The Design Principles on Harmony and Variety: “Mother and Child 2”

Any painting can be compared to a puzzle where a variety of elements, including colors, geometrical forms, texture, come together to create a holistic composition and give it interest. Simultaneously, harmony is the principle of design in which these elements are pleasantly combined and arranged. It always reflects the sublime...

Cave Drawings of Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc and Lascaux

Cave paintings are the oldest and most interesting source of knowledge about the cultural development of the past millennia. Each new image uncovered is an encouragement to a better understanding of the ancient world. The two remarkable finds, the murals in the Lascaux and Chauvet-Pont-d’Arc caves, are both the greatest...

Discussing the Family in Joe the King

Multiple systems recognition is essential for a proper understanding of any given situation. The movie Joe the King is an exceptional example of the interaction between the biological, psychological, and societal spheres of life. This work’s characters suffer from a diverse number of issues, which will be discussed in this...

Interrelationships Reflection in Art

Description In ancient times, art was even used as mental therapy; it was believed that under its influence, a person’s character, feelings are formed, psychological problems are healed. People get the opportunity to improve, develop spiritually, and find spiritual balance, harmony due to art. Some artists are inspired by the...

How Music Affects Juveniles

Introduction Music has remained a common source of advice and entertainment to millions of listeners across the globe. Individuals can rely on it to explore emotions, emerging ideas, and trends in their respective societies. Some young people identify music as a sign of expression and rely on it to acquire...

Basilica Julia and Temple of Divus Augustus

Basilica Julia and the Temple of Divus Augustus were two monumental structures situated near one another in the valley of the Roman Forum. At present, the remains of Basilica Julia contain some fragments of the floors and a column from its initial construction; Temple of Divus Augustus’ remains are unavailable....

Vietnamese Folklore Music of “Then”

The chanting of “Then”, also known as the “melody of god”, is a reflection of the religious life and spiritual activities of the Tay, Nung, and Thai ethnic groups from the mountain provinces of Northern Vietnam. Over time, UNESCO experts have proved that this music carries universal values that go...

The “Hand” Drawing by Charles White

For this assignment, I have decided to choose a painting by Charles White which is called “Hand.” This and other paintings of this artist can be found on the official website of Jerald Melberg Gallery that is situated in Charlotte, North Carolina. This painting was the one that attracted my...

The Influence of Henri Cartier-Bresson on Street Photography

Henri Cartier-Bresson once described photography in the following way: “For me, the camera is a sketchbook, an instrument of intuition and spontaneity the master of the instant which, in visual terms, questions and decides simultaneously.”1 True to his words, Cartier-Bresson came out as a unique photographer who used his camera...

“Rust Red Hills” by G. O’Keeffe: Inspiration Piece

Inspiration Piece Georgia O’Keeffe painted the work above in 1930, basing it on a New Mexico landscape near Abiquiu. It depicts a series of hills of different colors, though many of them, and the painting as a whole, take on a reddish tone. The hills appear to writhe slightly, giving...

Martha Rogers’s Theory and the Movie “The Sixth Sense” by Shyamalan

The theory of unitary human beings formulated by Martha Rodgers has played a very significant role in the discipline of nursing as well as many other disciplines. The introduction of the theory has transformed the field of nursing and the initial perception of healthcare. In today’s world, nursing is not...

“Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog” by Friedrich

Wanderer above the Sea of Fog is an oil painting by a German artist, Caspar David Friedrich, created in 1818. It depicts a young man standing back to the viewer at the precipice, observing mountain ranges that extend in front of him (Friedrich, 1818). He is wearing a long overcoat...

Design of Act IV Scene I of Shakespeare’s Macbeth Play

Introduction Macbeth is an interesting play to read as well as watch it being performed. Delving into Act IV Scene 1, which shows Macbeth not wanting to believe the reality of what the future holds for him. Even though the witches had revealed to him that he would be faced...

Las Meninas as a Model of Variation in the Author’s Perspective

Art provides the viewer, reader, or listener with a much deeper perspective than the eye meets. Images and scenes convey invisible motives that may be hidden under the original emotions. Diego Velazquez’s Las Meninas does not deviate from the tendency of mystery in the paintings, but rethinks it and reveals...

Symbolism of the “Bechdel Family” by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Literary works require consideration through the lens of various techniques used by their authors, and in the case of “Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic,” symbolism is essential. In the book, the author, Alison Bechdel, narrates about her childhood and relationship with her father with the use of a variety...

The Beatles’ Masterpiece: “Let It Be”

Music surrounds people from the day they are born. It triggers feelings and emotions, influencing mood, and sometimes acting as a pacifier. The lyrics accompanied by the tune are an incredible creation. Music significantly impacts peoples’ minds and sometimes represents a melody filled with lyrics and a sacred message. Such...

Romeo and Juliet Play at Globe Theater in 2019

The theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet at Globe Theater 2019 is a contemporary example of postmodern art. The proof of this statement is the mixture of styles shown to the audience. The modern theater is increasingly striving for experiments, and individual interpretations of certain directors are often expressed in...

Shakespeare’s The Tempest Directed by Gregory Doran

Introduction The Tempest is the title of the play watched; it was written by William Shakespeare and directed by Gregory Doran in the year 2016. It was produced by the Royal Shakespeare Company and held by it. The central driving force behind the production is its main character, Prospero. In...

Scandinavian Mythology: The Life of the God of Thunder Thor

In Scandinavian mythology, Thor is the god of thunder, rain, storms, and fertility. Thor always stood out among others, and on his eighth birthday, Odin gave Mjolnir, a hammer enchanted with extraordinary magic. However, he could get it when he proved that he was a worthy warrior. The way of...

Steen’s The Dissolute Household and Caravaggio’s Supper at Emmaus Paintings

The variety of themes, forms, and techniques used by artists throughout history is wide, and it can be argued that no two paintings by different artists are the same. Comparing and contrasting works of art that are thematically or visually similar reveals their true differences, which usually reflect variations in...

“Rust Red Hills” by Georgia O’Keeffe

Introduction Artists are the people whose relentless work has inspired others through centuries. No matter what genre one works in, it is hardly possible for a work of art to leave the viewer without any reaction. Be it positive or negative, there is always some feedback from the one contemplating...

Madonna as a Controversial Artist of the 20th Century

One of the prominent controversial artworks of the 20th century related to sexual revolution and women empowerment is a song called Like a Virgin performed by Madonna in 1984. The name of the song alone led to the establishment of versatile conversations and arguments in the conservative American society of...

Representation of Colombian Marginal Life in “The House of Maria Duque” by Botero

Introduction The quality of an artwork is hard to evaluate, and the importance of doing so may seem doubtful. In contemporary art history, a sort of agreement has formed upon the subjectivity of art perception, which does not establish the existence of a finite interpretation and allows the existence even...

Reflection on Photography: An Art Piece or Mass Entertainment?

Photography has become a true art like cinema, theatre, sculpture, and others. However, it has its own particularities: for example, it is possible to immortalize no more than a second, and there is no way to make any changes in the shot. What is more, it is necessary to mention...

“Kinky Boots” by Jerry Mitchell and Brett Sullivan

Kinky Boots is a show by Jerry Mitchell and Brett Sullivan about the shoe factory owner and a drag queen, who joins him and helps to save his business. Noteworthy is the fact that the Broadway show is based on real events. Despite the bright colors and songs in very...

Daphne Odjig Paintings: Art and Style

Introduction The problems of indigenous people in the context of the ethnic revival process activation, the spread of the ideas of multiculturalism as an integral characteristic of a modern legal state are gaining increasing political importance. In this regard, the experience of a country such as Canada, due to some...

Music Listening Journal Blog: Song Review

Life So Right “Life So Right” is a song written and performed by a talented young woman from Holland, Mariska Baars. She has been singing since 2002 under the pseudonym “Soccer Committee.” Almost all of her songs, including “Life So Right” belong to the genre of lowercase. This music genre...

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” by Verbinski

“Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” represents a unique piece of work with an outstanding actor play, immaculate special effects and tricks, breathtaking scenes, and numerous aspects to consider. The movie is one of my favorites since it is an excellent combination of different genres and, in addition to...

Cher’s Live Performance “Dressed to Kill Tour” at the BB&T Center

Introduction Lately, live music events have become very popular and almost every artist is striving to give their audience value for their money. The current demand for live music events seems to overwhelming the industry players. All the same, it is evident that live music gives the audience more thrill...

“Woman with a Veil” (La Velata) by Raphael

One of the most prominent principles used in Woman with a Veil is balance. The composition of the painting is symmetrical, with the woman’s face being the focal point, and her figure and hands creating a vaguely triangular shape. This composition creates a sense of serenity. Another important principle that...

Pablo Picasso’s “The Old Guitarist” and the Concept of Life Journey

Every person is faced with a creative or professional crisis at some stage in their life. The nature of these events is diverse, as well as their further influence on individual development. The Old Guitarist by Pablo Picasso has influenced my personal life and career, as it symbolizes the movement...

Difference Between Hearing and Listening to Music

Music has a unique way of conveying feelings, emotions, and even stories, regardless of the country and language of a person who listens to it. Various techniques and methods allow a composer to transfer mood and feeling so that the listener can perceive and understand it. However, most people hear...

The Challenge of the American Dream in Cinematography

Introduction The American dream paints a picture of material success created from hard work regardless of birth status. The perceived ability to be successful, in a material sense, drives the actions of the main character of the Western McCabe & Mrs. Miller and the Drama Midnight Cowboy. In both films,...

Hip-Hop Musical Impact on the World

Introduction Hip-hop is a musical genre and part of a wider culture of hip-hop. The hip-hop culture has several hallmarks to its characteristics; they include rapping, emceeing, freestyling, scratching among other attributes. Its origin can be traced back to rapping in 1970 Southern side of Bronx, New York. Rapping is...

Tracey Emin as a Post-modernist Feminist Artist

Introduction Tracey Emin is a well know feminist artist of the late 20th century and she is ambidextrous in the field of art. Her versatile genius covers a wide range of artistic mediums like Films, Installations, and Found objects, Fabric, Neon, Photography, Painting, sculpture and Monoprints. She is also a...

Pipilotti Rist’s Controversial Artworks

Introduction Pipilotti Rist has been very significant in video art and installation media. She started making super eight films while she was still studying in college. Her works are generally very short lasting very few minutes and they usually have a lot of alterations in speed, sound and coloration. She...

“The Green Mile” by Frank Darabont

The current essay is aimed to analyze the psychological background of the movie by Frank Darabont, based on Stephen King’s novel with the same name. The story tells about the people who appeared in Louisiana’s Cold Mountain Penitentiary, in the domain of sentenced to death criminals. This domain was called...

Protagonist in the “Run Lola Run” Film

Introduction Run Lola Run was a 1998 film directed by Tom Tykwer (Smith 94). The film stars Franka Potente (Lola) and Moritz Bleibtreu (Manni) as the main characters. The film basically represents a life-threatening scenario that has three sets of endings. The main elements evident in the film are turning...

Chinese Painting in Shi Tao`s “Hua Yulu”

Introduction Working on this assignment I have gotten deeper into the gist of Chinese landscape painting solely on the example of Shitao. The overall analysis of features discussed in his Huayu Lu helps in delineating particular points in the style of painting. Further still it is quite clear to me...

Setting Description Within a Dramatic Plot

The delicious restaurant is situated on a very busy street in the town center. On its left-hand side is a mosque and on the right an entertainment club which makes no apologies for the loud noise it makes every evening. It is relatively large compared to the restaurants within its...

“Frederic Chopin: A Guide to Research” by W. Smialek

Introduction Music is one of the finest art forms that the mankind has ever created. It allows people express their emotions and reflect the whole beauty of the surrounding world. However, research in music would be impossible without another art form – literature. In this paper, I will present the...

Elvis Presley’s Influence on Music

Elvis Aaron Presley an immensely talented American artist gained extreme popularity at a point in time as a vocalist, actor, and musician. His popularity made him frequently known just as “Elvis” amongst his huge fan base. Titles such as “The King of Rock ‘n’ Roll” and “The King” (Marsh, 176)...

Turkish Musical Instruments in Classical and Contemporary Music

Introduction Variations in music for every region or locality render identity. Contemporary music has emerged as a mixture of influences from popular to the most minor of ethnic groups so that from time to time, interesting and easily acceptable tunes could become global success in the music industry. This can...

Development of Harpsichord and Piano

Harpsichords are keyboard instruments with strings played by plucking mechanisms whereas pianos are keyboard instruments whose sounds are produced when struck by hummers controlled by the keyboard. Over the years, the refinement of the instruments has involved many technologies for instance; the making of strings, hammers, plucking mechanisms, action wires,...

Pablo Picasso’s “The Three Dancers” Painting

At the beginning of the 20th century, the machine age and the perfection of the photograph had reduced the prestige of art as a unique form of expression. In reaction to the concept that art offered no greater means of expression than the simple representation of the external world, artists...

“Vagabond” Film Directed by Agnes Varda

Introduction The film” Vagabond” or its French title is “Sans Toit ni Loi” begins with the discovery of a woman’s body which is found covered in frost. This character is seen as the central character of the film as her journey as a vagabond is traced throughout the film. An...

“Downfall” by Oliver Hirschbiegel

The movie Downfall directed by Oliver Hirschbiegel is considered to be the historical reflection of the Third Reich epoch and disclosing the Hitler’s last days. The aspects of morality and responsibility described in the movie can be perceived as the kind of link between German history and present days. The...

The Developing of Keyboard Sonatas Through the Works of Joseph Haydn

Music is an important part of human life. People listen to music for different purposes. Some people find calmness and relax with the music, others are excited with it, some people listen to the music to find the answers to their questions, and the rest just enjoy good melodies and...

Kikujirô No Natsu (Kikujiro) by Takeshi Kitano Review

Kikujirô no Natsu or Kikujiro (International Title) is a Japanese movie that describes the tale of a young boy’s search for his mother through his summer vacation diary. Released in 1999, the movie was written and directed by Takeshi Kitano, a Japanese filmmaker. He also plays the key role in...

“Maurice” by James Ivory: Film Outline and Symbols

Introduction Maurice was written by E.M. Forster during 1913/1914. But the novel was published posthumously only in 1971. It calls for emotional and sexual sincerity in the time of moralizing and repressions in British society. The protagonist comes to age as a homosexual, subtle and rich person, looking ordinary, but...

The Vienna Philharmonic Summer Night Concert 2009

Music is the other world, where people think about nothing but the sounds they hear, feel nothing, but the surrounding atmosphere and see nothing, as music fulfills all the soul and person can percept nothing else. Classical music is absolutely different from modern music as classical music is immortal, a...

Analysis of Arts of 20th Century

Hans Hofmann was an abstract artist who transformed the art world due to the way he synthesized the traditional methods of painting with the new avant-garde ideas regarding the philosophy of painting. His work was based to a great degree upon the earlier works of famous Modern painters such as...

Function of Drama in the Ancient World

Dramatic art has been subjected to various changes during its process of development. It has been identified that dramatic art has thousands of year’s history that takes birth in Athens. Some of the studies elucidate, “Between 600 and 200 BC, the ancient Athenians created a theatre culture whose form, technique...

Portraits of Paganini, Napoleon, Marie-Antoinette and Countess Tournon

‘Paganini’ by Delacroix and ‘Napoleon in his Study’ by Jacques-Louis David In comparing the portraits Paganini by Delacroix and Napoleon in his Study by Jacques-Louis David are full-figure portraits, but the resemblance ends there. While the propaganda portrait of Napoleon is brighter and has more detail, the portrait of Paganini...

Federico Fellini Films Analysis

Cinematography is a rather complicated type of art. The film is the imaginary reality, which is created to give people some useful information, to give food for thoughts or just to entertain. The film industry is very popular among people. People watch films for different purposes, the main of which...

American Film Comedy. Slapstick Genre

The slapstick genre of comedy’s roots can be traced from the double paddle which when struck the other performer produced an amazingly big sound but only a small amount of actual discomfort. The male performers traditionally wielded this instrument and it is said to have evolved from a symbolic phallus...

Music Industry and Information Technology

Introduction For starters, the word ‘music’ can be defined as an art form involving organized sounds and silence, expressed in terms of pitch, quality, and rhythm. Since time immemorial, music has been used as the medium of choice by many to “calm the soul of the wounded beast’, as it...

Shakespeare’s & Zeffirelli’s “Taming” and “Romeo & Juliet”

Comparing and analyzing the two films directed by Franco Zeffirelli: “The Taming of the Shrew” (1967) and “Romeo and Juliet” (1968), one may point that both of them are based on William Shakespeare’s same name works and are devoted to the motives of the history. Both films were released successfully...

Animated Cartoons: Term Definition and History

Although it is widely believed by many art historians, that animated cartoons appeared only in the twentieth century, it should be mentioned that even two thousand years ago people succeeded in creating moving pictures. Certainly, the advent of animated cartoon is closely connected with the arrival of cinematography. Animation, being...

Steve McCurry’s Photography “Afghanistan Girl”

Looking at Steve McCurry’s picture of a twelve–year–old girl, who fled her native country, Afghanistan, in 1983 for a Pakistan’s refugee camp, the viewer becomes amazed and deeply touched by the girl’s haunting eyes, her tattered and ragged clothes that tell the viewer about her plight position and disparity. In...

Art Appreciation: Alfred Stieglitz’s Photography

Alfred Stieglitz spent his life in photography just to credit it as a compelling form of art. At these ages, photography was disregarded as a form of art since it was believed that art was not made by machines but was done by work of hands. He tried to imply...

“Stephen King On Why We Crave Horror Movies” Analysis

It has often been said that “There is nothing to fear but fear itself”. A term that often refers to man’s fear of the dark due to not being able to see what lies ahead. This is perhaps also the reason why we, as intelligent beings, enjoy watching a good...

Marie Antoinette by Sofia Coppola Review

The movie Marie Antoinette was screened and directed by Sofia Coppola. The uniqueness of the movie is that it depicts the early years of Marie Antoinette and her relations with her husband, Louis XVI. The movie portrays that it was a chance that bound Louis, whilst still only half a...

The Biography of Diane Arbus

Introduction Diane Arbus was a US based photographer who used still photography, essentially black and white to bring out the diversity and travesty of life. Her subjects were ordinary citizens, fringe society members such as prostitutes, dwarfs, transvestites and other people who did not exactly keep to the mainstream society....

Italian Renaissance: Art and Architecture

Italian Renaissance is well known for its cultural and societal achievements which took place between 14th to 16th centuries and initiated from Tuscany, thereby affecting the Greek and Roman culture. However the mid 15th century is considered to be as a true and prominent renaissance era. Innovators of the Italian...

‘I’m On Fire’ by Bruce Springste

First recorded in February 1982 and later showcased in 1985, ‘I’m on Fire’ became the fourth single released on Bruce Springsteen’s legendary album ‘Born in the USA.’ Springsteen’s ‘workman’ brand to rock music has solidified ‘The Boss’ as one of the greatest rock artists of all time, and very few...

“Letter From an Unknown Woman” the Movie by Max Ophüls

Introduction Modern movies are characterized by a number of techniques and features like unpredictable camera movements or lighting that attract attention and fascinate a viewer. Several decades ago, filmmakers did not have access to such a variety of options and followed the standards, including effective camera shots and definite camera...

Ermias “Nipsey Hussle” Asghedom and His “Crenshaw”

Rapping plays a significant role in US culture because it has a huge number of fans. In their texts, artists tend to reflect on the current issues and contemporary situation in the country. Sometimes, rappers become well-known for their contribution to the local neighborhoods. Nipsey Hussle was not only one...

“Close” the Photography by Martin Stranka

“Close” by Martin Stranka The process of art creation is complicated due to the search for exciting ideas for a message an artist can convey. The present works of well-known photographers inspire other people to create pieces of art to show their perception of the original idea. Philosophical concepts are the...

The “Battle Royale” Film’s Main Ideas

Readings: Summary The notion of dystopia has been a popular setting for thrillers since the 20th century. The specified environment allows expressing some of the greatest concerns about social tensions, thus prompting ideas for resolving ongoing conflicts. Kinji Fukasaku’s Battle Royale is one of the movies that mask its social...

Ancient Greece at the Met: Bronze Man and Centaur

Example The culture of Ancient Egypt represents one of the earliest attempts at identifying a man’s place in the grand scheme of the universe and compartmentalizing the phenomena and objects comprising the environment. The “Bronze Man and Centaur” statuette as a piece of art representing the specified era is a...

Neorealism Elements in “The Color of Paradise” Film

Filmmakers all around the world try to convey their messages by using different techniques and choosing various topics. The era of Neo Realism is characterized by highlighting the problems of ordinary people, shooting scenes in genuine surroundings, using non-professional actors, and improvisation (Konewko 25). The movie The Color of Paradise...

The Godfather: Management Style Analysis

Introduction Lessons one can learn about leadership or styles of management are in wide availability within the modern media. The different ways in which organizations are now led have been subjects to multiple movies or TV series that depict main characters dealing with important business issues. The Godfather (1972) is...

Cultural Differences and Stereotypes in “Coffee and Cigarettes” by Jim Jarmusch

Intercultural communication is a process during which people gain new perception experiences. Still, numerous cultural patterns and stereotypes can impede the clarity and effectiveness of intercultural communication. Besides, when participants are not paying attention to the non-verbal messages they are sending or lack the verbal culture, communication may not take...

“O Brother, Where Art Thou?” the Film by Joel Coen

Introduction Following its release to theaters in 2000, it did not take long for the film O Brother, Where Art Thou? (directed by Joel Coen) to attain a critically acclaimed status. As of today, it is often referred to in terms of a “cult movie”. This implies that there is...

Mash-Up Technique in Art

A mash-up technique as an approach to art creation provides a lot of opportunities for an artist to use existing materials and rearrange their parts, thus reinterpreting reality. The advancement of technology and popular culture, as well as the development of media editing software, “have enabled a paradigmatic shift in...

Music Listening: “Say a Little Prayer“ Song by Bacharach & David

“I Say a Little Prayer” is written by Burt Bacharach and Hal David. The genre of the song is pop, but it can be called soul too. The song is about a woman praying for her husband who is fighting in Vietnam. It is very lovely and romantic, and the...

Visual Art Creation and Reflection

Introduction The inspiration that comes from observing works of art is the driving force that stimulates creativity and allows one to better understand the nature of the human thought. In order to express an idea, people often resort to visual images that can awaken different emotions and feelings. The aim...

Johnny Cash’s Life and Musical Career

Introduction Even with today’s popularity of eclecticism, not many artists can mix five genres in one song and fewer have done so repeatedly and with staggering popularity. Rock and roll, rockabilly, blues, folk, and gospel cannot be further apart. This unlikely melange of sounds is precisely what made Johnny Cash...

Mozart’s Requiem Mass: Exploring Music History

Introduction Requiem is the last uncompleted work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, the prominent composer, and a funeral mass written in the canonical Latin text. The writing was finished by the disciple of Mozart, mainly by Franz Xaver Süssmayer. Requiem is one of Mozart’s most famous works, the creation history of...

“The Reflecting Pool” Video Art by Bill Viola

Throughout his career as a video artist, Bill Viola has created numerous single-channel videos and installations focused on exploring viewers’ inner spirituality and influencing deep levels of consciousness. His work has been deeply affected by the scholarly studies of Western and Eastern art, religion, and philosophy. While Viola’s current use...

Bob Marley’s “Running Away” Song Performed by Monty Alexander

Introduction First and foremost I would like to say that while I am a fan of jazz music I prefer the smooth jazz sounds of artists such as Vijay Iyer and Tom Harell rather than the work of the Monty Alexander Trio. This is not me disparaging their work rather...

South Africa Spotlight in Neill Blomkamp’s Movies

Introduction Although Neil Blomkamp’s movies were relatively successful with regard to their box offices, the critics’ attention was also drawn to the depiction of Africans and Bantu Immigrants. The director himself pointed out that he did not aim to depict the population of South Africa in derogatory terms, but it...

Christian Symbolism and Imagery in “The Matrix” Film

Check out our essay sample on The Matrix symbolism. Learn more about what symbolism in The Matrix represents by reading our sample! Symbolism in The Matrix Essay Introduction The Matrix is a film, which depicts the condition of the world in the view of civilization in terms of machinery and...

Dale Chihuly and His Glass Artwork Style

Dale Chihuly, the artist According to Taragin (13), Dale Chihuly is reputable for enhancing the change of glass art gallery from their original premise of solemn studio environment to better establishments where the lifestyle of the art world involves the collaborative endeavors and dissection of workforces within a creative procedure....

Realist and Impressionist Paintings in 1850-88

Introduction This essay discusses the changing representations of work between 1850 and 1888. Five pieces of art have been used to illustrate these periods while placing each work firmly within its social and historical context. The Stone Breakers by Gustave Courbet (1850) In the painting depicting two laborers, one youthful...

Music During the Vietnam War: An Intangible Weapon

American music during the 1960s decade was often associated with the combat zone and the military. Songs were mirroring the nation’s current mood, reflecting common pain, disapproval, and lack of conformity with the political decisions the leaders of the country were taking. Although this music was initially written to express...

Kathe Kollwitz’s “Death and the Mother” Painting

Art for Art’s Sake Because of the specific aesthetics and the incredible expressivity, every single piece of art by Kathe Kollwitz breaks the well-known idea about the impersonality of art. Because of the shades of meaning and the hidden suffering which her pictures are shot through with, every single painting...

“Physiological Diagram” Artwork by Andy Warhol

The artwork that I selected for this assignment was created by Andy Warhol in the middle of the 1980s (1984-1985) and titled Physiological Diagram. This piece is a synthetic polymer paint on canvas. It was produced as a part of Physiological Diagram series, which presupposes that it is tightly connected...

Film Festivals and Awards Effect on Cinematography

The early era of cinematography was shaped by striving to achieve success in terms of creating masterpieces that are unique and precious. However, gradually, the primary priorities of creators involved in the film industry have shifted in favor of material profit. The contemporary cinematography is most known not for its...

The Film “We Bought a Zoo” and Single Parenting Issues

We Bought a Zoo is a 2011 comedy-drama film that follows the life of a single-parent family aiming to start a new life after the passing of the mother. The father, Benjamin Mee, faces many sociological issues throughout the film, including dealing with his loss and the pressure from the...

John Wick: Defying Stereotypical Action Men

While there are dozens of new action films that reach movie theater screens each year, none of the recent pieces of cinematography has gotten as much praise as John Wick and John Wick: Chapter 2 starring Keanu Reeves as the protagonist. For the sake of a detailed analysis, this paper...

The Fifth Element: Gender and Sexuality in Cinema

Introduction The topics of sexuality and gender have been extensively explored by researchers in the last two decades. Indeed, the universally known and accepted notions of cinema and sex have developed in tandem, affecting society’s perceptions about sexuality, sexual identity, gender roles, social behavior, and politics. Furthermore, these notions have...

Gil Scott-Heron’s Influence on Modern Hip-Hop Music

Introduction Gil Scott-Heron can be reasonably called one of the most influential artists of all time, and he will always be remembered as one of the individuals who spoke freely and put their soul and mind into their music (Vincent 27). More to say, Scott-Heron was not only a godfather...

The Ambassadors Painting by Hans Holbein

Introduction The Ambassadors painting is one of the most famous and meaningful works of Hans Holbein. It is a double portrait depicting French ambassador Jean de Dinteville and bishop Georges de Selve. They wanted a biographical portrait and described in detail all the elements and parts of the future masterpiece....

The Sundance Film Festival and Its Influence

Introduction It is necessary to say that the Sundance Film Festival is one of the most known events that are focused on independent movies. The fact that it is frequently discussed all over the world should not be disregarded, and its influence can be described as tremendous. Another aspect that...

Art and Community Participation and Interaction

Introduction Artists supersede the adage that your reward is what you spend your money to purchase. Artists remain underfed and cities are losing their ballet, opera, and other artistic works to crows that pick up cultural remnants. A contribution to creativity in art is the evolution towards contemporary art (Markusen...

Johann Sebastian Bach’s Biography

Johann Sebastian Bach is a name that comes up among the first when it comes to naming the most important musicians in human history. Despite this, during his lifetime Bach was mostly regarded as a famous organist, not as a composer. He has worked with some of the established musical...

Duke Ellington: Jazz Legend and Music Innovator

There are people in the history of music whose names represent a whole epoch. Duke Ellington is one of such personalities – a man whose talent was rare, whose improvising abilities were admired, and whose legacy continues to excite jazz lovers all over the world. Ellington’s brilliant technique, his bright...

“Vitruvian Man” and “Salvator Mundi” by Da Vinci

Introduction In Vitruvian Man, Leonardo Da Vinci presents a carefully studied illustration of human anatomy. Leonardo studied human anatomy as an artist as well as a scientist and philosopher. His treatment of art was not restricted to aesthetics and beauty, but it represented medium to search for a higher truth....

“Jerry Maguire” a Film by Cameron Crowe

Introduction People are social beings that live in a certain community and move together to attain success and contribute to the further evolution. In this regard, the efficient cooperation between all individuals could be considered a key to the existence of a certain society. However, this cooperation is impossible without...

“Catch Me If You Can” a Film by Steven Spielberg

Introduction The life and adventures of Frank Abagnale were portrayed in the film Catch Me If You Can by Steven Spielberg. The movie was released in 2002. It represented the biographical and the detective genre. The aim of this essay is to analyze the plot of the film and to...

Modern Film Version of “Hamlet” by Shakespeare

Various attempts are made to create a modern version of Shakespeare’s Hamlet. However, it is also important to retain the original emotional and moral conflicts explored by the author. The Royal Shakespeare Company’s adaptation directed by Gregory Doran achieves this goal due to the excellent cast of actors and camera...

A History of Disney Feature Animation

Introduction The part of Disney’s unique status in film and animation industry is its appeal to the audiences of different and preferences. Everyone familiar with Disney movies can always find something for themselves and interoperates it in a different manner. Moreover, many of the movies and animations live from generation...

How Do Works of Literature Differ from Works of Visual Art?

There are a number of aspects in works of literature that are completely different from visual arts. To begin with, the appealing nature of visual art is higher than the works of literature. Any form of visual art is also unique. Works of literature refer to all forms of artworks...

“Lara Croft: Tomb Raider”

Tomb Raider is not a typical video game. Tomb Raider is a phenomenal success story within the video game industry. However, Tomb Raider’s popularity transcended the world of digital entertainment. It is a good example of a game that went beyond the confines of the TV monitor, personal computer, and...

Fireproof by Stephen Kendrick – Film Study

Fireproof is a 2008 chef-d’oeuvre film directed by Stephen Kendrick. The movie explores different family attributes, but the overriding theme is on marriage and divorce. The contemporary marriage institution is constantly faced with numerous challenges, which ultimately lead to divorce. In the movie, Fireproof, Caleb’s marriage is replete with conflict...

Arthur Miller’s Play “The Crucible”

Arthur Miller’s play “The Crucible” is set in Salem, the 17th-century American society, characterized by religious austerity. Due to the strictness of religious laws, adherence to Puritanism enables one to maintain reputable moral and social standing. Major characters such as, Reverend Parris and Elizabeth, are too keen on maintaining a...

The Play “Don Juan of Seville” by Tirso de Molina

Don Juan is considered to be the most famous and even legendary libertine, the affairs of whom have been described by many authors during different periods of time. This personality was a real genius, who was able to seduce any woman any time. He got unbelievable pleasure while fighting with...

The Color Wheel Move Critique

Introduction Directed by Alex Ross Perry in 2011, the movie The Color Wheel fits well within the confines of the French New Wave films. The movie chronicles sibling war between a sister and brother on their way to Boston from Pennsylvania. The French New Wave aspects portrayed in this film...

Music of the 20th Century and Beyond

Introduction This paper is an analysis of two musical pieces from the classical and electronic music periods. The focus will be made to identify why these musical pieces fit into the classical and electronic music categories. A definition of the musical eras will be done, alongside an analysis of how...

Edward Zwick’s “Blood Diamond” Movie Analysis Essay

This “Blood Diamond” analysis essay is focused on the movie’s moral lessons, ethical issues, and themes such as imperialism. Feel free to read our “Blood Diamond” movie analysis for inspiration.  Introduction The movie Blood Diamond is a political story that perfectly resonates with the African context. Produced in 2006 by...

Michael Sweerts’ “Head of a Woman” Painting Review

Descriptive Element Created in the mid-1600s in Italy by the artist, Michael Sweerts; the Head of a Woman can be considered as a unique representation of the artistic styles of the era. The reason behind such an assertion is connected to the fact that the subject was a poor woman...

The Film “Die Hard’

Introduction Over the last few years, the entertainment industry has gone through exponential growth. The film industry is among the ever-expanding industries across the entire globe. The rate at which movies are churned out today transcends the production ceilings that could only be envisioned only a few years back. This...

“Paris Street: Rainy Day” by Gaustave Caillebotte

To see the Paris of the 1870ies, there is no need to travel back in time; all that it takes is to see Caillebotte‘s Paris Street: Rainy Day. In fact, the picture itself looks as if it was taken with the help of a camera completely by chance and, thus,...

The Breakfast Room by Pierre Bonnard

Pierre Bonnard was a French painter. He was born in 1867. The painter lived a long life and created a lot of works. He traveled a lot and had a number of exhibitions. The Breakfast Room is one of his most known paintings. It was created in 1930-1931. The painting...

The Art of Mesoamerica

The tendency to fulfill a row of important of public utility functions including system of communication, being material wealth, displaying one’s power, and expressing religious beliefs through the art works can be well explored in the art of Mesoamerica. This phenomenon is observed throughout centuries in different Mesoamerican cultures such...

Privatization of Public Spaces in Urban Design

Introduction Public spaces may easily be attributed to governance planning and design, although most often than not, have been criticized for failing to consider many aspects of reality: human existence and sustainability, environmental concerns, and other spoken and otherwise contempt for such failures. It is to be understood that public...

Theory of Modern Art

Matisse- Notes of a painter Matisse tries to expose the fact that art cannot be clearly expressed in its pictorial form, without essentially encompassing the artist’s thoughts (in its entirety). In other words, it is increasingly difficult for him to express all his inner thoughts in a painting. In this...

Kat Stratford from The 10 Things I Hate About You Film

Plot At the center of the film’s plot is Kat Stratford, whose last name is a reference to Shakespeare. Unlike her younger sister Bianca, she is not popular at school, so she has to protect herself from the increased attention of guys. She has to go on dates to control...

Culture in the “Guernica” Painting by Pablo Picasso

As a form of still art, painting might be seen not as fully representative of the complexity and multi-dimensionality of culture. However, the specified impression is quite misleading, as Picasso’s “Guernica” proves strikingly well. Beafutifully capturing the chaos and horror that engulfed Italy as the city of Guernica was bombed,...

Interpersonal Conflict: Marvel Cinematic Universe

The conflict between Tony Stark and Steve Rogers in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is a classic example of interpersonal conflict. The conflict situation arises when their differing opinions on government oversight of the Avengers lead to a rift in their friendship and a physical confrontation between the two characters. Tony...

The 1983 Film “Sugar Cane Alley” by Euzhan Palcy

Introduction The 1983 film “Sugar Cane Alley” looks into the past, which allows one to understand the difficulties of everyday life in the French colony. An uncomplicated plot gives a rather deep insight into the adversities, joys, and problems of black people forced to work on sugar cane plantations. The...

Artworks of The Pérez Art Museum in Miami

Introduction While exposure to the art world is essential, its genuine understanding is impossible without deep reflection on the basis of acquired knowledge. The current paper was created after visiting The Pérez Art Museum in Miami, and two works of art, a painting and a sculpture, were chosen for research...

The “Pleasantville” Film by Gary Ross

Gary Ross is responsible for writing, co-producing, and directing the American teen fantasy comedy-drama film Pleasantville, released in 1998. The plot revolves around two siblings trapped in a television show from the 1950s that takes place in a fictional Midwestern town populated by seemingly ideal citizens (Chitwood, 2022). Although they...

Interpretation of the “Shattered Glass” Film

The goals of journalism include highlighting current news, informing citizens, and covering recent events. People want to believe that they access interesting and, what is more important, credible material in the local media. In their turn, writers, editors, and other experts create institutions that study the world and decide on...

Gala-Concert of Astana Opera Discussion

The piece chosen for analysis is the Opening Gala by Astana Opera, a Kazakh national organization. This music concert was performed in 2013, and at the moment, Astana Opera had been established recently, so the Opening Gala presents the first massive demonstration of the musicians’ collective. Moreover, the Opening Gala...

The Painting “And Life Anew” by Rita Kernn-Larsen

The painting is named “And Life Anew.” and was created by Rita Kernn-Larsen in 1940. It is an oil on canvas painting that measures 26 7/8 x 20 7/8 inches or 68.3 x 53 cm (Detroit Institute of Art, n.d.). The painting is a naturalistic landscape view that shows the...

Bill Maher’s Religulous Film Analysis

Religion certainly plays a vital role in the life of the world community. It is not only a mechanism for connecting each person with spirituality but also carries a whole background of beliefs and values that integrate the individual into the community and differentiate 894o5-0pfrom others. However, the influence of...

Tyler Perry’s Contribution to the Growth of the Film Industry in Atlanta

Introduction Tyler Perry, a black Atlanta filmmaker, and producer, has significantly contributed to the growth of the film industry in the city. The filmmaker has a 330-acre studio from which he has made many films and series for the Atlanta industry. Tyler Perry has employed hundreds of people, including producers,...

Artwork Collections in the Museum of Contemporary Art

Introduction I visited the Museum of Contemporary Art North Miami 22nd of November 2022 at twelve-thirty in the afternoon. I was amazed by several artistic works displayed in the facility. Some artistic works date back many years, while others date as recently as 2020. Additionally, culinary and visual arts are...

Jazz Music as Reflection of Social Injustices

Summary During the civil rights movement, jazz music took a decidedly political tone to undertake an active role in the fight for civil rights. Jazz music provided soundtracks used in most liberation movements by utilizing vocal arrangements to create sound expressing injustices against marginalized African Americans, acting as a force...

The “Magic Flute” by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Introduction Music plays a massive role in every person’s life, as it is a means of self-expression and can help to cope with difficult moments of life and fully experience happy ones. Classical instrumental works are particularly important, as their depth and permeation with various feelings and emotions are unique....

The Starry Night Painting by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh, in his classical painting titled Starry Night, created one of the most brilliant paintings globally. Contemporary culture centralizes this artistic work as a great masterwork of history (Art in Context Para 4). Van Gogh’s painting can be understood from numerous perspectives of social orbs since the image...

The Analysis of Three Films

Introduction In Love is Never Silent play, set during the Great Depression, entails a young lady who battles her longing for freedom and her responsibility to take care of her deaf parents. A friend tells her that she must seek happiness on her while in turmoil (“Love Is Never Silent”)....

The Style in “The Grand Budapest Hotel”

Introduction The director’s commitment to strict symmetry explains the many orthogonal lines in the frame’s construction. Diagonal compositions, camera movements, and camera deviations from the horizon are almost not found in the film. A limited fictional world in which the strict arrangement of objects and people is practically a fundamental...

David Sculptures by Michelangelo, Donatello & Bernini

Introduction: David Sculpture by Michelangelo From my perspective, David’s sculpture by Michelangelo defines the timeline of the narrative’s events before the battle. In contrast to the other two sculptures, Michelangelo’s David exhibits a more subdued emotion (Barry, 2020). Therefore, I can conclude that the physical orientation of this David, in...

Same Song, Different Styles: Musical Elements Analysis

Throughout its entire existence, music has performed many functions in people’s lives. It is intended not only for entertainment but also for education and development. With one type of music, a person rejoices and relaxes, while with the other feels complicated emotions and reflects on both personal and general social...

Rock ‘n’ Roll’s Impact on Racial Integration

Rock’ n’ Roll influenced racial acceptance in the United States in the 1950s, even though it is commonly blamed for worsening segregation. The idea that Rock n’ Roll contributed to segregation stems from the emphasis on the African-American origin of this genre. As many Americans in the 1950s acquainted themselves...

Fiction Analysis: The Exposition in “Avatar”

Introduction The exposition in “Avatar” begins with the presentation of the main character, Jake Sully – a military officer who is permanently wheelchair-bound due to an injury. He has enrolled in a special program designed to help humanity communicate with the native population of the planet Pandora – the Na’vi....

Style and Function in Art: Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring

The work of art I have selected for the discussion is Johannes Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring, which I have reviewed on the website of Mauritshuis museum. When I saw the painting for the first time, it appeared quite simple, but my interest grew the more I observed Vermeer’s...

Show-Don’t-Tell in Mise-en-Scene of “Psycho”

Introduction Alfred Hitchcock is an undeniably unparalleled master of cinematography, with countless movies representing the techniques that were groundbreaking at the time. However, it is the perfection of the mise-en-scene that should be placed among the crowning achievements of Hitchcock’s mastery. His incredible skill and massive contribution to the development...

The “Hamilton” Musical and Its Significance

Introduction In 2020, a video version of the acclaimed Broadway musical Hamilton was released on Disney+. It was invented by the actor, singer and composer Lin-Manuel Miranda – and he also played the main role. The plot is based on a real biography of an American politician, reformer and finance...

Branagh’s Adaptation of Much Ado About Nothing by Shakespeare

Summary Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare has influenced many generations of dramatists and filmmakers. Most of the classic works or films inspired by the play attempted to resemble the original work as closely as possible and added a little variation to the existing topics. Shakespeare’s work explored love...

Latin American Protest Music of the 1960-70s

Music has a long history of being instrumentalized as a way to initiate change and unite people under the umbrella of a shared struggle or idea. Latin American protest music of the 1960-70s can be a shining example of this way of employing music culture in a fight for social...

Life and Eternity Through the Prism of Artworks

To understand the hidden meanings of artwork, a consideration of history, technics, and the author’s biography might be helpful. For my analysis, I chose two works of art, a painting and a poem. I chose The Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone by Thomas Moran. A famous American painter, Thomas Moran,...

Italian Futurism and Fauvism Analysis

Futurism is an art style that originated in Italy during the early twentieth century. It is typically described as an homage to the technological and industrial development of the time. It is important to understand the term Industrial Revolution – the scientific advances that occurred during the third quarter of...

Women Artists During Renaissance

Women artists produced and constructed their self-portraits by painting how they felt, how they viewed themselves, and how they wanted to be seen by others in the same way that mirrors reflect themselves. They fashioned their artistic identity in an ingenious and unique style portraying themselves as well talented and...