Health Risks of Homeless Population

Thousands of individuals in the United States are subject to homelessness and the associated risks. The homeless population consists of people who are permanently without housing, have temporarily lost access to shelter, are escaping domestic violence, and for many other reasons. In general, the issue of the homeless population is...

Factors That Changed the U.S. Health Care System

First of all, the state of the current U.S. healthcare system was affected by such demographic factor as population aging. The increase in life expectancy in the United States affected not only older people, but also the bulk of the workforce aged 20 to 65 years (Webster, 2020). According to...

How Diet Soda Intake Increases Waist Circumference of Older Adults

The article by Fowler, Williams, and Hazuda was published in the Journal of the American geriatrics society and seeks to address how diet soda intake is associated with long-term increases in waist circumference in a bi-ethnic cohort of older adults. As a result of obesity being linked with cardiovascular diseases,...

What One Needs to Know About Acne

Introduction A person’s skin contains tiny holes known as pores which can be blocked by dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil. When they become clogged, a pimple develops in the skin, known as a blemish or zit (“Acne – Symptoms and Causes”). If a person develops several spots at...

The Problem of Euthanasia Moral Acceptance

The concept of euthanasia became a topic of ethical discussion regarding the acceptance of specific procedures directly affecting the personal right to live. Scholars explore many issues concerning not only the medical and legal aspects but also the moral approach to understanding the necessity of the way to ease the...

HIPAA Training Session: HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules

Introduction HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act A federal law passed in 1996 (Ramli, 2021) deals with the privacy of patients’ data, including healthcare insurance coverage and uniform provider identity. PII: Personal Identifying Information Health information on an individual created or collected by a healthcare provider important to the...

The Role of Differential Diagnosis in Healthcare

Introduction Differential diagnosis, or establishing a list of suspected diseases, is critical because it directs our search for these diseases in a patient during diagnosis. It is unlikely that a disease will be identified if it is not included in the differential diagnosis. A critical factor is to include unusual...

Pharmacology Research: Cyclophosphamide

Introduction Cyclophosphamide is a prodrug commonly used as one of the medications within courses of chemotherapy. Since it is a prodrug, its pharmacological action unfolds after being consumed by a patient and with the immediate involvement of other biological matters that trigger its pharmacological function. Cyclophosphamide is administered to patients...

Diagnosing Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in a Young Man

In the case under consideration, the young man discovered a painless lump on his neck and sought help from medical personnel. He also feels constant fatigue and has a history of tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and mononucleosis. Fatigue and lump without pain give reason to suspect Hodgkin’s lymphoma (HL) (Mayo Clinic, 2022)....

“Cold Shock Proteins…” Article by Higuchi et al.

Reasons for Performing the Study Higuchi and colleagues performed their study to examine the processes of cell-free (CF) synthesis in E. coli and add new information regarding cold-shock proteins’ (CSP) roles and influences. The authors were interested in the impacts of twelve different CSPs on E. coli protein synthesis systems...

Theory of Interpersonal Nursing

Introduction Nursing theories bridge the gap between knowledge and practice thus influencing the patient outcomes. They are commonly applied in guiding education, research, and clinical activities. Specifically, the theories are used to evaluate care interventions and provide a rationale for decision-making. However, their application can only produce positive impacts if...

High Blood Pressure in Middle-Aged Caucasian Women

Statement of Objective As the medical field evolves, numerous pharmaceutical and lifestyle modification therapies are offered to patients suffering from various conditions that may vary in cost and effectiveness. Therefore, it is critical that medical professionals are aware of numerous available treatments for different conditions as patients may be resistant...

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Foot Muscles and Movements

Introduction Numerous muscles, tissues, tendons, and bones make up the foot and support stability, flexibility, and movement. Extrinsic and intrinsic muscles are the two primary classifications of foot muscles. Discussion Extrinsic foot muscles have their origins in the lower thigh, and they fit into various foot regions to enable gross...

Issues in Healthcare and Effective Communication with Organization Stakeholders

Current and Emerging Issues in the Health Care System and the Policy Environment in Which the System Operates The realm of healthcare has experienced some notable changes over the past decade. With a surge of innovations in the IT and ICT spheres, an array of devices and systems for enhancing...

The Lone Star School of Nursing Website

Introduction To a great extent, Lone Star college is situated in Houston, Texas. Even though the community school has multiple departments, the report will focus on the nursing division’s website, which provides the entire database regarding the programs offered and the application process. The report examines the website’s purpose, audience,...

Ethics of Ending Life Support After Brain Death

Introduction Situations, when people fight for the lives of their seriously ill relatives who have no chance to survive without medical support, are not rare. People hope that a miracle will happen and the patient in a desperate state will suddenly recover, which explains their inability to decide on the...

The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Intimate Partner Violence in the US

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on all aspects of human life. In order to curb the spread of the virus, state governments in the United States put strict mobility restrictions on their citizenry. Although these measures were found to be reasonably efficient in regard to combating the...

Nursing and Physician Shortage

The nursing shortage is a complex problem involving many factors of influence. Ethics and culture can play a significant role in solving this issue. In particular, the conditions of work in which the employer supports and promotes ethics and the diversity of cultures are more favorable for the staff and...

Researching of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Fish oil has a high content of omega fatty acids, which play an important role in our body’s physiological processes. It regulates the production of hormones, participates in the processes of oxygen transfer to tissues, maintains vascular health, and improves the function of the digestive tract and excretory system (Shahidi...

“Health Disparities…” Article by Nana-Sinkam et al.

Abstract This paper is aimed to criticize the article “Health Disparities and Equity in the Era of COVID-19,” written by Nana-Sinkam et al. (2021). The report focuses on the impact of clinical and translational initiatives on understanding health disparities and inequities. The paper will examine the limitations and strengths of...

Hepatitis C: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) belongs to the family of the “positive-sense single-stranded RNA viruses” and is known to be the primary cause of Hepatitis C (Comas-Garcia, 2019, p. 253). The pathogen in question is deemed as highly dangerous since it is believed to cause several types of cancers apart from...

Participatory Horticultural Therapy for Dementia

Equipment The activity requires basic gardening equipment, such as seeds, pots, and tools. It is preferable to have a dedicated garden spot outdoors. The participants should be provided with simple gardening clothes — gloves, aprons, and sun hats for the outdoor therapy sessions in hot weather. In addition, it is...

Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory Applied to Hemodialysis

Changes are integral to any process, especially in the healthcare sector. Proper management and study of the basics regarding this topic will support healthcare specialists in the improvement of their practice and procedures that concern carrying for patients. Hence, the Kurt Lewin change theory will be examined, based on such...

Sickle Cell Anemia and Nursing Intervention

This case study concerns Roslyn, who has been recently diagnosed with sickle cell anemia. Since the closest family members do not have the same disease, Roslyn and her parents lack experience in dealing with this diagnosis; therefore, they will require special attention and additional support. It is necessary for the...

Schizophrenia Disorder Diagnosis

Primary Diagnosis The main reason for Demetri’s visit entails experiences and behavior out of touch with reality. In this case, assessing the patient’s cognitive state and determining the vital effect on emotional and physical well-being is crucial. It is the duty of a practitioner to enhance optimal Medicare for a...

Factors Challenging the Development of an Effective Vaccine for HIV

Many individuals worldwide suffer from the incurable human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) since the vaccine to prevent and control the spread and negative impacts of the contagious virus remain futile. Developing this vaccine is one of the greatest challenges that medical practitioners and organizations worldwide have encountered for the longest time...

Mental Health Issues in the Asian American Community

Analyzing mental health concerns with regard to ethnicity is central to effective resource allocation. Asian Americans (AAs) are disproportionately affected by psychiatric disorders, depression, and self-image issues related to cultural concerns but seek professional assistance three times less likely than white Americans (MHA International, n.d.). The mental health situation of...

Escherichia Coli O157:H7: Analysis

Introduction Escherichia coli (or simply E. coli) is one of several types of bacteria found in the intestines of healthy people and most warm-blooded animals. E. coli bacteria aid in the maintenance of appropriate intestinal flora (bacteria) balance and the synthesis or production of specific vitamins. A strain of E....

Monitoring Compliance of Intravenous Therapy Pumps

Implementing a data migration and monitoring project in a healthcare setting is a complex aim that requires high-quality project management, both in regard to planning, strategic implementation, and risk mitigation. In this particular case, the aim is to implement an intervention in regards to the switch from one EHR (Cerner)...

Ethics of Using Experimental Drugs

Experimental drugs are certain medicines not officially approved to treat specific illnesses. The use of unproven therapy might be unsafe, as the effect of such a cure is unpredictable. As a rule, doctors prescribe and document treatment that is counted in the official medical database. Indeed, incurable patients might use...

The Syphilis Bacterial Infection and Disease

Introduction By engaging in sexual activity with an infected person, an individual can contract the bacterial infection syphilis. Treponema Pallidum is a spirochete bacteria that causes it. It can spread during pregnancy as well as during blood transfusions. Skin-to-skin contact is another method HPV can transmit, particularly if there are...

Causal Relationships Between Variables

The methodological basis of the proposed study is based on a quasi-experimental approach that allows the study of causal relationships between variables. It should be recalled that the independent variables in this study are the fact of cooperation between a general educator and a paraeducator and the socio-demographic characteristics of...

Euthanasia as a Medical Ethical Dilemma

Working in the medical field does not only mean solving complex clinical cases associated with severe illnesses. It also includes the ethical dilemmas faced by both experienced doctors and young nursing staff. These involve controversial situations related to the life and well-being of the patient. Such situations are formulated by...

Electronic Health Records Analysis

Significance and Essence In modern conditions, the treatment of one disease can be a complex process of many hospitalizations (including in different medical institutions) and outpatient observation. At the same time, a lot of medical histories and outpatient cards are created, access to which is very difficult for the attending...

The “Palliative” Documentary Film

Introduction The “Palliative” describes the work of Doctor Nadia Tremonti. The woman’s primary goal is to help parents and other relatives survive the deaths of children who have long struggled to live. The movie traces the female’s role not only as a palliative care physician but also as a psychologist...

The E-Cigarettes Impact on Respiratory Diseases

Smoking cigarettes used to be one of the most dangerous habits exhibited by young and older adults and adolescents. Recently, electronic cigarettes that use special devices to transform liquid with flavors and nicotine into vapor became popular. The producers promote their product saying it is much safer than combustible tobacco...

Vitamin Supplementation in Early Years (0-5)

Introduction Children below the age of five years are in active growth and body development stages. They require enough nutrients to facilitate tissue formation and to remain healthy and effective. Therefore, they need continuous vitamin A, C and D supplementation to enhance healthy growth. Despite obtaining the necessary nutrients from...

COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Attitude Toward Booster Doses

Introduction In their cross-sectional research, Pal et al. (2021) measured more than 1,300 U.S. health professionals’ hesitancy to COVID-19 vaccines and explored the hesitant and non-hesitant subgroups’ levels of trust in the healthcare system. According to anonymous surveys, vaccine hesitancy was noted in less than 8% of the respondents (Pal...

Educating a Patient on Zink as a Mineral

Zinc is an essential mineral, a structural component of enzymes, proteins, cellular receptors, biological membranes, necessary for the complete breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, the formation of genetic material of cells, the metabolism of nucleic acids. Zinc is present in almost all cells of the body, but it is...

Administration Positions in Health Care

The health care system features a wide range of positions in administration, as each medical department and facility involves the management of resources and personnel. Administrative positions in health care can include many different responsibilities, from organizing daily schedules to managing billing and accounting systems. This essay will explore differences...

The Clinical Document Architecture and Continuity of Care Record

The Clinical Document Architecture (CDA), Continuity of Care Document (CCD), and Continuity of Care Record (CCR) are standards that are designed for medical data organization and sharing. Thus, the three formats are used in the field of healthcare for the documentation of relevant information about the patient, conditions, and treatments....

Hyponatremia: How Much Water Do You Actually Need?

Coaches frequently tell their players to drink a lot of water before they are thirsty. Some schools, like Mississippi State, do hydration tests before each practice to ensure their players are adequately hydrated. Walker Wilbanks’ untimely death as a football player may have been averted if he had not consumed...

Researching of Giardia Parasites

Various types of parasites pose a severe threat to humans by causing diseases. Giardiasis is an illness appearing because of the parasite called Giardia duodenalis and leading to diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, and dehydration (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2021). These unicellular protozoan parasites are also known as...

Emergency Plan for the Older Adult (OA)

Introduction The current presentation aims to address the following objectives: Identify emergency-related needs and challenges of an older adult (OA); Identify necessary emergency supplies; Specify emergency preparedness measures; Develop a personal emergency plan for an OA; Specify the importance of independent OAs Emergency-Related Needs and Challenges of an OA Some...

Complementary and Alternative Medicine Techniques

Introduction to CAM The National Institute of Health has identified three groups of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) to determine the funding of research projects: Techniques recognized by insurance companies and medical professionals as effective, such as chiropractic, acupuncture, and others. Techniques based on faith that make them impossible to...

The United States Preventive Service Task Force

The United States Preventive Task Force (USPSTF) is an independent, volunteer body of national specialists in prevention and evidence-based medicine that offers recommendations on clinical preventive services such as screening tests, counseling, and drugs. They are intended to help primary care providers, and patients determine if a preventive intervention is...

Interpersonal Communication Theory in the Dental Field

Introduction As a people-oriented profession, dentistry requires the development of solid communication skills. Such abilities are indispensable to patient care to serve specific aims, including management of patients’ primary complaints, triage emergencies, setting a shared objective during treatment planning, and insurance of informed consent. Strong interpersonal communication abilities can enhance...

The Mental Disorders Classification and Assessment

Mental disorders have long been considered to be the hardest to define and, consequently, difficult to cure health issues. Although few admit to having mental health issues, millions of people worldwide suffer from various symptoms of mental disorders. Therefore, it is crucial to encourage the perception of mental disorders as...

Health Information Technologies and Processes

Health Information Technology Health information technologies are vital in enhancing the efficacy of clinical interventions that promote a population’s wellness and disease management. Examples of health IT tools include Electronic Medical records (EMR), Electronic Health records (EHR), and Clinical Decision Support (CDS). EMRs are digital versions of clinical charts that...

Competence Assessment: Mental Disorders

Each person experiences traumatic events during their life, and sometimes it impacts the mental well-being significantly, and the episodes from the past may still have consequences in the future. Acute stress disorder (ASD) is not widely common but still can regularly appear in individuals who have gone through terrifying incidents....

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

Introduction High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is currently one of the topical health concerns in the US and other countries across the globe. This is largely due to the consequences and adverse health outcomes associated with it, such as stroke and other cardiovascular diseases. Some common causes of...

Issues of Healthcare in the US

The American healthcare system has undeniably demonstrated its positive characteristics, such as quality, productivity, ingenuity, and creativity. Nevertheless, the problem of reforming the healthcare system for many years was one of the most important tasks for the American government (The Infographics Show, 2018). Having a health insurance policy became a...

The Direct Practice Improvement of Health Literacy

Introduction The need for health literacy (HL) is always a present one, but depending on a particular population, it might be especially pressing. Thus, the Latino population in the United States (US) is experiencing a disproportionate level of issues related to healthcare, including negative outcomes, as well as medication errors...

Memory Cells in Cellular Immunity

Cellular immunity, also called cell-mediated, is an adaptive immunity in which lymphocytes of T type seek and attack diseased or foreign cells. The principal classification divides T lymphocytes into cytotoxic T (Tc), helper T (Th), regulatory T (Tr), and memory T (Tm) (Saladin, 2020). Tc cells are called the “effectors”...

Healthy People 2030: Addressing Cardiovascular Diseases

Specific Objective & Current Data Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) stand among the leading death causes in the U.S. and the world. According to Pescatello et al. (2019), it accounts for approximately every third death in both cases (30.8% in the U.S. and 31% globally). Hypertension is the most common CVD risk...

The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital’s Environment

The modern-day healthcare industry and care delivery pathways are affected by various forces that present significant challenges. In general, one can define two major forces impacting global healthcare. Firstly, the technological force produces rapid transformation, creating a push for the widespread implementation of digital and information technologies in healthcare. In...

Grief Counselling on Managing Child Terminal Death

Introduction Preparing parents for the death of a terminally ill child is a subject that requires sensitivity and dignity. Whereas anticipatory grief for older patients such as parents or grandparents is relatively common, preparing for the death of a child can be significantly more impactful. Clear and honest communication is...

Healthcare Services for Vulnerable Populations in Georgia

Daily Bread The Daily Bread provides hot meals, a place to shower, clean clothes, modest medical treatment, and social assistance to the homeless and destitute. The center assists those who require mobile phones, identity, and other forms of documents, as well as tax preparation, literacy lessons, and job searches. Donations...

Strategic Health Improvement in Preston County, West Virginia

Introduction Recently, challenges have emerged in the medical industry concerning the deficit of certain hospital workers. In order to solve these problems, state policy in the field of health care is aimed at enhancing the level of health and improving the quality of life of citizens. The HPSA indicator was...

Bipolar Disorder From Theoretical Perspective

Involved Neurotransmitters and Receptors Being a complex neurobiological issue, bipolar disorder has an intricate pathway that determines the pathology. Specifically, the interconnected limbic, striatal and fronto-cortical neurotransmitters are involved in the pathology of the disorder. Connected into a network, the specified systems contribute to the development of the disorder to...

The Use of Electronic Cigarettes Among College Students

The purpose of the study was to discover what substances students consume apart from nicotine and determine the potential danger of this activity by identifying the use of electronic cigarettes to smoke non-nicotine-based substances by college students. The research question in the study was: what is “the prevalence of e-cigarette...

Medical Personnel Shortage and Its Consequences

Introduction The study deals with the worldwide problem of a medical personnel shortage and the negative consequences of this phenomenon on the level of care provided. The shortage of nurses is caused by an increased demand for medical personnel, a low level of motivation on the part of clinics, and...

The Human Factor as a Cause of Medication Errors

Aspects of the professional process contribute to medical errors, safety measures, and policy violations. We can define the following elements of the problem according to human factors: time management, unsteady workload, burnout, and stress. Obstacles can result in a nurse’s wrong dose or medication, causing side effects or severe consequences...

Ethics of Organ Conscription and Issues

Conscription of organs consists of removing all viable organs for tranplants from recently deceased. Spital & Erin (2002) argue that consent is neither required nor requested, with the exception of people with religious objections. Beliefs will be the primary grounds on which it can be argued that consent is necessary,...

Men and Depression: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

What is Depression Every person can be subjected to depression, but the symptoms and the general condition might differ in individuals. Some doctors believe that it is more complicated to detect depression in men as they usually hide their real feelings (National Institute of Mental Health, 2017). The first symptoms...

The Nasal Septum Patient Assessment and Treatment

Interview Summary An interview was conducted with the patient, during which his main characteristics were established. The person belongs to the male sex, 25 years old. The man is from Finland, and he speaks with a slight accent. Perceives health as a critical element for functioning and successful future building...

The Christian African American Community’s Care Issues

Cultural competency is necessary for comprehending and connecting individuals from different cultures. Coordination of care and its potential ethical and policy issues are crucial to understanding the context of special ethnical and religious domains. In this regard, nurses and care coordinators should possess cultural competence, which entails a desire to...

Report Specifications in Healthcare

Similar to any other scientific area, healthcare and medicine have a vast knowledge background. Countless students, practitioners, and scholars consult with the healthcare database to improve their understanding, provide a better service and ultimately improve societal quality of life. The database is gradually improving thanks to the constant research; however,...

Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are both eating disorders; due to the peculiarities of the course of disorders, it can sometimes be difficult to distinguish them. In both cases, it is possible to refuse to eat, excessive concern about body weight and appearance, depressive states. At the same time, the...

Hallucinogens and Their Therapeutic Advantages

The NCBI article I read discusses the potential therapeutic advantages of hallucinogens. I learned that N, N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) functions by momentarily obstructing chemical system communication in the brain. Clinical studies on hallucinogenic substances as therapies to treat depression, terminal disease, and substance misuse issues have thus recently regained interest. Additionally,...

Antibiotics Use in Factory Farms

Factory farms have long been searching for various methods to optimize the production process as the competition continues to be severe. Only a few thousand large factory farms can enjoy all the benefits of economies of scale. The current approach to food production has serious drawbacks and leads to unexpected...

The Person-Centered Care Nursing Framework Analysis

Introduction In the 1930s, Carl Rogers postulated a model that was aimed at guiding caregivers on how to respond to patients’ health conditions by using personalized care delivery procedures. The paradigm, identified as PCCNF (Person-Centered Care Nursing Framework), was later reinforced by Tom Kitwood, who incorporated concepts of interaction and...

Therapy for Building Meaningful Relationships

Introduction There are individuals in life that have difficulty when it comes to forming or sustaining relationships with other people. In this case, there is a client who is male and has issues making or maintaining relationships with women. The client reports that he faces anxiety at the thought of...

Social Epidemiology in Action in Marginalized Communities

Introduction Social epidemiology focuses on the social factors that affect the health outcomes of people in different communities. The health status of individuals in the United States is unequal, as some communities have better access to social amenities based on where they are located. There are marginalized communities within the...

Evidence-Based Nursing Case Study

Understanding the nature and composition of a group or an individual requires proper analysis that encompasses various approaches to extract the right information. A researcher should comprehend the features of the subject in order to design the appropriate method. For situations that require deep insight into the person or event’s...

Blueslopes Private Hospital’s Comprehensive Strategy

Blueslopes Private Hospital is one of the leading privately-operated healthcare facilities in Australia. The Sydney-based organization was started in 2010 and boasts substantial growth over the years. The facility is known for managing rare conditions such as cancer and other chronic issues affecting humanity. Blueslopes has over one thousand employees,...

Expansion of Existing Service Area in International Medical Corps

Background International Medical Corps was selected for healthcare innovation because healthcare advances were at the heart of the initiative. The organization’s goal is to enhance the individuals’ lives in the communities through health programs and related initiatives that build local capacity, and prevent by offering medical care, as well as...

Discussion of Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health refer to the environment and conditions that directly affect the birth, growth, work, livelihood, and aging of groups or individuals. These factors are predominantly influenced by the distribution of wealth, money, resources, and power from the local to the global level (RNAO, n.d. ). The national...

Diagnostic Medical Ultrasound

Diagnostic ultrasound is an imaging technique that uses wide-ranging waves to produce structural images within the body. In most cases, the images are responsible for providing necessary information for guiding and analyzing several conditions and sicknesses. It assists in diagnosing the cause of pain, inflammation, and infection in internal tissues...

Informed Consent and Clinical Equipoise

According to Tom Beauchamp, informed consent has two philosophies. In his first explanation, Beauchamp describes informed consent as the patient’s absolute autonomy and authority (Sutrop & Lõuk, 2020). This informed consent focuses on sovereign authorization and client rights. The patient must have a substantial understanding of the condition and intentionally...

Mental Stability and Psychological Health

Mental stability and psychological health are essential for an individual and the maintenance of an appropriate level of his well-being. According to the guidelines, developed by the American Psychiatric Association, therapists can identify particular mental issues with the help of differential assessment. In this situation of Melissa, it is possible...

Public Trust in the Dental Profession

Summary The importance of trust between patients and healthcare experts, particularly professionals representing a specific healthcare field, is often underrated. However, people trusting in a certain medical profession often defines the extent to which they take pieces of advice dispensed by experts in question into account (Yuan et al., 2020)....

Social Forces in the Medical Field

Introduction In the medical field, there are many internal and external factors that define the quality and effectiveness of offered care. The relationships between the personnel and patients may be discussed through the prism of functionalist, conflict, and symbolic-interactionism perspectives. Some forces like technology, standards, and practices strengthen and stabilize...

Stress Reduction Education Targeting the Mental Health

Mental health problems have been concerning issues that need considerable attention from healthcare providers. Patients with mental health illnesses such as stress and related disorders need to be taught approaches to reduce the latter. The article by Ramos-Sanchez et al. (2021) evaluates the way exercise impacts anxiety symptoms and those...

Mental Case Study: Agnus and Kitty

The case of Agnus and Kitty is an interesting one because the former did not have any mental health illness prior to this visit to a care provider, while the latter has had a history of treatments and therapy sessions. To properly diagnose this couple, the therapist has to collect...

Epidemiology of Stress in the United Kingdom

Abstract This report explores the context and current situation related to the prevalence, morbidity, and epidemiology of stress in the UK. The document contains a discussion of statistics on the scope of the issue, its influencers, and the rationale for initiating behavior change. The World Health Organization’s strategy for stress...

Schizophrenia Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

Abstract The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders provides a practical diagnostic approach for numerous mental disorders. Schizophrenia is among the disorders that the DSM-5 offers an outlook for. This study evaluates the diagnosis of schizophrenia in a high school teenager, focusing on their background history, including medical conditions...

Applying an Ethical Theory to a Medical Care Case

It is important to note that any dilemma or problematic situation can be viewed differently depending on the ethical perspective used. The three normative ethical theories are deontological, consequentialist, and virtue theory. The former focuses on the action, the second emphasizes the consequence, and the latter is about a person’s...

The SARS-CoV-2 Virus: Effective Therapy

This study hypothesizes the use of metal ions to suppress the RNA polymerase activity as the most effective therapy against the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Once any microbes attack the body of a human, the proteins are used to replicate the virus (Scientific Animations 00:00:23-00:00:52). Thus, the virus relies on proteins to...

Psoriasis Issues: Pathophysiology

G.R. is a 55-year-old white obese male brought to the hospital by his wife. The chief complaint of this patient is erythema, scaling, and skin thickening on his torso and extremities several months ago after a mild upper-respiratory tract infection. G.R. is afraid that he may have developed the same...

Legal and Ethical Problems in Treatment Service Delivery

Health facilities must comply with medical laws to provide treatment services to patients. Medical professionals ought to offer quality healthcare services to patients to protect them from legal problems due to non-compliance. Some of the most prominent ethical and legal issues in the provision of treatment services include: The absence...

Ethical Issues in Medical Care of Youth

Speaking of the importance of ethical considerations in medical care, it is worth saying that this applies to children and everyone in general. This point must be respected in any possible treatment and taken into account in the diagnosis and the simple communication with the patient. In addition, working with...

Decision-Making in Seeking Medical Attention

The Use Case Diagram In the present scenario, John reveals that he had issues breathing in the morning. The problem appeared insignificant as John thought it would go away with time. Moreover, he attributed the breathing issue to change in temperature and weather. On the contrary, John realizes that the...

Variables Impacting a Patient With Schizophrenia

Biological Variables The mother brought Demetri, her 39-year-old son previously diagnosed with schizophrenia, because of his deteriorating mental well-being. The mother claims that this was due to his discontinuation of the necessary prescribed drugs about a month ago. This stop in his post-hospital treatment is not the first. The interviewer...

A Nurse’s Role and Responsibility as a Health Educator

Introduction Today, nursing and pedagogy have a rather deep, inextricable connection. It is no secret that a nurse with pedagogical talent and knowledge of competent interaction with a patient achieves tremendous success in the profession. Indeed, bringing wisdom and light is a responsible, complex task that requires specific skills, knowledge,...

Physical Exercise Benefits to Your Heart

Research The study by Dzubur and Poronsky (2018) found a positive correlation between exercise therapy and heart failure disease. Patients, families, and healthcare systems all experience enormous costs as a result of heart failure (HF). The intricate pharmacologic regimens that serve as the cornerstone of HF care are insufficient on...

Women’s Mental Health Program Proposal

Mental health conditions are highly prevalent in modern communities, with women reporting higher levels of distress, because of the increased pressures of daily living and complex factors that interfere with their well-being. As a result, we have made it our mission to lend a hand by empowering women and putting...

The Brain of a Patient with Aphasia

The study of deviations in human health is valuable, as it will help to gain more profound knowledge about diseases. Moreover, it will help spread awareness and form ways to treat or relieve symptoms. Aphasia is characterized as a deviation that affects people’s perception of speech and interferes with the...

Restraining Harm Results in Aggressive Patients

As a psychiatric nurse, I encounter many situations that prompt me to reflect on the relationships among different factors that affect my work. I am primarily involved in administering interventions to patients with various mental illnesses. One of the situations I have encountered regards the use of restraints. I have...

Autism Spectrum Disorder and Dialogue Framework

Abstract Autism spectrum disorder is a condition resulting from abnormal brain development. The key impacts of the disease are one’s inability to socialize with other individuals and altered perception of the surrounding social environment. Further, affected patients exhibit patterns of repetitive and limited behaviors. The first effects of the disease...

Immunity Passport: Advantages and Disadvantages

Immunity passports would be an excellent measure that allows individuals who are immune to the virus to break the set lockdown protocols. This would be an important step in the prevention of the spread of the virus while still boosting the economy of a country. Essential services would still be...

Pain Management in Post-Operative Patients With Emotional Freedom Techniques

Evidence-based research is critical for the continuous development of strategies used to manage pain and treat medical conditions. Thus, a relevant and well-built research question can guide researchers in investigating the critical aspects of illnesses and how they respond to particular interventions. The proposed PICO (T) question is “in post-operative...

Autonomic Neural Control of Heart Rate

Acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter produced by the parasympathetic nervous system, goes to the brain, lowering heart rate. Taking calm, deep breaths decreases blood pressure if stress, coffee, or excitement raises the heart rate. Heart rate will stay elevated no matter how long one works out. After the parasympathetic stimulus is eliminated,...

Healthcare Facility Expansion Funding

The 253-bed healthcare facility in a city requires expansion by 150 beds due to the new business opening in the area and creating 7,500 new jobs. Therefore, the hospital’s management is expecting the city’s population to expand, and therefore, the capacity of the local hospital has to be increased as...

Health Care Policy for Veterans With Mental Illness

Introduction Veterans refer to people who served in military or disciplined forces. These groups are referred to as veterans after retiring from the disciplined forces. As of 2017, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) projected that 46.6 million adults have mental illness issues (Alexander & Wynn, 2018). From the...

Research Project on the Teaching and Training of Evidence-Based Practices

Introduction Caring for children requires the use of best practices in handling their everyday needs. Nannies have to make different decisions pertaining to the care of young children, including their health status. The decisions need to be supported by the best available evidence. The development of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in...

Harlem Children’s Zone: Improving Health Outcomes

Harlem Children’s Zone is an initiative aimed to assist families and children in Harlem in terms of improving health outcomes, educational measures, and career readiness. The project is centered around multiple areas that it covers, including reducing the rates of preventable diseases, providing academic support, helping parents with helpful information,...

Tuberculosis Under Epidemiological Analysis

Background Research on tuberculosis has a long history, but science does not allow humanity to stop its spread, and it still has a global incidence. Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease caused by the bacteria M. tuberculosis, initially discovered at the end of the 19th century by Robert Koch (Churchyard...

Teratogens and Their Effect on Mothers and Children

Introduction Teratogens are substances, such as medications, chemicals, or diseases, that can induce aberrant development in the womb. Teratogens are ambient substances that, when introduced to the mother, can disrupt normal fetal development, culminating in gestational maldevelopment or mortality (Tsamantioti and Hashmi, 2020). There are billions of possible teratogens, but...

The COVID-19 Effect on Mental Health in New York

The topic that is to be examined is how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the mental health of individuals living in New York City. The subject was chosen due to the studies that show a major increase in mental health problems either related to the stress correlating with the virus...

Atrium Health Hospital’s Organizational Change

Introduction In an acute care Hospital, does implementation of mandatory policies securing adequate nurse-to-patient ratios (1:5), compared to the current staffing model, decrease the patient length of stay in 1 year? Having inadequate or inappropriate nursing staff to meet patients also needs results in unsustainable workloads and negatively impacts the...

Patient-Centered Care in a Dementia Unit

Patient-centered care implies the consideration of the individual needs, preferences, and abilities of each individual who seeks assistance. Based on this particular model, the patient and the healthcare provider both participate in the treatments and interventions as they cooperate, and both are included in the construction of the care plan....

Medication Safety: Deconstructing Clinical Workflow

Pharmaceutical mistakes are risky due to the volume and sophistication of medication delivery, and these errors have a high financial and human cost on the American healthcare system. There are various steps involved in the distribution of medications. During the distribution stage of pharmaceutical distribution, one-third of all medication mistakes...

Semmelweis’ Prevention of Maternal Mortality

Ignaz Philipp Semmelweis substantially contributed to the prevention of maternal mortality through the discovery of the connection between antiseptic procedures and puerperal fever. Appointed for practice in the First Obstetrical Clinic that provided educational services for medical services, Semmelweis noticed that there was a considerable difference between the rates of...

Autism Spectrum Disorder Analysis

Introduction Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a collection of neurological conditions in which a person’s speech, motor motions, and social interaction are disrupted. ASD is categorized as a cognitive disorder as its symptoms usually develop within the first two years of life. Autism is classified as a spectrum condition since...

Obesity and Health Outcomes in COVID-19 Patients

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges over the last three years, and significant research has been done regarding its health effects and factors contributing to positive or negative patient outcomes. Among others, obesity and high body mass index (BMI) have been identified as major aggravating factors in COVID-19 patients....

Promotion of Change Regarding Adolescent Depression

Introduction Depression is a mental health issue characterized by a bad mood, lack of motivation, and the feeling of being personally worthless. According to the data provided by the World Health Organization (2021), about 280 million people in the world suffer from depression. The present essay focuses on depression among...

Heart Disease and Its Causes: Stroke Statistics

This literature review examines what heart disease is and the causes of heart disease. According to a study published in the American Journal of Nursing, the leading cause of heart disease is lifestyle choices (Coffey et al., 2021). Poor diet, lack of exercise, and smoking are all major contributing factors...

A Difference Between Perceiving the Work of a Nurse

Many graduates feel a significant difference between how they perceived the work of a nurse before starting their studies and what they saw in practice in the hospital. Throughout my journey to the profession, I never had any illusions about this. I was aware of the duties of a nurse...

Importance of Dreams Analyzing

Introduction Dreams are natural experiences whereby people can picture themselves doing various activities while asleep. According to the self-organization theory, dreams are due to the organization of incongruous and discontinuous neural signals to form a narrative while asleep (Zhang & Guo, 2018). Although dreams are independent from a person’s function,...

A Nursing Intervention Delivered via Telehealth

Nursing interventions are any actions registered nurses conduct to support their patients in recovering from any illness. Utilizing innovative technology, the introduction of telehealth has made it possible for nurses to care for their patients even when they are not physically present in the same room. Some of the devices...

Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes and Symptoms

There have been numerous attempts to analyze and categorize the issues that underpin the development of various health disorders. Histology and integumentary have recently proven to be instrumental in determining the initial causes of some of the most severe and widespread diseases nationwide. The advances in technologies that help examine...

The Healthcare Costs Regulation Strategies

One key challenge in the healthcare system today is the continuously increasing cost of services that makes it difficult to provide care to the population and especially the vulnerable communities. The healthcare system has to balance the quality of services and the healthcare costs, which increase exponentially. According to Case...

Stress in Pregnant Women Due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Even in ordinary times, stress issues are a common occurrence for pregnant women. Pregnancy is a particularly crucial time for the mental health of a woman. The coronavirus pandemic is a global health problem for modern history’s most extensive infectious illness. The ongoing pandemic has created numerous stressful conditions for...

Nursing Theories and Approaches in Practice

Aldohaian, A. I., Alshammari, S. A., & Arafah, D. M. (2019). Using the health belief model to assess beliefs and behaviors regarding cervical cancer screening among Saudi women: A cross-sectional observational study. BMC Women’s Health, 19(1). Web. The study explores the phenomenon of cervical cancer prevalence using the Health Belief...

Effective Communication and Quality in Healthcare

Introduction The Joint Commission determined that the underlying cause of 66 percent of the sentinel events that occurred between 1995 and 2005 was inadequate communication. If the commission and other organizations had prioritized effective communication more, most of these events could have been avoided. As a result, businesses ought to...

Epidemiological Analysis of Hepatitis C

Introduction Existing treatment guidelines for Hepatitis C formulated by specialist medical premises are primarily associated with people living in developed nations and cover only a particular population. The data collected is limited due to inappropriate reporting, treatment, and care for the Hepatitis C virus, as well as the asymptomatic nature...

Types of Burns and Risks

Background Every human being faces numerous risks during his/her usual activities. These might include traumas because of physical impacts, such as hematomas, fractures, pain, cuts, and burns. The last one can be determined as the damage caused to skin, bones, muscles, and other tissues because of fire (Pathak, 2020). However,...

Multivitamin Supplementation Necessity for Adults

Introduction Multivitamin supplementation is the process of taking daily approved minerals and vitamins to ensure that one is getting the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of body nutrients. These are essential nutrients that play a vital role in maintaining our health and well-being. There are many reasons why adults may need...

Physical Activity and Fitness in Facilitation Techniques

Environment, Equipment, Description, and Purpose The environment for this activity may be various: office, home, park, gym, hall, etc., but it has to be calming. Free space of a few square meters is required for convenience. No special equipment is required, only a person’s desire and readiness. Squats are one...

A New Clinical Solution System Implementation

Introduction From wearables and telemedicine to People’s Health Movement (PHM) and Electronic Health Records (EHRs) platforms, technology proceeds to transform the healthcare sector. However, communication and collaboration are needed to successfully implement health information technology. Often, the staff is not involved in the selection and review process when healthcare institutions...

Data Safety Monitoring Theory and Practice

The present lecture provides information in regard to the process of data safety monitoring and the correct organization of a data safety monitoring board. As stated in the materials, safety boards oversee a number of factors during clinical trials. First, they ensure that the participants are under an acceptable modicum...

Substance Abuse and Its Financial Dimension

Introduction In spite of various cost optimization and effective resource planning/allocation initiatives, the U.S. healthcare system cannot be considered perfect. Coupled with the system’s intrinsic flaws, external finance-related concerns, such as the increasing prevalence of substance abuse, give rise to significant financial challenges to be addressed through appropriate large-scale policy...

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Care Planning

Fact Gathering Tyler has had Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) since he was born while his mum was an alcoholic addict while pregnant. The most immediate assessment needs include offering support services to the client and applying family oneness to ensure a change in the behavioral activities of the client....

Nurse-to-Patient Staffing Ratios: Improvement Plan

There are numerous considerations to be deliberated upon while bringing about a change in a healthcare facility. It is a complicated process that incorporates a variety of persons, phases, difficulties, as well as drivers. Methods for executing the intended changes are discussed in this paper. This essay will deliberate the...

Health Information Technology in Nursing Home Setting

Introduction The setting which will be analyzed in this proposal includes a nursing home within a metropolitan area. Currently, a group of twenty-five registered and unregistered members of staff are in need of improved education in regards to medication compliance. While the facility only includes eighty-bed spaces and limited staff,...

Oncology Nursing Practice Change Simulation

Introduction: Goal and Objectives of the Study Strategic plans for change always have a defined course of action that must be followed to achieve the goal quickly and successfully. In the case of oncology nursing practice, the problem of inadequate skills can become critical in the delivery of care and...

Public Schools and Vaccination of Youth

Vaccines could be described as safety measures to prevent illnesses by stimulating an immune system to produce a prepared defense against a particular sickness. Although vaccines have been highly associated with protecting from COVID-19 since the recent pandemic, their variety is more comprehensive than some may assume. This essay investigates...

Nicotine as a Coping Strategy for Mental Health

Introduction Nicotine addiction is one of the most popular ones around the globe. This substance is highly addictive, and it is hard to quit. Nicotine can be a coping strategy for anxiety, stress, and depression, and it can help people make social connections. However, not everything is so explicit, and...

The Mental Health Protecting Policy

The proposed policy is mental health policy. Individuals with mental health illnesses will be protected in various situations, including the workplace, schools, and therapy, according to the mental health policy that the federal government will implement. Protecting people’s privacy and civil liberties will be the primary goal of this legislation....

An Analysis of the Affordable Care Act

New acts in the spheres of healthcare always entail both considerable challenges and opportunities for all stakeholders. As a result, every new act, especially those which imply major changes, gets subject to criticism. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) enacted in 2010 became significant legislation which, to a large extent, reformed...

COVID-19 Health Equity Data Reporting in Canada

It is more appropriate to utilize quantitative analysis with a specific set of data gathering methods to collect data and evaluate the success of a project proposal on evidence-based practice. Quantitative data appears to be more essential in this respect, as the research will deal with a collection of parameters...

Descriptive Statistics for the Infected Population

A survey was performed to determine the demographic characteristics of the infected population. This survey involved 969 participants with a mean age of 29.06 years (SD=9.33). The youngest participant was aged 1 year, while the oldest was 72 years old. Most (63.8%) of the participants were female, while the rest...

Stress and Stress Management Discussion

Stress management has become almost a buzzword in the modern world, where various triggers exist in abundance. The human organism evolved to have a specific biologic response to external stimuli to maintain relative homeostasis (Russell & Lightman, 2019). The neuroendocrine system plays a crucial role in creating this response, involving...

Malpractice, Abuse, and Neglect in Healthcare

Introduction Malpractice and abuse in medical facilities are relatively common phenomena that frequently appear in hospitals and nursing homes. Sometimes it can be an accident or neglect, but in certain situations, medical staff, nurses specifically, can purposely overuse their power and professional position to harm patients. Most of the time,...

Interventions to Cope With Depression

As human beings, we can assume that everyone may feel depressed from time to time, however, from a personal perspective, it is highly important to differentiate between bad mood, especially if it is a particular reason and depression. Every person may have a bad mood and feel devastated due to...

How We Can Fight Sickle Cell as Black People

Although sickle cell is not a common disease, it affects many people of African descent. It affects the Red Blood Cells (RBC). There is not much information on the disease and how to cure it, which results in many sickle cell patients being left to live through the pain or...

Blood Clotting Disorders as a Study Topic

Research Many factors need to be considered when analyzing and thinking about the consequences and causes of this kind of disease. The most important may be the hereditary connection, which transmits poor blood circulation and suffers from more than one generation. The problem of this disease has been bothering humankind...

Sources for Patients With Increased Blood Pressure

Introduction High blood pressure is a fairly common health problem in the modern population. This makes it essential to spread awareness about what serious consequences this disease can have for all age groups of the population. One of the ways to educate patients is to develop and familiarize people with...

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project

Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) is a collection of national databases in the field of healthcare. HCUP includes multiple sources of academic, empirical, and statistical information that could be used to improve the quality of federal policies and independent programs (AHRQ, 2022). The current flyer thoroughly examines the National...