Healthcare Administrators: Contemporary Issues and Common Challenges

The nursing shortage is a topical issue in modern health care, affecting nurses’ performance, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions. The major causes of nursing shortage include the aging nursing workforce and low retention rates of new nurse graduates (Cochran, 2017). Therefore, viable options to ameliorate the nursing shortage should be...

American Dental Hygienists’ Association

The source published by authors affiliated with the American Dental Hygienists’ Association (ADHA) summarizes essential barriers to dental care optimization in the U.S. Basically, the document aims to apply systems thinking to propose viable paths toward positive change. From my perspective, the change-driver chart created by Rhea and Bettles (2011)...

New York City STD-HIV Prevention Training Center

Agency The New York City STD/HIV Prevention Training Center (NYC STD/HIV PTC) was founded in 2015 by the representatives of the National Network of STD Clinical Prevention Trading Centers to research STD-related issues and reduce the levels of mortality and STD contraction among teenagers and young adults. Furthermore, the organization...

Advanced Pharmacology: Arthritis Treatment

Arthritis is a medical condition that affects the joints, causing inflammation and, to some extent, tenderness. In the U.S., close to 54.4 million individuals have been diagnosed with at least one form of arthritis, of which approximately 23.7 million persons have low work productivity as a result of the condition...

Child Health and Communicable Disease

The rate of death among children worldwide is a global issue of concern. Children die from various causes. These causes include Malaria, Malnutrition, Pneumonia, HIV/AIDS, and measles (Wolter, 2007). Other potential but rare causes include psychological trauma, terrorism, earthquakes, civil wars, religious ideologies and food poisoning. In Africa and other...

Researching Public Health Program

An organization’s mission statement is its primary marketing tool in business. Alegre et al. (2018) explain that customers are among the critical components of this information because the organization outlines its clients. The company should also include the products and services provided. In addition, markets where the firm explains its...

Social Determinants of Health in Poor and Low-Income American Families

Poverty is a great social factor and determinant in healthcare. This is especially true for the USA, which has an imperfect healthcare system of insurances, which are hard to afford even for the low-medium income citizens. As of 2011, 32.1% of families are considered low-income families, while 10.6% of families...

Managerial Accounting in the Area of Health Care

Introduction In human society, it is natural that people united with a certain joint goal need some rules of regulations according to which they plan to achieve this goal. As well, the monitoring of results of their performance is also demanded to see how successful the work is and what...

Ethical, Medical, and Legal Aspects of Abortion

Spontaneous and Procured Abortion: Difference and Ethical Impact Abortion is a medical procedure aimed at termination of pregnancy. It is defined as interruption of pregnancy “before the fetus can live independently in the extrauterine environment” (Nita & Ilie, 2020, p.283). Abortion can be induced, or, in other words, procured, which...

Urological Disorders in the Older Adult

One of the more common problems in older adults is urinary incontinence. Various etiologies can impact urinary incontinence, including bladder infection and urinary retention. Urinary retention is the inability to voluntarily void urine can both acute and chronic. Acute urinary retention is an emergency that requires decompression of the bladder...

Life Stages and Impact of Age on Healthcare

People graduate from one stage of life into another throughout their entire life based on their advancement in age. Specifically, life stages are infancy, childhood, youth, adulthood, and old age. People in these subdivisions exhibit varying health needs and complications, and their needs are addressed distinctively by the family and...

Strategic Management in Healthcare

The growing rate of medication errors poses a serious threat to the hospital in question and requires a close examination of its roots to determine the steps required for its reduction. One of the universal solutions to the issue is the adoption of a digital framework that will help medical...

Pediatric Leukemia: Diagnosis and Treatment

Leukemia or, in other words, cancer of the blood and bone marrow is a disease connected to the abnormality of white blood cells. At the initial stage, it can be unnoticed by the patients since the condition implies the growing weakness of one’s body, which can be ascribed to other...

Analysis of Healthcare in Gonzales, Louisiana

The system of public health pursues global objectives, addressing issues of immense magnitude on a nationwide scale. However, the field remains multifaceted, and meaningful efforts at a lower level should not be disregarded. Aside from global concerns, local communities demonstrate a range of varying hazards, the nature, and severity of...

Healthcare Delivery and Shift in Healthcare Organizations

Several decades ago, people realized that healthcare delivery must become more complex in the future. There needed to be a significant paradigm shift that came with establishing High Reliability Organizations (HROs). Such organizations were developed to operate in complex, high-hazard domains for extended periods without serious accidents. They cultivate resilience...

Causality and Risk in Dental Epidemiology

Risk refers to the probability that an event will occur within a certain timeframe. In dental epidemiology, risk refers to the probability that an individual will contract an oral complication or disease at a certain age or age span due to exposure to certain conditions or factors. Characteristics of risk...

Why Black Women Fear in the Delivery Room

Credible articles are written by authors who have a mastery of the contents of the article and who use sources that are reliable. In her article “Why Black Women Fear for Their Lives in the Delivery Room,” published in the Huffington Post, Eternity Martis focuses on African American mothers’ plight...

Available Resources to Uninsured People With Mental Illness

Research Problem Uninsured patients with bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses have limited access to healthcare services because diagnosis, treatment, and management of the disorder are very expensive. Bipolar disorder is a lifetime disorder that requires early diagnosis and appropriate treatment for effective management to reduce mortality rates and increase...

Gun Safety Policy Towards a Safer Future for Kids

With thousands of people dying from firearm injuries every year, the gun safety policy has currently become one of the major public health issues. Gun safety policy is designed to explicitly address the issue of gun abuse, which eventually leads to accidental discharges and life-threatening issues. The vast majority of...

Health Issues and Policy Frameworks in the US

Introduction This paper identifies three significant health issues in the United States and attempts to relate these issues to existing policy frameworks that have been formulated to solve them. The health issues that will be discussed in this paper include children’s oral health, fluoridation of drinking water, and chronic kidney...

Obamacare and COVID-19 Relations

Introduction The article by Steve Benen discusses the erroneous predictions that various people made about Obamacare five years after it was signed. The author notes that before its signing, the policy was described as a great success in transforming the American healthcare industry. However, few people expected the legislation to...

Brain Stimulation in Neurophysiological Treatment

Abstract The early discovery, classification, and treatment of neurophysiological conditions are vital clinical bolster errands for medical specialists in tweaking quiet treatment projects to better deal with the advancement and the movement of these maladies. Endeavours are being made to analyse these neurodegenerative issues before its complications. For sure, early...

Asthma Education Program

Asthma affects approximately 300 million people (Dharmage et al., ). Asthma is a common childhood disease. Common symptoms are wheezing and cough. Patients also experience shortness of breath. Chest tightness and pain are common. Recurrent respiratory infections may signal asthma. Pathophysiology Inflammation determines the degree of severity (Dharmage et al.,...

Mandatory Flu Vaccine for Healthcare Staff

Introduction People cannot ignore the fact that flu remains a worldwide burden that challenges human health and many social and economic aspects of life. The healthcare personnel are usually highly exposed to different respiratory pathogens due to the nature of their work. In most cases, immunization becomes a recommended preventive...

Epidemiology of Maternal, Infant, and Child Health

The good health of mothers, infants, and children should be the primary aim of the society. Their well-being influences the health of the next generations. Still, the concept of maternal, infant, and child health epidemiology is complicated. Nevertheless, the positive tendencies of prevention and intervention are developing. A good example...

HIV-AIDS, Nutrition and Cancer in Society

Areas of Health Related Research and Reasons for Study We intend to look into three areas of study on health matters. The areas of study to be listed are too general, hence there is a need to specifically identify the areas and conduct research on them. Three areas to look...

Proper Hand Washing Technique Barriers

Hand hygiene is a critical process in ensuring patient safety and quality treatment outcomes in health care facilities. As such, it is necessary for health care facilities to initiate and implement hand hygiene proposals to help in the reduction of infections acquired at the hospital like Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection...

The Shortage of Nursing Personnel

The shortage of nursing personnel is an urgent problem in world healthcare. There are several reasons for this issue, such as the aging and retirement of medical workers, or their transition to higher-paid jobs, after which their positions remain vacant for a long time. At the same time, not enough...

Diseases and Their Risk Factors

The causes of diseases can be divided into many groups according to the type of impact. Iatrogenic refers to the reasons that arose as a result of a medical intervention due to a medical error in the diagnosis or treatment. The result of such intrusions can be violations of the...

International Women’s Day: Professional Pathways Reflection

The event that this reflection essay will focus on is the International Women’s Day that took place in Belmore Sports Ground. This gathering celebrated mothers’ and daughters’ roles in society by involving the local community in competitions, creative activities, life-skills workshops, and discussions. International Women’s Day in the city of...

Patient Education and Its Impact on Healthcare

Introduction There is a need for personalized health care, especially for older patients, through education programs that make them self-aware and care for themselves. As such, physicians should spend quality time with patients to improve the health care results. The manner in which health education is offered is key to...

Globalization and Technology in Health Care

The key change that has to be implemented to improve the process and quality of health care is further reliance on globalization and technology. The rationale behind this proposal is that many organizations nowadays are trying their best to adhere to the increasing pace of innovation, and only a few...

Mental Illness Impact on Family Members-Caregivers in a Home Setting

Background People who suffer from a mental health problem can be a major burden for family members (Coon, 2005). Family members suffer in silence because society wants them to fulfil their obligations even if they are not equipped to handle the negative impact of stress (Alpert & Fava, 2005). Nevertheless,...

Assessing as an Important Task of a Social Worker

Introduction One of the primary tasks of a social worker lies in assessing. It not solely allows to be aware of the atmosphere in the family but also enables gathering essential information on each particular client. The data to collect may, notably, be related to “the client’s unique circumstances, social...

Beta-Interferon in Multiple Sclerosis

Introduction The general purpose of treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) is to diminish warning signs and to get better results for individual clients. Three interferon-beta (IFNβ) remedies are existing for taking care of MS, and in close to comparisons high-dose, regularly apply as a medication course of therapy (250 μg...

Cancer Early Detection, Prevention, and Survivorship in Arab Countries

Introduction According to the World Health Organization, cancer is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the world, which only continues to grow. Since 2012, the number of cancer patients has been increasingly growing, with over 14 million new cases appearing every year (WHO, 2017). At the...

CBPR Vital for Social Change

The assigned case study provides a model for the application of the CBPR approach in improving food security in Bayview Hunters Point Community, San Francisco, by describing a local security policy effort among a local community-based organization, a local health department and an external evaluator (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2008). The...

BRCA Gene Mutation and Breast Cancer

Abstract Cancer remains one of the major threats to human health. It occurs as a result of gene mutation. Breast cancer is the most prevalent cancer among women. Additionally, breast cancer affects men, though in rare cases. The disease occurs as a result of mutations in breast cancer susceptibility genes...

Hidden Dangers of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Medications

Unfortunately, there is still a no better and more effective treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder than medications. Such stimulants as methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine allow people with ADHD to control their symptoms like hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and distractibility. However, many researchers and ordinary people are concerned with the hidden dangers of...

Factors That Facilitated the Spread of the COVID-19 Virus

Almost everyone is a victim of the COVID-19 virus, either indirectly or directly. Combating the factors that facilitated its spread would have made the fight against the novel virus use up fewer resources and affect Americans’ lives to a minimal extent. Unfortunately, the disease has happened in two waves with...

VTE Prophylactic Treatment

Conducting a literature search is essential for evidence-based nursing practice as it helps improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of care via the combination of current research evidence with clinical expertise. According to Gray et al. (2016), the focus of clinical research in the 21st century has shifted from the treatment...

Women and Heart Disease: Knowledge, Worry, and Motivation

Abstract Heart diseases claim many women’s lives though many women are not aware of cardiovascular risk factors. Survey was conducted on 534 women to determine the psychosocial factors that bar women realizing cardiovascular risk factors. The study revealed that few women are worried about developing heart diseases though a majority...

VA Telehealth During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Expansion and Impact

The public hearing was a session held by the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs during which the state of things regarding telehealth provision at VA was discussed. The primary notion was that because of the pandemic, VA as an organization as well as its facilities and providers had to rapidly...

Breaching Professional Boundaries Between Nurse Educators and Students

Introduction Nursing is a profession that is mainly concerned with the provision of health care services to patients. The nurses play these critical roles as they are trained with skills that enhance their job competence. Nurse education involves a series of theoretical and practical training that purposely prepares caregivers for...

Malnutrition in Hospitalized Patients

Setting the Context Addressing the needs of inpatients is a rather intricate task. On the one hand, the identified setting offers opportunities for establishing tighter control over the way in which crucial services are delivered, and the instructions are followed. On the other hand, with a large number of inpatients,...

Sickle Cell Anemia: Detection, Complications, and Transplantation of Liver

“The Manual Process of Detection of Sickle Cell Anemia” Lack of enough healthy blood cells causes anemia since the red blood cells are responsible in transporting the oxygen to all parts of the body. The inheritable disease is caused when a person gets two abnormal genes from each of the...

Neuroscience. Addictive Personality

Some psychologists argue that all actions occur depending on processes in the brain. This human body’s organ releases certain chemicals called neurotransmitters responsible for a specific set of functions. However, the statement that human consciousness and actions are the result of neural processes is quite debatable. The data obtained from...

Healthcare Economics in Budgeting the Limited Resources: Opioid Crisis

Introduction Healthcare economics is the application of economic principles in solving healthcare issues. The production theory of healthcare economy principles can be applied in determining the efficient use of the hospital’s resources. Determining the value of healthcare services is not an easy task because of the nature of healthcare as...

Hygienic Life: How Simple It Is to Uphold It?

Abstract The purpose of this dissertation is to tackle why a simple solution like living a hygienic life is so misunderstood and overlooked. It gives a clear and concise understanding of what is meant when we hear the words “nerve energy habits” such as pure air, sunshine, exercise, clean air,...

Epidemiological Methods and Measurements Review

Both articles, by Chang et al. and by Minakawa et al. presented in the research specify the question and the goal of the study. The first article defines the research as a case-control study concerning the risk factors for depression in patients with Parkinson’s disease. The second research establishes the...

Schizophrenia as Dangerous Mental Disease

Schizophrenia is a very dangerous mental disease, which affects a human mind in numerous ways. It warps a person’s perception of reality, disrupts standard patterns of thinking, and can even affect them on an emotional level, making them unable to feel certain emotions, such as empathy (“Schizophrenia,” n.d.). Treating patients...

Congestive Heart Failure Project Proposal

Identification of the Issue The paradigm of nursing interventions has always been closely associated with the development of long-term prevention care plans in order to anticipate negative patient outcomes. Patients with chronic cardiac conditions are at risk of struggling with disease complications triggered by the slightest change in their environment....

Implementing Data Analysis in Nursing Studies

Data is a crucial element in all decision making processes in the healthcare industry. Similarly, nursing is a science field, and therefore, the success of all related activities relies on the process of information collection and its application. However, the gathered data can only be classified as authentic and reliable...

Nursing Shortages and Effect on Patient Care Outcomes

Providing care for patients in home-care is multifaceted and requires a joint effort from all the healthcare workers. The nurse-patient ratio has been used to show that there is a shortage of nurses leading to burnout and reduced performance (Marć et al., 2018). Self-management and autonomy among patients have been...

Healthcare System Trends in the United States

When developing this in 2018, the Senate had failed to invalidate, exchange, or alter the Affordable Care Act (ACA); therefore, the market left did not change from a legislative appearance. Persistent change of market before and after implementing the ACA has left ACA exchange in trouble. The troubles are related...

Locating Credible Databases and Research Assignment

The case for the evidence-based research is a 23-year-old female patient with spine osteoporosis, a diagnosis that is not common for that age. As a baccalaureate-prepared nurse supervising clinical staff nurses, I would need to explain that evidence-based practice is required to determine the correct treatment. First of all, I...

Affordable Care Act’s Impact on Medicare Spending

The Affordable Care Act is gradually decreasing costs by means of the restructuring of payments to Medicare Advantage. This has occurred because the government was spending more money per enrollee on Medicare Advantages compared to Original Medicare. Therefore, the financial impact of the ACA implied significant cuts, which were carried...

Stigma and Discrimination in Children Living With HIV-AIDS

Children are the most affected by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) because their body organs are still fragile, yet the disease affects the immune system. Aside from the physical health impacts of the illness, young ones are also more prone to HIV/AIDS stigma and discrimination-related problems. Consequently,...

Patient and Family-Centred Care in a Healthcare Setting

Being healthy is crucial for a productive population. Efforts to provide quality, reliable, and affordable medical care are in most cases directed to the whole family. International bodies, national governments, and different medical institutions have adopted different methods of promoting health among community members. However, the globe has not yet...

Alcohol Use Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder: The Case Study

Introduction Unhealthy patterns of alcohol use and poor impulse control when dealing with potentially addictive substances have negative influences on all aspects of life. In the case of Thomas, alcohol abuse exacerbates his pre-existing psychological issues even more. This paper discusses his case with attention to symptoms, treatment, goals, and...

Medicare: Choosing a Healthcare Facility Based on Quality and Safety

Medicare’s official website contains sets of different types of information with a focus on Medicare programs. The database of this agency also includes data helping people to choose the most appropriate healthcare facility (, n.d.). Such variables as available services, sufficient staffing, and social components are highlighted as primary aspects...

Sticking to an Exercise Program

Exercise programs are usually recommended for patients suffering from illnesses because it helps them remain physically fit or lose some weight. Sometimes it is challenging for a patient to stick to an exercise program. However, there are several strategies they can employ while exercising. The following are some of the...

Health Belief Model as Health Behavior Theory

The theory I found most helpful was the Health Belief Model. I was fascinated by its ability to focus on future behaviors using the current attitudes and beliefs of an individual (Glanz, Rimer & Lewis, 2012). I think it is very helpful in the fight against oral disease as it...

Nervous Systems Deficit Senses: Meningitis

Meningitis Meningitis is a disease that occurs due to the inflammation of the meninges, which surround the central nervous system: the brain, and the spinal cord. Meningitis is a very serious neurological disease that damages important membranes that cover the spinal cord and the brain, which aid in transmission of...

Abortions’ Negative Impacts on Modern Society

Introduction Abortions can be regarded as one of the oldest health-related procedures that remain common across the globe but quite controversial in the vast majority of countries, including the USA. Abortions were conducted in ancient Greece and Rome and were not rare in European countries in the Middle Ages (“Roe...

Evaluating Evidence in Nursing Research

The evidence-based approach is a central topic of discussion in modern healthcare practice. The benefits of evidence-based practice cannot be overstated because it has significantly improved health outcomes. The best evidence in nursing research is formed through extensive literature analysis and data evaluation from clinical studies (Grove & Gray, 2018)....

The Role of Social Stigma in Mental Health

The stigmatization of mental health, indeed, plays a significant role in the life of a person suffering from mental disorders. First, stigmatization affects how a person identifies their psychological disorder. Second, the stigma affects whether a person eventually seeks help from specialists to receive treatment. To understand the extent to...

PTSD Group Counseling

American Psychiatric Association (2013) defines PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) as a psychiatric disorder that can manifest itself in people that witnessed or experienced a traumatic event. What counts as a traumatic event is often contingent on individual perception. However, some of the most common categories of traumatic events include natural...

“The HR Challenges Shaping the Healthcare Industry” Article Summary

This article discusses major human resource challenges in the healthcare industry. While human capital management and growth and staffing needs are priorities in most organizations, HR in healthcare institutions must also consider patient outcomes. The challenges highlighted in this article include recruitment in healthcare, wage competition, turnover and retention, training...

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the US

The United States government initiated the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to minimize health disparities by lowering costs and improving the accessibility of healthcare. The introduction of ACA highlighted the fact that the healthcare industry is in the need of reforms in order to improve its cost-effectiveness, quality, and accessibility. Healthcare...

Healthcare Services Delivery: The Golden Rule Application

Introduction The Golden Rule directs people to do what they will choose for themselves for others. Works of compassion and caring that go above and beyond “business as normal” or “usual treatment” are based on the Golden Rule (Doherty & Purtilo, 2015). As a result, this heuristic or “law of...

Epatient, Social Networking, Personal Health Record

Caring for health is a lifelong and complicated process that has become diversified with the development of technology. Patients become active participants in treatment, which means balancing the efforts of the provider and the audience. Personal Health Record (PHR) is a promising technology because it combines EHR data and information...

Grants and Sources in Healthcare

Oral health remains one of the most widely important health care spheres because the majority of people find themselves in need of dental care services regularly and repeatedly throughout their lives. Due to the cost of such services, many may not be able to afford them, and it should be...

Health Education Program on Antibiotic Resistance

Introduction Antibiotics have been used for the past seven decades to treat patients suffering from various bacterial infections. The antibiotics have been used for long and hence the bacterial organisms they are supposed to kill have been adapting to them. The result has been that the drugs are less effective....

Nursing Philosophy Reflection

The paradigm of nursing experience, although impossible to encompass at its fullest, has been currently explicitly described in a variety of textbooks and scholarly articles. Thus, prior to making a meaningful choice to dedicate oneself to the career of a nurse, it is of paramount importance to secure a careful...

Normal Hearing Process Versus Presbycusis

Introduction Hearing is one of the five senses that humans use to study their environment. The active interpretation of information does this by transforming sound into meaningful information. Due to the increased use of personal listening devices globally, the hearing problem has become a common challenge globally, with 466 million...

Causes of the Nursing Shortage: Literature Evaluation

Change Topic: The nursing shortage is caused by the increase in the demand for nurses that the available supply cannot meet. Some of its major causes are aging and the rise in the number of patients requiring treatment. Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3 Article 4 Author, Journal (Peer-Reviewed),...

Postoperative Breast Cancer Care

The chosen articles support the implementation of risk reduction strategies for depression in post-operative breast cancer patients. The studies by Kim et al. (2017), Heidari and Ghodusi (2015), Jones et al. (2015), Salibasic and Delibegovic (2018), and Leser et al. (2021) provide a comprehensive overview of depression in breast cancer...

Comparing Nursing Education in China and Poland

Introduction Nursing in every country has its peculiarities that have been developed throughout decades and centuries. However, nursing education is transforming significantly due to globalization (Baumann & Blythe, 2008). This paper dwells upon nursing education in Poland and China and a brief comparison of the two systems is provided. The...

Adult Day Care Center’s Areas of Difficulties

First of all, an area that demands some special effort from a clinician is mental health care. As Stanhope and Lancaster (2016) mention, “at some point, virtually all adults will experience a tragic or unexpected loss, a serious setback, or a time of profound sadness, grief, or distress” (p. 795)....

Arthritis, Osteoporosis, and Chronic Back Conditions

Introduction Disease diagnosis is an ongoing examination to ensure the quality of health is preserved. Inadequate awareness of the illness or pathophysiology mechanism leads to misunderstanding and acts as a deterrent to correct management and slow recovery. There is a need to carry out a systematic study of the disease...

Racial Disparities in Healthcare Through the Lens of Systemic Racism

Racism and inequality in healthcare is a serious and complex issue of today’s society that must be widely addressed in order for it to be acknowledged and finally changed. The American healthcare system has been experiencing racial disparities for decades, depriving people of color of decent medical help and healthcare...

Resilience Theory Overview

During my field experience at Vatsalya Adult Medical Daycare Center, I worked as an intern social worker student. Then, I faced a divorced woman, 55 years old, whose mother had unexpectedly died from a heart attack; it could be beneficial to employ the resilience theory in this case. The presenting...

Lifestyle Interventions by Nurses

The study being evaluated in this case is implicit in the effect of lifestyle interventions by nurses. Like other studies in the medical field, the research leverages a standard format to explicate the effect of the intervention mentioned. It contains the conventional sections of a quantitative study that include the...

The Role of the Delegation and Supervision in the Healthcare

The ever-changing working dynamics have led to the dire need to embrace delegation and supervision in different workplaces. According to Wagner (2018), delegation refers to the transfer of responsibilities from one person to another. In a nursing setting, it represents a clinical nurse directing another staff to perform nursing activities...

The U.S President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief

The overall mission of this organization is to consider the populace living with HIV/AIDS all over the globe. It is the pillar of the U.S Global Health Initiative, whose main mission lies in saving lives through lending relevant support to countries in improving their health (About PEPFAR, 2009). HIV/AIDS prevalence...

Acute Pancreatitis: The Case Study

Patient Information Name: James Lebron Age: 40 years Gender at Birth: Male Gender Identity: Male Source: Allergies: None Current Medications: None PMH Immunizations: The patient reports that all immunizations are up to date. Preventive Care: The patient reports not taking alcohol and foods low in fat content. Surgical History: The Patient...

Evidence-Based Practice as Problem Resolution Method

Evidence-based practice is a method of problem resolution in treating patients, using evidence from trustworthy sources, the nurse’s experience, and patient preferences to provide the best health care. Today the concentration of nurses in hospitals worldwide is growing due to a decrease in the lifespan to limit increased expenses, which...

Childhood Immunization and Related Controversy

The development and use of vaccines have allowed the global population to mitigate the spread of severe illnesses and significantly reduce child mortality. Still, there are groups of people who believe that vaccines are harmful and oppose immunization, not allowing their children to be vaccinated. The controversy regarding childhood immunization...

Schizoaffective Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment

Schizoaffective disorder is one of the less understood conditions because it shares diagnosing criteria with other psychiatric disorders. It is mistaken for schizophrenia as it was first classified as a subtype of this illness. Since there is no single definition for schizoaffective disorder that is agreed upon, it is difficult...

“Compassionate Communication in All Its Forms” Book by Marcus Engel

Introduction Modern medical technology enables patients to recover more quickly than at any previous point in history. However, the human connection between patient and care provider remains the fundamental basis of recovery. “I am Here” is a personal story from the patient’s viewpoint. Marcus Engel’s book, Compassionate Communication in All...

The Influence of the Pet on Cardiovascular Health

The heart is an essential organ of our body, on the state of which the health and life expectancy of a person directly depends. Measures such as staying active, eating a healthy diet, walking outside, getting enough sleep, and avoiding bad habits are great ways to help prevent heart disease....

Analysis of Accessibility of Medicine

One of the most pressing issues in modern realities, in which people are forced to choose one side depending on their interests, is medicine. Americans face incredibly high treatment prices in all areas of health care, from family therapists to optometrists. However, high prices are the reason for allocating most...

Maternal and Child Health Block Grant for Dental Care

The Title V Maternal and Child (MCH) Block Grant Program is administered by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) to provide direction and money to promote the health outcomes of children, infants, and individuals in need of maternal care (Health Resources & Services Administration, 2017). MCHB’s mission has been...

Sudden Decrease of Vision in the Patient’s Left Eye: Case Study

Subjective Chief Complaint: sudden decrease of vision in the patient’s left eye. History of Present Illness (HPI) Jessica, a 32-year-old female, developed blurred vision in her left eye in the morning. Progressive deterioration occurred over the past few hours. Denies traumas, injuries, tearing, redness, and exposure to chemicals. Experienced blurred...

Benefits of a Healthy Nutrition

Food nutrition is a crucial element for human survival, as most of the energy required for everyday life is obtained from it. The food people take contains nutrients that are essential for the body development and functioning, and the amount of each nutrient needed is called a nutritional element. This...

Nursing Shortage: Possible Interventions and Solutions

The worldwide shortage of nurses remains a significant problem in the field, forcing specialists to overwork themselves and put patients in danger. The healthcare industry in the United States is already experiencing difficulties in operation and pricing, and the nurse shortages decrease the efficiency of the system even further. The...

Personal Protective Equipment: The Safe and Effective Use in the Hospital

Introduction Background Safeguarding the health of the people within the community is one of the most important functions of the Health Authority. In case of an outbreak of communicable diseases such as influenza pandemic, Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome leading to public health emergencies, each hospital...

Nursing Areas of Difficulty: Patient Safety and Expectations

The first area of difficulty I faced during my practice in the adult daycare center is meeting patients’ expectations that mostly appear demanding. Because of staff shortages or limited budget, it was difficult to serve all patients appropriately and pay a sufficient amount of time to their needs. As a...

Concepts of Health Literacy and Cultural Awareness

Cultural and religious beliefs, lack of knowledge of the English language, and low health literacy are the three main factors that serve to create and enforce serious problems in the field of health communication and information. Over the last decade, medical workers started to address the factor of English proficiency...

Laboring Client and Postpartum Hemorrhage: Case Study

Gestational age is a significant measurement during pregnancy with the help of which it is possible to track and control the changes of a mother and a fetus. The normal gestational age for giving birth is between 37 and 42 weeks. When a patient is at her 42 weeks, the...

Affordable Care Act and Dental Services Delivery

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed by President Obama in 2010. The purpose of the law was to reduce healthcare costs and promote insurance coverage in the country. Although the Act has attracted numerous opinions and oppositions, the outstanding fact is that it has presented specific provision that continue...

Tuberculosis: Control of Non-Endemic Communicable Diseases

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which is traditionally considered a disease of poverty. It influences mainly adults of the productive age (McHugh, 2013). According to World Health Organization (2017), it is among the ten major causes of death worldwide. As of 2015, 10.4 million people in the world had tuberculosis....

Pharmacology and Influence of Antibiotics

Abstract This paper is a valuable summary of the critical foundations of pharmacology theory. Throughout the essay, both the fundamental conceptual concepts of science and the science-based properties of drugs are described. In particular, the paper discussed the beneficial properties of probiotics, onion, and elderberry extracts. Natural Medicine Paper The...

Schizophrenia as the Most Challenging Psychological Disorder

Despite its relatively low prevalence, schizophrenia ranks among the most impairing and debilitating psychological conditions in people. It is a severe long-term mental illness characterized by relapsing episodes of delusions, hallucinations, and the progressive loss of contact with reality. Although this psychological disorder severely impairs the patient’s quality of life,...

Quantitative vs. Qualitative Research: Review

A choice between quantitative and qualitative research Qualitative research aims at deciphering reasons and motivations associated with particular phenomenon while quantitative research aims at quantifying data of a sample giving general conclusions on the whole population (Smith & Firth, 2011). Quantitative research is more rigorous than qualitative research because the...

African American Women With HIV in the United States

Introduction At present, HIV and AIDS are among the burning problems of humanity. Despite opportunities for prevention, the disease strikes many people. National minorities constitute one of the most vulnerable categories when it comes to HIV incidence. In the United States, the situation with African American women with HIV is...

The Advanced Practice Nursing: Main Roles

Introduction The medical field provides clear and concise career paths for nurses that wish to aspire to become better at their jobs by acquiring knowledge and skills necessary to help people in the most complicated of health nurses. The next step from being an RN to becoming an APN involves...

American Association for Community Dental Programs: Overview

The American Association for Community Dental Programs (AACDP) focuses on supporting efforts to promote vulnerable populations’ oral health at the community level. AACDP (n.d.a) offers guidance and information support for those participating in program development and implementation. Another critical area of activity is the organization of conferences and professional events...

HIV Disease’s and Kaposi Sarcoma’s Relationship

Description of the Steps Taken to Conduct Data Analysis The relationship between KS and HIV has become increasingly ambiguous because of modern treatment methods for HIV (American Cancer Society 1; Bowling 7). In this paper, I sought to find out the relationship between the two variables. To do so, I...

Branswell’s “History and Application of Vaccines”

Helen Branswell’s article on the development, testing, and rollout of the Ebola vaccine details the challenges and breakthroughs achieved by various individuals and teams involved in its manufacturing. According to the article, Gary Kobinger worked on an Ebola vaccine but had not conducted human trials when the 2014 Ebola broke...

Communication Between Sadness and Disease in the Elderly

Introduction Elderly people are fragile individuals whose body tissues have deteriorated over time. This has led to development of chronic conditions (Rossheim & McAdams, 2010). In addition, the conditions have affected their daily functioning. The conditions range from physical impairment to internal complications. This often results in acute pain. Most...

Metformin Medication: Adverse Effects

Metformin is among the front-line medications for type-2 diabetes treatment which is administered to overweight patients. The chemical name of Metformin HCI is 1-Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride, and its molecular formula is C4H11N5 • HCl (Yu et al., 2018). Metformin was discovered in 1922 by Jean Sterne, a French physician, and the...

Functional Ovarian Cysts: Etiology, Clinical Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction Ovarian cysts are defined as fluid-filled sac-like swellings which occur as a result of ovulation and blood circulation to the ovaries. Essentially, they involve adnexal masses, which may also be considered pelvic growth. There are numerous sub-clusters of functional ovarian cysts among women of reproductive age, including follicular, corpus...

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillator in Healthcare

Introduction Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) is a term in the medical field that refers to the emergency process involving a combination of chest comprehensions using artificial ventilation. The purpose of CPR is to preserve intact brain operation manually before other steps are taken to restore the normal breathing and circulation of...

Personal Management Plans: Managing Stress, Nutrition

Introduction One of the essential aspects in life is to ensure we live a quality life free from stress. To achieve this goal there is a need to encourage fitness, a positive and good nutrition, develop better disease prevention mechanism, and ensure better departure. It is every person’s dream to...

Global Fund Malaria Grant

Introduction To achieve a minimum 30% reduction in malaria-associated mortality and morbidity by 2025 from 2017 rates in the program areas. Project Objectives To attain core population coverage of over 80% by promptly diagnosing and treating malaria (with artemisinin-based combination therapy) through national and local providers and private medical systems...

Determining Health Care Costs

Introduction Scholarly writers often strive to be objective by eliminating personal bias in their publications. However, some of them fail in this regard. To demonstrate this fact, this paper analyzes the work of White, Reschovsky, and Bond (2014) in their peer-reviewed article titled, Understanding Differences between High- and Low-Price Hospitals:...

Prevalence of Combat Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Among Veterans

Personal and professional experiences of the Gourleys are common among military officials in practice or retired. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) occurs when an individual is exposed to life-threatening incidents attributed to extreme trauma (Friedman, 2015). Military personnel are deployed in conflict zones such as Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Yemen to...

Evaluation of Levels of Evidence in Healthcare Studies

Discussion Post In spite of the fact that well-designed randomized trials (RCTs) are frequently appointed the most elevated level of proof, not all RCTs are conducted appropriately, and the outcomes ought to be deliberately investigated. An inadequately directed RCT may report a negative outcome when a genuine distinction exists between...

Nurse Executives Balancing Financial Obligations and Patient Outcomes

Administrative professionals’ ability to sort out priorities and strike the right balance between diverse and even partially contradictory aspects of professional obligations is critical to success in multiple roles, including the nurse executive. In my future role as a nurse involved in the nursing workforce decision-making, I am planning to...

Policy Brief on Shortage of Physicians and Nurses

Executive Summary The country’s population’s average age is increasing, which means that the number of older patients in need of constant medical care is rising, chronic diseases appear and spread. At the same time, a significant number of doctors also resign due to age, and the number of qualified students...

Public Health Nursing: Alzheimer’s Disease

Spencer County Community Spencer County had a completely rural population of 20,039 as estimated in 2009. Houses with occupants numbered 6316 while rented houses numbered 1253 (Spencer County, Renters formed 17 % of the population. The land area was 399 sq. mi. while the water area occupied 2.5 sq....

Medical Terminologies: The Practical Significance

Medical terminologies invented thousands of years ago are still applied in the current healthcare practice by professionals. The use of these terms is appropriate due to a myriad of concrete rationales. Firstly, those medical terms provide a standard mode of communication between the interdisciplinary team members involved in patient care....

ADHD Awareness

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or ADHD, is a disorder characterized by excessive activity and difficulties with regulating emotions and focusing on specific tasks. Recently, there has been a lot of debate about whether ADHD is a disorder or a different cognitive ability. Indeed, ADHD causes behavioral problems in children and...

Obesity in Low-Income Community: Diet and Physical Activity

The first article on overweight in low-income communities written by Jin & Jones-Smith (2015) exposes socioeconomic variables that influence obesity. This research aimed to evaluate the relationship between family earnings and physical activity and overweight rates of children for 8 different communities divided by race or ethnicity. The study design...

Decriminalizing Abortion in Victoria, Australia

The issue of abortion had been rampant in Australia, particularly in Victoria, to the point that it was considered a crime until 2007, when the government decriminalized it. Different groups have been asked to provide their recommendations on the Abortion Act, such as faith groups, private abortion clinics, health care...

Nursing: Interdisciplinary Issue Identification

Introduction The interviewee, in this case, was the Director of Nursing in an independently licensed free-standing ambulatory surgery center (ASC). The organization has 25 employees including full-time, part-time, and casual workers. The ASC performs a variety of same-day surgeries including but not limited to orthopedic/sports medicine, ENT, ophthalmology, GI, breast...

Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory in Regard to Military Veterans With PTSD

To prove the application’s effectiveness, it is necessary to conduct a survey among those who attempted to utilize it. The process might take a while, as people with cognitive disorders tend to perceive information more slowly (Cooper, Andrew, & Fossey, 2016). Once the app is created, a nurse practitioner should...

Mental Health During the Pandemic: Research Design, Steps, and Approach

The mental health and well-being of people worldwide have been significantly affected by COVID-19. The pandemic led to the governments of many countries introducing strict measures to prevent the further spread of the virus. However, the imposed social distancing and bans on socializing at home and public spaces resulted in...

Cholera Issues in the Developing World

Introduction The bacterium, Vibrio cholerae is the etiological agent, causing acute and a diarrheal illness by infecting the intestine (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). This illness is called cholera. Severe cholera cases are common with high-dose exposure, blood-group-O and low gastric acidity (Daniels & Shafaie, 2000). Its incubation period ranges between...

Lack of Staffing and Training in Health Care Organization

Introduction The cost of healthcare has been on the increase globally in recent years. In a bid to cut costs, most health care organizations have deemed it appropriate to understaff their facilities. In addition, training of health care staff has also become an expensive affair and health care organizations have...

Nursing: Recruitment, Retention, and Future

A nurse is an increasingly prosperous profession today since it encompasses various tasks and duties that other healthcare professionals cannot perform. The current statistics show a great demand for nurses, and it is expected that the nursing profession will increase by 12% by the year 2028 (Cornell & Vaughn, 2020)....

The Incidence of End-Stage Renal Disease

The incidence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) has declined since the 2010s, but it is still the highest in the world, according to the United States Renal Data System (USRDS) (2020). In 2018, the number of ESRD patients in the USA reached 131,636 (USRDS, 2020). The prevalence of ESRD in...

Depression and Anxiety in Older Generation

Depression and anxiety represent serious mental disorders that require immediate and prolonged treatment for patients of different ages. The undermined psychological state of oneself might lead to severe outcomes affecting the individual’s thoughts, feelings, daily activities, and mood, as well as causing eating and sleeping disturbances. Depression and anxiety are...

Bush, Obama, and Trump: Healthcare Policy

Healthcare is definitely one of the most essential industries in the U.S. because every citizen has a right to receive high-quality medical support. The topics of healthcare often become the fundamental discussions of presidential debates, and the candidates try to present the best and the most effective ideas and implement...

Practices for Healthcare Staff’s Personal Safety

The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic presents a significant public health challenge. Stakeholders have highlighted prevention as the mainstay of controlling the disease. Consequently, the health institution I work in adopted several strategies to prevent infection among the healthcare staff, patients, and the public. For instance, at the outpatient department...

Koch’s Postulates and Chemotherapy

Robert Koch developed a set of postulates that are used to establish a relationship between a particular germ and disease. Per Black and Black (2018), they are the presence of the causative agent in each case, the ability to isolate in pure culture, the production of the same disease upon...

Bullying as Managerial Issue in Nursing Sector

Introduction Effective leadership and management rely on the integral exploitation of strategies to boost productivity among medical practitioners. Over the decades, the healthcare department evolved along the gradient of increased interaction between people, professionals, and technology. As a result, it is essential to address the key problem that arises due...

Salmonella Typhi: Pathology, Symptomatology, Prevention and Treatment

Introduction Salmonella typhi is a rod-shaped, motile, gram-negative bacterium which causes typhoid fever in human beings. This pathogen is an issue of public health concern worldwide. It affects about 26 million people globally every year and contributes to economic burdens in terms of the cost of prevention, surveillance, and treatment...

Pressure Ulcers, Restricted Skin or Fundamental Tissue

Pressure ulcers are restricted skin or fundamental tissue harm resulted by long-term tension or shear. The most widely recognized portrayals are those that happen on the external layers of the coccyx, hips, elbows, lower legs, and knees. Approximately 2.5 million individuals in the United States experience the aftereffects of bedsores...

Cultural Sensitivity in Healthcare: Approaching Patients From Diverse Backgrounds

I chose to interview a friend from Saigon, Vietnam, primarily because of the cultural contrast which meets the requirements of this task. For confidentiality purposes, I will refer to her as T.N. – a pseudo name. Nonetheless, despite the many years, she has lived in the country, she still fosters...

Medicare Funding: Research Questions and Confounding Variables

In the last couple of years, the federal government has cut Medicare funding because of the increased adoption of cost-savings measures. For example, it has reduced funding to the aged care and health workforce by more than $1 billion this financial year (Herman, 2015). Herman (2015) adds that most doctors...

The Type of the Acid-Base Disturbance

Introduction Acid–base disturbances or imbalances can be discussed as a result of a change in value of the pH or the hydrogen ion concentration. In a restaurant, Mr. Davis feel tired and then passed out while demonstrating the signs of the acid-base disturbance. The man’s weakness was associated with sweating...

The Usefulness of Urinalysis in Toxicology

Introduction Urinalysis is concerned with determining the type and amount of substances in the urine of human beings. Toxicology is a branch of biology that concentrates on determining the poisonous effects produced to body organs by substances. The substances may either be legal or illegal. Toxicology is concerned with determining...

Health History and Physical Examination

Subjective Data Demographic data Name: Kerri Ross; Birth Date: 26/07/1991; Age: 25; Sex: Female; Resident: Colorado; Race: Caucasian; Language: English; Marital Status: Married; Occupation: Office Clerk; Education: University. The reason for care She is overweight and at risk of being obese. Present illness: No illness symptoms or signs. Perception of...

End of Life Terms for the State of Texas

There are several documents used during a terminal illness, mental incapacitation, or serious injury leading to the inability to communicate. A written and legal document that states the kind of medical care a patient wishes to receive or not to receive in case they are no longer able to make...