Post-War Britain: Decline or Growth?

Introduction The debate whether the British economy declined or grew during the post war decades among scholars especially economic historians has been going on for decades. The debate began immediately with the invention of the idea of Declinism in the later decades of the nineteenth century (Tomlinson 732). The origin...

Literature Plan for Preschoolers

Introduction Preschool children learn a lot at this age through what they see, hear or touch. The learning process is as a result of interacting with their parents, siblings, teachers, caregivers, other adults, and from the surrounding. This is a very crucial age as whatever children learn at this age...

LEED Certification and Rooftop Gardens

Introduction Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) refers to a rating system created by the United States Building Council (USGBC) to provide certification to green buildings. The certification enhances human and environmental health in five key areas. On the other hand, a rooftop garden is an artificial garden created...

Nursing Empowerment in the Interpersonal Theory

Introduction Empowerment is an essential element of multiple modern theories in nursing. However, despite its growing popularity, the lack of proper understanding of the concept has led to its misattribution and misidentification in a practical setting (Slatyer, Coventry, Twigg, & Davis, 2016). The following paper provides a comprehensive analysis of...

Pronunciation Teaching: Key Aspects

Introduction Pronunciation is one of the difficult facets of language in which to attain native competence teachers must find ways to assist learners overcome some of the most challenging aspects of pronunciation. Teachers must accord pronunciation teaching keen attention in classrooms as it contributes towards learner proficiency. The advancement in...

The Gender Dysphoria Concept

Abstract Formerly known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), gender dysphoria is a discrepancy between gender and sex, which is characterized by feelings of identification with the opposite gender and discomfort with one’s biological sex. People with this medical condition desire to live as the opposite sex. Therefore, their behaviors, attitudes,...

Mathilde in Guy de Maupassant’s “The Necklace”

Introduction Fiction writing is one of the most intriguing pieces of art in literature. Characterization is one of the integral parts of fiction writing. Characterization uses description to create characters that stick in mind. Therefore, when developing a character, the author needs to describe in detail his characters to a...

Whole Foods Market’s Diagnostics: Congruence Model

Leavitt’s Model The Leavitt’s model outlines the major variables within an organization that dictate its performance. The major variables include humans, tasks, structural aspects, and technological developments (Falletta, 2005). This model asserts that a change in one of these variables will definitely affect the others. This model is therefore used...

America’s Social, Political and Economic Events in 1950-2000

The events of the twentieth century have a lot of significance in the political social, cultural, and economic historical development in America. Each decade between 1950 to 2000 was marked by a major event that showed a big impact on cultural, economic and government policies. This paper examines the events...

Curriculum Planning: Students’ Teaching Reading

Teaching style Cooperative learning and partner work are the two main teaching styles that I observed. Since students were divided into groups of four, they performed learning activities in their groups. I observed the teacher using cooperative learning as a way of administering instructions. Students were gathered in small groups...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Nightingale Pledge – Nursing

Introduction Since its inception in the 19th century, Nightingale pledge has been recited in various nursing schools within and outside the United States. However, the pledge has also raised controversies around the world. Consequently, the pledge has been modified severally since its creation in 1893. Opponents of the pledge have...

American Airlines’ and US Airways Merger

Abstract Mergers and acquisitions are common business practices that have both benefits and disadvantages to the involving firms. Essentially mergers and acquisitions are often perceived as expansionist strategies employed by firms to ensure increased market share and capabilities. Firms merge and acquire others for various reasons. However, increased competencies and...

Management in a Time of Change in the Global Context

Introduction The twenty first century has come with various challenges to organization. Business environment today is characterized by frequent changes than poses challenged to managers. In the tradition organizations, change was moderate and predictable. For these organization, long-term strategic plan were effective. The strategic plans could anticipate long-term changes and...

ABC Breeding Company’s Internationalization Process

Introduction Internationalization is an expansion process that firms undertake to capture specific international market. The firm must however seek to analyze the political, economic, social and technological factors that may boost such interactions. ABC breeding company is a firm which currently operates within Australian boarders and basically deals with beef...

In-State and Out-Of-State College Students’ Dropout and Success Rate

Introduction The recent trends in the U.S. education are rather dangerous as far as they reveal the permanently declining levels of college graduation accompanied by the growing numbers of students that drop out from college due to certain reasons (Beatty, 2001, p. 140; Whitbourne, 2002; Leonhardt, 2009). Scholars have considered...

Mattel Inc.’s Business Ethics and Virtue Ethics

Introduction Virtue ethics are central to the success of any organization. This paper applies three virtue ethics (justice, fairness and honesty) to the case of Mattel Inc. The paper starts by defining the three virtues and proceeds by applying the virtues to the organizational crisis in the company. Lastly, the...

Performance Appraisal, Harassment, Job Analysis

Introduction This paper attempts to present and define three of the concepts from the Human Resource Management course. In addition to the definitions, the mentioned concepts will be illustrated and discussed in terms of how one is to react to encountering these phenomena in real life. The three concepts are...

Aqua by Grandstand: Mobile by Nature

The hospitality industry is very volatile. The market competition is very stiff. To succeed, a company must develop guiding objectives in order to capture and retain customers. Aqua by Grandstand was conceived and developed with specific objectives by its owners. They wanted to transform it into a modern club-lounge by...

McBride Company’s Financial Services Governance Evaluation

Introduction This assignment shall be based on the Identification of corporate governance problems which are leading up to the corporate scandals in the early 21st century. And shall basically evaluate McBride the leading supplier in Europe of personal care and label household merchandises to all major and successful retailers in...

Global Warming and Mitigation Strategies

Abstract The environment is supposed to be conserved if all living organisms were to live comfortably on earth. This means that any damage done to the environment will have a negative implication to life of most of the living organisms on the globe. This paper discusses in detail the effects...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Distribution of Welfare in Australian Rural Regions

Introduction Inequality can be considered as one of the major characteristics of the development of human society. Throughout the whole history of mankind, people have tried to fight inequality, and this trying was expressed in political movements, social protest actions, and even military conflicts. However, even the most reputable scholars,...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery

Introduction The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Armed Services Vocational Battery are tests that are utilized in the measurement of various abilities and personality dispositions of the test takers. Whereas the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used for civilian cases as well, the armed services vocational battery is specifically...

Capital Punishment Is Not a Fair Method of Punishing Criminals

Introduction The United States (US) holds a unique position among all the Western nations due to the retention of capital punishment; raising various questions such as how this form of punishment has found place in the American psyche; what has kept the death penalty alive; and how such a penalty...

The Early Childhood Education

With the current world we have today, education has been emphasized and clearly it is the only clear road to success. To achieve the best education, the learning institutions should have a good environment where the students’ capabilities are nurtured and developed. This can only be achieved if the current...

Research Methods for Business Students

Introduction This article compares two research papers based on the understanding of various criteria. The first paper is titled, “How do suppliers relationships contribute to success in conference and events management?” and is authored by Susan M. Ogden and Eileen McCorriston of the Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK. In our...

Discriminatory Practices in the Workplace

Introduction An increase in the rate of discrimination at workplaces has led to different commissions being established to ensure that employees are equally treated when it comes to hiring and promotion. Different factors have been found to contribute to discrimination at workplaces. These include sociological factors, psychological factors and encouragement...

Crowne Plaza Parramatta: Hospitality Industry

Introduction The Hospitality Industry is a widely exploited industry and is made up of a large number of players. All these players are in competition for the same customers meaning that to succeed; players in this industry have to come up with marketing strategies that will ensure they have a...

Euthanasia: The Medical Evidence and Moral View

The question of euthanasia creates numerous debates because of diverse views and opinions regarding the value and meaning of human life. Some critics admit that it is simply not true that human life is so absolutely sacred that people may never under any circumstances take a person’s life or, to...

Pepsi Max: Australian Advertising

Message Strategy in Advertising A message strategy is fundamentally an idea that addresses the methodology through which a message is to be communicated to the target audience. The message strategy for a brand generally incorporates an element that is meant to generate an appeal or a similar sense of motivation...

Subculture and Subcultural Capital

Introduction A subculture defines a group of individuals different from other individuals of the same larger culture to which they belong. A subculture could either be distinct or hidden. Nonetheless, it has elements and practices that are different from those of the dominant culture. Subcultures could be differentiated from the...

“The World Philosophers” Theories Relevance to Nowadays

Introduction Over the years, great reliance has been placed on the market system to support and maintain economies. There have been emergent issues that have varied with time and include the Great Depression, inflation, unemployment, and financial crises among other economic issues. The ancient philosophers and thinkers came up with...

“David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens

The novel David Copperfield by Charles Dickens is the narration about the hard experiences of the main hero, David Copperfield the Younger. David is a naĂŻve village boy and half orphan whose father dies six months before his birth. The novel is also the account of a gradual transformation of...

Random Drug Test on College Athletes

There is widespread use of sports enhancing drugs among athletes in the world. Use of steroids to enhance performance in sports has been used as a way of gaining advantage over other athletes in major competitions. While sporting bodies strongly criticize use of performance enhancing drugs, some individuals are of...

Mobile Telephony Services Investing in Real-Time Banking

The idea of global organizations succeeding in poor markets has generated excitement among corporations’ executives. The recent announcement from Sub-Saharan Africa, that a Vodafone offshoot has collaborated with a local bank to offer real-time banking services sounded far-fetched. The opinion of skeptics is that this is absolute bull. Safaricom East...

The Comedy of “The Importance of Being Earnest”

In this research paper, I would like to analyze Oscar Wildes play The Importance of Being Earnest. In particular, it is necessary to focus on those features which are traditionally characteristic of comedy. The play should be discussed from several points of view: the development of the plot, the evolvement...

Group Understanding: Personal Practice in Groups

An entrepreneurial mindset refers to aspiring and devising the organizational setup by introducing a ground-breaking business approach as a trademark in the market. In the philosophical business sense existentialism, axiology, pragmatism, and ethics are the key magnets that influence the nurture of an entity’s persona and establish the organizational behavior...

What Ideas About Gender & Sexuality Are Communicated by Contemporary Fashion Images?

Introduction Solomon argues that since the advancement of technology and with a great number of people depending more on the media, society has continued to view aspects of sexuality from different perspectives. In the earlier years, any form of nudity in the media was seen as pornography and was highly...

US Hospitality Industry: Managing Hospitality Workforce

Introduction The current trend in the global marketplace has led to the increase in capital mobility, people as well as an exchange of managerial information and ideas among the hospitality industry. In return, it has resulted to change in the employment trend in the United States. With improvements in technological...

A Learning Portfolio and Its Role in Educational Process

Education is a rather difficult and psychological process, which involves not either a teacher, or a student, but both of them. Learning portfolio is “a representative or selective collection of one’s work [in a student’s case, usually drawn from classroom work] often amounting to a documentation for a personal resume”...

Sudan, Oil, War, and Human Rights

Among many civil conflicts in Africa, Sudan is the one that has witnessed the longest history of civil war (1983-2010). Shaped by millions of unsheltered and starving civilians, this civil war has now been a flashback on the global platform, since Africa is located in the oil-rich region. This paper...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Fashion in the Clothes Industry

Introduction Fashion refers to the dynamic trends in the preference of the use of a certain good or service. The term fashion is however heavily used in the clothing industry and it is sometimes taken to be synonymous with its trends. Normally, different fashionable trends exist in a given culture...

The Importance of Nature: Discussion

Introduction Biologist Edward O. Wilson says in his book named “The Future of Life” “The biospheric membrane that covers Earth, and you and me, is the miracle we have been given. And our tragedy, because a large part of it is being lost forever before we learn what it is...

Psychological Criticism in Allende’s “The House of Spirits”

Introduction The novel called The House of the Spirits by Isabel Allende gained an immediate attention for the reading audience at the international level. Its popularity is predetermined by the multidimensional representation of political, historical, and cultural context where the author manages to perpetuate the part of Chilean history of...

Theoretical and Foundational Issues in Religious Counseling

Introduction Recent studies in America have shown that church attendance has been declining. The Americans of the old days followed animalistic religions before the first Europeans migrated to America (Engel and Dyrness 2000, 190-1955). The first Europeans to arrive to America were mostly Roman Catholics, the French and jurist and...

Faith and Reason: Critical Analysis of Faith

Introduction to Faith Religion and faith It is important to believe; faith is something that cannot be imposed on people without the true understanding of God, miracles that can be done, and other concepts attributed to faith. Another thing, in this case, is the religion that can be imposed on...

Environmental Management Plan: Managing the Hospitality Context

Site selection The site selection criteria for a tourist class hotel should be done in a qualitative and quantitative manner. Site selection should be done by a team of experts who have adequate knowledge regarding the hotel environment. The selecting team should have a laid down selection consideration guided by...

Jackson Pollock: Number 1, 1949

Defining art of Pollock can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider and so many different methods of artistic thoughts. Some say that art is an expression, but not everyone agrees that an expression is...

The Alleviation Plans to Air Pollution Throughout the World

Introduction Atmospheric pollution may be used to refer to the not only the man made process but also to the natural processes that contribute to the release of the gases such as in the volcanic eruption where very dangerous gases are releases and the aftermath of the eruption is the...

“Gypsy World” by Patrick Williams

Introduction In Patrick Williams’ work entitled, Gypsy World: The Silence of the Living and the Voices of the Dead, he was able to show how the Manus Gypsies of France navigate a hostile world. At first it seems that his anthropological study was focused on describing their traditions when it...

Challenges Multicultural Children Face in United States

Humans are social animals. They cannot live a life of solitude and isolation, alone in this world. All humans need other humans in order to live their lives properly. They might be strong enough to be able to live without fulfilling their emotional desires etc but they can certainly not...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Application of Domestic Policy Instruments to Religious Organizations

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that the federal legislative system offers a particular opportunity for religious institutions and organizations to challenge the restrictions, imposed by the constitution and government. This opportunity mainly touches upon the issues of realty possession and use of land. Thus in Boulder...

Risk Management In Offshore Oil And Gas Production

Introduction The accidents which have happened in the past have necessitated safety and risk management systems in the offshore gas and oil industry. An example is the sinking of the drilling rig known as Ocean Ranger in Canada in the 1980s and the Piper Alpha fire explosion incidence. In order...

Development of Welfare State

Since the second half of the 29th century, the welfare state became to play major role in life and destination of citizens. Ideally, the welfare state is responsible to maintain a system for the poor and a service system for all citrines. The welfare state also subsidizes, protects in various...

The Fifteen Year War in Asia and the Pacific

Introduction The Fifteen-Year War in Asia and the Pacific was a period of time marked by increased confrontations between the USA and Japan. During this period (started at the Mukden incident in 1931) the anti-Japanese propaganda was used in order to create a fear and antipathy towards Japanese people and...

Canadian National Unity Formation in the Period of Post-Confederation

National unity is of great importance for each country because it allows keeping people united and ensures the trust of the citizens in their government. National unity cannot be forced or imposed on people; it is formed in the course of the country’s history and is influenced by important historical...

Public Hospital in Williamsburg, Virginia Case

Introduction The history of the 18-th century America is full of grand events, people, and masterpieces. This time is known for the proclamation of Independence from Great Britain and adoption of The Constitution. The time of Enlightenment and progress in scientific achievements; it was full of inventions, such as, for...

Strategies for Managing the Virtual Organizations

Introduction A virtual organization can be defined as an organization with a collection of a number of organizations. These several organizations are bound by an agreement to become members of the virtual organization. These set of organizations are generally legally distinct entities and when under the umbrella of the virtual...

Classical and Evolutionist Theories

Introduction Business management employs various strategies to achieve results. The five steps strategy by Porter focus on outside factors like the strength/weaknesses of competitions. The resource based approach by Penrose employ the firm’s resource and capabilities to gain a competitive edge. Theories, on their part, explain why various approaches to...

To What Extend Do Fdi Reduce Exploitation of Chinese Workers

Abstract China has experienced tremendous growth since the invasion of foreign direct investments. By allowing foreign investors to establish themselves in the country, the economic environment of the country has experienced positive change therefore putting the country at a higher growth level than other developing countries. The paper mainly focuses...

Using Animals in Medical Research

Introduction The use of animals for medical research has generated heated debate in recent times where certain quarters in society support the use of animals for research while others don’t. It is evident that the use of animals for research has enabled tremendous steps in the field of medicine that...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Experiential Learning and Education

Introduction Learning is an essential part of each person’s life. Delivering knowledge to young people is often complicated, especially when it comes to disaffected and disengaged 14-19-year-old young people who have got disappointed in education. Special programmes have to be developed for such young people, the programmes that would take...

World Religions: Islam vs Christianity

Without a doubt, the three major religions on the planet earth are Christianity, Buddhism, and Islam. Available literature shows that these religions have followers in every region and sphere of the earth. Numerical evidence points out that Christianity is the largest religion accounting for an estimated 1.8 billion followers. It...

The History of Attack on Pearl Harbor

The year was 1941, the Second World War was already in progress the Japanese army was in need of resources like oil and raw materials to continue its conquest and the western powers were anticipating military moves from the Japanese for the control of resource rich areas to continue fueling...

American Philosopher John Dewey and Pragmatism

It can be argued that the world was turned upside down after the Industrial Age. Indeed, it was a time of great upheaval, especially in the highly industrialized nations of the Western hemisphere. It was at this time of radical change that an American philosopher by the name of John...

Gaius Valerius Catullus’s Poetical Works

Gaius Valerius Catullus was Roman poet that lived in the 1st century BC. His works are still popular among the readers due to their liberalism and in-depth perception of love. Catullus was also famous for his “angry love poem”. Catullus creative but short life (84-54 BC) was devoted to the...

Post-Confederation Period in Canadian History

Canadian history is generally divided into two periods – pre-confederation and post-confederation. Originally, this division is stipulated by the fact that essential changes have taken place after this beak point. The main tendencies, which featured the post-confederation period, were the centralization and expansion of the territories. These tendencies were encouraged...

Analiz work “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein”

Outline Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is a world-famous novel about an ambitious scientist, Victor Frankenstein, who finds out the secret of life and creates a monstrous creature from old body parts. The creature lacks perfection and turns against him for not creating a female companion. Victor loses his dear ones as...

French Revolution: Memories, Symbols, and Rituals

“Memory,” Michel Foucault has argued, “is actually a very important factor in the struggle… If one controls the people’s memory, one controls their dynamism… It is vital to have possession of this memory, to control it, administer it, tell it what it must contain[1]”. History is essentially a recording of...

Architecture and Technology: The Essential Role of Sustainable Architecture

Introduction Such concept as sustainable architecture is relative new; it emerged approximately two decades ago, yet, since that time it has achieved immense popularity. This approach is intended to address the environmental and economic problems, faced by modern community. In recent years it has become evident that people tend to...

Quantitative Research Techniques and Designs Definition

Quantitative research is one way to conduct a scholarly investigation with the help of certain qualitative characteristics enabling the researchers to make certain empirical conclusions and observe particular tendencies in the response of participants to the experiment they have designed for them. The first issue to be discussed in connection...

Global Warming: Issue Analysis

Introduction Global warming is a term commonly used to describe the consequences of man- made pollutants overloading the naturally-occurring greenhouse gases causing an increase of the average global temperature, the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. According to all peer-reviewed scientific studies, if the amount of greenhouse gasses being...

Sri Aurobindo’s Rebirth and Karma

The doctrine of Karma and rebirth dates back to ancient times and therefore its origin is not well known. Sri Aurobindo is one of the major contributors and proponents of this doctrine. At this point, it is important to note that, I will evaluate the doctrine alongside its function ability....

My Personal Development Plan as a Future Teacher

Being a teacher has always been my dream. Being a teacher who makes a difference, I believe, is my goal. That is precisely the reason why I pursue studies in becoming an effective teacher. Professionally, I am aware that teachers need much training for all the tasks expected of them...

Working Conditions of European Miners in 19th Century

Zola’s work was set during the Industrial Revolution which was a period of heightened economic and technical changes that occurred in Europe between the years 1760 and 1850. During this time the steam engine was introduced on a wide scale as well as the innovation of machines designed to perform...

Consciousness: Science and Technology

Exceptional Human Experiences The issue of exceptional human experiences is begging to be brought out at the beginning of the chapter. This is presented in the context of various experiences that are not a usual phenomenon to many for instance Hypnotic regression and psychic visions in the human mind. The...

Sociology Regarded as a Science

The question of whether sociology must be regarded as a science or not could prove very complicated unless one is clear as to what science is. Although arts and sciences are very distinct especially in methodology, it is not uncommon to notice given similarities or basic assumptions that are shared....

Oil and Gas Industry Response to Global Warming

How should the oil and gas industry respond to global warming? Global warming is a contemporary serious threat to our planet for the combustion of oil, coal, and natural gas contributes in changing the atmospheric balance of carbon dioxide, and other naturally occurring ‘trace gases’ as well as chemicals created...

Olfactory Confirmation in Patrick Suskind’s Perfume

The scent of the human body is unique and that plays an important role in different spheres of our life. There is a presumption that spiritual awareness is reached by enhancing the power of scent (Streep 2003) The significance of people’s odor also defines sexual attraction. Moreover, it reveals the...

International Gold Standard in 1880-1914

Introduction Centralized economic and monetary discussions were not common in the nineteenth century. Therefore, it is not easy to document the origins of the gold standard. During this period, there was a general acceptance that currencies should have a metallic content. However, the agreement did not entail a consensus on...

Balance in the Administration of Justice Security

Outline It is almost impossible for a country to experience peace when security as well as justice have not provided to her citizens. Moreover, other than just providing security and justice, a form of balance is of equal importance which should be applied in all undertakings of their administration. There...

The Problem of Illegal Immigration to the United States

Introduction Today in the United States there are up to 20 million people considered “illegal aliens”, which means illegal immigrants (McFadyen, par.1). One of the topics of this last presidential and senate campaign was if the United States should offer a path to legalization for illegal immigrants. This is an...

Class and Alienation According to Marx

Introduction Class and alienation in the common world seem to be inevitable and all human beings will never be equal in terms of economy, social, political, religion or philosophy. The social class throughout the world is evident, and the best example is the big gap between the rich and the...

Montessori Method in Educational Psychology

Introduction The world of the pedagogic studies presupposes the consideration of all features of the children and their ability to learn new material as well. In this respect there are too many methods which are used in the contemporary schools. The paper concentrates major attention on the case of the...

Macro Forces Impact on National Trends

Over the last few decades, there has been a rapid transformation of the global economy whereby business firms have been forced to compete at a global level in order to survive. The global trends have been very influential in the development of the global economies, the major beneficiaries being the...

The Review of “The War Over Iraq” by Kaplan

Summary This book has the objective of showing how evil the late President of Iraq Saddam Hussein and it highlights some of the evil deeds he did to the people of Iraq especially the tribe that he was not from. He is depicted as one of the most ruthless dictators...

American Government Involvement in Iraq

Introduction Washington Post author, Thomas E. Ricks does a commendable job in showing readers why the Iraq war was a disaster from its inception. Through numerous interviews and analyses, the writer gives evidence on this concept. Subsequent portions of the paper will look at his assertions in detail and some...

Changing Advertising with Wireless Technologies

Introduction Advertising has had its fair share of evolution ever since its birth. With changing communication technologies, marketers induce new mediums in advertising. Advertising jumped from print to TV and now the internet. Now, communication technology is bombarded with new and latest wireless accessibility facilities and advertising is not to...

Fredrickson’s Racism: A Short History

Introduction This book covers the many aspects of racism, the history behind the phenomenon, and how the world now views racism, whether it takes it seriously or how it affected man’s activities and relationship with the world. It talks about the evolution of racism, religion, and how racism came to...

Cell Phone Use While Driving Must Be Banned

It used to be that the only thing distracting the average driver was the radio. The urge to turn the knob and scan for the best song available can be so difficult to resist. As a result vehicular accidents may occur as the driver gets distracted. In the 21st century...

Euthanasia – Mercy Killing or Assisted Suicide

Introduction Euthanasia, otherwise known as mercy killing or assisted suicide, has been a controversial subject for many centuries. Proponents of the practice believe that individual freedoms of choice that exist in life also extend to the end of life. They also argue that the sentiment of humane treatment afforded animals...

The United States Bill of Rights Amendments

Introduction The inclusion of the Bill of Rights in the United States Constitution came by December 15, 1791 through ratification of the 10 amendments presently known the Bill of Rights. Previously, the anti-federalists had championed for provision of a law that would resist the citizens from tyranny and they were...

European Colonialism in the Middle East

Introduction World history is versatile in events that outlined the contemporary shaping of the world. The political map went through many changes during the twentieth century. Just after World War II, the total collapse of major empires presupposed the struggle for the liberation of many countries being previously colonized. England...

The Sales Training Program: Key Advantages

We must look at STP’s history in our company and assess the effects it has had on it. STP has had many positive effects, both psychological and financial. Our aim is to demonstrate that by cutting out the STP it will harm our company financially and psychologically. Facts show that...

Methodology of Piracy of Clothes and Goods in China

Summary of Project Purpose The main purpose of this research is to undertake a literature review of what is known about the piracy of clothes in China, and its consequence on the legitimate international trade in branded clothing products. Both primary and secondary methods of data collection shall be employed....

The Voluntary Sector and the State

Until the beginning of the seventeenth century, the church in Great Britain played the greatest role in social sector affairs. However, with the declining power of the state, secular philanthropy, and the church as well as the end of feudalism, the voluntary or non-profit sector started gaining importance. Industrialization was...

The Philosophy of Social Research

Abstract The paper is an analysis of the philosophy of research, core concepts of research designs as well as other approaches to research. In philosophy of research, it has been established that there is a progression from scientific methods alone into more flexible concepts that incorporate contextual experiences such as...

“Raisin in the Sun” by Hansberry and “I’m Still Here” by Hughes

The problem of race discrimination has been always a tight corner in the American history. In the course of the migration process, African Americans were fighting for the equality rights and freedoms. Nowadays, skin color still determines the relation between people thus influencing the way and the conditions of living....

Google: Organisation’s Strategy Social Responsibility

In a modern corporation, strategy at any level is an important issue in the history and tradition of any society irrespective of its level of development. People started contemplating and viewing the process of strategy and strategic thinking in ancient times. Google is one of the most successful companies based...

Petroleum Exporting Countries Organization

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to regard the history of OPEC as the organization of petroleum suppliers, represent this alliance as the political power and provide the models of its further development from the context of its necessity and usefulness for the development of the world economy. To...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Church History: Egeria and the Crusades

Introduction The starting point of the present research should be the justification of the actuality and necessity of it. It is evident that in the study of historical events the primary role is always played by the study and analysis of the primary sources (documents, letters, etc.) as they the...

Airline Industry’s Economic Profile

Introduction The currently witnessed globalization may be attributed, to a great extent on the expansion and advancement of air travel. In the last few years, demand for air travel has been growing at a high rate due to the increased mobility of people on tourism, diplomatic or business mission. The...

Society in Leonardo Da Vinci, Goya and Hirst Works

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

Egeria’s Diary and the First Crusade

In the first place, it is necessary to justify the topics that will be the key topics of the present research and to give the explanation of the choice of the material that will be the basis of the study. In the course of human history there have been a...

Impact of Early Sports Specialization

Introduction Burnout in athletes is the result of various factors that can lead to painful injuries, intense stress levels as well as deterring performance, due to excessive pressure. Intense training schedules forms one of the most basic issues that can result into burnouts. Sometimes, it is also the age factor...

Aboriginal Education in Canada: Retrospective

Present conditions, the residential school for aboriginal education in Canada Education is the foundation that creates the overall development of an individual. It is a generally agreed fact that education is the birthright of a person. If an individual lacks it, his/her life will be meaningless. Aboriginal education is the...

Collaborative Relationships within Child Protection Work

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to analyze collaborative relationships with regard to child protection. In particular, the discussion will be dedicated to the cooperation of professionals, support workers, governmental and non-governmental agencies, children, families, and communities. Moreover, the paper analyzes some implications of this policy to information sharing...

Equality in Education Question

Introduction There are several opportunities of life where people have always looked for equality among them being education. This is taken as a deceitful concept although when analyzed objectively, equality represents a natural concept employed by learners to express justice requirements that they may need to maintain within their societies....

Issue for Farmers in Developing Countries

Introduction Agriculture is a very important sector in the whole world economy since it makes available, food to every living person. Considering trade and agriculture, the World Trade Organization is the main body that coordinates activities in these two areas, (WTO is an international trade organization consisting of 146 member...

Representations of Disability, the Example of “Forrest Gump” Film

The world is not ideal and there is always much grief and injustice in it, this is why some people have turned out to be deprived of certain benefits that ordinary people have because of the dysfunction of their bodies. Handicapped people have had different names and labels in the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Difference in the Islamic Terms

Introduction The world of Islam impresses with its historical and mythological background according to the religious approach toward the disciples of Islamic prophet Mohamed and his followers. In this respect the idea about Islam should designated in its unique and rather significant coloring in characters and people who provide the...

“Up from Slavery” by Booker T. Washington Analysis

Introduction The life of Booker T. Washington can very well serve as the proof to the idea that it is namely the strength of one’s determination and his or her industriousness, which define such individual’s chances to attain social prominence, even in society hampered by racial prejudices. Therefore, Washington’s autobiographical...

Leadership Application and Leadership by Example

Introduction Leadership, whether political or business is about influence and strategic planning, and organization. Good leaders are not unaware of the existing conditions and circumstances, but that they act to produce good results in those prevailing circumstances. The qualities, as well as the functions and roles of good leaders, have...

Gothic in “A Rose for Emily” and “Young Goodman Brown”

Introduction Given the fact that stories “Young Goodman Brown” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner can be thought of as such that sublimate the particularities of authors’ Romanticist worldview, it would be logical, on our part, to expect strongly defined Gothic elements being present in...

Indian Tribes and Settlers

Introduction To begin with, there is strong necessity to mention that the relations of the colonists / settlers with the native American population (Indians) have shaped the image of the contemporary America. Originally, most of the contacts were arranged with the aim of trade for the lands, furs, foods etc....

Henry Fayol’s Views On Effective Business Management

Introduction The managerial approach to business stresses the problem-solving and decision-making responsibility of business managers. This method emphasizes their ability to make decisions and solve business problems in a way that enhances the objectives of the whole corporation. The business manager is a specialist in managing markets and business resources;...

Introduction to Management in Australia

Outline The paper ‘Introduction to Management’ discusses the group decision-making adopted by organizations in Australia. It is a report on the increasing significance of group decision-making in organizations in Australia for meeting their organizational objectives. The research topic is the critical analysis of the subject of group decision-making in today’s...

Thorvald and Nore in A Doll’s House: Character Analysis

Introduction Nora is the main protagonist in The Doll House, a masterpiece written by the Norwegian playwright, Henrik Ibsen. Nora is married to a struggling young lawyer, Thorvald Helmer, by whom she has three lovely children. The couple belongs to the middle class as shown by their home, described as...

Characters in A Doll’s House Play by Henrik Ibsen

Introduction Henrik Ibsen’s play, A Doll’s House (1879) is mostly remembered for its heroine, Nora, slamming the door behind her as she abandons her husband and children to find herself. In this essay, however, Nora will be regarded as a secondary character because she reacts to people more than she...

Satire Usage in Film as a Tool for Social Change

Satire is a corrective form of humor but it can take different forms; in fact, the five films analyzed in this essay are all satires but belong in various sub-categories. The first one, Charlie Chaplin’s Modern Times, creates a lasting image of the industrialized world’s dehumanization, while Stanley Kubrick’s Dr....

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Specific Racism Against Chinese Americans

Introduction Racism has got varying meanings depending on the opinion of a person. Allen de Benoist defines racism based on the UNESCO’s 1978 “Declaration on Race” as a theoretical observation in which a person sees himself or herself as belonging to a racial or cultural grouping that is intrinsically superior...

The Impact of Crime and Violence on Tourism in Jamaica

The rapid development of international tourism and its spreading almost in every corner of the globe put sharply the problem of safety provision for tourists. It can be said that recently there was a considerable rise in the threat for tourists’ lives, health, and belongings. At the same time, tourism...

Motivation Techniques at Workplace

In the business environment, motivation can be defined as the internal state that activates behavior and energizes individuals to goal-oriented behavior. It is a composition of design beliefs that directs these needs me to take action. Motivation can include things such as inspiration, encouragement, and support. Motivating factors are the...

“The Allegory of The Cave” by Plato

Introduction The importance of Plato’s allegory of the cave for consequential development of Western philosophical thought can hardly be underestimated, as it had laid a foundation for European metaphysics, as we know them. Therefore, it will not be an exaggeration on our part, to suggest that the very conceptual essence...

Business Report of Apple Company

Executive Summary The paper looks at the management of information within Apple company. Data communication systems entail the network structure in the organization and through this, the information system within the company and how communication is fostered is looked into. The Findings and Analysis and the IS impact on the...

Charter Schools Impact on the US Educational System

Introduction Charter schools are established in the United States not so long ago (since 1991). However, today these establishments make significant impacts on the educational system of the country. In this respect, it is vital to admit that even with a spread of less than one percent, these schools are...

Decision-Making Process: Stages and Basic Principles

Introduction Personal or professional, decision-making is always tough and requires step by step approach. Before making a decision, different alternatives are considered and they depend on the importance of the decision to take. After finding different alternative solutions, they are analyzed to choose the best alternative (Mellers, Schwartz, & Cooke,...

Facts of the Holocaust

Holocaust was one of the most terrible events in the history of the world marked by extreme violence and hostility. The ideology provided by the Nazis underlined the descent of the German people from the Aryan race and rejected all other nations. Jews were seen as enemies of Nazi Germany...

Personality Disorders and Anger

Introduction Anger and personality disorder have one thing in common. People who suffer from either have no ability to empathize. When a person is angry, they defy empathy by developing severe anger. The person feels that the source of their anger is disparaging their suffering. Their anger, therefore, increases when...

Mass Media: Stereotypes Impact on People

Media is a very strong force and it has vices. One of the noted vices of the media is its tendency to stereotype identifiable groups like gender, race, and alternate sexual communities. As a formidable force, these stereotypes distinctively possess an impact on the people of the groups. To understand...

Changes in Stock Prices and Market Fluctuations

Outline Introduction Changes in Stock Prices in General Profitability Liquidity Solvency Recommendations Introduction The changes in the stock prices are originally caused by numerous factors and may cause essential changes in the marketing strategies and the approaches towards business activity. The aim of the paper is to analyze the reasons...

The Education of Spartan Women

The history of ancient Greece is presented to us in writing by men who were knowledgeable at the time but had much disregard for women. According to the traditions then, women were viewed as the weaker sex, rash, irrational, less knowledgeable, and could not survive without the guidance of the...

Health Care System of America

Introduction The entire health care system of America is broken and its decline was accelerated by inflation and economic instability in America. This paper presents how the broken health care system affects the American people. It affects children, adult, youth, women and retirees. American health care system is operated by...

“The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini – Book Review

The book by Khaled Hosseini The Kite Runner is the heart-piercing story about the childhood of Afghan boys. This story represents rather realistic features of Afghanistan and is based on direct relation to time prospects in this country some 30 years ago. In this respect the author provides a scope...

The Meaning, Objectives and Effectiveness of Audit Reports

Meaning of Audit Reports An audit report is an account, statement, or description containing the final results or the conclusions of an audit. This report or account lists down all the information concerning or pertaining to the audit in a formal, final language. To be able to understand the term...

Kurds in Iraq: Will They Declare Their Own State?

Introduction The Kurds are a Persian ethno-linguistic group of people occupying most of the hilly parts on the junction boundaries of Turkey, Iran, Iraq as well as Syria. Carole O’Leary writes that, after WWII and the split of the Ottoman Empire, these people were assured of their independent state through...

Views on Political Realism of Machiavelli and Hobbes

Realism is a movement that represents reality as it is. Realists basically say that they believe in a correspondence theory of truth. Therefore this paper will discuss realism, what it really is, who the proponents of realism are, and the implications of realism together with the similarities and differences in...

“A Lesson Before Dying” by Ernest Gaines

‘A Lesson Before Dying,’ written by Earnest J Gaines, tells the story of two men who have to fight hard to survive in a world that metes out suffering to them through racism and discrimination. Jefferson, one of the men, falls victim to the white people’s indifference when he gets...

SABIC Brand Role and Its Reception in Australian Market

Purpose of the Proposed Research It is expected to give clear information on the possible reception of the SABIC brand in the Australian market and reveal the gap for entry and brand building for competitive advantage. Research question What role will SABIC brand play in the Australian market and what...

“One Nation, Insured” by Quadagno

In the book, One Nation, Insured, Quadagno reveals the shortcomings of the medical care system in the country that is heavily regulated by the legislature thus emphasizing that America is the only country that has serious problems with insurance coverage. The writer also discovers the legal problems where Congress failed...

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Sullivan Ford Auto World Company’s Management

Introduction This article deals with the issue of service marketing. The subject of the article is in a case study format. Sullivan Ford Auto World has been selected as the particular case whose operations will be scrutinized and the issues it faces would be analyzed. Additionally, subsequent to the analysis...

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Often known as Industrial and Organizational psychology, the discipline seeks to look at how psychology can be applied at the workplaces in various organizations. Organizational psychologists through well conducted research and devised strategies significantly make contributions towards the success of the organization owing to the enhanced work output and improved...

Racial Identity of Personality

Introduction Who am I? This is the most common question people ask themselves on their ways to the understanding themselves as independent personalities. The process of the identity construction is difficult and in some cases people have to cope with the numerous problems but are eager to find themselves in...

PostFinance’s Mobile Payment Solution

PostFinance, a trusted Swiss banking partner and a unit of the Swiss Post, developed and piloted a mobile payment solution in Switzerland, in collaboration with Unisys. The next step is to decide whether to go live with the mobile payments. This would include giving a detailed proposal to the Board....

Human Resource Tools to Impact Service Quality Perception

Introduction Nowadays academic environment is considered to be competitive enough, providing the students with a free choice under the influence of factors, developed by institutions in order to increase their perception of service quality. It should be noted that higher education institutions striving to gain competitive edge, work out creative...

The Practice of Church Building

From its inception, a critical component of Christianity has been the congregation of people to worship together. The practice of worshipping together as a crowd has been a guiding principle for Christians, from the time of Jesus to date. Originally, Christians used to gather in synagogues or in other people’s...

Tocqueville and the French Revolution

Tocqueville’s argument in the French Revolution The French Revolution took place between the years 1789 and 1799. It was an era of political and social anarchy involving radical changes in the existence of France. Its main purpose was to increase the powers and the authority of the central government and...

Supreme Court Decisions on First Amendment

Abstract “Bill of Rights “is the first ten amendments made to the American constitution. However, the First Amendment is considered to be the most pivotal. The First Amendment to American constitution guarantees the rights to freedom of religion, speech etc. However, Supreme Court has expanded the meaning of First Amendment...

Media Events and Rituals: Durkheim, Turner and Lee

Introduction Media rituals are a part of media culture influenced by national and corporate traditions. It is not difficult to see that a medium of communication in the modern world can require very considerable resources, skills, organization, and sophisticated technology. Thus, we talk in overall terms of the communications industry...

Child Welfare and Protection Policies in Australia

Introduction Racial hierarchy is known to cause the subjugation of one or more races. This is evident in Australia where the Aborigines and the Torres Strait indigenous people have suffered at the hands of the colonialists (Dominelli, 2000) and in Canada among the First Nations indigenous population (Schwartz-Kenney, 2001). Statistics...