The Indian Act Explained in Canada

White Privilege Johnson describes being rich as a white privilege because the country’s employers favored whites, people of color (POC) were not well placed to earn a chance. He says that it is a long and complicated story since getting wealth during those days was a challenge for the POC....

Alcohol and Other Drug Use Among the Aboriginal and Torres Islander People

Introduction Several priority groups in Australia face higher risks of experiencing disproportionate harms associated with alcohol and drug use. A good example is the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (or the indigenous Australians). Several studies have established that the rate of alcohol and drug use among the indigenous is...

Community’s Overall Well-Being: Real-Time Social Issues

The information offered in the Altruism and Bystander Intervention PowerPoint presentation is specific, actionable, goal-referenced, and precise and has an immediate impact on the audience. This PowerPoint is applicable because it addresses real-time social issues that affect the people residing within a society. Notably, everybody is susceptible to various kinds...

“Inequality for All”: Arguments’ Study

I agree with the arguments made in the film because inequality needs to be present but in a limited amount. Abolishing inequality is impossible in capitalism, and forcing such a system is strict socialism. However, having extreme levels of inequality is also dysfunctional because only the middle class can catalyze...

The 2022 Winter Olympics as a Part of the Political Debate

Apparently, despite the intensive spread of COVID-19, several countries, especially the United States and European Union (EU), stress the importance of human rights. Actually, the issue regarding the violation of human rights has raised serious debates and discordance of opinions between the West and China. For that reason, few countries...

“Struggles” of Historical Figures

Although nowadays we have the recent technologies that allow people to become stars in a second, these technologies can destroy the reputation of famous people and impact them adversely. Some people might think that it is easy to become influential and famous today due to the emergence of social media...

Corporation Crimes and Endangerment of Society

Civil society is often influenced by many factors surrounding it. The threats induced by corporations and individuals targetting such businesses can differ significantly, creating a prominent subject for scientific discussion. Even though there is no universal consensus on this topic, a crime-committing company presents a much greater danger for the...

Rhetorical Appeals Analysis

“We can’t stop mass murder” is a persuasive piece on the topic of gun control published in The Week on October 6, 2017, which remains relevant today. The author, Shikha Dalmia, writes for many well-known journals and is a senior analyst with the Reason Foundation. She has degrees in chemistry,...

Research of the Contemporary Cancel Culture

“Cancel culture” is a relatively new trend in the media space. Thanks to the global spread of social networks, blogs and YouTube channels, there are almost no people left who do not follow at least one media personality. It is only natural that over time, the Internet community has needed...

Ethics in the “Gilbane Gold” Film

The film “Gilbane Gold” features the eponymous town, which is known for the excellent fertilizer made from its sewage plant sludge. To maintain the quality of the product, which benefits all inhabitants of the town via tax revenue supplementation, it has introduced stringent regulations on materials permitted to be in...

Non-Governmental Organization Committee on the Status of Women

The committee’s foundation was in 1972 under the auspices of the Conference of NGOs. It was formed in preparation for the International Women’s Year, 1975, and the UN Decade of women, 1975-1985, including the Initial World Conference on Women held in Mexico City in 1975 (UN Women, 2021). I support...

Settler Society and Structural Racism

White privilege is described by Johnson in detail as the process by which he used to acquire wealth. The British struggled to conquer Ireland and subjugate Irish people just because their skin was not white. The British felt that people in Ireland were inferior and savage people due to their...

The Difference Between Human Beings and Other Animal Species

The selected quote from the piece of Charlotte Perkins Gilman reflects on the difference between human beings and other animal species in terms of their relationships. The author claims that the former’s principal characteristic distinguishing them from the latter is the dependent status of females in the economic sense (Edles...

Sexual Harassment in the U.S. Military: Addressing the Issue

Introduction Sexual harassment and abuse are prevalent problems in the United States army. The issue extends the boundaries of one unit, department, or organization, affecting people throughout the military system. According to the Department of Defense (2020), the prevalence of sexual harassment complaints “grew by three percent in comparison with...

Communication Goals and Attainment Practices

Establishing and securing diverse communication goals is an essential task for any individual. Attaining knowledge and conveying various emotions and perceptions becomes possible through extensive interactions with other individuals, which require an understanding of public speaking. Some scholars state that successful organization and achievement of communication aims is a necessary...

Core American Values: Minority Rights

It is hard to disagree that several core American values are an exceptionally significant element of people’s lives and wellness. According to researchers, minority rights “are the normal individual rights as applied to members of racial, ethnic, class, religious, linguistic or sexual minorities; and also, the collective rights accorded to...

Comparative Analysis of Three Books about Racism

Race remains a topical issue for countries with a heterogeneous population, such as the US. The enfranchisement of the minorities might be history, but racism persists, despite the seemingly universal equality. Furthermore, the matter becomes more relevant than ever in the 21st century when people tend to racialize their attitude...

The Growing Veganism Trend: Animal Rights Protection

In recent years there has been a steady increase in the number of people who chose to lead vegan lifestyles. Whether it is a shift to plant-based diets or advocacy for animal rights, veganism has grown both as a term and an idea. It is now frequently described as a...

School Violence: Causes and Mitigation Measures

School or campus violence in the United States is rising to a level that requires homeland security. In recent years, K-12 schools, such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Marjory Stoneman Douglas, and higher education institutions, such as Virginia Tech were among them. This paper explores the causes for the growing...

Postapartheid South Africa: Understanding Inequality

Introduction The abolition of the apartheid policy took place in harsh conditions, sometimes bordering on a civil war. This event was preceded by the radicalization of the black population (permission to carry personal firearms, separatist sentiments in Bantustans). After the 1994 elections and the victory of the ANC, led by...

The Controversial Issue of Abortion

In the contemporary world, the society is often separated into right and wrong, as well as good and evil. Legal and ethical issues associated with abortion are becoming controversial every day in modern society; some people support the idea of abortion, while others disagree. In a typical example, different philosophers...

Animals Testing for Cosmetic or Medical Purposes Should Not Be Allowed

Experiments on animals are not a valid method either for investigating the various causes of human diseases or for developing a treatment for them. Faked injuries are inflicted on animals in order to create so-called “models” that are used to simulate human conditions. With the exception of a number of...

Youth Victimization: Prevalence and Implications

The report was written by the experts of the National Crime Victims Research and Treatment Center (NCVC). Dean G. Kilpatrick, Benjamin E. Saunders, and Daniel W. Smith discuss youth victimization and claim that the frequency of violence and physical abuse towards adolescents is immensely high in the U.S. The authors...

Crisis Intervention: Multicultural View and Approach

Counseling approaches that operate along racial, ethnic, and national lines promote a strong multicultural view and approach Counseling aims at assisting a person to resolve problems that affect them. A trained person applies several approaches to guide a patient to overcome challenges. Counseling approaches that help understand the race, ethnicity...

Natural Growth in Europe

Europe has suffered the risk of economic stagnation as a result of a meager birth rate. Italy has been hit the worst among the European countries. The number of newborns has dropped drastically over the last few years, causing a shrink of the country’s population. This demographic mess of an...

Sports and Race: The Road Towards the “Transracial Ideal”

Racial attitudes have always played a significant part in the way sports events are discussed and athletes are perceived in society. For the last decade, these perceptions have been gradually changing, and the concept of “transracial ideal” has emerged, which refers to people who are regarded as role models equally...

Security for Minorities in the Educational Institutions

Introduction Security for students from all population groups is the principal provision, which should be ensured within educational institutions. However, the recent results of studies conducted by scholars in the context of these facilities reflected their inability to adequately address the racial and ethnic gaps (Cohen, 2015). This outcome is...

Poverty and Poor Health: Access to Healthcare Services

Introduction The magnitude of the relationship between income level and poor health is not appreciated enough (Woolf & Braveman, 2011). Regardless of individual characteristics, education and neighborhoods in which people live have a considerable impact on their health (Donatelle, 2014). Even though disparities in housing and transportation have been substantially...

Poetic Themes in the Selma Film Staring D. Oyelowo

Poetry, as likened to art, seems to depict a connection between lives concerning art. As portrayed in movies, fashion, music, dances, architecture, and literature imitate human beings’ real-life experiences. The past and modern art created defines time, meaning that people can differentiate when the art was created. In traditional times,...

Identity Politics and “Interlocking” Oppression

Identity politics has raised numerous debates on its effectiveness in tackling interlocking oppressions. In modern world societies, race, culture, and religion are recipes for an identity politics. However, politics, ethnicity, and race are intersected with femininity to form prejudiced and biased world organizations, thus, influencing life experiences. According to Crenshaw...

African American Families in Poverty

Introduction Even though the United States declares the equality of white and black people quite often, the socio-economic situation of African Americans still needs some significant changes for the better. Moreover, measures to “eliminate discrimination” are often only informational or propagandist. For instance, many black people live in extreme poverty,...

How Does Racial Inequality Play a Role in the US Culture?

It is obvious that the topic of race is one of the most discussed in contemporary society. Millions of people all around the world are trying to prove that skin color does not determine individual personality, worldview, status, or abilities while others are still sure that race brings differences to...

Gun Violence in the U.S.

Research Questions and Ideas Why is there so much gun violence in our society? Will gun violence ever be eradicated? Do laws against guns help to eliminate gun violence? In the research, gun violence is considered a public health epidemic by many medical practitioners, but its effects can be felt...

The Effects of Abortions on the Black Community

There are many activists who support abortion as a means of women’s rights protection. Black women comprise practically 15% of the childbearing populace but constitute more than 36%t of all abortions in the country (Jones & Jerman, 2017). They have the most elevated early termination proportion in the country, with...

Women Torture in Iran: Analysis of the Issue

Introduction Torturing women is officially forbidden in many countries; however, in Iran, there are cases where women’s rights are being oppressed. The issue of continuous torture against Iranian women needs to be addressed since it remains an apparent problem. Although the revolution officially gave rights to women, the problem cannot...

Large-Scale Protests in Puerto Rico in 2019

Large-scale protests in Puerto Rico in summer 2019 began after the public presentation of the correspondence between Ricardo Rosselló, the head of state, and his team. About 900 pages of messages in Telegram were clarified and made available to people. Since the data leaked, more than 500,000 Puerto Ricans took...

The Purpose of the Eugenics Movement

Scientific discoveries have been the focal point for delivering solutions to various problems facing humanity. The 19th century saw an increase in the number of scholars attempting to find answers and explain phenomena. In the process, the idea of Eugenics came into being and became so popular during the early...

Teenage Pregnancy and the Means to Address It: A Case Scenario

The issue of teenage pregnancy is quite topical at present. Despite the fact that the awareness concerning the threats of teen pregnancy has been raised efficiently, the instances of teen pregnancy still occur, and, as a result, the rates of abortion among teens, as well as the number of abandoned...

The Problem of Adolescent Addiction

Adolescence is dangerous for the appearance of addictions, as it brings many difficulties for both parents and children themselves. Due to modifications in the hormonal balance, the mood changes rapidly, and the appearance becomes more adult. Teenagers try to understand the world around them and find themselves. Moreover, parents’ authority...

Defending a Foreign Citizen Facing the Death Sentence in the United States

Defending a foreign citizen facing the death sentence in the United States is a challenging task for any attorney. The obstacles for lawyers include the language barrier, cultural difference, lack of trust from a foreign national, and the necessity of traveling to conduct extensive life history investigation on a client...

How COVID-19 Affected Human Trafficking

Introduction The coronavirus pandemic (henceforth COVID-19) has had a devastating effect on global economies. Pandemics are known to be large scale outbreaks of infectious illnesses that significantly raise the mortality over wide geographical areas causing social, political, and economic disruption (Sun, et al., 2020). COVID-19 has been an international pandemic...

What Impact Has Feminism Had in the Study of Women and Crime?

Feminist movements initiated from the beginning of 1960s had a significant impact on the society. Women’s rights were attempted to be equated to men’s both socially and constitutionally through protests, officially vested demonstrations, and adopted legal documents that formalize gender equity. However, apart from the social impact in real life...

Reducing Cases of Domestic Violence at All Stages of Pregnancy

My deep interest in health care and decision to devote my career to nursing brought me to the exploration of one of the most problematic issues in this field, namely domestic violence. It has been within the scope of my scientific and professional interests for a substantial amount of time....

Lockdown Ethical Dilemma

Introduction Lockdown measures are practiced in many regions to control the spread of the COVID -19 virus. It involves restrictions of movement and association in public. Although population health is protected by the set boundaries, several important activities have been hindered. For instance, the ability to socialize, and exercise human...

A Latino Youth Photovoice Project on Teen Pregnancy

Synopsis In the 21st century, the issue of teen pregnancy remains one of the key points of concern (Azevedo, Haddock & Muller, 2013). Despite massive awareness campaigns, the rates of teen pregnancy remain dangerously high among certain demographics. National and ethnic minorities still remain in the risk group, the rates...

The Concept of “White Privilege”

In the modern world, the privilege of whites is felt in most areas of human life. It can be defined as the superiority of the white race over the black one and functions in matters of economics, education, medicine, and others. A vivid example is the situation of the house...

Solving Social Problems With a Nudge

Introduction TED Talks are extremely popular nowadays. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the Ted Talk of Sendhil Mullainathan, titled “Solving social problems with a nudge,” where he describes the issues of the “last mile” (Mullainathan, 2009). The essay will thoroughly discuss the particular Ted Talk by inspecting...

Is Creativity A Modern Panacea From Boredom and Depression?

Introduction The modern life rhythms that revolve around people make us feel stressed about every single event-taking place in our lives. As a result, communication, daily life, and working patterns become nothing but fixed mechanisms that are deprived of any additional thoughts and perspectives. Scientists claim that such an attitude...

White Supremacy in Dred Scott v. John Sandford Case

The primary source is the legislative document presenting the case of Dred Scott v. John Sandford, written by Chief Justice Roger Taney in 1857. It reveals some of the legal implications related to the court’s decision on the possibility of slaves’ participation in the political life of the country and...

Discrimination of Muslim American Women

Introduction Addressing acute problems that specific strata of the population face are an activity that allows arousing social interest in particular groups and drawing attention to their issues and challenges. As a category for analysis and evaluation, I have selected Muslim women living in the United States of America. The...

Marginalized Status of African Americans in the USA

In the United States, the black minority has a marginalized status due to the existing racial prejudice. Disenfranchising is noticed in many fields, such as education, employment, entrepreneurship, healthcare, and public safety. The problem puts into question the principle of equality considered important in the country. Thus, there is a...

The Issue of Overpopulation

Today the problem of overpopulation is widely discussed by the researchers, economists, sociologists, scholars, and politicians. The fact which causes the public discussions is the problem of carrying capacity because overpopulation can be defined as the situation when the growth of population is higher than the level of possible carrying...

Fighting Racism Behavior Towards the Latino Community

Introduction For centuries, people of color in the United States of America have faced systemic racism that has been a barrier for these minorities to get access to many essential goods and services. The public health system is one of the most prominent representatives of racial inequality, which consequently significantly...

NYC Human Resources Administration: Mission and Personal Experience

The Human Resources Administration (HRA) is also called the Department of Social Services (DSS). HRA is a New York City government department that was founded on 15th August 1966 by Mayor Lindsay John and facilitates the majority of the city’s social services programs (NYC Human Resources Administration, 2020). DSS helps...

The Code of Ethics for Human Services Professionals

The selected field of interest is that of human services since it allows social workers to support and empower troubled people to lead better lives. The presented standards include focusing on existing community strengths, getting informed consent from individuals, and maintaining the highest levels of confidentiality and privacy (“Ethical Standards...

Success: A Re-Definition

Michael and John are siblings who live in New York City. Michael is a successful entrepreneur who develops his retail business; he has recently purchased an apartment in the city’s center and a high-quality new automobile. He is single, however, he derives enjoyment from his freedom. At the same time,...

The Tragedy of the Commons

The tragedy of the commons may be defined as an economic issue that relates to the motivation of every individual to consume a particular resource to the disadvantage of other individuals.When the resource’s demand overwhelms its supply, every person who consumes additional units automatically harms others who will not be...

Social Problem and Policy Analysis

Introduction The idea of equality is transparent in all articles of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, the complex nature of people’s lives makes the concept less easy to implement. Various race- and gender-based limitations continue to exist in major parts of people’s everyday activities. One of...

Slavery Institution as a Source for Victimization

Slavery has been a topic of hot debate throughout most of American history. The process, considered brutal and corrupt by many people, attained even more supporters who considered it the course of nature. It is essential to understand how could this unethical practice survive and thrive for decades. Slavery institution...

Act of Defiance: Bothering Random Shoppers

I chose to commit my act of informal defiance while I was grocery shopping. I went to a familiar shop I visit often, and where I recognize some of the cashiers. There, I randomly approached other shoppers and attempted to engage in conversation about the items they were looking at....

The Tendencies of Teenage Suicide in Africa

The high prevalence levels of suicidal tendencies have a huge impact on the health care institutions that deal with mental cases. These patterns must be monitored regularly since suicidal tendencies in various groups differ across time. Several measures can be utilized to curb teenage suicide. Community involvement is extremely imperative...

Racial Inequalities in the Context of Pandemic Vaccination

The ideals of contemporary democratic society are marked by a marked contradiction, characterized by the coexistence of diametrically opposed ideas. More specifically, the public recognizes and promotes a philosophy of diversity expressed, among other things, through people’s racial differences. On the other hand, an emphasis on an individual’s ethnicity can...

Poverty, Faith, and Justice: ”Liberating God of Life” by Elizabeth Johnson

The idea of poverty about faith and liberating theology is directly connected to major Biblical concepts. The struggle of the impoverished life is seen through the lens of liberation done by God towards people in need. Johnson (n.d.) constructs the following presumption: “Daily struggles for the survival manifest potent, tensible...

Relativism and Its Relationship With Ethics

The portrayal of society is presented through the diversity of people and their perceptions. Ethical and moral standards of different population groups vary, and this fact contributed to the emergence of the concept of relativism (Philosophy & Religion, 2017). From this perspective, the precondition of the issue is their varying...

Examples of Hasty Generalizations and Their Consequences

One example of hasty generalization is the fallacy which consists of focusing on successful people’s examples and trying to learn from them, forgetting about the unsuccessful who were guided by the same strategy. The problem is that the experience of the latter remains unknown. Therefore, successful people’s strategy and tactics,...

The Black Lives Matter Movement: A Call for Action

What Is Black Lives Matter (BLM)? Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a decentralized social and political movement that protests against instances of racially motivated crime and police brutality targeted at people of color. In the context of the systematic inequality between races that have existed in society for centuries, BLM...

“We” and “They”: Dynamics of the Idea

The idea of ​​”we” and “they” exist in any person, since people tend to relate themselves to a group to feel social security and often support. At the same time, as our readings, Michael Jackson’s music video, and my experience demonstrate, the separation of “us” and “they” can involve almost...

Addiction Theories and Counseling Techniques

Addiction to substances can develop as a result of several factors, and researchers have tried to explain this occurrence via different approaches. There are several theories that explain the nature of addiction and its development. The biological perspective implies that genetics and brain chemistry alterations are predisposing people to addiction....

Racial and Gender Disparities Among Evicted Americans

Eviction is a significant problem among low-class communities, which directly relates to poverty. Disproportionately forced dislocation from housing between various ethnicities calls for researchers to comprehensively analyze such notions, reasoning, and consequences. Establishing a sufficient statistical basis will provide a clear picture of racial disparity in eviction cases, which has...

Understanding the U.S. Prison System

Introduction Due to the high crime rate, overcrowded prisons, and the problem of repeat offenders many are questioning the effectiveness of incarceration and what the Federal Bureau of Prison is doing to improve the operation of many U.S. prison facilities. As a result, many are also suggesting that it is...

Ethical Considerations on Affirmative Action: Racism

The high level of relevance of race issues in the United States has continuously imposed equality considerations on multiple levels of human interactions. From the ethical point of view, the historically conditioned omnipresence of racism and racial or gender inequality in the US triggers the necessity of providing equal opportunity...

Immigration: Information Sources

Information Sources Immigration information is also very useful in drafting important national policies used for decision making and strategic planning. In the UK, the most reliable sources of data for immigration are the Office for National Statistics, Home Office, UK Census, Joseph Rowentree Foundation, Institute for Statistical Studies and migration...

The Social Contract Analysis

In the current paper, the social contract and its possible fall will be discussed and addressed. Specifically, the question of what actions could be considered to be the moral thing to do if the social contract falls apart or is no longer being upheld will be covered. Possible ways might...

Campus Sexual Assaults: Fisher’s Group Research

Introduction Campuses have the highest number of women who are at risk of assaults, especially the sexual ones. Bonnie Fisher and his group carried out research under the National Institute of Justice and the Bureau of Justice Statistics for the United States Department of Justice. There was a strong judicial...

Battle in Seattle: Critical Writing

Introduction To make significant changes working in well-organized social groups is essential as it gives the vigor and teamwork needed to motivate the proper agencies to make the necessary adjustments. Usually, social movements emanate when there is evidence of systematic inequality between the governance and the people. Produced by Aloe...

Drug Issues in Watertown, New York

Drug trafficking, use, and addiction are some of the issues that affect Watertown. Frequently, individuals are charged with conspiring in the trafficking of drugs such as heroin, fentanyl, and cocaine to the city NYS (Attorney General). The city is associated with violent drug trafficking as individuals from different nationalities flood...

The Relationship Between Race and Crime in the United States

The US media often mentions Latinos in the news when discussing drug trafficking and crimes related to crossing US borders. In addition, according to the stereotype in the United States, African American men are dangerous criminals. These particular groups of the population are represented in greater numbers among those arrested...

How City Changes and Gentrification Excludes People

Changes to cities, communities, and neighborhoods are inevitable as they have been developing and changing since the dawn of civilization. In most cases, city change and gentrification occur when more affluent individuals move to historically less affluent neighborhoods, and people hold different views about it. Using the articles “The Way...

Researching of Pregnancy and Alcohol Abuse

Introduction Alcohol consumption during pregnancy is a major public health problem. Despite the recommendation to abstain, many women still continue to drink alcoholic beverages while expecting. According to the report published in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, in 2018, 11.3% of pregnant women reported having at least one drink...

Community Agency: Needs Assessment, Projects, and Future Goals

Introduction It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to empower families and young people to be successful through the care continuum that promotes growth and healing. Its vision is to lead in the creation of a community that provides every young person with an opportunity to thrive. It is...

Discussion Board Post: Gun Control

Gun control represents a critical set of laws and regulations regarding the control over the proper use, prevention, or restriction of firearms by the civilian population. In the United States, gun control policies are characterized by enhanced strictness; however, it is also a highly controversial concern in the country. The...

Creativity and Problem-Solving in Education & Economics

Aldous, C.R. (2005) ‘Creativity in problem solving: uncovering the origin of new ideas,’ International Education Journal, 5(5), pp.43-56. This article is based on a study involving a protocol analysis in which five expert problem-solvers were investigated, and different contexts were used to assess how they solved problems. Three secondary school...

Social Problem: Hunger in the United States

Summary Hunger problem, income gap, race discrimination, poverty in rural regions, and COVID-19 outbreak have severe effects on the hunger problem. For instance, the income gap directly impacts the hunger problem through citizen’s wealth-income ability. Additionally, race discrimination also significantly affects the issue, leading to most territories comprising African Americans...

Communicating Effectively With Preceptors

Effective communication is of extreme significance in the health care environment. Communication can be defined as the process of sharing information and interaction between people. In the following paper, I am going to dwell on the status of my communication skills in three particular areas, and the way these skills...

Critical Thinking and Its Importance in Modern Life

Currently, along with growing attention to artificial intelligence (AI), a new focus is emerging in many areas of thinking about human intellect. Scientists fear that AI in the future may cause a singularity when the development of technology becomes irreversible and uncontrollable, which will lead to incomprehensible changes in civilization...

Better Zoom Meeting with Gladwell’s “Tipping Point”

Introduction With the emergence of the deadly coronavirus disease, numerous changes have been noted in physical meetings. The regular one-on-one conferences were noted to be the hotspot for the disease spread. However, a new mechanism on how to proceed with various sectors’ initial operations had to be derived. In this...

Classifications: Cell-Phone Users, Relationship, Class Items and Drivers

Cell-Phone Users Cell-phones have become powerful devices that make it easier for individuals to achieve their goals and communicate effectively. Analysts group users of such innovative tools depending on their favorite applications and aims. First, there is a group that relies on them mainly for interacting with other people. Some...

Activism and Strategies for Effective Movements

Nowadays, in times of the digital age and advanced communication technologies, it is not easy to imagine a world without any kind of social activism. Activism is a deliberate action by an individual or group aimed at directing or promoting social, economic, environmental, or political change in the local or...

Declaration of the Rights of Man

The first article is the most revolutionary for its time. It states: “Men are born and remain free and equal in rights.” The most prevalent governmental regime in Europe of the late eighteenth century is monarchy, whether it is constitutional or absolute. This article equates monarchs and peasants in their...

Personal Connections to Racism: A Very Short Introduction

A text discussing something as important as racism is bound to invoke some personal connections in everyone. These should not necessarily be personal experiences of racial prejudice –it might be increased awareness of racism as represented in culture. The reading made me more aware of two examples of such representation:...

Smith’s Standpoint Theory and Social Knowledge

Standpoint theory implies feminist theoretical perspectives that assume that knowledge comes from one’s societal position. These perspectives deny that traditional scientific approaches are objective and suggest that research and theories have not taken into account female and feminist ways of intellection (Introduction to Sociological Theory). Smith’s idea is founded on...

Alcohol Dependence as a Physical Dependence

Introduction Alcohol dependence is a wide and diverse topic that needs to be well evaluated and understood for sustainability (Inaba and Cohen, 2007, p. 7). This is because it relates to a lot of issues that are relevant in our society. Alcohol dependence can also be described and termed as...

Working for Social Justice

When reading a text, one should focus on the exact moral lessons and knowledge that the author intends to impart into the reader’s mind. Instances of social inequality are common in the current century. In addition, social justice leads to harmony, peace, and tranquility, apart from fostering economic development in...

Racism, Racial Profiling and Bias in the War on Drugs

Racial profiling occurs when the law enforcement base their criminal investigations on race, ethnicity, or religion, which in the process undermines human rights and freedom. Although some people consider racial profiling as a means of improving security, it must be stopped at all cost because it is discriminatory. In the...

Children Insecurity in the Context of Mother’s Drug Misuse

Introduction The problem of drug abuse is relevant to many countries of the world. It is especially dangerous in the context of pregnancy, motherhood, and parenting. The baby’s attachment plays an essential role in the mother, with whom the child builds an emotional connection. Women abusing drugs are often “unduly...

High Risk Family Assessment and Health Promotion

Summary of the Health Profile Family violence has continuously been a health issue in the United States for a long time. According to Whyte (2009), in every family, there is always the center of power. In most cases, the physical strength of partners in the family determines the center of...

Addiction and 12-Step Programs

Haroutunian, H. (2016). Not as prescribed: Recognizing and facing alcohol and drug misuse in older adults. Simon and Schuster. The book in question dwells upon substance misuse in older adults and ways to address this problem. Chapter 2 provides valuable insights into the peculiarities of this population’s addiction development with...

Eric Williams: Slavery Was Not Born Out of Racism

In Capitalism and Slavery, Williams writes: “Slavery was not born out of racism: rather, racism was the consequence of slavery” (7). The author proves this fact by describing the historical development of slavery; in this essay, a similar attempt at proving the thesis will be done. First of all, Is...

Integration of Gender Equality in Organizational Management

Modern economies have adopted liberal practices aimed at improving stakeholder value among profit-making entities. Developed regions, such as North America, Europe, and East Asia, have adopted contemporary approaches to ensure sustainable profitability (Gupta et al., 2019). Management officials and the workforce benefit from professional experience and networks which accompany lucrative...

Interpersonal Relations: One Cent Ethical Dilemma

What actions do you recommend Rajah take about his concerns with respect to the new one-cent-in-change policy? There are several important factors to consider in this situation. Rajah should check whether the policy is a part of the overall company strategy or it is the initiative of his regional manager....

Sexual Assault is a Issue in the Modern Society

Introduction It needs to be said that sexual assault is the topic that has been actively discussed over the last few years. It is described as an action with a body of a person that is performed without his or her agreement. It needs to be said that it is...

Teen Pregnancy and Father Teens

Introduction Teen pregnancy is common in the United States as teens are increasingly having sex before 16. Notably, since the responsibility lies equally with teen mothers and teen fathers, there is a need to develop government programs to inform and support father teens. Besides, to reduce the incidence of unwanted...

“An Argument Against Banning Phthalates” by Juan Lucas

Introduction The essay “An Argument Against Banning Phthalates by Juan Lucas” espouses caution and logical thinking when it comes to the push for banning phthalates from their use in children’s toys, in particular for babies. While Lucas does not outright point it out, the main logical fallacy in the anti-phthalate...

Prejudice Against Welfare Mothers

Human beings tend to generate preconceived notions about others, often to their detriment, despite insufficient information: this is more commonly referred to as prejudice. While the word may have negative connotations, prejudice is innate in human beings and is born from the ability to observe and make deductions from stimuli...

Old Age Limits on Driving Privileges

Attentiveness and response to circumstances are said to significantly vary with age. Older people are characterized by a slower response to circumstances as compared to younger individuals. Research has established that the older category of people is not likely to register a response as fast as young people would. The...

The Essence of the Empty Shopping Cart

Introduction Photovoice offers the community leaders and policy makers with an opportunity to gain insight regarding the interests and the needs of a certain population. Photovoice is an engagement tool that provides a springboard for action, either through the population involved, by the local authorities and well-wishers, or together in...

The Role of Violence in King Leopold’s Ghost

In 1865, king Leopold II ascended the throne of Belgium – a small country, surrounded by the influential European empires. Therefore, throughout his reign, the king was obsessed with gaining a colony. Indeed, the European countries entered the new era of intensified industrial expansion, with personal profit and immediate enrichment...

The Importance of Ethics in Different Fields

Bharat Reddy, M., & Jagannathame, A. (2019). Ethics in media: An overview. International Journal of Scientific Research and Review, 7(5), 1663-1674. Web. The article focuses on the importance and overall societal need of free media as a vehicle of disseminating objective and accurate information. The purpose of the paper is...

Communication and Personality in Negotiation

To get a dream car at the lowest price possible negotiation at the car mart is a must. Negotiation refers to a dialogue between two people (the buyer and the seller) to get to an agreed price of an item. People tend to take negotiation for granted but it is...

Providing the Argument Against Abortion

In his writing, Russell Baker questions the argument against abortion that is associated with the fact that every aborted child may become a great composer, an artist, or some other prominent person. A similar story is often cited by the opponents of abortion, arguing that Beethoven’s mother was sick with...

Fetus Abnormality and Morality of Abortion

Generally, there are various theories which have been used to determine the fetus’s moral status. Each of them has a significant impact on the choices taken by people. They affect the worldview of individuals, especially when faced with challenging issues. The essay aims at discussing theories utilized by Jessica, Marco,...

Social Protection for Indigenous Children

Applying lessons from the U.S. Indian Child Welfare Act to recently passed federal child protection legislation in Canada. Indigenous children are overrepresented in child protection systems in the United States and to an even greater degree in Canada. Canada has recently passed federal child welfare legislation, Bill C-92, with the...

Effective Communication: Nonverbal Communication

Successful communication is one of the most essential but challenging processes. It is crucial to know some practices and details to communicate easily and effectively. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and explain nonverbal communication and the process of listening. Then, the factors that impede good listening, some...

An Exploration of the Abortion Debate

Introduction The abortion debate has always been particularly interesting to me, as various groups of people choose to view the issue differently. Especially the question of whether abortion should be the choice of a woman or not allowed at all, its morality, religious interpretation, and its effect on a woman’s...

Child Abuse and Ways for Its Elimination

Introduction In the twenty-first century, terrifying customs, cultural norms, and social problems that degrade human dignity, health, and life still exist in the world. Although these issues are all consequences of a person’s personal choice, many of them are also supported by law or cultural and religious characteristics of the...

The Link Between Culture and Substance Abuse

The juvenile justice and the adolescent treatment systems have various linkages that can be looked at for long-term sustainability. A linkage between various serving agencies is one of the most notable system linkages. As far as system linkages are concerned, building positive relationships are always existent between the two. This...

Landmark Studies in Psychology and Ethical Concerns

Introduction In the execution of analysis, ethics applies to the proper rules of procedure. Persons have a legal duty to avoid damage to study participants. The landmark studies in psychology mentioned the episode of “Redefining the reality: the intellectual Implications of Modern Science” will be considered unethical in modern days....

Nurse Bullying: Unprofessional Conduct

Bullying in workplaces comprises of deeds that directly bring forth emotional effects directed to a person over a given period. It is prevalent in the healthcare sector and acts as a menace to peer associations. It also impacts the rates of attrition and turnover in nursing (Meires, 2018). Bullying can...

Religious Discrimination at the Workplace

Along with the ethnic and gender identities, religious ones are likely to be stigmatized at the workplace due to stereotyping. There are many documented cases regarding discrimination against specific religious groups. For instance, Christians are stereotyped as close-minded and naïve, Jewish – as disloyal and greedy, Muslims – as menacing...

“Gender Gap in Academic Seminar Questions” by Pells

The gender gap is not confined to a specific area since it occurs everywhere, especially in educational institutions. The researchers noticed that the number of men who asked questions at the seminars exceeded that of women. This educational imbalance is an issue as it impedes general student performance. According to...

“Racial Inequality, at College and in the Workplace” by Johnson

Despite the intentions to create an equal and unbiased society, many modern Americans still experience serious challenges based on racial or gender inequalities. These themes are frequently discussed in current studies and analyzed by journalists and scientists. In sociological investigation, people not only share their observations and results but explain...

Prostitution in the United States

Prostitution is a situation whereby a woman decides to practice underproductive sex to be paid in return (Prostitution is not a choice, n.d., para.1). People usually decide to become sexual objects to anyone who can pay them in return. Women are the highest placed victims of prostitution in the world....

Ending Racial Bias and Bureaucracy Within Police

The problem of racial bias within the police department has been an issue of concern both for the general public and policymakers. One of the recent and notorious deaths of an African American citizen George Floyd that was perpetrated by officer Derek Chauvin has reinvigorated public debates regarding racism and...

Abortions: Pro-Choice vs. Pro-Life

The issue of abortions has always been a controversial one leading to multiple clashes between irreconcilable ideologies. Despite the recent trend of decline in the use of the procedures, the discussion remains valid (Jones & Jerman, 2017). There are certain critical social and economic situations in which a mothers decision...

Bullying: A Concern for Modern Communities and Educational Establishments

Introduction Bullying is usually associated with aggression and abuse of power. It can occur regardless of social status or income; however, there lies a direct connection between bullying incidents and poor parenting. A significant number of these incidents occur within educational establishments. Bullying takes many forms, such as physical, verbal,...

A Review Essay “In Search of Respect” and “Dorm Room”

Introduction The “war against illicit drugs in the United States has led to more questions than answers” (Hendricks and Wilson 2). Contreras believes strongly that “the war has led to numerous inequalities among different racial groups in the country” (24). The law enforcement practices and criminal systems have been targeting...

Plantation Slavery in Louisiana

The period of slavery in the United States is one of the darkest periods in the history of the country, associated with the humiliation and misfortune that befell black people. For learning about these events, it is best to turn to the words of direct witnesses to slavery. The purpose...

Aspects of Sociological Imagination

Introduction To increase the general awareness of social questions, students should share relevant information with others who do not access this knowledge. If I had an opportunity to teach my friends and family members one particular idea, I would choose the sociological imagination. I consider it an exciting phenomenon that...

Gender Inequality Articles by Beaumont vs. Eigenberg

The article written by Elizabeth Beaumont reveals how gender-based biases impact an individual’s behavior, which in turn spreads inequality. The author explained that there is a gendered cycle of inequality endorsed by laws and policies which undermines multiple opportunities and discriminates against one sex. Gender-based disparities result in severe legal...

The Great Explanation of the Notions of Bourdieu

There are four basic concepts introduced by a popular French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the video item “Pierre Bourdieu: Introduction”. These basic concepts are Capital, Field, Habitus, and Symbolic Violence. These concepts help to explain the structure of the world and the nature of power. There are four kinds of...

Social Control Theory: Informal Control Issue

Informal control is important in fostering a proactive communal coexistence. Reflectively, the process consists of a structured human control system that incorporates all the aspects of human living. Thus, this reflective treatise attempts to explicitly review the implications of theories emphasizing informal social controls on family issues such as dual-income...

Smartphone as Contributing Factor for Loneliness

The unprecedented development of modern technologies has utterly transformed people’s lives, introducing numerous previously unforeseeable opportunities and creating some unique challenges. These changes have made daily routine easier, relieving people of their tiring household duties and allowing them to have more spare time. Still, the most influential invention was the...

Vulnerabilities Associated With Homelessness

Introduction Due to social status, homeless people in the US are vulnerable to health problems compared to people who are drawn from high socio-economic status. Many homeless persons also tend to belong to low socio-economic families (Johnson & Haigh, 2012). Ensuring good health for such persons calls for the creation...

Catholic Culture vs. Deaf Culture

Cultures define humans because they dictate how a group conducts its activities and how its members interact based on beliefs and traditions. Although in some instances an individual has the liberty to decide whether to belong to a particular culture or not, it is not always the case. For instance,...

Drugs and Crime Committed Under the Influence

Three commonly abused substances and their effects It is with no doubt that a sizable number of people engage themselves in illicit utilization of substance for both personal and commercial use. The most frequently abused substances are cocaine, heroin and PhenylCyclohexylPiperidine (shortened as PCP). These substances normally have different business...

Subjective and Objective Description of Experience

The perception of human life as a series of experiences as follows from the sociological model proposed by Alfred Schutz implies the division into “subjective” and “objective” modes of their interpretation. Thus, the former is presented by social action contrasted by the world as the environment in which this action...

Substance and Alcohol Misuse among Adolescents

Substance and alcohol misuse among adolescents is a considerable bother for the US healthcare system. Since adolescence is commonly known as a time for experimentation, substance use disorder (SUB) and alcohol abuse are often rooted in the period (Beaton, Shubkin, & Chapman, 2016). In order to address the problem, I...

Heroin Addicts. “Righteous Dopefiend” by Bourgois & Schonberg

Righteous Dopefiend by Philippe Bourgois and Jeff Schonberg is an ethnography following several homeless heroin addicts in San Francisco’s Edgewater Boulevard (not the real name of the area) between 1994 and 2006. The book starts by describing its primary subjects and the area they inhabit, immediately establishing them as persons...

Whiteness: Segregation and Gentrification

In any developed society, there is a problem of social inequality and an unbalanced distribution of spaces. Discovering the connection between social and spatial inequalities is considered a vital issue. Historically, the gentrification of poor urban areas may have been carried out by the white population through the oppression of...

Combating the Local Drug Distribution in Missouri

In times of the raging opioid epidemic and increased recreational drug use, the local police departments need more money and manpower to address the rising challenge. Although young people in Missouri tend to avoid binge drinking, cigarette, and alcohol use, the illicit drug abuse of marijuana, cocaine, inhalants, and meth...

Mirzoeff’s Discussion of Sexuality

Introduction A significant social and cultural transformation of sexuality and associated concepts of gender and sex can be observed in modern society. According to Mirzoeff (2014), the belief that “biological sex predicates gender, which … dictates the choice of the opposite gender as a sexual partner – turns out to...

How Risk Determines Identity and Social Development

Introduction Several sociological theories have tried to address the impact of risk in molding individuals, as well as determining social development in communities. In the attempt to investigate various theories to this effect; this paper shall conclusively analyze positions taken by three leading thinkers: Deborah Lupton, Frank Furedi, and Zygmunt...

Consequences of Using LSD as a Therapeutic Agent

Over the past decades, scientists and psychologists all over the planet have conducted a variety of studies concerning LSD. The uncontrolled use of the hallucinogen has impacted nearly all areas of society, including religion, politics, and the art industry. The research confirms that hallucinogens can be beneficial for curing psychological...

History of Childbirth in the Developed World

Childbirth is considered an immensely important but also distinctively painful and challenging experience. There is a hypothesis associated with childbirth becoming more complicated for humans when they began farming. Without the lack of available medical solutions, childbirth in the past was challenged by improper handling and the absence of knowledge...

Issues in Prisoners’ Reintegration Into the Communities

Introduction In the correctional system, reentry refers to processes that surround prisoners’ returning to the community after being released. Time spent at correctional facilities can have profound influences on a person’s behaviors, values, and psychological well-being, and such changes can create barriers to resocialization after imprisonment. Common obstacles to successful...

Challenges Faced by Huffman and the Way Forward

From the enlightenment period up to the modern era, activists from all around the world have been fighting for the recognition of human rights and equality for all. Given the effort that has been put to fight for this course, it is unfortunate that there are still individuals, organizations, and...

Fear Appeals and Binge Drinking

Binge drinking refers to the excessive consumption of alcohol with the aim of getting drunk over a limited time. This form of alcohol abuse is mostly associated with young people. That is adolescents and young adults. It is considered as a form of having fun mostly during the festive season....