“The Fire Next Time” a Book by James Baldwin

Introduction “The Fire Next Time” is a book written by James Baldwin. It is a collection of two essays “Down at The Cross: Letter from a Region of My Mind” and “My Dungeon Shook: Letter to my Nephew on the One Hundredth Anniversary of Emancipation”. The first letter discusses the...

Ysujiro Ozu’s Biography: Japanese Director Life and Career

Background Yasuhiro Ozu was born on 12 December 1903 in the Fukagawa district of Tokyo where his parents were residing. His father provided for the family by selling fertilizer, and he was forced to send his children to his rural home in Matsusaka because the urban life was very expensive....

Mona Lisa and Renaissance Humanism

The word ‘Renaissance’ literally means ‘rebirth’, but most people today associate the term with a specific time period in Western European culture. Many of these go even further to think specifically of Italy, or perhaps more specifically still, of Florence. This is because this cultural revival, which happened roughly between...

War and Diplomacy

War and Diplomacy, the two tactics of different nations through the ages have been used very effectively throughout history. While some people felt that Diplomacy was the best means to avoid war, some statesmen felt that was war was the only solution to settling disputes with other countries. Otto Von...

How Did the Treaty of Versailles Lead to World War II

The Treaty of Versailles, signed at the end of World War I, was intended to be a peace treaty between the Allies and Germany. On the other hand, the harsh terms of the treaty forced Germany to accept full responsibility for the war and pay reparations for damages (U.S. history,...

Romanticism in the 18th and 19th Century Great Britain

Introduction Romanticism as a cultural phenomenon was formed in Great Britain earlier than in other countries of Western Europe. Pre-romanticism took shape in a single ideological and artistic system in the second half of the 18th century. Its components took on concrete outlines – the Gothic novel, sentimental poetry, the...

A Program of Mandatory Assimilation of Native Americans

Introduction The United States government adopted a program of mandatory assimilation of Native Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Native Americans were forcibly removed from their original homes and relocated to reservations, where they were prohibited from practicing their cultural practices or speaking their native languages. The...

Quality of Life Changes in Manchester in 1750-1871

Introduction Contextualization Industrialization was one of the most influential periods in human history, introducing new manufacturing technologies and significantly changing the conventional way of life. The period from 1750 to 1871 can be classified as the First Industrial Revolution, and Manchester was the world center of the ongoing transformation. This...

Bisexuality in Han Dynasty China

The article “In Han Dynasty China, Bisexuality Was the Norm,” by Sarah Prager, is an accessible, non-judgmental take on how bisexuality was viewed in ancient China. It is a well-written article with sources that are relevant to her argument. The piece is accessible for the reader and does not carry...

Leprosy in Nineteenth-Century India

Introduction Leprosy disease is one of the oldest recognized illnesses in the world. People with leprosy (PwL) were banished in ancient Indian culture for various reasons: chronic, possibly disfiguring aspect; inconsistently successful treatment, linked with sin; and dread of infection. This combination gave leprosy a stigma that endures to this...

The UK Queens Elizabeth I and Elizabeth II

The history of Great Britain, in particular England, has many dynasties that succeeded one after another. Among the formidable kings of the Middle Ages and the times of absolutism, queens also ruled, great women who left their mark on the history of the country. One of these queens, “symbols of...

The Alexander the Great Film Summary

In 356 BC, King Phillip II of Macedonia and his wife Olympias welcomed a son named Alexander the Great. Alexander became king of Macedon when his father was killed, and the 20-year-old ruler mercilessly killed all his aspirants for the throne. This brutality helped Alexander conquer most of the known...

Reasons for O’Neill’s Episodic Triumph and Failure

Introduction The case of Ireland and the famous Nine-Year War featuring Hugh O’Neill and his allies between 1594 and 1603 is one such global example of a detrimental happenstance for power extension. Hugh O’Neill’s capacity to engage the powerful English dynasty in the war for nine years makes O’Neill a...

Thomas Jefferson’s Beliefs About Indians & Blacks

Thomas Jefferson, the nation’s third president, can be considered a real enthusiast for implementing Indian education policy. Enlightening Indians and blacks was a mission, the ideological basis of the American thinker’s racial theory. Not being a strong orator; however, Jefferson put his thoughts on paper, and in letters, his ideology...

Alternate History of Alexander the Great

Alexander the Great remains one of the widely studied heroes of the ancient world. His conquests and territorial pursuits led to the defeat of the Persian Empire and the subsequent establishment of the Hellenistic world. Through his leadership, Alexander expanded Macedon to become one of the greatest empires of his...

Modern Chinese History: Impact on the World

Background China is one of the globe’s fastest expanding economies and the world’s biggest exporter. The country also receives considerable foreign assistance and is a prominent borrower on regional and global credit markets. Its expanding economy has grown into a major source of world demand. Its economic restructuring has maintained...

Emergence and Success of the Empire Ottoman

Introduction The rise and dominance of the Ottoman Empire in the 14th and 15th centuries was influenced by many factors both internal and external. One of the main reasons for the emergence of this Empire was the legacy of feudalism, where the nobilities were given lands in exchange for military...

The East German Democratic Republic: Problems and Challenges

The East German Democratic Republic (GDR) had major issues, including its political practices, which contributed to the country’s collapse rather than triumph. East Germany adopted four separate constitutions throughout its existence, but none of them was truly used to govern (Orlow, 2018). Instead, East German Communists and their allies in...

Analysis of “The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement”

The Chicano Generation: Testimonios of the Movement is a book written by Mario T. Garcia, who is a prominent civil rights scholar. People of Mexican ancestry born in the United States are known as “Chicanos.” During the Chicano Movement of the 1960s, Mexican Americans started using the phrase widely as...

Greek and Macedonian Empires of Ancient Times

Introduction The two most influential empires that helped to shape the ancient world on European land were Greece and Makedonia. The expansion of these civilizations has had a lasting and considerable impact on the formation of modern cultures and nationalities in Europe. Though the two empires were historically closely interrelated,...

Simón Bolívar, The Jamaica Letter

The selected primary source is The Jamaica Letter, written by Simón Bolívar. The document was written when he was exiled to Jamaica in 1815. The content of the letter focuses on the unification of Latin American colonies to form a republican form of government. The text makes me wonder and...

September 1917 in Russia from the Perspective of Morgan P. Price

The October Revolution of 1917, when the Bolsheviks seized power from the Provisional Government of Russia, did not materialize out of thin air. Instead, it was the result of a prolonged crisis, when social tensions and economic problems coincided with a divided and inefficient government to create a volatile political...

The European Realm and Its Regions

Introduction The realms are huge sections of the planet’s terrain where creatures have evolved in comparative solitude over time. Geographical factors that act as obstacles to movement, such as seas, large grasslands, or steep mountainous regions, isolate the creatures from one another. Europe’s historical sequence of progression is classic research...

Caesar’s Fame and Influence on His Succession

Caesar’s name and posthumous reputation were significant in deciding the outcome of the power struggle that followed his assassination. The death of Caesar initiated a civil war that pitted his nephew Octavian and one of his assassinators, Anthony. Before his death, Caesar was highly respected and feared as the most...

“Crossing Over From Advocacy to Narrative” by Samantha Power

Storytelling can be a potent tool in spreading awareness about a social or moral issue. Thus, in “Crossing over from advocacy to narrative”, Samantha Power (2007), aims to focus readers’ attention on the issue of genocide. Using the example of this work, conclusions can be drawn about how to write...

What Led Up to the Assassination of Julius Caesar

Gaius Julius Caesar was an ancient Roman politician who transformed the Roman Republic into the Roman Empire. Caesar became an outstanding general, orator, writer, and reformer. The person was consul of the Roman Republic and then accomplished the conquest of all of Gaul and parts of Britain as proconsul. Caesar...

The Syrian Civil War and Its Factors

Introduction Violence against Syrians’ street protests promptly escalated into a civil war about a decade ago. This Syrian Civil War would later become one of the world’s most deadly and extended humanitarian crises. As the Syrians endure these incredible moments of suffering, what are the lessons learned, and what are...

Normative Role of the Cold War

The Cold War was a global confrontational, but not reaching direct armed conflict, the confrontation between two blocs of countries with different socio-political systems led by the USSR and the USA in the period from 1946 to the end of the 1980s. It was characterized by geopolitical, military, economic, and...

Seneca Falls Convention: The Origins of Women’s Rights Movement in the US

The value of democracy and human freedoms in the USA was laid in the state’s very foundation, its constitution. Still, the country’s authorities have long turned a blind eye to the infringement of rights to participate in political life. The logical response to this imposed discrimination was the desire of...

World War I vs. World War II Differences

There is often a discourse among military historians that the First and Second World Wars are one event or two different ones. On the one hand, historically significant events seem similar: one enemy – the Germans, one coalition of resistance. On the other hand, there are different scales, types of...

New Perspectives on the Conquest of Mexico

The article by Townsend focuses on the alternative narrative in the conquest of Mexico. The author suggests that while many believed that Mexicans perceived Hernando Cortes as Quetzalcoatl, there is little evidence that the Indians believed in the divine origin of the newcomers. This essay will define the point that...

The US Constitution: Morality, Knowledge, and Religion

Introduction Many ideas and principles inspired the founding fathers in the creation of the US Constitution, including the French Revolution, the Greek model of democracy, the works of Locke, and other philosophers, as Beliles and Anderson explain.1 Religion was also one of these essential parts, as it is generally believed....

Impact of the Industrial Revolution on Society

The Industrial Revolution refers to a period throughout the late 18th and early 19th centuries within western societies such as Great Britain, the United States, and Europe. It was defined by the rapid increase of new manufacturing processes and the transition to steam and water power (Wilkinson, 2020). Overall, the...

History vs. Fiction of Oroonoko, Inkle and Yarico

There are many uncertainties as to what is absolute truth, exaggeration, or understatement within fiction based on stories that were told centuries ago. That is the case of Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko, a fictional work of prose recounting the elements of the life of the Oroonoko, a Coromantin prince. It is...

Great Depression: Herbert Hoover and Franklin Roosevelt

The Great Depression was a major economic downturn in American history in the 1930s, which affected the entire globe. The primary cause was the burst of the stock market bubble, which led to its crash. It took place during Herbert Hoover’s presidency, which started in 1929. During his presidency, he...

Julius Caesar Analytical Essay

History tells us that sometimes decisions that change the fates of entire nations are based only on one person’s emotions. In other cases, long and careful rational analysis, individual or collective, precedes the final decision-making. Regardless of the method, there is always room for mistake, miscalculation, or just a pure...

How the Beatles Changed the American Culture

Introduction The Beatles took England by storm with their rock and roll music in the late 1950s, and by the early 1960s, their influence had reached the United States. The band comprised Paul McCartney, George Harrison, John Lennon, and Ringo Starr, commonly known as the Fab Four. The band, originally...

Aztecs’ and Incas’ Culture, Religion, Government, and Achievements

Introduction The paper will provide an overview of one of the most famous civilizations, the Aztecs and Incas. Firstly, the cultural features of the Aztecs and the Incas will be discussed, their government policies, the influence of religion, and the accomplishments of the civilization. The cultures and religions of those...

Why the North Won the Civil War

One of the reasons why the North (Union) won the Civil War was that it had a larger population than the South. The population of the Union was about twice that of the South (Confederacy). The North had more people to fight in its army as compared to the South...

Colonialism and Decolonialization in Algeria

Introducing Colonization: Where is the Third World? The colonization of Algeria by the French forces started with the invasion of 1830, and it ended with the declaration of independence in 1962. The French authority spent the next seventy years reining in the Algerians before finally becoming the undisputed leaders of...

Analysis of Leonard Peltier Murder Case

Abstract Activism, resisting, and struggling to oppose imposed rules by the American government had been a typical tussle among the American Indians. Therefore, this research paper focuses on the murder case of two Federal Bureau Investigation unit officers, who were said to be murdered by an American Indian movement led...

The Lancaster Treaty of 1744 Published by Franklin

The official record of the Lancaster Treaty of 1744 published by Franklin presents a picture of tense but respectful negotiations marked by a high degree of cultural understanding. When we include informal accounts, like those by Bartram, Weiser, and Marshe, we find confirmation and complementation of the official record. The...

The Conflict in Libya and Anatomy of a Failure

Introduction The conflict in Libya is a result of both endogenous and exogenous political factors that have resulted in the division of the nation into two administrative groups. The unrest began in 2011, amidst a wave of revolutions in Arab countries across Africa and the Middle East. The demonstrations were...

Effects of the Vietnam War

Introduction The Vietnam War was a long-running conflict involving the South Vietnamese and North Vietnamese communists. Both warring parties had their allies who intensified the war; for instance, the primary supporters for the South Vietnamese was the U.S, while the Soviet Union and China backed the North Vietnamese communist. The...

Food and Agriculture of Ancient Greece

Introduction Ancient societies lived and developed in ways that are both similar and strikingly different to the ones people know today. Depending on the state of development, hierarchies, government structure, climate, and many other considerations, a nation could have grown to foster a unique and specific culture of its own....

Who Discovered America: Native Americans, Vikings and Columbus

At the end of the fifteenth century, the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, with his expedition, reached North America’s shores, mistakenly believing that he had arrived in India. It was the beginning of the era of the discovery, development, and research of America. However, some researchers consider this date inaccurate, insisting...

Women’s Position in the Abbasid Era

The accession of the Abbasids led to the break of the Arabian east and west. The new dynasty tried to imitate the Persian way of life: they accepted and inserted in their life customs and achievements of Iranian kings, translated a great number of Persian literature into the Arabic language....

Anna Frank: The Power of Hope Personified

Introduction One can safely say that the story of Anne Frank, her family, and those people who lived with her in a small annex in Amsterdam in 1942 is one of the most tragic and heartbreaking biographies known to humanity. Her diary is a collection and representation of both the...

Cyrus the Great: A Critical Review of a Historical Figure

Introduction Since ancient times, there has been an opinion that everything in the world is cyclical and repeats itself after certain periods. Thus, the study of antiquity can provide a lot of useful knowledge about the rulers and significant persons of those times who made a contribution to history. With...

The Wilmington’s Lie Book Analysis

Introduction Wilmington city was a thriving city along the coast of North Carolina in the 1890s and by far the largest and the most populated. The city’s population primarily consisted of African Americans and Whites, who made up one-third of the total population. According to David Zucchino’s book, this city...

Definition of the Greek Polis

Introduction The polis is based on the ancient form of ownership, representing the unity of the public and private principles of ownership. The polis had the right of supreme ownership of the land. Only the citizens of the policy could be the owners of the land. It was possible to...

The Downfall of the Roman Republic

Many historians have argued the exact reason behind the downfall of the Roman Republic. With the growth of the Roman Republic, many problems emerged; each of them could be considered the cause of the downfall. The late Republic was plagued by economic, political, and social issues; many changes were required....

Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

The scientific revolution introduced individualism to a society that was largely conformist and communal at the time, with little regard for the accomplishments of select people. Though this was largely due to religious norms of the time, traditional and social expectations also promoted certain behaviors and values that prioritized communities...

The Bracero Program and Exclusion Policy

The Bracero Program guaranteed Mexican immigrants to the United States decent working conditions in the agricultural sector during the Second World War. In general, this program aimed to expand short-term legal migration for Mexicans and maintain production in the U.S. agricultural industry. However, in the 1950s, this program caused discontent...

Kalokagathia Perspectives in Ancient Greece

Introduction The concept of kalokagathia was highly important to Ancient Greek society. It went beyond the traditional aspects of beauty and status that is seen in modern-day society, it was a holistic philosophy. The word encapsulates an individual that is both utmost beauty and absolute goodness. It was an ideal...

Herodotus on the Egyptians: World History

I believe that Herodotus had a valid opinion on how influential some of the Egyptian customs have been to the Greeks. For instance, Egyptians had the same type of social hierarchy, with the upper class of land and slave owners and the lower class with limited rights. Some religious similarities...

The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Its Consequences

Introduction The given historical analysis will primarily focus on the events of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The message will be communicated to a naïve audience, which has no current knowledge of American history, its intricate developmental elements, or internal racial issues. President Johnson’s signing of the Act was...

Researching the Treaty of Lancaster

In June 1744, a treaty was signed with the Six Nations Indians in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The Lancaster Treaty of 1744 aimed to settle land conflicts between Virginia, Maryland, and the Iroquois, or, in other words, ‘Six Nations.’ With conflict with France approaching, the English colonies worked with the Iroquois Confederacy...

Minority Groups During 1880-1914

Women form part of the vulnerable groups of populations because of their susceptibility as soft targets in the predominantly male-dominated society, which in itself is more patriarchal. At the turn of the century in the United States, the role of women was restricted to being wives and mothers, whose main...

Giles Fletcher’s “Of the Russe Commonwealth”

“Of the Russe Commonwealth” is the work Giles Fletcher written in 1591. Giles Fletcher was an English scholar and diplomat who described Russia right after the reign of Ivan IV and before the Time of Troubles. He was sent to the court of Fyodor I Ivanovich, who was a tsar...

Second Wave of European Expansion Into Africa and Asia

Second Wave of European Expansion The main driving force of colonization consists of various reasons. Among them are the desire of countries to acquire additional new resources, the place of sale of goods, the acquisition of a new workforce, and many other factors. Thus, the states aimed to take control...

The Collapse of the Soviet Union and Its Causes

The collapse of the USSR can rightfully be called one of the most significant political events of the XX century. For half a century, the USSR and the USA, in their confrontation, shaped the entire system of international relations. When the USSR ceased to exist, the whole system of cross-cultural...

The Battle of Thermopylae: Herodotus’ and Frank Miller’s Depictions

Herodotus’ reliability as a historian, whose narration of the Battle at Thermopylae has been investigated for centuries, might be validated by several proofs. Firstly, the time when the battle took place was the time when the historian lived, which implies that Herodotus was a witness of the described events and...

Discussion of the Cost of Expansion

Comparing the settlement patterns of the Chesapeake and New England colonies illustrates the contrast between their ideas, motivation, and origin. The differences between the Chesapeake and New England colonies are believed to be the source of the core distinctions between the mentality of the North and the South of the...

Europe Between 1788 and 1848: Change and Continuity

In the period between 1788 and 1848, Europe was torn between the two conflicting forces: those of change and of continuity. After the French Revolution, the monarchy in many European countries witnessed a crisis that gave rise to revolutionary movements all across the continent. Political and economic liberalism strived to...

Tartan: The Symbol of Rebellion?

Tartan refers to the pattern of interlocking stripes that runs through the cloth vertically and horizontally. Today, tartans’ different fabrics and designs are thought to represent specific Scottish clans and families. It has a long-standing history, with the earliest known Scottish tartan dating to the fourth century AD (The Scottish...

Major Factors That Undermined U.S. Reconstruction Efforts Following the Civil War

In general, Reconstruction aimed to restore the Union, enact progressive legislation, transform Southern society, and provide civil rights to former slaves. However, regardless of positive intentions and all efforts, U.S. Reconstruction was undermined in Confederate states and may be regarded as a failure. First of all, Southern states did not...

Discussion of “Bravo Two Zero” Patrol in Iraq

Introduction During the First Gulf War in January 1991, a troop of British Army Special Air Service (SAS) landed in Iraq having a particular task in intelligent service. Bravo Two Zero was the code-name of the SAS operation. According to one of the theories, the patrol targeted to destroy Scud...

Transformation of America by Europeans

Nowadays, America is one of the most developed continents in the world, and the quality of life there is getting better every year. Spaniards and Portuguese were the first and the major contributors to the creation of American history. They began the transformation of such areas as politics, economics, and...

Goujian, the Ruler of the Yue Kingdom in Ancient China

The Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to some Chinese scientists, its age may be about five thousand years. Ancient China is known for its unique culture, which in many respects has not changed much even now. Many things of everyday life, such as paper...

Communism, Fascism, and the Outbreak of the Second World War

The two most historically important ideologies of the first half of the 20th century are communism and Fascism. Despite certain similarities between the two, they are strikingly different. Their expansion principle and opposing views on how society must develop ultimately resulted in World War 2 (WW2). Communism is predicated on...

Cold War in Everyday Life of Americans

Introduction Living at the time of the Cold War in the United States of America was challenging for the citizens due to a number of political reasons affecting their well-being. From this perspective, the principal factor worsening their conditions was of a psychological nature since various events, and the governmental...

Sherian Grace Cadoria: The U.S. Army

African Americans participated in all the wars of the United States, serving their country and people. Military service offered them promotions in the economic, social, political, and military spheres. Thus, the participation of African-Americans must be understood in the context of the importance of racial issues that arose in the...

Modern India’s Development and Political Challenge

Among the pressing issues within the Indian society is the contrast between a prospering middle class and people living in poverty, who face serious economic challenges. The modern Indian state is characterized by the caste system and the presence of scheduled groups, such as tribal people. Moreover, the history of...

Impact of Gold Rush on California

Introduction U.S. history is rich, and each era has its characteristics and specific contributions to the development of the states and the establishment of new rules and living standards. The progress of California was slow because of the Spanish invasion and colonization in the 18th century and Mexican control in...

Political, Cultural, Economic, and Social Implications of WWII for Germany

Introduction WWII had tremendous global implications for every country in the world due to the large scale of the conflict and the amount of resources needed to mitigate the threat of the Nazi regime dominating the world. Furthermore, although some countries, such as the U.S., could not support the Alliance...

Spanish Colonisation of America

The discovery of the New World made by Christopher Columbus in 1492 is regarded as the onset of the Spanish colonization of the continent that after years became known as America. The vast undeveloped territories and greed attracted numerous adventurers – conquistadors. In this connection, the Royal Spanish court promoted...

Reflection on Chronicles of the Indies

Chronicles of the Indies might be considered as an important part of the reflection of the conquistadors’ aspirations and actions of the period. Hence, a discussion on the prominent participants’ works related to the period seems relevant to undertake. This paper will focus on Shipwreck, True History of the Conquest...

Roman, Mongolian, and Ottoman Empires’ History

Since the Ancient Mesopotamia period, several civilizations have emerged and grown their desires to conquer vast lands and spheres of power. There were more than 190 ancient empires with clearly demarcated borders (Wings, 2019). These empires existed in different periods in history and were dissimilar in many aspects, but one...

Canopic Jar Egyptians Mummification

Ancient Egyptians used canopic jars mostly during the mummification period to contain and protect their owners’ viscera for the hereafter. They were usually either crafted from granite or produced from pottery. The jars were essential in both the Old Kingdom and the Late Ptolemaic era when the viscera were packed...

The American Revolution and its Consequences

Abstract While the American Revolution gave women numerous opportunities for growth at both personal and familial levels, it did not encourage women’s participation in politics as it still denied them the right to vote. The American Revolution was necessitated by political, economic, and social developments. The Stamp Act Congress of...

The Trail of Tears – Series of Events in the US

Genocide is an act committed with the intention of destroying, in whole or in part, any national, ethnic, racial, or religious group as such by killing members of this group. In addition, this includes attempts to inflict grievous harm to their health, the adoption of measures designed to prevent childbearing...

The Marco Polo Bridge Incident and the Sino-Japanese War

The Marco Polo Bridge Incident was a military mishap that launched a sequence of events that ended up causing the Sino-Japanese war of 1937-1945. The Incident happened on July 7th, 1937, and by the end of the month, China and Japan were engaged in a war. Some suggest that this...

African Continent and the Cold War

Americanah is a novel that was written by the Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, who spends a significant part of her life in the United States; therefore, she knows American everyday life properly, and in particular, the current situation and politics about racism. The example of this novel can examine...

The History of Violence in the United States

Introduction The history of violence in the United States is quite complex and continues to cast its shadow today. Several events took place that reshaped people’s experiences and the policies different leaders made. The late-19th century stands out as one of the bloodiest periods in this country’s history. This paper...

The Letters of Richard Frethorne About New World

The letters of Richard Frethorne, an indentured servant in 17th century Virginia, painted an unflattering picture of colonial America of that time. They presented the lives of destitute workers in the New World in the worst possible light. In the letters which were addressed to his parents Frethorne wrote about...

The Story of John Lewis

Introduction Even the most democratic world nations are not free from particular social problems, and the U.S. is not an exception. Over its rich history, the country has witnessed a variety of social issues that have affected thousands of different people. Fortunately, some individuals have exerted their efforts to create...

The Impact of the Wars on Western Civilization

Introduction History is full of wars and regardless of the fact that this phenomenon is considered to be negative, many of them are the basis of significant historical events. The consequences of some wars still affect the population of the modern world. They manage to turn history in a different...

A Time to Break Silence: Martin Luther King Jr.

There are many precedents in world history when religious leaders openly fought against injustice, backed by state laws, and sided with the oppressed. Martin Luther King Jr., who fought against racial inequality in America, considered social activity the only legal opportunity to counteract cynicism, indifference, and despair. The theology of...

“New South”: The Postbellum Period in the South

The New South The term “New South” is used to demark the postbellum period in the South, when the region saw a shift from a single-crop agricultural economy toward industrialization. During these years, southern states managed to diversify their economies, leveraging natural resources found in their territories. Coal mining and...

Decline of the Qing Dynasty

Introduction The Ming Dynasty ruled China for 276 years until, in 1616, a Manchurian army from northeastern Asia invaded China, defeated its forces, and occupied several areas on the northern border. Almost thirty years later, in 1644, China was completely defeated, and Emperor Shunzhi established the Qing Dynasty. The purpose...

Emergent of the Modern World From History

Introduction The foundations of the modern world were laid in the period between the 14th and 16th centuries. The main activities attributed to this development include the Great Britain revolution, the growth of the cotton industry, and the emergent of the finance and banking industry. The transformations made in this...

The Review of the Challenger Disaster

Thirty-four years have passed since the world was stunned by the fatal space accident which occurred in the US. However, the disaster is still fresh in people’s minds, and everyone remembers those terrible footages of the space shuttle Challenger explosion. It took the lives of seven crew members and became...

Different Interpretations of Conquest

The accounts of conquest vary significantly depending on the angle one views the same events from. The Spanish conquest of South America is a landmark event in world history. The clash of civilizations that happened when Spaniards discovered America is an example of the event which is interpreted very differently...

The Story of Martin Guerre

Introduction Taking on an assumed character/name or deception concerning one’s identity is known as imposture. George Psalmanazar, Victor Lustig, Ferdindand Demara (The Great Impostor), Cassie Chadwick, Tichborne Claimant, Frank Abagnale (Catch Me If You Can), and a host of others have catapulted the act of imposture into a unique subculture...

Natural Resources in American History

Introduction The United States is a prosperous and economically developed country not only because of human capital but also because of the presence of natural resources within its territories. Throughout history, natural resources have played a vital role in providing the population with a means to feed themselves and serving...

Hewes and the Ideological Premise of the Revolution

The political events that unfolded in Boston in the 1770s and the following developments leading to the Revolution were driven by a range of factors and supported by a huge number of people. However, of all citizens, George Robert Twelves Hewes stood out as a particularly important figure in the...

Edmund Dene Morel: The Main Protagonist of the Story

The creation of the Congo Reform movement is closely related to the name of Edmund Dene Morel. Through journalistic activism, he uncovered the truth about the ruling of the Congo Free State, the regime of Leopold II (Ramsey 1). In his book, “King Leopold’s Ghost”, Adam Hochschild describes Leopold’s reign...

Evaluating the Manifest Destiny: Violence Masked as Inspiration

Introduction The concept of expansion and the colonization of North American lands, which was engraved into the Manifest Destiny, is an admittedly controversial topic that needs to be studied further in order to embrace the effects of colonization on the modern relationships within American society. While studying the historical records...

Chicano Movement Development in Texas

The first Chicanos were the Mexicans absorbed by the United States following the Mexican-American war in 1848. This population was augmented by immigration from Mexico during the 20th century (Muñoz, 2013). While most Chicanos were relegated to cheap agricultural work, a small middle class developed in Texas, allowing some Chicanos...

The Blizzard of 1888: What Made It So Murderous?

January 12, 1888, became a fateful day for about 235 residents of the American prairie. On that warm winter day, a sudden onset of snowstorm caught many people outside of their houses. Most of these people were immigrants from Europe who came to America in search of a better life....

Ancient Greek and Roman Governments

The governments of Ancient Greece and Rome had similarities and differences alike. It becomes clear if one compares the High Roman Empire with Athens at the peak of their might. Both governments conquered foreign for economic purposes and used religion to justify their regimes, but Athens remained a democracy, while...

Bocassa, the Cruel Ruler

The African continent has a unique history, as it has hardly been completely independent during its existence but was a metropolitan colony as a source of oil, uranium, and ores. This created a rather harsh socio-economic environment in mainland countries, which indeed hurt local populations. In particular, the Central African...

The Spanish Flu Epidemic in 1918

One of the deadliest occurrences of human history is the 1918 “Spanish Flu” epidemic. Influenza spread to almost every part of the world and appeared in the United States, Britain, and France in the same year. Overall, the virus affected three to five percent of the world’s population, including the...

The North American Phalanx

A utopian community is a group of closely assembled people united by common ideals and beliefs that live together, support each other, and share work, lands, and profit. Utopian communities were a new social phenomenon that arose in America in the nineteenth century. They quickly became popular, grew, and spread...

Canoes of North American Indigenous People

Introduction Canoes have always been an integral part of the life of ancient tribes. Ancient people all over the world started to build canoes as early as 8200 BC (“Native American canoes,” n.d.). North American Indigenous tribes were making dugout and birch-bark canoes long before the first European settlers came...

The Causes of the American Civil War

Introduction The Civil War (1861-1865) was one of the most significant events in American history that paved the way for future generations to live in ways that were unimaginable a few years later. It preserved the unity of the nation, gave a much-needed boost to the American economy, and turned...

Ancient Sexuality: Women and the Ancient Greek Symposium

Any study into the role of Women in the Ancient Greek Symposium must come with considerable personal speculation. A perusal of the sources in Greek history will result in a finding that Greek Women played a very, very minor role in the affairs of Greek Society. Not only was Citizenship...

The Early Renaissance versus Modern Society in Europe

Cultural and social values tend to change over time, and it can be traced back to the example of several centuries. When it comes to the Renaissance, basic ideas that come to mind are, as a rule, humanism and the desire to emphasize a human personality. Most of the ideas...

Analyzing Edmund Burke’s Speech on Reconciliation With America

Edmund Burke was known as the strongest supporter of the American colonies in the English Parliament. His March 22, 1775, speech on reconciliation with America describes his thinking on the colonial crisis. By this point, the 13 colonies were on the brink of war with England. The Intolerable Acts of...

The History and Overview of French Revolution

Overview The French revolution is perhaps the most significant event not only in the history of France but also in the whole of Europe. The revolution represents the transition to liberty and freedom for the Frenchmen1. This can be traced from the fact that France had been ruled by monarchs...

Sugar Cane Plantation and Slave Trade in South America

Sugar was introduced in South America in 1494. By 1500, the region was biggest the world’s sugar cane growing belt in the world. The introduction of cocoa and tea in Europe increased the demand for sugar. Further processing led to the production of chocolate. This made the popularity of sugarcane...

The Black Death Description and Analysis

The Black Death was a devastating epidemic that swept across the European continent between 1346 and 1353 killing more than one-third of its population. The disease was transferred to humans through fleas from dying rodents. Before arriving in Europe, it depopulated vast areas of Tartary, India, Mesopotamia, and Syria. The...

The History of Roman Empire Expansion

Rome was founded as a province in Italy but later came to have dominance over Africa and most of Eurasia. The Roman Empire was founded in 8th BC and became an established and successful dominion until it came to a fall in the 8th BC. During the period of dominance,...

Thurgood Marshall and His Supreme Court Justice

Thurgood Marshall was born in 1908 in Baltimore, Maryland to William Marshall who worked as a railroad porter and mother an elementary school teacher. He was initially named Thoroughgood changed it to Thurgood. His grandfather was a slave. From an early age, his father aroused his interest in the law....

Modern Japanese History: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Introduction The Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings of 1945 were the most devastating bomb attacks in history. The bomb attacks marked the end of the Second World War with the final surrender of Japan and eventual occupation of United States (Dower 116). Their effect caused heavy casualties in human lives...

Chris Ward’s “Stalin’s Russia” Book Summary

Ward’s work on Stalin’s Russia has seven chapters. Chapter 1 tries to explain the rise of Stalin. Chapter 2 focuses on the assessment of the industrialization campaign that happened between the years 1924 and 1941. Chapter 3 tries to capture the reasons for the collectivization drive that happened between the...

The Cold War in the 1950’s

Introduction The cold war was mainly a continuing state of conflict that existed between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies, this occurred during the 1940s to the 1990s. The cold war involved military coalitions, attacks, arms development and spirited technological growth. During World War II, the...

Jim Crow Laws for African American

Introduction In the 20th century, it was a common belief among the White Americans that having black Americans in their neighborhood would lead to decline of property values. The United States came up with a policy to separate the country by having different facilities for the white Americans and the...

Comparison of the Slavery Systems in Ancient Rome and Ottoman

Introduction Slavery refers to a situation whereby an individual is owned by another individual and is sometimes denied some of his rights. Slavery was mainly practiced in ancient years. Examples of the empires which practiced the trade include Rome and Ottoman. This research will shed light on how slavery was...

The Collapse of the Roman Republic

The Roman Republic, which lasted for over 5 centuries (Roman-colosseum.info), finally collapsed due to a combination of 4 causes for which different sources were responsible. Economic Causes There were 4 economic causes for which the Emperor in larger part, and the Senate to a lesser degree, was responsible. The first...

Trail of Tears and Blood: Personal Reflection

Alexis de Tocqueville’s sentiments sum up the whole episode of The Trail of Blood. His visit to Memphis having been coincidental with the forced movement of the Choctaw Indians, Tocqueville paints a picture of gloom and oppression when he says, “the wounded, the sick, newborn babies and the old men...

Absolutism in Austria and Prussia

From the 16th to the 18th century, absolute monarchs asserted total sovereignty on the basis of divine rights although at this time in history they were bound by certain elements of law. Absolute monarchs strived to remove the contending institutions and jurisdictions in their provinces and were able to acquire...

The Tomb of King Tut Egyptian Late 18th Dynasty

Introduction King Tutankhamun, also known as King Tut was an Egyptian Pharaoh who was described as being different from previous Egyptian Pharaohs (D’Auria, et al 97). Unfortunately not much is known about him and the little that exists is not as impressive. Despite being the most famous and well-recognized Pharaoh...

20th Century Political Events and Philosophy

20th Century Political Events The Second World War caused the end of Imperialism in Europe and left it in ruins. Since new political borders were drawn during and after the war, millions of people were rendered homeless and thus, had to live like refugees. Many of the industrial infrastructures in...

The Arizona Department of Corrections’ Morey Unit 2004

Introduction The Morey unit hostage situation, considered the longest in American history, began on the 18th day of January 2004 when inmates from the Lewis prison complex in Arizona took control of the control tower at the institution and also held two officers of the same institution hostage (William, 2005)....

Growth and Development of Ancient Cities

Introduction The growth of ancient cities was instigated by several factors. Many cities grew as a result of exploration or conquest expeditions by famous figures who would build empires and initiate a trade with neighbouring regions. The processes of growth of the Cosmopolitan City of Alexandria, the City of Sagala,...

Fidel Castro and the Cuban Revolution

To Cuban exiles, Cuba – prior to the mid-1950’s iconic Cuban Revolution – was a paradise, one of the most successful and advanced countries in Latin American. To others, it was a hellhole, a bastion for U.S. mob activity, the brothel and playground of the Western hemisphere, an island inhabited...

Eruption at Thera and Minoan Civilization’s Downfall

Introduction The fact is that the matters of the downfall of the Minoan Civilization are the central issues of interest among lots of scholars. The confirmation of a violent end through fire and demolition is clear, but the clues to what caused such destruction have been elusive. It will turn...

Women & Power of Pre-Colonial Latin America

Pre-Columbian America relates to the era before the arrival of the Europeans. It pertains to aboriginal civilizations of the Americas, with the likes of those in Mesoamerica and the Andes. Although the onset of “Pre-Columbian” era is considered to be from the time the human race set foot on the...

American Civil War and Iraq Invasion Comparison

Introduction The american civil war is one of the political events which happened in America from 1861 to 1865. The major cause of this war was political since it was caused by the Republican Party. The Republican Party in the history of America is the second oldest political party. This...

The Myth and Ritual Schools

Introduction We would like to focus this essay on the topic “The Myth and Ritual Schools” of Catherine Bell’s Ritual Perspectives and Dimensions, along with its underlying facts and other literature that may have emerged since its inception. Background Which really comes first myth or ritual, or which one evolved...

Russian Revolution by Vladimir Lenin

Introduction The Russian revolution occurred in 1917 and referred to the sequence of events that led to the transformation of the social nature within the Russian Empire hence the state. The Soviet Union was formed to reinstate the old Tsarist dictatorship. The Bolshevik Party, under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin...

Candide and the Context of Enlightenment

Enlightenment is an imperative term of political philosophy that urges the application of intellect and logic in order to discover truth and reality from natural and social phenomena. It seeks its roots in liberalism which aims to get the man free from the clutches of fear, slavery, and ignorance. It...

The Spanish Explorers in the New World

Introduction The discovery of America by Columbus and the subsequent conquest of the West-Indian Islands, Mexico, Peru, and other parts of the New World presented great political, juridical, moral, and religious problems for the Spanish monarchy. The Spanish explorers had a great impact on the New World and its further...

Canada During the Cold War

Thesis Canada, better known for its scientific knowledge rather than military prowess, pursued a moderate anti-communist policy during the Cold War while aiding struggling countries and promoting peace in the world arena. The cold war which began in the 1940s between America and the then USSR dragged on till the...

History of Aviation in World War I and World War II

Introduction Aviation history has various periods that crafted its unique story. It began before the seventeenth century and is known for several momentous events that led to its development, such as World War I and World War II. Various events, great minds, and brave pilots contributed to the development of...

Oneida Indians Declare Neutrality

The Oneida Nation, which was just one of the members of the Six Nations or Iroquois Confederacy, played an important role in the American Revolution. However, before siding with American colonials during the conflict, Oneidas, as well as other members of the Iroquois Confederacy, declared neutrality first. As it is...

Queen Isabella I of Castile and Inquisition

Introduction Queen Isabella I of Castile is a key figure in Spanish history. Her rule following her marriage to King Ferdinand of Aragon, saw the unification of the Spanish kingdom and the conclusion of the Reconquista. She further solidified the power of the unified crown by employing a group of...

Confucianism as Foundation of Chinese Civilization

Introduction Ever since the conception of the Chinese civilization, its core beliefs, values, and structures have been attributed to the philosophy of Confucianism. It is considered one of the most influential systems that have a significant impact on the opinions of the country’s leaders and, subsequently, the economic and social...

The Indian Removal Act Analysis

The Indian Removal Act that was enforced by the President of the United States Andrew Jackson imposed a controversial policy to relocate Native Americans from their lands to the territory west of the Mississippi River, where they have never been. Some tribes decided to leave the area, but some were...

Harlem Renaissance: African American Identity

Introduction The Harlem Renaissance is a term that is widely used to describe the period of a cultural and social reawakening for African Americans in the United States, who concentrated their artistic effort in New York. The period between the 1920s and the 1930s became a critically significant era in...

Baldwin’s “My Dungeon Shook – Letter to My Nephew”

The 1960s were a kind of turning point in the history of black US citizens. Namely, during this period, the black ‘revolution’ of America began. The civil rights movement has officially put an end to the issue of discrimination against representatives of the “colored” population of the country. In 1964,...

Nationalism in the French Revolution of 1789

Introduction It is the year 1799 in France, a country that has undergone historical and trying times as social protests and political upheaval have thrown the country into chaos and instability. The French Revolution led to the French Republic, guided by new Enlightenment and democratic ideals, the political philosophy of...

Alexander the Great as a Military General

Introduction Alexander the Great has been described as one of the most successful military strategists of all time. However, even though there is an extensive collection of sources on how magnificent he was, there is also a lot of contradicting information on the same. Whereas some sources claim that Alexander’s...

Industrialization Achievements in the 19th Century

Life without electricity, heating, and other amenities seems unbearable for modern people. However, all these conveniences were invented only at the end of the nineteenth century. Innovative findings forced the transformation of the industrial sphere as new materials, manufacturing techniques, and appliances were evolving. Many scientific discoveries during this period...

Woodrow Wilson in “Dead Wake” by Erik Larson

President Woodrow Wilson was notable for his neutral political stance in terms of America’s role in World War I. This stance could be attributed to Wilson’s academic background and religious upbringing. In his view, God did not intend the United States to enter the conflict, while his academic side supported...

Wealth and Power in Early Renaissance and Nowadays

Introduction The topic of this course project is “comparison of society during the early Renaissance in Europe to contemporary society.” This topic was chosen because of the strong belief that the reflections about the past and continuous paralleling of the previous experiences with the modern ones are the way to...

Triangular Trade, Its Legs and Mechanism

Introduction The transatlantic triangular trade resulted in the forced migration of more than fifteen million people from Africa to the Western Hemisphere from the 15th century to the 19th century. In the 18th century, almost all European countries were involved in the trade. However, Britain later became a leader in...