Kim Price-Glynn’s Research on Interactions in Strip Clubs

There are many ways in which a study can be conducted. However, it is essential that researchers stay objective and do not compromise their integrity, especially when immersing themselves in the observed environment and the lives and lifestyles of the participants. This paper will discuss Kim Price-Glynn’s research on the...

Social Theories Affecting Tess’ Case Study

How to Tackle and Make Sense of the Scenario In daily lives, different circumstances arise, leading to psychological torture or even depression in the affected person. It is, therefore, mandatory that high professionalism is shown when dealing with such situations (Sternisko et al., 2020). To ensure all that is done...

Assisted Suicide and Its Legalization Problem

Introduction There has been an ongoing discussion regarding the legalization of assisted suicide or so-called euthanasia. The problem of its legalization intersects a range of disciplines, including medicine, law, religion, philosophy, and demands the participation of specialists from all these fields to make an impactful decision (Kimuyu, 2018). It is...

Domestic Violence During COVID-19 Pandemic

Kofman, Y. B., and D. R. Garfin. “Home is not always a haven: The domestic violence crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic.” Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, vol. 12, no. S1, 2020, pp. S199-S201. Web. The article written by Kofman and Garfin describes how the social disruption caused by...

Domestic Violence and COVID-19 Connection

Introduction Domestic violence is the extreme or aggressive abuse of a spouse or a partner in marriage or cohabitation. Since the coronavirus pandemic struck the world at the end of 2019 and early 2020, it has led to rising social, economic, and political issues. However, many countries worldwide are fighting...

American Racism, Violence, and Brutality in the 21st Century

The problem of racism has been relevant in America for a long time. Still, it flared up with renewed vigor in connection with shocking and resonant incidents in the early twenty-first century. The rapid development of technology has made it possible to capture most of these cases (photo and video...

Douglass’s Speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”

For as long as the power and splendor of the United States exist in the national cognition, the US has been associated with the land of the free. People from throughout the world embody their definition of liberty and fulfillment in the image of America. Indeed, the very idea of...

Analysis of Sherry Turkle Visual

Introduction Sherry Turkle is a Rockerfeller Professor within the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is affiliated with the school of Social Studies of science and technology. She attained an AB in Social Studies and her world of knowledge was primarily based around communication and psychology. Her PhD in sociology and...

Domestic Violence in the US During the COVID-19

COVID-19, Social Isolation and Its Consequences The COVID-19 pandemic, for all its destructiveness, had a number of secondary consequences associated with the cessation of economic activity and the need to introduce quarantine. The introduction of social exclusion measures has led to an increase in domestic violence of up to 27%...

Domestic Violence in the African American Community

Introduction Domestic violence is emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, or economic abuse that involves family members, partners, or acquaintances. Domestic violence is widely experienced, with a larger percentage of women affected compared to men (Henry, 2018). Communities of African ancestry are said to experience several cases of domestic violence, but this...

The Question of Complete Diversity

The problem of diversity of thought has always been a topical issue for societies around the world since people always tend to have their own viewpoints. Recent years have been particularly notable for the growing divisiveness and radicalism among communities espousing different ideological perspectives. Conservatives and liberals are the two...

The Would-Be Borrower Communication Conflict

Conflicts related to misunderstanding or lack of communication is a common problem in modern society. The so-called “The Would-be Borrower” conflict is one example of such a misunderstanding. A situation in which one person accepts the personal property of another as his property can lead to unpleasant consequences. This is...

The Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society

The Organization’s Mandate Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship Centre Society (VAFCS) is a charitable firm that is mandated to help people of urban aboriginal people with a mandate to provide programs such as health, social services, human rights, and equality for all genders, among other aspects of Aboriginal people (“Vancouver Aboriginal Friendship...

Issue of Legalizing Marijuana

The legalization of marijuana has long been a controversial issue in the United States and many countries around the world. The main problem is the addictive nature of this remedy and the fear that legalization will trigger massive consumption and reduce road or workplace safety. However, recreational marijuana use has...

Virtue Ethics. The Environmental Documentary

Virtue ethics is one of the most influential trends in modern Western ethics today. The modern ethics of virtue attempts to overcome the crisis of modern European moral philosophy on new ethical and philosophical foundations. The feature of virtue ethics is that its authors seek to rethink morality, referring to...

“Race and Colorblindness After Hernandez and Brown” by López

The race is still often the determining factor in a number of court decisions, political activity, and the characteristics of social life. López reminds readers of two significant court cases that, in one way or another, contributed to the overcoming of racial segregation – Brown versus Board of Education of...

Inequality in the Texas Legislature

Over the years, the constitution of the Texas Senate and state legislative chamber has always been discriminative against certain groups, especially women, nonwhites, non-English speakers, the young, people with low educational achievements, and the young (Ura & Astudillo, 2021). Statistics indicate that this problem has been dominant for the last...

White and Black People in USA During COVID-19 Pandemic

The United States of America is considered to be a multinational country with substantial racial diversity. One part of the American society, concerning racial segmentation, is composed of White people. Although the community of citizens of the United States of America is possible to be analyzed by race, it can...

Diversity and Identity in Global Environment

Diversity and identity are usually placed together, and diversity is the existence of variances in thought, behavior, identity, origin, and lifestyle. The portrayal of identities over a range is regarded as diversity. On the other hand, defining our identity is commonly how we characterize ourselves in terms of age, sex,...

The Pros of Legalizing Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana is the most consumed and abused illegal drug in the United States of America. In the past decades, public support for the legalization of the drug has increased exponentially. A recent survey has shown that 54% of Americans support its legalization, while 44% oppose it (Marion and Hill...

Affirmative Action as a Solution to the Race Issue

The issue of race has always been a source of concern within the American community. Due to years of oppression and the legacy of slavery, which affects the relationships between African Americans and white Americans to this day, the necessity to reconsider the current approach toward the provision of equal...

Gender in Advertising “Dream Crazier” by Nike

Advertising aims to catch potential customers’ attention, and promotional managers usually use different strategies to attract people of different ages, genders, and races. According to Grau and Zotos (2016), many companies use advertising that imposes appearance, body size, and gender stereotypes. Nowadays, such huge organizations as Nike, Adidas, and H&M...

Gender Norms and Contemporary Culture

The term “culture” implies different meanings, firstly, it is about intellectual and creative products made by human beings, such as drama, art, and music. Secondly, it is about the beliefs and practices of a particular society. In today’s world, one may consider gender as a sociocultural phenomenon, as it is...

An Examination of College Student Wellness: A Research and Liberal Arts Perspective

The work that I do entails vigorous-intensity activity that increases the breathing rate or heartbeat. I do vigorous-intensity activities thrice per week and 12 hours per day. I spend two days per week doing moderate-intensity activities that involve my work spending around six hours per day. Traveling and Walking I...

Mediation Process and Its Common Pitfalls

The mediation process is one of the most important tools with which it is possible to resolve many conflicts without the need to resort to legal structures. One of the main features of this process is informality, which, however, does not interfere with the settlement of disputes due to a...

Nonethnic Minorities: People With Disabilities and Queer Community

Introduction A crucial topic connected with the treatment of people with disabilities and LGBTQ communities is vital and needs to be discussed. This theme is not new, and many people have already come to realize how relevant it is to be compassionate and tolerant of exceptional people. The fact remains...

Analysis of Meaning of Microaggression

Recently, there have been extensive attempts made in the US to get rid of the inequality and discrimination in the different life spheres. Nevertheless, microaggressions persist, with thousands of people experiencing them on a daily basis in coffee shops, school, the workplace, and other places. The articles discussed in this...

Wealth and Poverty Sources in America

Introduction Poverty is one of the most fundamental human problems not only in America but throughout the world. Many people live below the poverty line, and among these people, some older adults need constant support and medical care and children. There is undoubtedly a gap between the better off and...

The Arguments in Favor of Pregnancy Termination Decriminalization

The topic of abortion has been one of the most complex and controversial discussions of the modern era. Several appealing arguments have been presented from both opposing sides, but the ongoing debate is still far from reaching any form of real consensus on the matter. Partly the reason for that...

“Time for a New Black Radicalism”: Black Lives Matter

Racism and racial disparity remain persistent problems in American society. Since the Abolition of Slavery in the country, the position of the members of the African American community improved substantially. However, many challenges remain, with police brutality towards the community and systemic injustices enduring to 2021. This paper will consider...

How Black Lives Matter Movement Fights Racism

Black Lives Matter was founded in 2013 in the United States, the international movement of activists who oppose violence against black people. In the summer of 2013, the hashtag #BlackLivesMatter was first used on social networks. The reason was the acquittal of George Zimmerman, who killed African-American teenager Trayvon Martin....

White and Ethnic Groups Segregation

From the beginning of its immigration history, The United States of America encountered successive waves of settlement, especially from Europe and later from other continents. The majority of immigrants were from North and West Europe and established the foundation for the dominant culture so that others had to adjust. The...

Feminine and Masculine Language

Introduction Boys and girls are nurtured and socialized based on their gender since childhood to fit in distinctive cultures. Consequently, they communicate in a manner aligned to the norms and rules of their sexuality (Adler & Marquardt Elmhorst, 2018). The gendered-interaction pattern lasts throughout our lifetime, and its interpretation between...

Adolescent Pregnancy: Applying the Theory of Paradox

Background of the Issue Prior to gaining a deeper understanding of how the United States of America copes with the issue of adolescent pregnancy, it should be crucial to take a look at 42 million teenagers. They are developing well and represent an important population cohort that generates lots of...

How Structural Racism Is Addressed by Open Science

Structural racism is a problem that has persisted in society for a significant period. Spreading its influence in the roots of the many systems the world relies upon, it becomes a danger to many and an issue requiring significant attention. Statistically, disparities between groups of people can be seen, with...

Internal Control Weaknesses: Audited Internal Control Weakness Disclosures

The Teen Support Centre has various weaknesses in its internal control systems. Any organization’s cash receipt procedures are implicit in several flaws that may negatively impact its accounts portfolio (Adhikari et al., 2020). These weaknesses may compromise the level of precision and assurance in matters regarding financial controls. One of...

Cannabis Supply, Demand, and Consumption

The supply and demand of recreational and medical marijuana were considerably impacted by the pandemic of the coronavirus and related isolation. According to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission, the production of cannabis has increased by 78% since 2019, while the amount of marijuana sold increased by 150% (1). Thus this...

Conflicts, Politics, and Conflict-Handling Styles

Conflicts in society and organizations are inevitable as any environment that presents a common ground for an exchange of different opinions is inevitably subjected to disagreements. Although conflicts are frequently associated with negativity and emotional involvement, conflict as a term stands for the clash between individuals with differences in interests,...

Contemporary Issues Faced by Asian Americans

Asian Americans have constantly been experiencing socio-economic and political problems. However, over the last several years, the number of issues faced by Asian Americans has significantly increased. Namely, with the COVID-19 pandemic, Asian Americans’ already dire situation has been exacerbated. Currently, Asian Americans encounter three significant issues in terms of...

Gender Pay Gap Problem Overview

Introduction Gender inequality has many manifestations around the world, especially in working relationships. The gender pay gap is one particular aspect that causes the most objection from communities in different countries. For example, US citizens view unequal pay as central to gender equality (Hughes, 2021). In the most developed Western...

Societal Matters Regarding Indigenous Peoples

Although the primary domain of the article in question addresses the concept of over-representation of First Nations children in the Canadian social welfare network, the roots of the problem trace back to the global issue of Indigenous Peoples’ marginalization. Indeed, since the ratification of the United Nations Declaration of the...

Researching of Medical Care Fraud

In 2016, the largest health care fraud ever committed was revealed to the public. According to Mangan (2016, July 23), “three Florida residents have been charged in an alleged Medicare fraud and money laundering scheme that netted participants a whopping $1 billion since 2009” (pp. 1). Such a fallout had...

Female Circumcision Problem Overview

Contemporary society is focused on cultivating tolerance and an equal attitude to all people regardless of their age, sex, social status, and race. For this reason, there are multiple attempts to improve the position of vulnerable groups and provide their representatives with assistance. For instance, for the bigger part of...

Communication and Organizational, Interpersonal, and Language Barriers

It is possible to state that non-verbal communication is a significant part of all interactions, and it is especially vital to encode the messages appropriately to ensure that the receiver obtains exact information. Sometimes, non-verbal communication is not deprived of noises that make the meaning of a message unclear, deteriorating...

The Problem of Gun Violence in Boston

Gun violence is one of the crucial problems that Boston city faces. That issue has become especially remarkable during the COVID-19 pandemic, as the rate of homicide cases with firearms surged by 29% in 2020 compared to 2019. Moreover, the shootings that resulted in victims’ deaths grew from 23 people...

Black Ghettoes and Racial Residential Segregation

Although America is actively combating all racial discrimination, racial segregation is still a reality in several issues. One of the modern examples of interracial discord is the ghettos. A ghetto refers to an area where the country’s black population lives, separated from the rest of the city. Such sites create...

Aspects of Communication Exchange

At the time of my freelance work as a copywriter, I received an order to evaluate the issues of the contemporary world. The customer left written guidelines for the order on the platform, so it was written communication. The word count for the order was relatively small, and the customer...

Substance Abuse Addiction: Guide for Colleagues in the Workplace

Addiction is a common phenomenon that affects many people, which is why it can be encountered among coworkers. Confrontation with a colleague who is a drug addict is relatively unsusual due to the fear of violating human resource policies, government employment regulations and the good working relationship. However, if a...

A Controversial Topic of Abortion

Abortion has been a controversial topic globally for many decades. The side of the argument an individual chooses to support depends on many factors, one of them being whether he or she considers the unborn fetus a human being or merely a collection of cells. Many of the people that...

The Significant Events Leading to the End of Slavery

Slavery is one of the significant events in world history. Most historians and professionals studying slavery define it as a practice of owning human beings as personal property, therefore, having the right to decide on their fate and well-being. This essay looks at some of the significant events leading to...

Transgender Movement: Overview and Importance

Introduction Many parts of the world have experienced a rise in strong movements among transgender and homosexuals in fighting for their freedoms. However, there have been difficulties in how society can relate to these groups. The clear reason has been that there exists a poor notion about the groupings that...

Discussion of Human Caging Concept Using Hernández’s Article

Introduction Human caging, as used by Hernández to mean incarceration of people, is a key issue in the social and community context domain. Human caging has been used against people who are perceived to be a threat to social order (Hernández 45). Hernández posits that “trampologists warned that the rise...

Female Circumcision Analysis with Critical Thinking

Female circumcision has been an object of multiple debates among human rights activists and scholars for a long time. There are few perceptions on this topic, and in this paper, it will be viewed from the ethnocentric and cultural relativistic points of view. This work aims to observe both theories...

Mediation and Effects of Cultural Diversity

Mediation is the interactive process where a third party or an indirectly involved person helps conflicting parties settle a dispute through negotiation techniques and effective specialized communication. All three parties are encouraged to actively participate in the mediation process to achieve the best in all the anticipated outcomes to the...

Crisis Communications Plan

Introduction University B has many branches, directions, and programs that graduate more than 1,000 students each year. Moreover, this university has been included in the top 10 most prestigious educational institutions list for more than a decade. Students of engineering, physics, and mathematics are interning and working in major companies...

Ethics: What Is It, Why Do We Study It, Specific Codes of Ethics

Ethics answers the question of how people must act to do the right, moral actions. Ethics cannot relieve the individual of responsibility for the decisions made. One cannot hide behind ethics but can rely on it. Ethics becomes effective to the extent that it is continued in the moral activity...

The Issue of Anti-Intellectualism: “Why We Hate the Smart Kids” by Penrod

In Why We Hate the Smart Kids, Grant Penrod argues that school students actively incorporate the notion of anti-intellectualism into modern society. Being inspired by successful people in mass media who have never received a university degree, teenagers undermine the importance of education and view intellectuals as “nerds”. Penrod’s essay...

Report Impact of Organizations Dealing With Aboriginal Communities at the National Level

Introduction Aboriginal communities are an important part of Australian and Torres Strait Island society. This paper is aimed to research the principles that underline responsible attitudes towards the aboriginal communities and to analyze the real impact of different institutions and organizations on their lives. This research is based on providing...

Marijuana: Benefits of Legalization

Everyone should support the legalization of marijuana as it can help to save the states’ resources, improve the well-being of people, and reduce racial tension. Today, there are multiple cases when individuals are punished for possessing marijuana. It results in growing arrest rates and the deterioration of the problem. Individuals...

Online Communication and Its Impact on Society

The concept of social capital has dramatically impacted many lives because it established the relations in the society so that it functions effectively. The majority of daily communication is realized via social networks, which simplifies life in general. I have never used social media platforms to build friendships solely because...

Video Recording of George Floyd’s Murder

Video is an integral part of human life, as it allows people to capture many important moments. There was a time when videos were recorded only for keeping important events in memory. Still, over time, the possibilities have increased, and now video recording is widely used in many areas of...

Workplace Conflict in the Medical Sphere

Conflicts are an important consideration to take when working in a medical sphere, as their existence can impact the health delivery process in a variety of ways. By definition, a conflict is an event where two or more parties experience an incompatibility between their goals, ideas, beliefs, methods, or expectations...

Discussion of Homelessness in Modern Society

Although each community in different parts of the world is unique, a lot of those communities share some common features. In a TedxTalks video, Martha Stone, an executive director of a shelter, provides some insight into homelessness, one of the common features of various areas. Stone presents some statistics of...

Gender Pay Gap in the Modern Society

Introduction The participation of women in the job market increased substantially during the final half of the twentieth century. Overall, women have recorded increased participation in the labor market right from the 1960s to the 1980s, before slackening in the 1990s (The United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019). In...

Colorblind Racism and Race-Based Medicine

Many people tend to claim that the modern United States is equal and democratic, and it is an example of colorblind life when individuals ignore racist issues. However, I think that it is impossible to be racially colorblind because representatives of different minority groups face many challenges today. Criminal justice...

The Effects of Crystal Meth, Highly Addictive Substance

Crystal meth is an odorless, colorless kind of d-methamphetamine. It is a synthetic stimulant that is categorized as a Schedule II substance. The categorization makes it a highly addictive substance that has the potential to be abused. Studies show that an estimated 5% of the adult population in America has...

Six Stages of Change: Treatment Approaches for Drug Addiction

Recovery from addiction leads to lifestyle change. Individuals whose loved ones undergo the recovery process may feel long when they have doubtful expectations. Six stages of change, also known as the trans-theoretical model, explain how treatment works and how recovery is eventually attained. The six stages of change follow a...

Social Roles and Statuses Influence on Society

The notion of marginality is one of the characteristics of the state of the social structure of contemporary society. The transformation of the social structure of society entails intensive dynamics of the social structure, which determines social differentiation and contributes to the development of social marginality and stigma. This destroys...

Relevance of “Black Panther” to Africa and African Diaspora

Black Panther became one of the most successful Marvel films, earning high box office receipts as well as wide press coverage. The success is based on the stunning special effects, costumes, and captivating superhero storyline typical of Marvel. However, the most prominent feature of Black Panther was the coverage in...

White Privilege and Black Lives Matter Movement

Black Lives Matter is a major international movement that addresses white privilege and all racially motivated incidents and violence and tries to protect the rights and freedoms of Black people. This movement was formed in the U.S. in 2013 after a policeman who killed an unarmed African American teenager was...

Types of Drugs and Types of Domestic Abuse Correlation

The effects of substances on human physiology are numerous and diverse. Chemical reactions produced by the injection of foreign drugs can change the personal mood, elicit strong emotional responses, and provoke physical reactions. In many cases, people who use drugs lose control and inhibition. Although not necessarily substance leads to...

Expanding Reach: Addressing Gender Barriers in COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

The article “Expanding Reach: Addressing Gender Barriers in COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout” talks about the importance of gender equality in the deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine. The article also highlights the significance of reaching citizens with different genders with the vaccine. Thus, experts emphasize that today the inequality in this area...

Gender Dysphoria in Adolescents

For the past several decades, scholars in queer studies have made significant progress in understanding the interpersonal relationships of queer people with their gender. Many transgender and non-binary people tend to experience gender dysphoria. According to Zucker et al. (2016), gender dysphoria is a disorder that describes the person’s dissatisfaction...

Evaluation Using GAS: Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome

The next presenting issues and goals that my client Rachel could address after completing the last one – measured in the single-subject design (SSD) paper – revolve around alcohol and drug addiction. The goal is based on objective setting and the realization that good health comes from being deliberate about...

Remote Work Impact Immigrant’s Chances of Working for the US

Introduction Remote working is the new trend amongst large businesses operating at a global level. Remote working allows professionals to conveniently work outside the normal office environment. Employees can work from wherever they are and at their most convenient time of the day. In the United States, more companies and...

Creating a Successful Informative Speech

The process of a compelling and informative speech’s creation should include some essential elements which are indispensable for a well-organized presentation. A persuasive speech implies profound preparation and speaker’s highly developed practicing skills. Mastering these aspects is a key prerequisite for a successful speech. Careful preparation and achieving the necessary...

“Ordinary Prejudice”: The Role of the Free Will

People’s bias and prejudice might be considerably affected by social situations and personal learning histories. Banaji (2001) suggests that unconscious social cognition assessments often result in the participants’ feelings of surprise and rejection at the unexpected outcomes. Group membership activates social groups’ knowledge that automatically defines a person’s bias and...

Genovese Murder and the Bystander Effect

The bystander effect is a situation where witnesses remain indifferent to violence. One of the most famous cases of the bystander effect was Kitty Genovese’s murder. On March 13, 1964, in Kew Gardens, Queens, New York, the assassin attacked Kitty at 3:15 am (Hanton, 2019). The man stabbed Kitty in...

Precis on the the Article “The Case for Torture” by Michael Levin

Michael Levin is a philosophy professor and writer who argues that using torture is necessary when saving innocent people’s lives from a terrorist threat in his essay “The Case for Torture” (301). He argues that it is dangerous to value the life of a terrorist over hundreds, thousands, and millions...

Homeless Veterans in Ohio State

The problem of people without a permanent place of residence is quite widespread in the United States, and unfortunately, this issue concerns all segments of the population. Homeless people in America are represented by people of a wide variety of typologies and characteristics, from the orphaned youth to the elderly,...

Conflict Self-Assessment and Resolution

Conflict Resolution Approaches While summing up my conflict self-assessment score, I can note that I use avoiding and accommodating approaches less frequently than the others. This is because these methods are ineffective strategies for overcoming controversial situations in the workplace and bring few benefits to any of the conflicting parties....

The Problem of Overpopulation and Energy Scarcity

One of the main challenges for humanity in this century is the threat of overpopulation. The population is proliferating, and although environmental, geopolitical, and socioeconomic factors may be slowing this dynamic, growth remains evident. Along with population growth, the issue of providing for society’s increasing needs is becoming increasingly urgent....

History and an Individual: The Sociological Imagination

There is a close link between history and an individual, which Charles Mills has suggested. He defined the sociological imagination as a particular state of mind of a researcher that allows us to understand people’s social structures and behavior (Corrigall-Brown, 2019). This is the ability to look at familiar things...

Joys of Social Work Administration

Social workers seek to empower people and communities in their everyday lives. Unfortunately, the field has garnered a reputation for being a noble but dreary profession. As a result, a leadership crisis currently besets the social work labor market. Experienced leaders in nonprofit administration are abandoning the field. Watson and...

Preparing Effective Materials to Change the Children’s World

Problem Statement Advocates for early childhood education (ECE) should prepare tools to communicate a problem to decision-makers effectively, that is, parents and teachers. However, to achieve such an objective, one should know the components of persuasive communication while presenting potential supporters’ issues (Write & Jaffe, 2014). If the target population...

Importance of Development and Cross-Cultural Integration

Kimber, T. R. (2012). The role of spiritual development in the cross-cultural reentry adjustment of missionaries. Journal of psychology and theology, 40(3), 211-219. Kimber points out that while there is much research on the adaptation of missionaries to a new culture, there is no research on return to the home...

Discussion: African-Americans and Islam

There is a long history of African Americans practicing Islam in the United States. Scholars suggest that the roots of Islam within the Black community can be found within the slave populations. Approximately 40% of enslaved people within the Atlantic slave trade were Muslims (Mohaiemen). However, most of their belief...

Domestic Violence and Survivors Support

I would like to discuss the issue of domestic violence in society. Domestic violence is a type of violence or any other form of abuse in a domestic setting, victims of which can be both adults and children (United Nation, n.d.). An abuser is a person who may feel dominance...

Ecology of Policy in Social Work Settings

Public opinion plays a crucial role in the implementation process of a policy due to the necessity to address divergent viewpoints. Strategies that aim at improving the growth and development of a region rely on the ability of the individuals’ endorsement. An excellent example of an approach is the implementation...

Poor Communication in a Geological Project Implementation

The current case study concerns a geological project of staking fifteen claims near Eagle Lake. The underlying problem of the team failing the task in time is poor communication and inadequate assessment of the team members. First of all, the job is team-oriented, and Parker’s plan was designed in such...

Wrongful Conviction Based Upon a Faulty Identification

Introduction The strength of the criminal justice relies on its accuracy in clearing those who are innocent and charging the ones who are guilty. Briefly, wrongful conviction happens when there is a violation of individual rights or a person is sentenced despite not being guilty of the charges. According to...

The Opioid Crisis in the United States of America

Moral hazard refers to a scenario in which a person takes part in a risky activity because they know someone or something will bear the consequences of their actions. A moral hazard can be seen when a person drives a car at a higher speed just because he or she...

Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Influence on Contemporary Dating

Evolutionary Theory and Mate Selection Evolutionary theory explains a wide range of common human behaviors, such as mate selection. The process of human evolution describes the gradual change in human traits to what they are currently. Mate selection is one of the most widely studied facets of evolution because of...

Analysis of the Interview Response by an Addiction Counselor

Interview Report Many students are often confused about the subject that they should focus on and the potential employers that they will get. Within the mental health careers, there are many opportunities that require different licensure, skills, educational qualification, earning potential, and overall philosophy (Metz, 2016). Having the right knowledge...

Reaction Paper: Glass Ceilings

The glass ceiling is a metaphorical notion that implies a barrier, which does not allow a particular group to reach a higher place in the hierarchy. This concept can be applied, for example, to women or members of a certain minority who have obstacles to getting a high job position....

International Organizations Battling Human Trafficking

Introduction Not being strictly bound by the political landscape, intergovernmental (IGOs) and non-governmental (NGOs) organizations play a crucial role in alleviating countless transnational issues, including human trafficking. While anti-slavery initiatives began in the 1800s, this global problem remains unresolved and plagues many nations, especially in Asia and Europe (DoCarmo 2020)....

The Covid-19 Related Social Problems

Globally, the covid-19 pandemic has caused devastating social disruption where millions of individuals have fallen into extreme poverty. In this case, many enterprises have faced an existential threat, therefore, making persons lose their jobs. Thus, without means of income, people are unable to feed themselves and their families. As such,...

Socety’s Problem: Family and Racism

Azouz, Samy. “Existence in Black and White: Theatrical Representation of the Varieties of Racism in Amiri Baraka’s Select Plays.” Journal of African American Studies, vol. 23, no. 3, 2019, pp. 147–161. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s12111-019-09430-0 The study in question will be particularly useful in determining the effects that racism has had on...

The Persistence of White Racism in the United States

The chapter’s content is based on the history of slavery, the end of segregation, and acceptance of Native American citizenship. In the present day, white Americans consider White racism a thing of the past that is no longer in existence. On the contrary, the population of color America comprising of...

Ethical Issues and Concerns Regarding Abortion

In this paper, I will be addressing contemporary ethical issues and concerns regarding abortion. Induced abortion is generally defined as the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 20 weeks since conception (Niţă and Goga 283). The debate over this subject involves various underlying issues...

Immigrants in USA: Speech to Influence Thinking

General Purpose: To convince the listeners that immigrants contribute and enrich American society through culture, business, and other aspects. As such, the following speech aims to explore distinct ways in which immigrants change the landscape of American society and to influence the audience into recognizing these effects of immigration and...

“Embarrassment of Riches” by Sheelah Kolhatkar

Introduction In the article “Embarrassment of Riches,” Sheelah Kolhatkar addresses the tendency of ultra-wealthy Americans to consider rising income inequality and advocate the necessity to make higher taxes for them (32). In general, it is a highly informative article, and the author has managed to prove this main point in...

Analysis of Local Human Resources in Austin, Texas

Introduction The human service profession is about meeting other people’s needs, helping individuals or groups, and being a supportive comrade for those seeking it. This is a broad term, which includes different variations of assistance for people in difficult life situations. It is essential to examine the duties and responsibilities...

The Concept of Race in the Social Context

The concept of race has stirred people’s minds for centuries. Issues like why people are born with different color of hair and skin, and how these characteristics determine a person’s place in society have been a subject of fierce debate since the dawn of humanity. More recently, the discussions have...

Social Control and Self-Control Theories

There are two main theories by Travis Hirschi explaining what may stop a young person from committing a crime. The first is the social control theory highlights the importance of ties with the family, school, and other aspects of society (Review of the Roots). With time, it transformed into self-control...

How Popular Culture Can Promote the Idea of Sexual Assault in Society

Rape Culture From a certain point in development, people began to think that popular culture, including articles, songs, videos, and other materials from influencers in social media and life, can promote the idea of sexual assault in society (Pebole and Hall 178). In this regard, the question arose about the...

Reality and the Universe: Worldviews

It is a known fact that human beings have philosophies that defer from one person to another. These perceptions are grossly influenced by the environment and the person’s interaction with that particular setting. The following is a subjective analysis of the themes of ultimate reality, nature of the universe, the...

Aspects of Ethical Decision‐Making

Abstract Most ethical dilemmas are conflicts between the whole and its part: organization and individual, society and organization. It is impossible to choose a single concept of ethical decision-making because it will change depending on the circumstances. As for me, over the course, I have learned to draw conclusions and...

“Blaxploitation Horror Films” Article by Benshoff

Article The article “Blaxploitation Horror Films: Generic Reappropriation or Reinscription,” written by Harry M. Benshoff, presents the perspective of the author on the problem of social and generic racism in this genre. It is reflected by the inclusion of African American characters identified as monsters by white filmmakers of the...

The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of Children

It is widely accepted that minors’ health and well-being should be among the principles to guide humanity’s activities all around the world to maximize the chances of raising active and healthy generations of citizens. The UNICEF Convention on the Rights of the Child was accepted more than thirty years ago...

Gender, Power, Privilege, and Feminism in the USA

A woman’s position in society For many centuries, a woman’s societal position consisted only of a successful marriage. Thus, her status depended on her husband’s position, which deprived the wives of independence. However, in the nineteenth century, the movement for the struggle for education, work, and development of the female...

Analysis of Thomas Paine’s Rhetoric

There is no doubt that pamphlets of Thomas Paine made the Revolution popular among the masses. His American Crisis provided motivation both to the Continental Army and inhabitants of the Thirteen Colonies. Unlike Washington, Jefferson, and Adams, he used straightforward prose to deliver his democratic message to laborers, artisans, and...

Analysis of “Mind Games” of Slaves

The described “mind games” of slaves in the post have a psychological underpinning, whether it is related to the religious aspect of the matter or different cultural practices, such as music or family relationships. Therefore, they can be examined through the lens of the inherent prejudice of this order. First,...

Discussion of Communication Strategies

Almost every person has information in digital format in the modern world, and the information can fall into the wrong hands without proper protection strategy. Establishing communication processes among employees is a key to minimizing the possibility of the loss of data and privacy (Zhang & Borden, 2020). To spread...

The Student Learning Analysis: Principal Conclusions After the Internship

Introduction: Choice of Practice Location and Its Description Addiction behavior therapy is a topic that is consistently relevant around the world. The number of psychiatric patients and people with various addictions is now increasing. It is essential for professionals who encounter these clients to upgrade their qualifications to become confident...

Carnegie’s Approach to Public Speaking

People often struggle to master the art of public speaking and become nervous, anxious, and even angry when presenting their projects in front of an audience. Personally, I also did not have any clear understanding of the correct way of behaving when speaking publicly, especially during major events. Yet, after...

The Roles of Women Leaders in Asian Politics

Women in South Asia were accorded a low status, although heads of state and military personnel were an exception. Murphey (2016) explains that British westernization provided education opportunities for females, even though the numbers were minor. Many women, especially from the countryside, were uneducated, and their responsibility was to serve...

Gender Impact on Societies Worldwide

Gender roles determine what males and females think, interact, speak or dress within the society’s perspective. The commonly recognized gender in society is the male and female who are defined by the sex of an individual (Andersen & Witham, 2011). The reason why gender is a sensitive issue in society...

Social Justice: American Arab, Jewish American, and Africans

American Arab Culture and Values American Arabs are people who came from the Middle East or Africa, and their native language is Arabic. The main cultural feature of these people is collectivism and close relations between members of an extended family (Sue & Sue, 2016). This feature is both a...

The Case of Sandra Malone: Evaluation

Introduction In order to identify what changes, if any, are necessary in a particular case, it is critical to evaluate the current state of affairs. For a social worker, evaluation means assessing the relevance of any interventions that have taken place in the situation under the review, judging by their...

Racism and White Supremacy in the USA

Approximately 38% of Latinos/Hispanics have noted experiencing some level of harassment, discrimination, or public criticism for their ethnicity (Lopez et al., 2018). Part of the reason why Hispanics face racism and discrimination stems from history. Since the origins of the U.S. as a country, it had several conflicts with Spain,...

Dual Status of the American Deaf Community

The Deaf Community in the United States has a complicated history of status and legal positioning due to the conflicting perspectives on it. On the one hand, it is perceived as a linguistic minority with its own communication tools and distinct culture. On the other hand, the community benefits from...

Child Abuse and Family Violence: A Personal Response

When it comes to the theme of child abuse and family violence, I find it crucially important and complicated. In my opinion, child abuse and family violence can be compared with a malignant tumor that slowly poisons and erodes the foundations of society. Childhood abuse can potentially cause severe mental...

Occupational Gender Segregation and Its Causes

Occupational gender segregation in the US labor market Indeed, occupational gender segregation is an important issue to be discussed and tried to be solved. Occupational gender segregation does not only reveal itself by the gap in men’s and women’s salaries, but it occurs even on a deeper level of women’s...

Key Filters in the Process of Understanding the World by Myers and Noebel

The worldview of each individual varies depending on the occasion, personal beliefs, and life experiences. However, Myers and Noebel (2015) ten key filters in the process of understanding the world. Those filters are biology, ethics, economics, history, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology, and theology. These lenses help a person to...

Rhetorical Strategies of FIFA Franchise

Introduction The website central to this review provides its viewers with reasons for either pre-ordering or waiting on the newest instalment in the FIFA franchise, FIFA 22. While the page creates an initial appearance of neutrality, its strategies and approaches are inclined towards making people pre-order the game, due to...

Interaction of the Pharmaceuticals with Alcohol Intake

Over the decades, the use of drugs for medicinal is an issue that faces controversy due to the vulnerable nature of the relative abuse. On the one hand, seeking treatment fosters recovery from an illness, hence the necessity of the prescriptions. On the other hand, different sectors consider the alternative...

Work-Life and Work-Family Interconnections

In terms of a growing number of natural disasters, falling airplanes, and other negative events, the issue of resilience becomes more and more important. It was useful to learn about the progress of research on work-life and work-family interconnections in the context of resilience. Chapter 8 allowed understanding that this...

The Concept of Truth in Christianity and Ancient Greece

Philosophers of all eras were interested in the truth and the search for the ultimate answer. Faith often took a centerpiece in this goal, serving as either an indomitable basis for further discussions or as a framework of expanding philosophical views. For this paper, Plato’s allegory of a cave and...

Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers

Workplace Violence Workplace violence refers to physical threats, verbal abuse, and homicide against a health care employee. Many employers have no authority to implement workplace violence programs but have guidelines that help detect workplaces with serious hazards. Some states in the United States have developed programs and advanced laws for...

Immigrants as an Underserved Community in the US

Introduction The 21st century is characterized by the surge in globalization processes that bring different parts of the world closer together. These trends promote the worldwide talent exchange, meaning that people opt for better places of residence and countries benefit from skilled and motivated workers from abroad. From a theoretical...

Should Guns Be Banned From College Campuses?

Topic: Guns should be banned from college campuses. General purpose: To address the issue of guns on college campuses and its negative consequences. Specific purpose: To persuade the audience that carrying weapons on campus leads to an increased risk of violence. Central idea: If a weapon is easily accessed, the...

Bullying and Work-Related Stress in the Irish Workplace

Introduction Lately, work-related stress has become one of the most common problems of the 21st century. As a result, this issue has a considerable effect not only on the physical and mental health of individuals but also productivity of various organizations. In fact, the inability to maintain a healthy work-life...

Telling the Truth: Consequentialism vs. Deontology

Introduction There are numerous different moral dilemmas people encounter over the course of their lives. Humans are social animals, which means that it is crucial for them to navigate a complex world of relationships in order to function efficiently in modern society. This often implies situations in which one must...

Conscience and Moral Development

In order to answer the question of whether a lack or absence of sensitivity may be regarded as immortal, it is essential to address the term of morality that has two controversial perceptions. First of all, morality is defined as the set of particular standards that help people live in...

Combating Racial Discrimination in Public Institutions

Racial discrimination is a social challenge to development in modern communities. Individuals from different cultural, ethnic, or racial minorities have encountered social injustices in public institutions. The U.S. history indicates vital milestones regarding administrative policies aimed at eliminating discrimination (Nigro & Kellough, 2014). Most importantly, chapter nine has been critical...

Policy Implementation Challenges for Social Workers

Sometimes social workers may disagree with the central policy of the higher management, based solely on their own biases and views. Racism, sexism, ageism, lookism, and discrimination on many other grounds are not uncommon in modern society. Intolerance, hatred, suspicion, and mistrust became the reasons for how employees of social...

Community in Little Village – Community Agencies

Little Village (South Lawndale, Chicago) used to be inhabited by immigrants from Ireland and Eastern Europe in the 19th century. However, now the majority of population is constituted by Mexican people (Little Village, 2013). This is a suburban community. Little Village is situated in the west of Chicago. The climate...

Abortion Dilemma in Pragmatic Ethics

Introduction The value of human life and its significance have always been disputable issues. Since the first stages of society’s evolution, people have tried to find the sense of living, its purpose, and central goals. At the same time, the attitude to every individual, his/her contribution to society, place in...

Importance of Women in Canon City

Women are important in the everyday life of society; the community nowadays heavily relies on women. In order to illustrate the significant role of women in modern society, this paper will explore the theme in the example of Canon City, Colorado. The research on the importance of women in Canon...

Terrorist Drag in “Stop Being Poor” Video

The concept of “terrorist drag” was created by José Esteban Muñoz, who understands it as denunciation and condemnation of “terrors around race, gender, and sexuality” in drag queens performance (Muñoz 91). This concept implies that, for example, male actors do not try to recreate womanliness. On the contrary, their characters...

White Privilege: Advantages and Disadvantages

White privilege is the unmerited benefit that white people experience because they are not exposed to racism. These advantages are frequently undetectable to white people since they perceive freedom as a guaranteed action, which everybody encounters. Historically, white supremacists expressed oppression through the enslavement and colonialism of black people by...

Snap Judgments: Changing Perspective Paper

Introduction First of all, there is a vital necessity to mention that the perception of the world and the surrounding occasions differ from human to human. Initially, everyone has their background of life experience, various occasions originate various feelings and emotions, and different events may be regarded from multiple angles...

Focus on Social Media as a Health Advocacy Tool for Adolescents

Social media has emerged among the most transformational and impactful technologies of the 21st century through its increasingly indispensable influences on decision making, education and access to information, and social interactions. Teenagers represent the most active demographic group across social media platforms with conservative estimates indicating at least 51% of...

Opioid Crisis in Canadian Schools

Abstract Opioid addiction is one of the main threats to the modern youth of Canada. The most terrible thing is that taking drugs among modern youth has become an everyday thing. Among the means of combating this disease is the need to educate people on the topic of drug addiction...

The Rise in Population in Europe in the Eighteenth Century

Millions of Europeans migrated to the U.S. in the eighteenth century to class rule and modernization. However, despite the exodus, people continued moving to Europe in search of economic prosperity spawned by the industrial revolution. As cumbersome jobs were mechanized and goods were mass-produced, people began to live better. Thus,...

Smoking Patients. Practice Recommendations

There are several ways to handle smoking patients. 1.1 work recommendation relating to integrating tobacco management into daily practice suggests “brief interventions to screen all clients for all forms of tobacco use and initiate treatment as appropriate” (RNAO, 2017). This nursing necessity fits in Mr. Philobosan’s case because he has...

The Challenge of Racial Equality in the United States

Racial equality constitutes a social welfare issue that has proliferated the social, economic, and political paradigms in the United States. People from ethnically inferior communities increasingly face marginalization in terms of access to state resources such as security, healthcare, employment, and learning institutions. The media is awash with information about...

Gender Equality as Smart Economics’ Policy Agenda

Introduction Subjecting pre-existing economic models, closely associated with the moods of the era, to critical analysis in terms of historical dynamics, it is possible to discover that the definition of the economy does not remain unchanged, but rather is continuously being modified in response to the specific demands of society....

Sexual Orientation Debate: Born or Chose This Way

The advantage of the ‘born this way’ argument about sexual orientation is that there is no way around nature, and it is impossible to change a person’s brain chemistry or genetics. The disadvantage of the argument is that it is limited to issues of biology and does not allow for...