Nuclear Attacks on Japan and Harm for the World

On the 6th of August in 1945, America detonated an atomic bomb in Hiroshima located in Japan. Just several days after, another nuclear attack was released on Nagasaki. Up to this day, despite the countless debates, people cannot find a consensus on whether the bombardment of the Japanese cities is...

Reconstruction Under Lincoln, Radical Republicans, and Johnson

Reconstruction under Lincoln The goal of president Abraham Lincoln was the unification of the divided country. Having survived the assassination attempt, Lincoln proceeded with his plan to reintegrate the Confederate states into the nation. This led to them receiving proper representation in Congress. Having former confederates among the supporters would...

Equal America: Keeping the History True

American history, for its relatively short lifespan, involved many instances of injustice and atrocities. Since its conception, it has thrived on outrageous instances of discrimination and dehumanization – with the reasons lying in multi-billion-dollar revenue that these practices produced. Ever since the moment the first captured Africans stepped on American...

East Asia’s Development to 1500 in Primary Sources

Historical research is a complex process that comprises many factors and steps. Considering the nature of the analysis, historians require an array of solid evidence in order to obtain an understanding of the past. The earlier period they study, the more difficult it becomes to find such evidence. The history,...

Desegregation of Schools in Tennessee State

The ruling of the high court on 17th May 1954 against the segregation of black people in the United States was received with significant negativity by the Southern States. Tennessee was not an exception because it maintained the discrimination trend. African Americans were separated from all-white schools, had limited public...

The Big History Theory in Europe, Americas, Asia

Introduction The Big History offers an interesting outlook on how historical events can be reviewed and analyzed. This approach encourages one to adopt a different perspective and use multidisciplinary methods, as well as varying levels of analysis to examine events. One can use the example of coffee and trace its...

Civil Rights Movement, Reconstruction, and the Gilded Age

The Civil Rights movement of the 1950s-1960s became a struggle for social fairness. Black Americans were assumed to receive equal rights under the United States laws. Although the Civil War denied slavery officially, the discrimination and racial disparities did not finish for Black folks. During the period of Reconstruction, Black...

How Geography Influenced Colonial Economy in America

Introduction When British colonists came to America, they chose strategic locations they thought were fit to create a stronghold for them over the Native Americans. The British drove the natives out of land that they felt was more valuable and occupied it. The places they chose were either fertile land...

The COVID-19 Pandemic in US and World History

A coronavirus is a group of viruses that cause infections in both human beings and animals. The strain of the virus experienced globally was known as acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). This virus is associated with coronavirus disease 19(COVID-19). Coronavirus pandemic was a global health crisis that the world...

Persians and Greeks Confrontation

Reasons why the Persians were such a formidable enemy for the Greeks; Persians’ and Greeks’ advantages During the Persian Wars, Ancient Greece faced considerable challenges, as the opponent had become a serious enemy. The strength of the Persians was conditioned by their strong economy, which ensured a steady supply of...

Race and Police Brutality in American History

Racial discrimination is the act of being unfair to any individual based on their skin colour, racial or ethnic origin. Racism and police violence since the time of colonization has had intense effects on Black and Indigenous communities. Police violence and brutality affect individuals, groups, institutions, and systems. Stress and...

Merchant’s Perspective of Babylon

As a merchant and representative of the Vaishya varna, I came from Varanasi to the western cities to trade and discover something new. The land I have seen, called Mesopotamia, is not in the best condition, being attacked by warriors who call themselves Persians. The city I’m heading to has...

European Expansion and American Colonial Society

Introduction The era of European colonialism shaped the world that acquired the features of the modern world order. European countries (mainly Britain, Spain, France, and Holland) tried to colonize as vast territories as possible, extracting all possible benefits from their new possessions. North and South America were no longer the...

Franco Dictatorship: Censorship Peculiarities

Writers and artists aspire to express themselves freely – with only the inner ethical boundaries of this expression. Censorship has always been considered as a primary obstacle for and burden on art. During the period of the Franco dictatorship, a Spanish writer had to bear this censorship burden and adapt...

Great Depression and the New Deal

The Great Depression in the world had started in 1929 and lasted up to 1939. It originated from the United States, and it has been termed the most severe depression in history. The depression caused colossal unemployment, loss of output, and a high deflation rate. The depression’s cultural and social...

Spain and the Founding of Jamestown

In 1606, King James I granted the Virginia Company a charter to settle and civilize America. Virginia Company was a joint-stock company with a group of wealthy investors and shares holder. The Virginia Company planned to establish settlements in America and make a profit. Jamestown island was selected as a...

Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude

The concept of slavery in the American colonies actively developed during the 17th and 18th centuries when hundreds of thousands of African people were kidnapped and forced into crop works. American colonies exploited slave labor to cultivate tobacco, sugar, and cotton before the mid-19th century ( Editors, 2009). In 1619,...

Enlightenment and Its Impact on the French Population and the Industrial Revolution

The phenomenon of Enlightenment is widely known among the scholars of history. The period between 1685 and 1815, referred to as the Age of Enlightenment, has hugely impacted various European countries’ economic and academic growth (Outram, 2019). The Enlightenment had an exceptional influence on both the french population and the...

Germany After Signing Versailles Treaty

The signing of the Versailles treaty was done on the 28th of June 1919 at the Versailles Palace. It is one of the critical pacts in history since it helped end World War I. According to the reports from the sessions, Germany was treated unfairly since it was the only...

The Oracle-Bone Inscriptions of the Late Shang Dynasty

Chinese writing is considered one of the oldest in the world, and research into hieroglyphs’ origin continues to this day. The Oracle bone script, which belongs to the Shang dynasty, is a scientifically proven example of a modern Chinese writing prototype. It predicted the future, weather, or actions in society,...

Life in Eighteenth-Century New England

The most crucial objective prerequisite for the liberation movement in the colonies was the progress made by the middle of the XVIII century in socio-economic relations, political and cultural life of American society. There were signs of forming a new nation, which was a powerful impetus in the struggle for...

Kidney Failure in Latino and African-American Groups

PICOT Question in minority groups such as African American and Latino populations, how do the services of trained health workers compare to untrained health workers in improving patients’ health suffering from kidney failure? Most minority populations in America have a higher likelihood of kidney failure than White Americans (Murphy et...

Sectionalism and Road to American Civil War in 1861

The American civil war occurred in the United States between the North (Union) and South (Confederacy) between 1861 and 1865. The war led to massive destruction of property and loss of lives. The war started due to many differences between the North and the South regarding economic development, social and...

Empire’s Needs for Proper Functioning

I think that an empire needs to have strong authority and control to function. The size of an empire is not as important as the quality of its political organization. Thus, if the leaders can control and rule the central state successfully, they will be able to govern the whole...

Discussion of Code of Hammurabi

Hammurabi was the sixth king of the Amorite dynasty, who had a residence in the year of Babylon. In 1783 BC, he began a series of military campaigns that led to creating an empire from Mari and Nineveh to the Persian Gulf. The heyday of the Babylonian kingdom falls on...

History of the Army National Guard

Introduction The United States National Guard, formed on December 13 in 1636, has about 400 years of history. The National Guard is a branch of the armed forces and is an organized reserve. It is subordinate to the state in which it is located and the federation. Each state has...

The New Deal Programs: Formulation, Funding, Advantages, and Disadvantages

The New Deal The New Deal was a collection of programs, infrastructure projects, economic changes, and legislation initiated by the then President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt from 1933 to 1939. It was established to provide timely financial support from the Great Recession and to resolve critical changes...

African-Americans Grievances After Slavery Abolition

Slave-Like Conditions Among African-Americans The black people experienced different slave-like conditions, which denied them social and economic justice. For instance, African-Americans were prohibited from using public facilities belonging to the white race in the 1880s (Oshinsky, 1997). The former were punished severely by the authorities when found in the slightest...

The Unjustness of United States Invasion of Vietnam

Patterson (2018) analyzes the ethics and morality of the Vietnam War by focusing on the factors that qualify the intervention as a just war. The author examines the conflict using the lens of just war ideas by notable scholars such as Michael Walzer and Paul Ramsey. The assessment of the...

Propaganda in Historical Documents of the US

Propaganda is the widespread communication of ideas that are not necessarily objective to persuade an audience of a certain notion or incite people to take a particular action. Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis and Common Sense are both forms of propaganda. They present a subjective opinion communicated as an objective...

The Declaration of Independence: The Most Treasured Document of the USA

The United States, which is commonly recognized as America, was under colonization by Great Britain. America became independent through the perseverance of the people, such as Thomas Jefferson. In July 1776, the leader drafted a document, “The Declaration of Independence,” which contained a legal reason why Congress declared independence from...

The Case Against the Reds: Civil Freedom in the History of the United States

The producer of the document “the case against the reds” was Mitchell palmar. She was born in Stamford, Texas, where she acquired a bachelor’s degree from Houston University in 1994. Additionally, she has experience teaching, qualified in grades 4-8 as a generalist in social study, and a retail supervisor. She...

Freedom of Speech Despite Life Risks

They say that “knowledge is power,” and hence spreading the information one possesses serves the good of the community by sharing that power with others. Today, the US prides itself on its freedom of speech, with the First Amendment protecting the population from censorship. However, while there are no laws...

Post-War America in Historical Sources

With the end of World War II, the United States became one of the two world superpowers. The country helped Europe to rise from the ruins and experienced an economic and demographic boom; the process of abandoning segregation and racial discrimination has begun. At the same time, an anti-communist propaganda...

Martin Luther King Jr’s Letter: The Fight Against Black Oppression

Two documents are essential to American history of the fight against black oppression: a letter to Martin Luther King, Jr. from a group of church ministers, Bishops of Alabama, and his response. They called for a peaceful solution to the issues of oppression of blacks through internal forces. To this...

The Intersectionality of Race, Bias, and Health

Public health is a complex, multifactorial discipline, comprising a wide range of factors. The internal connections between those factors are highly important in the clinical environment, as they inevitably influence nursing outcomes. Bias and racial disparities form an area of major concern for contemporary society, in general, and the issue...

African-American Historical Objects in Museums

A Silver-Plated Tea Set The inscription on the tea set states that in 1858, it was given as a gift to Mrs. Howard in order to promote evening social affairs and close the gap in terms of interpersonal communication that was based on slavery and segregation. Despite being rather inexpensive,...

The Scope Trial Legal Case and Social Implications

Although the main issues in the scope trial were Education and Science v. Religion, the proceedings had a substantial impact in defining the roles of the judicial system and individual’s trust in the administration of justice. Politics, religion, and other social civilities have conflicted for centuries. However, the judiciary plays...

Liberty and the French Revolution Reflections

Introduction The reflections on the French Revolution by Burke are not meant to explain the event but help the general public in the United Kingdom come to terms with the exercise’s impact. The French Revolution’s occurrence had a far-reaching impact on the French society and the neighboring countries, considering the...

Korematsu v. United States (1944) Historical Context

Introduction Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution is celebrated annually in the United States on January 30, mainly in California. This day is dedicated to a Japanese-American civil rights activist. This is the first day in the history of the United States to be named after an...

Mayan Civilization: Political Collapse Theories

Introduction Mayan civilization has become more understandable for contemporaries since the time of intense interest in its study. Unlike the European states that arose in later ages, the Mayan civilization’s archaic period dates back to 8000 BC, and the pre-classical period dates from 2000 BC to 250 AD. In these...

The History of Civil Rights Movement

While comparing Claudette Colvin’s experience in the fight for equality and civil rights with that of young activists in the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, one can cite both similarities and differences. Ms. Colvin, as a young girl, did not have the same opportunities to publicize her story as people...

History of Latinos in the Latino Americans Documentary

Latino Americans’ history is no less exciting than the history of African Americans or the formation of the modern United States. This course once again showed me that a society fighting for its rights is an irresistible force. Episodes of Latino Americans Documentary clarified for me many moments of history...

Immigration to the US: Historical Analysis

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

From Slavery to Racism: Historical Background

Introduction In Capitalism and Slavery, Williams writes: “Slavery was not born out of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery” (7). The author proceeds to prove the thesis by analyzing the history of slavery and pointing out much more substantial reasons for its development: economic ones. In this paper,...

Roman Aqueducts: Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Baiocchi, Valerio, Claudio Alimonti, Giorgia Bonanotte, and Gabor Molnar. 2020. “Geomatic Measurement of “New Aniene” And “Claudia” Roman Aqueducts for Flows Estimation.” IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 949: 1-8. Web. The author’s topic revolves around the measurement of the geometric properties of two major aqueducts of...

Chapter 14 of Texas: The Lone Star State by Richardson et al.

The conservative Democratic rule discussed in Chapter 12 of Richardson et al.’s Texas: The lone star state was frugal and lacked wide public support. While it may have resolved some of the public debt issues, many Texans felt left behind and demanding socioeconomic reform, particularly the farmers. This led to...

Factors of Conflict Between American Colonists and the British Empire

American colonists and the British Empire were involved in a conflict after the French and Indian War in 1763. The main source of disagreement included persistent regulatory actions approved by the parliament. It implied that the American colonists making a fortune from captured territories were obliged to financial responsibilities back...

African American Genomes Largest Study

Modern advances in science allow researchers to explore in detail the data related to the events of the past. In particular, DNA analysis techniques help in investigating the characteristics of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade. Scientists have conducted “the largest DNA study to examine African ancestry in the Americas”...

Summary of the Cuban Missile Crisis

The Cuban Missile Crisis was one of the most significant single events in Cold War history. It started with installing Soviet nuclear missiles on Cuba supported by the revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, which was discovered on October 14, 1962, by an American spy plane. The reason for this measure was...

Abraham Lincoln and the Second Revolution

The first chapter of the book Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution by James M. McPherson touches on the subject of the so-called second Revolution. One of the main arguments is the comparison of the events of the 1860s and the events of the first American Revolution (McPherson, 1992)....

“I Have a Dream”: Then and Now

The best words to describe the history of Black people in the United States are hardship and struggle. The one who understood this best and told the American society about it was Martin Luther King. He also told Americans that “one day this nation will rise up and live out...

Eugenics and Sterilization in the United States

Eugenics in the United States was one of the controversial subjects, which did not get as much attention as it should have. Individuals like Laughlin were among the active proponents of eugenics-based sterilization programs, which advocated for making mentally impaired and ill sterile. There was a strong belief that intelligence...

Africa’s Freedom: The Events of 1960

The article “What Does Independence Look Like? Images From the Year of Africa” by numerous authors are dedicated to 1960, which signifies the most important year in modern African history. Not only did countries become free of colonial rule, but they also gained independence during that year. The article itself...

The Art of Ancient Greece

The art of Ancient Greece was and remains one of the brightest in European culture, and people of all creative professions are still inspired by it. Greek culture and art went through several stages in their development. Each historical event in Ancient Greece contributed to the achievement of something new...

Justice in Ancient Greece: The Liberation Bearers

Introduction The perception of right and wrong and the impact of time on an individual’s actions are challenging concepts that characterize when reviewing the intricacies of justice. Understanding the context with regard to the individual’s intentions seldom helps acquit an individual from wrongdoing in scenarios where negative outcomes are experienced....

Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois Fighting Discrimination Against African Americans

Being two of the best-known leaders in the African American liberation movement in the late 19th and early 20th century, Booker T. Washington and W. E. B. Du Bois represented entirely different approaches toward the promotion of equality and the fight against discrimination of African American people. While Washington encouraged...

Overview of Abolitionism: Afire with Faith

Summary The Beecher’s and the Kingdom of God Lyman Beecher Was a Highly Praised Minister Who Wanted to Make America the Kingdom of Christ. The Transformation of American Evangelicalism after 1800, Americans Moved Away from Calvinism Towards the Idea That Everyone Can Earn Redemption. Charles Grandison Finney and Modern Revivalism...

Ancient Egyptian Question of Race

The question of the race of Egyptians arose as a result of an increased interest in anthropology and the racial division of society about two centuries ago. The Egyptian expedition of Napoleon Bonaparte discovered to Europeans a new, unknown world of Egyptian culture (Agai, 2017). Opinions were divided: most believed...

Bintel Brief Letters – Discussion

The “Bintel Brief” letters and responses from the Jewish Daily Forward editors are remarkable proof of how similar in nature, albeit different in shape, were the problems encountered by immigrant Americans throughout the twentieth century. The main topics revealed in letters and replies are the opinions of the inner circle,...

Immigrants and Savers: The Irish in 1850s New York

Immigration remains crucial for American society and has always taken part in the nation’s history. It is a significant event because people keep moving from one country to another, and many technological innovations, companies, or industries could not exist without immigrants who left their homes searching for a better life....

The History of Memphis Riots

The quest for freedom and full enjoyment of rights was not an easy task, with most black slaves facing harsh treatment and even death. The majority of them were deprived of personal liberty and the right to move from one geographical area to the other. There were also limits to...

African Americans: Participation in the Civil War

According to Olivia Mahoney ‘In 1776, slaves composed forty percent of the population of the colonies from Maryland south to Georgia, but well below ten percent in the colonies to the North’, (p. 41) hence the North failed to develop slavery as successfully as the South did. Meanwhile, the need...

The Controversial Figure of Herod the Great

Herod the Great was one of the most well-known rulers in the history of the Jewish state he has been praised for the creation of notable building projects, such as the Jerusalem temple, the extension of the Temple Mount, the erection of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, and...

The American Revolution as a Historical Event

The British approach to managing its colonies is the main reason behind the quest to gain self-rule by most of them. The strategy differed remarkably from that of the Spanish since they lacked a detailed blueprint on organizing and managing the colonies (McClay 101). This approach was not a choice...

The Political, Economic and Social Effects of the GI Bill and the Vietnam War

The post-war era after the second world war led to multiple paradigmatic shifts in American history. One of the most consequential events was the passing of the GI Bill of Rights which afforded veterans of the Second World War economic benefits that greatly enhanced their quality of life. The improved...

The US Policy Towards Vietnam: International Influence

Introduction The Vietnam War is considered to be one of the longest wars that America has ever been involved in. The war that began in 1948 and ended in 1963 cost the country close to 60,000 soldiers and more than 350,000 were wounded. On top of this, close to 2...

Events That Led to the American Revolutionary War

Several different events and ideas caused the American Revolutionary War (1775 – 1783). For example, the Proclamation of 1763 was signed by King George III and ended colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains. It irritated numerous Americans who believed that the continent was the land of freedom. Simultaneously, Britain...

Understanding American History

I am a history student because it provides knowledge of the past and how it shaped America. Through learning about the past, one is able to judge what is right or wrong. History is a type of collective memory consisting of past stories that highlight structures that constitute the present....

Colonialism and Ethnic and Racial Divisions in UK

Introduction The British Empire was one of the largest empires of all the times. Its power, culture, and traditions stretched all over the world with unbelievable speed. It comprised lots of colonies, dominions, and other territories, which were ruled by the United Kingdom. The end of 1900s was the end...

Influence of Enlightenment and the Great Awakening on the American Revolution

The Revolution depicted a period of political and ideological transformation in North America between 1765 and 1783. The Enlightenment and the Great Awakening were important events that facilitated the social change between settlers and British colonizers. Individuals became informed regarding knowledge of natural laws and human rights during the former...

Women and the Civil War: Homefront & Battlefield

Most heroic tales and historical facts from the Civil War focus on male generals, soldiers, and politicians. After all, warfare was considered a man’s job, but the view ignores that the conflict affected everyone in the country. Women could not sit idly while their husbands and children continued getting wounds...

Great Roles of Women in the Civil War

In the 19th century, American women were predominantly perceived only in the domestic context, which was probably one of the factors that led to the underestimation of their roles in the Civil War (1861-1865). Despite being closely connected to the family and home life, females actively participated in the home...

“The Importance of Being Earnest” by Oscar Wilde

One of the essential characteristics of the play “The Importance of Being Earnest,” written by Oscar Wilde, is the detailed presentation of the Victorian culture in the way it was perceived by the author. In this literary work, he reflected on the upper class and mocked their cultural norms. Wilde...

Irish Revolution and Civil War of 1918-1923

Introduction The Irish Revolution and Civil War that started gathering impetus on the eve of the World War I and came to the peak by its end was unique in nature. Many forces fueled it and determined its direction and form. In Bitter Freedom: Ireland in a Revolutionary World, Maurice...

Malcolm X, a Revolutionary. Philosophical Theology

Malcolm X is the eminent personality of the 20th century, widely known for his combat against African-Americans harassment. Malcolm X had been frequently criticized for his policy, as a considerable part of the society had founded his attitude violent and racist. He had spread the point of view that European...

The Indigenous People as a Nation

Introduction Since time immemorial different communities inhabiting their ancestral lands have practiced various cultures and correlated with the environment. These groups have not only maintained their way of life, but also, have retained the political, cultural, economic, and social traits that differentiate them from the surrounding distinct societies. As such,...

Argument Analysis of Ben-Ghiat’s Article

Professor Ben-Ghiat’s article “Women should have to register for the draft” argues that when the women in the United States turn eighteen years old, they should be allowed to register for the Selective Service (SS). The primary argument is that society has fully embraced gender equality so women should also...

World History: Women in Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece is one of the most well-known civilizations in human history. It is famous for its social and political development as well as scientific research and progressive approach to life. Even though generally, women in Ancient Greece had fewer rights than men, in some cases, seeds of equality and...

The History of American-Mexican War

US history is marred with controversial episodes that raise a lot of debate. One of these events occurred in the 1800s during the American-Mexican war. The background of this war is that Texas had gained independence from Mexico and was a slave state, making the US hesitant to admit it...

Events of World History

The League of Nations is the international organization formed as the result of the Paris Peace Conference, which took place on January 10, 1920. The formation of this organization became the end of World War 1. The League of Nations’ main objective was disarmament, prevention of hostilities, ensuring collective security,...

Defining Terms and Providing Significance

Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire was one of the most saddening accidents in American history during the twentieth century. The incident occurred on March 25, 1911, at the Triangle Factory, a cloth factory owned by Isaac Harris and Max Blank. The factory was situated at Asch Building...

Historical Analysis of Washington’s Education System

Although the Civil War granted liberation to the African-Americans in the United States, their place in society has remained uncertain. Booker T. Washington was one of the two prominent figures of that time who advocated for the education of African-Americans without opposing the idea of segregation. This paper will examine...

Industrialization, Immigration and Urbanization in the Late 19th Century

World history has undergone a series of drastic historical changes in the 19th century. The transformation happened due to the fact that all the basic economic and social structures were to be adopted in order to comply with industrial breakthroughs and the aftermath of the Second Agricultural revolution. Indeed, the...

Industrialization and Urbanization in the Tennessee

In the late nineteenth century, following the Civil War, Tennessee entered into a period of industrialization. The railroad connection played a significant role in the growth of the economy and other industries. It facilitated the shipping process and, as a result, the production of flour became one of the most...

Researching of The Revolutionary War

The three ideas of interest in Lecture 7 included the Americans’ patience, ignorance of the British, and the significance of collaboration in overseeing the American Revolution’s success. During the First Continental Congress, the Americans did not aim to gain independence from their colonizers. Instead, they focused on amending the policies...

The Urban Life in the 18th and 19th Centuries: Effects of Industrialization

In the United States, the industrial revolution had a significant impact on the country’s cities. Manufacturers constructed factories in cities because of the high populations that offered a consistent workforce. The factories had the effect of attracting far more individuals to the cities. As a result, during the Second Industrial...

Reconciliation Through the Lens of Cultural Diversity

Aboriginal art and culture help us to understand the worldview, values, and traditions of the Canadian people, their past and present. Aboriginal culture reflects the long-term colonization of Canada, during which Aboriginal people “have used art making as a strategy for survival” (Trépanier and Creighton-Kelly 18). Aboriginal Arts show themselves...

Slavery and Discrimination: The Foundations of the Problem

Racism and discrimination have always been a critical issue for the United States, although slavery and segregation were abolished some time ago. Racism has not remained a historical event and is still present in modern America. Continuing violence, such as George Floyd’s assassination, is the most striking example of existing...

New Deal: Purpose, Positive Aspirations

The New Deal in the United States was a set of programs, infrastructure projects, economic changes, and legislation initiated by President Franklin D. Roosevelt to create financial support and solve manufacturing, agriculture, water supply, and employment problems. The most important task was to save and stabilize the US financial system....

English Colonization of Virginia and Massachusetts

During the years 1754 – 1765 many, significant changes took place which is important in the history of the British Empire. A vast expansion of the Empire was witnessed by the people during this time. The Empire was made up of various heterogeneous colonies with different economic institutions etc. The...

Transformations in America in the 1880s and 1890s

Introduction The United States experienced tremendous changes years after the Civil War. Such developments included industrialization, migration, moral movements, and changes in race and gender perceptions. Revolutions happened in both the urban and the rural parts of the country. The paper describes the radical transformations that occurred in the country...

The Role of Women During Civil War

Annotated Bibliography Giesberg, J. (2013). Waging war their own way: Women and the Civil War in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Legacies, 13(1-2), 16-27. Web. This article presents information regarding women’s activities in Pennsylvania during the Civil War. It describes their contributions to providing soldiers with homemade goods and emphasizes the female population’s...

True Intentions of the Founding Fathers

The transition of the United States from a small and rather helpless group of colonies to one of the most influential powers in the world has been a long journey. Some might argue that it would ultimately have failed if not for the Founding Fathers and their heroic efforts during...

European Imperialism and Global Economic Situation

European imperialism is a crucial moment in history, as it has markedly influenced the current global economic situation. Its meaning comprises the course of military forces for foreign policy expansion. The goal is to seek to conquer territories, form colonies, and establish political and economic control. A complex of reasons...

Bacon’s Rebellion as a Turning Point in the American Ideas of Race

Introduction The late 17th century was a pivotal period in American history, which marked the foundation of the institute of slavery. Bacon’s Rebellion of 1675–1676 united indentured servants and slaves against the Grandees and provoked a reaction from white elites that led to the establishment of laws separating the white...

Scientific Revolution and Technological Advancement

Introduction Before the French revolution, there were only two nations that acknowledged the concept of human right, which are the Great Britain and the USA, its former colony. Despite the interpretative differences in the national history of the French revolution, the country embraced only civil and political rights. However, the...

Native Americans Issues in the US

The United States is a multinational country, which sometimes creates racial concerns. Even though Indian Americans are the indigenous population of this territory, they have experienced much discrimination since the Europeans came to North America. This discrimination has manifested itself in various aspects, including the legal and sporting sphere. Consequently,...

Indus River Valley and Harappan Civilization

The earliest civilizations that have been discovered by modern archeologists are typically located in the river valleys, as rivers allowed agricultural development. Agriculture was crucial for the increase in population and specialization of civilizations like the ancient Egyptians, the ancient Mesopotamians, and the Indus river civilization. Indus River runs mostly...

The Role of Religion in Shang Chinese and Harappan India Civilizations

Shang Chinese Civilization Shang dynasty had been at the origin of recorded history in China, with the beginning in the Bronze Age. Religion contributed significantly to the rise of Civilization, its political system forming, and eventually, to the fall of the era. The Shang dynasty’s folk religion was polytheistic, which...

Cold War, Truman’s Foreign Policy

Why was the United States unable to avoid entering a Cold War with the Soviet Union? After World War II, the world has divided into two opposite parts with two contrasting belief systems. Ahead of the one was the Soviet Union, while the United States led the other. Therefore, the...

U.S. History: Reconstruction, American Imperialism, Immigration

Reconstruction The Reconstruction was effective in reincorporating the South but failed to “deal” with ex-slaves. As a result, the Reconstruction was a mix of successes and failures. It succeeded in uniting the South and the North after President Andrew Johnson adopted and implemented Lincoln’s Ten Percent Plan by pardoning many...

Racial Disparity in Professional Football: Rooney Rule

Nowadays, an open conversation about equal rights and workplace diversity is reaching its peak in the form of viral social media campaigns and public demonstrations. Professional sport is no different from any other industrial sector in corporate America, although the racial gap in the ranks of head coaches and senior...

Settler Colonialism in the American History

Our History is the Future is a book dedicated to the struggle of America’s indigenous population against the colonists. The modern movement against the Dakota Access pipeline (DAPL) at Standing Rock is only one of the manifestations of the long resistance of the Indians to settler colonialism. The author of...

Slavery and the Compromise of 1850

After gaining independence from Great Britain and the United States’ formation, a split was outlined in the American state between two economically, politically, demographic, and culturally different areas – the North and the South. The Southern states are traditionally agricultural, initially surpassing the Northern ones in terms of economic indicators....

Gunpowder Empires and the 16th Century Japan

The first half of the 16th century in Japan belongs to the Muromachi period (1336-1573 C.E.) during which it had a decentralized political system allowing local lords to rule small regions of the country separately. During the mentioned period, a shogun ruled Japan through retainers, who provided military support in...

Industrial Revolution and Immigration

The outcomes of the US Industrial Revolution that took place in the 19th century had a recognizable influence on the consequent history of the country and of the world as a whole. The manifestation of the Industrial Revolution may be considered a serious step forward for the country that fought...

Gendered Aspects of Slavery in American History

The US’s social, political, and economic development is significantly shaped by slavery among African Americans. Most of the laws, human rights, social and cultural revolutions resonated on addressing ideologies on recognizing black Americans’ rights. While the blacks were the most affected by slavery, women, especially of the African American origin,...

The United States Constitution in the Historical Context

The US Constitution is regarded as an example of democracy; however, it contains controversial issues: the citizens vote for the presidential candidates, but the latter receive their votes not directly but through the Electoral College. According to the country’s Constitution, Americans vote for the presidential electors while choosing the president;...

Argiculture in the Mayan Classic Civilization

Introduction The Mayan refers to a group of communities who had similar cultures and lived in Mesoamerica and specifically in the Yucatan peninsular. The Classical period in this question lasted from 250AD to 900AD. The Yucatan peninsular had a vast landscape with good water catchments areas that could support agriculture....

The Houston Riot of 1917: Human Equality

Over a hundred years ago, on August 23, 1917, Houston, Texas, witnessed one of the first steps towards the elimination of racial segregation and discrimination within the state. On this day, a mutiny held by a total of 156 African-American soldiers was performed in Camp Logan as a result of...

The Cities of Ancient Nubia

Nubia is a region located in North Eastern Africa, extending from the Nile River Valley nearby the first cataract of the Nile and stretching eastward to the Red Sea and South to nearby Khartoum which is modern-day Sudan. Nubia is traditionally divided by historians and geographers into two regions of...

The Enlightenment Era Thought

Enlightenment thinkers influenced the history of European countries and, consequently, affected the United States’ politics. The eighteenth century’s main political thought was based on changing the perception of authority and clarifying the importance of fundamental human rights. Democratic traditions have taken place in American culture since the beginning, influenced by...

History of Texas: Colonization and Slavery

Introduction Texas has a long and unique history with rich sociocultural practices. The Spanish rule played a central role in the economic and social development in Texas. René Robert Cavelier Sieur de La Salle’s expeditions contributed significantly to the colonization of the region. On the other hand, Stephen F. Austin...

The Major Causes of the Great Depression

Some of the major causes of the Great Depression include (but are not confined to) the stock market collapse (of 1929), the failure of the banking system, the economic downturn in many countries, the American international trade policy (Kennedy, Cohen, & Piehl, 2012). The crash of the stock market is...

A New Nation in Need of Change

In the summer of 1786, just several years after the end of the Revolutionary War, Shays’ Rebellion unfolded in Massachusetts. Many Merchants who had donated money to the Continental Congress started to call in their debts and demand upon payment in cash for future goods and services. As William Manning’s...

Civil Rights Struggle of African Americans

Introduction The civil rights struggle of African Americans began much earlier than it got its name. Despite the negative attitude towards slavery and inequality among many American leaders, the implementation of the principle laid down in the Declaration of Independence, that “all men are born equal,” was postponed several times...

Prerequisites of Cold War During Yalta Conference

Introduction The post-WWII years turned out to be rather challenging for the world. It became the beginning of the new era of global development, including the escalating confrontation between Soviet and Imperialistic blocks, the beginning of the Cold War with its détentes and escalations. The invention of missile weapons led...

Civil Rights Movement: Aims, Ideas, Impacts on Society

The aim of the civil rights movement in the 1960s was to resist all forms of racial oppression as well as to abolish the legacy of slavery as an institution. Outcomes of the movement included granting African-Americans basic civil rights and improving the economic, cultural, and political life of this...

Confucianism as the State Ideology of Ancient China

Introduction Ancient China is a civilization with a varied and long history of philosophical discovery and thought. Among others, the teachings of Confucius have had the biggest impact on the modern understanding of China and the cultural perception of Asian philosophy. Confucius’s teaching put much emphasis on personal improvement and...

President Bush’s Judicial Nominations

The presidential judicial nominations made by President Bush earned him a long-lasting legacy in American law history. The appointments were said to have far-reaching effects on individual rights over a long period of time, preferring conservatists. President George Bush’s judicial appointments during his tenure in office brought about mixed reactions...

Was Pancho Villa a Good or a Bad Guy?

Reflecting on the life Pancho Villa lived, it can be said that he – just like many other citizens of Mexico – was a product of a corrupt and autocratic governmental system. About 90% of the population lived in poverty under Díaz’s regime (“Pancho Villa: Robin Hood or Ruthless Terrorist?”...

Seventeenth Day of October and Peron’s Leadership

It is profound to note that Juan Perón was a popular political figure during his era in Argentina. Although there are other public holidays that are commemorated in Argentina, seventeenth of October was considered by Argentines as the Loyalty Day for the country and the leadership of Peron.1 When Peron...

Evolution, Not Revolution: Gender Law and Women Rights in Saudi Arabia

Introduction In the olden days, women were considered not capable of surviving independently of the men. Men were required to provide basic needs for their families that entailed food, shelter and protection. Traditionally, women were limited to domestic chores that encompass looking after the children, cooking as well as bearing...

Racism in the United States of America

Introduction Racism is one of the most controversial issues in the United States. For many decades, the matter has been hotly debated in various fields to find a lasting solution. The stories of Emmett Till and Christian Cooper are both cases of racism that manifested in different ways. Till was...

Social Transformations of the Mid-1800s in the US

In the U.S, the 19th century was an era of social transformations driven by several disparities deeply rooted in society. Many of the movements were supported by religious revivals known as the Second Great Awakening. Revivalists preachers denied the Calvinist idea of predestined salvation, emphasizing that all souls are created...

Relationships Between the European Settlers and the Native Americans

Introduction Many factors played their role in the growth and development of the Colonial New England. Future America has served as a place where three district human cultures intersected. Relationships between the European settlers, the Native Americans, and the African Americans are intricate, and the groups have had a significant...

The Birth of Slavery in America

It is no secret that America has not always been a tremendous economic power, with significant influence over the world. On the contrary, at the stage of active settlement, the continent of North America was represented by the British colonies, slowly eradicating all Indians and occupying foreign territories. Once all...

Impressions and Expressions of Cultural Storytelling

Introduction Storytelling is an art and science that has existed in many communities around the world for centuries. According to Ripley (2003), storytelling was the only way to pass down cultural practices, values, and believes from one generation to the next before written records emerged. Storytelling is still common among...

“The Frontier” Chapter of “The Oregon Trail” by Parkman

Many detailed and carefully developed historical travel accounts can provide interesting insights and give a comprehensive picture of life in the described regions. Francis Parkman’s book, titled The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life, initially published in 1849, depicts his tour, conducted in 1946, to the states of...

The Woman Suffrage Movement and the Nineteenth Amendment

Introduction Suffrage Movement Overview American Suffrage movement is a massive trend in American society that started in the middle of the 19th century and lasted until the Nineteenth Amendment ratification. The first signs of women’s suffrage could be observed several decades before the Civil War. They occurred along with the...

The Creation of the Constitution of the USA

Introduction There is no use denying the fact that the history of every country has a great number of various moments that could be taken as the steps made by this very state to achieve its independence and guarantee its development. Moreover, these steps also show which values were appreciated...

Confrontation Between Democrats and Republicans

The political views of the citizens of the United States of America are now clearly divided. The country has established the most prominent and influential two-party system. The confrontation between Democrats and Republicans significantly affects America’s domestic and foreign policy. The history of the parties’ development dates back to the...

The Battle for Atlanta in American Civil War

The Preamble On September 2, 1864, Atlanta, also known as the gate to the South, fell. This day has become one of the significant turning points in the history of the Civil War and the predecessor of the shortly after Federal military campaign in the Georgia state. Both sides of...

Reconstruction of the South and Racial Oppressions

There is a number of historical events that had a significant effect on a country or the whole world, and unfortunately, not all of them were positive. Reconstruction of the South that lasted from 1865 to 1877 was the period following the American Civil War. These twelve challenging but extremely...

Demand for Labor in the Middle Colonies

Due to the increasing rise in the demand for labor during the colonization era, the use of slavery increased exponentially to meet the specified demand in the Middle Colonies and the Colonies of the South. In contrast, the Chesapeake Colonies continued to focus on using indentured servants. The process of...

Ohio Role in the Civil War

The American Civil War was a war between the citizens of the Northern and Southern states presented by the governments of the Union and the Confederacy. The Civil War started with the worsening relationships between the Union representatives, who were gaining more power in parliament. The abolition of slavery –...

Ahmaud Arbery Killing: Event Analysis

Ahmad Aurbery was shot dead by two men outside Brunswick, Georgia, on February 23, 2020. Even though it seems to be a one-time event, it can be connected to other hate crime cases. Arbery was jogging in Satilla Shores, when two white men – Gregory McMichael, 64, and his 34-year-old...

The Impact of the Resistance Protests and Crimes Against the South African Apartheid

Friedman, S. (2017). The Sounds of Silence: Structural Change and Collective Action in the Fight against Apartheid. South African Historical Journal, 69(2), 236-250.  An academic article about the collective actions in the fight against Apartheid reveals why the resistance became stronger 1970s and shows what historical events affected the spread...

Black Women-Activists During the Civil War in the US

The main reasons for the outbreak of the American Civil War had affected everyone. Eternal instability and uncertainty but a belief in a better life – this is how this period was characterized. At that time, a great number of black women activists were involved in the fight against slavery...

Women in Colonial America: Massachusetts Bay Colony

The development of women’s rights in colonial America is a dramatic period of U.S. history. In particular, the New England Colonies, such as the Massachusetts Bay Colony, were highly patriarchal societies. Likewise, women’s roles in the Southern Colonies, for example, the Province of Georgia, were primarily restricted to household duties...

Rise of Republican Party and Decline of Federalists

In 1783, the United States finally eliminated the British rule on its territory. Nevertheless, among the politicians of the newly united and liberated country, there were dissents on policies and the absence of a commonly agreed vision of the Constitution. Distrust among the political leaders was a driving force for...

“Ancestry in a Drop of Blood” Article by Karen Kaplan

In her article Karen Kaplan brings up the issue of racial and national identity, investigating the challenges of Native American people in the US. Providing examples from real-life stories the author aims to determine what does it mean to be Indian and whether or not DNA testing is scientifically and...

An Overview of the Idea of Latin America

Latin America is a collective name of a group of countries and dependent territories located in the Western Hemisphere, and the use of Spanish and Portuguese languages dominates there. The term “Latin America” for the first time was used in 1856. There are various interpretations of the appearance of the...

Simon Bolívar and Toussaint L. Overture

Simon Bolívar and Toussaint L. Overture are two renowned fighters for the independence of Latin American countries from the reign of the empires of that period. Another similarity between the two is their focus on republican ideas and concepts. For instance, Bolívar propagated the ideas of the parliament similar to...

“Letter From the Birmingham Jail” by M. L. King

The “Letter from the Birmingham Jail” is, perhaps, one of the most famous letters in entire American history. Written by Marin Luther King, JR. after being imprisoned, it addresses the problems of racism, inequality, and staggering injustice in American society. Focused on the idea of equality as the main tool...

African-American Studies: Diversity Scholarship

Although in the XXI century, ethnic and national minorities have been provided with ample opportunities in terms of higher education, retention rates among the latter are truly drastic. Unless minorities receive high-quality support from a professional, they will not be able to fight the culture clash, which they will be...

Trade Routes and Colonization of North America

Introduction The successes and achievements in the development of European civilization significantly contributed to its expansion. During the period, also known as the Age of Discovery or the Age of Exploration, many countries became involved in the process of searching for new trade routes. In such attempts, they also discovered...

American Settlement of the West: History of the Expansion

Introduction The American settlement of the Western territories was essentially a conquest. The first conflicts between settlers and the native population began to occur from the start of the colonization in the 17th century. As the number of colonists grew, and they moved further into the continent in search of...

The “Black Lives Matter” Movement

#BlackLivesMatter is the movement that fights policemen violence against African-Americans, which tends to happen in the United States. Their slogan, “Black Lives Matter,” is well known by almost everyone in the world nowadays because of its rapid spread and broad support. In this paper, the question of whether the Black...