Discussion: Zapata-Style Landscape

In 1907, Diego Rivera received a scholarship to survey Europe. There he was to continue his study of art, which he had begun as early as 1897 (Norwood, 2019). Rivera returned to Mexico in September 1910 to show what he had learned; the artist revealed his paintings at the National...

Pathophysiology in Emergency Medical Care Decisions

Emergency medical care in the field is one of the most critical phases of care for patients. It largely determines whether a patient will live through the ordeal or not. Emergency medical care out in the field assists in stabilizing the patient to receive further care in the hospital setting....

“Cartesian Meditation” Book by Edmund Husserl

Husserl presents an excellent introduction to phenomenology and develops a new approach to looking at reality, and this is one way the book advanced my theoretical knowledge. Husserl meditations depict a huge influence of Leibniz’ Modadology because the Cartesian ego attains conversion into the monad (Husserl 68). Hence, this brings...

Drugs and Behavior: History of Alcohol in America

The ordinary colonial American drank roughly twice as much alcohol in 1770 as it does today—about three and a half gallons annually. Americans who immigrated to North America in 1600 were strong drinkers because they could import rum from the West Indies and brew peach juice and apple cider. Since...

The Deepwater Horizon BP Oil Spill Analysis

Background On April 22, 2010, at about 10.30 a.m. local time, the Deepwater Horizon platform sank off the coast of the U.S. state of Louisiana, which led to the largest oil spill in the history of the United States (Stenzel et al., 2022). On the evening of April 20, a...

Healthcare Data Quality Elements

Reducing the number of medical errors and making sure that patient satisfaction levels are high are two main objectives of healthcare providers. With the development of new technologies, it becomes simultaneously less and more difficult for physicians and nurses to follow all the guidelines and avoid mistakes. In order to...

Entrepreneurship: Business Start-Ups

Introduction Entrepreneurship is one of the most widely taught subjects in schools, by organizations, and informally through family members and friends. Many people are reluctant to start a new business due to uncertainties regarding the growth and sources of finance. However, analysts have established that enterprises evolve in predictable ways...

Afghanistan and Global Counterterrorism

Afghanistan has long been known for its increased levels of terrorism across the whole land, which is the primary reason for the US government’s decision to assist the country’s administration. In fact, the government of the USA and Afghanistan deemed it reasonable to unite their effort to decrease terrorism on...

Research Design for a Professional Nurse

Introduction The nursing profession is multifaceted because it relates to human health. A skillful nurse needs to know how to use various types of research to ensure the application of evidence-based practices. Moreover, it helps in working with patients, as well as in identifying and addressing challenges in healthcare facilities....

Evolution of Griot Music: Traditional and Modern Influences in Atlanta Kaira

Introduction The traditions of griots and the peculiarities of the implementation of their music under the influence of modern trends is a complex issue. The composition Atlanta Kaira and its older and newer versions will be used for the analysis (GrrlRaisin). The two versions of this piece of music show...

Gun Control Should Be Tightened Across the United States

Introduction In the recent past, the debate on gun control has intensified following President Obama’s 2013 proposal to give 23 executive orders towards tightening gun control across the United States (Lucas par. 1). Even before this occurrence, the adherents and critics of gun control had heightened differences concerning the issue....

Mental Health, Mental Illness, Risk, & Resilience

Mental Health vs. Mental Illness Conceptualization It needs to be said that the way mental health and mental illness are perceived has changed over the years, and a broad range of concepts has been developed. For example, such concept as “brain disease” is particularly interesting because it suggests that most...

The Entry of Aviation into the Free Market: Historical Developments and Impacts

Introduction Since its development, the aviation industry continues to play a major role in the world economy. It is considered as an economic pillar especially in cases where a country invests in and streamlines it. Unlike other sectors of the economy, aviation mainly deals with international events and tours as...

Ensure that the African Americans Gain Voting Rights: The 1964 Mississippi Freedom Summer

This was a civil rights movement in the southern parts of the United States. It was a very interesting move since the whites were involved in the struggle for African American liberation (American Experience, 2009). The movement involved over 1000 white college students who decided to involve themselves in educating...

Patricia Williams on Storm’s Identity: Storytelling & Irony

Patricia Williams, in her thought-provoking chef-d’oeuvre article, Are we worried about storm’s identity—or our own, uses several rhetorical devices; however, the most outstanding ones are story telling and irony. The article opens with a story about the author’s son and a little girl, Jessie. The two kids had the habit...

Strategic Challenges at Cooper Green Hospital

Introduction The Cooper Green hospital (CGH) has been experiencing major issues with attracting new customers and recruiting new members. Despite the fact that the Community Care Plan (CCP) recently adopted in the organization was targeted at improving the existing services and enhancing communication between customers and the personnel, the organization...

Decision Making Process with the One Presented in the Text: Travel Planning

Steps taken to make decision Making a decision is always a challenge, even if it concerns such insignificant issues as choosing which place to travel and what clothes to wear. Hence, when I decided to travel to another state, I faced a number of problems, like what things I need...

The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions

The Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions is one of the first documents which clearly highlighted the needs of women as well as the problems that they faced. To a great extent, it reflects the Declaration of Independence which identifies the core values of the American society. This paper is aimed...

Environmental Sustainability in Supply Chains: A Competitive Edge

Introduction Supply chain entails the systems that are involved in the movement of a product from the producer to the customer. The systems include people, information, activities and various organizations that aid in the movement of the product (Chan & Qi, 2003). A supply chain should be efficient in order...

LabVIEW Software: Tools for Measuring Temperature Accurately

Introduction LabVIEW is software that was developed to design systems of measurement [1]. In addition, LabVIEW provides an array of tools for controlling the course of an experiment, such as specific methods of providing time constraints, etc. Thermocouples, in their turn, are typically defined as tools for measuring temperature [2]....

Water Pollution Causes, Effects and Solutions

Introduction Rivers are common sources of water in the world. Water is useful in various ways both domestically and in industries. It is imperative that such water remains clean and safe and free from any pollution. Unfortunately, water pollution takes place in various water bodies all over the world. This...

Sitting Meditation: Mental and Physical Benefits

Introduction Meditation involves becoming aware of the experiences in life facilitated by taming one’s mind to focus on the significant tasks. The practice of meditation enhances the capability of an individual to achieve centeredness in spite of the surrounding circumstances. Sitting meditation is regarded as the core of formal meditation...

Alterations in Comfort and Their Impact on Lupus Diagnosis: Insights and Case Studies

Introduction The nursing diagnosis is a result of an appropriate assessment of the patient’s symptoms, medical and family history. In the given case study, a thirty-five-year-old female called Mary suffers from a rash that appeared on her face one week ago after camping and hiking. The purpose of this paper...

Effective Strategies for Educating Cardiology Patients and Their Caregivers

Description of the Intervention The intervention proposed in this research involves providing frequent 30-minute-long education sessions to patients with cardiovascular diseases as well as their relatives and caretakers. They will be taught useful techniques and practices of managing the disease in day-to-day activities, as well as in cases of emergency....

Hourly Rounding for Patients’ Falls Minimization

The PICOT question In patients in an acute care unit, does hourly rounding compared to not rounding decrease patients’ falls in 90 days? P-patients in an acute care unit I-hourly rounding C-not rounding O-decrease in patient falls T-90 days The practice issue, its scope, the need for change The practice...

Patient Education on Heart Palpitations: Lifestyle Modifications and Management Techniques

Introduction The case describes a 69-year-old male, Mr. Russel, who complained of heart palpitations and dizziness. Also, he has suffered from hypertension and taken HCTZ. Several laboratory tests were carried out, and the results were satisfactory. The main goals of this paper are to develop a pharmacological plan and discuss...

Key Aspects of Supply and Demand and Their Effects on Market Changes

Marschall’s Economics Alfred Marshall was one of the most influential economists of the mid-nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth. His Principles of Economics brought ideas of supply and demand, production costs, and marginal utility into a coherent economic framework that is still relevant today. What is important to...

Nursing Interventions for Reducing Injury Risk in Patients

Identifying and Prioritizing the Problem One of the problems that can be distinguished in this case study is the risk of injury. Considering the women’s age (the risk of injury increases with age) and her current medical condition, she can accidentally fall and seriously hurt herself. The problem is of...

Financial Performance of General Motors: Analyzing Trends and Strategic Insights

In 2016 and the first three quarters of 2017, GM has been experiencing significant financial issues, namely a steep growth in liabilities. According to the WSJ (2017), the company’s liabilities over the five-year period increased from 53,992 in 2012 to 85,181 in 2017 (Figure 1). As a result, GM’s total...

The Marshal Islands vs. the UK Case Description and Decision

Introduction The International Court of Justice is a powerful tool that is used to solve problems and problematic situations that might appear between different states in the course of their cooperation. The importance of the given tool could hardly be overestimated as it results in stopping of aggression and creation...

eICU, BCMA, and Robotics: Advancements in Healthcare Technology

An Electronic Intensive Care Unit (eICU) represents a type of a healthcare setting that uses the latest technologies with the purpose of providing top quality care to patients. Key goals of eICUs are making sure that care is being provided in multiple facilities, that the clinical expertise is optimized to...

Status and Authority in Healthcare

Does equating status with authority cause confusion? Why or why not? Status and authority are often viewed as similar concepts. However, in healthcare, as in many other practice areas, status and authority are entirely different. Status is usually understood as the position occupied by a person within an organization or...

Erie Canal: Transforming Albany’s Commerce

The construction of 363 miles long Erie Canal was a turning point in a commercial life of Albany (Roark et al. 285). It was one of the biggest government-sponsored enterprises at the time. The canal connected the New York City region with the area of Great Lakes (Roark et al....

Importance of Professional Relationships in Effective Healthcare Delivery

Health care providers should be in a position to develop healing and helping relationships in their clinical settings. The nursing process becomes a powerful model for ensuring that the needs of different individuals or colleagues are met. This essay describes how I will establish a helping relationship with my patients...

Gilman’s “Women and Economics”: Progressivism and Women’s Independence

Introduction The era of progressivism has given birth to several innovative ideas and offered support and leverage for many more. Feminism can be categorized as the latter, as it gained substance and refined many of its ideas during this historical period. Women and Economics by Charlotte Perkins Gilman are often...

Boosting Productivity: Time Management Strategies for the Workplace

Time management is the technology of organizing time and increasing the effectiveness of its use. To some extent, it is not only a set of techniques but also a lifestyle and the philosophy of the value of time in a fast flow of information and an ever-changing world. The implementation...

Health Outcomes: Effective Promotion Strategies

Introduction Medical professionals should use their competencies to empower people to control their health outcomes. They can achieve this objective by implementing powerful environmental, health, or social interventions. The purpose of this paper is to explore the importance of a powerful health promotion plan. Health Promotion Change The selected health...

Transition Planning for Students with Disabilities: Effective Strategies

The purpose of the article is to show the significance of the self-determination transition planning procedure for intellectually and physically challenged students. The authors have reviewed previous relevant studies that support their perspective and have learned that self-determination was a very important forecaster during the whole planning process. A further...

Improving Handoff Communication in Perioperative Care

In a health care setting, handoff communication between medical personnel plays a critical role in ensuring patient safety and improving the effectiveness of patient care, and problems with this type of communication may lead to highly adverse results. This paper investigates problems that may occur during communication between members of...

Diagnosing IBS: Key Tests, Lifestyle Changes, and Therapies

Introduction To determine the correct diagnosis, additional information from the patient can concern any food intolerance that she might have or has experienced. The nurse should also ask the patient whether she has endocrine disorders, takes laxatives, magnesium-based antacids, or whether she has ever been diagnosed with GI disorders (such...

Nurses and Patients’ Communication

Introduction There is no doubt that communication between nurses and patients can influence the process of treatment, and this is why it has to be studied. Among other things, nurses are supposed to be ready to provide the patient with emotional support because it is also a factor contributing to...

Privacy and Integrity in Nurses’ Social Media Use: Guidelines and Considerations

Introduction There is no doubt that nursing presents a sphere that involves a lot of important problems and some of them are related to the rapid development of modern means of communication (Hood, 2014). The discussed changes should be analyzed concerning nursing practice to develop new approaches to ethical and...

ANA’s Efforts to Expand APRNs’ Rights Across the US

Nursing professionals in the US possess the knowledge and practical experience for delivering primary care to patients, however, in most states the scope of their practice is limited due to legislation. The American Nursing Association (ANA) raises the awareness of this issue and cooperates with local authorities to mitigate it....

Integrity as a Personality Trait

Integrity refers to the quality of being honest, transparent, faithful, and open with regard to interactions and communication with other people (AuBuchon 19). It is a vital personality trait that is necessary for the sustenance of relationships between people. People with integrity hold themselves to high ethical and moral standards....

Rudolf Jaenisch’s Views on Human Cloning: Ethical and Scientific Perspectives

Introduction This reading summary essay focuses on the reading “Human Cloning – The Science and Ethics of Nuclear Transplantation” by Rudolf Jaenisch. Summary Jaenisch discusses ethical and scientific challenges associated with human cloning and the application of somatic-cell nuclear transfer to develop a child or ‘reproductive cloning’ (Jaenisch, 2004). He...

Marketing Segmentation Strategies for Video Games in Australia: Trends and Analysis

Market segment matrix At first, it is necessary to create a market segment matrix that describes the behavioral and psychographic characteristic of potential customers who can be divided in two groups. Characteristics Gamers People, who need photocopy and printing service Psychographic Social class: middle-class. Lifestyle: Gamers are experiencersor people who...

Understanding IT’s Role in Corporate Governance

Student Source Trites, Gerald, (2004), “Director Responsibility to IT Governance”, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Vol. 5 pp. 89-99. Summary The article discusses corporate governance and director’s responsibilities in the context of IT. The primary issue is the fact that the directors underestimate the significance of information technology in...

Politicians and Their Speaking Skills

When judging politicians, so much importance is placed on public speaking skills for various reasons. To begin with, politicians are public figures, and this means that whenever they speak, they usually address large numbers of people. To appeal to such huge numbers, they must have good public speaking skills. Good...

Child’s Angry Outburst Management and Family Therapy

General Information and Goals Presenting the Problem Mrs. Smith and her husband had problems with their child, who had conflicts at school. Parents could not manage it, as they both worked full-time and could not use flexible schedules. Mrs. Smith contacted the agency, as she received several calls from school...

Ensuring Security and Privacy for Wireless Medical Sensor Data

When I was looking for an article on the topic related to wireless attacks, I was particularly interested in expanding the information provided in the textbook concerning protection techniques. Namely, I wanted to investigate how patient data can be protected from security violations in healthcare. The textbook mentions that blood...

Causes and Consequences of World War I

Introduction The WW I is considered one of the most devastating and horrible military conflicts in the history of humanity, which resulted in the creation of the new world order and the collapse of numerous states and empires. The new weapons and strategies contributed to the increased cruelty and led...

“Use It or Lose It” Budgeting Approach

Introduction The company budget is based on the ‘Use It or Lose It’ budgeting approach. As such, various departments have the propensity to utilize idle financial resources toward the end of every financial year. It is generally observed that this spending tendency is ostensibly based on the notion that the...

Cambodian Immigrant’s Needs and Human Services

What can you do to assist Pareth in her goals while respecting her culture and the needs of her family? Assisting Pareth Human services professionals assist clients from diverse backgrounds to realize their goals. As a social worker, I have a big obligation to assist Pareth in her goals. To...

Production Costs: Calculating All Major Variables

Introduction No business operates with infinite amount of resources. All production eventually faces the issue of scarcity related to employees, equipment, materials, and other related costs. Determining optimal operations capacity in regards to costs is paramount to minimize expenditures associated with production and maximize profits in short and long-term perspectives....

Think Tanks’ Influence on the US Government Policy

Think tanks are often mentioned in journalist’s reports regarding political decisions and legislative changes in the US. These institutions affect the US government by conducting researches and publishing reports that help government policymakers with their choices. In addition, experts formerly employed by think tank institutions often proceed to work for...

Kantian Moral Philosophy in the Film “Sleepers” by Barry Levinson

Introduction The morality of an action can be judged from different perspectives. For instance, from a utilitarian perspective, an action can be said to be “good” if it brings happiness to the largest number of people (Cholbi 88). In the Kantian categorical imperative, an act is termed as good or...

Student’s Progress: Aa’s Case

The task of teaching young learners word recognition is crucial to their further cognitive development and, therefore, it puts significant responsibility on a teacher. This report addresses the case of Aa, a young learner who began his transition from the stage of word recognition to the required stage of text...

Florida Medicaid Long-Term Care Program: Home-Based Services

Rationale The Florida Statewide Medicaid Managed Care Long-Term Care Program (SMMC LTC) was approved and implemented in 2013 (Agency for Health Care Administration, 2017). The main rationale for adopting this initiative was centered on the intention to diverge senior adults from nursing homes. According to this innovation, senior adults can...

Fear Appeal in Anti-Drug Abuse Campaigns: Effectiveness and Strategies

Campaign Description The problem of prescription drug abuse has become a crucial concern for Florida residents recently. Causing numerous patients to suffer from the development of addiction toward prescribed drugs, the specified issue has affected numerous vulnerable groups and continues to cause trouble across multiple communities in Florida (Florida District...

Florence Nightingale and Her Role in the Enhancement of Nursing Services

Influence of Nightingale’s Legacy Florence Nightingale played a critical role in the enhancement of the nursing services. She helped to identify social and environmental health determinants that influence human health. Nightingale’s contribution to the nursing field led to the formation of a grassroots-to-global movement that aimed at creating public awareness...

The Future of Nursing

In 2010, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) published a report that set goals for changing the nursing workforce. The main focus of this document was on education that can serve as both a foundation for practice and its improvement tool (Pittman, Bass, Hargraves, Herrera, & Thompson, 2015). Currently, each nurse...

Patient-Centered Care in Professional Nursing: Concepts and Implementation

Introduction Modern nursing is primarily based on patient-centered care (Hood, 2018). All nursing theorists, such as Nightingale, Watson, Orem, and others stress out the value and importance of patients as well as their physical and emotional states. Since the purpose of medicine is to promote health, it is only natural...

Principles of Communication in Nursing

Introduction Communication is based on sharing information and fostering of actions. In terms of professional communication, the aim is to make the exchange as effective as possible. Interaction among health care specialists is vital for improving the health and wellbeing of patients. In a similar manner, nurse-patient communication can also...

Ethical Standards in Nursing: Codes, Frameworks, and Responsibilities

The profession of nurse is frequently underestimated in terms of its significance in the patient treatment process. However, even though a doctor takes more responsibility for direct medical interference, it is the nurse who ensures proper communication and patient care. For this reason, nursing implies a number of moral, ethical,...

International Conference on HIV: Solutions & Objectives Overview

Scholarly Activity Overview On June 8, I have attended the International Conference on HIV Treatment and Prevention Adherence, which was held in Miami, Florida. This conference was aimed at hospital nurses, teachers, social workers, and pharmaceutical representatives with the purpose of enlightening the participants about the latest findings, practices, and...

Strategies and Knowledge Dissemination in Nursing

Introduction Knowledge sharing is one of the most critical roles assigned to APRN-prepared leaders in the nursing area. The evidence-based decisions require them to ensure that their subordinates are equipped with pertinent practices and appropriately motivated to use them in their everyday workplace activities. Different levels of healthcare may need...

American Reality vs. American Dream: Death of a Salesman Theme Analysis

Introduction Arthur Miller dramatizes not only the longings and disappointments of a little man in America and the inhuman attitude of the business world towards a man not useful to the organization, but he focuses readers’ attention on the gap between the American dream and the American reality. One of...

Business Data Analysis: The Ryanair LTD

The overall market position Ryanair LTD is one of the most competitive companies, offering the cheapest flights within Europe. Offering more than 500 destinations, the company’s strong side is providing the possibility to travel freely for the middle-class population, and people below the middle-class level. In the confirmation of these...

Citizenship and Civil Disobedience According to Aristotle and Sophocles

In setting forth his ideas regarding what makes a good citizen, Aristotle illustrates the difficulties involved in simply defining who might be a citizen and who might not be. In terms of being a citizen of a particular country or nation, he indicates that anyone is a citizen who is...

Cullen’s and Milton’s Poems Review

Introduction The Afro American poets Countee Cullen and John Milton are closely connected with the so-called Renaissance of the African literature. The best known poem “yet, do I marvel” by Cullen is often been misinterpreted and consequently, it was regarded as just one more lament of a defeated soul as...

The Issues of Gay Parents

Gay parenting is a situation whereby one or more of a child’s parents or guardians identify themselves as lesbian or gay. This may involve children from a previous marriage or even adopted children. Only a small percentage of same-sex parents have an adopted child, and the majority of such families...

Narrative Versus Descriptive Writing

Introduction Narrative element of an essay appeals to a person’s basic instincts and the impact for his/her shared stories. The main focus of the writer could be just to entertain the listeners allowing them to divert from the main business of the story. However, a storyteller could also be aiming...

High School and College: The Comparing

Introduction Prior research on education defined education as a continuous process as one has to move from one level up to another. These are all in efforts for one to acquire relevant knowledge that one will apply in his profession. There is a great difference between college and high school...

Tylenol: Public Relation Case Study

Public relation is an important element in corporate management. The public relations strategies in a company can either save a company from problems or lead to severe effects on a company. Tylenol case is an important example of the importance of effective public relations in a company. The Tylenol crisis...

Reframing Organizations: US Marine

The public opinion on the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy can be mainly assessed from the position of discrimination. In that regard, taking the US marine as an organization, such policy can be seen as a crisis that changes the original definition of such organization, and thus, require a certain...

Michelangelo, David and Donatello David: Comparing and Contrasting Works of Art

Introduction Artists have the talent of presenting their ideas through drawings or sculptures. From a sculpture, one can be able to understand the idea that the person who developed it wanted to put across. Different artists may come up with the same artwork but each has a different meaning. Based...

The Relationship Between C-Commerce and Corporate Portal

C-commerce or collaborative commerce is a new development in e-commerce which means the application and use of electronic technology in almost all aspects of the business. C-commerce can be defined as “The methods, in which enterprises interact electronically to plan, design, build, buy, sell, distribute, and support goods and services.”...

“Martha of the North” and the Meaning of North for Canada

The North signifies the Canadian strength and magnitude. Moreover, the significance of the North for the national identity is represented by the words of the country’s anthem “the true north strong and free.” Almost half of the Canadian territory is determined as north including Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Yukon, and northern...

Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters

We interact with numerous objects and individuals each day, and the understanding of how we perceive them helps us realize how the world functions. It is valuable knowledge, which can serve in solving different problems and making the most of opportunities. Undoubtedly, it is particularly engaging to analyze our interactions...

The Engraving “The Great Wave” by Hokusai

The selected object for this podcast analysis was Hokusai’s The Great Wave, a famous print of art from 19th century Japan. I chose this object as I have seen the art in various media forms numerous times, and although I was aware that it originated in Japan, I had little...

Amy Tan “Mother Tongue”: Key Points and Evaluation

Author’s Claim In her essay “Mother Tongue,” Amy Tan talks about a personal issue that is close to her both as a writer and as an individual. This issue is the judgment passed by people based on the way somebody talks. Particularly, it concerns the English language version that is...

Chapter 4 of “Unfinished Journey” by W. H. Chafe

In the fourth chapter, Chafe addresses some of the issues that Americans faced in the postwar years starting from 1945 when World War II ended. This synopsis focuses on two social reform issues and opportunities that Americans hoped the end of the war would herald. The first issue is that...

Individual, Team, and Organizational Objectives

The links between individual, team and organizational objectives Objectives help to determine the long-term prospects of an organization. The essence of an objective helps to analyze in what direction the company is moving, and after reaching the objective – what the result will be. Furthermore, an objective allows the creation...

Stages in Kurt Lewin’s Change Model

Introduction Change is an essential element of any organization that seeks to continually improve and grow. Kurt Lewin developed a three-stage model that can effectively be employed by the management of organizations to address necessary reforms effectively. The three stages developed by Kurt Lewin tackle change endeavors through unfreezing, change,...

Theory of Qualitative Research

There are many types of case studies, but mostly, they are often a subtype of the following categories. Illustrative case studies are aimed at providing general knowledge about a subject, and therefore, are comprised of descriptive information (Epler, 2019). These case studies use real-life events to give a more favourable...

Abolitionist and Women’s Rights Movements

During the 19th century, the abolitionist movement was developing in the United States, which set itself the goal of putting an end to slavery. In the 1930s, following the creation of The Liberator newspaper and the organization of Anti-Slavery Society, the movement began to get supporters actively. Some women also...

The Analysis of Twain’s Novel “A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Cour”

Mark Twain is the prominent American writer of the 19th century whose writings are not only witty and capturing but also address numerous social problems such as, for example, inequality. This issue is most evident in A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court. The novel tells a story about an...

A Website Comparison: The National Library of Medicine and Webmd

The two websites selected for review are the National Library of Medicine and WebMD . Although both websites cover health-related topics, the first website is aimed primarily at healthcare practitioners, such as doctors and nurses. Members of this audience are typically aged 26 to 60 and have a degree in...

The Influence of Social Media on Democracy

Democracy entails the protection of human rights among individuals facing social, economic, and political challenges. Authorities are expected to protect their citizens’ natural rights as a means of enhancing the motivation required for economic growth. Traditionally, individuals depend on written materials for learning their democratic rights. Other people rely on...

Living in Small Towns vs. Large Cities

Everyone is used to the environment in which they live, work, and interact with the outside world. Having lived in a small city my entire life, I got used to quiet streets and the fact that everyone knows each other, like a big family but without relatives. When I moved...

A Valid Contract: The Case Study of Rita

A contract is defined as an institution which guides the behavior and conduct of those who enter into it. It usually occurs when two or more people, organizations or even companies make an agreement that can be enforced through a court of law and penalties may follow if the guidelines...

Company’s Organizational Behavior in COVID-19 Outbreak

Today successfully managing a company is as challenging as ever during a COVID-19 outbreak with no clear perspective. It becomes increasingly hard to be sustainable and overcome the barriers of flexible working. According to vital-learning.com, bad management costs organizations an average of $33 per day resulting in high employer turnover,...

The Need for Criminal Justice practitioners

The criminal justice process is a complicated and delicate procedure, where the need for criminal justice practitioners cannot be underestimated. Practitioners have a specific role in the justice system; they function within federal, state, and local jurisdictions. Their responsibilities differ depending on the subsystem assignment, and they can function along...

International Relationships During Cold War

Cold War can be categorized as one of the most prominent occurrences in the international relationships of the 20th century. In the second half of the given period, a confrontation between the two strongest powers of their time, such as the USA and the USSR, unfolded in the world political...

Importance of the Maritime Trade

Importance of Maritime Trade to the North America and the U.S. Economies The U.S. maritime system comprise of more than three hundred sea and river ports including over three thousand seven hundred cargo and passenger terminal and over one thousand harbor channels all these spread along the coastline. Traffic is...

Literary Analysis of Ward’s “Sing, Unburied, Sing”

Jesmyn Ward: A Celebrated Author in American Literature Jesmyn Ward is considered an important author in American literature owing to her ability to showcase an intimate and in-depth understanding of language. Ward’s works explore American families and their diverse cultures. All of Ward’s novels are set in the small town...

Research and Writing: Validation and Reliability Tests

Research findings must pass validation and reliability tests before they are accepted. Researchers use qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods to carry out their studies. In all the methods, researchers will collect data, analyze it and interpret it. For a research interpretation to be credible, it must be transferrable to other...

“The Help” Movie: Interaction of Characters

Introduction In sociology, an interactionist perspective focuses on micro-level issues that occur between people. This approach to understanding the interactions between characters allows clarifying inequality and poverty effects. The personal narratives of individuals are often used as the key source of analyzing the relationships across social classes in terms of...

“Inside Worcester’s Development” Article by Caplan-Bricker

An article by Caplan-Bricker (2018) titled “Inside Worcester’s development: What’s the catch?” discusses the living conditions in Worcester, MA, as they compare to those of Boston. The text touches upon several topics that pertain directly to gentrification. In particular, the article emphasizes how gentrification leads to population displacement and increased...

Chief Nursing Office Role in Nurses Everyday Duties

Available nursing scholarship demonstrates that Chief Nursing Officers (CNOs) have remained blurred in healthcare delivery systems despite their fundamental roles of enhancing patient outcomes and participating in decision-making processes (Salmon and Rambo 136). Although their roles and responsibilities seem unclear, CNOs are in a distinctive position to influence change in...

Roy’s Adaptation Model for Family Nurse Practitioner

In an attempt to enhance research and practice in the field of nursing, a number of theories have been put forth to help advance the skills and experience of practitioners in this field. One of the most prominent grand theories in nursing is Roy’s Adaptation Model. Roy has been updating...

IBM Hofstede Study in Understanding National Cultures

The IBM Hofstede study is useful in understanding national cultures, but its usefulness in understanding how this relates to workplace values is rather limited. Hofstede’s culture theory does not acknowledge diversities in national practices and hence their institutions. Territorial differences exist within any given nation, such that individuals in one...

“Health as Expanding Consciousness” Rogers and Neuman Theory

Neuman’s theory of “health as expanding consciousness” has been widely used by nurses and caregivers across the world. It is evident that Margaret Neuman is one of the greatest theorists who have contributed a lot to the field of nursing. Margaret developed the theory from the idea that “human health...

Prisoner Re-Entry into the Community

Introduction The return of ex-offenders into the community and their establishment in society is one of the correction system’s critical challenges. The rate of re-entry success depends on various factors and is associated with particular risks and issues. This paper aims to discuss the problems that might occur during the...

Restaurant Types for Private Dining in Ireland

Are you based in Ireland, used to live there, or have a connection to Ireland and seek to find the right dining option? Ireland offers a wide range of options when it comes to private or group dining. The sheer number of restaurants and their quality allows people to live...

Creating Needs by Marketing

Marketing is one of the most critical undertakings all companies apply, regardless of their directions and sizes, to communicate and deliver value to customers in a way that benefits organizations. Because of the enormous number of competing companies in the global marketplace, marketers spare no effort in developing strategies that...

Nervous System, Cognition, and Behavior of Humans

The nervous system of any human consists of two elements — central (CNS) and peripheral (PNS), with the brain and spinal cord being the two parts of CNS and nerves being a part of PNS. The primary function of these systems is to collect data from the body and generate...

Leadership Styles: Organizational Change and Quality Management

Leadership is defined as the act of organizing a group of people to achieve a common objective. It entails giving directions to other people mostly to the subordinates by authority and being accountable for the results obtained (Johnson and Hackman, 2003, p.38). Leadership in an organization is an important tool...

Infant Feeding and Hospitalization Incidence

The first year of a newborn’s life is considered the most difficult for survival, as infants are vulnerable to different diseases and infections. The immune system of newborns and the possible health risks is an important subject for research, but the issue remains understudied. Predisposition to diseases may depend on...

Toyota Motors Analysis

Introduction Several key factors are influencing the strategy and operations of Toyota Motors. These are demographics, culture, socio-economic environment, and consumer attitudes. According to the International Monetary Fund, the Japanese population’s median age is slightly over 48 (Japan, 2020). It means that Japan is the country with the oldest population...

Prisons and the Different Security Levels

Prisons are differentiated with regard to the extent of security, including supermax, maximum, medium, and minimum levels. Prisoners experience different degrees of freedom depending on the prison they are placed in. The security level of a prison also determines whether inmates are isolated or interact amongst themselves and with visitors....

Tort of Defamation as a Common Workplace Tort

In today’s world a man’s reputation is undoubtedly his most valuable asset. A good reputation brings potential future success; therefore, its value is intangible. The law is designed to protect us from harm, including name slander, which is defamation. The tort of defamation refers to false statements intended to harm...

Nissan Motor Company: Operations Management

Operation Process of Nissan’s Production System Nissan’s production system meets the modern standards of a competitive market and is based on several significant aspects. Firstly, this Japanese automaker maintains a constant interaction with the target audience by reacting to the demand indicators immediately and, thus, adjusting the pricing policy (Reuters...

HEB Grocery Company’s Remuneration System

When HR directors define the company’s goal, they conduct an analysis according to the required parameters and make a management decision. One of the important elements of the analysis is the assessment of the applicants for a vacancy, and their professional and personal qualities, which will allow solving problems for...

Jersey City: The Last Stop on the Underground Railroad

0Jersey City is one of the cities that has high cultural diversity in America. It has an underground rail that passes through, and it helped the slaves escape to Canada and the North that had banned slavery. The term “Underground rail” does not mean the actual railway system, but it...

Zero Hunger Problem Through Nature Lens

Zero Hunger program is a prospective solution to the problem of world hunger, which focuses on approachability to food, cost-effectiveness of food supply, and the constant flow of it to bereft regions of the world. As it stands, the world has an overproduction of food of 50%, whereas 11% of...

The Human Research Protection

The Killing Nurses of the Third Reich The documentary is about nurses during the Nazi period who participated in the Holocaust, violating their professional ethics. They also were involved in the murder of mentally ill and handicapped people. It is intended to show causes and consequences of ethical violations in...

How Junk Diets Can Reduce Obesity

In the commentary ‘C’ inscribed by David Freedman, he diverts readers’ attention by making them, through evidence and self-experience, believe that junk food can also end obesity. He achieves this by using methods such as ethical appeal which mainly majors on personal experience by identifying himself as a lover of...

Pericles as Athens’ Greatest Leader

Among many antique politicians and orators who ruled Greek city-states, Pericles was described as one of the most influential historical figures. The leader ruled Athens in 461 BC – 429 BC, and that period was named the city’s Golden Age (Mark, 2018). Pericles contributed to the development of democracy, promoted...

The Crucial Role of Nature in “The Farming of Bones”

In his novel The Farming of Bones, Edwidge Danticat, a Haitian-American novelist, engages in the process of re-remembering the tragic events surrounding the Haitian massacre of 1937, delving deep into his memories and the psychological relaying of history. From the very beginning of the novel, it becomes clear that the...

“Silver Water” by Amy Bloom: Main Character, Plot, and Themes

The book Silver Water by Amy Bloom revolves around a girl, Rose, who becomes mentally ill at an early age. The theme of the narration is that of mental illness and how it has a significant impact on the patient’s life and that of their family. It also shows that...

The Idea of “Big Brother” in Modern Society

Nowadays, almost everyone who lives in one of the first-world countries has a cell phone or any other mobile device that lets them get internet access anytime. Furthermore, in today’s age of technological progress, every device with internet access is equipped with a camera, microphone, or any other recording tool....

Octopus Energy’s Sociotechnical System Analysis

Mapping Sociotechnical System Note: Red boxes include people inside and outside of the organizational system, green boxes ­– related organizations, and blue boxes – technology. The systems map presented in Figure 1 shows the crucial elements within the company and the external elements that may affect its business processes. It...

Navigating the Tech Ecosystem in Cameroon

Consideration of the problems that are characteristic of the African part of the world is necessary. The reason for this is the need to update functions to bring the most significant benefit to the country and the world around it. This position paper examines the problem of introducing digital technologies...

Picturebooks: Charlotte Huck’s Children’s Literature

The current paper constitutes a summary of the chapter titled “Picturebooks” Charlotte Huck’s Children’s Literature: A Brief Guide. The book was written by Barbara Kiefer and Cynthia Tyson in collaboration with Bettie Parsons Barger, Denise Davila, Lisa Patrick, and Erin Reilly-Sanders. The third edition of the book was published in...

The Impact of Influencer Marketing on Zara

Zara is a fashion design and manufacturing corporation in Spain founded by Amancio Ortega Gaona. Zara started as a wear shop and developed to be the most successful and recognized brand in the fashion industry, with over 63,000 stores globally (Murphy, 2021). Zara was included in the public offering in...

“The Neighbor’s Window”: Film Review

All people at a certain moment doubt their own choice and think how their life would have developed in a different situation or layout. The characters of the movie “The Neighbor’s Window” Alli and her husband Jacob, watching the life of their neighbors, begin to remember their youth and regret...

Mental Health Parity and Services

Beronio, K., Glied, S., & Frank, R. (2014). How the Affordable Care Act and Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act greatly expand coverage of behavioral health care. Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 41(4), 410-428.  In this article, the researchers reflect on the topic of the Patient Protection...

Misinterpretation of Christian Sermons and Heresy

The Christian faith has been preached across the world for generations. Spreading the word of God took many translations and interpretations of the message. With the need for clarification and consolidation, teachings, or doctrines, were required. Those could vary in meaning and weight; they were argued and debated throughout history....

Researching the Concept of the Film Genre

A genre is defined as a form of communication in movies, music, or writing, including novels. It is considered a foundation of a story that helps the reader understand the story better. Genre helps influence the audience’s expectations in a movie or novel, and there are different types of genres,...

COVID-19 and Immigrant Labor Exploitation

The COVID-19 epidemic has wreaked havoc on migrant workers all around the world, particularly those in precarious low-wage jobs, who were typically the first to feel the pandemic’s economic impact. According to the report, migrant workers were also targets of discrimination and xenophobia (Jones et al., 2021). The immigrants’ labor...

Plato’s “Symposium”: An Explanation of Love

Plato’s Symposium 201d-212c is primarily focused on Socrates’s speech. The Greek philosopher and thinker addresses Agathon about the notion and nature of Love. He uses the wisdom he received from Diotima of Mantinea in order to explain what role and place Love holds. The first aspect of the speech focuses...

Emotion Theories and Their Application

There are different ways of explaining how certain emotions are produced. For example, one may think that emotions occur naturally as a response to danger or another event. Others may theorize that a conscious appraisal of the citation is what causes an emotional response or that these processes occur simultaneously....

Discussion of Affordable Housing Solutions

Shelter is the basic need of every person, yet quite often, people face difficulty with finding a place to live due to high costs on the market. As a result, there is a substantial demand among citizens for affordable housing, which would allow them to have proper living conditions without...

The Role of the Colonial Archives in Indigenous Communities

Introduction For many years, Indigenous people have been fighting for the rights of their lands, languages, and cultures. This is because of the colonial groups and institutions that have, over time, removed these rights and knowledge. Since the 1940s, indigenous people have raised various concerns about declining the right to...

Discussion: Social Anxiety and Loneliness

Humanity is fundamentally akin to social animals, and its survival depends upon connections made during its lifetime. They are essential for maintaining optimal mental and physical health at all ages. Therefore, social isolation and loneliness have tremendous effects on longevity, health, and well-being. The development of such conditions at old...

Gender Role Differences and Immigration

Introduction Gender role is a colossal pillar of every society, and although nowadays, a shift from assigned and stereotyped gender roles is more prominent, they still significantly affect people’s lives. A gender role is a way to indicate which behaviors are acceptable and appropriate based on a person’s gender or...

Psychoactive Substances Using Discussion

Psychoactive substances or psychotropics are substances that directly affect the brain, including changes in feelings, behavior, cognition, mood, or motor functions. Many of these substances are illegal in most countries, but there is a big part of them that people can buy in regular stores. However, things like cigarettes which...

Food Behaviors Among Mexicans and South Americans

People from diverse backgrounds eat different foods influenced by factors such as geographical location, religion, family values and beliefs about health. Food has become a significant cultural identity transcending from generation to generation. South America and Mexico are both predominant Spanish speakers with differing and similar food habits. The Mexican...

Significance of the Diabetes Issue

Introduction Diabetes is a widespread health issue with several serious adverse effects on the individual. This disease is characterized by a metabolic disorder and has a manifestation in the form of an increase in blood sugar levels. In this aspect, increasing glucose levels is critical because it damages human organs....

Elements of Photography and Cinematography

Introduction Human society cannot be imagined without art and its various forms. It always accompanies individuals, evolving with their needs and responding to the changes in world view and mentalities. At the same time, art is impacted by external factors, and technology is one of them. Discussion The scientfific discovery...

The Jones Soda Product’s Marketing Approaches

The soda company made a name for itself with unique labels that feature a variety of customer-submitted photographs and bottle caps with personalized customer messages. Jones Soda developed an intimate relationship with its customers by employing a customer-focused approach. It evolved into a customer-focused company, with flavor ideas, packaging, and...

The Role of Stress Hormones: Physiology

Working as a volunteer dealing with infants asserts a certain degree of service to the setting that is inspirational. The well-being and growth of a toddler later in life are greatly influenced by their early years. The rapid rate of brain development, beginning before delivery and lasting throughout early childhood,...

Mental Health Services: The Role of Spirituality

The Goal The study’s primary goal is to examine the attitudes of citizens receiving mental health services toward spirituality. In many respects, this circumstance is determined due to the tendency to develop clients’ interests in religion and spirituality in the context of treating mental illness (Oxhandler et al., 2021). The...

Maintaining the Safety of Financial Resources

Introduction Maintaining digital security in the field of virtual economic transactions between citizens is a vital step in ensuring the safety of people’s financial resources and the security of their identities. In the case study under analysis, several breaches of digital security standards can be identified. Specifically, the country’s residents...

Diabetes Nursing Policy: Diabetes Care

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of endocrine diseases that develop due to a relative or absolute lack of the hormone insulin or a violation of its interaction with the cells of the body. Since this is a very common disease, there are several important nursing policies regulating the management...

Aspects of Teaching and Learning Styles

Introduction According to Grasha (1995), teaching means a particular approach to teaching students, in connection with which five teaching styles are distinguished: expert, formal authority, facilitator, delegator, and personal model. The most effective style, in my opinion, is the facilitator. This is because it is necessary for students to create...