Actus Reus: Definition

Actus reus in simple term means the “guilty act”. Actus reus, in other words, can denote liability for doing something. Majority of crimes believed to have two essential ingredients: “the mens rea” and the “actus reus”. In several criminal litigations, government attorney has to prove actus reus only and these...

Close Reading and Analysis: Layli Long Soldier’s “38”

Layli Long Soldier’s “38” is an interesting case of writing in many respects. First and foremost, while it mostly follows the grammatical and syntactical conventions of formal English, it emphasizes these choices specifically and explains their meaning instead of leaving them “as is.” Apart from that, even though the text...

Personal Identity: The Key Aspects

Parfit’s Response to Reid The teleportation analogy supports Locke’s view on the transferability of consciousness. Parfit implies that someone existing now is the same person if he remembers the earlier person’s thoughts, actions, or experiences. It contradicts Reid’s objection that identity is logically transitive; a person comes into being, exists...

Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD): Flow Chart

IHD is a condition that results to distress in the heart due to a lack of enough blood supply. It is also referred to as coronary illness and is a major cause of death worldwide, including in Australia (Indraratna et al., 2020). The ailment results when the blood starts to...

History of Post WWII

Introduction The post WWII years turned to be rather challenging for the world. It became the beginning of the new era of global development, including the escalating confrontation between Soviet and Imperialistic blocks, the beginning of the Cold War with its détentes and escalations. The invention of missile weapons led...

Types of Portfolios and Models of Teaching

Special Challenges Associated With Effective Communication Using Grades Educators encounter unique challenges with standardized grading systems in practice. Notably, teachers often find it difficult to understand and apply current guidelines for using standardized grading systems effectively. They have to provide an accurate and fair reflection of the learner’s current level...

Spinal Cord Injury: Field-Fote’s Research

Introduction According to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center, more than ten thousand cases of spinal cord injuries occur each year.1 The figure is higher if the reported cases include those who succumb to spinal cord injuries or SCIs at the scene of the accident.1 Vehicular accidents account for...

Chapters 2 and 9 of “Sociology of Globalization” by Smith

The reading of Chapters 2 and 9 in the book Sociology of Globalization (edited by Keri Smith) has removed the last remaining doubts in my mind, as to the fact that there is nothing accidental about the ongoing “decline of the West” – the process that during the recent decade...

GMOs and the American Diet

Introduction I am proposing to research the presence of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the American diet. I want to find out about any potential health impacts on obesity in order to help my readers understand whether GMOs should continue to be actively included in food production. Despite the benefits...

Organization Behavior Within a Criminal Justice Setting

Workers’ behavior, performance and attitude otherwise organization behavior highly determines the efficiency and the effectiveness of an organization. This therefore, points out that factors that influence organizational behavior are the influences and inherent values that make up the work environment. Among these factors are leadership, culture, systems, and several other...

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How Banks Suffer Losses After a Borrower Fails

Introduction The investment market has been affected by economic crisis. This has led to the occurrence of many unavoidable losses. This has mainly occurred in banks where many loan borrowers have problem in paying back their debts forcing the bank to sell the security at loss. These specific problems faced...

Contemporary Issues in School Curriculum

Issues of Homosexuality and the School Curriculum The United States has been struggling to implement the civil rights that were fought for and that addressed issues of discrimination for various reasons sexual orientation being one of them. NCATE which stands for National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education has...

Comparative Analysis “A Rose for Emily” and “Short Days, Dog Days”

Introduction Writers Marlin Barton and William Faulkner did not pay much attention to the detailed description of their characters, which is justified by the limited scope of their work. The primary source of perception of the nature of the central figures is the author’s descriptions of their way of thinking...

Export-Led Growth & Import Substitution Industrialisation

‘Export-Led Growth’ Model The export-led growth model was widespread in the late 1970s, especially in Latin America, when it substituted the other paradigm that was predominant for thirty years after World War II. Export-led growth aims to develop productive capacity by concentrating on the markets from abroad (Allen, 2001). It...

Diet and Nutrition Trends

Introduction After a 3-day exercise (1st Oct to 3rd Oct 2015) of tracking and recording my food intake, I was able to generate three reports: a daily food log for the three days, an intake versus goals report and a macronutrients ranges report. An overview of the reports revealed interesting...

People of the Bayou Cajun Life in Lost America

This book gives the story of a vanishing culture in an affectionate way. It also tries to maintain their culture despite the influence of a pre-dominant culture. The book gives a closer look to the day to day life of this culture; you begin to feel their triumphs and challenges....

The Problem of Obesity: Weight Management

Obesity is now a significant public health issue around the world. Fast frequency and associated comorbidities such as type 2 diabetes, cardiac conditions, stroke, and metabolism are the main factors. This is to mention only a few. Weight gain and decreased body fat, and changes in fat composition and distribution...

Captive Insurance as a Risk Management Tool

There are several ways that an organization can transfer its risks through commercial insurance in the insurance market. This includes catastrophe bonds, collateralized reinsurance, large deductible plans, weather-based derivatives, risk retention groups, sidecars, and captives. Traditionally, many companies and business organizations manage risk by transferring it to the insurance company....