I chose to commit my act of informal defiance while I was grocery shopping. I went to a familiar shop I visit often, and where I recognize some of the cashiers. There, I randomly approached other shoppers and attempted to engage in conversation about the items they were looking at....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 859
Pages: 3
The world is far from perfect; however, people have made immense progress in the medical field, which now allows to prolong their lives, even at the expense of the quality of such existence. Some might agree that humans have reached the stage of development, which prompts socio-cultural and legal discussions...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1074
Pages: 4
Morality and legality are different terms, which stem from a similar concept of judgment on the basis of violation or adherence to certain norms and values. Hart’s views are based on distinguishing moral values from laws because morality cannot be fully reliable. Devlin suggests that these two systems should reflect...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 855
Pages: 3
The portrayal of society is presented through the diversity of people and their perceptions. Ethical and moral standards of different population groups vary, and this fact contributed to the emergence of the concept of relativism (Philosophy & Religion, 2017). From this perspective, the precondition of the issue is their varying...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 297
Pages: 1
Information Sources Immigration information is also very useful in drafting important national policies used for decision making and strategic planning. In the UK, the most reliable sources of data for immigration are the Office for National Statistics, Home Office, UK Census, Joseph Rowentree Foundation, Institute for Statistical Studies and migration...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 2165
Pages: 7
Effective communication is of extreme significance in the health care environment. Communication can be defined as the process of sharing information and interaction between people. In the following paper, I am going to dwell on the status of my communication skills in three particular areas, and the way these skills...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Introduction With the emergence of the deadly coronavirus disease, numerous changes have been noted in physical meetings. The regular one-on-one conferences were noted to be the hotspot for the disease spread. However, a new mechanism on how to proceed with various sectors’ initial operations had to be derived. In this...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1930
Pages: 7
Nowadays, in times of the digital age and advanced communication technologies, it is not easy to imagine a world without any kind of social activism. Activism is a deliberate action by an individual or group aimed at directing or promoting social, economic, environmental, or political change in the local or...
Topic: Activism
Words: 398
Pages: 1
The first article is the most revolutionary for its time. It states: “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” The most prevalent governmental regime in Europe of the late eighteenth century is monarchy, whether it is constitutional or absolute. This article equates monarchs and peasants in their...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 96
Pages: 1
Standpoint theory implies feminist theoretical perspectives that assume that knowledge comes from one’s societal position. These perspectives deny that traditional scientific approaches are objective and suggest that research and theories have not taken into account female and feminist ways of intellection (Introduction to Sociological Theory). Smith’s idea is founded on...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 327
Pages: 1
When reading a text, one should focus on the exact moral lessons and knowledge that the author intends to impart into the reader’s mind. Instances of social inequality are common in the current century. In addition, social justice leads to harmony, peace, and tranquility, apart from fostering economic development in...
Topic: Justice
Words: 654
Pages: 2
Can high group cohesion be harmful? A case study of a junior ice-hockey team is an article written by a group of authors who used quantitative research. This research method is used for a number of reasons, the main of which is the purpose of the discussion. It should be...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Introduction The essay “An Argument Against Banning Phthalates by Juan Lucas” espouses caution and logical thinking when it comes to the push for banning phthalates from their use in children’s toys, in particular for babies. While Lucas does not outright point it out, the main logical fallacy in the anti-phthalate...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 824
Pages: 3
Regarding the important issues in feminism, it is necessary to refer to the term socialist feminism, to examine the issues of the dualistic typification, beauty ideals, and the beauty industry in the context of feminism. It is also important to suggest some solutions and criteria stabilize newly appeared tense situations...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 681
Pages: 2
To get a dream car at the lowest price possible negotiation at the car mart is a must. Negotiation refers to a dialogue between two people (the buyer and the seller) to get to an agreed price of an item. People tend to take negotiation for granted but it is...
Topic: Communication
Words: 546
Pages: 2
Abstract This paper dwells upon the way communities change and the way individual can affect the change. Such communities as church, work, soccer game are considered. The change involving implementation (or rather support of) of the program aimed at informing young people on STD is provided as an example. Introduction...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 574
Pages: 2
Generally, there are various theories which have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people. They affect the worldview of individuals, especially when faced with challenging issues. The essay aims at discussing theories utilized by Jessica, Marco,...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 669
Pages: 2
Successful communication is one of the most essential but challenging processes. It is crucial to know some practices and details to communicate easily and effectively. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain nonverbal communication and the process of listening. Then, the factors that impede good listening, some...
Topic: Communication
Words: 958
Pages: 3
Introduction The abortion debate has always been particularly interesting to me, as various groups of people choose to view the issue differently. Especially the question of whether abortion should be the choice of a woman or not allowed at all, its morality, religious interpretation, and its effect on a woman’s...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Introduction To increase the general awareness of social questions, students should share relevant information with others who do not access this knowledge. If I had an opportunity to teach my friends and family members one particular idea, I would choose the sociological imagination. I consider it an exciting phenomenon that...
Topic: Sociological Imagination
Words: 371
Pages: 1
Informal control is important in fostering a proactive communal coexistence. Reflectively, the process consists of a structured human control system that incorporates all the aspects of human living. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the implications of theories emphasizing informal social controls on family issues such as dual-income...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 572
Pages: 2
The perception of human life as a series of experiences as follows from the sociological model proposed by Alfred Schutz implies the division into “subjective” and “objective” modes of their interpretation. Thus, the former is presented by social action contrasted by the world as the environment in which this action...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 300
Pages: 1
Introduction The dependency theory belongs to radical school of thoughts in international relations meaning departing from conventional acceptable approaches. It is referred to as structural because it analyzes the structure of society, economic structure. The theory assumes that the society is economically determined. The type of economy, its organization and...
Topic: Liberalism
Words: 719
Pages: 5
Introduction A significant social and cultural transformation of sexuality and associated concepts of gender and sex can be observed in modern society. According to Mirzoeff (2014), the belief that “biological sex predicates gender, which … dictates the choice of the opposite gender as a sexual partner – turns out to...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1380
Pages: 5
Introduction Several sociological theories have tried to address the impact of risk in molding individuals, as well as determining social development in communities. In the attempt to investigate various theories to this effect; this paper shall conclusively analyze positions taken by three leading thinkers: Deborah Lupton, Frank Furedi, and Zygmunt...
Topic: Social Development
Words: 2202
Pages: 8
From the enlightenment period up to the modern era, activists from all around the world have been fighting for the recognition of human rights and equality for all. Given the effort that has been put to fight for this course, it is unfortunate that there are still individuals, organizations, and...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 620
Pages: 2
It is an undeniable fact that TV shows profoundly influence the social and cognitive development of children. In this text, I demonstrate how a show can affect the operational learning and self-socialization of children, using the example of “The Simpsons.” The work proves that, while young male spectators are offered...
Topic: Gender Roles
Words: 828
Pages: 3
Tanzina Vega is an American journalist who prioritizes news stories focusing on the representation of minorities, race issues, and other aspects of inequality. Her career disclosed the obstacles that news reporters encounter while trying to bring minorities to public awareness. Now she is the host of “The Takeaway”, a WNYC...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 2234
Pages: 8
Topic: Mind mapping General purpose: To persuade Specific purpose: To persuade the audience to make steps to improve people’s learning experience. Thesis: Mind mapping is a creative way to organize a person’s thoughts; images and words together are more engaging to people’s brains. Steps Attention. Over twenty-five million people all...
Topic: Mind
Words: 560
Pages: 2
Introduction It is reasonable to expect conflict when there are deviations in opinions, backgrounds, and attitudes. Disagreements have been an integral part of human history, and have led to massive acts of violence and bloodshed. However, disputes are possible to resolve without resorting to arms but with reaching agreement based...
Topic: Speech
Words: 829
Pages: 3
Introduction One of the main reasons for people to immigrate to the United States is to find out the possibilities to earn a living and create a better future. However, it is not always easy and safe to be an immigrant in this country. According to the American Immigration Council...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 1400
Pages: 5
Introduction In this case, an application is brought forward by the Canadian Human Rights Commission to the Federal Court’s Act 2 to request the judiciary to review the Canadian Human Rights as rendered by Athanoisios D. Hadjis. The respondents are Richard Warman, the Canadian Attorney General and Marc Lemire. Richard...
Topic: Internet
Words: 1396
Pages: 5
Suicide has been a troubling phenomenon worldwide. The latest statistics indicate that suicide is a killer in America (American Association of Suicidology, 2005). Statistics further show that the American population looses approximately 80 people per day in suicide related cases and about 750,000 people attempt suicide each year. This tear-jerking...
Topic: Health
Words: 909
Pages: 3
Today’s society is developed using practices that follow predefined protocols. Professionals follow procedures required for implementing assigned roles and responsibilities. People enhance social interactions by maintaining varying norms as are necessary for a progressive relationship (Segre, 2014). Besides, leaders also ensure strict adherence to regulations that govern the economic and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 295
Pages: 1
Understanding the policy context requires an examination of the societal beliefs and assumptions about people, as well as a consideration of their issues and possible solutions. A social policy refers to public or governmental authorities’ decisions made in regard to allocating resources, duties, and rights (Laureate Education, 2013). Royal Garden...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 322
Pages: 1
The right to vote is widely recognized as one of the fundamental human rights. In a democratic state, it is essential for each individual to impact the country’s sociopolitical life through voting. While the right is accepted as fundamental, it is denied to a multitude of people around the globe....
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1111
Pages: 4
Purpose of the Study One of the peculiar characteristics of female sexuality is the independence of women’s emotional, behavioral, and physiological responses to sexual stimuli. Female sexual response is not a monolith, uniform phenomenon; in fact, it is possible to break it down to at least two major components. The...
Topic: Mindfulness
Words: 1188
Pages: 4
Capital punishment is one of the most controversial issues that evoke heated debates in the United States. On the one hand, Americans place the highest value on human life and people’s basic rights. The right to life cannot be alienated, according to liberal views that reign in the USA (McCarthy,...
Topic: Capital Punishment
Words: 906
Pages: 3
During a long period of time, American government made numerous attempts to create appropriate conditions for women, who wanted to have an abortion, and provide them with a chance to understand the outcomes of their decisions (Acharya et al., 390). At the beginning of 2011, the American citizens got to...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 832
Pages: 3
Communication is a basic need of every person in the world. Socialization is one of the most critical stages of a child’s growth as it has a significant impact on the formation of character and behavior patterns. The environment has a strong influence on the attitudes or opinion-forming of a...
Topic: Communication
Words: 837
Pages: 3
At first approximation, the option to choose an English major does not seem to lure many potential students. A considerable number of issues arise – starting from career opportunities and ending with the knowledge that this major can bring. In their articles, Carolyn Gregoire and Sophie Reeves aspire to prove...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 831
Pages: 3
Several changes in sexual standards have happened since the beginning of the American industrial revolution. Towards the last phase of the 20th century, the United States started witnessing the creation of various social movements. One of these movements was the queer – LGBTQ rights, which has greatly helped bring out...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 660
Pages: 2
People with nearly ideal communication skills can often be described as leaders with many followers. In the digital era, such people regularly acquire a fair amount of followers on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and others. These channels of communication require a high level of social skills that...
Topic: Communication
Words: 312
Pages: 1
Introduction The current Black Lives Matter protests spur numerous questions and, consequently, lead to specific societal changes. Fueled by the long-lasting history of racial oppression, activists demand the transformation that will abolish the contemporary White dominance in favor of equality for all. This essay will examine the reasons for the...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 674
Pages: 2
Modern technology provides for various new communicational tools, allowing us to construct an identity from a blank page. While some feel comfortable expressing themselves in real life premises, others choose to avoid such communication, seeking comfort online. Such disparities cause multiple problems and opportunities for people, which is why this...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 692
Pages: 2
“Even as the Civil War provided the Irish-American community with an avenue toward assimilation, the Draft Riots and their aftermath led to lingering tension and distrust between the Irish and African American communities.” The selected sentence reflects how Irish-American groups moved towards assimilation through loyalty and military service during the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 402
Pages: 1
Due to human nature, people very often come into conflict with each other. Differences of opinion or personal problems can be a cause for such disputes. However, any collision can be avoided by using specially designed conflict prevention methods. This essay aims to analyze the current conflict situation and apply...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 404
Pages: 1
People in today’s world frequently compete with each other for resources, attention, and power. The starting conditions vary significantly: birthplace, racial background, social status, and family wealth levels may affect the challenges that one faces later in life. People make a choice to either embrace different characteristics of each other...
Topic: White Privilege
Words: 557
Pages: 2
In her essay America needs its newcomers, Anna Quindlen claims that immigration has always played a crucial role in the history of the US. One of the primary evidence of their current contribution is the sheer number of foreigners working in the most labor-intensive industries. Anna Quindlen states that America...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 307
Pages: 1
This paper explores picnicking and how it varies across different countries. Although fancy outdoor dining dates back to the beginning of time, the tradition has evolved tremendously from a reserve of the noblemen to a universal activity which can be enjoyed by anyone (Matchar 2). Picnics are on the rise...
Topic: Pandemic
Words: 284
Pages: 1
Introduction The article this paper examines comes from the NBC Miami website and is titled “Miami Issues Citywide Mandatory Mask Policy, Makes Fines Stricter for Those Caught Without One.” NBS Miami is a news and entertainment outlet covering events of the South Florida region. The article under review covers the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 864
Pages: 3
Although sex trafficking is a problem with a long history, people still have not devised effective methods to address this problem. It is estimated that sex trafficking accounts for 79% of all human trafficking and affects 4.8 million victims (Brooks and Heaslip 1105). However, these estimates can be imprecise because...
Topic: Sex Trafficking
Words: 902
Pages: 3
Introduction Interpersonal communication undoubtedly plays an essential role in everyone’s lives. People are social creatures, so it is essential to develop good interpersonal skills in all life spheres. If people cannot communicate effectively, they will not be able to reach their goals and can potentially harm other people’s feelings. The...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1211
Pages: 4
Mexican migrants find it beneficial to come to a new country, look for some opportunities that are unavailable in their native country, and have better earnings. They cannot even guess how dangerous in terms of health their migration may be. They want to believe that it is possible to measure...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 581
Pages: 2
Introduction Each year, many immigrants flock to the United States in search of greener pasture. The porous border, especially through Mexico, makes it easy for immigrants to penetrate and move further Southwards in the hope of getting a better life. To check against their influx, America has tightened border security...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 558
Pages: 2
Introduction HeLa cells are an essential tool for various biomedical researches, which have significantly contributed to the development of science. The history of them has multiple ethical issues to discuss. Henrietta Lacks, the African-American woman, who had vaginal bleeding, was treated in a segregated section of Johns Hopkins Hospital, the...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Abstract For adolescents identity development appears to be an essential issue. Identity can be seen as a combination of commitments that influence the behavioral patterns of adolescents. Therefore, this research paper examines contemporary studies intended to discover whether an identity search affects conflicts between adolescents and their parents. Literature suggests...
Topic: Adolescence
Words: 1978
Pages: 7
Introduction It is safe to say that the transgender theory has experienced a new ideological rise in the American and European scientific discourses over the past decade. Most of the controversy revolves around the topics of conversion therapy for children and fraud in research methodology. It is noticeable that these...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1382
Pages: 5
Today’s society is inevitably related to the notions of discrimination, inequality, and ethical injustice due to the increasing rates of incompetence incidence based on racial, gender, or ethnic affiliation. While the modern world should pool its efforts to even slightly modify the existing tendency, the already existing achievements in the...
Topic: Discrimination
Words: 869
Pages: 3
The current immigration policy of tThe Uncited States evokes concerns of both Republicans and Democrats as well as the affected persons. One of the most controversial issues, in this case, is the provisions of the program known as the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), implying the permission to temporarily...
Topic: Students
Words: 2288
Pages: 8
Socialization is the process of internalizing norms and behaviors accepted in a given society plays a significant role in the development of a person’s self-concept. Symbolic interactionist, functionalist, and conflict perspective alike take different approaches to socialization but ultimately agree that an individual only develops a sense of self within...
Topic: Gender
Words: 568
Pages: 2
The use of animals in medical research, testing, and experiments provokes debates because of the non-ethical nature of treating animals for scientific and medical purposes. On the one hand, people traditionally use animals to satisfy their basic needs. On the other hand, animals should be seen from an ethical point...
Topic: Animal Ethics
Words: 559
Pages: 2
Introduction Identity refers to the social categories and the sources where an individual derives self-respect and dignity. The regulation involves personal attributes that cannot be conveyed naturally in terms of social class, ethnicity, color, and gender (Hogg, 2016). In various contexts, some categories are described as identities and are not...
Topic: Culture
Words: 659
Pages: 2
The chosen artifact demonstrates an informal interpersonal communicative situation between a man and a woman of approximately the same age. They are sharing a personal moment on what appears to be a lunch date. The two people are sharing a hug and holding hands, looking pleased with each other’s company....
Topic: Communication
Words: 161
Pages: 1
Introduction Social and cultural features of society determine the behavior of the individual from an early age. The history of the development of American society in political and social terms shows that the struggle for women’s rights and efforts to achieve gender equality continues to this day. Young girls, adolescents,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Introduction Emotion is the object of study in many fields of knowledge: psychology, sociology, anthropology, organizational behavior, neuroscience, etc. Although the scholars and scientists explore emotions from different perspectives, most of them agree that “emotion provides a unique source of information about the environment and that it unavoidably informs thoughts...
Topic: Emotional Intelligence
Words: 847
Pages: 4
The article by Siren et al. studies the compounds in red wines that were made from Pinot Noir grapes. Since the contents of this research are connected with chemistry, it would be difficult to say if there are any political, philosophical, or cultural leanings of the authors. The reason for...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 285
Pages: 1
The results from the game show the core values that describe my code of ethics include independence, impartiality, wisdom, and awareness. I value individual rights and the well-being of everyone in society. These two aspects work together to achieve the best outcomes. I also strongly value the universal principles of...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 582
Pages: 2
The 21st century is a time when several circumstances are rapidly changing. For this reason, the world has seen the first generation that has grown up under the influence of gadgets and social networks. That is generation Z, which consists of teenagers and people in their twenties. One of their...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 312
Pages: 1
Abstract The issue of atmospheric scientist communication, being a topical issue in the contemporary science realm, has been raised quite a few times. The report under the title of “Atmospheric Scientist Communication Problems” is one of the studies that address the issue in question. The current paper aims at discussing...
Topic: Scientists
Words: 2076
Pages: 8
Polarization occurs when two parties fail to agree on an issue leading to an interpersonal or community conflict in which the neutral parties take two opposing sides in the conflict. The parties involved assume extreme positions as the conflict develops, making it increasingly difficult to solve the conflict. As a...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 900
Pages: 3
Utilitarianism is a theory focused on the consequences of the actions, while rights are claims justified by ethical principles. These two concepts can be juxtaposed, as utilitarianism denies the absolute nature of ethical rights and proclaims universal happiness as the only worthwhile goal. The idea of universal human rights is...
Topic: Utilitarianism
Words: 556
Pages: 2
It is normal to encounter conflicts among stakeholders of a profit-making institution. Business entities provide a social platform where individuals interact professionally. Both senior and junior employees frequently disagree on the best decisions entailing production processes (King et al., 2016). However, this analysis involves conflict and negotiation management between Nick...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 1117
Pages: 4
Today, it is impossible to imagine a society without fundamental human rights. However, such a statement has only become true not so long ago. The history of humankind faced numerous incidents of violence, cruelty, and abuse that would seem intolerable today but were usually a few centuries ago. Society nowadays...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 313
Pages: 1
The legalization of abortion is one of the most disputable issues today in the United States. Most pro-abortionists argue that it is wrong to deny someone an opportunity to exercise their freedom to relish life and take responsibility for their actions. Despite a hot debate on the topic, terminating the...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 298
Pages: 1
The word ethics and morality are quite often used interchangeably. This shows how related they are. Ethics deal so much with the study of morality. In a narrow perspective it is used to refer to the moral principles of a given tradition as purported by John Deigh (1995) in Robert...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 555
Pages: 2
Amnesty Encourages Criminal Behavior One of the biggest qualms against illegal migration is that accepting it encourages criminal behavior. Legal ways of obtaining citizenship are long and arduous, involving language tests, background checks, and living on the territory of the country, engaging in legal trades, for a prolonged period of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 487
Pages: 2
People need leaders to communicate the goals and vision for errands and to help them achieve goals. One example of this is informal leadership, where individuals follow a person whom they consider credible or knowledgable. Picture 1 is the graphic organizer of this essay, which will focus on the foundations...
Topic: Army
Words: 823
Pages: 3
Introduction This essay will begin with a brief description of the nature of my placement and the setting. The law and guidance relating to the policy framework will be identified. I will also make a distinction between the legislation and the statutory guidance that underpins the practice, before broadly establishing...
Topic: Child Welfare
Words: 3047
Pages: 11
A Personal Perspective The moral landscape of the nation is a minefield for the person who wishes to be upright. All of us expect ethical behavior from persons high and low. In the name of political expediency, however, the highest official in the land withdraws U.S. troops from Iraq to...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 1028
Pages: 3
Many prominent philosophers determined concepts about moral and political issues in terms of their unique philosophical doctrines. Aristotle’s theory of virtue ethics According to Aristotle, humans, unlike animals can reason. Hence, reasoning together with pleasure can bring happiness. And by Aristotle “happiness is naturally our highest objective”, meaning “our highest...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1039
Pages: 3
Introduction Many consider the preservation of life to be the higher purpose of humanity’s existence. Thousands of doctors graduating each year take an oath to use their considerable skills to assist those in pain and prolong their existence by all means possible. However, the question of survival becomes more complicated...
Topic: Euthanasia
Words: 1380
Pages: 5
On Friday, May 27th, 2011, the famous search engine “Google” celebrated the birthday of the founder of sociology, Ibn Khaldun. He named it the science of human construction leaving a huge intellectual legacy that is still extending its influence today. Ibn Khaldun is a great and famous Arab historian and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 194
Pages: 2
The first article that I want to summarize concerns the research that Johanna Brenner conducted about intersections and class relations. The research method that she seems to have employed was a secondary data analysis and archival material. In the beginning, the author presents her theory regarding the connection between feminism...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Maintaining ethical integrity in scientific experiments is central to the credibility of the outcome and the well-being of the participants, which is why the research linked to the topics of mind control and free will has always been seen as a morally grey area in terms of its research potential....
Topic: Ethics
Words: 637
Pages: 2
The hunting and gathering society is considered the most equitable of all seven types, while the agricultural community gives rise to the development of civilization. The societies vary in their structure: the former exists in small nomadic groups to search for food supply, and the latter forms larger groups characterized...
Topic: Agriculture
Words: 373
Pages: 1
The issue of gender identity has always been topical and was developed not only by sociologists but also by representatives of many other scientific groups. Gender identity is a person’s internal sense of being male, female, some combination of male and female, or neither male nor female (Merriam-Webster, n.d.). The...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1193
Pages: 4
Research Topic The topic of abortion has long been the subject of heated debate. However, studies investigating the causes of abortion did not appear immediately due to confidentiality and the lack of such discussions (Biggs et al., 2013). Chae et al. (2017) utilized seven categories for investigating the causes of...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 1495
Pages: 5
Why is it relevant? The meaning of any communication is determined not only by the words that are pronounced. In most cases, it depends on what non-verbal signs and messages are sent at the same time. The topic is relevant because non-verbal communication is the most ancient form of human...
Topic: Communication
Words: 1169
Pages: 3
Introduction It seems rather popular among famous female pop stars to make high-talk statements about feminism and the role of women in modern society. Feminist notes have been subjects of songs and performances of such stars as Christina Aguilera and Beyonce. Ariana Grande’s recent feminism manifesto may be regarded as...
Topic: Feminism
Words: 864
Pages: 3
Introduction The United States government holds hundreds of thousands of immigrants in its more than 200 detention centers located in different states. The immigrants are detained in these places for entering the US unlawfully, and await processing for legal entry into the country (asylum seekers) or deportation. Detention is conducted...
Topic: Immigration
Words: 1443
Pages: 5
Introduction Sexual agency is the ability to make decisions freely in situations that involve a sexual context. In particular, it is the choice of whether one wants to engage in sexual activity, how they want to do it, and whether or when they want to stop it or avoid it...
Topic: Gender
Words: 573
Pages: 2
William had never felt alive before he met Austin, his new neighbor, who was young, energetic, and handsome. His every gesture revealed absolute confidence and great zest; his words presented high intelligence and unusual broad-mindedness. William, who turned 30 a few days ago, admired the youth but was too shy...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1128
Pages: 4
Carbado’s lists help one think intersectionality about privilege since this author illustrates how privilege and oppression co-exist in people’s everyday lives. People’s identities are linked with the system of pressure, and therefore, some people benefit from unearned privilege while others are unjustly discriminate against (Braithwaite and Orr, 2017). Carbado’s lists...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 290
Pages: 1
When speaking of the context of the 21st century, the notions of cruelty and violence do not seem to fit there, considering all the positive changes taking place around. However, while the vast majority of people take care of their environment, others desperately look for a way to exploit everything...
Topic: Animal Abuse
Words: 833
Pages: 3
Gender identity is an issue that affects an individual’s lifespan development. Today the question of gender identity is acute for people who struggle to find themselves in a world full of stereotypes and misunderstandings. It is vital for a social worker to develop strategies to help such individuals and their...
Topic: Gender
Words: 389
Pages: 1
The way people communicate has been altered significantly by the advances in information technologies. Moreover, the growing popularity of social media continues to enhance the way people perceive their interlocutors and their ability to reach a broad audience when it is needed. The perception of social media varies significantly, and...
Topic: Communication
Words: 393
Pages: 2
Gender stereotypes are widespread in the media and often employed in commercials. They are especially noticeable in products that were traditionally seen as more popular among a particular gender. For instance, home appliances or makeup commercials are typically directed at women. Automobile advertising, on the contrary, tends to concentrate on...
Topic: Gender Stereotypes
Words: 357
Pages: 1
Many situations present an opportunity to identify whether an individual has or has not caused damage, while other cases, less unambiguous, also exist. A considerable body of philosophical literature is dedicated to the notion of harm and its examination. In some cases, individuals actively participate in damaging actions. In other...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 826
Pages: 3
Introduction Gendered roles, norms, and stereotypes play a highly significant role in any community all over the world in any stage of its development. As a result, they are dramatically embedded in both individual and social consciousness and observably resistant to changes. In general, all kinds of stereotypes and norms...
Topic: Gender
Words: 2145
Pages: 8
Transportation is definitely a critical input in the economic activities of a nation. The choice or portfolio of the different modes of transportation adopted in a country or region is an important determinant of the proportion of the costs of production which go towards the transportation. In cases where this...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1116
Pages: 4
The choice of the topic for the research is justified by several factors. First, juvenile detention and the further rehabilitation and socialization of individuals acquire the top priority today because of the growing rates of juvenile incarceration. Statistics show that over the past decade, the number of young people with...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 241
Pages: 1
Multidimensional Sexualities of Modern Youth Human sexuality is a complex of emotional, social, erotic behaviors, and feelings that people express toward other individuals. According to Westbrook, such categories as “sex, gender, and sexuality are… socially constructed systems, changing over time and varying across cultures” (33). Given the intricacy of the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1187
Pages: 4
Introduction The world of the 21st century has become one of the most vivid definitions of the “cognitive dissonance” notion. While people have been struggling in a society replete with wars and innumerable flaws, the last decades have also symbolized an explicit discussion of equality and universal respect to an...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1119
Pages: 4
People have always looked for a place under the sun and the quest for a better life is never-ending. However, the world is not a free place anymore and most of the people cannot choose where to live. Those who do not want to put up with it choose a...
Topic: Illegal Immigration
Words: 637
Pages: 2
Introduction Multinational corporations in the field of Human Rights have great power, force, potency or effect in the entities of the current world order. Without a doubt, it is trite to comprehend that the possession of controlling influence of some multinational corporations, go far ahead of the power of some...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 5536
Pages: 20
Identity is a complex topic and consists of many interrelated items. The theory behind this notion has not yet developed to the stage when it can provide answers to all questions. Some believe that people are born with identity, while others consider culture as the primary influencer. These beliefs attribute...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 947
Pages: 3
The purpose of the paper is to analyze two excerpts from C. Wright Mill’s The Sociological Imagination and Peter L. Berger’s and Thomas Luckmann’s The Social Construction of Reality: A Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge. To do this, the concepts found in the readings will be identified and described....
Topic: Sociological Imagination
Words: 552
Pages: 2
Introduction Social roles are often enforced through the cultural upbringing of children, religious beliefs, and legal laws. In the 19th century, a group of feminists decided to oppose the derogative gender expectations that were designed to domesticate and suppress women (Allen 207). Different avenues, including the media, Constitution, and street...
Topic: Gender
Words: 883
Pages: 3
It is effortless to describe altruism and egoism in their pure forms. Altruism is the selfless actions of a person for the benefit of another; egoism – human actions aimed at maximizing benefits for themselves, ignoring others’ interests. The films and books The Hunger Games demonstrated that selfishness could be...
Topic: Egoism
Words: 387
Pages: 1
Introduction Human relationships are never simple, and many theories can be applied to understand how people behave, make decisions, and cooperate. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, many families are challenged to spend much time in isolation and change their regular activities. Some people find it interesting to consider new...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 1210
Pages: 4
It is crucial for any clinical expertise to be integrated with the best possible scientific evidence. Otherwise, it is impossible to provide patients with all the needed options. If patients have no choice, they are unable to express their preferences. Patient preferences include spiritual and religious values, cultural and social...
Topic: Human Rights
Words: 330
Pages: 1
Treating people with disabilities in a tolerant and equal way is one of the most important goals in modern society. A person-first language is an effective tool that helps to show respect for human beings with diverse problems and illnesses. However, there is an opinion that this method of communication...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 607
Pages: 2
Is it possible to leave one’s old life behind and start over in a different country? How hard is it for a person to realize they no longer belong to the country they grew up in, given that it is going through the stage of tremendous change? Ramin Dabiri knows...
Topic: Culture
Words: 1259
Pages: 5
Communication is an essential component of any culture. Every day people engage in interpersonal and group interactions either locally or internationally. Businesses are continually establishing strong relationships with new partners, students find common ground with their teachers and classmates, and individuals build global friendships. However, millions of contemporary world citizens...
Topic: Communication
Words: 755
Pages: 3
Introduction Ensuring that aging people have a decent life of the required quality is an essential part of the government’s function. However, in light of the recent developments in the global economic and financial field, as well as on local levels, some of the present frameworks for supporting the aging...
Topic: Retirement
Words: 862
Pages: 3
In contemporary world organizations, race, culture, and politics are keys to an individual’s personality. However, politics, culture, and race are intersected with gender to form inequitable and discriminatory world structures, thus, affecting life experiences. The intersectionality provides a theoretical context of learning through examining the dissimilar coinciding world classifications and...
Topic: Culture
Words: 3700
Pages: 13
The utopian vision of a peaceful world, in which all of the wars would end and violence vanish, has never been realised in practice. Some argue that it is due to contemporary economic and political approaches that prevent people prosperity and promote unethical conduct. Others believe that it is the...
Topic: Crime
Words: 1000
Pages: 4
Introduction The black Lives Matter movement gathered a lot of public and media attention, so I decided to join in and create an art piece that would reflect my attitude towards the protests happening all over the United States and internationally. The Nature of Protests Eight minutes and forty-six seconds...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 444
Pages: 2
Like any other science, social science has led to discovering new ideologies and evidence through a continued exploration of hypothetical perceptions. Stuart Firestein (2013) in “The Pursuit of Ignorance” argued that science traces its evidence from the unknown and that the acknowledgment of what data fails to solidify fuels scientific...
Topic: Social Science
Words: 656
Pages: 2
Freedom of Association is Not the Answer In her study, Fine (2010) analyzes the premises underlying the concept of liberal principles of exclusion. The author bases her article on the investigation of Christopher Heath Wellman’s article, “Immigration and Freedom of Association.” Fine (2010) has summarized Wellman’s arguments on the states’...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 600
Pages: 2
Each year five to ten million people cross international borders to seek a new home all over the world; moreover, women make up more than half of the incoming immigrants. There are many reasons why the amount of immigrating women is higher; they include family reunification, economic incentives, and educational...
Topic: Health
Words: 1688
Pages: 6
Arguably, there is no more rudimentary experience in a person’s life than lying or being on receiving end of lies. The amount of art that investigates the issue through the prism of fiction (which potentially makes this exploration less genuine) is glaring. Among the greatest liars, there is an array...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 846
Pages: 3
One must credit people who have created knowledge by citing their names in written texts or mentioning them and their contributions when discussing a topic. The first real-world object is the textbook used for the TOK course by Popov (2016) titled “IB theory of knowledge – A student’s guide.” When...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 281
Pages: 3
Introduction The uniqueness of individual differences goes beyond personal appearances to personality. Personality entails how different people act and react in given situations. The personality style of an individual is more natural but also influenced by many other factors such as cultural orientation, interaction with other people and challenges faced....
Topic: Communication
Words: 1068
Pages: 3
Community resources are assets that are accessible to all community members which help them meet their particular needs. The resources can be funded or run by the government, individuals, or non-profit groups, and they serve a community in different ways. People, community services, or structures such as clinics and safe...
Topic: Safety
Words: 570
Pages: 2
People use their free will to make decisions every day: what to eat for breakfast, when to leave home, how much time to spend on social media, and many others. The choice is often quick and subconscious; the current pace of living simply does not leave much time to analyze...
Topic: Free Will
Words: 1122
Pages: 4
Introduction Once the problem of stigmatization is identified, it is necessary to develop strategies for eliminating it. Unfortunately, the stigma around social welfare programs is strong on the micro (self), meso (family, society, institutions), and macro (cultural) levels (Grand Challenges for Social Work, 2020). The approach to stigma elimination should...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 290
Pages: 1
Animal poaching – killing and capturing animals in their natural habitats in order to use them or their body parts for profit or protect crops or livestock – poses an imminent threat to the biological diversity. This issue has been a problem for many years as traditional monitoring techniques proved...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 263
Pages: 1
Education not only passes on knowledge but also teaches an individual to take an active part in society’s life. Through education, a person learns about society’s history, political, and geographical position (Giddens et al., 2006). Moreover, this social institution provides an individual with credentials, allowing them to get a job...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 127
Pages: 1
During their lifetime, people generally contact with a considerable variety of material objects and enter into relationships with each other as well. Although there are different types of social interactions, social norms may be regarded as the most essential tool for their organization. In general, social norms determine what behavioral...
Topic: Social Norms
Words: 905
Pages: 3
Recently, the United States House of Representatives passed the bill that united both Republicans and Democrats. The bill’s name is the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act that addressed the issues of cruelty and neglect among pets. Primarily, the law makes abuse of animals illegal on a national level...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1413
Pages: 5
Introduction In my opinion, healthy conflict is beneficial for progress and growth, especially in the educational context. When involved in a confrontation, I try to find compromise and reach a common ground while meeting mutual goals and preserving the relationships. Main text Conflict is defined as a confrontation or disagreement...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 595
Pages: 2
Success Factors Several factors are attributed to the success of various social movements. Satell (2015) argues that when a social movement has a clear purpose, it is deemed to succeed. He gives an example of Occupy Wall Street in 2011. Despite the movement having a good intention, it failed within...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 308
Pages: 1
Speaker recognition refers to the process used to recognize a speaker from a spoken phrase (Furui, n.d. 1). It is a useful biometric tool with wide applications e.g. in audio or video document retrieval. Speaker recognition is dominated by two procedures namely segmentation and classification. Research and development have been...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 3978
Pages: 13
Ethical behavior has always been one of the most important questions for humanity because people, unfortunately, tend to overlook the crucial value of their attitudes. Our surroundings are built in a way that requires humans to collaborate and create opportunities for mutual development and peaceful coexistence. Nevertheless, not everyone realizes...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 849
Pages: 3
Webinar Reflections The webinar organized by the U.S. Ethnic Writers course teachers and students was supporting the Scholar Strike. It included a series of teachings meant as a form of social protest and inspired by Baldwin and Peck’s I am not Your Negro book and film. The speakers reflected upon...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 401
Pages: 1
Ethics is a central component of relations between companies and individuals. It regulates the behaviors of all parties and ensures that there will be no inappropriate actions, solutions, or strategies aimed at making benefit from causing harm to other organizations or individuals. For this reason, the observation of the Code...
Topic: Accountancy
Words: 825
Pages: 3
In the mid-19th century, New York and other American cities were full of street children and orphans. In 1853, The Children’s Aid Society began a program known as The Orphan Train Movement (Gajda-Łaszewska, 2018). Orphans, mostly immigrants whose parents died, were grouped, put on trains, and transported until they were...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1100
Pages: 4
Children of between 3-5 years of age that face difficulties in communication often consider playing a core part of their personalities. A challenging situation may stimulate a child refuse from engaging in play. When a kid is bullied by friends while playing, he or she may develop reduced ability to...
Topic: Communication
Words: 548
Pages: 2
Mary Church Terrell was an outstanding historical figure that was engaged in social activities in the late nineteenth and second half of the twentieth century. As an activist and defender of the rights of oppressed groups of people, she acted at the macro-level of social work, which involved fighting for...
Topic: Activism
Words: 400
Pages: 1
Immigration is a major issue facing developed countries such as the United States. It is the act of moving people who are not natives or do not possess necessary documentation to settle as permanent residents to a destination country. This paper aims to discuss the perspectives which Native Americans had...
Topic: Culture
Words: 497
Pages: 1
Maintaining a healthy level of self-esteem and self-respect seems to be indispensable for a well-functioning person. Esteem needs in Maslow’s Hierarchy represent a desire to have a realistic and, at the same time, positive opinion about oneself. Statements similar to “it is important for me to do the best job...
Topic: Motivation
Words: 313
Pages: 1
For many years, scientists have been trying to create an adequate and universal model of sexual response. The difficulty in solving this problem lies in the fact that people perceive sexual interaction in entirely different ways. For this reason, the description of this process’s stages is controversial even in the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 286
Pages: 1
Whistleblowers play an essential role in maintaining democracy by revealing different governmental deficiencies, human rights violations, and exposing corruption on various levels. All the information that comes from them is usually classified and withheld from the public concern by authorities. In 1882 Henrik Ibsen published the play An Enemy of...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 1195
Pages: 4
Every year thousands of immigrants have been coming to the United States of America in search of a better and happier life. This country promises its citizens a decent life where people have equal rights and opportunities regardless of their ethnicity, race, religion, or social class. This means that every...
Topic: American Dream
Words: 865
Pages: 3
The ethical standards of auditing are the independence, competence, conscientiousness, and objectivity of the auditor. In carrying out their professional duties, the auditor should be guided by the standards established by professional audit associations. It is also necessary to observe the following ethical principles: independence, honesty, objectivity, professional competence and...
Topic: Auditing
Words: 359
Pages: 1
Introduction An abortion belongs to one of the most controversial issues discussed in modern society. Many philosophers, researchers, and scientists have explored the question of whether it is morally just to kill a fetus and other topic-related problems. Judith Jarvis Thomson who is a US philosopher and member of the...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 694
Pages: 2
With the development of the Internet, many terrorist organizations, which are associations of people with the most radical ideas, have actively recruited individuals. This trend leads to increased instability in the public life of the state. Structural decision-making in the political, social, and religious aspects helps localize radical movements and...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 591
Pages: 2
Introduction Social change refers to the transformations which occur in society, institutions, cultures, and social functions. In most cases, social change is not instant as it occurs gradually over time. Several factors trigger a social change in society; some elements include conflict, culture, demographic change, war, and technological advancement. An...
Topic: Social Change
Words: 417
Pages: 1