Latin America’s Economic Development Issues

The three main issues that I believe are attempting against economic development of Latin America are poverty, unemployment, and inequality. While there are many social policies that have strived to reduce poverty and inequality, the problems still persist due to poor productive structures that create unequal personal distribution of labor...

Investing in Corporate Bonds or Quality Stocks

The development of financial markets has expanded the tools and methods of investing money so much that it is often difficult to understand various investment alternatives. Among the leading investment tools offered by the modern financial market, investing in corporate bonds or high-quality stocks is popular. These segments of the...

Business Challenges of India: Political Background

The quality of Indian politics has reduced drastically over the course of the past two decades. This happened because of the changing modern-day realities that averted many political figures from living up to societal expectations (Sinha & Wyatt, 2019). Even though there are numerous policy projects pushed by interested parties,...

Anthropocene and Its Role in Globalization

The Anthropocene is an informal term that denotes an era with a high level of human activity affecting wildlife and ecosystems. In recent decades, humans have caused landscape changes, mass extinction of wildlife, and environmental pollution. People have been purposefully changing the world for a long time, using natural resources...

Obtaining Startup Funds and Working Capital

Many entrepreneurs are faced with a choice: to develop a business using personal resources or to attract third-party capital – in order to reach profitability faster. Investments are often required at the initial stages of project development when they are directed to the launch of the first sales. First of...

Can Consumers Make Ethical Clothing Purchases?

Introduction As time goes on, the world population increases, as well as the demand for clothing. This demand is expressed not only in a necessity for clothing as a way to conceal or cover one’s body but also as a statement and a pipeline to provide joy. This essay discusses...

Trans-Pacific Regional Trade Agreement (CPTPP)

This paper will present a discussion of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Agreement. The agreement was signed by eleven member states on March 8, 2018, to enhance trading activities between the countries. According to Suomimen (2021), eleven member states formed the regional trade agreement. The first set of...

Finance: Analysis of Voting Methods

The most appropriate method that the committee should use to hire sales representatives is the instant runoff method. Instant Runoff Voting (IRV), also known as plurality with an exclusion, is a variation of the plurality voting technique that addresses the problem of disingenuous voting. The candidate receiving the fewest first-place...

Researching of the Principle of Finance

Summary In the market, an intrinsic value of a business today is determined by the cash flows discounted at the given interest rates expected to occur in the future. In other words, it denotes the present value of the future cash flow added together. Therefore, in the case of firm...

Systematic Risk, Debt Maturity, and the Term Structure of Credit Spreads

Introduction Debt is a dangerous form of money that significantly affects overall credit history and adversely affects future financial standing. Individuals are at high risk of losing assets if they fall behind on payments or fail to repay debt. The general accumulation of debt results in the closing of all...

The Sunk Costs and Escalation

The original article by Sofis et al. (2015) aims to explore the phenomena of sunk costs and escalation as related to investments and the implications of investing depending on different circumstances. While some scholars have defined the effect of sunk costs as escalation’s subset, others use sunk costs and escalation...

The Reflection on the Passage of Kenneth Boyd

This passage is very relevant in the era of a pandemic when the world is still adjusting to new conditions. Delivery has become one of the most popular services where people can receive purchases and earn money by delivering them to others. It can be a real salvation for those...

China’s Investment Climate for Americans

Introduction China, one of the largest developing countries, is the world leader in investment inflows. Reasons for China’s strong position on the global stage include a large consumer base, an integrated supply chain, and recent legislative improvements, including the Foreign Investment Law (“Investment Climate”). Investors entering this market are often...

Reasons for Government to Implement the Regulations in Economics

Introduction In the contemporary world, the competitive market is a vital part of Economics, which is based on partial independence, complimented with the government’s regulations. Business is the socially significant activity that influences the daily life of all the citizens that raises the necessity of strict external control over its...

America Added a Disappointing 210,000 Jobs in November Article by Tappe

According to the available information, the selected article was published on December 3, 2021. The article “America added a disappointing 210,000 jobs in November. But the details paint a different picture” (2021), authored by Tappe, is dedicated to adding jobs for Americans to the economy in November. The author of...

Researching of Labor Markets in the US

While the short-term economic prospects are very unpredictable and dependent on the pandemic’s course, it is apparent that numerous long-term labor market shifts are already underway. Rather than speculating on whether the labor market will fully recover, one should consider how the epidemic has sparked or expedited labor market changes....

The Role of the FTC and CFPB in Safeguarding Consumers

Introduction The essence of trade revolves around the relationship that is formed between the seller and the buyer. The former can exist as a distributor of the product or the provider of a service, whereas the latter is represented by an individual or group consumer. In this bilateral relationship, both...

Investments for Henderson and Co.

In recent years, due to a considerable decrease in economic growth caused by the coronavirus pandemic, many organizations and corporations decreased their volumes of production; hence their incomes decreased correspondingly. Therefore, it is the question of investing that has recently been worrying the majority of shareholders and corporate CEOs. Moreover,...

Cooperation of Government and People, Business and Environment

Throughout the whole history, it is considered that the government is always trying to reduce its expenses and maximize its earnings. However, there was a case when local authorities were interested in increasing the specific project’s effectiveness and maintaining the utility of its services. By providing an effective management decision...

United States as the Strongest Country

Introduction Since the Second World War, America has taken the leading position in the world, both militarily and economically. Thus, the Cold War influenced the build-up of defensive systems, as well as nuclear weapons. Moreover, the favorable investment climate and the growth of the largest companies in the world, such...

Germany’s Macroeconomic Situation

Introduction Germany is a country that has a long history and has always been at the forefront of global economic development. At the same time, in the 1990s, Germany’s economy encountered a downturn which gave the country the name “The Sick Man of Europe” (Notermans & Piattoni, 2021). Still, Germany...

Kenya’s Economic Analysis: From Past to Present

Kenyan history dates to the Stone Age era, making it one of the most extensive and complete records of human cultural development worldwide. This is due to the country’s conducive environmental factors for human survival and growth. Kenya gained independence in 1963 from the British colony, after which it stimulated...

The Politics of Budget Implementation

Public budgeting is essential in supplying the population with the resources necessary for the completion of important social and economic projects. As the amount of resources the government can dedicate is limited, the structure of the budget becomes an extremely sensitive issue. The more money, investments, and capital that can...

Globalization Strategies for Multinational Enterprises

Introduction A common perception in society, when looking at what it means for a company to be successful, is that it should be looking to globalize to achieve greater market growth (Rossum, 2015). It is suggested that a business should be scanning opportunities across the globe in order to respond...

Direct Foreign Investment, Long-Term Debt, and International Equity Markets

Direct foreign investment (DFI) occurs when a business or a person claims at least a ten percent ownership of a foreign corporation. Although this percentage does not give a controlling interest to the investor, it permits the influence over the firm’s operations, policies, and management (Erdilek 17). Subsequently, unlike a...

Long Term Unemployed Groups in the UK

The unemployment rate is one of the integral showings affecting the countries’ economies. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic hugely affected the state of long-term unemployment in the United Kingdom, as well as other countries around the world. Hence, during the coronavirus strike period, certain populations or groups of able-to-work people are...

Stock Analysis Beta and Dividend Growth

First and foremost, to my way of thinking, the retrieved Beta provides a critical outcome and makes crucial sense for the stock observation: the analyzed stock directly correlates with the ASX300 index, with a positive beta of 1. This means that generally, the stock change delta in percentage representation will...

The Plan of Upcoming Expenses: JK and Her Family

An Estimated Budget The plan for upcoming expenses should not exceed the income of JK and her family. To make a healthy diet scheme, the woman is recommended to eat eggs, almonds, lentils, rice, oats, and frozen vegetables and fruits in her diet (Buckingham, 2019). Each of these products will...

Memo to The Ministry of National Development

Introduction and Background Holland Village is a neighborhood situated along the border between Bukit Timah and Queenstown in central Singapore. The village is a renowned retail and dining destination for youths and tourists. It is dominated by and frequently visited mainly for its restaurants and bars and a few specialty...

The Possible Future of Bitcoin Cryptocurrency

Introduction The enigmatic Satoshi Nakamoto initially introduced Bitcoin nearly ten years ago, and since then, it has survived many attention and value bubbles. It was invented, revised, and reused after a contentious revision. Although Bitcoin has not proven to be a practical form of money in most situations, it has...

Treasury Bills and Treasury Notes

The modern world economy offers a wide range of tools for investment. All of them have individual characteristics and have their features. When making a choice between investing in Treasury bills or Treasury notes, I would choose favor of bills. Undoubtedly, both types of investments can be convenient in their...

The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Impact on Australia

Executive Summary Australia, much like other countries around the world, was severely affected by the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Before 2020, the nation has experienced moderate rates of growth and development, accentuated by slow trade rates and a general calm period. However, with the regulatory measures brought upon by...

Economics and Financial Issues

The financial analysis determines the most effective ways to maintain or increase the enterprise’s profitability. The main tasks are to analyze the profitability and assess the company’s risks. Financial ratio analysis allows the managers to understand the organization’s competitive position at the current time. One of the sources of required...

Current Events in Macroeconomics

Introduction The success of any state’s economy in 21st-century economies largely depends on the stable macro and microeconomics status of financial and stock markets. Macroeconomic studies focus on the productivity of the general economy in relation to money systems, performance, financial structures and the behaviour of financial markets. Due to...

Methodologies of Mitigating the Agency Problem

A dispute of interest exists in any connection in which one person is expected to work for the good of the other. In financial analysis, agency issues are normally defined as potential conflicts between the administration and shareholders. The administrator, acting as a representative for the stakeholders, or founders, is...

COVID-19, Eviction, and Vulnerable Groups

Introduction Coronavirus pandemic: a powerful force that has shaped every area of social and business interactions; Real estate: one of the least considered yet most affected areas; Himmelstein (2021): eviction being a tremendous problem affecting the livelihood of vulnerable groups (aging people, women, and ethnic minorities); Eviction: “exclusion of people...

Gross Domestic Product Uses and Limitations

Uses Gross domestic product (GDP) is the sum worth of goods and services created in a country over a given period. It is calculated by summing the value of goods and services produced for sale and includes given nonmarket production, for instance, health or education services provided by the government....

2020-2021 Financial Crisis vs. 2007-2008 Market Crash

The 2020-2021 financial crisis due to COVID-19 significantly differed from the 2009 Great Recession. First, the causes and nature of the crises were different. In 2009, the economy imploded and partially collapsed due to the financial system, a range of poor oversight and negative decisions led to the crisis. Meanwhile,...

The Profitability and Investor Ratios

The Significant Trends for the Company’s Investor Ratios It is known that there are many financial ratios intended to provide an insight into a company’s performance with different purposes. For instance, profitability ratios are often analyzed by investors who decide to buy a company’s stock or not. In this case,...

Identification of Consumer Needs: The Case of CryptoKicks

The introduction of CryptoKicks non-fungible tokenized (NFT) shoes is beneficial for Nike since that technology would cut the losses from counterfeit exclusive models. However, the consumers would also gain several advantages from purchasing CryptoKicks. Most importantly, tokenization would immensely help in proving the authenticity of the shoes. In addition, NFT...

Supply and Demand in the Context of the Fuel Crisis

Background In the contemporary world, the global economy is a sphere that connects multiple sectors, and therefore, depends on different events’ influence. Attack on one of the largest United States pipelines, which carries almost half of the East Coast’s fuel supplies, is severe damage to a well-functioning system. It implies...

Personal Budget Planning: Saving, Investing, and Donating

Calculating a personal budget is of crucial importance for financial independence, as it allows you to understand the process of operating money. Fedosov et al. (2021) state that “long-term budget planning is especially important in conditions of high financial dependence” (p. 1). It is clear from my budget table that...

The Volkswagen AG Stocks Analysis

This paper examines the valuation of Volkswagen AG to determine the adequacy of the stock valuation. The company currently has a P / E ratio of 5.78 as of August 2021 (YCharts, 2021). The automotive industry currently has an average of around 10, but many companies in the same sector...

Covid-19 Pandemic-Related Macroeconomic Issues

Introduction COVID-19 sparked many changes that affected various aspects of life, including the economy. Categorically, the economic indicators can fall into two primary areas, namely macroeconomic and microeconomic. The macroeconomic segment covers factors that affect the entire republic or many players. The typical examples are the interest rate, the unemployment...

Payment Methods in Foreign Sales

Business interactions involve goods and services that are paid for in various ways. The two main payment methods are cash-in-advance payment and buyer-backed purchase order financing (BPOF). Cash-in-advance financing method terms allow an exporter to avoid the risk of default since payment is made before the items are transferred to...

America: Governmental Support and Protection

Currently, the most forging threat that is potentially harmful to Americans and the whole world is COVID-19. 2020 Democratic Party Platform considered the pandemic influence one of the nation’s most dangerous threats (Ember & Stevens, 2020). Trumps’ policy in preventing the spreading of the virus and adjusting the healthcare system...

Researching of Stakeholder Theory

When defining the target settings for the activities of an organization, the diverse interests of various parties should be acknowledged. Stakeholder theory presents a universal approach that considers the interests of stakeholders and an organization (Fernando and Lawrence, 2014). The main stakeholders are investors, consumers, competitors, suppliers, and financial institutions....

Asia-Pacific Collaboration: Opportunities and Threats

Introduction The strength of Australia’s economy and its opportunities for trade with other countries are represented by the country’s unique position. During the past twenty years, the sizes of the economies in the Asia-Pacific region have grown significantly, as illustrated by their rising GDPs. Therefore, Australia gets strong and reliable...

The Effectiveness of GDP

Introduction GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is one of the common measures of a country’s economic development. Calculated by adding up the value of all the goods and services produced in the country, the GDP is widely understood to be a sign of a well-off country. This measurement is applied...

How Money Laundering Practices Violate Financial Ethics

Corruption is one of the biggest problems a government can face. U.S. President Joe Biden has declared war on crime against money laundering. The latter include gray schemes for buying houses for cash and investing in offshore shell companies. According to Glink & Tamkin (2021), roughly a third of total...

The Repeal of Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Act

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act Among the reasons for the GFC, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Financial Services Modernization Act plays a significant role. The law repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, which had regulated the relationship of commercial banks regarding investment activities since 1933 (Carpenter, Murphy, E., Murphy, M., 2016). The law greatly...

Budget and Finances of Brevard County, Florida

Budgets are pivotal when it comes to controlling and managing the government’s finances and achieving financial reporting objectives. In particular, the connection between budget preparation and financial planning highlights the crucial role of specific documentation in various governmental organizations. According to Miller (2017), when a financial plan is adopted by...

China’s Economic Power and Political Influence

China has attempted to expand its economic power and political influence throughout the world over the past decades. One of the country’s major strengths that have influenced its ability to expand is its resource-intensive productivity. However, energy and resource risks may hinder China’s growth as it mostly relies on imports....

The Russian Federation and Its Economic Trends

The economy of the Russian Federation is based on the rapid development of the most profitable sources of overall revenue, which is funded by the government. It means that the official policy of the country is the main driver of its future successes in this respect. The initial examination of...

The Great Depression and Contributing Reasons

Several post-World War I events triggered the 1930s Great Depression. Wall Street went into a panic after the October 1929 stock market crash, resulting in millions of investors’ losses. The beginning of a new age, the Roaring Twenties, and the Great Depression were significant events in history. Many social and...

Performance Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets

Introduction The article by Barry at al. “Performance Characteristics of Emerging Capital Markets” (1998) describes the capital markets in developing countries. These markets are believed to have a great potential for development, as long as about 80 percent of population belongs to them. Now they produce only 20 percent of...

Risk, Return, and Capital Asset Pricing Model

Introduction The present report was commissioned by the CEO of SysConsult International. The purpose of the report is to analyse the possibility of investment in Logical IT and Safeworth Grocery. The analysis assumes that a one-year Treasury note will have a rate of return of 5% over the next year,...

The Consumer Behavior Concept Analysis

Abstract The customer behavior concept is the study of how individuals make purchasing decisions. It assists businesses and marketers in capitalizing on these behaviors by anticipating when and how a consumer will buy a product. It aids in the identification of factors that influence these decisions, as well as the...

Greece’s Trading Interaction Analysis

Economic Data Major trading partners The country interacts with multiple countries in terms of trading relationships. Greece’s major trading partners are Germany, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Iraq, and Russia (WTO, 2021). Major imports Greece imports in Germany, Iraq, Italy, Russia, and China; major imports are fuel, mineral waxes, oil, technical...

Inflation and Consumer Price Indexes

One of the most unfortunate situations in a country’s economy is inflation. A more extreme form of it is hyperinflation, which can be defined as the rapid increase in inflation and dramatic drop in the value of a currency (Mastan Travel, 2013). The prominent historical example of this phenomenon was...

Current Dynamics and Trends in Corporate Banking

Introduction Human society has evolved, over the decades, under the gradient of technological advancement hence fostering a change in the business culture operations. It is a phenomenon that renders proficiency in competence across the global enterprise market. Researchers argue that the intensification in the incorporation of automation structures and the...

Latest Real GDP Analysis of the USA

The term GDP is used when assessing the economic state of the market at the global level or in an individual state. The concept appeared in 1934, and it was proposed to use the American economist Simon Smith. The value of GDP is reflected in national or foreign currency, depending...

Raising the National Minimum Wages

Introduction The notion of raising national minimum wages is an essential topic of discussion for the scientific community. Various scholars direct their attention to the significance of enhancing the payments for working individuals and examine the consequences of such practices. Nevertheless, there is still a significant debate regarding the consequences...

Business Financing and Decision-Making

Business financing is an action of funding a business activity, whether it is starting a new business, running, or expanding an ongoing venture. Regardless of the business type or size, a need to provide resources as an enterprise requires procuring items such as equipment, buildings, office furniture, and machinery. When...

International Monetary Fund’s Conditionalities and Neoliberal Measures in Argentina

Introduction It is known that any country’s economy can be influenced by both external and internal factors, which can be beneficial, or on the opposite, deteriorative ones, in a particular situation. At the end of 2001, Argentina was in an economic crisis because of the partial deposit freeze, public debt,...

Impacts of Political Risks and Institutional Environment on FDI Levels in Developing Countries

Introduction Data The researcher used World Bank Worldwide Indicators to analyze the significance of political and institutional factors on foreign direct investment levels in developing countries (Singh, 2019). Bellinger and Son (2019) highlight the six indicators used to determine institutional qualities of a country have been used formerly for empirical...

Investment Research Assignment: Amazon

Summary Financial investment is an important part of any comprehensive financial growth. Without financial growth, it is hard to achieve financial growth. In this case, my objective is to identify a financial investment option for my client. The client has $100,000 to invest in either a bank account or a...

Consumer Behavior: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Consumer marketing involves the personal acquaintance of a potential customer with a product and is aimed at stimulating sales of a product in a specific place and at a particular time. The main goal of consumer marketing is to increase the volume of sales of a product or service, the...

The Yield of a New Bond Issue

In general, a bond prospectus refers to the additional data associated with the bond issue. This information primarily concerns interest payments, call provisions, credit quality, and time to maturity – which constitute essential knowledge for investors (Jark, 2021). At the same time, a bond prospectus might also include general information...

Canadian Liberal Party: Analysis of Macroeconomics

Introduction The Canadian Liberal Party has Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at its head. It was he who brought the party to majority rule by 2015, but by 2019 the number of Liberal parliamentary seats had declined (Jeffrey, 2021). By 2021, Justin Trudeau called early elections, hoping to regain a parliamentary...

Strikes and Disputes Resolutions

Today, one of the most important questions in the modern economy is the government’s ability to resolve conflicts and disputes in the labor field. Labor disputes often lead to strikes and riots, and it is in the government’s best interests to resolve them in the beginning, while not much damage...

ReDefine: Consumer Persona Analysis

ReDefine key customer is a young person who uses the internet to research and plan their travel around the world. The exact consumer can be described as an escapist and learner. As an escapist, they are thrill seeking and adventurous, always open and ready for destination and content discovering and...

Is the Public Sector the Same as or Different From the Private Sector?

The delineation between the public and private sector is often emphasized in legal regulations and requirements, yet the differences between the two may not be visible to a side observer. Indeed, the similarities that the public and private sector share place them in the same economic context, allowing both publicly...

Low Minimum Wage Should Be Increased in the US

Each country adopts its laws regarding the minimum wage for the local population in order to stop the exploitation of workers. In fact, these laws establish the line that cannot be crossed by employers who legally hire other individuals. The majority of countries had adopted regulations in the context of...

Gross Domestic Product Per Capita in the US and Russia

The given comparative analysis will primarily focus on GDP and GDP per capita values between Russia and the United States. On the one hand, the overall GDP value for Russia in 2020 was equal to 1483.5 billion US dollars (“Russia – Economic Indicators,” 2021). On the other hand, the GDP...

Public-Private Partnerships and Interactions

The public-private partnerships in any nation are meant to bring mutual gain to both parties. However, governments through their respective agencies enter partnerships with the private sector for regulation purposes. Free economies allow business entities to run operations for for-profits maximization regardless of prevailing conditions in the market. Such a...

Synchronous Global Economy: Pell Grant Increase’s Influence

How a “synchronous global recovery” is occurring and the reasons for it The COVID 19 pandemic is known for a variety of consequences, the most significant of which are economic ones. However, this situation is expected to improve many sectors of activity and all regions of the world eventually, as...

Macroeconomics: Women-Operated Small Enterprises

The paradigm of macroeconomics, and the notions of aggregate supply and demand, in particular, serve as the drivers for the emergence of specific economic trends, competition in the market, and pricing patterns. However, when considering the fact that the aggregate demand and supply usually focus on the average supply curve...

Investments: The Sunk-Cost Effect

It is hard to disagree that investments are a challenging process that requires special attention, careful consideration, readiness to risk, and thorough analysis of the situation and its circumstances. When talking about projects, some people are certain of their future success and are ready to invest all their money into...

Aspects of Global Interest Rates

Introduction Bond prices and market interest rates have an inverse relationship, and these variables can increase or decrease according to specific conditions of the economic cycle. The interest rate represents the cost of money, which changes depending on the deadline of the reference. For instance, a 3-moth bond yields 0.04%,...

The US Federal Reserve on Employment and Inflation

Introduction The US Federal Reserve has been trying to maintain healthy employment and inflation rates, yet the recent global events have caused some damage to the global economy. The inflation and the unemployment rate are two of the main factors that suffered due to the political, social, and economic fluctuations....

Subjective Financial Well-Being and Its Influence on Life Quality

Introduction Financial well-being has always been a significant phenomenon because available economic resources can influence an individual’s life quality. However, Brüggen, Hogreve, Holmlund, Kabadayi, and Löfgren (2017) admit that research on the topic remains insufficient, meaning that any scientific attempt to study the issue is considered an essential contribution. It...

The Topic of the Floating Exchange Rate

I think that your discussion regarding currency boards is very interesting, and has managed to successfully pinpoint the most important parts of the topic in question. While the practice of currency boards was more prevalent in the past, their current use remains limited, and not many people are familiar with...

Business Liabilities and Insurance

Introduction Residential ownership and property rental businesses are profitable and financially rewarding. Unfortunately, being a landlord is one of the most challenging jobs on the planet because it entails dealing with individual’s issues without invading their privacy. Bear Estate Properties, LLC is a single-member limited liability company registered in Florida....

Socioeconomic Environment in South Africa

The socioeconomic environment is how individuals and communities produce resources required to meet their human and basic needs. The socioeconomic environment includes education among people, access to medical services, and occupational status. South Africa is the chosen Geographical area because it has a diverse culture. Despite the diverse African culture,...

The COVID-19 Effects on the Newfoundland Economy

Purpose of the Study The primary purpose of this research is to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on small, medium, and large businesses in Newfoundland, Canada. Therefore, it is aimed at investigating the effects of the virus on the economy of the region as a whole, focusing specifically...

Town Hall Ongoing Maintenance: A Special Revenue Fund

Any governmental entity should ensure the appropriate segmentation of its resources to maintain proper transparency and accountability for the received financial assets. In particular, the government should guarantee that any donations accepted from the citizens are allocated to the specific cause they were granted for. This essay will argue that...

Components to the Expenditures and Income Approaches to GDP

The components of gross domestic product (GDP) include government spending, business investment, net exports of goods and services, and personal consumption expenditures. The latter is understood as one or several of the following categories: services, durable goods, and non-durable goods. As for disposable income, it is the amount of money...

COVID-19 Effects on Markets and Economies

Introduction COVID-19 has had a significant impact on different aspects of life, including various markets and economies. The main objective of this report is to study and analyze these impacts in current settings such as supermarkets and consumers’ purchasing behavior. Therefore, the guiding question considered for this analysis is, what...

Expansionary Monetary Policy Action

The article “The Fed and the Great Recession” describes the role of the Federal Reserve during the 2008 crisis. It focuses on the implemented monetary policy, which was expansionary in nature, and criticizes its consequences, which were ambiguous (Summer, 2016). The author believes that banks being conservative contributed to the...

Financial Limitations in the Consumer Behavior Process

The article looks at financial limitations in the consumer behavior process. The work singles out four perspectives, such as resource scarcity, choice restriction, social comparison, and environmental uncertainty. It describes their influence on the final decision-making in conditions of scarce resources. The authors discuss how consumers manage to cope with...

Federal Reserve System, Inflation, and Wage-Price Spiral

One important thing learned from the episode of Bloomberg’s Stephanomics podcast is how the Federal Reserve System needs to monitor the economic situation for specific indicators when shaping monetary policy. In this particular episode, the podcast’s host Stephanie Flanders (2021) and her guests discuss what indicators could prompt the Federal...

Microeconomics Case Analyses in Pharmacology

Governments generally want people to get immunised against the flu and other diseases such as COVID-19. Nonetheless many people refuse to take the vaccination jab, because they overestimate the likelihood of side effects, because they are complacent about getting infected. They also might not care or understand that their immunity...

Climate Vulnerable Countries and International Monetary Fund

Introduction Climate vulnerable developing countries often fail to deal with the macro-financial risks caused by climate change. The transition and physical impacts threaten their debt sustainability, development prospects, and investment attraction. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and similar organizations can support the course of such countries. V20 countries should receive comprehensive...

Japan’s Long-Term Recovery After the 2011 Tsunami

Japan was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2011 in its eastern region. A few minutes later, there followed a massive tsunami which was approximately 100-foot waves. The earthquake claimed over 100 lives, but the severity of the matter was when the tsunami spiked where over 20,000 people were reported...

Investing in Stocks and Risk-Return Relationship

Introduction The market is designed in such a way that any financial investment is accompanied by a number of risks influenced by various factors. Usually, there is a direct relationship; the more investments — the greater the potential profit and risks. The most profitable and balanced decision always requires a...

Economic, Democracy, and the Distribution of Capital Ownership

The “Economic, Democracy, and the Distribution of Capital Ownership” by Robert Ashford is an educative article that integrates economy, democracy, and ownership of capital in the USA. The writer majors on how democracy in the United States provided people with significant ownership of land, higher wages, and participation in politics...

Henry Clay’s American System, Economy and Market

Henry Clay’s American system The American system of Henry Clay could be described in various ways. The best characterization one could provide is that this was anticipated as a set of tariffs and other barriers regulations, based somewhat on the establishment of a national financial institution controlled equally by private...

The Behavioral Economics Concepts

Introduction Behavioral economics is a discipline that studies human behavior and its reasons. Its subject is influences experienced by humans that change their behavioral patterns and force them to make certain decisions. It is deeply connected with marketing, as instruments for influencing human behavior are widely used for advertising. Behavioral...

Policy Aims for Ireland and Measures of Performance of an Economy

The economy of a country highly affects the well-being and the association to the global evolutionary trend. On the one hand, it is the responsibility of the government to ensure the nation experiences a higher mark on growth and development. On the other hand, the health of an individual mainly...

Massive Stimulus Package’s Impact on Ship Finance

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in socio-economic impacts which will continue to be felt for a long time. One of the most affected sectors of the global economy is the shipping industry which is important to transportation of goods to different locations. As a result of the measures taken...

The Effects of Globalization on the Environment

The far-reaching consequences of globalization can sometimes be very obscure. Just like preeminent technological developments, globalization contributes to civilization as a whole but also inconveniences others. In terms of global trade, helps in reducing the isolation of poor countries by increasing specialization, it expands access to information through trade, increases...

The Impact of Monopoly on Economy

Market Inefficiencies Caused by Monopolies The simulation game taught me that monopolistic models are detrimental to both market actors and consumers. The dominance of monopoly in the marketplace produces two types of inefficiency, namely consumer exploitation and allocative inefficiency. When only one entity rules the entire market, consumers cannot purchase...

Forecasting and Time Value of Money

Time value of money (TVM) is a valuable instrument that helps comprehend the value of a currency in relation to a given period. It is a method frequently applied by investors to understand how the current worth of money compares to that of the future. The time value of money...

Supply: Economic Concept Analysis

Supply in Theory The economic understanding of supply implies that it is inextricably linked to the power of demand. The fundamental economics law states that an increasing demand leads to an increase in supply. Separately, supply can be defined as a desire of a producer to offer its goods on...

Depot Town, Ypsilanti Description

Depot Town, located in Michigan’s historic district called Ypsilanti, is a commercial and residential area with some houses set above storefronts. The town’s boundary ranges from East Cross Street to North River Street and Huron River, plus a small 300-block area on North River Street. Several surrounding blocks are also...

Creating a Long-Term Investment Portfolio

Executive Summary An investment portfolio is a model selection of investment instruments (stocks, bonds, ETFs) that meet a certain risk level and aim to achieve investment goals. Depending on the type or format of provision of ready-made investment portfolios, they may be aimed at achieving various goals: aggressive capital growth,...

The Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and the 401k Model

Today, there are several ways to save money for retirement in order to provide funded income in the future. The two most famous methods are the 401k US private pension plan and the Individual Retirement Account (IRA). These two models imply some privileges in taxation as well as profitable accumulated...

Detroit Municipality’s Bankruptcy Petition

Introduction Boroughs usually pursue recourse from some or all of their deficits through the legal process of filing bankruptcy. In the United States, cities have a right to petition for insolvency relative to chapter 9 of the federal bankruptcy code. This case study on Detroit’s municipality insolvency is key in...

Aspects of Global Travel Card

Introduction to the Project The modern world is a global space where long distances are no longer barriers for people willing to travel. More than a billion people travel between countries across the world for various reasons. Nevertheless, this number has reduced significantly in the last one and half year...

Climate Vulnerable Countries and International Organizations

Introduction Climate vulnerable developing countries often fail to deal with the macro-financial risks caused by climate change. The transition and physical impacts threaten their debt sustainability, development prospects, and investment attraction. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and similar organizations can support the course of such countries. It is critical to note...

U.S. Budgeting and Spain Investment

“U.S. Senate Democrats agree to $3.5 trln for budget reconciliation bill” and “Spain to Invest $5.1 Billion From Its Share of EU Pandemic Fund to Boost EV Industry”: Article Review. Summary A newly voted democratic government might be able to achieve a significant part of the funds for the investments...

View on Governmental Guidance and Economy: Keynes v. Chicago School

In economic theory, there are two significant points of view on governmental guidance and economy. One of the points was presented by Keynes and later became known as the Keynesian Economic Theory. The other one, founded by Friedman and von Hayek, is known as the Chicago School Economic Theory. This...

The Asia-Europe Economic Forum: Hosting in St. Petersburg

Introduction The ongoing economic crisis associated with COVID-19 is causing billions of dollars in economic losses to all countries in the world. This problem is exacerbated by political confrontations between the East and the West, with major players like Russia, China, Europe, and the US splitting up into spheres of...

Unemployment Rates in the United States due to COVID-19

At present, the increase in unemployment in the United States is associated with the country’s epidemiological situation and the tightening of quarantine measures taken by states and individual cities’ authorities. Unemployment rates are more critical compared to the 2008 economic crisis. Vedder’s point is that US citizens tend to work...

Financial Crisis and Great Recession: Why Keynesian Model Failed

Introduction It would not be an overstatement to claim that the Great Depression era was one of the darkest pages in U.S. economic history. Causing the U.S. economy to suffer a tremendous collapse, Great Depression led to poverty rates spiraling out of control, while also affecting other countries such as...

Poor Kids: An Intimate Portrait of America’s Economic Crisis

In America, the majority of citizens wish to live the elusive American dream. However, the idea of being financially comfortable does not always come true for everyone, especially for families living below the poverty line. It is even harsher on children who live in such families. In the PBS documentary,...

“Doughnut Economics” by Kate Raworth Review

Doughnut economics is a book by a modern economist and researcher, Kate Raworth, that presents a new view of how human society should function. The author suggests replacing the outdated circular flow of goods and money with a modern model, the Doughnut. It received the name from its visual illustration...

Economic Power of 2019 Hong Kong Pro-Democracy Movement

In June 2019, there were protests in Hong Kong caused by the China government’s new plans to allow criminals’ extradition to Mainland China. The Chinese authorities wanted to pass a national security law that would further threaten Human rights and political activism (Wan 43). Moreover, there were police brutality cases...

Global Development: Rapid Industrialization

The world commenced undergoing rapid industrialization, especially between 1700 and 1800s, led by the global north. During this time, countries such as Britain experienced increased production of goods. The two critical theorists and classical economists, namely Adam Smith and Karl Marx, play a pivotal role in explaining this phenomenon and...

Market Equilibrium on the Base of the Article about Economic Effects

Fernandes’ article “Economic effects of coronavirus outbreak (COVID-19) on the world economy” illustrates distinct factors that influence the demand and supply of products. This piece focuses on discussing the financial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various industrial companies. Although the author argues that the disease influences both the supply...

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Globalization

Food, beverages, and medicaments are an integral part of an average American’s everyday life. Unfortunately, modern food and medical products companies can use substandard or hazardous food additives and disrupt storage or transportation conditions. Thus, public health may be at risk, and the Food and Drug Administration’s mission is to...

Impact of Using Ox on Nicaragua’s Economy

The article “The effect of oxen on agricultural productivity and farm income in Nicaragua” is written by Garcia-Fuentes, Fukasawa, Martinex Rodriguez, Vargas, and Mireles. Nicaragua’s economy depends on the agricultural sector since it generates 20% of the GDP, which describes the total output of the economy. Moreover, approximately 40% of...

Fiscal Policy and Public Debt

Good fiscal policy has proved to be an effective method to counter severe economic recessions and surging unemployment rates (Battaglini and Coate 303). The two most popular strategies that the governments apply when faced with crises include increasing government spending and lowering tax rates. Generally, it is believed that the...

Labour Shortages Threaten Housing Supply

The article summarized here is titled “Labour shortages threaten housing supply,” written and published by The Economist author unknown in September of 2021. The thesis of the article is that while demand for new homes is high, there is not enough labor in the form of supply to build them,...

Internal Controls: Income Statement and Balance Sheet

A new wholesale electronics business would demand an accurate accounting and inventory control system. Having fewer HD televisions in the warehouse may result from an oversight in physical tally or neglect to undertake periodic inventory counts. As a strategy to prevent the loss, the loading dock doors should be safe...

“How the Federal Reserve Fights Recessions”: The Article Summary

In 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the entire world had to encounter severe economic crises, which affected every sphere of life. It was especially tough for organizations of different kinds and fields, as it was absolutely unexpected. Even the wealthiest and the most developed countries, such as the United...

Economic Predictions on Recovery After COVID-19 Pandemic Shock

World trade primed for strong but uneven recovery after COVID-19 pandemic shock – World Trade Organization The article predicts that the economy will be rapidly recovering from the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, drastically improving the measurements from the year before. The economic rebound she temporarily improve the speed of trade, slowing...

Macroeconomic Variables of Walmart

Walmart, one of the world’s largest retailers, owns sub-brands that manufacture products of different categories. Equate is a sub-brand that produces pharmaceuticals and cosmetic goods. Due to its affordable price and quality, Equate has stable sales of various drugs, but Ibuprofen may be considered one of the most popular medications...

The Implications of Devaluing the Yuan

Since China is the most significant exporter globally, any changes in its currency have a substantial effect on the international market’s situation and macroeconomic landscape overall. In particular, the recent unexpected devaluation of the Chinese yuan renminbi (CNY) to boost exports provoked controversial reactions and had varied implications for many...

Capitalism and Democracy: The Problem of Coexistence

To some, the coexistence of the free market and politics of a democratic nature are inherently connected and cannot exist without one another. However, in recent years, the question has shifted into asking whether the two are compatible. It is also vital to understand that both capitalism and democracy have...

1929-1933 Depression and the Development of Germany

Introduction The great depression of 1929 was preceded by a number of economic, social and political events. In Germany the depression was considered as the turning point of the economic and development jurisprudence. A historical interrogation of Germany between 1880 and 1933 presents a better understanding of this claim. Argument...

Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomics

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed a severe challenge to the business sphere, with many companies having to downsize or operate within a new environment with changing consumer needs. Due to the restructuring and shifting expectations surrounding business, there has been a spike in entrepreneurship, especially with workers being laid off...

Constructive Receipt Doctrine in Hornung v. Commissioner

Tax-payers face multiple regulations and rules that subject them to inevitable consequences or benefits, constructive receipt doctrine being one of them. Constructive receipt is responsible for reporting taxable income, more specifically under the cash-basis system of accounting. The most crucial distinction of constructive receipt is that it is solely applicable...

The Housing Crisis and Its Recession

The crisis or the housing bubble of the United States was a real estate problem that negatively and significantly affected more than half of America. It had severe consequences, including the most serious economic recession in the U.S. since the 1930s Great Depression. The purpose of this paper is to...

Congressional Defense Budget Process

The process of approval of a budget size for the next fiscal year is a compound, long, and nuanced one. Everything starts with the President’s budget request, a lengthy bill of all the discretionary programs that he suggests to be financed. Soon after that, the Houses of Senate and Congress...

A Report on the Budgeting Problem

The current budget system of the company is accounted for poor decisions of the managers. Namely, a significant amount of money is being spent on activities, services, and products that are unnecessary for the company or even contradict its policy. This report aims to provide a general analysis of the...

Wireless Industry and Globalization for US Economy

Introduction Many countries have focused on different ways to help their economies grow. America is one of the nations that have experienced changes in its economy for the past 100 years. Some aspects such as technology, globalization, and population growth have primarily impacted various sectors in the United States, whereby...

Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve

This assessment deals with how the Federal Reserve uses monetary policy and its monetary policy tools to try to stabilize the economy while meeting its dual mandate of controlling inflation and maintaining unemployment. Scenario 1 The economy of a hypothetical country has been stable for two or three years with...

Advantages of Taxable Investments

The answer to the question might seem incomprehensible for a non-economist. Nevertheless, with the help of some research, even a person that has no academic competence can handle this issue. The methods needed for the solution are uncomplicated search and, for those that demand more evidence, calculations. Thus, every person...

The Relationship Between Economic and Political Freedom

Introduction Political and economic freedoms are characteristics of a democratic society that denote its capacity to participate in political processes and take economic actions, respectively. Politics and economics have been inextricably linked throughout history, accounting for the rise of some of the world’s most famous empires. The connection continues in...

A Zero Net Present Value and Forecasting Errors

Introduction The decision-making process regarding future investments should be based on theoretical frameworks to avoid failure. They include forecasting errors indicating the difference between expected and actual outcomes alongside the net present value (NPV), which should be positive for accepting the projects. Therefore, this paper aims to clarify the former’s...

The UK Global Competitiveness in Trade After Brexit

Executive Summary The long-term goal for UK in international trade is to be globally competitive. One major problem is the negative trend in trade deficit during the last decade with EU members. To achieve the best possible outcomes in the short-term and in the long-term for UK, key issues must...

Globalization: Arguments For and Against

Globalization as a process began several decades ago along with the restructuring of the world, the emergence of new states, and the development of new technologies. This process continues today, and arguments both in support and against this phenomenon are expressed regularly. Such a broad discussion of this event in...

Vietnam: Controlling the Deflation and Providing Stability

Vietnam Nam has been the Ministry of Finance the United States sticker labels are those who sport in need of money currency in press statements usually aged about to stop blocking the country in winning is beneficial that commercial trade does not work with on day 12.16.2020. Month 12 years...

Global Poverty and Economic Globalization Relations

Globalization is the embodiment of industrial, social, and economic revolution that helped overcome negative odds in people’s lives. It is a phenomenon that is treated as a turning point in developing the various aspects human beings were engaged in, as globalization is a real advent of prosperous humankind’s evolution. From...

Feasibility of Investing in the US and Turkey

Introduction One of the most significant factors when deciding whether to invest in a certain country is the volatility of its currency. It has been argued that currency volatility is correlated with the volume of international trade. It is an intuitive conclusion since volatility raises risk. High volatility creates uncertainty...

The North and South Regions in the U.S.

In the 19th century, the North and South regions in the U.S. had been divided. The Southern economy was driven by cotton plantations, which were worked on by enslaved African-Americans. Conversely, the North depended more on manufacturing and paid workers. The North had a sentiment of abolishing slavery; however, this...

Banking Regulations Undermining Financial Crisis

Introduction Traces of financial crisis and negative externalities have been present across the banking sector for the last several decades, so their impact on economic stability can be explained via two inherent descriptions. The first vital concept is the existence of microprudential purposes that gave birth to balance sheet rules...

Economic Problems of Modern Latin America

In Latin America, there are now three vectors of economic development. Some countries show high rates of economic growth, while others show an apparent slowdown, but there are also some states that are in deep crisis. Despite the countries’ success in the so-called “golden decade,” many of them are experiencing...