Motivation Theories in Society

Introduction Motivation is a psychological factor that drives one to take action towards specific set goal. It ensures that individuals’ behavior is oriented towards that goal. Motivation can therefore qualify as a driving force since it propels one towards achieving the aim. It can also be referred to as an...

School-Age Children’ and Early Childhood’ Differences

School-age children and children in early childhood exhibit differences in cognitive, physical, and socioemotional development. Children in early childhood experience rapid physical growth despite the existence of plateau stages in-between the various growth phases. For instance, their weight increases by approximately 5-6 pounds annually, while their height increases by 2-3...

Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence – Psychology

Evaluating the intelligence rates in young children is crucial to the understanding of their needs, the assessment of the problems that children at the specified age may have, and locating any possible issues in their development (Jasinski, 2012). Therefore, applying an appropriate tool for measuring children’s intelligence is crucial to...

Impact of Depression on a Family

Depression may not top the list of the most traumatizing experiences, but it definitely hits the top ten. It alters a person’s live, changes the pattern of one’s social interactions and blocks one’s way of experiencing positive emotions. However, the family of the depressed person also suffers greatly. In their...

Coping With Compassion Fatigue in Caregivers

Introduction This paper is aimed at discussing the condition which is known as the compassion fatigue. This term is used to refer to the detrimental effects of continuous exposure to the suffering of other people. These emotional problems are particularly relevant if one speaks about professionals who work as caregivers,...

Personal Loss – Bereavement and Grief

Introduction As human beings, we all face moments of loss in one way or another. Drawing from a study by James (2008), it may take several months or even years for an individual or family that has experienced a loss to finally recover. It is also possible that the trauma...

The Role of the Environment and Genes in Human Development

Introduction Nature or Nurture? This is one of the biggest debates that psychologists have been faced with for a very long time. This is because there is no clear boundary on how each aspect contributes to the development of human beings that is in terms of personality, behaviour, thinking and...

Erikson’s Psychosocial Development Theory: Stages of Child Growth and Caregiver Support

Introduction Erikson is one of the most significant contributors to human development through his theory of psychosocial development. The theory is established on eight stages through which a child develops their personality from infancy to adulthood. Each stage is characterized by different psychological needs and crises that can adversely or...

Recognizing and Avoiding Logical Fallacies in Argumentation and Perception

Fallacies and Their Role in Misconceptions Fallacies in our reasoning and perception of information are one of the main reasons for the formation of misconceptions. There are patterns of perception of specific facts that lead to false conclusions. All logical fallacies can be divided into three main types: fallacies of...

The Interplay of Nature and Nurture in Human Development: A Comprehensive Analysis

Abstract Nature and nurture have sparked an unending debate among scientists on which influences human behavior. Researchers have conducted studies and established that genetics impact the development of human traits. Studies conducted on nurture also substantiate people’s experiences and relationships’ impact on human development. As there is no clear winner,...

Barack Obama: A Leader’s Psychological Portrait

Barack Obama Barack Obama was born in Hawaii, in the United States of America, on August 4, 1961. His full name is Barack Hussein Obama II. From 2009 to 2017, Barack Obama served as the 44th president of the United States (Barker, 2018). Additionally, he was the first African American...

Erikson’s and Piaget’s Developmental Theories

Introduction Both Erickson’s and Piaget’s developmental theories agree that a child’s development occurs through a sequential transition. Erickson gives eight stages that explain the transition of a child’s development; on the other hand, Piaget gives four. The two theories may be different, but they both show that each stage has...

Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

It is a mistake to believe that a human’s brain reaches its peak of development in childhood. On the contrary, a brain changes throughout life because it, as a rule, reacts to experience and can be overwritten due to education (Smith, 2020). In brief, a lot depends on how people...

Trauma-Informed Counseling Techniques in Indigenous Communities

Introduction Duran’s book outlines how colonialism and racism have shaped the experiences of indigenous people, leading to systemic wounds that can affect every aspect of their lives. He also covers topics such as cultural safety, community-based healing practices, and the importance of self-determination. This book as a whole provides an...

Dual Consciousness Theory by Dubois and Sexuality Theory by Freud

Debunking Freudian theories on sexual orientation Sigmund Freud considered a person is not born with a particular sexual orientation. As the most common cause of homosexuality, Freud names long and intense fixation on the mother regarded the Oedipus complex. Freud’s theory still has little empirical evidence. If the approach is...

Perception: Understanding Origins of Ideas

Introduction Exploring the process of cognition, Hume adhered to the central thesis of empiricists that experience is the only source of our knowledge. However, Hume offered his understanding of experience. Experience, the philosopher believes, describes only what directly belongs to consciousness (Hume). In other words, experience says nothing about relations...

Divorce Influence on Children’s Social Development

Annotated Bibliography Brand, J. E., Moore, R., Song, X., & Xie, Y. “Parental divorce is not uniformly disruptive to children’s educational attainment.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116.15, 2019. 7266-7271. Web. Children with divorced parents typically perform worse academically than children with married parents. However, not every child...

The Attraction-Selection-Attrition Framework

Organizational psychology’s field of personnel psychology focuses primarily on hiring, selecting, and evaluating employees and other job-related issues like morale, job satisfaction, and relationships between managers and employees. The Attraction-Selection-Attrition (ASA) framework is used to characterize the kind of individuals who make up a firm, which dictates the nature of...

Eric Erikson’s Developmental Stages Explained

Eric Erikson’s theory of human development is one of the most fundamental theories used in contemporary education and psychology. This perspective substituted the psychosexual theory of development articulated by Freud in clinical practice due to its broader applicability (Maree, 2021). In addition, Erikson’s perspective is regarded as the least controversial...

Nature vs. Nurture in the Human Intelligence Context

Intelligence, nature vs. nurture, and genetics play a significant role in human intelligence and the overall thinking process. This argument is explicitly informed by several studies involving these central concepts of the general being. Although some of the concepts are controversial, for instance, that ‘human language is learned through reinforcement’,...

Social Comparison and Social Cognitive Theories: Conceptual Synthesis

Psychological theories are collections of concepts that can explain many aspects of human cognition, behavior, and emotion. These theories are developed by psychologists in order to anticipate future human actions or events that may occur if specific behaviors exist. As such, social comparison theory and social cognitive theory are examples...

Inattentional Blindness and Unconscious Perception

Abstract Inattentional blindness defines the inability to detect externally apparent details of the overall context while focusing attention on individual objects. This effect can be life-threatening and create adverse consequences, especially in relation to crisis situations where maximum attention is required. In the present dissertation work, an experimental method was...

Mary Ainsworth: Attachment and the Growth

The main purpose of the research Mary Ainsworth aimed at exploring the development of feelings associated with love in infants toward their caregivers. This information was then purposefully used to understand the effect of the first emotional relationship on the following loving connections. Ainsworth explored the similarities between the first...

The Power of Being Proactive in Various Contexts

Introduction Being proactive is essentially willingly starting a behavior or setting up conditions that address issues before they develop. People that develop this habit frequently foresee requirements, developments, or prospective outcomes related to situations and occurrences. As a result, they frequently accept challenges or put themselves in advantageous positions. There...

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Everyone in the world has thoughts, and it is in human nature. Most people’s thinking is not informed but warped and partial. However, everyone’s life depends on how they think and what they think about. Critical thinking is a rich concept and an essential skill for everyone who wants to...

Counseling: The Therapy Session

Counseling is a significant factor influencing the behavioral change of human beings. Most counselors aim to narrate a story to the victim in a more affirming way to the affected person rather than using the victim’s account to humiliate them, which helps improve the affected person’s self-esteem. Counseling is a...

Practical Ways to Use Existential Therapy

Introduction: Existential Therapy Existential therapy refers to a therapeutic style that emphasizes on the holistic nature of the human condition. Such therapy aims at a positive approach that recognizes human abilities, but also takes into account the limitations of human resources. Over the years, many philosophers such as Soren Kierkegaard...

Family Counselling and Therapy for High-Conflict Couples

Devlin, J. M., Toof, J., West, L., Andrews, N., & Cole, J. (2019). Integrative family counseling. The Family Journal, 27(3), 319–324. Web. The given article delves into the peculiarities of family counseling and possible therapeutic outcomes. The authors assume that integration affects the counseling profession and can lead to better...

Key Theories of Personality: Social and Personality Development

A theory is a system of interconnected concepts, constructs, and principles that explain specific observations of reality. Personality theories are various assumptions that explain the origin of personality and the determinism of its development (Cattell, 2017). They provide researchers and scholars with an opportunity to understand the nature of the...

The Strategic Family Therapy Model

Strategic therapy is a treatment created to handle family functioning issues with a focus on adolescent behavioral problems and drug usage. Gregory Bateson and Milton Ericson coined the term ‘strategic therapy’ in the 1950s (Szapocznik & Hervis, 2020). MFT is categorized in the brief therapies group because it has twelve...

Analysis of Using Psychodynamic Theory

Freud’s Scientific Legacy: The Unconscious Freud’s scientific legacy has ramifications for a wide variety of psychological fields. A series of postulates about “(1) unconscious cognitive, affective, and motivational processes; (2) ambivalence and the tendency for affective and motivational dynamics to operate in parallel and produce compromise solutions; (3) the origins...

Cognitive Psychology, Neuroscience, and Neurophilosophy

Abstract This paper highlights various secondary sources’ operational definitions of cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and neurophysiology. The research explains different psychological theories and supports them with content from secondary sources. The writing is concerned with information process and social-cultural theory, which relates to creating a social hierarchy by relating it to...

The “On Killing” Book by Dave Crossman

Introduction The book titled ‘On Killing: The psychological cost of learning to kill in war and society.’ by Dave Crossman explores the psychology of the killing art in society. The genre of the book is that it offers an illuminating account of how military personnel learn to kill and how...

Structural Family Therapy and Its Application

Model Description The approach to the family as a system is reflected in the name of this therapy. The study of the structure of entities and relationships in the system always takes place under the auspices of integrity. Each person in the family is a critical part of the overall...

Family Therapy Related to a Child’s Homosexuality

Introduction When working with clients, counselors should be guided by theoretical knowledge and practical skills of proper assessment, relevant treatment choice, and the establishment of a safe therapy environment. Counseling work requires the integration of the particularities of a given situation with which the clients struggle. To provide proper therapeutic...

Personal Development and Communication Skills

Background In the quest to better one’s self and accomplish goals, many people improve their personal development abilities and communication skills over time. They achieve this through education, mentorship, experiences, and self-help. These aspects are crucial in enabling people to design strategic planning for their career and personal advancement. This...

Online Counseling and Related Ethical Issues

Accessibility of medical care providers and evidence-based care may be improved and enhanced through online therapy. Counselling can use both synchronous and asynchronous modalities, for instance, phone calls or online sessions, as well as text and email contact (Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, 1999). It is particularly feasible for individuals...

Psychobiography of Viola Davis

In this psychobiography, the intimate details of Viola Davis’s life from childhood to the present day are woven together to create a woman’s powerful story. Her determination and drive allowed her to overcome many obstacles on her journey to becoming one of the most celebrated actresses in Hollywood today. Viola...

The Freudian Concept of Unconscious

Sigmund Freud is one of the key figures in the field of psychology, and his works served as a foundation for many thinkers and theorists. Although Freud’s ideas are no longer part of the mainstream approaches in psychology, certain concepts offered by him still remain relatively popular. In his lifetime,...

Child’s Development: The Case Study

M. is an appropriately developed girl with specific skills and interests that should be discussed. First of all, she has good locomotor skills as she can interact with multiple objects, care for herself, and perform daily activities without any assistance. It can be seen from her behavior and how she...

Correlation Between Conscientiousness and Narcissism

The analysis revealed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between conscientiousness and narcissism. Thus, the hypothesis that there was a positive relationship between conscientiousness and narcissism was accepted. In other words, the more narcissistic the participants were, the more they wished to do their work diligently and thoroughly....

The Brain and Its Abilities: Lara Boyd’s TED Talk

We live in the 21st century, in the age of high technologies and regular scientific discoveries. Scientific progress affects all areas of human life. A person studies the whole world around him and, most importantly-himself. We are looking for the hidden capabilities of our bodies and the potential that we...

Hedonic and Eudaimonic Well-Being

Researchers view well-being as the state of general satisfaction of a particular person or a group of people. Currently, there are two main directions in the study of the psychological well-being of a person: eudaimonic and hedonic. Supporters of the eudaimonic school of thought are convinced that the term well-being...

The Nature of Memory and Its Practical Aspects

Ulric Neisser opened a conference on Practical Aspects of Memory with his article “Memory: What Are the Important Questions” in 1978. The author aims to find out why people recall sources differently, how it is possible to remember things, or what can be done to train the memory skill. Although...

Interpersonal Relationships and Conflict in “Malcolm & Marie” Film

Interpersonal Relationships Human interactions and their circumstances, connections, and context to them create interpersonal relationships together. The bonds people share are intricate and are classified into types, stages, theories, and more. Interpersonal relationships fall into the following categories: friendship, romantic relationship, family relationship, and professional relationship. The stages of a...

Family Involvement in Substance Abuse Cases

Introduction A genogram entails a graphical display of interpersonal relationships and interactions between individuals belonging to the same family (Genopro, 2011). Accordingly, besides a genogram representing the well-known family tree, it also allows therapists to analyze different psychological and hereditary patterns that underlie various behaviors and relationships within the family....

Wernicke’s Area and Language Development

Located within the cerebral hemisphere’s left temporal lobe, Wernicke’s area is a brain region critical for language development, particularly in speech comprehension. Language capabilities are progressively acquired and enhanced from childhood to adulthood and encompass receptive and expressive abilities. Wernicke’s area contains motor neurons that support the comprehension of both...

Social Facilitation and Social Loafing

Social facilitation and social loafing are closely-related terms that explain the changes in performance based on the presence of others. Both of the terms are a part of group behavior. While facilitation occurs when the presence of others affects the performance of individuals in either a good or bad way,...

Violent Behavior among Children and Adolescents

Introduction Violent behavior among children and adolescents can be attributed to various things. Sarmini and Azizah (2018) argue that there is a link between childhood aggression and the father figure actions. In particular, they hold a study that looks into gambling and child aggression. Arguably, children will be more manageable...

The Phenomenon of Cognitive Dissonance

Introduction The cognition of a person is a unique and complex process that involves multiple systems and affects the whole body. In the process of evolution, humanity managed to improve its ability to cognize the surrounding world and explain the majority of phenomena that are important for it. The desire...

Intellectual Disability Problem Analysis

Introduction Developmental disorders are a group of conditions that affect people’s growth and the ability to complete normal tasks. A good example is that of intellectual disability (ID) and individuals who have limitations in various functional competencies. Researchers and scholars in the fields of genetics and psychology have been keen...

Psychologists’ Involvement in Civil Court Area

Psychologists have varied interests within the civil court. Their involvement as skilled personnel usually targets the examination of emotional elements associated with individual injury litigation. Their key role is to examine particular emotional consequences that may emanate from traumatic hazards. In conducting their duties, an array of psychological applications and...

John Watson and the “Little Albert” Experiment

John Watson is considered to be the founder of behaviorism, a psychological theory that focuses on visible behavior while diminishing the notion of consciousness (Malone, 2014). He firmly believed that every human has the same set of reflective responses, which can be influenced by the use of a process called...

“Industrial-Organizational Psychology” by Eno

Industrial-organizational (I-O) psychology is a subfield of psychology that studies all aspects of mental activity and behavior in organizations to increase organizational efficiency and create favorable work conditions and individual development. The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the American Psychological Association is one of the leading communities of...

Bystander Effect on Everyday Life and Consequences

Introduction In the presence of two or more people, a victim of an emergency is subject to more suffering compared to the case when only one person is present. This introduces the issue of the bystander effect, otherwise known as Genovese Syndrome, a psychological problem that affects one’s ability to...

The Therapeutic Principles of Group Counseling

Introduction People learn about themselves much faster when they interact and share experiences, worries, and feelings. The therapeutic principles of the group counseling conversion stage have characteristics such as struggle with group control, resistance, anxiety, the establishment of trust within the group, challenges posed to the group leader, and emergence...

The Cognitive Behavioural Therapy on Victims of Bullying

Therapy is a form of healing that should be gained from a constant guidance and counselling procedure to meet several challenges in all members of the society. This paper will have an up-close and candid analysis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy as a remedy or a guidance and counselling tool on...

A Lot of Impact by Leadership Style on Early Childhood

Introduction Leadership is a fundamental part of growth that is required at every stage. The character than an individual displays when they have attained maturity will be a clear reflection of the kind of authority that they submitted to. Proper impartation is mostly experienced during the early stages of life...

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and Armed Service Vocational Aptitude Battery

Introduction The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory and the Armed Services Vocational Battery are tests that are utilized in the measurement of various abilities and personality dispositions of the test takers. Whereas the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is used for civilian cases as well, the armed services vocational battery is specifically...

Components of the Treatment of Depression

Depression is a mood disorder and is generally accompanied by feelings of intense sadness and hopelessness. Anyone, irrespective of age, race, or gender can be afflicted with depression and it is one of the most common illnesses afflicting people around the world. According to WHO, about 121 million are affected...

Maltreatment in the Book “A Child Called “It” by D.J. Pelzer

Maltreatment is one of the series of offenses today. Maltreatment involves different forms of abuse and neglect, harassment and oppression. An autobiographical work “A Child Called “It” by Pelzer appeared in 1995. This life story is devoted to child abuse faced by the author during his childhood. Pelzer vividly depicts...

Most Productive Part of the Day

Humans have a varied productivity cycle depending upon their bodily constitution, environment and cultural factors. This essay explains the most productive period of the day as applicable to the writer of this essay. The author feels most fresh and productive early in the morning after a good night’s sleep. The...

Experimental Method as the Key Method of Study in “Mainstream Psychology”

There are two main goals of a research study into psychology. To start with, such a study aims at giving out a human description, along with “its underlying psychological processes” (Breakwell at al 2006). Secondly, psychological research attempts to give an explanation to such an observed behaviour. The activity of...

Gender Differences in Depressive Symptoms

The purpose of the study reported on in “Developmental Trajectories of Depressive Symptoms from Early Childhood to Late Adolescence: Gender Differences and Adult Outcome” (2007) was to discover if there were gender differences in depressive symptoms and if these depressive symptoms in early life could predict outcome in adults. The...

Impact of the Stanford Prison Experiment Have on Psychology

Introduction It can be argued that since the start of human history and despite advances in technology and society in general, human behaviour remains the same. There are issues regarding human behaviour that can surface very easily when human beings are placed in extreme conditions such as prisons. This was...

Protective Orders and Domestic Violence Review

Introduction Domestic violence is a serious problem in the contemporary American society (Buzawa). Most of the violence against women is committed by intimate relations of the victims and criminal documentation of the same is not available. Thus a study on the effectiveness of the present prevention and regulatory system is...

Master of Counseling Graduate Responsibilities

A Master’s degree in counseling is undertaken by college graduates. They undertake it to widen their career opportunities. Graduates with this degree can specialize in areas such as child counseling, marriage and family counseling. Master of counseling graduates holds various professional positions. The following are examples of some of the...

Understanding the Terminal Illness in Children

Abstract The idea of a child having to deal with, and finally succumb to a life-threatening disease is difficult for any one of us to understand. Certainly, it may be viewed as a flawed justice for a child to be struck by a terminal illness. Nonetheless, this does happen and...

Human Instinct: Drawing on Theories of Freud and Rogers

“At the end of the day all personality theories come down to the same thing. Human beings are driven by instincts over which they have very little control”. Synopsis Human instincts play a dominant role in behavior and interaction with the outside world. Freud supports this approach and states that...

Biblical Terms Used in Christian Counseling

Introduction Ever since the practice of translating the Bible into secular languages had attained a theological legitimacy in the 16th century (the rise of Protestantism), the Holy Book has been increasingly resorted to by people experiencing mental anxieties, as such that supposedly contained answers as to how these anxieties could...

Social Sciences and Organizational Behavior

The field of organizational behavior (OB) deals with the behavior and impact of the interaction of individuals, groups, and structures within an organization, in order to apply the knowledge to improve the effectiveness of the organization. Effectively an applied science, OB, draws from various social sciences. The predominant subjects, which...

Why Do Parents Abuse Their Children: Discussion

The emotional, psychological and physical maltreatment of children is referred to as child abuse. It is defined as the ill-treatment and exploitation of children by acts such as emotive abuse, psychosomatic abuse, bodily abuse, and sexual abuse. Most of the instances of child abuse happen while the child is at...

Psychological Issues in the “Breaking Away” Movie

Introduction Breaking Away is a light comedy with Dennis Christopher and Paul Dooley in the leading roles. It was directed by Peter Yates and released in 1979. The movie presents a story of four high-school graduates each of them having separate interests and none of them having desire to further...

Nature Versus Nurture. Child Behavioral Problems

Introduction In psychology, the problem of nature and nurture is one of the most controversial one. Behavioral geneticists have extensively explored the nature and nurture of general cognition, the etiology of specific abilities has received comparatively little attention. Conclusions about the relative impact of genes and the environment on different...

Mind-Body Connection in Learning

The mind is a complicated body machine that can not be imagined. Research has shown that it weighs about 1.5-kilo grams and that it has more than 50 billion connections to the body through nerve endings and nerve cells. The brain is not independent but it works together with other...

The Influence of Meditation on People’s Health

Talking about meditation, I’d like to start with mentioning that meditation as a spiritual practice is considered to be even older than Hinduism which, by the way, is the oldest of five major religions. The roots of meditation travel back to ancient times and primitive hunter-gatherer societies are believed to...

Behavior Theory in “An Officer and a Gentleman” Film

Social Influences in the film Zack Mayo is almost an orphan, having lost his mother and he now has moved in with his father, a womaniser who abandoned his wife and the child. The father Byron, works as a U.S. Navy Boatswain’s Mate and is stationed in Philippines. Coming from...

Depression Among Rich People Analysis

Introdaction Among the myriad differences between rich and poor people is the manner in which they are influenced by and respond to depression. From environmental to social and cultural to chemical, the divergent factors that categorize depression as having separate indicators and consequences. Among other methods, organizational therapy employs the...

Positive and Negative Reinforcement

Introduction The question of how to make people behave correctly has always been significant for numerous scientists. Some of them believe that this result can be achieved with the help of punishment, while others consider the effectiveness of reinforcement. This term stands for those conditions, either internal or external, that...

Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Treatment

Introduction Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a psychological issue that is typified by extreme apprehension about events and actions. This excessive worry negatively impacts daily functioning, and individuals are concerned about health matters, destiny, family issues, monetary and work problems, and friendship outcomes. In this context, patients may present with...

Cyber-Bullying and Ways to Solve the Problem

Introduction The primary goal of the given study is the investigation of cyber-bullying, which is nowadays one of the integral parts of social media and the Internet. In accordance with the research, this phenomenon becomes one of the main sources of problems and negative associations people might experience when using...

Informed Consent and Code of Ethics in Counseling

Introduction Professionals must counselors must possess adequate skills and competencies. They should also develop superior philosophies to meet their clients’ needs. Attributes such as ethics, morality, justice, and integrity must guide them whenever supporting their beneficiaries. This paper gives a detailed literature review of informed consent and code of ethics....

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Life Quality

Introduction The mental health of the person is one of the fundamental factors of people’s well-being as it guarantees their ability to socialize, communicate with other people, and remain involved in the processes critical for their existence. For this reason, the monitoring of its status is one of the fundamental...

Explaining Subjective Mental Experiences Through Physical Processes

Explaining Subjective Mental Experiences Through Physical Processes The subjective mental experiences that take place usually depend on the perceptions of the subjects. Physical science provides some explanations of why a person may feel some things, such as depression, which is a mental problem, being linked to the decrease of serotonin...

Mary Cassatt’s “Mother and Child” in Modernist Light

Introduction At the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century, the western world was characterized by social turmoils, technological innovations, and revolutionary scientific disciplines that contributed to shaping modernity. Inevitably, the progress of humankind influenced the artistic movements, and most of the artworks of that...

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Its Expansions

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is among the most utilized and researched psychological theories in the world. Its pyramid structure is applied in various spheres, including business, healthcare, education, and others. Maslow first proposed the hierarchy in 1943, and the original version includes five different needs that all people experience during...

Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations

The article “Young Children Show the Bystander Effect in Helping Situations” by Plötner et al. has discussed the patterns of children’s behavior in situations when the surrounding people need help. The researchers have come up to the conclusion that if a bystander, able to provide help instead of the child,...

Corporal Punishment and Domestic Violence: Analyzing the Impact on Children

Introduction The problem of managing children’s behavior has always been challenging to the public because there is no unified view on what effective procedures should be implemented for doing so. When it comes to corporal punishment of children, the public has disregarded the problem and did not associate it with...

Object Relations Theory: Childhood Environment Shapes Psyche

Object relations theory states that psyche of a person is formed in relation to others in the environment during the childhood (American Psychological Association, 2010). In other words, all peoples responses to particular situations are stipulated by family experiences gained during the first stages of their lives. At the same...

Diagnosis and Treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Setting the Scene I have been having trouble coping with the fact that my son Ryan was recently diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD). We all started worrying about him when he was four years of age, and he could not speak fluently. Although he was able to use...

Voluntarism, Experimental and Gestalt Psychology

Experimental psychologists were, in fact, the first researchers to try to study mental processes by utilizing the experimental method to understand the influence of the body and the physical world on the mind. On the other hand, voluntarism came about with Wundt’s discovery that it is possible to measure the...

Psychology: Teenage Sexual Behavior and Education

Introduction Teenage sex is a topic relevant to both parents and kids, likewise. When teens approach puberty, they experience numerous changes in their bodies, ranging from an overflow of emotions resulting from developing hormonal activity to peer pressure from older members of their age group (Bukatko, 2008). Some feel the...

Understanding Atypical Brain and Behavior in Biopsychology

Explain how psychoactive drugs exert their effect on the brain The ability of psychoactive drugs to alter consciousness is connected to their impact on the brain cells activity and on the work of neurotransmitters namely (Coon, 2005). Neurotransmitters can be defined as the “chemicals that carry messages between brain cells”...

Differential Psychology as a Future Career Field

Introduction Psychology is concerned with peoples’ behavior at three different levels. These are the characteristics common to all people, the unique characteristics common to a group of people, and characteristics unique to each individual. This implies that while there are certain characteristics common to all people, there are those that...

Counseling Theories and Theorists

Introduction Psychotherapy is a process of engagement between two persons, both of whom are bound to change through the therapeutic venture (Corey, 2009, p.6). This collaborative process always requires the participation of both the therapist and the client in co-constructing solutions to concerns. In these relationships, counselors facilitate healing through...

Cognitive Development and fMRI: Insights from Neuroscience

Abstract Human cognitive development has always been a subject of scientific interest. Currently, scholars prove that it is directly connected with the intellectual abilities of people. Cognitive neuroscience is a prominent step towards the understanding of human nature. Cognitive neuroscience employs functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to evaluate various neuron...

Hyperactive Intentional Stance and the Birth of Folk Religion

Hyperactive intentional stance looks at cognitive systems that generate effects resulting in the creation of religion. A mind conditioned to a set of thinking and biases creates forms of religions. Daniel C. Dennett observes that the first step to comprehend the human mind as a possible place for religion is...

Informed Consent: Ethics and Legal Implications

Informed consent can be defined as an individual understanding the full implications and possible future consequences of an event, activity or trial that they are about to enter into (Mostert & Gilbert, 2013). It is usually the case that informed consent is applied as an inherent right for participants when...

Group Counseling Approaches for Children, Disabled, and Elderly

What are some concerns about doing groups with children? Working with children is always a complicated process as no matter how long one works with this category and how much experience one has, each time work is a hard affair with a great many difficulties. Working with children, one is...

Lying in Children’s Development

Lying is an important issue in human development due to its nature and the inability of some people to understand if it is an obligatory skill or a shortage that has to be eliminated. On the one hand, it is a usual process that a child lies to cover personal...

Challenges and Success in Military-to-Civilian Transition

Introduction Individuals are extremely different in terms of the way that they perceive important changes in life. Nevertheless, there are many processes that often involve significant psychological difficulties as they require people to start living in accordance with new rules and adopt different core values that are to guide their...

Psychological Personality Tests: Objective Judgment

Why do Psychologists administer Personality tests and how do they apply the information obtained from Personality tests in real-world settings? Psychologists administer personality tests because these allow for producing more objective judgments about individuals (Reynolds & Livingston, 2012). Patients often tell their history poorly, in a biased manner, whereas tests...

Logotherapy’s Role in Psychology and Counselling

There are several theories that have been developed over the years that relate to mental health. For example, Sigmund Freud is well recognized for his psychoanalytic theory that discusses the will to pleasure in explaining mental health. Additionally, Alfred Alder developed the Individual Psychology theory that focuses on the will...

Borderline Personality Disorder and Childhood Sexual Abuse

Abstract This study investigates the hypothesis that experiencing penetrative childhood sexual abuse causes Borderline Personality Disorder. Previous research indicates that sexual abuse puts children at higher risk of developing Borderline Personality Disorder in Adulthood. Borderline Personality Disorder, or BPD. This disorder is characterized by “a pervasive pattern of impulsivity and...

Father Absenteeism and Child Development

The development of people’s ability to form intimate, as well as parent-child, relationships occurs at different stages of their lives. It has been acknowledged that the basis of this capability is formed during the early stages of human development, but it is also shaped throughout the person’s life (Makusha, Richter,...

Behavioral Problems Caused by Video Games

Introduction Video games can be played by people representing different age groups and even sexes. Their greatest appeal is that they offer a version of reality in which a person can feel invincible or all-powerful at least for a short time. They give access to the environment in which people...

Experimental Psychology and Forensic Psychology

Abstract Psychology is a powerful field of study aimed at addressing a wide range of human problems. The field can be divided into two specialties. These include experimental and forensic psychology. This essay gives a detailed analysis of the ideas gained after completing the class exercise. The exercise outlines the...

Exploring Personality Trait Theories in the Context of the Flynn Effect

Eysenck versus Gray personality theories Initially, the personality theory developed by Eysenck was based on two main dimensions – extraversion and neuroticism (‘E’ and ‘N’ responsively); on their axes, the two were juxtaposed to introversion and stability (Nussbaum, 2013). The theory by Gray also relies on two dimensions (impulsivity and...

Sibling Rivalry, Its Causes and Intervention

Sibling Rivalry Kippen and Walters define sibling rivalry as “the competition, fighting, hatred, and jealousy between siblings” (575). This is a major psychological problem that affects many families across the world. Parents who have two (or more) children will at some point be forced to deal with this problem. Studies...

Child Temperament: Flexible, Feisty, or Combined?

Introduction To promote proper development in a child, one must consider their characteristics and identify the temperament that a child is most likely to have. Despite the fact that there are only three possible results, the unique combinations of nine traits, as well as different degrees of their intensity, allow...

Early Cognitive Development: Learning Experience

The term knowledge is defined as the process through which people acquire knowledge and behavior. Skills, values, and characteristics that people exhibit are acquired through learning. The process of learning takes place slowly by slowly even though some experiences can be learned instantly. Education is one of the ways through...

Perspectives on Anorexia Nervosa: Comprehensive Treatment Approaches and Support

Abstract Anorexia nervosa is one of the diseases that border with mental pathology. Currently, anorexia occurs in both adolescents and adults, among whom more than half of the cases are the consequence of neurotic reactions. The core of the disease is a deliberate restriction in food intake or complete refusal...

Using Behavior Modeling as a Training Method

Introduction The use of games and simulations in behavior modeling has been an ongoing process in employee training and other areas for decades now. With the entrant of computers and information technology, games and simulation are even surreal than was the case before. This is because the simulated situations represent...

The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Concept

Body Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD is a disorder that involves patient’s distorted perception of his or her appearance. Patients suffering from this disorder tend to see a certain aspect of their appearance as a strong imperfection and it makes their life unbearable. They believe that it is impossible to live...

Man Thinking: Nature and the Mind of the Past

Ralph Waldo Emerson, in his address to the Phi Beta Kappa Society at Cambridge, Massachusetts, introduced a “Man Thinking” as the primary metaphor for a genuine scholar. The components that constitute the “man thinking” are “natural,” which represents a teacher, and “the mind of the Past,” a metaphor for books....

Age Effects on Memory Among the Elderly

Studies have highlighted the effects of age on memory amongst the elderly. In fact, study results indicate that one of the major concerns about aging is the possible loss of memory. Young people seem to hold on things as their brains develop. However, as they age, the youths tend to...

Sitting Meditation: Mental and Physical Benefits

Introduction Meditation involves becoming aware of the experiences in life facilitated by taming one’s mind to focus on the significant tasks. The practice of meditation enhances the capability of an individual to achieve centeredness in spite of the surrounding circumstances. Sitting meditation is regarded as the core of formal meditation...

Cyberbullying Among University Students

Abstract Cyberbullying refers to the application of electronic media to victimize a person mostly by sending intimidating images or messages. Research indicates that low self-esteem, gender, and depression are among the factors associated with cyberbullying. Poor academic performance may also contribute to an individual engaging in cyberbullying. A majority of...

Strategies for Managing Misbehavior

Managing Misbehavior The classroom is a social environment, and teacher-student and peer interactions within any academic context largely impact the course of children’s development (Ratcliff et al., 2011). Students’ misbehavior in this micro-social environment represents a great problem because it may create barriers to the establishment of trustful relations between...

The Expectancy Effect in Experimental Psychology: Implications for Research Outcomes

The study under analysis provides an extensive examination of the experimental psychology. In particular, the scholars have introduced their view on the impact of experimenters’ bias on the outcomes of the experiment, as well as have provided precautious measures to avoid subjective evaluation. During the study, the scholars invited 12...

Effects of Divorce on Adolescents

Introduction Adolescence is a critical developmental stage in life of a human being. The stage is marked by different psychosocial changes that define the transition period from adolescence to the young adulthood (Cohen, Kasen, Chen, Hartmark & Gordon, 2003). During the stage, the adolescents undergo emotional changes that are influenced...

Creativity Across Ages: Peak and Decline vs. Life Span Development

Introduction Nowadays, the idea of creativity as a phenomenon primarily associated with the younger human developmental phases is deeply rooted in social consciousness. However, some theories suggest the people take a look at creativity from a new perspective. For example, according to the Peak and Decline Model, a person achieves...

The Deeper Meaning of Black Friday

Abstract The paper aims to find the connection between the biggest shopping event of the year, Black Friday, and four concepts, namely social proof, loss aversion, mental accounting, and decision paralyzer. Moreover, the relation of discounts and gifts, as well as the competitive nature of presents will be discovered. Black...

Developmental Theories’ Comparative Analysis

Introduction Studying people’s behavior has been a central focus for various scholars and scientists over the centuries. This has led to the development of various theories that aim at explaining why people behave and develop the way they do. Arguably, a human being’s behavior and development is a lifelong process...

Role of Frontal Lobes in Memory: Insights by Stuss and Alexander

Summary of the key points in the article Stuss and Alexander (84) sought to substantiate whether memory is impaired when frontal lobes are damaged. The authors posed this question based on an ongoing controversy about the role of frontal lobes in performing the function of memory. Stuss and Alexander identified...

Oppositional Defiant Disorder Analysis

Introduction Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) is a condition that involves persistent phases of anger, refusal to comply with adults, arguing, and spitefulness. It is experienced for a period of at least six months. Other behaviors include deliberately annoying people, touchiness, and blaming others for their misconduct. For a child to...

Courage Definitions and Attributes

Abstract The present paper has sampled the various definitions of courage to illuminate some of the concept’s most important components as applied in contemporary contexts. The components of courage covered in this paper include experiencing fear yet choosing to act, following one’s heart or wishes, persisting in the face of...

Disney Princess Effect: Impact on Young Girls’ Development

Introduction The article “Little Girls or Little Women, The Disney Princess Effect” focuses on the impact that the “Disney Princess Culture” has had on the emotional and psychological development of young girls. Its line of reasoning focuses on the princess culture creating an adverse mindset in little girls wherein they...

Psychological Therapy of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a distressing condition that leads to brain disturbance due to exposure to dreadful situations. This condition also affects normal individuals who are exposed to stressful circumstances. Remarkable biological and psychological manifestations reveal the presence of PTSD in an individual. This essay explores the situational...

The Impact of Divorce and Separation on Family Relationships

Abstract This research aims at understanding the effect of divorce and separation on family relationships. The researcher will employ a random sampling technique to select the participants of the study, and a qualitative research approach to collect the required data. Six participants, three males and three females, will take part...

Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi is a renowned professor of psychology and the author of the book “Flow and Psychology of Discovery and Invention” and is the latest book by the professor. In this book, creativity is closely examined by the author and clearly brought out in the chapters though some people believe...

Applying Social Identity Model to Emergency Behaviour

Introduction Emergency behavior and social identity aspects are not connected at the first sight. However, if a person appears in a critical situation, the flocking instinct rules the entire mass. This is explained by the complex reasons of social behavior, emergency behavior patterns, survival instinct, and social identity of the...

Applied Project: Impact of the Gap Year on Students

Introduction The gap year has been a normal phenomenon for young people who are in that stage of academic life where they are expected to make a transition between High school life and college life. Proponents of the gap year have identified several reasons why they are in support of...

Interpersonal Communication in YouTube Videos

Interpersonal communication is undoubtedly an essential aspect of any person’s everyday life. While it may sound like a rather scientific term, it is not so for the reason that it is intrinsic to any human being co-existing with other people around. Interplay: the Process of Interpersonal Communication is an academic...

Happiness, Positive Psychology and Counselling

Happiness is perceived differently by people. Its basis is not the same for all. There are also different factors that make people experience their own kind of happiness. The degree of happiness also differs given the same instance thus making happiness very subjective to the person who is given the...

Neuroscience and Behavioral School of Thought

Psychology is a natural science that, similarly to disciplines such as biology and chemistry, relies on experimental methods for pursuing scientific goals of prediction, description, and explanation. Scholars across different areas of science do not always agree with each other on the nature and scope of their discipline. In the...

The Impact of Hard Decisions on Character: Exploring Ariely and Chang’s Insights

When it comes to choosing decisions, the options we have to make frequently reveal the subtleties of human nature and the nuanced nature of our ideals. No matter how insignificant or essential, every choice comes with a weight of responsibility and consequence. These decisions, especially the difficult ones, frequently represent...

Overcoming Obstacles: Lessons from Thomas Edison and Tim Tebow

Introduction Obstacles are often challenges that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. Problems create a sense of hopelessness and a desire to give up in the face of difficulties. However, they can also be perceived more positively as they facilitate growth, self-improvement, and resilience. While being more manageable, a...

The Crucial Role of Infant Brain Development and Maternity Leave Policies

Introduction People frequently look at the first few years of their lives with surprise and awe because they are full of promise, development, and discovery. The first year of a baby’s existence stands out as a period of unmatched significance among these formative years. This article explores the complex web...

Christian Theology and Psychology for Emotional Healing

Introduction Entwistle’s statements on theological and psychological reflection have several implications for the connection between Christianity and psychology. According to Professor Entwistle’s (2015) integrative approach toward Christianity and psychology, God’s relationship with the world lies in creation and redemption. In contrast, psychological reflection is necessary for helping humans understand the...

Ethical Approaches to Counseling Alcohol Use Disorder: A Case Analysis

Identifying the Problem Kassi is a 38-year-old mother of a daughter who is seeking drug misuse therapy because of the adverse effects alcohol has had on her career, parenting, and personal relationships. The ethical issue here is that Kassi is unwilling to admit the true extent of her alcohol use...

The Boys of Baraka: African American Youth Development

Introduction The Boys of Baraka is a documentary about African American families living in violent and drug-infested neighborhoods. The documentary filmmakers follow the lives of four young African American males who are offered the opportunity to change their lives. At a meeting, recruiter Baraka tells potential pupils that they have...

Mental Health Challenges Faced by Veterans: Insights and Perspectives

Ganzer, Christine Anne. “Veteran Women.” The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 116, no. 11, 2016, pp. 32–39. JSTOR. Web. The source is an academic article about mental health consequences of military service for women. Its purpose is to synthesize recent research on mental health conditions that affect female veterans, which...

Exploring the Science of Happiness: Practical Steps to a Joyful Life

Introduction Imagine waking up with an immense feeling of joy and empowerment to tackle all of life’s challenges. While most individuals think that the key to happiness is amassing wealth and having good health, science begs to differ. Let me unravel the simple secrets to happiness and share how leveraging...

Low Self-Esteem and Its Impact on Relationships

The Cycle of Toxic Relationships and Low Self-Esteem Some people, coming out of one toxic relationship, immediately fall into similar ones. They are haunted by suffering, humiliation, and lack of mutual love. Psychologists are sure that the reason for this lies in low self-esteem (Shrout & Weigel, 2019). Low self-esteem...