General Motors Analysis: The Need to Restructure GM

Background and History General Motors (GM), a US-based automobile manufacturing company, was founded in 1908 and since that time bases its headquarters in Detroit, Michigan, USA. During its history that counts for over a hundred years of development and business activities, GM has managed to create branches located in 34...

Euthanasia Law: Legalization of Euthanasia Issues

One of the more controversial subjects in the medical field and elsewhere for many years has been the question of euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide. Those who support the practice feel strongly that the individual freedoms of choice we enjoy during our lifetimes should also extend...

The Political Ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau

It would be difficult to understand the evolution of present-day governments without consulting the ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. These men paved the way for future political thinkers and revolutionaries to break free from age-old traditions of monarchy and establish a new political order where the individual is supreme...

The Gun Control Controversy in the Constitutional Context

Introduction Gun Control is a controversial subject. The issues surrounding the debate usually provoke an emotional response. The debate generally centers on contradictory understandings of the Constitution. Some argue that U.S. citizens do not need firearms today in the way they did at the time of the countryā€™s founding. No...

Marketing Plan: Innovative Type of Software Product

Introduction First, it should be stated that the software-marketing sector is regarded as very specific, and, it has its particularities associated with the issues of pricing, distribution and promotion. This paper aims to create a marketing plan for the innovative type of software product, which would clarify the potential segment...

Youth as a Social Class and Phenomenon Review

The given selection of the articles has been chosen based on two criteria: they deal with the youth and they explain different aspects and issues connected with media education. There is no denying the fact, that technological progress and the changes in political, economic and cultural spheres of society affect...

Utilitarianism as a Science of Society

Utilitarianism is an ethical theory based on the idea that human actions should bring the best possible consequences. This theory is referred to by some as the consequentialist ethical theory. It is expressed in the form that asserts that people should always act so as to produce the greatest ratio...

The Many Faces of Psychology

Psychology has proven to be highly relevant in todayā€™s world. It is a multi-faceted social science that finds itself useful in all human situations. It involves the study of the mind and behavior and covers many aspects worthy of study. Its broad scope encompasses all areas of human behaviors in...

Parents Are to Blame for Youth Violence

Violence among youth has drastically increased in recent times. This problem of violence has become a global phenomenon whereby youth from all walks of life are engaged in violence. It seems there must be an internal or an external driving force that entices the youth to engage in acts of...

Ireland and the Irish Rebellion of 1798

Background In 1791, the United Irishmen were born in Belfast and Dublin. At first, the organizationā€™s aim was demanding democratic reforms, among them Catholic liberation. The British government was at that time ruling over Ireland. The government granted some of the reforms the Irishmen demanded. However, the period of reform...

Historical and Cultural Understanding of Sexuality

Masculinity and femininity are terms used to refer to the gender classification of human beings as either male or female. In this classification of human beings using gender, a human being is either a man or a woman. Gender is a characteristic that is social rather than biological in nature...

Hobbes’s Reply to “There Is No Such Thing as Justice”

Thomas Hobbesā€™s ā€œLeviathanā€ in focus The work of Thomas Hobbes’s “Leviathan” tells about different approaches on the state power with the author’s personal points on it. The work tends to keep a reader following the gradual understanding of how to make out the power itself and what kind of it...

Relations Between the West and the USSR in 1945-1949

Introduction The relations between the United Nations and Soviet Union weakened in 1945 due to the Cold War, which also brought a transition between the United States and Soviet Union. Although the inconsistency between the two superpowersā€™ relationship started off in 1945 by the origins of the Cold War, but...

Eric Schlosser’s “Fast Food Nation”

Introduction In the past 40 years, the world of fast food has penetrated even the remote areas of American society. It was an industry, which had been started by a few hamburgers, and hotdog stalls in California but has now spread all over the nation with a huge number of...

Eruption at Thera and Minoan Civilization’s Downfall

Introduction The fact is that the matters of the downfall of the Minoan Civilization are the central issues of interest among lots of scholars. The confirmation of a violent end through fire and demolition is clear, but the clues to what caused such destruction have been elusive. It will turn...

The Watergate Scandal in American History

Introduction The Watergate scandal occurred on the evening of June 17, 1972. This scandal affected American politics and understanding the role of the Supreme Court in American politics and life. It calls for an understanding of the factual and social environmental underpinnings of litigation that comes to the high court...

New Labour Is Thatcherism With a Social Conscience

When the New Labour Party won the elections in May 1997, incoming Prime Minister Tony Blair promised to govern “as New Labour”, hinting to the public not to expect socialism. The years of Tony Blair’s premiership will probably be recorded as primarily the institutionalization of Thatcherism. During the years of...

Problem of Germany from 1945 to 1951

Many factors have resulted in making Germany the essence of the East-West conflict. it can be attributed to the fact that the deterioration in collaboration amongst allies at the Yalta conferences, which can also be tracked to the early 1900ā€™s when the Bolshevik Russian Revolution lead to the birth of...

How Decisions Can Make or Break an Individual: Literary Analysis

People make decisions all the time. Do you want steak or chicken for dinner? Should you go to work or stay at home? While some decisions donā€™t have any long-term consequences, others may change the course of your life. The decision to have steak today may mean you are having...

“Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: Hidden Meanings

Medieval literature is often difficult to understand not only because the English was different in that time, but because the way in which they were written was intended for a more oral audience than a literate one. Within this story, Gawain is seen to be under the care of King...

Father-Son Relationships in Homer’s “The Odyssey”

One of the most compelling things to me about the story of the Odyssey is the importance that is placed throughout the story on the relationship that exists between fathers and sons. Almost everything that happens in the story is somehow connected to the idea of family and the importance...

Family Violence Problem. Reasons and Facts

Abstract Family violence includes child abuse, intimate partner violence (IPV) and elder abuse. Child abuse is caused by stepchildren, unplanned/prematurely born/handicapped children, young age/inferior socioeconomic position of parents. IPV is caused by urge to control, hereditary experience, economic problems or misconceived machismo. Elder abuse is caused by financial hardship, alcohol/drug...

Ethical Decisions in Business: Affirmative Action

Introduction The process of making an ethical decision in business often can be regarded as the problem of moral choice. In that sense, business ethics can be referred to as having moral standards as their basis. The issue of ethical decisions in business, however, is more complicated and requires considering...

Relationships and Dialogues. “The Awakening” by Kate Chopin

Edna Pontellier, the heroine of ā€œThe Awakeningā€ by Kate Chopin, lives in the United States during the 1800s. During those days, men dominated U.S. society while women were considered inferior to them. The Feminism movement that demanded women should be treated equally as men, having the same political, economic, and...

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation – Pro Punishment

Introduction It is well known that punishment is the mostly practiced method for controlling crime and criminality. According to Black Law Dictionary, ā€œpunishment is a sanction such as a fine penalty confinement or loss of property right or privilege assessed against a person who has violated the lawā€ (399). Punishment...

Contemporary History. ā€œSchindlerā€™s Listā€ Film

Introduction Schindler’s List makes a claim for the real by blurring the boundaries of fact and fiction and leaning, at times, toward a deliberate documentary style. Schindler’s List is one of the most popular movies portraying fears and distress, hardship and terrible sufferings caused by Holocaust. Schindler’s List is based...

YouTube as a Microcinema: Maya Deren’s Art

People have always been interested in technologies that would make it possible to communicate with a great number of people. Nowadays new technologies distributing the arts allow individuals to personalize their input in the sphere of culture and arts. Technologies also provide artists with the new means of creating works...

Social Effects in the West After World War II

Introduction The WWII changed social environment in Britain and created new challenges and opportunities for the population. The principal weakness of the political system has been just the opposite: a tendency toward domination by organized interest groups, businesses, and the privileged classes. Indeed, most have heartily approved of mass political...

ā€œThe Fishā€ Poem by Elizabeth Bishop

Introduction This paper would discuss and evaluate literary traits found in the poem The Fish by Elizabeth Bishop. The focus would be on her tone and particular moral concerns expressed by her in the poem. Elizabeth Bishopā€™s ā€œThe Fishā€ Elizabeth Bishop is a poetess that is often admired for her...

Duty in the Army: How Does It Works?

Introduction The study of duty as it pertains to the army is important because it looks at the role of dignity of each individual even in the most adverse conditions. Taking responsibility for other people at work and beyond involves self-management competency. Often, when things donā€™t go well, people tend...

Christianity and Buddhism: Religion Comparison

Introduction Before we embark on comparing the spread of Christianity and Buddhism, as religious doctrines, we will need to come up with the definition of religion, because it will provide us with the insight on the dynamics of religious teachings becoming popularized. From todayā€™s perspective, the classical concept of religion...

South Korea as a Country for US Investment and Trade

Introduction South Korea stands out in the history of the world as a nation that has extraordinarily advanced within a span of forty years from being one of the poorest countries in the world to becoming one of the most technologically advanced country in the realm of consumer goods industries...

The Credit Channel of Monetary Policy

There are a number of macroeconomic theories and models which focus on the role of interest rate and exchange rate channels on the impact of monetary policy actions on the real economy. However, credit markets are another channel which plays a very important role in this regard. The credit channel...

Consumerism of the 1960s: Warholā€™s 200 Cans

The most distinctive features of the 1960s could be enumerated from the point of view of several social and economic factors like secularization, decontextualization, totalitarianism, mechanization, democratization and centralization. Along with that, there was the advent of individualism, linear progression, homogenization, diversification, hybridization, unification, industrial society, reductionism, universalism, subjectivism, alienation,...

Age Discrimination in the United States

Introduction Age discrimination refers to the prejudicial treatment or denial of rights based on age. It may occur directly or sometimes in an indirect manner. When a person hears statements such as these from an employer or prospective employer : ā€œYou are overqualified for this jobā€; ā€œThis is an entry...

Consumers Purchasing on Credit Analysis

The United States currently enjoys the “highest standard of living” in the world: more food, clothing, bathtubs, automobiles, household appliances, and toothpaste is available per consumer than in any other country; everything is bigger or better or more plentiful than elsewhere. By and large, Americans take their material well-being for...

“Fast Food Nation” the Book by Eric Schlosser

In his book Fast Food Nation (2001), Eric Schlosser argues that fast food has greatly influenced American society and culture. As he discusses the development of the nation about the development of fast-food chains, Schlosser begins to paint a picture of how philosophies introduced within organizations such as McDonald’s have...

How Media Shapes American Society Today.

Introduction The matter of the influence of TV on American community stays a burning one due to the effects that TV has, on that society. The impacts can be regarded in the conduct of persons, both youthful and adult, who have been impacted by different images that they have seen...

Justice and Morality in ā€œThings Fall Apartā€ by Chinua Achebe

Introduction Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe is considered as one of the greatest novel not only in Africa but also in the world. This is because it was intended to extinguish the myth that the African culture was primitive, this is by telling the story of African colonization from...

Strong Woman in Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

The book The Yellow Wallpaper portrays the values and social traditions of Victorian women, their problems, and their social position in society. Gilman attempts to demonstrate care and love by freeing women from the individual home and developing a unique approach to domestic tasks, such as child-care, As a feminist...

Teaching Profession and Career Possibilities

Executive Summary Choosing a career involves consideration of many factors both internal and external to the individual. One needs to introspect to determine where his true passion lies ā€“ be it providing service to others, expressing oneself through art, coaching others to optimize their potentials, etc. It also takes assessing...

Freiberg on Southwest Airlinesā€™

ā€œNuts! Southwest Airlinesā€™ Crazy Recipe for Business and Personal Successā€ is based on what can be referred to as the success story of Southwest Airlines. It is a guide towards how to achieve success in business, harsh as the business world today may appear to be. Southwest Airlines is the...

Women & Power of Pre-Colonial Latin America

Pre-Columbian America relates to the era before the arrival of the Europeans. It pertains to aboriginal civilizations of the Americas, with the likes of those in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Although the onset of “Pre-Columbian” era is considered to be from the time the human race set foot on the...

Biological, Biosocial and Classical Theories of Crime

Anthropological research data has shown the violence is inherent conduct among the primate species (Walker, 2001). In society, criminal violence is a common occurrence and legislators have suggested that the behavior of criminals be analyzed in order to identify any psychological patterns that are consistent among these particular types of...

Dicksonā€™s ā€œIā€™m Nobody! Who Are You?ā€ & Pop Culture

Introduction The question of self-identity and personhood is one of the most important social issues shaped by cultural traditions and values. Self-identity defines the unique qualities of a person and his/her personal traits, life goals, and worldview. Emily Dickson vividly portrays that modern society is influenced by mass culture and...

Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd.: Managing Resources

Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. The Thai-Lay Fashion Company Ltd. started in 1991 is a garment manufacturing company situated in Hong Kong. It is a medium-sized company with an annual turnover of HK$ 10 million and employees nearly 200 people. It has locations in two places and has a capacity to...

The Israel-Palestinian Conflict and Its Solution

Introduction The Israel-Palestinian conflict is a dispute between Israel and Palestinians and has been going for a long time. Its root cause is the two entities trying to have control of the same piece of land. The conflict has a long history which dates back to 1850 when the land...

Staff Relocation: The Strategies That Will Ensure the Project Succeeds

The project is intended to relocate the company headquarters from the current position to the new proposed location which is 73 miles away. The new building will have two new departments that will be incorporated into the existing departments. In the project, the main area of study is to analyze...

Creating a Rainbow of Culture

Schools are challenged with the mounting diversity of students enrolled every year. The fact that teachers need to cater to the individual needs of students in a homogeneous class of students from one culture is already a challenge, then how much more if students from other cultures are added? It...

Monetary Theory and Policy. Money in the Utility Function

Introduction Money is the issue of the economy, due to the political and social, and other factors affecting different aspects of life and household. Money is an asset, making positive or negative or some other functional effect. Goods, demands, propositions are constantly dependent on the money supply. And the money...

Americas Social Problems Nowadays

War is an upheaval that arises as a result of a misunderstanding among two or more groups of people which can be within a nation, or among states. There are many types of war. One of the examples is conventional warfare and this is where soldiers fight physically with their...

Tourism and Children Prostitution in Bahamas and Asia

Introduction Prostitution occurs when people offer sex to their sexual counterparts for the exchange of money and other incentives. Prostitution is an old business that has been in existence for many centuries. Prostitution is most vibrant to individuals who do not spend most of their time in their homes. This...

Riots & Premiers of ā€œUbu Roiā€ & ā€œThe Rite of Springā€

Introduction Two major premiers which have been observed in Paris in 1896 and 1913 caused real outburst of emotions. ā€œUbu Roiā€ by Alfred Jarry and ā€œThe Rite of Springā€ by Igor Stravinsky are considered to be the greatest performances having been remembered in the history of theatre. The paper is...

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

OOA/D has a history of many branches; knowledge of an object-oriented language does not guarantee you the ability to create object systems. The introduction of OOA/D was a milestone in assisting the programmers who were used to traditional programming methods. This in effect led to rapid development and growth in...

ā€œChristianity and the Class Struggleā€ by Abraham Kuyper

Introduction Abraham Kuyper usually acknowledged as Abraham Kuyper was a Dutch politician, journalist, statesman, and theologian. He initiated the Anti-Revolutionary party and was the prime minister of the Netherlands between 1901 and 1905. Abraham Kuyper’s opening address to the first Christian social congress in Amsterdam in 1891 had an electrifying...

Fetal Rights vs. Stem Cell Research

Discussion When we look at Western civilization as socio-cultural phenomenon, it will appear that, throughout its history, religion (particularly Christianity) always acted as counter-productive factor of cultural and scientific progress, closely associated this civilization. That is – religion always strived to erect obstacles, on the way of science broadening peopleā€™s...

Job Design Around Groups

For any organization to have high levels of efficiency, it is very important to organize any job in an organization around the groups since it has very many advantages rather than giving a job to an individual. Some of the reasons that justify this are that the group members of...

Managerial Approach to Marketing Communication

Introduction In the recent times, businesses have become aware of the need to be close to their customers. Due to the increasing competition on earth, there has been increased need for companies to become more responsive to the need of the customers. There has been change in production and the...

Robert Browning: Analysis of Authorā€™s Style, Worksā€™ Themes, and the Symbolism

Robert Browning is now viewed by many literary critics as one of the most prominent English poets and playwrights. Among his most famous works, it is possible to mark out the following ones: ā€œMy Last Duchessā€, ā€œSordelloā€, ā€œSoliloquy of the Spanish Cloisterā€ and many others. Yet, the dramatic poem ā€œThe...

The Greek Mythology and Myths

Introduction Greek mythology refers to a collection of legends and myths as used by the ancient Greeks in reference to their heroes and gods. It is also taken to mean the nature of the world, as well as the genesis and importance of the Greeks rituals and cult practices. In...

Traditional Healing and Western Medicine

Introduction Traditional healing is believed to the earliest form of healing, which laid foundation for the development of the modern western medicine. Therefor it can be seen as the primitive form of the modern western medicine, on the sense the later developed western medicines they based their main premises on...

Studentā€™s Personal Strengths and Weaknesses in Learning

The process of learning has generally been understood as the process through which individuals go in acquiring their knowledge, skills, attitudes, values, beliefs, emotions and senses. The process requires the existence of certain knowledge and skills to develop them in the course of studies and ensures this development. The success...

Unionism for Labor Management

Unionism is the idea of forming labor union or trade union, which is the organization or an association of workers, recognized and certified by labor board and have come together to achieve common goals in collective, rather than individual bargaining with the management on key issues such as wages, working...

Health Insurance Crimes in the United States

The U.S. has a number of private insurance coverage based primarily on employment, along with public insurance coverage for the elderly (Medicare), the military, veterans, and the poor and disabled. Medicare is an enormously popular and effective insurance program for older Americans. Recently the increasing costs of Medicare threaten to...

Extra Support for English Language Learners

Introduction From looking and examining the results of the program’s participants it can be seen that there is obvious progress in the students’ performance. From a series of tests that assesses students on how well they listen, speak, comprehend and write in English it is seen that from a total...

Diplomatic Immunities and Abuse of Immunities

Thesis statement Immunities from criminal to civil actions are granted between nations that have diplomatic ties because they have officials who are personal representatives of the head of state. The abuses are increasing because immunity is offered to diplomats who use it to protect themselves from being prosecuted even if...

Why High Schools Are the Way They Are?

Introduction The system of public education in America started before 150 years and is changing according to the change in American society. Due to changed circumstances in educational field, the goals and methods of high school education is undergoing constant change. So it is difficult to point out the most...

Inpatient and Outpatient Surgical Site Infections

Surgical site infections are common complications caused by surgical interventions, where a patient gets infected due to the surgical openings and weakened immune system. However, the main reason why such a clinical question exists is the fact that there is a difference in rates of surgical site infection occurrence between...

Patient Educational Tool: Diet and Hypertension

Introduction In this paper, the author discusses a patient educational tool for hypertension in an adult with an aim of analyzing it for use in providing patient education to the specific audience in this case- grown-up. The paper explains what a patient educational tool is, the specific audience for which...

Western Civilization: Christian Heresies

Introduction Establishment of the orthodox Christianity was a result of the emergency of the danger of new converts following teachings that differed from those widely accepted by Christianity. Christian statements like the Apostles Creed and the Nicene Creed resulted from the churches’ efforts to make statements of faith lined with...

The New Jewel Movement (Grenada)

Introduction The new joint endeavor for Welfare & Education, and liberation or New JEWEL Movement was formed in the Caribbean island nation of Grenada as a Marxist populist political movement. This movement ruled Grenada from 1979 to 1983; however, its true inception was March 11, 1973, after merging with Joint...

Union Generals’ Problems at the Battle of Gettysburg

Introduction Gettysburg Battle started on the 1st of July 1863. When General Lee Robert was encouraged by his triumph at Chancellors Ville associate, decided to attack the North. He went on into north Maryland in September the preceding year where, at Antietam, the most awful day of the war took...

Utilitarianism in the Ebola Controversy of 2014

The greatest thinkers have made numerous attempts to give comprehensive definitions to the terms ā€œgoodā€ and ā€œbad.ā€ In their works on moral principles and the essence of proper actions, John Mill and Jeremy Bentham defend the ideas of classical utilitarianism and focus on outcomes as the measure of appropriateness. This...

The Value of the Knowledge Attained Through a Liberal Arts Education

Liberal Arts education represents a unique sphere of knowledge involving the best achievements of painting and literature, music, and philosophy. A liberal arts setting includes a college or a university: a given campus, administration, faculty, students, curriculum, written and unwritten rules of conduct which apply in every quarter of the...

Family Members in ā€œWithout My Cloakā€ by Kate Oā€™Brien

Introduction In different epochs and changeable cultural values, different restrictions are put by the society on its members. In that sense, absolute freedom of choice was not a term that was known for any ordinary person in any chosen time or space. The main issue of contradiction is to what...

American Film Comedy. Slapstick Genre

The slapstick genre of comedy’s roots can be traced from the double paddle which when struck the other performer produced an amazingly big sound but only a small amount of actual discomfort. The male performers traditionally wielded this instrument and it is said to have evolved from a symbolic phallus...

Female Gender and Changes over the Last 150 Years

Introduction Even now, at the beginning of the twenty-first century, there is a widely held opinion among many sociologists and psychologists that gender is the set of biological and social characteristics that distinguishes men from women. The word ā€œsocialā€ is crucial in this case. In fact, physical characteristics of a...

Joseph Conradā€™s Book “Heart of Darkness”

Introduction In Joseph Conradā€™s Heart of Darkness, the main character Marlow continuously calls into question the modern assumptions that are made by his listeners as well as his readers, blurring the lines between inward and outward, civilized and savage and, most especially, dark and light. The bulk of the book...

Race Stratification in USA

Scholars have not yet come to a consensus as to the concept of stratification because it can be interpreted from various perspectives and has many manifestations. In the most general sense, this notion can be defined as a hierarchical division of the society according to certain criteria, which can divide...

Managing Liquidity Risk in Business

Managing risks for businesses is a continuously evolving process that requires a clear understanding of the entity’s objectives. The achievement of objectives set out by the businesses requires the implementation of processes through different functions. The outcomes from an action or event could result in adverse impacts either resulting in...

Alcoholics’ Rights for Organ Transplantation

Introduction Organ transplantation is a medical procedure in which a donor gives up an organ for transplantation into the body of a recipient with the purpose of substituting a damaged or missing organ. The procedure is a significant medical advancement that has gained traction in recent years for both positive...

The Conceptual Metaphor by Lakoff and Johnson

The use of the conceptual metaphor is a powerful tool because it reaches the very center of our way of understanding the world around us. Generally speaking, a conceptual metaphor is defined as a metaphor ā€œthat is so basic in the way people think about something that they fail to...

Buddhist Culture in Thailand

In Thailand, Buddhism is the official religion of the state based on century-old traditions and principles. Thailand adopts so-called Theravada Buddhism which transformed Thai culture and society. Consequently, the Thai today differ in language, literature, music, drama, religion, family organization, and in the values and activities relating to these aspects...

Nursing Trends. Use of Physical Restraints on Patients

Hospital services serve as indispensable tools in providing care to patients. The staff employed may play a prominent role in executing diverse roles during an emergency, intensive care, long term pre and post operative conditions or illnesses. In recent years, patient safety has become a serious concern. Investigations have revealed...

ā€œPeacemakerā€: Analysis of Simulation Game

Introduction It is an open secret that games have always been an inseparable part of human activities but as far as learning is concerned their role has always been a subject of heated debate. What is the reason for this controversy? First it should be mentioned that in the overwhelming...

Criminology as a Science: Cause and Effect

Introduction Criminology is a study of the nature and degree of the problem of crime in society. For years criminologists have been trying to unravel criminal behavior. Most of the studies in modern study of criminology in efforts to comprehend criminal behavior, what origin it and how it can be...

Max Weberā€™s Sociology Review

Introduction Max Weber (1884 – 1920) – an outstanding German sociologist. One of his major works, “The Protestant Ethic and the “spirit” of Capitalism,” in which Weber has written a comparative analysis of the most significant religions along with analyzing the interaction of economic conditions, social factors, and religious beliefs....

Why Do We Say the Things We Don’t Mean

Many of the things we say in life are mechanical without actually meaning it. An excellent example of this is the greeting ā€œgood morningā€ with which we begin most of our days and conversations. While saying the term to the many that we encounter in the morning, we donā€™t even...

Health Insurance for Employees

Health Insurance is a very important aspect for every individual. However, it is reported that the workers in Nickel and Dimed receive almost no benefits – no paid vacation or holidays, no sick or overtime pay, no retirement benefits, and no health insurance. This is certainly not a fair situation....

Intelligent System for Management

The world is in the midst of an all-purpose technological revolution based on management systems related to the economy and events. The macroeconomic benefits of the event management based revolution are already apparent in some economies, especially the United States and the United Kingdom. However, it should be mentioned that...

Drinking Age Should Be Lowered to 18 Years

There is a problem with the way the teenagers and youths are abusing alcohol and underage drinking has become an acceptable behavior in many societies in the world. However, there is a contemptuous issue of whether the drinking age should be lowered and some people are advocating for this. They...

Psychology: When We Should Trust Our Senses

Every day a person makes a number of choices. To make a good choice an appropriate approach is needed. Different problems can be solved by means of different approaches but all of them this way or another involve peopleā€™s senses. In the current paper I will consider how people rely...

Role-Playing Games as a Learning Tool

Introduction Role-playing games have according to DeKanter (2006), proved to have a very significant place in invoking critical thinking and the ability to induce and develop diversified approaches in life and class. The element of lack is relatively minimal with players being rewarded for their creativity and intelligence in playing...

The Poor Will Always Be With Us

Poverty is one of the main social problems affected society since ancient times. Some researchers suppose that poverty can be illuminated by hard work and better education, increased wages and stable economic development. In the book, Nickel and Dimed B. Ehrenreich describes her investigation of poor working class conditions and...

Literature: History of Theory and Criticism

The place of Alexanderā€™s Popeā€™s An Essay on Criticism in English literature is that of Boileaurā€™s Art Poetique in French criticism. Keeping in line with the neoclassical tradition, Pope gives a detailed account of his views on literary writing and the art of criticism. His essay has been seriously studied...

Globalization: More Positive Effects Than Negative Ones

Globalization refers to the “increasing interconnectedness of people and places through the converging process of economic, political and cultural change.” Currently, the rate of Globalization has continued to increase; the continued increase in the globalization rate can be associated with technological changes and advancements, among other factors. Globalization has brought...

Health Science Professions: Speech Pathology

Introduction Speech pathology refers to the study of problems encountered by people regarding their speech, mastery of language, voice development as well as the passage of solid food through the throat. The problems can be physical or cognitive and they require treatment through therapy by use of facilities located in...

Race and Ethnicity in Latin America

Different countries and societies are made up of people with diverse cultural or even linguistic backgrounds. This makes them plural societies. However, because of this plural nature certain issues with regards to race and ethnicity are bound to arise. According to Knight, (1996) race and ethnicity are essentially historical and...

Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory for Future

A large number of computer users today keep their computers switched on day and night to avoid one problem: they do not want to go through the hassle of waiting for their computers to boot up. The problem has 2 parts: firstly, the booting up process eats up a time...

Autism and Alzheimer’s Comparison

Introduction Two neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and autism are not on the list of the most common conditions but have a significant effect on the patient’s well-being. Alzheimer’s disease is understood to be one of the most common central nervous system and mental pathologies, which usually affects...

Christian Foundations and Cultural Engagement

All human beings live with a certain set of beliefs or beliefs and the belief, which shows reality and creates a meaning to our view, is a worldview. It is a belief about what is fundamental in our lives and in our relationship towards the others in our society and...

The Procedure of Diagnosis and Treatment

Introduction Medical practice often encounters cases in that one disease is supplemented by another, which complicates the diagnosis and the choice of the right treatment. In addition, curing measures should cover both the primary diagnosis and its accompanying symptoms to achieve results. The purpose of this paper is to show,...

The Progressive Era in the United States

Introduction The history of the world witnessed many various political movements that made attempts of reforming the system to adapt to the different newly occurred circumstances that affected the stability of the country. These circumstances could include economic, political, demographical and etc. Some movements fade and vanish with time and...

Autobiographical Aspects of Saint-Exuperyā€™s Works

Introduction Antoine de Saint-Exupery, to certain extent, can be compared to Leonardo Da Vinci, who, as one knows from the history, succeeded in painting, architecture as well as in exact sciences. Similarly, Saint-Exuperyā€™s giftedness manifested itself in a number of directions: he studied architecture, worked as a sales manager and...

Human Relations: Self-Esteem as a Sociological Concept

Introduction There are several definitions of self-esteem with different sophistication and breadths, but everybody agrees that a state of high self-esteem implies that we appreciate our personality in what we are and are hence proud of ourselves. Being more specific it means that we have a positive attitude, we have...

Youth Policy: Brief Analysis

Queensland Juvenile Justice Act (1992) has a controversial approach to age of offenders and the role of caution and sentencing practices for young criminals. Queensland Juvenile Justice Act was approved in 1992. This Act is seen as a ā€œhardā€ response to high juvenile crime rates (Hil 1998). The main objectives...

Organizational Behavior. Emotion and Personality

The articles under analysis discuss the question of emotional intelligence and its impact on leadership skills and strategies. The regulation of emotions in work situations is a complex process that uses an ancient neurochemical technology tuned by modern socialization and learning processes. These capacities are then applied in rapidly changing...

Childhood Obesity: Issue Analysis

Metabolic disorders of any kind are of major concern to health care providers because of their interference with routine hygienic activities. Certain complications would commence their pathological role since the early childhood days. This could lead to serious consequences in the later stages of life and needs to be curbed....

Organizational Behavior. Job Design Around Groups

Job design can be defined as the specification of the contents, methods, and relationships of jobs in order to satisfy technological and organizational requirements as well as the social and personal requirements of the job holder. It aims to satisfy the requirements of the organization for productivity, operational deficiency, and...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome Diagnosis and Treatment

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common chronic disorder that affects the large intestine. It has a prevalence of 10-20% in the western population with 12ā€“14% of primary care visits being associated with IBS (El-Salhy, Hatlebakk, Gilja, & Hausken, 2014). In other words, the disorder is more common than diabetes,...

John Dickinson and His Concept Liberty.

Introduction Concept Liberty may appear to be too narrow for a monograph but the essence of its feeling is as deep as the meaning itself. The word itself has fascinated the scholars around the world and taken a subject of deep consideration by the English people of eighteenth century. The...

Cultic Rituals and the Nature of Yahweh

The Day of Atonement was highly valued and it was regarded as a great day. “It was a day on the Jewish calendar where Jews were fasting and soul searching.”Ā After the death of the two sons of Aaron, God spoke to Moses and told him to inform his brother Aaron...

Isolation and Loneliness in Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

The feeling of loneliness is one of the worst inner states. It makes people weak and helpless. Everyone tries to spend most of his time in communication and movement. The novel Frankenstein reflects the characters who got used to living in loneliness during their whole life. Their life is constant...

How Instagram affects Peopleā€™s Lives Nowadays

Introduction Instagramā€™s main line of business focuses on sharing photos and videos. While operating in this line of business, the organisation has immensely altered the manner in which people perceive the world. Kelvin Systrom who is the companyā€™s co-founder maintains that Instagram constitutes a key element of the lives of...

Compromise and Collaboration in Conflict Resolution

Introduction Conflicts are inevitable in the lives of people. A person can be involved in a conflict situation with family members and friends as well as colleagues or even strangers. Conflicts are usually caused by the incompatibility of principles, aims, interests, or experiences. In every case, the success of conflict...

Blair Doctrine from Moral Perspective

Most wars involve land interests. The idea of war as a rescue of people in danger of a humanitarian catastrophe might seem noble. However, what are the criteria that allow one nation to interfere with another hiding behind the idea to help? In the middle of the Kosovo conflict, the...

Strategic Management Accounting: Tillman & Goddard

Why the Authors are investigating the Role of Strategic Management Accounting in an Organization Setting The two authors, Tillman and Goddard (2008), are investigating the role of strategic management accounting in an organizational setting. They seek to understand and explain the application and perception of strategic management accounting by key...

Texting While Driving: Risks and Prevention

Abstract The following research paper is devoted to the issue of texting while driving, the risks of it, and the feasible measures of addressing the issue. The paper addresses the problem of distraction when using the phone in the process of driving ā€“ particularly texting. As the author is well...

Green Light in The Great Gatsby

Introduction Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald is an American writer whose works were never given proper appreciation to when he was alive. This was a person who died with a firm belief that he was a failure. Most of his works refer to the period of Jazz Age, the name he...

Color Symbolism in The Great Gatsby

Introduction The novel Great Gatsby depicts the unique vision of the American dream and its impact on life of a person during the 1920s. The mystery of which Fitzgerald wrote the novel was based on mystery of the American ideal and romantic love. In this novel, Fitzgerald uses symbolism and...

Death of a Salesman: Book Review

On Theme ā€œThe man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never wantā€ā€¦ – Willy Loman, Act 1 (Miller, 1998) ā€œThe American Dreamā€ is the highlight of this story. There is a...

Candide and the Context of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is an imperative term of political philosophy that urges the application of intellect and logic in order to discover truth and reality from natural and social phenomena. It seeks its roots in liberalism which aims to get the man free from the clutches of fear, slavery, and ignorance. It...

Gender & Feminism in A Dollā€™s House

Ibsenā€™s drama ā€˜A Dollā€™s Houseā€™ appears to be influential literary work, as it revises and reconsiders traditional male and female roles and reveals the threats underlying gender discrimination. The author definitely portrays courageous and goal-oriented women, who struggle with the challenges of the androcentric society and find their niche in...

Knights in Literature: Sir Gawain, Canterbury Tales, & Beowulf Analysis

There are some Knight’s Period stories that everybody knows, or maybe, heard about, but if one strives for a deeper understanding and acknowledgment of their main themes and ideas, it is necessary for him or her to analyze them, compare some of their characters with one another. Therefore, the following...

Ethics vs. Healthcare Reform from Nursing Perspective

Introduction Ethical issues addressed in nursing practice are not always associated with tense working conditions and the challenges that are directly related to the care process. Healthcare reforms adopted at the state level affect the activities of nurses directly and play a key role in forming opinions regarding the profession....

Pressure Ulcers Elimination: Ethical Issues

Ethical Theories Evaluation The chosen topic area is the elimination of pressure ulcers among patients in the emergency department. A protocol should be developed to remove associated complications for patients and the medical staff. To complete this task properly, certain ethical theories must be evaluated. Ethical Theory Rank (1=most important,...

Islam’s Fast Expansion: Strong Leadership or Merits?

Early leaders of Muslims, together with the ideologies of the Muslims, played a key role in the expansion of Muslims. The expansion of Muslims is reported to have occurred mostly by conquest with the leader of Islam-Muhammad-being a charismatic leader and the activities of the converted nomadic warriors. The ideology...

Major Problems in African American History by T. Holt

Introduction Chapter 7 of the book presents the slave culture from the perspective of the negroes. The life of the negroes who were slaves revolved around their family and their masterā€™s family. On more occasion than one, their own personal family life was sacrificed for the cause of their master...

Psychological Effects of Embalming on the Bereaved

Significance of research Death is a natural occurrence in the life of every human being. The loss of a loved one may actually devastate those who are left behind and such life-changing events have affected the plans, priorities and personalities of the individuals closest to the person who has passed...

The Types of Economic Systems

Introduction Any system that involves the mechanism for production, distribution and exchange of goods apart from consumption of the goods and services within the different entities can be classified as an Economic System. The various kinds of economic systems and their classifications broadly follow the methods by which means of...

The Ways Did Classicism Provide a Critique of Premodern Punishment

Premodern interpretation of punishment sees it as the only possible measure to prevent crimes and social disobedience. From classical perspective, punishment is a deterrent of crime. No one in the crime control establishment questions whether the system should so wholeheartedly redirect itself to fight violent crime. Nor does anyone bother...

The Stamp Act of 1765: Historical Review

The Stamp Act of 1765 was passed at a time when the United States was a colony of the British Empire. The significance of the Act was not the provisions of the Act itself. The passing of the Act was indirectly instrumental in leading to events that led to the...

The Love Canal, State of New York Hazardous Waste Site

Introduction Love canal is in New York neighboring Niagara Fall. It was being constructed to connect Niagara River with Niagara Falls. Its vision was to provide electricity and the industries in the area. This initiative was started by William T. Love and was named after him. The initiative did not...

“The Varieties of Civic Experience” by Michael Schudson

Introduction The ā€œcivicā€ concept is considered to be examined by many scholars in order to identify the major positions of the modern civilization development. Michael Schudson, the author of the famous article The Varieties of Civic Experience, managed to disclose the way he understood the place of this concept in...

Media Coverage of the China 2008 Earthquake

Introduction The tenets of the theoretical framework of deconstruction are some of the offer valuable insights in the analyses of particular art forms, artifact and as well as various media forms. The use of the term was initialized in the 9160s by Jacques Derrida. Gavin Ambrose et al (20010 offer...

Relationship Between Social Location and Health Status

Introduction A personā€™s social circumstance significantly impacts their emotional and physical health. This conclusion is derived from many sociological researchers and theorists who have long studied the general health status of individuals and factions of society from a social perspective. Exploring the psychosocial mechanisms that link social location and health...

ā€œSelf-Made Manā€ by Norah Vincent

Introduction Since the time of its publication, the book ā€œSelf-made Manā€ written by a famous American journalist Norah Vincent has always been a subject of heated debate. The question arises what is the reason for such close attention to this work of literature. The thing is that the author tried...

Social Policy and Welfare – Poverty and Deprivation

Introduction If a family has a house, car, television, DVD player, fridge, cooker and other gadgetsā€¦ then to call them ā€œpoorā€ makes a mockery of the English language (Mckinstry 2007). Nowadays, the definition for poverty had been differently interpreted by people depending on the culture. Poverty is a kind of...

Why We Age and Anti-Aging Strategies

Introduction Scientists have always tried to come up with a theory that explains aging and so far there are several theories reached. Some theories states that aging process is natural and therefore from birth the body is programmed while other theories suggests that aging results from accumulation of damage over...

XYZ Organization Quality System

Quality System establishment for a Manufacturing Organization Quality refers to the delivery of projects and products that meet the expectations of all the stakeholders. A project that may meet all the specifications of the client, but may overrun the project or batch schedule hence can not be terminated as a...

Social Responsibility in Toyota

Introduction Corporate Social Responsibility, also known as corporate citizenship, results from business organizations considering societys interest and taking responsibility for all the impacts, whether negative or positive, of their activities on their employees, customers, communities, shareholders, suppliers and the environment. The responsibility in this case extends the legal obligations aimed...

Restorative Justice and Traditional Criminal System

Introduction This essay will attempt to analyze the extent to which developments in restorative justice practices are for the benefit of victims and is a useful alternative to our traditional criminal justice system. Restorative justice has been defined in several different ways. In essence, it involves trying to restore victims,...

Civil War Literature Review

Literature always reflects every change in society and it stands to reason that American literature of the nineteenth century was strongly influenced by the tragic events of the Civil War of 1861-1865. Many authors were involved or to some extent interested in the war events, they used their war experience...

Vietnam War – American Experience Since 1945

The Vietnam War was the longest and most unpopular war that the United States ever took part in. there was great loss of life and major financial repercussions. The war took away around 58000 American lives and severely wounded 304,000. The war was a military struggle that was fought between...

St. George Bank. Profits and Perspectives.

Introducton St, George Bank generates large profits from the fees collected from their clients. The banks are able to survive with the interest earnings generated from bank borrowings. There are many sectors affected by the increase in the bankā€™s profits. The following paragraphs will explain the differences in the effects...

Equities and Investment Analysis in Australia.

Justification The aim of investors is to have a high rate of return from their investments. In this sense, investors must identify if the Australian Equity (Share) market is a place where investors would expect a good economy, a stable currency, a stable government, a high potential of growth and...

The Looks of Hollywood at Technology

Introduction Hollywood of the 1980s reflected a unique understanding of technology and progress, military power and the nuclear age. The movies Terminator-1 (1984) and Blade Runner (1982) vividly reflect the image and unique perception of technology by film producers. The moviesā€™ importance lies primarily in their imagined visual presentation of...

What Did You Expect: Based on the Ideas of Dorothy Allison

Analytical Introduction The current paper is the personal reflection of thoughts and ideas expressed by Dorothy Allison in her essay about being yourself against all the public stereotypes. Consequently, the aim of this paper is to consider the most valuable ideas by Allison in order to express my own opinion...

Is It Morally Permissible to Drive After Having One Drink?

Introduction The very term ā€œethicsā€ has a great number of definitions, naturally, it is not necessary to present all of them, but overall we can single out two definitions, which seem to be the most appropriate. First, ethics is a branch of philosophy, which studies the moral value of human...

Sexuality: The Matters of Masculinity and Femininity

Introduction Our viewpoint on the matters of sexuality is mainly informed by the “suppressive hypothesis,” which states that the history of sexuality over the previous three hundred years has been a history of tyranny. Sex, apart from for the aims of reproduction was inviolable. The only way to release the...