Political Struggles in Afghanistan

Introduction Afghanistan is one of the countries in the world that have experienced a lot of instability due to numerous political struggles. The political struggles in the mountainous landlocked country in central Asia have been characterized by coups, unstable power transfers, and numerous struggles geared towards gaining the controlling power...

East Asian Capitalism and Its History

Introduction This paper examines capitalism in East Asia. East Asia follows the model known as state-sponsored capitalism. In this sense, the government makes an investment in certain sectors of the economy with the view of spurring growth in the private sector. Countries, which pursue state-sponsored capitalism, include Japan, Singapore, Taiwan,...

Canada Preparing for the Trump Presidency

Economic, Environmental, and Safety Threats Associated with a Trump Presidency Within the past six decades, Canada has enjoyed a strong economic and political bond with the United States. The US has remained one of Canada’s most important trading allies. However, experts have argued that the victory of Donald Trump to...

Legislation in Canadian House of Commons and Senate

In the Canadian legislative process, a bill passes several stages in the House of Commons and the Senate before it becomes law (Parliament of Canada, 2016). The legislative process starts in one of the Houses of Parliament when the author of the bill (one on the members of the House...

Opioid Crisis Policy by Democrats and Republicans

Introduction The upcoming 2018 elections that will take place in the United States on November 6, are likely to lead to an impressive change in a range of domains, including not only economy and politics but also the healthcare setting (Lurie). In light of the changes that the identified fields...

The Growth of the American Infrastructure

Introduction The presented article outlines various effects of the intensified infrastructure growth over the last twenty years had on the sociocultural system of the United States. All of the primary descriptors for the infrastructure growth are used in the article. Gross Domestic Product, population level, real growth, immigration, and other...

The United Nations’ Security Council Membership

Introduction The United Nations’ Security Council is increasing becoming a critical player in the world affairs and power relations between nations. The Security Council was established to manage threats to the world peace and human being existence. It was established in the post world war two era under a background...

Residential Services for Intellectually Disabled

Project Idea Within recent decades, the needs of adults with intellectual disabilities become more recognized, and more effort is made to address those needs. At some point in their lives, some people may find themselves—or their loved ones may find them—no longer capable of running their homes on their own....

Women in the American Defense Forces

The poster above is an illustration of women in the American defense forces. People have expressed different opinions about the ability of this social group to provide security to a nation. The proposed research will address this question. Research Question The proposed research will be guided by the following research...

US Gun Control: Losing Freedom or Safeguarding?

Gun control has long been among the chief sources of debate in the United States. Being granted by the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, the right to keep and bear firearms remains among the most recognizable national liberties and is strongly embedded in the public perception as a...

Financial Institutional Policy in the Hierarchy

Policy Type Summary of the Policy (in your own words) Explain if the policy is effective and provide a rationale Describe the financial outcomes of the policy Provide examples of policy violations National Health policy is focused on the improvement of the state of the health of the nation. The...

European Socialism: Francois Guizot, Karl Marx and Jean Jaures

Guizot on Equality and Right to Vote for French Citizens Being an architect of France’s July Monarchy of 1830-1848, Francois Guizot was not a proponent of universal suffrage. He also opposed the equality of citizens in France and argued that it was not a desirable goal for the state because...

Trump Presidency: Immigration and Climate Change

Donald Trump was elected the President of the United States on November 8, 2016 (Trump presidency, 2016). His widely publicized and somewhat scandalous election campaign featured many statements, promises, and declared intentions that were heavily criticized by many in the United States and around the world. Trump has repeatedly changed...

The 2011 NATO Intervention in Libya

The role of the humanitarian intervention is often discussed from two perspectives according to which the principle of the international order or the idea of global justice can be prioritised. In spite of the obvious opposition, these opposite principles are combined with references to the English School of international relations...

Bureaucracy and Presidential Power

Bureaucracy being regarded as the forth branch of government In the United States, the bureaucracy is regarded as a forth branch of government by some besides the legislative, executive and the judicial. This is due to the fact that one has to comply with many processes in order to get...

International Law, Organizations, and Power

Issues of International Law In recent years, international law practices have seemed to have increasing influence in the modern world. With countries working together more closely than ever, it is important to ensure that every participant has equal rights and opportunities. Although foreign interference can play a positive role in...

Habitat for Humanity Organization’s Activities

Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit international organization that is also referred to as the Habitat. This organization first saw the world in 1976; it was founded in Americus, Georgia. The main objective of Habitat for Humanity is to build affordable houses for the people in need. This way the...

Underage Binge Drinking in American Legislation

Introduction In the United States, drinking under the age of 21 is prohibited by the law. Those who are below 21 are not responsible enough to know the effects that alcohol has on oneself and others. Apart from that, it is believed that consuming alcoholic beverages during the stage of...

Kenyan Government and Media Communication

Introduction In developed nations, media communication is an attribute guided by policies and openness achieved through civilization. These nations are organized and run through the rule of law that directs people and delivery of information. However, such attributes as civilizations and patriotism are not core for all nations depicting differences...

Agonistan’s Nations and Territorial Structure

The rhetoric of every Agonistan’s party contains the implications of popular sovereignty. Thus, the Majoritarians suggest that the equal rights of all the nations are recognized. Although they suggest that their guarantee is to be provided with the help of a strong national executive. Meanwhile, this party does not mention...

Colombian Armed Conflict and Social Proactiveness

Effects of the Colombian Armed Conflict on the Level of Social Proactiveness among the Target Population The Colombian armed conflict has become notorious over the past few decades. The military confrontation caused by agrarian disputes in the 1920s grew into a massive conflict between the left-wing FARC and the Colombian...

Execution Policy and Media Attitudes to It

Execution is one of the most famous public issues attracting much attention of officials and wide publicity (Death penalty, n.d.). The controversial attitudes to public policy related to capital punishment are widely covered in the media (Drehle, 2015; World day against the death penalty, 2015). The analysis of three articles...

Donald Trump: Our Unpresidential President

Nowadays, there are many people worldwide who are eager to discuss the behavior of the current US President, Donald Trump. On the one hand, some people admire the ideas and activities supported by this political figure, defining him as a real hero who is able to earn huge money and...

Historical Memory: The Tiananmen Incident in China

Every country has its historical memory, which encompasses the memories of all the generations living there. However, it would be wrong to state that the commonly accepted presentation of historical events is the most impartial rendering of the events. On the contrary, history is continuously being rewritten by world governments...

Individual in the International Legal System

Introduction Since the institution of international law, numerous scholars have focused on the subject of the status of the individual in the international legal framework. This subject elicited numerous debates in the legal field. The main reason for these debates is due to the imprecise nature of international law. Evolution...

Public Policy: Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Policy refers to a proposed course of action taken by people in power in an attempt to achieve a certain objective. Amnesty for illegal immigrants is at the center of the American public policy since certain criteria have to be employed to assess the legality of granting a pardon...

Eco-City Development and Associated Problems

The concept of the eco-city becomes rather significant in nowadays world, where traditional cities with their powerful socio-economic and engineering infrastructures act as the key causes of environmental degradation. However, the eco-city development encounters various problems that are associated with financial, political, technological, and other aspects. In particular, political instability,...

Why College Students Support Bernie Sanders?

This year presidential elections unveiled various issues and trends existing in the USA. Major fears, hopes, and concerns of Americans have become clear as the candidates bring those issues to the fore and the audience responds to them. This year elections are also associated with a number of scandals as...

The Florida Legislative Congressional Senators

Introduction The territorial features of the state of Florida provide for a special approach not only about tourism activities but also political ones. The interests of this region of the United States in Congress are represented by two senators, and the principles of work to which they adhere largely influence...

Police’s Brutality Towards African American Males

Abstract Police brutality and violence directed against African Americans is a common problem in the United States. African American males have suffered police brutality and violence for a long time. The society has also witnessed cases where individuals attack and kill or wound officers as a way of responding to...

Iran: Islamic Governance in Action

Introduction Iran is a large country populated by over 70 million people. The ancestors of the modern Iranians entered the territory of the country in nearly 900 BC. Currently, its population includes diverse cultural and ethnic groups – Persians constitute the majority population that dominates in multiple spheres of performance,...

Authoritarian States and Party Systems

The world’s history describes numerous authoritarian states that existed at different times and had varied features. Nevertheless, the majority of them suffered from frequent wars initially, which made them implement radical changes to be able to rebuff. One more reason for states to become authoritarian is a constant political pressure...

Stress on Law Enforcement Officers and Available Programs

Introduction “Law Enforcement officers are ordinary people called upon to do an extraordinary job” Police officers are subject to significant amounts of tension and stress, regardless of the nature and size of the agency for which they work. Although a considerable number of law enforcement officers receive rudimentary training to...

Legal System in the “To Catch a Predator” TV Show

Abstract In this paper, attention is paid to the show To Catch a Predator and its impact on the way of how people understand various legal issues and practices. There are many concerns and discussions about the worth of the show as it promotes different interpretations of “bait” operations and...

Canadian Political Landscape: Federal-Provincial Relations

The tensions between federal and provincial governments in Canada have varied over time and led to various types of dialogues between them. It could be a more cooperation-oriented conversation, or it could result in serious disagreements and discrepancies between the governments (Simeon, 2015). I believe that while the independent actions...

The Fire Code Concept in Albany

What Codes are in Place? Albany has a Fire Prevention Code that outlines the fundamental issues associated with fire prevention and other problems, among them are the following ones, namely: Fire Prevention Code Legislative intent; Acceptance of standards; Administration and enforcement; Inspections; Fires in yards and buildings; Combustible substances; Driving...

Government Policy: Science, Funding and Regulation

Introduction Innovation plays an important role when it comes to development. Without innovation in the field of science and technology a society stagnates. Imagine a world without cars, airplanes, Internet and mobile phones. Innovations are crucial especially when it comes to agriculture, medicine, and the efficient delivery of goods and...

Public Administration: Planning and Economics

Gentrification Policy Issues Gentrification is a process which has started 60 years ago, however, its real extent and influence it obtains only nowadays. The main idea of this process is to rebuild or renew some districts of a city which were at a low ebb. Rebuilding and reconstructing old buildings...

The US-Russia Ongoing Confrontation

Introduction As of today, more and more people grow to realize that the ongoing confrontation between Russia and the U.S. accounts for the most acute geopolitical problem/issue of modern times. After all, one does not have to be a genius to understand that, if allowed to continue gaining a momentum;...

Indian Creek Foundation: New Plan Fundamentals

Indian Creek Foundation is an organization focused on helping children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. It has operated for more than 40 years and has provided a great service to the people living in its area of operation. However, currently, the company operates under an outdated plan that...

Global Regulation and National Sovereignty Balance

Global governance is a fairly established phenomenon that was present on the world stage in its current shape for at least half a decade. However, the recent progress in scientific, social, and cultural fields dramatically increased both its significance and influence it has on the actors in the field. In...

The Impact of Public Consultation in Australia

Summary The impact of public consultation in Australia is scrutinized by Kerley and Starr (2000). The authors acknowledge that the new concept of public consultation is an overseas trend as implied by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). There are six benefits or values of implementing public consultation...

Why Bernie Sanders Should Be President?

Bernie Sanders is an American politician and a candidate for the Democratic nomination who wants to run for the President of the United States in the forthcoming election. Sanders has performed well in the Democratic presidential debate largely because of his plans for the transformation of America. However, he has...

Barack Obama’s Campaign Ad Analysis

In 2008, Barack Obama ran for a second term in office. He wanted to achieve something that has eluded past presidents of his homeland, and that is to become a two-term President of the United States. To accomplish his goal he decided to produce a TV commercial that would allow...

Mikhail Gorbachev’s 1988 United Nations Speech

Mikhail Gorbachev is regarded as one of the central figures who contributed to the end of the Cold War. His speech to the UN General Assembly in 1988 was an important impetus for the changes in the international political arena. Gorbachev chose the UN as the platform for his speech...

Donald Trump Won the Presidency: How and Why?

In any competition, there has to be a winner and a loser. However, some contests are more important than the others, making all the world follow them and root for their favorite participant. One such event, the evolvement of which was followed by millions of people, was the President Election...

Accessibility of International Sex Tourism

Introduction The term “sex tourism” describes the practice of traveling abroad to engage in sexual activity. In most cases, sexual activity is commercial and involves prostitution. The term had become popular when international tourism became affordable. However, several social issues arise from capitalization on this type of tourism. The term...

Robert F. Kennedy: Biography and Contributions

Robert Francis Kennedy, also widely known under the initials of RFK, was a lawyer and politician, one of the nine children born into the family or Joseph and Rose Kennedy. He was the Attorney General in the administration of his brother, President John F. Kennedy. After the unfortunate assassination of...

Chinese One-Child Policy: Why It Should Not Be Relaxed

Introduction China is emerging as a global leader due to its impressive economic and military progress. As the country becomes more engaged with the international community, the government is implementing some social and economic reforms. One highly debated issue in modern China is the one-child policy. This policy was implemented...

Donald Trump’s Rise, Its Causes and Effects

Introduction Donald Trump is currently the 45th president of the United States. It is without doubt that many global citizens are appalled and shocked by this unimaginable fact. Trump managed to fight every kind of establishment and opposition that stood on his way (Martinelli 12). Some scholars have argued that...

Hillary Clinton’s and Donald Trump’s Elections

The elections of the new president in the United States have never been more interesting and controversial as the current opposition of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The peculiarity of the current presidential campaign is the presence of the person whose business achievements are indisputable. Donald Trump is an extraordinary...

Sino-American War in Realism and Peace in Liberalism

Realism: How could a war break out between the US and China? Realism is the most used theory in explaining international relations. It is believed that it provides the most influential insight into the state of war between countries worldwide (Zhang 5). Proponents of realism are cynical of the notion...

People-State Interdependence and Cooperation

Introduction The interdependence of people and the state is based on mutual understanding and cooperation. But there is an unfortunate supposition that rather than being the protector of communal life the state is the gravest threat to the freedom and security of individuals. As such, the physical and moral freedom...

Chesterfield County Police Department Structure

The specifics of organizational structure can be beneficial or harmful depending on their appropriateness (Swanson, Territo, & Taylor, 2016). Based on the recent module, the present paper intends to analyze the structure of the Chesterfield County Police Department [CCPD] (2014). The analysis indicates that CCPD (2014) has mostly positive features,...

United States’ and Kenya’s Sociopolitic Analysis

Introduction In geography and economics classes, students from all over the world are often exposed to the concepts and dynamics of developed and developing countries, particularly in terms of their socioeconomic and political endowments, governance structures, technological standing, as well as human capital development index. In the class discussions, developed...

Afghani and Anti-Soviet Intelligence Operations

Introduction The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) gathers intelligence, which helps in making vital decisions and policy directions in the United States. The intelligence may include terrorism, cyber-attacks, drug trafficking, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and regional conflict. In the Soviet Union, the CIA played the role of collecting...

Department of Homeland Security: Bureaucratic Structure

The objective of this memorandum is to communicate the views of an analysis regarding the effectiveness of the bureaucratic structure in the DHS. The analysis is based on recent public views following the continued threats for the U.S security. Bureaucracy as a concept continues to receive criticism from both academicians...

Inaugural Speech of Donald Trump and Other Republicans

An inaugural speech is an important part of the presidency. It allows tracking the major directions that a newly-elected president is likely to follow. This work aims to compare inaugural addresses of different Republican presidents, namely Theodore Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump,...

The United Nations’ Digital Media Connection

The United Nations (UN) is highly concerned about global citizenship and operates to encourage people to become a part of international open-minded society. The organization tries to provide the most authoritative information for the representatives of the general public to understand what changes are currently needed and why. Thus, it...

Iran’s Nuclear Energy and Relations with Israel

The Islamic Republic of Iran repudiates claims that it manufactures as well as possesses weapons of mass destruction. Iran is a signatory to a number of United Nations statutes and international treaties. The fact that Iran has questioned the existence of Israel as Jews homeland and threatened to annihilate it...

Russian Involvement Effects in Eastern Ukraine

Introduction The years 2014 and 2015 were marked by the dramatic escalation of geopolitical tensions between Russia and the U.S. This particular development has been brought about by the 2014 military seizure of political power in Ukraine by the Ukrainian neo-Nazis (supported and financed by the West), and by what...

The Concept of Democracy as a Historical Fiasco

Nowadays, it represents a commonplace assumption among many people that democracy is the best form of societal governing. As Dewey pointed out, “Democratic political forms are simply the best means that human wit has devised up to a special time in history” (1937, p. 457). This assumption, however, cannot be...

Military on the US Southern Border

Introduction The US southern border protects the country from illegal immigration from Mexico. It is critical for the security of the USA because it ensures that the country will not be adversely affected by issues associated with overpopulation and illicit drugs (Nixon & Santos, 2017). Currently, a new wall is...

Death Penalty Trends in American Justice System

Abstract Capital punishment has been one of the most controversial and commonly discussed subjects in the American justice system for many decades. To date, many states have abolished the death penalty; the others face challenges practicing it due to the heavy opposition. This paper attempts to discuss some of the...

“Party Politics in America” a Book by Marjorie Randon Hershey

Introduction: Title and Thesis Statement The book “Party Politics in America” by Marjorie Randon Hershey is usually regarded as a gold standard in relation to literature touching on power and influence in the country. As the title suggests, the author’s central theme in the text revolves around how politics is...

Zionism as a Reaction to European Anti-Semitism

Introduction Scholars like Robert Wistrich and Joseph Massad debate over the exact cause of the Jewish Zionism in the better part of the 19th century. Initially, the Jews lived in different communities across Europe and in Palestine; they lacked a place of their own in which they could live as...

Judicial and Executive Branches and Their Roles

Humans are social beings that prefer to live in a community that introduces the patterns that are used in everyday cooperation between its members. Besides, to avoid anarchy and outline limits that should regulate the communitys functioning and well-being, people are not able to act in the way they want....

President Trump’s Inaugural Address

Introduction Political speeches appear to provide gripping material for analysis. One of the recent speeches is Trump’s inaugural address. Therefore, this work aims to give a critical review of Trump’s inaugural speech, including general impression which it has created on the audience and intentions which the newly-elected President has been...

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 2009

As President George W. Bush’s term moved closer to the end, a major financial crisis rocked the world. Prior to the onset of this major downward trend, the United States economy seemed to be thriving as financial institutions had generous consumer lending practices, and there was a lot of new...

The American Dream: Civil Rights and Opportunities

Introduction The United States is a country that was built by people who searched for freedom from the traditional rules imposed by the Church and by feudal masters. It is not surprising that the nation created as a result has freedom as its primary value. The living conditions in the...

International Relations: The Coming of the Micro-States

Summary of the Article Montenegro’s proclamation of independence inspired statelets like Kosovo to demand the same (Weir par. 1). Kosovo’s independence had not been recognized by the international community. Hence, it resorted to the conflict to demand recognition, just like Montenegro. The greatest fear then, however, was that, should the...

Organization Theory and Classical Foundations

Bureaucratic system perfectly fits in an unpretentious, legalistic, and rigid social order. It is irreconcilable with intricate, self-motivated, and idiosyncratic societies (Pershing & Austin, 2014). Bureaucratic system is predicted to be substituted by the age of innovativeness, and non-lawful, lenient means of power. Bureaucracy and democracy point toward standards for...

Public Administration: Ideal Governance

Relevance of bureaucracy as a description and a model for the current public services Public officials who lack a requisite flexibility stand a chance to construct bureaucratic models and systems of governance following rigid routines in the execution of their duties. Worse still, bureaucratic systems of governance hinder the ability...

Death Penalty and Its Issues

Serious criminals have usually imposed a death sentence. This type of punishment continues to exist, even nowadays. However, it seems completely irrelevant in a modern democratic and humanistic society. Let us consider issues arguing against corporal punishment. First, it violates the inherited right to life that is a fundamental principle...

Social Security Long-Term Solvency Problems

Social Security is the federal insurance program in the United States handling Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI). Established in 1935, Social Security is funded by taxes from salaries and contributions from those in business or self-employed people. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is the agent that collects them. The...

Territorial Incorporation and Expansionism Traditions

The present paper is devoted to contrasting the doctrine of territorial incorporation (DTI) with colonialist (CTTE) and imperialist (ITTE) traditions of territorial expansionism. Venator-Santiago describes CTTE, ITTE, and DTI as three approaches to territorial expansionism that differed in multiple ways, including the purpose and way of acquisition and the resulting...

The Domestic Sources of American Foreign Domestic Policy

Introduction The domestic sources of American foreign domestic policy is a masterpiece book by James McCormick. The book is about the US politics and international relations policies. The author is a professor who chairs the department of political science at Iowa State University. The content of the book covers the...

Public Service Theories and Public Interest

Abstract Public interest has been debated at length by great philosophers as well as renowned authors. Scholars argue that it is an academic discipline to be taught in class while philosophers argue that it is an art that can only be learned through observation and practice. This paper seeks to...

Tolerance and Political Diversity in the US

Are Americans Growing More or Less Tolerant of Political Diversity? It could be argued that the recent political changes in the U.S. have affected mostly the degree to which political diversity is represented at different levels of power in the U.S., the tolerance rates, which mainly depend on people’s opinions...

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Benefits

Description of the human service program Human services programs focus on the prevention and remediation of problems and are characterized by the commitment to enhancing the population’s overall quality of life. The objective of satisfying human needs necessitated the development of human services programs in the US after the establishment...

Police Detective Career: Information and Issues

Abstract The police detective career is very dynamic and demanding, especially the sections of criminal investigations such as homicide and theft. The job description includes investigations, traffic control, enforcement of state and local law, writing citations, arresting unlawful violators of law, and most importantly writing reports on a daily basis....

The UAE and Europe’ Work for Integration of Refugees

Proposal for Media and Awareness Campaign Importance of Media Awareness Campaign A media and awareness campaign is important because it creates an understanding among the members of the public as to why it is necessary for the country to take a leading role in settling regional refugees. According to Varvelli...

“The Clash of Civilizations?” by S. P. Huntington

Wars are an inevitable part of human existence; they have significantly transformed throughout time. In Huntington’s (1993) article The Clash of Civilizations? the author argues that differences between civilizations might become causes of future violent wars. Fox (2005) argues that Huntington’s (1993) arguments are wrong even within the war on...

The Road Back to European Power

The eastern and southern crises mentioned in the article are the threats formed in the Middle East and Russia, respectively. According to the authors, each of these threats poses a significant challenge for European interests. The southern crisis results primarily from increasing political and social turbulence in the Middle East....

The Small Business Relief Package in New York

The New York City Department of Consumer Affairs (NYC DCA) is a department of the Government of New York City. This particular department’s job is to enforce New York’s laws to protect the rights of consumers, to deal with consumer dissatisfactions, procedures of licensing businesses, and to promote the consumer...

National Employment Services Association of 2015

Introduction Government and organisations develop policies that can help in achieving certain strategic goals and objectives. Efforts to solve particular problems that attract public concerns create the necessity to formulate and implement public policies. Ridde (2009) defines a public policy as an action that a government deems appropriate and/or inappropriate...

Daniel Drezner’ Theories of International Politics

Daniel Drezner explores the concept of realism in his book, ‘Theories of International Politics and Zombies’. Realism has a diverse range of interpretations in the modern society. Some of the theoretical concepts in the field realism include artistic realism, legal realism and defensive realism are. Realism involves examination of the...

The Industrial Age Impact and the Rise of Capitalism

It is a common truth that those people who do not remember the past have a limited opportunity to understand the real nature of things that happen to their society. The mindset of the society has experienced significant changes during the last centuries; however, the repercussions of older values can...

Russian Comeback into the International Arena

Introduction Russia’s comeback as a global player has been characterized by its determination in multi-polarity overseas and creation of an autonomous democracy at home. The Hegemonic Stability Theory (HST) argues for the cyclical transition of world leadership. It states that the superpower status keeps on changing from one country to...

Western Australia Police Communications Centre’s Change

Introduction The WA Police Communications Centre is a vital organ of the regions police force, primarily because it provides for an ideal way for members of the public to reach the organization for help and support. However, the job is very challenging because, by its nature, it involves constantly listening...

Gender Mainstreaming of European Union Institutions

Gender equality has been a subject of discussion for a long time in all parts of the world. To enhance gender equality, various governments and nongovernmental organizations have come up with different policies to help in ensuring that women and men are availed with equal opportunities at all institutions and...

Democrats and Republicans in the New York State

The state of New York is characterized by two strong political parties, namely the Democrats and the Republicans. In effect, the people of New York have a high recognition of these two parties with citizens dividing their votes to contestants from either party, depending on their interests. Even though there...

Deficit, Surplus, and Balanced Public Budgets

Budgeting is a crucial component of public administration that requires rigorous planning, meticulous implementation and management, and a deep understanding of the specifics of the systems that are being financed (Shafritz, Russell, & Borick, 2015, p. 472). Public administration budget is typically comprised of taxes, insurance, and borrowing, and it...

Historical Trauma of Japanese Former Colonies

History Background (Historical Trauma) Many countries in the Asian, African, and Latin-American continents continue to nurse unpleasant memories from the colonial times. These memories are based on a narrative of massive humiliation and torment that people in the colonized nations were forced to go through for years. The concept of...

Current Status of “The American Dream” by B. King

The American Dream is the most significant concept: after all, it is difficult to neglect the wishes and hopes of an entire nation. As the situation in the country changes, and the realities of the American life conflict with its Dream, some are quick to announce that the latter has...

The Central Intelligence Agency in Asia

It is often mistaken that a majority of America’s foreign policy screw-ups are the result of bad intelligence. However, this claim is not true. Surprisingly, most of the known foreign policy blow-ups had the backing of good intelligence prior to their inevitable occurrence. Former CIA forecaster, Paul Pillar, asserts that...

Malawi Public Program’s Outcome-Focused Evaluation

Program evaluation is the application of social research methods for systematic assessment of the impact of social interventions (Babbie, 2016). It is a part of evaluation research that aims at investigation, appraisal, and improvement of social intervention programs and their main elements such as “the diagnosis of the social problems...

Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets

National Strategy for Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Key Assets National strategies are meant to assist the government and other parties to deal with the implementation of the plan to combat terrorism. The national strategies were formed to assist U.S in combating and preventing terrorism. After September 11, attack several...

Public Policy’s Advanced Perspective

Introduction Public policies dictate various ethical codes of conduct that public servants should follow in a bid to maintain delivery of services in ethically acceptable means. Common misunderstanding of ethical principles that govern the workplace usually causes ethical issues. This situation makes public employees vulnerable to breaking of public service...

Civil Disobedience in Socrates’ and King’s Opinion

Introduction The history of humankind is filled with numerous examples of civil disobedience and revolts against the existing order of things. In the majority of these cases, these disobediences were fueled by severe disparities and injustices plaguing society. In many scenarios, the inability to find a peaceful solution and a...

Advanced Perspective of Public Policy

Involvement of the community is one of the most recent trends in the field of public service. Admittedly, policymakers often address people to understand their needs and expectations but this can be hardly called community involvement. Ideally, community have to affect policies that may have any impact on the people....

Presidential Elections: Strengths and Weaknesses

Elections Strength The major strength of federal elections is their unfaltering commitment to fundamental beliefs and values of American society. The latest presidential elections that have been extremely competitive have proven that the candidates always enjoy the freedom of expression, assembly, and association, which aligns with the key rights documented...

Fire Weapons Legalization in the United States

Introduction Legalization of weapons has been a topical issue for discussion for a long time. Although the majority of the world population seems to be against the legalization of fire weapons, there exists an opposite viewpoint which justifies the legalization with rational and logical reasons. This paper aims to consider...

Police Work’ Concepts and Operationalization

Introduction Operationalization refers to the definition of study variables to establish the measurable factors. This process establishes the concepts used in a study, as well as explains the quantitative and empirical measurement of the study variables. Also, operationalization process defines the exact variables used in the study. As such, operationalization...

Policy-Making: Systemic Thinking on Various Levels

Introduction Probably the main characteristic of modern living is concerned with the fact that, as time goes on, more and more social scientists grow increasingly aware that the functioning of human societies is highly systemic. That is, it exemplifies the validity of the main principle of the General Theory of...

NCO Staff and the Outcome of Current Operations

Every commander is in a position to make decisions regarding the course of military operations. However, due to the scope and complexity of military operations, the commander relies on their staff to assist them in the decision-making process by providing relevant information about current operations and their possible outcomes. Staff...

Racial Makeup and Governance Policies

After Ferguson witnessed one of the highest voter turnouts in its history, residents of this town are now hopeful of changes in governance policies. For the first time, this Missouri neighborhood has witnessed the election of three African American officials to its city council. Previously, Ferguson’s city council consisted of...

Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement in the US

Local Law Enforcement Local law enforcement derives its authority from its governing body in the district where it is located. It maintains the responsibility of enforcing laws of their jurisdiction, investigating criminal violations, and providing protection or patrol in the area (“Types of law enforcement agencies,” n.d.). A sheriff’s office...

GI Bill: History and Development

Introduction In reference to Spaulding (2000), the formation of the GI Bill dates back to June 22, 1944. It was initially referred to as the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, and it was created with the aim of promoting the economic, social, and cultural challenges facing veterans in America. Will (1997) notes...

US Environmental Protection Agency’s Budgeting

The budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency The budget of the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the fiscal year 2015 will be discussed (U.S. EPA, 2014). It amounts to $7.89 billion, which is ≈4% lower than the agency’s budget for the previous fiscal year. This forced the...

The US Governmental System Operation

Essay on Nader Book and Parenti’s Branches of Government Chapters Ralph Nader is considered a highly influential American, one who has managed to save the lives of numerous citizens due to his actions targeted at the protection of consumer rights. He has been involved in the creation of such agencies...

Social Policy Underpinning Service Delivery

Nowadays, a number of care homes for people with different needs and expectations could be found. Modern UK residential care homes, independent hospitals, and various nursing homes aim at providing support and care for older people, who cannot have a kind of positive life because of some crisis or instabilities...

Exemptions and National Security Information

In a nutshell, exemptions are meant to protect sensitive information from disclosure to the public in order to maintain national security. The primary document aimed to interpret and implement exemptions is the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA). However, the act is not intended to prioritize state interests as such. According...

Civil Disobedience: Socrates vs. Martin Luther King

Introduction The idea of civil disobedience and its credibility has been considered by philosophers, politicians, and activists since the formation of governmental systems. The idea stems from the notion that laws should be obeyed until they are superseded by a more powerful force such as moral notions, survival, saving a...

Russian Democracy and Political Stability

Democracy is defined as the form of government where the citizens exercise the ruling power in either a direct or indirect manner through a system of free elections. The question of whether there are links between democracy and political stability has been a subject of heated debates. If to include...

US Foreign Affairs in the Middle East

Introduction Historically, the presence of the United States in the Middle East was based on safeguarding its national security interests. According to the CATO Institute, the American role in the region has been based on; supply of oil and natural resources, limiting the proliferation of nuclear weapons and limiting the...

Public Policy’ Management Issues

Assignment 1 The federalist papers comprise 85 essays intended to ratify the constitution. These papers highlighted some of the roles and proposed structures of the government. Additionally, they evaluated some of the expected implications of political constitutions to the governance of the republic. The essays were meant to provide a...

Powerful States’ Influence on Poorer States

The most powerful states have more opportunities to preserve their autonomy on the global arena than poorer states; moreover, powerful nations can have a significant impact on other countries, as well as impose their will on them. In spite of the fact that globalization influences all states, powerful countries are...

Sovereign Citizens Movement in the United States

Introduction The sovereign citizen movement is a group of Americans who have denounced any allegiance with the government of the US and refused to respect or adhere to the constitution. The genesis of the sovereign citizen movement may be traced back to around 1970s, although the movement became vibrant and...

Wealth Inequality Effects on American Democracy

Abstract The democracy models used in the United States are geared toward influencing the development of administrations that foster equality among the citizens. However, over the past several decades, inequalities in the distribution of wealth have led to an erosion of democratic rights across the socioeconomic board. The majority of...

Venezuela and Colombia Relationships

The relationship between Venezuela and Colombia was initially hinged on the fact they both got their independence under Simon Bolivar although they later separated into two states in the 19th century which led to the strains in their relationship. The strain has been witnessed in various incidences. For example in...

European Institutions and the Policy Process

Introduction In the European Union (EU) political sphere, the European commission (EC) constitutes an important body. Different discourses have emerged within an increasing body of literature on the roles of the EC and its capacity to push through its agenda since its establishment through the Rome pacts. Kassim and Dimitrakopoulos...

Liberalism and Conservatism: Ideological Difference

Introduction American political discourse categorizes certain issues and stances as ‘liberal’ and the ones opposing them as ‘conservative’. This categorization remains true for a wide range of issues such as abortion, gun laws, homeland security, social issues, public spending, education, and foreign policy. It is often argued that the stances...

“Federal Employees: They Are Just Like Us” by Kellie Lunney

The Key HRM Management Issues Underlying this Proposal The article “Federal Employees: They Are Just Like Us” by Kellie Lunney explains how the government takes many federal employees for granted. This situation has resulted in a faceless bureaucracy. The government should improve the perception of such employees using various strategies....

Confederation and Constitution’ Comparison

Introduction At the moment we could observe a certain crisis of executive power in the USA. The last elections split the US society into two camps and differences in mentalities and points of view became evident. Being elected by the majority of people, the President still does not possess the...

Emily’s List: Organization’s Purpose

Group’s Goals The group in question is aimed at addressing the lack of equality in contemporary society. Particularly, the focus on the rights of women in the modern world and their further integration into the realm of politics, economics, finances, and other areas of the state’s functioning, is by what...

The Confederacy of the Iroquois People

Introduction The confederacy of the Iroquois people is very important. Iroquois is the family that consists of five tribes namely Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Saneca and Cayuga who were the American eastern culture that forms the central New York today. The governing system of the Iroquois has a strong basis for...

The Iran Nuclear Deal by W. Broad & S. Peçanha

The article “The Iran Nuclear Deal – A Simple Guide” by William J. Broad and Sergio Peçanha presents the view of the authors on the negotiations with Iran on the nuclear issue. In this article, the journalists introduce a number of arguments that state the efficiency and insecurity of these...

Yemen’s National Dialogue Conference

Introduction Consequences of the Arab Spring and international humanitarian and military interventions in the Middle East remain a large point of contention and controversy both in terms of ethical and political validations and in terms of effectiveness. In Libya, Syria, and Iraq, the attempts to create a peaceful and prosperous...

Social Service Plan, Its Goals and Actions

Setting aims for the people attending social services is a crucial step in human and social services professionals’ work. When the targets are determined properly, the outcomes of an interview and further work with a client will be successful and rewarding. To establish and reach the goals most efficiently, it...

Uncertain Democracies Strategic Choices

Uncertain democracies present rather controversial issues becoming one of the most widespread regimes. In this regard, the paper will discuss, analyze, and compare uncertain democracies examined in two readings. In their book, O’Donnell and Schmitter discuss the three paramount issues regarding the functional instauration of authoritarian regimes towards democracy (3)....

US Congress: Failure Causes and Improvements

Abstract The US government is made of three arms, viz. executive, legislature, and the judiciary. Congress is the legislative arm, and it is mandated by the constitution to strike a balance between the government and the citizens. Today, there is an outcry from the public concerning the responsibilities of Congress....

Weapon Legalization, Its History and Texas Laws

Introduction The question of legalization of weapon has always been a stumbling block in American society. Since the birth of the American nation open carry has been considered as a natural state of things. Now, the legislation of various states of the USA implies different approaches to the problem of...

Mario Diaz-Balart’s Policy: Legislative Initiative

Legislative Initiative Plan The plan under consideration aims at identifying the necessary actions that have to be taken to make sure the offered Mario Diaz-Balart’s policy is effective within the frames of the chosen legislative session. In Section One, a communication with a congressman Mario Diaz-Balart has been analyzed. The...

Rwanda Conflict and Its Resolving Options

Case Analysis On April 1994, after the assassination of Hutu’s President, Juvenal Habyarima, the state of Rwanda fell into political turmoil. The turmoil is said to be instigated by the Hutu community, who are 85% of the majority and thought to be the Minority group against the Tutsi’s, who are...

Gun Control and Anti-Violence Programs in the USA

The USA is known for its high levels of violent crime. The issue of gun control is brought up every time a school shooting or a violent robbery happens. The last one involving guns happened on 9 September 2016 in Texas, where a 14-year old girl shot another student and...

Class and Regional Politics in Canada

It is a popular opinion that politics in Canada revolve largely around ethnicity and regionalism issues, that class rivalry and issues of inequality were never present or pressing in the Confederacy. Indeed, the frictions between different regions of Canada over the questions of self-identification, language, oil revenues, funding, and other...

Roosevelt and Hitler: Democrat and Dictator

Introduction In 1933, the US and Germany received new political leaders. Franklin D. Roosevelt became the President of the US, and Adolf Hitler became the chancellor of Germany. The period in which they reached the power was a difficult one, the world trying to overcome the drastic outcomes of World...

Police Reform in Florida

Executive Summary Every year, in Florida, police services become more demanding due to pressures to assess and measure government performance regarding their efficiency. There are no competing markets for the delivery of policy enforcement services, and thus, the police effectiveness has received a lot of criticism in the state. An...

Political Parties in Canada: Ideological Analysis

Analysis The abundance of issues discussed during the election can be overwhelming for an average voter. Some believe that there is no significant difference between the stands of the major federal political parties. Canadian government encounters this problem as well. The choice between the three major Canadian political forces: the...

Immokalee City Development: Farming or Gambling

Immokalee is a city in Florida with population of more than 24 thousand people. According to United States Census Bureau, the population of the city is constituted by the following race categories: white alone (43.2%), black alone (18.9%), American Indian (1%), Hispanic people (75.6%) (Immokalee CDP, 2014). At that, 42.6%...

Liberalism as a Political Ideology and Its Future

Politics play a pivotal role in the life of every individual, for governments make decisions that influence people’s everyday lives. However, not everyone clearly understands what political ideology they support. In this paper, I elaborate what ideology I adhere to, explain its origins, and try to understand its future prospects....

US Gun Control Measures and Crime Rates Reduction

Introduction Security has been an issue of debate all over the world due to the prevalence of criminal activities. These activities have become complex with an increase in greed and selfishness among human beings. This has led to the prevalence of arms in public hands arousing debate on the legality...

Roots of Public Support for the Death Penalty

Introduction In his article, Daniel LaChance analyzes the phenomenon of the death penalty in America and the social attitude towards it. LaChance (2014) expresses a negative attitude towards this punitive measure calling it “an intolerable affront to human dignity” (para.1). The author tries to evaluate the prospects for the abolition...

China’s Growing Role in Africa: Implications for US Policy

The article “China’s Growing Role in Africa: Implications for U.S. Policy” provides useful information on how China continues to use its hard- and soft-power strategies to expand its tentacles in the African continent. The article also illuminates the implications of China’s expansion for the United States policy, including what needs...

Politics: The Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Introduction A world region is defined by the interconnectedness of areas based on social, economic, political, and cultural orientation. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is one such region. The member states of the ASEAN are Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand (The ASEAN Secretariat 2013, par. 3)....

Leadership within Non-Profits Organizations

Introduction Statement of the Problem Nowadays, non-profit organizations, particularly charity ones, have a serious impact on society in the USA and the whole world. Since it is leadership that shapes the image and guide the actions of an organization, it is highly important to invest time and efforts in studying...

Organizational Changes in Law Enforcement Agencies

Introduction Organizational change is inevitable and constant. Virtually all organizations are susceptible to changes in their organizational systems and hierarchies. Some of these organizational changes come as a result of positive factors, while others are brought about by negative factors. Police administrations are not left out of this. Eight reasons...

US Invasion of Iraq in Weber’s and Foucault’s Theories

Abstract The US invasion of Iraq was explained in this paper using the theories of power developed by Max Weber and Michel Foucault. Weber’s theory showed that the president had a traditional and charismatic authority to permit the invasion. Foucault’s theory, on the other hand, demonstrated that the invasion was...

India and Brazil Democracy Analysis

India and Brazil are two countries that are widely analyzed for their democratic practices. Their choice may be due to the reforms they have done over the years to become democratic nations. Essentially, India greatly evolved from being a country where women were not allowed to vote or carry out...