W.E.B. DuBois and the First Scientific Study of Afro-America by Lange

The author of the chapter “W.E.B. DuBois and the First Scientific Study of Afro-America” underlines the significant contribution to ethnographic research of this outstanding scientist. DuBois presents a scientific analysis of black history and culture that damages the white-centric approach of the time. Although DuBois is subjective, “since racism made...

The Negotiation Process: Communication Barriers

Introduction Although genetically embedded through communication processes, the negotiation process can be complex and multifaceted. Communication barriers interfere with effective contact between the negotiating parties. These obstacles hinder the exchange of ideas between people and their understanding. It is impossible to avoid communication barriers, as they arise due to typical...

Privilege, Its Forms and Implications

The article’s main argument is that privilege is not something everyone should strive for, as it does not confer moral strength and can lead to dominance over less powerful groups. This argument is supported by the author’s discussion of privilege and its positive and negative effects and the ways in...

Famine and Malnutrition: How to Enhance Security

Famine is a term used to refer to a mass phenomenon expressed in a long-term insufficiency in meeting the nutritional needs of large groups of the population. Famine is most acute in regions with high birth rates – the vast majority of the world’s undernourished people live in developing countries,...

“The Beat (Up) Generation” Article by Abby Ellin

Introduction It is hard to disagree that the conflict of generations has long gone beyond the relationship between parents and children. For example, in her 2014 article “The Beat (Up) Generation,” Ellin discusses how in the 2010s, for the first time ever, three generations began to work together in offices....

Why Witches Were Accused in Human Reproduction Issues

The primary source, “Malleus Maleficarum,” and the secondary source, by Lynda Roper, on cannibalism, both offer a glimpse into the beliefs and accusations surrounding witches. According to the “Malleus Maleficarum,” witches were accused of various crimes related to disrupting or harming human reproduction, including aborting fetuses, killing newborns, and making...

“The Debate Over Immigration…” Article by Bump

The author of “The debate over immigration often relies on murky assumptions about the law,” Philip Bump, published in the Washington Post, argues that the debate surrounding immigration is often misguided due to a lack of clarity regarding the laws that govern it. The public discourse on immigration frequently relies...

Immigrants in the Healthcare Settings

Summary During the president Trump administration, immigration enforcement intensified significantly, and there had also been an uptick in antimigration discourse and attitude. In such a setting, there were inaccurate representations of immigrants as drug traffickers and lawbreakers as an avenue of a deliberate narrative aimed at reducing aggregate immigration. That...

Roosevelt’s Speech to the 77th Congress: Rhetorical Analysis

Introduction On January 6, 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered a speech regarding the union to the 77th congress. Roosevelt indicates that US security is threatened through false propaganda, and although still in war isolation, the nation must be ready for the upcoming war. In his address, the president uses...

Feminine Men: Masculine and Feminine Qualities

Modern society is faced with a conflict of typical male and female roles. And there is a modern world in which these roles cease to be relevant. Masculine and feminine qualities were necessary and sufficient for the life of a traditional family. In the articles presented, the reader sees two...

That Is What They Call Us: Hispanic, Latinos and Latinx

The article “That is What They Call Us” covers the ongoing debate surrounding the labels and classifications given to Spanish-speaking immigrants in the US. The author argues that the terms “Hispanic,” “Latino,” and “Latinx” are confusing and carry different cultural, political, and historical connotations that are not necessarily reflective of...

“Pride Is More Than a Parade…” Article by Murphy

Introduction The article “Pride is more than a parade and rainbow transitions. We Need Action and Allyship,” written by Anna Murphy, was published on September 3, 2022. In his article, the author opines that pride is necessary to eradicate the fetishization and demonization of 2SLGBTQIA+ people. According to the author,...

Aspects of the Nonverbal Rule-Breaking

Introduction Communication is a complex phenomenon that includes many biological, social, and psychological elements. One of the major components of interpersonal interactions is nonverbal communication (NVC) (Floyd, 2020). It is generally defined by scholars as “everything but the words,” including visual, auditory, olfactory, and tactile communication channels (Hall et al.,...

An Incident of Mass Violence in the United States

Introduction One recent incident of mass violence in the United States was the Parkland School Shooting that occurred on February 14th, 2018, at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida (Schildkraut et al., 2022). The former school student shooter killed 17 people and injured 17 others. The incident lasted...

Government Issues Related to the Elderly Affected by COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has become a crucial issue for governments worldwide since it has revealed the unpreparedness of authorities to address global threats at different levels. Various governments have shown an inability to prevent and control the pandemic due to multiple factors properly. These factors include the lack of organization...

The Racial Disparities in the American Criminal Justice System

Introduction The speaker, Michelle Alexander, in the analyzed TEDxTalk, sheds light on the racial disparities in the American criminal justice system. The speaker argues that the current system operates as a form of racial and social control, with many poor people of color being incarcerated and subjected to inhumane treatment....

Alcoholism Issue: The Minimum Drinking Age

Introduction I believe that raising the minimum drinking age to 21 is the right decision made by the American government. Alcohol consumption is a process that leads to many serious problems, including antisocial and deviant behavior. Discussion Moreover, alcoholism, according to the World Health Organization, is a congenital chronic disease...

Rewriting Roosevelt’s Four Democracies Speech

In the speech Four Democracies, Franklin D Roosevelt spoke about why democracy matters, as well as how and why it should be protected. I would choose to expand on this discussion further by explaining my perspective on the matter and why it is important to preserve it. Primarily, one of...

Domestic Violence in Prince Edward County

Introduction The news article identified from the web that focuses on violence is from https://globalnews.ca/news/9346256/domestic-assault-prince-edward-county/. The article is titled “Domestic violence reports on the rise in Prince Edward County: OPP, advocacy group” by Fawwaz Muhammad-Yusuf. Muhammad-Yusuf (2022) focuses on the issue of domestic violence which in this case is the...

History of Racialized and Oppressed Groups

Introduction The recent decision by the DeSantis administration and the Florida Department of Education to ban the AP course on African American History is profoundly concerning and not justifiable. By attempting to censor or limit the teaching of critical race theory and content related to race, Florida is denying the...

Esther Ngumbi’s Speech Analysis

As a speaker, Esther Ngumbi does numerous things well when telling her story. First, throughout the speech, Ngumbi chooses the right intonation patterns and body language to emphasize her key points. For instance, she implements pausation, speaks considerably louder, and nods to accentuate the fact that her parents invested everything...

Social Sciences Models and Circular Questions

The questions that have been applied during the discussion with a couple of strengths and resources align with three social science models. Namely, the postmodernist, social constructionism, and recovery frameworks are attributed to the inquiries that were presented during the therapy. In regard to postmodernism, the approach highlights the influence...

Social Exchange Theory in Case of Adolescent

Introduction Adolescence is one of the most problematic in terms of character and behavior. The person begins to know himself, and the depth of their self-consciousness increases. However, at the same time, it is the first period they face the outside world with a responsibility to make essential decisions independently....

Bullying in Schools and Intervention Methods

Bullying in schools is a manifestation of violence through abuse and harassment of some students. A non-serious attitude towards this issue, considering it only as part of growing up and not a threat, leads to significant harm to children and, in the most severe cases, – their deaths (Center for...

Survival: Physical Skill and Fear

Introduction The article “Attitude of Survival” from Backcountry Attitude emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude in survival situations. The article argues that the psychological state of a person is the most important factor in survival, as it affects their motivation, determination, and ability to adapt to the situation....

“Netiquette” vs. “Looking in Looking Out” Articles

Social media has dramatically transformed the way people communicate with each other, bringing both opportunities and challenges to the realm of interpersonal communication. Understanding the rules and best practices for communicating effectively and responsibly in this virtual space is important to make the most of these technological advancements. Two sources...

Abortion: Ethical and Moral Issues

Introduction Abortion is one of the urgent problems worldwide, and disputes about the permissibility of abortion and infanticide have been conducted since ancient times. It has demographic meaning, political and social significance, and an essential ethical aspect. The acuteness in the discussion of abortion problems persists, even though this problem...

Racial Formation and Gender Performance in “13th”

Introduction The film 13th is an Oscar-nominated documentary regarding such topics as racism, minorities, incarceration, police brutality, and other relevant social themes in post-Civil War America. The contemporary society actively attempts to make a positive change in these fields, however, the movie portrays deeply-rooted causes of these issues and explains...

The Non-Identity Problem: The Issue of Morality

Introduction The issue of morality has been a contentious subject for many scholars. Notably, the concern has unearthed vital genetics topics in non-identity problems. For instance, David Brocks has summarized his position on the non-identity issue. Brocks provided three case scenarios to illustrate his reasoning for his assertion. Discussion In...

Environment for Blind People: Exceptional Learners

Access to social life for visually impaired people largely depends on the conditions of the urban environment. Such an example as a lowered curb dramatically facilitates the movement of people with disabilities. In order to give all people equal rights in society, it is essential to study how the environment...

Communication: Critical Thinking Habits

Introduction A system of judgments called critical thinking is used to evaluate events, interpret phenomena, and analyze things and information before coming to unbiased conclusions. A person with developed critical thinking possesses a range of abilities, including the capacity for observation, the justification of one’s viewpoint, concentration on information study,...

A Framework for Analyzing Social Problems

Introduction Social problems are complex issues that profoundly impact individuals and communities. Understanding these problems requires a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach that considers their underlying causes and potential solutions. This essay provides a framework for analyzing social problems by defining what constitutes a social problem, identifying credible social science data,...

Rhetoric of Barack Obama’s Victory Speech in 2008

The memorable speech of Barak Obama after his victory remains popular presently. This speech is unique as it is written for all Americans to encourage them to change and to show that they can do everything to improve their lives. Barak Obama addressed all essential issues in American society, such...

Racial Privilege and Discrimination Nowadays

Introduction Questions about the nature of racism have been pertinent for several centuries. Scholars and public figures are currently trying to understand why racial privilege and discrimination continue to exist in the current cultural context. The work of researchers Allan G. Johnson and Agustin Fuentes allows readers to trace the...

Tulsa Race Massacre Historical Context

Introduction Events such as the Tulsa Massacre do not occur at random times or places. They are woven into a wider social framework that includes racial, political, and economic circumstances. A large number of similar instances occurred between 1900 and 1920. (Messer, 2021). Migration and labor unrest, alertness and perception...

The History of Drug Addiction and Control

Introduction The concern of drug use among young people remains a pressing one in the United States. The way undifferentiated prevention messages about drug use are presented leads to inconsistent perceptions of drug use among young people. Moreover, sharply negative emotional attitudes toward drug users often coincide with an interest...

Rhetoric of The World Can’t Keep Fishing Like This by Allgeier and Punke

Rhetorical appeals are a potent tool that a speaker can use to present a certain argument and support his/her claims. Appealing to logos, ethos, and pathos, a person can persuade the audience and make people believe in the correctness of his/her opinion. For this reason, it is vital to use...

Police Brutality and Racial Bias

The problem of police brutality has been a cornerstone of a myriad of cultural, racial, social, and political debates. George Floyd’s case paved the way for recognizing police violence based on racial bias. This prejudice is spread in American culture because of the long history of slavery. In recent years,...

The Impact of Narrative Voice and Writing Style in Hong Kingston’s Reflections

The manner that Hong Kingston uses the narrative voice and the writing style she has chosen to express her personal emotions of perplexity and the distorting of the past is quite effective in illustrating the misogynistic society she is referring to. Throughout this chapter, readers are informed of the destructive...

The Power of Indigenous Culture and Positive Thinking

Herb Nabigon’s early life reflects the harm caused by the government’s policy of assimilating Native peoples into Western culture through the Indian Act and Residential Schools. This policy took away Native children’s identity and language, resulting in a loss of traditional values and beliefs. Herb also describes his introduction to...

Inventing the Immigration Problem by Benton-Cohen

Thesis: Katherine Benton-Cohen brings attention to how the Dillingham Commission (DC) affected people coming to the US. The author argues that the DC presented immigration as an issue (Benton-Cohen, 2018). By demonstrating problems associated with individuals entering the country, the DC allowed those in power to decide who was accepted...

Assessing President Kennedy’s Vision for Space Exploration

President John Kennedy has a rather optimistic and empowering perspective on space exploration. He is trying to emphasize the importance of this deed by saying that there is no prejudice and hate in outer space, and wants this mission to be handled with great care and consideration (Kennedy, 1962). It...

Substance Abuse Among Teenagers

Abstract Over the past several decades, substance abuse among adolescents has risen alarmingly. Adolescents are known for their intense social lives and peer pressure to drink or use drugs. Alcohol is often a common part of nightlife for teens, and many young people try marijuana for the first time in...

Abortion Legalization and Its Implications

Introduction Abortion is a highly contentious issue in society today. The legalization of abortion has been debated for decades, and the outcome remains highly contested between pro-life and pro-choice advocates. The repercussions of overturning Roe v. Wade have stirred debate on the potential social and economic impacts of legalizing abortions....

Narrative Techniques in Multimedia Storytelling

The authors of different stories usually want to attract readers’ attention and ensure they are interested in reading the text. Therefore, immersive techniques were developed to show writers how their writing can keep people’s attention. There are four main types of methods, which are called immersive reading, stories, experience, and...

The Capitol Riot from a Sociological Perspective

Riots are an essential topic in sociology since they explain the behaviors of people and what contributed to such actions. Usually, riots are the aggression that accumulates in society and then manifests into a physical confrontation. Among such events is the one that happened in 2021, which was a riot...

Donald Trump’s Crisis Rhetoric at the US–Mexico Border

Introduction Donald J. Trump is a highly controversial figure in American politics, and his policies, statements, and manners of speaking have been repeatedly criticized and rethought. For instance, his opinion on immigration and the current status of the US-Mexico border is still controversial and contentious for many people (Collier 1)....

Tobacco Smoking as Substance Abuse

Substance Tobacco smoking is the inhalation of smoke from burning tobacco leaves. The substance is primarily used in the form of cigarettes, but it can also be used in other forms, such as pipes, cigars, and hookahs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2022), tobacco smoking is the leading...

Female Sexuality and Beauty Representation

The question of female sexuality is being hotly debated in academic, political, and general public arenas. This resulted in the woman’s appearance being redrawn, among other things. In one way or another, the 1950s appear to have started such a change in television and popular culture on a larger scale...

Alcohol Consumption Crisis and How to Combat It

Alcohol consumption is a widespread and often controversial in many countries, including the United States. Earl Rochester suggests a national system of licensing to combat this public health crisis in his proposal. In this essay, I will evaluate Rochester’s argument and discuss the extent to which I agree or disagree...

Emergent States and Failure of Transnational White Brotherhood

Introduction Reynold’s 2008 book Drawing the Global Colour Line: White Men’s Countries and the International Challenge of Racial Equality details how whiteness impacted the world by inadvertently, creating borders, immigrants, and the global color line. This historical piece stands out because as opposed to giving a blow-by-blow account of proceedings,...

Gun Violence and Intervention Strategies

Annotated Bibliography Kochel, T. R., Nouri, S., & Samadi, S. Y. (2022). Impact of focused deterrence on lived experiences with gangs and gun violence: Extending effects beyond officially recorded crime. Criminal Justice Policy Review, 33(5), 507-535. The research explores communities’ experiences with gangs and gun violence as well as a...

Nicotine Addiction and Tobacco Control

Bush, A., Ferkol, T., Valiulis, A., Mazur, A., Chkhaidze, I., Maglakelidze, T. & Valiulis, A. (2021). Unfriendly fire: how the tobacco industry is destroying the future of our children. Acta Medica Lituanica, 28(1), 6. Web. This article sought to provide a summary of the harms caused by cigarettes. The major...

Alcohol Consumption During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The article by Grossman et al. titled “Alcohol Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Survey of US Adults” raises the topic of increasing adherence to alcoholic beverages during the coronavirus pandemic. This scientific work did not surprise me, as I noted from personal experience that an increasing number of...

Perception of Witches in the Past vs. Today

Introduction Witches are popular creatures from nay legends and histories retrieved from the sixteenth century. There is no clear proof that females could be witches because of their specific powers that could transform people into other living being or cast a curse. However, their actions, like cannibalism, sabbaths, and close...

Abortion and Its Legal and Moral Status

Abortion is a highly contentious topic worldwide because of diverse cultures and conflicting ideas regarding women’s reproduction and the life of an unborn fetus. Individuals opposing abortion suggest that no one has the right to determine whether a fetus lives. However, apart from being a moral issue, abortion is a...

A Code of Ethical Conduct at a Probation Agency

The criminal justice system plays a crucial role in society by enforcing laws and facilitating public safety. Considering the purpose of agencies within the system, it is vital to ensure that persons representing these organizations act in a manner that can be deemed just, moral, and unbiased. This paper considers...

The Thames Life Organization’s Health Promotion Practices

Introduction Community health promotion is a powerful mission that relies on organizations’ efforts to drive change by directly solving the issues the served population faces. Overall, the effectiveness of such endeavors is impacted by various factors and is shaped by the efficiency of resource usage by decision-makers. Moreover, for an...

Improving Intergenerational Social Mobility in Hong Kong

A thriving society is created in large part by social mobility. It contributes significantly to the development of a strong economy in any country. For instance, Hong Kong, a special administrative region in China, once had an intensively growing GDP, which consequently resulted in increasing quality of life in the...

Chapters 1-5 of Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell

Imagine growing up believing that success is only attainable through individual merit and diligent effort. But what if success was the result of many contributing factors, such as the opportunities available, cultural background, and the timing of one’s birth? Malcolm Gladwell put forward this thought-provoking notion in his seminal work...

What Are the Costs of Drug Addiction to Society?

Drug addiction is an increasingly pervasive issue with profound implications for society. The costs of drug addiction to society range from healthcare costs, lost productivity, increased crime, and social stigma. Addiction requires long-term, multi-faceted approaches that address the root causes of addiction and ultimately promote societal health and wellness. This...

Leveraging Surfers as Coastal Environmental Monitoring Platforms

In the study of Brewin et al. “On the Potential of Surfers to Monitor Environmental Indicators in The Coastal Zone”, the researchers examine the feasibility of using surfers as platforms to increase the number of samples for environmental indicators. They sent a surfer in the southwest of the United Kingdom...

Importance of Ethics for Human Services Professionals

Introduction Ethics in interpersonal communication is an important, even basic condition for mutual understanding. Clearly, for human services professionals, integrating ethical requirements into their behavior, professional practice, and communication is critical. The profession of Human Services Professional appeared in the USA in the 1960s, and along with it the Ethical...

Advocacy of Human Service Discussion

One of the most critical problems mentioned in the scope of policy advancement is related to improving the quality of social programs. These criteria include the increasing affordability and complexity of the programs. According to research, some impediments to policy advocacy are associated with communicating the value of advocacy programs...

The Emasculation of Black Males

Introduction Strategies for success, especially in media and publicity, change to the demands of the times and existing trends. However, each person determines their tactics based not only on the average current agenda but also on their identity and the conventions associated with it. In modern conditions of “feminization” of...

Addressing Social Injustice and Sustainability in New York City

Let’s look at New York City: In this city, the luxury of skyscrapers and Wall Street rhymes with the poverty of slums and homeless people. Why does this happen? Does it have justice? And, finally, how to fix it? At the heart of this problem, like any problem with perceptions...

The History of the Modern Feminist Movement

Introduction The modern feminist movement owes much to its godmother Mary Wollstonecraft and her classic treatise written at the very end of the 18th century. The main idea of Mary Wollstonecraft (1792) was that women should receive the same education as men. A woman is perceived as a secondary person...

Social and Economic Problems of Abortion

Adib-Rad, H., Basirat, Z., Faramarzi, M., Mostafazadeh, A., & Bijani, A. (2019). Psychological distress in women with recurrent spontaneous abortion: A case-control study. Journal of Turkish Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 16(3), 151–157. Web. The article investigates the psychological impacts of recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) among women and their family...

Epistemically Transformative Experiences and Rational Decision-Making

Making a choice to become a vampire is an illustrative example provided by Laurie Paul on the significant topic of transformational choices. To make the most informed judgment possible, one should use all of their reasoning faculties. The only way to really understand what it is like to be a...

Laurie Paul’s and Ruth Chang’s Assessment of Choice

The decision to purchase a puppy is a complex one that involves various factors, such as the companionship and love that a puppy can provide, veterinary care, and potential damage to one’s property. Two philosophers, Laurie Paul and Ruth Chang, have different perspectives on approaching such hard choices and whether...

Adolescent Substance Abuse and Family Dynamics

One of the critical problems of modern adulthood continues to be teens turning to substances in search of easy fun or an escape from reality. The U.S. government lists the main reasons why teens turn to this addiction as an attempt to relieve boredom, to forget their problems and satisfy...

The Ethical Dilemma: Biblical Narratives & Secular Worldviews

Introduction In response to the message, ethical principles can be a valuable tool to consider when deciding. However, they should be one of many factors taken into account. Ethical principles provide a helpful framework for understanding the situation. Furthermore, ultimately, the individual’s worldview and the specific contextual information must be...

Opinion on Alcohol Consumption

Introduction The destructiveness of alcohol has been proven by multiple studies for the past decades. The damaging effect this substance has on people is immense, and sometimes the outcomes are fatal. Not only is it a devastating impact on one’s physical health, but also mental performance and cognitive skills. Having...

Child Domestic Violence Abuse Documentation

The current estimation of children exposed to domestic violence at home is in the millions. Past studies have investigated the prevalence of child domestic violence abuse, and the results conclude that there is an average fatality rate of 2.2 children for every 1000 (Brown et al., 2022). The stark reality...

Rhetoric: The Ability to Learn from Mistakes

Introduction When I was a child, I loved sweets very much. My main goal of getting out of bed was to eat candy, always waiting for me on the table in the kitchen, which my parents carefully left for me every morning. Furthermore, one day, Dad came home with a...

The Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movements

Introduction The article “Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement: A Comparative Analysis of Two Social Movements in the United States” by Dewey M. Clayton provides an in-depth comparative analysis of two of the most significant social movements in American history (Clayton, 2018). The groups include the Civil Rights...

Masculine Stereotypes: The Problem of Studying Stereotypes

The central attitude of one’s perception of others and themselves is the division of people into women and men. Many people believe that the psychological differences that exist between men and women are directly related to the biological features of the male and female body. At the same time, the...

The Use of Strawman Fallacy in Argumentation

Introduction Rational arguments are beneficial since both parties feel convinced and satisfied about a given topic of discussion. However, it is common for parties to an argument to make mistakes that may encumber positive outcomes. Fallacies can be committed intentionally to manipulate and deceive a party to an argument. In...

Minorities Discrimination in the US

It is challenging to imagine the history of the United States without the stories of individual national groups who have connected their lives with this country. The records of different ethnic groups developed differently under the influence of various factors. A comparison of the Irish and Native American diasporas demonstrates...

What Does Freedom Look Like: The Exploitation of ‘Freedom’ in America

The concept of freedom is multifaceted, and it has many definitions depending on the scope of its application. For example, freedom can be physical, spiritual, political, or personal. However, regardless of the scope, all types of freedom have common features. All these concepts are united by the fact that a...

Parents’ Views on Their Children’s Engagement with Electronic Games

Introduction The study of video games has become a popular pastime for many people. Many parents also play video games and enjoy them. However, some parents do not allow their children to play video games because they believe playing them can cause the child to be lazy or have no...

The Issue of Racial Equality in Healthcare

Introduction What comes to your mind when you hear the word racism? It is often associated with racial minorities being oppressed on the streets by police workers or in the media by politics. However, racial inequality is one of the most critical issues in the world today and it has...

Ethical Principles in Social Research

Social research traditionally implies the study of societies and individuals in order to identify social patterns that regularly and systematically occur in social life for the understanding of social phenomena. By gathering information about the social world, social research helps develop new knowledge or come up with solutions for particular...

Alcohol and the Negative Consequences of Consumption

It is no secret that alcoholism is a problem in modern society. Some individuals are used to drinking alcoholic beverages for short-term stress reduction and well-being improvement. Nevertheless, one should remember that alcohol brings devastating effects on a drinker’s body, in no way solving urgent concerns. Thus, temporary relief from...

How Are Women in Qatar Involved in Healthcare?

Introduction The issue of women’s health remains a complex one in the Qatar setting due to the cultural specifics of the country and its people. Specifically, the current state of women’s rights in Qatar is quite concerning, since the range of opportunities for female Qatar citizens is substantially curtailed by...

Aspects of Nonverbal Cues to Portray Interest

Introduction Apart from the ability to express thoughts with the help of speech, people can express their emotions non–verbally through the use of gestures. Sometimes it is essential to show an interlocutor one’s interest or sympathy and there are ways to do it. The most important ways to show one’s...

Ethical Analysis of End-of-Life Decisions

Introduction In this ethical analysis, we will examine the case of George, a successful attorney and legal scholar recently diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), a degenerative disease affecting the nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. George is struggling with the prospect of losing his abilities to speak,...

Eugenics: Are Designer Babies the Future We Wanted?

Introduction Many people are born with qualities that help them compete better in society: beauty, intelligence, spectacular appearance, or physical strength. Hence, it seems that something not previously subject will soon become available – to “design” people even before they were born and set the necessary qualities if they are...

The Moral Agent Theory: Fetal Abnormality

Introduction The moral status of the fetus is a matter of debate and the subject of several moral theories. Jessica and Marco, a family of immigrants from Mexico, are expecting a baby. Ultrasound scans of the fetus showed severe abnormalities such as undeveloped arms and potential development of Down’s syndrome....

Pre-Civil War Slavery and Black Women

The pressing issue of enslavement of African-American individuals had been apparent in the United States for a long time. In fact, black people were forced to do different types of work for miserable payments, which did not allow them to buy their freedom eventually. Overall, in the pre-Civil War period...

Corruption and Environmental Activism in Brazil

Introduction Corruption is one of Brazil’s primary problems that significantly obstruct economic development and hinder the quality of life in the country. The government officials exploit its national and social resources but use the money for themselves instead of making positive changes. As a result of this injustice, many groups...

Intersectionality Theory and Life Path Predetermination

People are born with particular social and biological constructs that reinforce their identity over time: race, age, gender and socio-economic background can become predictors (Vossler et al., 2017). When analysing the psychological support that an individual may need, it is essential not only to focus on individual socio-demographic characteristics but...

Inequality Among Other Sociological Problems

Many social problems today have to do with one’s inability to accept and understand the characteristics of other people and society as a whole. I find it strange and unclear why people fundamentally choose to hate other people, seeking to humiliate them in some way. Our particularities are a demonstration...

The Negative Effects of Boarding Schools on Native Americans

Native people experience a spectrum of difficulties integrating into the modern American environment. It is because of pressure from the authorities and continuing racism toward Native peoples. Generations who grew up in the middle and late part of the last century essentially despise modern America, as it has sought to...

Immigration in the 1900s vs. Immigration Now

Introduction Immigration refers to the process of people moving to live in a country other than their own. This can happen for various reasons, including economic opportunities, fleeing violence or persecution, or family reunification. Immigration has played a significant role in the history and development of the United States, with...

The Importance of Thorough Preparation for Interviews

Introduction Conducting an interview requires careful preparation and study of the hero. No less important is the development of questions and contacts with the interviewer. Well-chosen and asked questions can make communication with the hero interesting and their answers full of meaning. What I Have Learned from The Interview One...

The Problem of the Dog Meat Farms in South Korea

Introduction The issues concerning animal welfare have seen rising awareness from the public, resulting in protests and the establishment of organizations that aim to protect the rights of animals. For instance, among the most vital issues are those that pertain to violence. For instance, canine meat is consumed as part...

Promoting Socially Irresponsible Products to Stakeholders

Introduction Infidelity is morally wrong as it involves the breaking of moral virtues such as faithfulness. However, two consenting adults having sexual relationships is not against the law. Moreover, if their relationship remains discrete, it is likely that no one will be negatively affected. Noteworthy, there are four primary steps...

The Danger of Racial Profiling

Introduction Often, it tends to be enough to change the perspective in order to achieve a greater understanding. Unfortunately, not every person is skilled in empathy enough to put themselves in the position of others. In this context, racism and discriminative practices are frequent “partners in crime” to this inability....

Academic Integrity Dilemma: Utilitarianism vs. Virtue Ethics

Introduction Signing a class attendant for an absentee to enable them to get extra credit is a moral and ethical dilemma. The extra credit may be essential for the student to pass and achieve an academic goal. However, signing the sheet is a form of cheating, demonstrating a lack of...

Analysis of Ethical Problems in Research

Introduction Rural areas are far from having the resources to fully and successfully provide health care to the population, leading to various problems such as accessibility and data protection. As part of their study, Coombs et al. (2022) analyzed the rural community that experiences barriers to obtaining highly skilled medical...

What Does Poverty Mean?

Introduction Poverty is a lack of money to meet basic needs, including housing, food, and clothing. It deprives people of liberty, physical and mental well-being, and safety (The Economist, 2019). Manifestations of poverty include malnutrition and hunger, inability to obtain education and satisfy other basic needs, social discrimination and exclusion,...

Aspects of the Identity-Based Health Disparities

Introduction Individuals of marginalized identities face disparities in various aspects of mental health care, including quality of care, accessibility of care, healthcare outcomes, and severity of mental health issues. Developing Hypothesis People with marginalized identities are affected by overt and systematic discrimination. Challenges faced by marginalized people negatively affect their...

Human Trafficking: A Comparison of UNODC Reports

Introduction In-person human trafficking is an old trade that has existed since the precolonial era and civilization. The phenomenon has plagued world populations separating victims from their families for various reasons such as enslavement, sexual exploitation, cheap labor, and illegal organ donation. Globally, women and girls make up the majority...

Importance of the UN Declaration of Human Rights Today

Introduction In the middle of the 20th century, one of the most influential documents, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, was created. The five global leaders, namely the United States, the United Kingdom, China, France, and the Soviet Union, pursued the purpose of defining the legal and cultural rights of...

Child Support: Social Construction and Policy Design

Child support is an important issue in today’s society because it provides financial assistance to single-parent families and helps them provide a better life for their children. It is a legal right of the child to receive financial support from both parents, and it is the responsibility of both parents...

How Different Women Are Trying to Obtain a Divorce

The experience of these three women in the courtroom would likely differ very much because of the variation in the legal systems, social and political contexts, and the conditions in which they lived. The first woman from a low-income family in an Anatolian province of the Ottoman Empire in the...

Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as a Terrorist Group

Introduction One of the two American white supremacists that used terrorism to further their racial objectives was the Ku Klux Klan (KKK). Whether a cause is legitimate, individuals have always harbored genuine emotions against something or someone. These groups often focus on a specific race of individuals. One of these...

Solutions to Drug Misuse in the United States

Drug abuse is a major cause of concern in the United States, with a consequential impact on people’s health and societal psychosocial and socioeconomic problems. In particular, people addicted to illicit substances suffer academically, professionally, financially, and socially. Drug misuse in the United States continues to rise, which urges people...

Euthanasia as an Ethical Issue

An intentional action committed to ending someone’s pain or suffering is euthanasia. This term is known as ‘mercy killing’ or ‘physician suicide.’ It is possible to divide it into two categories: voluntary euthanasia and involuntary euthanasia. Euthanasia is classified as either voluntary or involuntary, depending on whether or not the...

Important Aspects in Douglass’ Fight for Freedom

Introduction When exploring and honoring the complicated and tragic journey of emancipation, one should remember one of the key figures in the abolition of slavery – Frederick Douglass. This selfless, empathetic, determined, brave, and ethically oriented activist played a significant role in encouraging Black Americans on their way to freedom...

Low Media Coverage Related to Homophobia

Introduction Women athletes are generally given less media coverage compared to their male counterparts. For instance, one study indicated that the local network affiliate sportscasts only covered 3.2% of female sports, while Entertainment and Sports Programming Network (ESPN) coverage was even lower at 2% (Cassidy 1). The apparent reluctance of...

Nuances of South Korea’s Business Culture

Interviewee For the interview, I chose a man who was born and has lived in South Korea for a long time. His name is Lee Seon-U, and now he is 28 years old. Before moving to the United States to study at the University of Virginia, he was born and...

The Contradiction of Simultaneous Texting and Driving

Introduction In today’s world, thanks to digitalization and technical globalization, alternative methods of communication to the standard one are available to almost everyone. It includes both communication on the Internet and the verbal and non-verbal use of means of communication, which is actively practiced by many drivers while on the...

Women’s Reproductive Rights as a Political and Civil Rights Issue

In June 2022, the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in an anonymous decision written by Justice Samuel Alito. Before that, Roe v. Wade had been the cornerstone of federal protection of women’s reproduction rights for four decades. By overturning Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court, women in...

Reducing Inequality Through Education Reforms

As an influential policymaker, my efforts to reduce inequality would be implementing a free education policy at the primary, secondary, and higher levels. The implementation of this policy is an adherence to the human rights legislation that necessitates that primary education is obligatory and accessible. My policy further makes secondary...

Socio-Political Influences on the US Society

Specific Effects Urban Sprawl had on US Society Urban sprawl refers to the rapid growth and expansion of towns and cities. The urban sprawl in the US started around 1920s and peaked in 1950s and it came with effects to the society (Chen et al., 2020). The issue has led...

The Role of Diversity in Society

It is hard to disagree that the lens of history allows exploring the issue of the gender pay gap in detail. It refers to the past and presently occurring influence of the patriarchy, as well as the historical efforts of women to become more equal. At the same time, the...

Social Insurance Program Importance

Social insurance programs are more effective since they provide social security for the basic income to those in their later years. Through social insurance programs, the fired personnel can be given unemployment insurance after they lose their job. These programs are more helpful to the citizens since they offer high...

Navigating the Maze of Persuasion: Recognizing Red Herrings and Slippery Slopes

The term logical fallacy refers to the errors of reasoning. They can occur both accidentally and on purpose as means to persuade, motivate, or inspire an audience. Red herring is a type of logical fallacy that introduces an issue unrelated to the topic at hand as a way of distraction....

Reparation Eligibility for Black People

Introduction Different phenomena try to focus on and fight against racial discrimination in America. One such phenomenon can be identified through reparation claims. A debate has emerged on the eligibility of black people over reparation claims. Attempts have been made to analyze the true identity of black people in America...

Affirmative Action Importance in Human Life

Introduction Affirmative action is the preferential treatment of people with a given background without consideration of merit. It can take the form of providing more college admissions to black people to rewrite past injustices or including more indigenous communities for grants to promote their development. There has always been a...

Technical Education for Palestine’s Development

For the state’s productive and most effective development, it is necessary to improve the political, social, economic, and educational spheres. This will help increase the number of personnel who can bring innovations to the country. Therefore, this work emphasizes the importance of technical education for the development of a State...

Colorblindness Analysis in Zach Stafford’s Article

In his article, When you say you don’t see race, you’re ignoring racism, not helping to solve it, Zach Stafford, a journalist with The Guardian, confronts the idea of “colorblindness” and its potential implications on racism in the United States. Through his research and analysis, Stafford attempts to demonstrate how...

Social Inequality and Global Disparities

There are still disparities in the globe based on opportunity, income, sex, age, handicap, sexual orientation, color, class, and ethnicity. A sense of fulfillment and self-worth are destroyed by inequality, which also damages long-term social and economic development and the fight against poverty. As a result, there may be an...

Body Size Stigmatization in Children

In Body Size Stigmatization in Preschool Children, Musher-Eizenman examines children’s control attributions to body size and weight and how these attributions affect children’s psychological state and success in their social environment. The author put forward several hypotheses, the first of which is that children who are dissatisfied with their bodies...

Abortion: Arguments for Defense

Introduction As a whole, the subject of abortion is a deeply complex matter that has garnered and continues to get a great deal of attention in today’s contemporary culture, within and without Virginia. Abortion may be understood from either pro-life or pro-abortion views since certain individuals advocate for the preservation...

Hate Speech: The Negative Implications

Usually, hate speech is viewed as a binary decision. Attempting to detect and sanction it requires precise differentiation to justify whether a communication is hate speech. Hate speech is any expression of discrimination that involves hate toward other people. A wide range of expressions is captured under this statement, and...

Poverty: The Negative Effects on Children

Pervasive social and material inequalities, combined with theories of economic self-regulation, have led to the view that the poor themselves are primarily to blame for poverty, as they are unable to work, make bad decisions, and are subject to vice and laziness. Which group one belongs to determines one’s access...

Abortion: Arguments in Support

Medical Reasons for Abortion An abortion is a clinical procedure that terminates a pregnancy. The procedure is a fundamental healthcare requirement for numerous girls and women. An estimated 25% of all annual pregnancies globally culminate in abortion (Carvajal et al. 103-363). Whereas there is a common need for abortion, there...

Critical Thinking in Modern Society

Decision-making is critical in everyday life for personal and professional success. Decisions have a significant impact on one’s quality of life. For better life choices, critical thinking must be integrated into decision-making. According to Dill and Zambrano (2020), critical thinking involves scrutinizing provided facts to make the best decision to...

Abortion: The Ethically Appropriate Procedure

On a global scale, the provision of access to safe treatments is considered a morally right option and the healthcare system’s central responsibility, but abortions remain a prominent exception from this perspective. Abortions are broadly defined as the termination of gestation by removing the embryo with the help of expulsion-inducing...

The Same-Sex Marriages: Social Aspects

Chris The recommendation that would be made to Chris is that his views of ‘places of worship to be obligate to perform same-sex marriages’ is untrue. The first reason is that people in society have different ways of accepting other individual’s sexual orientation, such as same-sex marriage (María et al.,...

Immigration in Canada: Economic Effects

Introduction The economy, culture, and identity are frequently at the center of the immigration discussion. One of the globe’s highest immigrant populations currently resides in Canada. Although immigrants adapt more quickly in Canada than in other affluent European democracies, the country’s immigration policies have become very divisive. Even though a...

The Issue of Gun Violence in Cleveland, Ohio

Introduction Cleveland was founded in 1796 and is located on the southern shore of Lake Erie. Cleveland is Ohio’s second-largest city. Manufacturing, financial services, and healthcare are among its economic sectors. Cleveland’s history is replete with lofty achievements, such as the development of the iron, steel, and oil industries and...

Mission of Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence

Mission and Vision “The State of Ohio will be free of sexual violence” is the vision of Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence. Consequently, a vision statement defines the company’s projected future course. The vision statement significantly describes the organization’s strategies. A vision statement is a glimpse into the future...

Persuasion Strategies in King’s Letter From Birmingham Jail

Martin Luther King was arrested for a peaceful meeting against racism. In addition to his arrest, he was attacked by clerics who accused him of encouraging violence. King responded to these accusations with a letter using persuasion strategies to persuade his opponents. He effectively used Pathos to describe the injustice...

Women of Color: Affirmative Action

Affirmative action came in as a solution to unlawful discrimination, prior discrimination, and as a preventive mechanism against future occurrences. Minorities in the United States have historically experienced the worst outcomes in terms of this issue, and it is a demographic women of color belong to. Affirmative action alleviated the...

Human Rights in Brunei: Impact of Cultural Practices

The age-old question is how to reconcile human rights and culture. It is not a shock that sometimes human rights collide with culture. The fundamental question is what human rights are, whether they are universal, and what happens when customs seem to prohibit some of the rights for which there...

How a Person Can Overcome Racial Biases

Racial biases have long become ‘a thing’ in the US internal social policy, and this ‘thing’ proceeds with getting more attention. There are wide public discussions regarding racial prejudices in every imaginable sphere of life, such as work, education, healthcare, and even some surprisingly specific areas like the detection of...

Kidney Markets: The Ethical Issues

Introduction The morality of purchasing a kidney from an individual who prefers to have a nephrectomy in exchange for cash is one that remains questionable and overly controversial. Even if it were legal and controlled, it is open to an argument that the kidney trade would frequently be immoral under...

Mansplaining of Herland Novel by Gilman

The theme of relations between males and females has always been topical in literature. Authors have long been using it as the background for their stories, though with a male-dominated focus. This situation shifted in the mid-nineteen and early twenty centuries, coinciding with both the acceptance of white women into...

Communication in Family: Interview and Analysis

Introduction Communication is crucial in shaping and reflecting relationships in a family. It is through conversations that one can identify the relationship that exists among family members. Furthermore, communication enables one to negotiate relationships with family members and outside individuals. Engaging in talks indicates the state of the relationship between...

Income Inequality in Modern Society

The problem of income inequality occupies a high niche in the modern economic agenda of the country. First of all, this refers to the irregular distribution of material wealth among the population. The market economy is based on the fact that income is shared depending on several factors of production,...

Persuasiveness of King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail

“Letter from Birmingham Jail,” written by Martin Luther King Jr. in 1963 in response to his arrest and prohibition of Blacks’ non-violent demonstrations against segregation, may be regarded as a highly persuasive work. In particular, its author uses several persuasive strategies to explain his position to readers aiming to stimulate...

Legal Information and Decisions on End of Life

Numerous legal documents in the United States provide guidelines on end-of-life decisions, including the Living Will and the Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare. Living Will and the Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care are integral documents that ensure individualized end-of-life care, quick decision-making, and fulfillment of the client’s...

Racial Bias Within the US School System

Introduction The aim of the given work is to give an overview of the acute issue of unequal educational opportunities among and bias toward racial minorities in the U.S. The issue of institutional racism has been prevalent for centuries. Although it has become less evident and violent, it persists in...

Social Justice Protests Regarding Abortions

Introduction The United States Supreme Court is the most powerful institution and plays a crucial role in interpreting the Constitution and individual rights. However, the debate has risen on whether Supreme Court decisions have influenced social justice. This study aims to understand abortion rights and how they were significant in...

Violence Against Women: Annotated Bibliography

Aizer, Anna. “The Gender Wage Gap and Domestic Violence.” The American Economic Review, vol. 100, no. 4, 2010, pp. 1847–59. JSTOR, Web. Anna Aizer works in the Economics Department at Brown University, where she focused on research highlighting the nature of the relationship between the gender wage gap and domestic...

Death and Dying in “What Really Matters…” by Miller

The YouTube video shows BJ Miller sharing deep insights on end-of-life care. BJ Miller provides an uncommon viewpoint borrowing from a traumatic near-death encounter that cost him his feet and arm. The critical element of the video is that the experience endowed him with a profound understanding of suffering and...