Wireless Networks: Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile, and AT&T

The T-Mobile and AT&T merger was a popular one in 2011. The Department of Justice launched an antitrust complaint to stop T-Mobile’s purchase by AT&T Inc as the acquisition would violate antitrust laws. If T-Mobile had merged with AT&T, the merger would be considered a violation of antitrust laws. The...

A Good Death: Family Ritual of Death Anniversary

Death anniversary is one of the everyday rituals that every family practices in memory of their departed relatives. It has become an extraordinary occasion such that most families will go to the extent of spending fortunes to ensure they celebrate these occasions in the best way possible. Even though some...

Art of Arguing and Elements of Debate

Frequently, one should not expose his or her beliefs and ideals in the argument in case the topic is exceedingly sensitive. In such cases, it might be a good idea to take a neutral stance and provide reasons for different points of view. It is true that people might acquire...

“A Cure for Wellness” by Verbinski

Anti-capitalist symbolism is expressed in the film “A Cure for Wellness.” The movie is a psychological horror picture that proposes that worship of money and material success, kills a human being. At the beginning of the film, an employee dies of a heart attack at work in a substantial financial...

The Architectural Value of The Monticello

Monticello was the primary residence of Thomas Jefferson, the third president of the United States, which he designed himself and on which grounds he was buried. It was not just an estate, but also a plantation with around 130 enslaved African Americans working on its grounds. Due to its historical...

The Importance of Legends for Humanity

Myths and legends are an important part of human culture that has historically shaped the way people perceive the world around them. Legends describe events that are believed to have occurred in the past, but the focus is placed on the narrative and characters rather than historical accuracy. While it...

Business Model and Its Impact on a Company

Case studies are an indispensable part of exploratory research. Before setting out on a new business strategy, people in decision-making positions need to collect enough data that would inform their actions. Case studies describe both successful and unsuccessful attempts of making something more or less similar to what one intends...

Violence in Carol Oates’ “Where Are You Going?” Story

This short story by Carol Oates does not describe a single episode of violence or an act of aggression, but somehow it scares you more than any story about rape or coercion. You can only «watch from a distance» how a dangerous person persuades a young girl to come out....

Skill-Building Workshop Activities

The selected form of activities is a skill-building workshop for communication development. The group members’ age will be between 19 and 22 years old, and the name of the programs is “Effective Communication.” It will mostly be a community-based treatment because the given unit can contain individuals with a wide...

Roles of a Leader in Emergencies

The primary function of the emergency management team is to prepare beneficial arrangements and protocols as a response to specific emergencies and other natural disasters. They are also helpful after emergencies because they coordinate with government agencies and other elected officials to reduce harmful effects. Some organizations have qualified to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Analysis of Communication in Medicine

In recent decades, the amount of information in the world has grown at an alarming rate. This complicates the process of finding the main and useful facts in the entire data stream. However, there are areas in which public awareness is needed: health care in particular. For example, the American...

“Voice of a People’s History of the United States” by Zinn

The present discussion will comment on the words by Sylvia Woods regarding racism and sexism in the 1930s. This historical personality played an essential role in combating these issues since she was a pioneer in promoting justice in American society. Her words from the book by Zinn and Arnove (2009)...

Fall Measurement Tools in Healthcare

Falls can be regarded as one of the common and preventable issues that have an adverse impact on patient outcomes and indicate areas to improve in terms of the quality of provided care. Falls are a specifically serious threat to older patients who are a vulnerable population due to their...

Spirituality in Nursing Palliative Care

There are enough definitions of spirituality to realize that if this property is present in the personality, it permeates all its aspects. In a religious sense, spirituality is seen as the presence and action of the Holy Spirit in us, and through us and in the world, this is a...

Community and Public Health Nurses Responsibilities in Health Promotion

People’s health depends on many factors – the spread of viruses and bacteria, the presence of harmful substances around, and even access to certain benefits of society, such as high-quality products. Often, such problems affecting public well-being are difficult to determine without having a professional education and not being able...

“Financial Analysis – A Study” by Ravinder & Anitha

Financial analysis is a process of evaluating the financial strengths and weaknesses of the company by establishing an efficient relationship between the financial statements’ items. As Ravinder and Anitha (2013) discuss in their article, knowing the operational efficiency “will enable the management to locate weak spots of the business and...

History and an Individual: The Sociological Imagination

There is a close link between history and an individual, which Charles Mills has suggested. He defined the sociological imagination as a particular state of mind of a researcher that allows us to understand people’s social structures and behavior (Corrigall-Brown, 2019). This is the ability to look at familiar things...

Non-Experimental Research Design and Examples

The 1961 Milgram experiment can be considered a non-experimental design. It is essential to first differentiate between an experimental and non-experimental research designs. In the former, a controlled factor is subjected to some type of treatment and then compared with another factor that was kept constant. It also entails allocating...

“The Devil and Tom Walker” Short Story by Washington Irving

There are many different negative features that are common for people of all times, be it the eighteenth or the twenty-first century. Greed, indifference, anger, corruption, immorality, and the readiness to sin for one’s own benefit destroy humans and everything good in society. To show the full horror of the...

Qualitative Research Analysis Using Dedoose and Excel

Dedoose is software that functions the same way as CAQDAS. It helps in creating codes from the imported documents and those of higher-level conceptual themes. The main advantage of using Dedoose is that the program combines the themes when the user codes the data, making it easy to understand where...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Anti-Capitalist Satire in “American Psycho” and “A Modest Proposal”

Satire is an ingenious method of ridiculing the most resentful traits of human beings through any artistic expression available. As such, with enough cunning introduced, Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” presents an example of satirical text in the English language. Fortunately, more recent authors of more innovative artistic solutions can produce...

How to Measure How Effective a Christian Message Is

The seminary has historically not covered topics such as learning how to measure how effective a Christian message is or understanding our flock’s perceptions, motivations, and fears. The missionary mission that GAP carries with it is not only about the financial component as the main occupation. The spread of Christianity...

Virtual Teams’ Adaptation to the Conditions of the COVID-19 Pandemic

An article by Klonek et al. (2021), called “Did the COVID-19 lockdown make us better at working in virtual teams,” mainly focuses on the evaluation of the performance of virtual teams created during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the authors, the pandemic and lockdown influenced the performance of virtual teams...

The Sports Coaching Guidelines and Routines

It is important to establish proactive measures to avoid trouble among the team players. In this case, the prominent factor to implement is the policies that foster band coordination as the routine structure with individual and group consequences for misconduct. An effective crew operates under the spectrum of equal contribution...

Drug and Substance Abuse: Sociological Causes and Explanations

Drug and substance abuse refers to the use of drugs for functions other than the intended purposes. It is normal to think that drug and substance abuse affects only consumers; however, it also affects various aspects of the society. For example, substance abusers harm themselves, their families, and communities by...

“An Attempted Mutiny Aboard…” Letter by William Priest

Human history can be traced through artifacts and art products that were created by past generations. Based on these objects, researchers discover the details of the development of society, the state, and specific individuals. Therefore, in 1865, An Attempted Mutiny Aboard The Brigantine Hope was written, which is a letter...

Types of Anesthesia and Medical Coding

There are three large categories of anesthesia used in surgical operations, and general anesthesia is one of the most common types aside from regional and local varieties. As the term implies, general anesthesia basically presents a coma induced with the help of anesthetic medications affecting the entire body. After such...

“An Easier, Greener Way to Build Molecules…” by Lambert

Reading articles about chemistry and recent experiments in natural sciences is not always easy and interesting for many people. However, the work by Jonathan Lambert for ScienceNews about the Nobel Prize winners who built molecules in a fast and efficient way contains clear and comprehensive information. Two chemists from Germany...

Epidemiologic Research and Related Ethical Issues

In the past, many scientific experiments were unethical in relation to the subjects who took part in them. However, there are currently principles that are established in the Belmont report that ensure the fairness, respect, and benefit of the experiments for all participants (SciShow, 2016). Even under these conditions, ethical...

American Imperialism and Its Effects

Despite the moral ambiguity, American imperialism has played a vital part in forming the superpower nation it is today. At the end of the 19th century, American people had very different perceptions of imperialism and the scope of its influence. Objecting to the idea, the newspaper ‘The Conservative’ (1900) defined...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Self-Introduction Speeches and Their Analysis

I watched three self-introduction speeches from women of different ages. In all examples, the speakers used engaging and straightforward language and structured their narrative, making the contents of each address easy to follow. For instance, Kierstyn Freeman started her presentation by numbering the points she was going to cover during...

The Civil Rights Movement from 1955 to 1968

In the period from 1955 to 1968, the Civil Rights movement gained considerable momentum, ultimately resulting in the implementation of the Voting Rights Act and Fair Housing Act. However, there was a lot of injustice, sacrifices, and discrimination during these turbulent times due to the resistance from white supremacist groups...

Compatibilist and Libertarian Freedom

The issue of freedom has always caused debates among philosophers, psychologists, and other scholars related to the field of social sciences. Some of the perspectives of studying freedom include compatibilist and libertarian conceptions. A significant feature of the libertarian theory of freedom is that it implies circumstantial and metaphysical freedom....

Imperial Rome and Literature

From the earliest work of Roman literature to its decline at the introduction of Christianity, the era provided unique forms of poetry, prose, and history. Roman literature is important as it was influenced by prior works and consequently affected the works that came after. To the Romans, it was important...

Social Stratification in the United States

Social stratification, or the so-called social structure of society, is an apparent hierarchy of the public being separated into superposed classes (OpenStax, 2015). Naturally, the concept poses an unequal work value so that people who have a higher status in society are likely to earn more than those positioned lower...

Importance of Business Idea for Venture

Any business venture starts with an idea upon which it is built. Although it is difficult to put forward a genuinely unique concept today, the ones already on the market can be further developed and expanded upon to offer the target customers an original product or service. The business idea...

Psychologist B. F. Skinner’s Historical Impact

The contribution of B. F. Skinner, an American psychologist and social philosopher, was significant in the field of psychology. The influence of his theories and professional practice can be observed in the contemporary world (Schultz and Schultz 245). In this regard, historical development and human progress can be viewed from...

Dementia Disease and Its Physiological Effects

Summary Dementia is a general term for memory loss, language, problem-solving, and other thinking abilities that are severe enough to interfere with daily life, with Alzheimer’s being a common cause. Dementia causes several psychological effects that are broadly classified as emotional or confidence effects. Emotional effects interfere with how a...

Virtual Visit to Louvre During Covid-19 Pandemic

Louvre is one of the most famous museums in the world, with millions of visitors each year. For those who cannot visit the site and see the marvels of the world culture, the museum has a virtual tour, which is a treat in the period of COVID-related restrictions. Of course,...

The Use of Physical Status Modifiers

Physical status modifiers codes represent the way a patient’s physical condition affects the procedure. In other words, physical status modifiers for anesthesia describe the level of risk of the procedure taken. Hence, by using modifiers from P1 to P6, an anesthesiologist is able to include it into a formula for...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Paresthesia: Current and Future Treatments

Overall, there are several possible ways to treat chronic paresthesia. First, it is essential to determine this disease’s specific cause and understand what should be treated. In some cases, it may be enough just to eliminate precisely the cause or several causes of this disease, and after that, paresthesia will...

The Utilitarianism Theory by John Stuart Mill

John Stuart Mill is the philosopher behind the Utilitarianism Theory, who introduced the theory in a bid to help people from making life decisions. In his approach, Mill suggests that actions are right when they produce happiness and wrong when they result in sadness (Komu, 2020). According to Mill, happiness...

Aspects of Neuroscience and Consumers

A person comprehends the outside world through receptors that transmit signals to the brain, which form reactions, including a purchase decision. In most cases, impulses from nerve endings are processed in the head at a subconscious level. The traditional marketing strategy does not work in situations where the person himself...

Washington’s Channeled Scablands

At the end of the last ice age, the Columbia River basin experienced one of the most catastrophic floods. The ancient ice-dammed lake Misula, periodically breaking through the ice dam, flooded the plains of the modern states of Washington and Oregon about 15 thousand years ago (Mystery 5:10-5:30). The Missoula...

Indian Greeting Traditions: Intercultural Communication Study in India

Different countries have different traditions and customs when it comes to greeting or addressing others. There are many nuances that depend on the culture of a nation and its history (Khan, 2017). That is why choosing the correct name to use and to be addressed by can be sometimes difficult...

Traces of Submerged Roman Road Found Beneath Venetian Lagoon

The article’s author, Livia Gershon, is a daily correspondent in Smithsonian magazine from Nashua, New Hampshire. The author also works as a freelance writer, and her works are featured in other publications like JSTOR Daily, HuffPost, Vice, Salon, and Good Men Project. The article’s publisher, the Smithsonian Magazine, is the...

Reconstruction in the United States: The Structural Racism

Reconstruction in the United States failed due to the internal disagreements between white Southerners and the white supremacist attitudes of some of them. The antagonists used violence to weaken the Black political authority and persuade uncommitted neutral citizens to join their cause. Even though structural constraints made it more difficult...

Researching of Excess Retail Marketing

I do not think there are too many retail stores in the New Jersey area or the United States. The development of modern society aims to instantly satisfy the individual, which also includes easy access to affordable products they want. Moreover, innovation and creativity develop and are introduced into society...

Retail Stores as Cultural Phenomenon in Cities

I do not see retail stores as a big problem because I see modern American society filled with abundance and consumerism. At the moment, it seems to me, American society could not live differently, and people are used to the fact that shopping is sewn logically and harmoniously into their...

Understanding Cultural Background of a Patient

Family and cultural background are one of the most significant parts of a person’s life, as their perception of the world forms out of certain biases that their origins give them. Therefore, certain medical conditions can be related to the cultural background, as in every place, a certain cultural background...

Popular Research Paper Topics

George Zimmerman and Black Lives Matter Movement

The acquittal of George Zimmerman triggered the creation of Black Lives Matter in the United States in 2012 after the killing of a black American teenager, Trayvon Martin. It was then publicly demonstrated in 2014 in the streets with the hashtag #blacklivematter on social media platforms. This after the death...

Japan-US International Trade Relationship

Introduction In the international trade, countries are obliged to consider the state of industries of their trade partners. Nations whose economies size up to each other have to carefully assess their comparative advantage in order to ensure that they benefit from international deals. Through the example of Japan-US trade relationship,...

Galen’s Experiential Philosophic Approach to Healthcare

Galen’s works present one of the most prominent contributions to the development of modern medicine. Following the path outlined by Plato and Aristotle, Galen significantly influenced the direction of medical science development. Even though Galen supported an ultimately false humoral theory about the four senses of humor in the human...

Substance Use Disorders in Prisoners

Correctional institutions may provide insufficient medical services and have limited resources. Substance use disorders represent a considerable problem among the incarcerated population within the American health care system (Fazel et al., 2017). Therefore, it may be critical to develop an adequate framework in order to address the issue and improve...

Analysis of Business Form Changing

The changing of a business firm refers to a process in which legal structures of a firm may be modified. Currently, the most common forms include partnerships, corporations, sole proprietorships, or limited liability companies. Each form has a set of benefits as well as drawbacks. Changes in business form do...

Agon Pas De Deux by George Balanchine

George Balanchine was indeed one of the most gifted ballet choreographers in the 20th century. Having directed numerous ballet plays, he became well-known for his style and approach to ballet choreography, distinguished among his fellow professionals. However, Balanchine’s Agon Pas De Deux, performed at the opening of the New York...

Antiracism: Ethnic and Racial Studies

Racism occurs when people are divided into distinct and exclusive biological groups or rather entities known as races. It is a worldwide hierarchy of power and inferiority in the societies which have been economically, culturally, and politically produced and replicated for years by the cultural institutions of the “patriarchal of...

“A Sand County Almanac” Book by Aldo Leopold

A Sand County Almanac is a popular science book with a message about people’s responsibility towards the land they live on. The book has become legendary and has been reprinted many times (Meine). Moreover, it has significantly contributed to the development of the environmental movement (Qi Feng, 2). I particularly...

The Varieties of Religious Experience by W. James

People are usually concerned about the surrounding phenomena and events influencing their lives. James (2009) describes the most common questions related to the nature of history and the meaning of its importance. The answers can be diverse as every individual has specific beliefs and unique experiences. Religion usually consists of...

Self-Driving Cars’ Impact on Employment

Nowadays, the idea of self-driving cars gains more and more popularity. However, there is another side to this issue. One effect of using self-driving cars is drastic reduction of work places that is likely to become more pronounced as fewer people will be engaged in the field. Indeed, nowadays many...

The “Everyone Has an Opinion…” Video Critique

Opinions are a vital part of the human experience and people’s understanding of the world. At their core, opinions are how people understand the world, themselves and others, as it is colored by their lens of emotional and logical perception. By holding a series of opinions, individuals form their worldviews...

Informal Socialization of Employees

For my Ethnography assignment, I am working on a research project named Informal Socialization of Employees After Work Hours or Outside Environment. At the moment, I am focusing on the areas of cultural domains and behavior and context for my subjects. The area of workplace sociology is a challenging field...

Government Responsibility Regarding Human Rights

Every state has the primary responsibility of promoting and protecting human rights. To realize these responsibilities, both local and national governments have to educate the public about human rights, create awareness, raise, and train public officials on the significance of freedom. Governments employ legal instruments that oversee social security in...

The Wind That Shakes The Barley by R. D. Joyce

The Wind That Shakes The Barley, written by Robert Dwyer Joyce (2021), explores the theme of the sacrifice young men had to make during the Irish rebellion of 1798. The ballad captures the viewpoint of a Wexford boy who, by joining the rebel movement, had to ultimately refuse the love...

Juici Patties in Jamaican Cuisine

Jamaican cuisine is a colorful blend of local products and is capable of combining spicy sweetness, spiciness, and subtlety of all the flavors of the world in one dish. The culinary traditions of Jamaica reflect all of the island’s history: Spanish, English, Indian, and Chinese cuisines, and African motifs are...

Social Stratification and Inequality

Every society has categories and classes that determine how people live. Social stratification is a term that describes the social standing system. Factors like race, money, power, and education form the social status that people see, which differs one group of people from others. Even though countries mostly do not...

Microeconomic Factors of Opioid Addiction

Financial stability always affects the psychological state of individuals. It was distinguished that people who struggle with employment or financially often develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse. This knowledge in practice can be easily seen on comparison charts based on such factors as employment, education level, possession of...

The Aerodyne Research Firm: Air Pollution Studies

Aerodyne Research is a limited liability company that researches air and air pollution levels, one of the world’s most pressing environmental issues today. Clean air is necessary, as it affects all creatures’ daily quality of life, even if people do not notice it. With every breath, toxic aerosols penetrate the...

The European Union’s Foreign Policy

The foreign policy of the European Union (EU) is, first of all, the issues of ensuring peace and security in Europe and on the planet as a whole and preventing and eliminating armed conflicts. The main elements of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) are civilian and military capabilities,...

Millennials in the Workplace

Millennials are people born after l984 who Simon Sinek accuses as challenging to manage and entitled. Sinek leverages ethos, pathos, and logos literary devices to accurately express his idea with persuasion. While ethos appeals to the speaker’s ability to develop trust and a mutual relationship with the audience, logos appeals...

Second Great Awakening Influence on America’s Religious Culture

A notable influence on America’s religious culture originated from the Second Great Awakening. Protestant churches and denominations grew tremendously during the colonial period. Denominations such as Reformed, Anglicans, Congregationalists, and Presbyterians emerged in North America during the Second Great Awakening. Baptist and Methodist churches received more followers during this period....

Intergroup Behavior and Interactions

Intergroup behavior is a relationship in which people from different social groups are present. Usually, such people do not have much in common, but they may have one of the identities from the similarity. Active interaction usually occurs in these groups because people form around a standard feature, an identity,...

Industrialization and Its Effects on the World

Was industrialization good for everyone? If so, why? If not, who benefited from it, and who suffered because of it? The XIX century is the period of the establishment of a new, industrial society. This technique was significantly influenced by the Industrial Revolution. By the 1830s it was completed in...

The Impact of COVID-19 on American Values

Introduction Particular attention should be paid to how individualism affects the perception of the covid pandemic. Thus, a high level of individualism is manifested in many areas of people’s lives. This is reflected in the decision of the individual to take the first place, the decision of the priorities of...

Core Aspects of Personal Identity: The Impact on Female

The most vital concept mentioned in the reading that significantly affected my personality development is gender. As it is defined by Weber, gender is the number of “biological and anatomical characteristics attributed to males and females” (8). It is vital to mention that, according to the author, gender is socially...

Behavior Management: Relapse Management

Introduction As already mentioned, framing may be a crucial tool for changing negative thoughts or goals into positive ones. Kennerley & Westbrook (2017) are right to note that reframing may be used to turn the negative ‘dead man’s solution’ goals into more positive targets, but there is more to that....

“Don’t Demonize Social Media…” by Frazer-Carroll

Research dossiers and news reports have linked teens’ use of social media to mental health problems. An independent school made headlines by asking parents and students to sign a “contract” banning phone use on the road, during meals, and at night (Frazer-Carroll). In adolescence, when status and popularity are so...

YouTube Channel Creation, Email Writing, and Nursing Website

The video titled “How to Create a YouTube Channel for Beginners (Step-by-step tutorial)” is the subject of the second report that is being provided. The paper’s structure and format are geared toward educating the viewers of the video on the main points of the presentation and doing a deeper analysis...

Aging Process: The Fear of Getting Older

The fear of getting older is a common phenomenon faced by a significant part of the population. Many people are scared to grow old at a very young age. The majority of individuals associate the elderly and senile age with something negative. For example, with infirmity, cognitive disorders, dementia, or...

Modern Technologies in Education

The critical trend described in this article is that in modern times people spend a lot of time in front of phone and computer screens, although it is often difficult to see something worthwhile there. Nevertheless, the use of various gadgets that have screens can, in some cases, help people....

William Jaeger’s Strategic Decisions

Introduction In the case study, William Jaeger’s objectives are to profit, avoid dangers, and maintain his company’s reputation. He had the option of collecting the grapes quickly or waiting for the rain. If Jaeger chooses to harvest straightaway, the rain will have no influence on the value of the wines,...

Supporting Children With Learning Disabilities

Generally, a learning disability (LD) is a situation that prevents the ability of the student to effectively understand some crucial aspects of schoolwork. In most cases, the condition may display itself through delayed writing, difficulty listening, problems with mathematics, a challenge in handling calculation, or even issue with speaking. The...

Artificial Intelligence and Human Intelligence Comparison

Human capabilities and feelings are much more complex than any computer program. Although, according to Laudon and Laudon (2019), Artificial Intelligence (AI) performs many tasks that would be impossible for humans to perform and can equal or come close to human tasks in interpreting CT scans, recognizing faces and voices,...

Human Development Theories by Piaget, Vygotsky, and Erikson

Introduction Having an understanding of the core aspects and stages of human development is critical for identifying the relevant issues and determining the core factors affecting a specific psychological concern. Presently, several perspectives on the phenomenon of human development exist. These are represented by the framework designed by Piaget, Vygotsky,...

The Neuroergonomics of Aircraft Cockpits by Peysakhovich et al.

Peysakhovich et al.’s (2018) article, The Neuroergonomics of aircraft cockpits, outlines the four stages of eye-tracking integration to enhance flight safety. Among the safest transportation modes today include commercial aviation, with reduced accidents per departure. However, inadequate cross-checking monitoring provokes a destabilized approach and subsequent drastic speed diminution, resulting in...

The Street Violence in El Barrio

An El Barrio woman’s only chance of escaping her oppressive family is to fall in love with a hero, marry, and bear a child. She will only be able to leave her house after that. It is common for victimized street girls to decide to get married to escape oppression...

Marketing Manager, Human Resources Specialist, and Data Scientist

Choosing a profession is one of the most serious and important choices in a person’s life. The entire course of a person’s life depends on this decision, which necessitates a careful study of the professions that are of particular interest to the individual. Therefore, the most fascinating and promising jobs...

ACE Star Model for Studying the Falls Practice Change

Introduction Evidence-based practice models in health care serve as rules for embodying professional medical practice. Moreover, they become helpful in improving the quality of patients care and optimizing the medical matter’s process. One of the numerous models worth noting is the ACE Star Model. Discussion The ACE Star Model helps...

Guideline on Antidepressants’ Use During Depression

Introduction Depression is one of the common issues affecting pregnant women. Statistics show that 14% to 23% of females might suffer from this health problem during the perinatal period (Yonkers et al., 2009). For this reason, it is vital to address the disease, as if left untreated, it might have...

Foucault’s Concept of “Power/Knowledge”

It is important to note that Michel Foucault’s concept discusses the emergence of the concept of knowledge and its relationship to power. Thus, the author argues that the impetus for the emergence of knowledge comes from the upper circles of power (Fruhling, n.d). This is because it is important for...

Nike Company Change Techniques and Decision Making

Changing Decision Making and Introduction of New Products at Nike Nike’s downfall started when the managers developed the feeling that their decisions were final and correct with regards to the operations of the company. However, deteriorations in market performance forced the management to acknowledge the need to change how decisions...

Use of Six Sigma in the Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation

Introduction The process of executing control over the essential processes in the organization after the crucial changes of its QA Department is made will be required to maintain high-quality rates. Particularly, it will be necessary to make sure that the significance of customer satisfaction should be acknowledged by every single...

Definition of Peer-Reviewed Articles and the Process of Their Creation

Introduction Peer-reviewed journal articles are considered to be the most credible resources in different scientific topics or subjects. The information provided in such sources is always based on appropriate researches. The following paper is intended to discuss and explain what peer-reviewed articles are and how they are created. Discussion The...

American Psychological Association Style: Examples

APA citation style allows including different articles, researches, publications, and various materials belonging to other authors in the written text. It enables providing the correct bibliographic description of the resources used in accordance with uniform rules and methods that will meet contemporary academic standards. It should be noted that APA...

Nursing Values in Communication with Patients

Combined with a passion for medicine, my willingness to help others and offer both medical and emotional support can be deemed as the primary key factors that contributed to my choice of nursing as the primary area of professional interest. My value system is based on the importance of human...

HIV Prevention and Education Among Population

The presence of high HIV rates among the population is a concern that might lead to severe consequences. The problem of HIV can be viewed from multiple angles. First of all, one should consider biomedical interventions that deal with testing, implementing safety measures, and providing treatment (AVERT, 2017). Secondly, behavioral...

Screening as a Standard of Women Care

Breast and ovarian cancer in women are ones of the most dangerous illnesses that increase the mortality rates in many countries around the world. The US statistics show that the rates of breast cancer reached the point of about 125 cases per 100,000 people during a year (Euhus et al....

Biology Postgraduate Education and Its Advantages

The idea of postgraduate education bothers many students. Some of them want to find as many supportive reasons as possible to be sure that they take the right step. Some students cannot even imagine that one day they agree to become a student again. And some of them do not...

Individual Differences Influencing Development

The two main individual differences that have influenced my development to the greatest extent are temperament and parenting style (Simpson, 2008). I have selected them as they were intertwined for me. The temperament is one of the conditions for the formation of certain properties of the psyche of a person....

Honolulu Rail Project: Positive and Negative Aspects

Introduction For Project 2, I have selected topic 7: “Rail remains a contentious issue in Hawaii, largely for budget reasons. What are the issues? What are some of the possible resolutions?” To my mind, this topic raises questions that are both interesting and important to investigate since the matter under...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Importance of APA Style

APA is one of the citation styles that help the reports, and written assignments look interesting and appealing to readers. Nonetheless, it not only structures the paper and presents the ideas coherently but also assists in avoiding plagiarism. In this instance, the APA citation style uses different principles to cite...

Special Interest Groups as a Threat to Democracy

Are special interest groups a threat to democracy? Yes, they are, because various interest groups that are in a more favorable financial situation have more chances of being heard than those who do not have much money to spare. This creates a space for corruption and promotion of specific economic...

English Composition II: Course Overview

Main Objectives and Benefits for Students English Composition II represents a middle step between Composition I and students’ professional writing. In this course, students are to “develop rhetorical skills for informed inquiry” (”English Composition I and II”). That is why English Composition II involves several aspects, such as writing, critical...

Software Piracy at Kaspersky Cybersecurity Company

Software piracy is an urgent contemporary problem that manifests itself both locally in relation to an individual organization and globally when the digital community is forced to take measures to protect licensed products. IT heads have to resort to special software protection technologies and spend extra money. According to Rasch...

Transformational Leadership of Jesus Christ

Introduction Nowadays, there are many different models of leadership, and one of the most common is the concept of transformational leadership. The leader-reformer motivates followers by increasing their awareness of the importance of combining their interests with a common goal and creating an atmosphere of trust. The transformational leadership model...

A Historical Movie Accuracy: “Dunkirk” by Christopher Nolan

Dunkirk (2017) was directed by Christopher Nolan and released in 2017. The movie is a depiction of the Dunkirk evacuation that took place in 1940. The protagonist is a British soldier who survives an ambush of German troops. He makes it to the beach and joins the Allied troops that...

Congestive Heart Failure and Self-Care Theory

The self-care nursing theory was developed by Dorothea Orem and is based on the premise that nurses can teach and assist patients with the ability to practice self-care and maintain personal health and well-being. Self-care is defined as the natural decision-making process that consists of behaviors that allow for physiologic...

Alphabet’s Financial Ratios Analysis

Introduction Alphabet is a large multinational company working in a field of innovation and technology, which also owns Google. Financial ratios help examine and analyze a company’s financial status. Based on debt and equity, assets turnover, liquidity, and return on investment, one can make a judgment regarding Google’s strengths and...

To Repurchase Shares or Pay Dividends

In a “perfect world” if a firm chooses to pay dividends instead of repurchasing shares based on the taxes that exist in a state where the company operates and the capital distribution strategy of a firm. Businesses choose to pay dividends in countries where the dividend penalty tax is relatively...

YouTube and Fair Use: When Viewing Is Allowed

By law, people have to respect each other’s intellectual property and use it fairly. However, with the creation of digital media, copyright issues have become more difficult to understand. At present, YouTube is a video platform that hosts a huge number of videos (Aufderheide and Jaszi, p. 139). According to...

Ethical Differences in Business

To begin with, in his article, Martin Zwilling (2013), the Founder and CEO of Startup Professionals, offers five rules vital for transforming one’s business into a more ethical unit. Overall, these recommendations appear to be quite vague and common for other situations requiring changes or conflict resolution. Zwilling (2013) discusses...

Man Ray Artist and His “The Gift”

Man Ray, an American of Jewish descent, is one of the most prominent artists of the twentieth century and a true revolutionary. He successfully practiced painting, sculpture, writing, and eventually started experimenting with camerawork (Cohen). He constantly tried new techniques and invented rayographs, which helped create bizarre and refracted images...

Fyre Festival Project Strategy

The Fyre festival in August 2022 is planned as a large-scale event with thousands of guests. As a basis for the program development, the SMART methodology will be applied, which includes setting clear objectives and implementing them in a specific period. Firstly, the style of the festival should be chosen...

Barack Obama’s Presidential Library

The Barack Obama Presidential Library promises to be a community gathering space on the south side of Chicago, IL, like no other presidential center before. The project will be run privately and include separate library, museum, athletic, and entertainment facilities (Schuessler). An approximate construction cost of this site is $500...

Marketing Techniques Influenced by the COVID-19

The article by Walton addresses the social and demographic aspects of the marketing techniques used by the contemporary markets by synthesising the data on mortality induced by COVID and police brutality with the perception of diversity. The author expresses the opinion that marketers in “total markets” utilize the social and...

IPv6 vs. IPv4 Overview and Comparison

In the era of digitalization, when practically no human being can imagine one’s life without a computer, it is impossible not to stumble upon the abbreviation IP at some point. Briefly speaking, IP stands for Internet protocol or the identification label assigned to each device connected to the global network....

Identifying Root Causes of Business

It is a primary goal of every business to improve its quality and productivity while reducing costs and overcoming any inefficiencies. In some cases, there is a specific job position, Continuous Improvement Manager, that deals with the task above. Such managers are free to choose the existing methodology and tools...

Comparing Two Kinds and Everyday Use

The activity of civil rights activists was one of the indicative marks of the 20th century, which was largely reflected in the literature. A bias against such themes as culture and conflict appeared, and it is portrayed in Two Kinds and Everyday Use. Both of the stories focuses on culture...

Deontological and Utilitarian Ethical Theories

The content of ethics is determined by the value categories of duty and justice. As professional ethics, marketing ethics has its own philosophical and methodological origins, which go back primarily to utilitarian theories. Ethical responsibility issues arise concerning the firm’s actions regarding personal and social needs, truthfulness in relationships with...

Plastic Pollution Through the Lens of Social Sciences

Previously, I discussed the problem of plastic pollution from the point of view of history. The approach helped to understand how the issues developed to understand what the central reasons for the emergence of the plastic problem were. Historical analysis helped to understand that the central problem for the emergence...

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Alienation and McDonaldization of Labor

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Small Bowel Obstruction: Management and Treatment

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Program Music. Bedrich Smetana and Hector Berlioz

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Maple Syrup Business: Challenges and Prospects

Maple syrup is a symbolic product of the northeastern territories of Northern America. During recent decades, maple syrup producers encountered an increasing number of challenges connected with climate change such as pests and diseases, a potential shift in the suitable habitat, and variations in timing. Nonetheless, in the United States...

A Nonreligious Cult “Free People”

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Using of Digital Information and Visual Media in the Educational Process

Response 1 I agree with Danielle on the topic of using visual media, such as animations and images, in the educational process. A teacher must implement this method of conducting knowledge when interacting with younger generations. Barry et al. (2015) state that students “are willing to merge their online presence...

Relationship Between the Stock Price of a Company and Its Benefit to Society

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Perseus Personage, Provided Mythological Character

Perseus has been highly popular in the later mythological tradition, where one can pinpoint various movies and cartoons with the given central character. The main reason is the fact that he is a demigod, which means that Perseus is a half-human (“Perseus,” 2020). In other words, it makes him a...

Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) Theory

When designing a practice change, it is crucial to utilize an appropriate change model to ensure the effectiveness of the process. Change theories can help in a myriad of ways. For instance, a relevant model is beneficial for planning future change by identifying the critical stages to achieve success (Batras...

The Problem of Native Americans’ Existence

Susan Power raises the problem of Native Americans’ existence in a modern world and their communication with the dominant society (76). The author opens the article with a description of her ethnic identity (Power 76). She notes that as a child, she looked more like a white person, and with...

“Sharing Our Stories of Survival” by Native Women

Since the first discovery of the American continent, native people have suffered various instances of violence. Indigenous women, however, is the group that is more likely to experience abuse even nowadays since there the current system is not capable of protecting them. The book Sharing Our Stories of Survival is...

Economics of Healthcare: The Cost Increases and a Logical Solution

It is hard to disagree that firms’ leaders have to make uneasy decisions to keep their business stable and beneficial. One of the most severe issues that may need to be solved is the cost increases experienced by a firm, and a logical solution to offset them is to raise...

Variables in Nursing Research

Variables play a critical role in nursing research; thus, clearly defining and properly employing them is essential. There are three types of variables present in most studies – independent, dependent, and extraneous. Undoubtedly, it is vital to compare independent, dependent, and extraneous variables and determine how to control the third...

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Narcissism is the admiration of one-self and the pursuit of appreciation. It is considered to be an adaptive personality trait by personality psychologists (Yakeley, 2018). However, narcissism can also be an abnormal or maladaptive condition, in which case it is called narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). People with this condition can...

The Eulogy for the White Hat Burial Ceremony

Today is the day I have been waiting for a long time, and it is both sad and joyous because it is time to say goodbye to something extremely important to me, my White Hat. The journey to come to this moment was challenging, and I want to thank everyone...

Nursing: Recruitment, Retention, and Future

A nurse is an increasingly prosperous profession today since it encompasses various tasks and duties that other healthcare professionals cannot perform. The current statistics show a great demand for nurses, and it is expected that the nursing profession will increase by 12% by the year 2028 (Cornell & Vaughn, 2020)....

Metformin Medication: Adverse Effects

Metformin is among the front-line medications for type-2 diabetes treatment which is administered to overweight patients. The chemical name of Metformin HCI is 1-Dimethylbiguanide hydrochloride, and its molecular formula is C4H11N5 • HCl (Yu et al., 2018). Metformin was discovered in 1922 by Jean Sterne, a French physician, and the...

Effective Customer Care

No matter how good of an idea a business is, learning how to attract and maintain clients is solely based on how good the customer service is implemented. I have been a loyal customer of my coffee vendor in the neighborhood for years now. The one thing that gets me...

Value of Salesforce Software Using VRIO Model

Salesforces CRM is software that is designed to help managers organize their businesses efficiently. It is valuable because it uses the latest virtual advancements, like a cloud to connect all of its teams, leaders, and systematize customer data (Manchar & Chouhan, 2017). CRM stands for customer relationship management, and it...

Healthcare Managers’ Duties and Importance

Healthcare management is a complicated, complex, and multi-level process based on an open, dynamic system. In other words, it is a science that studies directing, regulation, and control of financial, labor, and material resources of healthcare. Therefore, a peculiarity of this area is a responsibility of decisions on which life...

“Blaxploitation Horror Films” Article by Benshoff

Article The article “Blaxploitation Horror Films: Generic Reappropriation or Reinscription,” written by Harry M. Benshoff, presents the perspective of the author on the problem of social and generic racism in this genre. It is reflected by the inclusion of African American characters identified as monsters by white filmmakers of the...

The Concepts of Modern Management, Standards & Expectations

An effective manager is someone who manages to ensure the efficiency of production and doesn’t waste time. The main managerial functions are to forecast and plan, organize, command, coordinate, and control. They are responsible for dividing the work, imposing a certain discipline, guaranteeing a united command, and, at the same...