Introduction Buddhism is one of leading faiths that has shaped human worship and behavior for over 2,500 years. Presently, this religion has more than 500 million believers. Historically, Buddhism remained prominent in Southeast Asia and East. This religion continues to promote a number of ideologies and philosophies that overlap with...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Stewardship is a critical spiritual principle that has always been a part of faith in God. It is a complex principle, that many in the modern world do not wish to fulfill or interpret. As noted in the reading by Walborn and Chan (2015), stewardship as a concept has been...
Topic: God
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Ancient Greeks and ancient Asia represent two strikingly different civilizations with their distinct cultures, world outlooks, religions, and moral codes. Numerous ideas about ancient Greeks’ cultural life and religion can be found in myths, tragedies, and poems, while ancient Asia’s religious life can be primarily traced in Vedas or Upanishads....
Topic: Religion
Words: 671
Pages: 2
In my understanding, the New Testament offers countless opportunities for exploring the grace of God. It reaches its highest point in God’s decision to sacrifice his Son’s life in the name of humanity’s moral improvement and salvation. In Peter 3:18, the audience is encouraged to “grow in grace of our...
Topic: New Testament
Words: 304
Pages: 2
America is a diverse and multinational country with a versatile culture. However, it is difficult to deny the uniting role of Christianity, and in particular, the Ten Commandments. According to Marsden (2018), the Commandments present the common values of the American population. The author confirms that despite ethnic diversities, people...
Topic: Religion
Words: 308
Pages: 1
The world’s most significant religions existed together for millenniums, and even in the modern world of globalization and science’s domination, they stay valuable worldwide. Indeed, Christianity has more than two billion followers now, and a smaller but older religion, Judaism, is being supported by at least fourteen million (Hicks-Keeton, 2018)....
Topic: Christianity
Words: 851
Pages: 3
Despite being technically defined as constitutionally secular, the U.S. is largely affected by Christianity and the associated values, traditions, and perceptions. As a result, the role of the Christian church has been expanded to influence nearly every domain of most American people’s lives (Finke & Stark, 2005). In the range...
Topic: Religion
Words: 832
Pages: 3
It goes without saying that as the majority of existing religions, Christianity includes the elements of both “this-worldliness” and “other-worldliness.” However, from a personal perspective, the statement that Christianity is a predominantly other-worldly religion reflects its core to the fullest extent. First of all, despite the existence of differences between...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 299
Pages: 1
Missional church is a community of Word, Sacrament, and Prayer, which involves certain religious activities to convert non-believers or apologists of other religions to their faith. Mission in a religious context and similar activities, especially in Christianity, are prevalent. The missionary church represents the various movements and denominations that shape...
Topic: Church
Words: 605
Pages: 2
Introduction Like every religion, Christianity has a specific attitude to such existential questions as illness and death. One of the most difficult choices in this area is between living with an incurable disease and euthanasia. It is essential to study the principles and ideas of Christianity to make a decision...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1099
Pages: 4
In writing the book Shelter in a Time of Storm, Paul David Tripp delves into Psalm 27 in the fifty-two meditations. In it, the author pairs concern with adoration, difficulty with magnificence, and wicked people with the mercy of God. Paul David acknowledges how Psalm 27 fills people’s hearts with...
Topic: Religion
Words: 573
Pages: 2
The Sermon on the Mount found its response not only in Christian culture but also in Hinduism. In the text, Swami Prabhavananda presents his vision of the eight beatitudes, presenting them as stages of a person’s path to God and not as a classification (Clooney & Francis, 2018, p. 120)....
Topic: Religion
Words: 635
Pages: 2
Main types of psalms are praising, teaching, and lamentation psalms. There are quite a lot of Psalms of Lamentation in the Psalter. Its specific concerns and interests are people who are not afraid to talk about their failures and weaknesses, problems and doubts before God and before people. Even in...
Topic: Religion
Words: 373
Pages: 1
Divorce is one of the main contemporary social problems, and there are debates in religious circles about whether separation is allowed in the Bible. Accordingly, the church does not recognize divorce and considers it not biblical, except in cases of betrayal and desertion of marriage. The Bible consistently asserts that...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 858
Pages: 3
Babylonian exile of the ancient Israelites would be an important metaphor for Calvin to use in describing the Christian’s life on earth because Christians are held captive by sins thus getting punished. The Babylonian captivity is depicted as a punishment for idolatry as well as disobedience to God. The suffering...
Topic: Ancient Civilizations
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Introduction C. S. Lewis was born in 1898 in Belfast in Ireland and died in 1963. He wrote many books, and several ones encompass Christian apologetics. His literary works contribute to religion and theology studies. Some of his works include Mere Christianity, Screwtape, and The Chronicles of Narnia, which is...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1222
Pages: 4
Daniel Howard-Snyder dedicates his article to the topic of faith. His main claim is that the common understanding of propositional faith is false and thus damages human thought processes regarding their attitude towards future events. Snyder argues that there is a substantial difference between conventional religious faith and propositional faith...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1061
Pages: 4
Confucianism and Daoism appeared in the 6th–5th century BCE in China as philosophical ways of life and worldviews created by Confucius and Laozi, respectively. Though they are from the same period of time and country, these two religions or philosophies are rather different as they are based on various concepts...
Topic: Confucianism
Words: 576
Pages: 2
In the world of capitalism, companies strive to be profitable as they can while providing their products or services. However, this ideology does not always align with the Christian beliefs and principles that do not place profitability as their primary interest. Although some Christians agree with the fundamentals of capitalism,...
Topic: Capitalism
Words: 583
Pages: 2
Many Christians consider the Bible to be a book that tells about the non-material world and almost nothing about the material one. Therefore, they are often surprised when they hear the phrase ‘Christian economy’. There are many passages in the Bible about economics, especially economic freedom. The Bible draws parallels...
Topic: Bible
Words: 333
Pages: 1
Hinduism is an integral part of the world’s religions, and there is no doubt that Christianity has succeeded in building its attitude toward this denomination. According to Light (2017), “Christian approaches to Hinduism are diverse but tend to study sacred texts, ways of life, or philosophy. Consequently, it is appropriate...
Topic: Hinduism
Words: 468
Pages: 2
Usually, people perceive religion and belief as aspects of personal choice that are difficult or impossible to dispute. Most often, belief is based on unjustified facts or events; however, this feature does not prevent people from holding on to their positions. On the other hand, anti-theistic arguments are most often...
Topic: God
Words: 2518
Pages: 9
Introduction Evangelicalism is a progressive form of Christianity, which emerged in the Age of Atonement and is characterized by the belief in the Bible’s literal truth. The movement’s members identify with the need to be ‘born again’, live a holy life, and have a personal relationship with Christ. From the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 581
Pages: 2
Christianity is one of the most important and popular world religions. It was founded approximately near 33 AD in Palestine, and it is centered on the personality of Jesus Christ, the life and deeds of whom were described in the Gospels (Köstenberger, 2020). For Christians, Jesus was a messiah, a...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 672
Pages: 2
Introduction Throughout history, many philosophers have raised the topic of the existence of God. Each of them has his own special approach and argumentation. Due to this, many theories and philosophical statements have been created, which are further discussed, revised, and interpreted. Arguments for or against the idea of the...
Topic: God
Words: 663
Pages: 2
Isaiah 14: 3-23 celebrates the death of a ruler who is identified in the text only as “the king of Babylon.” The lack of elaboration on the king’s identity has encouraged scholars throughout centuries to look for clues that could match the central character of the passage with a historical...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1154
Pages: 4
Primarily, Mamdani shares a concern about the violence of the modern age and how it is rooted in the political agenda. 9/11 was an essential event in the history of the United States that led to the juxtaposition of “bad Muslims” with “good Muslims” in society (Mamdani 2005, 15). The...
Topic: Muslim
Words: 346
Pages: 1
In Revelation 20, a major event is described known as The Millennium. It is a highly controversial passage and there is much debate on whether the Second Coming of Christ will occur prior and lead to this prolonged period of holiness and salvation on Earth, or will the Second Coming...
Topic: Religion
Words: 542
Pages: 2
Paul David Tripp’s book “A Shelter in the Time of Storm” explains the various hardships and troubles in life and how to get past them. Tripp introduces the main topics covered in the book by explaining that we live in a broken world that subjects us to lots of suffering,...
Topic: Religion
Words: 572
Pages: 2
Introduction The book begins with an analysis of the importance of culture in the world. The author says that cultural diversity dramatically affects a person’s worldview and self-esteem. Sometimes, due to a lack of understanding of the environment, a foreigner feels lonely. The book describes in detail how faith can...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1105
Pages: 4
The issue of religious beliefs has always been a rather contentious subject due to the often-conflicting interpretations of different religious principles. The absence of tolerance and readiness for a nuanced and respectful discussion of religious differences has provided the breeding grounds for conflicts throughout history. For example, the Thirty Years...
Topic: Pluralism
Words: 344
Pages: 1
It should primarily be stated that responding to an argument that Christianity is an other-worldly religion first and foremost is hard. This is due to the fact that it definitely includes both other-worldliness and this-worldliness and they usually interrelate and produce a cause effect relationship. For instance, Christianity sates that...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 287
Pages: 1
Jehovah’s Witnesses is a religious doctrine based on the Bible but unique in that it is radically different from all Christian religions. They are also known for their interpretation of the Bible, according to which they deny the doctrine of the Trinity. The sect was primarily organized according to the...
Topic: Religion
Words: 275
Pages: 1
Obedience to the law means the existence of legal norms that serve as a counteraction to the arbitrariness of power. The Bible has traditionally been considered as the most significant book on which the establishment of democratic institutions are based (Fischer, 2013). The goal of civil authority is to organize...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1013
Pages: 3
The book What the Bible Actually Teaches on Women is a comprehensive critique of the “complementarian” assertion that women are meant to be subordinates of men both at the household and in church. The author, Kevin Giles, is an accomplished scholar and backer of female leadership and he has written...
Topic: Bible
Words: 2785
Pages: 10
One’s personal growth is accompanied by various distractions of the present-day world, which prevent them from achieving important goals and having meaningful lives in general. They differ depending on the source and manifestation of such events, and revealing them should be a primary task for everyone who strives for a...
Topic: Jesus Christ
Words: 299
Pages: 1
Protestantism in North America begins with its early European roots and a German friar and lecturer, Martin Luther. His first step of the protestant reformation started when he led a charge against indulgences that benefitted the pope. His critiques gained popularity in Germany and with passing decades the protestant ideologies...
Topic: Protestantism
Words: 584
Pages: 2
The Bible presents various images of God, in which he is portrayed from the perspective of the multiple roles he performs and the numerous character descriptions he is attributed. Across the Scripture, the readers might find a wide spectrum of vivid and metaphorical portrayals of God, which implies his power...
Topic: Bible
Words: 815
Pages: 3
The Book of Job belongs to the Ketuvim (“Writings”) section of the Hebrew Bible and the Old Testament part of the Christian Bible. The main character, Job, is introduced in the prologue, where he is depicted as a godly man generously gifted with material and non-material gifts alike. The narration...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 1380
Pages: 5
Introduction Religion dictates the way people worship and pursue their religious goals. Christianity is one of the leading religions today that has clear guidelines, doctrines, and modes of worship. Followers of Christianity focus on the foundational commandments and pillars that make the religion what it is today. Those who follow...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1681
Pages: 6
Paul wrote to the church in Rome when Jews were coming back to the city after their expulsion. A new emperor had assumed control of the empire, replacing the one who had dismissed the Jewish leaders. Besides, the Gentiles became in charge of the church’s leadership and changed the practices,...
Topic: Religion
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Biographers and contemporaries describe Teresa as a very sociable, open, and intelligent person who was energetic and passionate in her actions. Following extreme mysticism in her religious works, she always had a good idea of the practical side of life (Weber 171). Perhaps, that is why she thought that in...
Topic: Religion
Words: 592
Pages: 2
The successful expansion of ideas and beliefs relies heavily on the methodology chosen by those who embark on this mission. The purpose of each Christian missionary is to transmit the ideas provided in the Gospel to a new audience, taking into consideration its cultural code and particularities. The effective choice...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 577
Pages: 3
In a detailed discussion of the differences in existing approaches to the study of the Bible, it is worth emphasizing the nature of the object understudy in the first place. Strictly speaking, theology itself involves studying the nature of God and the religious beliefs that enable followers to believe in...
Topic: Theology
Words: 570
Pages: 3
The development of Western religious thought enjoyed its blossom in three historical periods: Late Middle Ages, when the fundamental elements of the rational comprehension of the Supreme Being were formulated; the Enlightenment, marked with the reconciliation of science and religion, and the beginning of the 20th century, with the spread...
Topic: Thought
Words: 724
Pages: 2
Introduction and Brief Summary In In the article, “The Spirit in creation,” the author David Williams explores the role of the Holy Spirit within the scope of creation, defining and stressing its significance in the Trinity in the context given. Williams, a professor of divinity at the University of Fort...
Topic: Religion
Words: 913
Pages: 3
Outline The aspect of religion where God is the superior Being has continued to diminish in contemporary culture. This modern culture is characterized by many technological developments in which man is the main innovator. The ability of a human being to influence creation has made him feel superior to the...
Topic: Culture
Words: 976
Pages: 3
People have different beliefs in the wide variety of religious practices that currently exist. In each case, we have inclusivists who believe that other religions have some truths and learning which may be beneficial to everyone. From an exclusivist approach, the idea of acknowledging that other religions may have some...
Topic: Religion
Words: 273
Pages: 1
The Unforgiving Servant The first parable appears in Matthew and can be characterized by its two-stage double indirect narrative. According to Snodgrass (2008), the plot of The Unforgiving Servant has a well-balanced three-part structure followed by an explanation. The parable tells the story of a servant who, at first, has...
Topic: Bible
Words: 2826
Pages: 10
The Psalter contains many examples of imprecatory psalms, among which verses #35, #109, and #137 are suggested for this discussion. Regardless of the specific part, however, we should first outline the significance and role of such poetic forms. In general, imprecatory psalms represent an appeal to God or a prayer...
Topic: Religion
Words: 604
Pages: 4
The church’s history began with Jesus Christ and apostles, who, after the Resurrection, carried his word to all parts of the world, particularly to Greece and then to Italy. The Apostle Peter, who was to become a cornerstone of the new Christian church according to Jesus’ parting words, successfully fulfilled...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 602
Pages: 2
The Old Testament includes a range of themes and concepts later referenced and reinterpreted in the New Testament. For example, Luke’s descriptions of Jesus’ death are thoroughly connected to Zechariah’s prophecy presented in the Old Testament. Chapter 23 of the Gospel of Luke highlights the fulfillment of predictions about the...
Topic: Jesus Christ
Words: 654
Pages: 2
The people living in Middle East in countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE etc are known as Arabs. The word is somewhat ethnic in nature. As far as Muslims are concerned, Muslims are the people who submit their will to ALLAH (God) and they are the followers of the religion Islam....
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 345
Pages: 2
Christian apologetics refers to the defense of faith against spreading of spiritual falsehood. These individuals guard religious values and morals, as evidenced during the second century (101-200AD). Everett Ferguson identifies Adam as a representative and guard of God’s practices in the Garden of Eden (Ferguson and George 2016). The serpent...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 656
Pages: 2
A grade “A” is an economic good because it is desired by many students, but it is not attained by many thus creating an opportunity cost. Exams are meant to evaluate how the examinee is faring on in a specific area of study. It is the dream of every student...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1127
Pages: 4
Different religions have a distinct way of perceiving the sources and causes of suffering. In Judaism, the view of sorrow is that it is merely a characteristic of physical existence (Fitzpatrick et al., 2016). This means that misery does not necessarily have to be a result of punishment for misdeeds....
Topic: Judaism
Words: 602
Pages: 2
Socrates is accused of impiety, or “not believing in the gods in whom the city believes (West & Plato, 1979, 24b).” At first glance, it appears as if Socrates is charged with atheism, but the philosopher is, in fact, ostracized for believing in “other new spiritual things (West & Plato,...
Topic: God
Words: 165
Pages: 1
Introduction Ever since 1963, when U. S. Supreme Court allowed sectarian teaching of the Bible in public schools’ classrooms, the issue of this decision’s appropriateness has been discussed from a variety of sociological and legal perspectives, with many critics rightly pointing out to the fact that there is nothing sectarian...
Topic: Teaching
Words: 2176
Pages: 7
Introduction The views on such important questions as the purpose of life vary from one person to another and are formed according to one’s individual beliefs. Christianity explains all issues associated with ethics and morality in the context of the Bible and through the idea of God. This essay will...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1278
Pages: 4
The Council of Trent was a definitive document written in response to doctrinal challenges posed by the protestant reformation. The decrees revitalized and consolidated the Roman Catholic Church in the face of protestant expansion. The council issued critical statements on sacraments, scripture, biblical canon, sin, justification, salvation, mass, and saints’...
Topic: Religion
Words: 675
Pages: 2
Introduction From epistemological point of view, science and religion are two distinct ways of knowing; the first one relies on logic and empirical findings whereas the other is based on faith which does not require substantiation (Griffin, 2000, p 7). The theory of evolution, introduced by Charles Darwin only emphasized...
Topic: Charles Darwin
Words: 1154
Pages: 4
Introduction Philosophical discussion of arguments for God’s existence appeared to become reduced significantly in the environment in which logical positivism prevails. However, the resurgence of the interest toward the ontological and cosmological arguments since the 1960s prompted new ideas and perceptions. The ontological side of the discussion has been mainly...
Topic: God
Words: 1186
Pages: 4
Religion has traditionally played a significant role in the development of healthcare institutions, but their current relationships are a subject of many controversies. With three-quarters of adults in the United States being religious, the scientific community has been struggling to incorporate the population’s religious preferences into the traditionally scientific medical...
Topic: Health
Words: 865
Pages: 3
Religion in the United States of America is misplaced. Its position in the public realm is among the many prickly issues analyzed in religion, in America, including in government programs. Contributors and researchers find diversified conclusions about the private, religious lives of Americans and their personal attitudes on the social...
Topic: Religion
Words: 656
Pages: 3
Introduction Christianity developed in the mid-first century in Judea following the teachings of Jesus. Later, the missionary work and writings of Paul of Taurus also made an impact in its spread. Initially, this religion was viewed as a small and disorganized sect that, among other things, pledged personal salvation after...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 831
Pages: 3
Christianity has shaped the worldview of its followers for thousands of years. Naturally, the more progressive humans become, the more they start to question the legitimacy of religion and go deeper into its roots to find out the truth. Therefore, it created a lot of arguments used by atheists against...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 400
Pages: 1
Christian Identity Since the institutionalization of Christianity, the Church has always competed with monarchs for control over the states. Only after the beginning of the Reformation did Christianity begin to cooperate with local authorities. It can be said that such a symbiosis of unique cultures and local Christian practice norms...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1214
Pages: 4
St. Benedict is a Christian saint who is responsible for the creation of the Rule of Benedict, which is a set of rules and guidelines for Christian monks to follow. It is regarded as one of the most influential texts that helped establish the basic rules of monasticism in medieval...
Topic: Religion
Words: 609
Pages: 2
The story of Joseph, son of Jacob, is told in the book of Genesis from chapters 37 to 50. As a young man, Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son because of many reasons. He was born when Joseph was advanced in age and did not expect another child. He was obedient...
Topic: Suffering
Words: 1704
Pages: 6
In “Genesis 1-11,” two theories discuss the place of humans in the universe, including God’s intention to create an image of himself on Earth and the desire to undermine people’s mortality. The domination of the second theory of human mortality is evident. The Lord created humans last in his image,...
Topic: Religion
Words: 150
Pages: 1
Introduction Modern society knows a few stories presenting women’s role in early Christianity due to the dominance of patriarchal church hierarchies, established by the Apostle Peter. He believed that it is shameful for a woman to preach in the church. He also thought that women should entirely rely on their...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1731
Pages: 6
Quran has been criticized for its teachings, beliefs, and principles which are attributed to Islamic values. Since Islam existed, theorists have debated in different ways that other religions disapprove because of the contradictions between the teachings. Since the 21st century, westernization has led to changes in religious perceptions, especially on...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1126
Pages: 4
Introduction The first part of the year 2020 was especially challenging due to the spreading COVID-19 epidemic and the consequent problems in different spheres of life. As one of the most important realms, religion was also influenced by the pandemic; moreover, some of its values and ideas were shattered at...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 632
Pages: 2
Religion is subjective and plays different roles for varying groups of people. Some individuals practice religion because of family traditions and others because of their strong belief in the afterlife. The difference in such factors leads to variations in how worshiping affects people’s lives. For African Americans, religion has had...
Topic: African American
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Juan de Yepes, who later adopted the name “de la Cruz” (John of the Cross), is a Christian mystic, Catholic saint, writer, poet, reformer of the Carmelite order, and teacher of the Church. It may seem that this person lived in a different world: he found himself in everyday life,...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 498
Pages: 2
The Impact of Spirituality on Interactions with Clients Spiritual beliefs can influence a person’s cognitive assessment of negative life events. Religion and spirituality are critical aspects of all cultures, and social workers must incorporate spiritual diversity in practice (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2015, p. 354). Believing in a transcendent force often...
Topic: Human Behavior
Words: 536
Pages: 4
Ethics and religion are interrelated concepts, but this synergy remains inadequately explained. Moreover, this issue’s final point cannot be reached since both concepts are relative and not measured by standard methods. The Westboro Baptist Church case reveals a controversial decision allowing religious activists to express their perspective at a funeral....
Topic: Baptism
Words: 288
Pages: 1
Getting familiar with other religions is an exciting experience which helps to understand other cultures and nations better. It is generally recognized that different religions are varying not only in traditions but also in the way a religious service is conducted. For this field trip report, I have visited Temple...
Topic: Religion
Words: 929
Pages: 3
Beliefs Shaun Walker’s article titled “The Last of the Zoroastrians” gives a glimpse of the manifestation of Molloy’s eight elements of religion in Zoroastrianism. The community has a strong belief that they must make peace with the dead before disposing of the body. They unite to pray for the dead...
Topic: Religion
Words: 642
Pages: 2
Introduction Human beings encounter diverse problems that affect their experiences, decisions, and relationships in their respective communities. Religion and ethics are two key areas that offer timely insights for dictating the way people pursue social dilemmas to meet the demands of the greatest majority. One of the primary concerns many...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1637
Pages: 6
Introduction The concept of religion has been deeply embedded in society for millennia and includes an array of different beliefs. Over the world’s history, the nature and understanding of religion have changed multiple times, as well as its importance in global affairs. While it was an integral component of all...
Topic: Religion
Words: 2843
Pages: 10
Religion plays a crucial role in the development of each nation, and the Southwest of the United States is defined as one of the most religious regions in the country. Therefore, its pursuit of God and an understanding of religion in general always deserve attention and recognition. The region of...
Topic: God
Words: 600
Pages: 2
Introduction Religion has diverse roles in society because it instills good morals and promotes appropriate behavior. It is essential to highlight that faith act as a bridge linking various people from different cultures. It is also vital to note that it gives people consolation and solutions for challenges in life....
Topic: Religion
Words: 1117
Pages: 4
The Acts of the Holy Apostles is the next New Testament book of historical content after the Holy Gospels, and it deserves the first place after them in its importance. Its author set himself to describe the events that took place after the Ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ. The...
Topic: Religion
Words: 880
Pages: 3
Introduction Despite the existence of different religions and their development, the majority of scripture and religious texts proclaim that human life is the ultimate value that has to be respected. Hence, war and other types of violence are not parts of religious values because these religions support peace, however, many...
Topic: War
Words: 1366
Pages: 5
Introduction When analyzing the dominant faiths, one can identify three religions with similar features and concepts: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. These theological doctrines have common features because, according to existing data, they have the same source of formation and a single-core – an emphasis on the Holy Scriptures as the...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 953
Pages: 3
Religion plays a central role in the overall development of society and an individual’s morality. The Christian religion, in particular, can be considered as a source of many essential human values. It forms a social and civilizational basis of the Judeo-Christian value system, which promoted the correct societal structure. The...
Topic: Bible
Words: 312
Pages: 1
Megachurches might be considered a relatively new but substantial religious phenomenon in terms of size and attendance. According to Hartford Seminary Institute for Religion Research, megachurches are “Protestant churches where more than 2000 people attend for the purpose of worship per week” (as cited in Cartledge et al., 2019, p....
Topic: Church
Words: 618
Pages: 2
Reflections on faith as a foundation of worldview and ethical decision making Moral reflections on the ethical principles that bring meaning to human life are important in understanding principles on bioethics. Reflections based on faith are instrumental in demystifying suffering and the different lifestyles and cultures of people. Principles in...
Topic: Bioethics
Words: 1667
Pages: 6
Introduction Ever since the scientific community developed the concept of the scientific method, there has been a centuries-old dispute between them, philosophers, and theologians about the existence of God. This topic is particularly relevant to Christian discourse and is viewed by many atheists as the ideological crisis of Christianity. However,...
Topic: The Problem of Evil
Words: 825
Pages: 3
One of the topics that can be discussed indefinitely is the existence or unreality of God. Neither this discussion nor any other can ever answer that question. Moreover, the debate about God or Deities has been going on since the human mind (Feuerbach, 2018). It is crucial to understand this...
Topic: God
Words: 945
Pages: 3
Introduction The notion of a successful state or historical period is always revolving around a variety of related factors that somehow contribute to their development and establishment whatsoever. One of the central concepts considered as inseparable with the emergence of a nation or era is the phenomenon of culture and...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1431
Pages: 5
Introduction Traditionally, the concept of religion has been related to a population’s beliefs. Although religion has been a controversial aspect, it is the worship and acknowledgment of the existence of a supernatural controlling power among the traditionalists. Several attempts to define the term have proved unsuccessful after scholars disagreed on...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1933
Pages: 7
Buddhism is one of the major religions in the world, and it is now practiced in various countries including China and Japan. This religion spread in China during the first centuries B.C.E. and became widely practiced in the sixth century (Heine xii). It entered China through trade relations with people...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Introduction There are various standpoints on spirituality across a variety of disciplines and discourses, including culture, sociology, philosophy, and religious beliefs. The meaning of spirituality has advanced over the years, with each generation attempting to evaluate the existing belief systems. It may refer to a religious process where believers hope...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 953
Pages: 3
Introduction Ultimate reality is an existing actuality that surpasses the physical and non-physical dimensions of the world. It is absolute power, a central connecting point, and the source of everything that prevails in the universe. In the Christian denomination, this phrase refers to a transcendent presence, a supreme being, or...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 2836
Pages: 9
Introduction Religion is the connection of man with the Divine and the ultimate goal of faith is the realization of Truth. Correspondingly, one of the religions is Hinduism, which took place over a long time and underwent several stages of development. The paper aims to provide a detailed description and...
Topic: Hinduism
Words: 1508
Pages: 5
Every religion has its peculiarities and customs that determine what life the followers of this religion lead. A person’s belief may have a significant influence on the decisions they make and their worldview. Some of the things that are influenced by beliefs are views on diseases, death, dying, and human...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1685
Pages: 6
The Ministry of Health and Healing by Ellen White teaches its readers universal truths and wisdoms which should be born in mind by everyone. According to White, only the purity of soul can help a person get cured with sins which dwell in every person being primary causes of all...
Topic: Health
Words: 297
Pages: 2
Religious texts often become fundamental for individuals’ views and societies’ values, serving as the framework for the rules of the right conduct and behavior. In some cases, they tend to bear more significance for people than scientific research since their authority is rooted in hundreds and even thousands of years...
Topic: Religion
Words: 281
Pages: 1
Introduction The Advancement is a work of Christian apologetics by the professor of philosophy of religion L. Russ Bush. Its author seeks to promote the philosophical positions of authentic historical Christianity over those of the seemingly dominant modern naturalistic worldview. He argues that naturalism suffers from debilitating internal contradictions, upholding...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1192
Pages: 4
Hinduism that originated in India is one of the oldest religious cultures in human history. Every religion to be a part of Hinduism should support the caste system, respect the Vedas (Sanskrit scriptural texts), and honor particular spirits and deities (Corduan, 2012). The main Hindu deities, the caste system, and...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 1200
Pages: 4
A vision statement is extremely important for leaders to keep their followers motivated. A well-formulated vision inspires others beyond their duties by creating a picture of the positive and uplifting future (Parkay et al., 2019). There are six key areas of vision that help to keep the followers motivated. All...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 512
Pages: 2
Introduction The discussion of the existence of evil and, more importantly, its coexistence with the forces of good as the cornerstone contradiction that may disrupt the very premise of the Divine existence has been discussed in theology for centuries. The dilemma can be worded in the following way: if God...
Topic: God
Words: 1123
Pages: 4
The ethicality of euthanasia is a controversial issue in the philosophy of medicine, ethics, law, and other disciplines connected to the notions of death and the right to it. Euthanasia has divided people into two main camps – those who see it as a crime against God or some higher...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1774
Pages: 6
Religion plays a critical role in the socio-economic and political environment in the global society. According to Turaki (2020), about 83% of the global population identify themselves with some form of belief in supernatural powers. Some of the classical religions include Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism, Bahai, Shinto, and Hinduism. Others...
Topic: Religion
Words: 569
Pages: 2
In the text, John refers to seeing “the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion” (Revelation 14.1) The fact that he refers to the Lamb rather than a lamb, indicates that this was Jesus. Zion is referred to as the chosen citadel of God and a spiritual city true to the King...
Topic: Interpretation
Words: 289
Pages: 1
Did Darwin Kill God?, a documentary movie by Dr. Conor Cunningham, professor of the University of Nottingham, reflects my beliefs most fully. I think that God is a supernatural being that exists outside of time and space, its basis, and the driving force. Cunningham’s movie correlates with the classic definition...
Topic: Belief
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Since attending a Christian University, I have discovered that the University is committed to helping students achieve and pursue their educational goals. Christian University is a faith-based and Evangelical institution guided by the belief that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. As stated in the Strategic Priorities, their core...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 313
Pages: 1
Introduction Mircea Eliade was a philosopher and a historian of religion, whose book “A History of Religious Ideas” in three volumes outlines the key periods in human history in relation to religious traditions people practiced at a specific time. Religion in the context of human history has been a part...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 4256
Pages: 15
Commonly known as Saint John Henry Newman or simply cardinal, Newman was an English poet and theology expert throughout his life. His priesthood began in the Anglican Church, and later on, he became a Catholic priest. After several years of service, he was appointed a cardinal. In 2019, years after...
Topic: Religion
Words: 517
Pages: 2
Introduction Successful health care is reliant on self-care as it highly contributes to one’s well-being. Although there is continued progress toward a holistic advance to healing and fitness, the disease remains the focal point. There is a rising concentration on disease prevention, the establishment of a cure for sicknesses, and...
Topic: Health
Words: 645
Pages: 2
Sociologists have defined religion as a social institution that involves practices and beliefs which society considers sacred. Different members of the community share virtues in light of symbols and rituals as an identity of spiritualism. Religions often have ethics and set rules that guide the way of living among its...
Topic: Religion
Words: 279
Pages: 1
Genesis 1-3 tells of creating the heavens and the earth in all its vast array and all living things. God created humanity: a man and a woman from his rib blessed them and told them to fill the earth and conquer it. He gave them as well as all living...
Topic: Religion
Words: 616
Pages: 2
The persecution of early Christians was a process accompanying the development of religion in the past. From this perspective, a life of a missionary at the time was not easy, especially when the series of martyrdoms started with St. Stephen being the first victim of this policy initiated by Roman...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 220
Pages: 1
Globalization is one of the historical processes that cannot be neglected because it determines the quality of human life, as well as interpersonal relationships. When people prefer globalization over other concepts, they accept interaction between independent cultures and traditions. Not to be lost in a variety of available options and...
Topic: Family
Words: 1501
Pages: 5
Most Christians think that women are oppressed, and their rights denied when limits are put on their roles in the church. This has led to the cropping of great challenges between complementarians and egalitarians on the limitation of women’s leadership roles. For instance, many women in the current churches fight...
Topic: Church
Words: 631
Pages: 2
Introduction Praying is an essential ritualistic part of one’s faith, attested in the Bible and other religious texts. However, Thomas Aquinas, a renowned religious philosopher, doubted its necessity, along with God’s existence and other pillars of Christianity. Then, in his usual fashion, the thinker managed to reaffirm that praying had...
Topic: Religion
Words: 504
Pages: 2
Nature of Spirituality and Ethics: A Christian Perspective Spirituality and ethics are crucial in healthcare since they provide the basis for cultivating values that allow nurses to remain empathetic and attentive to patients and their needs. Examining spirituality from the Christian perspective will show that the subject matter implies using...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 515
Pages: 2
I conversed with a Christian leader in the neighborhood about the topic of race and kingdom ethics. His view and attitude towards the issue of race is optimistic; in that, it makes all people equal despite having a different skin color. Understandably, the Christian leader develops an understanding regarding the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 1218
Pages: 4
The secular worldview revolves around science and the lived experience. The identified friend appears to have some unique problems with the validity and nature of Christianity because it appears judgmental and intolerant. The individual is also pessimistic about the “suppressive sexual ethic” associated with religion. The inside-out approach seeks to...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 563
Pages: 2
“Becoming good: building moral character” is a book that has received a warm welcome among the Christians. Written by David W. Gill, the book lays fundamental principles on how a Christian can find satisfaction in the ways of GOD as opposed to the current love for money which has become...
Topic: Religion
Words: 561
Pages: 2
Religious beliefs are based on historical accounts of the occurrences recorded in available books, such as the Bible and the Quran. The Christian religion is entirely dependent on biblical information concerning the nature of God and how He relates to humanity. Central to the Christian faith is the story of...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
What is a worldview? A worldview is usually described as an individual’s view of other people, the world around them, and their place in it. Outlooks differ greatly among humans, so it is almost impossible to find 2 people with the same one. Worldviews are usually supported by a specific...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 743
Pages: 2
Throughout history, religion has been a significant part of social and political life that emerged in nearly all societies in one or another form. However, religion was not the only social institution present in all civilizations – apart from religious faith, politics and warfare have been an integrative part of...
Topic: War
Words: 1421
Pages: 5
Introduction At present, the public sees the police as forceful representatives of law enforcement. They deliver a prompt response in situations of crisis to citizens. However, the scope of the police’s helping methods is limited. At the same time, chaplaincy volunteers working alongside some police departments can comfort people and...
Topic: Police
Words: 873
Pages: 3
Human society has undergone various changes associated with all spheres of people’s lives. Modern pluralism is one of the shifts that is shaping the way people interact and see the world. One of the major peculiarities of this trend is the acceptance of multiple views on diverse concepts (Chatraw &...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 327
Pages: 1
The learning paths that we embark on play a fundamental role in shaping how we view the world and the paradigms that we chose to live by. These constructs become rooted in our minds and govern our interpretations of life and everyday situations. Biblical education is different from other fields...
Topic: God
Words: 358
Pages: 1
The central question that worried the consciousnesses of tens of thousands of human generations throughout their existence is the recognition of whether God exists. There is no doubt that this question will remain unresolved, as it is physically impossible to discover what is felt by the followers of faith spiritually....
Topic: God
Words: 604
Pages: 2
Introduction Both Christianity and Islam are the major Abrahamic religions that share several key similarities in regards to monotheistic values. The debate is primarily focused on Jesus Christ, who is a manifestation of God in the former and a mere human prophet in the latter. The significant difference between James...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 609
Pages: 2
Understand the key features of a sociological approach to religion and belief Beliefs constitute the backbone of any community. Indeed, “societies were founded, cohere, develop, degenerate and die based on their belief systems” (Usó-Doménech and Nescolarde-Selva, 2016, p. 147). These systems allow people to comprehend the surrounding world and provide...
Topic: Belief
Words: 2504
Pages: 8
Introduction Islam remains one of the biggest religions in the world today with millions of followers. Believers should be aware of the teachings and pillars that can guide them to achieve their spiritual aims. This discussion seeks to analyze the Five Pillars of Islam and why they are given such...
Topic: Islam
Words: 1124
Pages: 4
Introduction There has been a debate between scientists and theologians about evolution. Many individuals believe that accepting the scientific theory of evolution, which is based on the notion of natural selection, is equal to holding atheistic views. They interpret the story of Adam and Eve literally and use it to...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Opening device: In the modern world, does one have to be perfect to be canonized? Preview: In today’s speech, I am going to expand the audience’s knowledge regarding Mother Teresa by reviewing the criticisms of her work and the undeniable positive outcomes of her endeavors. Thesis: Surprisingly, there are varying...
Topic: Poverty
Words: 368
Pages: 1
Introduction Few religions are as interconnected socially, historically, and culturally as Christianity and Islam. Both faiths have similar origins, historical roots, with Islam recognizing some Christian elements and figures. Both Islam and Christianity represent monotheistic religions with one supreme entity. Each religion incorporates the divine message and prophets who spread...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 888
Pages: 3
Throughout centuries, the infinite world stands upon the rules, regulations created by humans, and, most importantly, religion. The latter offered the medieval man an opportunity to reconsider life and its purpose. At its core, faith illuminates being with light and hope. Among diverse directions of faith, Christianity constitutes one of...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 874
Pages: 3
How and why would Matthew have edited Mark 6:45-52 contrasted with Matthew 14:25-27, 32-33? First and foremost, the Gospel of Matthew refers to the study of the life and preaching of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The features of the Gospel stem from its intended purpose for the Jewish...
Topic: Religion
Words: 677
Pages: 2
The principle of autonomy respects the patient’s rights to make an informed medical decision. However, this case falls under the Confucian society, where the head of the family decides for people under his care (Tai & Tsai, 2003). The physician should inform the parents about all possible measures and leave...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 1119
Pages: 4
Introduction Different religions help people to achieve similar goals: come to terms with their grief and pain, find solace, sense of meaning, and sense of community. At the same time, they also illustrate the diversity of philosophies, customs, and values, and there is immense beauty in understanding and accepting that...
Topic: Buddhism
Words: 1961
Pages: 7
Introduction Christianity and Islam share many similarities, although they are two distinct religious traditions. Sufism, one of the Islamic traditions, consists of a variety of strict rules and laws, as well as an appeal towards asceticism as the main way of going through the path and reaching Allah. Christianity, however,...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 2098
Pages: 8
Introduction. This point paper is devoted to the Martin Luther King and his theology. It is based on the book Luther, the Reformer: The Story of the Man and His Career by James Kittleson. This work contains a review of the plot, its main issues, and the internal and external...
Topic: Historical Figures
Words: 2811
Pages: 12
Introduction Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a serious and practically incurable disease. George understands that. He knows that what awaits him is inevitable and has to make a decision that will ease his suffering and lift a burden from his family. Euthanasia provides a swift and painless way out. However,...
Topic: Religion
Words: 1716
Pages: 6
Introduction Although the Baha’i faith is one of the youngest world religions, it involves millions of followers in the exceptional geographically diverse community. Originating in the middle of the 19th century in Persia, now Iran, it spread to different continents, and now it is present in many countries. The unique...
Topic: Belief
Words: 1412
Pages: 5
People all around the world often have to face different obstacles and make wise decisions based on their moral principles and fundamental values. Case Study: Fetal Abnormality provides its readers with an example of a situation in which individuals encountered a complicated life circumstance and had to make a hard...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 844
Pages: 3
Introduction Being one of the main religions in the world, Islam undergoes prejudice and is associated with violence nowadays. However, a description of Islam beliefs, practices, and rituals should present the description of the religion itself, reminding us that knowing the issue should precede any judging. Historically, Islam originated from...
Topic: Religion
Words: 564
Pages: 2
Catholic Church is also referred to as Roman Catholic. It’s the largest Christian denomination in the world. It’s amongst the first Christian denomination in the world. The church is headed by the Pope who is perceived as the successor of St. Peter, the apostle. Apostles of Jesus Christ are succeeded...
Topic: Charity
Words: 565
Pages: 2
Introduction Saint Francis is one of the most significant figures in Christianity. Most texts about this individual explore his teachings, wisdom, and legacy. However, Francis’s life was not limited to religious service, and it should be considered a lesson on its own. Francesco experienced drastic changes in his attitude toward...
Topic: Religion
Words: 573
Pages: 2
Since ancient times, monasticism has existed as an attempt to escape the bustle of the world and devote life entirely to God. People who live in the world, are engulfed in a fuss that comes from rivalry, from the desire to be higher than the other, against their will. If...
Topic: Religion
Words: 575
Pages: 2
Introduction Mosques are a place of communication of Muslim people with Allah. It can be noted that usually, Islamic mosques are built as spacious and beautiful places reflecting the postulates of Islam. The uniqueness and beauty of religion are shown not only in the internal design but also in external...
Topic: Religion
Words: 931
Pages: 3
Introduction The phrase “a lesson to be learned and a tragedy to behold” is an adequate description of the horrors and lessons that humanity has learned from the genocide of the Jewish population during World War 2. On the issue of the Holocaust as a “Christian Problem”, two different views...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 2153
Pages: 7