AIDS, Hepatitis A, Influenza A in Miami, Florida

AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a slowly progressing disease, which occurs as a result of the human immune system’s damage made by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV pandemic continues for more than 30 years worldwide. It was identified in 1984 after the discovery of human retroviruses. In...

Workplace Racism in Public Service Organization

Problem Description Introduction The selected organization for this case operates within the public service sector. The firm has been performing dismally within the past two years. The leaders at the firm have taken long to understand the reason why the quality of services has been declining. The leaders in the...

Food Choices in Food Deserts: Sociological Analysis

The selected research is focused on the investigation of factors impacting healthy dietary habits and the availability of healthy food for individuals, with the authors conducting the study revealing that limited financial resources remain the central problem associated with so-called food deserts. Considering the outstanding importance of fresh products and...

“The Lottery” a Short Story by Shirley Jackson

For the success of the writer’s intention, a number of literary devices play a decisive role. One of those devices is the narrative point of view, a term used to define the perspective, or the point from which the narrator of the literary piece views everything that takes place in...

Common Sense vs. The Declaration of Independence

The War of Independence marked an important period in the history of the United States when first colonies declared their freedom from the British Empire. Although it might be hard to imagine it today, many people were initially opposed to an organized rebellion against Great Britain. In 1776, this fact...

“Collective Victimhood and Social Prejudice” by Giorgos

Summary of the Source A critical analysis of events during the Second World War demonstrates that anti-Semitism was an excuse that was used by some of the European powers to eliminate people they considered outsiders. In this book, the author describes the anti-Semitism attitudes based on the Theory of Scapegoating....

Snooze Restaurant’s Sous Chef Training

Introduction The following Snooze Thesis represents the overall experience of training for a sous chef position in the Snooze restaurant. In general, I should state that within the period of the training program, I improved my skills in various spheres. These spheres include my experience as a sous chef as...

Social Institutions Maintaining Inequality Systems

Social institutions are essential to any society because they govern, guide, and serve the people. Therefore, the life of an individual is strongly influenced by diverse institutions while it is not always noticed or evident. Institutions can be defined as social organizations that are characterized by established behavior patterns arranged...

Pret a Manger Company’s Foreign Entry Mode Selection

Introduction It is argued that a company should employ comprehensive and efficient expansion strategies if it strives to maintain a sustainable growth in the future. In the case under consideration, Pret A Manger, a British fast food restaurant chain, is the subject of the discussion of an appropriate foreign market...

Walmart Returning Legitimate Weapons on Counters

Summary of Resolution The current socio-economic situation in the United States implements civil rights to free possession and carrying of weapons. In particular, Americans throughout the country have the right to possess short and long barrels, rifled or smooth-bore guns, as well as semi-automatic ones. At the same time, retailers...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Inherit the Wind” the Movie by Stanley Kramer

Introduction Spirituality and scholarship, seemingly two irreconcilable sides when discussing the origins of humankind, have come surprisingly close over the last century and merged to produce a fascinating combination of ideas inside people’s minds. Christianity, as one of the major religions in the world and the USA, thus plays a...

Nursing Development: Inter-Professional Collaboration in Healthcare

Introduction Continuous improvement of healthcare services with the application of evidence-based practices is crucial for better patient outcomes delivery. For this purpose, nursing leaders are responsible for timely addressing the drawbacks in the staff’s work and adhering to new regulations. Hospital re-admission and poor nursing care are the most significant...

Settings in Bollywood Cinema: “Bobby” Movie

There are many reasons for people to love and hate Bollywood. Annually, Bollywood introduces about one thousand feature movies and hundreds of short films.1 On the one hand, the quality, motives, and the development of the events seem to be predictable, not interesting, or even boring. On the other hand,...

Productive Ward Program for Quality Improvement

Increased job stress is a characteristic feature of many care facilities, which is largely experienced by nurses in their daily practices. A lack of proper management of triggering factors as well as an imbalance between necessary care quality and staff training create an additional threat of burnout (Gulavani & Shinde,...

Historical Art in Middle Ages and Classical Periods

Abstract In this paper two historical art periods are discussed and analyzed to establish their creativity as a continuation of the earlier time. Middle Ages historical art came before the Classical period. Their relations and similarities are also looked in to explain the purpose of continuity and deviation from their...

Veterans Affairs Healthcare System: Marketing Research and Segmentation

Introduction The Healthcare system is one of the most important facilities in society. Being the marketing representative at a local hospital, the Veterans Affairs Healthcare System is the main focus of the activity provided. Act as the marketing representative, the statistical data should be analyzed to consider whether the services...

Effective Public Relations in the Fashion Industry

Public relations play a crucial role in the modern world because they have a great impact on the perceptions and attitudes of potential buyers. Public relations perform the necessary functions of informing and persuading, which are both complementary and conflicting. Consumers want it to guide their consumption decisions in an...

FedEx Analysis: Tows Matrix Principle

TOWS Matrix indicates threats opportunities, weaknesses, and, strengths and illustrate the scope of business to facilitate the external threats and opportunities comparing with internal weakness and strengths. As a market leader with brand value, innovative technology, FedEx enjoys its strength by modernization of services and capturing global market. Here high...

The American Economy Nowadays

Introduction The slow performance of the U.S economy was brought about by the turmoil in the housing sector which led to businesses cutting down on investments and employment with the end result being less consumption from consumers. According to Pretcher (2010, p.2), in 2007, economic growth was at 2%. In...

Formation of Sexual Identity, Sexual Customs and Gender Bodies

Introduction The role and position of women and men in society changed from one historic period to another. This change was predetermined by different social, economic, political, and other reasons. Nowadays, we may observe that in different communities’ women and men are treated differently. Of course, one of the most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Lessons From Transition Economies

Introduction “Subsidiary Roles, vertical linkages and economic development: Lessons from transition economies,” by Bjo¨rn Jindra, Axe le Giroud, and Joanna Scott-Kennel is an interesting article that provides information concerning the vertical supply chains, foreign subsidiaries, as well as, foreign firms (Alfaro & Rodrı´guez-Clare, 2004). According to the authors, technological competencies...

Airgas Final Investigation Report: Case Study

The purpose of an investigation report is not only to examine the possible causes of an incident but also to make evident the potential solutions that will prevent further complications from happening. Following a set of established rules and standards, the authors of a report are capable of pinpointing the...

Racial Inequality in the Job Market of the U.S.

Racial disparities are evident in the United States as portrayed through the ever-increasing wealth gap between blacks and whites. Inequality is mostly experienced in the areas of income, education, and asset ownership especially ownership of homes. In the US, adult whites are more likely to own a house and access...

John Watson and the “Little Albert” Experiment

John Watson is considered to be the founder of behaviorism, a psychological theory that focuses on visible behavior while diminishing the notion of consciousness (Malone, 2014). He firmly believed that every human has the same set of reflective responses, which can be influenced by the use of a process called...

Opioid Crisis Policy in the United States

Introduction The opioid crisis in the United States is the term used to explain the addiction to analgetics that leads to substance abuse disorders and is a cause of thousands of deaths due to overdose. This issue requires policy action from communities since the government and the market system were...

A Family Crisis the Situation in Michael’s Family

The situation that has taken place in Michael’s family is a representation of the misunderstanding, miscommunication, and dismissal of the feelings and the concerns of a child. The revelation that the boy has made to his parents has caught them off-guard because they were raising their children within a Christian...

Analysis of “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Amy Tan’s “Mother Tongue” presents a narrative between the author and her mother (470). The story tells of the conflicts and discrepancies between the US and Chinese cultures. The author employs the writing approach to discuss the two cultures since she is convinced that language acts as a powerful tool....

Manifesto: the Coronavirus, Technologies, and Unity

Today, the world passes through turbulent times. People in every region know about the danger of COVID-19 or coronavirus that can become lethal. We can now witness how the world changes and adapts to the new conditions to face all challenges, survive, and continue its evolution. I am sure that...

The Precinct 3 Contest in Harris County

County Commissioner’s position is an essential office in Harris Region; therefore, winning Precinct 3 election is obligatory. The office upholds the Canton’s decision-making capacity, and as the State’s most populous County, the race to the office is highly contested by aspirants who are determined to win. Considering that nearly half...

The Birth of American Advertising

With today’s unprecedented growth of consumerism as a common lifestyle, advertisement has moved far beyond its initial definitions. According to scholars, the very idea of advertising appeared centuries ago with the rapid development of goods exchange where the proposal for the product must have been convincing enough to sell it...

Factors That Edify the Outcome of Presidential Election

The recent presidential election indeed appeared to be one of the most extremely divisive, contentious, and controversial polls in the history of the US. However, the likelihood of President Trump winning or losing the battle was influenced by several contentious issues, and events that happened before the recent election illuminated...

The Role of Social Media Tools in Crisis Response and Recovery

Emergencies consist of natural disasters such as floods, fire, cyclones, and earthquakes as well as other man-made disasters, including terrorism and riots. In the last decade, these events have become a common phenomenon (Ghosh et al., 2018). During these disasters, one of the most challenging activities is to acquire relevant...

Medical Devices Decontamination

In any health institution, the most fundamental thing is the quality health care provision to patients and safe work environment to its workers. Decontamination of medical equipments is proving to be a substantial challenge to health professionals thus makes it difficult to prevention and control of nosocomial infections. This has...

United States SWOT Analysis

Introduction Presently, the United States is experiencing an indefinite period in its history, which is characterized by various significant domestic and international issues, including the impending global crisis, social protests, and coronavirus pandemic. In this regard, to bring the state to a new level of economic and social development, a...

George Washington: An Effective and Intelligent Leader

The service and combat activity of military people requires a complex of certain qualities. They, forming the professional structure of their personality, are, at the same time, the basis of leadership in a team. The most important of them include high intelligence, determination, psychoanalysis and reflection, stress resistance, and emotional...

Shakespeare’s Othello Movie Adaptation Overview and Social Relevance

Introduction Theatrical and cinematic adaptations of classic plays may differ from writers’ vision and intentions. Oliver Parker’s movie based on Shakespeare’s Othello is an example of what happens when a classical literary work is altered to fit into mainstream cinema’s characteristics. Parts of the play beloved by Shakespeare’s readers were...

Combating Arsenic Contamination in Water

Introduction As the surface of the earth is covered with 70 % of water, it looks like a blue ball from far above. The well known fact is that water is the most valuable natural resource that exists and without which survival of life is impossible. About 97 % of...

Decreasing the Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Abstract Ventilator-associated pneumonia is a common nosocomial infection that occurs in patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). It is associated with increased mortality of up to 70%. VAP is defined as pneumonia that occurs 48 hours after admission in those patients put on mechanical ventilation. We elaborate the...

Trappings of Marriage in Chopin’s “The Story of an Hour”

Introduction and Thesis This literary analysis delves into “The Story of an Hour” by the American writer Kate Chopin. The story follows Louise Mallard, a married woman with severe heart health problems. At some point, the news surfaced that her husband had died in a railroad accident. Louise’s sister and...

Nasogastric Tube Insertion Teaching Plan

Introduction Leaders that set high achievable goals are leaders who are willing and able to take responsibility for a task through giving appropriate education or experience to nursing students as well as the nursing practitioners. A nasogastric tube is one of the most sensitive equipment that calls for great care...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Social Media in Healthcare: Building Awareness and Preventing Epidemics

Introduction Due to the ongoing technological breakthrough, social media has become part and parcel of everyday life. Furthermore, social networks have started to be viewed as the tools that can be used to improve communication processes in business and other domains of people’s lives (Kass-Hout & Alhinnawi, 2013). Healthcare is...

History of the Army National Guard

Introduction The United States National Guard, formed on December 13 in 1636, has about 400 years of history. The National Guard is a branch of the armed forces and is an organized reserve. It is subordinate to the state in which it is located and the federation. Each state has...

Review of the US First Amendment

Countries around the world treat religion differently. In some states, especially those in the Middle East and Central Asia, religion plays a central role and is inextricably linked with the states’ governments. In other nations, such as the US, the government and religion are two institutionally separated spheres. This essay...

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Modes of Transportation

Introduction According to the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics (2017), 9% of the country’s GDP is made up by transportation functions. Exports and imports account for over $860 billion annually (Bureau of Transportation Statistics, 2016). The national freight movement is also considerable and is growing alongside with the American economy....

Benefits of Tribal Tourism

The international practice of tourism has proven that this phenomenon brings a plethora of benefits for both tourists and the places they visit. The scholarly dimension provides enough extent of evidence to discuss the theme from different angles. In particular, the topic of tribal tourism through the lenses of local...

The Question of Complete Diversity

The problem of diversity of thought has always been a topical issue for societies around the world since people always tend to have their own viewpoints. Recent years have been particularly notable for the growing divisiveness and radicalism among communities espousing different ideological perspectives. Conservatives and liberals are the two...

Walmart Company’s Financial Performance

Walmart Company Walmart is “the world’s largest retail chain,” which has around “11,700 stores in 28 countries” (Marr, 2017). The strategy of the company’s network includes “the maximum range and minimum prices, which tend to be wholesale” (Marr, 2017). Walmart International is a wholesale and retail trade outside the United...

Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton Lawsuit Facts

Introduction Vernonia School District 47J v. Acton is a lawsuit in which the U.S. Supreme Court found Oregon’s student-athletes selective drug testing policy in compliance with the U.S. Constitution, particularly the Fourth Amendment. According to the results of the Court decision, before taking part in the competition, students were required...

Evaluating Crowdsourcing and Its Effects on Business

Introduction Entrepreneurs are always looking for innovative business models they can use to run their businesses effectively. For instance, a model used by many entrepreneurs is crowdsourcing, which harnesses social media’s advantages to create a profitable business. Groups of users working towards a business goal are governed by specific management...

Cybercrime From the Religious Viewpoint

Cybercrime as a concept remains a point of contest and debate among lawyers, civil servants and scientists alike. The sources cannot seem to agree on which traits a crime should have to be considered cyber, both in terms of the nature and the means of the offense committed. The annotated...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Green Technology: Comparison of Economic and Environmental Implications

Introduction Technological advancement and innovative solutions in a variety of industries worldwide drive the business trends. However, significant environmental concerns contribute new demands to the technological and business discourse by necessitating the implementation of innovative solutions to facilitate environment-friendly technologies. Indeed, the opportunities for innovation have created a unique setting...

Ethical Implications of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Introduction It is a common perception that employees’ behavior reflects a company’s values. The digital era helped many victims to obtain a way to share their adverse experiences and garner sufficient courage to push against the toxicity they were subjected to in their workplaces. With the rise of the #MeToo...

“The Lost Letters of Pergamum” Analysis: Honor and Shame

The Lost Letters of Pergamum is a collection of letters in which prominent people from the nobility and churches of the century first communicate and discuss various matters. In general, this book shows people writing letters about how Christianity gradually and appeared influenced the world around. The plot describes the...

The Santa Cruz Neighborhood in Seville, Spain

Santa Cruz is a famous site and tourist center located in the neighborhood. The site is found along the streets of Calle Tintes, Calle Vida, Calle Gloria, Calle Susona, and Calle Aire (Risso 115). The latitude and longitude coordinates of Santa Cruz are 37.3842° N and 5.9903° (Risso 116). Around...

The United Arab Emirates’ Economic Climate

The Economy of the United Arab Emirate The United Arab Emirates is amongst one of the most successful countries in the Gulf and the Middle East. It is made up of seven emirates. It lies within the Arabian Desert and covers an area of 83650 Km2 with a population of...

Sexual Health and Identity as Global Issues

Origins and Essential Information about the Issue The first question about sexual health issues was raised during the two Population Conferences in Rome in 1954 and Belgrade in 1965. However, the participants of the conferences were predominantly concerned with the demographics and control of the population growth. They believed that...

The Russian Revolution of 1917 From the Perspective of Claude Anet

The Russian Revolution of 1917, which coincided with the late stages of the devastating First World War, was one of the most notable political crises of the entire century. Although the revolutionaries succeeded in deposing the Tsar and creating a weak coalition government by March, grave economic and social problems...

The Movie “Gran Torino” by Clint Eastwood

Introduction Representing a generation through the depiction of a single character is a challenging task. In his movie Gran Torino, Clint Eastwood has played an exceptional role that reveals how changes in one’s cultural environment can cause a person to change their views on societal cohesion. In the example of...

Determination of the Heat Capacity of a Substance

The use of instrumental methods of analysis enhances the laboratory capabilities of researchers and directly or indirectly measures important characteristics of substances. This takes on a special meaning when instrumental methods of analysis are used to identify an unknown substance qualitatively. The analysis is unlikely to name the unknown compound...

Mass Media Impact on Stereotype Creation

Introduction Modern society is often affected by a variety of stereotypes that could expose inequality and discrimination. Therefore, the majority of stereotypes coming from the mass media field cannot be considered neutral. The prevalence of cultural, political, and psychological factors makes it exceptionally hard to fight stereotypical thinking and poorly...

Moral Traits’ Importance and Rationality by Haidt

Introduction It is expected to observe some meaning in most human decisions and actions, and different political, social, and religious approaches might be applied to find explanations. Jonathan Haidt is a famous American social psychologist who introduces a solid analysis of morality and moral emotions through the prism of politics...

Researching of Obesity in Florida

Problems in the Community Obesity is a complicated health problem that arises due to various individual factors and causes, such as genetics and behavior. The latter include physical inactivity, activity, medication use, and dietary patterns. It is important to note that physical activity and food environments, food promotion and marketing,...

Gregor’s Behavior in “The Metamorphosis” by Kafka

The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka is a true classic of fiction of the early twentieth century. However, it is underestimated because of the abundance of symbols that many readers do not understand. The novel was written in 1912 and implied as a part of a compilation called Punishments, along with...

Tesla’s Carbon Footprint Issue

Introduction In the modern world, societies expect a business organization that operates within the regions to be accountable for the impacts associated with their practices in the given environment. The act of being responsible is no longer considered a business activity but rather a demand driven by customers. Tesla is...

Medical Ethics: The Importance of Autonomy

In the medical field, many ethical issues are unique to the practice. Some ethical issues have been debated on where the cause for concern originated. The most common ethical dilemma in the medical field is autonomy in medical ethics. Autonomy in medical ethics refers to the responsibility of medical practitioners...

Navigating Growth Challenges: A Case Study of Columbia Corporation

Introduction Many new companies always experience a slow start, but after some time, they enjoy a period of rapid growth. The growth is attributed to acquiring more customers and increasing profit levels. Torn between maintaining their products’ quality and expanding the product volume, the companies are left in difficult situations....

The Major Issues Facing the Air Cargo Industry

In the context of the accelerated growth of the air cargo industry and security concerns, coordinated and collective actions of customs authorities are essential. Moreover, the civil aviation authorities, and other stakeholders at the international and regional levels are of great importance for the creation of a reliable, safe and...

Blair Doctrine from Moral Perspective

Most wars involve land interests. The idea of war as a rescue of people in danger of a humanitarian catastrophe might seem noble. However, what are the criteria that allow one nation to interfere with another hiding behind the idea to help? In the middle of the Kosovo conflict, the...

“Our Town” a Play by Thornton Wilder

In his theatrical masterpiece, Our Town, Thornton Wilder dramatically focuses on three essential stages of human life, namely birth, marriage, and death. The first part of the play describes the daily lives of human people in a family or a community. The second act highlights the importance of relationships/companionship among...

Tennessee Williams’ Play “A Streetcar Named Desire”

The mastery of a writer can make the readers sympathize for the characters’ destinies and their overcoming many difficulties in life according to the writer’s intentions but in spite of the traditional opinions and prevalent public’s visions. Blanche DuBois is the main character of Tennessee Williams’ play A Streetcar Named...

American and South Korean Business Cultures

Culture and environment affect institutions and their management in several ways. Technological advancements have allowed individuals from different cultures and backgrounds to work and communicate together. This experience appears to be both exciting to some and frustrating to the other. Some individuals find it hard to adjust to both the...

Water Quality and Contamination

Water safety is a primary concern for many people not only in America but globally. The development of residential and industrial properties in water-catchment areas and close to waterways has triggered widespread water contamination thus limiting access to clean and safe drinking water (Goncharuk, 2014). Consequently, there has been a...

Banner Health Network: Quality Improvement

Banner Health is a healthcare network that provides services to the population across several states. It is one of the biggest employers in the country, and it has a network of 23 institutions in different cities (Banner Health Network, n.d.). In addition, the company offers varied health care facilities. Importantly,...

A. Fadiman’s “The Spirit Catches You and You Fall”

Anne Fadiman, in her book The Spirit, Catches You and You Fall Down, tells the story of a child whom doctors and nurses treated from convulsions. The book revealed the conflict between the child’s parents and the health care specialists of a medical institution in the United States. This writing...

Social Media Policies and Code of Conduct

Introduction The modern era of social networking has transformed the manner in which many people share information. Social networks have revolutionised both the external and internal aspects of many organisations. Social networking has also transformed the nature of communication in many firms (Wang & Kobsa, 2013). This discussion therefore identifies...

Local, State and Federal Law Enforcement in the US

Local Law Enforcement Local law enforcement derives its authority from its governing body in the district where it is located. It maintains the responsibility of enforcing laws of their jurisdiction, investigating criminal violations, and providing protection or patrol in the area (“Types of law enforcement agencies,” n.d.). A sheriff’s office...

NCO Staff and the Outcome of Current Operations

Every commander is in a position to make decisions regarding the course of military operations. However, due to the scope and complexity of military operations, the commander relies on their staff to assist them in the decision-making process by providing relevant information about current operations and their possible outcomes. Staff...

Implementation of the IOM Future of Nursing

Background of the Research that Led to the IOM Report The strategic partnership between the Institute of Medicine (IOM) and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) led to the launch of the “Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health” report. During the initial phases of the research, the two agencies...

The Human Beings’ Psychological Conception

In his book, The Robot’s Rebellion, Stanovich argues that the conception of the human being can be built on the foundation of neuroscience, cognitive science, philosophy of mind, and the central insights of modern Darwinism (3). Therefore, understanding the human being requires more than one perspective. The reason for this...

Clinical Problem: Nurses’ Burnout at Work

Introduction The clinical problem that will be examined in this paper is nurses’ burnout at work and the efficiency of stress strategies that nurses use to reduce the impact of burnout on their practice. Although a wide range of literature covers burnout in nurses and its consequences, it rarely discusses...

Effectiveness in Personal Mastery

Personal Mastery Definition In the contemporary world of business, leadership is growing more complex and flexible. The skills of a successful leader are linked to a broad scope of factors some of which people can inherit as aspects of their personalities and characters, and some can be learned and developed...

CEMEX Company’s Effective Training Strategy

Abstract This paper deals with an effective training strategy at CEMEX. The strategy will cover such areas as customer service, technology, leadership, sustainability, communication, and special attention will be paid to diversity. The training will be held with the use of a constructivist approach and return driven strategy. Technology will...

Crisis and Civil War Events in Nigeria

Introduction The events of the Nigerian Civil War unfolded within 30 months, from July 1967 to January 1970. The war brought a large-scale humanitarian crisis to the Biafra region, resulting in between 1 and 3 million civilian deaths from hostilities, disease, and starvation (“Biafra War,” 2016). The main opposing forces...

Social Media Applications in the Fashion Sector

Introduction The application of social media in the fashion sector has ensured that average consumers and would-be customers have considerable interaction with high-end clothing, retailers, fashion designers, shoes, and fashion houses. Social media has created new advertisement platforms that enable fashion houses and retailers to get to their target markets...

Science in Shelley’s “Frankenstein” and Condorcet’s Works

The celebration of human reason in science began in the 18th century. The period was also known as the Enlightenment, and the works and achievements of its brightest representatives such as Luigi Galvani, Voltaire, Erasmus Darwin, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and Immanuel Kant changed the lives of millions of people. It was...

Sex Education for 8-9-Year-Old Age Group

Introduction The formation of healthy sexual identity is an essential component of a healthy personality formation and should be to a certain extent addressed on every stage of development. The importance of sex education for children younger than adolescent tends to be underestimated while the evidence of teen pregnancies and...

The Riding Hood and Modern Society: Sexual Background

We were all growing up listening to different tales that were either retold or read to us by our parents. When young children grow older, they tend to interact more with these stories and try to fit themselves in the framework of their favorite tales. Consequently, tales are still relevant...

Virtual Water Trade and Savings in Agriculture

Increasing environmental pressures have prompted countries to seek ways of saving domestic water resources by utilizing virtual water imports. Overall, national water savings can lead to a reduction in water consumption at a global stage when areas with high water production direct their resources to areas with low water production....

Florida Health Policy and Advanced Nursing Practice

Introduction The shortage of the nursing staff is becoming more apparent with the growing population of aging people. Continuous cuts of state budgets and, as a result, hospitals’ budgets, makes people unable to access high-quality healthcare, especially when it comes to rural areas. The increased scope of nursing responsibilities is...

Sexual Harassment in the Nursing Workplace

Introduction Nurses often undergo different types of sexual harassment in the workplace. Although understanding how to curb the vice is an important topic in the nursing field, even the most experienced professionals may find it difficult to detect or even affirm its existence (Cogin & Fish, 2009). However, this difficulty...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Team-Based Approaches to Health Care

Introduction Team-based approaches to health care are central to quality improvement and cost reduction initiatives in the medical field. A well-coordinated group of specialists can quickly and comprehensively respond to surfacing issues and provide a high degree of comfort to the patient through the combination of various specialties and viewpoints....

Special-Needs Children in the “Kids” Video

The issue in this case In the video “Kids…why can’t They Be Like We Were—Perfect In Every Way” the most important issue is the inequalities faced by some people in the society. From the video, it is evident that some groups of people in society suffer from discrimination either based...

Leader’s Shadow and Leadership Talent

Introduction In my life, I have been on the lookout for an incomparable leader to shadow. One day I went shopping at one of the outlets of Mac’s Convenience Store where I met the store manager, Ramesh Thuong. From then on, I became very fond of him since any time...

Robotics in Manufacturing: Social and Ethical Implications

The field of robotics has been growing tremendously over the last three decades, as occasioned by the technological revolution of the late 20th century. The integration of robotics into the manufacturing process has changed the traditional way of production in many aspects. Currently, the cost of doing business is going...

“Mother to Son” Monologue by Langston Hughes

Introduction It should be noted that the dramatic monologue “Mother to Son” written by Langston Hughes is quite short but meaningful. The writing reveals a situation in which a mother is giving advice to her son. In addition, the woman encourages her child to not give up in the face...

“Epilogue” Poem by Robert Lowell

Analysis It is worth noting that Robert Lowell was a poet who did not use rhyme and rhythmic units to give his writings traditional sounding. Many of his works can be regarded as experimental poetry, and the author resorted to his creative method to produce the necessary impression on the...

FedEx Corporation’s Leadership Experience Interview

About the Interviewee Claude R. who is among the key financial officers of FedEx was born in Jackson. Almost eighteen years ago, he graduated from the University of Mississippi and started his career in goods delivery (FedEx, n.d.). During that period, FedEx was a young and promising company providing freight...

Culturally Competent Nursing for Asian Americans

Introduction To deliver proper healthcare services, a nurse has to be aware of culture-specific factors that affect a target group. Therefore, learning the essential components of cultural competence is critical to the management of people’s needs. For this paper, a representative of the Asian American community was interviewed and asked...

Healthcare Strategies When Treating Readmitted Patients

Research Problem/Purpose Hospitals use the rate at which patients are readmitted as a measure of the quality of care provided. However, it is not known how healthcare workers change their provision of care strategies when dealing with readmitted patients, and thus this scenario presents a nursing problem. Therefore, the purpose...

Transatlantic Slave Trade and Its Effects

Introduction The transatlantic slave trade is the forced export of African slaves from Africa to the colonies of the New World and European countries. Its beginning dates back to the middle of the 15th century, when the first Portuguese, who were led by Prince Henry the Navigator, reached the West...

The Concept of Peplau’s Theory of Interpersonal Relations

Fostering dynamic relationships between nurses and patients’ families is a matter of communication improvement as well as approaching nursing as a profession that goes far beyond treatment, prevention, and diagnosis. The specific issue that should be addressed pertains to the lack of awareness of the communicational needs of patients. The...

Ermias “Nipsey Hussle” Asghedom and His “Crenshaw”

Rapping plays a significant role in US culture because it has a huge number of fans. In their texts, artists tend to reflect on the current issues and contemporary situation in the country. Sometimes, rappers become well-known for their contribution to the local neighborhoods. Nipsey Hussle was not only one...

HIV Management in African American Residents of Houston, TX

Interview Summary The problem of HIV management has recently become one of the major points of concerns for a local health organization. Due to the drop in health literacy levels among vulnerable groups, along with restricted access to the necessary healthcare resources, the levels of HIV have risen among the...

The Idea of Leadership: “Servants of the Servant” by Don N. Howell, Jr.

Introduction «Servants of the Servant: A biblical theology of leadership» is a 2003 book by Don N. Howell, Jr. that tries to evaluate the titular concept from an unusual perspective. The trait is seen as essential for any manager and is useful for a variety of other professions, and therefore,...

“Letter from Birmingham Jail” by Martin Luther King

Racism and racial inequalities, segregation, and discrimination are the most important problems that affected American society. Letter from Birmingham Jail was written in 1963 by Martin Luther King. This Letter is addressed to all black people and racial minorities who suffered from racism and discrimination. King appeals to black people...

TiVo Inc.: Strategic Management

This paper aims to describe the industry and operating environment of such a company as TiVo Inc. In particular, it is necessary to focus on such aspects as the intensity of completion, the possibility of new entrants, the bargaining power of customers and suppliers, etc. The analysis may help to...

Career of Sound Engineer

Introduction People’s professions are usually viewed from the most known sides. Those, who treat people, are thought to be doctors, miners are considered to extract coal, and sound engineers deal with music instruments. The important part is that most people do not even guess that all professions deal with lots...

Gavin Moodie, Stella Cottrell, Pollard McHugh: Comparison

Gavin Moodie. “Follow the course of your heart’s desire” In this article, Gavin Moodie examines the factors, which influence the academic performance of students. In particular, the author focuses on motivation; he argues that in the overwhelming majority of cases, only those people, who have entered college or university to...

“The Seven Deadly Sins Are “In” and Proud of It” Review

Introduction The essay under consideration is “The Seven Deadly Sins Are “In” and Proud of It” by Howard Richler, a language journalist. This work can be referred to an academic analysis, though it does not belong to a pure formal style. The purpose of the author is not to simply...

“Stitch” by Terry Dowling

Introduction Stitch is an eye catching short story by Terry Dowling. The story is set in a home back ground of aunt Inga who is described as Bella’s Aunt and her husband. It quite a lovely old couple where ,that besides of their old age they are happy to be...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reevaluation of American Space Policy: Obama’s Decision

Introduction Reevaluation of American space policy is one of the essential parts of the Obama Administration program. President’s proposal to reorganize NASA and to cancel both Space Shuttle and Constellation programs was criticized by his opponents. Obama’s speech at Kennedy Space Center in April 2010 was aimed at providing strong...

Critical Issues in Tourism

Introduction Globalization is a term that is widely used in the in-depth study of tourism trends. Globalization is usually driven by a combination of political, economic, biological, socio-cultural, and technological factors. It enables countries to share and circulate different ideas, cultures, and languages. The effects of globalization in people traveling...

Households and Businesses: The Influence of Social Media

Over the last several decades, the world has been experiencing a lot of advancement in the field of information and technology (Randall, 2011). These developments have changed the manner in which individuals and businesses interact with each other. For instance, Web 2.0 has played a significant role in the introduction...

Prison Reform in the US

Introduction The respect and protection of human rights are essential for each State’s welfare. Both conceptions emerge from the robust enforcement system – the legislation and the execution of sentences. Currently, the federal government confirms the ineffectiveness of the current justice system. The favorable living, working, and learning conditions for...

Martin Luther King Jr.’s ”I Have a Dream” and Old Major’s in ”Animal Farm”

Should the path to equality be violent or peaceful? Many would choose the path of peace because it is moral and orderly, while equality achieved by violence is controversial and unethical. Martin Luther King Jr.’s famous speech, “I Have a Dream,” and Old Major’s speech from Animal Farm has the...

The Story “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker

Everyday Use is a short but succinct story by Alice Walker, an African American writer, and social activist. The setting takes place in the 1960s, when Mrs. Johnson and her daughters, Maggie and Dee, meet at their house. The story is saturated with the symbolism of family values and relationships,...

“Murder on the Orient Express” by Agatha Christie: Interpretation

Setting The first part of the book focuses mainly on the theme of identity and introducing the characters. The identity of the main character, Poirot, is not presented in the first chapters. Perhaps, the author used this method to emphasize his detective capabilities instead of merely stating his talent. Poirot...

Comparing Levels of the Federal Government of the USA

Introduction A budget refers to a financial plan of government expenditure that conforms to its revenue collection within a given period. Revenue denotes the money that the government raises from different sources. Expenditure refers to the manner in which the state uses the collected amount. The federal government is a...

“The Retail Revival”: A Review

Over the last decades, the conventional retail model underwent significant changes as technological advancement, globalization, and major socioeconomic shifts occurred. Currently, traditional shopping centers yield power to the Internet, and from activity in which word of mouth was authoritative, it transformed into one where influencers impact buying decisions. Doug Stephens’s...

Developing an Evaluation Plan and Disseminating Evidence

In this project, the nursing shortage problem is to be addressed through educational reforms and better pay for nurses. It is believed that higher salaries would make the profession more attractive, while the extensive financing of education will attract experienced professionals who will enhance the quality of training. On a...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Judith Jarvis Thomson’s Views on Abortion

In modern times, abortion is one of the most discussed topics in society. There are numerous arguments in favor of and against this highly controversial topic, and it continues to be one of the key points in political debates. In order to clearly express the argument, Judith Thomson has created...

Importance of Understanding Planned Change

Introduction There are number types of planned changes which occur in organizations. In analyzing these types of planned changes, two cardinal issues are put into consideration; specific areas in the organization that can be changed, and how managers can initiate and implement ideas to each category of change. The most...

Mergers and Acquisitions: Time Warner Example

Introduction Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is a corporate strategy that involves combining two or more companies to form one single corporation with an aim of expanding the operations of individual corporations in a certain industry without necessarily creating additional business entity. There is a slight difference between mergers and acquisitions...

Consumerism and Materialism

Masoom, Muhammad Rehan, and Md Moniruzzaman Sarker. “Rising materialism in the developing economy: Assessing materialistic value orientation in contemporary Bangladesh.” Cogent Business & Management 4.1 (2017): 1345049. Web. This journal article provides research into the rising materialism in the developing economy and its impact on influencing materialistic value orientation in...

Clinical Integration: The Physician Model

Modernization and improvement of the healthcare system in any country is the process that never stops. However, medical facilities face a number of different challenges while trying to achieve the goal of developing efficient approaches to healthcare services. Before deciding where to move next, managers must have a good understanding...

A Study of Drug Allergy, Iron Poisoning and Abnormal Bone Mineral Metabolism

Introduction A study of drug allergy, iron poisoning, and abnormal bone mineral metabolism after a long-term anticonvulsant treatment was conducted and the effects of each case study were verified and documented. Each case study had different effects on the life of a patient but if the condition was not checked...

“The Clarinet” by Anthony McGill and Anna Polonsky

Introduction Although a concert cannot be regarded as an everyday routine event that requires an appraisal, the critical review of an attended concert may be highly beneficial for a better understanding of music. To create an appropriate analysis of any performance, a listener will inevitably concentrate on the general atmosphere,...

A Lack of a PerFormance Problem: A Training Program

Problem A lack of a performance problem is a gap that arises when an employee does not perform to the level required by the organization. Here, a training program is designed to solve a specific performance problem identified in a firm: managers who are not being as productive as their...

The Significance of Emotional Intelligence

Introduction Emotional intelligence has recently become a popular topic for discussion among people, especially students and office workers. There are even enthusiastic supporters of EI who consider it to be of more value for t achieving personal goals and zest for life than intellectual faculties. Indeed, the so-called IQ seems...

ReDefine: Consumer Persona Analysis

ReDefine key customer is a young person who uses the internet to research and plan their travel around the world. The exact consumer can be described as an escapist and learner. As an escapist, they are thrill seeking and adventurous, always open and ready for destination and content discovering and...

The United States “Check and Balance”

Introduction The system of government in America was first tried in 1776 to demonstrate democracy and liberty. Over time the system adapted and became resilient to changes withstanding any adjustments (Block, 2004). The supreme law in America is its constitution; thus, it’s more of a federal constitutional republic than a...

Changes in Life During the COVID-19 Crisis

Introduction The current COVID-19 pandemic brought several significant issues to the lives of the global community, affecting people’s physical and mental health, countries’ economies, and political stability worldwide. Healthcare organizations and clinicians were overwhelmed by the number of patients they could not help. Furthermore, many businesses had to close at...

ABC Motor Company Consumer Behavior Proposal

Introduction The efficiency of a marketing campaign depends on how well a company understands the values, priorities, and interests of its target audience. The present research proposal describes methods of analysis of consumer behaviors of Generations X and Y in the US and China. The paper also includes the schedule...

Gerhhard Ritcher: Artist Biography

Early Years Gerhard Richter was born in Dresden in 1932, where he lived until 1961. From 1951 to 1956, he attended the Kunst Akademie Dresden, and then the Kunst Akademie Düsseldorf between 1961 until 1963. Richter is regarded as one of the essential contemporary artists. Over the previous five decades,...

The Great Pyramid of Giza: Cultural Artifact

Culture is one of the means that shape peoples’ outlook. Many places in the world are defined intricately by cultural habits that make them stand out to everyone. An excellent example of such essential cultural artifacts is the Great Pyramid at Giza. The pyramid is the greatest, oldest, and most...

Heinz and Nutrifit Advertisements: The Optical Illusions

Advertising has become an essential element of product promotion strategy in a globalized world. The first commercial advertisements were published in 1650 in England. Consequently, the advertising began to spread in the United States in 1704, also in newspapers, mainly for the purchase and sale of real estate. As their...

Comparison of Mythology: Prometheus and Loki

Examining the individual gods in the story gives us new respect for how similar Greek and Norse myths are. Many elements and qualities of Prometheus in Greek mythology and Loki in Norse mythology are the same. They both behave in the same way because they are both their own mythical...

Rational Decision-Making Model Applied to Case Study

Introduction It is hard to disagree that numerous organizations in different fields may sometimes have specific issues that prevent them from being successful in providing their clients with quality services. In such cases, the rational decision-making process is extremely important and useful as it helps the leaders to plan and...

What Went Wrong Analysis: “Frontline” Directed by Quinton Peeples

This is a 90-minute Frontline film that tries to trace back the emergence of coronavirus from China and the spread of this deadly virus across the globe. Despite several government warnings, the television program also scrutinizes how the United States was unprepared to combat the novel coronavirus. According to Martin...

Patient Navigation Initiative in Care Coordination for Chronic Diseases

The high variability of the quality of care delivery affecting mainly the uninsured, rural populations, ethnic minorities, economically challenged rural populations, and the elderly is a critical issue in the U.S. healthcare system. Chronic illnesses are the most expensive conditions to manage with regard to direct and care costs. The...

Popular Research Paper Topics

“Faith, Truth, and Tolerance in America” by Edward Moore Kennedy

Edward Moore (Ted) Kennedy was an American lawyer and politician who served as a U.S. senator from Massachusetts for nearly 47 years. His oratorical skills were known worldwide; he developed his skills as long as he was involved in political activities. Kennedy advocated economic and social equality, argued extensively about...

Sex Worker Unionization: The Main Benefits

Introduction The legalization and unionization of individuals in the sex work industry is a critical issue. There are differing opinions on whether persons providing sex services should be granted the same benefits as workers in other industries. Lack of union representation can contribute to sex workers being underpaid and not...

The Great Depression: Details, Reasons, and Effects

This slide introduces the topic. The Great Depression was a global economic recession that emerged in 1929 and remained until approximately 1939. That was the lengthiest and most intense Recession that the western Industrialized world ever saw, causing vital differences in financial institutions, fiscal policies, and macroeconomics. Despite its origins...

COVID-19 Impact on Military Supply Chain Management

Introduction The discussed topic is connected with the challenges military supply chain management faced during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and after it. Business activity decreased significantly during this period because the production line stopped and transportation between countries was challenged. As a result, managers should elaborate alternative plans...

Causes of Salem Witch Trials: Romanian Society

The Salem Witch Trials of 1692 were caused by the Puritans’ strict religious standards and their refusal to accept anything that did not conform to their interpretation of the Bible. Salem, a community in Massachusetts that Puritans mainly populated, was the location of the most extensive record of witch trials...

Drug Addiction: A Disease or a Choice?

Introduction Despite numerous attempts to address the problem, drug addiction remains a serious health concern for contemporary society. Many thousands of individuals suffer from this issue and face the high risk of reduced quality of life or death. Although there is a long history of the problem, the is still...

Metamorphic Tales: Daphne and Io’s Struggle Against Patriarchy

Introduction The stories “Apollo and Daphne” and “The Story of Io” from Ovid’s “Metamorphoses”, dated 8 AD, try to explain why certain things happen in the world of humans. In both instances, there are many similarities that unite these two poems. A set of gods who are frequently illogical are...

Evidence-Based Practice and Remote Collaboration

Evidence-based nursing practice is the process through which nurses utilize the most current research to offer the best care to patients, which leads to improved health outcomes and lower costs (Abu-Baker et al., 2021). Evidence-Based Plan (EBP) combines the latest research in nursing literature, practitioner experiences, and the patient’s preferences...

Seven Years’ War’s Implications for Native Peoples

The Seven Years’ War ended with the victory of the British over the French and the natives and, thus, secured ownership of almost all of North America east of the Mississippi River. Great Britain, Spain, and France signed the Paris Peace Treaty, ending the Seven Years’ War, known in America...

Immigration in Canada: Economic Effects

Introduction The economy, culture, and identity are frequently at the center of the immigration discussion. One of the globe’s highest immigrant populations currently resides in Canada. Although immigrants adapt more quickly in Canada than in other affluent European democracies, the country’s immigration policies have become very divisive. Even though a...