Finding the Link Between Gender and Sexuality

The present paper analyzes a study on the role of gender differences as a predictor of particular sexual behaviors and attitudes. The study, entitled A Meta-Analytical Review of Research on Gender Differences in Sexuality, 1993-2007, was conducted by the University Wisconsin-Madison researchers Petersen and Hyde and was published in the...

“Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Bradberry and Greaves Book Review

When it comes to considering the role that emotions play in people’s lives, the latter usually agree with the point that these emotions are solely their reactions to external stimuli. In other words, the key idea of such perception consists in the one-sidedness of the emotions’ direction – a straight...

Schizophrenia Disorder: Causes and Treatment

Schizophrenia is a disorder that affects men at a higher rate as compared to their female counterparts. It is a mental disease, which affects the thinking capacity of an individual. A considerable number of populations around the globe are affected by this disease following the various observable signs. Misunderstanding of...

Sexual Abuse and Crisis Intervention Strategy

One of the psychological impacts that may be experienced by a young boy, such as Ryan, is a feeling of fear. Fear pervades the sexually abused children; in the course of the abuse, in the childhood aftermath of those who have been abused, and al through the remaining part of...

Special Stages of Childhood Development

In the second half of the twentieth century, there appeared a great number of theories on child development investigating this issue from different angles. In particular, in the late seventies of the past century, Urie Bronfenbrenner suggested an ecological theory on child development in terms of cultural and social psychology...

Disaster, Crisis, Trauma: Interview with a Victim

Introduction Life has different meanings to different people around the world. People interpret life according to their environment, religious upbringing, customs, and traditions. However, all humans have something in common. We are all born, and we all die at a certain time regardless of our race, religion, or traditions. (James,...

Crisis Worker’s Intervention Responding to Trauma

There are various types of trauma in the society. One of these types is “early childhood trauma”. This form of trauma, in general terms, refers to traumatic events which happen to children that are six years old and below. This may result from the intentional violence. The violence may involve...

Terrorism and Genocide: Traumatic Impacts

One of the major barriers to addressing the needs of military officers is the passiveness of the DOD and VA. This leaves no option for the military officer but to look for an alternative since the employer is never willing to cater to his or her psychological needs. Mental health...

The Therapeutic Principles of Group Counseling

Introduction People learn about themselves much faster when they interact and share experiences, worries, and feelings. The therapeutic principles of the group counseling conversion stage have characteristics such as struggle with group control, resistance, anxiety, the establishment of trust within the group, challenges posed to the group leader, and emergence...

Survey of Personal Happiness and Personal Life Challenges Resilience

Recently science focuses its studies on various aspects of human personality and person’s life. The work reflects the results of a survey of personal happiness and personal life challenges resilience. Psychological stability based on an optimistic perception of life situations and satisfaction with life positively affects person’s work effectiveness. Human...

Forensic Psychology for Police Recruitment and Screening

The quest for competitive and effective police officers led to the introduction of some measures to help in the recruitment of individuals. The measures involved use of psychological tests in police departments. Although most police departments tend to have enhanced usage of the psychological measures in employing police officers, majority...

Images of Defense Mechanisms in the Life

Introduction In my first year at the university, I got robbed point-blank while I was walking late at night with a friend. We were lashed and kicked around before we agreed to their demand of surrendering our phones. Luckily, we left the scene with only small bruises and torn shirts....

Forms of Sex Abuse and Its Causes

Introduction Any action leading to sexual contact without the consent of one partner can be referred to as sexual abuse. Sexual abuse is therefore any act of non-consensual sexual intercourse. In the recent past, this kind of harassment has been more often reported than it was a few years ago....

Gender as a Role, Cultural and Not Biological

Introduction Gender identity is not defined by biological sex but rather by the social role with which an individual is identified or identifies himself. Not only is the gender identity distinct from biological sex, but it is also distinct from general sexual orientation. In normal circumstances the gender identity of...

The Evacuation Behavioural Model

People’s behaviours associated with the fire in the building can be different and affected by the persons’ abilities to hear, see, and recognise the alarm, to understand and interpret the cue, to decide what further actions should be performed, and to act appropriately. The evacuation behavioural model which consists of...

American Psychological Association and Racism

For the past years, minority individuals in the U.S suffered from segregation in all fields including schools. For instance, the Negros had trouble in the past years when it came to academic issues. The experienced problems led to retardation of educational and intellectual development of Negro children. To solve this,...

Premise and Origins of Business Psychology

Introduction and Premise of Business Psychology The study of business psychology provides valuable knowledge and insights that assist business managers in understanding people’s behavior in business. Such knowledge, therefore, equips a business manager with relevant information in regard to human behavior when faced with challenges in business and management contexts....

Sexual Assault and Partner Violence Intervention

Both partner violence and sexual assault take place on a frequent basis and can be found in all social classes as well as races. Both of them contribute towards a large number of injurious psychological as well as physical sequelae, in the short-term and also in the long-term. The victims...

“On Killing”: Killer Psychology Review

Introduction The book of Dave Grossman On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society is dedicated to the research of the psychology of the killer, at war and in a peaceful time. The study has become popular among war veterans and soldiers; however, it covers...

Stress and Emotional Management

Managing Emotions-Strategy to Control Depression and Stress By GS Virk This article begins by acknowledging that conflicting emotions, just like thoughts, are a strong limitation in our mind. It goes on to say that stress and emotional management can be achieved through a habitual practice of the awareness of positive and...

Play’s Role in Development, Creativity, and Fantasy

The relationship between play and development can be viewed in three separate ways. These include cognitive functioning, social rules, and social-cultural functioning. Cognitive functioning is identified as one of the critical aspects of play, where the performance of a child is often compared to his or her future performance as...

Suicide-Related Research in Clinical Forensic Settings

Suicide-related research is important to be conducted in the area of forensic psychology to determine the risks associated with suicidal behaviors in patients with mental disabilities. Thus, suicide-related research is significant to provide the grounds for developing the prevention strategies by specialists working in clinical settings (Stangor, 2013, p. 138)....

Forensic Psychology in the Correctional Subspecialty

Psychological research carried out shows that offenders may have developed some unlawful acts that led to their arrest and conviction, or may end up developing some immoral conducts while serving their imprisonment terms in jail. However, some treatment programs offered to prisoners while serving their imprisonment term prove to be...

Child Custody Evaluations in Divorce Proceedings

Case study 5 indicates clear instances where the guidelines for child custody as well as evaluation during divorce proceedings can be applicable. The child described in this case study is born from a troubled family. The parents have had a long history of domestic violence and fights that have rendered...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Risk Factors

The 2008 Chinese Winter storms affected many regions within the Chinese society. The affected areas included regions with heavy snows, ice, and cold temperatures. The disaster affected many travelers, causing approximately 129 deaths. Research shows that 50 to 90 percent of individuals go through some form of psychological trauma due...

Counselling Strategies and Interventions Course in Psychotherapy

As human beings, we all go through challenges as we endeavor to cope with the harsh times that we are facing. This has often resulted in people having to face difficult and often stifling circumstances which at times have led to debilitating psychological states. There is therefore a need to...

Sequential Behavior: Attention Focus Reaction Time

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study is to evaluate the proposal that a previous cognitive-focused sequence learning such as meditation could affect the ensuing sequence learning. How the Goal Relates to My Research Sequential behavior dominates most of our day-to-day activities. Acquiring sequential actions, which is...

Dealing With Procrastination: Stress-Related Techniques

Introduction Stress is a person’s response to a restructuring. This usually requires mental, bodily or emotional realignment and it is reflected in a person’s body. It can come from any situation or thought that makes one develop an emotion. A stress-causing agent is called a stressor. Procrastination is avoidance of...

Stress and Its Influence Employees’ Well-Being

The notion of well-being Contemporary life requires people to worry about quite a lit of things. Questions of increasing globalization, rational approach to operations in any organization, terrorism became an integral part of everyone’s life as well as taking care about our parents, children, and relatives, health maintaining or work...

The Concept of Resilience: Individuals With Behavioral and Emotional Problems

People usually encounter various forms of stress either emotionally, physically or behaviorally and they come up with different ways of coping with these stresses. While others may succumb to the stress and end up emotionally affected, others may cope effectively by being positive and taking control of their environment. Individuals...

Motor Performance and the Activity of the Primary Motor Cortex

The Goal of the Research The goal of the study was to determine whether the focus of attention affected the motor performance and the activity of the primary motor cortex when implementing strenuous tasks involving the right index finger (Kuhn, Keller, Ruffieux, & Taube, 2017). How the Goal Relates to...

How Natural Disasters Impact Systems at Various Levels?

In 1999, a disaster was witnessed in Japan when scientists messed up with chemicals at Tokaimuru Nuclear plant. Several workers were killed and hundreds of others injured in the disaster. Nuclear disasters are the worst of all disasters as regards environmental damage since the radiation emitted to the environment is...

Child’s Play in Neighborhood and Community

Back in the day, play activities were mainly physical with parents and teachers insisting on more outdoor activities. This does not mean that there were fewer indoor activities even though there were higher levels of creativity involved that are identified in modern societies. It was common for us to participate...

Aspects of Intellectual and Cognitive Functioning

Two of cognitive ability assessments identified for comparison are the Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) and the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. According to Neukrug and Fawcett (2010), the Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (CTONI) is a nonverbal intelligence assessment designed to measure intellectual functioning from ages 6 years,...

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Diagnostic Categorization

Based on the diagnostic criteria, the client suffers from PTSD because of the symptoms portrayed. Given the fact that the client started experiencing the problems after the traumatic event, he might be suffering from PTSD. PTSD would probably follow a traumatic event, for instance, an accident, disaster, or death of...

Psychology of Play: Stages and Types

Introduction It has often been identified that people respond more positively to what they see and perceive physically in the society that they live and grow in. This is often the case where human beliefs, expectations and feelings depend heavily on the environment that they grow up in or rather...

“Addicted to: Gambling” by Carl Erik Fisher

Article Summary In his article, Fisher covers the discussions about the behavioral addictions. Based on the examples of gambling, binge-eating, hypersexuality, and overusing the internet, the author discusses the complex discourse surrounding these issues. Most of the researchers tend to agree that behavioral addictions are similar in their mechanisms and...

Psychological and Sociological Aspects of the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Introduction The school-to-prison pipeline is a tendency in which children are punished for minor disciplinary infractions by being placed into the criminal justice system. Notably, this system appears to be targeted against students of color. The reason why the school-to-prison pipeline exists is zero-tolerance disciplinary policies within schools that automatically...

Therapeutic Activities: Collecting Harmless Insects

Collecting Harmless Insects Participants This activity is designed for children between ages four to six years. It is a suitable activity for them since creativity and activeness is major characteristic of this age group. They enjoy active play and other invigorating activities that keep them occupied. It also provides an...

Stress Management: Personal Stress Techniques

Stress is any reaction of the human body when a demand that is likely to cause pressure to it is made usually it results in tension and conflict of the mind and body as a whole. This is especially when the body is required to have some changes so as...

Resisting Nature: Decision Analysis In The Robot’s Rebellion

The Robot’s Rebellion: Finding Meaning in the Age of Darwin by Keith E. Stanovich expands the neo-Darwinian theory most famously introduced in the book “The Selfish Gene” by Richard Dawkins. Stanovich implies that humanity is primarily driven by the relatively simple yet overwhelmingly powerful desire to replicate. This desire is...

Substance Abuse Relapse among Women

Introduction In essence, substance relapse is a situation of ‘converting back’ by an individual from a condition after a short or long term abstinences from using any drugs. In drug addiction and substance abuse, it can be defined as “the resumption of the use of drugs after leaving it for...

Conscious Leadership: Self-Assessment of Leadership

Leadership Characteristics Leadership is not something that people can just grasp and gain during their lives – real leaders are born that way, they are created to be “number one” in different circles of fellowship or societies. These people are always engaging to follow and to support their ideas. “Conscious...

Sigmund Freud: Genius or Eccentric?

Abstract This document is an exposition on Sigmund Freud to highlight whether he was a genius or eccentric. The concepts would be addressed from a personalistic and naturalistic viewpoint. Current research on Freudian philosophies would be explored to determine the status and impact of Freud’s ideas. Freud’s key ideas and...

Applying Social Identity Model to Emergency Behaviour

Introduction Emergency behavior and social identity aspects are not connected at the first sight. However, if a person appears in a critical situation, the flocking instinct rules the entire mass. This is explained by the complex reasons of social behavior, emergency behavior patterns, survival instinct, and social identity of the...

Forensic Psychology: Personality Assessment Inventory

Personality Assessment Inventory Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) is an appraisal tool that form part of Leslie Morey’s work. It comprises 344 self-report items that are aimed at testing and appraising an individual’s personality (Morey, 2007). It also examines a respondent’s psychopathology. Every item of the scale involves the respondent’s declaration,...

Infancy Attachment and Social Functioning Correlation

Attachment between mother and child can be defined as emotional bond which exist between mother and child. There are two elements which are involved in this type of emotional bond between mother and child. The first element, the child usually tries to find an attachment figure: which is the mother,...

Psychotherapy Treatment for Combat Veterans Suffering From PTSD

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) is nothing but a normal reaction of the human organism to abnormal situations or experiences. It usually follows an event that makes a person feel unsafe or helpless; the most common of such events are war, assault, kidnapping, sexual abuse, rape, car accident, plane crash, and...

How the Experiences of Adolescents Shape Their Lives

Adolescence is a landmark stage in the growth and development of young people. This is a confusing stage when the young people make the attempt to do what they consider mature with the aim of projecting the image of adult people. It is however a fact that these young people...

Applied Project: Impact of the Gap Year on Students

Introduction The gap year has been a normal phenomenon for young people who are in that stage of academic life where they are expected to make a transition between High school life and college life. Proponents of the gap year have identified several reasons why they are in support of...

Déjà Vu Experience: Definition and Explanation

Introduction The experience of déjà vu is a truly extraordinary phenomenon that has been studied by scholars of various disciplines. Before it became a subject of scientific research, the occurrences of déjà vu were frequently mentioned throughout history by such figures as Pythagoras, St Augustine, Sir Walter Scott, and Charles...

Breaking Free From an Abusive Relationship

According to statistical data provided by the American Bar Association of Commission on Domestic violence, approximately 1.3 million women are physically assaulted by an intimate partner annually in the United States (American Bar Association). This problem has grown so acute that many American writers and screenwriters of the XXth century...

Integrating Religion and Spirituality in Therapy

Ethical issues and guidelines deserve consideration before religion and spirituality can be integrated into therapy. This article asserts that religious or Christian counseling to be specific, aims at promoting the spiritual growth of the patients apart from alleviating signs of diseases or resolving psychological problems. However, there is a difference...

Aspects that Play a Role in Psychology of the Self

Introduction The psychology of the self has diverse meanings in the context of human individuality. The self represents many things depending on the context of an application. Under normal circumstances, the self is used to refer to the identity of a person. The psychology of the self therefore refers to...

Communication and Conflict: Analysis of a Conflict Situation

Case Overview Mr. Selig as the producer in this show has sternly expressed a positive demand on the result of the show which is about to be performed and does not require any further discussion about the matter. To him, the only thing he would accept is the success of...

Realism From a 21st Century Perspective

What does a person feel before death? Fear, panic, calm, hope, or maybe relief? First of all, pre-death feelings depend on a large number of factors: the emotional condition of a person, the circumstances of his or her life, the circumstances of death, and more. However, the range of thoughts...

Suicide Among Youth: Issue Review

General Points Youth is a specific layer of the human society which serves as a basis for the further development of the latter. However, the human society is a rather controversial phenomenon as it is supposed to ensure convenient and peaceful coexistence of people but offers quite an opposite. The...

Gender and Cultural Factors in Risky Behavior Among Adolescents in the US and Asia

Intrinsic pressures together with socially acceptable gender norms play part in the differences that males and females differ in risky behaviors. This is also affected by the culture and one’s background (Park and Kim, 2010). When it comes to making decisions on risk behaviors, individuals from both America and Asia...

Analysis of Pre-Conditions and Ways for Reducing the Stress

The life of common people is full of challenges and daily anxiety, but they can be coped with, while the phobias have more physiological basis and to manage them is much more difficult. Analyzing the fears I have in my everyday life, I consider the fear of height, the so-called...

Self-Esteem in the Adolescence Period

Introduction According to Kail and Cavanaugh (2004), self-esteem can be explained to mean the general perception of an individual. He went ahead to explain that it is the way an individual views him or herself in the eyes of society. Self-esteem has to do with the level of satisfaction or...

People’s Inclination to Self-Esteem: Subjective Outcome

Introduction Self-esteem is described as the amount of value or worth a person perceives him/herself to be. In this essay, two articles are critically appraised with the intention of finding out their similarities and differences with regard to the content of people’s inclination to self-esteem. Forsyth et al. (2003) in...

The Way to Come To Terms With Yourself: Social Distancing Experiment

At times one can feel so much detached from the world he or she is living in that it is a nice and refreshing idea to get a few days off away from this mess. As a rule, three are enough to help one pull himself together and get rid...

Creating Stereotypes: Rhetoric and Stereotypes

The word “stereotype” means a person or thing that conforms to an unjustifiably fixed or standardized picture. A very common example can be taken from the movies. Adam Sandler is a very popular American actor, but due to a large number of comedy movies in his career, he is primarily...

Stress Effects and Management Report

Introduction Stress is the feeling which results from situations that are overwhelming which the body or mind are not used to. When someone is under stress, a feeling of insecurity is evident. As a result, hormones react to the prevailing situation which may lead to a faster heart beat. Also,...

Social Phobia or Anxiety as Epidemiological Phenomenon

The main purpose of this report is to discuss social phobia or anxiety as an epidemiological phenomenon. First, it is of crucial importance to define this mental disorder. In Richard Heimbergs opinion, it can be interpreted as apprehension, fear, or discomfort, arising in connection with social activities or interactions with...

Personality Disorders: Psychopaths and Sociopaths

Personality disorders are “ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events with a rigid and maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood” (Halgin, & Whitbourne, 2007). Among described types of disorders, I would like to concentrate on antisocial behavior. People of...

Preventive Psychotherapeutic Interventions: Beatrice Babee’s Approach

Introduction Preventive psychotherapeutic interventions are meant to understand and take action against certain behavior in babies. This is considered vital due to the sensitiveness of the behavior which shows up in the relationship between mother and baby. It becomes necessary to tame this kind of behavior early so as to...

Cognitive Potential of Children: A Critical Review

Article Summary The article named ‘Realizing the Cognitive Potential of Children 5 to 7 with a Mathematics Focus: Post Test and Long Term Effects of a Two Year Intervention’ is a study published in British Journal of Psychology, Sep 2010, Volume 80, Issue 3, p 363-379. The study was carried...

A Lot of Impact by Leadership Style on Early Childhood

Introduction Leadership is a fundamental part of growth that is required at every stage. The character than an individual displays when they have attained maturity will be a clear reflection of the kind of authority that they submitted to. Proper impartation is mostly experienced during the early stages of life...

Functional Behavioral Assessment and the Behavior Intervention Plan

General information about Fred The student under consideration is a boy, Fred. He is eight years old, and he is a student of elementary school. Fred has a grade level “3”, his disability is autism. During the class activities, the boy takes everything lying in front of him and chews...

Inductive Reasoning Definition and Statement Analysis

Introduction In order to apply inductive or deductive reasoning, one has to set aside ones personal affectations or prejudices; otherwise the achieved results may be easily questioned. Additionally, the process of argumentation has certain standards, which should be met. For instance, we may take such statement as, “illegal immigrant are...

Single Working Mothers and Childcare in Illinois

Being a single working mother Single mothers who work hard for their families face various obstacles, which are not particular to them (apply regardless of their geographical location). Most of the misconceptions made about a single parent household are that it is a form of exercising the adventurous side of...

The World Is Multi-Faced: The Difference of World Perception

When you are looking with your friend at the same photograph where both of you are captured, your friend is sure to find some drawbacks of lightning that wrongly reflect on his/her face or his/her somehow not ideal smile while you will try your best to see any shortcomings of...

A Poor Locus of Control Effects

Introduction Donnellan et al. (2007) define the locus of control which is synonymous with self-esteem as how an individual perceives whatever happens to his or her daily life and what he or she alleges to be the contributing factor(s). Under this context, individuals can be classified into two loci. We...

Drugs to Wipe Out Traumatic Memories

Transmittal Letter This paper evaluates the studies that have been done in use of drugs to wipe out bad memories. Use of drug in public and private places has been increasing, and if measures are not taken, the situation may worsen, it is important that studies be carried out in...

Existential Egoism in Modern Western Culture

Show how the various aspects of ‘egoic’ consciousness During the course of recent decade, it became a gesture of good taste, on the part of many politicians in Western countries, to praise the collectivist values of “spirituality” and “closeness to earth”, while actively opposing them against the individualist/euro-centric values of...

Human Sexuality and Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs

Introduction Most of the information about sexuality today tends to focus on the negative aspects of sex which includes diseases like HIV/ AIDS and sexual crimes such as rape; this portrays sex more risky than it is fulfilling (Miracle, Miracle and Baumester p.3).This paper explores human sexuality and how it’s...

Child Psychological Development Stages

Introduction Stages of psychological development are generally defined by the behavioral traits and aspects of a person. In fact, the development of a child depends on numerous factors, including the factors which were observed during pregnancy. In fact, child development depends even on the factor whether the pregnancy was planned...

The Brain and Reading Correlations

Introduction The majority of human being doesn’t bring back much knowledge from memory about learning to talk. It merely appeared to come in a natural or normal manner. Without much doubt human being does not bear in mind to a great extent with reference to how they learned to interpret...

Infants’ Thinking and Patterns of Communication

Introduction The mother-infant bond is a special kind of bond that begins from the time of conception. This interaction continues even when a baby is born and continues throughout the infancy stage. Nevertheless, as infants, communication takes a unique pattern particularly in infants who have not yet started talking. It...

Howard Gardner’s Research on Human Intelligence

Abstract Howard Gardner’s research on the seven types of human intelligence has added rich amounts of literature to the understanding of human personality. Introduced by Gardner in 1983, multiple intelligence is a theory about the brain that argues that human beings possess a single intelligence during their times of birth...

Theory & Practice of Group Psychotherapy

Introduction Psychotherapy refers to the counseling done by a psychotherapist to assist the patient in different problem-solving skills. It mainly focuses on the individual’s well-being. Group psychotherapy is a form of psychotherapy where a group of patients is treated by one or more therapists. This is usually done in a...

Employees Recruitment and Selection: Personality Assessment Approaches

Introduction Fresh graduates leave colleges and universities after years of academic work culminating in the joyful reward of being holders of degrees or diplomas. Many of them end up seeking jobs in various institutions a difficult task that demands patience. Employers when hiring, look for the best the market can...

Personality Assessment Models: James Madison’s Personality Development

Personality, a key constituency of individuals has attracted varied definitions, for example, Funder (2001, cited in Mroczek and Little, 2006, p.108) defines personality as those characteristics which individuals possess and which manifest in terms of thought, emotion and behavior together with the psychological mechanisms that are either hidden or not....

Positive Behavior Support for Young Children

Introduction This is a research that studied the results yielded from the execution of evaluation-based behavior support plans on the participation and problem behavior of three young children with behavioral difficulties in a community early childhood program. The research relied on recent studies on the early involvement to young children...

Developmentally Appropriate Environment for “Olivia”

The basis for education is empowerment; children and toddlers are also not exempted from this kind of empowerment. This enables them to discover their passion and raise their confidence in everything they do. Professionally trained teachers are made to understand this concept. Empowering toddlers to enjoy learning is critical because...

Developmental Psychology: Developmental Milestone

Introduction Human development is a step-by-step process that takes a person’s lifetime. On the contrary, the development of the brain is active in childhood, adolescence, and early adulthood (Lemme, 2006, p. 56). In this essay, we consider the developmental milestone of a twelve-year-old male who moves to the UK and...

Chronic Fatigue: Literature Review and Hypotheses

Aggarwal et al (2005) highlight chronic as one of the health problems that are frequently unexplained for various reasons including a tendency to co-occur with other conditions. The etiology of chronic fatigue remains a quagmire with biological and environmental factors being mentioned as causal factors. Assessing the relationship between different...

Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention

The study intends to establish whether integration of functional behavior assessment and function-based behavior support can be used in reducing problem behavior in young children of school-going age by analyzing variables that may increase the proportion of children to whom the first step is applicable. This position is supported by...

Social Psychology Experimental Hypothesis: Effects of Watching TV on Children

Introduction This research will examine the effects of television watching on children. It intends to find out how television influences the behaviors of young children. Television has replaced the school as the key socializing agent apart from the family since a good number of American children spend most of their...

Anxiety Disorders: Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Introduction According to Anonymous (Anxiety disorders, 2010), anxiety refers to a human reaction that is natural which involves both the body and mind. It is an alarm system that undergoes activation every time an individual perceives a threat or danger. At the time there is a reaction of the body...

Group Understanding: Personal Practice in Groups

An entrepreneurial mindset refers to aspiring and devising the organizational setup by introducing a ground-breaking business approach as a trademark in the market. In the philosophical business sense existentialism, axiology, pragmatism, and ethics are the key magnets that influence the nurture of an entity’s persona and establish the organizational behavior...

Adolescence and Human Development Challenges

There are various questions about how puberty affects adolescents because not all people are impacted in the same way. The fundamental answer is associated with the environment of a certain adolescent, experiencing cognitive, biological, and social changes. The three mentioned changes and the very context shape an adolescent’s perception of...

Substance Abuse Among Teenagers: Factors and Causes

Background information Teenage substance abuse continues to be a major social ill that society has to contend with. Research studies have indicated that a great majority of adolescents have at one point or another engaged in alcohol and other illicit drugs such as marijuana, heroin and cocaine among others. The...

Behavior Intervention in Autism Spectrum Disorders

Introduction The purpose of the article is to expound on the interfering behaviors in persons with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), formulate an approach for preventing and lessening interfering behaviors, and present a range of evidence-based applications that can be used to tackle interfering behaviors in children and youth with ASD....

Components of the Treatment of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder and is generally accompanied by feelings of intense sadness and hopelessness. Anyone, irrespective of age, race, or gender can be afflicted with depression and it is one of the most common illnesses afflicting people around the world. According to WHO, about 121 million are affected...

Social Ill of Elderly Abuse Analysis

One of the many fallacies of human existence is their selfish desires. A person will go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that they benefit from any action that will be taken. Although self-preservation is one strong characteristic of a human, such preservation at the expense of another person is morally...

Reflection in Professional Counselling Practice

Abstract Notion of reflection is something that is respectably a part of counselling and affects the way one view issues. The personality of the person concerned thus affects how the popular ideal will be meted out. To notion of reflection is largely responsible for the adherence or flouting of the...

The Life of F. Skinner – One of the Most Influential Psychologists

Introduction Psychology is both an applied and academic field which is concerned with the study of human and animal mental functions and behaviors scientifically. Psychology is an old discipline that was founded by Wilkhelm Wundt in 1879 as an independent field of study in Germany.Wundt set up the first laboratory...

General Analysis of the Types of Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder is one of the most common cognitive behavioral disorders and it affects people of all ages. The disease has very many names that the psychologists and psychotherapists use to describe it. The disease is also called manic depressive disorder, affective disorder or manic depression. It is a...

Mood Disorders: Depression Concepts Description

Depression is a mood disorder and is generally accompanied by feelings of intense sadness and hopelessness (Hammen, 1997). Anyone, irrespective or age, race or gender can be afflicted with depression and it is one of the most common illnesses afflicting people around the world. According to WHO, about 121 million...

Brohfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development

Abstract The Brohfenbrenner’s Ecological Theory of Development is a context that explains the role of ecology on our growth and development. The theory projects how resiliency and other factors prompting our development mentally. The incorporation of resiliency as a subject in learning theories based on societal contexts is an important...

Surplus Embryos. In Vitro Fertilization

Ever wondered where the surplus embryos created by infertile couples end up? This has been the major bone of contention for the fertility clinics which are left with the responsibility of taking care of the unused embryos on behalf of the donors. The essay that follows intends to tackle the...

Check-In Check-Out System for Problem Behaviors

Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to establish whether check in check out system could be used in reducing problem behaviors where three tier prevention mechanisms like the universal, targeted, and intensive interventions are used to target primary, secondary, and tertiary preventions respectively. Are social problems...

The Behavior of the Young Toward Luxury Brand

Introduction The consumption process is a learning experience that affects and is affected by perception. Perception influences the selection and interpretation of marketing information, symbols, and products. Because it affects the expectations of potential results from various customer choices, it is a significant factor in individual and group reaction. In...

Maltreatment in the Book “A Child Called “It” by D.J. Pelzer

Maltreatment is one of the series of offenses today. Maltreatment involves different forms of abuse and neglect, harassment and oppression. An autobiographical work “A Child Called “It” by Pelzer appeared in 1995. This life story is devoted to child abuse faced by the author during his childhood. Pelzer vividly depicts...

“Learning to Think” by Torrence

Psychology has become an integral part of our life and science of great importance for humanity since a human being is a subject it studies. There are a lot of specialized, peer-reviewed periodicals that offer recent news from the sphere of psychology. However, it is possible to find connections with...

The Peruvian People: Culture and Lifestyle

My observation of the culture and the lifestyle of the Peruvian people can be exemplary of social differentiation(6:174). For Peruvian people the difference between their culture (2:41) and the American consists of differences in norms (2:43). The sociological perspective that can be distinguished from this observation is symbolic interaction (1:21),...

Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce

Introduction The article “Six-Year Follow-up of Preventive Interventions for Children of Divorce. A Randomized Controlled Trial,” written by a number of researchers deals with the behavior of adolescents whose parents have been divorced. The study presented in the article is based on the results obtained by interviewing and observing the...

Cognitive Psychology and “Blind Spots” in Our Consciousness

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to mention that everyone is subjected to making mistakes. It is impossible to be ensured against them. These actions are always criticized with expressive remarks made by other people, nevertheless, psychologists have their own ways of explaining dumb things, made by smart people....

Theorist in the Field of Child Psychology

Jean Piaget made great contribution to child psychology and development of the new approaches and concepts in this sphere. The benefit of Piaget’s theory is that young children are far more able than the theorist gave them credit for. Though, it seems that there is also a hazard of overestimating...

Different Factors and Approaches of Child Abuse and Neglect

Introduction Mistreatment of the children may lead to child abuse and neglect. Mistreating a child may be in a form of physical, mental abuse, emotional and even sexual. Child abuse and neglect usually start at home through the people who often accompany the child. There have been different interpretations of...

Personality Is Inherited Principles of Genetics

Even before the revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of genetics had taken place during the course of last fifty years, which point out to one’s personality as having largely biological subtleties, people used to suspect that individual’s behavior does not solely account for particularities of his of her upbringing. In...

Psychological Well-Being in Recovering From Addictive Behaviors

Introduction Addictive behavior is any behavior, activity or object that an individual gives a great priority or attention such that it becomes the major focus in life and is physically or mentally harmful to the person and to the society in large. A person who is completely obsessed or dependent...

Bipolar Disorder: The Childhood and Adult Etiology

Research Hypothesis The research is aimed to study the aspects of bipolar disorder. Originally, the authors of the research state the following: “the research investigating the childhood and adult etiology of bipolar disorder will be organized according to the situational, behavioral, and organic factors proposed in PB theory. Finally, 15...

Stress Has Become One of the Most Serious Health Issues

Introduction Kusluvan (2003) defines stress as a condition where one experiences tension when the physical or psychological demands they are subjected to outweigh them. Stress is a feeling which comes about when one reacts to a particular event. The body when subjected to stimuli tries to rise to the challenge...

Handling Adolescents With Oppositional Defiant Disorders

Introduction Children undergo a series of developmental stages as they grow towards maturity and it is important that parents understand the difference between the normal adolescence behaviors to attempt to disobey rules and authority and the full-blown Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) is a behavioral disorder that mostly...

Machines Cannot Have Independent Feelings

When contemplating the man-like intelligence of machines, the computer immediately comes to mind, but how does the ‘mind’ of such a machine compare to the mind of man, and precisely what is meant by the term ‘mind’? A human brain assimilates and processes in much the same way as a...

Environmental vs. Epigenetic Theories

The existence of the human society is based on the process of learning and putting the knowledge and skills learnt into practice. This process facilitates the technological progress of mankind and is one of the reasons for the emergence of human rights movements, feminism, movements for equal rights for all...

Most Productive Part of the Day

Humans have a varied productivity cycle depending upon their bodily constitution, environment and cultural factors. This essay explains the most productive period of the day as applicable to the writer of this essay. The author feels most fresh and productive early in the morning after a good night’s sleep. The...

Experimental Method as the Key Method of Study in “Mainstream Psychology”

There are two main goals of a research study into psychology. To start with, such a study aims at giving out a human description, along with “its underlying psychological processes” (Breakwell at al 2006). Secondly, psychological research attempts to give an explanation to such an observed behaviour. The activity of...

Gender Differences in Depressive Symptoms

The purpose of the study reported on in “Developmental Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Early Childhood to Late Adolescence: Gender Differences and Adult Outcome” (2007) was to discover if there were gender differences in depressive symptoms and if these depressive symptoms in early life could predict outcome in adults. The...

Personality Theory Review: Erickson’s Psychodynamic Principles in Personality Growth

The term personality refers to the sum total of all characteristic traits of an individual like: attitudes, aptitudes, desires, emotions, cognitive functions etc. There are set a of personality theories that speak on the development and growth of the whole personality of an individual. This paper attempts to sum up...

Impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment Have on Psychology

Introduction It can be argued that since the start of human history and despite advances in technology and society in general, human behaviour remains the same. There are issues regarding human behaviour that can surface very easily when human beings are placed in extreme conditions such as prisons. This was...

Outcomes of Divorce on Children: Infants to Adults

Introduction Divorce is no doubt a horrifying tragedy for children of whichever age to face. Regardless of the cause for the divorce, may it be an abusive situation, children suffers greatly. What may appear to be a solution to a problematic matrimony, can change the life of a child forever....

How to Be a More Outgoing Person

Problem description There is a problem with meeting new people and making a new friendship that is essential for an outgoing personality. Even though conducive environments can be provided, there is still a problem in initiating and sustaining a conversation, especially with strangers. There is a certain fear of rejection...

Transpersonal Psychotherapists vs. Other Practitioners

Introduction The main purpose of conducting this research is for determining the different practices, assumptions, beliefs, and attitudes that are shared by transpersonal therapists distinguishing them from other therapists. The research mainly focuses on the areas of spiritual beliefs relating to psychotherapy, transpersonal training, spiritual experience, personality orientation, psychotherapeutic orientation...

The Impact of Absent Parents Gears More Towards Absent Fathers

Introduction There can be little doubt as to the fact that the very existence of incomplete families, as a socio-political phenomenon closely associated with the post-industrial era, undermines the inner integrity of Western societies, since individuals that had grown up in such families are more likely to be affected by...

Master of Counseling Graduate Responsibilities

A Master’s degree in counseling is undertaken by college graduates. They undertake it to widen their career opportunities. Graduates with this degree can specialize in areas such as child counseling, marriage and family counseling. Master of counseling graduates holds various professional positions. The following are examples of some of the...

Mental Illness and Work: Bipolar Disorder

Introduction Bipolar disorder, previously termed manic depressive psychosis, is a serious mental illness characterized by mood swings with episodes of both elevated and depressed moods (Bipolar Disorder, 2005). Stressful conditions and functional disturbances are the triggers of mood swings. Effective therapy being available, the positive approach by the families and...

Psychology. Learning and Individual Differences

Introduction I started the paper with description of Social Cognition and Dialogical Self paradigms as the issue is to explore the chances of integration of above two. In the above context, I used Forgas writings that quoted Plato about primitive, animalistic mode of responding and ended up with universally beneficial...

Anger Management: Myth or Sterotype

Thesis statement Most people believe that anger could be eliminated by giving expression to one’s feelings and emotions, but the truth is that seeking diversions is a better way of anger management. Introduction Giving vent to one’s angry feelings only serves to exasperate the tense and high voltage situation. Research...

Big Five Factors of Personality

Introduction Personality is the mortal of an individual in character, thoughts or feelings. It is a person’s public image. The big five factors of personality is a theory that explains the personal traits of an individual that are summarized into five as was published by Fiske in 1949. These traits...

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Effectiveness for the Treatment of Generalised Anxiety Disorder

Abstract According to the United States National Institute of Mental Health (2009), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) has been defined as “an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry, and tension, even when there is little or nothing to provoke it.” The prevalence of GAD, along with the associated incidence...

Helping Process Self-Exploration

Introduction Helping is a very important aspect of counseling. In the course of counseling, however, a counseling professional finds himself or herself in very conflicting situations whereby the counselors personal interests often clash with those of other people seeking help. This entails that counselors suppress a few of their needs...

Identity and Self in Counseling Psychology

Abstract The purpose of this discussion is to look at identity and self in counselling psychology. It will look at how the contemporary issues of identity, diversity, and self impact the couselling. This is because society has been going through many changes in its practices from the traditional, modern, and...

Adulthood Lifetime of a Boy Discussion

Introduction A person’s life period has different stages like childhood, adulthood, youth, and old age. At each of these periods, people show some common tendency in their character and their attitude. This essay discusses the adulthood lifetime of a boy. His name is Don, and had 17 years old. Assuming...

Behavior and Environmental Influences on It

The fifth chapter, “Learning” describes and evaluates cognitive processes and learning perspectives. Paradigms of classical and operant conditioning are examples of primitive learning operations in that they specify the temporal configuration of a set of events which result in learning, but they are, in most theories, not derived from other...

Metacognition & Self-Regulated Learning

Educational Theories Formal and informal learning takes place in guided frameworks or structures commonly referred to as educational theories. According to educationalists, these are theories that outline the purpose of education, its application as well as the interpretation of educational learning. These theories provide a guide through which Knowledge, skills,...

The Philosophy of Rogerian Thought

Introduction To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize that the social thinker Carl Rogers suggested that every human independently on the social position or station deserves “unconditional positive regard.” As the key aim of the Rogerian argumentation is to locate the general basis between the two opposing views, it...

Stress Consequences, Causes, and Further Actions

It is extremely important to understand when stress levels are high and when they become out of control. Stress is extremely dangerous and can dominate over one’s actions and personality. Stress adversely impacts the behavior, mind and body of a person and almost every individual is exposed to experiencing stress...

Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences and Genes

Analysis of the Article The phenomenon of Savant Syndrome is studied by many psychologists and scholars in this field. The article under consideration is called Inside the mind of a Savant and is written by Darold Trefferd and Daniel Christensen (2006). The paper is dedicated to a comprehensive study of...

Roger’s and Maslow’s Theories

The humanistic perspective focuses on the ‘self’ that defines “you”, “your perception” and “your experiences”. The basic motive behind this approach is the facilitation of personal development. There are two theorists who put forward their studies in this regard, Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow. Carl Rogers Carl Rogers is not...

Psychological Effects of Cocaine

As the sun sets in the small city of Espanola in New Mexico, parents stay worried as their kids come home completely drugged and in a sorry state. They look upon the government to help salvage them from this terrible situation of rampant drug abuse that has engulfed them like...

Counseling and the Problem of Battered Women

Violence against women in society causes trauma, depression, stress and other psychological-related disorders. So as to alleviate the symptoms related to the trauma, buttered women have to seek counseling services where they are given support and life skills. This paper explores the literature that has been done so far concerning...

The Sexual Response Cycle

Sexuality is a part of each person’s development, and studying even one’s own sexuality is a life-long process. Despite all the diversity of people, there still exist universal processes concerning human sexuality. One of such processes is the sexual response cycle which follows one and the same pattern, irrespective of...

Development in Middle-Age Children

Introduction The age group of 7 to12 comprises of school going children who are in their middle childhood years. They are trying to balance the change in their lives where they are spending more time away from their parents compared to their early childhood years. They are learning to interact...