Use of Third Parties for Logistical Purposes for SpaceX

Summary Third-Party Logistics (3PLS) is a service that enables one to perform prepared logistics from warehousing, all the way through delivery creating time for a company to concentrate on other sections of the business. 3PLS companies offer other additional services that deal with the logistics of the supply chain (Ecer,...

Organizational Culture Change at NASA: The Assessment and Plan

Micro problems Poor communication among stakeholders; Workers’ failure to adhere to processes and rules (NASA, 2004); Neglect of personal responsibility, accountability and competence; Employees’ inability to raise concerns to the management; Excellence is not valued among team members; Workers are hesitant to adhere to safety culture (NASA, 2004); Loyalty and...

Effects of TransFormational Leadership on Subordinates

Introduction The success or failure of any organization depends on the leadership in place. John C. Maxwell, a reputable author on leadership issues once said, “everything rises or falls on leadership” (Maxwell, 2007, p. 267). This assertion underscores the importance of understanding how various leadership styles affect employees and ultimately...

Marketing to Generation Y: Targeting Generation Y Strategy

Targeting Generation Y is not the right but rather necessary marketing strategy for banks because now it makes up the major part of their customer base. On the one hand, Generation Y people are the so-called digital natives – the first generation that grew up with easy access to electronic...

Eisner and the Disney Company

The Disney company is among the most profitable and successful actors in the industry nowadays. Such state of the art was achieved because of due diligence and policy that the top management has been applying for many years. However, there was a period when the corporation faced a plethora of...

Ending Forced Labor and Enhancing Decent Work

International Labor Organization (ILO) is the most significant global institution championing workers’ welfare. Since its inception, ILO has been involved in the demand for social justice and the fight for improved living standards for the world’s working population. The different conferences held in Geneva, the organization’s headquarters, consistently reviewed the...

Lego Group’s Analysis in the Toy Industry

Five Forces Analysis of the Toy Industry Threat of New Entrants The toy industry has a relatively low risk of the appearance of new players for several reasons. First, a common outlook is that toys gradually seize to be the primary entertainment products because of the advance of videogames and...

Taking Vacation: Decision-Making Process

I have a part-time job where at least two weeks of a winter vacation is provided, however, my employer would not pay for them. Moreover, the shifts that would be replaced with my resting period mean lower salary for the next month. Considering these crucial factors, I had to decide...

The Marshmallow Challenge as a Model of Teamwork

Introduction There exist numerous techniques in the modern world aiming at understanding and enhancing teamwork mechanisms. The Marshmallow Challenge, where the participants are asked to build a tall tower using several materials, is one of the most outstanding examples. Its efficacity is proved in all age groups, and sometimes the...

Organizational Culture and Its Impact on the Development of the Company

The organization I work for is a state-funded organization that produces films and TV series for release. It is difficult to calculate the exact number of employees since there are many departments and branches in this organization. There are departments responsible for the legal aspect of the projects; there is...

Managing Organizational Behavior: Group Decision-Making

Group decision-making can improve the quality of decisions, provide a variety of perspectives, and assist in developing the skills of the members. Based on the recent meetings I attended, I will describe four problems related to group decision-making. Firstly, I might conclude that I rarely hear the opinions and proposals...

Rhetorical Analysis of Steve Jobs’ Speech

Introduction Steve Jobs, the legendary innovator and founder of the Apple Corporation, spoke at Stanford University in 2005, and this was one of the businessman’s landmark speeches. Jobs addressed the graduating class with parting words and used non-standard methods of oratory by drawing on personal experiences and referring to individual...

Leadership Theories: The Best Leadership Style

Introduction For this paper, I have been asked to assume the supervisor’s position as a clerical support assistant for an organization’s Marketing Department. To fulfill the responsibilities of this role in the best possible manner, it is essential to analyze several leadership theories and decide which leadership style is the...

Toyota Motor North America. Executing Global Strategy

It is important to note that although the given analysis and summary will primarily focus on Toyota Motor’s North American division, the latter is heavily influenced by Toyota Japan. In the case of the corporate culture, the company harnesses loyalty and hard work, where the employees are put in a...

Researching of SWOT Analysis Directives

The directives for efficient use of the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis assist businesses in comprehensive internal and external company assessment for maximum profit. A SWOT examination allows corporations to identify achievements and areas for improvement. Companies can make SWOT assessments productive by conducting them regularly, extensively searching...

Followership and Servant Leadership in Army Officers

Followership and servant leadership styles are the primary forms of leading people, especially in the army. Therefore, army officers typically resort to these two types because they are increasingly influential and demand soldiers’ engagement as well. As a rule, soldiers tend to develop better by sharing experiences and opinions with...

The Rock Blocks Company’s Recruiting Issues and Solutions

Introduction It is safe to say that recruitment is among the most important elements of not only the success but also the existence of organizations. Recruitment managers have to consider multiple internal factors of the company and external factors of the labor market and society to bring the necessary number...

Twitter’s Privacy Policy, Collection of the Guidelines

Twitter’s Privacy Policy is a collection of the guidelines that govern the collection, storage, and use of users’ personal information. When a person agrees to the terms of use while joining the service, they give the company their consent to collect and use that information. This also includes its transfer...’s Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Product Excellence – Apple Inc. Apple Inc. is a perfect example of a company whose success lies in its focus on product excellence. It is the company that creates new trends instead of following them and generates its primary value from innovations. Apple devices and services are not cheap, yet...

Introduction to Talent Management and Corporate Culture

Talent management is a crucial principle in sustainable development of organizations. Different institutions apply varying strategies to ensure continued growth of their talent pool and fulfillment of their corporate social responsibilities within their market segment. In essence, much of these practices depend on multiple factors, including managerial skills alongside with...

Employee And Labor Relations

Introduction One of the most challenging and disconcerting decisions faced by employers and human resource (HR) managers in establishing a fair and equitable standard for promotion. Many public and private sector organizations are in a dilemma when creating union contract clauses because the HR managers may prefer merit or ability-based...

Diversity and Discrimination in Restaurant Industry

Introduction This paper addresses how diversity is important for an organization and how companies can reduce allegations of discrimination at the workplace. Diversity as a Good Business Practice Diversity at work is a mix of the population from across cultures, religions, sects, disabilities, and gender. Having a diverse workforce is...

“Entrepreneur” Magazine: The Latest Issue

The latest issue of “Entrepreneur,” the world-renowned business trends magazine, discusses the emerging changes and news of 2021. One of the topics is the opening of Drew Barrymore’s brand in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The actress tells the public about the peculiarities of entrepreneurial work in conditions of...

Silo Busting: Making the Most of Corporate Social Responsibility

A customer-centered culture creates solutions that cater to their needs. A company that employs this approach must study and understand its market. It frames its ideas, products, and solutions in a manner that makes sense for consumers. The culture, values, metrics, and power structures of a customer-centered organization reward behavior...

Human Resource Management at Vigo County Tax and Municipal Services Office

Human resource management (HRM) centers around effective ways of organizing employees and can provide a crucial competitive edge. It is meant to enhance the overall performance of all employees by distinguishing their duties, establishing hierarchies, and promoting communication between various workers who occupy different positions. Proper management creates the atmosphere...

Creating a Job Description as a Function of a Manager

Introduction Hiring highly qualified personnel is a challenging task for present-day companies. It is usually addressed through the involvement of the human resource (HR) management, and their participation implies the development of appropriate job descriptions reflecting business priorities and needs. Therefore, successful talent acquisition is the sole responsibility of organizations’...

Analysis of Starbucks Business Strategy

Starbucks is one of the most successful businesses in history, familiar both to coffee drinkers or not. As other companies, it has its business strategy that has brought Starbucks such a colossal success. This paper explores essential aspects of Starbucks ‘ business strategy, such as focusing on flexibility, productivity calculation...

Communication Workers of America Union’s Profile

A union is an organization of workers with a common objective of achieving different beneficial goals such as attainment of wages and benefits, improved safety standards, protection of the integrity of their trade or careers. The union is mandated to accomplish this through continuous negotiations with relevant bodies to obtain...

Leadership and Cross-Cultural Differences

Abstract The paper provides a detailed overview of cross-cultural leadership and management in the workplace, in an effort to better signify the need to embrace acceptance and diversity in treatment of employees. The importance of working and adapting to modern challenges in treating one’s employees was stated, and the particular...

Communication, Decision Making and Conflict Management

Introduction Communication techniques are the schemes used to advance communication between individuals of a team. Their proper use ensures successful team communication and high team morale. They work to eliminate communication breakdown, a significant source of conflict, sabotage, complaints, and resignation. Applying these techniques creates a productive working environment for...

Getting to Yes: Book Review

The book entitled Getting to Yes: Negotiating an agreement without giving in was written by a group of Harvard-based authors majoring in negotiation. The book’s target audience is the general public and business-involved individuals who engage in negotiations regularly. As the title implies, the work is organized around the idea...

International Strategy McDonald Corporation

Introduction This paper requires an “International Strategy” formulation for a multi-national company to invest in a country to achieve desperately higher growth. Here the preferred company is “McDonald Corporation”, the US largest fast-food chain restaurant and famous delicious food and prime quality services. Here the target host country is India,...

Psychology of Relationships: Case Analysis

I worked at a small IT company where creativity was valued, but one of my attempts to offer new ideas resulted in worsening my relationship with the boss. We frequently had brainstorming sessions where the thoughts about our product development have been assessed and discussed. The boss valued the openness...

Nonlinear and Integer Optimization

In the article by Ware, Singh, and Banwet (2014), the authors are using the mixed-integer non-linear optimization technique (MINLP) to model the dynamic supplier selection problem. This problem arises whenever there is a need for an organization to secure high-volume supply delivery using different suppliers’ services. This problem is complicated...

Creating an Advertising Website for a Jewelry Company

Executive Summary Webster’s Jewellers is a jewelry company founded in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Its reputation and economic success allowed opening a store in the northern part of the city, in addition to the downtown location. At the same time, in order to promote the new Webster’s North, it would...

International Strategy Advantages and Drawbacks

The given case study discusses the success and the decline of the Finnish multinational telecommunications company Nokia. This case makes us understand how a company could benefit from going global as well as suffer from it. For example, Nokia managed to achieve lower operational costs by opening plants in some...

“What Is the Theory of Your Firm?”

The main concept of the article is a corporate theory, which focuses on identifying the specific traits and needs of the company and using them to achieve a stable position in the market. The author emphasizes that an effective theory “identifies those assets and activities that are rare, distinctive, and...

The Ethics of Government Involvement in Business

Government regulation is necessary for ethical conduct by businesses since it ensures that there is fairness. Without laws, some companies, especially big ones with many resources at their disposal, would advance themselves through dishonest means. For instance, it would be unethical for a large firm to malign a smaller one...

Amazon Versus Barnes and Noble in the Bookstore Market

Barnes and Noble and Amazon as bookstores may appear to represent a similar approach, yet they should be considered the direct opposite of each other in terms of business and marketing strategies. Amazon is a much bigger transnational company with almost forty percent of foreign customers, which does not view...

Walmart and the Chinese Market

Introduction Walmart is one of the largest multinational retail corporations and the world’s largest company by revenue. It operates in twenty-six countries outside of the United States, with the Chinese market being one of the primary focuses for the company’s expansion since 1996 when Walmart opened its first hypermarket in...

External Business Analysis With Six Questions

The external analysis, also known as environmental analysis, is a process through which companies objectively evaluate changes that might influence their current operations to their industries and the wider world. Companies do this to make sure they can adapt and succeed in a drive in the context of changes. The...

Leadership Style: Which It Should Be?

Abstract Leadership can be defined using how a person influences others. The purpose of this study is to identify leadership styles and the traits associated with an effective leader. It also seeks to clarify the difference between having power and being a leader. A person can be a leader but...

Potential Entrepreneurial Business Venture

Description of Venture’s Services Starting a retail and distribution consultancy business venture in the future is one of the most lucrative business ideas. A business venture is a legal, organizational, economic, and financial unit feature created by entrepreneurs to enhance their business operations (Kose, 2020). This venture will be appropriate...

Marketing Metrics of Tencent Plc

Introduction A management report plays an essential role in the promotion plan of an organization. For instance, it displays the primary marketing metrics applied in advertising the organization’s critical products. Besides, they create a visualization of the current marketing performance to assess its overall organizational potential. Through the selling metrics...

CPA at Family Games, Inc.: The Case Analysis

Brief Helen Strom is a controller and a CPA at Family Games, Inc., a private company. After talking to another CPA and the CFO of the company, Carl Land, Helen faces an ethical dilemma. Carl, representing the interests of the company’s CEO, is convincing Helen to manipulate reported results for...

Walt Disney Company: SWOT Analysis

Walt Disney is a globally recognized entertainment brand that most of the world’s population is familiar with since childhood, thanks to the outstanding cartoons the company has created. Meanwhile, in the business world, no player has a guarantee that its success will last forever, relying only on previous achievements. Strengths,...

Leadership Styles: Organizational Change and Quality Management

Leadership is defined as the act of organizing a group of people to achieve a common objective. It entails giving directions to other people mostly to the subordinates by authority and being accountable for the results obtained (Johnson and Hackman, 2003, p.38). Leadership in an organization is an important tool...

The Process of Negotiations

Any negotiating process, regardless of its participants, context, or goals, involves an interaction between the negotiators, which is manifested through communication. The statement “there can be no negotiation without communication” is particularly true due to the essential role of the communicational process in negotiations. Indeed, negotiating involves exchanging opinions, interests,...

Business Memo: Describing Market Segmentation

It is a great pleasure that Media Popup, a portable multimedia center, is to be marketed in the US. This fact can provide GlobeMedia with essential benefits, but it is necessary to choose the right market segment to reckon on any advantages. Thus, the purpose of this business memo is...

International Logistics and Supply Chain Outsourcing

As I studied international logistics, my knowledge base on the subject matter took a positive leap. I conceptualised in my mind how international logistics provides a framework for a cost effective flow of products and services to the customer in both the forward and reverse directions. Effective coordination and timely...

Creating Needs by Marketing

Marketing is one of the most critical undertakings all companies apply, regardless of their directions and sizes, to communicate and deliver value to customers in a way that benefits organizations. Because of the enormous number of competing companies in the global marketplace, marketers spare no effort in developing strategies that...

Elon Musk: Factors Impacting Successful Entrepreneurship

The quest to crystallize qualities pertinent to renowned entrepreneurs resulted in an extensive body of popular and even scientific literature listing a number of requirements that potentially increase the likelihood of business to succeed. Yet, launching a new business is always risky, while different factors and approaches, including lean start-up,...

The Shift in Demand for Tesla Electric Vehicles

An article submitted to CNN describes the situation of competition between Tesla and Volkswagen. It is noted that Volkswagen significantly increased sales of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids in 2020. Therefore, thanks to Volkswagen, an increase in supply in the electric vehicle market was recorded. Specifically, Volkswagen sold 231,600 battery...

Coca-Cola Amatil Limited: Analysis of Financial Performance

Introduction Financial performance of an entity changes from one period to another period depending on a number of factors. Some of the factors are economic (such as fluctuations in exchange rate, stiff competition and recession), social (such as people’s perception about the product), and climatic factors (adverse weather changes such...

Time Management or Self-Management

Time is a precious gift and a crucial resource. The ways of spending it have become a subject of numerous books and studies and triggers minds nearly every person on the globe. Whether it be an astronaut or a farmer, people every day make choices regarding spending their time, and...

Business Endeavors Aligning With the School’s Mission

The key mission of Pepperdine University’s Graziadio School of Business and Management is to use the education that is global in orientation, ethical in focus, and entrepreneurial in spirit to advance responsible business practice. This is a rather significant goal that is oriented to taking business education to a new...

Team Decision Making Techniques

Decision-making is a process when a responsible person analyzes an issue and looks for possible variants of how to solve it. When a group of people is involved, a decision-making process becomes challenging. On the one hand, all the participants share the burden of responsibility, and they can unite their...

Cultural Diversity Audit Research Report of PwC

Preamble The objectives of this research report include providing the careful cultural diversity audit of PwC based on the materials from the Website of the company and other sources and identifying the possible improvements required for enhancing the internal cultural diversity of the company. The report consists of the introduction,...

Selling Sponsorship for Recreational Sports Program

Introduction Sports are some of the social activities which keep various communities integrated and closely linked. Consequently, it is essential to promote sports, which can readily be accepted by society members and contribute to their success. The sport adopted for this community recreational program is soccer, which has existed for...

Researching of Business Process Management

Summary Using a systematic approach to analyze current organizational problems is a successful business strategy for early detection and further management. However, few companies recognize the importance of business process management, BPM, to improve organizational efficiency and productivity. In the case study under discussion, the automotive component company, which focuses...

Proposal for Sustainable Innovation Strategies

Introduction Economic growth can be disassociated from the degradation of the environment by the development and use of new technologies (Hoque & Walsh 2011). As such, natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. Therefore, it is prudent that governments, organizations, or individuals adopt sustainable innovation strategies (Weber & Hemmelskamp...

Leadership Followership Relationship

Introduction Leaders have a great and crucial role in steering organizations if they are to acquire followership and achieve the goals and objectives of the organization. They have a great task of inspiring the followers for them to have their commitment and share the same interests and aspirations regarding the...

Frito-Lay’s Manufacturing Facility and Innovations

The goal of any production is to get as much profit as possible at the lowest cost. The modernization of management technologies can achieve such benefits since the final result directly depends on how effectively all processes are executed. The purpose of this paper is to critically analyze and evaluate...

Document and Workflow Management

Introduction Workflows are processes associated with work processes in administration settings. The technology of workflow helps to support operational processes such as case driven processes. Workflow management system helps to ensure that information reaches the designated computer or individual at the right time (Wil van der Aalst, 2004, p. 74)....

The Ageing Workforce in Air New Zealand Limited

Introduction The modern world passes through a period of radical change visible in all spheres. The advances in technologies created the basis for the improvement in the quality of life and increased attention to the well-being of individuals. Moreover, medicine supported by new scientific discoveries promoted a significant extension of...

Compliance vs. Ethics Comparison

The fact that ethics and compliance are commonly confused demonstrated that they are close in meaning, yet there is a vast difference. As for me, the distinction between these two words seems to be in the fact that compliance rests on a pragmatic basis, while ethics is social and intuitional....

Five Areas of Effective Task Management

Introduction All organizations have requirements which prompt the implementation of certain tasks in a bid to improve the overall performance of the organization while at the same time ensuring that the organization is at par with recent developments in the specific area of operation. The overall success of the task...

The Challenges and Roles of Leaders in the Groups

Leading a group is something that requires an individual to apply many leading skills. Some people are naturally born as leaders but others acquire leading skills with time. Whether an individual has received formal training in leadership skills or not, the most important thing is that every good leader must...

Financial Analysis of Unilever Group

Solvency and debt ratios Solvency ratios measure the ability of the company to meet the interest obligations that arise from debts payable by the company. A commonly used solvency ratio is the interest coverage ratio. It is arrived at by dividing earnings before interest expenses and income and interest expense....

Private Equity in the Business World

Introduction In today’s business environment, capital happens is regarded by many as one of the most important resources (Padget 2011). One way through which companies are able to finance their business ventures is through private equity (PE). According to Snider and Howards (2010), private equity is treated as capital drawn...

United Airlines: The DuPont Analysis

Various groups such as shareholders, governments, employees, communities and creditors use audited financial statements of companies. Financial statements provide the potential users with a narrow insight into the strengths and weaknesses of a business. Reflectively, financial statements do not give an in-depth depiction of performance of an entity (Siddidui, 2005...

Developing a Firm’s Positioning Strategy

Schildge offers an adequate positioning strategy as a concept of marketing for developing and planning a company’s direction. It is useful not only for starting a business but also for existing long-term ones. Implementing a positioning strategy as part of the firm’s marketing would profit companies in the long run....

Human Factors in Project Management

The term “human factors” encompasses the various influences on the project that its participants can have. In some cases, they will be positive, such as creativity or motivation, which can drive performance beyond expectations. However, in other situations, they will have an adverse effect, such as when team members engage...

Observational Methods to Research the Student Experience

The main idea of the observation method is to watch at the setting, participants, and the situation and to present the results of this in the separate section of the research (Patton, 2002). Creswell (2007) is sure that the main strength of the observation is that watching at the situation...

Using Big Data and Predictive Analytics to Modernize Government Operations

Introduction At the beginning of the 21st century, the development and global spread of Internet communication technologies in modern states led to the emergence of an independent virtual political communication space with its principles of functioning. The introduction of new types of political communication influences the processes of interaction between...

Strategic Management Techniques and Tools in Healthcare

Introduction Strategic quality management plays a fundamental role in the development and implementation of organizational plans. Healthcare leaders have an essential duty to determine crucial tools and techniques that facilitate the progressive execution of projected ideas. In this sense, promoting patient safety is the primary objective of healthcare practice, especially...

Social Media Role in Managing Event Customer Relations

Social media definition Social media is an advanced communication device of the modern century that applies the inclusion of a massive group who share a common sentiment. It has allowed its users to update their events and societal beliefs as they strive to acquire better communication channels. In addition, social...

Elements of Strategic Planning in Health Organizations

Strategic planning process Strategic planning process is a critical component of the health care delivery system. Its application cuts across governmental and private practice institutions. Ordinarily, it consists of four main steps which include situational analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation, and strategy evaluation (Duncan, Swayne and Ginter 2006). All these...

Rationale of Sales Compensation Plan

The sales commissions’ compensation plan is used by many business entities like Dasani Water Distribution Company as a method of remuneration and motivation to steer sales performance. This plan is two pronged and is objectively applied to compensation to sales representatives after closing a sale and also rewarding them for...

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Arbitration and Conciliation

Introduction Alternative dispute resolution has been widely used to refer dispute resolution by means other than court adjudication (Staff 231). However, the definition of alternative dispute resolution incorporates a wide range of court oriented initiatives which are designed to facilitate a more effective administration of justice while overcoming delays and...

Brexit and the Car Industry Issues

Introduction In the recent past year, the UK announced its intention to exit the European Union (EU). Membership to the EU enabled the UK to enjoy several benefits, including the benefits of barrier-free trade. Therefore, its exit from the organization is definite to have an impact on the UK’s economy....

Skills and Traits of Leaders Overview

Abstract Trait theories can identify the personality characteristics that are associated with the success of leaders. Nevertheless, it is necessary to transform these inherent qualities into skills or competencies that should be possessed by these people. By combining these models, students can become more efficient public health administrators. Introduction Several...

Analysis of Enron Company’s Financial Fraud Case

Corporate culture defines communication between employees and leaders and approaches to problem-solving. A corporate culture based on ethical principles ensures open and honest interaction of all parties helps effectively respond to any changes in the internal and external environment. However, the corporate culture’s lack of ethical principles leaves room for...

Principles Of Stakeholder Engagement

Introduction Project planning is an essential element for achieving business success. According to Jacobs and Chase (2014), a project plan refers to the list of activities that should be performed to achieve a specific goal. This plan is the most useful when all stakeholders work together. Thus, the principal purpose...

Boards of Directors in Strategic Management

Strategic management is a critical aspect of any company which helps an organization develop and implement the policies and plans to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. In Fortune, Walmart is leading the charts in the 2020 rankings once again as the most admired company, while other notable U.S....

Starbucks Corporation Overview and Analysis

Starbucks Corporation is a US company that is considered one of the largest global coffee retailers. This brief report analyses the company’s DuPont identity, which is calculated for the last three years, and compares it with that of a competitor company i.e. Dunkin’ Brands Group, Inc. DuPont Identity is a...

Starbucks Corporation’s Cost Allocation Problem

Introduction Starbucks is the world’s largest coffee shop retail chain operator. It faces keen competition from Mc Donald’s Corporation and Dunkin’ Donuts Inc. in the coffee market of United States. Luxury end products are supplied by them. The spending habit among the target customer group towards loyal products provides competitive...

The Need for Dual-Career Planning

Introduction The number of families where both parents work and pursue careers is increasing. Such couples need to consider long-term goals regarding their lifestyle and distribution of housework between parents. Also, when children are born, additional scheduling is needed to accommodate all responsibilities. The primary issue is that the majority...

Business Innovation and Skill (BIS) Data Analysis

Introduction The present report was commissioned by the Chief Research Analyst. It presents the analysis of data provided by the Department for Business Innovation and Skill (BIS). The purpose of the present report is to compare the South East region with the North West region in terms of similarities and...

An Example of an Ethical Company

Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., also known as Chipotle, is an American restaurant chain primarily serving Mexican food. Chipotle is an example of a company that demonstrates corporate social responsibility and commitment to human and environmental causes. The company promotes human flourishing by serving “food with integrity,” as stated in its...

Offshoring Strategies Implementation

The increased competition from developing countries of Asia and Eastern Europe caused firms to implement offshoring strategies – moving the production abroad. Relocation has been an ongoing trend in the business area to achieve better results on global marketplaces (Lin et al., 2017). Such methods aid obtains these businesses several...

Double-Entry Accounting: Debits and Credits

The double-entry system of accounting is a concept underlying modern accounting processes. It implies that each financial transaction that is being carried out has an equal but opposite impact on at least two different accounts. The double-entry system is used for satisfying the Assets = Liabilities + Equity equation. Therefore,...

Leadership in Healthcare Overview

Introduction Professionals in the healthcare sector need to develop and apply the best leadership styles to support the delivery of personalized medical services. They should also have appropriate models for improving their competencies continuously. Practitioners who focus on emerging ideas and meet the demands of the followers and patients will...

BCD Company Business Prospectus

Summary BCD intends to be one of the most renowned companies in the U.S. and subsequently expand its wings to receive global recognition. The company plans to venture into the Artificial Intelligence (AI) business, offering different opportunities to the target market. BCD aims at embracing the best services in the...

Organizational Development Activities

Introduction Organizational development (OD) is a significant, science-based, and practice-oriented process that helps an organization build its capacity to change and attain heightened effectiveness levels. It can be made through the development, improvement, and reinforcement of organizational strategies, structures, and processes. Orpen (1997), Clifford, and Thorpe (2007) stated that organizations...

Why Companies Pay Dividends

Introduction Despite the fact that many companies have different policies on dividend payments; dividend payment still remains one of the most controversial issues in corporate finance (Investopedia 2011, p. 1). This issue is brought to the fore by the fact that companies such as Microsoft Corporation (despite its success over...

Competition Bikes Inc Case Study

Competition Bikes Inc is a bicycle manufacturing company, which was established in 2001 by an avid rider called Lary Ferguson. The company specializes in sporting bikes for new entrants and existing sportsmen. So far, the company has been successful and among the world’s largest sporting bile sellers despite its short...

Organizational Effectiveness: Change, Organizational Design, and Organizational Culture

Introduction Ensuring organizational effectiveness is one of the central tasks that companies face in the realm of the global economy. Due to the tight competition observed in the global market, as well as the presence of large corporations that pose an immeasurable challenge to new entrants, it is crucial to...

Six Leadership Traits: Overview and Definition

There are six fundamental leadership traits: vision, honesty, empathy, determination, competence, and motivation. Every successful leader needs to have these traits to be successful. One of the greatest examples of a worthy leader is King David. First, he had a clear vision of what should be achieved and how it...

Servant Leadership and Followership

In the few past years, various leadership styles and philosophies have become popular because they can assist leaders in achieving their goals, motivating employees, and fulfilling team tasks. Servant leadership has emerged as a distinctive leadership style with a unique relationship between a leader and his followers. This essay will...

Legal Aspects of Human Resources Management

Union Solicitation The All Souls Hospital employee was within her legal right to chat with other staff members about the union on social media. The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) grants workers the right to establish, enroll, or assist in union organizations, or to engage in collective bargaining or solicitation...

Collaboration Agreement: A Partnership for Tax Purposes

Introduction A Corp. is conducting business with B Corp. under a “collaboration agreement.” B Corp. is able to promote the widget product and claimS that the trademarks are owned jointly. The agreement specifies that this form of collaboration is not a partnership, which means that Form 1065 is not being...

Wood Kitchen Industry: Business Policy and Strategy

Wood kitchen industry had a strong revenue growth because of increasing growth in housing markets all over the world. Now imports have become the real threat for the wood kitchen industry. And the growth of this industry is purely dependent upon the housing market. (Wood kitchen cabinet and countertop manufacturing...

Changes in Marketing, Digital Marketing

Marketing has altered much in recent years, as technological progress allows for more comprehensive ways of delivering information and motivating people to purchase goods and services. Digital marketing provides numerous advantages, which include various ways of interacting with consumers, collecting feedback, targeting specific demographic groups, and integrating advertisements in content....

Pop-Up Restaurant Chef: Career Interest

Introduction The hospitality sector has the potential to realize my lifelong aspirations. I have always been fond of cooking and preparing meals. I would like my career to let me sharpen my culinary skills and improve communication with customers. I don’t want to work for somebody else as I value...

Impact of Smartphones on Work-Life Balance

Smartphones are an integral part of any business owner’s work and many employees as it allows them to contact customers, colleagues, or suppliers quickly, control work processes, and solve problems. However, there is also the idea that the use of a smartphone blurs the line between work and personal life...

Strategic Management Accounting. Costing

Introduction Many multinationals have been seeking better ways to expand their businesses further so as to increase profitability. For those companies that have different businesses within the same group, individual managers have been put in charge to oversee these operations. As a matter of fact the management has used different...

Increase of E-Commerce Threat in Nowadays

Introduction E-Commerce (Electronic commerce) is one of the recent and emerging internet services. E-Commerce is simply, the doing of commerce using Electronic Technology such as internet, or other computer networks. The E-Commerce comprises the activities such as selling and buying of the products through internet. Security in the E-Commerce is...

Positive Qualities of Hotel Staff: Hilton Sydney

Background Information Hilton Hotels & Resorts is a global brand of luxury and full-service hotels operating in multiple countries around the globe. The company accounts for more than 215 thousand rooms in 85 countries and areas across six continents, including Australia. In Sydney, the Hilton Hotel is located on 488...

Organizational Risk Management: Effectiveness and Risks

The medical institution described in this essay is an assisted housing facility for adults with mental illness disabilities. As an establishment that provides housing and support for people with various degrees of therapy and medication needs, the facility faces numerous risks associated with dangerous patient behavior, infections, and medication. This...

Market Power and Demand Elasticity Showed by Wal-Mart

Compared to the company mentioned in the text, one of the best examples to oppose such demand elasticity might be Wal-Mart. The key reason for such comparison is the mogul retailer’s initial impact on smaller firms that get careworn under the influence of natural sales generated by Wal-Mart (Allgrunn &...

Trends, Patterns, and Consistencies in the Oil and Gas Sector

Orientation The oil and gas industry is a significant contributor to the global gross domestic product. In 2019, the sector yielded $86 trillion, which is 3.8% of the total GDP of the world (What percentage of the global economy, 2020). The business is conducted by firms that are specialized in...

Examples of CRS Undertaken by Starbuck Corporation

Although organizations aim at making a profit, there is a need for them to act and do business in a way that accounts for the societal as well as environmental impact shaped by the business, this concept has been dubbed corporate social responsibility. There are several examples of CRS undertaken...

Stages of Business Growth

Introduction Every company, regardless of its size and overall performance, experiences the phase of startup, growth, maturity, and either death or revival. Each stage makes an organization face unique challenges. For the owners, it is essential to be aware at which stage the organization is because this would help to...

Justification for an Internal Control System

Introduction Internal control is a process that is put in place by the organization’s authority and structure which is supposed to be flowed to help the organization accomplish the set goals. Internal control helps improve or manage the organization’s risk and capital requirement. This results in better management skills and...

The Methods of Risk Management in Business

Introduction Environmental factors that cause risk The success of any business is highly dependent on the strategies it employs as well as the environmental conditions in which it runs. The business environment of today is being changed frequently. Changes in technology, market, and political environments increase the uncertainties of managers...

IPhone 12 Mini Product Analysis

Introduction Apple Inc. is a worldwide technological company founded by Steve Jobs, Ronald Wayne, and Steve Wozniak; its headquarter office is in Cupertino, California. The company develops and designs new computer and phone devices using the most advanced technologies (Heracleous & Papachroni, 2016). Last year Apple introduced a series of...

The Downstream Oil and Gas: Review

The oil industry has always played a significant role in the economics of any given country. The industry is complex and occupies a substantial portion of the global market. The complexity of the supply chain caused it to be divided into three separate segments: upstream, midstream, and downstream. It is...

Importance of Forecasting in Business

Forecasting is the estimation of the value of a variable (or set of variables) at some point in time in the future. Typically, the purpose of predictive calculations in an enterprise is to provide information to the planning process. Forecasting proceeds from the assumption that if a company can at...

Organizational Politics of Hewlett-Packard

Introduction Analyzing political behavior and interactions is challenging for several reasons. First, the object of analysis is the complex relationships of entire groups of influential persons. Second, their position makes it extremely difficult to obtain information about their lives and the reasons for their actions. Often, companies do not reveal...

Behind the Counter at Mcdonald’s

The first article I wish to summarize, “Behind the Counter at McDonald’s”, concerns Robin Leidner’s research conducted about the employees’ alienation due to the routinization of work. The author did a participant observation at McDonald’s as a model of formal rationality and standardized rules. The observation has shown that the...

Additional Financial Resources

Introduction Additional capital for a company is often required when the company needs to implement a potentially successful project, extend the production or range of services. The means, that may be resorted to are various. This paper aims to analyze at least three measures, which may be resorted to gaining...

Strategy Options for Hotel in Sydney, Australia

Customer Attraction The current financial situation and CVP report indicate that the hotel’s price strategy is the best approach to attract clients during the high, shoulder and low seasons. Moreover, the hotel will continue to support the brand values and will not replace or eliminate some services during the shoulder...

Importance of Team Building in Nursing

Team Leader Team building in the world of nursing today is essential. There are many expectations of nursing that have a wide range of knowledge, other than clinical care. One of those is evidence-based medicine. Research and implementation, but especially implementation take a team to complete in a quality way....

Alienation and McDonaldization of Labor

The excerpt offered for analysis discusses the working conditions at Amazon warehouses and the corporation’s general attitude toward blue-collar labor. The situation at hand can be investigated from two perspectives – the Marxist alienation of labor and Ritzer’s McDonaldization. According to Marx, alienation of labor stems from the detachment of...

Mindful Decision Making and Driving Results

Decision making is the function of a manager at any level. Employees of organizations, as well as specialists of consulting companies, usually take part in its preparation. Managers implement their managerial activities through decisions; therefore, they are leaders’ primary “creations”. The product of the direct actions of the leader is...

Vendor Management: External Assessment

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the success of any company partly depends on its vendors. Their critical importance is that they ensure the ability of the organization to achieve profit goals and revenue and drive new growth within the particular industry. Therefore, vendors are at the heart of...

The Cost of Raising New Capital

The main difference between the weighted average costs of capital and the weighted marginal cost of capital is that WMCC is the new or the incremental cost of new capital to be issued by a company. This capital is to be issued or raised at a new cost according to...

The Concept of Market Segmentation

Market segmentation is critical to a marketing strategy; it drives organizations’ marketing decisions. The concept of market segmentation stems from the economic pricing theory that claims that it is possible to gain maximum profits via discrimination of pricing levels between segments (Venter, Wright & Dibb, 2015). Market segmentation helps to...

Corporate Management: Tactical Planning vs. Strategic Planning

Understanding differences between tactical and strategic planning in an organizational context is critical for the effective management of resources and the development of a competitive advantage. As a rule, tactical planning offers strategies for meeting short-term goals and emergent issues, whereas strategic planning leads to the creation of long-term strategies....

Nassau Finance Corporation’s Risk Management Strategy

Introduction Financial management strategy refers to the process of identifying all possible strategies that can assist in maximizing a business net worth by allocating the available scarce resources in the best way possible among various competitive environment and how to implement, monitor and develop the said strategy to achieve the...

The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory

There are different approaches to defining a leadership style, depending on the defining characteristics. The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory examines the context, competence, and motivation of followers that are critical for a leader to adapt and adjust his management style (Fuller, 2019). In this paper, I will analyze my example...

Nova Energy Drinks Company

Nova Energy Drinks company is an innovative solution in the beverage industry, offering a healthy alternative to a conventional energy drink. Excelled both in sales and social performance, Nova Energy Drinks is ready to distribute its product past the US territory, looking for long-term investments. This case-study assesses the risk...

Company Policy on Cell Phone Usage and Driving

Introduction The use of cell phones while driving escalates the risk of harming other motorists and pedestrians due to distracted driving. For instance, sending a text message when driving increases the car crash risk by 23 times (Carroll et al. 289). A study indicated that the accident severity increased to...

Unethical Behavior Avoidance and Detection

For this assignment, the author has reviewed two articles that discussed unethical practices. One highlighted scandals that happened in 2017, while the other identified five large U.S. corporations that it considered most unethical. From the article by Shen, the author has learned that most scandals appear to result from leadership...

Benefits and Detriments of Going Public

Introduction Between 2009 and 2013, numerous companies have changed from public to private, in order to avoid the financial backlash of the economic crisis that shook the global economy during those years. In order to respond to the various economic challenges arising during those years, many smaller companies were absorbed...

Teens ‘Especially Vulnerable’ to Junk Food Advertising

Article Summary The article’s primary message is food advertising’s influence on teenagers and their exposure to those ads. Today, the US is facing a situation where a high percentage of adolescents suffer from obesity. Active marketing of foods that are full of sugars, refined carbohydrates, and fats substantially contributes to...

Walmart Effect: Discovery of the Company’s Economy

This essay will examine the discovery of the economy of Walmart, an American retail corporation. The Walmart Effect is a term that refers to the impact that large companies such as Walmart make on local businesses (Kenton, 2019). The effect usually leads to the reduction of wages for employees’ competitors...

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan

Optimized ‘Size and Shape’ of the Airline and Financial Plan The functional organizational structure is rigid by definition. It has some drawbacks that affect not only Airlines, but the airlines that use this structure. First, strong centralized control over operations reduces the flexibility of individual departments, including local managers and...

Accounting Scandals. Case Analysis

Accounting and reporting issues have the power to diminish a company in a short amount of time. Enron’s case is a proof – one of the largest companies in the United States went from $90 to $0.26 per share in a matter of days (Segal, 2020). The management of the...

Analysis of the Commonly Used Expatriate Compensation Strategies

Introduction Globalization is gaining more and more impact on institutions, ranging from small companies to multinational corporations. The shrinking of international boundaries among enterprises and their markets has made it necessary for institutions to come up with the possible strategies for dealing with the demands of such diversification. The element...

Sparrow Pharmaceuticals’ Advertisement Strategy Analysis

Introduction Sparrow Pharmaceuticals has acquired its client base by advertising credible and thematic articles and offering a high-quality selection of medical research findings. The given measure has granted the trust of its customers as it was useful for them together with the excellent performance of the company’s products. There is...

Implementation Strategy in the Healthcare Sector: Implementation Stages Analysis

Implementation of specific strategies or solutions demands an effective and comprehensive approach that guarantees consideration of all issues vital for the improved outcomes. Under these conditions, the implementation strategy acquires the top priority as one of the major goals to attain success and avoid failures. For the healthcare setting, the...

Identifying Root Causes of Business

It is a primary goal of every business to improve its quality and productivity while reducing costs and overcoming any inefficiencies. In some cases, there is a specific job position, Continuous Improvement Manager, that deals with the task above. Such managers are free to choose the existing methodology and tools...

Wise Exporters: Case Study

Introduction Exporting is used as a means for venturing into the international markets. There has been an increased interest for people to know the performance of the export market. The quest has caused some analysts to research more about the export market (Aaby & Slater, 1989; Bilkey, 1978; Cavusgil &...

Marketing Research of Competitors on the Market

Research Question There is no doubt that the development of business enterprises in conditions of the modern market is becoming challenging, caused by a number of political and economic factors, including the abundance of competitive core companies. This means that modern business cannot develop without hindrance, as when entering the...

Evolution of Organizational Performance Metrics

Historical Performance Measures Profit The metric of profit has likely not changed much throughout the 20th century. It remains one of the most important measures of success to businesses because it often determines whether it can continue operating in the long term. How it is measured, such as gross, operating,...

Human Resource Management Essential Competencies

The role of HR managers in an organization is difficult to underestimate since they manage the company’s most valuable resource – the workforce. Effectively managed employees are committed to their organization and do their best to help it achieve its strategic goals. To succeed in human resource management, HR professionals...

The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T: Analysis of the Companies

The Coca-Cola Company and AT&T are old US enterprises that have managed to stay successful under changing market conditions for a long time. The history of AT&T began in the late 19th century with the telephone invention (Cohen 20). This event served as a signal for the founding of the...