Any business venture starts with an idea upon which it is built. Although it is difficult to put forward a genuinely unique concept today, the ones already on the market can be further developed and expanded upon to offer the target customers an original product or service. The business idea...
Topic: Business
Words: 295
Pages: 1
The United States is pursuing an active government policy to regulate and stimulate entrepreneurship. In 2003, a new presidential program to support small businesses was adopted, designed to give additional impetus to developing this vital segment of the civil and military economy (America’s Small Business Development Center, 2020). Many small...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 556
Pages: 2
Supplier relations are essential for the proper functioning of a firm. From a general perspective, this process consists of identifying and selecting the best-value offer for a company. This way, the firm obtains the required materials for the production of its goods or provision of services. In other words, the...
Topic: Business
Words: 653
Pages: 2
Project cost and funding mix According to AES Telasi (n.d.), the total project cost is $ 147 million. Henisz (2017) affirms that in 1998, American Electric Services Corporation (AES) acquired 75% of Telasi’s shares, while the rest of the shares remained in the hands of the Georgian government. AES offered...
Topic: Business
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Project cost and funding mix A French oil company enters the fast-growing Spanish market through its subsidiary Total Solar International through agreements with Powertis and Solarbay Renewable Energy to develop 2 GW of generating capacity. According to France’s Total entered the Spanish solar market with two deals. (n.d.), the cost...
Topic: Business
Words: 673
Pages: 2
The present paper conducts an external environment analysis for the Chinese telecommunications company Huawei Technologies. External environment analysis plays an important role in the strategy-making process because it helps predict possible risks and develop strategies to mitigate them. Although Huawei is a Chinese company, its products are sold in Asia...
Topic: Business
Words: 400
Pages: 1
The difference between international and global corporations is essential to consider in the business environment. While an international corporation is defined as a company that operates in at least two different countries, a global corporation is involved in the market of several world countries (Abraham, 2012). In addition, international corporations...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 388
Pages: 1
Nowadays, many companies face difficulties in decision-making processes, as, due to severe market competition and COVID-influenced recessed economies, the cost of mistakes becomes incredibly high. To offset the possible negative implications of wrong decisions on the company, more and more managers rely on statistical data to help them make the...
Topic: Business
Words: 841
Pages: 3
The robust supply chain can enable companies to outperform their competitors by obtaining their products faster, safer, and lower costs in a highly competitive business world. BASF, a global chemical company, emphasizes several aspects as critical drivers of their successful supply chain. Namely, they stress the importance of digitization, business...
Topic: Business
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Background Starting your own business always involves risks and economic threats; there is never a guarantee of success, no matter how effective the leader is. The initiation and profitable existence of a commercial project depend not only on the personality and skills of the leader but also on a combination...
Topic: Coffee
Words: 1506
Pages: 5
Project cost and funding mix The project is estimated to cost $295 million, including $75 million in equity and $220 million in debt. In December 2000, a $ 50 million direct loan and a $ 20 million supplementary financing facility were approved for the Meghnaghat power project by the Board...
Topic: Business
Words: 544
Pages: 2
Introduction Gaining the confidence of the local audience assists a company in improving its national and international reputation with an increase in customer loyalty and referrals. Culturally responsive transformations and localizations may create a brand’s dominance in an area for showing that it is considering the needs of its customers....
Topic: Amazon
Words: 1065
Pages: 5
Globalization has affected and caused changes in multinational companies’ strategies (MNEs) and other large corporations operating in different countries. Globalization is described as a continuous process through the integration, global communication, and trade network of regional economies, societies, and cultures. While developed nations’ internationalization has been long pursued by multinational...
Topic: HR
Words: 1195
Pages: 4
Summary Mr. Rogers was the epitome of a servant leader, focusing on the growth and development of his community and nation. He demonstrated many core qualities of a servant leader, such as listening, empathy, awareness, and stewardship, encouraging others to do the same to improve their respective communities, workplaces, or...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 722
Pages: 2
Introduction After the release of the world’s first iPhone back in 2007, it instantly became a sensation. The company managed to make a breakthrough, so the new model and its descendants were guaranteed success. I myself am an active user of Apple technology, which is why I chose to consider...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1274
Pages: 4
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is used to approximate the profitability of possible investments. The discount rate, which makes Net Profit Value (NPV) zero, is IRR. Note IRR is the annual return rate that equates NPV to zero. The higher the IRR, the investment will be more desirable. To calculate...
Topic: Business
Words: 250
Pages: 1
Disney’s ongoing success, which has a significant history, can be attributed to the company’s expertise in diversification, which accumulates value. The strategies that contribute to Disney’s current state as an industry leader were first implemented by current CEO Michael Eisner beginning as early as 1984 (Rukstad et al., 2009). These...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 562
Pages: 2
Introduction Organizational change can become a necessary process for any organization. As the company develops and enters the global market, it is bound to encounter specific events and requirements demanding that the current procedures are altered. In this regard, ascertaining the external factors influencing the corporation, possible barriers, the readiness...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 1692
Pages: 6
Project cost and funding mix According to the World Bank (2018), the project was a public-private partnership between: The private project sponsors include Industrial Promotion Services (Kenya) Ltd. and Sithe Global. The Government of Uganda. Multilateral and bilateral development agencies. Commercial lenders, including Absa Capital and Standard Chartered Bank. Total...
Topic: Business
Words: 610
Pages: 2
Toxic managerial behavior harms organizations by making workers worry more about surviving in the office jungle than the actual work tasks at hand. These behaviors include humiliation, devaluation, blaming others for their mistakes, bullying, and aggression (Senge, 2006). This can also manifest itself in the gaslighting form, a type of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 557
Pages: 2
Introduction. Industry The industry chosen is skincare products with the appropriate name. They offer a wide variety of beauty and skincare products used for basic skincare, health-related skincare, and professional cosmetology uses. The business operates both in retail and direct-to-business sales, most of them occurring regionally. The company products are...
Topic: Business
Words: 786
Pages: 4
Air pollution, global warming, deforestation, and other environmental issues have become major in modern life due to the rising negative effects of humans’ influence on nature. According to the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF), 16 of the 17 warmest years due to the record happened to be from 2001 to...
Topic: Environment
Words: 369
Pages: 1
Melissa Richardson sees a good manager as a person with advanced motivation skills, encouraging steady working relationships within the team of professionals. Richardson’s actions comply with her ideas: she joined training on team motivation and read books on leadership, discussed her team sales performance, and applied her motivational skills to...
Topic: Business
Words: 368
Pages: 1
Jeffrey Stephen Wiegand is an American biochemist and former vice president of research and development at Brown & Williamson. Wiegand became known as a whistleblower when he appeared on the CBS 60 Minutes program and claimed that Brown & Williamson had intentionally manipulated its tobacco blend to enhance the nicotine...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 587
Pages: 2
QuickBooks QuickBooks is noted to be an especially well-liked piece of software for small businesses. Among its benefits is the use of cloud storage and a compatibility with third party applications. In addition, the app is also perfect for beginners, offering a combination of flexibility and accessibility hard to compare...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 378
Pages: 1
Project cost and funding mix According to the S.C. Roşia Montană Gold Corporation S.A (n.d.), the principal company shareholders are the state-owned mining company Compania Naţională a Cuprului, Aurului şi Fierului “MINVEST” S.A. Deva (former Regia Autonomă a Cuprului Deva, until 1998), with 19.31%, Gabriel Resources Ltd. based in Canada,...
Topic: Business
Words: 679
Pages: 2
Choosing the proper channels, strategies, and marketing and promotional approaches is key to successfully selling any company’s products or services. This choice depends on many internal and external factors and circumstances that the company needs to consider to get a return on its investment and gain audience interest. These factors...
Topic: Business
Words: 614
Pages: 2
Tesla is a world-famous American company that produces electric cars and solutions for storing electrical energy. Today, it is one of the world’s best-selling manufacturers of electric cars. Additionally, Tesla has one of the best, competent, and visionary leader. Through his actions, the organization effectively unites, distributes, and concentrates efforts...
Topic: Tesla
Words: 1361
Pages: 5
The real estate market is currently quite well-developed. However, buying real estate from a legal point of view is a very complex procedure and requires careful preparation before its implementation. In the event of an error when checking a home, the excitement of buying a home can turn into drama...
Topic: Business
Words: 916
Pages: 3
Abstract This paper confirmed the high organizational transformability of accounting, but it did not prove the real problem of replacing human labor. The key emphasis of the study, unequivocally reflecting its brief essence, was recognizing the idea of a change in the role of the accountant over the past decades....
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 11484
Pages: 42
Establishing an appropriate pattern of interaction in the professional environment is an essential task for management executives. Consistent and efficient communication between employees, customers, and senior workers is a significant benefit, which ensures the creation of strong relationships between individuals. In the case presented, an employee and a customer are...
Topic: Communication
Words: 580
Pages: 2
Project cost and funding mix Egyptian Refining Company (ERC) is the largest infrastructure megaproject both in Egypt and Africa as a whole in the form of a public-private partnership. According to the Egyptian Refining Company (n.d.), this modern refinery is worth $4.3 billion. At the same time, equity capital is...
Topic: Business
Words: 655
Pages: 2
Analyzing International Competitors Potential Competitors To assess international competitors, one must investigate multinational corporations (MNCs). The top Indian companies that operate in the ICT industry are Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Infosys, HCL Technologies, and Wipro (GlobalEDGE, n.d.-a). All these companies have large revenues and market values of billions of USD,...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 931
Pages: 3
From my perspective, a diverse organization should go beyond the common definitions of diversity, broadening the workforce and ensuring that representatives of various social groups and capabilities are employed. In the current age, ensuring diversity in a workplace is a crucial concern for numerous companies, and organizational leaders are expected...
Topic: Business
Words: 367
Pages: 1
Introduction The modern market for goods and services is notably diverse. A particular management model is needed to properly control sales and increase the effectiveness of the marketing strategy. One of the fundamental points of this method is the product life cycle, which considers the different stages of the product’s...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 649
Pages: 2
The role of the collection of data and its subsequent analysis in the industry is as big as ever. Specifically, it pertains to the managerial field – where the quality and nature of a decision can greatly alter the company’s vector of growth and development. The usage of big data...
Topic: Data Management
Words: 291
Pages: 1
Personnel turnover control is one of the key functions of the company’s HR specialists. By managing the process of employee movement, they identify the reasons for layoffs in time and take measures that prevent negative consequences. In essence, employee turnover refers to the percentage of employees who leave the company...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 603
Pages: 2
Introduction Due to the current issue of climate change, many organizations tend to come up with solutions intended to remove uncertainty and recognize the need to attain stability and focus on economic and environmental benefits. Unilever’s history shows that the company was interested in sustainable well-being from its founding date,...
Topic: Unilever
Words: 841
Pages: 3
The cost of quality is a technique for estimating the expenses businesses spend to ensure that their products satisfy regulatory standards, including the costs of manufacturing items that do not. The objective of cost of quality calculation is to better understand how quality affects the company’s financial performance. In general,...
Topic: Business
Words: 313
Pages: 1
Introduction In order to become a leader in the modern world, it is not enough to be well educated and good at organizing people and processes. Finding the right team lead or senior manager for recruiters and HR managers is challenging. Companies need not just a competent person, but someone...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 853
Pages: 3
The basis of a successful business: is one idea, great enthusiasm, and initial capital. When I start my own business, I have to be aware that this is a risk. One of the most critical keys to launching my project is getting sufficient funding for development. It is not easy...
Topic: Business
Words: 648
Pages: 2
Summary The purpose of this work is to give an idea of the main aspects that ensure the economic stability of PepsiCo. The impact of globalization and industrial progress is considered in relation to the activities of PepsiCo. Evaluation models will be applied: industrial organization and resource-based, each of which...
Topic: Competitiveness
Words: 1491
Pages: 5
It has been reported that the international market is now facing division, with the governments putting much concern on supporting households and businesses that price regime. Even though freeing subsidies would have offered relief that government reserves desperately need, keeping them affects the economies and the climate. The global shares...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 290
Pages: 1
The Coca-Cola Company is an American food company, the world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of concentrates and syrups. The Coca-Cola company is also a global leader in the production of soft drinks. The company’s most famous product is the Coca-Cola drink, which has expanded into an international market. At the...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 296
Pages: 1
Introduction Human Resource Sergeants possess one of the varied roles in the military, and they should be capable of changing quickly in order to stay relevant. Human Resource Sergeants are the leader’s and troops’ direct lines of communication. Describing the essence of Human Resource in the Army, the paper is...
Topic: Army
Words: 657
Pages: 2
Workplace disputes are unpleasant, but unavoidable, and affect the overall atmosphere of the team. Workflows must be transparent and easy for employees to understand. If business processes are clearly defined, there is no room for confusion – the organization works smoothly. Because Diana had problems understanding the situation, a protracted...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 308
Pages: 1
I strictly adhere to the opinion that the SWOT analysis system can be applied in all areas. The media and automotive manufacturing will be no exception. According to Gurl (2017), SWOT is a tool used for strategic planning and strategic management in organizations, which consists of its own subsystems of...
Topic: Business
Words: 334
Pages: 1
The idea that economics is thoroughly divorced from ethics has been disturbingly persistent among general audiences. While the premises for the specified assumption could be seen as understandable given the multiple examples of global companies engaging in dishonest practices to multiply their benefits, economics should be seen as inseparable from...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 553
Pages: 2
The world is constantly changing, and this poses new challenges for the military leadership of today. Apart from the cultural challenges and the challenges presented by the new advances and technologies, there are several other important dimensions related to leadership. One of the challenges is defining and describing in detail...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 324
Pages: 1
Creating and developing an application is a multistep and complex process that requires knowledge and a particular scheme. Different approaches and strategies are used to create efficient and operable software successfully. Methodologies help to plan out the whole software development life-cycle, and each method promotes different aspects of the work....
Topic: Agile Project Management
Words: 375
Pages: 1
Company Presentation Derubis Yachts is a serial manufacturer of motor sea vehicles from Vitez, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It specializes in producing catamarans that are up to 14 meters in length; the total amount of companies across the world that work within the same category is 6 (Kraljević, 2021, p. 6)....
Topic: Business
Words: 1390
Pages: 6
Zappos’ corporate culture is built on 10 core principles that are a priority for the company. The main principle of the company is to deliver WOW through service, which emphasizes the people and customer-centered approach. Additionally, the company strives to drive change, create a little weirdness and fun, be creative...
Topic: Culture
Words: 863
Pages: 3
Accommodating employees with disabilities represents a unique challenge, even in the current era of multiple technological advancements and digital aids. As the case study under analysis demonstrates, the failure to address the needs of staff members with health disparities affects the general performance levels of a company to a spectacular...
Topic: Disability
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Executive Summary This marketing plan presents the M1 Mac Mini, a revolutionary Mac desktop, the innovative product created by Apple company, which develops and sells computer technology. The company has a long history of development and improvement, and today, Apple products are the most expected, sold out, and recognizable among...
Topic: Apple
Words: 1134
Pages: 4
Multicultural issues are quite an essential topic for discussion. This is mainly due to the development of concepts such as diversity and inclusion. An increasing number of employers are ready to hire representatives of different cultures and traditions. However, this factor can also affect the occurrence of various issues related...
Topic: Culture
Words: 281
Pages: 1
It is important to note that outside-in and inside-out approaches can be used in mixed strategies by providing customer value within a company’s limitations. One should be aware that outside-in and inside-out approaches are not direct opposites of each but rather address and orient their strategies on the basis of...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Executive Summary This report outlines the marketing mix strategy for an online-based food delivery service in Nigeria. Similar products have gained extreme popularity in developed countries, and this tendency was further supported by the COVID-19 restrictions. Under these circumstances, the public has grown to acknowledge the unquestionable benefits and convenience...
Topic: Food
Words: 3147
Pages: 11
The M&M theory is used to guide the management of corporates of all sizes: large, medium, and small-scale. The theory proposes that company value should not be affected by its capital structure. It implies that the company’s revenues, profits, and other financial metrics should not be influenced by its value...
Topic: Technology
Words: 589
Pages: 2
Introduction The essay presents the principles and influence of scientific management in modern organizations. The writer identifies the five principles of the scientific approach to management as presented by Fredrick Taylor. The first principle requires the use of scientific methods in developing a task completion strategy. The second principle is...
Topic: Management
Words: 1931
Pages: 7
Introduction Hosting a guest house in a small town requires a well-designed marketing strategy to attract guests and establish profitability. Marketing for the low-involvement buying process requires developing a marketing strategy that includes objectives. Objectives and strategy implementation steps should be accurate and easy to measure for performance. Low-involvement Buying...
Topic: Communication
Words: 615
Pages: 2
High achievement is my primary motivation driver at the workplace. I measure my success against completed tasks, met expectations, and new responsibilities that challenge my skills. Although meaningful relationships at work are essential, I consider these relationships as resources that should help achieve individual or group targets. These relationships are...
Topic: Goals
Words: 292
Pages: 1
It is quite natural for any company to experience business cycles due to the constant need for progress and introduction of new ideas into the organizational setting. Although an evolutionary cycle also implies that every company will have to face its eventual decline, it represents the natural order of development...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 290
Pages: 1
The main goal of IT is to help businesses achieve the organization’s mission and goals. Each business line creates an IT system that supports its business function. Thus, the higher the automation of the organization’s processes, the higher the probability of something going wrong in automation tools, for example, information...
Topic: Information Management
Words: 403
Pages: 1
Introduction Walmart Incorporated company is a retail corporation that runs businesses in different parts of the world with the headquarter located in the United States. It operates grocery stores, hypermarkets, discount stores, and neighborhood markets. The firm also has its outlets in different countries including, China, Mexico, Canada, and other...
Topic: Business Planning
Words: 2041
Pages: 7
Introduction Wells Fargo is one of the banking institutions in the U.S that faces significant ethical issues due to its distinctive practices. Over the decades, the company faced various lawsuits and scandals concerning customer relationships and breaches of their trust. A violation of clients’ rights in producers’ and consumers’ settings...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1953
Pages: 7
In this situation, it is required to identify an item that differs from the rest of the beams for a limited number of scales using. The search for a solution in this case is carried out by comparing operations, however, not only single elements, but also groups of elements with...
Topic: Logic
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Defining the Industry The industry of telecommunications has evolved significantly over the course of the last two centuries. From the telegraph to 3D television and virtual reality, there had been quite a few substantial steps forward that defined the industry and allowed numerous manufacturers to ride the wave of innovation...
Topic: Telecommunications
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Introduction Transformational and transactional leaders can have a positive impact on corporate culture. Employee satisfaction is sought by transactional leaders through bargaining, or “bartering,” for desired behaviors. Transformational leaders inspire others by instilling a sense of purpose, encouraging new thinking, and improving and creating learning opportunities. Through a shared vision...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 355
Pages: 1
FindDreamJob Ltd. offers advice to college students who are considering their career options. Therefore, as a company representative, I would like to discuss the career outlook of Information Clerks based on the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and provide my findings and recommendations. The employment prospects are promising because overall...
Topic: College Students
Words: 644
Pages: 2
Introduction Since the Shang dynasty, wine has been made in China. China is the world’s foremost grape grower, accounting for roughly half of global grape output due to its vast territory and suitable temperatures. It also features the world’s third-largest vineyard acreage when it comes to winemaking. Wine has traditionally...
Topic: Wine
Words: 853
Pages: 3
Basic Information About Al-Juneidy Dairy Factory Al-Juneidy is a dairy factory specializing in processing milk products such as ghee and yogurt and selling whole milk. They are a mid-sized firm and face stiff competition from other brands, but the market share and demand are enough for all competitors to stay...
Topic: Business
Words: 750
Pages: 2
Self-managed learning entails self-directed learning, action learning, and self-development. In 1978, Ian Cunningham defined the term self-managed learning and since then it has gained popularity among students who until today are increasingly adopting the concept (Serpis et al., 2017). The approach is divided into two different aspects; the first one...
Topic: Professional Development
Words: 1678
Pages: 6
More and more current companies feel the need for ethical behavior. This way of communication eliminates unnecessary tension and struggle in the team and contributes to accelerating many issues through quality communication contacts. An attitude is an evaluated statement closely intertwined with organizational behavior that conveys specific feelings and influences...
Topic: Business
Words: 658
Pages: 2
This essay address three ways where sustainability plays a part in the operations and function of H&M compared to Zara and other fast-fashion companies. In recent years sustainability has been a necessary condition for the function of companies. H&M actively applies it in its production and operation. Firstly, the company...
Topic: Business
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Marketing Strategy The target population for Lee’s eatery will be mostly the middle-aged population of, men and women. Such a choice is conditioned by the eatery’s location: the highly developed district where the business centers’ cafeterias provide low-quality food for clerks. Thus, workers will visit the nearby restaurant to get...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 581
Pages: 2
In 2013, Zappos which is an apparel retailer, announced that it was shifting its organizational structure a more fluid, less hierarchical form known as Holacracy (Nisen, 2013). The principle of Holacracy is that it eliminates traditional hierarchy by essentially removing all position titles, managers, and other means of subordination. Instead,...
Topic: Business
Words: 385
Pages: 1
Introduction FinChats is an online internal communication platform for professional collaboration, specifically banks. Successful platforms like Google Chat, Slack, Flock, and Microsoft Teams are examples of how these systems function, as they are programmed to support constant communication and shared access to work databases through a common platform for every...
Topic: Business
Words: 1675
Pages: 7
Steve Cahillane followed obstacle removal and employee empowerment, and visual communication steps. In the video, Cahillane emphasized the importance of visual communication to ensure that everyone was moving in the same direction. He also talked about how he focused on revitalizing the company by energizing the team and getting everyone...
Topic: Organizational Change
Words: 339
Pages: 1
The continuous flow process type model is the most commonly used model to measure the capacity of firms in diamond value chain stages. The model allows for examining how much service a firm can produce given its resources and the demand. This information is important for assessing a firm’s potential...
Topic: Management
Words: 362
Pages: 1
The scale of the ethical dilemma raised by Merck’s management and scientists is defined by two outcomes. The pharmaceutical company could either have invested money in an entirely economically unsound project, showing goodwill and corporate responsibility for the eighteen million patients from poor regions suffering from onchocerciasis. On the other...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 819
Pages: 2
Downsizing mainly affects those above 40-year-old as well as loyal consumers of the affected brands. This type of consumer finds it difficult to change their brand due to a lack of trust in other brands. In addition, some of these consumers do not realize the downsizing, and in case of...
Topic: Business
Words: 305
Pages: 1
Introduction Strategic business planning consists of several branches that provide direction for the business and address issues related to supply and demand. E-strategy is a set of influences aimed at creating good e-commerce. In the last 2-3 years, the physical demand has decreased significantly due to different factors: pandemic, development...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 684
Pages: 2
Background Management at Dexcom can undertake a situational study of their company using SWOT analysis, an essential strategic planning tool. Dexcom faces a lot of criticism in the present business climate, which can be summed up as strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It has maintained a strong market position due...
Topic: Business
Words: 1216
Pages: 4
A massive volume of data needs to be specially handled in almost any organization when tapping value to be used in decision-making. This paper mainly explores how big data found in organizations should be used for it to be an essential input when making decisions (Sill 2016). The document explains...
Topic: Business
Words: 5068
Pages: 18
Introduction When it comes to any business operations, a long-term strategy and predictions play a significant role in the business’s success. Forecasting, for its past, has become an integral part of the business strategy and tactics. The procedure implies the complex process of gathering historical data in order to generate...
Topic: Forecasting
Words: 1651
Pages: 6
Executive summary Automated aerial vehicles (AAV), also known as drones that were previously used only in military operations, gained increased popularity worldwide in civic life. EHang, located in Guangzhou, China, is one of the first and most successful intelligence technology companies that has been producing AAVs for various purposes since...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 1502
Pages: 5
A low concentration ratio of the limited-service restaurant industry demonstrates that there is no monopoly in this market. It denotes that many firms have relatively the same shares in the market, and evident dominant players are absent. This information allows for supposing that pure competition is found in this industry,...
Topic: Restaurant
Words: 638
Pages: 2
Introduction Chocolate is one of the most popular and required products in the modern world. It is a critical component of various dishes and products used by millions of people globally. For this reason, the demand for it remains high, while the industry responsible for its production faces numerous challenges...
Topic: Chocolate
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Financial Markets The article “The Importance of the Financial Derivatives Markets to Economic Development in the World’s Four Major Economies” by Vo et al., 2019 investigated the association between economic development and financial markets. According to the article, financial markets positively contribute to economic growth. Financial markets’ significance is realized...
Topic: Business
Words: 862
Pages: 4
Strategic alliances are business relationships and arrangements between two or more independent organizations to carry out a specific and mutually beneficial projector to achieve core business objectives. In today’s competitive market, the success and survival of any business are determined by effective strategies that create an advantage over the competition....
Topic: Business
Words: 514
Pages: 2
The idea of replacing humans with quality operating machines and destroying today’s globally perceived patterns of social hierarchy has now become one of the most widely used within the industry of popular culture. Thus, when being constantly triggered by near-apocalyptic predictions for the future of civilization, people unquestionably become terrified...
Topic: Technology
Words: 848
Pages: 3
Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts was established in Singapore as a family business. Having reviewed the case of Banyan Tree, one can conclude that the managers of this business have done everything to adjust to a rapidly changing environment. Focusing on an “innovative niche product” and creating a “sanctuary of...
Topic: Growth Strategy
Words: 345
Pages: 1
At present, the company’s willingness to change quickly and adapt to the market requirements has become crucial in corporate culture. There are several critical points in building an effective organizational structure that can quickly adapt to the market situation. One of them is error culture, which affects the company’s performance....
Topic: Culture
Words: 629
Pages: 2
The United States and Canada had the worst power outage in North American history on August 14, 2003. A large power outage struck sections of the northeastern United States and eastern Canada, affecting around 50 million people. The outage was caused by a breakdown of monitoring and diagnostic systems of...
Topic: Business
Words: 325
Pages: 1
Introduction Any business entity pursues the goal of minimizing costs, while making the most profit. As Buckley and Casson (2019) write, “any general theory of international business must also analyze the external environment and internal structure” (p. 1424). The external environment determines how successful companies will be in selling, while...
Topic: Business
Words: 854
Pages: 3
Introduction Decision-making methods in business, as in any other industry, are a multi-criteria task, often requiring preliminary and subsequent assessment of all possible options. The complexity of each case is determined by many factors that must be considered in the proposed solution. An incorrectly made decision can lead to various...
Topic: Business
Words: 1968
Pages: 7
Introduction Accounting is an essential field that is designed with the intent of keeping track of a company’s finances and possibly changing a business strategy in case the results are unsatisfactory. While it is inevitable that every business deals with transactions, which is why accounting is absolutely necessary, it is...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 852
Pages: 3
In the modern business environment, entrepreneurial networking and relationship capital have already attracted particular attention. Therefore, this work aims to examine the importance of these concepts. In general, entrepreneurial networking refers to the formal or informal organisation of entrepreneurs to increase the effectiveness of their businesses’ activities (Das and Goswami,...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 367
Pages: 2
Project Summary This project aims to enter the American market with the Australian catering company Luus. The project has various quantitative and qualitative objectives. First, it is necessary to go to the California region, impose competition on American Range, build a warehouse and service center, and achieve $500,000 in sales...
Topic: Management
Words: 2564
Pages: 9
Abstract Self-assessments allowed students to understand what strengths and weaknesses they have. This is necessary in order to get to know themselves more deeply, as well as to assess how effective they will be in their work. Specifically, me, the exercises helped to pay more focused attention to how significant...
Topic: Management
Words: 949
Pages: 3
Culture is the way of living characterized by the norms, values, and beliefs people have towards a certain perspective. There is a variation of cultures depending on the region and the ethnic and background aspects. The first cultural mistake that the Walt Disney Company (WDC) made was to incorporate the...
Topic: Business
Words: 676
Pages: 2
The objective of the writing is to identify and examine the values as well as priorities of servant leaders, on which those typically rely in their behavior. For maximal visual clarity, the author conducted research on two groups, comparing and contrasting them to explore the influence of particular decision-making patterns...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 297
Pages: 1
Background Ethical dilemmas constantly occur in organizations and workplaces regardless of the industry and the size of an organization. They may differ significantly in terms of values, which are in conflict, or parties, which are at stake. Therefore, it may be essential to introduce a comprehensive approach to the decision-making...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 600
Pages: 2
Workforce dynamics are key determinants for the productivity of a given line of work in any country. There have been major changes in the economy not only in the U.S. but also in other parts of the world, which has led to demographic changes, posing challenges in the employment sector....
Topic: Demography
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Description of the Organization Olive Construction Company was founded in 2019 to tap into the booming construction industry in Miami Dade County. The firm specializes in the supply of construction materials sourced both locally and internationally. It has 16 employees working on a full-time basis and another 8 working on...
Topic: Construction
Words: 1383
Pages: 5
Naturally, for effective marketing performance, it is vital to choose the targeted audience that could be interested in the product based on the demographics, age, and needs. The segmentation method is designed to form the advertising strategy for each chosen group to achieve fruitful outcomes (Thomas, 2021). That is why...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Introduction Lee is the owner of Lee’s Eatery that is located in the city center. This report is an analysis of the basic components of the business’s marketing strategy. Part 1 covers the market-oriented mission statement for the business. Part 2 entails a comprehensive situation analysis, including organization strengths and...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 657
Pages: 2
Background Leadership can be defined, essentially, as a type of management interaction based on the most effective combination of various sources of power for a given situation. In any case present, leader’s actions should be aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals. It follows from this definition that leadership...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 634
Pages: 2
Introduction Leadership and discipline are the most critical qualities necessary for army service. The Department of the Army (2019, p. 13) defines leadership as “the activity of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization”. These aspects are essential to army service...
Topic: Army
Words: 571
Pages: 2
Introduction Tesla Inc. has an organizational and cultural structure that aims to empower its workforce to enhance its production and innovation. A company’s corporate culture shows the values and customs of the workers that elicit the workers’ decision-making and behaviors. Employees develop innovative solutions that stand out best in the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1219
Pages: 4
Coca-Cola is the largest non-alcoholic beverage and one of the two most strong beverage brands. The soda industry has been hit hard by the economic downturn, and exchange rates have affected major soda brands’ earnings in the aftermath of the recession. This is because of the rising popularity of healthy...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction The way companies treat their clients predetermines the perception of the brand by the general public. It is important because the contemporary penetration of social media publicity into everyday life makes every corporate action matter to society. Ultimately, the impact of customer service outcomes is seen in the profits...
Topic: Airlines
Words: 868
Pages: 3
Introduction Organizational change has led to the improvement of a company’s performance at both local and international levels. Internationalization has not only boosted the overall performance of a accompany but has also provided various opportunities for members of an organization to retaliate. For an organization to increase its brand awareness,...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 427
Pages: 3
It was interesting reading through the discussion post on security in workplaces. Workplace violence cannot be better defined than with the OSHA, which is a regulatory body of the United States Department of Labor that is duty-bound to inspect workplaces and its workers’ security concerns. Your choice of defining workplace...
Topic: Business
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Interview with the company’s owner is one of the crucial parts that play a significant role in developing a successful website. Owners usually share their ideas and thoughts that should be included on the web page, and their opinion is always a priority. To create a useful website for the...
Topic: Web Technology
Words: 276
Pages: 1
In the market economy, innovative entrepreneurship acts as the main sector that determines the rate of economic growth of the Gross National Product. According to Prieger et al. (2016), when the level of entrepreneurial activity in the country deviates in any direction, it impacts economic growth negatively, lowering national potential....
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 389
Pages: 1
A business analyst is a valuable staff member in any organization that provides services of software development and then sells their products on the market. After all, a business analyst is a person who has skills in management, sales, and marketing, which are essential for promoting both commercial (generating their...
Topic: Business
Words: 192
Pages: 1
Barnes and Sperling (2021) discuss the purchase of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer by Amazon. According to the authors, the deal was valued at $8.45 billion, the second-largest purchase after the Whole Foods acquisition of $13.7 billion in 2017. Previously, such well-known companies as Apple and Comcast fought to purchase a large film studio;...
Topic: Acquisition
Words: 340
Pages: 1
Along with the development of technology, communication, and transportation, it becomes easier for companies to expand the scope of their operations and enter new markets. Furthermore, these markets on their own are merging, forming a united business and economic space that transcends national and regional borders. Under such circumstances, global...
Topic: Globalization
Words: 389
Pages: 1
In many developed companies, managers play an essential role in increasing creativity since it is necessary to produce something radically new. To increase creativity, managers, and leaders of companies must be open to new things. One of the most important strategic purposes of leadership is to foster employee creativity (Vele,...
Topic: Business
Words: 352
Pages: 2
Tesla is a unique company in many ways, and this uniqueness also extends to its organizational culture. In particular, Tesla, unlike most companies of its size, does not have a well-known management structure. There is no organizational structure or a public list of senior executives; however, the organizational structure of...
Topic: Organizational Design
Words: 347
Pages: 1
Choice of a Country As CarryMorre is a United Kingdom business, it is subject to certain privileges as well as restrictions. Within the context of Brexit, the UK has withdrawn its membership in the European Union, as well as its participation in the Customs Union. Whereas earlier, there were no...
Topic: International Marketing
Words: 2205
Pages: 8
Introduction Interpersonal conflict is often referred to as a confrontation between two people or their disagreement on certain opinions and views. To form such a phenomenon, two contradictory opinions must appear. People, by their nature, often enter into various conflict situations and quarrels with each other. This is due to...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 916
Pages: 3
In his article “Business simulations improve business decision making”, Robert Brodo (2015) intends to articulate the advantages that participating in business simulation workshops can bring to company owners and their employees. The author argues that business simulations may be the best method to improve the decision-making process compared to other...
Topic: Business
Words: 401
Pages: 1
The Cult of the Head Start ABA practitioners use a behavior assessment system to assist people with autism and other developmental issues to improve their conduct. ABA therapists advise patients by monitoring and responding to various traits to noticeably change such habits. The ultimate aim of ABA therapists is to...
Topic: Professional Development
Words: 667
Pages: 2
Introduction Nestlé product consumers reflect the levels of dissatisfaction or happiness they have with Nestlé’s brand and its products. Purvi and Dignesh used a sample of 100 respondents constituting people in business, children, homemakers, servicemen, and students in the research since most of them are consumers of the company’s products...
Topic: Business
Words: 542
Pages: 2
A business model is simply the strategy chosen by a business owner to make money and deliver value to customers. Determining a business model requires the description of products or services, target market, as well as required expenses. They are numerous types of business models, which are categorized as traditional...
Topic: Franchising
Words: 604
Pages: 2
There was a time when my team was assigned to a large multi-department project that was challenging but could serve as a big breakthrough for the company. I felt motivated because management strongly encouraged the workforce, communicating well and emphasizing the importance. We were promised significant resources and support needed....
Topic: Culture
Words: 620
Pages: 2
Introduction Customers are at the heart of the Agile Delivery Framework’s definition, construction, and release of goods. In a project that uses the Agile Delivery Framework, setting up beginning statements such as goals and vision is essential. This framework provides a single point of view for the team and establishes...
Topic: Agile Project Management
Words: 2208
Pages: 8
Introduction Unstoppable progress is a testament to sustained growth in potential, and General Motors, as one of the largest vehicle manufacturers worldwide, proves this. One of the problems society has been struggling with for decades is the pollution of the environment with harmful emissions. However, in early 2021, Mary Barra,...
Topic: Electric Vehicle
Words: 1095
Pages: 4
Abstract The coronavirus pandemic has had a devastating impact on various industries around the world, including the automotive industry. In this paper, the primary focus was to investigate the effect of the pandemic on the financial performance of companies in the automotive industry. The researcher collected data from secondary sources....
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 7169
Pages: 35
Indra Nooyi is a businesswoman who used her networking intellect skills to transform her firm and win the hearts and minds of her staff, as well as build a massive system of communication. She utilized several approaches to boost her mental powers and manner of thinking in a short period...
Topic: Management
Words: 635
Pages: 2
Organizational culture is what makes any company original and unique, and it directly impacts its success. Žukauskas, Vveinhardt, and Andriukaitienė (2018) note that it “distinguishes organizations from others” (p. 18). Only when company members share one vision of how it should be structured to be the most effective, a company...
Topic: Culture
Words: 290
Pages: 1
The phrase “financial planning is a process, not a product” implies the utmost importance of financial planning for long-term objectives and intelligent money management. In other words, the concept refers to the strategy that an individual or an organization should follow to improve their financial health (Nathanson et al., 2021)....
Topic: Business
Words: 278
Pages: 1
Running any business requires the investor to have the proper business strategies and tactics tailored to meet all the needs. I own a small campervan and RV/Motor home rental company located in a major city. The company operates six days a week and has a total of seven staff. In...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 283
Pages: 1
Leadership Styles in Action A great example of a modern model of ethical leadership is the concept of servant leadership. A servant leader sees their purpose in the role of a helper, therefore, making the principle of service his leadership behavior base. Manning and Curtis (2021) state that “in any...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 671
Pages: 2
Dexcom Corporation is a healthcare company that distributes generic, branded, and specialty pharmaceuticals in the United States. The firm’s main goal is to offer quality health care and enhance the quality of care through the products provided in the market. This paper will identify business-level and corporate-level strategies and evaluate...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1698
Pages: 6
In today’s globalized word, the corporate environment becomes increasingly complex. In fact, the success of contemporary business operations has become highly dependent on the organization’s ability to form strong, trusting relations with its stakeholders. The social aspect of business holds special significance in the 21st century, as important players across...
Topic: Business Strategy
Words: 1492
Pages: 5
Doing business with an individual from the USA differs significantly from an Asian customer. The varying nature of countries and regions propagates diverse cultural norms. Businesspeople should consider these aspects when conducting intercultural commerce. The world is getting increasingly connected with individuals exhibiting cultural differences. Our response to cultural variations...
Topic: Culture
Words: 625
Pages: 2
Introduction The Yokohama company is a manufacturer based in Tokyo, Japan. For the production of rotating whirligigs, the company requires a supply of parts from three international locations: Guangzhou, China; Manila, The Philippines; and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Thus, the manufacturer is a part of a global supply chain that spans several...
Topic: Business
Words: 590
Pages: 2
Introduction The principles of cross-cultural communication are vital for companies in terms of collaborating with international partners. International interaction is typically based on the grounds of mutual interest and respect. Yet, sometimes, it is difficult for one culture to interact with another one due to differences in their language, beliefs,...
Topic: Communication
Words: 2789
Pages: 10
Introduction As a global internet services provider, Yahoo can be considered one of the most widely known companies in the world. This technology company helps Internet users navigate the World Wide Web with the help of a variety of features. For instance, it offers a search engine, an email service,...
Topic: Brand
Words: 1484
Pages: 5
Introduction In the introduction, the authors argue that at present the formation of innovation policy is the most important condition for developing the foundations of sustainable development of new firms. Among the many common problems of innovation, special importance should be given to measures to balance them. Real production and...
Topic: Entrepreneurship
Words: 2035
Pages: 8
The COVID-19 pandemic has played a significant role in changing logistics, with the supply chain playing a more critical role than ever before. Companies must ensure the fast, safe and uninterrupted supply of goods and services to those at risk of infection and those working in the medical field, i.e.,...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 629
Pages: 2
Change is a vital process that every organization is geared towards achieving to avoid failure and stagnation. Organizational change can be described as the steps a business takes to regulate its various components ranging from hierarchy, internal processes, and other crucial aspects. These modifications can arise due to a steady...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 681
Pages: 2
Introduction Over the past years, the perception of consuming video content has changed drastically, as the introduction of streaming services facilitated people’s ability to access and enjoy TV, reality shows, and movies. As a pioneer in the streaming service universe, Netflix is rightfully considered one of the most successful and...
Topic: Netflix
Words: 1336
Pages: 6
Introduction Value addition is the most talked-about phrase across the world of the manufacturing and processing industry, particularly in the export-oriented processing industry because of the increased realization of valuable foreign exchange. In the fishing industry like any other venture, value can be added to fish and fishery by-products to...
Topic: Marine Life
Words: 1950
Pages: 7
BMAC, a research and development company, faces a dilemma that might impact its future development and growth. At the moment, it has an option to invest $2million to continue with a specific drug development research project. However, it can be a risky venture because of the lack of guarantees that...
Topic: Business
Words: 607
Pages: 2
There are multiple ways in which an individual can make the world a better place. Among them, a person’s career path remains one of the most important avenues of impacting their environment on many levels. This tendency is natural, as an average individual devotes a considerable portion of time and...
Topic: Business
Words: 658
Pages: 2
Empire Company Limited and Loblaw Companies Limited are large conglomerates operating primarily in food retail. Consequently, both companies expand by utilizing corporate investments, including franchise subsidiaries in other industries. Nevertheless, the emphasis and areas of operations of the organizations slightly differ. According to annual reports, Loblaw focuses substantially on peripheral...
Topic: Business
Words: 779
Pages: 3