Automation of Insurance Industry: Personal Reflection

With the sudden outbreak of Covid-19, different industrial companies have invested in advancing digital platforms and technologies to guarantee the sustainability of their operations. As technological developments accelerate, customer expectations are constantly changing. Through a variety of innovative solutions, an essential change in the insurance industry is, therefore, being encouraged....

Food and Water Security as Globalization Issues

The change from local to the international economy is a crucial concern for the field of ethics. Globalization has several implications for the business environment, among which are the expanded access to resources, interdependence of international companies, and improvement of the labor force (Ast, 2018). However, the ethical consequences of...

The Market Economy and Capitalism

Introduction The topic of market economies opened my eyes to the operations of local and global markets. Notably, a market is defined by the interaction between buyers and sellers through the determined modes of exchange. The product being sold and the principles governing such exchange is the main determining factor...

Analyzes of “Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation” Work

Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation In what is perhaps the culmination of his life’s work, Jean Tirole: Market Power and Regulation encapsulates the efforts of a man focused on revolutionizing global economics. Tirole’s decisive and methodical approaches to issues such as competition and regulation have improved upon existing theories...

Advanced and Developing Economy Countries: Germany and Bangladesh

Research Economic disparities are generally connected to a variety of societal factors determining the conditions of the environment for promoting progress. The link between the two areas can be supported by conducting an analysis of the situations in two different countries, one of which is an advanced economy, and another...

Savings, Investment Spending, and the Financial System

Explain how overall national savings is related to overall investment and why savings is always equal to investment. Savings are a part of income that is not consumed now, that is, the accumulation of finance. Therefore, savings, formed by the difference between income and expenses, are the primary investment source....

Measuring Economic Inequality

Global inequality is a complex issue, the measurement of which is complicated by the number of factors involved. The problem of global economic inequality has pushed its way into the national and international conversation and the ongoing debates about the need to raise the minimum wage to ensure the improvement...

Analysis of Lomé Convention & Cotonou Agreement

Definition of the Key Term Lomé Convention & Cotonou Agreement are free trade agreements that allow regional economic integration by reducing international barriers to trade. Lomé Convention agreement was developed to provide aid to ACP nations and allow preferential access to exports from ACP nations. Cotonou Agreement was founded to...

Pricing Strategies’ Effects on Consumer Behavior on Social Media Platforms

In the modern world, there is a high level of competition between companies, with their pricing strategies being crucial factors that impact customers’ loyalty to a brand. The existing pricing strategies differ in their use by numerous organizations, especially in the marketing strategies of those organizations on the Internet (Ali...

Real Estate Business in Australia

Overview of the Real Estate Business Globally and in Australia The real estate market possesses an enormous financial potential; thus, it is an attractive investment field. Indeed, this field is not as risky for investing because even though house prices fluctuate, the demand remains high (Parle, Joubert, and Laing, 2017)....

Analysis of Race-to-the-Top Strategy

The notion of the race-to-the-top approach might be considered as a novelty to business strategies, as well as to public policies. Its primary aim is to deal with the gap between developed and emerging economies within the scope of the economy. This paradigm is founded on the advancement (or value...

Healthy Economy and Importance of Thriving

I have listened to a TED talk by Kate Roworth, “A healthy economy should be designed to thrive, not grow”. She talked about an important topic of redefinition of the typical economy that is center only on growth. I learned there is another way, an alternative to humanity’s development. The...

Production Possibility Frontier

Production Possibility Frontier graphs are widely used both in macroeconomics and microeconomics. For the first case, the graph might show the level of efficiency in the production of several goods for a nation, for the second—is for a company (Krylovskiy). In the paper, a graph that reflects the hypothetical PPF...

Addressing the Changing Customers’ Needs in the Hospitality Industry

Introduction In the hotel sector or the hospitality industry in general, the consumer is very crucial. The entire point of the business is to keep customers pleased. However, the margins are gradually shrinking; it is no longer enough to keep customers satisfied. As a hotel manager, one must create new...

Balance Sheet and Income Statement for Investors

The main reason why an investor would pay attention to the balance sheet is the presence of detailed information on liabilities and assets. The significance of all the resources that an organization either owns or owes could become decisive in the long run, protecting the team from unexpected losses or...

Review of “Capital” by Carl Marx

Karl Marx is a famous philosopher known for a variety of economic works discussed and applied today. The most outstanding work is devoted to discussing capitalism and its components. Cooperating with Friedrich Engels, Marx created a small political group which is known as the Communist Correspondence Committee (Lebowitz 2020). Among...

Natural Gas and Its Economic Aspects

Introduction Economy symmetrically responds to changes in oil prices, whereas oil prices asymmetrically respond to crude oil prices. According to Kidnay, “the natural gas industry began in the early 1900s in the United States and is still evolving” (Kidnay et al., 2019, p. 1). As a result, crude oil and...

Organic Food Purchases Among Customers of Different Ages

Introduction This report concerns an analysis conducted by Diligent Consulting Group on behalf of the Loving Organic Food Industry. The consulting group wanted to establish the motivation behind customers’ purchasing habits. The survey targeted 200 customers within the market segment, out of which 124 gave their responses. The information included...

Oligopolistic Market and Its Features

After running the simulation, we have noticed that our profit in the first run is higher than in the second run, despite the lower possessed quantity of the product. Our market price was higher in the first scenario, making us more stable and confident in participating in the market competition....

Embracing Cryptocurrency in the Economy

Introduction Cryptocurrency is the currency that uses digitalized files or assets as a medium of exchange created using the same method. Cryptocurrency is not controlled by an individual or by any government as electronic money. The distributed ledger is the financial transaction database for cryptocurrency, and it contains all the...

Theories of Economic Stagnation

Introduction In the selected article, the author indicates that markets have failed to return to normal following the end of the infamous financial crisis. The concept of secular stagnation tries to explain how such a situation has developed. It describes how an increasing susceptibility to save money and a decreasing...

Microeconomics and Principles of Economics

When coming up with a successful business initiative, it is of paramount importance to remember that every economic endeavor cannot exist in isolation from socio-political and purely economic factors. For this reason, in order to define the prospects of one’s business, entrepreneurs should become aware of the value of microeconomics...

Capitalism as a Form of Social Competition

The history of humankind counts many forms of economic systems that have existed to guide the development of society. Among the many alternatives, one of the most striking economic ideologies is capitalism. Capitalism, which uses money as a valuable resource for human relations, drives society toward competition and rivalry. This...

Electronics for the Dump Overview

The modern world is filled with high-tech gadgets that are renewed every quarter, making people buy new items and discard outdated ones. The current situation on the market is called the materials economy that aims to design products that will function for only a certain period to encourage buying new...

The Concept of Universal Basic Income

With the current political and economic climate, the concept of universal basic income provides many advantages. The majority of the support it receives is directly proportional to the desire to right systematic errors such as income inequality, poverty, and the unsure future of automation in the workplace. Many of the...

Comparison between Late Development and Early Development Pathway

Industrialization is the transition of agriculture-related raw materials to mass manufacturing of goods and services. The period has been characterized into two phases, Early development and Late development. Early industrialization occurred in Britain in the late 18th century, while late industrialization occurred in the 20th century after the second world...

Buying First or Selling First in Housing Markets

The purchase of a house is associated with a high risk because it requires substantial financial costs. In order not to lose the invested funds, people should be careful about such purchase. The first criterion is the number of rooms in the house, which will directly depend on the family...

The Essence of Individual Retirement Account

Introduction Individual Retirement Account was originally invented to improve the pension plans, which are still widely used. The fact is that, the pension plans were also improved, and nowadays, these are two different approaches towards paying retirement financial compensation. This paper aims to compare these two approaches, and give the...

Social, Political, and Economic Transformations in Tennessee between 1960 and 1990

Chapter thirteen of the assigned course text exposes the reader to the sweeping social, political, and economic transformations in Tennessee in the last three decades, stretching from 1960 to the 1990s. Dramatic events before and during this period, such as World War II and civil rights movements, played a leading...

The Impact of a Car’s Technology on the Purchase Decision of a UK Customer

Background: Study Justification and Knowledge Gap Identification People buy cars for various reasons: some do it to confirm their social and economic status, and others do it to address personal or business-related transportation needs. However, given the numerous car brands, models, and shapes, selecting one option is never an easy...

Functional Currency: Case Study

The fund custodian, Shady Rest, prepared the fund’s books in Euros, since it was a country fund that invested solely in securities listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange. However, this decision is very detrimental because of several reasons. The custodians could have chosen an appropriate functional currency that could have...

Credit Card Industry: Revenue and Cost Structures

Based on the industry report by Gambardella (2020), credit card issuers, in this case, Chase Company, earn revenue from interest income, cardholder fees, and interchange fees. Some of the industry’s costs include purchases, marketing, rent, depreciation, and wages, among others. For instance, Chase generates income from the Sapphire brand through...

Reasons Why the Third World Is Underdeveloped

In the 1960s and 1970s, a peculiar trend emerged in world social thought —dependence theory. Other variants of this trend are dependent development, dependent capitalism, peripheral development, and peripheral capitalism (sometimes this trend is called dependentism). Representatives of the scientific community of Latin America play a significant role in this...

Culture, Gender, and Price in Consumer Behavior

Introduction Consumer behavior is one of the most crucial topics in business because it determines sales and profit. Consumers dictate how specific products or services are portrayed on social media (Mariani et al., 2018). Therefore, understanding their decisions requires the knowledge of psychology and neuroscience. Indeed, behavioral psychology is critical...

Role of Shareholders in Profit Maximization

The people who provide financial backing to a company for the return of lifetime dividends are known as shareholders. One can become a shareholder of a particular organization either by memorandum subscription during incorporation and they can also invest in new company shares or by purchasing shares of an existing...

Researching Consumer Purchases

Introduction In the contemporary information-driven markets, consumer purchasing behaviors are particularly dependent on the availability and credibility of information about a product one has an intention to buy. For this essay, the product selected for analysis was running shoes. Different brands of running shoes were examined to retrieve online reviews...

Inflation and Control Policies in the United Kingdom

Introduction Inflation is a highly contentious issue. This is due to its economic implications. For instance, if not regulated, inflation has the potential of crippling a country’s economy. As a result of this, governments are always coming up with policies and strategies to ensure that it remains at manageable levels,...

Government’s Role in Business Regulation

In the contemporary world, there are two opposite opinions regarding businesses’ ethical conduct ensuring. One part of society believes that the marketplace is self-regulating and any external interventions are not necessary as they do not provide equality between business owners. Simultaneously, others state that government regulations are essential and beneficial...

Financial Management During the Recession

Introduction and thesis In the past decades, various economies across the globe have come face to face with the implications that arise due to poor management and regulation of financial resources. The effects of the same have been felt by all individuals socially and economically making financial management a force...

Researching of the Challenges of Free Trade

It is essential to recognize that in the world of serious business, along with opportunities for real economic growth, companies face the potential threat of financial and reputational collapse and decline. This ambiguity of possible outcomes is primarily due to the increase in the number of competitors in the industry,...

HSBC & Barclays PLC: Balance Sheet and Income Statements

SME lending policies of the British banks before and after the financial crisis The financial crisis that almost brought the world’s economy to its knees in 2008/2009 has left many economies struggling and led to radical changes in the financial sector (Dullien et al. 2010, p. 113). As countries take...

Bilateral Investment Treaties Analysis

Introduction Globalization has turned the world into a small village where movement and communication are easily done irrespective of the location of an individual. Technological improvement in the field of communication has meant that it is now possible for a business unit to communicate with its customers all over the...

Analysis of Vietnam’s Economic Transition

Introduction During recent decades, many countries in Europe and Asia abandoned socialist regimen. Changes related to such transitions have influenced different spheres including political, economic, and social. Vietnam is an example of a successful transition of a low-income country, which moved from centrally planned to a market economy (Tran, 2013)....

Financial Report: Review

Analysis of cost Some of the opening costs of the restaurant will be capitalized. These start-up costs relate to the one activity of opening the restaurant and not daily operation of the business. The costs that will be capitalized are summarized in the table presented below. Item Amount (ĂE) 1...

Probability, Distribution, and Simulation

Initial Post Part A: Simulation Simulation in Excel is a simple task that does not require much time. If one needs to simulate random values, he or she may use simple functions of RAND or RANDBETWEEN functions. RAND function provides a number between 0 and 1 with a low probability...

Effects of Globalization: The Case of LuLu Group Int

The Effects of the Driving Forces of Globalization There is no doubt that today’s world has become substantially different from the social, economic, and production systems that were relevant only a few decades ago. Such changes can be seen in all spheres of life, from the classical communication between people...

Analysis of Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank

Introduction Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank was founded in 1985 and is currently the third-largest commercial bank in the United Arab Emirates by Assets. Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank is a UAE-based public joint-stock company that operates in the commercial bank sector. Most of the Bank’s shares (about 65 percent) are owned...

Economics: The Impact of Globalization

As the borders between countries erode and different economies and cultures start to interweave, the world begins to be more and more defined by globalization. The new technologies and methods of communication and transportation make distances less and less of an obstacle, and it becomes easier to establish commercial and...

Financial and Management Accounting: The Analysis of Financial Systems

Introduction The paper takes a financial analysis of Shire plc and AstraZeneca plc; both companies have their main operating base in the United Kingdom. Both companies are listed in the countries stock exchange. They are in the pharmaceutical industry. Brief information about the Companies Shire plc commonly referred to as...

Renting vs. Buying a Home: The Best Housing Choice

The shelter is one of the basic requirements in everyone’s life. When undertaking some budget calculations, it is noteworthy to determine the possibilities that a person has. Nevertheless, the house that an individual can live in could be leased or owned. Before renting or buying property, someone should do some...

Housing Issue in New York City

An overview of New York City New York City is one of the most populated cities in the United States of America. It is a city composed of many different types of people. As such, the population of New York City comprises the original inhabitants of the city in addition...

Long-Terms Goals in Financial Planning

Introduction Financial goals refer to the aspirations in the life of an investor that needs to be achieved when the person invests his money. By setting financial goals, chances of regretting are minimized and it ensures that the desired goal of investment is realized. These goals vary from one investor...

The Value Added Tax in the United Kingdom

Introduction Taxation is one of the most important activities under fiscal operations in every economy. It is the main source of government revenue. Therefore, effective taxation processes play a pivotal role in determining the ability of an economy to meet the needs of its citizens. Thus, taxation can be viewed...

Comparing Islamic REITs: Insights from Global Financial Crises

Introduction Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) refers to financial security that can be traded and principally invested in the real estate ventures. The investment can be direct or indirect in regard to properties and mortgages. REITs differ, for example, there are equity REITs and Mortgage REITs. Additionally, there are conventional...

National Competitive Advantage of Industries

Michael Porter’s Theory of the National Competitive Advantage of Industries MichaelMichael Eugene Porter has written over 20 books and other works that had a significant influence on the world of economics. In the 1980s, he published his article Competitive Advantage, which shortly revolutionized the field. However, his fundamental work, The...

Return on Investment in Education

In life, people need to make a number of investments to secure their future. In some cases, they have to forego immediate gratification of needs and ‘wants’ to pay the price for a better future. For example, one may forego marriage to focus on investments meant to establish them financially....

Financial Crisis in Russia in the 1990s and Lessons for Today

Introduction The word ‘Financial Crisis’ is a term that many economies, large or small, are in fear of. It is a situation which occurs when a country which was once doing well in the financial sector is suddenly faced with huge amounts of debts as well as inflation due to...

Consolidated Financial Statements

Consolidated financial statements are a method of reporting finances in a specific scenario. These statements are primarily used by big companies that have multiple subsidiaries or divisions. When a particular company fully acquires another and claims ownership over it, a need to accurately report the assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenue...

The Gold Standard and Currency Unification

Introduction Over the years, businessmen and nations have used gold as an investment and a medium of exchange due to its relative advantages. Gold is less likely to suffer from inflation, thus its price is relatively stable due to its immune to government manipulation and tinkering especially in its pure...

The Federal Reserve System

The Federal Reserve which is also known as the Federal Reserve System or the Fed is the central banking system that is used to manage the financial and banking system in the United States. The reserve was established in 1913 to respond to the financial panic that had affected many...

Capitalism in Business and Modern World

The current world runs and operates within the capitalist theory and practice. Many countries have greatly benefited from the established globalization model and continue to build new ways of advancing their intertwined and interdependent economies. However, recent events relating to financial, environmental, and societal problems arising around the globe have...

Collecting Consumer Data as a Way of Improving Businesses

For developing and keeping businesses afloat, one cannot ignore market intelligence. It concerns information about the market where the company in question operates, including its customers, trends, and competitors. A comprehensive analysis of these elements defines internal goals and has a significant impact on the business’ prosperity and success. Yet,...

High and Low Involvement Purchases

A consumer’s or buyer’s decision process can be categorized into high and low involvement purchases, where the difference is manifested in a number of factors. High involvement purchases mainly occur when a person buys something complex or at a high price. In rare cases, it is also attributed to acquisitions...

Human Rights and International Trade

Abstract There has been ignorance of trade policy and the working conditions of employees until recently when people discovered that trade policy affects peoples’ work. The other form of ignorance was in the international trade formulation or policy where people did not see the relation of international trade and human...

Trade War Between the US and China

There is a continuous conflict between China and the US, which is expressed in setting tariffs on one another’s products. In 2018, President Trump imposed tariffs on goods exported from China, stimulating Americans to buy local products, and this policy change became a significant trade barrier (Liu & Woo, 2018)....

Impact of Brexit on the United Kingdom Economy

Introduction The U.K.’s exit from the E.U. also marked a transition in its economic relationship with the bloc. The country intends to shift from close unification and co-operation with its neighbors and keep options of possible reopening opportunities for negotiating direct trade agreements with non-EU member states. The U.K. is...

Acquisition of Foreign Companies

When a firm achieves significant success within its local market, it is rational for this business to consider additional growth opportunities. International expansion is a suitable option, and acquiring a foreign company can help succeed here. The leading driving force of this process is that entering the overseas market provides...

Customer Service: Current Trends and Challenges

The current trends and challenges in customer service can be seen in a wide range of areas. The given analysis will primarily focus on customer experience, interfunctional coordination, and customer engagement. Each notion plays a vital role in advancing the overall utility of customer service, where both technological and conceptual...

Hedge Funds and Financial Markets in Africa and USA

Introduction This paper investigates issues involved in financial markets in both Africa and North America and what is fast becoming a global economic village as countries are becoming interconnected and economies becoming more and more converged. Financial markets in North America are more juxtaposed and epitomized than anywhere in the...

The Problem of Inflation: Crucial Aspects

Of primary importance is the recognition that inflation is not an unnatural or harmful mechanism for a country’s economy. Certainly, from the point of view of an ordinary citizen who pays taxes and gives their private money for goods, it may seem that the absence of pre-election inflation or even...

A Specific Criteria for the Selection of the Vendor

I wanted to notify you of the results of my investigation on specific criteria for the selection of the vendor. Choosing a vendor is one of the critical problems in managing the procurement of material and technical resources and services. From the variety of potential suppliers of goods and services,...

Globalization and Economic Inequality

The debate on the issue of economic inequality mitigation has been one of the central aspects of global discussion for decades. The primary concern of such an argument has always been based upon establishing a direct link between the process of globalization and an increase in the gap between average...

Ford Motor Company: Cash Flow Statement

Introduction In addition to an income statement and a balance sheet statement, a cash flow statement is used in order to conclude regarding the generation and distribution of cash in a company. The analysis of this statement is important to examine possible changes in the cash flows related to a...

Coronavirus vs. the Great Depression for Economy

Also known as COVID-19, coronavirus has significantly changed the whole world. Political, economic, social, and health care spheres witness essential adverse effects, while both developed and developing nations suffer from the pandemic. This state of affairs demonstrates that it will take much time and effort to recover from this situation....

Population Growth Rates Analysis

The product developed by our company can have a market in any country which has a substantial population. The task at hand is to choose the countries where the population is high and so is the growth rate. Further, the country’s return on the FDI confidence index must also be...

Economic Globalization and Daily Life

The stated factors belong to the concept of economic globalization, which implies the process through which states and corporations expand to the global scale. Globalization is a complex aspect, which affects and is impacted by cultural and political factors. Markets denote the combination of institutions, systems, infrastructures, systems, and procedures...

Global Sports and Entertainment: Internationalization of the Sports Industry

The sports industry has been affected by the globalization process to a considerable extent lately. As a result of the specified internationalization, the environment of sport has become much more inclusive and accepting of people of different backgrounds and capabilities. Nowadays, a range of opportunities for people from many backgrounds...

Multinational Corporations and Trade Unions

Multinational corporations are the main subject of globalization in the modern world. These are enterprises that own or control production, distribution, service, or funds outside the home country. Trade unions were the first in world practice to be concerned about the uncontrolled actions of multinational corporations. They were worried that...

Expansionary and Contractionary Fiscal Policies

Expansionary and contractionary fiscal policies are the two tools implemented by the government to control economic growth. They both use government spending and tax policies to regulate the flow of money. The expansionary policy reduces taxes and increases government spending to increase the flow of money to the economy, while...

Marx: The Primitive Accumulation of Capital

Main Argument The main argument put forward by Marx is that primitive accumulation of capital has come to play a relatively the same role in political economy as the story of original sin plays in theology. When it comes to the history of capital accumulation from its primitive form, any...

Inflation in the Real Estate Industry

Introduction This paper will cover the Real Estate industry in the United States. The Real Estate industry is part of the Real Estate and Rental and Leasing sector, which includes renting and leasing assets and services, such as cars, houses, computers, and other goods (NAICS, 1). The Real Estate subsector...

Review of the Essay “Lifeboat Ethics” by Garrett Hardin

Garrett Hardin wrote an essay in which he explained his ideas about the global distribution of resources and inequality between countries. This work is quite radical since Hardin talks about decisions that can be too harsh for certain states and people. The main idea of ​​the essay is the need...

The Dark Side of Globalization

Buoyancy on the Bayou: Shrimpers Face the Rising Tide of Globalization by Jill Ann Harrison explores the effect of globalization on local worlds. In a series of interviews and insights into the life of Louisiana shrimp farmers, she explores how the introduction of low-cost shrimp, farm-grown in Thailand and China,...

The Mechanisms of Inflation

Introduction High inflation is considered a severe problem for many national economies, and there are several reasons for it. It takes place when the prices grow, and the purchasing power of money decreases. According to Sloman and Garratt (2013, p. 203), it is calculated as “the percentage increase in CPI...

Family Budget Project in Microsoft Excel

Introduction Budgeting is a crucial practice that helps to achieve goals through the efficient use of money. Planning budgets can be beneficial both on corporate and family levels. Family budgeting is crucial for improving financial well-being. First, budgeting helps to distribute family income to achieve satisfactory living. Second, budgeting helps...

Fair Trade Concept Overview

The modern business environment is mainly focused on increasing profits and raising gains from trade. These entrepreneurship’s primary goals are not easily achievable; consequently, there is an impressive number of instances of unethical practices among business owners. Being blinded by the high profits, the entrepreneurs commit immoral acts and do...

Sports-Based Economic Development: Economic Benefits of Sports Projects

Over decades, governments have been funding sports projects for they term them as ‘economic development’ projects. Sports projects require a great deal of funds, yet revenues that they generate are meager. Some economic experts assert that sports projects do not create significant job opportunities or considerable economic activities, which boost...

The Crisis in UK Banking of 2007-2008

Project’s overall aims and objectives The combination of major economic shocks and the unprecedented global policy response to the banking crisis has generated exceptional uncertainties for households, businesses and governments across the world, and therefore economic forecast. Forecasts made at times when economies are reaching cyclical peaks or troughs typically...

The Demand and Supply of Goods and Services

The demand and supply of goods and services correlate as they are the two strengths in the market that determine the prices within the economic framework. Economics greatly relies on the demand and supply of goods and services as it is a social discipline that handles their production, distribution, utilization,...

Buying Things to Solve Personal Problems

It is a universal true that modern people cannot exist without buying. Almost every day every person goes shopping. We may buy food, clothes, pets, TVs, books, furniture, cars, houses, and many other things we need for our every day life. And there is no difference between Americans and other...

The Importance of Financial Plans for Entrepreneurs

Financial plans are long-range road-maps aimed at increasing return on investment, market share, and dealing with foreseeable problems. A financial plan is basic to risk management. Financial plans are prepared in order to establish a viable risk management strategy (Hisrich, Peters and Shepherd, 2013, p. 21). The preparation of financial...

Pros and Cons of Raising the Minimum Wage

Many citizens of the United States of America are not satisfied with their hourly incomes. Hence, the population wants its government to raise the minimum wages in the country in order to reduce poverty. Increasing the minimum wage should help some works, and it will help stimulate the economy overall...

Agency Problem and Capital Structure of Firms

Introduction Major corporate financing decisions center round selecting in between equity and debt financing. Finance managers sourcing funds for any new capital projects are likely to look at borrowing options, as such decision may not lead to cutting of dividends or to make a rights issue of equity. The decision...

Trade in Environmental Goods and Economic Growth

Abstract Currently, there have been talks about economic growth and trade. As well, there has been the issue of economic growth and environmental conservation which has become a global issue. This means that there should be a way of addressing this global issue while at the very time encouraging global...

Banking Policy Regulation: Lending to Minorities

Arguments that white lenders use to defend their approach To begin with the first reason that the white lenders use to defend their approach towards minority lending is the fact that lending institutions operate under certain rules which demands that a particular bank maintain a certain amount of equity reserves....

Business and Economics: Business Description

The human resource department is a very important section in an organization as it enables the organizations top management to conduct its functions perfectly with little amount of shortcomings being reported, this is because the top management uses these department to recruit qualified professionals who will perform their tasks without...

The Influence of the Market Economy on the Society Development

Introduction The market economy created a new system of production that not only increased the efficiency with which people created goods, but also heightened their quantity. It improved the quality of life of the general population because people could access conveniences that were inconceivable before the 19th Century. Groups of...

US Current Economic Conditions

Introduction The economy of the United States has experienced great turmoil following the global economic crisis of 2007-2010 periods. The crisis started in the united state and it spread to the rest of the world. The US economy suffered a lot and some of its financial institutions collapsed. Although the...

Land Supply and Real Estate Development in Hong Kong

Hong Kong for some time now has been under the land supply limitation policy adopted by the government. The limitation of land sully has had a great influence on the real estate industry and the economy of Hong Kong as a whole. This paper examines empirically the effect of land...

Economic Freedom and Schools of Thought

Economic freedom is the idea of free markets in which people have freedom to produce, buy and sell products and services both inside and outside one’s borders. These products and services should be obtained without the use of force, deception or robbery. Economic freedom is based on personal choice, keeping...

Features of the Economic Development of Zambia

Introduction The Millennium Summit of September 2000 marked the official kick-off the worldwide effort to help fight poverty, hunger and disease within a fifteen-year period. Some countries have managed to achieve success in some of these areas but several of the goals might never be accomplished in many others (The...

Consumer Behavior and Prediction of Marketing Treads

Consumer behavior has a great impact on the marketing strategy and marketing mix developed by a company. Critics and researchers in consumer behavior (Schiffman and Kanuk 2003) are greatly concerned with the antecedents, activities, and outcomes of consumer actions. They have investigated the purchasing procedure, buying decisions, and consumption situations....

International Gold Standard in 1880-1914

Introduction Centralized economic and monetary discussions were not common in the nineteenth century. Therefore, it is not easy to document the origins of the gold standard. During this period, there was a general acceptance that currencies should have a metallic content. However, the agreement did not entail a consensus on...

The Brief Introduction of Balance of Payments

The definition of Balance of Payments The term Balance of Payments (BOP) is used in referring to the methods that countries adopt in monitoring their global monetary transactions that have taken place during a given period. Normally the BOP is calculated once every three months and once in each calendar...

The Merits of the Euro as a Single European Currency

Introduction Some countries like China believe that to make the economy smooth and more usable the most desirable approach would be the implementation of a single world currency. At present, the Euro acts as a common single currency for Europe and it is supposed to be the most desirable currency...

Real Assets Role in Multi-Asset Portfolio

Introduction Real estate is a common lawful term used to include land together with anything permanently attached to it (Brown & Matysiak 2000). The attachments may include assets such as buildings or any other thing that is fixed in location. Real estates till now maintains a quite high share of...

Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior

Introduction The article which has been selected for this particular topic is titled Global leaders are team players written by Dr. Martha L. Maznevski & Joseph J. DiStefano. Martha L. Maznevski is an Assistant Professor of Commerce at the McIntire School. Of Commerce, University of Virginia, where she teaches Organizational...

Home Loans: The Issues of the Home Loans

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the issues of home loans are among the most troublesome matters in the realty trade. Originally, numerous additional issues arise if the fact of a home loan appears. Thus, the paper is aimed to regard several most widely spread troubles and...

Global Finance Control: International Monetary Fund

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an institute of 186 states, functioning to promote international financial support, protected monetary firmness, smooth the progress of global trade, endorse high employment and maintainable financial expansion, and decrease scarcity around the globe (Barbara 2003). So from this definition, it is palpable that International...

Australian Economy: Economic Problems and Ways of Its Solving

The Australian economy is considered to be referred to as the prosperous one in accordance with its mining, agricultural and service sectors. The overview of Australian economy has shown that this country is one of the most profitable on the international market with its GDP of $889 billion. The history...

Energy and the Economy. Oil Addiction in America

In America, “addiction to oil” results in high oil prices and a unique structure of economy dependent upon crude oil. The future of oil in the world economy is one of the most controversial topics in international affairs at the present time. With the different views held by the producing...

Household Production Model and Women’s Behavior in the Labour Market

Introduction Household production is the making of services and goods by the members of a household, for their own consumption, using their own capital and their own unpaid labor. The household production goods include food, clothes, beddings, dishes etc. Despite the fact, on average more than eighty percent of women’s...

China’s Emergence as the ‘World’s Factory’

Abstract No nation in the world can match China’s industrialization over the recent past. China is now considered as the world’s factory, in that the entire world’s manufactured products have a Chinese affiliation in one way or the other. However, China’s industrialization has presented intense problems which have resulted in,...

Country of Origin and Impact on Product Category Marketing

The country of origin has a great impact on the product image and the decision of consumers to purchase a product. There are other significant demographic factors that affect consumption patterns. For example, if populations are segmented by such factors as race, religion, color, country of origin, etc. valuable marketing...

Philippine Financial Institutions: An Overview

Introduction Owing to the strategic position of the country as a trading entrepôt in East Asia – doing a brisk trans-Pacific trade with Mexico for centuries, exporting minerals and forest products to China, trading sugar with (what was then) Great Britain, and cashing in on foreign exchange earnings of Filipino...

Economics for Management. Unemployment in Spain

Introduction Unemployment takes place when a person that is inactive searches for a job is unable to find it. The concept is often used for measuring the health of an economy, with the unemployment rate being the most prominent indicator that is evaluated regularly. The unemployment rate is calculated by...

Inequality in Russia: Causes and Consequences

Introduction The inequality in financial matters, socioeconomic policies and the public domain has become a global concern. Russia has moved from the Soviet era of populism to abject poverty and extreme riches. The fast financial development that Russia has encountered in the previous decade did not cause any change in...

Transportation Economics of American Railroads

Transporting is a critical part of modern life that enables people to travel both long and short distances. Thus, this industry is distinctly vital for humankind. Businesses working in this field provide services connected to the movement of people or things from one place to the other. Railroads are a...

Financial Fraud in the Context of Economics

Various manipulative techniques behind net income planning have become one of the most widespread causes of financial fraud in the context of economics. On the example of the provided case study, it may be seen that quite often, when it comes to the official accounting data, many company leaders are...

Benefits of Having a Free Market System

The question of whether and to what extent can governmental agencies control the way that products and services are developed, produced, and sold presents an important discussion topic today. The anticipated and actual benefits of free-market economies can be justly regarded as the topic that is capable of polarizing society...

Finding the Supply and Demand Equilibrium

How an equilibrium price is set in the supply and demand market Many factors, among them price, population, and income, affect consumer demand for products and services sold in a market. Demand is satisfied either by local producers or importers. The demand curve is downward-sloping, which means that an inverse...

The Impact of Globalization on Labor Market and Trade

Abstract Globalization refers to the coming together of the international markets. It contributes to the forming of trade blocks. Globalization has opened the international market to developing states and countries that can now trade freely. On the other hand, it poses a significant threat to the growth of local industries,...

China Adopting a Floating Exchange Rate

Introduction An exchange rate refers to the value a currency is given at the international market. This enables a nation to know its economic position and compare its activities with those of other nations (Piersanti 3). This paper uses the term international business to mean trading activities that involve a...

Globalization and Diversity in TEDx Talk Shows

Globalization and the Poor In this TEDx talk show, an economist and researcher Krisztina Kis-Katos uses statistics and empirical data to show how globalization and international trade can reduce poverty levels in developing and emerging economies. Specifically, the presenter uses the case examples of Vietnam, India, and Indonesia to demonstrate...

Government Intervention into the Soft Drink Market

Introduction In recent times the public health sector has put up with varying concerns of the twentieth century. As it were the advancements in the technology industry and economy have motivated the rise of a new health concern in the form of obesity. Essentially it is a condition described as...

Emerging Chinese Market

“Forget the idea that the rise of Chinese competitors simply means cheap, low-quality imitations flooding world markets” (Williamson & Zeng, 2008, p. 44). Though many people think, that China can only deal with cheap mass production to flood the market with low-quality goods. Chinese products have nothing in common with...

Portfolio Management: Stock Selection and Portfolio Performance

Introduction This is a report that summarizes the performance of a portfolio of five stocks selected (theoretically) on October 01, 2011, and is disposed of holding up to November 03 302011. The paper covers the performance of the portfolio, stock selection criteria, each stock performance, and the returns of the...

Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements

​The IASB framework for the preparation and presentation of financial statements outlines the concepts underlying the preparation and presentation of financial statements by external users (Deloitte 2008). The framework assists the board in the formulation of accounting standards and seeks to resolve issues that are not addressed directly in the...

Hegemonic Stability Theory and International Political Economy

Hegemonic stability theory Hegemonic stability theory draws its ideas from the realist, liberal and historical, together with the structuralists views. It is often regarded as a hybrid theory. It emphasizes that for an open and balanced international system to be met there should be a sole dominating or hegemonic nation,...

Selecting a Viable Foreign Market and TV Advertising

Selecting a foreign market The ability to select a viable foreign market is a crucial undertaking whenever there is need to expand and diversify operational strategies. Before expanding to foreign markets, it is vital to consider the level of demand for products being marketed by an organization. Market demand is...

Corruption in Third World Countries

Introduction Corruption is one of the major causes of underdevelopment in developing states. It is viewed as misappropriation of public funds. It involves using public resources to benefit an individual. It is never accidental but intentional. The senior government officials collaborate with their juniors to deprive the public its resources....

Country Experience in Mongolia: Consumer Price Indices

Abstract Data computation of computer price indices is a challenging issue because different jurisdictions adopt unique methodologies when doing so. This study explores how CPI is computed in Mongolia by investigating four main issues: services in the CPI, new data sources for compiling CPI, the importance of understanding and meeting...

Tax Incentives Functions and Application

Firstly, the tax incentives imply the reductions of taxes for the organization for performing the desirable and socially beneficial actions (Rubin 8). The primary reason for utilizing this approach is the easiness to attract various businesses and establishments, as the taxes define their potential income. It remains evident that the...

Canadian Housing and Construction Statistics

Introduction Growth for housing starts, completions and under construction was negatively affected by the economic downturn in 2008 with only 187,923 units registered. But this has surpassed the 1955 to 2013 historical average, which means that even if there was perceived negative growth the sector was performing well unexpectedly. The...

The 2007-2008 Economic Crisis

Causes of the 2007-2008 Economic Crisis The economic crisis of 2007-2008 had the most far-reaching financial repercussions for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression (Helleiner 2011). The significant increase in sub-prime mortgage defaults caused the bursting of a housing bubble. As a result of the growth in the number...

Pepsi Company: Investment Case

Introduction PepsiCo is a corporation that includes a number of brands selling processed foods and beverages. The most famous products of the company include Pepsi-Cola, Mountain Dew, Cheetos, Doritos, and Lay’s. Other recognizable names are Tropicana, 7 Up, Lipton tea, and Mirinda (The Street 2017). The current state of the...

Vue Cinemas Company Monopolistic Strategy

The strategy adopted by Vue Cinemas to acquire Ster Century posed a potential threat to ticket prices because the company would gain monopoly power to control the pricing of products in the industry. Monopolies are companies with exclusive control in the market and in a monopolistic competition market prices are...

“Marginalizing the Masses” by Noam Chomsky

Introduction This article is an interview with the renowned philosopher and activist, Noam Chomsky by Robert Schupp and Richard Ohlemacher on the issue of shadow economies. In the article, Noam Chomsky addresses the issue of shadow economies that has plagued the entire world. These informal economies are accused of enriching...

Commercial Bank’s Profitability in Austria

Introduction Background The banking sector remains one of the most important industries that have a significant impact on other industries within a country’s economy. According to Cornée, Karmi, and Safari, the banks provide finances needed by other sectors to run normally (498). They provide a platform for trade among large...

Iron Ore Industry and Environmental Pollution

Introduction An iron ore deposit is a mineral collection of sufficient size, iron-content, and chemical composition with physical and economic aspects that makes it a viable source of iron either immediately or potentially. Economic viability is essential. No definite limits can be set on the size, grade, or mineral composition...

Aspects of Globalization: Positive and Negative Effects

Introduction Economic globalization is the increased economic integration and interdependence that goes beyond national, regional, and continental borders. Economic integration occurs through the globalization of production, technology, marketing, labor, and other factors of production. Economic globalization is heavily dependent on Information Communication Technology (ICT). This paper will explore the aspects...

Foreign Investment in Chinese Banking Sector: HR Policies

Chinese Banking System In the case study under analysis, Chaudhuri (2014) pays much attention to the banking system of China and the development of different banking sectors in regards to the latest changes and requirements that may occur at the local or national level. Regarding the latest achievements, existing progress,...

Micro-Meso-Macro Approach to Evolutionary Economics

Evolutionary economics has made most scholars change their view of neoclassical theory given the dynamism of understanding certain market occurrences. Technological learning has been at the centre stage of the development process since effective comprehension of changes in the economy requires co-evaluation of technologies, as well as the institutional compartments...

Free Market Principles in the Twenty-First Century

Introduction Economic theories of the past have shown that they still have a positive impact on the improvement and development of the modern society. Economic theories have greatly facilitated the growth of societies by assisting them to reach their current state of being informational societies which have consequently become global...

Transportation and Logistics Management in USA

Abstract Transportation is one of the key factors that drive any country’s economy. An industrialized nation such as the US relies heavily on transportation and logistics system for its economic growth. Statistical findings indicate that the system contributes about 10 percent to the US GDP. The developments in the US...

German, Greece and the UAE’ Economies Comparison

Introduction Germany, Greece, and the U.A.E are notable economies in Europe and the Middle East. Many countries have emulated their economic models (The Global Economy 2015). For example, Saudi Arabia has tried to emulate the U.A.E’s diversification strategy to decrease its reliance on the energy sector (The Global Economy 2015)....

Italy’s Economic, Financial and Political Risks and Prospects

The economic, financial, and political situation in Italy can be discussed as affecting the development of the tourism and hospitality industry in Italy significantly because the changes in the economic environment influence the businesses’ growth, profitability, and competitiveness; the aspects in the financial policies influence the possibility of investing into...

Starbucks Company’ Financial Analysis

Introduction Financial ratios are used to predict the liquidity, solvency profitability, as well as the performance of a given company within a specified period. Thus, investors and other shareholders need to understand accurately the meaning of each ratio before making any investment related decision (Lewellen, 2004). This paper provides an...

Thailand National Export Priority Market

International business is a common practice in many parts of the world. Many countries engage in international trade in order to export their products and import whatever they do not produce (DEP: Department of Export Promotion Thailand). New business concepts have emerged in order to cushion every developing country from...

Important Factors in Personal Investment

Introduction When making an investment, it is important to look at a number of factors in order to ensure that the returns are within the investor’s expectations. In many cases, people make investment without a proper analysis of the underlying forces. When this happens, it is possible for the investment...