Cultural Competence: An Overview of the NYC Department of Education

To improve the relationships between staff members and make their performance more effective, one should ensure that their cultural needs are fully met. These include relationships with other staff members, a company’s policy for hiring new staff, and other components of a multicultural workplace (“Questions frequently asked by Department of...

The Power of the Past. Unveiling White Supremacy

The prevalence of one ethnic and racial group over others has always been embedded in the global psyche of populations throughout the long history of its development. Thus, white supremacy represents a controversial issue as it is defined as an unnamed political system that transformed the society in what it...

Veterans’ Civilian Employment Experiences

Introduction The article used for this essay discusses the experience of veterans of the Second Gulf War in their attempts to enter the workforce. The researchers employ four focus groups that consist of employed and unemployed study subjects to gain an experiential understanding of their experience. Keeling, Ozuna, Kintzle, and...

Homelessness and Its Primary Reasons

Introduction Every country in the world, no matter how abundant or easy to live in, will have some proportion of homeless people. These citizens do not have a permanent residence for one reason or another and have to spend their nights in the streets or specialized shelters when any are...

Solving the Climate Problem for Next 50 Years.

The articles taken for this critique, are three in number, and are relevant to the technologies being used for the solving of climate problems in the world, for the upcoming fifty years. The first article is written by members of the Princeton University, the second is a review only by...

US History: Puritanism Analysis

First of all it should be stated, that the key principle of Puritanism is God’s highest power over human matters, chiefly in the church, and particularly as stated in the Bible. On the personal extent, the Puritans highlighted that every person should be repeatedly changed by the grace of God...

Is Mr. Lockwood a Reliable Narrator in Wuthering Heights?

Reading classic literature provides plenty of benefits to the reader such as a better understanding of other people’s feelings and thoughts and the consequences of their actions. Often, the perception of those benefits directly depends on the narrator of a book. Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights narrated by two characters,...

Misconceptions of Gender and Migration Issues

The article “Misconceptions of Gender: Sex, Masculinity, and the Measurement of Crime” by J.W., Cohen, and J. Harvey analysis the problem of misconceptions related to crime and disobedience. The authors claim that previous studies lack a theoretical bass paying attention to statistical numbers only. By submitting the process of procreation...

When Should We Trust Our Senses to Give Us Truth?

“All we have to believe with is our senses, the tools we use to perceive the world: our sight, our touch, our memory. If they lie to us, then nothing can be trusted. And even if we do not believe, then still we cannot travel in any other way than...

Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont Review

As it is well known the plot of this brilliant movie is based on Steven King’s story which he created in abundance. Unlike most of his thrilling and head-breaking works, Shawshank Redemption is not so mystique and fearsome, however, it creates a great deal of intrigue and action. As most...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Review of Works Francis Bacon and Michel de Montaigne

The Renaissance is the period of European history marking the waning of the Middle Ages and the rise of the modern world: usually considered as beginning in Italy in the 14th century. This period progressed in all countries of the European continent and made its contribution into different spheres of...

Three Major Perspectives in Sociology

Sociology is a relatively new science that has many interpretations and approaches, as any other science. The main complication arises from the fact that sociology is the science about people and their activity, interaction. People are so unpredicted, unexplainable and weird creatures that it is really hard to adopt a...

Hurricane Katrina: Determining Management Approach

There are various approaches to organizational change; among them, we can mark out hierarchical and network models, both of them can be used effectively under certain circumstances. In this paper, we need to discuss their advantages and disadvantages in connection with emergency management. In particular, we may focus on such...

Japoniste Influence on Impressionist Art

The world of the Impressionists was one in which all types of art forms were explored to discover the best means of rejecting the machines of the Industrial age and emphasizing the human emotional reaction to the natural forms and shapes discovered in the non-fabricated world. As a result of...

Consequences of Malaria in Africa

There is a common cry in Africa. Africans are used to the usual cry of hunger and poverty, but deaths of young children as a result of malaria has currently taken over. The research fact of malaria killing 2 million African children in every year has brought about an ever...

Heterosexism as an Act of Discrimination

Heterosexism is basically an act of discrimination or having a biased attitude towards people who have been perceived to be lesbians and gays in terms of sexual orientation. Some of the countries are greatly acquiring the strategy of heterosexism against the same sex bonding because according to them same sex...

Innovation Differences When Crossing Borders

Introduction Innovation is a multiple-stage process in which both profit and nonprofit making organizations changes ideas into new or improved products, services, or even processes with a view/aim to advance, compete and differentiate them successfully in the business world. Innovation takes one of these two categories; evolutionary which don’t need...

School Effectiveness and School Improvement Movement

It is relatively agreeable that SESI is a Tayloristic model and thus its management has to take a hierarchical approach in any education system. The latter approach is essential since management elements need to countercheck how systems and structures with school settings are run to draw new ideas or better...

Influence of Tobacco on Human Health

Many people have no idea of the health hazards associated to smoking tobacco or being exposed to cigarette smoke. The issue here is not the smoke emanating from cigarettes but more importantly the content of the smoke. Cigarettes’ smoke is not just smoke as we know it but rather it...

Emperor Taizong of Tang on Effective Government

To rule efficiently, an emperor needs other people. Engaging these people is necessary because what makes a country is its people. In addition, since a country is too big, the responsibility of governing becomes too demanding for an emperor to rule alone. Therefore, a ruler needs people, both distant and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Competition Within Intermodal Transportation

Intermodal transportation refers to different modes of transport providing the same transport services. Intermodal transportation also refers to the use of coordinated transportation of freight on a single trip. Inland water, air, railroads, pipeline, trucking companies, and ocean carriers work together to move homogeneous units to offer improved services and...

Formulation of Meaningful Research About Gap Year

Introduction The research questions associated with the gap year for students are mainly based on the concepts of the usefulness, or harm of the gap year, and the consequences of this gap for students, and their communication patterns. However, the regarded aspects do not consider the opportunities of the qualitative...

Orange Is the New Black’: Choices on Characters’ Lives

Choices are inevitable in human life. There are always several options from which people must choose one. Fate determines the outcomes of choices-whether they will be good or bad. In Jenji Kohan’s movie; Orange Is the New Black, most decisions that characters make cause them many problems. The main character...

Terrorism Attack in United States

Introduction Any terrorism attack on agriculture can affect it negatively; For instance, there will be mass economic destabilization, leading to economic losses due to loss of livestock. There will also be other indirect effects due to compensating farmers for the losses they incur. Finally, America will incur international costs as...

WorldCom as Example of Ethics

Introduction WorldCom was an American telecommunications company that highlighted the dangers of engaging in unethical conduct. WorldCom’s growth strategy was through acquisition of other companies. Rapid acquisition made WorldCom one of the largest telecommunications in the US. However, the company was secretly engaging in a massive accounting fraud, which created...

Health Promotion Program in South Carolina

Introduction In South Carolina, top five leading causes of death are heart disease, malignant neoplasms, cerebrovascular issues, unintentional injury, and chronic lower respiratory disease. The list for the United States consists of the same elements, but the only difference is that chronic lower respiratory problems are more prevalent than unintentional...

Healthcare Problems of Modern Society

Introduction Human health depends not only on medical care, but also on social, economic, psychological, industrial, environmental, and other factors. They all are interconnected and, in recent years, are changing in an unfavorable direction. This led to a significant deterioration in public health and the negative dynamics of demographic processes....

“Obesity and the Growing Brain” by Stacy Lu

Introduction In this article, Lu (2016) argues that, in children, an unhealthy diet and body fat could potentially affect brain function, which ultimately leads to cognitive problems. According to the author, consuming foods rich in saturated fat and sugar could cause changes in children’s brains that impair their impulse control...

The Limitations of Financial Ratios

Profitability Ratios The inflation of prices affects the financial ratios reported by organizations. Companies usually prepare financial reports, either quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. During these different periods, inflation might occur, leading to the distortion of prices (Rashid, 2018). Eventually, failure to reflect real prices of commodities will emerge in the...

Puritanism and Enlightenment Writers

During the Colonial age, American Literature was mainly influenced by religious, gender, and ethnic diversity. Puritanism was a belief-oriented religious movement that was led by a group of English Protestants between the 16th and 19th centuries (Scanlan 281). Puritan writers were guided by values and ideas such as courage, business,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Antimicrobial Resistance and the Importance of Susceptibility Tests

The most crucial problem of medical or any other use of antibiotics is the possibility and almost even the inevitability of the emergence of resistance to all classes of these substances. Of particular danger is the occurrence and rapid spread of pathogenic microorganisms observed in the last decade, which have...

Ethical Dilemma: Regained Custody Through Legal Action

The dilemma discussed in the present paper deals with a married couple addicted to drugs in the past and rehabilitated later. Since the parents could not care for their daughter, she was placed in a foster home. Her foster parents loved her as their own child, and the girl loved...

Reflection on PBS’s Documentary “Latino Americans”

America is a multinational and multi-ethnic country due to its history and political ideas of the past. Latino Americans have also become an integral part of American culture due to the expansion of the United States as well as its migration policy. However, Latino Americans have a long history of...

Case Law Analysis: Intellectual Property

The following is a presentation of a legal case most relevant to the current operations of the Wixen Music Publishing company. Though the case of White-Smith Music Publisher Co. v. Apollo Co was tried in 1908, its outcome still affects the music industry. Apollo Co, a mechanical piano manufacturer, was...

The Problem of Climate Change in the 21st Century

Climate change is among the top threats facing the world in the 21st century and it deserves prioritization when planning how to move the country and the globe forward. Environmental shifts happen primarily due to advancing human activities. Therefore, there is a need to design holistic approaches to environmental protection....

Performance in Safety Management Systems (SMS)

Study Design The study will employ a cross-sectional research design in examining regulations and technologies employed in the aviation industry to provide a high level of performance in safety management systems (SMS). This research design is appropriate because it is easy to implement, promotes data collection from a representative sample,...

Reasons for High Divorce Rates

Family is the basic institution of society that impacts its functioning and contributes to further evolution. For centuries, it has been associated with marriage as the only possible way to create a family and promote the development of communities. However, today, one can observe the decline in the importance of...

“The Case for Taxing Sugar, Not Soda” by Dewey

Introduction Without any doubt, sugar is a grave problem in the modern world, as it caused severe health issues and appeals to numerous individuals at the same time. Experts in many different fields, ranging from biochemistry to the economy, argue about eliminating its adverse effects. Scientists endeavor to create effective...

The Movie “Queen and Slim” Analysis

The depiction of harsh reality is one of the most intriguing themes in present-day movies, and “Queen & Slim” is no exception to the rule. In this story, the main characters, Queen and Slim, are dining out on their first date when something unexpected happens. On their way home, they...

EPA and Fracking Regulation

Shale gas production has a list of economic and practical advantages. For this reason, the mining companies were able to quickly establish the production of shale gas throughout the US, offering monetary compensation to the residents of the regions where the production was carried out. At the same time, the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Theory of Capitalism: Hayek’s Arguments

The Authors’ Arguments Friedrich Hayek strove to defend traditional concepts of morality in economics and fought the progressive representatives of the new era who sought to destroy the classical canons. In his book, he compares rationalizers to Christians who tolerate human sinfulness but do their best to prevent it (Hayek...

Social Loafing and Facilitation: Article Study

Significantly, Schmutz, Laurenz, Meier, and Manser’s 2019 article ‘How effective is teamwork?’ focuses on the importance of teamwork in healthcare. According to Schmutz et al., teams are prudent, but healthcare practitioners must apply and combine their unique expertise in different healthcare systems (1). The authors give an example regarding the...

The Role of the Mission Statement in Modern Companies

Introduction The modern world is characterized by the increased importance of business. It plays a critical role in the life of people and communities, as giant organizations have enough resources to impact states at the global level. At the same time, the high popularity preconditions the appearance of new actors...

Description of “Buddhism in America” by Seager

This section covers the first seven chapters of the book “Buddhism in America”. The author starts by giving background information concerning the American Buddhist landscape where he explores the different rituals associated with this religion in the US. The second chapter highlights the rudimentary basics of Buddhism including the teachings...

“The Plague” by Albert Camus Critique

The biggest problem of our life is its ending. However, this can happen either when the time comes or undesirable due to some disease. The Plague is a perfect representation of a horror that took many people’s lives. The book represents the circumstances that a town in Algeria had to...

Online Learning and Students’ Mental Health

The accelerated development of technologies made online learning possible, allowing many students who would not have had a possibility to study otherwise, in a face-to-face setting, to continue their education. Access to a number of courses and educational opportunities also has been granted by this phenomenon. Online learning can be...

Changes in the Character of Slavery in North America

Introduction Slavery is a controversial page in human history, and various changes in social life have influenced this phenomenon. Colonial North America became the first continent on which the slave system took root and developed on a colossal scale. The period from 1619 to 1739 saw the beginning of the...

Meta-Analysis and Meta-Synthesis

Meta-analysis is the method that is used to surpass information to the public policy by nurses. The first stage of meta-analysis is getting the research questions and perusing through it. Secondly, there will be reading the available materials found on the research questions. Data collection is the next stage which...

Social and Personal Responsibility of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement

Introduction The U.S. underwent the development of the Civil Rights Movement that occurred between the 1950s and 60s. It aimed to bring racial equality. Although African Americans have been contesting for their rights and liberties ever since the era of slavery, significant accomplishments in the civil rights struggle were made...

Wal-Mart Company: DuPont Analysis

The DuPont analysis indicates that the company’s return on shareholders’ equity is affected by its operational efficiency, asset utilization, and financial leverage. The analysis assists management to identify weak areas of business. It also allows management to undertake corrective measures to improve the company’s weak areas and enhance its financial...

Hip-Hop in the Bronx and Link to Gentrification

Introduction Hip-hop is usually associated with economically depressed and predominantly African American (Black) neighborhoods. The art form originated in Bronx County, in the City of New York during the 1970s (Knight). From the beginning, it has been masked by mystery, and this is because the genre started on the fringes...

Criticism of Medical Model of Psychological Disorders

Introduction Psychological disorders are one of the global problems of our time. For example, depression has been encountered by almost every person -either in person or in a friend’s experience. Lots of people are continually living with anxiety disorders. Such disorders are generally considered mental illnesses. At the same time,...

Apple’s Technology Effect on Governments

Today, governments should be more receptive to changing government operations, enhancing competence, and providing modern public service. To realize these goals, many government departments and IT firms have to embrace mobile computing gadgets in general, and the iPad and iPhone in particular. Many people, government departments, and organizations are already...

Gender and Racial Socialization

Socialization is the process of internalizing norms and behaviors accepted in a given society plays a significant role in the development of a person’s self-concept. Symbolic interactionist, functionalist, and conflict perspective alike take different approaches to socialization but ultimately agree that an individual only develops a sense of self within...

Seborrheic Keratosis: A Patient’s Examination

The patient is Mr. Gary T., who is 77 years of age Caucasian American. Mr. T. has been worried about a skin lesion. After a close examination of the lesion on the patient’s shoulder, I have identified it as seborrheic keratosis. When charting this lesion it has to be mentioned...

Biotechnology. Oligosaccharides and Glycosylation

A lot of recombinant glycoproteins, and erythropoietin, and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) are among them, are used as therapeutics aimed at mimicking the native human protein. The efficient and safe use of glycoprotein drugs requires determining the mixed structures of their carbohydrate moieties because the attachment of oligosaccharides (glycans) to...

Day Care Program of Child

My viewing experience has been productive, and I have learned different aspects of mealtime and daycare practices, in general. After eating, children need to rest for some time for digestion to happen effectively as Tai and the others do (Taispot, 2009, 00:08:26 – 00:09:59). I have also noted that children...

The Collection of Short Stories “Interpreter of Maladies” by Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpreter of Maladies is a collection of nine short stories written by an American author Jhumpa Lahiri. This writing presents its readers with stories about the experiences of Indian Americans who learn to live in the conflict between two distinct cultures. Therefore, in order to understand the life of these...

“The Family: Diversity, Inequality, and Social Change” by Philip Cohen

In the first chapter of The Family, Cohen (2018) describes different definitions of family and the major factors that shape roles and decisions within family members. According to the text, three main definitions are considered: personal, legal, and institutional (family as an institutional arena). The first one, according to Cohen...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Quality of Nursing Care: Challenges and Difficulties

Abstract Nurse staffing is very important to the delivery of high quality patient care and that staffing has impacts on quality and safety. Research has established that there are a number of challenges that affect quality nursing care, including the rate of turnover of the nursing staff and nurse shortage....

Long-Terms Goals in Financial Planning

Introduction Financial goals refer to the aspirations in the life of an investor that needs to be achieved when the person invests his money. By setting financial goals, chances of regretting are minimized and it ensures that the desired goal of investment is realized. These goals vary from one investor...

The Importance of Free Will in Three Theban Plays

One of the key concepts touched upon in all three Theban plays completed by Sophocles is the existence of free will and its influence on human lives. This argument should be mostly based on the idea that each person has a predisposition to autonomy. The only responsibility for people is...

Consequences of Using LSD as a Therapeutic Agent

Over the past decades, scientists and psychologists all over the planet have conducted a variety of studies concerning LSD. The uncontrolled use of the hallucinogen has impacted nearly all areas of society, including religion, politics, and the art industry. The research confirms that hallucinogens can be beneficial for curing psychological...

Research Design and Sampling

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals represent a significant portion of modern society, and these people often face numerous social challenges. As a result, various empirical articles address the issue, and the quantitative one by Hatzenbuehler et al. (2017) is among them. The research analyzes how social support for...

Choosing the Best Dental Plan

When choosing a dental plan, it is necessary to consider such factors as the type of the plan, premiums and deductibles, services included, waiting time, and so on. It is noteworthy that many dental plans can be used, and it is essential to choose the one that is the most...

Task-Based Language Teaching Applied in Elementary Classroom

Introduction The need to provide customized language learning and catering for the individual learner’s needs are two important issues in teaching practice and education policy-making fields. Specialists and policymakers in education have come up with a number of methods, most of which have lasted for a short period. For instance,...

Mental Disorders and Homelessness

Mental disorders can emerge from drug dependency or addiction; paranoia or schizophrenia; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (combat-related and other); neurocognitive deficits; domestic abuse, as well as other types of mental disorders. About 15 percent of people with extreme mental illness were homeless over one year in California (Smartt et al., 2019)....

Cost and Quality of Healthcare Service Provision

As noted by Hsu (2010), the roles of public and private sectors in the provision of healthcare services change over time. In the private sector, the benefits of the healthcare provision are estimated and evaluated based on the efficiency of the services and the generated profit (Hsu, 2010). Efficiency is...

Trichoderma Reesei as a Mesophilic Fungus

Introduction Trichoderma Reesei is a mesophilic fungus which is usually known for its high ability to secrete cellulotytic enzymes (Hi138, 2006). It is majorly used in many industrial processes especially in the conversion of cellulose to glucose, large scale fermentation, down strain process engineering and the process of developing genetically...

Virtual Classroom Training Challenges

Introduction The given analysis will primarily focus on the virtual classroom training challenges, which is a more specific area in comparison to a broader subject of difficulties of online education. It is important to note that training in a classroom is not comprised of mere information delivery and exchange but...

Consumption of OTT Media Streaming in COVID-19 Lockdown

In the past year, markets across various industries have undergone major transformations enabled by the strong influence of external factors. In the current situation, more specifically, in the past months, the services of Internet-based content streaming became rather important for me from the personal point of view. In the age...

Colony Nursery and Landscaping Company: Enterprise Resource Planning System Implementation

Colony Nursery and Landscaping Company needs to implement an ERP system since it has been unable to share information between existing systems. The target objective is to increase purchasing metrics within the company. Information silo means a management system that cannot communicate freely with other systems set for communication within...

Staffing Problem Solution: HR Metrics and Workforce Analytics

Introduction HE metrics program and workforce analytics will play a significant role at Regional Hospital, especially when it comes to improving quality of care and performance efficiency. According to Kassick (2019), HR metrics “are data (numbers) that provide descriptive detail about given processes or outcomes” (p. 55). Therefore, the metrics...

African American Women With HIV in the United States

Introduction At present, HIV and AIDS are among the burning problems of humanity. Despite opportunities for prevention, the disease strikes many people. National minorities constitute one of the most vulnerable categories when it comes to HIV incidence. In the United States, the situation with African American women with HIV is...

Why Does Schoolboy Tim Choose to Study the Theory of Evolution?

In this post, I argue that Tim is studying the theory of evolution. The deductive method of the disjunctive syllogism is used in this text as a tool to support the thesis mentioned above that a schoolboy named Tim chose not to study Creationism theory but the theory of evolution...

Good Books for Children: “The Hobbit”

Quality literature is an integral component of a child’s upbringing for a range of reasons. First of all, reading develops vital skills, such as literacy, logic, and imagination. Children with an early affection for good books are likely to demonstrate better school preparedness and learning outcomes. At the same time,...

The Great Gatsby: How Money and Class Create and Destroy Relationships

Money and class always played a huge role in the life of any society. Since ancient times, people have been marrying for money, undermining the primary value of love and romance. In The Great Gatsby, possessions and class are the factors that could contribute to the initiation of a relationship...

Interview With Jeanette: Visit to Australia

The relationship among people is a complicated concept that provides the chance to feel secure and value oneself in society. The relationships with friends and coworkers are a significant element in people’s lives because it defines how people might feel at work and assess their interaction with others. The interview...

Importance of Active Listening for Life

Recently, I have held a conversation with a client who was complaining about the delay he has been subjected to in trying to obtain an environmental approval license for his prosed housing project. I was actively listening to the client by keeping myself engaged in the conversation positively. He stated...

Key Filters in the Process of Understanding the World by Myers and Noebel

The worldview of each individual varies depending on the occasion, personal beliefs, and life experiences. However, Myers and Noebel (2015) ten key filters in the process of understanding the world. Those filters are biology, ethics, economics, history, law, philosophy, politics, psychology, sociology, and theology. These lenses help a person to...

“Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football” Documentary

Fordson: Faith, Fasting, Football is a documentary film about a tight-knit community of Muslim Americans in Dearborn, Michigan, who are focused on their passion and support for the Fordson High School football team. The story begins at Fordson High School, a public school that was once attended by only white...

The Opioid Crisis in the United States of America

Moral hazard refers to a scenario in which a person takes part in a risky activity because they know someone or something will bear the consequences of their actions. A moral hazard can be seen when a person drives a car at a higher speed just because he or she...

Governmental Accounting: Funds and Their Purposes

A fund is a separate part of monetary assets that has a specific purpose. This is a financial instrument that is widely used in economic practice. Besides, it is typically professionally managed in order to allocate resources in a proper way. Such funds are generally supported by taxes, grants, and...

Martini & Rossi: Reinventing Mature Company

For the purpose of discussion, I have chosen the company Martini & Rossi since it fulfills the requirements pertaining to an industry in the mature stage. As it is effectively described by Parnell (2014a), the mature firm serves its clients with sufficient quality and quantity of a product, rarely introduces...

White and Ethnic Groups Segregation

From the beginning of its immigration history, The United States of America encountered successive waves of settlement, especially from Europe and later from other continents. The majority of immigrants were from North and West Europe and established the foundation for the dominant culture so that others had to adjust. The...

Criminal Justice, Race, and Ethnicity Questionnaire

Although the criminal justice system is required to treat people equally. There is some discrimination and unfairness in this institution, and various people have different opinions about crime commitment, the justice system, and the predisposition to being put to jail. In my opinion, there are some factors that influence people’s...

Discussion of Career Development Stages

In recent years, the autonomous career development of each individual has been attracting attention in the United States, but this was not the case before. American companies used to manage employee careers uniformly according to age and year of employment, assuming they all have similar needs. However, according to Super...

“C Jam Blues” by Duke Ellington

Duke Ellington, C Jam Blues is based on a 12-bar Blues pattern which uses a succession of various tone colours and hence leads to the different variety of this piece done by Duke Ellington and his Orchestra. At the start, the music starts with a repetitive melody and is mixed...

Indexing Performance Areas: Developing Measurement

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) provides a range of evaluation options that can be used to address vulnerabilities and protect systems. The concept of indexing performance areas refers to arranging the areas of activity based on their importance and input into the overall organizational work. In terms of...

Interest Groups in the United States

The American governmental system provides the legal regulation for interest groups which can influence the legislation passage. The interest groups have influenced the legislation many times throughout history. These groups were created thanks to the constitutional amendments and guarantees of freedoms for every citizen. Interest groups mainly aim to represent...

Jazz Musician Comprehension: John “Dizzy” Gillespie

Jazz is a popular style of music originating from a blend of blues and ragtime. There are many outstanding musicians that shaped the history and development of music. One of them is John “Dizzy” Gillespie, who invented the contemporary trumpet playing in jazz. According to Ulven (2020), Gillespie was a...

Impact of Technology in the Classroom

Abstract The paper discusses the relative effectiveness of different technologies as applied in the classroom. However, it finds that the question is largely meaningless because, while technology is used, it is not utilized fully, and the quality of its implementation varies dramatically between classrooms. Hence, it concludes that the question...

Dangers of Drunk Driving: The Role of Preventable Steps

There are many deaths per year resulted from drunk driving, and every one of them is preventable. The loss of life in engine vehicle accidents generally rises to the consolidated number of suicides and murders. In any case, one cannot shape or form inferences about drunk versus sober drivers causing...

Importance of Maintaining Multiculturalism in the Current World

Introduction Multiculturalism leads to different and sometimes conflicting values and interests among people living in the same country. Nowadays, the boundaries between cultures and countries are becoming increasingly blurred due to the phenomena of globalization and mass immigration. There is a tendency to argue that immigration and multiculturalism have caused...

Aspen Consensus Recommendations for Re-Feeding Syndrome

RS refers to electrolyte and metabolic alterations that occur due to increased or reintroduction of calories after a prolonged lack or decreased consumption. Calories, in this situation, can be from many sources ranging from oral diet and PN to enteral nutrition. To the article, RS was initially explained in World...

Straw Man Argument in Real-Life Situations

The fallacy titled the straw man argument occurs when a general argument is refuted in a distorted manner. Hence, this type of misrepresentation makes it harder to attack the counterargument in cases where the distorted response is significantly different from the original claim (Ika, 2018). When one’s position is presented...

Kodak Firm’s History and Technological Impact

A dry platform and machine for processing a large number of plates were created and patented in 1880 by George Eastman. In Rochester, New York, he also created the Eastman Kodak Company. He substituted a roll of film for photographic glass plates in 1884, because he believed in the potential...

Writing Styles of Mike Rose, James Paul Gee, and James Porter

One of Rose’s most significant contributions is his profound reappraisal of cognitive analysis and thinking processes. His work suggests that writing is an in-depth mental process that applies thoughtful consideration of word choice and the connotation one is trying to convey. His thought is actively traced throughout the article Hard...

Women in World History

The family wage was an increased wage demanded by the male labor unionists in the United Kingdom. The wage was aimed at removing the need for women and children to work and actively preventing them from seeking employment (Hughes & Hughes, 1997). The establishment of the family wage led to...

Lifelong Disability, Chronic Illnesses, Comorbid Conditions and Aging

Individuals maturing with deep-rooted incapacities need to confront the very maturing issues as those that emerge for everyone. A lifelong disability is characterized as a condition or capacity decided to be essentially disabled compared with the typical norm (Saxon et al., 2015). The term is utilized to allude to individual...

Contract and Its Essential Elements

Introduction When parties enter into a legally binding agreement, they are said to have entered into a contract. One distinctive element of a contract is that it can be legally enforced and should meet the threshold requirements for prevailing law. The document stipulates the obligations and duties of all the...

The Protestant Reformation and Its Impact on the English New World

The Protestant Reformation that took place in Europe in the sixteenth century shattered to the core the basis of Christianity, dividing Christians into two groups and leading to the creation of many religious sects. Christianity’s political and religious power was challenged as The Protestant Reformation eventually brought about the design...

Rhetorical Analysis of Simpsons: Trash of the Titans

The twenty-second episode of the ninth season of Simpsons titled Trash of the Titans tells about Homer’s electoral campaign, as he is eager to become a new mayor. The episode contains several scenes of his speeches given in public that can be interesting to analyze from the point of view...

Modern Technologies: Advantages and Disadvantages

The invention of technologies, which help people maintain their relationships with other people and support a high level of communication, can be considered one of the greatest. Individuals have a chance to build personal connections with those they appreciate and set a stable communication in private businesses. The use of...

The Hellenistic Mediterranean World

The Hellenistic period is one of the important eras in Mediterranean history covering the period between 323 BC (when Alexander the Great died) and 31 BC during the Battle of Actium, which heralded the emergence of the Roman Empire. During this time, the Greek cultural influence peaked in terms of...

Message to Men and Women in Glaspell’s “Trifles”

Trifles is a play written in 1916 by Susan Glaspell. It is categorized as feminist literature for highlighting how women are positioned in society as unimportant. The play carries a message for both males and females because it contrasts the women and men characters. It revolves around the murder of...

Contemporary Critical Theory: Definition and Usage

Introduction Contemporary Critical Theory consists of many different aspects that have been developing through generations. The origin of this theory occurred at the beginning of the twentieth century between World War I and World War II (Bronner, 2017). Contemporary Critical Theory is a part of a philosophical approach that includes...

YouTube as My Favorite Media Platform

In the constantly changing reality of the modern world, numerous forms of media allow people to communicate and share all types of information. Mass media is changing all the time, and there are different ways to define its forms. They can be divided into traditional (television, radio, books, newspapers, etc.)...

Aspects of Bob Knight’s Coaching Style

Introduction Bob Knight was one of the most prominent coaches in basketball. He worked with teams from 1965, until his first layoff in 2000, and from 2001 to 2009 (Snook et al., 2005). His teaching style was widely criticized, but Knight also had outstanding followership. Bob Knight implemented his unique...

Contingent Workers and Discrimination Prohibiting Laws

In terms of hiring contingent workers, there is a range of problems that might arise, and it is crucial to watch out for red flags to anticipate possible losses to the company. First, if I had former employees coming back as contractors or especially as independent contractors, it might result...

Freedom of Expression in Artworks

Art has always been seen as the platform for uninhibited self-expression that is raw in its creativity. Furthermore, it is expected of artworks to push the envelope of the socially accepted, introducing viewers to the complexity of certain moral arguments. However, in some instances, art might appear to be undeniably...

The Effect of Mercantilism on the American Revolution

Introduction From the birth of the nation, America has had a complex history regarding its independence from the British government. American mercantilism generally refers to the idea that the American colonies exist to support the wealth of Britain1. Therefore, the British government decided to impose strict trade regulations on American...

Americans Between 1960 and 1980

The United States experienced the spectacular expansion of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Moreover, the Vietnam War has also become an essential catalyzer for the civilians to form an understanding of the role of the United States in the global context. At that time, the movement...

American Society’s Attitudes Toward Aging

Introduction Aging is a natural biological process that is inherent in all living beings in the world. It is a development both at the physical and psychological levels, without which a living organism cannot exist. However, ways to slow down or even stop this process are gaining popularity today. This...

Should Sex Workers Be Allowed to Unionize?

Introduction The subject of sex worker legalization and unionization is highly controversial. In most countries in the world, prostitution is considered illegal or is extremely limited by law, making it a dubious and shadowy practice. Discussions about the sex industry typically revolve around morality, human rights, and the protection of...

Caterpillar Inc.’s Strategic Management Journal

Background Caterpillar Inc. is the world’s largest construction machinery and equipment company. It produces, designs, and markets financial and machinery products. As the company notices on its website, for about a century, they have been “helping customers build a better, more sustainable world and are committed and contributing to a...

Cinematic Language in A Beautiful Mind Film

The movie A Beautiful Mind, directed by Ron Howard, implements a wide range of cinematography techniques and concepts to help the audience develop an understanding of powerful ideas regarding the main character’s mental illness, schizophrenia. Furthermore, the film raises such themes as reality, love, relationships, morality, and recovery (Grazer &...

Quantum Cosmology: Quantum Theory

With the changes in physics, numerous fundamental theories have become more distant from everyday experience. This has led to various challenges in understanding such theories, including quantum cosmology. Quantum cosmology refers to the attempt of theories of physics to explain the existence of the universe. The Quantum theory explains the...

Comparison Between Love and Money in Life

Money is the medium for various transactions and financial activities. Money use has enabled an exchange of goods and services freely from one individual to another. In contrast, love is the deep affection for something or someone. With the emergence of money, countries worldwide were able to transact with each...

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Zero Discrimination for People Who Use Drugs

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Economics as Both Art and Science

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Corruption in South Africa: Causes and Effects

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Management in an Architectural Firm

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Employee Relationships From a Biblical Perspective

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Food Preparation in Upper Paleolithic Ohalo II

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The “Lovely” Song by Billy Eilish and Khalid

The title of the piece to be analyzed is “Lovely” by Billy Eilish and Khalid. Billie Eilish, Finneas O’Connell, and Khalid Robinson are the writers of the songs, and Finneas O’Connell is the producer. The song was released on April 19, 2018, as a part of the album called “dont...

The Complex Arms Race Between Predator and Prey

Camouflage is a tactic that results from hiding prey so that the predator will not easily spot the meal and vice versa. It happens by tricking, whereby for a prey to survive, it must play with the psychology of the predator, which means playing around with the perceptual aspects and...

Sensory Aides: Informative Narration

Introduction Sensory aides involve various toys and equipment that provide sound (auditory), sight (visual), smell (olfactory), taste (oral), and touch or movement (proprioceptive) stimulation. In this case, such sensory aides assist in promoting motor skills and brain activity or are utilized for therapy or relaxation. In my view, sensory stimulation...

Toward the Preservation of Constitutional Monarchy in Canada

A constitutional monarchy is a state system in which the monarch’s power does not dominate the power structure, and the monarch does not have supreme authority. A parliamentary monarchy is a variant of this type of government.. Canada belongs to a parliamentary monarchy: the two houses of parliament are the...

Richard Rodriguez’s Educational Experience

Richard Rodriquez and His Life Richard Rodriguez details his life story in a 2017 interview, allowing viewers to gain insights into the challenges of diverse communities. Specifically, one can learn from the interview with Rodriguez that his path of success was quite challenging, and that language issue is a major...

Transient Advantage in a Business Strategy

Introduction Transient advantage refers to a business strategy that believes that competitive advantages are often short-lived and encourages companies to find new strategic initiatives. Competitive advantage is an attribute that puts a company in a favorable business position enabling it to outperform its competitors. During operations, many businesses utilize their...

Power Acquisition: Bias Mobilization and Shaping Consciousness

Power is an essential construct, and most of individuals and organizations are striving to gain it. There are several ways of acquiring the power, however, most of these means necessitate strong competitiveness and readiness for high stakes. This is especially relevant for organizations that are striving in a very competitive...

The “This is America” Song by Childish Gambino

Childish Gambino’s song “This is America” is a striking and insightful statement on the nation’s current status and its social and political problems. In the music video, which was released in 2018, Childish Gambino, better known as Donald Glover, raps and dances through a succession of wild events. (Glover, 2018)....

Aspects of Just Culture in Healthcare

Introduction Healthcare is a field that depends on humans every hour of the processes, and it is inevitable that mistakes will occur and cause adverse consequences. The outdated approach to preventing errors focused on punishing those who made them but did not address the problem because people still had to...

The Internet of Things Aids Waste Management

The problem is the inability to easily and quickly achieve zero waste in large cities like San Francisco. This problem is the sum of all problems because without management, you cannot set up recycling processes, and without organization, you cannot automate processes. Without new technologies and information, it is impossible...

Challenging Healthcare Executives’ Responsibilities

The healthcare service will experience severe hardships within the next ten years. Section III of the ACHE Code of Ethics outlines major executives’ responsibilities, and it is possible to assume that point B will be the most challenging. It states to “provide healthcare services consistent with available resources, and when...

Loitering Laws: A Focus on Florida and Their Impacts

Introduction Loitering is defined as the act of lingering in a public location for a lengthy period for no apparent reason. The loitering laws in Florida, 856.021, makes it illegal for anybody to linger or roam in a location, at a time, or in a manner not typical of law-abiding...

Development of a Theory

Criminologists can define a theory in various ways. In the second chapter, Schmalleger gives two different definitions of this concept and then suggests his own (29). To summarize all of them, a theory refers to a set of propositions that are connected to each other and provide an explanation of...

“A Passage to India” by Edward Forster Literature Analysis

Literature is a very ancient art which started its development with the appearance of the ability to speak among human beings. Being verbal, it then developed into the written form. People understood how to write down their stories. This discovery was the beginning of literary analysis. This is the science...

Supply Chain Management in the Food Industry

Designing a proper supply chain in the environment of the global economy is a challenging task for a number of reasons; the numerous risks that need to be dealt with being the key one. Indeed, carrying out operations in the global economy realm exposes an organization to a range of...

“The Corn is a Lie” – Environment

Introduction The essay The Corn is a Lie discusses the use of the ethanol and its impact on the environment from various perspectives. The essay has quite a catchy and interesting title, but at the same time, there is the professional expertise and the insider opinion. There are, however, some...

Blockbuster Company Supply Chain Strategy

Creating a strong supply chain is the first step toward improving the performance rates of a company. A well-designed supply chain allows improving the firm’s overall performance by enhancing the cooperation between its departments and providing opportunities for timely deliveries and, therefore, an increase in customer satisfaction rates. By deploying...