Post World War II Artist

Introduction Many artists have come a long way on making a name for themselves in the 20th century especially in the wake of the post World War II period. From sculptors to painter, fashion designers to drawing artists, many have come to a level of being renowned for their talent...

Development of Humanities and Its Impact on World

Important works of Art and Written Text The period between 1800 to 2000 BC was characterized by great development in the world of arts. Many works of art, which included paintings and written texts, came into being at this time. However, there were three most important works of art, and...

The Art of Native North America

The art of Native North America is a very diversified and variegated phenomenon. This tendency in this art can be explained by the diversity of peoples and cultures inhabiting this region through the centuries. During all the period of human history, this territory was inhabited by hundreds of nations, speaking...

Hip-Hop Influence on American Popular Culture

The sphere of hip-hop influence on American popular culture is constantly extending, involving new forces and new interpretations. Previously hip hop was considered to be exclusively the culture of the oppressed and marginalized Afro-Americans, but at the present moment the racial and social boundaries are defied and such prominent hip...

The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl

It is rather difficult to imagine any other nice and educative way to spend one’s free time for a learner of art as visiting some wonderful exhibition. So, I decided to visit one of the very interesting exhibitions called “The Record Contemporary Art and Vinyl” in the Miami Art Museum....

Opera in 19th Century

Opera in America’s past often conjures up old-fashioned, Victorian images of ample divas poised in extravagant settings. This larger than life musical genre elicits memories of a Tristan and Isolde singing their glorious love duet but too fat to embrace convincingly; an Aida richly costumed despite her slave status; foreign,...

Adolescent Music: Cultural, Moral and Political Messages

Introduction The two songs that I have selected are classified under the hip-hop genre of music. This is a genre that came about as a result of the hip-hop culture. It can be described by four major stylistic elements that define it, and those are rapping, deejaying or scratching, sampling...

Jasper Francis Cropsey Schatacook Mountain Painting

Introduction The Schatacook Mountain, Housatonic Valley, Connecticut painting is a product of Jasper Francis Cropsey who was born in February 18, 1823 in Rossville, Staten Island, New York. His style of painting was significantly under the influence of his upbringing, bearing in mind that he grew up in the countryside....

Islam in America: Movie Reflection

Today, Islam is one of the largest religions in America. More than 400,000 Muslims live in Chicago alone (Islam in America, 2015). Still, many people are ignorant about the main Muslim traditions, and Islamophobia is widespread. The movie Islam in America introduces Islam to the audience and carries the message...

Evolution of Rock and Roll in Radio

Rock and roll is a music genre that emerged during the close of 1940s and the dawn of early 1950s in the southern region of the United States (Aquila 46). The originators of rock and roll combined blues of African American origin, country music, gospel music and jazz to come...

The African American Art Expression

Introduction It is well-known that contemporary literature and art contain works of authors of different skin colors and origins. However, in 1926 the issue of diversity of art creators was put a little rough due to the emergence of the Harlem Renaissance. We’ve only been living in these ghettos for...

The Men Who Stare at Goats: Human History Against the Backdrop of War

American cinematography is known for its masterpieces touched upon burning issues of the modern world. The Men Who Stare at Goats belongs to one of such films which makes people think over the problem of wars captivated a human history. This movie is based on the book under the same...

Comparison of ‘Supermassive Black Hole’ and ‘Hit my Heart’

Introduction Music is an art. Listening to the music one may be captured in the absolutely new world where emotions and feelings have covered the whole space. Different music styles create absolutely different pictures in the human mind, but the reaction to the music is in most cases the same;...

How Music Reinforces Stereotypes?

The contemporary entertainment world is mostly covered by music from renown artists all over the world such as Michael Jackson, Ja Rule, 50 Cent, Rihanna, Shakira, Celline Dion among others. Places of entertainment such as the discotheques or clubs play the role airing music from these artists to listeners. Moreover,...

“Avatar” the Film by J. Cameron

Avatar (2009) is a highly successful science fiction film created by James Cameron. It stars Sam Worthington, Michele Rodriquez, and Stephen Lang among others. The film has both human and computer-generated actors. The temporal setting of the film is the year 2154 when human beings are presumed to own a...

“White Spirituals in the Southern Uplands” by George Pullen Jackson

The study of the origin and development of music is naturally accompanied by the study of historic conditions and sociological ground for the development of music. Since there is great variety of musical genres that serve certain aims and are performed by certain people or groups of people on some...

Instrumental Suite in the Baroque Period

Introduction A suite is a musical instrumental masterpiece that consists of a series of changing movements or a series of dances of related keys or it’s a collection of pieces related to each other. In addition, instrumentals refer to a kind of music produced by the use of musical instruments...

Hip-Hop and Commercial Culture Relationship

It is doubtless, that the present-day culture became commodified, being oriented on the mass market. It is almost impossible for the cultural workers to resist the temptation to be driven by the corporate interests only. To preserve the universal value of the hip hop generation cultural heritage, it is necessary...

Horror as a Genre of Art

The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films Discussing the question of horror attractiveness, described in Timothy Iles’ article The Problem of Identity in Contemporary Japanese Horror Films we may distinct a notable point, which makes author’s opinion unique and differ Japanese horror films from Western horror movies especially...

Cultural Theory in Practice: Postmodernist Filmmaking

From the angle of creed and culture, many theories have been evolved since ages. The theories like post-structuralism, post-modernism, sex and sexuality, bodies and embodiment, empire, and globalization are some of the relevant concepts that are relevant in recent times. In the following discussion let us concentrate on one of...

Peter Weiss’ “Marat – Sade”

First published and performed in Germany in 1963 by Peter Weiss, Marat/Sade, which full title is The Persecution and Assassination of Jean-Paul Marat As Performed by the Inmates of the Asylum of Charenton under the Direction of The Marquis de Sade, was highly acclaimed by the critics. In 1964, the...

“The Slumdog Millionaire” and “The Hurt Locker” Films

Modern cinematography is the world that perfectly reflects the problems of people and the situations that are created in the world now. It may be said that cinematography reflects the problems which are urgent to modern people or have some relation to appeared situations, such as poverty, war, money, love,...

The Important of the Upper Paleolithic Revolution in the Development of Culture

Introduction The origin of modern humans is believed to be from the continent of Africa. The evolution changes showed signs of development in terms of anatomy and structure but showed a significantly slight change in terms of lifestyle. As time went by, tools and artifacts used during the Paleolithic period...

“Paradise Now” the Film by Abu-Assad

The screenwriter of the Paradise Now and its director, Hany Abu-Assad, created the movie about two Palestinian men that wanted to detonate bombs at the military check point in Israel. Two suicide bombers were to sett of their bombs one after another, to injure as much people as it is...

“Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” by Marheine

The article by Marheine titled “Twentieth Century Crisis of Belief” summarizes many ideas and social phenomena that distinguished 20th-century ideology, philosophy, and art. The main trends discussed by the author in the compilation of famous artists’ abstracts are the disgusting wartime pictures in literature and reflection of despair and exhaustion...

“American Psycho” Film and Lizardo’s “Fight Club” Article

Introduction The most obvious thing that can be traced in the Hollywood movies is the yearning for making money; as a rule, filmmakers do not always benefit from making unprofitable movies and vice versa, sometimes movies that were characterized as noncommercial gain success and popularity which brings them to the...

The National Museum of the American Indian

My visit to The National Museum of the American Indian was a revelation as I learned a lot about the American Indians history through the various exhibitions that I visited such as A song for the Horse Nation, Hide and Lenape shows the cultural artifacts of the native Indians. In...

The Sprawl and the Redevelopment Plan for Times Square

The video The Sprawl is showing us how change is not always good. All the music by Sonic Youth and Arcade Fire in this group of songs under this category of urban sprawl are really about the same thing. Each of the songs is about different aspects of the takeover...

Art & Culture. Monet’s Waterlilies & Hirst’s Shark

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said, beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production

Introduction Dadaism or the Dada movement was a cultural movement which originated in Switzerland. Although it began during the First World War, it reached its peak between 1916 and 1922. (Wood & Frascina, 173) It not only included art theories and manifestos and visual art but also poetry, theatre, literature...

Art Perception and Ways of Seeing

Art Different people will describe this term in their own different ways of seeing, thinking, and understanding. What people see or describe to be art today may not be what it was sometime back. Many of the things that were done sometime back we describe to be art today e.g....

Canadian Cinematography’s National Content

It is doubtless, that some historic facts can be adequately valued only years later. And at the moment looking back at the development of the Canadian cinematography one may admit that its way was not an easy one. At the moment cinema production is an integral part of the popular...

Pogues’ “If I Should Fall From the Grace of God” Review

Britain has always been a complex entity of four distinct unique national identities with individual peculiarities, customs and traditions. As far as Ireland is concerned, it has its own separate identity that is embodied in Irish music which is an inseparable part of Irish culture. One of the representatives of...

Comparison of Pieces: Baroque, Classical and Romantic

Over the centuries, the popular music changed, partly as cultures changed, as new instruments were invented and as the ability to manipulate musical patterns developed and became more and more sophisticated. Some of the earliest periods are sharply defined, because the changes which created them were major, The Baroque period...

Chinese Calligraphy: Zha Shibiao and Mao Xiang

Introduction The works of Chinese calligraphers of the late 17th century are rather fascinating and well-shaped in their details. The main message is implied in the delivery of Chinese mature style that was particular to dynasties of Ming and Qing. In this respect the deepest desire of mine was to...

Philippe Starck. Designer’s Interview and Response

Philip Patrick Starck is, probably, one of the best of the best designers known for his mastership in patterning and reshaping everything, from a toothbrush to a spaceship. In this respect the interview given by Philip Stark to the Die Zeit newspaper catches an eye of a mature observer. The...

Guided Tour of Early Christian And Byzantine Art

Introduction Byzantine art refers to the art that originated from Byzantine Empire. This empire resulted from the division that occurred in the Roman Empire, splitting the empire into two halves; the Eastern and the Western empire. This splitting also affected Italy since some parts of Italy fell under Byzantine rule....

“The Road” Film by Cormac McCarthy

Introduction The road is a film by Cormac McCarthy that talks about the struggles that a family had to go through in their effort to survive in a cannibalism society. Despite the fiction in the message, there are certain essential messages that have been conveyed in the book that reveal...

Blood Diamond Film by Edward Zwick

Blood Diamond is an adventure drama film directed by Edward Zwick. The film was nominated for Academy Awards for the Best Actor, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Djimon Hounsou. The film goes back to the event of 1996-1998 when Sierra Leone Civil War took place. In that period, the country experienced the...

Appalachian Music: About Music Tradition

Abstract The modern music industries highly rely on the old-time forms of songs since the modern music is made up of the traditional instruments and modern instruments that can all be found stored in the modern piano that can be used to add flavor to music. The old-time music of...

A Mythical Miracle on Utube: Tchaikovsky Concert

This e-concert is amazing. There are three different orchestras playing some of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s best pieces: The Tchaikovsky concert program began with the 1812 Overture with full cannon and bells as done to celebrate the 150th birthday of the composer in a gala with Yuri Temirkanov conducting the Leningrad...

Black Women Filmmakers. The Black Diasporas’ Corporeality

The black diasporas’ corporeality is the mise-en-scĕne of filmmaking for most black women filmmakers. As they constantly challenge the limits that narratives and films make through the ethnographic cinematic creativity that they do, they call on the imperialist cinematic discussions that are all true in racist relationships (Bobo 25). Since...

Visit to the Museum of Figurines on Wheels

A museum is a nonprofit making organization that is established in a certain locality and dedicated to serving society. It contains a collection of exhibits of animals and artwork. These exhibitions are used for various purposes such as education, enjoyment and research work. In addition, they help people to appreciate...

TV Buddha Artwork and Iconography

Introduction The term Buddha refers to the most respected form of religious and philosophical spirit in the Asian continent. On the other hand, TV Buddha is an artwork interpreted by a famous Video artist whose name was Nam June Paik. Wardrip-Fruin & Montfort (127) noted that “the artwork consisted of...

The Music Industry Versus the Internet: Mp3 and Other Cyber Wars

Introduction Some issues need to be discussed in relation to MP3 and other Cyber related wars. Music is a foremost fabric that reaches its audience through many forms. Nonetheless, Mp3 is one of the forms. However, there are debatable concerns about consumption, distribution, revolution, copyright, promotion, and economic perceptive from...

The Reasons for a Viewer to Like “The Road” by Hillcoat

The best movie I have seen this year is the movie The Road, directed by John Hillcoat and based on the novel The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. In summary, “The Man” (Viggo Mortensen) has survived an apocalypse in America that left almost every living creature dead. His son, Kodi Smit-...

Jacob Lawrence and Principals of Design

Jacob Lawrence (1917-2000) is considered to be the most acclaimed African-American artist of the last century (“Jacob Lawrence Biography”). He grew up in Harlem, New York. Lawrence’s most popular collections are the Migration Series and War Series. With these works, he “brought …to life” the African-American experience by using “blacks...

“House Made of Dawn” by Richardson Morse

The movie “House Made of Dawn” (1972) is based on the novel by N. Scott Momaday. This movie vividly portrays the problems faced by many Native Americans and their national identity. The producers portray that many Native Americans are classless, so they are excluded from modes of collective action, have...

Futuristic and Real World in the Gattaca Film

The film Gattaca has a futuristic setting; it involves issues that are happening in the world today. Such a case can be depicted in the form of the new DNA programming where children can be tested to know what they will be in future, their strength and weaknesses. This in...

“There Will Be Blood” by Paul Thomas Anderson

Introduction The film, There Will Be Blood, is strange in a magnificent way in marking a noticeable departure by writer and director Paul Thomas Anderson. The film examines the character of a central California oilman in a somewhat insidious and intense manner. The film is framed in the backdrop of...

Shirley Gorelick and Principals of Design

Shirley Gorelick (1924-2000) was one of the most prominent female artists of the 20th century. This American painter developed a distinctive realist style that enabled her to create “penetrating psychological portraiture” (Hottle). Gorelick studied at Brooklyn College and Columbia University. The artist’s early work was affected by surrealism, cubism, and...

Godard’s Film History “Le Mepris”

As of today, the majority of movie critics agree with suggestions that the genre of auteur film, which gained a particular popularity with moviegoers during the course of fifties and sixties, should be discussed within the context of many European producers of the era having strived to endow their cinematographic...

‘Girl With a Pearl Earring’ and ‘Girl With a Wine Glass’ by Vermeer

Introduction The paintings ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ and ‘Girl with a wine glass’ are examples of the most famous works of Dutch painter, Johannes Vermeer. The ‘Girl with a pearl earring’ is believed to be one of his most brilliant works. In addition to this, it is widely believed...

Bob Fosse of Broadway Fame

Born in Chicago, Illinois, on June 23rd, 1927, Bob Fosse grew to become the “most influential man in jazz” (Dance Help Inc.). At the height of his career, he was a theater choreographer, screen writer, film director and director. During his career, “he won eight unparalleled Tony awards for choreography”...

San Francisco Photograph by George R. Lawrence

This photograph is a daguerreotype of San Francisco taken right after the 1906 earthquake and fire. The photographer, George R. Lawrence, used kites to get photos of San Francisco after the quake. He specialized in large formats and designed his cameras. Amazingly, he got this shot with no plane and...

Documentary Film Life in Renaissance Analysis

The Video collage, Life in Renaissance, depicts musical traditions and cultural norms of the period. The video demonstrates that the city’s expenses for ceremonial and processional music reached their peak in the decades around 1400. During the next century, the stress shifted toward the use of music for the mere...

“The Color Landscape” by Kayne

The story of color landscape talks about a photographer who through a process upgraded or developed from taking white and black pictures, to a level of not only taking colored pictures but also being a teacher of photography in several schools and colleges. The story began when the author was...

Inuit Art: The “First Goose of the Spring” by Houmak

Introduction to eskimo art In the words of the renowned folklorist Henry Glassie, “All art is an individual’s expression of culture. Cultures differ, so art looks different” (Rafferty 78). This is essentially true in the case of the Eskimo art which has captured the world’s imagination by virtue of its...

The Story of Christian Music

With a composer’s ear, the author tried to document the expression of faith and joy for a community. As he dealt with a vast subject, he has drawn boundaries to limit the discussion. What will appeal the most to the readers is the ways the Christian Community found during the...

Sir Sidney Poitier’s Work Review

Making the audience fully believe in the reality of the character is the fundamental objective of an actor/actress. Truthfulness, sincerity, and naturalness coupled with an insight into human nature, intelligence, and a sense of imagination constitute the nucleus of an actor’s craft/creed. Acclaimed actor Sir Sidney Poitier epitomizes these attributes...

Beethoven and the City of Bonn

There were a lot of people who were called geniuses in different spheres of human activity. When music is concerned, probably, the first name that leaps into one’s mind is Ludwig Van Beethoven, a composer, and pianist whose works and memory have been living for many centuries already. Such prominent...

‘Turismo’ Artwork by Judi Werthein

Through several strategies of implementation and technique, art has become a great source of social change and influence with the primary material of this deviation coming from the person-to-person exchanges, relations, and participations. ‘Turismo’ is the name given to the photography technique and installation created, developed, and displayed by the...

Jackson Pollock: Number 1, 1949

Defining art of Pollock can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider and so many different methods of artistic thoughts. Some say that art is an expression, but not everyone agrees that an expression is...

American Dream in the Filmic World of “Pretty Woman”

It is important to note that Americans are people who have always been striving to realize high-flying ideals. These ideals are illustrated in a popular American ideology called the American dream. The American dream has filtered into every aspect of American life and the film world has not been left...

“Nobody Knows” by Hirokazu Kore-eda

Nobody Knows is a movie that is quite slow-moving and gradually builds over to an emotional end. The plot of the movie is set in Tokyo and is about a mother who shifts into a new flat with her four children that are from different fathers and ultimately deserts them...

Artwork Through the Prism of Civilizations

Art is a very wide discipline and it has evolved into many stages since the start of the existence of mankind on earth. Art can be into two major categories: Auditory art which consists of any artwork that can be heard and visual art which includes all artwork that can...

Acting Out “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz”

Cast of characters: Dorothy; Witch; Little Men; Narrator. Narrator: After a terrible cyclone, Dorothy woke up in her house turned upside down in some strange land. It was a country of marvelous beauty. Dorothy stood up to see the land. She went outside her home and began to look around....

Expressive Language of Visual Devices of Pablo Picasso

“Those who seek to explain a picture most often go astray”, said Pablo Picasso in response to the numerous attempts to analyze the hidden messages in his works. However, this does not keep us from trying to penetrate the mystery of his visual symbols. Art always provides the viewer with...

Ana Mendieta’s Works Analysis

This research work aims to analyze the works of a famous Cuban-American artist, Ana Mendieta. In particular, we need to focus on such issues as the dominant motifs in her photographs, sculptures, and performances. Secondly, it is of the crucial importance to trace the sources of artistic influence, and the...

What Blazing Saddles and Bamboozled Say about Race Relations

Mel Brooks’s Blazing Saddles (1974) ranks #6 in the top 100 comedies of the twentieth century, according to the American Film Institute, with Brooks’s Young Frankenstein ranked #13 and The Producers #11. Brooks is less interested in social commentary or satire than in laughs and yet Blazing Saddles does contribute...

The College Concert: Mozart, Piazzola and Beethoven

Every concert is an opportunity for talented musicians to demonstrate their understanding and interpretation of certain musical pieces. The task becomes especially complicated when works dating from different styles and epochs are combined in one concert, since it requires careful selection of the pieces providing sufficient diversity without excessive dissimilarity....

Newspaper Reviews on Operas and Musicals

This work is aimed at analyzing the tools and techniques used in the newspaper reviews which influence a reader’s decision to attend a performance. For this research paper, I have chosen four performances, which belong to the genre of opera or musical; a review for such performances should provide a...

Examination of Pablo Picasso’s Painting ‘Les Demoiselles D’Avignon’

In the textbook Understanding Art (2000), author Lois Fichner-Rathus argues that the purpose of art is for people to understand themselves better and to preserve a sense of history. She says, “It is in the sciences and the arts that we strive to weave our experiences into coherent bodies of...

Piet Mondrian. Works Comparison From Naturalistic to Neo-Plastic

Art is an essential part of people’s life. Art relaxes and fills our souls with feelings of beauty and peace. There are a lot of artists whose masterpieces people have been admiring for many years and continue to admire now. Artist is a part of his painting. We may see...

Jazz Music History and Appreciation

Major arts are structured, created, and developed in the context of a medium. The standards vary depending on the type of art. Music is one type of art that uses sound medium in its foundation, progression, and arrangement. All music types have specifications in which they are developed. Precise characteristics...

Photography’s Effects on Modern Art

Since its invention, photography has been hailed by the masses as one of the best means of bringing the rest of the world to the public, affording them views of far-away places and peoples they would never have known about otherwise. The public appearance of the photographic process in 1839...

Paul Politis’ Black and White Photography

Introduction Photography has been a recognized and a distinguished form of art. Many renowned artists have worked as photographers each specializing in the different fields. This paper shall be discussing the works and the inspirations of renowned photographer Paul Politis who specializes in the black and white photography. Discussion Paul...

“Billy Elliot” as a Play and a Movie

The work of cinematography I am going to analyze is called “Billy Elliot”. The film is about a boy who wants to become a ballet dancer. He meets his father’s and brother’s opposition; he has no person to support him except his grandmother. The dance teacher recognizes his talent and...

Art History Research: Comparing the Cubist and Futurist

Cubist is a different type of art work which shows the two dimensional representation of a three dimensional object. Natural resources are mainly used for this painting and variety of colors is applied in this painting. Cubist “paintings are characterized by geometric, fractured forms, muted, depthless colors, and unspecified edges....

North American Indian Native Art

Introduction Indians is the name of the indigenous population of America (with the exception of the Eskimos and Aleuts). The name arose from the erroneous submission of the first European navigators, who considered that they discovered transatlantic land of India. Scientists have begun to interest the Indians, as soon as...

Genocidal Activities in American Movies

The theme of Genocide has been centralized throughout the flow of history; the movies Schindler’s List and Sometimes in April strive to reflect the times of global genocide suffered by nations. Nazis involvement into the fate of thousand people suffered at wartime took lives of the whole nations; tragic illustration...

“Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End” by Gore Verbinski

A Genre of the Clip The clip chosen for the analysis in the current paper is taken from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End directed by Gore Verbinski in 2007, the film is the third part of the adventure trilogy called the Pirates of the Caribbean. The...

Thelonius Monk: Musical Genius

Jazz music is commonly thought of as naturally arising from the plantations of the South as black people gained their freedom and turned their sorrowful songs into celebration. Even then, they knew something about music that science is just now discovering – it has healing properties that can surpass other...

Music of the Baroque Period: What is a Baroque Concerto?

Introduction Baroque is often used to describe the style of music which is composed during the era that coincides with the period of Baroque art. There are still a lot of arguments when it comes to the principles of baroque music especially its contribution to the Baroque period. One highlight...

“City Lights” by Charlie Chaplin

The movie City Lights (1931) was one of the best works of Chaplin devoted to a young man who falls in love with a blind flower girl. The young fellow does everything possible to find the money for the operation which can restore the girl’s sight. This movie is based...

“Remember the Titans” by Boaz Yakin

The movie Remember the Titans is an American sports drama released in the year 2000. The film is about an American football team from the T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Virginia. During this time period the American South had just begun to loosen its prejudices against African Americans. As...

Racial Discrimination in Analyzed Movie and Book

Introduction Movie industry and book creating are very common items, if to observe them in general terms. Films and books are aimed to entertain people, to make them relax or give them an opportunity to thing over some issues or discussed life problems. Films and books create some new reality...

Katharine Hepburn: First Lady of Cinema

Introduction Katharine Houghton Hepburn, (aka “Katherine” or “Kate” to an adoring public, born 12 May 1907, died 29 June 2003) was indubitably one of the most enduring icons of America’s golden age of cinema. In a career that spanned 62 years, Hepburn starred in no less than 52 movies, appeared...

Michelangelo’s Famous Sculpture “David”

Introduction Nowadays, it does not take a whole lot for just about anyone to claim itself being an “artist”, simply because the very definition of the term “art” became the subject of numerous interpretations. Nevertheless, it is namely the art pieces associated with Greek-Roman antiquity and with the time of...

Columbia Tribute Sculpture by Chakaia Booker

Columbia tribute sculpture is a sculpture done by Ms. Chakaia Booker in the year 2006 and placed in the custody of the NASA Art program, to commemorate the lost space shuttle Columbia, on 1st February 2003. The sculpture is done mainly from rubber cut from tire remnants sourced from Columbia’s...

Mayan Art: A Codex-Style Vase and a Plate

The culture of Maya civilization remains one of the biggest questions of the modern scientific world. Having been developed in cultural and scientific spheres, Maya civilization was destroyed and did not remain till our time, except some materials evidences of its existence, sculptures, buildings, paintings, and ceramics. Considering Maya art,...

The Costumes and Make-Up in the Film “Bread and Roses” by Ken Loach

Introduction This paper describes the costumes and make-up used in drama. The main purpose of this paper is to transform the whole characters of the film ‘Bread and Roses’ into drama. That is, the aim is to sort out how the characters acted in the film look like when they...

Love in “The History of Love” by Nicole Krauss

It is strange to observe how love may unite nations but at this set apart two people whose hearts it used to live in once. No less strange is the fact that, while love is all around us, there still remain people who are absolutely lonely and who suffer because...

Wartime Writings and Paintings

Introduction Any war may be considered a sore on the body of humanity and the history of development of human society. War is the greatest punishment for human beings as it is the monster that indiscriminately takes lives of those who attack and those who try to defend their lives...

Influential Leonardo and His Significant Contributions

It may seem strange to look to someone so far back in history as a historical figure with the ability to influence others still. Still, the formation of Leonardo da Vinci continues to inspire me. He lived during a time in which there was a renewed focus on the symbolism...

Society in Leonardo Da Vinci, Goya and Hirst Works

Introduction In the modern-day world of prevailing dynamism, that is moving from progress to greater progress, or better said beauty to higher beauty in an endless motion, underneath all ostensible pandemonium and bewilderment. The trend, which dominates the globe, is its demonstration of orderliness and maintenance, which display their external...

Asian Film Industry Globalization

Before 1997, most of the East Asian film industry was purely based within the region and marred with little success. Two political and economic events that year marked a turning point for this industry. These events included the repossession of Hong Kong by China and the economic downturn in the...

“The Medicated Child”: Film Review

First of all, it should be explained why the application of sociological imagination is necessary in this particular case that concerns the film under analysis. By means of “sociological imagination people …hope to grasp what is going on in the world, and to understand what is happening in themselves …”,...

“Street of Crocodiles” by Timothy and Stephen Quay

Introduction The 1986 film “Street of Crocodiles” by Timothy and Stephen Quay is a dark stop-action animation film consisting of approximately 21 minutes of musically-scored storyline. Essentially, the action of the film shows an old worker at a theatre or museum as he goes about cleaning the empty space. He...

Michelangelo and Later Renaissance Art

The world know Michelangelo as a Renaissance painter, poet and architect. All his works without exception are masterpieces of art that inspired many other artist of that period. Anyway, his real talent was brightly revealed in art of sculpture. As a sculptor, Buonarroti created numerous chef d’oeuvres that became the...

Painting the Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli

The Birth of Venus is a complex structure realized by deciphering meanings in multiple elements of the painting. In the most general sense, the primary objective of the art as such is perception and reflection of existing and subconscious reality. In practice, various genres and trends of art often intermingle...

Understanding Soundscapes and Composition Process

Introduction A soundscape is defined as either a collection of sound or a particular sound that emanates from a certain environment. In a number of instances, this may involve performance of that sound. It may also be necessary to record it is so as to create a certain sensation that...

The Works of Baroque Period

Abstract Baroque period is distinguished by the depiction of space and movement where expression was of great importance. Exaggeration and luxury are the major distinctions of that period that were revealed in painting as well. However, the Italian Painting of the early period illustrated the religious theme where an emotional...

A World of Art: Laylah Ali`s Paintings

This paper aims to analyze the works of such contemporary artist as Laylah Ali. She was born in New York in 1968. At the present moment, she lives in Williamstown, Massachusetts. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree in Williams College and later continued her studies at Washington University (Art...

“Wedding Crashers” Movie Converted to a Play

Synopsis The first act of the play will serve as an introduction to the characters of John and Jeremy. Accordingly, the essence of these characters will be shown before “crashing” Secretary Cleary’s wedding. The act will use the scenes shown in slides 2 and slides 3. The Act will begin...

A World of Art of the Renaissance Period

Introduction Analyzing art works of the renaissance period, the list of names of the most popular artists of that time would not be complete without Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo Buonarroti. David, which considered as one of Michelangelo’s most famous works, is a 5.17 m. marble statue depicting the biblical...

Performing Arts. Minton’s Playhouse Jazz Club

Introduction Jazz music is commonly thought of as naturally arising from the plantations of the South as black people gained their freedom and turned their sorrowful songs into celebration. However, this isn’t exactly how jazz got its start. It is true that jazz came into being as a musical genre...

Historical Art in Middle Ages and Classical Periods

Abstract In this paper two historical art periods are discussed and analyzed to establish their creativity as a continuation of the earlier time. Middle Ages historical art came before the Classical period. Their relations and similarities are also looked in to explain the purpose of continuity and deviation from their...

Renaissance and Baroque Epochs Analysis

The course of human history and the process of the development of human society may be schematically represented as the stairs, where each stair is a definite historical epoch. Such stairs or stages of the development are the Renaissance and Baroque. If the reasons for choice of these particular epochs...

“Dragonheart” by Rob Cohen Review Movie

The story about courageous knight and a dragon is a particular representation of how dreams come true. In this respect the vivid details of the story which leads everyone to the field of fairy tale are depicted with the purpose to show the reality of things. The paper is devoted...

A World of Art: Greek and Roman Masterpieces

Introduction Art is the product of human development and is one of the human peculiarities that differentiate human beings from animals. The peak of artistic skill and talent is rightfully considered to be the so-called Ancient epoch in the history of mankind, during which two major civilizations developed and left...

Banksy and Scott Wade: The Impromptu Artists

Most official art aficionados do not consider graffiti to be a recognized form of art, but they are missing something important and energetic that is occurring among the populations of the world as some graffiti is definitely qualified art. A case in point is the graffiti art of an artist...

Pierre-Augustus Renoir: A Famous French Artist

Introduction Pierre Auguste Renoir (1841-1919) was a famous French artist who was one of the major contributors to the Impressionist movement. The main focus of his art was to celebrate beauty in all its appearances, particularly as it was revealed in the female form. His life intersected with numerous other...

“Pieta” Painting by Sandro Botticelli

Introduction Art is a part of people’s life. People used to admire different pieces of art. Sculpture, paintings, architecture, music are all types of art which have different aims, main of which are entertainment and history review. All pieces of art give the viewers the understanding of the historical processes...

Political Science. Gus Van Sant’s “Good Will Hunting” Film

Introduction Poor socio-economic conditions are obvious within the lives of the main characters from the very beginning of the film as Will is picked up in an old car from a dilapidated house with a great deal of junk in front of it. These shifts to an Ivy League scene...

YouTube as a Microcinema: Maya Deren’s Art

People have always been interested in technologies that would make it possible to communicate with a great number of people. Nowadays new technologies distributing the arts allow individuals to personalize their input in the sphere of culture and arts. Technologies also provide artists with the new means of creating works...

Man Ray’s Photograms as Art

Man Ray, who was born in the USA is a Russian-Jewish emigrant, who became a prominent photographer in the 20-th century. He is being acknowledged to be one of the 25 influential artists of the 20-th century (Chilvers, 136). His versatile works fascinated people of that time and gave him...

Art History: Italian and American Paintings

Introduction Art history is examination of art objects, the process of their development and the description of their stylistic peculiarities such as design, look and genre. This branch covers study of masterpieces all around the world. Artists are ‘makers’ of art who embody the feelings and emotions of the environment...

Art History: Los Angeles Museums

Introduction I would like to discuss two museums that I am really interested in. Both are located in Los Angeles. First of all I would like to tell you my impressions about the Los Angeles County Museum of Art generally called LACMA that you can see on the picture, which...

Western Civilization: Renaissance Art and Architecture

Introduction Most people today recognize the term ‘Renaissance’ as meaning a specific time period in Western European culture. If they’re fairly decent with dates, they’ll remember it as a period that began around 1400 and ended in the 1600s, appearing earlier in the Italian city-states. The word actually means “rebirth”...

Carl Schulz’s Biography and Artworks

Introduction Carl Schulz represents the cohort of those artists, whose works are read with humor, or a cartoonist. They bring joy, lighten spirit and make reader consider perennial philosophical or moral issues like friendship and love. Charles Schulz is an inspiration in my career goals in the area of computer...

Riots & Premiers of “Ubu Roi” & “The Rite of Spring”

Introduction Two major premiers which have been observed in Paris in 1896 and 1913 caused real outburst of emotions. “Ubu Roi” by Alfred Jarry and “The Rite of Spring” by Igor Stravinsky are considered to be the greatest performances having been remembered in the history of theatre. The paper is...

Interpreting Art: Term Definition

Defining art can be one of the most difficult yet enjoyable tasks that any person can ever undertake. There are so many factors to consider, and so many different methods of artistic thought. Some say that art is an expression, but not everyone agrees that an expression is art 1....

Italian Neo-Realism: An Exclusive Film Genre

Introduction Italian neo-realism is a film genre is featured by stories of the people belonging to poor and working class, shot on position, regularly using amateur actors. Italian neo-realist movies frequently competed with the intricate financial and decent stipulations of post-World War II Italy, revealing the modifications in the Italian...

Petersen’s “Air Force One” and Reed’s “Down With Love”: Comparison

Air Force One Director: Wolfgang Petersen Release Date: 1997 Lead Actors: Harrison Ford, Dean Stockwell, Gary Oldman, and Glenn Close Plot: The president of the United States is en route to Miami, Florida after a state visit to the former Soviet Union to celebrate the capture of Khazak military dictator...

Ethnocentrism and Stereotypes in the Movie “Crash”

The movie Crash is a brutally honest film that depicts the harsh realities in today’s society. It tells of a convoluted story that shows how intertwined the lives are of people from all walks of life, from all kinds of races and cultures and value systems. Without shame nor apology,...

The Works of Auguste Rodin Analysis

Renowned, yet controversial 19th century French sculptor Auguste Rodin infused new life and direction into a dying art. His bronze and marble sculptures depicted the liveliness of spirit in inner human beings in two unique styles. ‘The Age of Bronze’ and the nude of St. John the Baptist gained him...

Arthur Bliss: An English Composer’s Life and Work

Biography Sir Arthur Bliss was until the time of his death a well respected and prominent English composer of the queen’s music. He was born as the eldest son on 2 August, 1891 in England. His mother was British but his father was of American origin that was by then...

Rococo, Interior Decorative Art

Such cultural and artistic phenomenon as rococo takes its origin in the eighteenth century France. The very word “rococo” is the blending of two words rocaille (which can be translated into English as “shell”) and Baroque (Kalnein, 44). Overall, this style can be characterized by elaborate ornamentation and asymmetry. Rococo...

Favorite Instrument on the Web: The Guitar

History and/or Manufacturers Guitars were invented in Spain, by the people of Malaga around the 15th century. Initially, it was a very small instrument with four pairs of strings each pair called a “course”. Two significant changes were made to the guitar in the Baroque period – double strings were...

Teaching Music in the Middle Schools

When signing up members into the intermediate choir, there are a number of vital aspects, which should be put into consideration. These are the aspects that will determine the level of commitment and the quality of the choruses from the choir members. It is crucial to look at the interest...

Popular Music. “West Side Story” Musical

When West Side Story burst upon the Broadway stage in 1957 it was the most unique musical of its time, bringing together a wide array of musical genres with different cultural roots to enhance a modern version of Romeo and Juliet with wonderfully blended orchestration and an inspired choreography. Following...

Ethnomusicology: Personal Statement

Introduction Emic and Etic are expressions widely used in the field of social sciences. Researchers continue to show disagreement when it comes to the use and definition of the two terms. The two terms were first used by Kenneth Pike in 1954. (James Lett 2008). He relates the cultural study...

Picture “Vatel” by Roland Joffe

The history of such a country as France is of special difficulty in this respect as far as this country has a specific history which closely related to the social changes and cultural development in the whole world. Thus, to understand better the peculiarities of the formation of the modern...

“The Last of the Mohicans” the Movie by Michael Mann

Introduction The Last of the Mohicans is a movie based on the book by James Fennimore Cooper and directed by Michael Mann. Russell Means plays the lead character. This film is set in the 1757 and the story revolves around Hawkeye, a white man raised as a Mohawk who falls...

Minorities Portraying in Movies

Movies comprise pictures in motion created either by recording images using cameras, animations, or special effects. Movies come in different kinds; dramas, actions movies, horrors, comedy, and action dramas and involve different characters. Movies are created by culture representing those cultures and, in turn, may affect those cultures. These movies...

Pair of Jeweled Bracelets: Object Analysis

The object selected for analysis is Pair of Jeweled Bracelets, 500-700. The object belongs to Byzantine art and probably was made in Constantinople. It is displayed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In general, the character of this art and the ideas underlying it are entirely opposed to the classical,...

“Stephen King On Why We Crave Horror Movies” Analysis

It has often been said that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”. A term that often refers to man’s fear of the dark due to not being able to see what lies ahead. This is perhaps also the reason why we, as intelligent beings, enjoy watching a good...

Hui main/Hec dies, 13th century by Motet

The motet Hui main/Hec dies represents the early medieval music and shows a unique combination of the musical; a palette of the period and the text. It is important to note that in this motet each voice has its own sharply marked characteristics. In the motet, the tenor melody is...

Art and Sociopolitical Comment. Daumier and James Marshall.

Daumier Daumier emerged in the late nineteenth century as a painter of the people and for the people. His paintings managed to capture the much deeper level with which he viewed his world. A close examination of his painting “Third Class Carriage” reveals how his painting technique reinforces his meaning....

The Looks of Hollywood at Technology

Introduction Hollywood of the 1980s reflected a unique understanding of technology and progress, military power and the nuclear age. The movies Terminator-1 (1984) and Blade Runner (1982) vividly reflect the image and unique perception of technology by film producers. The movies’ importance lies primarily in their imagined visual presentation of...

The Emergency of the American Independent Cinema

Introduction Independent Cinema is also known as the indie film is a film that is produced on a low budget and usually by a small film studio. In addition, the independent film refers to art films that are produced with little focus on commercial purpose and are usually distinct from...

Holocaust in “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas” Film

Genuinely interested in history, I have always found the period of World War II both intriguing and terrifying. Among hundreds of historical films on the matter, to my mind, “The boy in the striped pajamas” depicts the horror of the Holocaust most effectively. Educational, emotionally complex, and thought-provoking, it helps...

Motion Pictures: “Film/Genre” Book by Rick Altman

Introduction It is worth noting that theorists have long been trying to resolve the issue of inaccurate genre affiliation of motion pictures. The lack of a strict terminological base and the difficulty of categorizing movies led to the fact that the same film can be attributed to different and even...

Jazz and Politics: “The History of Jazz”

Jazz is an American musical art that originated at the beginning of the 20th century in African American communities as there was the connection of African and European music traditions. With the emaciation of slaves, there were new opportunities that were cared to African Americans in that they were allowed...

Marvin Gaye “What’s Going on” Album’s History

Introduction Marvin Gaye was born in Washington, D.C., on April 2, 1939 and he died on April 1, 1984 he used to sing as a child in church (Turner S, 1998 p.12). His father was a Pentecostal church minister and hence Marvin Gaye grew up listening to the music of...

Louis Spohr, a Conductor of the Nineteenth Century

Louis Spohr was a prolific German composer, violinist, and conductor at the beginning of the early nineteenth century (Weyer M, 1980). He was born in Brunswick in 1784 in Germany. Louis Spohr was considered to be one of the finest composers of his time. His parents were also musicians; his...

Violin Virtuoso Extraordinaire Vs. Yi-Jia Hou Concert

The current essay provides a critical account of two performances of classical music which I visited during the course. Based on the advice of my friends and information that I borrowed from various resources the first concert of classic music that I visited was the Violin Virtuoso Extraordinaire concert which...

Japanese Art. Hokusai’s “The Great Wave”

Introduction The Japanese artwork comprises of very many interesting features. Their products have been produced in a range of materials, which includes wood, clay, and paints. These have to give rises to outstanding art articles of national and international interests. These articles are careful and prudently made so as to...