The Journal of Communication and Religion Analysis

The studies aimed to investigate the National Journal Research with the main focus on the Journal of Communication and Religion. It examined the current publisher, the journal’s origin, the current focus of the journal contents, the journal’s significance to Rhetoric Ph.D. emphasis reading area. In addition, the report analyzed three...

Escalation of Commitment: Facebook

Facebook can be considered as one of the examples of companies that have demonstrated escalation of commitment in recent years. The numerous privacy issues can evidence this and scandals the network has been involved in starting from 2006 (Newcomb, 2018). However, arguably the most infamous scandal associated with Facebook’s privacy...

“The History and Theory of Rhetoric” Book by Herrick

Basic Knowledge Herrick’s book revealed some of the hidden facts about rhetoric and its implications on language and communication. The reading enhanced my understanding of rhetoric in several ways and helped me develop an inquiry into the arguments and criticisms of rhetoric. Through this book, I realized that I have...

How Would You Define Addiction?

The attachment process occurs in people in different ways and under other circumstances. Most people do not even realize they are participating in such a process. The issue of addiction and attachment is common not only in certain circles of interest; such a topic is common in mass media, movies,...

E-Cigarette Use Among College Students

An investigation by Kenne et al. focuses on a device that has been gaining popularity in recent years, the electronic cigarette. They study the characteristics and prevalence of e-cigarette use among college students (Kenne et al., 2017). In addition, they sought to assess the potential harm of these devices and...

The Chicken Ranch, a Prostitution Facility

Despite its name, the Chicken Ranch brothel was not a chicken brothel. It was in a remote part of Texas and was run by a woman called Miss Jessie. Because of the brothel’s low profile, the residents and law enforcement were willing to turn a blind eye to its actions...

Perspectives on Muslim Women’s Rights and Feminism

In order to determine the validity of specific issues, it is essential to review and analyze existing sources. At the same time, Muslim society, women’s rights, and religion can be interpreted by different authors through the prism of their own considerations, not supported by evidence. Therefore, it is crucial to...

Suicide: The Common Myths and Reality

To begin, I used to believe that a person who has their act together is less likely to commit suicide. People may believe that someone appears to have it all and that they are doing well. How could they even think about committing suicide? Moreover, I believe that suicide is...

Asian Americans and American Males’ Social Issues

Introduction In the US, there are several ethnic communities that reside in different parts of the country. The population consists of Americans, Asian Americans, Indian Americans, Latinos, and African Americans. Over the past years, the various groups have been experiencing a number of social challenges that affect their well-being in...

Pay Inequality and Its Impact on Women and Other Groups

The YouTube video “Child Social Experiment Looks at Gender Equality” demonstrates pay inequality between men and women. In the video, the children are asked to sort out blue and pink balls into two different vases. Although the boys and girls do the same kind of work, the boys get more...

Human Trafficking and Poverty Issues in Modern Society

Introduction The problem of human trafficking affects people all over the world, which defines the need for a comprehensive approach to this issue from the criminology perspective. According to de Vries and Radford (2022), it is vital to explore this type of crime to enhance one’s understanding of its nature...

Demographic Groups Comparison in Social Work

Introduction Social work implies contacting individuals and employing a personalized approach to address the challenges and needs for assistance for each person. However, comparing different demographics and groups can facilitate the establishment of efficient techniques for combating issues and providing help. It is especially vital in the framework of social...

Fielders’ and Vroom & Yetton’s Contingency Theories

Introduction Leadership contingency theories focus on the way a leader’s strategy affects the overall performance of the team, concerning the general atmosphere, intercommunication, and productivity. Fielders’ Contingency Theory explores the implications of a leader’s persona and power dynamics on the efficiency of the group work, while Vroom and Yetton’s decision...

Child Sex Trafficking and Pornography

Introduction Sexual abuse among children is a growing social justice and public health concern given its impact on the victim’s psychological and emotional development. This form of abuse which occurs every day in all countries including the US deprives children of their childhood. Currently, sex trafficking and pornography among children...

Advocacy Plan Assignment: Overdose Prevention in Rural Arizona

The previously identified area of concern is the lack of resources for addressing opioid overdose cases in La Paz County in Arizona. From preliminary research, effective means of drug overdose death prevention include local service providers’ access to opioid agonists, such as naloxone, ensuring adequate training on drug agonist use...

The Parent-Teacher-Youth Mediation Program

Brief Description of the Program The Parent-Teacher-Youth Mediation Program is designed to build relationships between family members from different generations. It is important to note that the program has been functioning for 4 years and works on scientific principles. The implementation consists in the selection of 250 clients who need...

Universal Healthcare as a Basic Right of Humanity

Introduction Free healthcare means everyone has access to the medical treatment they require anytime they need it, free from financial strain. A significant part of the world’s population does not now have access to the necessary healthcare. Consequently, due to medical expenses, millions of individuals are forced into extreme poverty...

The Communication Studies Journal Analysis

Communication Studies is a peer-reviewed journal whose primary objective is to cover the current agenda on communicative processes with a particular focus on the theory and research on the field of interpersonal communication. It is published both in printed and online editions by Taylor & Francis Group, specifically by Routledge....

Improving Justice System to Prevent Sexual Assault

Introduction Many barriers limit sexual assault victims from reporting the cases to the relevant authorities. It serves as the main motivation for the increasing cases of sexual assault because the victimizers have no one to stop them. Sexual assault victims face formidable obstacles to accessing the judicial system. Many are...

Digital Communications Practices in the Workplace

Introduction In the past three decades, the development of technologies has allowed most the people in developed countries to constantly accessible for communications in one form or another. These digital channels include offline or online voice calls, video calls, and textual or voice messages. As such, the benefits of the...

The City of Atlanta, Georgia: Poverty and Homelessness

Introduction The essence of high-quality performance of goals in social work is to timely identify and adequately address the problems faced by the citizens in a particular area. The detection of gaps between the community’s urgent needs and the quality and quality of available services to address those needs informs...

The “Short History of Ethics” Book by MacIntyre

The book Short History of Ethics brings out the correlation between the philosophy of communication and communication ethics. Rhetoric and philosophy of communication theory challenge the assumption of effective communication on an assertion that philosophy is subversive. The book views the inability to think philosophically as promoting biasness and prejudice...

Redford Township’s Community Assessment

Redford Township was established in 1883 on the Western border of Michigan City and Detroit. The Redford community has no sub-communities and does not have individual names (“Zip Code 48239 – Redford MI Map”, 2022). Most of the houses in Redford were built in the 1950s and 1960s and appear...

The “Leisure: The Basis of Culture” Book by Josef Pieper

Basic Knowledge The study of rhetoric and the philosophy of communication requires a command of various approaches, concepts, and theories. The notion of leisure is often overlooked in the contemporary world concerned with pressing social issues and more relevant problems. Josef Pieper revisits the importance of leisure for society in...

Women as “Another”: Subordination, Objectification, and the Struggle for Equality

“Another” person is a subordinate of others psychologically, physically, and emotionally. For one to become “another,” other people’s needs come before theirs. In Beauvoir’s introduction of The Second Sex, women are distinctively subordinate to men as a power play in the societal hierarchy for men to dominate. Beauvoir highlights the...

Sexual Harassment of Women at Work

Sexual harassment has become more prevalent over the past ten years, raising concerns on a national and global level. However, various international bodies like the ILO in the United Nations agency have made huge efforts to create awareness of its existence. Consequently, the initiatives have led to more cases of...

Racism, Ethnoviolence, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Introduction I was surprised to learn that experiencing racism can induce post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Most people are aware that racism is psychologically disturbing, but do not draw a link between racism and PTSD (Helms et al., 2012). Discussion I think the hesitation to acknowledge how experiencing racism can trigger...

The Rhetoric and Public Affairs Journal Analysis

Current Publisher The journal in question was published by Michigan State University Press. The ISSN for Rhetoric and Public Affairs is 10948392. An ISSN is an 8-digit code assigned to each item. It is used to identify printed and digital journals, newspapers, periodicals, and magazines. In the past three years,...

Heteronormativity in Modern World

The notion of heteronormativity is deeply entrenched into modern society, affecting the way in which people challenging the norm are treated and shaping the relationships within communities. Although the strength of heteronormative standards depends on the community and its culture, the majority of the Western civilization is affected strongly by...

The Effects of Discrimination That LGBT Persons Encounter

Introduction The article selected for this proposal is number two in the UDHR. It deals with the issue of discrimination and prohibits harassing other people (United Nations 6). This problem is compelling to me because I know people who face inequality or prejudices daily. Current Knowledge Presently, I know that...

Drugs and Behavior: History of Alcohol in America

The ordinary colonial American drank roughly twice as much alcohol in 1770 as it does today—about three and a half gallons annually. Americans who immigrated to North America in 1600 were strong drinkers because they could import rum from the West Indies and brew peach juice and apple cider. Since...

An Indian’s Views on Diversity in the US

I believe that diversity is a wonderful thing, for it provides us with different viewpoints and ideas that we may not have thought of earlier. In my opinion, perspectives different from ours can give us valuable information and help improve the field of medicine. While this field is rather successful...

The Supernatural as a Human Conception

Introduction Why are tales, stories, folklore, and dreams based on supernatural elements popular, ranging from the media to personal conversations? The perception of the supernatural reflects one’s individual emotions, beliefs, and knowledge. It is seemingly mundane events that tend to be more complex or multifaceted to the point of assumption...

Researching of a Personal Moral Dilemma: Caregiver for Friend

Moral dilemmas are contradictions between two behavior choices in a particular life situation. An ambiguous choice of behavioral strategy is common and places demand on the qualities of the individual. One of the most striking episodes that created a moral dilemma was a situation when I had to take care...

The Aspects of Violent Acts

Introduction The violent act has a wide definition in the law industry, and professionals working in this sphere meet diverse cases daily. People who are not related to this area can mention some acts in their ordinary life while watching TV or on YouTube. The operational definition of the violent...

Critical Racial Theory and Interracial Relationships

Introduction Interracial relationships and racism in the United States and worldwide are some of the most problematic and complex social issues. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is one approach that conquers racism by identifying and investigating the issues of racial injustices, institutional racism, and internalized racial oppression. This theoretical framework has...

Gardener’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Different forms of intelligence can be estimated depending o the skills and values of an individual, social group, or culture. I feel most “intelligent” in intrapersonal type intelligence that influences my intellectual behavior, reasoning, problem-solving ability, and performance in various areas of cognition. According to Gardener’s theory of multiple intelligences,...

The Greek Council for Refugees

Background The geopolitical situation in Ukraine has made refugees once again the most pressing issue for many European governments. One of the countries that welcomed Ukrainian refugees was Greece. Therefore, I became interested in the Greek Council for Refugees (GCR), an organization that manages the refugee situation in Greece. The...

Aspects of Normative Virtue Ethics

Introduction Utilitarianism and deontology are relevant moral theories that guide people’s actions. However, fewer scholars acknowledge virtue ethics as a normative rival of these traditions because it primarily focuses on the agent instead of the action. The core concept of virtue ethics is that the action that a virtuous agent...

Human Trafficking and Poverty Discussion

Background Identifying a gap in the literature is essential to determine areas for further research and explore various subjects. The broad topic area of crime selected for this paper is human trafficking. The demographic variable that is thought to affect this topic is poverty. Therefore, human trafficking can be viewed...

Causes of Corruption in Africa’s Developing Countries

Objectives The major goal of this research project is to contribute to the solution of the problem of bribes and kickbacks in corporations that create a significant corruption challenge in most African countries. The following objectives have to be underlined: To investigate the current situation in African organizations. To identify...

Potentially Dangerous Products or Services: False Promises or Marketing Moves

A few weeks ago, I saw an advertisement for a course that promised that one would start making millions after taking it. I wondered how this magical course could affect a person enough to change his earnings and his thinking in general. I read the description and several reviews and...

Domestic Violence in Melbourne: Impact of Unemployment Due to Pandemic Restrictions

To what extent does unemployment due to pandemic restrictions impact domestic violence against women in Melbourne? The null hypothesis indicates that there is no correlation between unemployment due to COVID-19 restrictions and domestic violence against women in Melbourne. However, the research hypothesis suggests that the examined independent variable – increased...

Shifting Gender Politics in Fashion and Textiles

As cultural changes are reflected in cinematography, so does the changing perception of gender influences movies. Over the course of the last century, societies have seen drastic changes in the perception of gender roles. A common opinion that gender stereotypes are still prevalent is countered with a belief that modern...

Critical Retention Issues Related to Social Skills in Ghanaian Universities

The criteria for inclusion include factors such as age and citizenship, where older adults and non-Ghanaian individuals are excluded from the study. The goal is to obtain accurate information about the prevalent majority of seekers of higher education in the country, who are mostly young and live in Ghana as...

The Need to Eliminate Immigration Detention System

Introduction The issue under discussion in this paper is the violation of human rights in the current immigration detention system in the USA. This problem entails the cruel treatment of immigrants in detention while kept in confinement. Evidence demonstrates that people are exposed to the “use of solitary confinement, patterns...

Operationalization of the Concept Violent Act

Introduction Operationalization is the conversion of abstract ideas into observable and measurable data. It entails specifying the methods for measuring, observing, and manipulating a concept. This process can enable researchers to collect and assess phenomena that may not be observable and measurable directly. This paper describes the operationalization of the...

Abortion Abolitionists and Pro-Life Activists

While both abortion abolitionists and pro-life activists share a variety of fundamental beliefs, they also vary in their approach and interpretation of women’s rights to abortion. Both initiatives follow a religious doctrine and undertone, though it is compulsory and dominant among abolitionists. Pro-life beliefs aim at establishing slow but steady...

An Overdose Prevention Program in Rural NC

Introduction The study follows a comprehensive overdose prevention program in rural NC, evaluated over a year-long period. The program consists of five major components including community involvement and coalition building, monitoring and surveillance of data, prevention of overdoses, use of rescue medication such as naloxone, and continuously evaluating the project....

Aspects of Legalizing Euthanasia

Introduction In a matter of life and death, people prefer life as the obvious answer. Death is a personal issue believed to go without other people’s interference on occasions where no one is harmed. There are circumstances where life is not the best option, a moment that leaves people wondering...

Social Issues in Countries and Region

Barr, V. J. (2016). Planning for healthy and equitable communities in British Columbia: a critical analysis of the implementation of an equity lens in Healthy Built Environments initiatives (Doctoral dissertation, University of British Columbia).  The article by Barr (2016) addresses the pressing social problems of poverty, inequality, poor health, and...

Limitations in Career Growth in Guam

Introduction As a matter of fact, in the present day, career growth in Guam may be regarded as relatively limited due to a highly negative impact of the pandemic caused by a global spread of COVID-19. It led to the decline of the island’s business and substantially affected its tourism...

Legalization of Marijuana in the US

The legalization of marijuana is one of the longest-running debates in the United States that has attracted public attention. This topic is related to the field of sociology as it has implications in various areas of society. From a sociological perspective, the use of marijuana and the debate about its...

Human Trafficking in the United States Project Design and Implementation

Feasibility of Proposed Project Human trafficking continues to be a significant problem that the United States has been battling for several years. This atrocity is part of the organized crime conducted by various criminal groups in the US (Arnold, 2021). The aim of this project is to investigate the major...

Does Online Activism Lead to Success of Social Movements?

Noland and Gladwell agree in considering online activism capable of drawing the public’s attention toward specific topics but often unable to invoke a real offline commitment to the cause. For one thing, Noland (2020) provides an example of a successful ALS Ice Bucket Challenge event during the Summer of 2014....

Meth Addiction Among Low-Income Americans

Drug addiction has been one of the most pressing problems in society for a long time. Many policies and strategies have been developed to combat this danger to society. One of the agents in the process of limiting this issue is social workers who contribute to the formation of new...

The Ugly History of Environmental Fears and Population Controls

Rapid population growth and its strain on global resources is one of the most significant discussion points of the twenty-first century. While some environmentalists advocate for population control measures, Arno Kopecky (2019) argues that they have often been motivated by fear and prejudice rather than scientific evidence. He discusses the...

Relation Between Genetics and Intelligence

Intelligence is a mental ability to learn from experience, tackle issues and use knowledge to adapt to new situations (Myers & DeWall, 2019). According to a single intelligence hypothesis, there is a component known as the factor g that may access intelligence of a person (Myers & DeWall, 2019). This...

Speech of Gubernatorial Candidate of Minnesota

Hello. First of all, I would like to thank everyone in this room for allowing me to express my thoughts here today. I am running for the gubernatorial candidate of Minnesota because I want to make the lives of our citizens better. It is not a secret that our state...

Fund-Raising Art Sessions to Help Refugees

Introduction A complex world situation has aggravated the past few years with many conflicts and disasters. Many people lose their homes and become forced refugees seeking shelter and protection. People from Syria, Afghanistan, and Ukraine come to Canada in search of a more peaceful life. Discussion However, even though they...

Economic Differences in the US Prison System

Research Question One of the most challenging aspects of sentencing is the issue of economically and socially disadvantaged criminals. Individuals from troubled backgrounds are convicted of more crimes and sentenced to jail more often than other people worldwide (Reiman, 2020). It is essential to note that this frequently happens for...

Core Aspects of Personal Identity: The Impact on Female

The most vital concept mentioned in the reading that significantly affected my personality development is gender. As it is defined by Weber, gender is the number of “biological and anatomical characteristics attributed to males and females” (8). It is vital to mention that, according to the author, gender is socially...

Impact of Hegemonic Masculinity on Life Chances in Australia

Introduction The concept behind hegemonic masculinity explains how society accepts and helps shape the culturally dominant behavior of men. Not only is it hegemonic to other masculinities, but the idea is a privileged representation and collective leverage that men have over women. The outcome of such models leads to the...

The Influence of Gender and Power Disparities on the Workplace

Nowadays, discrimination in labor relations is one of the most widespread but not always distinctly identified human rights violations. Prejudice is a multifaceted phenomenon with many diverse manifestations and international scope. Legislation at various levels, from global to local, emphasizes that bias in the field of labor is prohibited. However,...

Discussion of Poverty and Social Trends

Despite much progress over the years toward ending poverty, the global community still faces the threat of failing to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of ending poverty. According to recent estimates, one in five children come from poor backgrounds (Koball et al., 2021). The Universal Declaration of Human...

“The Naked Citadel” by Faludi and “Reading Lolita in Iran” by Nafisi

Introduction A person’s identity is formed and developed under the influence of various factors through psycho-physiological development and maturation. Human identity is multidimensional as it is brought by the impact of many different social groups. Vertical identity is passed from generation to generation through DNA and upbringing received from parents...

Sexism Rates in Modern Society

Sexism is ideological that brings superiority between the female and male gender. Even though it is difficult to quantify sexism to the hearer or reader, sexism places prejudice on men and discriminates against women. Today, sexism has escalated in society and slowed the progression towards gender equality. Thus, increased sexism...

“Zoos Cause Animals Far More Harm Than Good” by Rosenberger

In “Zoos Cause Animals Far More Harm Than Good”, Rosenberger raises one of modern society’s most important and urgent problems. The author tries to convey to the reader that those who support zoos also support animal torture. Zoos are a collection of interesting exhibits, not a home for living creatures,...

The Canada Revenue Agency’s Organizational Values

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has established crucial organizational values which ensure the economic and social well-being of employees and all Canadians. Professional ethics is vital in a workplace as it provides every stakeholder with equal rights and stabilizes the workflow (“Code of integrity,” 2021). The key values identified by...

Transgender People in Prisons: Rights Violations

Transgender people remain one of the most vulnerable populations, both in the LGBT community and in society as a whole. The issue of protecting gender identity and rights related to it stands especially acute in the penitentiary system. There are many instances of how transgender rights are violated in jails:...

Aspects of Ethics, Religion, and Diversity

Introduction The institution of relations at the present stage of human development is undergoing major changes. Nowadays, in terms of uncertainty regarding the future or not yet strengthened economic condition, the number of marriages without a formal seal is growing. At the same time, often, for one member of the...

Aspects of Social Construction

Introduction During the development of an individual, specific changes occur related to psychological, social, and spiritual aspects. For instance, these changes happen distinctively with different life stages. Based on this, social construction involves an ideology of information within sociology that assesses how people generally acquire their understanding and knowledge regarding...

Therapy Modality for Transformational P-12 School Counselors

Introduction Therapy modality refers to the use of different approaches to enhance the well-being of a patient battling mental-related issues. Therapists are trained in different techniques where they choose the most appropriate approach to a presented case; this makes them effective while rendering their services and providing solutions to their...

Violence against Women

There are several reasons why women experience higher rates of abuse. First, many societies worldwide still have a patriarchal structure, and even in those that seem to have changed, the history of patriarchal norms still influences the communities (Zara & Gino, 2018). This fact results in a variety of other...

An Occult Website’s Design Analysis

This page is an occult web resource whose task is to present the audience with a conspiracy theory about the future coming of aliens. The page’s content is a mixture of Freemasonry theories, Christian theology, science fiction, and contemporary American politics. The fabrications of the author of the site are...

Values and Biases Toward Human Sexuality Topics

Gender Roles and Expectations Gender issues are among those aspects of the study of social reality that is being treated with caution by the scientific community. I think the division of gender roles should be a thing of the past. In today’s world, a man and a woman can perform...

The Long-Term Unemployment Positive Tendency

For the purposes of this work, the article on long-term unemployment was chosen. It uses a number of line graphs as a part of its narrative, as a way to reinforce and explain its central point. The first graph displays long-term unemployment trends from 1900 to 2022. The X axis...

Dissuading Anti-Vaccine Supporters

Sarah Dzubay, a biology student, in her essay “An Outbreak of the Irrational,” presents reasons for anti-vaccine supporters to change their position by thoughtfully considering and refuting their essential arguments. Dzubay starts with an insightful example about measles, the disease that has returned to modern-day civilization due to some people’s...

Gun-Based Violence in the United States

Introduction The weight of gun violence mainly on a country is as great as any other existing pandemic, and indeed the pain it causes to its victims is no different. According to reports, the death toll from gun violence is expected to rise by about 20,000 this year (Muir, 2021)....

Domestic Violence and Cyber Abuse

Domestic violence, unfortunately, is a problem that is common for many families all around the world. It brings physical and emotional pain to vulnerable segments of society, including children, elders, and women of any age. With the appearance of the Internet, the issue of cyber abuse only continues to grow...

A Community-Based Program Aiding Homeless People

Introduction Among social problem, homelessness exists as one of the most severe, and currently poorly addressed ones. According to recent statistics, as many as half a million American people live without a home, representing 0.2% of the population (Stasha, 2022). The circumstances and conditions of these people are different, with...

Gender Norms’ Impact on Men and Women

Gender norms are a rather controversial and complicated topic. Stereotypes and pressure towards both men and women have had an impact on both sides. Women are usually expected to be quiet, passive and obedient, while men are expected to be more assertive, strong and independent. Fortunately, various countries are unlearning...

Discussion: Real World Negotiation

Negotiation Background The current negotiation revolves around the sale of a piece of land to my cousin. Only two individuals, my cousin and I, will be involved in the process. The existing relationship is that we are relatives belonging to the same extended family. We have had a peaceful past...

Forced Migration in the United States

Forced deportations and multiple immigration crises are concerns that have long characterized the United States. Despite significant improvements in immigration policy, border problems still exist, and only the past lessons can help determine which methods are effective and which should be abandoned. Historically, the image of Mexico propagated by the...

Sex-Selective Abortions Around the World

Despite the progress in social justice, several nations still permit and practice a frequent type of gender discrimination nowadays. Cultural, racial, and national barriers are all impacted by prenatal sex discrimination. Through sex-selected abortions it is carried out with impunity in many nations. Abortion for an unborn kid exclusively based...

Interpretation and Listening Research

Interpretation The discussion focuses on the significance of interpretation in languages and literature, paying particular attention to the concept of oral presentations, performance behavior, and bodily actions. The authors introduce the discussion by providing a historical context of body language and interpretation. The idea of interpretation is fundamental to scholars...

The Bamboo Bath: Project Installation

In the modern world, where people are overloaded with information and globalization is gaining momentum, the demand for places of calm and seclusion is increasing. One can hardly remember when one was far away from the smartphone, alone with nature and the environment for the last time. In this paper,...

Violence in Long-Term Care Homes

Purpose Violence in Long-term care homes has become common for Canadian frontline workers. About 46% of Canadian frontline workers reported experiencing violence daily in their line of duty, which implies that this is an important topic of study (Banerjee et al., 2012). In addition, violence in long-term care has significantly...

Workplace Violence Due to Substance Use Disorder

It is hard to disagree that workplace relationships usually depend on numerous factors. Even when the company puts enormous efforts into supporting a positive and inclusive working environment, it still can be affected by violence. Evidently, there may be various sources and types of workplace violence, and substance use disorder...

Human Rights and Discrimination

Introduction Reflection is essential in health and social care due to its numerous benefits. First, it helps to foster improvement in practice and services. In addition, it supports individual proffesionals in multi-disciplinary work. Reflection has helped to ensure that professional healthcare workers continuously improve their service delivery. Thus, this is...

Minority Business Development Agency: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs

Introduction The Genesis of the Problem Diversity, equity, and inclusion are intertwined concepts that seek to address some of the most common socio-economic challenges in the United States such as racism, inequality, and discrimination. There has been a consensus that the system in the US is skewed against minorities, especially...

Mitigating Underage Drinking: Mechanisms and Approaches

Introduction The current generation of underage alcohol consumption has been on the rise. Further, the underage population has continuously been put to health risks associated with drinking habits. Although the government has stipulated several implications to control the drinking age, the stipulated age rise has not effectively curbed alcohol drinking...

Reaction to The Social Dilemma Video

Summary of the Video The documentary drama calls social networks the biggest threat to humanity. Through interviews with Silicon Valley engineers and experts in the field of technology and psychology, the dwells on how IT companies manipulate human psychology in order to make a profit (Social Dilemma 24:22). My Reaction...

Importance of Informing in Human Interaction

The social aspects of human interaction are due to many factors that are imperceptible to persons. Many people today use social networks and other Internet resources to get the information they need. However, any information in the online space can be created to manipulate people’s opinions and create false beliefs....

The Issue of Racial Violence

There is an opinion that racial discrimination, violence, and segregation are inherent and integral parts of American life. These practices were at the beginning of U.S. history and continued further, with some harsher or calmer periods. Although the Fourteenth Amendment passed in 1868 stated that everyone had equal legal protection...

Is Gentrification Another Form of Segregation?

Introduction Gentrification has no single interpretation; there are anthropological, sociocultural, Marxist, and many other interpretations, all of which have the potential to exist. However, if one tries to describe the concepts, gentrification is a change in the property system when a more prosperous group replaces the poorer groups and invests...

HIV-AIDS Risks Awareness Among Adolescents

The lack of sex education and public awareness about reproductive health issues is a worrying trend that affects millions of young people globally. The article by Family Health International: YouthNet (2002) reveals that adolescents under the age of 25 constitute nearly 50% of new HIV/AIDS cases. This problem is particularly...

Life of Humanity: Inequality, Poverty, and Tolerance

Introduction In an article by Todd Schwartz entitled American Jerk: Be Civil or I’ll Beat You to a Pulp, the author takes on some very ambiguous issues and proves them wrong. specifically concerns about the times in which humanity, and especially the American people, live, not forgetting about inequality, poverty,...

Sociology of Race, Gender, Identity, and Sexuality

Introduction The different readings on race, gender, identity, and sexuality provide significant information on how such aspects relate to and influence society. The articles offer different terminologies, which are elaborated through practical examples of how the concepts of how such factors shape individual sociological perspectives. The readings describe terms like...

Review of “A Theory of Justice” by John Rawls

John Rawls, A Theory of Justice (1971) seeks to explain that morals are based on right and wrong decisions that may or may not lead to good and bad behaviors that are often unrelated to justice and fairness. Rawls’ “Justice as Fairness” theory considers that the two meaning justice and...

The Crisis of Gun Violence in the United States

The crisis of violence is a big problem in the United States, and it often involves the use of guns. The legitimacy of its proliferation contributes to the risks of the frequency of violence, which affects the functioning of society. In addition, this type of violence is connected to the...

The McKinney-Vento Act and Its Importance

In 1987, the McKinney-Vento Act was first adopted in the United States. In May 2009, President Barack Obama signed its updated version — Homeless Emergency Assistance and Rapid Transition to Housing Act (Gerken, M., & Boshart, 2020). Under the act, the government has allocated considerable sums of money to help...

Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide

Introduction Joiner’s Interpersonal Theory of Suicide (JITS) is a theory that tries to explain the likelihood and incidence of suicide by analyzing the event based on the presence and prevalence of three main factors. These include the feeling of burdensomeness combined with that a low sense of belonging and social...

Researching and Analysis of Moral Theories

Summary Decisions in professional life or personal life experience are often ambiguous and complex. Even if a person adheres to one moral theory, in some cases, it is simply necessary to move away from the usual model and look at a difficult situation through the prism of a different model....

Researching of Intersectionality

Practically speaking, intersectionality is the belief that all oppressions are linked. Intersectionality is commonly denoted as the interrelated character of social categories like race, class, and gender, which are thought to create interdependent and interlinked structures of discriminatory practices or imbalance (Dill et al. 54). Intersectionality is the recognition that...

Military Violence: Negative Impact on Society

The article by Alcindor with the flashy title “States with More Gun Laws Have Less Gun Violence,” published in USA Today, gives information about the study conducted by Fleeger et al. Alcindor states that the research findings indicate that in the US states where more laws regarding guns are passed,...

Adlerian Brief Therapy Advantages

The Most Significant Aspects of Adlerian Brief Therapy The introduction of Adlerian brief therapy to address the needs of clients seems to be one of the most optimal ways to eliminate various risks while empowering them to deal with challenges in the future. In this approach, the most significant part...

Perspectives on the Consumption Event Decision

Introduction The modern market economy prioritizes the field of consumption over that of production, and the relationship between the consumer and the retailer is of great importance to society. Consumer behavior, or the actions of a person who is considered a consumer, can be characterized in different ways, depending on...

High School Bullying: Psychological Aspects

Topic Discussion Numerous adverse effects and reasons are ascribed to bullying in high school. According to the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs (ASPA), it may affect the bystanders, the actors, and the victims of bullying. It has been argued that a stereotypical image of an aggressive kid from a neglectful...

Inventing Hispanics: Labeling a Diverse Minority

Popular stereotypes about Hispanic workers say that they are lazy, slow and often interrupt for a siesta. It is widely believed that a Hispanic employee can have lunch for two hours, or their five-minute breaks will last for half an hour. They may be sick on the day of the...

The Definition of Social Sciences

Introduction The reading response by Andrea McCarrick began by explaining the definition of social sciences through the summary of an article by Ian McLain. Social Sciences are the study of human beings in a society that explains the choices they make and their consequences (McLain, 2018). Next, an article, How...

Components of Sociology: Information Science

The pandemic has really had a strong impact not only on education but also on the whole society as a whole. Many components of the learning process have changed, and one of the most noticeable changes for students is, of course, the transition to online learning. Online learning is much...

Ethical Relativism Regarding Queer (LGBTQ+) Community

The idea that ethics is based on cultural or personal standards is known as ethical relativism. In other words, the moral standards of the culture or one’s perceptions in which a behavior is engaged to determine whether it is acceptable or unethical. The same behavior could be morally acceptable in...

Community and Workplace Intervention Programs

Introduction The best method of drug usage management is by educating people about the risks that drugs pose to their health and the health of society. One can use many efficient drug addiction control strategies in several contexts and with various areas of concentration (Zastrow, Kirst-Ashman & Hessenauer, 2019). This...

Intergroup Behavior and Interactions

Intergroup behavior is a relationship in which people from different social groups are present. Usually, such people do not have much in common, but they may have one of the identities from the similarity. Active interaction usually occurs in these groups because people form around a standard feature, an identity,...

Alcohol: The Legal Drinking Age

Changing the drinking age to 18 has created a global interest and fight among young adults. Young adults are adamant about lowering the legal drinking age because 18 is when teens are no longer minors. It would allow for more safety among college students. At the same time, believers of...

Sociological Imagination Discussion

Introduction In this assignment, I will discuss the meaning of sociological imagination. I will also analyze the social issues, gender pay gap, and work automation in the fields of education, economy, and labor that influence my future decisions. Moreover, the paper includes findings from an article related to job automation....

Injustice, Inequality, and the Quest for Inclusivity: Synthesis and Reflection

The Synthesis of Readings Primarily, it should be noted that injustice and inequality in American society, discrimination and oppression of citizens, and the issue of exclusivity of individuals are fundamental concepts that seem to run through the readings like a red thread. The experts remark that these problems are not...

Values: The Role for Individuals and Society

Socrates was the first to speak of the essence and value of the good. Athenian democracy was undergoing a crisis, and there was a change in the cultural patterns of organization of existence and community. This process was also overshadowed by losing reference points in people’s spiritual life. Philosophy gradually...

Informal Meeting and Socialization of Employees After Work Hours

Introduction Since human beings are largely social creatures, it is important to study interpersonal interactions and relationships in order to learn about the culture of groups and communities. Ethnography is the research method that allows for these observations and conclusions to be made, ultimately contributing to anthropological studies of the...

Difference Between Ethical Conduct in Public and Private Sectors

Florida governor Ron DeSantis suspended elected prosecutor Andrew Warren for pledging not to use his office to go after doctors that provide gender-affirming care to transgender individuals or people who seek and provide abortions. DeSantis announced he was suspending Warren for “neglect of duty” and “incompetence” as Hillsborough County’s prosecutor...

Homelessness in Western Australia

Homelessness is a concern that has received widespread attention in Australia’s social justice framework. Individuals frequently are forced to find alternative, safe homes for various social reasons, and occasionally, this need to move may lead to homelessness. Human services providers and public housing are difficult to access for those suffering...

Immigration in the United States and Germany

Budiman, Abby. “Key Findings about U.S. Immigrants.” Pew Research Center, 2020. This article explores some of the most significant findings on immigrants to the United States. According to Budiman, the number of immigrants residing in the United States has increased from 4.8 million in 1970 to 13.7 million (Budiman). These...

Carol Berkin’s Book “First Generations: Women in Colonial America”

Introduction Colonial America was never meant to be easy for the life of people. Survival was an appropriate synonym to describe the burdens of the ordinary existence of colonized individuals. Indeed, women of colonial America had to withstand enormous struggles such as oppression and gender discrimination. Experiences of males and...

The Co-current Grounded Theory Iterations

Introduction Grounded theory (GT) is one of the most well-known and relevant approaches to generating meaningful hypotheses in qualitative research. This method allows to inducement of ideas directly from the collected data, and experts have perceived it as a central qualitative methodology since the 1960s. However, as Carlin and Kim...

Ban on Abortions as Current Civil Rights Issue

One should note that based on the article’s objective, trustworthy and reliable data, prohibiting abortion in the United States is one of our time’s most fundamental and significant concerns. In this case, the author focuses on the constitutional right to misbirth from the point of view of privacy, which is...

Recognition of Human Rights for LGBT Individuals

Introduction It is widely acknowledged that wellness and individual rights are intertwined. The rights to inclusivity, freedom from discriminatory practices, life, and the freedom to marry and raise a family are covered by various articles under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) (United Nations). Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and...

Aspects of Psychoactive Substances

Introduction Psychoactive substances surround us everywhere, including our places of living, stores, malls, and streets. Everyone faced or consumed one of the psychoactive substances at least once in their lives. Most of them are extremely dangerous long-term and could cause a lot of damage, but remain a big part of...

The Role of Education as the Foundation of Ethics

Introduction At first glance, it seems effortless to describe who an ethical person is because this concept is familiar to everyone. It seems enough to pluck a few pseudo-synonyms from several associations with the word ethics, and immediately the illusion arises that a polite, kind, respectful person is ethical. However,...

The Example of Critical Thinking Skills

Introduction Critical thinking and emotional intelligence define the quality of multiple processes and colleague relationships. Sally’s case proves that poorly managed emotions and a lack of communication might provoke additional workplace challenges and employee dissatisfaction. The woman needs to address certain critical thinking elements to combine reason, emotion, and communication...

Effective Communication and Interpersonal Success

The importance of effective communication cannot be overstated, whether one is a worker or a manager. Like any other skill in life, good communication does not come naturally to many people, making them develop the skill through constant practice. People who have gained a reputation for being outstanding communicators share...

George W. Bush’s Speech: Rhetorical Analysis

The speech is delivered by former US president George W. Bush on the crisis in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. It used the regular speech structure of introduction, body, and conclusion without metaphor or jargon. Its main arguments, underlying concepts, or primary thesis were all complicated rhetorical devices. The...

Social Communication: The Role of Culture

Communication and culture have a highly intricate and close interaction. First, cultures are produced through communication; that is, communication is the means of human connection through which cultural features are established and communicated, whether they be conventions, roles, norms, rituals, laws, or other patterns. Individuals do not seek out to...

Critical Thinking, Modern Society, and Argumentation

Introduction Critical thinking is a process of balanced reflection on external phenomena. Critical thinking requires a high level of awareness, attentiveness, and concentration. I believe increased emotional intelligence will also be a big plus for critical thinking since people participate in all social processes subjected to critical reflection. My description...

The Rise of Female Sex Tourism

Many travelers are looking for sexual adventures – and are willing to pay for it. Minors are victims as well; however, many tourist destinations shy away from addressing this issue. Experts underscore that sex tourism is a very varied phenomenon found in almost every country in the world. Even though...

Role Ambiguity, Role Strain and Role Conflict

I was a college student who was constantly busy with academic life and work. I was a full-time student, worked part-time at a retail store, and was also the president of a student organization. Despite my busy schedule, I felt fulfilled and enjoyed being involved in multiple activities. However, everything...

Gender Inequality for Men and Women

Gender inequality in the US for men and women has significant consequences both in the family and in the professional sphere. Thus, in the family, inequality is primarily reflected in specific relationships between the genders, and it also affects parents’ roles. In the family, men may sometimes experience pressure and...

Zombie Apocalypse Team

An apocalypse can end human existence; hence there is a need to have a team that can help one to survive. The individuals can also help build a society once calm has been restored. In the case of a zombie apocalypse, one needs five team members: a team leader, an...

Racial Disparities in Media vs. Research Article

Introduction A sociological subject that is often portrayed both in the media and through research and peer-reviewed articles is considered as racial disparities. Namely, one of the variables that are often implemented in such content pieces is employment. Racial disparities when it comes to income and employment statuses across different...

The Black Lives Matter Movement

The Black Lives Matter movement is a social movement that emerged in the United States in 2013 following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2012. The movement was initially organized around the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter on social media platforms and has since grown into...

Science and Technology in Society

Studying the works of various scientific figures helps to gain an understanding of society and in which direction it is developing. In particular, it contributes to the formation of opinions about the role of science and technology in social transformations and people’s opinions about specific issues. Therefore, within the framework...

The Problem of Child Abuse

Children are high-risk individuals in society due to their inability to be independent. As a result, parents and guardians are expected to offer the highest possible quality of care for appropriate child development. However, some children experience inhuman atrocities at the hands of caregivers, thus exposing them to complex adversities....

Struggles Families Encounter During Pandemic

Introduction Since late 2019, the coronavirus pandemic has expanded far and quickly, wreaking havoc on countless families worldwide. Food insecurity, lower salaries, job loss, school closures, high prices of essential commodities, sick family members, and other issues are all exacerbated by the COVID-19 epidemic. Vulnerable and low-income households, in particular,...

Researching of Structural Racism

After watching the video of Professor Tricia Rose, I have defined two significant points about structural racism and its meaning. The first point is that structural racism presents a concept that exists outside of people’s perception. The speaker explained how implementing colorblindness principles in individuals could only work in conditions...

Perception and Detection of Sexual Violence

Introduction Sexual violence, in any of its forms, is a complicated subject that requires in-depth investigation. One of the complications is the topic’s sensitivity and bias, making it difficult for researchers to obtain information. As a result, a methodology for operations in this field must be developed so that the...

Human Subject Protection in Research Ethics

IRB review of research initiatives involving human beings is mandated under federal rules. Before any research operations begin, the IRB must either approve the study or decide it is exempt. The IRB is not able to approve or make decisions on completed research. It is not regarded as research when...

The Domestic Violence Effects on Witnessing Children

Introduction Domestic violence is an issue that infiltrates many areas of its victims’ lives. It is defined as behavior that involves physical or emotional abuse conducted by a spouse or a partner. There are several types of domestic violence, including physical, sexual, and verbal abuse. In addition, domestic violence is...

Impact of Language on Shaping Identity

The linguistic consciousness of the nation, formed by the potential of the language system, unites a certain group of people endowed with nominally the same ability of speech production. At the same time, language is often seen as a means of individuum formation since the way people speak often determines...

Socialization and Causes of Alcohol Consumption

Introduction The world community grows and develops daily and it is almost no longer possible for an individual to exist away from the community. That is why socialization, as a natural process in each person’s life, is one of the most important milestones of development. This activity begins in early...