Conformity During the 1950s in American Society

Thesis Statement Suburban life was always a kind of perfect starting base for further success in life in the view of American society. This topic has always been extremely popular in literature and art, however, the art of the 1950s is full of suburban protagonists, and the mentioning of life...

Mythlenian Revolt Told by the Witness

I am the person who can offer you the first-hand authentic information about the significant event in the history of Greece, the Peloponnesian War. In fact, I am the messenger whose mission is to inform, warn, and cast light on the treachery of the Demos of Greece. My mission is...

Du Bois vs. Washington: Racist Problem Solution

Introduction Booker Washington and Du Bois were considered to be the prominent leaders of African American origin who managed to contribute to the development of American history through segregation and racism eradicating at the beginning of the twentieth century. It is necessary to underline the fact that despite the common...

The Millennium Dome Definition

­­­­The Millennium Dome was a project intended to commemorate the passing of the second millennia and the entrance to the third one. Nowadays it has become one of the most recognizable features of tourism in the United Kingdom. You can easily recognize it if you fly over London. As the...

American Civil War Reasons

No war can start without any reason. So, the war between the Confederacy and the Union in 1861 was the consequence of a chain of different events and crises, which helped to intensify sectional animosity. Thus, one of the main reasons for the beginning of the American Civil War was...

Working Conditions of European Miners in 19th Century

Zola’s work was set during the Industrial Revolution which was a period of heightened economic and technical changes that occurred in Europe between the years 1760 and 1850. During this time the steam engine was introduced on a wide scale as well as the innovation of machines designed to perform...

Hellenistic Culture Overview: History and Development

Hellenistic culture is the hybrid Greek culture that comprises of cultural aspects like Diadochi, Ptolemy one Soter, Cassander, and Lysimachus kingdoms that symbolize the Zenith of Greek influence in the ancient times between 323 and 146 BC. The move from classical Greek to Hellenistic culture was a result of a...

Fleeing to U.S., the American Dream for Cubans

From time immemorial Cubans have been moving to America in search of greener pastures. Most Cubans mostly Musicians started settling in areas like New Orleans. This eventually worked for the formation of American-Cuban connections around the United States. Cubans began living in all parts of the U.S, and Florida came...

The American Civil War: A History of the American Revolution

When the former colony of the British Empire rose up in rebellion, the ragtag army led by General Washington defeated the well-oiled war machine of English. The founding fathers of the United States of America declared that all men are equal and proceeded to build a great nation. But less...

American Politics History: Main Issues

Introduction In 1981, Ronald Reagan said: “Government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem”. This particular view has been echoed and elaborated by various politicians as well as observers in the American political history. Bill Clinton proclaimed in 1996 that “the era of big government is...

Agriculture the Backbone of Ancient Egypt’s Economy

In pre-industrial societies, agriculture was the backbone of most economies. This is true in ancient times and very much evident in ancient Egypt. Five thousand years ago a mighty kingdom emerged when a chain of independent city-states lining the River Nile united to support one Pharaoh. Thousands of years later...

Civil War Memoirs of Southern Women

Introduction Civil War of 1861-1865 was known as the deadliest war in the history of the United States. After the War had ended, the slavery was abolished in the price of more than half million people. The country restored the significant role of the federal government but still the consequences...

Benedict Arnold as a Controversial Figure in the American Revolution

For a very long time, Great Britain was the master of the seas and in their attempt at building an empire they colonized what was known then as the “New World.” This region in North America was home to people of English stock. Gradually they develop their own culture but...

Separatists Puritans in Plymouth

Introduction There were religious exchanges that occurred in England during the 1500s. , Henry VIII who used to be a strong Roman Catholic separated the church by seeking to persecute the Tudor monarchs. Despite the presence of an English Dependant Church, religious people remained divided for many years. The Church...

Nelson Mandela: Icon of Influential Leadership

Introduction Leaders are most challenged by the dire need of being able to influence the people they lead and to articulate their leadership skills in achieving the goals of their establishments. The leader’s ability to influence the followers is a major aspect that needs to be considered if the leader...

Canadian Foreign Policy: The Canadian Position and Role in Kosovo War

Background Kosovo Conflict of 1998-1999 is a significant episode in relation to Canadian Foreign Policy. In some sense, the actions of Canada were coherent with its traditional foreign policies but also brought in difficult choices for the nation as we later explain in this article. Canada played a vital role...

Andrew Jackson and Indians

The history of the United States of America is full of controversial and tragic moments. Among them, the removal of the Native American tribes from their lands to the Western federal territories in Oklahoma is rather significant. This episode of American history contributed to the shaping of today’s America in...

Trail of Tears and Blood: Personal Reflection

Alexis de Tocqueville’s sentiments sum up the whole episode of The Trail of Blood. His visit to Memphis having been coincidental with the forced movement of the Choctaw Indians, Tocqueville paints a picture of gloom and oppression when he says, “the wounded, the sick, newborn babies and the old men...

American History: The Scopes Monkey Trial

Outline Scopes trial, also known as the monkey’s trial was arranged to challenge Butler’s Act. The act prohibited teachers from teaching evolution in American public schools which ALCU disagreed with. The ALCU went on its way to offer services to any person volunteering to be charged against violation. Scopes volunteered...

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

From the 16th to the 18th century, absolute monarchs asserted total sovereignty on the basis of divine rights although at this time in history they were bound by certain elements of law. Absolute monarchs strived to remove the contending institutions and jurisdictions in their provinces and were able to acquire...

US Presidential Election of 1896

It was considered one of the most exciting presidential elections in the history of the United States of America. It is indeed a very exciting contest between presidential candidates William Jennings Bryan (Democrat) and William McKinley (Republican) because the presidential election of 1896 was fought against the backdrop of economic...

Benito Mussolini’s Rise and Fall

Abstract This research paper looks critically at the life and times of Benito Mussolini. The paper begins by discussing how by 1919 most Italians had turned their support to the socialist and the catholic party in the hope that it would solve their problems. The paper discusses the early life...

The Causes of First Civilizations

Introduction In the course of mankind’s development, there was a period marked by a transition of humans to more massive and universal forms of existence which are generally defined as civilizations. The first springs of civilizations had appeared as early as 6000 BC in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and South Asia followed...

North American Colonies: Virginia and Massachusetts

Introduction From the very beginning the new territories were opened up to search for some new sources of minerals, fur, natural resources, wood, and other different useful things for which the developed territories could be rich. One more reason to establish colonies on the territory of Americas was the religious...

Revolutionary Characters: John Adams and Thomas Jefferson

Gordon S. Wood, an Alva O. Way University Professor as well as a Professor of History at Brown University, is the receiver of the 1993 Pulitzer Prize for History for The Radicalism of the American Revolution. He also became the recipient of the Bancroft Prize for the book titled The...

Hammurabi: The King of Babylonia.

A great deal of what we know about ancient history can only be guessed at from the things they left behind. Although there is evidence that societies that lived a very long time ago might have had rules and a very well-organized society, there is very little actual evidence that...

The Civil War and the Republican Party

The Civil War marked a new period in American history and its political development. The Republicans of 1854 saw the Kansas and Nebraska Act as a direct attack on the issue of the non-extension of slavery, the basis of Western free soil principle. The act threatened to disperse slavery, and...

The Five Civilized Tribes

Introductory paragraph The history of the Five Civilized Tribes has for a long time seemed quite heartrending to American historians. Instead of upholding the kind of savagery that was highly expected from these native tribes during the civilization period, the southeastern Native American Indians almost eagerly embraced many of the...

Early Civilization Interaction With Their Environment

Discussion The first civilization is believed to have occurred in Mesopotamia and the Nile River in Egypt between 4000-3500 B.C (Majumdar, 21). However, other civilizations developed independently in other parts of the world. For instance, the valleys of the Indus River in India supported a flourishing civilization (Majumdar, 22). The...

“Eli Whitney: Nemesis of the South”: Article Analysis

The article Eli Whitney: Nemesis of the South explains the story of a young boy Eli Whitney. The article details how Whitney made inventions that helped shape the history of America. From cotton gin to the manufacture of firearms, the article articulates how the young boy used his genius in...

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Biography: Napoleonic Wars

Introduction Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I) or Napoleone di Buonaparte was born on 15 August 1769 in Corsica and died in captivity in 5 May 1821 in the island of Saint Helena. He was a formidable French leader and military genius and the most of the 19th century politics of Europe...

Role of American Intelligence in Cuban Missile Crisis

Introduction In the 1960s, a unique international event happened between the United States and the Soviet Union. The US had developed and deployed strategic missiles in Turkey, which seemed to be one of the reasons for a counteraction from the Soviet Union chairman Khrushchev. Previously however, the United States had...

Ancient Classicism Roots in the Visual Arts

Introduction Classicism is a genre in philosophy that expresses itself in from of art, music, literature and architecture. It has Roman and ancient Greek sources and lays an emphasis on society. Ancient classicism had a high regard for classical antiquity. Classicism art typically is formal as well as restrained. It...

Concepts of Obama’s Presidency

Since Obama was inaugurated as president of the united states many changes have occurred both in legislation and programs mostly in the health, economic, and security sectors, the most recent being proposal to adopt a new health care system. Obama being a democrat, his government’s policies of governing emphasize the...

The Plight of the Black Seminoles in US

Introduction Seminoles resided transversely on the southeastern lands of USA for thousands of years. Seminoles is a mixture of different of tribes. Each tribe is distinctive and spoke its own form of a language known as Muskogee. It is estimated that around A.D. 1500, about half a million people used...

Fort Sumter and Its Role in the Civil War

Introduction Fort Sumter, which was built at around 1827-1860, is a masonry fortification in Charleston harbor at the coastal area in South Carolina which is remarkable in the history of the United States of America and well known for the beginning of fires during the civil wars. It’s name was...

Indian Tribes and Settlers

Introduction To begin with, there is strong necessity to mention that the relations of the colonists / settlers with the native American population (Indians) have shaped the image of the contemporary America. Originally, most of the contacts were arranged with the aim of trade for the lands, furs, foods etc....

Adam Smith and The Age of Enlightenment

Introduction The course of human history has been determined by the natural changes that occurred under the influence of political, economic, and social changes that were typical of every period of human history. Thus, the changes in the way of thinking and preferable values of humanity determined the division of...

The Rwanda Genocide and the Colonial Politics

Introduction Rwanda which is a landlocked country in the eastern central of Africa supports a very high population among the highly populated countries in Africa. It mostly depends on agriculture to boost its economy. It is fertile and thus has good yields of agricultural products. Many people across the world...

Frederick Douglass – A Self-Made Statesman

Introduction Frederick Douglass can be considered as one of the most influencing and prominent figures in the history of the United States of America. Kerry Gleason, in his article on the Black History Month Challenge published in the Associated Content news realizes that “It is safe to say that without...

States Interest in Controlling Individual Expenses on Burial and Funerals

Those who truly grasp philosophy pursue the study of nothing else but dying and being dead. Socrates (Dillon 525). Ancient times are known to be the beginning of modern European thought. Every witty notion, phrase, or statement is rooted in Ancient Greece or Rome. Since those times the mankind learns the...

Immigrants Influx in American Society

At the onset of the 20th century, America was developing at a high rate and there was a lot of industrialization taking place. This attracted people from other continents which led to an influx of immigrants from across the globe into America with the hope of securing employment and a...

The Agents Of Change: US Election

Abstract Problems are part and parcel of every day life and in fact, it is rare to hear that any given individual has absolutely no problem; there are work, social, political, institutional, religious problems, to mention but a few. It is for this reason that we are always seeking effective...

Moral Imperatives in M. L. King’s “Letter From a Birmingham Jail”

Introduction In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr., the head of the Civil Rights Movement in the South, wrote a letter to eight ministers in Birmingham, Alabama from the jail cell he was sitting in. In hiIntroductions letter, now known as “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”, King was responding to the...

The Formation of the American Constitution

There are few concepts as American as government by means of a written contract. While many of the traditional rights and privileges of American citizens were borrowed from the British system, the American variation was that government existed as a written contract between citizens and the government. This tradition started...

The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940

History The Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act of 1940, as well as its earlier and later enactments, were management-neutral and but highly protective of the overall job performance of those who served the nation. At least, this is the perspective from within the military organization. Though the Act is...

William Bradford: Traveller, the Puritan, the Hebraist

In colonial times there were many interesting characters that came from Europe and settled in the New World. They brought with them hopes and dreams of a better future – into a country that many of them compared to the biblical Promised Land. There were strong-willed men who defied rulers...

Athenian Democracy: A History of Rise and Fall

Athenian democracy developed around 500 BC. In the early Dark Age, from 1150 to 900 BC, Greece suffered encroachment and movements of people. Sources of information are Iliad and Odyssey. Before the 11th century BC economic and political organization was lost, the only memory of legendary warriors-chiefs left (Pomeroy and...

Historical and Political Causes of Structural Violence in Haiti

Structural violence is a word that was first used in the 1960s. Initially, structural violence denoted a type of violence that was practiced by a particular social structure that involved killing people slowly but gradually to prevent them from achieving their potential. This in essence means the destruction of essential...

The Period of Enlightenment

“The Enlightenment was a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and man were synthesized into a worldview that gained wide assent and that instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics. Central to Enlightenment thought were the use and the...

Americans Colonists Loyalty and Resisting to Britain

Introduction America’s independence story is among the most interesting in human history. Unlike other nations that had been colonized by the British, America had been divided into different regions. At first, there was harmony between Britain and the colonist regions. As Britain took in more territories, there was a need...

Salem Witch Trials Debate

The Salem Witch Trials are known from the history reveal the horrible and even mysterious event of accusation of young girls for the witchcraft. The trials that took place from February 1962 up to March 1963 accused many innocent people due to the fact that the Court could not decide...

Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

The rise of Benjamin Franklin was connected with his political career and personal development as a national leader. The political career began in 1736 when Franklin created the Union Fire Company. The Autobiography consists of 12 chapters devoid to different periods of life and career of Benjamin Franklin. Franklin received...

“Classmates Divided” by Elizabeth Sergent

As the title suggests, Classmates Divided is the story of a finishing military class that fought in different sides of one war after they had completed school. The finishing class of 1861 from West Point military school is detailed as the only single class in the history of the military...

Events Leading to the Civil War in America

Introduction This paper will analyze the following four events which were significantly responsible for the manifestation of the Civil War in America. Each of the events will be discussed from the political and social perspectives in explaining how they influenced the people. It is also evident that all the four...

The American Revolution: Was it Inevitable?

The period of the American Revolution was marked by great transformations in the social and political consciousness of states. The colonies under British rule were constantly dependent upon the British monarchy and rules by British laws. They were weak both economically and politically governed by British governors. These periods had...

The Tomb of King Tut Egyptian Late 18th Dynasty

Introduction King Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut was an Egyptian Pharaoh who was described as being different from previous Egyptian Pharaohs (D’Auria, et al 97). Unfortunately not much is known about him and the little that exists is not as impressive. Despite being the most famous and well-recognized Pharaoh...

Slavery and Literacy. The Triumph of a Poor Slave

Introduction There is no doubt that Black slavery will go down in history as one of the most shameful periods in European and American history. Just if they were soulless animals, Black Africans used to be rounded up and shipped over to various locations throughout the world, where they would...

Japan’s Transformation After World War II

Analyzing Japan from different perspectives, one could ask a question, what makes Japan so unique? What is the set of factors that led Japan to take such position among other countries? During the first years after the World War most of the developed countries were characterized with a crisis situation,...

The Cold War: Was It Really a War?

One of the common perceptions about warfare is that it is an armed conflict amongst the enemies. During the Cold War, the whole world was influenced by the politics of USA and the Soviet Union. These were the two nations willing to overpower each other. It was a war in...

Economic Boom Factors of the 16th Century

Introduction The historical analysis of the development of the economy may be useful for the understanding of the current problems and challenges faced by contemporary society. In this relation, the sixteen century was a remarkable period in world history. It was the period, which gave birth to geniuses and brought...

Tocqueville and the French Revolution

Tocqueville’s argument in the French Revolution The French Revolution took place between the years 1789 and 1799. It was an era of political and social anarchy involving radical changes in the existence of France. Its main purpose was to increase the powers and the authority of the central government and...

Framers of the Constitution: Alexander Hamilton

Introduction The creation of the US Constitution was linked with essential progress in the legislation sphere of the country, and the attainment of independence from the British Empire. The US was longer a dominion, but, it was regarded as the independent State, able to perform all the decisions independently. Surely,...

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

Introduction The history of the United States has borne testimony to unprovoked racial discrimination and race-attributed violence, brutality and destruction to property meted out to colored people. This has necessitated concerned citizens, including whites, to seek action to avoid such practices in future, and organize, fortify and empower minority groups...

African Americans and the Quest for Civil Rights

Booker Taliaferro Washington’s principles comprised the incensement of economic opportunity for African Americans. Providing the economical opportunities he wanted to improve the life of African Americans at the expense of their equality with Native Americans. These ideas were later called the Atlanta Compromise. W. E. B. Du Bois contradicted such...

“Way to Wealth” and Crevecoeur’s Letters Connection

The history of the American nation development has many impressive scenes full of patriotic consideration and points on strong country creation with support of suchlike strong people inhabiting it. John de Crevecoeur: Letters from an American Farmer is a work where the author pointed out several reasonable arguments and explanations...

History in Gene Autry Museum in Los Angeles

Throughout the ages, mankind has been developing a vast variety of cultural patterns, which resulted in such phenomenon of the modern world as cultural diversity. In order to efficiently communicate in modern days characterized by intensive processes of globalization and cross-cultural bonds, it is of vital importance to study and...

The Significance of Bill of Rights

Introduction To begin with, it should be stated that the Bill of Rights is generally regarded as one of the most important documents, stipulating the rights and freedoms of US citizens on the territory of the United States of America. The significance of this act is emphasized by the statement...

America’s Fear during the Cold War

America’s fear during the Cold War can be summarized as the fear of Mutually Assured Destruction or M.A.D. M.A.D. because even if America was the first to develop the atomic bomb across the Atlantic Britain, France and U.S.S.R. would soon develop their own nuclear weapons. The last was terrifying since...

Foreign Principals of Theodore Roosevelt

United States of America has gone a number of transformations and revolutions to be where it is today. Some of these were brought about by the 26th president of the United States, Theodore D. Roosevelt who took power after the assassination of President McKinley. Theodore also known to others as...

World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893

The complicated title is a foreshadowing of what is to come. The event described as the Chicago World’s Fair of 1893 is more than a commemoration of the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’ voyage to America; it was also an exposition of the American way of life from its cottage...

Thucydides: History of Peloponnesian War

Introduction The ancient Greece nation faced unprecedented strife and discord among its City-States in the periods leading to the outbreak of Peloponnesian conflict. This state of affairs elicited fear and skepticism among those states that stood to lose influence such as, those states that formed the Peloponnesian league led by...

Franklin Delano Roosevelt: Champion of Freedom

Introduction The rise of D.F. Roosevelt was connected with his political career and personal development as a national leader. The political career began in 1910-1911 when Roosevelt entered the state house. Roosevelt received a perfect education and was familiar with banking, investment, finance, insurance, and real estate matters. During these...

Impact of the Transcontinental Railroad on the American Economy

The Transcontinental Railroad The transcontinental railroad was constructed in the mid 19th century. The idea of its construction was conceived in 1840s. However, the railway line was completed in 1869. Known as great pacific railroad at the time, the project was initiated under the presidency of Abraham Lincoln and embedded...

Vikings and Chivalry History in Europe

Vikings The Vikings’ excursions which began at the end of the 8th century, in general were directed to areas of northern coast of Western Europe and east coast of England giving rich possibilities for the realization of predatory campaigns and settlements. However, in spite of the fact that most part...

The Political Ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau

It would be difficult to understand the evolution of present-day governments without consulting the ideas of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau. These men paved the way for future political thinkers and revolutionaries to break free from age-old traditions of monarchy and establish a new political order where the individual is supreme...

World War I (WWI) Effects On American Society

World War I (WWI) had a lot of effects on a number of countries since some of them had put in a lot of resources in the war which led to these countries experiencing a severe economic recession after the war. When the war began, both Germany and Britain interfered...

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution

To Cuban exiles, Cuba – prior to the mid-1950’s iconic Cuban Revolution – was a paradise, one of the most successful and advanced countries in Latin American. To others, it was a hellhole, a bastion for U.S. mob activity, the brothel and playground of the Western hemisphere, an island inhabited...

The Origin of European Colonialism

Introduction European colonialism can be dated way back to the 15th century with the emergence of what was known as the age of discovery spearheaded by the Spanish and the Portuguese in the American exploration, Africa exploration, the Middle East, and East Asia. During this era, the European attention of...

Relations Between the West and the USSR in 1945-1949

Introduction The relations between the United Nations and Soviet Union weakened in 1945 due to the Cold War, which also brought a transition between the United States and Soviet Union. Although the inconsistency between the two superpowers’ relationship started off in 1945 by the origins of the Cold War, but...

Problem of Germany from 1945 to 1951

Many factors have resulted in making Germany the essence of the East-West conflict. it can be attributed to the fact that the deterioration in collaboration amongst allies at the Yalta conferences, which can also be tracked to the early 1900’s when the Bolshevik Russian Revolution lead to the birth of...

Eruption at Thera and Minoan Civilization’s Downfall

Introduction The fact is that the matters of the downfall of the Minoan Civilization are the central issues of interest among lots of scholars. The confirmation of a violent end through fire and demolition is clear, but the clues to what caused such destruction have been elusive. It will turn...

Plan de Iguala & The Declaration of Independence

Each nation ever living in this world has always striven to be independent and in pursuit of equality, people fought for freedom and independence over the years. Being dependent on somebody else means that you are weaker and as nobody wants to appease with the fact that the hierarchical structure...

The Watergate Scandal in American History

Introduction The Watergate scandal occurred on the evening of June 17, 1972. This scandal affected American politics and understanding the role of the Supreme Court in American politics and life. It calls for an understanding of the factual and social environmental underpinnings of litigation that comes to the high court...

Major Slavery Events Between 1850-1860

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 gave rise to two territories which permitted local settlers to determine if they would allow slavery or not. The Act’s initial objective was to create an opportunity for a transcontinental railroad but it became controversial when popular sovereignty was included in the proposal. Popular sovereignty...

China Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward

Mao Zedong, lead the People’s Republican of India from it’s inception in 1949 until 1976. “Being a politician and military he the Chinese Communist party into victory during the china civil war.” (Terriss, 1980) During his last years in power (1966-76), Mao Zedong, the chairman of Chinese Communist Party initiated...

Alexander The Great, Trajan, Charlemagne Comparison

Empires in Western Civilization I had some similarity as well as differences in the way they dealt with people, geographical expanse as well as success determinants as discussed under. Charlemagne was the king of the Franks. He changed the Frankish Kingdoms into the Frankish Empire which took the entire Western...

Contemporary History. “Schindler’s List” Film

Introduction Schindler’s List makes a claim for the real by blurring the boundaries of fact and fiction and leaning, at times, toward a deliberate documentary style. Schindler’s List is one of the most popular movies portraying fears and distress, hardship and terrible sufferings caused by Holocaust. Schindler’s List is based...

Agriculture and Mayan Society Resilience

Introduction The Maya is a group of natives that lived in the Mesoamerica region mainly on the Yucatan peninsula. This peninsula had a vast landscape which was good for agriculture thus making agriculture to be the main economic base for the Mayans. The Maya grew maize, beans, cotton, squash, and...

Various Reforms in the Intelligence Community of the USA

Introduction An intelligence agency is a body that is based on a government with the sole purpose of gathering information. Information is very crucial to a government especially because it keeps the government informed of any threat that might accrue to its national security. There are various means of information...

Cuban Missile Crisis in American History

The Cuban missile crisis was one of the defining incidents of the Cold War period where the world came very close to being engulfed in a thermonuclear war. The confrontation between the United States and the erstwhile Soviet Union over the placement of nuclear-armed missiles in Cuba is one of...

The History of Salem Witch Trials

The Salem witch trial – is a court trial in New England in 1692 in the settlements of Salem village and Salem town, in the state of Massachusetts. On the charges of witchcraft (“witch hunt”) 19 people were hung, 1 person was crushed by stones and from 175 to 200...

American Revolutionary War and Its Significance

Introduction The American Revolutionary War was of significance because its conclusion marked the beginning of a new country that would eventually become the greatest economic and military force in human history. The outcome was nothing less than miraculous given the overwhelming advantage of the British military. How could a group...

American Civil War and Iraq Invasion Comparison

Introduction The american civil war is one of the political events which happened in America from 1861 to 1865. The major cause of this war was political since it was caused by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in the history of America is the second oldest political party. This...

John Brown and the Beginning of the Civil War

The main problem that we analyse behind John Brown’s historical movements for social change was the use of violent weapons in response to the Southern aggression. This has not only been realised by the then political leaders but also by those participants who were present in the sectional conflict over...

Caspian Region Situation in “The Oil and the Glory” by Steve LeVine

Introduction The current report is the analysis of the core themes of the book The Oil and the Glory: The Pursuit of Empire and Fortune on the Caspian Sea written by Steve LeVine against the background of the “Great Game”. This book is of great value taking into consideration the...

Pre-Colombia History and Polities: Long-Term Changes

The pre-Colombian polities’ acts as the basis for describing land use patterns and settlement of the Europeans when they came to the Xingu region. This region is a lobe of tropical forest which is located between the dense evergreen rainforests at the center of the Amazon. It is considered to...

The Etruscans Granulation and Its Application in Art Works

Introduction The Etruscans inhabited modern Italy and Corsica between 800 BC -1000 BC. The civilization is well known for its craft works and artistic developments reflected their unique beliefs and traditions. In order to describe the art of granulation, it is important to mention the age and the stage of...

The American Retrenchment of 1969 – 1980

Introduction The history of the United States of America is a combination of the successful and failing policies taken by the Governments led by 44 Presidents. The focus of this paper is one of the most difficult periods in US history – the period of economic stagnation, political scandals and...

History of Russia After the Soviet Union

From the time when Soviet Union was founded in 1922, Communist henchmen thought of it as simply a tool of spreading Communism across the Globe. Soviet coat of arms featured sickle and hammer over the Earth and Soviet Constitution openly stated that it was only the matter of time, before...

Liberal Palmerston’s Foreign Policy in the UK

Introduction Henry John Temple, 3rd Viscount Palmerston was the British Prime minister who served two terms in the Mid-nineteenth century. He was involved in government affairs and held government positions from the year 1807 until his death in the year 1865 where he began his career as a parliamentarian as...

Louis XIV, Peter the Great, and the Great Elector

Louis xiv, considered to be the greatest king of France, ruled the country from 1638 to 1715. King Louis exercised enormous powers not only in France but on the continent of Europe too. Though he inherited power in 1638, he assumed real power after the demise of Jules Cardinal Mazarin,...

Union Generals’ Problems at the Battle of Gettysburg

Introduction Gettysburg Battle started on the 1st of July 1863. When General Lee Robert was encouraged by his triumph at Chancellors Ville associate, decided to attack the North. He went on into north Maryland in September the preceding year where, at Antietam, the most awful day of the war took...

Gulf War One between Iraq and Kuwait

The war commence on the sixteenth of January in 1991 and came to an official closure on the twenty-eighth of February in 1991.this was after forty-two days of total combat between the coalition force and the Iraq army. The war took place in total support of Kuwait by the coalition...

Revolution and the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic

The Russian Revolution is described as the two successful revolutions of 1917, which were a series of events that happened in imperial Russia, culminating in 1917 to bring about the establishment of the Soviet state that became to be known as the Union of Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR). The Russian...

Cross Cultural Exchanges in the World

Scientists believe that human life began in Eastern Africa within the Rift Valley. As time went by, small bands of these early humans who were mainly hunters left the rift valley and gradually migrated across Africa. Others may have gone north along the river Nile and crossed into Europe and...

Golden Age of Islamic Civilization

The world of Islam covered Spain, Sicily, Palestine, Syria and North Africa mainly Egypt. Islam was the center of the vibrant civilization accompanied by great scientific discoveries, philosophic and artistic culture that took place between 7th and 12th centuries. Islamists neither spoke Greek nor Latin, but they borrowed and integrated...

The History of Gaius Julius Caesar

Introduction Julius Caesar’s determination and political savvy allowed him to rise to the head of the crumbling Roman Republic. Caesar amassed a great deal of power and popular support and single-handedly ruled Rome for years. However, some members of the Senate feared that Caesar’s autocratic rule would destroy any possibility...

The Phenomenon of Prohibition

Abstract Prohibition is a phenomenon that took place between 1920 and 1933 which was regarded as a noble experiment. It was passed as a law to stop people from consuming alcohol and had a lot of repercussions, some of which are felt even today. Most of the people who suffered...

Andrew Jackson, the President of the US

The great president of America, Andrew Jackson was born in a backwoods settlement in the Carolinas in 1767. He was the 7th president of America. Though he had an irregular education, he won great acclaim and popularity as a lawyer with his habit of reading books in his late teens....

Roman Republic. Caesar’s Dictatorship

I am inclined to believe that, Caesar was greedy, selfish, and unjust during his reign as dictator of Rome. This is clearly shown by his actions immediately after taking office. He did not make deliberate attempts to restore the Roman Republic but instead almost scuttled it. Julius Caesar ended up...

Cultural Analysis of the Ancient Rome

The culture of ancient Rome had evolved during the entire history of the Roman Empire that spanned about 1200 years. The Roman Empire during its peak covered a vast area from Morocco to the Euphrates and from Scotland to North Africa (Staneart, Chuck, et al, 1992). Ancient Rome had a...

African Independence: International Politics Analysis

Introduction Africa has quintessentially been known to be a continent ravaged by poverty, disease and war. Although their lands and resources are vast enough to provide the needs of its people, it is quite unthinkable why poverty, disease and war have overturned almost all 54 nations in Africa after they...

The Presidency of Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States

Assessing the legacy of a particular president, a specific approach is needed. For that matter, a presidency should be examined after a certain time has been passed, in order to neutrally evaluate the actions and the consequences, not for the four-year period, but for the history as a whole. In...

Ancient Maya Civilization’s Authority and Control

Introduction Ancient Maya civilization is considered to take one of the important places for Central American topics. The Classic Maya collapse appeared to be the major puzzle of world history keeping a lot of secrets for modern scholars. As the results of Maya investigation have shown, not all of its...

“The Barbarians Speak“ by Peter S. Wells

Introduction The book The Barbarians Speak proposes readers a unique understanding history and historical development of Europe. In contrast to traditional views of Roman Empire and its relations with barbarian tribes, Peter S. Wells defends the Celts and Germanic tribes proving that they had developed culture and economy, social and...

Ancient States vs. Non-State Societies’ Warfare

Introduction Development of civilization or states requires an understanding of the conditions of people’s life at the period when this process takes place as well as varying physical abilities and limitations of human beings and the climatic conditions surrounding the ancient world. The ancient non-states changed gradually from hunters to...

Book Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson Review

The book is a general attempt to shed light on the racial prejudices that exist in American society. People, through various institutions, have brought back the racial boundaries that have existed there before. As much as people are trying to fight racial prejudice that is a source of inequality in...

The United States and Difficult Reunification Through a Civil War

Introduction The Civil War in the United States of America broke out in 1861 when eleven states in the south decided to secede from the federal government. These states left the Union and formed a confederacy called the Confederate States of America. The states felt that the individual states should...

Oliver Cromwell’s Aims in Ireland 1649-60

Oliver Cromwell was an English military and political leader best known for his contribution towards making England a republican and as the head of state in England, Scotland, and Ireland: mostly known as Lord Protector. He served these roles between April 1649 and September 1658. Oliver was commander of the...

McCarthy Era and The Cold War

Gouzenko Affair and Herbert Norman’s suicide are the brightest events that mark the relationships between the United States of America and Canada in the mid of the twentieth century. They symbolize the policy of witch-hunt that the government of Joseph McCarthy pursued. The McCarthy Era is the period in the...

“Prince Among Slaves” by Terry Alford

Introduction Terry Alford is a professor of history at Northern Virginia community college. He earned a doctoral degree in history at Mississippi state university and did post-doctoral studies at the University of California at Davis. He is a founding board member of the Abraham Lincoln institute and serves on the...

Do We Live In a Post-Imperial Age?

The last fifty years are defined and understood by some researchers (Dunababin, p. 3) as the post-imperial age characterized by strong state power and the rise of new conflicts. The first is the strong nationalist movement in countries that have been the object of political domination or economic exploitation by...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s Dream

Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech in front of approximately 20,000 people who had peacefully marched on Washington toward the end of August 1963. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, King managed to educate the people listening regarding the various ways in which...

Simon Bolivar and “Ungovernable” America

Introduction Simon Bolivar was one of the first and the most persistent fighters for the South America’s independence. He made a great contribution to the independence of such countries as Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela. Strange as it may seem but Simon Bolivar, though being such a goal-oriented person, still...

American Civil War History and Review

Introduction Between 1861 and 1865 the north and South America states engaged in battle against each other. According to many Americans, the American civil war remains the deadliest in history of America. Eleven southern slave states had distanced themselves from the federal government and formed the confederate of American states....

Female Warriors in Greece, Rome and the Amazons

Introduction The female warrior role in ancient empires, such as Greece and Rome, is not near as well documented as the exploits of its male counterparts. However, these roles have made their stake within the annals of time. Although women continued the role of wife, mother, and caretaker; there remains...

American Women’s History: Suffrage Movement

It was 3rd March 1913, the day when Woodrow Wilson arrived at Washington to paradoxically find very little crowd for his welcome. It was the occasion of his inauguration as the President of the United States. Later he found that people instead had assembled to witness the greatest ever history...

The Progressive Era in the United States

Introduction The history of the world witnessed many various political movements that made attempts of reforming the system to adapt to the different newly occurred circumstances that affected the stability of the country. These circumstances could include economic, political, demographical and etc. Some movements fade and vanish with time and...

Russian Revolution by Vladimir Lenin

Introduction The Russian revolution occurred in 1917 and referred to the sequence of events that led to the transformation of the social nature within the Russian Empire hence the state. The Soviet Union was formed to reinstate the old Tsarist dictatorship. The Bolshevik Party, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin...

“What’s the Matter with Kansas” by Thomas Frank

In his book, ‘What’s the Matter with Kansas’, Thomas Frank has explored the rise of conservatism in the US by way of a true picture of his home state Kansas, which was initially a stronghold of the left-wing movements in the nineteenth century and later became more conservative in nature...

Lewis and Clark Expedition in American History

The significance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition was that it effectively opened up the west and established it as American territory. Spurred by the Louisiana Purchase, the expedition was designed to give the country a better sense of what it held as well as to attempt to soothe relations...

The Minotaur Islands: Civilization that Collapsed

Minotaur was a creature found in Crete Island, and the creature as legend has it was half-man on one part, half-bull on the other. It was used by famous King Minos to torture and slaughter foreigners from Athens as a result of the death of his son Andreous. The inhabitants...

John Dickinson and His Concept Liberty.

Introduction Concept Liberty may appear to be too narrow for a monograph but the essence of its feeling is as deep as the meaning itself. The word itself has fascinated the scholars around the world and taken a subject of deep consideration by the English people of eighteenth century. The...

Impacts of the ‘Century of Humiliation’ on China

The history of China over the last century and a half is engulfed with a large range of paradoxical experiences that vary from national disgrace to total chaos as also from disgrace to moments of excitement and big achievements. It is truly said that the present successes of China are,...

Frederick Douglass. Biography and Historical Role

Introduction Slavery in America was a far different thing than slavery as it had traditionally been known in the past. Unlike the slavery of ancient Greece or other places, for instance, slavery in America was never-ending and gave ultimate rights of life and death to the master. Slaves were forbidden...

Candide and the Context of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is an imperative term of political philosophy that urges the application of intellect and logic in order to discover truth and reality from natural and social phenomena. It seeks its roots in liberalism which aims to get the man free from the clutches of fear, slavery, and ignorance. It...

Islam’s Fast Expansion: Strong Leadership or Merits?

Early leaders of Muslims, together with the ideologies of the Muslims, played a key role in the expansion of Muslims. The expansion of Muslims is reported to have occurred mostly by conquest with the leader of Islam-Muhammad-being a charismatic leader and the activities of the converted nomadic warriors. The ideology...

American History “Through Women’s Eyes” by Dubois & Dumenil

For women, slavery was one of the most difficult and cruel periods in history. African-American women were deprived rights and freedoms. Certainly, resistance to the institution of slavery required mothers to protest the habitual violation of an ideologically sanctified relationship–in effect, a matter of insisting upon the enslaved woman’s right...

Early Spanish Colonization in Latin America

The readings were about the invasion of Spanish colonizers in Mexico and Latin America. In “An Aztec Account of the Conquest of Mexico,” a Mexican anthropologist named Miguel Leon Portilla gathered accounts made by the Aztecs when Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico and made his way to the Aztec capital,...

The Stamp Act of 1765: Historical Review

The Stamp Act of 1765 was passed at a time when the United States was a colony of the British Empire. The significance of the Act was not the provisions of the Act itself. The passing of the Act was indirectly instrumental in leading to events that led to the...

An Analysis of the Atlanta Race Riot

Abstract This paper analyzes and explores the cause of the Atlanta Riot and how it contributed to forming coalition sponsored activities meant to restore the memory of the Atlanta Race Riot and move toward reconciliation that includes: an exhibit at the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site gallery, curriculum material...

Implication of Tiberius Gracchus’ Reform Program

Among all the factors that either promoted the reform or prevented it, social and political factors were the most powerful. Rome’s political condition was not quiet at that time. Since legionaries were obliged to serve for the whole campaign, regardless of how long it lasted, soldiers often left their farms...

“Killer Angels” by Michael Shaara

Introduction It is these days that the United States of America is a solidary and democratic country, where everybody has the equal rights and freedoms. However, it was not always so and there were times when people had to struggle for their beliefs and for their ideas concerning the country...

US History: Puritanism Analysis

First of all it should be stated, that the key principle of Puritanism is God’s highest power over human matters, chiefly in the church, and particularly as stated in the Bible. On the personal extent, the Puritans highlighted that every person should be repeatedly changed by the grace of God...

Contemporary American History Since 1877

Overview of the Theme The American history since 1877 as a topic is very vital in understanding the events or occurrences that have moulded the present America. The changes that were experienced during this period contributed greatly to the development of America to become one of the most developed in...

Louisiana Purchase: Historical Review

“Louisiana, which translates to La Celina Mario in French, was the name of an administrative district of New France. Under French control from the 17th century to the 18th century, the area was named in honor of Louis XIV of France by French explorer René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de la Salle....

Holocaust and Genocide Analysis

Introduction Holocaust was one of the most terrible events in history if the world marked by extreme violence and hostility. The ideology provided by Nazi underlined the descent of the German people from the Aryan race and rejected all other nations. Jews were seen as enemies of the Nazi Germany...