Gary Haugen’s Speech on Violence and Poverty

Introduction Poverty is a widespread social problem affecting millions of people worldwide. In his speech, Gary Haugen discusses the causes of poverty and concludes that violence is a hidden problem that should be addressed and eliminated. His examples of people who were assaulted and left in danger, prove that the...

Male vs. Female Investigators in the United States

Introduction The job of an investigator requires specific skills connected with communication, logic, and critical and analytical abilities. It does not exclude the presence of creativity in the methods and approaches to the job that help to unite all the necessary qualifications to perform productively. However, the attitude towards the...

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families is a program which provides low-income families with the necessary resources to sustain a decent level of life. The policy’s primary concern is promoting welfare among its recipient; yet, the program does not comply with cutting poverty (Policy basics, 2021). The leading solution would be...

Divorce Rates and Causes of Their Rising

Divorce has been a major challenge to family norms in the United States for more than 40 years, with social policies increasingly focusing on the problem. At the same time, there are different findings that indicate the stabilization and even a decline in divorce rates in recent years. Discussing unilateral...

Immigration Challenges in Selections from The John Harrower Diary

The questions of immigration have stirred people’s minds over decades. The challenges of living in another country have been described in various sources, among which are “Selections from John Harrows’ diary.” In the description of his life in America, Harrow provides valuable information as to the difficulties of immigration and...

Analysis of Homelessness in California

Summary Thesis: Homelessness in California is a leading social problem due to high housing prices and increasing psychological and medical issues. Terms: unemployment, homelessness, social initiatives, responsibility, government agencies. A cause-and-effect strategy for writing an expanded definition was used: Social initiatives are a set of measures proposed by society to...

Feminism and Identity Crisis in Politics

Susan Heckman in “Identity Crises: Identity, Identity Politics, and Beyond” borrows from Alcoff’s article to establish the foundation of her writing. In so doing, Heckman identifies politics as a subsidiary issue, with the real issue-defining a new feminism paradigm. With the foundation established, Heckman provides an overview of political identity...

Disruptive Behaviors in Social Movements

In order to foster social change and correct injustices, activists use various methods, including disruptive behaviors. Examples of disruptive behaviors are physical violence, damaging property, blocking highways, and using threatening or inflammatory rhetoric (Feinberg et al., 2020). Although such actions may positively influence the effectiveness of social movements, they also...

Rhetoric of Article “Want to Save Civilization?” by Malady

To improve life and the normal functioning of civilization, people must adhere to certain social norms. Many publicists put forward their theories, and Malady (2013) is one of them. In his opinion, to save civilization, people need to respect each other and calmly stand in line. The author writes an...

Legalization of Marijuana in the United States

The main objective of this study is to look at the problem of legalizing marijuana in the United States from different angles. This is done in an attempt to reach an objective consensus on this issue, or at least outline the range of problems and issues that need to accompany...

“Woman’s Work” by Julia Alvarez: Nothing Is Impossible

“Woman’s Work” by modern Dominican-American work writer Julia Alvarez is a short but provocative poem, both in terms of its form and content. Being composed in tercet, which is one of the most sophisticated versifications, the writing demonstrates that a female author can be talented and competent. Those features are...

Asking Questions for Effective Interpersonal Communication

Many factors can influence communication and make it more effective for the benefit of all participants. Of the eleven central rules described by Rane (2011), the ninth, “Ask Questions and Extract More,” warrants particular attention (p. 50). Questions can serve multiple essential roles in communication, ultimately enhancing the quality of...

Non- vs. Caribbean Individual Differences

Caribbean individuals have both similarities and differences from non-Caribbean individuals. These similarities and differences are primarily related to the identity of the Caribbean individual. Nevertheless, identity is a broad term, which means that it covers several definite aspects. Such terms as language, culture, and territorial origin could describe the identity...

Youth Primary Prevention Education Program

Youth Primary Prevention Education (YPPE) aims at preventing sexual violence with a focus on promoting positive individual, relationship and societal behaviour. This prevention program targets adolescents aged 10 to 19 years. YPPE uses Safe Dates curriculum to ensure the targeted population understand the factors and circumstances that contribute to sexual...

Child Advocacy: The Key Issues

Persons, experts, and advocacy groups who speak out for children’s best interests are child advocates. Advocacy, according to my opinion, is important in safeguarding children’s rights, which may be curtailed or abused in various ways. Because children are not regarded as accountable for their self-sufficiency, child advocacy is thought to...

Social Stratification from Different Viewpoints

Two main views on social stratification are the functionalist and the conflict theory. The followers of the conflict theory presume that social stratification exists only because such a class system is beneficial for individuals, groups, and populations in the leading or regulating positions. On the opposite, functionalists consider such division...

Racial Disparities in Health Care and Cultural Competency

This implies that the health care system must function effectively so as to provide all categories of citizens with accessible, quality health care services. The primary goal of such a system, then, is to improve the overall health of the nation without dividing society into separate cohorts, clusters, or groups....

Society’s Safety and Ways of Improvement

Bans on guns have been a relevant topic for discussion, and it might seem like an excellent solution for reducing violent crimes among the population. The problem includes numerous cases when people used the possibility of owning a gun mainly to commit crimes rather than protect themselves. The interesting aspect...

Gender, Emotional Labor, Harm, and Safety

The video posted by Vox shows how transgender women are attacked and assaulted for having a different gender identity from their sex. Savannah Bowens is one of the many women who have transitioned in the world but still fear for their lives (Vox, 2018). The video report that many transgender...

Rwandan Genocide: Causes and Outcomes

Humans live in groups formed by the similarity of appearance, traits, and values, and such an approach has always been crucial for survival and evolution. However, the negative outcome of that ancient instinct is that a different individual or a cohort is being perceived as deviant and dangerous. Moreover, terror...

Bullying: A Guide for the Parents

Warning Signs a Child Is a Victim Cyberbullying is a relatively new type of bullying characterized by technological modalities, which make it slightly different from traditional bullying. It usually implies the use of various technological devices or services as a bullying instrument. Cyberbullying May be defined as “the use of...

Racial Stratification Towards Asian Communities in the United States

This discussion post will revolve around the portrayal of COVID-19 in the media and its effect on Asian communities in the United States in order to analyze how racial stratification is apparent in its presentation. The article called “Hate crimes against Asian Americans are on the rise” by Abdollah and...

Reflection Paper: Stereotypes in Health Care

Ageism, sexism, racism, other stereotypes, and social discrimination represent a severe challenge to the healthcare system. Significantly, older women are affected by bias when interacting with medical services. However, the ethnic and racial groups commonly face disparities in receiving care. This reflective paper investigates different manifestations of stereotypical approaches in...

Peripheral, Semi-Peripheral, and Core Nations

A country can either be a peripheral, semi-peripheral, or a core nation. A nation can be referred to as a peripheral if it is underdeveloped in terms of its political and economic structure. This can be seen in the living standard of its citizens, life expectancy, and adult literacy. Peripheral...

Racial Discrimination as a Social Justice Issue

Introduction Currently, the US as a country is faced with numerous social justice issues that have sparked intense debate among the citizens and also in the international community. For many individuals, it seems that there are a lot of challenges to come. The COVID-19 pandemic has reactivated economic diminution rendering...

The Child Poverty Problem in Alabama

On the basis of the fact sheet analysis of the state of Alabama, the core strength of the region includes child health. It is stated that “650,406 children ages 0-18 were enrolled in Medicaid and All Kids (Children’s Health Insurance Program) in 2018” (Children’s Defense Fund, 2020, p. 1). In...

Analysis of Shelby’s Idea on Black Solidarity

Structural racism is still a severe problem in the United States and other countries globally. Overcoming it requires recognizing the racial differences, barriers, and challenges posed by stereopsis, discrimination, and bias towards black people. To this end, people must form a common idea that unites them around the goal of...

Customs Border Services on First Nations People

First Nations People In Canada, First Nations (FN) is a term used to describe indigenous people who do not identify themselves with either Inuit or Métis. According to Hitchon et al. (2020), they have grown into different languages, cultures, spiritual beliefs and traditions. As explicated further in Hitchon et al.’s...

Changes in Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The current COVID-19 pandemic brought several significant issues to the lives of the global community, affecting people’s physical and mental health, countries’ economies, and political stability worldwide. Healthcare organizations and clinicians were overwhelmed by the number of patients they could not help. Furthermore, many businesses had to close at...

Researching of Law Against the Indigenous People

Summary Cindy Blackstock is an influential Canadian activist who advocates for child welfare and the protection of the Indigenous people. As a member of the First Nations Child and Family Caring Society, she played a vital part in appealing against First Nations children’s discrimination at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal...

Readings on the Social Factors Around the Utilization of Land

The three readings focus on the social factors around the utilization of land. The first reading by Håkansson N.T. and Widgren M. (9-30) focuses on reviewing the concept — Of landesque Capital. It is the introductory section of the book edited by two authors, and it provides a scholarly definition...

Immigration in Crisis in Episode 10 of the NASW Podcast

The NASW podcast was centered on the immigration rules in the U.S. and their impacts on social workers. Immigration became an issue of concern after President Trump’s administration imposed the “zero tolerance” rule (NASW, 2018). Considering the weight of the problem on social workers and the southern border concerning the...

Racism and Its Impact on Society

Introduction Some aspects of human behavior formulate negative ways of thinking and acting. One such point is racism manifestations, which constitute adverse treatment for some people because of their origin. Indeed, society has managed to improve the situation. However, racism manifestations still occur today. In order to fully liquidate racist...

Personal Ethical Framework – Decision-Making

The life of each person can be described as a string of decisions that determine its course. In this regard, the role of subjective judgement is rather considerable, as certain choices are rarely universal. In other words, each individual pursues his or her own agenda, making decisions that correspond with...

Environmental Scan, Plan, and Change Project

Effort, dedication, and critical evaluation are put forward to keep institutions running. With over five thousand colleges and universities, an incredible impact has been made, setting America’s education standards apart from the rest of the world (Liyanage et al., 2019). One of the most prominent learning institutions is Stanford University,...

Racism in Employment from Conley’s Viewpoint

Racism in employment, payment and general place in the capitalist system has never ceased to be an issue. Even in light of the general liberalization of today’s world and the fact that communities are becoming increasingly supportive of this issue, the size of the problem has not even diminished. Racial...

Researching of Cross-Cultural Negotiations

Ronald Reagan’s Quote Peace is a term that can be described in different ways. Some people might think that peace is the absence of conflicts. However, there is a famous quote from President Ronald Reagan regarding peace, which is as follows: “Peace is not the absence of conflict, it is...

Theories of Conflict Resolution

Relationship Conflict In human services, relationship conflict arises from differences in style, negative emotional interactions, matters of taste, and personality among two or more individuals. In an organization, individuals are often thrown together with no intention of meeting in real life. To promote organizational goals, it is a must for...

Policies for Social Problems

Social problems are not the product of an inherent society dysfunction, but rather a characterization process in which a specific state is designated as a social problem. When a society is unaware of a social problem, it does not perceive it, addresses it, discusses it, or handle it. History is...

Aspects of the Theory of Mind

The notion of the theory of mind, while presupposing that every person’s decision is attributed to a certain mental state, provides people with the ability to understand others. Thus, for example, when one person’s decisions are motivated by the mental states of desire or belief, this person tends to project...

Internalized Racial Oppression in Students

People have different identities that they associate with, be it religious, cultural, or national, but the most important is the racial and ethnic identity. Ethnic identity has to develop from childhood through adolescence to adulthood. Identifying with one’s ethnic group shows solidarity. Nowadays, people have multiple ethnic personalities due to...

Analysis of Down Syndrome Indiana

Thesis topic: the effects of the Down Syndrome Indiana (DSI) on the quality of life of families with children with Down Syndrome (DS). Alon, R. (2019). Social support and post-crisis growth among mothers of children with autism spectrum disorder and mothers of children with down syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities,...

Readjustment Counseling When Working With Veterans

The area of social work that is most appealing to me is readjustment counseling, with a specific emphasis on working with veterans. The goal of readjustment counseling is to aid in the successful transition of veterans from the military to civilian life. This may range from simple guidance in employment...

Wealth and Social Gaps in the United States

Clips Analysis Wealth distribution in a population is a subject of concern in every society and nation. In the United States, ideal wealth distribution in people’s minds reflects that ownership of resources is to the advantage of specific individuals. It is believed that the top 20 percent of the wealthy...

Survey Analysis of Aging People Willing to Live Over 100 Years

The length of human life has focused on aging and specialist research due to the population aging occurrence. Reaching 100 years of age is becoming increasingly frequent, particularly in wealthy countries, and some people will even survive to be over 100. However, this study will focus on survey analysis of...

“Dialogue on Personal Identity…” by John Perry

There are many concepts and phenomena that people cannot understand or process due to their lack of presence in reality or physical non-existence, such as time or soul. While time as a concept is subjected to rules of physics and could even be measured while remaining a mystery, such concepts...

People With Disabilities: Ten Beliefs

It is important to note that people with disabilities are among the vulnerable groups to be excluded from various integral aspects of societal life. Therefore, it is of paramount relevance to understanding the key fundamental principles and beliefs, which are designed to ensure comprehensive and all-encompassing inclusivity for people with...

Negotiation’s Concepts and the Negotiations Case

Situations when the number of resources is limited, but the desire for them is not, are widespread globally. The only solution to that is negotiations: they allow to see which mutual benefits can be achieved from each resource, how they can be distributed to minimize conflicts, and which responsibilities everyone...

Rodriguez and Coates: The Connection Between Family, Community, and Identity

Introduction When individuals consume food, they have a sense of taste that is susceptible. The sense of taste is on one’s tongue, and they send a signal to the brain, which accepts it. This activity informs people of what is going on in their body. Looking at Rodriguez and Coates’...

Income Inequality: A Historical Review

The problem of income inequality is of high social importance: it negatively affects the country’s economy and society. The United States has the highest income inequality among industrialized nations (Bor, Cohen, and Galea 1478). Measured for all households, US income distribution is comparable to that of other countries before taxes,...

Social Psychological Interventions for Reducing Educational Disparities

Social psychology is a branch of psychology that studies the effect of society on our thoughts and actions. In general, social psychologists believe that culture shapes our behavior as well as how we see ourselves and others. The shaping can be seen in many aspects of life, including education, where...

The Role of Women in Revolutionary Uprisings

Introduction In the political system of any state, the conflict of ideologies and clash of views is a natural part of evolutionary social development. As derived from Marxist philosophy, the highest point of such a class struggle is revolution. Human history knows many examples of revolutionary uprisings, violent clashes, and...

Emergency Management and Meeting Public Needs

An emergency situation is, essentially, an accident, a catastrophe, a hazardous natural phenomenon, hostilities or a terrorist act, or any other disaster, which may or has entailed human casualties among the population. Such situations cause damage to the population’s health, significant material losses and disruption of the living conditions of...

Communication Inhibitors’ Effect on Relationships

The “College Roommates” case involves a conflict among two friends: Jill and Rachel. Two had been living with Tina and Connie as roommates, sharing the two beds and amenities. Jill and Rachel’s fight emerged when Jill was introduced to Tina, where a stronger friendship soon emerged. Subsequently, the two started...

Homosexuality: History and Theoretical Perspective

Any behavior that differs from the norms and standards set out by society is considered deviant. From this perspective, homosexuality, or attraction towards the same sex, opposes the traditional views of relationships between men and women. Several social theories can help gain a better understanding of the history of homosexuality,...

The Gay and Lesbian Rights Movement of the 1960s

In modern America, most people can feel freedom, equality, and the absence of strong pressure from stereotypes and prejudices. Of course, there are also those individuals who continue to discriminate others based on gender, age, or race, as well as infringe upon the representatives of the LGBT community. However, in...

Analysis of the Model Minority Myth

Myths, biases, and preconceptions can have a detrimental effect on racial and ethnic minorities, even if they are considered positive. Specifically, they can negatively impact the mental health and well-being of the concerned minority, affect their professional life, and impact relationships with other racial and ethnic groups. Myths about model...

Effects of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals

Pope, Nolan G. “The effects of DACAmentation: The impact of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals on unauthorized immigrants.” Journal of Public Economics 143, (2016): 98-114. The article by Pope (2016) examines the effects of DACA on unauthorized migrants on several parameters, such as labor market outcomes, unemployment, income, and legalization...

Dangers of New Species to Native Members

Globalization has influenced the introduction of new species into an ecosystem, such that these species threaten the existing community. These harmful species and invasive members negatively impact the area and wild members as competitors, predators, or parasites. The impacts of invasive species on existing wildlife have adverse effects on humans’...

Ethical Theory and Personal Morals

The appropriate ethical theory to address the dilemma in scenario two is deontology. This theory would be effective because the officer already must protect the law and has a clear set of rules to follow. Deontology presumes that a fixed set of rules exists and prescribes the person to follow...

Discussion of Posthumous Reproduction

The issue of posthumous reproduction is controversial and oftentimes meets double-sided ethical and legal questions. In the case study, Mary, a wife of a diseased man expresses the will to harvest her husband’s sperm. The first difficulty with sperm usage is the legal ambiguity as the United States do not...

COVID-19 Conspiracy: Critical Thinking

The COVID-19 pandemic appeared to be an unexpected and impossible to be predicted agent for the entire world, and its consequences regarded every person and sharpened everyday routine. The origin of the new virus presented a matter of multiple discussions and hot debates. Some people are convinced that the spreading...

Discussion of “Tiling a Bathroom Floor”

Phrasing Of the Specific Purpose and the Main Ideas The specific purpose tells the audience the main intention of the speech which may include, “to inform, to persuade, or to entertain.” Undoubtedly, the specific purpose provided in the speech Outline about “Tilling a Bathroom Floor” is properly phrased because it...

Poverty Among Blacks in America

Poverty is a major social problem in the US and disproportionately affects the Black ethnicity. Scholars have advanced different theories about the issue, revealing the prejudices that exist between the rich and the poor. Definitions of penury determine society’s approach in addressing the situation. Researchers must pursue a more comprehensive...

Gloucester City Community Description

Gloucester city has friendly neighbors, various restaurants and stores, and schools pay a lot of attention to students. First of all, it is effortless to get close to the people of Gloucester City as they are open to communication. I know everyone who lives near my house by name, and...

The Problem of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children

Introduction Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a topical issue related to children and youth in the US. CSEC represents acts of child abuse, which involve such actions as prostitution, trafficking for sexual purposes, early marriage, stripping, pornography, and other criminal activities related to children’s and adolescents’ engagement in...

Sociological Imagination: Social Factors

Sociological imagination refers to the ability to consider a broader social context and its impact on individual challenges and problems. It is based on the idea that social factors can affect certain groups of people in similar ways, impacting common behaviors and beliefs, creating specific patterns, and contributing to existing...

Representations of Enslaved People Through Cinema

Introduction In the modern world, people have an opportunity of assessing historical events through cinematography. While there are numerous various films, some of them display the struggles of enslaved people. As people in slavery have faced countless hardships, their attempts to stand up against captivity show their desire not to...

Peter Singer on Famine, Affluence, and Morality

Peter Singer’s argument is valid when viewed from a moral and humane angle. Human life is sacred and should be protected from any threat. Peter argues from the standpoint of famine which is likely to cause death if not addressed. The author states that death or suffering caused by starvation,...

Human Sense of Place in the Context of Globalization

In the 1991 article “A global sense of place,” Doreen Massey calls for a social understanding of space. In this study, complex questions about rethinking the human sense of place in the context of globalization are posed. First, this paper presents arguments supporting the social understanding of the concept of...

Modern and Postmodern Nonfiction

Public Documents Choose one of NUVHS’s ESLR’s and write a short essay explaining the importance of that result for today’s youth. National University Virtual High School students will be able to become effective communicators. They will learn how to use the tone of voice so that communication is effective and...

Illegal Immigration and a Path to Citizenship

Introduction The United States remains the most preferred destination for migrants from all over the world. According to Garcia (2019), in 2016 alone, the country admitted 1.18 million legal immigrants. About the same population made an entry into the country through illegal means during the same period, especially through expired...

Promotional Videos: Cultural and Socioeconomic Themes

Video 1: Seoul The focus of the first promotional video, “BTS’ Life in Seoul,” is the urbanized, modern city, which manages to keep its uniquely ethnic elements in order to charm anyone who lives or visits there. The boys are the epitome of any group of young people: loud, fun,...

The Problem of Violence Against LGBTQ People: Critical Analysis

Summary Psychological difficulties can occur because of encounters within partnerships and frameworks, such as interpersonal relations, the family, the social system, and heritage. The perspective on psychological problems is most relevant to LGBTQ problems, as their psychological health and relationship dysfunction is typically influenced by society and culture rather than...

Importance of Freedom of Speech to American Citizens

Freedom of speech is very important to American citizens, culture, and politics. The overwhelming majority of people believe that the state should not limit the ability of citizens to express their opinions in public places, in the press, and on the Internet. Americans are sure that the right to express...

The Perspectives of Adolescence: Examining the Insights From Two Generations

Summary The period of adolescence is a highly significant timeframe for individual growth. As the person transitions into adulthood, the experiences and ideas obtained during the younger years can greatly impact future emotional and psychological development. Reflecting on adolescent memories is a crucial part of future growth, and it is...

Gender Equality: Do Women Have Equal Rights?

Introduction Since equal rights and access to opportunity represent important values in the U.S., the country has introduced multiple pieces of legislation to protect women from discrimination. Despite the presence of laws to promote equality in diverse areas, there are some unaddressed challenges pointing to women’s specific challenges and barriers...

Violence, Beatings, and Domination Over Women

One of the groups exposed to violence and cruelty is women. According to World Health Organization (2021), a third of women, namely 27% aged 15 to 49 years, have been subjected to violence by men. In this case, statistics are global and do not include cultural background or socioeconomic status....

The Influence of the Black Lives Matter Movement on Society

The Black Lives Matter movement that has swept the world in recent years has shaken the public consciousness with its scale. This phenomenon has not only significant cultural but also social influences in modern society. In particular, the Black Lives Matter movement has become one of the most ambitious public...

Human Nature: War and Conflict

It is important to note that Kenneth Waltz is a neo-realist who identifies three major “images” which contribute to the conflict around the world. He concludes that although human nature has a role in the preponderance of war and political conflict, it is ultimately due to the “anarchic” state of...

Political Agreement and Social Contract

Introduction Most enlighteners believed that people lived outside society at the initial stage in the so-called natural state and consequently had unlimited rights and absolute freedom. However, they realized that they did not need such freedom and that it was much more profitable to limit their exorbitant claims voluntarily. Thus,...

Discussion of Rape Problem in the India

Lal, Neeta. “Addressing Rape in India.” The Diplomat – The Diplomat is a Current-affairs Magazine for the Asia-Pacific, with News and Analysis on Politics, Security, Business, Technology and Life Across the Region. 2020. Web. In an article titled “Addressing Rape in India,” Neeta Lal explores strides that have been made...

The Inclusivity of Language: Gender Issues

The singular ‘they’ can be used to replace the generic appropriately ‘he’ for gender neutrality fulfilment. It is essential as it makes language seem more inclusive in terms of gender. An experiment was undertaken on how fast ‘they’ were read against the pronouns to get a clear picture. From the...

“Deliberation and Inclusivity” by Abdel-Monem

Background Information Abdel-Monem, Bingham, Marincic, and Tomkins’s (2010) paper is an article on diversity and inclusion by Tarik Abdel-Monem, Shereen Bingham, Jamie Marincic, and Allan Tomkins. The purpose of this research was to determine the perceptions of individuals from different cultural backgrounds who attended a policy deliberation held in Omaha,...

Researching the Concept of Groupthink

Summary Groupthink refers to a psychological phenomenon where someone strives for agreement within a group. In most scenarios, people sideline their own beliefs and opinions and adopt the views of the group (Valine, 2018). People who disagree with the prevailing opinions of the group prefer to be quiet instead of...

The Same-Sex Marriage Counterargument

Introduction Same-sex marriage continues to be a highly controversial topic even in the most economically, culturally, and politically advanced countries. Opponents of same-sex marriage argue that allowing LGBT people to create families gradually destroys fundamental societal structures and leads to the population’s extinction. The scientific community debunked many of these...

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals: Road to Legal Status

Abstract The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) was established in June 2012. This program provided temporary deportation exemptions and worked permissions for undocumented youth throughout the United States. The article presents the historical background of the emergence of the program and a theoretical explanation of the program’s essence. Various...

Intersectionality of Personal Identities

Each person has several identities, which are interconnected and are imposed on each other in everyday life. According to Collins and Bilge (2020), “Intersectionality investigates how intersecting power relations influence diverse societies as well as individual experience in everyday life” (p. 4). Moreover, as intersectionality is a way of understanding...

“Northampton Sikh Food Bank Answers ‘Huge Need’ in Pandemic” by Kaur

Introduction Nowadays, news outlets have the power to affect the opinions of many of their readers. However, there are tendencies among said outlets to highlight adverse events or chase sensationalism over truth. Religion is one of the topics that is often involved in the articles that bear such a nature....

The Lack of Women in Positions of Power in the U.S.

Introduction As it stands, the number of women in positions of power is demonstrably lower than that of men, which is a result of the systemic inequality present at the core of American society. The United States of America have long since build itself on the premises of equal opportunity,...

Social Worker Challenges Today and the Future of the Planet

Abstract The paper examines the possible positions taken by social workers in the United States and the United Nations. The demography and characteristics of social workers are considered. The work compares ambitious projects to improve the public future and finds similarities between them. The personal ambitions of the employee and...

Discussion of Hostile Emotional States

In a dynamic world, it is difficult to imagine a lack of human relationships. Every time he or she goes to work, to the mall, or public spaces, the individual meets hundreds of strangers, each of whom interacts with him or her in some way. It may be a passive...

Slavery as a Part of America’s History

More than two centuries of American history were overshadowed by such a terrible phenomenon as slavery when people were divided into white and black. Many articles, films, and books focus on this period of U. S. life. One of the videos of A Biography of America produced by WGBH Boston...

The Texas Border Security: Impact of Immigration

Abstract The Texas border security is widely discussed in the press, and multiple politicians are willing to address the issue or deny its existence. However, it is evident that the Texas border is illegally crossed daily, which leads to an increase of unregistered individuals on the territory of the US....

Bias Persists for Women of Science

The news article “Bias Persists for Women of Science, a Study Finds” by Kenneth Chang (2012) generally talks about the biasness persistence of women. In American Universities, it is clear that female undergraduates are regarded as incompetent compared to their male counterparts despite having similarities in skills and accomplishments. In...

Art Therapy in Social Sciences

Psychology Psychology evaluates the workings of the human mind and its ability to explore various behaviors and emotions. Art therapy evaluates the impact of art on these mental processes, intersecting with psychology. Mood and emotional reactions to various art during therapy are crucial pointers to the psychological aspects of a...

Racial Formation in the United States

Racial ideas play a crucial role in assessing reactions to the situation on a day-to-day basis. Racial ideas stemmed from the history when people were assessed according to their skin color, nation, and other characteristics. Prevailing racism dictated the norms and abnormalities, causing people to protect the convenient races and...

Abortion Policies: History, Current Issues, and Social Workers’ Roles

Introduction Abortion can be referred to as when pregnancy is terminated so that it does not lead to birth, and it can be done either by use of medicine or surgical process. Since time immemorial, the process has been debated, and laws and policies have been made and amended. Hence,...

Men’s Violence Against Women Worldwide

The violence that is gender-based and targeted at women continues to be prevalent despite the many developments and progressive changes the modernization of the world has established. As such, the issue’s importance is pressing due to the widespread and incredibly detrimental nature of violence that targets women. The overlapping issue...

An Effective Immigration Support Framework in Canada

Modern trends in world development are associated with cardinal changes in the socio-political landscape, which marked a new era in the development of the world, a distinctive feature of which is the processes of globalization, which are acquiring a planetary scale at the turn of the millennium. The world is...

Analysis of Kant’s and Mill’s Theories of Ethics

Kantian Ethics Kant’s theory of ethics is one of the deontological moral theories. Such theories assert that the rightness or wrongness of human actions is independent of their consequences but dependent on whether they help people fulfil their duties. In this theory, Kant encourages people to do what is good...

Identity Expression in The Bedford Book of Genres

The things people see about other individuals, like their clothing, personal belongings, lifestyle, and personal choices, could tell a lot about the individual. If these things could be used to identify and differentiate the individual from other people, they could be considered a part of his identity. The identity also...

Stereotypes & Biases and Cultural Competence

Summary Stories unlock cultural heritage, creating misconceptions, perceptions, and certitude about people. However, for the notions to be justified, the stories must be diverse in all aspects and authenticated (Adichie 00:09:17). “The Dangers of a Single Story” is an awakening message by novelist and writer Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie that explores...

A Gym for Children with Special Needs in New York City

Abstract This document contains a plan for setting up and running a sensory gym for children with special needs in New York City. The target market is children below the age of 18 years, suffering from a range of disabilities, including autism, speech, and physical disabilities. Based on individualized needs...

A Racial Trauma and Related Health Disorders

Racial trauma is quite similar to stress disorders while having unique and distinct features. An example is the historical trauma of American Indians who suffered a lot from the White people in the United States (Comas-Díaz et al., 2019). The history of deportations, open aggression, microaggressions in everyday life, limited...

Relational Dialectics and Conflict Management

Relational dialectics can be described as a concept of communication theories that analyses contradictions and tensions that exist in relationships. It was developed by Leslie Baxter who prescribes three primary relational dialectics including Autonomy connection, novelty-predictability, and openness-closeness. Autonomy connection is the desire to be bonded physically and mentally in...

Research Steps in Sociology

Technology has come to be part of human existence. It plays a key role in enabling and facilitating the manner in which people conduct their daily activities. Also, it has the effect of influencing people’s spending habits because, at the touch of a button, a person can access various items...

Researching the Racism and Race

Racism: Classification, Effects, and Future Issues Due to centuries of colonialism and the subjugation of other cultures by the European one, thus, causing multiple deaths and genocides, racism can deservedly be called the worst blight on the history of humankind. However, it would be wrong to perceive racism in the...

Stock-Stories and Counter-Stories Evaluation

Stock-stories are prevalent group stories, passed down through historiographic documents and commemorated through rituals, law, art forms, schooling, and mainstream press. They describe race issues in ways that defend the status quo and validate the white majority racial firm’s point of view. On the other hand, counter-stories in under-represented communities...

Drug Addiction Treatment & Benchmark Program

Drug addiction is an illness that has no easy cure but instead requires in-depth research to take into account various therapy factors. The drug addiction treatment and psychological health program offered by the Promises Clinic has the focus mentioned above. According to the facility’s main web page, Promises is the...

Racial Self-Identification in Children of Immigrants

Modern immigration practices and the complications related to permanent residence in a foreign country are significant topics for scholars worldwide. Ethnic and racial differences that often become evident during immigration can considerably impact the individuals involved, resulting in changes connected to self-awareness and cultural belonging (Fozdar and Volet 52). In...

Communication Competence Analysis

Introduction Over the last two decades, educational leaders and advocates have emphasized the importance of communication ability in higher education. Writing, critical thinking, and problem-solving are all included as crucial learning goals for undergraduates. Communication competency is probably not a phrase that academics or university officials have used. Because its...

Sociology of False Consciousness

Introduction False consciousness refers to how ideological, material, and institutional processes are perceived to mislead the proletariat in societies. It conceals the rampant and inhumane exploitation by the bourgeoisie in a capitalistic setting. The term explain explains the case where the lower-class individuals willingly embodied the oppression of the wealthy....

Gittens and Dill: Main Arguments and Social Forces

Family life is one of the essential conditions for people’s wellbeing, which correlates with happiness. However, the societal circumstances frequently suggest that success in this area can be unattainable for some population groups. In this regard, Diana Gittens and Bonnie Thorton Dill discuss the obstacles to having healthy relationships for...

Social Care: Linking Social Response and Migration

Introduction It goes without saying that for smooth functioning, any society should have a social order. However, no society across the globe and through human history succeeded in forcing all members to continually behave expectedly. In general, there are two responses from people when real or seeming pressures from others...

Activist Advice From the Example of Populists and Progressives

Throughout history, there have been many different of activist groups and movements that have had varying success. In class, the examples of the Populists and the Progressives were discussed, with the former being a failure. Nevertheless, it is possible to learn from both, either not to repeat the mistakes made...

Discussion of the Virtue Ethics

Dr. Christina Sommers draws attention to the problem of moral illiteracy of the generation, which comes from modern methods of teaching ethics. The author notes that teachers mainly analyze social policy, which is only a part of moral life; private morality is rarely considered. Part of the problem stems from...

Sociological Issues of Life Stages from 20 to 70

People aged from 20 to 30 years usually begin to explore their professional talents and desires. While people of this age usually have income, spending increases due to lack of estate and the need to pay for rent and make other payments. Depending on occupations, making savings is hard, and...

Relation of Advertising and Ethics

Today, advertising is an essential part of our society’s business development. Advertisements of goods and services are constantly offered through personal devices and street billboards. To ensure stable growth, the company needs to perform the advertising programs of products it offers. People, responsible for the advertisements creation, focus on promoting...

Reflections on Equality and Tolerance

Tolerance today is an ethical doctrine of this time which occupies a central place in the system of values of civilized states. Today, more than ever, society needs the ideology of an open, tolerant, and understanding community. The growing number of acts of open intolerance around the world, which humanity...

Disagreeing With Abortion Encouragement

Abortion is contentious topic that has engulfed the socio-political debate in policy formation and general societal expectations. Approximately 600,000 abortions are performed in the United States year, with the CDC reporting a rate of 11.3 per 1000 women. The issue has become embedded in political and ideological opinions, often creating...

Indentured Servitude and Slavery in Virginia in the 1600s

Indentured servitude and slavery possessed different connotations for individuals in Virginia in the 1600s. Some slave masters would grant freedom to slaves after a certain period. In other instances, they would provide these individuals with a piece of land within their plantation to work. Such slaves would consequently purchase their...

The Impact of a Firm’s Employee Diversity on U.S Tech Companies

In modern organizations, gender diversity is a significant issue, and it represents both a healthy culture and inclusivity. Despite efforts by human resource and employee management to include more women, disabled, blacks, and LGBTQ+ in the workplace, the corporate world remains a challenging place for women employees. The challenge, specific...

Boys & Girls Club of America Organization’s Analysis

Boys & Girls Club of America is a national voluntary organization aimed at helping young people reach their full potential regardless of their background and circumstances. The organization’s headquarters is located in Atlanta, but numerous regional offices are administrating thousands of local clubs throughout the country. BGCA was founded in...

Euthanasia as Social and Ethical Problem

Euthanasia is a complex social issue connected with fundamental things for everyone: life and death. Nowadays, thanks to advances in technology and medicine, it is possible to extend life. Still, the problem of euthanasia is not only about rational measurements of the possibility to recover someday. It is an ethical...

James Baldwin’s Essays on Racism and Slavery

This thesis will focus specifically on Baldwin’s core works, namely, “Now Go Tell It on the Mountain,” “Notes of a Native Son,” and “Nobody Knows My Name.” The specified works can be considered seminal in the evolution of Baldwin’s philosophy and his attempts at shaping the societal perception of race...

The #Metoo Movement Against Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse

Introduction Societal changes provoke rapid development of the discourse on the issue of aggressive actions against people across the world. As such, the problem of sexual abuse and domestic violence is widespread and of global concern nowadays. One of the most vulnerable categories of the population suffering from physical, emotional,...

Abortion: The Indispensable Woman’s Right

Introduction The human right to life is a basic element of an individual’s freedom and a prerequisite for using all other rights. International human rights law recognizes that this primary right arises at birth, and international and local human rights organizations have established that prenatal guarantees must be consistent with...

Hard Questions About Living in Poverty or Slavery

Living in conditions where one’s life and death do not depend on oneself is one of the most challenging events in life. Examples of those conditions are poverty and slavery: they can lead to the total demolition of personality. They can make the one a vile or just a broken...

Women in Newsrooms: Barriers and Challenges

The history of women in newsrooms and journalism began in the 1890-s during a series of economic and social protests. Although this movement had made a huge improvement in men’s and women’s equal position, in the 1970-s female newscasters were still facing some challenges. For example, the two main barriers...

Assigning IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses to People

Despite the fact that almost all people use their computers, tablets, and smartphones every day for numerous purposes, not everyone is aware of some basic principles and concepts of the processes’ work. Nevertheless, in the modern world, there are some similarities between computers and humans, and some features may be...

Ethical Dilemma of Patient’s Disease Awareness

Dilemma Description A social worker, Marcia working at Owing Mill General Hospital, faces a significant ethical dilemma. A patient called Michael is an older man with relatively fragile mental health and an unstable emotional state. Michael is diagnosed with terminal cancer, and his family is informed about his disorder. However,...

Misconceptions of Feminism Case

Mistaken perception of feminist ideas is a serious issue for our society. The anti-feminist community has grown to a degree where some believe that by fighting for women’s rights, feminists oppress men and try to banish them from society. I have seen a number of opinions on social media and...

Mass Shootings Issue on Example of Michigan

The problem of mass shootings is gaining momentum and is increasingly manifested in modern society. Despite the horror of this action, it is necessary to apply guidelines of notoriety. This phenomenon consists of the non-proliferation of information, such as, for example, the image of the person who committed the shooting....

Sociological Imagination as a Concept

Introduction When perceiving the world in which a person lives and learning about their personality, people intertwine the external environment and the internal psychological processes. According to Mills, the process of contextualizing everyday life situations conforming to larger social events and circumstances is the concept of sociological imagination (4-5). People...

Hate Groups in the USA: Motivation and Prevalence

Hate groups are made up of people who share radical and authoritarian views. I was able to visit websites and find information about groups such as Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, Anti-LGBT groups, and different Neo-Nazi organizations. I had a mixed reaction to the web pages of such communities....

Applying Sociological Theories to Real-Life Cases

The model of the modern world and current global trends assume the imperfection of the social structure. It can be due to many factors, from economic and ethical to legal causes. With the help of sociological theories given in the training material, it is possible to identify the root of...

“Make Your Influence Positive” Media Clip Analysis

The media clip reviewed in this paper is titled “Make Your Influence Positive.” It was created as part of the Child-Friendly campaign conducted by the Australian NGO in 2008 (Kiniri). The clip was also featured by various media outlets around the world, including New Zealand, the UK, Canada, and the...

Intercultural Communication: Autoethnographic Reflection

By definition, intercultural communication reflects the communication behaviors and patterns that manifest between two cultures or more. Lustig and Koester (2018) show that one comprehends that the way multi-cultural communication is viewed majorly relies on how the communication unfolds in the form of symbols used within the intercultural domain. Therefore,...

Personalized Substances Abuse Assessment

Melissa Trevizo is a 37-year-old white woman who was charged more than a year ago with possession of a prohibited substance. Based on this assessment, it can be concluded that Melissa is not a substance-addicted person. Even though about seven years ago, M. was addicted to marijuana and methamphetamine, she...

Social or Political Impact on the Urban Environment

The article written by Domaradzka (2018) narrates a history of urban movements, giving special attention to the “right to the city” framework. The author argues that urban activism is focused on the inclusion of citizens in city governance and urban development. According to Domaradzka (2018), urban movements emerge because existing...

Feminist Literary Theories in the Age of #MeToo

Feminist theory is a significant branch in which assumptions are shifted from the male to the feminine perspective and experience. The feminist perspective sheds light on social issues and problems overlooked or by the dominant male perspective in social theory. The problems that women have to encounter daily are inequality,...

Kohlberg’s Model of Moral Development

Kohlberg’s model of moral development is regarded as a theory that focuses on the way children develop the ethical form of reasoning. In 1958, Lawrence Kohlberg strongly agreed with Piaget’s theory of moral development, founded in 1932 in principle, but he intensely wanted to explore and further his ideas. Therefore,...

Human Psychology and Physiology Relationship

From a sociological perspective, the central qualities of human beings are deeply rooted in social backgrounds and the environment. These qualities can be identified as mind, self, and symbol, which are influenced by genetic and social factors. Human beings are highly social creatures, which means that social structures and interactions...

The Sense of Belonging to a Student Community

A sense of belonging to something bigger often inspires and motivates people. This is generally not surprising because, as Cherry (2020) wrote, individuals tend to worry if they do not feel a sense of belonging to social groups. Such groups can be family, classmates, colleagues, or even an entire nation....

Stereotypes in “The Myth of the Latin Woman” by Cofer

From my perspective, Cofer’s essay is thought-provoking when it comes to stereotypes about Latin American and Hispanic women. Specifically, the essayist mentions a widespread stereotype that immigrants from Puerto Rico are easy to spot because these girls have no sense of moderation when it comes to jewelry (Cofer 149). The...

The COVID-19 Pandemic Has Brought Us Too Close Together

The COVID 19 pandemic has created a new reality for the world. From redefining the office workspace, a new set of ethics, and new ways of connecting with loved ones, the pandemic has created a new norm that will be around for the next decades. The resources presented in the...

Treatment or Prevention Program Evaluation

The AMITA Health GlenOaks Transition Program targets post-high school students aged between 17-21 years. The transition program aims to prepare students to succeed as independent young adults by providing them with lifestyle skills, social skills, self-advocacy skills, and self-confidence required in colleges and jobs environment (AMITA Health, 2021). The program...

Representation of Social Work Identity

Reflexive Account of My Social Work Identity Societies in the modern world strive for wellbeing and prosperity, find ways of improving life in all its manifestations, and establish the type of relations where tolerance and justice prevail. However, multiple forces and factors, such as inequality, social injustice, discrimination, poverty, and...

Understanding of Reasons for Joining Cults

Introduction Religious cults have not recently been the trend of modern society and their representatives seem a little old-fashioned. The modern notion of “cult” usually refers to a religious group of people that express admiration for certain religious figures or objects such as the sun, the sky, or water. They...