Spinal Manipulation Therapy and Practice Concerns

As a non-invasive alternative to conventional therapies for treating chronic low back pain, spinal manipulation therapy has grown in popularity. To guarantee a safe and efficient course of treatment, there are a number of practice difficulties with the use of spinal manipulation therapy that need to be addressed. The five...

Enhancing Organizational Performance Through Psychological Assessments

Introduction The implementation of psychological assessment at the workplace is an effective method for evaluating the needs, capabilities, and appropriate career choices of employees. This framework generally suggests that personality traits exist and play a crucial role in defining one’s behavior. In this sense, a thorough psychological assessment is beneficial...

Tesla Model S: Growth Phase and Future Life Cycle Challenges

Introduction The life cycle of a product is an important indicator that determines how far this or that product has gone to its full completion. Thus, this aspect reveals each period from development to production to understand better the product’s phase and what will be required for its release. The...

The Transformation of Elizabeth Bennet in Pride and Prejudice for Teens

Introduction The novel’s characters are appealing to readers due to their personal development. Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice is an example of a character’s transformation. She changes her outlook throughout the novel, getting rid of her prejudice about Mr. Darcy. This also develops her best personal qualities and makes...

Mental Health Care and Depression Awareness: A Public Health Brochure Analysis

Reason for Interest in This Topic Mental health care is an essential aspect of everyone’s life. Emotional illness has a significant impact on quality of life and overall well-being. In a state of depression, the patient is capable of self-harm or being unable to do everyday things. Everyone should know...

Human Attitudes to Earth and Its Forces of Change

Speth’s Forces of Change to bring about change in how humanity relates to the Earth Among Speth’s forces of change that produce massive and random devastating changes to the environment, capitalism carries the day. He suggests that nothing less than a fundamental shift in technology, politics, and economics culture and...

Trudeau Brownface Scandal: Analyzing Molly Roberts’ View

The boundaries of what is acceptable and what is not are changing fast, so for many people today, scandals like the one involving Canadian PM are not shocking anymore. The stories of people who did something in the past, which is highly unacceptable today, keep on occupying the news. However,...

“False Promises of International Institutions” by John J. Mearsheimer

The founder of offensive realism, a professor at the University of Chicago, John Mearsheimer, is considered to be one of the leading figures in the modern theory of international relations. The sensational article “The False Promise of International Institutions” by Mearsheimer is devoted to the problem of lies in international...

“Why We Hate Waiting”: Creating the Basis for the Essay

Writing an essay can be challenging when an individual meets a writing block. However, there are several writing techniques such as freewriting, responding to the text, brainstorming, or journaling that help to deal with this problem. This paper aims to utilize freewriting and responding to the text techniques to create...

The Brain Tumor Description

A brain tumor is an incompletely studied disease, which, nevertheless, is dangerous for people. The tumor itself represents the formation of cancerous cells inside the brain (Kivi & Leonard, 2017). Since Mr. Mateo’s list of signs contains impaired vision, it can be assumed that the cancer is in the occipital...

“Ambush Marketing” by Jerry C. Welsh

Ambush marketing was introduced by Jerry C Welsh during his work for American Express. It is necessary to mention that the current definition of ambush marketing is slightly different from the original one. This paper will discuss the actual meaning of ambush marketing and its role in the sphere of...

Cloud Formation and Precipitation in a Mid-Latitude Cyclone

The nature of the planet Earth is impressive — it consists of the cycles of chemical compounds in different aggregate states at distinct levels. Water is the essential substance without which life would not be possible, and the formation of clouds with the subsequent fallout plays a not insignificant role...

Actinopterygii: The Evolution of Ray-Finned Fishes

Background Along with Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fishes and tetrapod offspring), the ray-finned fish Actinopterygii make up the familiar class of bony fishes, the Osteichthyans. Osteichthyans are distinct for having an air sac (a swim or lung bladder but this may be lost) and large dermal bone units on the head and...

The Experience of the First Job

Growing up as a shy and self-contained person, I have never thought that I would be able to work with people. When I was offered an internship opportunity at a rehabilitation center, I was so frightened, I thought I would fail. The mere thought of constantly meeting new people and...

The Main Reason for Nursing Shortage

Nursing is a psychologically and physically demanding job, as professionals must provide supportive care regardless of personal well-being. Lack of nurses is a long-term nationwide and multifactorial problem. First of all, individuals suffer from irregular work schedules and workloads that lead to stress. It is a reason for burnout or...

The “Occupy Street Movement” in the United States

The “occupy street movement” in the United States of America is against the increasing appetite and insatiability of corporate American citizens and its banks. The nation’s democracy is in the hands of as little as 400 American billionaires who have taken this chance to humiliate the rest of the American...

Eating Disorders: Types and Causes

Introduction Eating disorders and obesity have become a serious issue in modern healthcare, as there seems to be a growth in their development. This paper will focus on such conditions as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, muscle dysmorphia, and obesity. It will include possible physical and psychological symptoms and warning signs...

Gender and Power in Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”

The gender concept is clearly out of its traditional context in Macbeth’s storyline. For example, in Macbeth’s marriage, Lady Macbeth’s usurpation of the dominant role is often reflected in disruption because she controlled and dictated her husband’s actions on various occasions. Furthermore, through the couple of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth,...

External Business Analysis With Six Questions

The external analysis, also known as environmental analysis, is a process through which companies objectively evaluate changes that might influence their current operations to their industries and the wider world. Companies do this to make sure they can adapt and succeed in a drive in the context of changes. The...

Comfortability and Productivity at Work: Ethical Management

Expectations and Implications Ethical management allows business employees to feel comfortable and be productive at work. It also helps to avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings between the subordinates and superiors. An effective leader sets an example by behaving morally and encouraging other workers to do the same. This paper will...

The Effect of Prohibition Alcohol and Drug Use

The 1920-33 National Prohibition of alcohol, also referred to as the “noble experiment,” was established to reduce corruption and crime. It was focused on lowering the tax burden and addressing social problems created by poorhouses and prisons, as well as enhancing the hygiene and health of Americans. Prohibition influenced a...

Evaluating Evidence in Nursing Research

The evidence-based approach is a central topic of discussion in modern healthcare practice. The benefits of evidence-based practice cannot be overstated because it has significantly improved health outcomes. The best evidence in nursing research is formed through extensive literature analysis and data evaluation from clinical studies (Grove & Gray, 2018)....

Historical Processes in Nevada at the Beginning of the 20th Century

In the 1900 year, the two-decade depression had been continuing in Nevada. By an occasion, miner Jim Butler outcropped gold and silver, which attracted investors to the new camp, Tonopah. This relief from discovery, which put the two-decade depression to an end, dramatically changed Nevada’s social, political, and economic life....

Rube Goldberg Machine Review

Introduction A Rube Goldberg machine is a device that performs an effortless action in a highly complex way — usually through a long sequence of domino interactions. A competition organized by the Purdue PSPE Society of Professional Engineers is being held among the designers of these machines. The 2018 winner...

Qualities of a Good Leader

Leadership has become an essential topic for discussion and research in the era of globalization and society’s economic transformation. Some scholars equate leadership with management, others oppose these two concepts. They are undoubtedly connected; however, there are evident differences between them. Moreover, various qualities of a good leader are mentioned...

“Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau

Henry David Thoreau is an American writer living in the 18th century and writing about the social issues of that time. “Civil Disobedience” written by Henry David Thoreau (1980) was first published in 1849. The essay of Thoreau, “Civil Disobedience” challenges the American social institutions and policies, mainly slavery and...

Constitutional Rights of Prisoners

Correctional institutions, such as jails and prisons, deprive incarcerated persons of their freedom and some of their rights as a legal penalty. However, it is necessary to understand that the basic constitutional rights of these people remain. For example, an individual’s security is a fundamental right, and fair and regular...

Contemporary Trends Criticism by Using Anthropological Approach

To begin with, there is a great number of contemporary trends nowadays. As a result, only general notions might be discussed due to their influence on society. From the anthropological perspective, the vast majority of trends could be criticized by using even the most primitive methods of qualitative analysis. On...

Profit Maximization Versus Satisficing

Businesses strive to achieve the maximum possible revenue to stay competitive. This essay will compare profit maximization strategy with satisficing. Maximization implies a continuous chase for the highest possible profit margin (Qiu, Bai, and Lu, 2020). It allows a company to gain a competitive advantage at the cost of significant...

Discussion of “Dancing” by Jonas

The first chapter primarily discusses the power of dance and its use as a symbol of cultural, religious, personal and group expression. All of the information discussed in this section pertains to two factors: the emotional power of dancing and its societal significance. The Tongan Dance, Ubud Legong Dance and...

An Analysis of the TechnologyOne Case

The software as a service (SaaS) model of distribution of software products has experienced considerable popularity in the past years. The case of TechnologyOne presents an example of a company that successfully transitioned to providing cloud-based enterprises’ SaaS solutions. Nevertheless, the company would still benefit from maintaining both cloud and...

Uber’s Effect on Taxi Companies

Uber’s innovative format of transportation services affects companies in the taxi market. Specifically, its pricing strategies and the ability to damage the reputation of taxi drivers deserve attention in this regard. This essay will examine the cause-and-effect connections between Uber’s activity in the transportation industry and its meaning for more...

The Asylum-Madness: The Rise and Fall

Challenges The rise of the asylums happened in the 1800s, and at that time, it was a widespread type of institution for mentally ill people who had severe disorders and required special care from professionals. Eventually, when the patients were sent to the asylums, they usually stayed there for the...

Researching of McDonald’s Supply

Before getting to the customers, the product usually goes a long way – the supply chain, which includes various components. It affects the organization’s profitability and is sensitive to multiple influence factors. McDonald’s is one of the world’s most famous fast-food restaurant chains, which is a sign of careful supply...

Philosophical Thinkers and Questions in Ethics

The fundamental difference between philosophy and science is that the former asks conceptual questions and tries to find explanations entirely through thinking. On the other hand, the latter formulates theories that can be tested experimentally. The first crucial philosophical question is related to the existence of objects, which is asked...

Blessings, Beatitudes, Curses, and Woes in the Bible

In Deuteronomy 28:1-14 Bible says, “You will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country” (“Deuteronomy 28 (KJV)”). God’s word promises that if we accept His instruction to put Him first (to elevate Him above all other things in our life and revere Him as our first cause,...

Nature vs. Nurture in Psychology

Scholars have been debating for many centuries which of the two factors, namely genetic inheritance, and the environmental surroundings, affect a person’s development, behavior, and character more. Some scientists have argued that ‘nature’ determines most of the individual physical features and mental abilities; others assert that most human traits are...

Jewish, Christian, and Islamic Relations

Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are three major religious and worldview traditions that divide people in their vision of the world and perception of history. These traditions are monotheistic and have one textual source – the Tanakh. Therefore, the dispute about who interprets the divine message correctly is difficult to resolve,...

Australian Superyacht Industry’s Market Segmentation

Introduction Market segmentation has become an increasingly popular concept in the modern world because companies want to target narrower audiences to increase customer satisfaction. This term can be defined as determining one or several market elements and serving consumers interested in this product (Camilleri, 2018). Market segmentation requires identifying a...

Big Data: All the Data People Create

People continue to generate remarkable amounts of data at an accelerating rate. The umbrella term for all the data people create is called Big Data. Despite some of its disadvantages, Big Data should be considered a blessing because it provides researchers with sufficient knowledge and allows them to make precise...

Building and Maintenance of a School Organization

Building and maintaining school organization is crucial to providing an effective and healthy learning environment. Many educational institutions have become aware of reconstructing old facilities to cater to emerging student needs and maintaining the buildings, furniture, and equipment to reduce expenditure. However, basic information on effective facility maintenance and management...

Citizen Participation in a Representative Democracy

The society’s quality of life is determined not only by the government’s influence but also by citizens’ interest in applying efforts to promote their well-being. In particular, the population can contribute through citizen participation – involvement in political decision-making processes and the provision of services (Holum 1). It entails specific...

Exploring the Benefits of Plant-Based Diets for Gym Athletes

Vegetarian diets are becoming an increasingly common lifestyle among athletes, so clinicians are turning their attention to this phenomenon. This article evaluates the benefits of a vegetable-based, balanced diet for the physically active gym athlete (Constantin et al., 2019). The central beliefs of the authors in this paper are that...

Borrowing in the History and Culture

Since ancient times, different cultures, peoples, and tribes have borrowed certain cultural elements from each other. They started with the language and ended with the aspects of clothing, music, and demeanor. Like now, in the era of globalism, different cultures and nations borrow Anglo-Saxon, German, Japanese, and other elements, and...

Native American, European, and Black Women in North America

The life of women acquired a completely different shade, which was unusual for the rest of the world. The position of Native American, European, and Black women has changed a lot, giving them more opportunities, but also retaining certain limitations. It is worth noting that women’s lives were determined by...

Purchasing Power Parity: Predicting Exchange Rates

The most popular method of forecasting exchange rates is called the theory of purchasing power parity (PPP). The PPP principle is based on the theoretical “law of one price”, according to which identical goods in different countries should have the same price (Jabbie & Jackson, 2020). For example, according to...

Perception of War in A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway

A Farewell to Arms, an Ernest Hemingway novel, has a distinctive anti-military rhetoric. While the war is not directly condemned, its atrocities are described vividly, showing that something wrong is happening. Its main character, Frederic Henry, is an American lieutenant serving in the Italian Army ambulance during World War I....

Informing About Continuous Quality Improvement

Poor leadership, lack of collaboration, excessive workload, and poor communication are some barriers. When it comes to Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI), employees may not feel like they have a stake because they do not believe they have a voice (Mizuno, 2020). Consequently, individuals may feel more like victims than participants...

Evidence-Based Practice: Spiritual Care in Nursing

There is growing evidence indicating the importance of evidence-based practice within the healthcare system. In this case health providers are required to make treatment decisions based on recent research findings while supplementing it with their clinical experience. Spiritual care seeks to ensure that a patient’s spiritual needs are adequately addressed...

Sir Philip Sidney’s Poem “Thou Blind Man’s Mark”

Introduction Desire is one of the most common themes explored in poetry. It is also the subject of Sir Philip Sidney’s poem “Thou Blind Man’s Mark”. On the surface, the text seems to implicate desire as the main cause of harm, yet a closer inspection of poetic devices can show...

Does Shakespeare Still Matter?

Shakespeare’s works are still highly relevant to modern society and people. Despite the fact that his plots unfold in a historical setting, the poet talks about timeless matters and themes. Firstly, his characters experience the same conflicts and problems as modern people do. Secondly, they have difficulties understanding themselves and...

Transformational Leadership in Nonprofit Organizations

Transformational leadership can be a good way for an organization to grow and improve with the right leader. The concept first appeared at the suggestion of leadership expert James MacGregor Burns (Randolph, 2021). Transformational leadership, according to him, is the shift of leaders and followers to a higher degree of...

Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism

Introduction Culture shapes an individual’s perceptions of social interactions and development since it affects attitudes, values, and beliefs. While culture is a multifaceted concept, it varies from one society to another. Ethnocentrism involves the evaluation of other people’s cultures based on one’s ethnic background and can involve stereotypes. Cultural relativism...

Barbie and Body Image: Controversy and Positive Attributes

Introduction Barbie, the iconic Mattel doll, has been a part of popular culture since her creation and has greatly impacted society. Barbie has been a source of joy and controversy, especially regarding her representation of the ideal female body. While the doll has been praised for inspiring young girls to...

Power Distribution in the Criminal Justice System: The Role of Prosecutors

Introduction All branches of the criminal justice system play an essential role in maintaining public order. By cooperating among themselves, different departments, like the police, prosecutors, and judges, ensure that laws are enforced and punishments are determined for offenders. However, if we consider each branch of the criminal justice system...

Financial Concept Map in Nurse Manager’s Interview

The figure below illustrates a financial concept map that has been designed on the basis of an interview with a nurse manager. As it might be seen in the figure above, a nurse manager carries out four major functions: planning and development, monitoring, reporting, and communication. As such, first and...

Internet Marketing Strategies for Consumer Recognition

Internet Marketers’ strategies to trigger consumer recognition of needs and evaluating alternatives Internet marketers have to generate a lot of enthusiasm among the majority of potential clients, especially the youth through creating interaction procedures where site viewers can discuss or comment on products. This interactive form of advertisement enhances the...

Critical Thinking in Decision-Making: Avoiding Workplace Fallacies

Everyday we are dared to make proper decisions, normally with limited ideas under serious time restrictions; this requires critical thinking. Critical thinking is a type of thinking that occurs as a result of correct estimation of the arguments and evidence and thus coming into conclusions that are optimal by the...

Fences by August Wilson: Denzel Washington vs. James Earl Jones

Introduction The play Fences, by August Wilson addresses us to Troy, who has to struggle for providing for his family. Two great actors, Denzel Washington and James Earl Jones showed the character of the protagonist and his relationship with a son in two different ways. As a result, the effect...

Promoting Physical Exercise: Strategies and Expected Health Outcomes

In patients of age group 18 to 25 (P) who receive education regarding the importance of exercising 300 minutes per week (I) compared to a similar group who does not receive the education (C) will increase their present level of activity by 30%.(O) by the end of a 6 month...

Effective Training Programs for Workplace Skill Enhancement

Implementing training programs in the workplace provides an increase in the professional qualification of staff members and satisfies the company’s needs for certain types of skills. Such training allows employees to gain new experience and to enhance their knowledge. Learning programs should be developed according to the company’s needs to...

The Role of Psychology in Everyday Life

The Profound and Pervasive Impact of past Psychological Knowledge The scope of psychological knowledge accumulated throughout history if the development of this science has dramatically determined how it influences people’s lives. As Zimbardo (2004) states, some aspects of psychology have become so common for people that they take them for...

Utilitarian Ethical Approach: Review

The utilitarian ethical approach addresses any given action in terms of consequences or potential outcomes. This ethical approach strives to achieve the best outcome for the majority while presenting the least amount of harm or negative consequences. Every entity that will be impacted by the decision is considered equally, which...

Reflection on “Cheleyem”

Before watching the film, Cheleyem: An Experimental of Mapuche Film Program, I expected to see the rich cultural heritage and pride of the Chilean Mapuche indigenous community. The digital visual art at the back brings confusion, and the young man drumming and making voices appears from a star symbolizing the...

“Liveware”: The Quote by David Eagleman: Review

“The brain is fundamentally unlike the hardware in our digital computers. Instead, it’s “liveware”. It reconfigures its circuitry. Although the adult brain isn’t quite as flexible as a child’s, it still retains an astonishing ability to adapt and change” (Eagleman, 2015, ch. 6). The quote by the book’s author David...

The Role of the Natives in the American Revolution

Introduction The revolution that eventually secured the independence of the British colonies proved to be one of the most critical events in the second half of the XVIII century. The indigenous tribes also took part in the revolution, although many chose to support the British Empire. This essay will provide...

Art, Music, and Dance

Art Art is a distinctive map of the success of all humankind. It shows how people developed in different eras, what they believed in, how their perception of the world collapsed, changed, and was built again. All discoveries, new ideas, goals, and beliefs are reflected in art. There are pictures...

“I Am Malala” by Malala Yousafzai: Review

I am Malala, or also known by its full title as “I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban”, is an autobiographical book by Malala Yousafzai. It has won at both Specsavers National Book Awards, and the 2013 Goodreads...

SpaceX Company’s Procurement Strategy

The industry of space exploration in the U.S. has always been dominated by NASA, the government agency responsible for operating in the sphere of aeronautics, yet, the emergence of SpaceX changed the status quo. The company, led by entrepreneur Elon Musk has proved over a short period of time that...

Philosophy Theories and Paradigms and Research Perspectives

Due to the fact that a particular unified theory of education is absent in pedagogical science, we should talk about a paradigmatic approach. In many ways, paradigms of philosophy have become the basis of theories and paradigms of education. According to the approach, there are several paradigms that allow characterizing...

Bullying and Patient Safety in Clinical Settings

Thankfully, I have not faced serious bullying or incivility, such as physical abuse or verbal slurs within my clinical setting. The worst instances I can remember are several cases of unfunny jokes or seemingly unjustified negative comments on my or my peers’ performance. However, the fact that I have witnessed...

Examination of Vitamin B12 Deficiency

The deficiency or toxicity of the B12 vitamin can negatively impact an individual’s life, causing significant negative consequences. My doctor’s observations included anemia, a low count of blood cells, and their enlarged and immature state (Green, 2017). Other symptoms were occasional numbness in arms and legs, as well as complications...

The Dakota Conflict Documentary’s Analysis

The reasons for the Santee Sioux revolt, which resulted in the protracted Dakota War, have been accumulating since the previous decade when the Indians were deceived or disadvantaged by unfair contracts and late payments. Due to the famine, Native Americans were forced to hunt for animals, which was complicated by...

Rhythm, Repetition, and Speaker’s Voice in Blake’s “The Tyger” and “The Lamb”

While the metric scheme of Blake’s “The Lamb” and “The Tyger” is basically the same– the six-to-seven trochee – its rhythmic application varies strongly between the poems. “The Lamb” sometimes breaks the line into two rhythmic pieces composed of stressed-unstressed-stressed syllables. For example, if “Little Lamb I’ll tell thee” was...

Social Media and Pursuit of Social Change

Social media has reconfigured numerous aspects of society and particularly enhanced people’s communicative power through the platforms which facilitate the expression of uncensored reality. Consequently, it has become the ideal tool for amplifying voices, raising awareness, and calling for social change. The networks have created expansive online communities where people...

How Apple and Google Plan to Reinvent Health Care

Living in the times of scientific and technological progress, one has access to dozens of thousands of applications that are easily accessible with a smartphone. Long gone are the times when it could only be useful for teenagers playing games or consuming content – now all kinds of data can...

Women’s Healthcare and Social Darwinism

Introduction During the 20th century, women’s health was objectivized to an extreme extent, which led to the programs of compulsory sterilization. The reasons for doing it were formulated in different ways, but their main idea was rooted in the theory of Social Darwinism (Fordham University 1997). Two of the most...

The Culture of Death in the American Civil War

Introduction Death is a natural and inevitable part of life, feared by some and accepted by others. The article “Civil War and the Art of Dying” focuses on how death was perceived during that era and their ways of following the norms depicted in Ars Moriendi. This set of texts...

Religion: The Main Approaches

Religion is a rather diverse but also complicated concept to explain. Some of the reasons why it is so hard to depict it is because every religion has similarities and differences, does not provide an explanation for various phenomena prior to modern science, and does not focus on one specific...

Indian Boarding Schools from Christian Missionary’s Perspective

The transformation of Tom Torlino reflects the righteous assimilation with American culture. Carlisle Boarding School, where he was studying, was a place highlighting Protestantism and ensuring the development of traditional American values within the representatives of the indigenous culture. The person in the picture accepted the Christianity ideas, following the...

Comparing Leadership Styles in the USA and Qatar

Introduction. Leadership in the USA Historical influence: democracy, freedom of speech, and fight for independence shaped the modern American leadership style; The top characteristics of a strong leader include performance orientation, self-sacrifices, decisiveness, autonomy, and integrity (Brodbeck et al.,2007); A constant battle between competition and collaboration, collectivist and individualistic values;...

International Criminal Court and Its Importance

During the last century, human society witnessed numerous crimes of shocking severity and cruelty. For example, the first and the second World Wars showcased the use of chemical weaponry and racial genocide, respectively (Kramer, 2019). Due to the broad scope of such crimes, which resulted in many involved people and...

Difference Between Ethical Conduct in Public and Private Sectors

Florida governor Ron DeSantis suspended elected prosecutor Andrew Warren for pledging not to use his office to go after doctors that provide gender-affirming care to transgender individuals or people who seek and provide abortions. DeSantis announced he was suspending Warren for “neglect of duty” and “incompetence” as Hillsborough County’s prosecutor...

Significance of Background of Research Study

Introduction Research is one of the most important aspects of various studies, and by finding relevant information, the most realistic research can be done. However, some problems might occur during the source finding. For instance, the changes in technology have allowed people to find information online, and it is convenient...

Parenting Styles: Infancy and Early Childhood

Generally, a child’s behavior is directly linked to the parenting approach being used by the respective parent. Each technique used has a corresponding impact on the well-being and development of the young ones. According to the work of Amy Morin (2022), there are four basic parenting methods that are most...

Impacts of the China-Taiwan Conflict on the US Economy

History of China-Taiwan Diplomatic Tension For the past two decades, Beijing has demonstrated belligerent opposition against Taiwanese Independence since the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has considered Taiwan a Chinese territory since 1949. After losing the Chinese Civil War, the Republic of China (ROC) relocated to Taiwan and established a...

An Effective Leader in the Remote Team

In the post-pandemic period, when the general public understood and recognized the value of remote work, this form of work has proven to be quite common. This is not surprising since the benefits of remote work are significant and allow for increased production capacity by attracting workers from all over...

The LEGO Company’s Marketing Decisions Analysis

The marketing managers at LEGO have made sound decisions to serve their female customers’ needs effectively. To begin with, LEGO has taken steps to make its products more gender-neutral. By introducing more gender-neutral sets and themes, LEGO is trying to appeal to both boys and girls, and this move has...

The Ethical Dilemma: Biblical Narratives & Secular Worldviews

Introduction In response to the message, ethical principles can be a valuable tool to consider when deciding. However, they should be one of many factors taken into account. Ethical principles provide a helpful framework for understanding the situation. Furthermore, ultimately, the individual’s worldview and the specific contextual information must be...

Financial Ratios, Measures, and Their Significance

Introduction Financial ratios are key metrics that allow experts to analyze the financial performance of business organizations. There are six primary types – liquidity, efficiency, solvency, coverage, profitability, and market value ratios. Each of them has unique objectives covering various areas of financial performance. Nevertheless, a thorough understanding of each...

Transsexual Attractions and Sexual Reassignment Surgery

Summary The article “Transsexual attractions and sexual reassignment surgery: Risks and potential risks” by Richard P. Fitzgibbons discusses transsexual issues and sex reassignment surgeries (SRS) that are widely disseminated by the media, governments, and schools. It is often young people who turn to specialists for treatment of transsexual attraction (TSA)...

The Business Ethics Workshop: Sex and Drugs at Work

Sex in the Office Some of the ethics governing sex in the office are using sex to sell products, sell oneself, and at work. Some ethical issues such as prurience, product sincerity, and objectification arise due to sex in the office. Product sincerity determines the transparency and openness of the...

Cybercrimes: Data Theft, Viruses, and Fraud Protection Tips

Data Theft The most common cybercrimes are data theft, fraud, and computer viruses. Data theft is the theft of digital information stored on computers, servers, and electronic devices (Deora & Chudasama, 2021). Stolen data may include bank account information, passwords from online services, passports, driver’s licenses, social security numbers, and...

Comparing Healthcare Systems in USA, Canada, UK, and Germany

Comparing the medical systems of other nations can reveal important information. This discussion compares the healthcare systems of Canada, the UK, and Germany to those of the USA. German Healthcare With a history extending back to the late 19th century, Germany boasts one of the oldest comprehensive healthcare networks in...

The Practice of Abandoning Children in Ancient Societies

Introduction Ancient societies, in an effort to strengthen their populations, sometimes resorted to the practice of abandoning certain children. This practice was widespread throughout the ancient world and can be seen in many cultures, such as the Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Chinese. One of the most common reasons for abandoning...

“The Telephone” by Robert Frost

Robert Frost is one of the most respected poets. He appears in his poems in different guises, but whatever character he assumes, he is very honest and provides the readers with delight and wisdom. The poem, “The Telephone” under discussion here, is a love poem, though it is open to...

Clark County Obesity Problem

The Clark County has had a history of obesity since the year 2003 and before. The problem has been persistent over a period of time. The problem has been occasioned by the lack of proper care from the parents. The parents are always busy to have proper care of their...

Prevention of Childhood Obesity

Elementary school students today are diverse by race, culture, and background. The student population includes non-Hispanic white, black, Asian, Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and other races. They represent different linguistic, social, and cultural groups. However, there is a problem that unites all of them. It is childhood obesity, and it should...

Business Development: Workplace Dynamics Overview

In the age of capitalism, people are increasingly developing their businesses and starting new ones. With so much competition, every company has to come up with strategies to increase income, improve overall performance, and improve its position in the competitive world of business. One of the most critical areas for...

Public Education Definition and Analysis

Public education is a core element of ensuring a nation’s prosperous future. However, modern education is not caught up with the drastic changes occurring in the world. Public schools do not teach people about managing personal finances, psychological health, and habits, promoting well-being and happiness. Therefore, it is necessary to...

“What the Black Man Wants” by Frederick Douglass

In his essay, Douglass calls for giving the fate of African-Americans into their own hands, to save them from the domination of Europeans. It also requires them to have the right to choose work, employer, and working hours, which free people can do. Voting right is also an essential requirement...

Blood Vessels and Blood Pressure

Blood vessels in the body and their function There are five types of blood vessels. These are the veins, arteries, capillaries, venules, and arterioles. The arteries take blood away from the heart, they also provide oxygenated blood to the body cells. Arteries branch into smaller vessels called arterioles, which help...

The Social Determinants of Health

The social determinants of health are as crucial to the well-being of the population as is direct medical care. Gender inequality, educational attainment, family well-being, and career opportunities are indirect factors that affect human health. Social determinants are a promising vector of scientific research, as they are a fundamental part...

The Lancasterian Education System: History and Overview

In the early 19th century, there existed problems in the education sphere because not many parents could afford to send their children to school. It was evident that a new decision was necessary to make school education more accessible and preserve decent outcomes. Joseph Lancaster, an English developer, made a...

Television Program and Pro-Social Behavior in Children

Children spend a substantial amount of their time watching television more than the time they spend sleeping. Over time, there has been an ever-increasing awareness of the significance of children’s television. It is pointed out that several researchers have contended that children get to learn pro-social behaviors from television (Punyanunt-Carter...

Researching of The Chinese Culture

Chinese traditions have affected the people of the Republic of China by influencing their identity and psychology. Much adherence to their culture has made the Chinese more conspicuous and different from other races in several aspects, inclusive of how they eat and promote their own culture among other aspects. The...

Transcending Addiction and Redefining Recovery

The TEDx video discusses some factors that enhance recovery from substance use disorder. These include social support, mental wellness, and hope for the future People with addictions can only recover through the help of professionals, peers, and family. The lack of a support system can deter people from seeking help...

Case Study: Miele. Difference through Marketing

Marketing involves creating and exchanging goods and services that are of value to customers, partners, and the community at large. With increased rivalry from other organizations, a company must always strive to achieve a competitive advantage (Plewa & Conduit, 2016). The resources that a firm has can be used as...

Stress at the Workplace and Strategies of Its Reduction

Job stress has become a growing concern among managers and supervisors in organizations. This is because of the adverse effects on both employees and the company. According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory, stress at workplaces is an excellent de-motivator, and every employee reacts differently to work...

Republican and Democratic Parties Comparison

The Republican party mostly appeals to the working class, traditional regular people who want to lead an ordinary life and have confidence in the future. That is the image of candidates and the party itself. It can be seen on their website: the plain design with the short and robust...

Symbolism of Raymond Carver’s “The Bath” Story

The story of The Bath by Raymond Carver is short. It begins with a woman, Ann Weiss, ordering a cake from a baker on a Saturday afternoon for her son’s eighth birthday. On Monday morning, when the boy was walking to school, a car hit him. The husband arrives at...

Relational Dialectics and Conflict Management

Relational dialectics can be described as a concept of communication theories that analyses contradictions and tensions that exist in relationships. It was developed by Leslie Baxter who prescribes three primary relational dialectics including Autonomy connection, novelty-predictability, and openness-closeness. Autonomy connection is the desire to be bonded physically and mentally in...

Telehealth: Goals and Advantages

Telehealth refers to the use of technology in delivering healthcare services at a distance. It entails the use of computers in carrying out medical visits and remotely monitoring the patient’s vital signs. Telehealth also offers training and education the medical professionals. The three examples of telehealth currently used in the...

Discussion of History of Ancient Times

Significance of Romulus and Remus In the mythology of the Romans, Romulus and Remus were twin brothers and their story tales many events which contributed to the formation of the Rome city, including the Roman Kingdom under the stewardship of Romulus (Whelan para 12). The story has greatly inspired many...

Biography of Saeeda Sakina After the Battle of Karbala

Sayeda Sakina (also known as Sukayna bint Husayn) was the daughter of Prophet Mohamed’s grandson, Husayn ibn Ali. She is an important figure in the Islamic narrative. She was born in 56 AH and died between 60-61 AH at the hands of Yazid I. Her story is intricately related to...

Kantian Ethics: Approval and Objection

Introduction It can be safely said that philosophers are the constructors of worldviews. One of them was Kant, who was the first to build a universal ethical system, namely the Categorical Imperative. According to him, “for an action to be permissible, it must be possible to apply it to all...

Forest Lake Elementary School: The Integration of Technology

At Forest Lake Elementary school, there was the integration of technology in the assessment of their students. The technology at the institution enabled its schoolchildren to move to the next stage of skills. It helped the educator avoid reteaching the concepts that the learners are already knowledgeable about. The school...

Non-Christians and Their Beliefs

Modern Western culture primarily originates from the Christian faith, philosophy, and morality. However, modern society is increasingly moving away from Christianity, refusing to believe in the gospel message and the Lord, and there are several reasons for this. Some people perceive the gospel as a text they might invoke from...

Symbolism in “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” Poem by Coleridge

The Plot The story begins with a young man getting stopped by an old Mariner on his way to a wedding with two of his friends. The young man, referred to as the Wedding Guest, “cannot choose but hear” Mariner’s narrative, even though he is anxious to get to the...

Discussion: Science in the Real World

At present, information is paramount in most areas of life, and learning to observe things from a critical perspective is essential. For instance, Annie Murphy Paul (2012) states that the scientist’s gaze is different from a casual observation in terms of attention and analysis. It is easier to take information...

Blue Macaws: How to Prevent Their Extinction?

Unfortunately, today the peculiarities of the life of blue macaws are already from the category of history. There is not much information about the lifestyle of these birds since serious observations began only in the 70s of the last century, and the groups that were observed were few. Therefore, the...

Agency Conflict Between Company’s Owners and Shareholders

A firm’s owners and shareholders often have contradictory interests; while they both want the company to develop and grow, they see this process differently. Owners are interested in realizing their ideas and visions in the firm, stimulating its active growth. Shareholders, on the contrary, want a stable income from the...

Substance Abuse Disorder in “The Breaking Bad” Film

The series that is built on substance abuse disorders is Breaking Bad. In order to pay for his treatment for cancer, Walter White, a chemistry professor, turns to producing and selling methamphetamine. Walter White collaborates with Jesse Pinkman, a former student with a history of drug abuse. Jesse helps Walter...

Civilizations and Their Thinkers’ Views on the Subject of Slavery

Introduction Different civilizations and their thinkers had their own views on the subject of slavery, ranging from avid support to rigorous opposition. It can be productive to examine the subject from different angles in order to enhance the modern understanding of ancient thought, philosophy, and rhetoric. Aristotle’s Opinion on Slavery...

Bullying at Pre-School and Preventive Measures

Bullying is an undesirable, aggressive behavior of pre-school and school-aged children towards their peers. According to Stop Bullying (2021), for the behavior to be considered bullying, apart from being aggressive, it must include two things: a power imbalance and repetition. A power imbalance manifests itself in bullies using their power...

Reflection on Deer in Their Own Coats by Coleman

Natural ecosystems have existed for millions of years, but they constantly change due to climate variations. All the components of communities have always been in an equilibrium state, whereas the natural course of events was disrupted with the advent of man. Nowadays, humans are actively transforming nature, often without considering...

So Cal’s Water Agency: Racism, Sexual Harassment, and Retaliation

Business ethics presupposes that companies and organizations should promote equality and integrity of employees and other stakeholders. However, So Cal’s water agency has not adhered to this provision and has gone ahead to put fewer efforts into promoting employees’ rights and integrity. The agency has reported several racial discrimination, sexual...

Responsibility in Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”

The novel Frankenstein is Mary Shelley’s most famous novel. It is a story about a young scientist Victor Frankenstein who wants to learn how to animate lifeless matter and, as a result, an ugly monster. The novel touches on many fundamental themes and ideas of a philosophical nature, one of...

Health Effects of Malnutrition in Haiti

Malnutrition in children in Haiti has significant short and long-term effects on economies and society. Kids with severe acute malnutrition had fatality rates that were five to twenty times greater than those who were well-fed. Severe acute malnutrition is responsible for about one million intrinsically and extrinsically deaths. Infants who...

Ethical Analysis of the Awakenings Film

The medical drama Awakenings (1990) is based on a real-life event. The movie focuses on Dr. Oliver Sacks’ work treating people with catatonia, a disorder marked by excessive stiffness and a lack of responsiveness to stimuli. Dr. Sacks began administering L-dopa, a medication generally used to treat Parkinson’s disease, to...

The “A Separate Peace” Novel by John Knowles

A Separate Peace (1959) novel tells the story of a teenage student’s maturing at a preparatory school during World War II. In this context, the novel’s setting and plot were greatly influenced by the author’s (John Knowles) personal experiences at Phillips Exeter Academy, where book and the author’s real life...

African Kingdoms, Atlantic Slave Trade, and New World Slavery

The Atlantic was the inaugural ocean in global history to be frequently traversed, and its bordering regions developed a shared history. Several ties, relationships, and linkages gradually pushed the areas surrounding the Atlantic, that enormous inland sea, closer together throughout time. Individuals, commodities, and technologies moved between the pan-Atlantic continents...

Congestive Heart Failure Discussion

Background Chronic heart failure is a pathological condition in which the heart fails to supply the organs and tissues with the necessary amount of blood according to the metabolic needs of the tissues. This condition is critical and requires constant monitoring of patients by the hospital. With early diagnosis and...

Nestle International: Compensation Package

Nestle International is a renowned global food and beverage corporation that had its origins in Switzerland in 1866. It operates in 191 countries worldwide and is considered one of the largest food and beverage companies globally. Nestle is known for its diverse products, including baby food, coffee, bottled water, and...

“Old Father, Old Artificer” Novel by Alison Bechdel

Introduction Perfectionism is the desire for total order and conformity to the norms one sets for oneself. The desire for order is not abnormal, but perfectionists are content to exist with others who do not always endure everything according to these rules. The resulting conflicts between the perfectionist and society...

Expected Returns on Investment

Estimating expected returns is crucial for the investors, as it helps to make informed decisions. Expected returns help to anticipate the profit or loss from an investment in a situation of uncertainty (Magni, 2020). Investors can estimate returns from either one investment or a portfolio investment based on historical performance...

Misconception and Theory of Evolution

Introduction Many misunderstandings have arisen around the idea of evolution and its concepts. Some people’s understanding of evolution is tainted by the idea that it aims to explain where life came from. Evolution does not aim to provide light on how life began but on how it diversifies and how...

Parental Addiction’s Impact on Children

Family has the most significant influence on the correct mental and emotional development of each child’s personality. In a family where one or both of the parents suffer from addictions, the child develops in a psychologically traumatic environment. Parental addiction causes behavioural changes that can leave severe mental trauma for...

The Marshmallow Experiment Articles

In “Why Rich Kids Are So Good at the Marshmallow Test,” a TEDx talk by researcher and author Dr. Anindya Kundu (2017), he talks on how, in the well-known marshmallow experiment, socioeconomic status influences a child’s capacity to defer gratification. According to Kundu, while wealthier children typically perform better on...

Analyzing Amazon’s Success Through the Ionology Quadrant

Introduction Amazon is one of the biggest multinational companies that provides people with different services through social media and online platforms. In the Ionology quadrant, Amazon shows successful planning, which allows controlling different media types (“About Amazon,” n. d.). The theory has four main parts: advocacy, attention, authority, and prime...

Social Stratification: Ageism and Sexism’s Impact on Older Adults

Introduction Social stratification is an intrinsic part of almost any human society. At the same time, the hierarchical organization of society based on particular features presupposes the existence of social norms, stereotypes, and structural forces that impact people’s behavior. This essay aims to describe social stratification and evaluate how the...

Identifying Alarm Signals in Medical Workers and Enhancing Psychological Well-Being

Introduction Professional destructions gradually accumulate changes in the established structure of activity and personality. Overcoming professional destruction is accompanied by mental tension, psychological discomfort, and crisis phenomena. Lack of timely psychological aid can affect not only the quality of care but negatively affect a medical worker. Identifying alarm signals in...

Education Perspectives of Clinton, Bush, and Perot in the 1992 Presidential Debate

Comparing Candidate Perspectives on Key Issues Bill Clinton and George W. Bush had much in common on the education issue, while Perot’s opinions differed. Perot was focused on local, small schools that do not have to travel far (Presidential Candidates Debate, 1992). He was convinced that an individualized approach was...

The Treaty of Versailles: Successes, Failures, and Alternative Approaches

Things That Worked in the Treaty of Versailles Being recognized as one of the most influential historical documents, the Treaty of Versailles provoked certain positive shifts at the international level. The guilt of Germany was evident in World War I, and it was correctly chosen to make the country and...

McDonald’s Consumer Decision-Making and Its Factors

What kinds of factors (external or internal) would influence consumers’ store choice? Internal factors (Khanlari, 2015) will possibly influence consumers’ store choice more than external factors in this case. Their openness to experience (a part of the five-factor model) will have an impact on whether they are ready to use...

APA Citation Style: Importance and Guidelines

The APA Guidelines The APA citation style was introduced by the American Psychological Association and is currently one of the most popular formats used in academic writing. The format is used to indicate sources of data used in the study. There are several basic reasons to use the format. Presentation...

Magical Realism in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez

Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings” is a brilliantly written short story that leaves the reader with questions about society, acceptance, and sacrifice. The way the author has delivered the content normalizes its fictional side and makes it uncertain whether presented events have occurred. This essay...

Internet Usage Around the World

The Internet plays a vital role in the lives of modern people, as individuals communicate, learn new information and entertain themselves with its help. However, different countries have various levels of global net penetration due to circumstances like poverty. Therefore, it is interesting to compare my internet usage, the amount...

Infant’s Temperament Influences on the Parents Treat

The influence of an infant’s temperament Based on my experience with children, I think that an infant’s temperament influences the way their parents treat them, while a combination of parental style and a child’s temperamental characteristics shapes their attachment patterns. Responsive caregiving in the early months facilitates the development of...

Canada: The Group of Seven and Northern Development

The Group of Seven and Northern Development by Paul Walton tells the Great Transformation of Canada and related opposing viewpoints, driven by the agrarian myth and the myth of progress. It began with the acquisition of vast resource-rich areas located on the Precambrian shield (Walton, 1990). The Group of Seven...