Chinese Immigrants in the United States

The experiences of Chinese immigrants in the United States are closely connected with the consequences of the 1849 Gold Rush and the cultural image of the Chinese that emerged in the late 19th century. Having entered the United States in 1850 to participate in the Gold Rush and escape the...

The Progressive Era in the United States’ History

The period in the history of the United States between the 1890s and the 1920s is often referred to as the progressive era. It is characterized by intensifying attempts to build a fully-functional, transparent state that aligns with the contemporary principles of positive development. Within this context, the eradication of...

Race and Social Construct Then and Now

Race is the notion that humans can be classified into unique groups on the grounds of inherited behavioral and physical differences. Research done on human genetics in the 20th century rebutted the existence of biologically distinct races. Currently, races are considered to be cultural constructs that reflect specific beliefs and...

Unequal Treatment of Indigenous People in the US

Introduction It is important to note that the indigenous people of the American continent were the first victims of the vast historic expansion of the European empires. Although centuries have passed with major civil rights and equity improvements, American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) people are still being treated unequally,...

The Underground Railroad, a Secret Network

The Underground Railroad was a secret network for African Americans as well as white people providing shelter and help to the enslaved people who escaped from the South of the country. The network can be considered a form of resistance through escape and flight so that the enslaved African Americans...

Qing China’s and Tokugawa Japan’s Response to the Coming of the Europeans

After defeating the Qing Empire in the Opium Wars, European powers entered into unequal treaties with China, introducing free trade, extraterritoriality, and free ports under foreign control. Later China restricted trade with Europeans and forced them to stay on Canton Island. In Japan, after 1720, when the shogun Tokugawa relaxed...

The Influence of the Ideology Manifest Destiny

Introduction When European settlers started arriving at New England’s newly-discovered lands, many claimed that the new nation had a unique divine purpose. This vision was called Manifest Destiny, which appeared in the 1840s, resulting in the United States’ territorial expansion and desire to dominate the geopolitical arena (Petrelli 2). In...

British vs. European Treatment of Colonies

Introduction The colonial authority has long been linked to the use of excessive violence. Many historians believe that violence was used as a standard procedure for imperial powers to subdue their colonies and prevent further resistance. Colonial powers such as Belgium, Germany, and Britain have been linked to various atrocities...

Native Americans: The Value of Environmental and Cultural History

Introduction Dear Mr. President, I am aware that you are quite a busy person, but I am asking for a small portion of your time to read this short letter. I believe that as the leader of our nation, you are particularly familiar with the history of the United States....

America’s Vietnam War and Its French Connection

The Vietnam war is probably one of the most infamous military conflicts that the United States took part in in the second half of the 20th century. The war began as a civil war in South Vietnam. However, soon after the beginning of the war, it spread to North Vietnam,...

Mexican Independence and Its Three Critical Events

Introduction The history of Mexican independence is a complex and long-lasting conflict that involved several nations and many years. Being inspired by the recent American achievements during the previous century, Criollos and Mestizos demonstrated their desire to change the current situation in the country and prove their rights and freedoms....

Global History to 1500s: Europe and Africa

Introduction In global History, various events occurred, which remains the History of the world. The article will briefly discuss the impact of History and the political, cultural, social, and economic consequences connected to the emergence of the cities and the urban areas for the pre-modern people. Such effects will be...

The Dark Age and Early Iron Age Debate

Summary In her article Lights and Darks: Data, Labeling, and Language in the History of Scholarship in Early Greece, Murray S. C. attempts to make sense of the terminology and available discoveries and finds of Dark Age or Early Iron Age Greece by comparing quantitative historiography with neighboring periods. In...

The National Guard in Riot Control Situations

The issue of the deployment of the National Guard personnel is ambiguous and multilayered. Legally, local jurisdictions can resort to the state National Guard for assistance when community resources are depleted, but the actual societal benefit of such employment is questionable. The most revealing illustration of the National Guard’s unreliability...

Could Lao Tzu and Machiavelli Affect the Outcome of Birmingham Campaign?

The Birmingham Campaign in Alabama, pivoted by Martin Luther King Jr., being as controversial as it was, in the end, proved to be a success but might have turned to a different course if arranged by other proponents. Since political activism does not only respond to the urgent problems of...

The Gilded Age in American History

Introduction No one is sure when the Gilded Age began and ended, but many agree it happened between the end of the Civil War and the beginning of the First World War. Between these years, the US experienced tremendous economic development and saw an emergence of a new social class,...

“Lessons in Disaster” by Gordon Goldstein

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the history of America is filled with controversial events. Every time a president and their team have to decide regarding the country’s domestic or foreign policy, it is possible that they will draw wrongful conclusions or make a mistake. There is a vast...

Gavrilo Princip as an Important Figure in History

Gavrilo Princip was a Serbian nationalist who, through his actions, provoked the escalation of the conflict between the major powers of the early twentieth century. He shot and killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Bosnia, triggering the outbreak of World War I on August 1, 1914. On the eve...

Analysis of the War of 1812 Causes

On June 18, 2012, the United States and Great Britain went to war over maritime rights breaches. The War of 1812 was the name given to this war (Warrick, 2017). The impressment question, trade wars, and a dispute over the fate of Native Americans all played a role in the...

The Emancipation in the Political and Economic Status of African Americans

Introduction The emancipation proclamation was a key way that led to the abolition of slavery in the United States of America. Although Lincoln issued the emancipation proclamation, his huge motive was to crush the south military and unite the union rather than granting the slaves their freedom. Consequently, if his...

The Pastoral Letter of 1837 to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts

The Pastoral Letter of 1837 to the Congregational Churches of Massachusetts aims to speak against a movement that advocates for women’s rights and the involvement of many Christian women in abolitionist activities. The letter references Biblical evidence in order to support the agenda that women should not participate in actions...

Mysteries about President John F. Kennedy Assassination

JFK assassination is a mystery, and no one knows exactly what happened. After more than half a century of research and discussion, there are still discrepancies in peoples’ understanding of the mystery. The murder of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 50 years ago remains unsolved; for this reason, many conspiracy theories...

The Racial Inequality Problem in the US

Racial inequality is a complex issue that requires the efforts of the whole society in the history of the United States. The overwhelming movement faced periods with different emphasizes and prevailed forces and entailed courageous efforts of advocates, group leaders, and ordinary people of all races. The following review summarizes...

History and Effects of Racial Inequality in the United States

Racial inequality in the United States is a widespread issue that affects a significant portion of the population. It continues to have an adverse impact on society, as hostility remains between different ethnical groups. Historically, the issues of Black people were given much less attention from the governmental initiatives, criminal...

Latinos and Hispanics: History of Migration to North America

Introduction Throughout history, people have migrated from one place to another in search of a place to prosper. Even in modem times, the global forces of migration, poverty, increase in population, and other such phenomena continue to impact and influence the shaping of that international community. People from different communities...

Could the American Civil War Be Avoided?

The American Civil War is well known, primarily because it started because of the institution of slavery. All people in the North and South were influenced by the brutal and costly war that lasted four chaotic years (“The North and the South”). The bloody conflict of the industrial North against...

Industrial Revolution and Nationalistic Movement

Both the industrial revolution and nationalistic movements rapidly developed in the 19th century. Nevertheless, even considering all the effects of the industrial revolution on nationalism, they are different. The industrial revolution had a social impact but was mainly related to technological changes, whereas nationalistic ideology related more to economic and...

Reconstruction After the American Civil War

Annotated Bibliography Brosnan, Anne Marie. “Representations of race and racism in the textbooks used in southern black schools during the American Civil War and Reconstruction era, 1861–1876.” Paedagogica Historica 52, no. 6 (2016): 718-733. The Civil War was followed by a period of reconstruction within which significant changes in society...

“The History of the Peloponnesian War” by Thucydides

Introduction There are many books which contain historical accounts and provide readers with information on how certain events occurred in the past. One of the most notable examples of such books is The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides. Written more than two thousand years ago, the book still...

Julius Caesar: Ancient Ruler of Rome

Introduction Julius Caesar is a renowned ancient ruler of Rome who considerably transformed the country by expanding its borders and introducing an imperial system. Caesar gained popularity due to his military competence, impeccable political skills, and support from Rome’s oppressed middle and lower-class people (Orlin 2021). His achievements have had...

Roman Emperor: Caesar Augustus

Caesar Augustus was among Rome’s greatest rulers, leading the Republic’s development into an empire. Augustus, also named Octavian, revolutionized practically all areas of Roman society throughout his rule, restoring stability and prosperity to the Roman government. The emperor stated that he worked toward the Roman Republic’s dignity, not for selfish...

Westward Migration and Expansion of Slavery

The Westward expansion began in 1803 with the purchase of land that doubled the territory of the United States. The Louisiana purchase sparked the interest of Americans in what they considered virgin western land (Civil War and 19th Century Westward Expansion, 00:02:27). Expeditions were launched, eventually reaching the Pacific Ocean...

Comparing Native Tribes in Georgia, US

Introduction In the 1830s, the State of Georgia underwent significant demographic and social changes because of the removal of Native American populations to the Indian territory. As one of the lastly founded British colonies in 1732, this state was known as the largest American region with the current Alabama and...

North Atlantic Treaty Organization & Western Pact History

Intergovernmental Organizations Post-World War II The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, is an intergovernmental military alliance that currently houses 30 member states which include 28 European nations and 2 North American countries. The alliance was formed as a response to the destruction of the Second World War, which had...

The United States as the World Superpower

Background The historical process in different eras has defined states as superpowers, which had more opportunities and geopolitical influence. Such states emerged, actively developed, and used the resources available to them, after which they were often replaced by others. Since the last century, the world superpower should be considered the...

Jacksonian’s Era in Louisiana (1815-1850)

Andrew Jackson, an American general, statesman, and lawyer, served from 1829 to 1837 as the seventh president of the United States1. His failed assassination led most Americans to believe he was blessed to govern the young nation, which, among other aspects, contributed to the massive growth rate during the 1830s....

The Destruction of the Personality of Stalin by His Ideological Descendants

Big Points of Khrushchev’s 1956 Secret Speech Russian history is long and has many sharp and radical turns, and Nikita Khrushchev’s secret speech in 1956 is one of them. It happened early in his political career, in 1956, in the third year of his performance as a leading figure in...

Concepts of Revolution and Freedom in United States

Freedom was born during the revolution era 1601-1900 CE. The struggle for independence spawned new concepts about freedom and equality, and the rules governing those entitled to liberty were questioned in politics, art, and music. In essence, freedom is referred to the power to act without constraints. The notion of...

Alexander the Great in the Cultural History of the West

Alexander the Great is considered one of the greatest military leaders of all time. His Macedonian empire spread from Greece to northwestern India and was conquered before the age of 32. His accomplishments are owed to his military genius in utilizing infantry, cavalry, and extraordinary courage at the right time....

“I Have a Dream” by Martin Luther King Jr.: Methods of Speech Delivery

This scientific work aims to study the speech called “I have a dream” by Martin Luther King Jr. This is a public speech by an American activist who advocated for the rights of the black population in the United States of America. It was delivered during the March on Washington...

The Rwandan Genocide and Its Roots

Genocide, or a “crime against humanity,” is a tragedy that influences everyone. It is the manifestation of the inability of humanity to oppose evil that leads to thousands of deaths among civilians. Therefore, all people who lived in other countries and were not interested in crimes in another place in...

The Culture of Death in the American Civil War

Introduction Death is a natural and inevitable part of life, feared by some and accepted by others. The article “Civil War and the Art of Dying” focuses on how death was perceived during that era and their ways of following the norms depicted in Ars Moriendi. This set of texts...

Ethics and Civics of the Patriots in the 18th Century

Introduction The history of the United States in the 18th century is fascinating for several reasons. Firstly, colonial changes became the causes of new problems and requirements that need to be answered. Secondly, it is the American Revolution, which resulted from the Great Awakening and the flowering of Enlightenment. Thirdly,...

The Impact of the Cold War on European History

In the middle of the 20th century, Western Europe survived several critical transformations determined by the outcomes of the Second World War. Compared to African and Asian decolonization and the European Union’s creation, antagonism between the Soviet Union and the Western Allies was a serious issue during the post-war period,...

How the Cold War Ended Peacefully

One of the most dangerous and bitter rivalries among the great powers in modern history erupted during the cold war. The cold war developed after World War II between the Soviet Union and the United States. The battle was mainly based on economic, political, and propaganda strategies. There was a...

America and the Middle East During the Cold War

The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union, the outgrowths of which are still reflected today, ended in 1991. However, the issue of a new war and protests that involve competition between the United States and China is on the agenda again. For the first 25 years...

“The Impending Crisis” by David Potter

Contents Although professional historians have varying degrees, they believe that slavery had a crucial role in the Civil War outbreak in America. There has been debate on how the battle over slavery and wage labor permeated sectional distinctions. Still, David Potter has done more than any other historian to create...

Overcoming Racism in the United States in the 1960s

Introduction In the Heat of the Night, racism was socially acceptable behavior. This movie can be seen as a reflection of the reality in which Black people lived in the twentieth century. At that time, people in southern communities had no experience working with Black folks as equals, making encounters...

Historical Image of Plantation Slaves

Enslaved people on the plantation at work were used for various tasks, including cultivating and producing food, housework, and metalwork. Enslaved people, maybe members of an enslaved family, are seen in this 1842 painting by William Henry Brown. Enslaved blacks’ productivity powered the economy of the United States and the...

Perception of Freedom in Saint Domingue and Haiti

Freedom is an abstract concept that is inextricably linked with human society. However, this idea was interpreted differently at various times and by different people. While their views may not match the modern definition, they made sense to the people of that time. Studying them allows a complete historical picture...

African-American Experience of World War I and the Harlem Renaissance

The black community was galvanized by World War I to make America completely democratic by securing full citizenship for all Americans. Black troops fought racial injustice at home and overseas while remaining in segregated groups. Whites and blacks led the struggle against segregation and discrimination in the United States through...

Post-Colonialism Criticism: Emphasis on Nations

The connection between colonizers and colonized populations is commonly the subject of post-colonial literary critique, with particular emphasis on nations that have earned independence from colonial empires across the world. In addition, post-colonial criticism examines whether a literary document sustains or undermines colonial values. Although post-colonial critique can be comparable...

Analysis of Age of Conflict in Viceroyalty of New Spain

The Viceroyalty of New Spain referred to one of the four viceroyalty entities upon which the Spanish Catholic Empire’s American colony was organized. The other three entities included the Viceroyalty of New Granada, the Viceroyalty of Peru, and the later Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata. The Spanish crown’s victory...

Alexander the Great and the Greek Expansion

Alexander the Great was one of the most known and prominent ancient Greek kings. During the nine years of his rule, Alexander the Great managed to unite Greek state cities and extend his empire as far as the Indus River in the East. However, Alexander’s achievements also had a considerable...

Ancient Greek War and Inter-State Relations

Every Athenian coalition, declaration of war, and a peace agreement was established by a decision of the assembly, in which citizens voted after hearing speeches that gave a variety of and often competing opinions regarding the best course of action. As a result, Demosthenes’ Speeches contain an unrivaled quantity of...

British Colonists Attitude Toward Native Americans

Introduction The history of the United States is that of constant competition, both among various groups of immigrants and between them and the indigenous peoples. It is not quite reasonable, however, to regard all of those conflicts through the identical lens, as the nature of the opposition could differ from...

Utilitarianism and the Civil War

Utilitarianism is a form of consequentialism that bases the judgment of morality on the consequences likely to follow. Therefore, consequences are the only thing that matter in utilitarianism to justify the morality of decisions. Utilitarianism is the only moral framework that can justify military force or war, considering the positive...

Social Environment of the Arab Spring in Egypt

The Arab Spring refers to a series of uprisings, armed rebellions, and prodemocracy protests that occurred in North Africa and the Middle East against entrenched authoritarianism that characterized the regimes of the region from 2011. It began in Tunisia after a jobless youth set himself on fire in response to...

World History: Researching of Holocaust

“Holocaust” began to be used in the context of the mass extermination of Jews by the Nazis in Europe during the Second World War. It was an industry that created giant factories of death with its logistics and killing technologies. Anti-Semitism and the history of dislike of Jews have deep...

Athenian Values in Pericles’ Speeches

Athens was one of the leading cities in Ancient Greece. Its power and influence made it the leader of the Delian League, which opposed Sparta in the Peloponnesian War. The conflict ended with Athens’ defeat’; however, its citizens demonstrated unique values that can be better understood by analyzing Pericles’ speeches....

Revolutionary Wars and Insurgent Forces

Introduction Revolutionary wars have rampaged the world throughout its history. Seen as rightful upheavals, they have aimed to change the existing balance of power within societies and countries paving the way for changing the political system through coup d’états or, more rarely, radical reforms. This paper hypothesizes that revolutionary wars...

Americans Between 1960 and 1980

The United States experienced the spectacular expansion of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Moreover, the Vietnam War has also become an essential catalyzer for the civilians to form an understanding of the role of the United States in the global context. At that time, the movement...

Review of Mount Vesuvius Eruption

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD was one of the most devastating natural disasters of all time, virtually destroying the city of Pompeii. The video by History Channel (2021) thoroughly explains the causes of the tragedy and speculates on what might happen in the future. The eruption in...

The History and Culture of African-Americans

Many objects can tell us stories, not only written sources. One of these sources is coverlets because making them requires many elements, skill, and artistic vision. Coverlets and other objects are collected to tell the history of African-Americans who could not write most of the time. A lot of information...

America’s 20TH-Century Social and Political History

All of the terms in this selection are connected with the topic of America’s 20th-century social and political history. All of the terms and people discussed in their four pairs are either connected with a particular government policy or a response to the emerging social trends by the people of...

The American Revolution’s Analysis

The American revolution is one of the major events in the history of mankind. Indeed, it pioneered a completely new way of government and paved the way for changes that later spread across Europe and beyond. Today, American liberal ideas have found way in all corners of the world. However,...

President Wilson and European War

President Wilson’s decision to keep America out of the European war was motivated by a number of factors. First and foremost, he wanted to avoid plunging the United States into a lengthy and costly conflict that would have little benefit for American interests (Ambrosius, 2017). Additionally, Wilson believed that America...

The Abolition of American Cotton Slavery

The high rate of development of capitalism in the United States in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries can be comprehended by considering the role of plantation slavery in the process of production establishment. Slavery and the end of the North-South War directed the impoverishment of...

The Headright System and the Middle Passage: Terms Interpretation

Headright System The headright system is a term that went down in the history of the development of the American colonies. This system was a policy that took place in American Virginia in 1618. Its key essence was to stimulate the interest of people to come to Virginia, and as...

Forbidden Freedom Glimpsed Through a Window

Introduction The life of women on the verge of the 19th and 20th centuries was characterized by their performance as companions for their husbands and families without opportunities for independence. A woman at that time was expected to clean, cook, and raise children; without the chance to be employed with...

American Presidency During World War II and the Cold War

Introduction World War II (WWII) and the advent of the Cold War taught many lessons regarding the American presidency, especially on matters of foreign military policies and strategies. While the presidents themselves held different opinions on conflicts and deployment of combat personnel and weapon development, many of their decisions were...

Canada and the Cold War in Relation to Korea

Introduction The Korean Peninsula remained under Japanese colonial rule until the defeat of Japan in World War II. The Soviet Union and the United States of America led the Allied forces to force Japan to exit the Korean Peninsula in September 19451. Subsequently, the peninsula was divided into South and...

Cold War: History and Impact on Population

Introduction The Cold War is a special term used to describe the military, economic, and political confrontation between the two blocs led by the USSR and the US in the second half of the 20th century. In the literal sense, this cannot be called a war since there were no...

Analysis of the Cuban Missile Crisis

Introduction Although the US and the Soviet Union were allies in World War II, their alliance broke up soon after the victory over the Axis powers. The period of tensions between the US and the Soviet Union, lasting from 1947 to 1991, became known as the Cold War. This war...

The US Government’s Historical Milestones

The Federalist Papers are ubiquitously regarded as one the most influential American contributions to the development of political philosophy and are considered as the most independent source for identifying the intended meaning of the proponents of the United States Constitution by researchers, legal professionals, and judicial officers. The political ideology...

The Caucasus Territorial Division, Government and Administration

Introduction In the geopolitical context of the Soviet Union’s involvement in the Caucasus, the engagement in conflicts on the territories of both the Northern Caucasus and the Southern Caucasus was marked by USSR’s interests. It had its impact on the post-Soviet situation in the territories of the Caucasus. While Russia...

Civil War: The Legacy in Ending Slavery

Introduction The Civil War started in 1861, following quite a strain among Northern and Southern states. The War was caused by numerous factors, for example, the North had a well-established manufacturing industry. In addition, horticulture was restricted to limited scope while the south economy relied upon slave work since they...

Important Aspects of Albert Einstein’s Life

Attitudes Toward School and Conflicts with Teachers Albert Einstein is arguably one of the most famous scientists in physics of the twentieth century. During his short biography, he revolutionized the way people think about science. He is recognized as the greatest theoretical physicist who ever lived. Countless discoveries were made...

The State of Colorado After the Mexican-American War

Research Question The historical paradigm of the American continent includes a series of political conflicts over land and political influence within countries. Since the US gained independence in 1776, the country began to reconsider its territories and the means to extrapolate influence on the lands of Southern America. A prime...

The Causes of the Cold War Between the US and the USSR

Introduction Historical studies have determined various causes of the Cold War. During the Cold War, the development of social reforms focused on building a peaceful society and a kickstart for the economic growth characterized by market expansions among nations. The conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union after...

Imperialism and Racism During the Colonial Period

Introduction Modern society is still grappling with the long-term repercussions of colonialism. In the 19th century, Western European powers such as France, England, and Germany launched a new period of imperial expansion in particular regions of Asia and Africa. Europe needed new consumer markets and raw materials in the aftermath...

The Columbian Exchange Impacts

Columbian exchange is the process by which ideas, information, crops, goods, animals, and viruses have been transferred to Americans from Africa, Asia, and Europe and vice versa. It all started with an Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, and his voyages in 1492. The consequences strongly modified and shaped people, their style...

The Growth of Modern Cities: Historical Circumstances

In the first half of the 19th century, the urban population of Western Europe and North America continued to increase. The population of large commercial and industrial centers and ports grew especially rapidly. The growth of the urban population was due to the influx of peasants who went to work....

The United States Policies With Latin America

The United States has had diverse policies and practices with its Latin American neighbors, characterized by military expeditions and diplomacy. During the period between 1820 and 1900, most of the US foreign policies with Latin American countries were mainly aggressive. These policies were aimed at replacing the influence of European...

Chinese Empire, Qin Dynasty and Its Founder

Founder of the Empire The Qin dynasty was founded by Qin Shi Huang, which is shown in the figure image below. Reasons Why the Empire Was Established Qin Shin Huang focused on improving the political power and the economy of Qin. Therefore, the significant reasons why the empire was established...

Women’s Rights: Annotated Bibliography

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman Author and Title of Source: Wollstonecraft, Mary. “A Vindication of the Rights of Woman.” City of Publication: The publication of this primary source in the Norton Anthology of English Literature was located in the city of New York. However, the original work was...

The Struggle Against Slavery Was for All

Introduction Early American history is one filled with struggle and determination from various groups that sought to achieve certain freedoms and rights that cost them a lot. The African American community was one such particular group that fought various forms of oppression in America, including slavery and inequality. Greater introspection...

History of the United States Diverse Range of Cultures and Identities

When we look around the United States today, we find a diverse range of cultures and identities attempting to coexist as Americans under a single banner and set of beliefs. These beliefs can be traced back hundreds of years to our forefathers in the colonies. This is not necessarily new,...

The History of Women’s Rights Movement

The Women’s Rights movement was an important event in the history of the United States of America. It began as the women’s fight for a vote and resulted in many other movements that affected America in the mid to late 1800s. During that time period, American women’s enfranchisement was closely...

Imperialism in the Context of World History

Introduction Several civilizations, mainly European nations, championed imperialism. It allowed the civilized nations to dominate and exploit vulnerable countries across the globe (Hobson, 2018). In the 18th century, western European nations such as Germany and France embraced the ideology and expanded their influence to other parts of the world (Hobson,...

Alexander Hamilton’s Contribution to America’s Financial Stability

Introduction Alexander Hamilton was an important political figure who was honored with a high position in government. In many ways, Hamilton’s ideas for financial planning were inventive because they offered new ways to solve pressing problems. In addition, the financial solutions proposed were capable of changing the economic fortunes of...

Contrasting Effect of Cotton Industry on the Preindustrial Revolution

The industrial revolution was characterized by sweeping changes in society’s social, political, and economic aspects. The transformation brought changes in the societies’ view of family, religion and the leadership structure. The people of Lancashire and Manchester were at the center of these changes. The preindustrial revolution had a different impact...

Franklin Roosevelt: Shift of the New Deal

Introduction During the 1932 summer, Franklin Roosevelt was a New York governor before he was voted as a Democratic Party candidate. In Roosevelt’s acceptance speech, he addressed various challenges caused by depression and offered to formulate a New Deal for Americans. As a result, in the 1932 fall, Roosevelt encountered...

The Flappers and How They Shaped the 1920s

Who Were the Flappers and How Did They Shape the 1920’s? World War I and the struggle for suffrage that had been over with women’s right to vote secured in the 19th Amendment led to the appearance of the flapper generation in the 1920s. Flappers were “young women known for...

The Control and Surveillance of Indigenous People by the U.S. Government

An oppressive, bigoted criminal jurisdictional plan and strict surveillance organized by the United States have restricted the lives and basic civil rights of Native Americans. Various laws administer control over trust land contingent upon whether an individual or a clan holds the benefitting interest. In any case, a clan or...

The Significance of the Korean War to the Cold War

The Korean War was an example of a satellite collision. The dangers of such wars, as well as the role of major nations in them, have been seen. The United States and China were actively involved in the armed combat, while the Soviet Union covered its military personnel’s participation in...

Frederick Douglass: From Slave to Free Man

Introduction Background Most notable leaders or people of historical importance in the period of United States history from exploration to 1877 experienced numerous challenges which impacted their achievements and what type of legacy they left behind. Douglass was born into slavery at a time when slavery in America was a...

Getting Out of the Middle Ages

The complexity of transitioning from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance and, consequently, to modernity implies the need for demonstrating cause-and-effect relationships of events. In this case, they include strengthening the central government, the emergence of individualism, the focus on realism, and the formation of a mechanistic view of the...

History of American Political Thought

The history of American political thought is a complicated one, compounding both of the nation’s separatist idealistic roots and the dark legacy of slavery. Its core principles of freedom, equality and opportunity, however, remain a consistent feature at least in the intentions of the US policy makers throughout the years....

The Jim Crow Laws and Their Influence on American Society

After the defeat of the Civil War in the South, fundamental economic and political reforms followed. Slavery was abolished, and men of color were given the to vote. These significant changes paved the way for a radical transformation of extractive institutions of the southern states into inclusive ones to put...

Colonists and Patriots in United States History

Some changes in American life have been noted since the beginning of the XVIII century. The settlers mastered many fertile lands, founded successful farms, and created many industrial enterprises. The metropolis pursued its policy towards the colonies: the grounds were mainly supposed to give almost gratuitous income to the treasury...

Studying of Adolf Hitler’s Life

Through the course of more than seventy years, the character of Adolf Hitler was thoroughly studied and scrutinized multiple times, contemplating whether his experiences or practices could be applied in a positive key. While some prefer to distance themselves from the examination of Hitler’s motives and strategy and even suggest...

Market Revolution in Building American Republic

Introduction In 1837, Lowell Female Labor Reform Association was formed to protest the several working conditions in the area. First, there were poor working conditions as managers cut costs, leading to slashed wages, and doubling the working machines per worker. Additionally, there was the restoration of only men’s wages but...

The Forcible Removal of Japanese Americans

The forced eviction of Japanese Americans is not much different from other acts of separation and discrimination carried out over the years globally. In the labor camps where the Japanese Americans were held, all adults were required to work 40 hours a week. Similarly, Jews in the Third Reich in...

The Mexican-American War from the Mexican Perspective

Summary The Mexican-American War and its outcomes significantly impacted the history of the United States and Mexico. According to Jaffary (2018), “the Mexican-American War (1846-1848) had tremendously important repercussions on Mexico’s subsequent economic, political, and cultural life” (p. 223). This paper aims to discuss Texas annexation, the Texas Rebellion against...

Andrew Jackson and Indians Removal

Andrew Jackson is known for his cruelty towards the Cherokee, as well as the fact that he exterminated them and evicted them. Nevertheless, the president himself had arguments in defense of his worldview. He believed that the eviction of the Indians would benefit from several criteria at once (Cates, 2019)....

Abina Mansah: The Unheard Heroine

Introduction The use of graphics in historical narration has evolved, leading to more people embracing the literature and exploring past events. Visual narration includes images and short conversations which tell a particular story or describe an event. Abina And the Important Men is a graphically illustrated book of Abina’s story...

The Postwar Crisis in the US and the Soviet Union

From Kennan’s telegram, the U.S. perceived the postwar crisis as the era of increased risks linked with unwanted ideologies spreading across Europe and Western powers. Specifically, the absence of “courage and self-confidence” and the American nation’s possible inability to provide European peoples with guidance faster than the Soviet Union would...

Critical Assessment of Los Angeles Riots 1992 Case

In this assignment, the critical assessment of the Los Angeles rioting case in 1992 will be estimated from the perspective of discretion. The latter can be defined as the right to make choices freely and personally. In any sphere of life, people have to decide which side they are taking...

John Fitzgerald Kennedy’s Biography

Numerous figures in the 20th century have greatly influenced American history, especially from 1946 to 2000. One such personality was John Fitzgerald Kennedy, an American statesman, and political and public figure. In 1961, he became the 35th President of the United States and preserved his position in office until he...

The Atlanta Campaign in the American Civil War

Introduction The Atlanta Campaign was a critical battle series in Georgia that influenced the 1864 Federal presidential election and led to the cutting off the Confederate supply center. Towards the end of 1863, Atlanta assumed an all-important role in the region by becoming a logical point where Union forces could...

Vine Deloria on Native American Activism

Vine Deloria, one of the most famous Native American rights activists, dwells on the idea of American Indian Activism to demonstrate the striking difference between the value system of the Native American tribes and the predominant Western culture driving American society today. Thus, when describing Indian Activism, Deloria emphasizes the...

The Revolutionary War Aftermath

The Revolutionary War has truly shaped the modern American history by resolving the growing tensions by the British and those living in the colonies. However, it is crucial to recognize that the breakup of the British Empire and the American colonies could never be considered even remotely sudden. Many events...

Reconstruction in the United States: The Structural Racism

Reconstruction in the United States failed due to the internal disagreements between white Southerners and the white supremacist attitudes of some of them. The antagonists used violence to weaken the Black political authority and persuade uncommitted neutral citizens to join their cause. Even though structural constraints made it more difficult...

Development of European Christianity in the Middle Ages

The medieval age in England was characterized by the rapid growth of Christianity, specifically the expansion of Catholicism. The church became dominant due to various historical occurrences, including the fall of the Roman Empire, the financial breakthrough of the church, and the establishment of new rules and leadership (Tanner, 2011)....

The Shay Rebellion: Impact on the American Society

History has proved that democracy can make a positive impact on the wellbeing of the people. The Shay Rebellion in 1786 is a great example of democracy being exercised by the citizens to turn a hardship into an opportunity for a better and just life. After the Revolutionary War, farmers...

Using Cyclical and Progressive History to Advance Humanity

The cyclical and progressive history concepts are highly significant for analyzing past events and gathering knowledge for the future. From the perspective of a person who believes in cyclical history, historical sciences might be especially advantageous for evaluating the behavioral patterns that emerge throughout the years. Furthermore, it becomes possible...

The Antebellum South and Slave Resistance

The history of the United States is full of significant and pivotal events, and the Civil War is among them. The 4-year warfare resulted in a single political entity of the US, created a more powerful federal government, and brought freedom for many enslaved Americans and others. However, it is...

Reasons of Adolf Hitler’s Rise to Power

Introduction Understanding Hitler’s rise to power during Germany’s interwar development is crucial for the future prevention of similar tendencies. As an outcome of World War I, Germany became a democratic state known as the Weimar Republic (Voth 9). It faced numerous postwar social, political, and economic problems, such as civil...

History of Irish Emigration to America

There has been an Irish immigration wave with the Irish migrating to America for many reasons. The first wave of immigration occurred in the year 1970. The arrival of the Scots-Irish noted it. Majorly occurred in North America, describing the people who migrated from Ulster and were the Presbyterians who...

“Children in the Holocaust and World War II” by Holliday

Introduction The reading under analysis describes what difficulties a brother and a sister experienced in the Lodz Ghetto in Poland during World War II. Holliday presents excerpts from the children’s diaries to demonstrate what they felt, thought, and did while surviving the terrible conditions of the Holocaust. Thus, the author...

Frederick Douglass: The Significance of Self-Education

Introduction Frederick Douglass appears to be a prominent figure in the history of the United States of the 19th century. Being a former slave, he was one of the most famous abolitionists and the leader of the whole social movement. Despite the fact that Douglass was a slave in the...

“Antisemitism: Here and Now” Book by Lipstadt

Subject and Thesis Statement Antisemitism is one of the commonly discussed themes in American society and worldwide. Regarding the presence of facts and data falsification, it is not always easy for ordinary citizens to create a specific opinion and stay confident in the correctness of the chosen position. The contributions...

Aspects of Civil Rights Struggle

Introduction Initially, the SNCC and SCLC activities were united by one goal – the elimination of segregation and the granting of political rights to blacks. However, gradually the relationship between the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) deteriorated under the influence of several factors....

The Career of Alcibiades and Its Influence on the Athenian Politics

To discuss the career of Alcibiades and its influence on the Athenian politics, it should first be mentioned that the institutionalization of the diplomatic relations in Greece began only in the Hellenistic era. In this regard, Sparta of the classical era was more advanced. In the rest of the policies,...

The Byzantine Empire and Its Politics Issues

The significance of the Byzantine Empire was the representation of cultural heritage for the Western world. It influenced many cultures because it played a role in shaping Christian Orthodoxy, which is the second-largest denomination globally (Magdalino 19). Additionally, it was important as a trading zone with the West, more so...

Black Lives Matter: Tamika Catchings’ Biography

Humble Beginnings Tamika Catchings grew up in suburban Chicago. She used a hearing aid, but in the 1980s, hearing aids were so bulky that it was challenging to communicate with friends. She was teased and wanted to be like everyone else. She often wanted to quit school, but her mother...

The Ethno-Racial Relations During the 19th Century

The positive aspects of being a buffalo soldier include a good job opportunity that did not require any complex knowledge and skills, relatively sufficient wages and pensions to sustain one’s life and potential promotion possibilities. These advantages prove to be significant, considering that many other black people had to be...

Patriots’ Civic Engagement Against British Oppression

Introduction During the 18th century, British colonies gained more independence through the policy that allowed the violation of trade restrictions in order to promote economic growth post-French and Indian wars. The policies marked an uprise of the members of American colonies who focused their activities on achieving independence from the...

The German Empire of the Late 19th Century

The late 19th century’s German Empire, governed mainly by its Prussian prime minister, Otto von Bismarck, sought a diplomatic way of establishing the Empire’s prosperity due to the origins of its foundation. The conservative government viewed several political parties as enemies. The prime minister launched campaigns of removing the opposition...

Aspects of the Hellenistic Period

Hellenism’s era is a time of intense synthesis of civilizations, when culture, religion, and many other aspects were mixed. This era lasted for about three centuries, starting with Alexander the Great’s death in 323 BC. After the king’s death, his empire broke up into many different kingdoms, which formed the...

Who Started the American Civil War and Why?

Introduction The American Civil War that spurred from 1861 to 1865 marked a critical turning point in United States’ history due to its long-lasting impacts. Before the war, the United States were plagued by slavery, unresolved issues from constitutional amendments, and a great divide between the Northerners and Southerners. However,...

Traces of Submerged Roman Road Found Beneath Venetian Lagoon

The article’s author, Livia Gershon, is a daily correspondent in Smithsonian magazine from Nashua, New Hampshire. The author also works as a freelance writer, and her works are featured in other publications like JSTOR Daily, HuffPost, Vice, Salon, and Good Men Project. The article’s publisher, the Smithsonian Magazine, is the...

Western Civilization: Two Lives of Charlemagne

One of the most well-known kings of the Franconia Empire was Charlemagne. Charlemagne’s popularity stems from the fact that he founded the Carolingian Empire, which revived education, implemented religious reforms, and established civil policy (Sherman 210-211). Charlemagne exhibited great signs of becoming a ruler and, eventually, an emperor. The biographies...

The African-American Battle for Justice

The school-to-prison pipeline is a worrying trend as children move from state schools into the juvenile and criminal justice systems. For a growing number of students, the route to prison includes such ‘stops’ as failing state schools and zero tolerance and segregation in school (Walton et al., 2017). The school-to-prison...

Alternative Solutions to The Truman Atomic Bomb Decision

Problem Statement The atomic bombing is not only intended to end the war with Japan in the Pacific. It also pursues another vital goal – to intimidate the USSR, to achieve the US dominance in the post-war world with the help of a nuclear monopoly. If you choose not to...

Violence as a Political Tool During the Second Revolution

Most revolutions worldwide have involved mass meetings, full of people’s enthusiasm, fight for rights and dignity, and strong resistance to the current authority, which in most cases, were accompanied by blood and force. Violence was one of the most widespread political tools to stop the revolutionists. In the Second Revolution,...

Race and Gender in 17th-18th Century American Colonies

The discovery of America or its conquest, as they say in scientific circles in the last decade, had different consequences for the cultures of the planet. The Europeans used the new lands as an opportunity to fulfill their dreams of a golden Eldorado, while the American continent was devastated by...

Review of Prohibition Era Results

The ban on the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol, ratified by Congress in January 1919, stimulated the emergence of the mafia and associated criminal tendencies. Subsequently, it became clear that the prohibition of alcohol exacerbated economic problems and was one of the reasons for the fall of the economy...

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address Analysis

The second presidential term of Abraham Lincoln began after the end of the American Civil War. However, although the North united was able to defeat the Confederacy of the Southern States, the country was in a difficult position in many respects, from social to economic. Blacks freed by the Emancipation...

The American Revolution: Causal Issues and Results

Causal Chain leading to the Events The American Revolution is an event that was born of a chain of causal issues that began with the Seven Years’ War in 1756 and ended in 1763. American colonists discerned their ideological differences with the British empire, issues that would be exacerbated during...

Texas Revolution of 1835-1836: Causes and Key Events

Introduction The 19th century was one of territorial expansion for the United States. Starting with the Louisiana Purchase and continuing with the acquisition of new territories all the way up to the Pacific coast, the United States acquired new lands under the slogans of Manifest Destiny. Yet even in this...

Theodore Roosevelt Biography

Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States, was born in New York in 1858. He had bronchial asthma; therefore, he received all the primary education at home. In 1876, Theodore Roosevelt began studying at Harvard; he was interested in politics from an early age. A tragedy occurred in...

China’s Strategic Approaches During the Korean War

Introduction North Korean soldiers launched an attack against South Korea on the 25th of June 1950. The information available indicates that China was initially reluctant to assist or support North Korea in any way 1. Chinese domestic situation was weak economically when compared to pre-civil war years; their agricultural production...

Analysis of the Enlightenment Century

The emergence of man from his self-imposed minority is referred to as Enlightenment. This minority is defined by the capacity to apply one’s knowledge without the aid of another. It is self-imposed if the problem is not a lack of knowledge but rather a lack of courage and conviction in...

Herodotus’ Life, Travels, and Influence During His Lifetime

Though time has made the exact details of Herodatus’ life unclear, we can recount the available information about his early life, travels, and influence during his lifetime. His influence on modern literature and the study of History is also apparent. Herodotus was likely born in a Greek city, Halicarnassus, within...

The Cuban Missile Crisis Management and Staying Calm

Introduction Nuclear war is a severe danger to humankind, which worries writers, politicians, and public figures. This weapon was created by human hands and can take millions of innocent lives, raising many existential questions. These weapons are under the rule of states and; therefore, other people are obliged to act...

Life of Jews in Eastern and Western Europe

Eastern Europe The Jews population in Eastern Europe was the largest. For example, it counted approximately 3,000,000 Jews in Poland, 2,500,000 in Russia, and 1,000,000 in Romania. The unique feature of Eastern Jewish communities was their desire for autonomy inside their countries. At the dawn of the 20th century, Jews...

The Color of Compromise: The Truth About the American Church’s Complicity in Racism

Personality development is essential for personal growth and involves different assessments, including awareness, relationship, and commitment, which determine character development. Self-awareness is the initial step of the development process that helps understand oneself and acquire introspective information. There are five primary self-awareness techniques: mindful meditation, personal vision, grounding techniques, observing...

Eyewitness Account as Historical Fallacy

Eyewitness accounts are a peculiar source of information on history. On the one hand, they are highly subjective and have to be given analyzed with a degree of caution (Trueman, 2010). On the other hand, sometimes, they are the only indication that a certain event transpired in the first place....