Environmental and Conservation Efforts Social Movement

Introduction Social movements are significant groups of people who are united by a desire for social change. They can advocate for a specific social change or unite to resist a social change promoted by another institution. Environmental and conservation activities, opposition to mass surveillance, second-wave feminism, and the American civil...

How El Niño Affects Ocean Circulation and How Climate Is Impacted

El Nino is a climate trend in which the eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean has unusually warm surface waters. El Nino influences ocean temperatures, strength and speed of ocean tides, the well-being of coastal fisheries, and regional weather from South America and Australia, and beyond. The occurrence of El Nino plays...

Water Scarcity Due to Climate Change

Introduction Sustainable development is impossible without water, which is a prerequisite for all life on Earth. Water should be available to everyone as it assures the preservation of healthy ecosystems, food production, security, and, as a result, economic growth. However, the water cycle is becoming more unpredictable due to climate...

Human Impacts on the Natural Habitats

Resources Human Beings Use The standards of living that human beings adore daily rely on the available natural resources within their environment. Apart from biotic and abiotic raw materials, humans use soil, air, water, land, and biodiversity as habitats and for leisure. Several elements exist in these natural resources, such...

Disasters and Emergency Response in the Community

The onset of a disaster prompts the nation or region affected to depend on the emergency response team. Various types of disasters usually are grouped into two different main categories, which are natural disasters and man-made disasters (Jackson et al., 2004). Naturally occurring disasters are physical phenomena caused by geophysical,...

Case Study: When Will Lake Mead Go Dry

Introduction The article examines the issues about water use and management and terms Lake Colorado as the lifeblood of the regions in the American Southwest with over 30 million individuals. A water budget study by Tim Barnett and David Pierce in 2008 indicated a 10% probability that water storage in...

Earthquake Mitigation Measures for Oregon

Describe observations that tell us the Cascadia subduction zone has (a) had large earthquakes in the past and (b) is building towards an earthquake. The measurements of the Earth’s crust movements show that a strain is building up beneath Oregon. The geologists proved that large-scale earthquakes occurred in the Cascadia...

Exploring the Agenda for Fresh Water Supply in Remote Regions

Topic Few studies have focused on critical geographic analysis that combines addressing critical social issues. The proposed project is one of these, for the central theme of its study is to examine ways of delivering fresh water to remote areas. Living in rural areas, on the poor fringes of large...

Impact of Marine Plastic Debris on Environment

Abstract Generally, there is an overall increase in the use of plastic commodities across the globe. The research paper will analyze the reviews of marine plastic problems in South Africa. The improper disposal of the debris contributes to the rising level of ocean contamination. Plastic waste affects the overall marine...

Improper Recycling and Its Effects

Introduction In recent years, climate emergencies have been declared a crucial issue with the plastic waste’s devastating effects on the environment and wildlife increasing the recycling need. In the society where people consider the concepts of sustainability, recycling provides the conversion of things thrown away into new ones. Therefore, it...

Climate Change in Environmentally Vulnerable Countries

The climate of the earth has significantly altered over time. There have been seven phases of ice expansion and withdrawal in the last 650,000 years. The majority of these shifts are due to minor changes in the earth’s orbit, which alter the quantity of renewable radiation the planet gets. From...

Natural Resources and Population Growth

In the modern world, two main global problems threaten the survival of all flora and fauna: an increase in population and exhaustion of the planet’s natural resources. The first critical feature of these problems is that both issues are interrelated; the more people on earth, the more resources are consumed....

Environmental Justice Problems in the Global South

Introduction The existing environmental problems are spread unequally among the countries, and this circumstance allows speaking of regional problems of the so-called Global South. The prevalence of issues related to injustice in this area is explained by the exploitation of its resources by the North, whereas the methods for addressing...

How Tsunami Works: Causes and Process

What is Tsunami A tsunami is a sequence of long and high waves generated when there is water disruption in the ocean. The disturbance can originate from different sources such as meteorites, volcanic eruptions, landslides, and earthquakes in the sea (“How a tsunami wave works,” para 1). However, the common...

Disposal of Plastic: Burning and Recycling

Introduction The rate of biodegradability of plastic differs based on environmental conditions. These conditions include soil, aquatic, marine, and compost environment. While the production of plastic has increased, environmentalists warn of the devastating effects of waste plastics due to their non-biodegradability. The high concentration of plastics in the soil affects...

The Consequences of the Ocean Acidification

Ocean acidification is a matter of severe concern nowadays because the human-caused threats present in the current time are significant for the world’s oceans and the life on Earth. As it is known, the world ocean occupies more than half of the planet’s territory, meaning that the issues that threaten...

Climate Change and Carbon Dioxide Emissions

Climate change is a serious and persistent problem that affects every facet of people’s lives. With each passing decade, the pollution and changes to the environment enact irreversible damage to the world, with many of the problems humanity faces today being rooted in the mistakes of the past. The usage...

Solar Power as a Solution to Environmental Problems

Introduction Unfortunately, humans have not been rather rational when using numerous resources on this planet, and now people face many challenging environmental problems. One of them is climate change, and it is believed that this process has already had and will have adverse effects. Thankfully, scientists are doing their best...

Climate Change and Environmental Anxiety

One of the world’s leading issues has been climate change or global warming. Even though the weather has slowed it, it still has a place in our hearts and minds. Since 1970, temperatures have risen by 1.3 degrees to 1.9 degrees in some parts of the United States. Global warming...

Human Impact on Seismic Activity

Modern science is actively arguing that human activity extensively damages the environment. That results in climate change, global warming, and an increase in natural disasters. One of the underexplored disasters is the human impact on seismic activity. Gibbens (2017) suggests that people often perceive earthquakes as unforeseeable phenomena they cannot...

Eruption of Toba: The Key Issues

Introduction No volcanic eruption is believed to cause more or similar effects on the Earth relative to the Toba super-eruption. The Young Toba Tuff (YTT) is the latest series of about four eruptions that constitute the Toba volcanic event. YTT is believed to take place about seventy-four thousand years ago....

Beijing Looks for Answers to Air Pollution

Summary A campaign against air pollution was launched in China in 1998. The objective was to better the air quality of one of the largest and most influential, and constantly increasing cities. Nevertheless, Beijing appeared to be fighting the battle after twenty years, and substantial advances in air quality have...

Causes of Climate Change and Ways to Reduce It

Currently, the topic of climate change has dominated media platforms, international conferences, and research institutions. Although the subject is contagious owing to the associated interests, the world has experienced changes in climatic conditions that can be linked to the alteration of the natural composition of the environment in the recent...

Anthropogenic Influence on Climate Change Throughout History

The atmospheric climate is defined as the average weather pattern over a period of time as determined by the mean and variability of wind, temperature, and precipitation. Climate change occurs when there is a long-term alteration of the pattern in a specific region. The are many external forces, including human-induced...

The Importance of Valuing Nature

In her work Krimmerer shows the need for humans to advance their language and devise words that can show their gratitude for nature. Kimmerer argues that humans adopt different pronouns to refer to other species “ki” and “ki.” The ecological compassion that exists in people’s indigenous languages has also been...

Food Web and a Food Chain within the Food Web

The producer(s) in the food web Wiregrass is a producer because it makes its own food. Producers form the first level of any food chain. Producers of their own food are also called autotrophs, which are primarily one-celled organisms or plants. A significant number of autotrophs make their food through...

Energy Crisis and Methods of Countering It

By the beginning of the 21st century, it has become apparent that the harmonious existence of humanity is inextricably linked to the improvement of existing energy technologies. In everyday life, the individual tends to have a constant dependence on various kinds of artificial energy. This ranges from the daily charging...

Overpopulation’s and Environmental Disasters’ Connection

Introduction Throughout the history of planet Earth, it seems that environmental problems and threats to survival only became incredibly acute and urgent when humanity began to evolve. With the transition to the industrial system, society began to consume more useful resources, which in itself caused the depletion of the planet’s...

Researching of Protected Areas

Even though most population resides in cities, people affect nature significantly, causing various environmental problems. That is why multiple policies, procedures, and interventions emerge to limit this negative impact, and establishing protected areas (PAs) is among them. Thus, the given essay will rely on credible data from scientific sources to...

Community’s Role in Fighting Air Pollution

The community needs industrial activity to provide various consumer resources. However, it can violate environmental standards, which leads to discontent among people who live near factories. O’Rourke suggests the processes and authorities in Vietnam that control the permissible environmental pollution level do not work adequately enough and require more detailed...

Disaster Preparedness Experience

I volunteer at a local library during my free time. Several pitfalls might be encountered in disaster planning for such an organization. First, the planners assume that only those who work in the library can take action in case of an emergency and fail to involve the local community. This...

Nuclear Energy: Advantages and Drawbacks

Introduction Energy is an invaluable resource that satisfies people’s basic needs and brings convenience and comfort in life. Unfortunately, its consumption has strained natural resources, consequently causing an energy crisis. The world needs to scale up cleaner energy resources to reduce harmful emissions, and nuclear energy provides the solution to...

Wind-Electric Turbines in Sri Lanka

Introduction Sri Lanka struggles to attain energy security, and this is to the detriment of various sectors of society, with particular impact to small-scale farmers. Developing countries do not have access to the type of resources that industrialized countries take for granted. Although it is important to establish cost-efficient energy...

Social and Environmental Reporting: Arguments Against

Introduction Corporate SERA (social environmental reporting) was created in order to expand on conventional models of financial reporting which puts emphasis on a company’s financial prosperity in order to include social and environmental dimensions (Elkington 1999). Corporate reporting and assurance guidelines are now more than simply optional and voluntary reporting...

Air Pollution Resulting From Small Gas Powered Engines

Introduction Pollution refers to the introduction of harmful contaminants into the environment which can either be caused by human actions or result from natural disasters. Air pollution, in particular, is the contamination of the atmosphere of the environment by any physical, biological, or chemical elements that alter the natural form...

Access and Benefit Sharing of Natural Resources

Introduction The issue of access and sharing of benefits derived from natural resources has led to many debates on the international arena. Dross & Wolff (9) are of the view that many countries in the world today are enthusiastic about this access and sharing of the benefits. This is given...

West Fertilizer Plant Explosion and Its Causes

Founding of the West Fertilizer Plant The West Fertilizer Plant was founded in 1962, and since then it has been supplying chemicals to farmers. On April 17, 2013, an explosion occurred in West Texas, in the company’s storage and distribution facility (Adams et al., 2018). The purpose of this paper...

How Air Pollution Impacts Health

Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. There are two main types of air pollution, ambient air pollution (outdoor pollution) and household (indoor). These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions differ significantly from...

Economic Model for Global Warming

Introduction The current challenge of climate change is attributable to different factors, including global warming, pollution, and deforestation. The sustainability of the planet might become unfeasible if different stakeholders fail to collaborate and apply evidence-based measures. The adoption of various economic models is a superior strategy that appears promising and...

Eco-Friendly Approach to Sport Events

Sport unites people not only at major events, games, and competitions. Possessing great influence, it is actively used to draw attention to world problems. The most important role in this field is played by the International Olympic Committee (Greenwell et al., 2019). It actively participates in solving urgent issues of...

Hurricane Katrina: Improvised Communication Plan

On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina swept through the city of New Orleans (Lachlan & Spence, 2007). The hurricane caused extensive losses in the Gulf Coast region. In the aftermath of the damage, thousands of residents were left homeless. As the victims escaped from the region to safer grounds, millions...

William Mulholland and the St. Francis Dam Disaster

The 1928 St. Francis dam disaster in Los Angeles, California is one of the most devastating man made failures in the history of the United States. It came down in the history of the state as the second greatest loss of life with the first one being the 1906 San...

Environmental Issues: Biodiversity Loss

Biodiversity is important for many reasons, including ecological services, such as pollution breakdown and absorption, soil formation, and social services, for example, recreation and tourism. According to Roe (2019), the loss of biodiversity is an environmental problem that needs urgent intervention since it threatens livelihoods. The article “Biodiversity Loss—More Than...

Environmental Impact of Offshore Drilling

The adverse environmental effects of offshore drilling outweigh its economic benefits. It is also argued that companies carrying out offshore drilling are not fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities. The extent of offshore drilling for oil in the US and other countries has grown significantly over the years due to its...

Marine Pollution: Causes and Consequences

Marine pollution is among the most prominent concerns of scientists and environmental activists. Due to the development of technologies, the expansion of maritime transportation hubs and routes, and the increase in waste volume, human impact on the environment has become drastic. According to Arias and Marcovecchio (2017), changes in marine...

Modern Environmental Issues: Climate Change

Climate change is one of the major issues of the modern world, which poses a threat to the globe as a whole. Although there is a wide range of debates and arguments revolving around the given problem, it is evident that some alterations from normal, natural values are taking place....

Global Warming and Climate Change

Climate change is caused by greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities, mainly through the energy and transport sectors. When fossil fuels are burned, they produce carbon (IV) oxide (CO2), which is the leading contributor to global warming (Ge & Friedrich, 2020). The most frustrating aspect of the climate change...

Environmental Security and Environmental Degradation Consequences

There is an intricate link connecting environmental degradation, poverty, and political instability around the world in contemporary times. These factors combine to form an insidious relationship when realised from the general perspective of world events. Poverty and the environment intersect at various points. On the one hand, poverty and inequality...

The Article “E-Waste: An Overview on Generation, Collection, Legislation and Recycling Practices”

Purpose: The purpose of this memo is to analyze the article “E-waste: An overview on generation, collection, legislation and recycling practices” for readability and pseudoscience versus real science. Summary: In this memo, the readability and trustworthiness of the article are proved. The paper’s writing and presentation are clear and well-planned;...

“The Land Ethic” by Aldo Leopold

Introduction As the environmental movement becomes less of a fringe subculture and more of a cornerstone of modern life, a generational shift in human consciousness is inevitable. However, what human consciousness should be shifting towards is up for debate. The Land Ethic, proposed by Aldo Leopold, is a framework of...

Sustainability: Definition and Understanding

One can define sustainability as the act of elongating or maintaining resources at a certain level. This means that it requires stringent planning first to understand the capacity of the resources in question. Sustainability has mainly been used in regard to maintaining the earth’s natural resources. One can argue that...

Automobiles’ Fuel Efficiency and the Environment

Introduction 8,970,000. This is the number of cars Toyota sold in 2008 overtaking General Motors for the first time as the number one automaker by a margin of 33 percent. In 1931, GM surpassed Ford to the largest carmaker position according to Bunkley (2009, Business section, para.1). As stated by...

Wolf Dombrowsky’s View on Disaster as a Concept

Introduction It is difficult to define what a natural disaster is. It is assumed that influences from nature have an effect that is catastrophic such that t a great impact is experienced on human beings (Barton 1969 and Drabek 1986). The traditional understanding of disasters is that disasters are divided...

Buncefield Oil Depot Explosion and Its Environmental Impact

Introduction On December 11 the year 2005, a great explosion occurred at the Buncefield Oil Depot. This is a major depot that stores and distributes fuel situated near Hemel Hempstead which is in the northwest direction of central London, 40 kilometers apart. Following the explosion that occurred, the fire was...

Bottled Water: Environmental and Cultural Impact

Abstract An entrenched belief in people’s minds that bottled water is superior to tap water has triggered a chain of environmental and cultural challenges. The problem of disposing water bottles by enforcing policies for responsible waste bottle disposal, alternative forms of producing water bottles that are environmentally friendly and economically...

Global Warming: Issue Analysis

Introduction Global warming is a term commonly used to describe the consequences of man- made pollutants overloading the naturally-occurring greenhouse gases causing an increase of the average global temperature, the subject of great debate and concern worldwide. According to all peer-reviewed scientific studies, if the amount of greenhouse gasses being...

Comparison of the Loma Prieta California Earthquake and Armenia

Introduction An earthquake is a tremor in the earth’s crust that results in seismic waves as a result of the sudden energy realized from the bowels of the earth. Earthquakes are most likely to occur in regions where the earth’s crust is experiencing any form of strain. The areas which...

Commercial Fishing: Environmental Ethics Case Study

This case study takes up the matter of commercial fishing. It is believed that: Over-indulgence in fishing has destroyed fish stocks in rivers and coastal areas and has lowered yields dramatically. The use of trawlers has damaged the river beds beyond repair and has caused discomfort to marine life. Perhaps,...

Earth System Science: Natural Hazards in Alexandria

Abstract The city of Alexandria is located in northern Egypt. The city has been one of the major ports in the Mediterranean and many tourists travel to the beautiful city. Geographically the city is located on the coast of Egypt and a major portion of the city is composed of...

“The Oil We Eat” by Richard Manning

Ecological issues and problems with environmental protection have been the point of vibrant debates since the 1960s. One of the prominent works that evaluate the extent to which natural resources are nowadays wasted is the article entitled “The oil we eat” by Richard Manning. The author’s main thesis can be...

Global Warming: Causes and Consequences

Introduction Global warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere and its oceans, a change believed to be permanent. (livescience.com ). The National Geographic website explains that global warming is the result of high levels of greenhouse gases(carbon dioxide, water vapor, methane and ozone) in...

Rail Road and Environment. “Sounds” by Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau in the passage entitled “Sounds” describes lucidly how a peaceful village is transformed due to the developments that occurred after the arrival of the railroad. The statement -“The rays which stream through the shutter will be no longer remembered when the shutter is wholly removed…” gives the...

Bio-Based Materials: Alternative Energy

Introduction With the world economies improving and expanding at an alarming rate, individual government are more than ever before challenged by the task of dwindling natural resources, and this has led to the questioning of exactly how sustainable such resources are. In fact, the issue of environmental sustainability transcends natural,...

“Lost Mountain: A Year in the Vanishing Wilderness” by Erik Reece

One can hardly imagine the existence of society without various sociological issues that it has to deal with. Developing a set of social practices and social institutions helps to solve such sociological problems as allocation of resources (wealth, power), organization of material existence of the society (work), the establishment of...

The Amazon Pollution and Its Effect on Birds

Introduction The large territory of the Amazon, due to its many tributaries, is the home of various species of birds. Despite the fact that big districts of this water area are not inhabited by people, pollution problems affect this region due to the active development of wild places and human-made...

Circular Economy: A Worldchanging Idea

The problem of climate change has triggered various ideas aimed at protecting the natural environment. The selected WorldChanging idea is that of circular economy (CE). Within the past two decades, many companies have been focusing on evidence-based strategies that have the potential to improve recycling processes, minimize wastage, and increase...

Nature and Humans in Williams’ “Refuge”

The work of an American environmentalist and writer Terry Tempest Williams “Refuge: an Unnatural History of Family and Place” deals with the issues of life in its multiple manifestations. In this book, Williams delivers a story of her life experience as a woman, a daughter, a person who loves nature,...

Environmental Issues: Plastics in the Ocean

Introduction In the twenty-first century, planet earth’s environment is in danger of being over-polluted due to the unprecedented large-scale production of plastics and the associated poor disposal practices. Plastics are non-biodegradable, which means when poorly disposed of, they lead to widespread pollution causing harm to human health and the environment...

Traffic and Pollution in Los Angeles

Pollution caused by cars and other types of transport is a well-known problem connected with the development of modern technology. In Los Angeles and other cities in the United States, high car fuel consumption causes both environmental and health issues. The most cost-effective solution is to replace all cars in...

Recycling-Related Benefits for Dubai

Recycling is the process of changing wastes into new usable products. The purpose of recycling wastes is to prevent dumping potentially useful products, reduce environmental pollution, and control the use of raw materials. Recycling is an important method that is used in the modern world to dispose of and manage...

Household Energy Use and Poverty

For a great number of contemporary people, it is hard to imagine living in a house with no energy. Energy use is needed to lighten our houses, prepare food, secure our access to the Internet, and keep us warm. However, in many developing countries, as well as among disadvantaged populations...

Global Awareness of Environmental and Moral Issues

Introduction Global awareness entails the aspect of making people, society, have an understanding of various life issues that is based on knowledge of global perspectives. It encompasses factors that affect the world at large rather than a specific nation for instance economic, social, cultural, political as well as environmental-related aspects...

Storms, Forests, and Coastal Beaches as Places of Interest

Storms and forests as John Muir’s point of interest John Muir observed that human beings and the environment are highly interdependent in the universe. Noting that human beings rely upon their natural environment in surviving and living a blissful life, Muir got attracted to the beauty of storm and forests...

Energy Consumption and Ecosystem Restoration

The effects of projected energy consumption on world politics and economics What must first be understood is that population density as well as the industrial infrastructure within a given country directly affects the consumption of electricity. The greater the population density within a country the higher the likelihood is of...

Biofuels and Fossil Fuels as Alternative Energy

Biofuels Every organism requires energy to function (Concepts of Biology, n.d.). The technological inventions made throughout history require energy as well. In the era of advances and improvements, the life of every individual becomes more comfortable; however, the environment suffers. Nowadays, the vast majority of people have a car, and...

Urban Parks between Safety and Aesthetics

Introduction Parks and recreational facilities are the heart of the city, and they play a significant role in the lives of citizens. Parks are the place where people can spend their free time, get to know each other in a safe environment, have a rest from the bustle of the...

Asir National Park and Its Ecosystem

Asir National Park on 2 August 2011 I decide to take a drive through Asir national park making various stopovers to enable me to cover as much distance as possible to experience the diverse ecosystem. I notice that one of the most outstanding features in Asir is its diverse vegetation....

Waste Treatment Processes and Monitoring

Waste treatment processes prior to land disposal of hazardous waste The five waste management processes include a chemical, biological, thermal, and physical examination and separation and encapsulation. Chemical waste management processes involve the addition or removal of chemicals from waste to produce a less hazardous chemical by neutralization or stabilization....

Renewable Energy: Economic and Health Benefits

The United States of America is heavily dependent on fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are carbon-based fuels that are extracted from the remains of ancient plants and animal matter. Examples of fossil fuels are: 1) crude oil; 2) coal; and 3) natural gas. It is high time to consider the adoption...

Municipal Waste Disposal as Social and Ecological Issue

Introduction Nowadays, when the volumes of produced waste emphasize the need for the use of appropriate solid waste disposal techniques, it is considered that waste incineration serves as a good alternative to landfill methods as it decreases the volume of waste and takes smaller space (Hu, Li, Nguyen, & Kavan,...

Virtual Water Trade and Savings in Agriculture

Increasing environmental pressures have prompted countries to seek ways of saving domestic water resources by utilizing virtual water imports. Overall, national water savings can lead to a reduction in water consumption at a global stage when areas with high water production direct their resources to areas with low water production....

Yellowstone National Park’s History and Tourism

The whole idea of a national park was created by a small group of people in the 19th century. Yellowstone was established as the first one in 1872 (Runte 197). It is located in the territories of Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana. A few years later, more parks were authorized by...

Clean Air Act: Overall Air Pollution Reducing

Introduction The policy issue to be analyzed is the Clean Air Act. It is a special law adopted in 1970, which aims at correcting the situation with harmful emissions into the atmosphere and was designed to reduce the overall level of air pollution (Lashof et al., 2014). The Act solves...

Sustainability and Energy Politics by G. Curran

Abstract The paper deals with the descriptive review of the book Sustainability and Energy Politics: Ecological Modernization and Corporate Social Responsibility by Giorel Curran. It deals with the relevant issues that should be solved immediately, namely the role of the ecological modernization and corporate social responsibility to the environmental politics....

“Field Notes from a Catastrophe” by Elizabeth Kolbert

Human civilization takes advantage of technological and scientific achievements and can make a certain prognosis about the future. However, the problem of climate change has always been in the scope of researchers, as it is one of the topical and burning questions nowadays. Dangerous natural climate processes and anthropogenic factor...

The Environmental Valuation in Economic Terms

Introduction and Context There is an increasing recognition that environmental valuation in economic terms is crucial to determine costs and hence aid in policy considerations. It is through environmental valuation that economic benefits can be realized (Health and Environment Linkages Initiative par. 1). By putting into consideration the implications of...

Global Warming as a Humanity’s Fault

Abstract World leaders were forced to hold discussions in Kigali, Rwanda, in late 2016 to establish a deal addressing mechanisms to be adopted to curb global warming. Although nature is responsible for harboring harmful elements that trigger climatic changes, it is alarming that all talks seem to agree that human...

Penguins and Environmental Changes

Introduction Exploring nature and numerous creatures by which it is represented is, perhaps, one of the most exciting and at the same time challenging tasks. Unfortunately, not everyone can witness the incredible diversity of nature in person. The American Museum of Natural History, in turn, offers ample opportunities for diving...

Nonprofit Organizations’ Disaster Management

Abstract The impact of nonprofit organizations on the process of disaster management is rather significant. Numerous nonprofit organizations focus on the process of helping other organizations to get back on track. There are also smaller nonprofit organizations that function similarly to their public counterparts. Within the framework of this research...

Sustainable Energy: Without the Hot Air by MacKay

Tombstone Sustainable energy: Without the hot air David J. C. MacKay 2009 Author’s personal data: Born in 1967(MacKay, 2009a); Regius Professor of Engineering at the University of Cambridge (MacKay, 2015); Former Professor of Natural Philosophy at the Department of Physics (MacKay, 2015); Researches in the economic aspects of environmental sustainability,...

Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats

The legitimacy and ethics of environment activism are often discussed by legislators and journalists. People, who are engaged in this activity, can be regarded as fighters against corrupt practices of companies. However, at the same time, they can be viewed as criminals disrupting the life of the community. In many...

Green Energy and Carbon Capture

Introduction For a very long time, human beings relied mostly on natural sources of energy, including solar, wind, and water resources (Jeffs 1). Oil and coal were also used for the same purpose. As a result of population increase and the onset of the industrial revolution, energy demands by human...

Environment in the Book “Paths to a Green World”

As numerous problems related to environmental crisis continue to emerge, the urgency of searching for appropriate solutions is increasing. There are plenty of publications covering environmental issues. However, the innovative approaches to the widely discussed issues are still to be developed. Jennifer Clapp and Peter Dauvergne presented their view on...

Waste Management Inc.: Accounting Principles

Nowadays, all organizations have to use unified accounting concepts to ensure sufficient reporting of their financial transactions.[1] Waste Management Inc. was one of the organizations that violated these standards while being accused of financial manipulations and fraud. In this instance, reviewing its accounting principles can help understand the actual financial...

The Issue of Global Climate Change and the Use of Global Ethic

Description of the Issue The warming trend experienced in different parts of the world is unprecedented (Dietz and Garrelts 4). The rate of climate change is of much interest because human-induced activities are to blame. Modern technologies such as “the use of satellites have made it easier for scientists to...

Environment: Accidents and Catastrophes

Introduction Accidents refer to the events that occur without the involvement of human beings (Kunstler 28). In most cases, accidents are beyond human control and may therefore be considered to be supernatural occurrences. Such unnatural events include earthquakes, storms, landslides and tornados. Death itself is catastrophic and a fate that...

Earthquakes: History and Studies

Summary Earthquakes are sudden and unprecedented movements of the earth’s surface that are caused by the abrupt release of energy into the earth’s crust. The accumulation of this energy and its subsequent release causes seismic waves that lead to dislodgement of underground rocks, causing faults along which earthquakes take place...

Questions on Information Revolution and Global Warming

The information revolution characterizes the period of change propelled by the development of computer technology. Technological advancements impact people’s lives, primarily through the internet, where visual communication webs deliver gigantic amounts of data. Organizations and governments continue to expand internet connectivity due to user population growth and opening up remote...

Renewable Energy: Benefits Outweigh Downfalls

Renewable technology is becoming increasingly popular in today’s world. These inventions are often presented as alternative eco-friendly solution that eliminates fossil fuels. However, some of these alternatives also have negative aspects. It is essential for humans to consider both pros and cons. Using alternative energy sources has a more positive...

The Climate Change Issue in the Political Agenda

Nature with its resources is a necessary condition for people’s lives. Throughout the centuries-old history, the environment has ensured the vital activity of mankind and provided opportunities for further sustainable development, which implies meeting the needs of the population living at the present time, without harming subsequent generations. Difficulties appeared...

Humans and Environment: Presence and Social Obligation

Humans are simultaneously a product and a shaping force of their environment. A significant body of research exists to determine and evaluate how humans have interacted with each other and their environment throughout centuries (Peoples & Bailey, 2017). In their works, Ferguson (2021), Meskel (2018), and Hodder (2018) discuss different...

Interconnected Ethics: Human Responsibility to Nature and Society

Introduction Rachel Carson and Jared Diamond are authors of works that focus on the human relationship to the environment. In their works, they explore the subject of ethics and its influence on how a person behaves toward the nature that surrounds him or her. The authors make ethical arguments that...

Breath of Change: Transforming Sacramento’s Air Quality

Introduction Sacramento has long suffered from California’s notoriously bad air quality. Wildfire smoke, industrial pollution, and transportation emissions contribute to some of the worst air quality in the country. Regarding short-term particle pollution, the American Lung Association lists Sacramento as the sixth most polluted city in the United States. The...

Can Big Data Save Endangered Species?

Introduction It is important to note that modern technological advancements in Big Data have shown a range of useful and powerful applicability in many areas, such as humanity’s efforts to save endangered species. Big Data essentially refers to novel ways of analyzing complex sets of large pieces of data to...

Climate Change: The Negative Effects

Introduction There are several visible indications of climate change around the globe that are difficult to ignore. One of the most obvious signs is melting glaciers and ice caps, resulting in rising sea levels. This is having a significant impact on coastal communities and the wildlife that depends on these...

Reducing Waste Generation Through Prevention, Reduction, and Reuse

Critical analysis of the issue The waste hierarchy is the basis for a circular economy that has changed consumption and business models. It emphasizes prevention, reduction, and reuse or recycling as important waste management methods for achieving sustainability goals, including SDG 12. Reducing waste generation and unnecessary resource use is...

Increased Ship Traffic and Solutions

Salish Sea’s unique geography puts it between major Canadian and American port cities, making it a vital element of the local economy. This situation presents many ecological hazards, primarily due to the region’s industrialization and tourism sector. For example, the Port of Seattle has recently proposed to expand one of...

Individual and Population-Level Effects of Plastic Pollution

Pollution of the oceans, which subsequently throw waste on the beaches, is an acute problem of modern society. There are currently over 5.5 trillion plastic waste floating in the world’s waters (Senko et al., 2020). Every year, approximately 300,000 tons of debris rises from the bottom to the surface, causing...

The Management of Nuclear Waste

Introduction The topic of nuclear waste is a major concern in a modern world that requires attention and evidence-based solutions. The existing barriers correlating with the issue are not only dangerous from an ecologic standpoint but, at the same time, directly affect both human and environmental well-being. Despite regulations being...

Developing a Disaster Recovery Plan for Vila Health Community

Introduction The purpose of the presentation aims to develop a disaster recovery plan that will address the health disparities and improve access to services after a disaster, with a focus on supporting vulnerable populations. The goal is to ensure that everyone in the Villa Health Community has access to the...

Ohio Catastrophe: Train-Induced Chemical Pollution Disasters

Introduction This memorandum is about an overview of the chemical pollution incident caused by a train derailment in Ohio alongside possible remedies to combat the pollution resulting from such accidents. The Ohio disaster served as a stark reminder of the environmental, health, and economic risks associated with train derailments. As...

The West Milford Township School District’s Environmental Problems

Introduction The environmental scan of the West Milford Township School District in New Jersey has identified several problems or factors that need to be addressed. Some main issues include poor air quality, water quality, and school waste management, which must be addressed using appropriate methods. There are concerns regarding using...

Climate Control Compensation for Damage

Poor countries have gradually continued to suffer the perils of climate change since the onset of industrialization. Developed countries have often converted poor countries into dumping places for their industrial wastes. In addition, developed countries have taken a toll in the emission of the largest percentage of carbon IV oxide...

The Dam From the Elwha River

Introduction The dam from the Elwha River was removed to restore the population of salmon and its runs. The question is whether other barriers in the same area should be removed and what the potential benefits and problems are concerning dam removal. Discussion Therefore, one of the dams present for...

Air Pollution as a Community Issue

Introduction Every year, more Americans are exposed to polluted air due to air pollution. Particulate matter pollution is lethal because of gas-powered automobiles and industrial facilities (Jones). Nonetheless, in recent years, alarming rises in particulate matter measurements have resulted from wildfires burning faster and for more extended periods. Particle pollution...

The Greenhouse Effect, Clouds, & Atmospheric Warming

The Earth’s energy budget describes the balance between the radiant energy that reaches the Earth from the Sun and the energy that leaves the Earth back into space. The atmosphere absorbs a large amount of energy and radiates it into space, as well as back to the surface of the...

Community-Led Environmental Activism: Mobilizing Against Tree Cutting

The problem of tree cutting has become massive in my local neighborhood, and people started protesting to protect nature and save the environment from the such problem as climate change. The local mayor has become the leader of many protests, and his role model invited activists to share their thoughts...

Katrina: A History by Andy Horowitz

Katrina: A History is a book by Andy Horowitz that dwells on the importance of the hurricane that redefined the American approach to calamity management. New Orleans became the most affected location because Katrina struck the infrastructure and flooded the city, making entire neighborhoods disappear underwater. Million-dollar damage caused uneasiness...

The View From Rose Hill: Recovery on a Piedmont Landscape

Introduction In the article submitted for consideration, the author demonstrated a clear understanding of the influence of specific historical events on cultural and ecological development or other regional changes. This work is dedicated to reviewing significant environmental changes in South Carolina’s Piedmont using the specific example of Rose Hill, a...

The Pollution Problem and Its Negative Effects

Pollution is a significant modern problem that negatively affects not only people’s lives but also threatens the environment. Pollution occurs due to the human factor, namely as a result of various human activities. These include industry, farming, chemicals, and other kinds of performance. In addition, the mining industry, namely the...

Climate Change Threats to Global Hospitality Industry

Introduction Climate change is a growing threat to the global hospitality industry, and humanity must take action to mitigate its impact. An environment that is stable and sustainable is essential for the hospitality sector to remain viable in the global economy. However, as temperatures continue to rise and natural disasters...

Shifting Cultivation and Impacts on Tropical Forests

Introduction Shifting cultivation, which is also referred to as rotational bush fallow farming, slash-and-burn farming, or swidden, is an old tilling practice mostly found in tropical parts of the world. The land-use system is mainly practiced in the wet tropical highlands in South Asia, Oceania, Africa, and Latin America. Approximately...

Addressing the Urgent Challenge of Water Pollution

Although I would like to start my speech with something more pleasant or encouraging, I am here to discuss one of the most critical public policy concerns our country faces today. Water pollution is getting out of control, and this problem affects people’s lives in both noticeable and unnoticeable ways....

Oil Spill in Bioremediation Laboratory

Introduction Water and oil do not mix; instead, oil congeals into thick sludge. According to Tang et al. (2019), oil spills can harm the environment and marine life. When oil is released into the ocean, it can poison local marine creatures and harm their immunological, reproductive, and respiratory systems. The...

Climate Activism to Prevent Ecological Disasters

The most relevant concern of modern society’s activism revolves around the climate situation and ecological disasters threatening humanity. Greta Thunberg is one of the youngest people to attract attention to such an essential question of the ecological responsibility of world leaders, representing the risks a new generation faces. She presented...

Climate Change as a Global Problem

One of the global problems of our time is global warming. This problem is relevant not in any particular country, but all over the world. A person consumes natural resources, but does not give anything other than waste in return. Deforestation, water/air/soil pollution, refusal to save energy and much more...

Is the Threat of Global Warming Real?

Increases in Earth’s average temperature over an extended period are called global warming. Greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere have recently increased. This study will examine whether global warming is a genuine phenomenon or a theory. Greenhouse gases like methane and carbon dioxide are the primary contributors to climate change...

Environment of Lincoln Park in New Jersey

I was privileged to visit Lincoln Park in New Jersey, which had magnificent scenery. Lincoln Park has trails, playgrounds, a golf course, and several community gardens which offer in-depth ecological insights. The neighboring environment exhibits a vibrant cultural scene, with plenty of art galleries and music venues, making the place...

Gabon’s Nuclear Waste Management

Gabon’s nuclear waste management practices demand urgent attention as they have far-reaching consequences for both the present and future generations. The byproducts of nuclear power generation, such as spent fuel rods and radioactive materials, are highly dangerous and must be carefully managed in order to protect human health and the...

A Hurricane Threat: A Risk Communication Plan

Introduction The presentation will discuss a risk communication plan for the residents of New Orleans about a hurricane threat. It will address disaster scenarios and introduce the risk communication plan. The presentation will discuss the plan’s purpose, communication issues, and needs and concerns of different stakeholders and how it affects...

Teleological Insight Into Army of Sea Urchins

There is significant interconnectivity between the objects and events in the video to foster clarity on mutual dependence among organisms. BBC (2008) argues that the sea is a different world dimension filled with a significant biodiversity of plants and animals. One of the core indicators involves the interaction between sea...

Globalization and Use of Fossil Fuel as Environmental Threats

Introduction The term globalization refers to a multifaceted process whose course and speed are influenced by various factors. Globalization is understood in the environmental field as a process that results in widespread environmental crises. This process is thought to have been triggered by global pollution. Humanity’s globalization to create a...

Why the Hurricane Katrina Response Failed

Hurricane Katrina was the most destructive hurricane in US history, hit in late August 2005. The most severe damage from Hurricane Katrina was caused to New Orleans in Louisiana, where about 80% of the city area was underwater, and about 700,000 people lost their homes (Rohland, 2017). Artificial accidents, oil...

New Orleans: Gentrification and Socioeconomic Implications

Sustainable urbanization in New Orleans is a critically significant determinant of the city’s stability, given its historically diverse cultures and significant architectural revolutions. However, modern approaches to city urbanization directly impact the original socioeconomic dynamics and civilization, where drastic rearrangements can harm city dependants’ social fabric and economic outcomes. Gentrification...

The US Disaster Recovery System’s Analysis

The wave of disasters that have struck different parts of the United States of America over the recent past implores attention for two reasons. The first is that disasters contributs to a pattern imputable to climate change, where extreme weather events become more frequent and severe. The second reason is...

Environmental Crisis and Plantation Legacies

The article and podcast provide information that people inhabiting the planet through their activities have been causing an environmental crisis for several years. Currently, there are active debates about what the Anthropocene is, and whether it is a new era or, on the contrary, it is already at the end...

The Fossil Fuel Industry and Our Dependence on It

Introduction Fossil fuels are widely regarded as efficient and convenient options for obtaining energy. However, the overuse of fossil fuels has resulted in the rise of the extreme effects linked to global warming and climate change. According to Pirani (2018), the significant impact on the climate and health calls for...

Impact of Human Behavior on Ocean and Ocean Acidification

Introduction The concentration of Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere has been increasing over the years due to human behavior and actions. For instance, ever since the start of the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, the emission of CO2 has been on the rise (Heather, Keeling, and Rogelj 170). On...

Chornobyl Disaster: Exploring Radiation Measurement After Fukushima

Introduction. Details of the Event The event is Chernobyl disaster. Flawed reactor design caused it (Westmore, 2020). It resulted in discharge of radioactive particles. Mistakes made during testing. Mostly affected regions include Europe and western USSR. Deaths and health issues were witnessed. Radiation Exposure Effects Radiation exposure increased cancer risks....

Earthquake’s Intensity and Magnitude

Intensity measures earthquakes’ strength and indicates how much the ground shook. An earthquake’s magnitude quantifies its size. There are two ways to measure magnitude; the maximum amplitude of a shear wave and the distance a fault moves. Intensity can be measured by the damage the earthquake causes and the movement...

The Ocean Clean Up Company’s Trial in Guatemala

The Ocean Clean Up firm decided to work on collecting plastic waste in Rio Motagua, which experts estimate is going to be the world’s most heavily polluted river. It is the largest river in Guatemala, extending from the western highlands to the eastern Caribbean Sea. Each year during the rainy...

Climate Change Threats in Public Perception

Ballew, M.T. Leiserowitz, A., Roser-Renouf, C., Rosenthal, C. A., Kotcher, J. E., Marlon, J. R., Lyon, E., Goldberg, M. H. & Maibach, E. W. (2019) Climate change in the American mind: Data, tools, and trends, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, 61(3), 4-18. Web. The study’s authors, research scientists,...

The Key to Addressing Climate Change in Modern Business

Climate change is one of the major concerns of the modern age. The high level of globalisation, industrialisation, and rise of global corporations promoted the increased topicality of the topic and its transformation into a shared problem that should be addressed by governments, organisations, and companies. It means that business...

How Organizations Can Reduce the Loss of Biodiversity

Critical Analysis of the Issue Biodiversity loss and species extinction have implications for the future prosperity of economies and corporate strategy. As economic activities are the greatest contributor to today’s environmental problems, greater accountability is required from companies (Dasgupta, 2021). Proactive solutions aligned with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially SDG...

Air Pollution and Exposure Reduction in India

Introduction Air pollution is among the leading causes of global warming worldwide. Air contamination is also known to have a diverse effect on respiratory health. India is among the countries that are rapidly rising due to industrialization, resulting in immense air pollution. Short and long-term exposure to contaminated air is...

Effects of Human Activities on the Global Climate

Global climate change results from changes in the Earth’s atmosphere over a long time. Several factors contribute to climate change, two of which are the presence of air pollutants and cloud cover. Both of these factors are associated with human activities. The climate is altered directly due to the imbalance...

The Impact on the Environment of Transporting Freight Through Tractor Trailer

Introduction Freight rail is preferable to transporting goods by road to preserve the environment. Therefore, freight rail is more sustainable compared to having to use the road for cargo transport. In contemporary society, the issues of climate change or global warming have led to a shift in preference regarding cargo...

The Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan

The Massachusetts Disaster Preparedness Plan focuses on several key points. First of all, the state administration recognizes the region’s vulnerability to disasters of various kinds, from natural to man-made (Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, 2019). Objectively evaluating their situation, the state has developed a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) to prepare...

Lake Oroville Disaster: Analysis

The Oroville Dam is located on the Feather River in Northern California, east of the city of Oroville. The dam is an earth-filled embankment design and was built between 1961 and 1968. The dam is built on the geological terrain called Smartville Ophiolite Complex. It is described as steeply dipping...

Costs and Benefits to Society of Net Zero Emissions Policies and Strategies

There is an interdependent relationship between costs incurred and the accrued benefits under the spectrum of net zero emissions policies and strategies. An excellent demonstration is the implementation of sustainable measures across different nations in an initiative that significantly reduce carbon footprint. The increase in the human population fostered intensification...