First Nations Communities Water Resources

Introduction Drinking water is by no means an infinite resource, and while in some countries, people feel like they have it in abundance and use it carelessly, there are places in the world where women and children spend hours each day just to collect it. However, even in developed countries,...

Nurses’ Nap Experiences and Implementation Process

Purpose, Research Question, and Hypothesis of the Study Chosen Gieger-Brown et al. (2016) conducted an experimental study to determine the challenges of successful implementation of naps and demonstrate the experiences of nurses during night shifts. They aimed to evaluate the helpfulness of such naps and answer the question, “What are...

“Health Care Reform and Equity” by Fiscella

Article Review The given article review will primarily focus on two main domains, which are access and national quality strategy informed by research. The healthcare system in the United States is among one of the most expensive and unaffordable ones across the globe. In addition, it is evident that the...

Difference Between Research- and Evidence-Based Practice Projects

To investigate a clinical problem, nurses should select the most relevant method, focusing on a research project or evidence-based project. Depending on the purpose of the intended improvement, it is possible to recognize between several distinctions of the mentioned projects. Research is a systematic exploration that aims to generate new...

Pressure Ulcer Incidence and Patient Education

Background The study by Chaboyer et al. (2016) identifies the problem of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers as a significant patient safety concern with poor patient outcomes and rising healthcare costs. This is a nursing issue since pressure ulcers are an indicator of nursing care quality. The objective of the study is...

Substance Use. Screening and Referral to Treatment

# Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree 1 5(50%) 3(30%) 2(20%) 0 0 2 4(40%) 3(30%) 3(30%) 0 0 3 1(10%) 4(40%) 3(30%) 2(20%) 0 4 0 1(10%) 5(30%) 4(30%) 0 5 0 1(10%) 4(40%) 5(50%) 0 6 2(10%) 4(40%) 4(50%) 0 0 7 0 2(20%)...

The Importance of Moral Courage in the Healthcare

Introduction Moral courage is a significant trait for all healthcare professionals as they often face ethical issues that need to be addressed correctly. However, moral courage is critical for administrators because they inspire and guide their subordinates and create a supportive work environment by their example. However, medical institutions often...

A Qualitative Study of Pregnancy and Maternal Mortality in the US

Abstract This paper explores how women endanger their pregnancies by their behaviors and what barriers to healthy lifestyles they encounter. Qualitative research using a semi-structured interview with a recent mother was conducted. The findings show that pregnancies are threatened by an unhealthy diet and physical inactivity, and barriers to healthy...

Major Third-party Payers to Healthcare Providers

In the USA, healthcare services are partially or fully reimbursed by insurance carriers referred to as third-party payers (Fordney, 2015). Third-party payers that include private and public organizations reimburse healthcare services to healthcare providers such as hospitals, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, and other professionals providing care. The major third-party providers in...

Epidemiology Overview and Analysis

Introduction Health professionals need to engage in case finding, collect data, and report various diseases that could be affecting the wellbeing of different citizens. Communicable illnesses are dangerous since they spread fast and can affect more people if left unmonitored. Epidemiologists should apply their competencies effectively, liaise with different experts,...

The Ethnic Minority Group and Its Health Status

Various ethnic minorities groups presented in the US have their own social, cultural, economic problems that might impact their living conditions. Asian Americans are one of these groups that has specific health status and disparities. This essay will discuss unique challenges and differences Asian Americans have and will analyze cultural,...

Remote Collaboration on Evidence-Based Care

All techniques must be used to ensure the safety and best results of patient treatment. Sometimes access to them can be difficult; however, high technology allows therapy to be carried out at a distance. This video aims to combine telemedicine collaboration with the concept of evidence-based medicine for the Caitlynn...

The Development of Professional Nursing in the United States

Introduction Nursing personnel occupies a prominent place in the US healthcare system and American society overall since a real chance for economic prosperity arises from vigorous and diligent work based on solid human health. This profession implies responsibility for the constant care of the injured, sick, and dying, as well...

Improve the Quality of Health Care Using TQM Methods

Introduction Providing high-quality health care using the best ideas and techniques while also being ready for potential costs is a priority for hospitals nowadays. Total quality measurement (TQM) as a management system aimed at achieving customer satisfaction and enhancing employee and organizational performance is considered one of the most prospective...

Review of the concept of iCARE

iCARE Assignment The interprofessional teams are currently present and developing in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). According to ANA (2015), interprofessional care stands for care implemented by a healthcare team, which includes professionals with different expertise. Their roles and obligations are overlapping in practice, while everybody has a unique contribution....

The Issue of Obesity: Reasons and Consequences

Obesity is a crucial problem in the modern society of the 21st century. According to the research of Choi et alSince 1980, the number of people suffering from this disease has doubled; it is a significant concern of healthcare workers from different countries (6). The lifestyle has changed noticeably during...

Type 1 Diabetes in Children

Introduction Type 1 diabetes is a major problem among young members of the population because they become infringed from their earliest years. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a large group of complex metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia caused by impaired insulin secretion or action, or a combination of these disorders....

Nursing Informatics: Best Practices

Introduction Security of personal data stems from fundamental American values such as the sanctity of individual privacy. Similar to the way people in the U.S respect personal space, the healthcare system has to ensure that each person’s medical data is known only to those who are entitled to know it...

Hypertension as the “The Silent Killer”

Blood pressure is a compression that pushes against the interior walls of the arteries as the heart propels blood throughout the body. Readings of blood pressure are logged in the form of a ratio. The numerator corresponds to the systolic pressure, which characterizes the strength of the blood during a...

Patient Teaching Plan Overview

Purpose The purpose of this Patient Teaching Project is to develop a patient teaching plan and create a visual teaching tool aimed at promoting health and preventing disease for a specified patient population. Directions This Teaching Plan is Part 1 of the Patient Teaching Project. You will use this Patient...

Trisomy 18 Management Plan

Trisomy 18 or Edwards syndrome is a genetic disorder that is diagnosed during pregnancy and usually results in miscarriage or infant death. It is traditionally considered lethal, with almost 95% of infants dying by one year of age. However, more life-sustaining and life-prolonging treatments have appeared recently, with the subsequent...

Negative Effects of Depression in Adolescents on Their Physical Health

Introduction Mental disorders are difficult to recognize, and people who believe that it cannot happen to them are at the risk of identifying them when it has already influenced physical health. The negative effects of depression are frequently discussed in numerous studies and media broadcasts around the world. The relevance...

Innate and Adaptive Immunities

The human immune system is a complex combination of cells and mechanisms of their interactions that protect the body from infections and fight them. Thus, there are two main types of immunity that act at different phases of microbes and bacteria penetration, namely innate immunity and adaptive immunity. These immunities...

Healthcare Quality Improvement Programs and Cost Containment

Across the country, hospital systems tend to face a significant number of severe problems, including cash flow reduction, delays in patient discharge, hospital-acquired infections, preventable medical errors, and clinical variation. Moreover, some people cannot get quality medical care due to various reasons. Quality improvement projects and programs are created to...

Functioning of Urinary System to Maintain Homeostasis

The urinary system is significant for body metabolism because it regulates the content of blood and the fluids of the body. The major organ of this system, the kidneys, filtrates body fluids and contributes to the acid-base balance. For athletes, it may provide some insights into the strategies to reach...

Navigating Organizational Change: Continuing Education in the Health Care Sector

The importance of continuing education regarding organizational change Continuing education in the health care sector is essential in achieving institutional goals. Various methods needed to meet the customers’ specifications in the provision of goods and services are defined in the continuing education system. Meeting the customers’ needs is essential in...

The Birth and Fertility Rates in the USA

Introduction Fertility and birth rates are influential on the lives of the world’s population, so it cannot be denied that the subject is worth discussing. The size of the workforce depends on both the number of consumers and the number of people who can be employed. As a result, the...

Personal Philosophy of Nursing: Key Beliefs, Assumptions and Basic Domains of Industry

Introduction Nursing as a multifaceted healthcare area is a complex field with various functions, responsibilities, and principles of work that those involved have to follow. The analysis of this sphere can help determine its key goals and objectives and obtain a picture of the fundamental conditions of junior medical staff’s...

Nursing Evolution Analysis: Challenges and Changes in Nursing Practice

Nursing is a multifaceted profession that requires commitment and constant personal development from anyone who makes the decision to follow this professional path. Education is the first step toward excellence in the nursing field. Modern educational systems draw on liberal education concepts that highlight the empowerment of individuals with broad...

Brain Death, Consciousness, and Organ Transplantation Problem

Introduction The articles reviewed touch upon the problem of dead/dying brain and the ethical question of organ transplantation from brain dead patients. The definition of death is thoroughly connected to the phenomenon of the loss of consciousness. The topic of consciousness is also connected to the ethical issues regarding the...

Diabetes Care Team Best Practices

Successful diabetes care requires the systematic collaboration of professionals from different branches of medicine. The care team must be led by a physician who understands the fundamental principles of diabetes care and can coordinate other team members in their implementation. Those principles include ensuring glycemic control and preventing acute and...

Psychological Effects of Pandemic Control Measures

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic broke out in China in December 2019, and by March 2020 has affected almost all countries around the globe causing national governments to introduce a range of unprecedented measures. As for now, nearly half of the world’s population is on lockdown endorsed to control the spread...

Diagnostics: The Case of Mr. M.

Mr. M is an elderly man living in a facility who lately has been raising concerns among the medical staff. A few months ago, despite some difficulties with physical activities, Mr. M was able to take care of himself. He could get dressed, bathe, and feed himself without any assistants....

Abbey Delray and Heartland Hospice Care: Long-Term Care Changes

Introduction It has been acknowledged that due to demographic shifts in the American society, the healthcare system requires considerable changes. Long-term care needs specific attention and major improvements related to healthcare insurance coverage, quality of the provided services, and the focus on integration, to name a few (Tappen et al.,...

Adriana Health Organization Evaluation

Banner Health Banner Health is a non-governmental not-for-profit healthcare organization that has its headquarters in Phoenix. Arizona. The institution was created following the merger of the Samaritan Health system that was based in Phoenix, Arizona, and Lutheran Healthcare Systems that had its headquarters in North Dakota (National Academies of Sciences,...

On the Use of Ethical Principles in Medicine

Introduction During their medical career, health professionals are often presented with moral dilemmas. There are protocols and recommendations for resolving some issues, but, in other cases, only ethical principles can serve as guidelines. Therefore, it is important to develop moral standards which can be applied in various critical and sensitive...

Bipolar Disorder: Brief History of the Patient

Mia is a 21-year-old student who has bipolar disorder. The first manifestation appeared in college, when she could live without sleep for several days, attended dozens of parties in a week, had many sexual partners, and also spent almost all her money. After these events, Mia fell into a prolonged...

The ND’s Pneumonia: Causes and Diagnostics

Pneumonia can be classified in different ways depending on its nature and causes. While some people may develop this disease after receiving a bacterial infection or interacting with a sick individual, others acquire it as a result of personal health factors. ND’s illness can be described as healthcare-associated pneumonia. This...

American Indians, Alaska Natives Health Status Analysis

Introduction American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) comprise about 1.3% of the American population. Thus, they are considered an ethnic minority group of the United States. Unfortunately, their health and needs have been neglected in many ways for years by the American healthcare system. Statistics show the poor physical and mental condition...

Breastfeeding v. Formula Feeding: Pros and Cons

Introduction Breastfeeding is the most effective way of nourishing a baby in infancy, in all mammals, breast milk is secreted from by the mammary glands. Health professionals recommend exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months after birth. This is because breast milk has all nutrient and energy needed for child...

Navajo People Health Review, Analysis, and Suggestions

Introduction Many ethnic minorities live in the United States today. One of them is Native Americans, which includes many tribes. The author of this work has chosen Navajo from the Navajo Nation as the subject of the study. Like many other ethnic minorities, they are experiencing several adverse health and...

Medication Management in Transitional Nursing

Introduction The completed three stages of the project proved that medication management during transitional nursing is one of the essential elements that determine the quality of treatment. In case the medication is not prescribed appropriately, and doctors and nurses do not educate patients about possible side effects, the transition becomes...

Design and Implementation of the Safety Program

Introduction This paper will use the high reliability theory (HRT) in the design and implementation of the safety program. According to Huber (2017), it relies on interdisciplinary teams to introduce an organizational commitment to safety and create backup protection steps in their accident prevention systems. The result is a robust...

Psychiatric Patients: Context and Its Impact on the Diagnosis

The issue of stigmatization of psychiatric patients, whose mental activity is considered to be different from normal, has been discussed for a long time in the literature. David Rosenhan’s (1973) experiment has provided compelling evidence that the psychiatric healthcare system cannot always adequately distinguish between “sane and insane.” In the...

An Assistant Nurse Manager Dealing with Employee Behavior

Being a staff nurse, Isaac demonstrates inappropriate behavior cooperating with his colleagues. He can throw papers, provide incomplete answers to questions, and abuse other nurses verbally. As a result, nurses can try to avoid working with Isaac when it is possible. In this context, it is important to discuss the...

Description of the Stomach and the Digestive System

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive description of the stomach and the digestive system. The stomach is a muscular organ inferior to the diaphragm and superior to the small intestine. It is also anterior to the pancreas and lateral to the spleen. Points such as...

Opioid Crisis Policy in the United States

Introduction The opioid crisis in the United States is the term used to explain the addiction to analgetics that leads to substance abuse disorders and is a cause of thousands of deaths due to overdose. This issue requires policy action from communities since the government and the market system were...

Adult Day Care for the Elderly

Effective leadership entails self-awareness, passion, and having a strong conviction in what one believes in. These convictions should be conveyed to the leader’s subjects. However, the leader needs to be tolerant and accepting of other people’s convictions (Reid, 2019). This paper discusses the organizational and personal vision for an adult...

Opposing the Use of Medical Marijuana

Introduction There has been great debate regarding the legalization of marijuana. Although many people are against the use of marijuana, some individuals have been advocating the legalization of marijuana. The protagonists of the use of marijuana base their arguments on two main aspects. The first and greatest factor is that...

Health Literacy Program for Kids from a Low-Income Area

Introduction The US does not have universal healthcare, which means that the only way for a citizen to receive medical help is to have health insurance. However, for many people living in America, this is a luxury they cannot afford. For those families and, in particular, their children, it would...

The Role and Specifics of Injury Report

Introduction An injury report is a useful tool in preparedness and dealing with emergencies. It spells out roles that will be taken up with various stakeholders when emergencies occur and reduce the occurrences of injuries in the first place. It has several advantages especially in areas where accidents are likely...

Conflict Handling Style in the Healthcare Environment

The importance of conflict resolution in the healthcare environment is difficult to understate. Fast and effective management and leadership are key to working successfully and efficiently, especially in the field that is connected with human health and well-being. It is a leader’s responsibility to ensure that all the necessary procedures...

Barriers to the Nursing Practice in Health Care Change

The advance practice nurse and Doctor of Nursing Practice roles have developed substantially recently, gaining increasing recognition in educational institutions and working environments. Nevertheless, barriers remain in place, particularly concerning letting members of these new roles use their competencies to facilitate change. The first, per Chism (2017), is the lack...

Osteoarthritis: The Problem That Cannot Be Ignored

Destructive processes in the cartilage tissue affect different joints of the human body. This applies to those who have the greatest load while walking or working. According to Doherty et al. (2016), “OA is recognized as an important cause of disability and participation restriction in middle-aged and older adults” (p....

Chronic Stable Angina in a Cocaine Addict

The presented case involves a middle-aged man, E.H., who has a long history of asthma, presumed heart attacks, and cocaine use. This individual requires to prescribe him calcium channel blockers because he complains about the pain in the chest. It is critical to conduct a thorough analysis of the pain’s...

Childbirth in Venezuela and Its Nuances

Socioeconomic Status of Women in Venezuela In the Childbirth in Venezuela, Where Women’s Deaths Are a State Secret article,  Julie Turkewitz and Isayen Herrera take their readers through horrific experiences that Venezuelian mothers have to go through in their pursuit to give birth. The economic situation in the country is having...

Nursing Turnover: Effective Approaches in Leadership and Management

Introduction The success of organizations usually depends on a variety of factors. According to Kurnat-Thoma et al. (2017), the necessity to evaluate the facility’s operational effectiveness by means of employee turnover enhances the creation of a supportive work environment and quality improvement. Managers and leaders have to recognize the needs...

Envisioning Recovery in Practice Development

Introduction Healthcare is being continuously reformed, employing innovation, and developing person-oriented strategies. Envisioning recovery in healthcare offers a new type of improvement in the recovery process, which includes innovational strategies, and the use of communication advancements to assess overall well-being and patient-oriented recovery. Effective envisioning recovery needs reforms in healthcare...

The Affordable Care Act: Improved Medical Care and Health Among Low-Income Adults

Many changes take place within the health and human services system each year. They shape ordinary citizens’ lives, who rarely clearly understand them, as it takes much time and effort to realize their complex aspects. However, it is impossible to underestimate the considerable significance of reforms concerning people’s health and...

Genetic Factors as the Cause of Anorexia Nervosa

Introduction To combat any disease, one has to know its etiology – that is, the set of causes that lead to the emergence of a medical condition – which often proves to be a difficult task. This is precisely the case with anorexia nervosa, one of the most widely spread...

Obamacare for Healthcare Managers

The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, has contributed to the coverage of citizens with medical assistance programs depending on their eligibility. One of the examples of such programs is Medicaid, and the people eligible for it have significantly benefited from its inclusion in the act (The Affordable Care...

National Health Expenditure: Capital Spending

The National Health Expenditure Accounts spending summarized capital spending in various aspects and sectors of administration. The search for quality healthcare delivery accounts for the change in spending over the years (Jödicke et al., 2019; Nghiem & Connelly, 2017). The cost of healthcare delivery has been rising since 1960. As...

Health Promotion Among Hispanic-Latino Population

Introduction The Hispanic/Latino population is one of the multiple minority groups living in the United States. According to the U.S. Census Bureau population estimate, there were 59,6 million Hispanic or Latino individuals in 2018, making them the second-largest ethnic group in the country (U.S. Census Bureau, 2018). This paper aims...

Southern Regional Health System: Case Study

Introduction The mission of healthcare is to provide high-quality care for all, but the analysis of Southern Regional Health System (SRHS) has demonstrated the medical staff’s failure to deliver care equitably across different ethnic and racial populations. SRHS is located in Jackson, Mississippi, which is a very diverse area that...

COVID-19 and the Problem of Education the Population Globally

Health concerns have become the focus of public attention over the past few months since the threat of COVID-19 has gained a massive scale. The epidemic and its rapid pace have revealed a host of economic, financial, cultural, technological, and especially healthcare-related problems in modern society. However, of all the...

Asthma: Causes and Treatment

Asthma is a chronic disease that impacts more than 300 million people around the world. There is evident heterogeneity in the pathogenesis of asthma in the phenotypes of visible traits and endotypes of molecular mechanisms. Asthma is directly correlated with immune system activation as well as airway hyperresponsiveness (AHR), mucus...

Influence of Sexual Dysfunction and Schizophrenia on Human

Sexual Dysfunction Diagnosis In the case study under consideration, there is a man with evident sexual dysfunctional problems. The beginning of the conversation is unclear and pointless because truth can hardly be identified. The client admits that his GP and urologist have not discovered any physical problems. Still, his wife...

Orthorexia Nervosa and Eating Disorder

Medical sciences in the modern world are more universal and rigorous in their approach to studying factors that harm public health. One such problem is the culture of improper nutrition, in which the individual directs all efforts to receive only healthy foods (Oberle 495). Although this diet seems ideal, there...

Personal Protective Equipment Supply to Health Facilities

Introduction Personal protective equipment (PPE) is a critical element for contagion management and control in medical settings. Public healthcare emergencies accentuate the issue and expose the problems associated with ensuring that essential workers, medical professionals, specifically, can protect themselves from an infection or a virus (Patel et al., 2017). The...

Prevention and Treatment of the Pressure Ulcer

Introduction The term pressure ulcer (also known as the “bed sore”) is an acute condition when pressure contributes to the development of additional health issues in an immobile person. The source of the problem is the lack of blood flow that could prevent the soft tissues from destroying under pressure...

Glomerulonephritis: Causes and Diagnostics

Glomerulonephritis may be defined as an acute or chronic inflammatory disease that involves the glomerulus on a first-priority basis, however, tubular epithelium, interstitium, and renal vasculature may be affected as well. In turn, a pneumococcal infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae is a bacterial disease that may move from lungs to...

Universal Healthcare for All in America

There are many ideas aimed at improving the overall health and well-being of Americans. One of them is to create a universal healthcare system, which would provide accessible medical services to all Americans. If the resources of the country are distributed wisely and the quality of services is maintained, universal...

The Views on HPV Vaccination in Sweeden

Human papillomavirus (HPV) causes an infection, which is also linked to a risk of developing a variety of cancers, and one way to prevent the harmful effects of HPV is vaccination. However, the practice of vaccination has faced a lot of pushback from people concerned with the safety of the...

Elderly Depression: Symptoms, Consequences, Behavior, and Therapy

Introduction Depression is the foremost common mental health disorder among older people. Depression in old age can manifest itself solely with physical symptoms, such as lack of appetite, weight loss, unexplained pain, and digestive disorders. However, individuals with depression are frequently less likely to engage in physical activity or follow...

Living in a Fish Tank and COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 outbreak is gradually shaping every aspect of people’s lives before they even know. Very fast and steadily, the conventional view on things proves to be inapplicable in the current situation, and people have to adjust their mindset and behavior to the new circumstances. There is no doubt that many...

Practicum Experience in New York Methodist Hospital

Practicum Activities Reflection My job practicum experience was held at the New York Methodist Hospital. The clinical practicum is a crucial step for a nursing student that fosters professional development and comprehensive competence, nurtures “patient-oriented professional ethics and work philosophy” (Li, Liu, Lin, & Meng, 2016, p. 2). The practicum...

Nurse of the Future Nursing Core Competency: Quality Improvement

Introduction In the modern world, technology plays a more and more significant role, and many human manual jobs become substituted by robots that assist other people in their professional activities. Due to that fact, there is a constant change in the requirements set by employers towards competencies in many professions....

The Controversy About Abortion Prohibition and Women’s Rights

The health status of American citizens is the government’s priority when it comes to politics. However, the complex nature of the issue leads to its consideration from various perspectives that can be contradictory. One such aspect is abortion, and the right to this service has been widely discussed by politicians...

The Concept of a Health Maintenance Organization and Its Types

The value of a health insurance in modern society cannot be overestimated. Common health insurance plan implies payments to a health care organization, in which the patient has received treatment, by an insurance company, with which the patient has a contract. In such a case, the insurance fees are rather...

The Impact of Healthcare Reform

Introduction Healthcare reform is an evidence-based practice that seeks to address existing challenges and maximize medical experiences. Insurance coverage is a powerful strategy for increasing the number of citizens who have access to high-quality care. This discussion examines the level of coverage in the United States and recommends the best...

Statistical Data in Health Care

Introduction Health care settings require decision-makers to navigate the complexity of medical data, which is why the application of statistics needs to guide the operations of hospitals, government entities, and pharmaceutical companies. The utilization of statistical knowledge helps health care providers to identify the problem, develop appropriate interventions to solve...

Obesity Among Mexican-American School-Age Children in the US

The clinical problem for the final project paper is the increased rates of obesity among Mexican-American school-age children in the US. This problem becomes evident due to the current statistics, according to which the mentioned population shows more obesity cases compared to white children. It is essential to pay attention...

The American Organization of Nurse Executives

The Focus, Goals, and the AONE Competencies Leadership is one of the most critical aspects of nursing education and the intense healthcare environment in general. The success of any organization is highly dependent on the proper development of leadership and training healthcare providers as servant leaders. A medical field unites...

Caffeine and Performance of Drugs in Adolescents

Background The issue of chronic pain and the effects of different drugs on its management in various populations, including adolescents, has been explored in multiple papers. In this assessment, the qualitative articles by Andersson et al. (2017) and Skarstein et al. (2016) have been scrutinized as sources of knowledge on...

The Profession of Nursing Serving Others

Professional nurses are responsible for taking care of individuals, families, and are qualified for developing an optimal care plan with the assistance of other medical personnel, such as physicians. The primary goal of nurses is to provide patients with necessary health assistance to improve the quality of their lives (Fahlberg...

Ways to Prevent and Treat Pressure Ulcers

Introduction Pressure ulcers are generally present in patients that are unable to move due to a particular condition freely and sometimes after surgical intervention. Although easily prevented most of the time, amounts of patients experiencing pressure ulcers continue to grown since the last decade steadily. There are a number of...

Caring, Professional Identity, and Professional Organizations in Nursing

Introduction Nursing is a career tasked with the provision of the upkeep for the ailing and the feeble. Caring is generally defined as the ethical model of nursing enshrined with the safeguarding, improving, and conserving dignity of the people. Caregiving and nursing care get employed interchangeably on the caring concept....

Understanding Radiography: Instructional Brochure

Radiography (including mammography and cardiovascular interventional technology) Radiology technologists use X-ray techniques to make visible the internal parts of the body. X-ray technique implies x-ray beams that are passed through the body showing its internal structure (presence or absence of a particular disease). Besides, radiography can be employed to plan...

Developmental Assessment and the School-Aged Child

Part of the unique challenge of pediatrics as a branch of medicine is having to accommodate the personal needs of different age groups of children. To help them meet this challenge, pediatricians can draw upon theories of children’s development created by such scholars as Erik Erikson, Lawrence Kohlberg, and Jean...

Patient Privacy: Protected Health Information

Ensuring confidentiality and integrity of the patients in healthcare setting is of utmost importance for practitioners and government officials. HIPAA law poses strict regulations on the collection of protected health information (PHI), placing limits to the usage and disclosure of certain types of data. Being aware of the PHI types...

An Institute of Medicine Report

In 1999, the IOM Report established change intervention objectives for the healthcare industry, especially regarding nursing practices, pharmacology, and patient safety. The report highlighted the importance of quality change so that hospitals, clinicians, and patients can obtain better and efficient tools to address diseases, preventive methodologies, and health risk mitigation...

A Guide on Patient Engagement by Smith ET Al

Considerations and Challenges for Implementation One of the primary difficulties implementing a guide on patient engagement by Smith et al. (2017) is ensuring the cooperation of patients, as well as other stakeholders, especially setting staff and management (Byers, 2017). Given the specifics of the project (ensuring patient engagement), the former...

Disaster Planning and Health Information Management

Introduction Both natural and man-made disasters can have a harmful impact on long-term facilities’ ability to continue everyday business operations. In the past, due to the absence of an adequate disaster plan, our healthcare facility lost all health information, which became a serious challenge. This paper discusses promising measures and...

Faith Integration in the “I Am Legend” Film

The moment, which makes me feel a lot of emotion, is from the film I Am Legend. Media clip is expressive, and, at the same time, it makes me think about some aspects of the medical personnel work. It is the moment from when the main character embodied by Will...

Pediatric Asthma Readmission and the Role of Nurses

Introduction Nurses’ role in raising the parents’ awareness about pediatric asthma and post-discharge phone calls as a means of preventing readmission rates in asthmatic children is not the most studied topic in the field. However, there still are works that concentrate on the bordering topics. Jat and Kabra (2017) demonstrate...

Developing Patient Treatment Plan

Introduction/Identification Findings: Alcohol: The patient admits that he drinks alcohol. Depression: The patient claims that he often feels anxious and depressed. Prescribed medicines: Prescribed medicines have a lot of unpleasant side effects. Lifestyle: According to the interview, the patient does not work and obviously leads a passive lifestyle. Reasons: The alcohol has a negative...

A Care Plan for Pediatric Patient with Cystic Fibrosis

As a person involved in caring for patients and promoting the best possible health outcomes, I regard the proper use of evidence as a cornerstone for high-quality care that is compatible with patients’ interests and needs. In this paper, I will discuss the case of Caitlynn, a pediatric patient with...

Chiropractic Therapy for Pain Management in Athletes

Introduction Pain can be defined as a distasteful sensory or emotional feeling that is linked to possible tissue damage as a result of physical, chemical, mechanical, or thermal stimuli. It is a common symptom that accompanies many illnesses and is responsible for many hospital visits (Drazin et al., 2016). Pain...

A Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)

Ms. P. C., a young white female patient, reported a history of a heavy, malodorous vaginal discharge, lower abdominal pain, emesis, and nausea. On the basis of patient data, patient intake, clinical manifestations, and the vaginal discharge’s microscopic examination, it is possible to conclude that the most probable diagnosis for...

Nursing Case Study: Ms. Robaczynski and Mr. Gessner

In my opinion, Ms. Robaczynski killed Mr. Gessner and committed a moral offense when she discontinued his treatment. Omitting or not starting treatment can be viewed as murder in some cases. I believe that this is such a case since Mr. Gessner was wholly dependent on his treatment. Moreover, healthcare...

Advanced Nursing Degree Benefits

Introduction Nowadays, there is a global tendency that aims at improving the quality of healthcare by reviewing the roles of practitioners, including nurses. According to the modern approach, nurses are encouraged to pursue an advanced practice, which consists of more in-depth training at the master’s level and an enhanced role...

Brain Damage Potential Effects

Brain injuries can have a transformative effect on an individual’s behavior and world perception, as well as on their motor functions. People can entail various impairments, which can significantly reduce the quality of their life. Since it is essential to research the issue, this paper is focused on exploring the...

COVID-19: Not Just Here, Not Just There

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted everyone on the planet; the lives of billions of people came to a halt both literally and figuratively. Some adapted and safely self-isolated in the comfort of their homes, while others had to toil to the point of exhaustion to maintain a flicker of...

Case Study of Biomedical Ethics in the Christian Narrative

Medical Indications (Beneficence and Nonmaleficence) James has a critical form of acute glomerulonephritis, which resulted from complications associated with a strep throat infection (streptococcus infection). This condition requires immediate treatment, as the patient has high blood pressure and needs temporary dialysis to relieve fluid build-up. James’s parents rejected the dialysis;...

The Affordable Care Act Overview and Analysis

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was enacted to increase the population of insured American citizens. It has expanded access to insurance through easing Medicaid eligibility and introducing subsidized covers. This rule regulates the market for private insurance environments. The law was introduced to lower the health services cost per...

Billing and Coding Regulations in Medicine

In order to assure timely and orderly reimbursement, healthcare providers need to be compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Harrington, 2020). Insurance companies, Medicare, and Medicaid, reimburse expenses based on the coded information about the diagnosis and performed procedures. Currently, care providers utilize ICD-10 diagnosis codes...

Healthcare Marketing and Strategy in Prenatal Care Practice

Introduction The public healthcare sphere is one of the most important branches of human activity, within which measures are taken to maintain and improve the quality of life of the population. The primary task of the system is to preserve the health status of individuals, which in the long run,...

Pros and Cons of Living Arrangements for the Elderly

As people get older, they often face the decision of where and how to live since they might need help in simple everyday actions. There are multiple options for the seniors, benefits, and drawbacks of which will be considered here. Living in their own home is applicable for relatively independent...

Pathology of Pneumonia: Overview, Symptoms, and Treatment

Pneumonia is one of the most common chest pathologies one can deal with in the clinical setting. It is commonly described as an acute infection in the lung parenchyma (Frank et al., 2013). It can also be of several types: bacterial, viral, lobal, or fungal pneumonia depending on the cause...

Obesity: Diet Management in Adult Patients

Introduction This paper aims at answering the following PICOT question: In patients 40-60 years old diagnosed with obesity (P), does diet and physical plans modifications (I) compared with diet management (C) reduce patient weight and improve healthy lifestyles (O) in 6 months (T)? When assessing these causal relationships, it is...

Human Reproduction: Reproductive Development Process

Introduction The ability to reproduce, that is, the formation of new generations of individuals of the same species, is one of the main features of living organisms. Species transfer the genetic material from one generation to the next in the process of reproduction. This process ensures the survival of this...

Senior Living Communities: The Case of Sun City Center

Sun City Center Communities that senior citizens form represent an interest for policymakers, academics, and medical professionals in gerontology. With the continually growing elderly population, the need for healthcare services provided expressly for this demographic group and facilities that cover its needs increases in parallel. Some elderly prefer to go...

Insomnia and Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are complex and widespread, especially in western industrial countries, in which potentially a large number of adults have difficulties with getting regular sleep hours. Moreover, the disease lasts for years among at least half of the patients who suffer from sleep disorders. Among people with insomnia, postmenstrual women...

Health Issue: Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

Introduction HIV/AIDS is a major healthcare issue affecting millions of people across the globe. Those who get infected tend will lead poor and unhealthy lives if they fail to get the relevant medication and disease management procedures. Health professionals have been keen to complete numerous studies and research to get...

The Role of Negotiation in Patients’ Education

Introduction Negotiation is viewed as the process by which several parties with different interests attempt to find agreement. Regarding the patients’ education, negotiation helps doctors and clients to reach an understanding. It assists in changing the misconceptions of a client and improves treatment compliance with healthcare standards (Goldman et al.,...

Los Reyes Hospital Risk Assessment

Risk assessment is an important tool that helps to quantify the risk associated with an investment in a certain project. According to Gapenski and Pink (2015), there are three methods to quantify risk, including sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, and Monte Carlo simulation. The most comprehendible way to assess associated risk...

Single Children Caregivers vs. Married Couple Caregivers: Alzheimer’s Disease

Introduction The purpose of this topic is to expand research on Dementia/Alzheimer’s Disease from the standpoint of the caregiver perspective. The disease was named after Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a doctor and an academic, who wrote his first paper on clinical dementia. His first study was on a woman by the...

Theory of Control in the Healthcare

Introduction The control process is applicable in various disciplines like manufacturing, healthcare, financial consulting, processing among others. In hospitals, control theory is useful in managing cases and monitoring the healing process of patients. One such application of control theory is performance appraisal in the hospital to achieve dependable, reliable, and...

Hospital Readmission Reduction Program

Introduction The Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program (HRRP) was created under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2020. This program is value-based, and it was established with the main objective of reducing payments to hospitals that have excess readmissions. The program plays an important role in ensuring that Americans...

The Response of Texas State Government to the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction Coronavirus (COVID-19) has significantly affected the lives of people in every state in the world. The illness is caused by a new virus that can move from one person to another by airborne droplets (#1). It is also difficult to monitor how many people are infected since this disease...

Patient Safety Culture in the Healthcare Workplace

Culture of Safety There are a lot of dangers to hospital staff and hospitals in general when it comes to patient safety. Poor patient safety management often results in nurses and physicians experiencing a lot of stress and losing potential revenue. More importantly, poor patient safety may lead to patient’s...

Healthcare Information Systems and Their Future

We live in the era of modern technologies. These technologies are used in different areas of our life. Healthcare information systems have been developed since they are implemented. A profession of a healthcare informatics specialist has become the most desired specialty nowadays. Healthcare informatics may be used to unite the...

Elements of the Immune System

The immune system includes central organs (thymus and bone marrow), peripheral systems and organs (lymph nodes and lymphoid accumulations in various organs, spleen); pathways of immunocompetent cells circulation. It also contains humoral factors, soluble molecules that are the product of B-lymphocytes (antibodies, immunoglobulins), and cytokines – soluble mediators of intercellular...

The Role of Technology in Leadership in Healthcare

Introduction The healthcare sector determines the medical outcomes and experiences of citizens in a given country. Many governments provide adequate resources and support systems to ensure that their sectors function optimally. Practitioners, physicians, and managers in this field need to monitor emerging trends and inform key sponsors and financiers about...

Definition of Personality Disorder Using the DSM Method

Based on the analysis of the provided case, one can conclude that the male suffers from antisocial disorder. The following disorder belongs to cluster B of the general personality disorders group (Phillips, First, & Pincus, 2008). The relevant diagnosis has been provided based on the presented client’s history. Due to...

Motor Neurons Damage Effects

Motor neurons are responsible for many functions of one’s body, primarily movement. If they are somehow damaged, it can affect one’s life significantly. First of all, depending on the group of motor neurons, a patient may experience either hyperreflexia or hyporeflexia (Magnussen & Glass, 2017). The former signifies that upper...

Teleflex Incorporated: KMedic`s Orthopedic Surgical Instruments

Teleflex Incorporated is a US-based company specialized in the manufacturing of medical devices. It sells orthopedic surgical instruments under the brand name KMedic. The range of orthopedic instrumentation that is available under the brand KMedic includes osteotomes, bone cutting forceps, plate benders, shears, knives, mallets, screwdrivers, and other reusable surgical...

High-Flow Oxygen Therapy to Speed Weaning From Mechanical Ventilation

Introduction This article sought to evaluate whether high-flow oxygen (HFO) therapy improves efficiency when weaning patients from mechanical ventilation (Liu et al., 2019). This therapy has been used widely in clinical practices, but its application in weaning patients from mechanical ventilation is not reported sufficiently, hence the need for this...

Health Reform Bill on Drugs in the United States

Introduction: Inequality in perspective A government-sponsored health insurance program has not been in existence in the United States. As such, access to healthcare depends on the financial status of the patient. The forces of a free market play a major role in regulating drug prices (Gelband, Wiley, and Laschober 2010)....

Arts and the Black Death

In mid-14th century, the Black Death plague swept across Europe, killing more than 40% of the population. While the continent experienced economic growth and a cultural flourishing in early years, towards the middle of the century, Europe was in crisis from war, famine and disease. However, cultural change continued to...

Health Care Policy and Procedure Development

Despite the increasing speed of new technologies implementation, such as electronic health records, may hospitals face the issue of readmissions and must elaborate on the process of patient transition from one care setting to another manually. Financial fines and other difficulties brought by readmissions urge medical professionals to integrate efficient...

Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia Description

Introduction As time goes by, people are more likely to encounter memory problems. This can be both a natural sign of aging or illness. In most cases, cognitive changes that are connected with growing older do not cause serious problems in daily life. However, if lapses in memories begin to...

Migraine Analysis From the Quantitative Perspective

Introduction Migraine has been an insufficiently researched issue for a while, hence the lack of clarity in the present approaches toward treating it. Although there is a tendency to medicalize patients with migraine, there are indications that other solutions for managing chronic pain could produce even better results in the...

National Patient Safety Overview

Introduction Patients’ safety has become a global concern in the past two decades. This is mainly due to the rampant cases of medical errors that have led to many deaths within the health service facilities. Medical errors have caused death, serious disability disorders, and in some cases permanent pain to...

Anemia: Types, Detecting, Explanation

Anemia can be defined as a state of decrease in hemoglobin concentration because of the problems with oxygen transportation in blood. It is considered to be one of the global health problems, as this medical condition is common in everyday medical practice. Therefore, the detection of anemia type is crucial...

Ethical, Moral and Legal Issues in Assisted Suicide

Introduction In nursing, nurses and practitioners play a significant role in providing care for patients at the end-of-life stage across various healthcare settings. Their role is to provide expert care throughout the continuum of life and towards the end of the patient’s life (Lachman, 2010). They manage the bio-psychosocial as...

Principles for Delegation in Nursing Practice

Delegation is a process of responsibilities and duties dispensation among the workers of a particular organization or a company. Nursing practice requires some extra attention to this part of the occupation. Delegation is an essential quality that leaders should obtain in order to organize a productive working process, which is...

Eating Disorders: Why Do We Need to Control Our Nutrition?

Introduction Eating disorders are a common topic of discussion in both digital and print media. However, despite the availability of information about what a healthy diet is and which foods are potentially harmful, many people do not feel it necessary to adhere to the principles of safe nutrition. Moreover, eating...

Allocation of the Scarce Biomedical Resources

The ranges of possible diseases and the number of theoretical scenarios for human morbidity are truly enormous. Such great diversity makes it extremely difficult to provide all patients with the necessary resources. Consequently, an ethical question arises of setting priorities for the allocation of medical supplies. This paper aims to...

Chronic Pain Treatment: Medications

Pain is a vital sign that serves to indicate malfunctions and calls to take measures. Chronic pain differs in this aspect, as it does not complete a protective function. This syndrome is one of the most common health issues that pushes patients to visit their doctors – chronic pain can...

Collaboration and Teamwork Within Healthcare Unit

Collaboration and teamwork have always been some of the major success factors when it comes to measuring a unit’s efficiency. However, if the business segment is frequently more preoccupied with the financial outcome, the healthcare sector is responsible for saving human lives. Hence, the ability to cooperate within a healthcare...

Access to the US Health Care

Introduction The health care system in the US is a complex structure. It is also one of the most developed infrastructures in the world. Still, a considerable number of people work hard every day in order to make it even more advanced. However, administrative officials and professionals face quite a...

Workplace Conflicts Among Healthcare Workers

Conflicts between medical staff members tend to have adverse consequences for both healthcare workers and patients. The researchers emphasize the difference between these conflicts and productive confrontations, as the former ones are characterized by a subjective sense of infringement of personal interests and a certain level of opposition (Jerng et...

Delegation and Professional Development for Everyday Leadership

Delegation It is truly possible to prove one’s sufficient level of professionalism and to improve delegation skills in the sphere of nursing, and there are a few certain principles of work to be followed which probably will be correct. Firstly, according to American Nurses Association, and the National Council of...

Global Health Issues, Tuberculosis

For a long time, tuberculosis (TB) has been a disease of concern for global health. Caused by the bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis, it spreads through aerosol droplets, meaning that people breathe in the bacteria from infected persons. Tuberculosis is often latent and reveals itself when the immune system is weak. Risk...

Rising Health Care Costs: Analyzing Issues

Introduction American health care is, on the one hand, an ordinary branch of the capitalist economy with all its characteristic features. On the other hand, it is a special socially oriented sphere of the modern economy. Substantial elements of state regulation are embedded in the mechanisms of market relations, which...

AD and POLST in Medicine

Introduction There are cases when a person is hanging between life and death not being able to say or do anything. Seeing him or her in such a condition brings constant pain and suffering to relatives and draws resources from both medical institutions and the pockets of a family. The...

Discrimination in Protecting Health Care Workers

This case demonstrates US legislation’s imperfection to protect health care workers and the need to change it. In the case of Teoka Williams, I would refuse to satisfy the patient’s request, since it does not have a compelling legal reason. As noted in the case, the staff’s non-discrimination rights are...

Follow-up Telephone Calls System Implementation

Introduction The implementation of the system of follow-up telephone calls is a cost-effective, simple project, since it does not require significant finance or time expenses. Telephone calls are a simple and affordable way of communication for the elderly, as it is an integral part of the modern world. For this...