Operation Geronimo (OG), also known as Neptune Spear, was a military operation conducted by the U.S. in Pakistan and formally authorized by President Obama twelve years ago. The military operation revolved around capturing/defeating Osama Bin Laden. Resulting in the killing of the world’s most famous Islamic terrorist, OG is sometimes...
Topic: Operation Geronimo
Words: 894
Pages: 3
The United States is built by a multitude of communities stemming from entirely different cultural and ethnic backgrounds. Native Americans are the original inhabitants of America, whose families lived in close-knit communities focused on satisfying the essential needs of their members (Cohen, 2015). Despite their distance from the new arrivals,...
Topic: History
Words: 280
Pages: 1
Until 1865, people of African origin were enslaved in the United States, particularly in the southern jurisdictions; this period is known as African-American history. Millions of Africans were forcefully transported to the Americas to work on sugar plantations during the transatlantic slave trade, and enslavement was legalized and institutionalized in...
Topic: African American
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Introduction The United States government adopted a program of mandatory assimilation of Native Americans in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Native Americans were forcibly removed from their original homes and relocated to reservations, where they were prohibited from practicing their cultural practices or speaking their native languages. The...
Topic: Native American
Words: 673
Pages: 2
Eric Lane Martin’s essay describes his view of world history. This viewpoint shows that politics is involved. He proves this by citing historians’ research questions, tools, and critical thinking methods. The text’s statement about using world history to understand September 11th is the most direct evidence. According to Martin (2005),...
Topic: History
Words: 369
Pages: 1
The horrific act of enslaving African people and forcefully transporting them to the Americas is known as the transatlantic slave trade. For centuries, African people were enslaved and shipped in cramped and poorly ventilated ships to the Americas to work on plantations and in households. The slave trade had a...
Topic: Trade
Words: 919
Pages: 3
The year 1979 was very harsh and life-changing for the history of Iran. This event caused the fall of the country’s monarchy. It was affected by social and economic pressures, with the root cause being predominantly nationalistic. The revolution would later be known as the aftermath of civil unrest. The...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 316
Pages: 1
Barcelona and Georgia have a long, rich history that is still visible in the historical sites throughout the two locations. From ancient cathedrals to sprawling plantations, these sites offer an opportunity to explore the past and learn more about the culture, society, and people of Barcelona and Georgia. By examining...
Topic: History
Words: 855
Pages: 3
There is a claim that from 1941 to 1980, fundamental changes took place in American society, which contributed to a change in the position of African Americans. It is worth noting that this historical period is filled with various political events that had a direct impact on the transformation of...
Topic: African American
Words: 1497
Pages: 5
The Cold War is defined as an open though restricted rivalry between the Soviet Union, the United States, and their allies. Although it developed after World War II, the roots of The Cold War were in Western allies’ repeated delays in providing help and opening a European second front. The...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 1212
Pages: 4
Barack Obama, who won the election in 2008, became a genuinely iconic US president. He was the first African American to be nominated for the presidency of the United States by one of the two major parties and the first black president in the national history of heads of state...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 673
Pages: 2
Introduction World War I and II have always been regarded as the most devastating times in history, destroying millions of lives and leaving the survivors without homes and families, who struggled through poverty and hunger. Both periods are characterized by the growing tension and rise of such movements as fascism...
Topic: War
Words: 1201
Pages: 4
The Vietnam War was vital for America in 1968 because the events shocked all Americans. As a result, resistance to aggression only increased. The bitterness of the parties grew, and the war turned into mutual destruction. The United States spent a lot of effort to achieve its goals in the...
Topic: Vietnam War
Words: 397
Pages: 1
Introduction Roman Empire was one of the largest geopolitical entities of its time. The reasons for its collapse are numerous, with various sources and parties throughout history citing one or several as the predominant reason for its collapse. Christian sources, such as the edicts and memoirs of Pope Gregory I,...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 663
Pages: 2
Long after World War I and the Great Migration, the impact of these events on modern history and US politics is hard to underestimate. People were willing to make great sacrifices to get the freedom they had long dreamed of and therefore sought a better life elsewhere where their work...
Topic: African American
Words: 579
Pages: 2
Introduction It is important to note that the Civil War of 1861 was one of the most critical turning points in U.S. history, which fundamentally changed the direction the nation has been taking since then. The diversion of viewpoints between the North and the South reached the culmination manifested in...
Topic: Civil War
Words: 594
Pages: 2
Introduction Religious upsurge in the last third of the 20th century was preceded by the conviction, shared by authoritative representatives of the world of science, politics, and the Church, that Christianity was going through the deepest crisis in its history. The historical fate of religion and religious institutions in the...
Topic: History
Words: 925
Pages: 3
Introduction People were abducted from the African continent throughout the 17th and 18th centuries and sold into slavery by plantation owners in the newly established American colonies. Generally, slaves were not allowed to learn how to read and write; they were also not allowed to travel around freely. Many slave...
Topic: History
Words: 1209
Pages: 4
Introduction In Worlds Together, Worlds Apart, Adelman, et al. (2021) theorize history as a global movement. According to the authors, all people were of African origin and only later adapted to external circumstances, forming separate communities and cultures. Therefore, all people have a common background, and humanity’s history must be...
Topic: History
Words: 331
Pages: 1
Introduction The Cold War, while being a notion highlighting geopolitical tension rather than direct aggression, was the phenomenon that impacted the current world. Namely, two great world powers, the United States and the Soviet Union were both interested in having the most significant influence on global nations. However, the differences...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Residents of the Antebellum South provided various arguments for proclaiming slavery a humane and effective institution. From the humanist perspective, proponents of slavery depicted it as a cultural exchange beneficial for African Americans. For instance, John C. Calhoun, an ardent defender of slavery, claimed that slavery improved the Black race...
Topic: History
Words: 640
Pages: 2
Introduction Colonialism manifested itself during the colonial period, when Africans were evicted from their native countries, boarded European ships, and transported to other countries as a source of labor. The central colonizing countries were Portugal, France, Spanish and British empires. It is essential to note that people were needed to...
Topic: History
Words: 1171
Pages: 4
Nazi society propagated patriarchal values and traditional gender roles, speaking to those who believed in social and economic reforms, which occurred since world war I to ruin the nation. As a counteract, large families were required to embrace traditions where women were devoted exclusively to home, husbands, and children in...
Topic: Autocracy
Words: 298
Pages: 1
The Indonesian mass killings of 1965-66 represent a complex and multifaceted event in the country’s history, the full origin of which can only be understood by looking at the local and global contexts in which it occurred. The massacre, estimated to have claimed 500,000 and over a million lives, was...
Topic: History
Words: 1118
Pages: 4
The Roman Empire, one of the most powerful civilizations throughout antiquity, initially rose to power through their military conquests in the Mediterranean region and then their ability to govern vast tracts of land. However, their mighty status was not meant to last – a multitude of factors resulted in its...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 1201
Pages: 4
Introduction The Holocaust in Hungary presents an in-depth factual account of one of the bloodiest and most successful extermination campaigns in human history. After Nazi Germany acquired control of Hungary at the end of World War II, Jewish people were rounded up at an unprecedented rate and sent to Auschwitz...
Topic: Holocaust
Words: 1190
Pages: 4
Introduction Primary Research Question The primary research question is, “Can the lessons people learn from the Great Depression be effective in solving future economic downturns?” The topic focuses on the Great Depression and other historical events like COVID-19 and the Russian invasion of Ukraine that have had significant impacts on...
Topic: History
Words: 1149
Pages: 4
Cesaire contends that Europe is to blame for both “the proletariat problem and the colonial problem,” that is, for making the world into its slaves and for assuming political dominance over it, he underlines that these are distinct facets of the same political struggle and history (Balandier 23) A rebellion...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 1408
Pages: 5
In the decades preceding the American Civil War, geography played a crucial role in dividing the Nation. As a result of economic competition, geography, and climate, Northern and Southern states became geographically and climatically distinct. Historically, national boundaries were determined primarily by physical and human geography. One side is more...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 518
Pages: 2
Overview Frederick Douglass has become a character of many historical books, but David Walker has found a new approach to this tragic and inspiring topic. Walker’s prose is interactive and adorned with plenty of illustrations, allowing the readers to immerse in Douglass’ story. The illustrations are shocking, forcing the reader...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 936
Pages: 3
The British authority and their legislation are dangerous and harmful to the colonists’ welfare. This is not only due to the factors of financial hardship but poor governance that results in injustice and violence that permeates the entire nation. The British crown neglected the demands and needs of the American...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 643
Pages: 2
Residential schools in Canada were an extensive education program established by the government incoherent with the administered churches. This program was created in the late 1800s by the Canadian government in an effort to assimilate Indigenous people into the dominant culture (Miller, 2012). These were times when the world was...
Topic: School
Words: 1223
Pages: 4
Introduction The United States passed a long way to become today’s world giant. The country had to struggle to strengthen its global position with the help of colonial policy, though the ambiguous legacy of such decisions re-echoes now. Thus, various factors, including economic, strategic, and ideological, shaped American imperialism in...
Topic: History
Words: 842
Pages: 3
The Civil War was a brutal American conflict dating back to 1861 – 1865 that revolved around slavery and freedom. The shots of Fort Sumter, a small South Carolina Island, marked the beginning of the Civil War. The bloodiest conflict in American history was inevitable because the differences in human...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 840
Pages: 3
Political geography is a great explanatory and exploratory tool for understanding fundamental patterns and changes in human history. For example, it may show the interlinkages between spatial relations of one place and its political and economic significance for the whole country. In general, US history may be understood through the...
Topic: History
Words: 594
Pages: 2
Introduction Independence contains many of the most important and valuable things for a person and the state. As for every person, a citizen of their country, Independence is the principal value. Independence lies in freedom – freedom of action, freedom of speech, and freedom of movement. Everyone is given a...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 306
Pages: 1
The American Civil War remains one of the greatest military conflicts occurring in the U.S., its implications having been instrumental for the further advancement of the concepts of human rights and democracy. Fueled by the necessity to abolish slavery as the most atrocious and despicable practice, the Civil War led...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 294
Pages: 1
During his lifetime, John Brown was severely despised by some and regarded as a hero by others. While Southerners were frightened by the brutality he used to attain his goals, reformers who supported the abolition of slavery applauded his acts as being vital to destroy the system. Others, such as...
Topic: History
Words: 630
Pages: 2
In the era of traders, the vast land area and rich natural resources created many economic opportunities. Most people lived in rural areas and were engaged in agriculture or handicrafts (Sellers, 1994). The government aimed to develop agriculture, industry, transport and global trade. Thus, the expansion of domestic infrastructure contributed...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 306
Pages: 1
The formation of the United States was followed by several key events, including the confrontation between the American colonists and the British and the replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the Constitution. First, in the eighteenth century, the British Parliament that enacted laws for their colonies, did not have...
Topic: Democracy
Words: 375
Pages: 1
The article “In Han Dynasty China, Bisexuality Was the Norm,” by Sarah Prager, is an accessible, non-judgmental take on how bisexuality was viewed in ancient China. It is a well-written article with sources that are relevant to her argument. The piece is accessible for the reader and does not carry...
Topic: Dynasties
Words: 605
Pages: 2
History in the first half of the XIX century is the history of American and Spanish expansion. The annexation of new territories was accompanied by the expansion of the borders of the state. The issues of territorial expansion and the formation of the state border are closely related and can...
Topic: History
Words: 866
Pages: 3
The victims of the comfort women issue are the women who were forced into sexual servitude by the Japanese military during World War II. The perpetrators are the Japanese soldiers and military officials who abducted and raped these women (Soh 47). The Japanese government has never officially acknowledged or taken...
Topic: War
Words: 1104
Pages: 4
White Southerners are thriving members of the society living in the Southern parts of the USA. Typical white southerners were yeomen who cultivated small portions of land and earned a living from subsistence farming. A considerable percentage of the white people living in the south owned land between fifty and...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 405
Pages: 1
The United States sought to break free from British rule, severing emotional and political ties with the reigning monarchy after the long- and short-term disagreements over intellectual, economic, and political ideals. This paper analyzes the primary motivators that promoted America’s founding fathers to secure self-rule and sustain the US political...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 319
Pages: 1
Introduction In June 1812, Napoleon’s army invaded Russia, and the United States declared war on Great Britain, an ally of the Russian Empire. In Russia and the United States, the wars of 1812 have long been considered events that seriously influenced the development trajectories of both states. Russia declared itself...
Topic: War
Words: 669
Pages: 2
This essay will cover the broad changes in the newly-born state after the American Revolution. The aim is to trace the major political, economic, and social changes that determined the further evolution of the nation. The critical junctures throughout the period from the 1790s to the 1840s will be outlined...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 610
Pages: 2
Sacrifice is always at the center of the most famous tales of heroism. The explanation is that sacrifice requires endurance, loyalty, or commitment to difficult situations to reach one’s aspirations (Weller et al.). Most selfless acts are performed not for personal advantage but rather for the benefit of others. An...
Topic: Martin Luther King
Words: 745
Pages: 3
Introduction The Roman Empire is considered one of the most significant societies due to its stability and peaceful co-existence between the rulers and the subjects. Roman society did not exert much power and force on the governed as modern states do. The implicit partnership formed by Augustus between the senatorial...
Topic: History
Words: 349
Pages: 1
Introduction Black women in the 1970s encountered various prejudices, which the black feminist movement sought to end. Maya Angelou’s Interviews with Black Scholar is instrumental in understanding some of the challenges Black women experienced. The conversation provides insight into different topics such as Black women, racism, and feminism. Conversation with...
Topic: History
Words: 2753
Pages: 10
Several years after the estimated date when Rome fell, the empire remains legendary and historically famous for its civilization in the military, political, and social institutions. Scholars and other historians justify the unsustainable challenges that promoted the empire’s fall. However, philosophical deconstructions of the socio-political challenges before and after Rome...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 393
Pages: 1
Introduction The break of the Eastern Roman Empire from the old Empire was characterized by several social, cultural, and economic changes. It has been argued that although the territory demonstrated some shifts from the old order, some elements continued to exist. The deviation from worshipping the old Roman gods and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 336
Pages: 1
The most surprising fact about the Medieval Ages when it comes to women’s position in society is relative inconsistency. It is common for modern people to imagine Medieval society as savage and strict regarding gender division when women were ‘sold off into marriage’. It is true that the position of...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 394
Pages: 1
The Hardhat Riot by Kuhn entailed an account of the 1970 dispute between citizens dissenting against the unending war between Southeast Asia and New York City construction workers. Four days after the Kent State tragedy, violence erupted on May 8, 1970. Kuhn, a profound writer for C.B.S. news, RealClearPolitics, and...
Topic: Protest
Words: 1143
Pages: 4
Introduction During a war or a conflict between countries, there is a set goal for why soldiers are sent to battlegrounds and commit to fighting until they get a victory. For instance, the objectives can be motivated by either ideological or material gains. Nations have fought before due to disputes...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 881
Pages: 3
The United States of America is a multi-ethnic and multicultural country and home to many migrants. The country’s history has been marked by some of the complexities that it has created. One example is the desire of people to have equal rights with Native Americans. The Latin American Farmers’ Movement...
Topic: History
Words: 312
Pages: 1
Introduction Operation Anaconda was a military operation in Afghanistan that aimed to root out enemy troops. The process took place in early March 2002, intending to eliminate Taliban and al Qaeda forces that had gathered in Shahikot Valley. The U.S. commanders incorporated a complex battle plan involving a “hammer and...
Topic: Afghanistan
Words: 1776
Pages: 6
“Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” is an account of life in slavery written by Frederick Douglass, who experienced all the horrors of that time firsthand. It is considered the most famous of several novels written by formerly enslaved people during the same period. “Narrative of the Life of...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 1375
Pages: 5
Introduction The complex history of the United States is characterized by different events, racial dynamics, and conflicts. Modern scholars can rely on most of the available structures, infrastructure systems, and monuments to learn more about the country’s past. The famous Braddock Road has been neglected and forgotten for the past...
Topic: History
Words: 842
Pages: 3
The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence are among the fundamental documents in the history of the United States that set the cornerstone of American values and beliefs. In turn, the Letter to the Danbury Baptists serves as a corroboration for these values. The given documents are significant to today’s...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 601
Pages: 2
The Seven Years’ War ended with the victory of the British over the French and the natives and, thus, secured ownership of almost all of North America east of the Mississippi River. Great Britain, Spain, and France signed the Paris Peace Treaty, ending the Seven Years’ War, known in America...
Topic: War
Words: 1115
Pages: 4
Many masters did not provide a comfortable life for their slaves. Black people were often exploited and sold into slavery in the American South. Kevin Irvin (2020) states that about 76.1% of the southern population were non-slaveholders. Americans at one time firmly believed that they could completely control their slaves...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Article Review The article “Samothrace, the sanctuary of the Great Gods and its mysteries” was written by Georges Roux in 1981. Through a thorough reading of this article, it is clear that it focuses on the history of Samothrace, mainly on the sanctuary of the Greats Gods and the mysteries...
Topic: History
Words: 1411
Pages: 5
Over time, change is an inevitable aspect of society. Specifically, America witnessed drastic societal revitalization from the 1790s to 1840s regarding politics, economics, and social and geographical alteration. These changes were influenced by various factors that have since inculcated the American civilization. For example, the Missouri crisis influenced America’s politics...
Topic: History
Words: 668
Pages: 2
Introduction Analyzing Martin Luther King’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” it is possible to state that this work is highly credible, trustworthy, and persuasive. In this letter, using various strategies, Dr. King tries to convince his audience explaining to readers why Blacks’ non-violent demonstrations for civil right are essential (Marshall, 2016)....
Topic: Letter from Birmingham Jail
Words: 257
Pages: 1
A person whom another individual owns is called an enslaved person. They follow their masters’ instructions strictly. The fact that African Americans were taken captive and brought to America as enslaved gave them an unfair start in the country. Enslaved people received different treatment and living circumstances than ordinary Americans....
Topic: African American
Words: 1647
Pages: 6
Introduction For many years, the status of women has been a source of heated debate. The debates address various pressing concerns, such as girls’ and women’s education, maternal health, female economic empowerment, and the role of women in family, community, and politics, among others. Women have been treated as second-class...
Topic: Women’s Role
Words: 370
Pages: 1
The 1920s was a decade of contradiction in the United States of America since the country was experiencing a period of great prosperity and progress. On the other hand, there was a lot of social and political turmoil. The Roaring Twenties was a time of economic growth and technological innovation....
Topic: Social Change
Words: 1233
Pages: 4
Introduction The years from 1865 to 1912 were the time of radical reforms in the United States. After the end of the Civil War, it was necessary not only to eliminate the former authorities in the South, replacing them with new ones, but also to break the laws, institutions, and...
Topic: History
Words: 726
Pages: 2
The topic of my research is the effectiveness and contribution of the 1807 Bill in the fight against slavery. My own perspectives and opinions might greatly impact the topic I chose and how I may approach studying it. First of all, I am sure that slavery was one of the...
Topic: Trade
Words: 1158
Pages: 4
Introduction People have different views about America, which are impacted by varied experiences. America is mainly viewed as a land of opportunities, hard work, and freedom, and where family values are upheld. Another essential aspect of America is respect for war veterans who fight for the country. This research paper...
Topic: History
Words: 853
Pages: 4
Learning about American society’s life in a certain historical period can significantly improve understanding of the causes of key changes in the nation’s history. Politics, culture, and economics are closely related to each other and, to a large extent, determine the systems of values in society. Thus, exploration of American...
Topic: History
Words: 625
Pages: 2
In Sanlucar de Barrameda, the Atlantic ports of Spain, armadas of ships raise their sails and, leaving the harbors, head west. Caravels, brigantines, and galleons are coming into the sea rapidly and without hesitation. In essence, they are small vessels, but to contemporaries, they seem vast and powerful. Indeed, these...
Topic: History
Words: 1411
Pages: 5
Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr’s duel is one of the most renowned in American history. The two political adversaries met on a dueling site in Weehawken, New Jersey, on July 11, 1804 (History Education, 2011). Hamilton’s shot was intentionally or unintentionally high. Burr’s bullet penetrated Hamilton’s liver and stuck in...
Topic: Alexander Hamilton
Words: 314
Pages: 1
Introduction The American Revolutionary War was one of the most significant historical events in the history of the US. Namely, the war for independence has established the country as a sovereign entity from the perspective of national and international affairs. As a result, the 13 colonies escaped British rule by...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1113
Pages: 4
Introduction Poland is a country located in Central Europe. It has a long history, dating back to the early Middle Ages. Poland was first united as a country in the 10th century and became a powerful kingdom in the 14th and 15th centuries. It was ruled by a series of...
Topic: History
Words: 1724
Pages: 6
Introduction Virginia became a Royal Colony after being a failing colony established by the Virginia Company to make money for its stockholders. The document provides instructions from the East Anglian Puritans to William Berkeley, the first royal Governor, who governed in 1639. The colony was in a state of disarray...
Topic: History
Words: 1013
Pages: 4
Dutch colonialism in Indonesia is a paradox; it is at once very sophisticated and extraordinarily brutal, just as a modern nation-state must be. As the movie Max Havelaar demonstrates, Dutch colonialism in Indonesia was not brutal because of the Dutch themselves but due to their colonial policies. Kartini’s letters speak...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 1250
Pages: 4
Introduction The second third of the 19th century is one of the key stages in the historical development of the United States. Achieving excellent power status is impossible without expansion, which is a high road to world recognition. The general rule, however, is that such a rise is not a...
Topic: History
Words: 612
Pages: 2
Introduction Geography and migrations played a critical role in American politics, economics, and society from the end of the Reconstruction era throughout the 1980s. The Reconstruction, which lasted from 1865 to 1877, describes a historic period that marks endeavors by the US to integrate the freed Blacks into their sociopolitical...
Topic: History
Words: 594
Pages: 2
Introduction The case study regarding Russia evaluates Crimea’s annexation by Russia and the early stages of combat operations and political mobilization in Eastern Ukraine. The case study also assesses the approach by Russia and draws inferences from its intentions, and examines the likelihood of such a method being used again...
Topic: History
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Introduction There are different meanings of words in the field of racial prejudice, which includes systematic racism, liberation, social justice, white privilege, and institutional racism. Therefore, this paper has demystified the meaning of such words in a bid to have a better comprehension of African-American predicaments since slavery. Additionally, this...
Topic: African American
Words: 1176
Pages: 4
Introduction The selected primary source from ancient Greece is the Oath written by Hippocrates, one of history’s earliest legally enforceable documents. The historical document has long been regarded as the pinnacle of medical ethics (Indla and Radhika). Hippocrates’ followers had to take an oath to the Greek pantheon’s Gods of...
Topic: History
Words: 1135
Pages: 4
In 1994, a horrific event took place in Rwanda where large numbers of people were massacred during the Rwandan Civil War. The act targeted the Tutsi – a minority group in the country. The Hutu militias killed approximately 600,000 individuals within a period of 100 days (Meierhenrich, 2020). The conflict...
Topic: Genocide
Words: 283
Pages: 1
Introduction Fascism is a political system that became prominent in Europe in the 20th century. In the left-right political spectrum, fascism is mainly categorized as a far-right ideology. However, this definition has a problem because the most uniting factor of the right is free markets and limited government. Fascism is...
Topic: Autocracy
Words: 1387
Pages: 5
The Declaration of Independence is a list of grievances against the English king, and it broke the political ties between Great Britain and the American colonies. The document set the principles and ideas that form a fair and just government. On the other hand, the Constitution outlined how the new...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 587
Pages: 2
Rosie the Riveter’s face was one of the most iconic images of the women who worked during the Second World War. The picture of Rosie was part of a campaign for females to apply for jobs in the defense industry. This recruitment tool proved to be successful in American history....
Topic: History
Words: 1131
Pages: 4
The 1846-1848 Mexico-American War was the first invasion of a foreign land by the United States. It was a one-sided victorious fight where a militarily and politically divided and unprepared Mexico was defeated by the American expansionists. Further, the conflict led to the US taking new territories: the west in...
Topic: War
Words: 376
Pages: 1
Introduction At the start of the 20th century, changes to the role of women in a society raised expectations for improvement. The reformers anticipated finding a solution to the issue of women being underrepresented within the workforce and the inequality of in the society. They want better working conditions and...
Topic: War
Words: 1215
Pages: 4
“Wakefield” is a short story by Nathaniel Hawthorne that was first published in 1835. It describes the non-trivial life of Mr. Wakefield, who leaves his wife of twenty years to live on a nearby street. From time to time, Wakefield comes to the street where his wife lives, but some...
Topic: Freedom
Words: 372
Pages: 1
In 1968, dissatisfaction with the existing order of things spread to various social strata and took the forms of student unrest, workers’ strikes, guerrilla wars, and national liberation revolutions. The Cold War had already split the world, and the foundations of both socialist and capitalist states were shaken overnight. Today,...
Topic: History
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Summary The main aim of the assignment is to review the historical records of the Quakers’ settlement, one of the settlements from Colonial Pennsylvania and the Delaware River Valley. The ten annotated materials are primary sources in proper Turabian bibliography form not found in Albion’s Seed, explaining the Swedish settlement...
Topic: History
Words: 995
Pages: 3
Japanese American internment refers to the forced relocation of numerous Japanese Americans to detention camps by the United States Government during World War II. The occurrence marked the culmination of discriminatory actions against Asian immigrants by the federal government initiated during the late 1800s. Despite a lack of adequate evidence,...
Topic: Concentration Camp
Words: 570
Pages: 2
The media is often called one of the four powers because it can set trends and opinions for entire generations. However, sometimes information translated through the media loses its historical basis and can become a myth. Such a phenomenon was observed when Frederic Turner published his thesis, where he discussed...
Topic: History
Words: 885
Pages: 3
Introduction The presidency of Franklin Roosevelt fell during a challenging period in American and world history. At first, the President was tasked with leading the country out of the Great Depression, and then the United States was involved in the Second World War. However, Roosevelt believed that the economic difficulties...
Topic: History
Words: 1474
Pages: 5
Introduction The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the eighteenth century. The principles of Enlightenment had a significant impact on social and political development in Georgia, and while they did not last long, they left an enduring legacy in terms of philanthropy. The Founding Father ideology is a philosophical idea...
Topic: Enlightenment
Words: 670
Pages: 2
Introduction The period of industrialization in the United States of America in the 19th century was marked by an array of systematic changes in social, economic, legislative, and political domains, ultimately changing society’s standards. In particular, due to the migration of newly emerged workers from rural agricultural areas to industrial...
Topic: Industrialization
Words: 849
Pages: 3
Introduction One of the most contentious eras in American history is the turn of the 20th century. In his book Murdering McKinley: The Making of Theodore Roosevelt’s America, Eric Rauchway delves into the specifics of the disaster that took place on September 6, 1901 (Rauchway 2007). As a result, the...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 750
Pages: 2
Introduction On my site visit, I went to Avila Adobe on Olvera Street, Los Angeles, California. The site is the oldest residential building in Los Angeles and carries the history of the Anglo-Americans and Mexicans migrating into the region. The building is open for the public to visit from 9:00...
Topic: History
Words: 925
Pages: 3
It is important to note that the theory and its key assumption behind The Declaration of Independence of the United States from England were based on the Laws of Nature and God. The purpose of the writing of the document was to declare the colonial states of America independent. The...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 296
Pages: 1
People in America strongly felt domestic economic reforms were necessary at the start of the 20th century. The progressive movement was born in reaction to this need, and its goal was to hold the government more accountable for society. This essay will examine the working circumstances of employees prior to...
Topic: History
Words: 639
Pages: 2
The American Revolution The American Revolution was caused by the colonial opposition to British attempts to establish significant control over the colonies and ensure that they compensated the crown for its protection during the French and Indian War. More specifically, one of the main causes of this event was a...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Creating a Research Question As part of future research work, the study of the issue of slavery and its abolition in the early nineteenth century was chosen. Personal assumptions, beliefs, and values played a unique role in this process. Hence, I believe that slavery was one of the most challenging...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 676
Pages: 2
A group of insurgent medieval lords persuaded King John of England to accept a long list of demands in 1215, which became known as the Great Charter, or Magna Carta in Latin. This feudal treaty served as a significant source of guidance for the founders of America when they drafted...
Topic: Constitution
Words: 280
Pages: 1
Introduction It is no secret that the Civil War was the most high-profile and important event in American history. During a certain period, contradictions emerged between the North and the South that could not be resolved through negotiations and voting. In addition, this event, in a sense, became a symbol...
Topic: History
Words: 918
Pages: 3
Introduction In the late 19th century, many changes happened within America. This was an era of rapid growth leading to industrialization, immigration, and urbanization. However, before the transformation, most Americans lived a simple life in which they made their necessities and grew their food. The essay examines the relationships between...
Topic: Industrial Revolution
Words: 1197
Pages: 4
Introduction Relations between the US and the Middle East remained tense for a long time due to different policies, religions, and world views. Before the Civil War, the Middle East posed a severe security threat to the United States (Cleveland and Bunton 2018, 143). The foreign policy of the United...
Topic: History
Words: 1631
Pages: 6
Africana study is a multidisciplinary field based on the experience of both Africans and people of African descent within North America. The introduction of Black studies in the 1960s was influenced by the demands of Civil Rights and Black movements (Anderson & Stewart, 2007). During this period, college and university...
Topic: History
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Introduction The colonists who revolted against British monarchical rule were Patriots or Whigs. Their uprising was founded on republicanism, a social and political theory that opposed inherited power and the concepts of a monarchy and an aristocracy. Instead, the philosophy’s primary principles were liberty and inalienable human rights. The conceptual...
Topic: History
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Introduction The ancient Chinese are accountable for several contributions and inventions to the world. Chinese dynasties were hereditary monarchical governments in their early time, and they comprised both those formed by Han and its predecessor and non-Han people. The ancient Chinese dynasties were the Shang, Zhou, Qin, and Han. The...
Topic: History
Words: 1196
Pages: 4
Introduction All nations have had their different ways in which they came to gain independence. The United States came to be as an outcome of acts of heroism, military rebellion, clashes between countries, and civil conflict. The revolution of the United States had an impact on the country’s history, from...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 1381
Pages: 5
Introduction American society underwent a significant transformation from the 1790s through the 1840s. During these years, there was rapid geographical and economic growth, the spread of democracy and political revivalism, the formation of the first labor and reform groups, the rise of industry, and substantial changes in the position and...
Topic: History
Words: 651
Pages: 2
Introduction The growth of America has been significantly influenced by religion throughout its history. The primary motivation for colonial America before its establishment was the desire to practice for the sake of religious freedom. The term Great Awakening typically alludes to a religious revival, particularly in Protestant cultures (Tracy, 2018)....
Topic: History
Words: 1132
Pages: 4
Introduction The American revolutionary war secured the country’s independence from the British colony. It created a newly unified nation on the North American continent. Improved trade relations and new businesses got opened after the insurgence. Previously, commercialism was the main type of economy and prevented a free economy. Existence after...
Topic: American Revolution
Words: 1116
Pages: 4
Introduction Frederick Douglass was a formerly enslaved person who became an activist, novelist, and public speaker. He rose to prominence in the abolitionist movement, which worked to end slavery, both before and during the Civil War. He advocated for equality and human rights after the war and the Emancipation Proclamation...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 630
Pages: 2
Introduction. Relevant Dates During the Cold War The 1940s The Cold War began in 1945 after the United States dropped atomic bombs on Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9. Berlin blockade and airlift (June 1948 to September 1949), and the USSR tested the first nuclear weapon...
Topic: Cold War
Words: 696
Pages: 3
The nineteenth century in the history of the United States is, first of all, the century of the frontier. The frontier was called the border of the settlement of Americans, as well as the areas adjacent to this border that had not yet been settled by a white man. The...
Topic: History
Words: 366
Pages: 1
The slave trade and slavery left behind a peculiar trace – the poisonous fruit of racism and discrimination, which still affects people of African descent. Frederick Douglas was one of the most influential writers about American slavery as he experienced the hard times himself. He was born in 1818 and...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction William Lloyd Garrison and Frederick Douglass were two of the most important figures in the American abolition movement. In “To the Public,” Garrison calls for an immediate end to slavery, while in “What to the Slave is the Fourth of July?” Douglass criticizes the way American freedom is celebrated...
Topic: Frederick Douglass
Words: 1479
Pages: 5
Introduction The seven-year war became the most important event in North America in 18c. The battle was vital as it aligned the colonial power worldwide. It also became a global contest between the five continents and the European nations. Britain got a chance to rise to the world’s predominant colonial...
Topic: War
Words: 301
Pages: 1
Introduction The theme of independence is one of the fundamental themes in American history. Recently, it has been very actively developed by Russian American scientists. Special attention is paid to the people who made the transition of the United States from a colony to a state possible. A huge amount...
Topic: American Politics
Words: 1172
Pages: 4
Introduction By the first century BCE, the Roman Republic controlled large territories outside Italy. While this expansion brought wealth and power, it also resulted in social and political tensions that the Republican form of government could not handle. Although Julius Caesar tried to establish a centralized government by setting up...
Topic: History
Words: 1144
Pages: 4
Introduction From the many discussions about the ancient Mediterranean, I would prefer living in Rome to Greece. An effective government was critical to the cultural development of Ancient Rome. Among its many goals, the government aimed to improve citizens’ quality of life, protect their rights, maintain public order, ensure national...
Topic: History
Words: 359
Pages: 1
In 356 BC, King Phillip II of Macedonia and his wife Olympias welcomed a son named Alexander the Great. Alexander became king of Macedon when his father was killed, and the 20-year-old ruler mercilessly killed all his aspirants for the throne. This brutality helped Alexander conquer most of the known...
Topic: Alexander The Great
Words: 278
Pages: 1
After Rome’s final Etruscan king was deposed in 509 BCE, the Roman Republic was established. The following system of administration in Rome was a republican representative democracy. At first, only the wealthiest families in Rome, known as the patricians, had the right to assume positions of authority in politics or...
Topic: Roman Empire
Words: 731
Pages: 2
By the end of August 1918, panic had gripped New Orleans. The man who would become known as the ‘Axeman of New Orleans’ stormed into many Italian grocery stores at night and brutally attacked the store owners and their families. From May 1918 through October 1919, the unidentified American serial...
Topic: Serial Killer
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Introduction The Ottoman Empire is a vivid example of the development, growth, stagnation, and collapse of a powerful state. It is a transcontinental state created in 1299 under the rule of Uch Bey Osman Gazi by the Ottoman Turks. The territorial location initially covered the territories of the northwest of...
Topic: Ottoman Empire
Words: 741
Pages: 3
Introduction Plato and Aristotle are the most well-known and significant Greek philosophers and historical figures. Their views on politics, morality, justice, and other ideas influenced the period. In this article, Plato and Aristotle will be discussed independently to compare and contrast. Their history, guiding principles, and critical ideas will be...
Topic: Plato
Words: 922
Pages: 3
Introduction The case of Ireland and the famous Nine-Year War featuring Hugh O’Neill and his allies between 1594 and 1603 is one such global example of a detrimental happenstance for power extension. Hugh O’Neill’s capacity to engage the powerful English dynasty in the war for nine years makes O’Neill a...
Topic: History
Words: 1384
Pages: 6
Introduction Britain and Germany were the earliest European countries to scramble for territories in East Africa. The scramble for East African colonies started from 1880 -1895 (Maxon 2009). The years were crucially determined by the fates of most African communities. During European imperialism, African communities lost their culture and traditions...
Topic: Imperialism
Words: 412
Pages: 1
The United States of America has gone through various stages of its development, and some historical moments negatively influenced the progress that ancestors have achieved. The concept of “return to normalcy” was developed by Harding during his presidential elections, and this idea can correlate with the modern world (Lindbergh, 1927)....
Topic: History
Words: 279
Pages: 1
The United States has a troubling history of plundering and subjugating other people. Gross human rights violations have been perpetrated under the guise of the ‘White Man’s humanly duty’ to save the world. This modus operandi was perfected at home when slavery was a glorious industry, thanks to inexhaustible but,...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 360
Pages: 1
Introduction The United States proclaimed its independence in 1776, but just a year before that, there were only a few revolutionaries who strove for it. The vast majority of the Thirteen British Colonies, founded in America, wanted their rights back and the canceling of the hard responsibilities imposed by London....
Topic: History
Words: 2299
Pages: 8
The value of the Roman Republic was seen as the virtuous life of every Roman. Although the qualities are not clearly stated in historical sources, one can understand the basic values from the general impression of ancient monuments of art. The development of understanding of the concepts of virtue and...
Topic: Civilization
Words: 907
Pages: 3
Introduction The article is devoted to the Soviet-German relations of the 1920s – the end of the 1930s. It considers the issues which are organically included in the general context of the European situation of the interwar period. The most important normative acts of those years – the Versailles Treaty,...
Topic: Soviet Union
Words: 2852
Pages: 10
The most dramatic political and social upheaval of the mid-twentieth century was the Russian Revolution of 1917. Russia was among the most underprivileged nations in Europe in the early 1900s, with a substantial peasant class and an increasing number of low-wage laborers, mainly in large Russian capitals, notably Petrograd and...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 398
Pages: 1
Thomas Jefferson, the nation’s third president, can be considered a real enthusiast for implementing Indian education policy. Enlightening Indians and blacks was a mission, the ideological basis of the American thinker’s racial theory. Not being a strong orator; however, Jefferson put his thoughts on paper, and in letters, his ideology...
Topic: Thomas Jefferson
Words: 850
Pages: 3
Alexander the Great remains one of the widely studied heroes of the ancient world. His conquests and territorial pursuits led to the defeat of the Persian Empire and the subsequent establishment of the Hellenistic world. Through his leadership, Alexander expanded Macedon to become one of the greatest empires of his...
Topic: Alexander The Great
Words: 303
Pages: 1
The Russia Rebellion of 1917 became one of the most explosive political uprisings of the 19th century. This Revolution was violent, ending the Romanov throne and decades of imperial rule. During this Rebellion, the Bolsheviks, spearheaded by the Marxist revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, grasped the power and obliterated Russia’s bizarre ruling...
Topic: Revolution
Words: 304
Pages: 1
The discovered lands of America were valuable for the European countries, and many territories were colonized for a better trading system. Originally, colonization in North America was used to explain the expansion in different markets (Joshi 1). Two main reasons allowed the northern part of the American territory to stay...
Topic: Colonialism
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Introduction The Industrial Revolution is a set of actions to move labor from one type to another: the arrival of machines and factories to change social organization. From the second half of the 18th century, the Industrial Revolution gradually covered more and more territories. Changes occurred in the structure of...
Topic: Industrial Revolution
Words: 636
Pages: 2
From 1846 to 1848, the United States and Mexico were at odds in the Mexican-American War. It followed the annexation of Texas by the United States, which Mexico deemed Mexican territory. It can be observed that Mexico never declared war on the United States, but rather the need to defend...
Topic: War
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Introduction The question of women’s status, place, and role in the family and society has attracted attention for a long time. The female movement is women’s struggle for equal rights with men in economic, socio-political, and cultural spheres and their participation in the general political competition. Women’s suffrage must be...
Topic: Women’s Movement
Words: 597
Pages: 2
The life of women acquired a completely different shade, which was unusual for the rest of the world. The position of Native American, European, and Black women has changed a lot, giving them more opportunities, but also retaining certain limitations. It is worth noting that women’s lives were determined by...
Topic: Native American
Words: 382
Pages: 1
Summary The Balkan Wars began as a result of the unrest in Macedonia, which caused upheaval in Greece, Serbia, and Bulgaria. The ongoing instability and violence in the Balkans created tension in Europe before the start of World War I. The development of independence in Europe and Austria-Hungary’s dominance in...
Topic: War
Words: 835
Pages: 3
The Declaration of Independence of the United States is divided into two main parts. The first contains the philosophical and legal justification of the colonists’ right to separate and independent existence. Then the second contains practical arguments in favor of the necessity and justification of using the right of the...
Topic: Declaration of Independence
Words: 691
Pages: 2
Background China is one of the globe’s fastest expanding economies and the world’s biggest exporter. The country also receives considerable foreign assistance and is a prominent borrower on regional and global credit markets. Its expanding economy has grown into a major source of world demand. Its economic restructuring has maintained...
Topic: History
Words: 1662
Pages: 6
Risorgimento, a 19th-century movement for Italian consolidation, has multiple political actors that spurred or delayed its development. One of such individual is Metternich, a statesman whose political views influenced the minds of the Europeans regarding Italy. Namely, Metternich believed Italy had no political reality and stated it was “a purely...
Topic: History
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Introduction After 1945, Europe slowly shifted from warfare to partnership; nations were in disarray following World War II. The continent was on the verge of being split with influence spheres ruled by the Soviet Unification and the U.S. A new setting arose beginning with the western states in which establishments...
Topic: Renaissance
Words: 3363
Pages: 12
The industrial revolution, which began in the 18th century, refers to the change from manufacturing and use of hand tools to using machinery, lasted from 1760 to 1840. The main causes of the industrial revolution included the mining of new resources, the agricultural revolution, government policies, and the scientific revolt....
Topic: Revolution
Words: 471
Pages: 4