Probability, Distribution, and Simulation

Initial Post Part A: Simulation Simulation in Excel is a simple task that does not require much time. If one needs to simulate random values, he or she may use simple functions of RAND or RANDBETWEEN functions. RAND function provides a number between 0 and 1 with a low probability...

Relationship Between Monetary Policy and House Price in USA

According to Gowland (2007), monetary policy refers to the process that is used by governments through central banks in regulating the amount of money supply within the economy. This is undertaken by regulating the rates of interest. Depending on the economic conditions in a country, the government can conduct an...

Concepts of Privatization of State-Owned Firms

Introduction Research has shown that countries with huge dominant state-owned corporations experience low capital growth compared to states with low state-owned corporations. This is attributed to the effective investment allocation by the privately-owned companies as compared to the state-owned corporations. The current trend in the world has seen most state-owned...

Requirement to Produce Income and Cash Flow Statement

Introduction The international Accounting Standards (IAS), Company Law, and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) provide that companies must prepare financial statements for financial reporting purposes at the end of every financial year. These financial statements include income statement (profit and loss account), balance sheet, and cash flow statement. The income...

Transportation Developments and Subsequent Economic Growth From 1865 to 1900

Technological advancements in the field of transportation are essential to consider when discussing the subject of economics. Several researchers state that the period from 1865 to 1900 manifests a significant rise in nationwide profits in the United States, spurred by the transport system changes (Rosenberg 50). In this essay, the...

The Concept of Double Taxation

The government of every nation has certain responsibilities that it must meet to ensure that all the activities being conducted in the country are running smoothly. The various responsibilities of the government include the provision of public goods such as security, roads, health care, and education (Schanz & Schanz, 2010)....

Investment Decisions in Economics and Finance: Global Mining and Pioneer Gypsum

Introduction The expected return from individual securities carries some degree of risk. Risk is defined as the standard deviation from the expected return. More dispersion or variability from a security’s return means the security is riskier than one with less dispersion. In simple terms securities carry differing degrees of expected...

Federal Emergency Management Agency

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is a part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The organization is responsible for protecting the population from natural disasters, preparing for them, and mitigating potential consequences. The agency also helps citizens to recover from the devastating impact of indent, including human-made. FEMA...

Impact of the Digital Revolution on the Labor Market

Introduction Brand-new technologies have become a critical element of the labor market and its working operations. They make it feasible for organizations to automatize the production process so as to increase the level of output and overall performance. However, with the introduction of machines, manual and routine tasks previously operated...

American Economy: 1920s and the Great Depression

A Dynamic Economy The 1920s was remembered as a happy and prosperous period for American society, with the rapid development of industry, notable changes in working conditions and wages, and the transition to an urban lifestyle. Specifically, to increase production efficiency, business people broadly began to utilize science achievements and...

Governmental Role in Influencing International Trade

Introduction As the international economy is being integrated, business opportunities, as well as challenges, continue to ensue. Such challenges affect different nations around the globe, including those with stable economies. In this regard, even the local corporations/companies and the multinational corporations are not immune to the business challenges present in...

Financial Crisis: Beyond 1929 – 2008 Comparison

Abstract This report compares the great depression of 1929 with the financial crisis of 2008. The basis of comparison is with respect to outset, causes, effects and nature. The report describes the general factors that are likely to cause financial crisis. It also includes the various forms of financial crises...

Importance of Glocalization

The opinion of the CEO is correct in my opinion. The world is segmented into various countries and countries into cities not just because of their geographic meaning but due to the differences within these locations. Each country is made up of different languages, dialects, cultures, religions, etc. Furthermore, the...

Asian Currencies Sink in 1997

Economic activities are internationally integrated at present to an exceptional degree. Alteration in one country’s economy can be swiftly transmitted to its business partners. The rise and fall of economic activities are replicated almost instantly on fluctuations in exchange values. As a result, multinational corporations having incorporated cross-border productions and...

What’s Important to Have Target Costing?

Introduction In today’s global business environment, the major constituents are the high level of competition worldwide, swift automation of production and another process through advancement in computer technology and production techniques, increased regulatory measures being taken by the governments in different regions with respect to environment and health issues. Moreover,...

Multinational Business Finance and Currency Trade

According to Eiteman, Stonehill, & Moffett (2015), interest rates in the U.S. and in Europe are rather low and do not get higher than 1%. Such things might have happened because governments and the Central Banks of the countries had low premium rates in the period of the global financial...

Free and Fair Trade: Vietnam-EU Partnership

Free and fair trade between countries is a crucial issue in politics and economics. Free trade includes policies that help to reduce barriers that may serve as an impediment to international commerce. Fair trade aims to support manufacturers in developing countries by providing fair and sustainable commercial relations with developed...

Change in Composition of Bank Funding Since 2008

Component of bank funding and their importance Banks operating in Australia have a variety of sources of funds. The main components are deposits, short-term debts, and long-term debts. Over 50% of bank funding originates from retail deposits. Approximately 40% of the total funds emanate from the financial market. Banks draw...

Aspects of Corporation Tax

Introduction Taxes normally decrease the amount of wage the employees take home. In most situations the taxation effects are evident, for instance payroll and income taxes are deducted from employees’ pay checks (Ziliak, 2005). Sales tax or Value Added Tax (VAT) affects the employee’s income indirectly compared with payroll and...

Islamic Reits: Real Estate Investment Trust

A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) is a security that can be sold like stock. Concurrently, it can be invested (either directly or indirectly) in real estate through properties and mortgages. There are varying types of REITs with the major ones being Equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. There are also...

Analysis of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

Introduction Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank was founded in 1985 and is currently the third-largest commercial bank in the United Arab Emirates by Assets. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank is a UAE-based public joint-stock company that operates in the commercial bank sector. Most of the Bank’s shares (about 65 percent) are owned...

Deficit Spending and Economic Growth

Introduction: Defining Deficit Spending In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the economic outcomes of the Great Recession and other financial catastrophes, it is crucial to grasp the concept of deficit spending. The media has been the source of public dismay concerning the massive national debt, which continues to...

Value and Non-Value-Added Costs

There are various costs that are associated with selling a particular product and its distribution. A value-added cost increases the benefits of a certain offering to customers (Kenton, 2019). At the same time, a non-value-added cost is a production expense that does not contribute to the increase in the amount...

The Capital Controls in Venezuela

Capital controls are critical for any country, including Venezuela, as they provide an opportunity to have a particular rate of exchange for a long time without a threat for the reserves of both hard and foreign currencies (Schulze, 2000). Unfortunately, such control is rather expensive for the investors, which makes...

Balanced National and Federal Budget

Taking the position of supporting a balanced national budget, the policy is essential to protect future generations from huge debts. A growing federal debt can burden future generations, causing low national savings and reduced incomes (Asatryan et al., 2018). There will be high-interest payments that could make taxes rise causing...

Comparison Between Debt And Equity

Introduction Briarwood Medical Equipment (BME), is facing a dilemma of raising capital for its expansion needs. Given that they need to raise an amount of $250 thousand to finance the expansion and the options available, which are raising new shares and obtaining external sources of finance. It appears that they...

Impact of Bank Regulation, Market Structure, and Institutions on Cost of Financial Intermediation

Introduction Existence of financial intermediaries is a key element for smooth functioning of an economy. Financial intermediaries refer to all the financial institutions such as bank and non-bank financial institutions that are established within an economy (Richard, Burton & Norman, 2004, p.2). Financial intermediaries play a significant role in linking...

Disadvantages of Modern Portfolio Theory

This paper seeks to logically discuss and critique the modern portfolio theory (MTP) that emerged in the 1950s as the brain child theory of Harry Markowitz who spearheaded its advocacy as being the first scientific means to quantify investment risks. What was meant by this was that if the concept...

Unbundling Vertically Integrated Energy Companies: Benefits to Consumers

Introduction The European Union (EU) has passed regulations that aim at governing the region’s energy sector effectively. The main aim of the legislation is to have separate producers and suppliers from the transmission networks. The unbundling regulations require energy companies to concentrate on production only, leaving out ownership of transmission...

Definition of Financial Terms and Their Relation to Finance

Finance is the management of money, assets, banking, investments, liabilities, or anything to do with money. It involves the management of money and cash in various sectors of an organization using various instruments and means. Assets, liabilities, bonds, risks, loans, expenses are all measurable in terms of money. Finance is...

The Advantages and Disadvantages of a Pension Plan vs. A 401k Plan

401k is a kind of retirement plan that contributions made to the account do not attract any tax until withdrawal. The plan is applicable to both profit making organizations and non-profit making organization. In most cases, the employer also contributes to this account on top of an employee’s contribution to...

International Economics Brief: Vietnam

Introduction The Socialistic Republic of Vietnam is a developing country that demonstrated tremendous economic growth during the past 30 years. The economic reforms started by Đổi Mới in 1986 had massive success, turning the country from one of the poorest nations to a lower-middle-income country (World Bank, 2020). Its GDP...

Impact of Market Structure on Audit Price and Quality

Background and motivation Audit is a fundamental financial activity of all business organizations. Audit determines the financial position of an organization. Companies undertake audits annually. The regulatory bodies of most countries require companies to publicize their annual financial reports. The financial reports determine the investor’s investment decision. Therefore, it is...

The American System’s Idea and Clay’s Debate

The economy and governance of the United States are based on ultimate documentation and strategies created in the past centuries and still provide the citizens with profound guidance. One of the brightest examples of such bills is the Debate of the American System, created by Henry Clay in 1832 (United...

Concepts That Influence Bond Portfolio Management

Trading bonds is a complex and risky job that requires knowledge of the nuances of the market and the rules of interactions in it. However, most of the patterns are available and well known to bond portfolio managers and the general public; thus, anyone can master them. This paper will...

Financial and Management Accounting: The Analysis of Financial Systems

Introduction The paper takes a financial analysis of Shire plc and AstraZeneca plc; both companies have their main operating base in the United Kingdom. Both companies are listed in the countries stock exchange. They are in the pharmaceutical industry. Brief information about the Companies Shire plc commonly referred to as...

Renting vs. Buying a Home: The Best Housing Choice

The shelter is one of the basic requirements in everyone’s life. When undertaking some budget calculations, it is noteworthy to determine the possibilities that a person has. Nevertheless, the house that an individual can live in could be leased or owned. Before renting or buying property, someone should do some...

Fairtrade: Better Solution to Underdevelopment

Introduction Fairtrade®: Definition With the rise in globalization, opportunities for trade have expanded tremendously, allowing for cooperation between organizations on a global level, and reinforcing international partnerships. As a result, the necessity to create homogenous standards for interacting in the global economic environment has emerged. Thus, the platform for building...

Increase of Personal Bankruptcy

In the last 25 years, consumer bankruptcy filings have increased from 225,000 to 1.5 million forcing many experts to examine what could be the reason behind this worrying trend. Interestingly, the experts have concluded that the attitude of the society towards those who file for bankruptcy is to blame (Zywicki,...

Two Models of Political Economy

Societies have long been searching for the most efficient relationship between the state and the market, which is reflected in different models of political economy. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that the world evolves rapidly, and some features, even the core ones, of the concepts of political economy may...

Banks and Banking in Spain

Introduction Spain is in South West of Europe. It has an area of 504,750 square kilometer. It had estimated population of 40,341,000 as of 2005.Its capital is the largest city namely Madrid. Some important cities in Spain are Valladolid, Burgos, Salamanca, Toledo and Badajoz. Great regional diversity is being displayed...

Practices of UK Companies in Relation to Inappropriate Financial Reporting

Taking advantage of loopholes in financial regulations by UK companies A certain degree of flexibility and management judgment on business leaders is allowed by Generally Accepted Accounting Principle (Gee 2006). This is to enable the companies to have some leeway or choose their own methods of accounting, financial estimates and...

Timing Differences in Accounting

Importance of timing differences in accounting and businesses In business, it is important to make an accurate tax return so as to avoid the costs associated with penalties that arise from filing wrong returns. An accountant needs to note down the differences in the timing of the amount of income...

The Concept of Organizational Development

Business leaders apply evidence-based strategies to identify effective processes and initiatives that can transform less profitable operations. The concept of organizational development (OD) guides managers to improve business practices and eventually maximize overall performance. This discussion defines and describes OD as a critical concept for strengthening a company’s culture, processes,...

Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group

The Initial Problem Introduction: The problem that is money laundering, corruption and terrorism Money laundering, corruption and terrorism are rife in East and Southern Africa. This unfortunate phenomenon is largely attributed to the abject poverty that at times seems to be endemic in this region of the world. The aforementioned...

Discretionary and Contractionary Fiscal Policy

Discretionary fiscal policy is a tool used by governments to regulate the economy via increasing or lowering the taxes and spending. Increased government spending and tax cuts are the tools used in expansionary fiscal policy. It is used to ensure faster economic growth, higher demand, and better employment opportunities. Contractionary...

Moral Hazard: Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

A moral hazard is simply defined as a risk that a financial institution or a party to a contract enters into a contract not in good faith. A party to a transaction can decide to provide false information regarding its assets, liabilities or financial status in order to earn a...

The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis’ book, The Big Short: inside the Doomsday Machine mainly deals with a group of individuals who tried to analyze the sub-prime mortgage and came to discover many underhand deals in the financial system. The shenanigans in the Wall Street came to understand that their schemes would bring about...

Accurate Financial Statements: Analysis and Use

Financial statements act as a channel of revealing financial information about a business to individuals within and outside the business. They give a summary of the accounting process whereby the financial position of a business is made known at a time. The major reason for preparation of financial statements is...

Taxation of International Transactions

Introduction Multinational corporations (MNC) are perceived to entail business enterprises that have their operations in several different countries. These enterprises are headquartered in their parent or home countries and run their operations in several other countries. MNCs are hailed for their immense contribution towards economic globalization. The distinctive character of...

The Various Attributes of Auditing About Financial Fraud

Introduction Auditor is an independent examiner of financial expressions in an enterprise. Auditing, therefore, involves careful examination of a firm’s financial records to ascertain their accuracy. An auditor carefully studies the enterprise’s financial reports and summarizes their findings for the persons who have requested the audit. These are persons such...

The Diamond-water Paradox

The diamond-water paradox can be explained in terms of definitions of the term “value.” One should be able to distinguish two aspects of the concept, which are value-in-use and value-in-exchange (Eggert et al., 2018). The former definition focuses on the utility and use of the object, which makes water highly...

Housing Issue in New York City

An overview of New York City New York City is one of the most populated cities in the United States of America. It is a city composed of many different types of people. As such, the population of New York City comprises the original inhabitants of the city in addition...

Financial Institution in the Financial Crisis of 2008

Financial institutions play a pivotal role in shaping the economy of every nation. Nevertheless, their decisions may dip an economy into economic difficulties or turmoil. The activities of financial institutions may also contribute towards improving the performance of an economy. Over the past decade, financial institutions have played a significant...

The Value Added Tax in the United Kingdom

Introduction Taxation is one of the most important activities under fiscal operations in every economy. It is the main source of government revenue. Therefore, effective taxation processes play a pivotal role in determining the ability of an economy to meet the needs of its citizens. Thus, taxation can be viewed...

The Role of Mergers and Acquisitions for the Financial Performance of Banco Santander

Introduction Integration in a given firm and/or industry refers to the process of organizing production based on organizational unification as well as technology of different production processes. The management of any given firm should employ a method of integration which offers the specific company technological efficiency. A firm is said...

Global Financial Crisis: Organizational Behaviour and Analysis

Corporate organisations are social entities or systems where people of different ethnicities, socioeconomic backgrounds, cultures, and calibres merge to form an organisational structure. According to Boddy (2011), modern organisations exist in a hierarchical arrangement where leaders and subordinates interact and share views. Socialists have argued that almost all organisations are...

The Capital Structure Theories Article by Brendea

Introduction The review of issues concerning capital structure is defined by the perceptions expressed by various authors. In the article capital structures theories, a critical approach (2011), Brendea defines capital structure as the financial structure of a firm coupled with the long term financing used by the firm. She observes...

Foreign Direct Investment: Globalization of Production

Globalization continues to change the way countries interact coinciding with a dramatic change in the structure of wages in advanced countries. This implies that a company from Australia seeking to have its production in the United States will have to put with high wages for highly skilled workers. As for...

The Role of Tax System, Tax Reform in Hong Kong

Introduction Currently, Hong Kong primarily derives its tax revenue from the Salaries Tax and the Profits Tax, this makes up approximately two-thirds of the total revenue from tax collection in Hong Kong (Arnold & McIntyre, 2002). The existing tax base of Hong Kong is extremely contracted, only 35 percent of...

Comparing Islamic REITs: Insights from Global Financial Crises

Introduction Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) refers to financial security that can be traded and principally invested in the real estate ventures. The investment can be direct or indirect in regard to properties and mortgages. REITs differ, for example, there are equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. Additionally, there are conventional...

Issues and Current Situation of Taxation in Hong Kong

Introduction Hong Kong is a vibrant city that is renowned for its attractive low and competitive tax system, sound government finance and reliable provision of public service. In the wake of globalization, Hong Kong has proposed certain tax reforms that will expand its tax base to sustain a prosperous economy...

The Philippines as a Hierarchical Market Economy

Capitalism has been instrumental in ensuring adequate and reliable access to basic needs. Developed capitalist nations such as the United States (U.S.), United Kingdom (U.K.), European Union (E.U.), and Hong Kong benefit from economic growth (Thier, 2018). The capitalist strength of these economic regions is measured by providing public services...

Competition in Islamic Banking Systems

Introduction The Islamic banking system has experienced exponential growth across the world. The system has transcended from its existence as a niche to a widespread financial system (Chong & Liu 2009). As the Islamic banks increase, change in the operations dynamism has been witnessed, which has ushered in competition. The...

Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust

Introduction A REIT is a form of security that is traded in the same way as a direct investment and stocks in the stock market—undertaken through properties or mortgages. On the other hand, a trust is an organization that pools together a number of investments relating to REIT. Similar to...

Choosing a Currency Trading Strategy: When Investments Start to Grow

Trading currency has always been considered a risky business. However, the reasons for these rumors are mostly invalid. While trading currency does involve a specific element of unpredictability, it still follows common economic laws, and its processes can be traced easily. Moreover, the possible revenues can be calculated with considerable...

The “Occupy Street Movement” in the United States

The “occupy street movement” in the United States of America is against the increasing appetite and insatiability of corporate American citizens and its banks. The nation’s democracy is in the hands of as little as 400 American billionaires who have taken this chance to humiliate the rest of the American...

National Competitive Advantage of Industries

Michael Porter’s Theory of the National Competitive Advantage of Industries MichaelMichael Eugene Porter has written over 20 books and other works that had a significant influence on the world of economics. In the 1980s, he published his article Competitive Advantage, which shortly revolutionized the field. However, his fundamental work, The...

Tax Model in Hong Kong Tax Reform

Introduction Low taxes and low government spending makes Hong Kong to be ranked among the most successful tax systems in the world. Hong Kong’s tax system withholds Goods and services Tax, pay as you earn not used and focuses on big income sources. This has seen it gain a lot...

Harding’s “The Return to Normalcy”

The 1920s are believed to be a time of unbelievable economic boom in American history. During this decade, the economy of mass production thrived, as well as mass consumption. In his speech accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Harding promised a “return to normalcy” by the renewal of the practice of...

An Economic Model and Transportation Planning

Introduction An economic model is a statistical model that enables the quantification of casual relationships identified in a given scenario. Using this model, one identifies the most important factors that influence the actions taken and analyzes the behaviour of pertinent economic variables. Economic models are explanatory in nature, and they...

Return on Investment in Education

In life, people need to make a number of investments to secure their future. In some cases, they have to forego immediate gratification of needs and ‘wants’ to pay the price for a better future. For example, one may forego marriage to focus on investments meant to establish them financially....

Market Screening: Review and Analysis

The rate at which the use of computers in Africa is growing so fast. There is an increase in the need for computers plus their accessories in countries like Kenya. Educational institutions, the public, and the private sectors are all undergoing computerization. There dire need for computers to enhance efficiency...

International Trade Law: Cif Contract

CIF contracts are one of the most popular trade agreements between a buyer and a seller in the sphere of international trade when sea carriage is used. CIF is a shortened form for cost, insurance, and freight. As a rule, the cost of goods depends on freight and insurance. As...

International Finance: Linking Exchange Rates to Dollar

Introduction The United States of America uses the United States dollar as its official currency. This is usually abbreviated as USD, $ and US$. These are normally used to make it distinct from other countries which abbreviate their currencies using the dollar symbol. In addition, the USD is divided into...

The Trade War Between the USA and China

One of the most important geopolitical issues in world politics is the trade war between the USA and China. Its development affects almost every other country due to the sizes and influences of the two biggest economies in the world. Thus, the project will be dedicated to analyzing this phenomenon,...

Homeowners Insurance Policy

Introduction The numbers of risks that private homes face is immense hence making it appropriate for many with private homes to insure their property. The type of insurance that covers private homes is normally referred to as a homeowner’s insurance or property insurance (Gron, 1994). Home insurance is very popular...

Equity and Debt in Economy

I work in a company dealing with horticultural products. The two main categories of our products are fruits and flowers. The company imports the products from countries where the products are cheaply sourced. We then distribute the products locally to wholesalers and retailers. The company’s most important assets are warehouses...

Islamic Banking: Risk Management, Operations and Barriers

Abstract This report seeks to analyze the concepts of Islamic banking. Specific topics covered include history, operations, risk management, and barriers of Islamic banking in financial institutions. Islamic banking system has grown globally; new banks are emerging all over the world to cater for Muslims. The bank’s aim is not...

National Bank of Bahrain Analysis

Abstract The National Bank of Bahrain is the nation’s first locally-owned bank, founded in 1957 and owned partially by the country’s government and partly by private investors. This report attempts to analyse the characteristics that determine its attractiveness to investors, namely its financial structure and corporate governance framework. The former...

Banks and Security Lending: A Discussion

Introduction One of the major operations of banks in contemporary society is lending. This is whereby the bank makes money available to the public for various purposes in the form of loans. The borrower approaches the bank for a loan to finance various activities. These may include the purchase of...

Sino-American Trade War and Its Impact

The moment that the American president-elect, Joe Biden, assumes power and makes the seeming easy pronouncement to abide by the climate agreement, retain membership in the World Trade Organization, and seek to improve free and fair trade among nations, it will encounter three major foreign-strategy concerns. In order of priority,...

Systems of Hong Kong Tax Reform

Introduction Littlewood (1997) defines taxes as the “charges levied against a citizen’s personal income or on the property or for some specific activity”. Taxes can solve many issues. Firstly, they can pay for services; hence, making life easier for future generations, either by minimizing the country’s debts owed, or by...

Economic Development of Latin America

Introduction Latin American countries’ economic situation is significantly influenced by both the internal policy and external initiatives of such organizations as Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) and such countries as China. Therefore, their further economic growth depends on the capability to reorientate their efforts while considering the recent trends. This paper...

Capital Budgeting Analysis for Trinity Hospital

Capital budgeting analysis addresses the predicament of strategic long-standing investment decisions. It entails analyzing, evaluating and deciding whether resources should be allocated to a venture or not. In addition, it analyzes costs and benefits associated with potential investment expenditure (Pamela & Frank, 2002). This work will attempt to carry out...

Economic System of Canada

Canada’s economic system is robust and supported by many industries’ success, including banking and finance. Besides, attractive investment and business-friendly taxation policies attract new players to the Canadian market, allowing for healthy competition and creating new jobs. It is also important that Canada has excellent talent potential, as most Canadians...

Theories of Economic Regulation

Financial Accounting Theory The basic role of any elected government is to constantly better the economic conditions of the general population in nation. This involves conducting a host of activities ranging from legislation, taxation, investment in infrastructure and business enterprises as well as monitoring and regulating economic activities happening in...

To Post Earnings With Wall Street

A great number of leading American companies choose to post their earnings with Wall Street on a regular basis. On the whole, the key rationale for this policy is to show that the firm continuously grows and its profitability constantly increases. Yet, such strategy gives rise to many questions. First,...

A Perspective Into the Sources of Funds for Businesses

Introduction Companies in stages of start-up phase and existing ones that are planning to grow both needs to find ways of financing their operations. Most businesses are started with an individual or individuals providing a small amount of equity capital from their private funds/savings and then may be a bank...

Financial Crisis in Russia in the 1990s and Lessons for Today

Introduction The word ‘Financial Crisis’ is a term that many economies, large or small, are in fear of. It is a situation which occurs when a country which was once doing well in the financial sector is suddenly faced with huge amounts of debts as well as inflation due to...

Obesity Rates and Global Economy

Introduction Modern society tends to substantially develop itself within the scope of discoveries, technical achievements, and improvement of social relations. Moreover, in the scientific dimension, discussions are no longer merely about the gradual transformation of historically established conditions, traditions, and trends. It is about the attainment of the so-called sustainable...

Globalization: On the Importance of ICT & Transnational Corporations

Innovations in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and transport lead to globalization. Globalization is the process of increasing cooperation between different nations, and ICT is one of the factors that allows people from different nations to share their culture with others and work with individuals from other states. ICT’s innovation,...

International Tax Treaties for Multinational Firms

Companies engage in business to make profits after which they either reinvest back into the company for the purpose of expanding the company, or distribute the profit to the shareholders in terms of dividends. Mostly, this Profit is taxed as corporate income tax, and after the dividends are distributed to...

The Analysis of Microeconomics of Sberbank

Introduction Exploring the nature of the company’s microeconomics is an essential part of developing a successful strategy for its future growth. This paper will review the banking and financial management of the Russian company Sberbank, which began to expand globally in recent years. Frexias and Rochet (2008) describe banks as...

The Methods for Making Capital Budgeting Decisions – IRR and NPV

In managerial processes, capital budgeting has been observed to be an important managerial tool requirement (Steve & Burton 165). It is a procedure used by financial managers to compare, evaluate as well as select particular projects to be able to determine whether an investment is worth risking (Steve & Burton...

Investment Strategy: Principle of Asset Allocation

Executive Summary Portfolio is a collection of investments held by a person or a company. The aim of selecting a portfolio is to achieve a desirable result of return through diversified risk. It will be unwise for an individual, to invest all his money in one project or security, since...

Islamic Banking Features Analysis

Introduction Islamic banking has been growing in popularity in MENA countries as a way of complying with Islamic principles. According to Mervyn and Algaoud (83), there has been pressure among the financial institutions to be compliant with some of the Islamic principles in their operational strategies. Shariah law prohibits charging...

Supply Chains: The Influence of External Factors

Well-established supply chains are an essential part of private and global trade, since they ensure that goods and services reach customers and make a profit for companies. However, various political, economic, technological, environmental, and other world changes affect supply chains and force companies to be flexible in their design. For...

Contemporary Taxation Issue: Green Tax System

Introduction The evolution of a green economy (GE) has become the main concern for many countries. It requires significant law reforms at the local, regional, and global levels to assist in realising the fiscal opportunities, emerging from a change to less polluting methods of manufacturing and consumption, including fresh employment...

“Modeling the Short Rate” by John Hull

Financial researchers are focusing on deriving a model that calculates a Q-measure and P-measure distributions. Q-measure focuses on risk-neutral that has a role in pricing. P-measure focuses on real-world that receives more attention than Q-measure. Real-world measures depend on pricing and risks. The modelling process involves the use of potential...

Global Financial Crisis in the U.S.

The global economic crisis has hit the U.S. with a particular force. It has sharply reduced the volume of production, which led to the breakdown of finances, caused widespread destruction and bankruptcy of industrial, commercial, and financial firms, not to mention mass unemployment. The years of the crisis affected one-fifth...

Growth in Public Sectors of Major Economies Over the Past 60 Years

Introduction The public sector is the main service delivery point for most nations. Citizens obtain basic services from this crucial part of the economy. The control of the public sector is mainly by the government that is in power at any particular time. Traditionally, authorities were charged with the delivery...

Obamacare’s Impacts on Taxes

Obamacare is an act of the government of the United States of America that was formulated and signed into law in order to give affordable insurance services to the citizens. The health insurance act of 2010 has become very popular, not only to the citizens of the United States of America...

Dividend and Non-Dividend Stock Valuation

From the literature, I understand that Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe (2013) support the need to study the merits and demerits of using the dividend growth model to estimate the stock price of a dividend and non-dividend-paying stock. Small and large firms have many growth opportunities, which can use the dividend...

Capital Structure: Review

Capital structure is the balance of the firm’s debt, and equity and international operations allow for diversification and lower the overall risk of a business, which signifies the importance of international capital structure (Loth, 2019). However, different states may apply different principles when calculating the debt to total assets, which...

The Modern Portfolio Theory

The objective of portfolio theory Diversification of risk is a process that captures the reduction of risk through the allocation of investment among diverse financial instruments or categories. A diversified portfolio is accompanied by high returns. Research by Besley and Brigham (2007) shows that diversification helps to reduce unsystematic risk....

Political Obligation of the American Citizens

Several injustices, such as racial discrimination and denial of voting rights, persist not only in the United States but also across the globe. Sadly, they weaken moral doctrines and constitutional principles that shape the prosperity of any society. The U.S. Constitution provides various rights and responsibilities to the citizens, helping...

Geographical Diversification and Globalization

Introduction Globalization has led to most business organizations shifting their operations to cover wide geographical areas. With current favorable terms of business operations between countries, it has been possible for businesses to diversify their market by venturing into other markets both locally and internationally (Stiroh & Rumble, 2006, pp. 2131-2161)....

UK Investment Fund, Morris Capital

Introduction The strategic asset of the allocation ranges, as well as the tactical assent of the investment fund is the generally accepted universal aspect of analyzing the investment environment. Originally, this type of analysis is considered to be the most effective tool for defining the realities of the investment environment,...

1929-1931 Financial Crisis and 2007-2010 Financial Crisis Comparison

Introduction A financial crisis refers to a situation where there is a large loss of value by some financial institutions. Most financial crises are attributable to bank panics or sudden changes in the value of currency making it hard for it to serve its purpose. Many other situations may result...

The Euro and the Sovereign Debt Crisis

As can be seen from the US/Euro foreign exchange rate, the lowering by Alan Greenspan of the US Federal Funds Rate, which was inflationary to the US dollar (devaluation) created an increase in value for the euro. From 2003 to mid 2008, the euro appreciated at a 12.2% compounded rate...

Changes in International Accounting Standards 17

Introduction A lease is a contract enforceable by law which defines an agreement between a lessor (owner of property) and lessee (renter of a certain property). It defines things like the duration of the lease agreement, the amount of rent, and any other conditions defining the lease agreement. When a...

The U.S. Economic Development: The Significant Periods

Nowadays, America can boast one of the most developed economies in the world. The service sector is an important source of the country’s budget; the U.S. is also a world leader in many spheres of industry. However, the history of the U.S. success is complicated; the country went through periods...

National Transportation and the Economy

Introduction Transportation is integral as part of infrastructure to the economy of the nation as it is required for the numerous sectors of the economy to prosper. All the main sectors of the economy including the service sector, manufacturing industries and agriculture rely heavily on transportation. Its importance is further...

Consumer Behavior During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Introduction The onset of Covid-19 in December 2019 was unprecedented since its spread and impact were not imminent at the time. By March 2021, the world had to shut down; movement restrictions were introduced. Social distance, both partial and total lockdowns mandates were also implemented changing human behavior patterns (Mehta,...

Overhead Cost Reduction: The Problem of Reducing Costs

Introduction Overhead is analyzed into three broad groups, these are, production overhead, administrative overhead and selling and distribution overhead. It is important to grasp that although overhead is the same from whatever angle we view it from, the methods of overhead reduction will differ from one group to another. In...

Rebuilding Public Confidence in Financial Reporting

Introduction Historically, financial statements have been the mirror reflecting the financial activities of a company. It is based on this information that shareholders, investors and the company’s board of directors themselves make financial decision regarding the company. The reported information mainly by the auditors allows investors for example to make...

“Unintended Perk of the Online Mattress Boom” by Yang

The key issue that Yang (2019) describes in her article relates to the losses that mattress companies suffer due to widespread at-home trials provided to consumers. Clients using the services of different sellers use the purchased goods temporarily and then return them, which is allowed under the terms of guarantees....

Proposed Tax on Sugary Beverages

A recent debate concerning the proposal of Tax on Sugary Beverages has created a huge controversy and divided opinion. This division emanates from predictable sources. On the one hand, leading manufacturers and distributors of soft drinks have formed a vanguard of natural opposition to the proposed tax. On the other...

Goods Transportation, Distribution, and Warehousing Factors

Supply chain management processes play a crucial role in the profitability of a company. The supply chain procedures are associated with logistics costs and must be reduced by appropriate handling of goods. Managing the supply chain costs to low levels is crucial in maximizing profits of a company. As such,...

Consumerism and Materialism

Masoom, Muhammad Rehan, and Md Moniruzzaman Sarker. “Rising materialism in the developing economy: Assessing materialistic value orientation in contemporary Bangladesh.” Cogent Business & Management 4.1 (2017): 1345049. Web. This journal article provides research into the rising materialism in the developing economy and its impact on influencing materialistic value orientation in...

The Gold Standard and Currency Unification

Introduction Over the years, businessmen and nations have used gold as an investment and a medium of exchange due to its relative advantages. Gold is less likely to suffer from inflation, thus its price is relatively stable due to its immune to government manipulation and tinkering especially in its pure...

The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve which is also known as the Federal Reserve System or the Fed is the central banking system that is used to manage the financial and banking system in the United States. The reserve was established in 1913 to respond to the financial panic that had affected many...

Defined Benefit vs. Defined Contribution Plans

Introduction In comparison, the number of defined contribution plans has grown in the past few years as opposed to the traditionally defined benefit plans. Additionally, many defined benefits plans have been converted to hybrid plans that incorporate aspects of both the defined contribution and defined benefit (Gale et al, 1999;...

The Effect of Hyperinflation

The article defines hyperinflation as an economic issue associated with a sudden increase in the prices of goods and services, causing pressure to the national budget. The author mentions some factors that lead to this phenomenon, including wars and post-war crisis, the collapse of export markets, and sociopolitical disturbances, among...

Is the United States Earned Income Tax Credit Fair?

Introduction The United States Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) refers to a government initiative that aims to improve the financial stability of citizens by giving tax refunds to citizens (Cordes, Ebel, & Gravelle, 2005). Individuals who get tax credits retain more of their income. For that reason, EITC lowers the...

COVID-19 Crisis and Its Effects on the US Economy

Covid-19 is a global public health epidemic that has crippled most aspects of human operations, including lives, labor market and corporate functioning. All these upshots have a trickle-down effect on the economy, particularly with the announcement of lockdowns to contain the spread of the virus. Other measures that countries have...

Gas Cost Analysis for Power Generation

Introduction The efficient process of power generation is reliant on the choice of fuel and its cost. The world economy changes rapidly under the influence of multiple factors, fuel costs being one of the most significant determinants. In the field of gas and oil, the costs of oil predetermine the...

Volatility in the Stock Market

The term ‘volatility’ implies price variation, and the reasons for its growth are a tumble or appreciation of prices in the stock market. This topic is closely related to the material of chapters 8-10 and appears to be relevant. In present-day developments, there are multiple reasons for significant volatility in...

Trade Issues and Patterns of Mexico

Introduction Trade is one of the most important elements of a country’s overall economic success. It can significantly influence the federal budget and ensure the financial stability of a state’s regions. Moreover, developed trading relations and a sustained economic situation make a country powerful in different spheres of international collaboration...

Economic Environment for a Construction Firm

Introduction The construction industry is plagued by a lot of difficulties in the UK and other parts of the world. This study mainly focuses on economic conditions affecting construction firms based in the UK. This focuses more on those industries which are trying to expand. Construction firms basically deal with...

Concept of Stock Valuation, Risk, Markets Portfolio Theory

Introduction The paper addresses issues that were discussed and why they are issues of interest to the finance audience. The paper also links the articles to the concept discussed in class e.g. stock valuation, risk, markets portfolio theory, etc. Finally, the paper addresses the math in the article and gives...

Supply, Demand, and Government Regulation Impact on Prices

The market balance is fragile and influenced by many factors. There is the fundamental economic law of supply and demand, which explains how these two economic quantities affect each other and how they shape the prices of goods and services. According to the law, prices fall when supply exceeds demand...

Changes in the Global Financial System

Introduction World history has witnessed several spells of dynamic and integrated global growth. At the same time, there had been many instances where the growth spells had ended because of financial instability and geopolitical disorders. There are examples of disturbances in British and French economies because of “social, military and...

Hong Kong Market Update Analysis

The global financial crisis and the rise of trade protectionism appeared to influence the position of Hong Kong exports. According to the data provided by the Valuation and Rating Department current economical instability hits residential rents and prices which have shown the biggest drop since last month. Land Holdings of...

S-Corporations and C-Corporations Transition and Taxes

Introduction C Corporations are also known as a traditional corporation, a form of business that is founded as a separate and distinct entity in relation to its owners, once this kind of corporation is formed it can possess its own bank accounts, property, have the capacity to conduct business on...

Why Capitalism Is Superior to Socialism

The modern world is facing a myriad of cchallenges, including environmental issues, severe economic constraints, as well as global health-related threats. All these concerns fuel the discussion of the relevance and effectiveness of the economic agendas countries choose. The debate that involves comparing capitalism and socialism seems relevant these days....

Analysis of Islamic Banking and Finance

The primary component of Islamic Banking is that the risks of financial dealings should be equally shared between the depositor and the investor, who are bank and its customers. Contrary to the practice of charging interest on any loaned money by most financial institutions, under Islamic banking, it is illegal...

Atlantic Bubble as an Economic Initiative

Introduction Since November 2019, different regions across the globe have encountered numerous challenges due to the ongoing coronavirus disease of 2019 (COVID-19). Governments and local agencies have considered past case studies to implement economic strategies that have the potential to minimize the impacts of the imposed travel restrictions and lockdown...

Affect of Bond Prices in US Sub-Prime Mortgage Market

Introduction A bond price is the total amount of money paid to purchase a bond. The prices of bonds are negatively related to interest rates meaning that as interest rates increase, the bond prices will fall and when interest rates fall, the bond prices will increase. When interest rates rise,...

Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Factors to Consider

Assiduous business professionals will agree to the fact that a multiplicity of factors needs to be considered before any decision to invest at an international level is made. Business entities do not exist in a vacuum; they affect and in turn are affected by various cultural, geographic, physical, legal, political...

The Us Dollar – Where Do We Go From Here

It was after World War II that a plan was formulated in Bretton Woods by the developed countries of the world to link all foreign currencies to the US dollar which implied that the exchange rate of all currencies will be fixed to the US dollar. The dollar was supported...

The Effect of Covid-19 and H1N1 Swine Flu on Cultural Industries

Introduction The COVID-19 outbreak has brought the entire world to a standstill in a matter of mere months. The new virus has negatively affected the major economic sectors. Those of them that rely on travel and gatherings of people such as tourism and entertainment have arguably been hurt the most....

Supply-Side Policies and Market Productivity

Introduction Economic recessions are particularly troubling times for economies where growth is halted, incomes are lost, and households fail to afford products and services. A recession can be described as a tipping point in the economic cycle where an ongoing growth at the peak reverses and changes into an enduring...

Fair Market Value Overview and Analysis

Introduction Financial Accounting Board issued a statement permitting the use of fair value measurement for business as a measuring attribute but some entities such as the banking industry suspended the application on the basis that FABS 157 contributes to the current credit crisis. The application of this measurement would change...

Dividend Payout Policy

In this specific case BP is slashing it dividends due to environmental recovery operation in the Gulf of Mexico. The originator of the theory of “Dividend Payout Policy” Miller and Modigliani had the following assumptions in the theory (Miller and Modigliani 1961). The market structure is of Perfect competition. In...

Capitalism in Business and Modern World

The current world runs and operates within the capitalist theory and practice. Many countries have greatly benefited from the established globalization model and continue to build new ways of advancing their intertwined and interdependent economies. However, recent events relating to financial, environmental, and societal problems arising around the globe have...

The Aim of Annual Report in the Company

An annual report is a summary of all financial operations of a company and includes detailed information about its assets, loans, generated revenue, and market value of the company. An annual report serves as a financial statement that describes how successful the company is, and must be accessible to the...

China as the New Idol for Emerging Economies

China is the new idol for emerging economies because it has been able to show that fast-paced economic growth is possible. Western countries have urged that democracy and equal political rights are the prerequisites of prosperity. China has demonstrated that with state-controlled capitalism, it is much easier to solve socio-economic...

Collecting Consumer Data as a Way of Improving Businesses

For developing and keeping businesses afloat, one cannot ignore market intelligence. It concerns information about the market where the company in question operates, including its customers, trends, and competitors. A comprehensive analysis of these elements defines internal goals and has a significant impact on the business’ prosperity and success. Yet,...