Physical Activity and Perceived Exertion of Girls

In the article Self-efficacy and perceived exertion of girls during exercise, the authors discuss the importance of regular physical activity and its relation to obesity and cardiovascular diseases (Pender, Bar-Or, Wilk, & Mitchell, 2002). According to the authors, the physical activity in youth has decreased dramatically during the last decades...

Nurse’s Previous Abusive Relationship and Practice

Domestic violence is a widespread occurrence with long-term negative social and health impacts. Almost a third of women (30%) are likely to experience some form of domestic violence and abuse, twice as likely as men (Bradbury-Jones & Clark, 2016). Nurses often directly work with patients who may experience abuse during...

Wasted Resources and Efforts in US Healthcare

Currently, the healthcare expenditures in the United States continue to grow with exponentially high rates with policymakers attempting to slow the number of wasted resources and efforts in the industry. This assignment briefly describes three manifestations of wasted resources and efforts in health care, such as poorly managed care transitions,...

Skip’s Research of Loan-shark ‘Syndicated Lending’

Introduction Nowadays, it is expected of students to continue their education path after graduating from school. To get through college, students have to put in a lot of financial investments, which cover tutoring, textbooks, etc. Sadly, after getting a degree, a lot of graduates are left with crippling debt, which...

African American Women Obtaining Higher Education

Abstract Over the past few years, African American women have gained a number of opportunities for pursuing higher education. Women in their 40s and 50s are finally capable of getting a degree. However, very few African American women of 40–50 decide to continue education. This refusal affects Black women’s ability...

Leadership in Organizational Knowledge Creation

The article by Krogh, Nonaka, and Rechsteiner (2012) presents the idea of organizational knowledge creation through the process of integration of knowledge assets. The authors first present a literature review on knowledge creation within organizations and then put forth the viewpoint that most of the researches have done in the...

Designing a Program to Address Obesity in Florida

Obesity is a chronic disease that is highly preventable through the modification of lifestyles. The CPPW is an initiative to support change in Florida by focusing on poor nutrition and a lack of physical activity. The rate of obesity was estimated at 66.3 percent, of which 10 percent are students,...

Inheritance and Polymorphism in Programming

Inheritance is one of the core concepts of object-oriented programming. It allows classes to receive, or inherit, all the behaviors and attributes of other classes (Farrell, 2016). Classes that inherit from others can still have behaviors and attributes unique to them (Farrell, 2016). Therefore, inheritance is a useful technique when...

Diabetes Care Team Best Practices

Successful diabetes care requires the systematic collaboration of professionals from different branches of medicine. The care team must be led by a physician who understands the fundamental principles of diabetes care and can coordinate other team members in their implementation. Those principles include ensuring glycemic control and preventing acute and...

Heineken International Success: Business Strategy

Introduction Heineken is one of the world’s largest brewers of beer and cider, in large part due to its business strategy. It pursues a cost leadership approach, providing a diverse selection of beer of both inexpensive and more premium varieties to customers. As a result, its brand is well known...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Soccer: Effects of Sprint Training

Undoubtedly, millions of individuals all over the world consider soccer to be their favorite spectator sport. Training soccer players is an engaging and demanding activity, and it is crucial to make the most of this process to be a successful coach. Therefore, one must be aware of different exercises and...

The Play “A Doll’s House”: Summary and Analysis

Introduction The play consists of three acts where the first act is an introduction to the event, the second act is an inclining of the affair by making it tenser, and the last act is a culmination of everything with finding the solution and answers. The play is focused on...

Personality Affected by Culture and Family Values

The personality and ambitions of the person are closely affected by their family values and culture. Since the family is one of the first concepts each encounters in life, its importance and propositions shape its progress and dictate his or her actions in future life. The background given during childhood...

The Atlantic Hurricane Season Explained

The Atlantic hurricane occurs from June 1 to November 30. It peaks sharply from late August to September, in most cases the season is at the highest point around September 10. Tornadoes are least active in June but most active in September. Tropical cyclones are formed in the Caribbean Sea,...

The Influence of the Stress on Our Health: How To Cope With Stress

Stress has become an inherent part of modern people’s lives and is a prevailing pattern in middle adulthood. Numerous factors might contribute to stress. Among emotional problems, there are anxiety, grief, low self-esteem, anger, fear. When people hear about terrorist attacks in their country, it can cause them to feel...

Chronic Renal Disease: Treatment and Management

Diabetes, Chronic Renal Disease, and End-Stage Renal Disease Diabetes can result in mesangial expansion, structural glomerular changes (for instance, the thickening of glomerular membranes), and expansion of the afferent renal artery. The renal structural changes interfere with the kidney’s normal functioning, which can lead to the leakage of albumin from...

“Timothie Bright” by Greg Wilkinson

The selected article is “Timothie Bright: Melancholie, Characterie, Shakespeare and Hamlet – Psychiatry in History” by Greg Wilkinson. The article reflects how Shakespeare was able to subtly address the issue of madness through the story of Hamlet. It is important to note that whereas various analysis of the story have...

Factors Influencing Angel Investors Due Diligence

Angel Investors (Angels) fund high-risk projects in their early stages. The unique Angels’ feature is that they mindless about financial analysis during decision-making. Correspondingly, the researchers assessed the factors affecting financiers’ due diligence using four hypotheses. The study proposes that the venture capitalists’ experience does not affect their funding decisions....

“To His Coy Mistress” by Marvell and “The Flea” by Donne

“To His Coy Mistress” is a well-known poem by Andrew Marvell, in which the speaker addresses his lover, who is reluctant to be intimate with him. Even though the speaker seduces his lady, it is mostly a carpe diem poem full of profound contemplation about the brevity of life. “Had...

The Pros and Cons of the Second Amendment

The second Amendment has provided a platform for controlling the ownership of weaponries. This has caused both support and criticism. Out of the entire population in the United States, approximately 393,347,000 people own firearms ( This translates to a ratio of 120.5 weapons to 100 people; the highest ratio in...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Financial Growth of Labedo Berries

For over three years, Labedo Berries has experienced steady financial growth owing to its customer retention policies and comprehensive management; however, the shareholders felt the need to expand its services across Europe. Labedo Berries is a family enterprise that collects high quality, perfectly ripe strawberries from farmers; the berries are...

Human Patient Simulation for Skin Cancer Prevention

In their article, Kuhrik et al. (2011) discuss the idea of using simulated patients with moulage-like lesions to educate students to assess skin conditions and detect early skin cancer signs. The sample of the article consisted of 104 students, and the data analysis indicated positive outcomes of the training strategy....

Codes to Specify the Type of Performed Medical Assistance

In the American healthcare system, organizations use a special set of codes to specify the type of performed medical assistance. Procedures on the skin, subcutaneous and accessory structures are grouped under their own code range. This subheading is divided into the following categories, each one is further separated into subcategories....

Public Health Efforts for Future Generations

Maintaining the appropriate health status is one of the most challenging global initiatives. Therefore, such organizations as UNICEF, UNAIDS, and WHO develop programs to overcome issues. Their policies are mostly oriented on children, thereby emphasizing the importance of good health in future generations (UNICEF, n.d.). They are complemented by plans...

Unethical Conduct of Homicide Detectives

Homicide detectives often deploy unethical and improper investigatory tactics to secure convictions of wrongly accused persons. Flynn’s (2019) article outlines how law enforcement agencies fabricated evidence, falsified witness statements, and coerced a single onlooker to make a false identification, which sent Johnson Lamar to prison. Although homicide investigators are highly...

The Photosynthesis Light Reaction

Cells need to produce considerable amounts of energy to sustain day-to-day operations and reproduce to grow and create new organisms. For example, the meiosis process involves the replication of chromosomes so that one cell can become four gametes (Ko, Chapter 13, 7). The photosynthesis light reaction is the first stage...

Poem Analysis: Go Down, Moses

Addressing a crucial part of the biblical narrative, Go Down, Moses bears a crucial cultural meaning apart from its doubtless artistic merit. However, since the song has been popular for multiple decades, its novelty may have gradually faded, which, in turn, has led to people taking a range of unique...

The Florida Nurse Practice Act

The Florida Nurse Practice Act is a set of statements that outline the minimum requirements for all nurses operating in the state of Florida. It defines and establishes the scope of practice, and it addresses the most common categories of nurses, such as Certified Nursing Assistants, Retired Nurse Volunteers, RN...

Has Life Been Meaningless?

Religious conviction perspectives should be implemented in people’s lifestyles. According to Vaughn, internalists believe that they can have significant lives (421). They can do so without counting on the conceptions of transcendent realms of God (421). Therefore, one does not have to be in a religious framework to have a...

Importance of Health Equity

A health care system is designed to provide individuals with sufficient service and improve their health outcomes. It is efficient if everyone who needs assistance receives adequate care, which is possible because of Health Equity. According to Minkler et al., this term denotes “removing obstacles to health such as poverty,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Annual Marketing Reports: Organization’s Financial Performance

Introduction Annual reports aim to give information about the organization’s financial performance and other activities throughout the previous year. This document is important because it allows managers to determine trends and understand what should be done to make a company’s performance better. In order to make a report clear and...

The Paintings of Hieronymus Bosch and Georges Seurat

The two works of art chosen for this discussion were created in different periods. The first one is by Hieronymus Bosch, titled The Garden of Earthly Delights, which was created between 1503 and 1515 (Halle, 2019). This painting features some stories from the Bible and a variety of characters and...

The Roles of Advanced Nurse Practitioners

This paper is aimed at examining the article written by Rechele Jordow (2014) who discusses various roles of advanced nurse practitioners or ANPs. In particular, the author focuses on the activities of the healthcare providers working in medical homes. These professionals need to assist those patients who may suffer from...

Acquisitions and Total Shareholder Returns

The article discussed in this summary declares acquisitions and cash stockpiling to be among the most beneficial strategy for improving total shareholder returns (TSR) of 2012. S&P 500 companies that engaged in the practices actively outperformed their more passive counterparts substantially throughout the year. However, this success cannot be used...

Health Information Privacy Law and Policy

Today’s sphere of healthcare is closely related to the process of technological advancement, as the community’s concern about health cannot be imagined in isolation from the social background. For this reason, the administrative part of healthcare, along with preventative medicine, has recently become digitalized. Such a process implies creating an...

“Bitcoin Essentials” by Albert Szmigielski

The source under consideration, the book “Bitcoin Essentials,” written by Albert Szmigielski, presents comprehensive information on one of the most popular types of cryptocurrency. It provides a general description of a Bitcoin wallet, which is a program facilitating the transactions and expands on their variations (Szmigielski 2). Alongside the data...

The Movements of Success and Failure

The success or failure of a particular movement depends on various aspects. Some of these entities become popular and admirable because of their effort to bring positive change in society, resist or fight against social injustices, or become involved in initiatives to promote individual well-being. Incidentally, some movements have emerged...

“Liz Reyer: Handling Difficult Conversations.” by Liz Reyer

The article by Liz Reyer (2015) addresses the need to build adequate conversations for productive communication through proper preparation and clear articulation of ideas. In her article, the author cites two key theses: to be clear, that is, to avoid ambiguity, and to be transparent, which implies attention to an...

Multilayer User Access Control and Implementation

For the construction of secure virtual architectures, the creation of multilayer access control plays an enormous role. The main task of such control is to protect against unauthorized intrusion of fraudsters into the defended object. In particular, one of the models for creating a cybersecurity system can be the principle...

Environmental Treaties in Addressing Climate Change

Climate change is increasingly becoming a pressing global problem. In response to the growing concerns, established international organizations and new coalitions have attempted to create a number of agreements. These solutions aim to put limits on emissions, pollution, resources’ use, and other areas affecting the environment.1 However, the effectiveness of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Correlation: Scatter Diagrams and Linear Collinearity

Correlation is referred to as the association between bivariate data, which is also described as data sets containing two observations. Scatterplots, also known as scatter graphs or correlational charts, provide excellent descriptive representations of the interrelationship between two quantitative variables. Each point in a scatter plot denotes a paired measurement...

Isaac Lidsky: What Reality Are You Creating for Yourself?

The speaker, Isaac Lidsky, examines human perception and the unattainable desires, which always form our thoughts. Our judgment is based on what we see, for instance, one is likely to pair a behavior with what is generally known about a phenomenon. In this aspect, we pay little or no attention...

The Success Story of Whatsapp

I would turn to the success story of WhatsApp to hook up with the audience. The popular communication app that was downloaded more than 70 million times in 2019 was created and developed using a limited amount of money (Statista, 2019). New digital solutions require prominent ideas and concepts and...

Propaganda in Historical Documents of the US

Propaganda is the widespread communication of ideas that are not necessarily objective to persuade an audience of a certain notion or incite people to take a particular action. Thomas Paine’s The American Crisis and Common Sense are both forms of propaganda. They present a subjective opinion communicated as an objective...

Nanostructures in Tissue Engineering

Society is currently living in the dawn of the nanomedicine age. Nanoparticles and nanodevices are increasingly used in the development of drug delivery systems, cancer treatments, and surgeries. Operating at atomic and molecular levels, nanotechnology comprises the fields of science, engineering, and technology. One of the major medical advances in...

One Direction Band and Its Impact on Music Industry

One Direction is a boyband from the United Kingdom that was formed in 2010. The current group members are Niall Horan, Harry Styles, Liam Payne, and Louis Tomlinson. The former member, Zayn Malik, had left the band in 2015. Since 2016 the group went on indefinite hiatus, after which each...

Central Line Associated Bloodstream Infection

Bloodstream infections take a tremendous toll on patients’ health and reduce their chances for recovery by a large margin, which is why the problem of CLABSI needs to be addressed in the clinical setting. Typically caused by intravascular devices, CLABSI represents a significant health concern, which is why the proposed...

Neurogenesis and Physical Activity

The article under analysis published in 2017 is entitled “For your brain’s sake, keep moving.” This article is closely related to the Nervous system and neurons topic as it dwells upon the way physical activity can influence neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process of the creation of new brain cells, which...

Product Advertising Analysis

When creating a marketing flyer or pamphlet, it is imperative to make sure the important persuasive elements are present. The intention of a business advert is to convince the customers that the products or services offered are the best (Ghaffari et al., 2019). Therefore, they need to read, see, and...

Discussion of Gender Bias in Research

Gender bias in research is a widespread issue that has affected the accuracy and representativity of the majority of social sciences’ projects until a certain point. It is facilitated by the general patriarchal structure of the modern society, in which the comparative majority of resources, material and otherwise, belongs to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Data Dictionaries and Stored Information

A data dictionary, data repository, or information repository, is a special repository that describes the data that is contained within a database. This data can include information about the database’s schemas and constraints, user information, program descriptions, usage standards, and design decisions (Elmasri & Navathe, 2015). The extent of a...

“Building Your Inner Coach” Brett Ledbetter’s TED Talk

In his speech on the creation of an inner coach, Brett Ledbetter concentrates on what is the driving force behind the winnings. In search of an answer, he interviewed 15 coaches, who helped their wards achieve many victories. He found that despite the widespread reliance on the motivational power of...

Oligopolistic Market and Its Features

After running the simulation, we have noticed that our profit in the first run is higher than in the second run, despite the lower possessed quantity of the product. Our market price was higher in the first scenario, making us more stable and confident in participating in the market competition....

The Significance of the Battle of Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg lasted for three consecutive days, starting from 1st to 3rd July in 1863. The battle took place at Gettysburg and was won by George Meade. This war is considered the most significant of civil wars in America. This paper will briefly discuss the significance of the...

Human Negative Impact on the Environment

Farms By farming, people mange agricultural lands to feed the world. It affects ecosystem by releasing carbon to the atmosphere and resulting in a loss of biodiversity. According to the graph provided in the activity, agricultural land use is increasing gradually since the 1950s (Howard Hughes Medical). It suggests that...

Biological and Psychological Trait Theories and the Criminal Justice System

Crime is a dynamic phenomenon that evolves over time and through cultures. Biological theories of crime assume that certain people are biologically different from non-criminals and are thus “born criminals.” Criminals and non-criminals are said to have inherent variations, according to trait theories (Walter & Ilan, 2017). These distinctions can...

Importance of Right Research Question Formulation

Vague research question formulation and incohesive sampling system have led to comparatively poor saturation of the results. Low levels of saturation lead to an impossibility of replicating the research conducted and, therefore, makes it difficult to verify (Guest et al., 2020). The sampling techniques in particular appear to be a...

Health Information Technology: A Personal View

I am a registered nurse working in the psych and substance unit for eight months. I have used EPIC medicine technology at work for five years, where I electronically kept medical records as a mental health counselor. The subject is very familiar to me. I initially worked as a medical...

The Indian Poem “The Bhagavad Gita”

During the conversation, Krishna repeatedly calls Arjuna to fight in The Bhagavad Gita. The story begins with the discussion about Arjuna’s grief over the fact that he will have to kill his relatives, and he is inclined to abandon the battle. Krishna calls Arjuna to murder, but how can a...

Christianity Through Art in the 3rd Century

Dura-Europos was a border city adjacent to Salihiyah village in present-day Syria. It was established around 300 B.C. by the Seleucid Empire of the Hellenistic period. It was initially known as “Europos” but was later referred to as “Dura” by the locals. The city is significant as an early site...

Amazon: Strategy as Simple Rules

Modern companies must take into account the speed trends’ shifts and respond to changing circumstances. Guided by the simple rules strategy, organizations use the current opportunities of markets, act unpredictably, conduct experiments, and their main goal is growth (Eisenhardt & Sull, 2001). This strategy is driven by the economics of...

Assessing Business Websites: Crypto Issues

The Internet has completely reconfigured the distribution of information and data around the globe. The recent rise of website design and usability means that it has become easy to access massive quantities of data on various topics presented in a condensed, readable way with the click of a few buttons....

Genetically Modified Organisms in Aquaculture

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are increasingly being used in aquaculture. These organisms possess a unique genetic combination that makes them uniquely suited to their environment (Kennedy, 2020). As a result, these organisms are easier and cheaper to produce, contain more and desirable nutrients, and require fewer pesticides. In addition, GMOs...

John Gottman: What Makes Marriages Work

In his research on love and relationships in couples John Gottman and his team utilized diverse types of data. Additionally, the information was collected in different ways by implementing validated questionnaires, face-to-face interviews, physiological measurements, etc. Therefore, such types of data as the couples’ story of how they met, heart...

Green Initiatives of the Toronto-Dominion Bank

The Toronto-Dominion (TD) Bank is a multinational company based in Canada that provides financial services. As a business that can provide a significant influence over other companies, it has a duty to protect the environment. TD Bank has several initiatives that aim to achieve that goal. This paper will assess...

Spiritual Leadership Book Reflection

A reflection of chapters three and four of Spiritual Leadership by Henry and Richard Blackaby provides deep insights into leadership and the role of divinity. Chapter three provides a discussion of a leader’s preparation and spiritual development (Blackaby & Blackaby, 2017). It focuses on the natural elements of this development...

Importance of Fractals in Design

Fractals are patterns that repeat infinitely, retaining their shape while becoming smaller or larger in scale. These patterns are common in many natural processes, such as plant growth or landscape formation. Moreover, fractals have found a use in a variety of cultural contexts, often appearing in decorative and religious imagery....

Elements of “CPR Demonstration Speech” by Myles Odermann

Demonstration of skills, knowledge, or techniques is a section of public speaking in which persuasiveness, credibility, and effectiveness are paramount. A demonstration should be organized so that the audience can gain new knowledge and subsequently apply it. The speaker’s task is to effectively convey the material and accompany the audience...

End-of-Life Care: Suffering and Comfort Concepts

The central concept of end-to-life care is safeguarding a dying patient from possible suffering during that period of life. In addition to pain, suffering includes many problems: the inability to take care of oneself and a feeling of helplessness, guilt, and fear associated with the expectation of impending death. Moreover,...

“The True History of the Conquest of New Spain”: Life in the Aztec Society

Based on the document, the Aztec people lived an organized life full of riches and splendor. The immense crowding of the market and the order used in running it shows that order organized the Aztec people in how they operated. The narrator illustrates that ‘every species of merchandise had a...

Which Belief Was the First: An Eternal Debate

A large part of Abrahamic traditions has similarities with Zoroastrianism, especially within the core texts of these religions. In his study, Akbar extensively compares Islamic and Zoroastrian teachings and points out substantial similarities, especially about the afterlife and the journey of a human soul (91-93). The same paper also found...

Pulse Code Modulation and How It Works in Voice Over IP

Speech signals have a significant role in facilitating communication among humans. They travel in the form of a sound wave, which is converted into electric signals for transmission over communication networks. Initially, communication systems conveyed and received electric analog speech signals. As a result, challenges such as the inability to...

The Natural Law Theory and Its Components

The Natural Law Theory gives human beings morals based on nature and can be interpreted by human reason. The theory gives guidelines on what human beings can do in their settings, and it does not dictate what should be done. Notably, the theory concentrates on human character and asserts that...

Convergent Evolution, Genetics and Related Structures

This paper discusses the concept of convergent evolution and related structures. Convergent evolution describes the emergence of analogous or similar traits in different species but cannot be attributed to the presence of a common origin; that is, the analogy does not entail homology. There may be a phenotypic likeness; in...

Walking Spree as an Innovative Instrument

Today more and more people are concerned about healthy lifestyles and keeping fit. Many companies develop applications that help people increase their physical activity and enjoy healthy food. Among other applications, Walking Spree stands out as an innovative instrument that enables a complex approach to monitor health issues in companies....

Self-Reflection and Moral Character

Introduction The ability and willingness to recognize and analyze one’s own thoughts, words, and actions have always been an indicator of a well-developed moral character in an individual. People call it self-reflection, whereas psychologists use the word “introspection” (Cherry). According to Cherry, “introspection is a process that involves looking inward...

Irony of “Nebraska” Poem by Bruce Springsteen

The poem is about a man who went on a murder spree alongside his girlfriend. As he went into the badlands of Wyoming, he killed everything that appeared on his way, including humans. The person is not sorry for the murder he has committed. Instead, he insists that he had...

Community Healthcare Agency at Fairfax

The healthcare institution that was chosen for the present research is Fairfax Pediatric Associates. It is necessary to monitor children’s health conditions, especially during the first year of their lives, since their body systems are developing and regular visits to pediatricians help see the development. Reliable pediatric clinics that have...

The Story “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Marquez

Mysticism and reality are two opposing concepts that have a close relationship in work. Even in the first paragraph, mysterious elements are introduced, demonstrating the surreal character of the older man with huge wings. Marquez & Tornaritis (2007) immediately destroys all thoughts of a powerful and holy angel, placing him...

Analysis of Digital Technologies Importance

The use of high technologies and special assistive devices for people with physical disabilities is an important part of their life. High hopes have been placed on digitalization, particularly the internet, as a catalyst to diminish divides in communities of individuals with physical challenges (Johansson et al., 2021). Those technological...

10 Types of Variables in Research and Statistics

The article “10 Types of Variables in Research and Statistics” by Indeed Career Guide has several advantages. Although it is written by a somewhat commercial website, the work presents an informative introduction to statistics, namely the variables. The language of the article is concise and can easily be understood by...

Porter Airlines’ Core Activities and Strategy

The core activities that Porter Airlines undertakes include tapping unmet client needs with a distinct strategy and making prices fair as possible. The activities that other airlines typically perform that Porter avoids are taking long-haul flights and serving many countries. These activities matter because Porter Airlines intends to offer excellent...

“Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada”: Aims and Principles

A state can treat its citizens and non-citizens differently, although there should be legitimate and reasonable causes for this approach. In Canada, the Canadian Council for Refugees v Canada is an example of the different principles applied to the people who have citizenship and those seeking asylum in this country....

The History of Women’s Rights Movement

The Women’s Rights movement was an important event in the history of the United States of America. It began as the women’s fight for a vote and resulted in many other movements that affected America in the mid to late 1800s. During that time period, American women’s enfranchisement was closely...

Wason Selection Task in Deductive Reasoning Study

In a move to study deductive reasoning, a four-card problem is a popular puzzle usually applied. There are four cards to use, where one is marked number 3, the other one number 8, and the last two have red and brown colors. The puzzle holds the proposition that if a...

The Image of London in “My Beautiful Laundrette” by Frears

My Beautiful Laundrette is a British movie filmed in London in 1985 and directed by Stephen Frears. The film combines comedy and drama genres and depicts the story of a young Pakistani man reuniting with his old friend and eventually engaging in a romantic relationship with him. However, the plot...

Post-Colonialism Criticism: Emphasis on Nations

The connection between colonizers and colonized populations is commonly the subject of post-colonial literary critique, with particular emphasis on nations that have earned independence from colonial empires across the world. In addition, post-colonial criticism examines whether a literary document sustains or undermines colonial values. Although post-colonial critique can be comparable...

Importance of Language Games for Child Early Development

The role of language games in infants’ language development during their early years is significant. This became apparent in the 1980s due to the research conducted by Bruner, who studied and was able to demonstrate and prove the social nature of language learning (Grazzani & Brockmeier, 2019). Since then, this...

Gel Electrophoresis as Instrumental Analysis

Introduction DNA laboratory testing is an integral part of genetic analysis. A thorough, reliable, and correct study of the genome allows not only the identification of its qualitative composition but also the identification of potential abnormalities. It should be pointed out that DNA is genomic material inherent in many living...

“Can God Create Humans With Free Will Who Never Commit Evil?” by Thai

The issue of whether God could have created persons with free will who never do evil has been addressed by theologians and philosophers. The essay “Can God create humans with free will who never commit evil?” by Thai and Pillay delves into this complex topic, touching on God, free choice,...

Return to Domestic Manufacturing

Introduction One might suggest that actors and participants in the financial world are now witnessing a resurgence of a protectionist and even isolationist paradigm in trade with the United States (US) as a pioneer. According to Dettmer, “the U.S. is … focusing on national self-reliance and boosting manufacturing capacity.” Global...

Seduction of Joseph in the Hebrew Bible and the Koran

Seduction plays an important thematic role in the story of Joseph. As a form of temptation, it presents a problem for the spiritual growth and righteousness of faith, and represents many of the dangers religion can protect from. In the context of both the Hebrew Bible and the Koran, seduction...

The Parent-Child Relationship in Sports

The manifesto is about parents seeking an opportunity to coach and spend time with their children. Therefore, I agree with the concept within the manifesto due to the insight on the integral factor of balancing between sports and family time. On the one hand, it is important to establish activities...

Researching of Skill of Listening

Everyday communication, in any circumstances, business or personal, involves talking and listening. Recently, because of the development of technology, people have begun to lose the ability to listen. Interestingly, most of the time, 60% listen and process information during a conversation, but now only 25% are remembered (Treasure, 2011). In...

The Case of Cummings v. Premier Rehab Center

The article Supreme Court says no to damages for “emotional distress” in civil rights case contains information that reveals the circumstances of Jane Cummings’ lawsuit against the rehab clinic where she applied for help. The woman was disabled (deaf and blind) and requested a sign language interpreter, but she was...

Informal Deviance and Impact of Mass Media on Society

I find mass media to be one of the most significant influences on the perception and performance of informal deviance in modern society. This is largely due to the constantly evolving nature of media as well as what is considered to be formally deviant. Social norms are much more susceptible...

Hell-Heaven by Jhumpa Lahiri: A Short Story Analysis

The relationship Aparna has with Pranab Kaku is very different in many regards from what she has with her husband. The two shared the same love for poetry, film, music, and leftist politics, and back in Bengal, Aparna and Pranab Kaku came from the same North Calcutta neighborhood. After being...

Pricing Strategies: Skimming and Penetration

It is important to note that there are a number of different pricing strategies which differ in their strategic objectives. The skimming price strategy enters the market by offering the highest price for a product, which is subsequently lowered as needed. Such an approach is useful in order to maximize...

‘Ring Shout’: the Beginning of Many Roads

‘Ring shout’ was a common dance of Black American plantation slaves. It included moving around in a circle in a counterclockwise direction, chanting, handclapping, or praying in the process (“African American Spirituals.”). Other elements of ‘Ring shout’ were calls, cries, and rhythm. The dance is believed to be a form...

Clinical Supervision in Mental Health Counseling

The article focuses on clinical supervision for MHC students, including recommendations for the supervisors and students. For example, it is advised that MHC students rate themselves based on their progress (Pearson, 2004). This type of reflection is conceptually useful due to the content revision it comprises and because it allows...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Discussion of Social Determinants of Health

Social determinants of health refer to the environment and conditions that directly affect the birth, growth, work, livelihood, and aging of groups or individuals. These factors are predominantly influenced by the distribution of wealth, money, resources, and power from the local to the global level (RNAO, n.d. ). The national...

Patriotism in Relation to Morality and Politics

When relating morality with politics, terms found helpful in this and considered, as per my evaluation, would be patriotism and political conspiracy. Patriotism is generally regarded as morally relevant, and in many cases, as morally good or even obligatory. Patriotic discourse no longer presumes a conflict between two political groups...

Mental Health Among Adolescents

Mental health has become a debated issue in modern society due to its prevalence, especially among adolescents. Adolescents suffer numerous mental health issues that impact their lives and well-being negatively. The two significant stressors identified to be unique among adolescents include social media pressure and bullying (Boniel-Nissim & Sasson, 2018)....

The Strategic Family Therapy Model

Strategic therapy is a treatment created to handle family functioning issues with a focus on adolescent behavioral problems and drug usage. Gregory Bateson and Milton Ericson coined the term ‘strategic therapy’ in the 1950s (Szapocznik & Hervis, 2020). MFT is categorized in the brief therapies group because it has twelve...

Islam in Relation to the Western Civilization

The sixth chapter begins by noting that Islam, of all the Eastern religions, is closest to the West. Nevertheless, this is not connected with all aspects of Islam but only with geographical and, to a lesser extent, ideological ones. Smith (2009) notes that although Islam is in the Abrahamic family...

Monkeypox: Epidemiology and Pathogenesis

The phenomenon of monkeypox, to which the chosen article is devoted, is insufficiently studied and attracts the attention of modern epidemiologists. At the moment, this disease and its spread have already been officially declared an epidemiological problem of a global scale, due to compliance with a number of global criteria....

Quantitative and Qualitative Studies as a Part of Economic Research

Introduction It is a great conclusion that the qualitative approach helps researchers ask more profound questions about any given topic, and I fully agree with this idea. As Gladwell (2004) describes in his speech, people do not always know what they want – it is difficult for them to answer...

The Power of Positioning: Unleashing the Potential of Brand Storytelling

Positioning issues are directly related to trust, consumer loyalty, and desire to buy brand products. That is why positioning strategy is about differentiation, individuality, and strengthening positions in relation to competitors. It is also about what to rely on and how to create the right brand associations. A well-promoted and...

The First Inaugural Address by Franklin Roosevelt

In his First Inaugural Address, Franklin D. Roosevelt uses metaphors and references to war and religions to inspire the American people and explain the course of action chosen for his presidency. First, the president compares the American people with an army that should be disciplined to make common progress and...

Milton Friedman’s Political and Economic Freedom

Much of Milton Friedman’s argument or doctrine is built around the desire for free trade, a smaller government, and a steady increase of money supply within a growing economy. His emphasis on monetary policy is also reflected in his approach to the social responsibility of companies or their executives. Friedman...

Aspects of Non-Traditional Entrepreneurship

Introduction Non-traditional entrepreneurs do not meet the description of standard theories because they apply new opportunities that have not been explored before. Such an individual entrepreneur does not fit the general Schumpeterian type because his way of thinking, developing, and launching a business is innovative. Accordingly, this article explores the...

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Everyone in the world has thoughts, and it is in human nature. Most people’s thinking is not informed but warped and partial. However, everyone’s life depends on how they think and what they think about. Critical thinking is a rich concept and an essential skill for everyone who wants to...

Climate Change: Nature Communications

Climate change is one of the main concerns in contemporary global society. This subject is an issue of great contention, with different sides disagreeing on either if it is occurring or what its real cause is. One thing that is certain is that we live in a dynamic world subject...

Catholic Social Teaching and Vaccine

Introduction It is important to note that the Catholic Social Teaching (CST) principles determine the morality or immorality of any action, including vaccines. The reading titled ‘Catholic Moral Teaching and Tradition on COVID-19 Vaccines’ provides insight and analysis on why COVID-19 vaccines are not immoral to take. The key CST...

Eliot Spitzer and a Code of Ethics

Introduction After reading the articles, it was noted that the period between 2005 and 2008 was remarkable in the life of Eliot Spitzer. He rose to political power as a fierce enforcer of moral standards in public life. From the class readings (n.d.), Spitzer won the Governor’s seat in 2006...

The Birth Control Methods Overview

The modern healthcare sector offers numerous ways of birth control women can use. Their choice depends on the physiological peculiarities of a female and her personal preferences. Alondra is a 33-year-old woman with three children who does not want any more kids. For this reason, one of the first possible...

NCSBN’s Role in Promoting Quality Nursing Care and Patient Safety

Generally, the nursing sector is a sensitive area that requires proper oversight of the practices undertaken by different practitioners and agencies. To ensure the effective and efficient application of regulatory measures, the National Council of States Boards of Nursing (NCSBN) created a platform that allows various concerned bodies to act....

Environmental Crisis and Plantation Legacies

The article and podcast provide information that people inhabiting the planet through their activities have been causing an environmental crisis for several years. Currently, there are active debates about what the Anthropocene is, and whether it is a new era or, on the contrary, it is already at the end...

The Vietnam War: The “Hue 1968” Book by Mark Bowden

The book Hue by Mark Bowden (2017) narrates about the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War holds a special place in American history and is significant on a global scale. The battle served as a metaphor for the failure of American cold war strategy. Force was not effective in stopping the...

Elements of the Newspaper Layout

Introduction Grids are commonly used in the visual structure of newspapers, and it is important to follow the basic rules to ensure that the reader is aware of the content. The authors of the most popular newspaper editions usually include images to make the papers more interactive. Discussion Moreover, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Internet Experience in the Learning Process

The Internet is an integral part of people’s lives. With the advent of this technology, individuals have gained access to a large amount of knowledge and opportunities. Moreover, the Internet provides a variety of ways to have a pleasant pastime and entertainment and communicate with people. For me, the most...

The Management of Nuclear Waste

Introduction The topic of nuclear waste is a major concern in a modern world that requires attention and evidence-based solutions. The existing barriers correlating with the issue are not only dangerous from an ecologic standpoint but, at the same time, directly affect both human and environmental well-being. Despite regulations being...

British Petroleum Company Risk Assessment

The issues related to climate change have attracted a lot of attention and have become a part of the agenda of socially responsible companies. Thus, many companies tend to implement research on development of ways to reduce negative impacts of industries on the environment (Where do companies stand on responsible...

Depression Treatment and Management

Considering the case, there is a great need for medication as untreated depression could result in significant deterioration of patient’s quality of life. That is why antidepressants should be prescribed. It is extremely important to be careful with dosing for the patient to remain stable and be able to lead...

Using Technology in Math Classes

Lack of instructional methods and the inability to incorporate technologies into the classroom are the main reasons why many students cannot acquire mathematical knowledge and skills. The problem is that many educators may underestimate the usefulness of technologies and visualization techniques as tools that can facilitate both teaching and learning....

The Son as a Mexican Music Genre

Mexican music includes a range of genres, and the son is one of them. The very word “son” means “sound” (Noble 82). It refers to the regional music that can be mostly heard in eastern, western, and central parts of the country. It is played using such instruments as haupanguera,...

Qualitative Interview in Phenomenological Research

The qualitative interview held in terms of the phenomenological research is characterized by certain peculiarities. Creswell (2012) notes that the researchers should have interviews with 5 to 25 people who experienced the phenomenon under study. Importantly, the phenomenological study aims at identifying the central reasons for people’s behavior or attitudes....

Globalization and Diversity in TEDx Talk Shows

Globalization and the Poor In this TEDx talk show, an economist and researcher Krisztina Kis-Katos uses statistics and empirical data to show how globalization and international trade can reduce poverty levels in developing and emerging economies. Specifically, the presenter uses the case examples of Vietnam, India, and Indonesia to demonstrate...

“The Starry Night” Becomes “The Bright New Day”

Introduction Art has always remained a source of inspiration for a lot of known figures around the world. For those who study it and express a desire to learn more about the world of post-impressionism, it is nearly impossible to stay indifferent to the works of such famous artists like...

Pollution Impact on the Environment

Pollution remains one of the most tremendous problems in the world at the present moment. Scholars claim that various gases and toxic substances that are constantly released by a number of factories all over the planet might lead to the problem of global warming (Victor, 2018). It appears that all...

Industrial Revolution’s Input to Economic Growth

The United Kingdom is the greatest example of how industrial revolution impacted the country’s economic growth. It is a well-known fact that the building of various factories and manufacturing stations on the island started back in the 1830’s. Since then, the UK was one of the greatest economies in the...

Symbol in “The Lottery” Story by Shirley Jackson

Introduction The idea of society is conditioned to violence is established immediately in Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery.” To represent the concepts of violence and murder, stones are used and mentioned numerous times throughout the story. By using stones as the symbol of violence in “The Lottery,” Shirley Jackson represents the...

Contemporary Nursing and Early Conceptualization

The role that conceptualization plays in the contemporary advanced nursing practice is immense and could hardly be denied. It is essential to mention that early conceptualization of nursing theory, which was implemented in the second half of 20th century by several scientists, to this day remains a profound basis for...

Change Theories in Nursing

Change is a critical element of nursing that helps to reconsider a problematic situation and introduce an effective solution to achieve positive results. The importance of this process can be evidenced with the help of the following scenario. A specific health unit is characterized by an unacceptably high level of...

Online and On-Ground Education Comparison

When a person attends an online educational program, he is given the opportunity to set his own learning hours since the classes are done by module packets and classroom discussions are accomplished via forum method. He can learn his lessons at his own pace without having to play catch up...

Bioethical Issues in Genetic Analysis and Manipulations

The topic of choice is bioethical issues in genetic analysis and manipulations. This topic was chosen because it is an interesting argument that may lead to beneficial debates. The genetic structures and processes involved in this subject are not exactly a part of it. Rather, they are the topic itself....

Response to the Proposed Nutrition Method Plan in Worksite Cafeteria

The article properly discusses the healthy lunch choices presented by Dr. Weinstock in the Cooper University Hospital, including the hot and the grill bars, entrée section, and grab and go area. Based on such detailed analysis, the author develops his strategy to promote a healthy nutrition system within a particular...

Key Characteristics of Indigenous People of the Eastern Woodland

Eastern Woodland is one of several regions in North America, where Indigenous people reside. In this area, there are two groups of people — Iroquoian and Algonquian. The main difference between the two is their language. These people are recognized for their culture and religion, including the beadwork and quillwork....

Species Egalitarianism in ‘Are All Species Equal?‘ by Schmidtz

Species egalitarianism is a core theme of the article written by Schmidtz for the Journal of Applied Philosophy. This doctrine discovers the idea that all species should be equal and have moral standing, meaning to command respect (Schmidtz, 1998). To explain the worth of his position in the modern world,...

Barriers to the Nursing Practice in Health Care Change

The advance practice nurse and Doctor of Nursing Practice roles have developed substantially recently, gaining increasing recognition in educational institutions and working environments. Nevertheless, barriers remain in place, particularly concerning letting members of these new roles use their competencies to facilitate change. The first, per Chism (2017), is the lack...

Important Sociological Issues and Interactions

Sociological issues have always been present since the emergence of humanity. Interactions that presented people with opportunities have sometimes caused issues that manifested themselves in violence and destruction. This paper explores three topics that can be viewed in the context of large-scale issues. These issues are divorce and child well-being,...

Specific Responsibilities: Result of Family Hierarchy

Each person has specific responsibilities which have various zones of influence. Some of them are the result of family hierarchy, while others are created due to cultural and social settings. I believe that we are all responsible for our loved ones and our community. It is no secret that our...

Statistics Application: Population and Sample

In a research field, population and sample have both similarities and differences. The two are similar since they refer to a group of people or objects under analysis. However, the difference relates to the size because a population indicates all people or items that have a specific feature, while a...

Studying the Properties of Toothpaste

This work aims to study the properties of active components of toothpaste. The hypothesis is that the toothpaste should have a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory, and hemostatic effect on the mouth’s hard and soft tissues, but significant changes. The color of the tooth enamel will not be revealed after one week....

Social Facilitation and Social Loafing

Social facilitation and social loafing are closely-related terms that explain the changes in performance based on the presence of others. Both of the terms are a part of group behavior. While facilitation occurs when the presence of others affects the performance of individuals in either a good or bad way,...

The Issue of Educator-Student Power Imbalances

As a nurse educator, I would expect my students to participate in the learning programs by asking and answering questions. The programs should not be one-sided but a discussion or interaction between the educator and the students. That will not only improve their academic performance but also make them feel...

The Providing of Amazon Prime Wardrobe

Recently, I have purchased a new fragrance from the Body Shop store, and I was hesitant by their prices. My friend told me that this company has high-quality products, while their prices are above the average on the market. My perceived risk was associated with the financial side of the...

Issues That Health Care Professionals Face

Healthcare professionals have a duty to help people to the extent of their professional knowledge and skills and ensure that their actions do not harm the person’s wellbeing. However, in many cases, these professionals face ethical dilemmas or legal issues, which is why many hospitals developed policies that should protect...

The Soviet Union and China’s Strategic Approaches

Nations The Soviet Union emerged as a response to a dysfunctional monarchy system, which took place in Russia before Lenin. He was the one who initiated the process of revolution within the nation, which resulted in the Communist party becoming victorious. However, Mao’s goal was to industrialize China to seek...

Pythagorean Theorem: Significant Discovery of Humankind

The famous Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek mathematician and philosopher and lived about 2.5 thousand years ago. Pythagorean theorem states that in a right triangle, the squared hypotenuse – the largest side opposite the right angle – is equal to the sum of the squared legs – two smaller...