, which is categorized by the severely reduced kidney function and an increased risk of renal failure in the future. The following paper contains a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

JP Morgan Chase & Co.’s Unethical Behavior

Introduction JP Morgan Chase & Company is the largest bank in the United States that offers banking and other financial services. It has a market capitalization of approximately $2.145 trillion. It was founded in 2000 after the merger of two financial institutions namely J.P. Morgan & Co. and Chase Manhattan...

The Impact of Depression on Motherhood

The Literature To study the impact of depression screening on prenatal and postnatal motherhood and effects on early interventions, a rigorous selection criterion was applied in collecting relevant data for analysis to answer key questions (KQ) on the impact of early interventions. The study was assessed against predetermined benchmarks to...

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic’s Study Methods

The Capital Veterinarian Clinic (CVC) is a facility that is located in Sacramento, California, and it is oriented to providing high-quality veterinary services in the community. Currently, the organization’s hierarchy is headed by Dr. Marissa Sandoval, the Clinic Director, who supervises the operations in the CVC. The work of nine...

United Healthcare Group and Its Strategic Plan

United Healthcare Group is a for-profit managed organization with headquarters located in Minnesota. It offers insurance services and health care products to individuals, small and medium businesses, and international companies. It is one of the largest health care companies in the United States, which provides a wide range of services...

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Skills

Interpersonal Communication Process of developing a good relationship with other people Interpersonal skills can be learned and developed Effective communication is an essential skill and is related to success Principles of Interpersonal Communication Good listening is being interested in what you are being told Judgment should come after the information...

Transcultural Models Comparison in Nursing Practice

It is worth noting that values are the basis of any human culture. A person relies on traditions, norms, and customs established in their culture and gradually forms a set of fundamental and generally accepted values (Abitz, 2016). Each culture develops its unique system of values that reflects its position...

“Fences” a Play by August Wilson

Introduction One of the main themes in The Fences is the theme of parenting. Both Troy’s and Bono’s sad recalls offering background for considering the similarities and dissimilarities of the generations unraveling Troy from Cory and Bono from Lyons. The one feature Troy appreciated was a sense of accountability, and,...

The Acupressure Effect on the Hemodialysis Patients Fatigue

The article, “The effect of acupressure on the level of fatigue in hemodialysis patients” authored by Eğlence, KarataƟ, and TaƟci (2013) reports the findings of a study conducted to investigate the effectiveness of acupressure in reducing the level of fatigue among patients undergoing hemodialysis. The researchers used a quantitative approach...

Texting and Driving: Social Problems

Texting and driving refers to the act of receiving, reading and sending text messages while operating a motor vehicle, which is a hazardous practice that causes many fatalities. The act is so dangerous that it has been outlawed in some states in the United States. The habit is most common...

Conflict Resolution: Compromise and Collaboration

Introduction Conflicts are inevitable in the lives of people. A person can be involved in a conflict situation with family members and friends as well as colleagues or even strangers. Conflicts are usually caused by the incompatibility of principles, aims, interests, or experiences. In every case, the success of conflict...

America Role in the Great War

Introduction The expanding rivalry between European countries for power and status through the globe led to fatal competitions that exploded into World War 1. Nationalism, militarism, and colonialism are the main thrusts that led countries into the bloody war (Heyman, 1997, p. 12). Military coalitions formed to help countries guard...

Using Technology in Healthcare Setting

As an advanced healthcare facility, the Temple University Hospital (TUH) has been deploying the latest innovative technology to encourage a reciprocal conversation between patients and nurses. Besides, the managers of the facility have been striving to maintain quality rates high to ensure the best potential outcomes in the target setting....

Holistic Approach to the Practice of Nursing

Introduction Holistic care is a model of patient care, which can be regarded as core to the science of nursing in general. According to Zamanzadeh, Jasemi, Valizadeh, Keogh, & Taleghani (2015), “the philosophy behind holistic care is based on the idea of holism which emphasizes that for human beings the...

The Articles of Confederation vs. the New Constitution

The Articles of the Confederation (1781-1789) preceded the New Constitution of the US ratified in 1789. Although the two documents have some commonalities, they differ in many respects. One significant similarity was that both documents sought to establish a democracy, not a monarchy or aristocracy (Goldfield et al., 2013). Further,...

Army Professional’s Traits and Characteristics

Introduction Being an army professional requires displaying a number of traits and characteristics that are of vital importance if the Army is to be dependable and capable of serving its people. The current paper discusses these five essential characteristics, as described by “ADP 1” (2012) and “ADRP 1” (2015). It...

The Physiology of Parkinson’s Disease

Case Study Dara Cris, a sixty-three-year-old European American woman, came into the emergency room accompanied by her son. She complained of uncontrollable shaking. Tremors in her right hand made routine activities, such as dressing up and eating, more complicated. Dara could not write properly also. She even had problems with...

Change Theory in Pediatrics Unit

Healthcare institutions should implement powerful practices to support the needs of different practitioners and ensure that quality services are available to every patient. The targeted unit is concerned with the health needs of children below the age of six. The practitioners in this unit use their competencies to identify patients’...

Chronic Illness Care and Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction Nations work hard to ensure the lives of their citizens are protected and promoted. Some diseases cannot be cured easily while others are associated with old age; therefore, medical practitioners must work hard to ensure they offer proper care to victims of these conditions (Chang 2008). This discussion examines...

Iron Seeding Oceans: Global Warming Solution

Global warming has the capability to destroy the planet due to rising sea levels and unpredictable weather changes (Webersik 19). Global warming is made possible by greenhouse gases or GHG (Victor 193). The critical component of GHG is carbon dioxide (Weart 12). The GHG effect is a phenomenon that traps...

Quality Transitional Nursing in Elderly Patients

Introduction One of the areas of nursing care is transitional nursing, which often remains on the sidelines and does not receive proper attention from both the management and health professionals themselves. Nevertheless, this type of care has quite a few features and requires compliance with a number of conventions on...

Future of Nursing: Implementation of the IOM

The IOM Report: Background The “nursing profession represents the largest percentage of the United States’ healthcare workforce” (Bleich, 2011, p. 169). Nurses and caregivers can play a critical role in supporting the diverse health needs of many Americans. However, some hurdles have been making it impossible for these practitioners to...

Wal-Mart Stores Customer Service Perspective

Introduction Customer service perspective serves as an instrument to ensure that all company’s employees are committed to the customer’s needs since they are the most important aspects in business continuity and sustainability. Wal-Mart Stores Inc is a large-scale business enterprise founded by Sam Walton and known to be the most...

Maintaining Ethical Standards in Fashion

Introduction Sustainability is becoming a new trend in the global business world. It is even possible to state that corporate social responsibility has a fashion of its own, and companies are trying to stress their focus on sustainable practices. Ironically, the fashion industry sometimes fails to follow this fashion to...

Poor Working Conditions in Globalized World

Introduction We now live in a world that is considered to be much better than at least half a century ago. Everyone can observe the rise of technologies and their implementation in different spheres of human activity. Moreover, there are numerous attempts to promote equality and provide people with the...

Nursing: Family Interview and Cultural Assessment

Evaluating well-being within a family represents a unique challenge since a nurse has to address the needs of every family member. Therefore, the choice of an assessment tool defines the success rate of the process to a vast extent. The difficulty of the task intensifies in case an ethnically diverse...

Obesity, Its Definition, Treatment and Prevention

Introduction Health care in the United States is provided by a variety of governmental and business organizations (Himmelstein & Woolhandler, 2016). However, the government funds the bulk of the health care expenditures. According to the estimation of the Centers for Medicare and Medical Services, the government covers 64.3% of total...

Burnout Syndrome Experienced by Nursing Professionals

Research Problem/Purpose The article written by Cañadas-De la Fuente et al. (2015) is focused on the issue of burnout syndrome experienced by nursing professionals because it is seen as a trigger of various health problems. The researchers claim that “the burnout syndrome is beginning to be regarded as an occupational...

The Space Shuttle Challenger Engineering Ethics

Synopsis Space Shuttle Challenger One of the most serious cases associated with engineering lapses is the case of Space Shuttle challenger. Morton Thiokol engineers at NASA constructed the Space Shuttle Challenger that went into flames and ashes immediately after its departure due to the O-ring fault (Dunbar 545). Engineers in...

Lessons Learned from “Heart of Darkness” by Joseph Conrad

Marlow left for Africa specifically to Congo in the service of the Belgian company occupying Congo as its protectorate (Conrad 3). However, when Marlow was presented with the map showing the Belgian empire, he raised concerns with the effects of imperial presence in Africa. For instance, the Congolese viewed the...

Odysseus and Maximus: Heroes Comparison

Introduction In this paper, I compare two prominent heroes in contemporary literature – Odysseus and Maximus. Based on the portrayal of the latter from the movie Gladiator and the representation of Odysseus in a book with the same title, I argue that both characters had more similarities than differences. In...

Hispanic Patient’s Health and Heritage Assessment

It should be noted that being culturally competent is particularly important for healthcare workers since they need to provide care that will be holistic. The Heritage Assessment tool is an instrument, which care providers may use to meet the needs of patients with different cultural and ethnic backgrounds more effectively....

Christopher Columbus: Voyage to Asia’s Discover Trade Routes

Executive Summary Christopher Columbus wants to attempt to find new trade routes to Asia by sailing westward. This desire is motivated by dangerous waters in the East, and the high cost of shipping. The goals of the expedition are to find new trade routes to Asia, to spread Christianity, and...

Psychological Distress in Healthy First-Time Mothers

Abstract The authors use the abstract to provide an overview of the study: its purpose, aims, methods, results, and conclusions. The article states the problem clearly and defines the key term used in the study to eliminate ambiguity. The key term, psychological distress, is described as an amalgamation of depression,...

Parliamentary vs. Presidential Systems

Introduction Government types are determined and defined by the way the state’s executive, judicial, and legislative institutions are organized. In present times, the majority of governments are democratic, which means that they “permit nation’s citizens to manage their government either directly or through elected representatives” (Faraji, 2015, p. 269). There...

Transparency of Services: Social Media and the Internet Usage

Background Statement Newsom and Dickey (2014) noted that the world is progressing towards technological development. Whereas it is moving toward the technological age empowered by science, the systems of governance have remained conservative. Communication and transparency between governments’ agencies and the public are still facilitated by the use of traditional...

Crucibles of Leadership: Professional and Personal Growth

Introduction It should be noted that such concepts as transformational leadership, diversity management, and levels of power have helped me understand the concept of leadership better, and they will enable me to become more effective and functional in my future work. In particular, transformational leadership encourages employees to employ positive...

Yahoo! Inc.’s Acquisition of Tumblr

Abstract The paper has discussed the acquisition of Tumblr by Yahoo. Both companies are social networking platforms. The paper has embraced the circumstances that led to the acquisition of Tumblr by yahoo and the significance of the acquisition. The paper has also discussed the organizational structure of the two companies...

The World’s Religions: Worldviews and Contemporary Issues

What is Young’s Definition of Religion? Various individuals and groups have defined religion basing on what they believe or through the influence of forces surrounding their faith. William Young, in his book, The World’s Religions: World Views and Contemporary Issues, he argues that, religion is a form of human transformation,...

Colonial Women and Their Role in American Society

Introduction The New World was the possibility for many people to change their lives or, at least, make the attempts and demonstrate their intentions, dreams, and desires. However, the colonial times turned out to be a real challenge for many women because they had to be ready to change, act,...

Making Science Optional in College

Executive Summary Currently, many colleges require that art students undertake science courses as their minors. The main argument behind such a direction is that art students will be thus equipped with prerequisite science skills, which they can then apply in their field. However, such an argument has not considered the...

Karl Marx and Marx Weber: Suffering in the Society

Many sociologists, including Karl Max and Marx Weber, have tried to explain different contemporary issues in our society. In this paper, I will discuss how Karl Max and Marx Weber have explained the nature and cause of suffering in society. In addition to this, I will discuss Marx Weber regarding...

“The Yellow Wallpaper” and “The Laugh of the Medusa”

On reading “The Yellow Paper,” I established that the premise of writing bases on charlotte’s experiences. Before seeking medical attention, she had faced frequent nervous breakdowns. The physician advised a rest cure as the most efficient way of managing her condition (Gilman 34). According to the medical practitioner, rest cure...

Delivery Models in Public Project Management

Abstract Delivery models in the business context contribute to increased productivity and success of an organization. Models play an important role in building the skills and competencies of the employees. The models are designed to achieve customer satisfaction and increased competitiveness in the industry. An organization’s ability to outmatch its...

Domestic Violence Negative Impact on the People Psyche

Research Question and Hypothesis Our project delves into interpersonal relations in families, aggressive behaviors demonstrated by one of the members, and the impact these actions might have on children, their socialization, and their future life. The central research question of our project is whether children who have experienced domestic violence...

Pan-Slavism in Fueling World War I

There are a variety of opinions regarding the causes of the World War I (the Great War, the First World War, or WWI); however, the consensus has been reached that WWI resulted from the expanding military power, imperialism, and nationalism. This meant that the desire to serve one’s country led...

The Rescue of General Motors Canada Interface

Introduction The day-to-day affairs of a corporation depend highly on various people. It is important to note that a corporation has an influence on all these people, either directly or indirectly. However, each category of stakeholders in any corporation has diverse needs and expectations of the corporation. It is human...

School-Based Interventions for Preventing Diseases

The review “School-based interventions for preventing HIV, sexually transmitted infections, and pregnancy in adolescents,” conducted by a group of researchers in 2016, aims to evaluate the results of school programs for prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), HIV, and unwanted pregnancy in school-aged young adults. The review analyzes eight different...

Psychology and Language Advancement in Children

Diversity of language and culture Back in elementary school, a Korean boy had some speech problems. His problem in the speech was notable when speaking letters r, l, and sh. The problem was as well notable in words that contain these letters. His reading skills were poor, coupled with unusually...

Ethnicity, Class and Social Stratification in China and Japan

Introduction The Chinese ethnic, social and class stratification have been reflected n the different fifty-six ethnic groups with Han being the majority group and the other fifty-five being the inferior clusters in the population of China. These groups account for only ten percent of the country’s population, and most of...

American Military Approaches in the East

Korea: Rebirth of Limited War The Korean War was triggered by the miscalculations of the North Korean Communist military by crossing the 38th Parallel. This army crossed into South Korea without any permission and further invaded the non-Communist South Korea. Since the North Korean Communist military had superior weaponry and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Healthcare Disparities of Impoverished Americans

Introduction The availability of affordable quality healthcare is one of the basic needs that every American should have. The country has made significant progress to ensure that every American, irrespective of the social status or any other demographical classifications, have access to quality healthcare. However, a report by DeLong (2014)...

Founding Fathers and Brothers in the “1776” Movie

Introduction The analysis of the civic virtues, as highlighted in “The Founding Fathers”, can be summed up using the Federalist 55 discourse. It is observed that the republican government assumed the existence of civic virtues. The founding fathers opined that political freedom presupposed a limited government. What this means is...

Assisted Suicide: Humanitarian Escape of Suffering

Individuals who suffer from degenerative, terminal, or painful conditions that deny them the opportunity to lead a healthy life should be granted a right to euthanasia or assisted suicide. Today, there are heated debates regarding the legalization of euthanasia. Ethicists, religious people, and pro-life activists view assisted suicide as unethical...

Student Assessment in Nursing Education

Articles Discussion According to Campbell (2012), numerous nurse scholars that conducted studies at the time that the article was created very often utilized a set of traditional methods in order to conduct research; however, the author stresses that these nurses were unaware of a wide range of new analytical tools...

Heart Failure Patients and Telenursing Intervention

Introduction Telenursing is becoming a more and more popular method of evidence-based care that helps patients and their families to manage health conditions without having to drive long distances to the hospital. Telehealth is employed not only for people living far from healthcare facilities but also for those who need...

Medical Errors Minimization for Patient Safety

Introduction The selected peer-reviewed article is the qualitative research study devoted to the investigation of patient safety and methods aimed to minimize medical error. “Patient safety” by T. B. Welzel was published in the professional journal, Continual Medical Education, in 2012. The paper was located through Academic Search Complete –...

International Market Development at Edutot Japan

Introduction International markets differ in terms of legal systems, economic status, language, religion and culture. Legal system affects operations of a company. 4ps of marketing mix should be considered. Natural resources and geography of a country affects economic growth and thus performance of a company. EduTot’s market infrastructure in Japan...

IT Technologies and Data’ Impact on Daily Life

Reflect On The US Election In 2008. How Did Web 2.0 Technologies And Related Digital Culture Contribute To The Presidential Campaigns? Do You Feel That Such Strategies Were Effective? Why Or Why Not? Do You Think The Internet Can Be Used Successfully As A Medium For Democratic Participation In Canada?...

Antidepressants Are No Better than Placebos

Introduction The following paper provides a response to the article, which is devoted to the issue of antidepressants as opposed to placebo usage. The key issue of the article is that antidepressants do not so much cure as they provide the patients with the knowledge that they are being cured....

Question About Readmission in a Hospital

Introduction The issue of hospital readmissions has been identified as a source of unnecessary Medicare costs; according to Hugh & Ma (2013), costs for readmissions make up over fifteen billion dollars each year. Therefore, studying how readmissions can be eliminated can lead to the reduction of costs that may be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Breaking Barriers Program Evaluation

Abstract The critical challenges of constructing the program evaluation are the necessity to conduct the effective needs assessment, the necessity to identify the program evaluation objectives clearly, the necessity to conduct the in-depth interviews, and the necessity to conclude about the program’s effectiveness with references to the evaluation procedure. The...

Melvin Tolson and Toni Morrison: African American Equality

Introduction Like African-American culture, African American literature got spurred by the harsh realities of life that the Black community went through in North America. During these times, Whites subjected Blacks to severe pressures, which inadvertently eroded their African identity. In particular, the notion that blacks were an inferior community only...

Childhood Obesity: Parental Education vs. Medicaments

PICOT: In children suffering from obesity, is the education of parent in a healthy lifestyle for the children compared with medication treatment, increase the outcome and prevention of obesity. Introduction and Background The incidence of overweight and obesity among children has become a global concern that is associated with increased...

Installing Solar Panels to Reduce Energy Costs

Purpose This proposal was prepared by Stephen Smith from the Procurement and Budgeting department of Crumbs Bakery. The purpose of this proposal is to request approval to conduct investigations to establish the importance of installing solar panels to reduce energy costs that form a huge part of the expenses of...

Managerial Competencies and Work Culture

The first importance of knowing my ideal work culture is that it would enable me to treat employees with respect. It is important for employees to be accorded reasonable treatment because this motivates them to contribute positively towards achievement of organizational goals. The second importance is that knowledge of my...

Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Introduction The research question that is the focus of this paper is that; in patients suffering from obesity, does exercise and lifestyle changes, compared with only medical therapy, improve health status and reduce weight in a period of one year? The paper will involve a critique of a quantitative study...

Improving the Quality of Patients Life

Introduction The research article seeks to assess and determine the importance of nurse care and self-care intervention programs in the management and improvement of patients’ health conditions and quality of life. Nurses are the primary care specialist in a hospital set up with fundamental expert-patient relationships forming the first and...

Environmental Management: OK Tedi Copper Mine

Introduction The Ok Tedi copper mine is situated in the upper drainage area of the Fly River in Papua New Guinea (PNG), near one of its branches, the Ok Tedi River. It is one of the chief mines globally. In addition, it is a main source of revenue for the...

Nursing as a Science and Art of Medical Help

Introduction An integral part of today’s healthcare system is contemporary nursing. This field of activity aimed at solving individual and social problems of the population in the constantly changing environmental conditions is of great importance for medicine since it solves crucial problems of patient care. It is possible to define...

Social Media Applications in the Fashion Sector

Introduction The application of social media in the fashion sector has ensured that average consumers and would-be customers have considerable interaction with high-end clothing, retailers, fashion designers, shoes, and fashion houses. Social media has created new advertisement platforms that enable fashion houses and retailers to get to their target markets...

Claude Galle’s Historicism in Mantel Clock Artwork

Introduction Art has always been an integral part of human society. It originated from pictures on rocks made by first people in order to express their emotions. Since that time art has never stopped its development, obtaining new forms and ways of its expressing, dictating new rules and tendencies. However,...

Strategies and Their Planning

What Is Strategy? Strategy according to this article is a way of planning on how a business venture will realize its projected growth in terms of profits. This according to the article includes maximizing service delivery to the customers at the minimum costs possible, reducing both production and operational costs...

Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession

Introduction Research articles often portray the state of development of different scientific areas. In nursing, such studies may consider various topics from the education of nursing professionals to the main approaches of nurses to controversial issues. The article “Risk Factors and Prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in the Nursing Profession” investigates...

Clinton-Lewinsky Scandal and Ethical Theories

Introduction After President Bill Clinton got involved in a love affair with Lewinsky, people had mixed reactions about the affair. At the time of the scandal, Lewinsky worked as an intern in the White House. Her perceived friend at the time, Tripp, had been recording phone conversations between Clinton and...

Conflict Between Medical Professionals

A Conflict of Values Everyone knows that all spheres of human activity are connected to both positive and negative experiences. People working together may have different opinions on a certain issue that is considered to be important within the field; as a result, such a situation may become a reason...

Nursing as a Science and Nursing as an Art

Introduction When speaking about nursing, the majority of the representatives of the general population claim that it is a practice. Nevertheless, professionals who work in this sphere know that it can also be both a science and an art that can be performed while coping with their duties. Nursing is...

Master of Science in Nursing Program

The aim of this reflection paper is to give an overall picture of my accomplishments and experiences during my Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) program. It includes an integrated reflection of my achievements, MSN opportunities that have impacted immensely on my professional practice as a nurse leader and my...

Assisted Suicide in Utilitarian Ethics

Introduction Humanitarian and ethical concerns of euthanasia (assisted suicide) are some of the most discussed points in the medical ethics of the 21st century. The societies around the world are divided on the subject, as it concerns many aspects of the existing legal, governmental, medical, economic, and religious systems in...

Sikorsky Aircraft Company’s Employee Relations

The company covered in this blog is Sikorsky Aircraft. The company manufactures commercial and military helicopters. The company has its headquarters in Strafford Connecticut and has branches in other states like Texas, Florida, and Alabama. The company has a large number of employees. This makes effective communication within the organization...

Pompey’ Character in the Play “Antony and Cleopatra”

Introduction The play, Antony and Cleopatra, revolves around a tragedy based on the relationship between Mark Antony and Cleopatra. The play depicts a scene that covers the events of the 15th century, which surround the wars of the Roman Empire. Remarkably, the geographical context of the play is the regions...

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Moral Leadership and Work Climate

What is moral leadership and ethics? Moral leadership moves beyond a leader’s basic call of ensuring the performance of tasks. It seeks to define the ‘how’ of the process. Moral and ethical leadership is the expectation of a leader to offer direction to all followers regarding the acceptable conduct within...

Heritage Assessment: Mexican, Russian and German Families

Introduction The provision of safe and effective health care requires the acknowledgment of the cultural and ethnic backgrounds of patients, which shape their beliefs about proper health care practices. The recognition of health-care disparities across groups of patients from different ethnic heritage calls for the need to increase the level...

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EFG Amalgamated Company: Physical Assets System

Abstract This paper provides the discussion of a training evaluation model that was selected for analyzing the success of the program implemented in EFG Amalgamated. The focus is on describing Jack Phillips’ evaluation model that provides information regarding the return on investment as the main measure to assess the initiative’s...

Effective Nursing Leadership Skills and Approaches

Continuous Quality Improvement and Patient Satisfaction Nowadays rapidly changing world sets new opportunities and challenges in the field of nursing. Nevertheless, proposed by Florence Nightingale as the top priority, permanent improvement and patient satisfaction remain important. McFadden, Stock, and Gowen (2015) define quality improvement as a combination of knowledge, skills,...

The Mobile Phone Service Market Development in Africa

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Revenue Management in Health Care Organizations

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Heritage Assessment: Health Traditions

Introduction It has been acknowledged that one of the barriers to the provision of patient satisfaction is cultural differences and different health traditions. American healthcare professionals have to take these peculiarities into account when treating patients. Behrens, Del Pozo, Großhennig, Sieberer, and Graef-Calliess (2015) note that the acculturation style used...

Clinical Practice Guidelines’ Aspects

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) are useful documents that can support can improve the quality of nursing care available to patients. CPGs guide caregivers to provide emergency and evidence-based nursing support. One of the clinical problems affecting many healthcare settings is suicide risk. Suicide remains “a major health challenge especially in...

Goleman’s and McCrimmon’s Leadership Theories

Abstract Summary The current paper is a summary of McCrimmon’s article, “Thought leadership: a radical departure from traditional, positional leadership” and Goleman’s article, “What Makes a Leader?” In the article, “What makes a leader?” Goleman identified emotional intelligence as one of the outstanding characteristics of effective leaders. His study involved...

The Clostridium Difficile Infection Concept

Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) levels in America increased tremendously between 2000 and 2005 with an upsurge in the disease mortality and morbidity, especially amid the aged individuals (Goldstein et al., 2015). It is evident that there is a necessity for more successful management and prevention approaches to decrease the prevalence...

The United States’ Involvement into World War I

Introduction World War I (initially named the Great War) changed the course of global warfare forever. The war had significant implications on global relationships, imperialism, and nationalism. The end of the war precipitated new disputes that would play a major role in the development of another global conflict. The “assassination...

Professional Development Plan for Strategic Managers

Evaluating Future Perspectives and Defining Necessary Skills The main strategic goals and objectives of my organization consist of ensuring effective leadership and providing strategic managers with sufficient competence. In this respect, I believe that a strategic leader should be able to achieve consistency between the organizational goals and those established...

Heart Disease Patients’ Education and Barriers

Introduction Relevant academic literature has been reviewed to identify major themes and important findings in the area of patient education among heart disease patients. Many studies have been dedicated to the issue, and it is generally acknowledged that patient education efforts made by health care providers can be effective in...

Cultural Sensitivity, Awareness and Competence: Similarities and Differences

Introduction It should be noted that political, economic, social, and other processes taking place in society are gradually reflected in inter-ethnic contacts. This leads to the fact that they activate various psychological reactions both at the personal and at the group levels (Bird & Mendenhall, 2016). The exacerbation of ethnocentric...

Southwood School’s New Employee Orientation

Introduction The human resource function has a strategic value to any organization. Human resource managers are tasked with building relationships between the employer and the employee. In contemporary society, most organizations have recognized the value of teamwork and synergies. According to Wallace (2009), this should be based on a thorough...

Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Promotion-Based Incentives

Major Points Dennis Campbell was the main proponent of the study and the author of the article. He entitled the article as Nonfinancial Performance Measures and Promotion-Based Incentives. The article was made available through the publishing arm of the Journal of Accounting Research and printed in the United States of...

University of Miami Hospital’s Nursing Conflicts

Introduction Hospitals are considered to be very high-stress working environments. The shifts are long, the pressure is high, and patients’ lives and wellbeing are at stake. Nursing industry has some of the highest turnover rates, varying between 15% and 40% per year. Recurring conflicts among the nursing staff add to...

Master’s Nursing Program: Successes and Opportunities

Successes and Opportunities in the Master’s Nursing Program The master’s program has equipped me with a wide range of skills, competencies, and concepts that can make me a provider of exemplary health care services. The program is governed by different theories and models that ensure nurses can offer quality care....

Regulation and Deregulation Effects on Transportation

Introduction The benefits and downsides of regulation or deregulation in the sphere of transportation have been discussed for decades. Still, there are quite different views on the matter. Some researchers and practitioners claim that the industry has to be regulated heavily as it is associated with the economic and environmental...

Cuban, Russian, Japanese Families’ Heritage Assessment

Introduction Health beliefs and perceptions are present in every culture. They shape the attitudes toward health and views of illness, as well as the causes that lead to the decrease of health and the occurrence of disease. Such beliefs tend to differ from one culture to another. The purpose of...

Acceptability of Euthanasia: Moral and Humanistic Views

Introduction Euthanasia is one of the most disputable questions of the modern age which are given great attention in terms of the increased importance of humanistic values and reconsideration of the value of human life. There are vigorous debates related to the possibility of the usage of the given procedure...

Personal Genomics, Its Biological Basis and Implications

Biological Basis The concept of personal genomics can be defined as the area of genomics which addresses the issues of gene sequencing, creating a personal eTQL genomic profile, and other aspects of obtaining essential information from one’s genome (Martinez-Jimenez et al., 2015). Particularly, the concept implies that the order of...

Genetically Modified Organisms and Future Farming

Introduction Food belongs to the things without which humanity cannot exist. Therefore, when food producers face problems, all people inhabiting the planet do, too. When farmers do not have good harvests or when insects damage crops, when natural disasters destroy fields or the conditions of storage lead to the loss...

Child Workers of the World

Introduction In previous works, we have already discussed child labor as one of the most significant problems the modern society faces. In fact, ruthless exploitation of individuals who are responsible for our future might seem unwise because of its pernicious impact on the health of the nation, its culture, intelligence,...

Crisis and Civil War Events in Nigeria

Introduction The events of the Nigerian Civil War unfolded within 30 months, from July 1967 to January 1970. The war brought a large-scale humanitarian crisis to the Biafra region, resulting in between 1 and 3 million civilian deaths from hostilities, disease, and starvation (“Biafra War,” 2016). The main opposing forces...