Works Progress Administration Program in the US

Introduction The only employer that was available in the village family lived in was the mill. All people would go there and seek employment, but most of them would spend the majority of their time waiting. Some people would only work for 16 hours a week because of the low...

Liberty, Freedom, and Equality in America

Introduction The history of the United States represents the mixing of various cultures and values shared by different peoples. This fact conditioned the necessity to formulate common values to unite all the population groups into one nation. Such values became liberty, freedom, and equality, but the process of their installation...

The Louisiana Purchase’s Importance for America

The Louisiana Purchase refers to the US’s acquisition of the territory of Louisiana under Thomas Jefferson in 1803. Louisiana belonged to France from 1699 to 1762, and then from 1800 to 1803. For the French leader, Napoleon Bonaparte, this deal was a tool to get more money for the needs...

From the Roman Empire to Late Antiquity

The transition from the period of the Roman Empire to late antiquity was characterized by drastic changes in all spheres of human life. These changes had a considerable impact on the art of the period as it started to move from ancient Greek values to the values of the middle...

The Presidents of the United States in History

George Washington (1789-1797) contributed to the adoption of the new Constitution, the Constitutional Convention. He was spreading the spirit of forswearing parties and urged people to abdicate geographical distinction (The White House). John Adams (1797-1801) was an excellent political philosopher who became the first vice president and then the second...

Civil Rights for African Americans: Evolution From the Civil War to Today

Introduction The history of American slavery is full of ambiguities, which manifested themselves in various social issues and, in particular, affected the civil rights of the African American population. The Civil War was a turning point in the struggle for equality and allowed starting the process of revising the values...

History. The British Attempt to Colonize America

World history is a cyclical phenomenon that tends to be repeated within an amount of time sufficient for people to forget what happened. For this reason, historians feel the proper analysis and description of historical events to be their civic duty. The vivid examples of parallels between such events are...

French Colonial Rule in Algiers

A major part of Algiers’ history’s transformation into the Middle Ages was the Christians’ French occupation in the fifteenth century. Consequently, this led to the influx of Muslim refugees to Algiers. Muslims in Spain made new contributions to the Western region’s Islamic State (Celik & McDermott, 1997). Algiers’ urban arrangement...

Pandemics and Epidemics that Changed the World

Abstract We are witnessing the times of “Great Awakening” through the pandemic of COVID-19. We are learning what essential jobs really are. People and companies are working at home. Most importantly, we are learning more about human connections. We are missing being around each other – and it is creating...

The History and Causes of Progressive Movement

Introduction The Progressive movement or the Progressive era was a response to economic, social, and political issues created by Industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption. In the current essay, the central aim is to address the historical period in terms of its major issues and reforms. Concerning the outline of...

Inaugural Speech of John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Introduction The speech was written by Kennedy himself with the assistance of Ted Sorensen. Kennedy served only two years of his term and did not have any significant domestic or foreign political achievements such as Roosevelt. Yet, for some reason, people still regard him highly. His ratings reach as high...

Geography of Slavery in Virginia

Introduction The research conducted in terms of the following paper has shown that the runaway patterns, frequent in times of slavery, were predominantly caused by the family connections of the enslaved American residents. The 21st century’s version of the United States of America has been modified to such an extent...

Women’s Rights: Suffrage Movement

The struggle for women’s rights and abolition were intricately linked movements of the 19th century. Professor Kelton, in fact, has argued that the former was, in many ways, an unintended consequence of the latter. It is of major importance to analyze numerous concepts that shaped attitudes to women and people...

Southern United States Politics in 20th Century

Introduction Southern USA history has a lot to offer to the overall history of the United States. Written, oral, and other historical sources passed across generations reveal a region that spans an extensive range of cultural and civilization forms. Many social, economic, and political issues have been raised about this...

New York City: Economic History

New York’s history reveals that it has played an important economic role to the United States for many centuries. Following the successful settlement of Dutch settlers in the 1600s, New York’s economy thrived since many people were engaged in lumber trading and fur trapping. In the article “The Emptying of...

Sharecropping. History of Racial Agriculture

Introduction The sharecropping system arose in the Post-Reconstruction era as a means of revitalizing the Southern agrarian economy. However, it quickly became a form of racialized agriculture which aimed to maintain the social order that existed during slavery and subjugate freed black slaves to economic exploitation. Sharecropping quickly became another...

The U.S. Treatment of Native Americans

Westward expansion is the 19th-century movement of settlers into the American West, which occurred in 1807 and lasted till 1910. The settlers were practically Europeans, and although they were interested in the history and origins of Native Americans (Indians), they were afraid of them at the same time. Misunderstanding and...

US Historical Heritage: American Identity and the Issue of Equality

The US historical heritage, to the great part, shaped the current position of the country on the international arena. Another defining aspect was the Puritan ethics that promoted hard and constant work as a way to stay pure and to atone for one’s sins. Still, it was impossible to build...

Greece in the Ancient Times: Philosophical Hotspot

Introduction In Ancient Greece, philosophy played a critical role in the country’s socio-economic and political development. According to Tazzioli and Garelli, education was highly regarded in the kingdom as a means of gaining new knowledge that is critical for sustained growth (8). A new concept emerged where the elites theorized...

Partido Obrero de Unificación Marxista and Civil War in Spain

The Spanish Civil War began in 1936 in Morocco, when nationalists set out to overthrow the republican government. Subsequently, the nationalists led by Franco were supported by the Italian fascist regime of Mussolini, and by Germany (Krieger and Crahan 2001). The most famous episode of the war is Guernica –...

The Connection Between Obama’s Comment and Garvey’s Speech

Marcus Garvey’s speech If You Believe the Negro Has a Sole in 1921 is one of the most influential speeches that protect equal rights for all races. It discusses the problem of discriminatory treatment of African American people which has been ongoing for more than a century. The theme of...

Xochimilco Among Mexico City’s Ancient Canals

Introduction Xochimilco is a system of canals that encompass a wide territory of over 170 square kilometers. It served as the main venue for transportation during the pre-Hispanic area and was built by the Aztec to also ensure a reliable water supply to the population. Today, the Xochimilco canals of...

“The Wilsonian Moment” and Chinese Liberation: Analysis

Introduction The development of nationalism in China has been examined from multiple standpoints, with no consensus having been reached. However, given the context in which China gained the sense of national identity, the described change could be seen as the urge for liberation against the colonist interests of European states...

The United States Concept of Containment

Introduction After the end of the Second World War, many countries in the world had undergone a dramatic twist in their policies and structures due to the influence extended to them by their superpowers and former colonizers. The term containment was initially derived from the word contain and it was...

The Great Depression and The United States’ Future

Today the United States of America is on the eve of the presidential elections, and it is the right time to assess what the country was in in the last few years. It has been and still is a hard time for the economy, as it is wrecked by the...

The Autobiography of Catalina de Erauso

The autobiography of Catalina de Erauso presents significant encounters that describe experiences of conquistadors learned in class. Lieutenant Nun is an excerpt that depicts a changing society in terms of gender. As will be noted, the stereotype image of a Spanish conquistador gets contradicted by the nun who ends up...

Exploring the History of Texas: From the 1920s to the Bush Administration

The Rise and Fall of the Ku Klux Klan in Texas during the 1920s Being a notorious blemish in U.S. history, the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) emerged as the ultra-right organization that advocated for highly reactionary ideas, promoting racism, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and a range of other ideas associated with White...

Transatlantic Slave Trade: A Legacy That Lives On

The famous Canadian psychiatrist Jordan Peterson defines evil as a human’s ability to cause suffering for the sake of suffering (Peterson 89). Building on this definition, slavery, a system in which people become property, counts among some of the evilest crimes against humanity. Probably, the most tragic event in the...

In What Ways Were the Populists Responding to What They Perceived as “Corruption”?

The Populists created the party as a necessary reaction to the sameness in the political situation in the 1880s. It was apparent that the country was in need of drastic changes. However, the actions of Democratic and the Republican parties were unpromising for ordinary citizens. For these reasons, the Populists...

False Consensus Results in the Constitutional Decay

The graphic story, They Called Us Enemy, by George Takei et al. uses imagery to narrate a historical event following the Pearl Harbor bombing by the Japanese. Specifically, Takei provides a memoir on how his family and other people of his descent were forcefully transported to the internment camps. They...

Texas Secession: Major Problems in Texas History

The Texas secession from the United States in 1861 was not an unforeseen political move as discontent among Texans with the Union’s direction had been continuously growing. This decision resulted in joining the group of six other states that left the Union earlier before the inauguration of Lincoln. Then Texas...

Individuals Targeted in Japanese Internment Camps

Several events compelled the United States to be involved in the Second World War, including the infamous Pearl Harbor Attack by the Japanese. This event led to the imprisonment of thousands of citizens who had Japanese ancestry. The majority of targeted individuals were living near the Pacific Coast where the...

The Vietnam War From 1955 to 1975

The Vietnam War, also known as the Second Indochina War, was a conflict between North and South Vietnam and lasted from 1955 to 1975. The anti-communist coalition that supported South Vietnam was led by the US. The leading nations that fought on the side of North Vietnam were the Soviet...

The 1850s in the History of the Union

Introduction Few historical events have had more influence on the formation of American national identity than the Civil War. It was a time during which citizens of the United States had to decide whether the economic benefits of slavery were worth the staggering moral cost. While the armed conflict took...

Discussion of Future Challenges and Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Future Challenges The gradually deteriorating environment will result in the emergence of multiple health problems associated with the health of the nation. First of all, it will precondition the increase in the number of chronic diseases or long-term conditions. At the moment, the situation is complex, however, in accordance with...

The 21st-Century Western Culture: A Retrospect of the Year 2500 A.D.

During the early 21st century, the emergence of technology and its subsequent dynamic development was a significant feature. The application of that specialized knowledge was in the various sectors of the world economies, especially in the field of science. This included a field of studies such as medicine, physics, engineering,...

Nature of Stalin’s Regime in Soviet Russia

Introduction Nadezhda Mandelshtam was the wife of one of the most famous Russian poets whom the world lost because of Stalin’s regime. Osip Mandelshtam was one of the hundreds of thousands of victims of Stalinism who died in GULAG. There is much literature on Stalin’s repressions and totalitarianism, but a...

Europe’s Last Dictator and the Belarus Opposition

Events in Belarus have become the focus of attention of many world media. In the heart of Europe, thousands of protesters are once again opposing the authoritarian rule. The former Soviet Republic has repeatedly witnessed the dubious victories of President Alexander Lukashenko. However, never before has the desire for change...

Golden Rush and Building of Railroad in California

The gold discovery in California had accelerated changes that had already been occurring. After President Polk’s announcement about gold discovery, the population of non-native Americans in California had increased dramatically from ten thousand to a hundred thousand within a year (Starr, 2007). California enlarged its territories bypassing territorial status, held...

Battle for Fort Sumter and the Beginning of the Civil War

Introduction Fort Sumter was the last point the Union forces occupied in South Carolina after the state declared secession and lived the Union. Therefore, the battle for Fort Sumter became a starting point for subsequent military actions between the Confederates and the Union. It was also a defining point at...

How the US of 1895 Differed From the One the Founding Fathers Envisioned?

Introduction When the Constitution of the United States of America came into force in 1789, the Founding Fathers had a specific plan in their minds to lead their country to its greatest. Unfortunately, certain difficulties, wrong decisions and their consequences in the following years made that impossible which will be...

The Palestine and the Arab-Israel Conflict

Introduction The beginning of the Palestine-Israel conflict has a long history and in spite of many attempts made to tackle the struggle, has not been resolved until today. It belongs to a wider Arab-Israel conflict; the confrontation has various reasons for geopolitical, religious, economic, and ideological nature. In fact, almost...

Attitude Towards Chinese People in the USA

Numerous Chinese laborers came to the US during the California Gold Rush of 1848–1855. They proved to be industrious people, and it is hard to find any vivid examples of animosity towards them during that period. Surface gold could be easily found in sparsely populated distant areas of California back...

The Inevitability of the 1947-48 Conflict Between Jews and Arabs in Palestine

This piece seeks to examine whether 1947-1948 violent disagreement among the Jewish immigrants and the Arabs could be prevented. Also, it discusses if it would have happened despite any possible efforts, in other words – was inevitable. The conflict between Arabs and Jews arose following the First World War. According...

Research of Abolitionist Movement

Abolitionists: Reformers or Agitators? Abolitionism played a defining role in the history of the United States. The primary goal of the movement was to end slavery, and it is considered the main reason for the American Civil War (Newman, 2018). Besides abolishing slavery, the movement also influenced other reforms that...

The Impact of Martin Luther King’s Speech

Before the Speech Martin Luther King Junior delivered the speech, “I Have a Dream,” in 1963. It was heard by an initial two hundred thousand people, beyond any other rally in the history of the U.S at that time. The speech’s content put pressure on President Lyndon’s administration to push...

The Portrayal of Columbus in American History

The controversial representation of Christopher Columbus and his role in American history caused the emergence of two opposing stances. Hence, some people emphasize the importance of this historical figure that contributed to the discovery of the continent, whereas others suppose that his involvement brought more harm than good (Shafer &...

The American Revolution: Causes

Introduction The American Revolution is one of the most critical events in the history of the United States. It resulted in the thirteen Great Britain’s colonies regaining sovereignty and claiming their independence. However, before speaking about the consequences of the American Revolution, it is crucial to learn what led to...

American Revolution: The Abolitionism Movement

The abolitionism movement was a significant event in the history of the state, changing the views and legal treatment of slavery. “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?” is a speech by Douglas prepared for the celebration of the American Revolution, in which Douglass argues for the freedom....

Ancient History: Empires and Religions

Each of the texts supports the information about the different early empires discussed in Chapter 4 of the textbook. The first text from the banquet style of Assurnasirpal II describes the banquet held by the ruler in his palace. The document describes the food served to the guests in great...

American History: Jefferson v. Hamilton

American history consists of many confrontations: colonies against the crown, North and South. Even at the beginning of its existence, the United States was subject to a conflict of different opinions. In the 1790s, the conflict between the Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton and the Anti-federalists led by Thomas Jefferson...

Natural Resources in Ancient Egypt

Introduction Almost every person in the world has heard about Egypt. Its pyramids and other massive architectural accomplishments astonish not only ordinary people but also historians and archeologists. Pyramids are the most popular entities associated with Ancient Egypt, but not many people know about other of its achievements. Ancient Egypt...

Pursuit and Glory Experiences in the Mid-19th Century Texas Southwest

In the mid-19th century, Texas experienced a range of turbulent events, some of which were unprecedented, compared with the history of other states. The Texan struggle for independence and its ultimate annexation by the U.S became the prerequisite for the Mexican-American war in 1846-1848. In particular, the southwest part of...

The History of Columbine Massacre of 1999

The tragic events of 1999 made the entire international society shudder with horror. All the world newspapers enlightened the accident that took place at Columbine High School and became the cause of thirteen deaths. The terrible tragedy happened on April 20 in the Colorado state. In the morning two armed...

The Deportation of Mexican Americans

There is no doubt that the government should not be blamed as the initial driving force behind the unfair and unconstitutional deportation of Mexican Americans. In fact, there are several other reasons that contributed significantly to such a tragic event. One of them is the tough economic situation at the...

The Woman Suffrage Movement and and Its Victory

Event Description The activism supporting American women’s right to vote spanned many decades having occurred before the Civil War along with the anti-slavery movement. The convention in Seneca Falls in 1848 led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton marked the crucial moment in the initiation of the movement for women’s rights. After...

Age of Discovery as Age of Destruction: Expansion Cost

The era of great geographic discoveries is well-known and well-remembered for the supposed progress that it provided for Europe. However, up until recently, the massive harm caused to indigenous people, who have been severely affected by the thoughtless actions and violence of colonizers, has been neglected. Although economically, expansion into...

Egyptian Funerary Practices and Its Related Imagery

Introduction Funeral rites and beliefs were significant for the ancient Egyptian society and were already practiced long before the emergence of the state, somewhere in the era of primitiveness. The concept of life in Ancient Egypt was very different from the common understanding, as they believed that life was to...

Coalition Maritime Power and the Liberation of Kuwait in 1990-91

The Gulf War, which lasted from 1990 to 1991, was a significant historical event that irreversibly changed the political picture of the world. In this unprecedented war, Iran fought against a coalition of 28 countries led by the United States. Since Kuwait itself became of interest to the Western world,...

Presidential and Congressional Reconstruction in Texas: Comparison and Evaluation

The process of Reconstruction that Texas undergone after the Civil War was excruciatingly hard for the state and its citizens, mostly due to the contradictory forces that were pulling the state apart on social, political, and economic levels. The changes in the relationships between African Americans and white Americans, particularly,...

Analysis of Japanese-American Internment

Japanese-American internment is a significant problem in the 21st century as it questions the credibility of the democracy and values of equity in the USA. This case shows the imperfection of the political system as human dignity was not taken into consideration in prison camps that were organized by the...

Declaration of Independence: History

Introduction The Declaration of Independence was the first and, perhaps, the greatest document that laid the foundation for not only the country but also its people’s philosophy. Words “Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness” form the basis of the American dream (“The Declaration of Independence: A transcription,” 2017). According to...

Declaration of Independence and American Colonies

Introduction America was colonized by the British Empire for a long time; therefore, it experienced the challenges that other nations went through before attaining independence. The American Congress assigned Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingstone the role of drafting a document to be presented to...

History of Iroquois Confederacy

Introduction The Iroquois are a group of northeastern tribes of North America that have an important place in the world’s history. They are known to have established unity based on the principles of peace and equality after years of feud. Five separate tribes living on the neighboring lands came to...

Family Genogram: ‘Ethnicity and Family Therapy’ by Hines, P. M., & Boyd-Franklin, N.

Introduction A detailed analysis of a given family is an evidence-based practice for understanding its unique challenges and informing the best solutions. Different races in American society have encountered a wide range of issues that have dictated the goals and aims of their members. The book Ethnicity and Family Therapy...

The Sovereignty of Indian Tribes

The sovereignty of Indian Tribes in the United States has been an unsolved problem for many decades. Native Americans living on the lands of their ancestors are facing the modern world issues that in the majority of cases cause the contradictions to the traditional life they want to live and...

Navajo Tribe: Story. Culture. Everyday life

The Navajo tribe is the second most populous of all Native American tribes in the U.S. In the early twenty-first century, there were approximately 300,000 Navajo people mostly living in Utah, Arizona, and New Mexico. However, ages ago, they were a semi-nomadic nation, also known as the Diné tribe. They...

The Age of Enlightenment and Its Issues

The Age of Enlightenment is a controversial period in history, and its evaluation should include both advantages and drawbacks of the time. However, it is usually considered an exciting era full of opportunities and freedoms (Keane). Even though the perception of the Age of Enlightenment is primarily positive, this time...

The Vietnam War and the United States Involvement

Discussion Shortly after World War II ended, the United States of America was involved in a divisive conflict, the Vietnam War, which lasted for two decades. Americans fought alongside the South Vietnamese army against the communist North Vietnam government and its allies in the South, the Viet Cong. The Southern...

Fight Over Slavery of the Southern Population

By the 19th century, slavery had become an essential component of the Southern economy. An increasing number of anti-slavery politicians and supporters of emancipation contributed to the paranoia among the Southern population. The latter believed that government support was essential for maintaining order among slaves (Locke and Wright 343). African...

William Swinton’s Thesis on the Human History Development

The current paper is an argumentative essay that aims to provide a reasonable disagreement with William Swinton’s thesis on human history development. According to Swinton, there is only one “civilization of progress”, and it belongs to European people (Aryan races). The statement appears to be unreasonable due to the existence...

The Great Depression in the United States

The Great Depression that occurred in the 1930s was a severe economic depression capturing countries worldwide, beginning in the United States. The Black Tuesday of September 4, 1929, marked the start of the process due to the rapid and significant stock prices crash that impacted the US financial capabilities (White...

Fredrick Allen Hampton Overview

Frederick Allen Hampton, better known as Fred Hampton, was an influential American activist in the fight for the rights of the discriminated dark-skinned population of the United States. His life was linked to the activities of the Party named Black Panthers and other organizations seeking to ensure a decent life...

Civil Rights Movement Analysis

Introduction While in the early 1960s, the civil rights movement gradually began to take radical forms, which was supported by the leader Malcolm X, Martin Luther King was right because he denied the violence. He insisted that only nonviolent methods would lead to equal civil rights. King followed the ideas...

Factory Life and Work Conditions in Industrial Revolution

The analyzed document is The Sadler Report (1832) in the form of interviews with factory workers. The attention of the modern man is instantly attracted by the fact that children worked there. The use of child labor in the English industry was one way to reduce production costs. In the...

The Indian Removal Act of 1830

The Indian Removal Act of 1830 was a monumental legislation that violated the legal and political rights of Native Americans that was sanctioned by President Andrew Jackson. It authorized him to resettle Native Americans to the lands west of Mississippi so that their ancestral lands could be occupied by white...

Description and History of the People the Hittites

Introduction The Hittites were urbane Anatolian people, a bronze age civilization that played a crucial role in establishing a hugely powerful empire in the deep mountains of Anatolia around 1600 BC, and that existed for over 800 years. The power and strength of this empire reached their height during the...

The International Connection of African History

Introduction The African continent had been connected to the rest of the world since ancient times, and by the XI century, it was deeply embedded in international trade. Its central geographical position allowed access to and from all over the Old World. Caravans with various cargo coursed across the Sahara...

Slavery vs. Indentured Servants

How and Why Slavery Developed in American Colonies Slavery in American colonies developed primarily due to a shortage of labor. By the start of the 16th century, after Christopher Columbus discovered America, Portugal and Spain were in the business of buying or kidnapping slaves from Africa and transporting them to...

The Dark Ages in the History of Europe

The history of Europe is full of the most diverse moments. Following what was characteristic of a particular age, historians assign names to each of the periods of history. Under this, the period from 400 to 1400 years is often called the Dark Ages. The purpose of this essay is...

American Politics in 20th Century Southern History

Introduction The United States of America is a country that prides itself in its history. America owes its present to its past events. Southern history forms part of the larger history which shapes contemporary America. The South’s history is traceable to colonization days and largely shapes today’s the Southern United...

Effect of Flooding on Cultures in Egypt and Mesopotamia

Egypt and Mesopotamia were two civilizations that bore as many similarities as did differences. Mesopotamia was originally concentrated in Tigris and Euphrates rivers valleys though it gradually spread to other areas. The effects of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers largely impacted the Mesopotamian culture more so about its frequent and...

The Teleological Narratives of History Books

The significance of design and purpose has been placed quite high in the study of the key historical events and their weight in the context of the global environment. Therefore, the analysis of the essential readings that contain historical accounts of the crucial changes in people’s perception of foreign cultures...

Reasons Behind Independence of America

The American declaration of independence was not a spontaneous act but rather a result of an incompetent rule on behalf of the British government. After suffering substantial losses from the war with the French, the Parliament had to find a way to house and pay for their soldiers and develop...

Opposing the American Revolution

The controversy of opinions regarding the American Revolution is due to different priorities and values ​​promoted by the warring parties. From the standpoint of a colonial politician as a representative of the intelligentsia, opposition to revolutionary ideas was a natural phenomenon. These citizens, who were part of the Loyalist group,...

The American Foreign Policy: Annexation of Foreign Areas

The annexation of foreign areas has been a controversial topic among American scholars and historians as concepts of imperialism, America’s rise to world power, the annexation of territories, and colonialism are used interchangeably. Whereas some believe that American actions from 1890 to 1916 were inclined to imperialism, others have strongly...

Northern and Southern States of America Defferences

Differences between the Northern and Southern States had existed since America was only a colony of Great Britain. In order to understand the essence of the conflict that took place between the North and South in 1861-1865, it is necessary to analyze an earlier period. The basis for the division...

The Mexicans and Mexican Americans History

Introduction In the United States, Mexicans form a substantial part of the population mainly due to the continued migrations of the Mexicans into the country and through the increase of population of the indigenous Mexican communities that have lived in the United States ever since some of the Mexican states...

The European Expansion and Chinese Dynasties

The partition of Africa by Europe and its impacts Africa was the last continent to be colonized in the world. This was because of the frequent emergence of diseases such as malaria in great parts of it. However, due to its high fertility content, the Europeans reconsidered it and advanced...

New York Politics in the Late 19th – Early 20th Century

As one of the nation’s greatest urban centers, New York City was the epitome of an American East Coast metropolis in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During the Civil War, in its immediate aftermath, or in the Gilded Age, the ever-growing city remained one of the most notable...

The 8 Amendment on Cruel and Unusual Punishment

THESIS: Overall, after the evaluation of the evidences it appears that cruel and unusual punishment may be defined as the punishment based on the torture concept or the one implementing outrageous methods and amount of punishing techniques which are so unequal to the committed crime that they shock common sense;...

Impact of Cultural Interaction on Classical Age Empires

Greece’s fortunate location in the eastern Mediterranean provided ample trade opportunities. The onset of Macedonian rule allowed the spreading of Greek culture as far as India. Influenced by the contact, India adopted political unity under the Mauryan Empire (Wiesner-Hanks, 2017). With Ashoka the Great converting to Buddhism and popularizing its...

Confederation and the Constitution: Principal Differences

The Articles of Confederation adopted approximately by the end of the eighteenth century functioned as the first corpus of fundamental principles for governing the United States. This document produced by the Continental Congress was not sufficient to ensure that a state functions efficiently, as it, for instance, did not warrant...

European Settlers and America: The Settlement of America by European

The settlement of America by Europeans was a turning point in the world’s history. The colonization of the land by various countries and the subsequent foundation of the United States of America, Canada, and other nations changed the world as we know it. However, an often-overlooked aspect of the colonization...

The Mechanical Age and Present Day Times

The point of this course venture is “the effect of the Industrial Age and the ascent of private enterprise.” This theme was picked as a result of the solid conviction that the reflections about the past and consistent paralleling of the past encounters with the cutting edge ones are the...

The Civil War Lessons: Fight for Freedom and Equal Rights

United States history provided its students with many informative lessons on the country’s state from the first colonies to modern times. The most significant moment of U.S. history is the Civil War and its consequences, which have affected my perception of the fight for freedom and equal rights. African Americans...

Discovery of America: The Land of Opportunities and Resources

Introduction Discovery of America is known to be one of the most significant events in world history, as it became one of the fundamental steps towards the formation of many great nations. America did indeed offer plenty of opportunities and resources to its colonizers. However, the processes occurring were not...

Three Biggest Turning Points in Texas History

In order to understand the present, one needs to look at the past. Despite the rich and long history of Texas, the 19th century was the turmoil of major events forming most of Texas’ legacy. These three major events are the formation of the state of Coahuila y Tejas (1824),...

The Impact of the Industrial Age and the Rise of Capitalism

Project Proposal The topic of this course project is “the impact of the Industrial Age and the rise of capitalism.” This topic was chosen because of the strong belief that the reflections about the past and continuous paralleling of the previous experiences with the modern ones are the way to...

The American Revolution Influence on the World’s Political Course

Introduction In this revolutionary war of independence, England at first did not want to recognize the American “rebels” as belligerents. The forces of the warring parties were far from equal at first. The American forces where not as strong as the English army. Furthermore, when the colony had almost no...

The Abolitionist Movement: Reformers or Agitators

The Abolitionist Movement was an organized, radical, and abrupt campaign for terminating slavery in the 19th century. Numerous individuals perceived bondage as an abomination and made it their goal to eradicate the vicious and depraved act. Numerous petitions were sent to the Congress in vain, eliciting opposition from the people...

The Destiny of Constantinople

Mehmed II, Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, played a great role in the destiny of Constantinople. For many years he was under the shadow of his father, who was a great conqueror. That is why when his father, Murad II, abdicated the throne to Mehmed II when he was a...

Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement: Impact on Modern Society

The lesson on the Civil Rights Movement has been a major source of inspiration for me. The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American society was massive: it has prohibited discrimination in employment and public accommodation business based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. It taught me...

Post-Slavery Abolishment United States

Four hundred years ago, the British brought the first group of African slaves to Virginia. Slavery in the United States was banned only in 1865, but segregation restrictions were in force for another 100 years accompanied by other important historical events. This paper aims at discussing the post-Civil war period’s...

Religious Influences on the Revolutionary War

Introduction This paper is devoted to studying the influence of religion on the course of the Revolutionary War. The study examined various aspects of the relationship between religion, politics, and society. According to the information from various literary sources, religion played a significant role in the process of the Revolutionary...

Civil War in the US: Causes and Effects

The events of the American Civil War are considered to be the most important events in the history of the United States. Thus, it is crucial to know them in details along with a number of related things including the events leading to the war and the impact of this...

America: A Culture Around Slavery

The United States of America is one of the oldest hubs that were involved in the practice of the slave trade in the world. Due to this, it has over time developed a Culture that does revolve around slavery. The presence of the majority of blacks in the United States...

“The Souls of Black Folk” by Dubois

Introduction The book Soul of Black Folk is all about the world in which African Americans lived during the slavery period and after slavery was abolished. The author best uses his own experience to come up with this narrative and hence making it more interesting. The book focuses on the...

Women’s Demands: Seneca Falls in 1848 and Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The fundamental difference between the demands of women at Seneca Falls in 1848 with the demands of women in the 1960s and early 1970s is the difference between stepping stones. While the convention of Seneca Falls in 1848 was the first stepping stone of woman’s liberation movement, the demands...

European Governance: Factors Leading to Change

Introduction In the Medieval Europe, manorial system was the official form of governance. In this structure, all official and economic powers were given to the lord of the manor (North and Thomas 2014). The ancient system of governance was defined by ownership of factors of production. The manor was not...

The History of American Revolution and Revolutionists

Introduction In the early 1600s, Great Britain started establishing colonies along the North America’s Atlantic coast from Florida in the south and Newfoundland in the North. Virginia was the first successful colony. In the 17 Century, more immigrants moved to the United States from Europe by travelling across the Atlantic...

Development of Korean Pro-Japanese Literature

The Koreans are known to have been under the Japanese colonial administration for a span of about 35 years, starting from 1910 to 1945. Similar to other colonized countries by the European nations from the West, Koreans also opposed the advancement of education policies in Korea. However, the Japanese ensured...

The World of Trade in 1897 by Jules Ferry

According to Ferry (1897), the world of trade changed significantly at that time due to the introduction of protectionism. Germany and the United States of America imposed sanctions and duties on the import of foreign goods. In such a situation, French traders could not access these two enormous markets, which...

President Jackson and Actions Against Natives

Introduction Andrew Jackson, like any other American president and patriot of his nation, wanted to change his country for the better. This desire was the reason for several significant reforms, including the adoption of the Indian Removal Act. 1 The forced relocation of people was a controversial decision; however, Jackson...

Maduro Faces the Ruler’s Dilemma

Mary Anastasia O’Grady’s column Venezuela’s Maduro Won’t Give Up Power was written for Wall Street Journal in the context of Venezuelan President’s words, who is not going to allow his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) to leave power even in the case of defeat on upcoming national assembly elections....

History: Soviet Union vs. US or East vs. West

Introduction After WWII, the world witnessed a new competition for dominating between the newly emerged superpowers of the United States and its allies, and the Soviet Union along with its allies. In the following paper, the result of this competition for people’s minds and hearts during the Cold War will...

What Kind of Person Was Benjamin Franklin?

According to his autobiography Benjamin Franklin is one of the prominent figures in American history, whose autobiography remains popular up to date. Initially, he began writing it as a way to recollect his memories, relieve his life on paper, and amuse his son (Franklin 22). However, in the second part...

Society in Early Renaissance and Contemporary Europe

The advancement of advertising after some time has prompted the way that the thoughts pertinent in the Middle Ages have changed to a limited degree, and their appearance is exceptionally shallow in present-day society. Changes occurred in social, yet in addition in public activity, and the affirmation is the arrangement...

The Democrat and the Dictator: Roosevelt’s and Hitler’s Speech

Roosevelt’s Speech Roosevelt’s inaugural address (1933) reveals that the difficulties he considers to be the reason of hardships “concern, thank God, only material things” (para. 2). Roosevelt (1933) thinks the cause of the problems of his nation is that “Practices of the unscrupulous money changers stand indicted in the court...

The Dust Bowl, Territories Affected by the Storm.

Introduction The decade from 1930 to 1940 was the hardest time for Americans. The economic prosperity that started after World War I led to overproduction though the purchasing power did not increase. The excess of the supply over the demand caused the bankruptcy of factories, private companies, and the collapse...

State of the Union Analysis

Introduction Socio economic situation in the USA is caused by the range of complex processes that are closely linked with each other. On the one hand, this is the demographic crisis, when the government faces the challenge of qualified workers shortage. On the other hand, it is consumption misbalance, as...

Civil War Prevention: Learning from History

Introduction The two most pressing problems for the US, which appeared long before the start of the war, were the abolition of slavery and the bourgeois-democratic solution to the land question. However, before the outbreak of hostilities, a political split of the country took place, so the reunion of the...

Factors of Korea Becoming a Japanese Colony

The study of the history of a nation is impossible without a comprehensive study of historical events in the region, where the State is located. Historians that emphasize the study of national history, as a rule, try to define the specific features of the culture and lifestyle of a certain...

Sectionalism and Slavery in American History

Sectionalism and slavery are important topics in American history. Sectionalism refers to the divide that was created between the northern and southern territories. For the Northerners, the wage system was a preferred method of capitalism whereas the Southerners preferred slavery. The slaves referred commonly to the black population that had...

Karl Marx and His Contributions to Study of Economics

Outline Thesis Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883) is known as a prominent philosopher, journalist, sociologist, and, first of all, economist. In every one of these spheres, he has left a priceless heritage that remains useful even nowadays. Karl Marx (5 May 1818 – 14 March 1883)...

John F. Kennedy as the First Modern President

Introduction John F. Kennedy is perceived by many as the first modern president in the history of United States of America and the whole world. Most renowned authors unanimously agree that his natural charisma and leadership qualities were overwhelming. His brave and courageous outlook made him to be admired by...

Does Ethnicity Matter Less Now Than in the Past?

The subject of whether ethnicity matters less now than in the past forges an inference to the Jim Crow laws which defined segregation between blacks and whites. There have been major changes since then in the way blacks are being perceived in society. Civil rights activists such a Rosa Parks,...

African Americans in the Revolutionary War

Introduction For many years, the role of African Americans in the Revolutionary War was not counted as important because of the discrimination that lasted until the second half of the twentieth century. However, historical documents show evidence that their input was significant, and some individuals even left personal achievements. Various...

The History of American Imperialism

The meaning of American imperialism At the end of the 19th century, the United States started to follow the footsteps of European imperialistic countries and began to keep to the policy of the corresponding behavior. The United States starts its intervention in the territories of other countries with the purpose...

K.G.B National Security Agency of Soviet Union

Executive Summary Komitet gosudarstvennoy bezopasnosti was a Russian translation of Committee for State Security, commonly abbreviated as KGB. The Committee for State Security (KBG), was the Soviet Union national Security agency that existed between 1954 and 1991. However; it is notable that the Republic of Belarus also uses the abbreviation...

America Comes of Age

Introduction The Indians went through a struggle in order to preserve their ways of life which was consistent of myths, narratives, and histories that were given orally to their descendants. In Our hearts fell to the ground by Calloway, we find that the Europeans were expanding their territories during colonization...

The Nightmare in South Sudan

Introduction The civil war in South Sudan broke out in December 2013. More than 50 thousand people have been killed, and more than 1.6 million were forced to leave their houses during the war (“Civil War in South Sudan,” 2018). In 2014, South Sudan’s food crisis was admitted the most...

Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire: Victim Impact

Introduction The fire on Triangle Shirtwaist Factory in New York took place on March 25, 1911. The infamous disaster claimed the lives of 146 people, among which 123 women and 23 men, and proved to be the largest in the history of New York. In the present day, over a...

France at Three Global Wars

The Franco-Prussian War was a conflict between the Kingdom of Prussia and the Second French Empire. This war was a great chance for Germany to be united under the king Wilhelm l of Prussia. It also caused the end of the Second French Empire under the direction of Napoleon lll....

American Experience of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War is one of the most confusing and complicated wars in the history of humanity; this war is also very significant for the country of the United States as it has influenced its population more than any other war. This war is marked with a row of the...

The Ideas of the Enlightenment

One of the key ideas of the Enlightenment having a profound effect on the modern west world is the idea of popular government. According to this idea, there exists no need in the special social class of aristocracy, and common people are able to exercise rule over themselves. The expansion...

North Korean Decision Making: Kim Jong-Il

Kim Jong-Il was a respected leader of the military, and this made him become very powerful. In most cases, he was considered a genuine leader, hence making most of the military decisions that required urgency. Actually, most of the decisions were made on Tuesday and published the following day on...

Americanos: Latin America’s Struggle for Independence

Across the history of America, there was lots of dispute about whether or not the Americans may rightfully refer to themselves by this name. The process of acquiring independence in Latin America started with the concept of “popular sovereignty” which required determining who can be called “Sovereign People.” Everybody who...

The Americas in the Age of Revolution 1750-1850

Introduction The present-day literature has much research available on all issues connected with the emergence of the USA, the development of the country, the fight for independence in the period of colonization, etc. In general, every country has a history of which it is proud and which has to be...

Jerome Lemelson Inventions Analysis

Introduction It is hard to imagine our modern life without its usual things. Fax machines, barcodes, cordless phones, even talking thermometers, all these casual items make the world around look like we got used to. Due to Jerome Lemelson, there are so many comforts surrounding us. Lemelson is one of...

Eligibility of U.S. Citizen to Inherit English Hereditary Peerage

To be able to determine whether a citizen of the United States can be eligible to inherit the English peerage, we need to study the hereditary structure of the peers. There are five hereditary peerage orders in the English government; these privileges can be passed on to the children, the...

Jamaicans’ Suffrage Prior to Immigrating to America

Early Jamaican History Columbus Claimed the Island for Spain Native American Tainos Tainos colonized Jamaica Island long before Columbus’s arrival. They compose one of the largest ethnic groups of Jamaica. They were the major part of the Jamaican population before the arrival of Europeans and still are a prominent ethnocultural...

Alexander Hamilton’s Vision About the United States Future

Introduction Alexander Hamilton was one of the founding fathers of the American nation, a political scientist, and an economist. He served as the very first ‘U.S secretary of the treasury’ and was also a principal of the nationalist movement; who pursued the making of a new constitution being one of...

European Supremacy, European Thought, and Imperialism

Kagan et al. divided an expansion of the European imperialism into several periods. The first period has finished by the end of the seventeenth century. During this time, European countries were mainly occupied by discovering and establishing of the New World (482). The second period is connected with the rise...

The Treaty of Versailles and the Rise of Hitler

Immediately after the end of World War 1, Germany was forced to sign the treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919 by American allies who had immerged victorious. The Germans hated the treaty so much for having laid on them extremely harsh political and economic conditions. The three allies never...

African American Population in the United States

African-Americans, Black Americans or Afro-Americans are an American ethnic group ascending from the Black races that populate Africa. African Americans are the third largest ethnic group of the United States. The history of this population stems in the 16th century, when people from Western Africa were enslaved and then taken...

Columbus Discoveries and the Outbreak of the Smallpox Connection

Introduction Those who do not know history do not deserve future. It is really so as people who are not interested in the past of their country are not interested in the future as well. History is knowledge that people handle from one generation to the other. The book Colonial...