The Bible: Analysis of 2 Kings Chapters 17-20

Introduction The books partial to the Kings originally were a part of the ancient manuscript that depicted the end of life of king Solomon during the fall of Jerusalem. As part of the Biblical canon, they emphasize the unique place these works occupy as simultaneously works of literature, spiritual texts...

The Role of Religion in Propping-Up Slavery

Frederick Douglas was a slave in America, but at the same time, he became a figure who made a significant impact on the disappearance of slavery. In his book, based on his memoirs, the author described the horrors of slavery and the role of Christianity. The author vividly described the...

A Model of Christian Charity by Winthrop

Winthrop’s “A Model of Christian Charity” described the formation of a new society by Puritan settlers. The work is often used to demonstrate the status of the United States as the leading nation. Winthrop demonstrates that Puritan made a covenant with God to establish a true Christian community, in which...

The Three Abrahamic Religions

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three substantial religions in the world that, despite their distinct differences, share similar beliefs. The most elementary similarity among the Abrahamic faith is the belief in One God – monotheism. Among other touching points are tracing the origins of Abraham and considering Jerusalem a holy...

Buddhism, Islam, and Christianity in Society

Introduction Religions are ancient social institutions, designed to perform several tasks at once. One of the main goals is the formation of the worldview and behavior of people, which determines the belief in the existence of some supernatural force. There are four types of ancient religions that have existed for...

Thirst for Freedom: The Art of Bible Translation

Introduction Exodus is a Greek word that means the exit of a large group and the second book in the Old Testament. The book bases its story on the movement of Israelites out of Egypt. Egypt is considered bondage to Israelites. The exit is documented in accounts, phases, and Exodus...

Sunni and Shia Forms of Islam and Their Conflicts

The two major branches of Islam are Sunni and Shiite (Shia). The division originated from the argument over who should succeed Muhammad and become a new leader for Muslims – a caliph. For the Sunnis, the main criterion was his qualities as a leader, while the Shiites paid more attention...

How to Measure How Effective a Christian Message Is

The seminary has historically not covered topics such as learning how to measure how effective a Christian message is or understanding our flock’s perceptions, motivations, and fears. The missionary mission that GAP carries with it is not only about the financial component as the main occupation. The spread of Christianity...

The Influence of the Gospel on the Construction of the Christian Worldview

Introduction The Gospel contains vivid descriptions of God, his essence, and his primary creation, which is the human world. The essential part of the Gospel is the description of the life and deeds of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. His birth, preaching, and death are imbued with symbolism that...

Christian Apocalyptic Movements

Christian apocalypticism or millenarianism focuses on believing that the day of world destruction will come and take people to a better world of God. The fascinating aspect which encouraged me to explore this movement is that the apocalypse is treated not as dangerous destruction but as the opportunity to get...

A Religious System for a Future Dystopia

Introduction Civilization has been linked to religious history for a long time. The sheer fact of historical studies is heretical for many religions; historical thought for other religions is an essential part of religious practice. Religious identities were an issue of decision and an instrument of control. In every part...

The Limits of Language in Theology

The Christian apophatic mysticism, also known as “via negative,” teaches to approach the divine using a negation, indicating what God is believed not to be. This form of religious practice and thinking contrasts with the cataphatic approach that requires affirmations when referring to or describing God (Lane, 1998). There is...

The Gospel of Luke 17:11-19 in the New Testament

The Gospel of Luke in the New Testament is a telling of the origins of Jesus Christ, the miracles, the death, and the resurrection. One of the illustrations that refer to Jesus’s teachings and the overall concept of receiving salvation is Luke 17:11-19. The 19th chapter tells the story of...

Old Testament and Middle East Scriptures’ Similarities

The Hebrew Bible is similar to and unlike other ancient Near Eastern writings. Scribes compiled the manuscripts that constituted the Hebrew Bible. They have educated members of society, and many of them worked in the big institutions of society, such as palaces and temples. More essential subjects, like cosmology, rituals,...

Compendium of Social Doctrine on Economic Life

One of the primary lessons I have learnt from chapter 7 of the Compendium of Social Doctrine on Economic Life is the church’s teaching and perspective towards the management and direction of the economy. These teachings are meant to serve our society in a common good, referred to as liberal...

Is Religious Belief Anti-Scientific

Religious belief and science have always been on opposite sides. This conflict had its roots in the Middle Ages when the Catholic Church persecuted Galileo for his claims that the earth revolved around the sun. The conflict between religion and science is still relevant, two areas of human knowledge answer...

Life of Pi by Yann Martel: Religious Traditions and Faiths

Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel in 2001, focuses on the unique attitude of the main character Pi Patel towards religions. He is Hindu; however, he has also embraced the following faiths: Christianity and Islam. Pi acknowledges every faith and absurdity that it might project on believers, and moreover,...

The Good Samaritan: Origin and Meaning of the Expression

The Good Samaritan currently refers to doing good deeds towards strangers exclusively out of kindness and compassion. This idiom is rooted in a biblical parable told by Jesus. The story is usually interpreted as Jesus’ call to love both neighbors and enemies. However, the meaning of the parable could be...

Scripture as Doctrine of God, Christology, and the Holy Spirit

The doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture is one of the basic tenets of the Christian faith. The statement that the Bible is sufficient means that it is all we need to prepare ourselves for a life of faith and ministry. It provides a clear understanding of God’s intentions to...

The Bible. Living by the Book by Hendricks & Hendricks

Introduction The book Living by the Book: The Art and Science of Reading the Bible is a recognized work not only in the global theological community but also among ordinary readers. The research that Professor Hendricks conducts with his son makes it possible to better understand the truths spelled out...

King James Bible: Did Jesus of Nazareth Actually Exist?

One significant point mentioned in the discussion post is that God knows the hearts of men, and there is no point in expecting that people will come to Christ when we expect them. Borrowing from the book of II Peter 3, verse 9 shows that “The Lord is not slow...

The Problem of Evil and Reasoning Against God

Introduction The debate on the existence of God remains a perpetual one. Philosophy, philosophy of religion, and theology continue to provide arguments both in favor of the Divine existence and the impossibility of such presence. These assertations often vary in nature and address either the metaphysical, historical, or moral improbability...

My Testimony of Faith: Dialogue with an Atheist

The controversy about God’s existence between atheists and those who believe in the reasonability of religion lasts for hundreds of years. People, who do not question the presence of divine power, usually have had an event or have noticed a phenomenon they consider as proof of God’s existence. This essay...

Mormonism: Religious Denomination or a Sect?

There has been an enormous discussion on whether Mormonism is a religious denomination, a sect, or a non-religious movement. This question lingers in every individual’s mind upon mention of Mormonism. This question is pertinent in American society today, following the recent political happenings that involve members of Mormonism. Recently, Mitt...

Analysis of Article “Religions Resources and Church Growth”

The authors define resource mobilization theory as “the study of aggregation of resources” in the context of money and labor (Iannaccone, Olson, & Stark 1995, p. 706). From a theoretical standpoint, religious resources consist of ‘inputs’ such as time and money, which lead to the ‘output’ of church growth and...

Discussion of Communication as Path of God Understanding

The post of Kendra addresses the essential topic regarding the role of communication in human life. The author of the post elaborates on the rewarding system in education and emphasizes the role of communication in learning. The most astonishing about my classmates’ work is the real-life examples and Biblical connotations....

Religion Research: Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism Hinduism is a significant religion with rich history, a considerable amount of followers, and the Bhagavad Gita as one of the most important sacred texts. Hinduism originated from Hindu, which is one of the most ancient religions mainly spread among South Asia. Today there are approximately 800 million adherents...

The Future of Religion in Canada

Introduction Canada has many different religions, but none of them is official in the country because of the great significance of religious pluralism in Canadian political culture. Canada does not establish a single national religion, and, on the contrary, its government supports the existing multitude of religious movements. Today, the...

Chapter 1 of “The Story of the Quran” by Mattson

Introduction Ingrid Mattson’s Story of the Quran analyzes the holiest source of Muslims’ faith and knowledge across the globe. The key points the author is trying to highlight in the story include the origin of the Muslim cultural, personal, and historical details. It also illustrates how the Quranic revelation is...

Jerusalem’s History and Religious Developments

Introduction Jerusalem is a place on the political map of the world known to all the followers of the three Abrahamic religions. Its historical past and political status have been a thorny issue between the peoples and states of the Middle East, Arabs, Jews, Israel, and the Palestinian over the...

Christianity and Buddhism: Interreligious Relations

Introduction Unfortunately, not many representatives of different religions can participate in interreligious dialogue because their theological assumptions may be utterly different. A conversation between religious people calls for a high degree of tolerance and acceptance of the other participants’ faith and opposite views. To be a part of a mission...

Islam: The Rise and Spread Around the World

Islam is the youngest of the world religions, and the modern popularity of the doctrine speaks of its rapid spread. In 2015, there were over 1.8 million Muslims in the world, which is about 24% of the global population (Lipka, 2017). However, coercion or forced imposition is often cited as...

The Evolution of Gilgamesh: Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

The songs and legends of Gilgamesh were recorded in cuneiform on clay tablets in four ancient languages of the Middle East – Sumerian, Akkadian, Hurrian, and Hittite; in addition, references to him were preserved in the Greek writer Elian and the medieval Syrian writer Theodore Bar-Conai. Already the oldest, so-called...

Religious Writings: Praise the Lord. Psalm 148

Psalm 148 is mainly based on the one aim: encourage people to admire the one above them for all one’s doings and gifts. Basically, the command to praise the Lord is repeated twelve times throughout the whole piece, which, as a matter of fact, includes only thirty-three lines, meaning it...

The Reformation: A Brief Survey of Events

Protestantism as an ideology and historical force emerged as a result of a critique of the spiritual monopoly of Catholicism. Martin Luther was a theologian and monk who lectured in theology, but when he looked at the situation in Rome from a different angle, his worldview changed, and in 1517...

Approaches to Psychology. Discrimination of the Islamic Religion

There has been growing discrimination of the Islamic religion and its relation to terrorism. According to the behavioral approach, such a stereotype arises due to the interactions people have with their environment through conditioning and observational learning. This discrimination develops from people constantly seeing and hearing individuals from this religion...

The Influence of Catholic Upbringing

The history of the religious education of the person I interviewed confirmed that every believer has their own path to faith. My neighbor and I often meet on the street and in the church that I have attended since childhood, so I have always been interested in the reasons why...

Understanding the Christian Worldview

Introduction Key theological concepts might seem fragmented and unrelated to each other to a stranger; however, when considering them closer, one will realize that they share an intrinsic connection. Being admittedly complex, the concepts of the nature of God, Jesus, and humanity, as well as the notion of restoration as...

How Do Culture and Christianity Relate to Each Other?

Christianity is often claimed to have a significant influence on Western civilization and culture. Some scholars even consider Christianity the creative force that shaped the world into its current condition. For example, Lobkowicz (1991) argued that “only a culture with faith in one transcendent God had the capacity to demystify...

“Science, God & Creation”: Video Analysis

The content of the video is focused on providing evidence in support of the existence of God and the soul. The speaker presents four key scientifically established facts and concepts in order to prove that the universe has a beginning and a creator, and a human being has a soul,...

Comparison of Daoism and Confucianism

Wuwei is one of the central concepts in Daoist teachings and describes the proper way of living. Literally translated to “effortless action” or “action without strain,” it refers to doing things without needless over-complication and exertion (Molloy, 2020, p. 209). As such, it is directly related to being in harmony...

Bible Belt as a Region with High Religiosity

When examining the map with the levels of religiosity, one can notice that geographers distinguish a separate region with high religiosity. This region is called the Bible belt and while it can be measured in many different ways, it tends to include most of the American South. In the last...

The Principle of Social Justice in World Religions

One of the remarkable features of modern society is promoting diversity, not only in views and opinions but also in religious affiliation. Many people worldwide profess particular religious views, and according to the number of adherents of particular faiths, there are several world religions: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Interestingly, there...

Hinduism: Aspects and Characteristics

There are more than 4000 religions in our contemporary world, and each of them is unique, peculiar in particular regions, and has its own deities, customs, and holy texts. Hinduism is an ancient philosophy developed from Vedic religion that gave rise to many religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. Also,...

Christ and the Adulteress by Rocco Marconi and The Marriage of the Virgin by Raphael

Both Raphael’s and Rocco Marconi’s paintings are similar in terms of the subject matter since they both illustrate biblical scenes involving groups of people displayed at the center of the pieces. However, the pieces are different in the mood of the stories depicted. Raphael portrays a joyous occasion of Mary...

Basic Beliefs of Hinduism and Buddhism

Buddhism and Hinduism are two of the most commonly practiced religions in the world today. It is believed that both religions originated in northern India around 500 BCE. The two religions later on expanded to other regions, especially in Asia, where Buddhism continues to have a major spiritual and religious...

The First Great Awakening in America

Introduction The First Great Awakening movement divided long-standing denominations such as the Congregational and Presbyterian churches and paved the way for a new evangelical force among Baptists and Methodists. It began with a series of revival sermons delivered by preachers who were either not associated with the mainstream churches or...

Relationship Between Sports and Religion

There is an interdependent relationship between sports and religion cause of the proficient impact on society and the attribution of the coherence. One of the important questions that influence the sociological perspectives is ministering to other individuals within the diverse setting. On the one hand, delivering the believers’ message renders...

Lutheran Theology – Insights for Today’s Church

Thesis statement: Martin Luther’s theology started the reformation in Germany through his famous 95 Theses and, in doing so, helped model the contemporary society and Protestant Church. Introduction The European Reformation, driven by Lutheran Theology, is one of the most ambiguous periods. This phenomenon always remains in the center of...

The Dukkha Concept in Buddhism

Dukkha is a traditional element of the religious philosophy of Buddhism, aimed at describing the prevailing situation in the surrounding material world. According to Buddhists, the earthly human reality is primarily the world of suffering – traditionally, the word “dukkha” is translated by religious scholars from Sanskrit as a designation...

What the Bible Means to Me: Holy Bible New International Version

The Bible which is the core religious text for Christianity is more than a historic narrative, collection of stories, and even a guide on how to be a Christian. It is a deeply spiritual and meaningful text that embodies the Holy Spirit and offers the faithful insight into the intricacies...

The Great Awakening and American Enlightenment

The history of Christianity includes the Protestant branch most represented in America and the most influential in America. Many Protestants, such as the English Puritans, found salvation with the beginning of the colonization of North America, rushing into the colonies, trying to escape from conflicts with Catholics in their homeland....

Concerns in Saint Luke’s Gospel and Their Analysis

Jesus’ disciples were left to emulate the good work that He had begun before ascending to heaven. Perhaps the disciples fearlessly worked out on their purpose as followers of Christ to enlighten the world about God’s intimate plan for all humankind. Thus, after His departure, Jesus’ disciples, who became apostles...

Religion and Community in the United States

Questions of faith and religion have worried politicians and rulers at all times. The 21st century is no exception, and today one can often hear candidates, party members, or parliamentarians who share their views on the role of religion and the right to freedom of conscience. Many believe that the...

Religion and Europeans’ Attitude to Native Americans

As a matter of fact, Native Americans had highly diverse cultures and religions before and after European colonialists’ arrival. At the same time, in Europe, Christianity was an intrinsic part of people’s lives when the New World was discovered. Thus, it goes without saying that the meeting of people from...

A Definition of Religion Based on the William S. Green

As an ultimate part of human culture, religion plays a crucial role in the modern world. Throughout history, religion has been a powerful tool that unified and divided people. It becomes not only a set of shared beliefs but also a collection of rules of how to behave. A rapidly...

“An Introduction to Hinduism” by Anantanand Rambachan

Hinduism is among the world’s biggest and most popular religions, yet people outside the regions where it is commonly practiced still struggle to understand it. Anantanand Rambachan takes the initiative to share knowledge about the basic pillars, concepts, practices, and beliefs of Hindus in the book chapter “To Recognize and...

Upholding Tranquility Amid Gunfire: Buddhists in Samye Ling, Scotland

The article “Buddhist monastery in Scotland calls for firearms exclusion zone” describes how practitioners of Buddhism experience problems in their spiritual practices in Samye Ling, Scotland, because of the constant gunfire in the neighboring rifle ranges. The article explains that gunfire disrupts Buddhist meditations and other spiritual practices in Samye...

Theology in the Context of World Christianity

In eastern parts of the world, there are cultures, the main basis of which is placed on shame and honor. So much so that it leads to questionable actions that may be considered crimes or up in people taking their own lives in order to maintain honor. Those cultures are...

Are Hinduism’s Practices Philosophical or Strictly Religious?

Introduction As one of the world’s oldest religions, Hinduism also serves functions of a considerable philosophical direction. On the one hand, millions of individuals throughout the whole world follow the main principles of Hinduism, thereby making this system of thought the third-largest religion after Christianity and Islam. On the other...

Contemporary Trends Criticism by Using Anthropological Approach

To begin with, there is a great number of contemporary trends nowadays. As a result, only general notions might be discussed due to their influence on society. From the anthropological perspective, the vast majority of trends could be criticized by using even the most primitive methods of qualitative analysis. On...

Books IX-XII of Paradise Lost by Milton

Book IX Milton reveals gender-related biases present in the seventeenth century – Eve is to blame for the couple being exiled from Eden. “To whom soon mov’d with a touch of blame thus Eve” states the poem and also emphasizes the author’s opinion by describing Adam’s disappointment in the woman’s...

Christianity Views on Abortion Concepts, the Big Bang, and the Evolution Theory

Religious Studies The relationship between culture and Christianity is a problem in today’s society. When Christianity is presented as a substitute to the existing culture, the covert chooses to either follow Christ or remain in the world of evil doings or paganism. The Bible and other Christian articles provide information...

Canada Calls on Pope to Apologize after Indigenous Children’s Remains Found

The history of colonialism has left a tremendous mark on the history and lives of multiple indigenous people, causing them tremendous harm. The specified destructive nature of the colonialist approach appeals to the Christian Church as well due to the aggressive promotion of Christian faith and the lack of concern...

The Fertile Crescent Sumerian Religion

Cosmology and the Pantheon The type of society that will be living in the Sumerian pantheon is the post-human society. Post-human is a concept that mainly refers to the entity that exists in a state beyond normal human understanding. It originates from the science fields of futurology, fiction, philosophy, and...

Buddhism: New Religions and Human Balance

Despite its stance in society, religion will always be somehow reflected in the way people appraise the world and outline their values. Thus, Buddhism, one of the fundamental world religions, has been introduced in a series of new forms over the past years. A prime example of such a modernized...

Cardinal Ratzinger’s “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament”

In “The Reservation of the Blessed Sacrament,” Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger analyses how Eucharistic theology led to the emergence of the tabernacle in the second millennium. The chapter reveals how spiritual development in the understanding of the Eucharist manifested through changes in language structure and forms of thought. The chapter, divisible...

Baptist Christians Versus Deism

Introduction At present, there is a large number of religions, philosophies, and beliefs that constitute the people’s worldviews. In general, the worldview is a complicated system that includes the individual’s understanding of their origin, identity, place in the world, and society (Brandt & Crawford, 2020). James Sire (2004) explains the...

Immortality, Personal Identity, Death and God

Introduction According to the traditional perception of immortality, the after-life or eternal life follows the physical death of a body, but the soul stays immortal. In conformity with the religious or philosophic fellowship, the personal identity of a human either stays the same, either disappears. The idea of the hereafter...

Fr. Pedro Arrupe and the Jesuit’s Mission

The “Decree 4: ‘Our Mission Today: The Service of Faith and the Promotion of Justice,’ General Congregation 32 (1975)” explains in detail the understanding of Jesuits regarding their mission and service of faith and connection to justice. Notably, one of the main points the author makes is service of faith...

James Joyce’s “Dubliners”. Personal Thoughts on Araby

James Joyce is a brilliant writer who utilizes homeland politics to criticize the current state of Dublin effectively. He uses one of his short stories, Araby, in his book Dubliners to explain the idea of coming of age. Joyce’s book focuses on the problems a boy undergoes when transforming childhood...

Social Sciences: Religious Individualization

Seneca does not object to slavery in and of itself, and there are several reasons for it. The author sees the reality as slavery as he explains that the society has a hierarchical structure, therefore, there is always someone with higher status or a bigger amount of power. On top...

Ways to Ensure Understanding When Delivering the Gospel Message

The question of what the preaching of the Gospel should be in the modern world today concerns not only those called to deliver sermons but also every believer. They are all called to preach the Gospel, bearing witness to it, of course, first and foremost with their lives. They must...

American Society’s Reckoning About Race Issue

For this assignment, I engaged in discourse with a pastor at a local Baptist church located near my home. The Church is large, consisting of several buildings, including its own preschool and sports complex. It is located in a suburban part of town, middle class, and some affluent neighborhoods. The...

Islam: The Different Perspectives

Chapter 5 Summary Islam is a way of life, the basis of family and legal relations, a set of traditions and customs. The main principles and essence of Islam are the following points: among the tenets of Islam is monotheism, the most authoritative source of Islamic belief and practice is the...

Nostra Aetate Overview and Importance

There are various religious movements in the world, and it is pertinent to note that their number is only increasing over time. In conjunction with very young movements (such as Pastafarianism), there are fundamental and ancient religious teachings commonly referred to as world religions. World religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism,...

Judaism in Introducing “World Religions: a Christian Engagement”

Judaism is the religion of Jewish people that values sacred books containing God’s word. The most important books on which Judaism is focused are Hebrew Bible, Talmud, and a prayer book. Since its foundation and until these days, like many other religions, Judaism has gone through significant changes in history...

Islam: Beginning of the History

The history of Islam began in Mecca in the 7th century. Farhadian (2015) notes that it is the second-largest religion since 1.3 billion adherents around the world, especially in South and Southeast Asia. Prophet Muhammad founded and led the Ummah – a Muslim community. He is the last Prophet of...

Interfaith Project: Conservative Judaism Interview

Judaism The religion of Judaism envelopes several branches that are highly distinct from each other, focusing on traditional, orthodox, reformative, and other elements of this belief system. As the oldest monotheistic religion in the world, Judaism incorporates numerous traditions, practices, and sacred texts that play an important role in the...

Al-Hallaj and His Influence on Islam

Al-Hallaj prophet Al-Hallaj was a wandering prophet, who perceived himself as a part of the Divine Truth, and preached his religious vision in Iran, Iraq, India, and China. The Vizier ordered the execution of Al-Hallaj, accusing him of the sin of proclaiming himself the Truth. According to some experts, before...

Five Principles of Connection Art and Christianity

Christianity plays a significant role in the creativity and talents of the artists, explaining how these skills emerge and how people should engage with religious norms and expectations. Barrs (2013) applies five principles of this connection between art and Christianity to demonstrate how the artworks should serve all humans. The...

“The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience” by Williams

In his work “The Bloody Tenet of Persecution for the Cause of Conscience,” Roger Williams presented religious freedom as an inalienable right of the individual, which cannot be limited by any authority (Hennessy, n.d.). Civil power does not extend to human souls, laws that force the soul and conscience of...

Leadership Lessons From the Love, Trustworthiness, and Strength of God

Introduction Theology proper allows the systematic scrutiny of God and His nature. In theology proper, scholars examine God’s existence, definition, and attributes, and works. Based on biblical teachings, scholars can comprehend the key features that make God what He is and relates them to day-to-day life. The following paper analyses...

Discussion of History of Buddhism

Introduction Buddhism is one of leading faiths that has shaped human worship and behavior for over 2,500 years. Presently, this religion has more than 500 million believers. Historically, Buddhism remained prominent in Southeast Asia and East. This religion continues to promote a number of ideologies and philosophies that overlap with...

The Problem of Evil and God’s Existence

Introduction The existence of God has been a subject that most people debate. Those who claim that God exists have their rationale to support their opinion, and the group is referred to as theists (Bartlett, 2017). On the contrary, some people do not believe in God’s existence and prove their...

Amazing Grace: The New Testament

In my understanding, the New Testament offers countless opportunities for exploring the grace of God. It reaches its highest point in God’s decision to sacrifice his Son’s life in the name of humanity’s moral improvement and salvation. In Peter 3:18, the audience is encouraged to “grow in grace of our...

The Idea of Government According to the Bible

Religion is a unique system that affects all spheres of human activity, including governing. At the first stages of society’s evolution, religious beliefs were used as the basis for states, and beliefs and rituals were considered laws affecting the communities’ rise. The emergence of Christianity with its set of values...

Ghedi’s Ban on Wearing Burka on Public Places

In October of 2019, a case involving a nation, Ghedi, caused a storm all over the international arena. The Ghedian parliament had just passed a bill barring individuals from concealing their faces in public areas. As the legislation applied to all Ghedians, and all forms of face covering, it became...

Christianity vs. Judaism: A Medieval Conflict

The world’s most significant religions existed together for millenniums, and even in the modern world of globalization and science’s domination, they stay valuable worldwide. Indeed, Christianity has more than two billion followers now, and a smaller but older religion, Judaism, is being supported by at least fourteen million (Hicks-Keeton, 2018)....

“The Churching of America” Book by Finke & Stark

Despite being technically defined as constitutionally secular, the U.S. is largely affected by Christianity and the associated values, traditions, and perceptions. As a result, the role of the Christian church has been expanded to influence nearly every domain of most American people’s lives (Finke & Stark, 2005). In the range...

The Missional Church and Its Impact on Ecclesiology

Missional church is a community of Word, Sacrament, and Prayer, which involves certain religious activities to convert non-believers or apologists of other religions to their faith. Mission in a religious context and similar activities, especially in Christianity, are prevalent. The missionary church represents the various movements and denominations that shape...

“Shelter in a Time of Storm” Book by Paul David Tripp

In writing the book Shelter in a Time of Storm, Paul David Tripp delves into Psalm 27 in the fifty-two meditations. In it, the author pairs concern with adoration, difficulty with magnificence, and wicked people with the mercy of God. Paul David acknowledges how Psalm 27 fills people’s hearts with...

Luke’s Edition of Mark’s Gospel

There are many different reasons for people to study the Bible, and regardless of them, one needs to study the Gospels and analyze the similarities and differences between them. Doing that is necessary to better understand the meaning behind texts of Christian Scripture. With that being said, it may be...

Prabhavananda on the Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount found its response not only in Christian culture but also in Hinduism. In the text, Swami Prabhavananda presents his vision of the eight beatitudes, presenting them as stages of a person’s path to God and not as a classification (Clooney & Francis, 2018, p. 120)....

Godly Leadership Principles in Testaments

Introduction While the world and society have undergone significant transformations over the past two thousand years, the fundamental aspects of society have remained unchanged. Across all sectors of human activity, people can be categorized as either leaders or followers. This idea serves as the very basis of personal and professional...

The Connection of The Lament Genre with The Book of Psalms

Main types of psalms are praising, teaching, and lamentation psalms. There are quite a lot of Psalms of Lamentation in the Psalter. Its specific concerns and interests are people who are not afraid to talk about their failures and weaknesses, problems and doubts before God and before people. Even in...

Violation of Apostolic Succession as a Way of Corrupting Christian Religion

A government may negatively affect religion because of the political ambitions of a state’s civil leaders. For example, there was an incident in the High Middle Ages when Byzantine Emperor John VIII Palaeologus ordained a person he could influence to be a Metropolitan of Kyiv (“Ecumenical Council of Florence (1438–1445)”,...

Islam and Mosque: Overview

The third great monotheistic religion – Islam (along with Judaism and Christianity) was born thanks to the activities of the prophet Muhammad, a resident of Mecca. His early years were not marked by religiosity, and he received his first experience at the age of forty. Through the angel Gabriel, revelations...

Debate on Keeping the Law Today

The observance of the law and its loyalty always has concerned humanity, even in the 16th century and today. The Apostle Paul argued that the truth lies not in the law but faith in Jesus Christ. In the book The New Perspectives on Paul, the author examines the attitude of...

“Glittering Vices” Book by Rebecca DeYoung

“Spiritual disciplines” are a combination of a particular set of methods to develop and strengthen spiritual growth among believers in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. According to Rebecca DeYoung, spiritual disciplines open the way to mature Christian spirituality and freedom (DeYoung, 2020). By practicing these “concepts,” a believer creates an...

Reading Lewis’ Works in the Faith Journey

Introduction C. S. Lewis was born in 1898 in Belfast in Ireland and died in 1963. He wrote many books, and several ones encompass Christian apologetics. His literary works contribute to religion and theology studies. Some of his works include Mere Christianity, Screwtape, and The Chronicles of Narnia, which is...

Decline of Christianity in Europe Since 1675

Even though Protestant Christianity had been originated in Western Europe and Catholicism has persisted there for the majority of its history, the region is now among the most secular territories across the globe. For centuries, there has been an ongoing trend of Christian Church institutions gradually losing their power and...

Confucianism vs. Daoism: Finding Four Differences

Confucianism and Daoism appeared in the 6th–5th century BCE in China as philosophical ways of life and worldviews created by Confucius and Laozi, respectively. Though they are from the same period of time and country, these two religions or philosophies are rather different as they are based on various concepts...

Deity of Christ in the First Chapter of the Hebrews

Summary The first chapter of the Hebrews portrays Jesus as the only Son of God, giving him a superior and absolute essence. He surpasses not only the angels who are his servants but also the prophets and is also a great priest. His sacrifice, in contrast to the previous ones,...

Christian Business Operation in Capitalism

In the world of capitalism, companies strive to be profitable as they can while providing their products or services. However, this ideology does not always align with the Christian beliefs and principles that do not place profitability as their primary interest. Although some Christians agree with the fundamentals of capitalism,...

The Bible and Economy: Sin Stock Aversion and Virtue Stock Affinity

Many Christians consider the Bible to be a book that tells about the non-material world and almost nothing about the material one. Therefore, they are often surprised when they hear the phrase ‘Christian economy’. There are many passages in the Bible about economics, especially economic freedom. The Bible draws parallels...

Secularisation in Ireland and Intra and Inter-Generational Social Mobility

Secularisation in Ireland In Ireland, the Constitution prohibits government support for any denomination, but the Catholic Church has such a strong political influence that, until recently, it successfully blocked the passage of liberal legislation. In this connection, secularism is understood as a political and legal principle, consisting of the fundamental...

Religion: Flourishing vs. Surviving

One of the best psychological aspects to enhance better lives is by training your mind to have positive thoughts. The best approach to achieve this objective is continuously to observe your thoughts. This will help identify various negative thoughts affecting you and develop a solution to deal with them. Another...

Anti-Theistic Arguments on Existence of God

Usually, people perceive religion and belief as aspects of personal choice that are difficult or impossible to dispute. Most often, belief is based on unjustified facts or events; however, this feature does not prevent people from holding on to their positions. On the other hand, anti-theistic arguments are most often...

The Connection Between Religion and the Government

The interaction between religion and the state is a discourse that is often associated with contradictions on both sides regarding points of contact. Given the distinctive governance mechanisms and resource bases, these concepts cannot exist under identical laws. As a result, an enforced connection between religion and the government may...

Personal Reflection on Christian Ethics and Spirituality

Christian ethics, or the moral teaching of Christianity, determines the ethical guidelines of human behavior. Christianity’s ethics is expressed in a Christian ethos, a certain style of life, diverse in its manifestations and inherent in both individuals and large social groups. People who follow Christian ethics have a high level...

Christians Are Making More Enemies Than Followers

Introduction The main theme in the reading, as expressed by the author, is love. Bethke (2013) wonders why Christians love religion more than its founder. Bethke (2014) is additionally perplexed by the idea of people being attracted to religion and forgetting about Jesus Christ. He explains that love is lost...

Philosophers’ Arguments for the Existence of God: Pascal and Descartes

Introduction Throughout history, many philosophers have raised the topic of the existence of God. Each of them has his own special approach and argumentation. Due to this, many theories and philosophical statements have been created, which are further discussed, revised, and interpreted. Arguments for or against the idea of the...

Analysis of Isaiah 13-14. A Study of Isaiah

Isaiah 14: 3-23 celebrates the death of a ruler who is identified in the text only as “the king of Babylon.” The lack of elaboration on the king’s identity has encouraged scholars throughout centuries to look for clues that could match the central character of the passage with a historical...

The Politicization of Muslim Identity

Primarily, Mamdani shares a concern about the violence of the modern age and how it is rooted in the political agenda. 9/11 was an essential event in the history of the United States that led to the juxtaposition of “bad Muslims” with “good Muslims” in society (Mamdani 2005, 15). The...

Buddhism’s Resilience from Western Ideologies

Introduction Siddhartha Gautama, also known as the Buddha, is the co-founder of the Buddhism faith that came into existence in India over 2500 years ago. Buddhism is considered one of the major religions in the world due to its large group of believers. A more extensive following of the faith...

The Book of Revelation and Second Coming of Christ

In Revelation 20, a major event is described known as The Millennium. It is a highly controversial passage and there is much debate on whether the Second Coming of Christ will occur prior and lead to this prolonged period of holiness and salvation on Earth, or will the Second Coming...

Islam in Afro-Eurasia

Islam was quickly perceived by a wide variety of social groups and strata. The origin of Islam is based on the scriptures. Due to the simplicity and accessibility of its dogmas and rituals, no preparation was required for their assimilation, in addition, the norms of Sharia coincided in many respects...

Paul David Tripp’s Book “A Shelter in the Time of Storm”

Paul David Tripp’s book “A Shelter in the Time of Storm” explains the various hardships and troubles in life and how to get past them. Tripp introduces the main topics covered in the book by explaining that we live in a broken world that subjects us to lots of suffering,...

Appropriate and Effective Christian Intercultural Communication

Introduction The book begins with an analysis of the importance of culture in the world. The author says that cultural diversity dramatically affects a person’s worldview and self-esteem. Sometimes, due to a lack of understanding of the environment, a foreigner feels lonely. The book describes in detail how faith can...

Religious Pluralism as a Mark of a Healthy Community

The issue of religious beliefs has always been a rather contentious subject due to the often-conflicting interpretations of different religious principles. The absence of tolerance and readiness for a nuanced and respectful discussion of religious differences has provided the breeding grounds for conflicts throughout history. For example, the Thirty Years...

Christianity as an Other Worldly Religion First and Foremost

It should primarily be stated that responding to an argument that Christianity is an other-worldly religion first and foremost is hard. This is due to the fact that it definitely includes both other-worldliness and this-worldliness and they usually interrelate and produce a cause effect relationship. For instance, Christianity sates that...

Jehovah’s Witnesses Sect and Its Danger to Society

Jehovah’s Witnesses is a religious doctrine based on the Bible but unique in that it is radically different from all Christian religions. They are also known for their interpretation of the Bible, according to which they deny the doctrine of the Trinity. The sect was primarily organized according to the...

What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women by Giles

The book What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women is a comprehensive critique of the “complementarian” assertion that women are meant to be subordinates of men both at the household and in church. The author, Kevin Giles, is an accomplished scholar and backer of female leadership and he has written...

The Gospel of Matthew: The Temptation of Jesus

One’s personal growth is accompanied by various distractions of the present-day world, which prevent them from achieving important goals and having meaningful lives in general. They differ depending on the source and manifestation of such events, and revealing them should be a primary task for everyone who strives for a...

Nostra Aetate: Catholic Position on World Religions

God created all human beings in His image, which means that all human beings are a reflection of His will. This is perhaps the most important thesis that reflects Western Christianity’s absolute position on alternative religions. The critical document that canonized the Pope’s view is the Vatican Declaration, also called...

The Bible: Images and Portrayals of God

The Bible presents various images of God, in which he is portrayed from the perspective of the multiple roles he performs and the numerous character descriptions he is attributed. Across the Scripture, the readers might find a wide spectrum of vivid and metaphorical portrayals of God, which implies his power...

Central Argument of the Boethius’ Book

Boethius provided different solutions to challenges of human freedom versus divine foreknowledge after Augustine. Such resolution appealed to the aspects of time and God’s eternity. Boethius concluded such a decision through his imaginations of Lady Philosophy as he waited for his execution (129). For example, Boethius is convinced that ‘nothing...

The Rhetoric of Condemnation in the Book of Job

The Book of Job belongs to the Ketuvim (“Writings”) section of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible. The main character, Job, is introduced in the prologue, where he is depicted as a godly man generously gifted with material and non-material gifts alike. The narration...

The Bible as a Cultural Object

All people have a cultural object that shapes their behavior and social norms. The Bible is one of the world’s most influential cultural objects that posit fundamental roles in modeling individuals’ spiritual health. Ideally, it is a typical collection of historical events in ancient times held sacredly to the people...

Christian Gospel Essential Beliefs

Introduction Religion dictates the way people worship and pursue their religious goals. Christianity is one of the leading religions today that has clear guidelines, doctrines, and modes of worship. Followers of Christianity focus on the foundational commandments and pillars that make the religion what it is today. Those who follow...

Colonialism: From the Biblical Era to the Present Day

Even though colonialist policies are generally frowned upon in modern society, the effects of colonialism still send ripples across the socio-cultural, economic, and political landscapes of multiple states. Although the concept of colonialism is typically linked to the Columbian era and the expansion of the British Empire, the phenomenon at...

Teresa de Jesús in “Book of Life”

Biographers and contemporaries describe Teresa as a very sociable, open, and intelligent person who was energetic and passionate in her actions. Following extreme mysticism in her religious works, she always had a good idea of the practical side of life (Weber 171). Perhaps, that is why she thought that in...

The Positioning of Systematic Theology

In a detailed discussion of the differences in existing approaches to the study of the Bible, it is worth emphasizing the nature of the object understudy in the first place. Strictly speaking, theology itself involves studying the nature of God and the religious beliefs that enable followers to believe in...

The Development of Western Religious Thought

The development of Western religious thought enjoyed its blossom in three historical periods: Late Middle Ages, when the fundamental elements of the rational comprehension of the Supreme Being were formulated; the Enlightenment, marked with the reconciliation of science and religion, and the beginning of the 20th century, with the spread...

“The Spirit in Creation” Article by David Williams

Introduction and Brief Summary In In the article, “The Spirit in creation,” the author David Williams explores the role of the Holy Spirit within the scope of creation, defining and stressing its significance in the Trinity in the context given. Williams, a professor of divinity at the University of Fort...

The Relations Between God and Contemporary Culture

Outline The aspect of religion where God is the superior Being has continued to diminish in contemporary culture. This modern culture is characterized by many technological developments in which man is the main innovator. The ability of a human being to influence creation has made him feel superior to the...

Muslim Culture and History in the United States

Introduction Muslim culture is popular and widespread in the modern world. It is mainly so because it is intrinsically connected with Islam that is the second-largest religion internationally. That is why one can suppose that this culture has a rich history and a few distinctive features that make it unique...

Moral Questions of the Bible

The Unforgiving Servant The first parable appears in Matthew and can be characterized by its two-stage double indirect narrative. According to Snodgrass (2008), the plot of The Unforgiving Servant has a well-balanced three-part structure followed by an explanation. The parable tells the story of a servant who, at first, has...

Aspects of Imprecatory Psalms

The Psalter contains many examples of imprecatory psalms, among which verses #35, #109, and #137 are suggested for this discussion. Regardless of the specific part, however, we should first outline the significance and role of such poetic forms. In general, imprecatory psalms represent an appeal to God or a prayer...

Is Islam a Religion That Practices Just War

Introduction The argument about Islam being a religion that practices just war arose following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attack. The fact is that Muslims today are involved in a serious argument about political ethics. This argument is framed in terms of practices that are central to the Islamic tradition....

Christianity: Afterlife and Relationship With Jesus

The Christian concept of the afterlife differs from other worldviews mostly due to its rigorous entry and inclusion criteria. Entry into Christianity is dependent on rituals as opposed to actions and birthrights. According to Christianity, a person’s belief in certain truths is just as important as conduct in matters of...

Economic Approach to Religion

A grade “A” is an economic good because it is desired by many students, but it is not attained by many thus creating an opportunity cost. Exams are meant to evaluate how the examinee is faring on in a specific area of study. It is the dream of every student...

Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs

Jehovah’s witnesses are unique believers who base their religion on Christianity; however, they hold many unique features and traditions. The main peculiarity of Jehovah’s witnesses is that their God is Jehovah, and Jesus Christ is his agent, through whom people may reconcile to God (“Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs,” 2019). The...

Seventh Day Adventists Fight Crime in Jamaica

Introduction Violent crime is a serious challenge in Jamaica. Robberies, rapes, murders, and assaults do not just lead to economic costs but may result in the loss of lives and severe emotional distress among victims. Crime also exerts a high toll on communities as the value of property increases and...

Being on Mission with God and His People

Introduction The Christian community has experienced quite a range of changes over the past few decades, including the rapid and nearly uncontrollable exposure to new methods of communication, the shift in values and perceptions of Christian principles and ethics, and many other transformations. As a result, the threat of multiple...

Teaching About Religion vs. Teaching Religion

Introduction Ever since 1963, when U. S. Supreme Court allowed sectarian teaching of the Bible in public schools’ classrooms, the issue of this decision’s appropriateness has been discussed from a variety of sociological and legal perspectives, with many critics rightly pointing out to the fact that there is nothing sectarian...

Personal Worldview Analysis and Personal Inventory

Introduction The views on such important questions as the purpose of life vary from one person to another and are formed according to one’s individual beliefs. Christianity explains all issues associated with ethics and morality in the context of the Bible and through the idea of God. This essay will...

Religious Freedom and Freedoms of Association

Religious freedom Religious freedom is a matter that is considered personal and sacred. Freedoms of association with religious affiliation and activity have always been protected by law. Many accepted laws promote religious leniency as a matter of individual decision and conscience. Some people have no affiliation. Their belief is basically...

Terror and Sikhism

Purpose of violence India has the most religious and ethnic groups in the world. As a result, the country has been characterized by conflict based on religion more than any other country. Among the religious sects in the country is Sikhism. The group has been in tension with the Hindu...