Theme and Characters in Sophocles’s “Antigone”

Antigone is an ancient Greek tragedy written around 442 BCE by Sophocles, one of the genre’s pillars. It centers on the story of a young girl Antigone, whose brothers Eteocles and Polynices have recently died fighting each other over the throne of Thebes. The new ruler of Thebes, Creon, orders...

Essay “Joyas Valodoras” by Brian Doyle: Meaning of Love

In his essay Joyas Valodoras, Brian Doyle reflects on the relationship between hummingbirds and their hearts, the lives of humans, and blue whales. The work is a profound reflection on life and death and the experience that a real living being experiences in the interval between these events. The essay...

Making Obesity Fat: Crip Estrangement in Shakespeare’s Henry Iv

In the article by Best (2019) in the scene “play extempore” of Henry IV part I, the author, Shakespeare through deconstruction makes obesity fat. Shakespeare in the play put a crippled character to assume the role of a fat person. In the scene, “play extempore,” Prince Henry is supposed to...

Civil Rights Movements in America

Introduction African Americans have struggled to balance minorities and women’s rights since the end of reconstruction. Faulkenbury explains that after the Civil War, the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments were passed, which disregarded slavery (392). However, racial segregation, referred to as Jim Crow, was established. This led to the development of...

Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart”

Edgar Allan Poe is a well-known master of macabre stories, saturated with Gothic atmosphere, madness, and decay. One example is “The Tell-Tale Heart,” similar to other authors’ works, such as “The Black Cat,” because of the murder and concealment motif. However, the story is distinctive insomuch as the wrongdoer is...

The Life of Nelson and Winnie Mandela

Nelson Mandela, who was born on July 18, 1918, was the son of the head of the Tembu tribe, an ethnic group of the Kosa. His first name, which was given at birth, is Rolihlahla, which means ‘to tear a branch of a tree’ in the Kos language, a figurative...

Crime Rates in Urban and Suburban Areas

The number of crimes in different territories, in particular urban and suburban, varies. However, the urban environment, in contrast to the suburban environment, is also highly heterogeneous, which explains the different levels of crime in particular areas of one large city. Thus, the increased number of crimes in the city...

International Business and Competition

In today’s conditions of market globalization and a highly competitive environment, businesses are forced to adapt their operating models to withstand competitive pressure and operate sustainably to address the interests of as many consumers as possible. Successful companies that have implemented their international plans enter the global market and become...

Descartes’ View on God, Evil Demon, and Cartesian Circle

Introduction Rene Descartes is known for his ontological argumentation in support of the existence of God. However, there are several issues with the view of the omnipotent and perfect God. For example, atheists appeal to the idea that if God existed, he would strive to prevent human suffering and catastrophes...

The Beyoncé Performs at the Super Bowl Essay Diagram

This paper discloses the rationale behind certain choices for the drawing of a diagram of the essay “Beyoncé Performs at the Super Bowl and I Think about All of the Jobs I’ve Hated” by Hanif Abdurraqib. This piece has a nonlinear structure, which complicates the comprehension of its main points....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Afghan Women in Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns

Those who read The Kite Runner expected from the author another inspiring story about male friendship but received a heartbreaking novel about the women of Afghanistan. Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns was first published in 2007 and immediately received positive feedback (Dhakal 229). The story represents the period from...

Biotechnology: Desired Properties of Vectors

In biotechnology, vectors are used as tools to transfer genes of interest into a living cell in order to force cells to produce uncharacteristic recombinant proteins. Thus, vector engineering is an up-and-coming technique that solves essential economic, applied, and scientific issues. Traditionally, circular bacterial DNA molecules called plasmids are used...

The Legalization and Moral Issues about Euthanasia

Introduction Euthanasia, a morally ambiguous medical issue, is one of the most contentious topics in medicine. Is the most troubling question a denial of life as a result of a crime or an unpunishable act? These questions have different responses depending on the country. On the one hand, the critical...

“Visitor” Directed by Justin P. Lang Review

The movie “Visitor” is a heartwarming melodrama about what real friendship and reinventing one’s purpose in life is all about. Walter Wale, an economics professor at Connecticut College, travels to New York to attend a conference on globalization. Ever since his wife died, Walter has lost interest in life; he...

Nike’s Operations and Market Analysis

Nike, Inc is one of the largest suppliers of athletic apparel and footwear not only in the American market but also globally. This brand is considered the largest provider of sportswear and equipment worldwide, with its own network of retail stores used for product distribution (Nike, 2021). Since the market...

Poverty, Its Social Context, and Solutions

Introduction Poverty is a global challenge that requires individual, national, and international efforts. It is measured by the ratio of individuals living below $1.90 per day (World Bank, 2022). In addition to financial limitations, poverty prevents people from accessing quality healthcare, which may contribute to higher mortality rates. Social, economic,...

Sex-Selective Abortions Around the World

Despite the progress in social justice, several nations still permit and practice a frequent type of gender discrimination nowadays. Cultural, racial, and national barriers are all impacted by prenatal sex discrimination. Through sex-selected abortions it is carried out with impunity in many nations. Abortion for an unborn kid exclusively based...

Diversity and Inclusion in Business

Article Overview The article by Bryan Robinson entitled “5 Ways HR Can Work With Companies To Prioritize Workplace Diversity And Inclusion” was written comparatively recently, on Jun 2, 2022. It was published in Forbes magazine and is available online at the following link Diversity and inclusion are two critical...

Real Estate Strategic Improvements

Introduction Strategic planning is a systematic process that aids in creating goals for an organization’s future and determining the best way to accomplish them. Its main objective in the real estate business is to link three crucial areas: mission, vision, and plan. A real estate company’s mission statement should identify...

DNP Admission Essay: Polypharmacy in an Elderly Population

A nurse leader is expected to be a capable team leader and organizer, skilled in care delivery and administrative roles. Therefore, becoming a quality nurse leader requires being a competent care provider and mastering administrative skills and leadership techniques on a solid level. A Doctor-Nursing Practice (DNP) degree will help...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Unconditional Fatherly Love in Hayden’s “Those Winter Sundays”

Introduction Differences in the perception of life values, manifested in the context of a generation gap, are a common problem raised in literary works. In Hayden’s poem “Those Winter Days,” the poet demonstrates such an assessment by presenting himself as the narrator. In this short poem, he faithfully captures the...

Burnout Among Nurses and Its Negative Effects

Nurses are the central workforces of any hospital, providing quality care to patients and spending more time with them than doctors. The main concern of such intense nursing schedules, filled with patient interviewing, various procedures, and the emotional comforting of families, is burnout (Dall’Ora et al., 2020). The latter is...

Quitting Decision in John Updike’s “A&P” Story

John Updike’s short story “A & P” describes an episode from Sammy’s life: the teenager working in the counter shop and thinking about the way adult people live. The text is a concise description of life in American suburbia, and the images the author uses reflect the conduct shared by...

Gabon’s Nuclear Waste Management

Gabon’s nuclear waste management practices demand urgent attention as they have far-reaching consequences for both the present and future generations. The byproducts of nuclear power generation, such as spent fuel rods and radioactive materials, are highly dangerous and must be carefully managed in order to protect human health and the...

Childhood Vaccination Dilemma and Kant’s Ethics

The necessity of childhood vaccinations has long provoked conflicting reactions and raised many moral and ethical questions among the public. For many years, opposing views on this subject have clashed with each other (Shields et al., 2020). However, moral guidance on this issue can be achieved through the application of...

The Theme of Justice in the Old and the New Testament

Introduction: Tracing the Discrepancies between the Testaments God’s decisions differ. This statement is often used to describe the content of two Testaments. The scholars of all times have been investigating the sources and the logical explanations of some discrepancies that put a strong line of demarcation between the Old and...

Crisis of Chemical Dependence: Drug Abuse

Introduction Drug abuse is a major challenge in the contemporary world because it leads to grave social and economic consequences (Kuhar & Wrobel, 2010). According to research findings, the United States of America has the highest percentage of drug abuse globally (Warner, 2008). Drug abuse mainly begins during teenage (Kuhar...

Nurse Manager Skills Inventory

“Nurse Manager Skills Inventory” provides nurses with a good opportunity to evaluate their leadership skills in such areas as personal and professional accountability; career planning; skills assisting in developing a leader; and preferable practices and behaviors (Nurse Manager Skills Inventory, 2006). Focusing on personal strengths and weaknesses in developing mentioned...

Religious Studies of Healthy Grief

Grief is the deep sorrow that people experience when they receive news about death, illness, or loss of property. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross model summarizes the stages that make up the grief process. The model states that people undergo grief in five main stages (Curry, 2011). This paper focuses on the five...

Alibaba Organizational Structure and Values

This company analysis explores Alibaba organizational structure, its management plan, and culture. Read it to learn more about Alibaba company structure. Due to the rapid development of the internet and digital technologies that occurred over the first decade of the 21st century, the businesses that rely on these two resources...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Wal-Mart Stores Learning and Growth Perspective

Introduction Employee satisfaction, retention and productivity can be assessed quantitatively by the use of a Growth Metric which is used in the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework. Such a metric targets the learning and growth perspective of BSC that is and remains “the foundation for all strategy” (Chen & Miles, 2000,...

Health Insurance Policy’s Impact on Nursing

The federal policy that has a significant impact on the role of the advanced practice registered nurse is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). The policy strengthens the privacy of the patients’ personal information by providing them with several sets of rights such as the right to obtain...

Kodak Company Corporate, Business and Functional Strategies

Eastman Kodak is struggling severe competition and the company has to come up with effective solutions to regain its status of the leader in the industry. It is necessary to note that the strategies Kodak is using are connected with the company’s vision and mission. The company’s vision involves improvement...

Theme in Henry James’s “Daisy Miller”

“Daisy Miller” is one of the most remarkable novellas written by Henry James in 1878. In his novella, James focuses on the opposition in visions typical for the Americans and Europeans living in the 1870s. From this point, “Daisy Miller” addresses the question of the morality based on certain social...

English Language Learners Concepts

Introduction The English language learners (ELLs) are those individuals who represent a diverse population of students who came from different countries, have a different background, and speak various languages. Mainly, they are united only by the desire to master English. They need some adjustment period to be ready to cope...

The National Picasso Museum in Paris

Name of the organization: Musée National Picasso-Paris Location: 5 Rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris, France Description of the incident: a petition denouncing management style of Anne Baldassari Mission: According to the official site of the Museum, its main mission is to preserve “collections that are part of the French national...

Intelligent Hospital Pavilion: The Risks and Benefits To Nurses and Patients

Introduction Modern technologies and informatics are transforming how medical care is delivered to different patients (Lee, 2014). The intensive care unit (ICU) is one of the departments that can benefit from the use of informatics to support the health needs of more patients in need of critical care. Using the...

Advanced Technology Investment Company’ Problems

Brief Description of Project Topic The problem is the need to improve performance of the Advanced Technology Investment Company, which is based in the UAE. In the last couple of years, the transformation process of the Advanced Technology Investment Company has been remarkable. According to many experts, the ability of...

Advanced Perspective of Public Policy

Involvement of the community is one of the most recent trends in the field of public service. Admittedly, policymakers often address people to understand their needs and expectations but this can be hardly called community involvement. Ideally, community have to affect policies that may have any impact on the people....

Patient Education Technology in Health Care

Most of the advances recorded in the field of healthcare are aimed at improving the quality of medical services. Modern technologies have become consequential in the sector. Patient education technology is an emerging subsection that is being utilized to maximize the health gains of different patients. The field focuses on...

Hamlet’s Internal Conflict in Shakespeare’s Play

Hamlet’s Internal Conflict: Introduction Hamlet is one of Shakespeare’s most famous tragedies. The plot revolves around the main character Hamlet who cannot make up his mind on whether or not to take revenge over the murder of his father, King Hamlet, the ruler of Denmark. This indecision arises after Hamlet...

Personality Trait Theories and Flynn Effect

Eysenck versus Gray personality theories Initially, the personality theory developed by Eysenck was based on two main dimensions – extraversion and neuroticism (‘E’ and ‘N’ responsively); on their axes, the two were juxtaposed to introversion and stability (Nussbaum, 2013). The theory by Gray also relies on two dimensions (impulsivity and...

The Advantages of Independent Learning

Education is an integral part of human development. The learning process starts since the very moment of birth and continues throughout the lifespan. As a person grows, he/she becomes more conscious about own intellectual development and capable of influencing its outcomes. Nowadays, researchers and practitioners in the field of education...

Credit Quality in Banking Lending and Investment

Introduction For the last 30 years, bank institutions have represented more than half of the commercial lending sector and approximately a quarter of the entire corporate credit market1. The institutions are cautious creditors and repeatedly work to make credit accessible to credit-worthy companies and individuals throughout the country. Bankers analyse...

The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing: The Compilation of Comprehensive Principles, Tenets, and Domains

Abstract The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing suggested by the American Association of Colleges of Nursing is the collection of core principles, tenets, and domains, which educational facilities need to comply with when furnishing educational services for future nurses. The framework promotes such practices that will allow nurses to...

Hispanic Population’s Health at Miami-Dade County

My county is Miami-Dade that ranks 23 out of 67 counties in the state of Florida. 67.3 percent of the population is Hispanic and encounters several chronic diseases, among which obesity may be noted as one of the most critical health problems. The recent report shows that 35.8 percent of...

Electronic Health Records Implementation Examples

Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are becoming increasingly popular with the growing demand for convenient and high-quality healthcare services. Nowadays nursing care greatly depends on EHR because of the convenience of having all health information about a patient. One of the most important benefits of Electronic Health Records is the option...

Wedding Session in Christian Religious Tradition

Introduction Upon requesting the church leader to attend one of the services, he welcomed me to the wedding session that was going to take place the following week. The church is Anglican and it differs in several ways from the Catholic tradition, even though the two share many things. I...

“Hot Pepper” a Movie by Les Blank

Summary of the Video The movie Hot Pepper tells the story of Clifton Chenier who was a representative of such a musical genre as Zydeco. The viewers can learn about the sources of his inspiration, especially the culture of urban and rural Louisiana. Furthermore, the authors of this film explore...

Philosophy: Plato’s “Five Dialogues” Analysis

In the suggested passage, the philosopher revolves around the price of freedom and whether it could be achieved by any means. If to speak about the main idea of this very text, it could be determined as the essence of the cogitations about justice, injustice, and the appropriate response to...

My Mother Is My Source of Inspiration: Speech

Do you have an idol? Many people do, nowadays. To some, those are sportsmen; to others – pop-stars, singers, Hollywood stars and dancers. I do not need to go far or look too hard for a role model. I take inspiration from a person I am close to, and whom...

Addressing Abuse in Tennis

Introduction The legal scandal with the involvement of Larry Nassar has had a drastic influence not only on gymnastics but on the world of sports in general. During the investigation, it was revealed that multiple people were involved in the sexual abuse of girls and women under the guise of...

Neoliberalism in the Film “Wall Street”

The modern world in its social, political, and economic manifestations has gone through a series of ideological changes throughout centuries of its existence. Overall, the search for an ideal type of government has always been a never-ending process due to the evolution of thought and constant willingness to change the...

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Symptoms

What are the frequency and percentage of the COPD patients in the severe airflow limitation group who are employed in the Eckerblad et al. (2014) study? The researcher adopted the COPED for the patients with severe airflow limitations where pertinent percentages, including 14% and 7% were given proper regard. What...

Transitional Care Interventions: Planning a Nursing Study

Introduction The fight against chronic diseases is an urgent problem of modern medicine, and the task of comprehensive care for patients with constant complications lies on the nursing staff. One of the issues that deserve discussion is the too high level of readmission among those who spend much time in...

Persuasion Principles to Promote Compromise

Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation My desire to become the best leader for my team made me read recent studies and visit several online courses to understand what steps and strategies can improve our company. In the list of available ideas and recommendations, my attention was paid to compromise and...

Heart Failure Education: Project Implementation

Introduction Education targeted at informing patients about the risks associated with congestive heart failure is expected to be multi-dimensional since different patients have various needs. The complexity of patients who are admitted to medical units continues increasing, which provides a challenge to nurses. The changes in patients’ profiles can be...

Diabetes Issues in the United States and Florida

Diabetes is a serious issue both in the US and in Florida in particular. In the state, it is number six in the list of illnesses that cause death (“Proven Community Based Lifestyle Change Program,” n.d.). According to the program, 7.1% of the population in the state has the disease....

Nursing in Community Health Practice Settings

Introduction Community health nurses operate in a variety of environments ranging from patients’ homes to public clinics. The key goal of community nurses is helping patients access the highest-quality care not only through supervising their treatment but also through educating and advising them on the appropriate measures of health. Since...

Environmental Health: Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Carbon Monoxide is a gas that has no Detectable Signs A product of burned fuels Has no color, smell, or taste Extremely poisonous, especially for infants Obstructs blood from transporting oxygen This leads to cell and organ death NOTE: Due to the fact that infants rely on their caregivers in...

Transitional Care Preventing Rehospitalization: Study Design

Introduction Transitional care is of interest to many researchers and healthcare professionals. There have been numerous attempts to improve current practices in follow-up care. For instance, the Transitional Care Model (TCM) was developed to prevent the rehospitalization of patients with chronic illnesses by ensuring adequate supervision after hospital discharge (Hirschman...

Paramount Decisions: Predictive Model Assessment, Implementation and Pattern Discovery

Introduction The decision-making process is a key activity of all organizations. Right decisions are a significant part of businesses’ success, a high level of performance, and competitive advantage. Thus, the choice of an appropriate decision support system based on the company’s needs and purposes is vital. This paper provides an...

The Coca-Cola Company’s Ethical Communication Plan

As the communication analysis of Coca-Cola has demonstrated, the company has often been subject to criticism and has yet to tackle its ethical controversies. One way to go about the issues with brand reputation and communication is to devise a comprehensive ethical framework. This is a necessity for a corporation...

Sexting and Related Cybercrime Legislation

Cybercrime is considered one of the critical adverse outcomes of the excessive use of technologies, which have become part of people’s daily lives around the world. The exposure to such adverse implications can lead to both financial and psychological issues, which is why the issue is high on the current...

Unique Philosophies Toward Nursing

Introduction Individual sets of beliefs and attitudes have a profound effect on all dimensions of a person’s life: physical, social, religious, and professional. Distinctive environments, individual interactions, and different perceptions of health and illness – all together help healthcare providers to formulate their unique philosophies toward nursing. This paper briefly...

National Unity and the Violence of the Last 19th and 20th Centuries

Introduction The desire for national unity should be seen to account largely for the violence of the last 19th and 20th centuries. This can be seen from the many patriotic uprising revolutions against the rulers of the many small kingdoms and states that existed then. This is the period of...

Eating Home-Cooked Food Is Essential

“You are what you eat” and food intake plays a vital role in health, appearance and fitness of an individual. With the changing times and fast paced lives, few people actually cook food at homes and have regular family meals. Jobs, social lives and busy schedules are deterring more and...

Encourage Fair Trade in Scotland

Executive Summary The main purpose of this essay is to enlighten the reader about the genuine efforts an organisation called Fair Trade is undertaking to streamline global trade and to offer the growers of agricultural produce a fair deal for their produce. It is also intended to attain socio-economic benefits...

DigiMuse Organization Maximizing Profits

Introduction After careful analysis of possible production levels for the sound card at which the firm will make maximum profits is 240,000 units. At this level the marginal cost of production is at minimal and the profits made will be at the highest. Before this production level marginal cost of...

‘Further Along the Road Less Travelled’ by Scott Peck

The book ‘Further Along the Road Less Travelled’ written by Scott Peck is considered to be a real masterpiece of world literature; the author managed to contribute to the disclosure of personal psychological and spiritual growth to be reached by everyone in life. It is necessary to underline the fact...

“Plan, Do, Study, Act Model to Improve an Orientation Program” Article Synthesis

This paper is a synthesis of the article, “Plan, Do, Study, Act Model to Improve an Orientation Program” that concerns the processes of employee orientation at work. Employee orientation is a process wherein the new employees at a workplace are taken “on board” and introduced to the various elements of...

Measuring Economic Health: Consumer Price Index

The course under consideration is rather important as it helped to understand a lot of different market and economical changes in the country. The knowledge possessed may help in real life while providing big purchases and just calculating the domestic budget per period (week, month, or year). The main advantage...

Smoking Ban in Bars and Restaurants

The smoking ban in bars and restaurants law took effect in New York in the year 2003. The law stated that there was no one who was supposed to light a cigar, pipe or a cigarette in a café, restaurant or bar but anyone who wished to do so was...

Hospitality Industry in Economic Growth and Development

Introduction Hospitality is mainly considered as the act of being hospitable. It is also termed as the relationship between the visitor / guest and the host. In general, hospitality is defined as the practice of creating and offering important and distinctive customer services to a guest. Hospitality industry is an...

Immunity, Inflammation and Hypersensitivity

Inflammation and immunity Inflammation is a mechanism through which the body system reacts to injury or infection. The features of inflammation include soreness, warmth, redness, and enlargement. Inflammation, therefore, is classified under nonspecific immune responses. On the other hand, immunity is the mechanism of resistance involving the immune system or...

Analysis of The Ocean Connect

This paper is a case study of the Ocean Connect.Com. Ocean Connect is an e-market for the purchase and sale of marine fuels. It is a common platform for the buying and selling of fuels, which is sponsored by top leaders of the marine fuel industry. Give what you have...

Alternative Energy Industry’s Profit Pools

Introduction A profit pool is the total profits earned within an industry by all players and it extends to all players in the value chain (Gadiesh and Gilbert, 1998). Therefore, for a company to have competitive edge in the alternative industry, they should use their capabilities to employ and manage...

The Second Industrial Revolution (1840-1900)

Introduction Researchers and the students of world history have often mentioned the thing that Industrial revolution helps to develop new technologies. This affects the social, political, work and economical life of people. After the revolution the world witnessed severe exploitation of children and women, and various factors such as, poverty,...

History and Growth of Skateboarding

The history of skateboarding can be traced back to the early 1950s. This activity was brought about by the craze of surfing, whereby youths came up with some wooden skate boxes attached to skate wheels to try surfing on the pavements just for fun (Stock and Powell, 2010). This idea...

“On the Tranquility of Mind”: Seneca on Possessions

In this paper, I will defend the claim that people should limit their possessions to be less exposed to sudden misfortunes, made by Seneca in the dialogue “On the Tranquility of Mind” from the objection that sufficient property can repel any misfortune. Explaining his views on the state of human...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Vietnam and the 20th Century

Studying the context of prior history including the experiences of participants of those events may be of great value for understanding the motivation behind the actions of these people. It is also valuable as this provides a ground for learning important historical lessons. To make a thorough research a student...

The Ancient Pagans of Northern Europe and a Connection With Nature

The connection between the ancient pagans of northern Europe and nature is undeniable. Harvey provides the definition of paganism as such that “labels a diverse but cohesive array of religious activities and affiliations that can also be named ‘nature-centered spiritualties’ or ‘nature religions’… Pagans are people who identify themselves as...

Pediatric Asthma Readmission and the Role of Nurses

Introduction Nurses’ role in raising the parents’ awareness about pediatric asthma and post-discharge phone calls as a means of preventing readmission rates in asthmatic children is not the most studied topic in the field. However, there still are works that concentrate on the bordering topics. Jat and Kabra (2017) demonstrate...

Apple and Android Phones Comparison

Introduction Both Android and Apple phones are predominant mobile devices in the current market of smartphones, which possess several key characteristics and features. Although there are many points of similarities between them, it is evident that a potential consumer needs to be able to distinguish the overall advantages and disadvantages...

Budgetary Change: Unstable Situation Due to the Pandemic

A budget is an estimate of income and expenditure for a specific future time, usually compiled and revised on a periodic basis. Budgetary changes tend to occur often due to the necessity of strengthening some areas more than the other ones. Therefore, the article “Trump threatens to cut funding if...

Can Money Buy Happiness?

Abstract Sandee LaMotte wrote a fascinating article for CNN that explores the concept of happiness and its relation to monetary rewards. Based on her analysis of the latest psychological research, she claims that acquiring and spending money can make people feel happier. LaMotte describes the benefits of giving money to...

Benefits and Detriments of Going Public

Introduction Between 2009 and 2013, numerous companies have changed from public to private, in order to avoid the financial backlash of the economic crisis that shook the global economy during those years. In order to respond to the various economic challenges arising during those years, many smaller companies were absorbed...

Medication Errors Analysis

One of the unresolved global problems in the healthcare system is medication errors and the damage that is caused as a result. These mistakes can occur at any step of the patient treatment process, from unnecessarily prescribed medications to wrong dosages to issues with monitoring to lack of documentation and...

Impact of Media on Body Image

Media is everywhere. It is on our phones, our computers and laptops, on television, on public transport, at shopping centers, everywhere. Whether we like it or not, we encounter media on a regular basis and will inevitably be influenced by it. Moreover, one does not have to be an expert...

Military Diversity: US Army

Military diversity means the inclusion of different genders, ethnicities, and sexual minorities that contribute to an adaptive, varied army. It means embracing differences, recognizing their value, and leveraging the uniqueness of each. Inclusiveness ensures soldiers feel valued and promote better teamwork, which allows them to fully develop (De Angelis et...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Gospels of Mark and Luke

The Gospels of Mark and Luke contain many of the same stories, often in similar sequences and comparable wording when describing the events. However, distinct similarities in the way the events are expressed can be seen when comparing Mark 14:3-9 with Luke 7:36-50 and Mark 3:31-35 with Luke 8:19-21. This...

Environmental Problems and Their Potential Solutions

In general, the environment may be defined as specific conditions or the surrounding in which a plant, animal, or person survives or constantly operates. In the present day, disturbing changes in the environment lead to the international community’s increasing awareness of the particular environmental problems that cause these changes. Climate...

Stephen Schork and the Oil Industry

Stephen Schork is a famous trader in the oil industry. He has been speculating for the last several weeks that the oil prices would fall but instead they kept on rising. In the process he lost a lot of money due to the belief that the price of the valued...

The Evidence-Based Practice Importance in Health Care Services

Evidence-based practice (EBP) is of crucial importance for improving the quality of health care services and the patients’ outcomes. The health care practitioners should use only the most accurate information for choosing appropriate intervention measures and developing effective health care plans. The EBP is one of key elements of the...

Knowledge Management in Bussines

Introduction Knowledge Management (KM) is, perhaps, one of the newest corporate practices that have taken the business world by storm. Its extensive use by enterprises all over the world has attracted a lot of research from scholars. Being the chief motivator of the contemporary practice of Business Process Outsourcing, KM...

Infection Control Related Sentinel Events

Health is a critical issue. There are various ways through which individuals get infected with various illness and diseases. Some of them could be prevented while others could only be controlled. Being healthy is extremely important since illness is associated with a lot of negative attributes for instance un-productivity due...

Americcan College of Radiology Protocol and Cancer Therapy Response to Antiangiogenetic Drug

Introduction Assessment of the disease and a correct diagnosis are parts of the treatment process which presuppose accuracy of performance and correct data. The clinical data should be collected properly in full measure. As there are different centers on research of different abnormalities in the human organism, it is necessary...

Crime and Criminal Behavior: Assault Concept Study

The case presented for analysis discusses the assault of Samuel Clark by two men, Bubba Hurt and Skeeter Redrum, allegedly on the grounds of jealousy due to the victim’s friendship with Summer Breeze. On August 16, 2016, Clark was pursued and eventually assaulted by two men who were later joined...

Real Estate Judgement Summary

The case presented by the United States Attorney General seeks a determination of whether the mineral reservation law on patents holds under the 1916 Stock-Raising Homestead Act. This is after the district court held that owners of a disputed land did not hold valid ownership rights due to the Mineral...

“Critical Condition…” by Barlett

The book under analysis called Critical Condition: How Health Care in America Became Big Business – and Bad Medicine describes the flaws of the U.S. health care system. Even though the government spends much more money on sustaining health care services than other nations, the medical coverage and quality of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Return on Investment in Education

In life, people need to make a number of investments to secure their future. In some cases, they have to forego immediate gratification of needs and ‘wants’ to pay the price for a better future. For example, one may forego marriage to focus on investments meant to establish them financially....

Types and Participants of Epidemiological Study Designs

Epidemiological research studies usually utilize different study designs, including cohort study, case-control study, and cross-sectional designs. These designs differ about the period during which the phenomenon and health outcomes are studied and about the used sample (Farrell et al., 2013, p. 3; Ibrahim, Alexander, Shy, & Farr, 1999, p. 1)....

Time Management or Self-Management

Time is a precious gift and a crucial resource. The ways of spending it have become a subject of numerous books and studies and triggers minds nearly every person on the globe. Whether it be an astronaut or a farmer, people every day make choices regarding spending their time, and...

Nursing Career Plan Development

Introduction Decisions in life are sometimes influenced by the pedigree from which a person comes from. Sometimes certain families exhibit a distinct pedigree which is manifested in various ways including hereditary diseases, vocations, professional ambitions, talent characteristics and many other characteristics. Having been born and bred from a family with...

Dentistry: Reasons to Choose the Profession

My dream to become a dentist is rooted in the passion I have for the profession as well as my attitude and abilities to become a dentist. I have had an experience of an infected molar and thus understand what it means to have some infected teeth. The interaction I...

Elizabeth Bishop’s “One Art” Poem Analysis

Poets and writers use numerous literary devices, ways of building rhyme, and rhythm to convey the message of their compositions to readers. Elizabeth Bishop is also one of these authors as her poetry is filled with various elements to create form and context for sharing her personal experience and ideas....

Foreign Investment Strategies

Introduction Marketing is an effective practice intended to support organizational profitability and performance. The purpose of this report is to describe the strategies FreshDirect needs to consider before investing in a foreign country. This company currently operates in different regions across the United States where it provides online grocery services....

Drugs and Substance Abuse in College: Effects and Treatments

Introduction Drugs and substance abuse have been one of the major challenges that the youth face in almost every society. This paper seeks to air opinions on how to prevent the use of alcohol and other drugs in colleges and university campuses. The paper will give a review of a...

The Hero’s Journey Theory in “Black Panther”

Tales about heroes are an integral part of everyone’s childhood as the obstacles these victors overcome, their unearthly courage, and the amazing triumphs they achieve form an influential concept of “an ideal human.” In these seemingly childish and imaginary stories and myths, Joseph Campbell, a successful American professor of literature,...

In Support of President Obama’s Operation Geronimo

Operation Neptune Spear, otherwise known as Operation Geronimo, was a CIA-led operation carried out on May 2, 2011, intended to kill Osama Bin Laden, the founder and the initial leader of al-Qaeda, the Islamist militant group responsible for numerous acts. Geronimo was the code name that two Navy SEALS teams...

Love in Shakespeare’s Sonnets 141 to 145

William Shakespeare is one of the most prominent figures in world literature whose characters and imagery are still popular. His plays are staged and screened in many countries, while his sonnets are widely read and recited. William Shakespeare focused on diverse topics in his literary works, but his sonnets are...

“Cast Away” by Robert Zemeckis: Movie Review

The movie Cast Away is a survival drama movie, which stars Tom Hanks as the main character, and the film was both produced and directed by Robert Zemeckis in 2000. The actor plays an analyst for FedEx, Chuck Noland, who becomes an only survivor of a plane crash, which resulted...

Social Behavior Comparison

Social behavior is defined as conduct between two or more creatures of the same type, and it includes any activity in which one component influences the other. This is because those members interact with one another. Consequently, social behavior emerges as a result of a two-way engagement between the organism...

Communication Inhibitors’ Effect on Relationships

The “College Roommates” case involves a conflict among two friends: Jill and Rachel. Two had been living with Tina and Connie as roommates, sharing the two beds and amenities. Jill and Rachel’s fight emerged when Jill was introduced to Tina, where a stronger friendship soon emerged. Subsequently, the two started...

The Judicial Review Process and the UK Constitution

Any judicial decision, including a verdict, represents the opinion and conclusions of a person, even if one has a special judicial authority, special status, and exceptional competence. Therefore, on the one hand, the criminal procedural system cannot fail to take into account at the institutional level that, by its very...

Behavioral Addictions in Adolescents

Introduction Gambling, video gaming, and Internet use are among the most executed activities in modern society, especially the young. There are various reasons young people engage in these practices, with others citing the economic gains they enjoy from the activity while others do it for leisure. Societies embrace gambling, video...

Grey Squirrels: Fieldwork Observations

The grey squirrel is a mammal that is native to the United States and some provinces of Canada. Due to its grey fur, the squirrel frequently occurs in city environments since the color increases the species’ survival rate in urban conditions. As a consequence, these animals and their behavior are...

The Creator’s Benevolence: The Philosophical Review

The debates around God’s intentions and will during the creation of the human race remain forever inconclusive, although different theologists often attempt to provide the basis for such an act. This topic relates to such themes as omnipotence, perfect good morals, and God’s benevolence. However, there are certain limitations that...

The “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” Poem Review

An original English chivalric verse, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, was written at the end of the XIV century by an anonymous author and kept in a single manuscript. In verse, the poet generates conflict between Christianity and paganism for the purpose of challenging and examining the very principles...

The Shay Rebellion: Impact on the American Society

History has proved that democracy can make a positive impact on the wellbeing of the people. The Shay Rebellion in 1786 is a great example of democracy being exercised by the citizens to turn a hardship into an opportunity for a better and just life. After the Revolutionary War, farmers...

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The Development of the Logistics Industry

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Katya Echazarreta, a Mexican American Woman in Space

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Race, Ethnicity, and Age Trends of Death From COVID-19

The chosen research was conducted by a collective of seventeen people. The majority operates under CDC COVID-19 Emergency Response: Jayme Coyle; Brittney N. Baack; Tonji M. Durant; Kenneth L. Dominguez; S. Jane Henley; Francis B. Annor; Jennifer Fuld; Deborah L. Dee; Achuyt Bhattarai; Brendan R. Jackson. The following authors also...

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Bullying in Schools and Intervention Methods

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The Drive to Surpass All Limitations in Dr. Snobelen’s “Tower of Babel”

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China Business Growth and Factors That Influenced Business Growth

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Nursing Concepts of Care: Person-Centredness

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Gordon Parks’ and Grant Wood’s Artistic Views on America

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Nursing Development as to Institute of Medicine

Introduction In 2011, the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report on the future of the nursing profession, education, and practice. The report outlined some of the key issues in contemporary nursing and suggested possible areas for improvement. The report has made a significant contribution to the development of...

Advantages & Disadvantages of Defense in Depth and Layered Network Security

It should be noted that information and data are the most important assets of any company. Therefore, organizations always run the risk of losing them and employ various measures to protect their information. Network security is rather complex to sustain, and companies resort to advanced technologies to secure their data....

Jesus Christ in “Resurrected as Messiah” by Ortlund

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Competitive Intelligence and Marketing Analysis

Marketing Research Marketing research is essential for all business organizations. An organization must conduct research on the sectors that they intend to expand to. Research is also conducted in order for all stakeholders to know if the organization can flourish in certain areas before funds are allocated for opening a...

Funding in the Healthcare in the US

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“Architecture and the Senses” by Juhani Pallasmaa

Introduction The Eyes of the Skin: Architecture and the Senses book by Juhani Pallasmaa explores the fundamentals of a classical architectural theory. The book is composed of two essays that focus on the historical development of western architecture and other authentic architectural experiences, respectively. Analysis This work aims at inspiring...

US Geriatric Population and Its Chronic Diseases

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Professional Nursing Roles at Bachelor’s Level

Introduction The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is an organization that develops eminent standards for nursing practice and education. The institution presents evidence-based concepts to improve different health care delivery models (Anbari, 2015). AACN promotes nursing education through continuous research and inclusion of different stakeholders. The association has...