Information Systems in Healthcare: Overview

Being able to manage the available information is a crucial requirement for a healthcare expert in the modern era of information technology and innovative technological solutions. For this purpose, the active use of information systems is required since the identified concepts allow managing the available data and arranging it respectively....

Beowulf, The National Epic of the Anglo-Saxons

Introducion An epic is a long, narrative poem written in a noble, dignified style and telling of exploits perfumed by great heroes. It differs from other narrative poems in that it has greater dignity and sweep and presents more lifelike characters, Beowulf, the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons, relates how...

Everyday Objects in Walker’s, Allison’s, Baldwin’s Works

The three works Everyday Use by Alice Walker (Walker, 1994), This is our life by Dorothy Allison and Sonny’s Blues by Baldwin (Baldwin, 1993) bring to light certain ethereal and sublime interpretations of everyday objects. To put it simply, everyday use objects acquire a new meaning and connotations and we...

Hong Kong Ocean Park’s Resource-Based Management

Introduction Hong Kong Ocean Park is the biggest park of attractions and entertainment in southeastern Asia. Being marine-themed, the park‘s average attendance is approximately 4 million per year. Several factors promoted to the process of the park’s redevelopment, such as the close competition by Hong Kong’s Disney Land and Asia’s...

Civil and Criminal Procedures

Criminal proceedings are court proceedings instituted by the prosecution against an accused person after his arrest and before any appeals. Criminal proceedings are instituted or commenced to deal with criminal matters only. It is worth mentioning at this point that there is a revertible presumption of law that an accused...

Democracy in The Lottery by Jackson

Politics is an essential part of nowadays life. Politics are obligations of a state in regard to society and personality. Politics is, first of all, power and the ability to govern the state and its citizens. There are a lot of different types of political modes, but the main of...

Homelessness and Poor Health Relationship

Introduction Homeless people can be described as that group of people who lack adequate, fixed or regular night-time shelter. This includes a considerable number of people who live in deplorable conditions such as abandoned buildings, public spaces, parks, and bus or train stations as well as in cars. Since the...

Theories of Piaget and Vygotsky Comparison

Introduction Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky are known for their enormous contributions to the field of education through their works in developmental psychology. The two psychologists were contemporaries and are frequently compared to each other in relation to their theories and approaches. Both of the scholars have made a significant...

The Therapeutic Principles of Group Counseling

Introduction People learn about themselves much faster when they interact and share experiences, worries, and feelings. The therapeutic principles of the group counseling conversion stage have characteristics such as struggle with group control, resistance, anxiety, the establishment of trust within the group, challenges posed to the group leader, and emergence...

Support Services and the Case Review: Drug and Alcohol Addiction

The List of Support Services Psychiatrists or Physicians Specializing in Addiction Treatment Fritz Jean-Noel, Psychiatrist, MD Sophia H. Zaretsky, Psychiatrist, MD These psychiatrists work with such issues as alcohol abuse, drug addiction, depression, stress, psychosis, and anxiety while proposing different types of therapies, including cognitive-behavioral and cognitive processing therapies. It...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Middle and High School Students and Their Attitude Towards Social Studies

On consideration of the previous research that was carried out earlier and policy makers and stakeholders’ desire to understand more on the attitude of students towards social studies, need arose for further clarification of the students’ stance towards the same. The result pointed out that certain factors generally led to...

Patients Privacy and Confidentiality

Introduction Privacy and confidentiality are important components of universal human rights used in medical care. Healthcare workers are obliged to ensure that discretion in the use of patients’ information is maintained in all settings. Respect for these rights helps in supporting and strengthening the social wellbeing of the sick person....

Japanese Internment in the United States

Landscapes of Japanese American internment The author of the article investigates the existing researches in order to find the link between archaeological evidence and events that took place in various prison camps. The purpose of this scientific work is to describe the historical context of Japanese internment and its impact...

Butler’s ‘Parable of the Sower’

Butler’s book is deemed to hold exceptional attributes in different facets, particularly structure and presentation of data and sentiments. Irrespective of being fictitious, the story is laid out in a way that appears real. Butler, the writer, develops the concern of corrupt governance portrayed by injustice and inequitable dealings (14)....

Madonna as a Controversial Artist of the 20th Century

One of the prominent controversial artworks of the 20th century related to sexual revolution and women empowerment is a song called Like a Virgin performed by Madonna in 1984. The name of the song alone led to the establishment of versatile conversations and arguments in the conservative American society of...

Poverty in Young and Middle Adulthood

The issue of poverty is a major one that affects societies across all nations. The selected theory is functionalism, and it views the social unit as a well-organized system comprised of structural and functional elements (Zastrow et al., 2019). According to the given perspective, poverty is a dysfunctional aspect of...

“The Iliad” as a Primary Source for Historians

Any science is based on the analysis of evidence regarding diverse phenomena, individuals, or events. Historians try to unveil the secrets of the past by extracting information from different types of sources, including specific objects, documents, pictures, people’s accounts, and even literary works. Although the literature is associated with fictional...

Predicting Future Healthcare Management Information Systems Trends

Introduction Improvement in technology has worked to ease data processing and health care services in most health care centers. Such improvements include the introduction of CIO surveys, information processing methodology (IPM), and information and communication technology (ICT), among others. These have improved care giving in healthcare centers. This paper will...

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration: Engineering Ethics

The issue touches on the ethics and legality of OSHA to change the levels allowed for benzene exposure in the workplace after the publication of a new report that reveals the number of deaths caused in places where the level of benzene was above 10ppm yet the required amount was...

Health Indicators Analysis: Life Expectancy and Neonatal Death Rate

As compared to other countries, United States incur higher per person cost on health. Despite the heavy investment in healthcare, United States still trails various developed nations in healthcare. Multiple health indicators reveal that United States has not achieved universal healthcare as many would expected. Two major health indicators where...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Singin’ in the Rain as an Example of Soundtrack Dissonance

Introduction Every movie is associated with a specific piece of music in the viewers’ minds. It may play during the pivotal moment in the film, signify a character’s appearance, or warn the spectators that something nefarious is about to occur. A soundtrack is a powerful tool for setting up the...

Heart Failure Etiology and Related Medical Terms

Summary Heart failure refers to a chronic and complex disease characterized by inadequate pumping of blood by the heart. It is a common condition, affecting over 20 million people globally, and it has a prevalence of 2% among adults in developed countries (Kasper et al., 2018). Women have relatively higher...

Themes of Religion, Sexuality: “Salvation” by Langston Hughes

In the short story “Salvation,” Langston Hughes talks about the concept of faith through a child’s lens who loses his belief in Jesus due to the compulsion of surrounding people. Young Hughes did not get up to be saved as others did, but he remained in his seat to see...

The ABC Nonprofit Financial Statement Analysis

For a nonprofit organization to maintain its financial sustainability and achieve strategic goals in an efficient manner, specific accounting measures need to be undertaken to ensure the financial health of a nonprofit. Since most nonprofits, including ABC, arrange their performance in a manner that serves community needs and primarily depends...

Natural Disaster Preparedness in Texas: Nursing Response

Natural Disaster Southeast Texas is the territory largely affected by such natural disasters as hurricanes. Due to its geographic peculiarities, the area can be hit by strong hurricanes every year, with increasing severity and frequency depending on the ocean temperature that fluctuates each decade (Ahrens & Henson, 2021). Hurricanes are...

The Ethical Implications of Cigarette Advertisement

Introduction Advertising plays an especially important role in the market economy of capitalism. With the emergence and development of new businesses, professional competition is becoming more and more prominent in the field. Many companies sell products in similar or adjacent areas of production and levels of quality. In such a...

“Globalization” by Peter Temin: Article Analysis

The current essay is a report on the given article “Globalization,” written by Peter Temin and published in Oxford Review of Economic Policy in 1999. The present work aims to discuss a set of actions performed by the author to address the topic. Concerning the outline of the paper, it...

A Magazine Advertisement for Ford Motor Company of 1950

Introduction The artifact that I chose is a magazine advertisement for Ford Motor Company of the 1950 issue. The magazine represents two images of the Ford cars and includes texts. The top of the advertisement page says, “It shines on dress parade!”. The text on the middle of the advertisement...

Most Prisoners Can Not Return to Normal Life After Being Outside of Society

Criminal statistics worldwide indicate a concerning rate of repeated imprisonment, especially among those offenders who were released within a year before new arrest. There is an opinion that a number of physiological factors influence the propensity for illegal activity for ex-prisoners. Additionally, the social environment usually promotes consistent negative emotions...

“The Epic of Gilgamesh”: Qualities of a Good Leader Described by Machiavelli

Gilgamesh is one of the most interesting epic stories in the modern-day, even though it was composed 28 centuries ago. The epic illustrates the success of a king, Gilgamesh, who built high walls for its empire and laid out its orchards and fields. He was regarded as a wise person,...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Power Plant International’s Risk Assessment Plan

Risk assessment is how an organization may identify the processes and occurrences that may delay or harm organizations’ set objectives and timelines. The organization is also tasked to foresee how every situation will occur and predict how bad it may happen (Aven, 2016). Lastly, the organization must determine how every...

Importance of Mental Health Policy

Mental health is a problem that affects a significant percentage of the global population. Various factors such as childhood abuse, poverty, stigma and discrimination, unemployment, and long-term stress contribute to mental health conditions. The government develops a mental health policy to address the issue by defining the vision, objectives, principles,...

Providing Quality Care in Healthcare Setting

Reducing the Harm Caused in the Delivery of Care The reduction of harm caused in the delivery of care entails the reduction of adverse effects of medical behaviors. However, the problematic undertaking does not necessarily get to be reduced. A good example of that is the reduction of the exchange...

Globalization Impact on Socioeconomic Inequality

Introduction The reduction in trade blockades has augmented globalization, leading to amplified international trade. As a result, individuals and organizations have become more interconnected and unified, leading to growth in trade and exchange of culture and values, among others. However, the spread of globalization has generated adverse effects such as...

Consideration in the Law of Contract

Introduction In the epoch of Capitalism, the law of contract is widely used in political, social, and economic aspects of life. The purpose of contracts is to establish legal relations between the parties involved in the process. Consequently, their actions are supposed to be aligned to the conditions and duties...

Communication Analysis of Lady Gaga’s Acceptance Speech

Introduction: Special Occasion Speaking An acceptance speech is a type of special occasion speaking, which is designed “to address and engage the context and audience’s emotions on a specific occasion,” like an award ceremony, wedding, funeral, etc. (Tucker, 2019, para. 2). I chose special occasion speaking because it is one...

Conflict Management Steps and Styles

Steps of Resolving a Conflict Conflict management is not yet its resolution since the main structural components of the conflict remain. However, all regulatory actions are either prerequisites for conflict resolution or the actual moments of this process. Conflict resolution is in its final stage. In all the various forms,...

The Paintings “The Long Rain” by Tanguy and “Palm Sunday” by Stevens

Introduction It is hard to disagree that art is one of the humans’ best and most influential achievements. There is a vast number of forms of art, and people still admire the paintings, sculptures, or musical compositions created hundreds of years ago. Genuinely talented artists created incredibly believable pictures, and...

Unethical Decision of Apple’s Irish Subsidiary Case

Introduction Ethical decision-making in business is a matter of active debate nowadays, given the multiplicity of different scandals and crises that arise within the economic environment. Managers, especially those belonging to decision-making teams, have to thoroughly think about many elements of their organization’s activity and surroundings, such as its reputation,...

The Foundation of Leadership in the Army

Of all areas where leadership could be seen as an inalienable part of the core environment and one of the essential attributes thereof, the army should be mentioned first. Typically seen as a highly orderly and rigid setting where compliance with set standards is prioritized, army represents a unique context...

Analyzing Industrial Policy Using the Opportunity Cost Concept

Governments in different countries have specific industries considered critical in realization of developmental goals in the economy. The industrial policy supports the allocation of resources to sectors thought to be most essential by a certain administration. The opportunity cost concepts in economics can clearly explain the shift of resources from...

Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

Introduction Patriotism, loyalty, and commitment were the main pillars on which the Pledge of Allegiance in American public schools were founded. Reciting the Pledge before the start of lessons has been a common practice. The pledge of allegiance was first acknowledged and implemented in the U.S in 1942 (Cooley, 2019)....

The General Motors Company’s Change Strategy

Background Not all companies have succeeded at restructuring their operations due to globalization, and General Motors (GM) is one of them. There are significant internal failures that mark its downfall, including safety standards issues, manufacturing flaws in its cars’ parts, and the inappropriate initial response to the accusations on these...

Therapy Modality for Transformational P-12 School Counselors

Introduction Therapy modality refers to the use of different approaches to enhance the well-being of a patient battling mental-related issues. Therapists are trained in different techniques where they choose the most appropriate approach to a presented case; this makes them effective while rendering their services and providing solutions to their...

Agenda-Setting Process in a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Session

Creating an agenda is a collective approach in which the psychotherapist and the customer select how the meeting time will be allocated. The patient and therapist make a list of topics they would like to address and then decide on the order in which they will discuss them and how...

The Role of a DNP-Prepared (Doctor Degree) Nurse

The DNP stands for Doctor of Nursing Practice and is the highest nursing degree obtainable and equips nurses for tasks outside of direct patient care that focuses on systems or clinical practice. After completing the required qualifications, nurses from DNP programs can work in clinical settings or leadership positions. This...

Police Brutality During COVID-19 Pandemic

Police brutality consists of various acts of police that violate human rights, including beatings and racial abuse. In the United States, there has been a perceived and observed police injustice towards minority communities, especially Blacks. The brutal killing of George Floyd, an unarmed Black man, in 2020 amidst the COVID-19...

Aspects of the Genetic Diseases

Introduction Genetic diseases refer to conditions that happen when a process of mutation has an impact on the genes of human beings. In addition, a genetic disorder may also occur when a person has the wrong amount of genetic material. A harmful change to genetic makeup, also referred to as...

Nursing Reflection on Patient Education Using Gibbs’ Cycle

Description As a student midwife working with my mentor in a hospital during my clinical practice, I am responsible for providing information and advice to a woman with a high-risk pregnancy due to diabetes. In this situation, it is important to provide information to the woman about the potential risks...

Health Equity Monitoring: New Analytical Approach

Introduction Assessing health equity across the whole population has become a necessity as it has the potential to help eliminate or reduce health disparities. The article highlights how a new and improved analytical approach can be used to integrate health equity into healthcare quality assurance using a sample from the...

Global Inequality: Gender, Racial and Ethnic Inequality

Introduction Sociology refers to the study of the relations between people, the statutes, and procedures that govern these interactions by either binding or separating persons, organizations, or societies (Oesamn 45). Some of the basic sociological concepts that are looked at in the study of sociology include culture, deviance and social...

Crisis Model of Institutional Violence Prevention

Introduction Human service professionals help people live their lives effectively. However, these professionals are at a high risk of being subjected to violent behavior from clients. This problem has become so pervasive that the American Psychological Association formed a task force to report on education and training in dealing with...

Amazon Company’s Customer Service

Why Did Books and CDs Sell Successfully Online Immediately While Many Other Products Took Some Time to Sell Online? It is easier to sell such items and books and CDs online because these goods have fixed contents. If one goes to an e-store to purchase a book, they are likely...

Rational Decision-Making Model

The rational decision-making model The rational decision-making model provides a systematic approach to making decisions using logic and cognitive functions such as creativity and imagination (Morcol, 2006). The word “rational” means that the process applies logic and aims to get the most feasible solution to a problem. The method can...

Medicine: Birth Control Devices for Teenagers

Introduction One of the greatest challenges associated with parenting is dealing with teenage pregnancies. Health care experts have noted that the number of teenagers getting pregnant has increased a lot since the turn of the century (Gillham 13). Most teenage pregnancies are unintended and end up compromising the future of...

Information Sources and Their Validity Evaluation

Introduction There are numerous sources of information that scholars and students can use in their research. They include, among others, journal articles, books, newspaper articles, and online resources. However, the bulk of these resources do not meet the validity requirements for them to be used in scholarly work. For example,...

Healthy Nutrition: Obesity Prevention in Young Children

The central research question is the following: For childhood obesity (P), does the implementation of after-school obesity prevention programs (I) compared to currently deployed educational practices (C) reduce the risks of obesity and related health concerns (O) in the long run (T)? Study Design In order to address the research...

A-Cat Corporation: Statistical Analysis

Description of the Scenario A-Cat Corporation is an Indian company that specializes in the production of electrical equipment for private and business use. A-Cat Corp. is not a big company, with around 40 employees and the orientation on rural area markets. Its chief product is a VR-500 voltage regulator, which...

Main Role of Advanced Nurse Practitioner

Any state organization for registered nurses is supposed to provide a set of standards encompassing all levels of nursing practice that can serve as a template of professional activity for nurses. Some aspects of performance are common for nurse practitioners, educators, and leaders whereas others may differ (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber,...

Beautiful Artworks and Viewer’s Perspective

In a standard perspective, the landscape does not only appear as sceneries characterised by a historical land-forming process such as faulting and volcanic activities among others but also the uniquely featured environmental topography and structures organised in an attractive and appealing stature. Primarily, people have such an impressive relation to...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Effective Speech Delivery Tips

How do we make our speech effective? Why do we sometimes remain misunderstood despite our efforts? What prevents us from being heard? Some people believe that effective communication is something from the arsenal of business psychology, and people who do not need to conduct business negotiations do not need to...

Bolivian Secondary Education and Final Exams

At the moment, the Bolivian education system is far from ideal as numerous obstacles prevent individuals from acquiring knowledge. There are four years devoted to secondary education which is a non-compulsory. It means that numerous people might refuse to study and improve their understanding of basic concepts needed for enhanced...

Physical Functioning of Older People in Primary Care

Qualitative Article Purpose statement The development of a proactive care program which is carefully-structured program that provides physical functioning enhances the quality of life for the frail older people. Problem statement Currently, the primary care of older people has some limitations. It is reactive, fragmented, and time-consuming. There are many...

Yoshinoya and Café de Coral Companies: Supply Chain Strategy

Fast food companies and chains should embrace the most appropriate business models depending on the products marketed to the consumers (Min 16). Yashinoya is one of the leading fast food chain stores in Japan. The multinational corporation was founded in the year 1899. It markets beef bowl to its customers...

Health Issues Among Miami Homeless People

People in Miami, FL Need Urgent Help Miami, FL is an urban community with rather dense population rates. The family houses by which the community infrastructure is represented heavily are mostly well-kept and in good condition, yet the health issues are getting out of hand. Particularly, the problem of homelessness,...

Corporate Financial Analysis and Evaluation

Corporation Interim Reporting Interim reporting refers to “the reporting of the financial results of a period which is shorter than a full financial year” (“IAS 34 — Interim Financial Reporting,” 2019). The interim reporting by publicly listed companies involves the preparation of financial statements including balance sheet, cash flow statement,...

Terrorism as Global Issue and Preventive Laws

Abstract Terrorism has become a global issue lately, and the prevalence of radicalization among youth is still a major concern. However, over the years, terrorists have not been receiving the ultimate punishment that they deserve. Holding terrorists in cells and sentencing them to a jail term is not enough for...

Grameen Banking System Alleviating Poverty

Introduction Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Prize winner, is the founder of the Grameen banking system; he had the aim of elevating poverty through financial empowerment of the poor in the society. The idea is moving fast in developing and developed countries. This paper discusses various aspects of the Grameen banking system....

Natural Rate of Unemployment

Explain clearly how the natural rate of unemployment is determined in a wage-setting and price-setting model of the labor market In determining the natural rate of unemployment, analysts focus on evaluating price and wage settings in the labor market. In this regard, they analyze price relations within the scope of...

Homosexuality and Adolescence Development

Transgender disorders and homosexuality The development of a human being can be listed among the most interesting questions that have been discussed during the course. In general, this question under consideration is even more essential because it involves ethical concerns and refers to the right of people to be understood...

Neoclassicism, Romanticism, Realism: Guided Art Tour

Representing the objective reality through the lens of a particular culture and the personal vision of its author, art has always provided a plethora of topics for discussion and the methods of developing insight into a particular socio-cultural context. The transition from the Neoclassical period to Romanticism to Realism can...

Effectiveness of the Online Courses in Traditional Universities

Abstract Online learning programs have increased significantly within the past two decades. This is the case since the Internet has made it possible for human beings to exchange ideas instantly without having to travel from point A to B. The selected research question for this proposal is whether most of...

Purchasing Strategies: Centralized vs. Decentralized

Introduction The key strategies in the context of today’s companies’ management are the ones concerning supply and purchasing control. Regarding the company type and size, purchasing strategies are then usually divided into three major categories: centralized, decentralized, and hybrid approach, which serves as a symbiosis of the previous two types....

Solar-Powered Bicycles’ Market Barriers

Barriers to entry into the market are objective and subjective factors that can complicate the process of introducing solar-powered electric bicycles. When it comes to bicycles as an alternative to road transport, people tend to note the environmental dimension of this choice. Of course, cycling, especially solar-powered electric bike, eliminates...

Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Bradberry & Greaves

Today, in the workplace, labor productivity, career success, and even the health of employees actually and to a greater extent depend on the level of emotional intelligence (EQ). Although it was previously believed that IQ (intelligence quotient) was primarily relevant in this context, i.e., cognitive intelligence, EQ replace it as...

Healthcare Professionals and Nurse Practitioners Collaboration

Introduction Healthcare professionals and nurse practitioners should collaborate to provide high-quality medical care to their respective patients. The selected work setting is an inpatient unit that offers medical services to individuals suffering from terminal illnesses, including diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and cardiovascular disease. The department promotes the use of interprofessional teams...

Nursing Burnout as a Practice Issue

Discovery: topic and practice issue The topic and the nursing practice issue related to this topic Topic: Workplace burnout. Nursing practice issue: Nursing burnout due to high workload. The rationale for the topic selection. The scope of the issue/problem The workforce of the United States is currently experiencing significant shortages...

Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety

Introduction Nurse staffing is one of the burning issues in the US healthcare system that needs effective solutions and proper legislation. The bill H.R.2581 entitled “Nurse Staffing Standards for Hospital Patient Safety and Quality Care Act of 2019” dwells upon the standards concerning nurse staffing in all American hospitals (Congress,...

The Role of the Nurse Leader: Shared Decision-Making

Introduction Effective leadership is a part of the success of any nursing intervention. Healthcare settings should have one strong leader who takes responsibility for all decisions and actions. In modern hospitals, perceptions of climate depend on managerial practices, as they determine how patients and healthcare experts are educated and how...

Alzheimer’s Disease Effects: Public Policy Meeting

Introduction The United States Senate Special Committee on Aging met on June 19, 2018, to discuss the advancements in managing and preventing Alzheimer’s disease as well as raising awareness about this condition. The main participants of this hearing included public officials from state and federal levels of government agencies and...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Antigone & Socrates’ Philosophy: Critical Analysis Essay

Sometimes the best way to understand a person’s philosophy is to attempt to apply their thinking to an outside situation or event. There is a catch to the process, though, in that if one is not careful to apply this mode of thinking to another individual within that same society,...

Major External Forces and Police Organization

Introduction The police body of the US is the largest and the oldest fraternal police organization in the whole world that means that it must be the most widespread, with its membership spanning to greater regions in all its member countries. Its membership is open to both members that are...

“The Barbarians Speak“ by Peter S. Wells

Introduction The book The Barbarians Speak proposes readers a unique understanding history and historical development of Europe. In contrast to traditional views of Roman Empire and its relations with barbarian tribes, Peter S. Wells defends the Celts and Germanic tribes proving that they had developed culture and economy, social and...

The Effects of Affirmative Action in the Present Day

Introduction Today, the problem of affirmative action is neglected by many organizations and considered an old-fashioned issue. Modern companies prefer to introduce social corporate responsibility policies and ethical rules including equal opportunities and equal treatment norms. I am interested in the topic of affirmative action because of personal concerns and...

Mediation and Advocacy to Resolve Conflicts

As conflicts are becoming an inevitable phenomenon in people’s life, their resolution is taking the forms, in which the disputes can be settled and managed in judicial way. In that regard, mediation as one of such Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)methods, can be defined as a process in which people engaged...

American Economics and Healthcare

Introduction This document intends to discuss how America has gone an extra mile in using or controlling its economic resources to give its citizens good health care. America has one of the largest national economies in the world. This is because it respects private investors. It has done this by...

Psychology: Online Consumer Behavior

Online consumer behavior is rapidly changing in this world of technological advancement. The efficiency and convenience of the World Wide Web is a big contributing factor in how the consumers can alter their purchasing patterns and how easy it is to get access to a vast library of products available...

Women’s Lib: A Feminist Counterculture Movement

Introduction Social movements many of which are grass-root based but have grown to the national and international levels exist for various reasons. They have goals and agendas that they try to promote and sell the policies and agendas to the public while others exist to preserve and maintain the very...

The Scientific Revolution: The Contributions of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Isaac Newton

Introduction Scientific revolution contributed to the modern world, and a final Renaissance expression. Philosophers such as Aristotle, Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and Isaac Newton brought the scientific revolution. Copernicus sought to get an answer to the movement of the planets, as put across by the ancient scientists through the use of...

Risk Management and Other Factors in Business

Statistics have proved that most of the risks encountered in organizations are caused by mistakes that could be prevented if management teams employ the relevant risk assessment and management techniques (Vaughan, 1997). There are numerous benefits accrued by organizations that take time to identify the different risks that they are...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Nature and Landscapes in S. T. Plaatje’s Mhudi

The issues of ethnic identity and integrity can be discussed as related to Africa of the nineteenth century because of the complex interrelations of European Imperialism and African Nationalism. Solomon Tsekhisho Plaatje is one of the writers who tend to take the varnish off different conflicts that took place in...

Employment Classification and Discrimination

Introduction The case represents a good example of complex relationships among employers and employees. It also helps understand the distinction between employee and independent contractor, as well as shed light upon certain ethical issues. In this report, it will be argued that Janice from the case needs to be qualified...

An Evaluation of Participatory Leadership Model PLM

Introduction Research Motivation Good leadership is vital in both the performance and success of education. However, there is an urgent need to understand the challenges facing school leadership. Various leadership models are being implemented by organizations or institutions today to achieve their goals (Barth, 2001). This study will focus on...

Heroism in The Things They Carried

The war in Vietnam…How much pain this short word combination incorporates. This war can be listed among the strangest and the most unsuccessful military campaigns ever held by the United Sates. The new commanding strategies limiting commanders out of their power and authority to control the process on a local...

Transition From a Student to Nurse

Introduction The transition from education to work is challenging for new nurses who now have to use their theoretical knowledge in practice. Graduate nurses have to present themselves as fully capable professionals, and the lack of preparation can limit their success in finding a job. Moreover, many issues await nurses...

Understanding the Concept of Family

When one thinks of family, they picture a happy, smiling couple that shares a house, loving kids, and their whole lives. While this portrayal of the family has been engraved into society’s idealistic view for years, with countless spouses trying to replicate it, the perfect image is often far from...

Accountability in the Healthcare Industry

Accountability entails measures and procedures that are taken to ensure justification and assumption of responsibilities for various actions in an organization. In other words, it means that an individual is ready to assume responsibility as a result of any negative impacts or due to errors of commission or omissions with...

Labor Laws: Term Definition

Introduction Labor laws deal with the relationship that exists between various parties which include employers and their unions and employees and employers. These laws are important since they ensure that employees work in a healthy environment and that their rights are respected (Twomey, 2009. p.1). In addition, labor laws enable...

Aspects of Curriculum Development in Nursing

The individuals selected to form a review group should be specialists in the given learning domain. For example, a curriculum for a health specialty degree such as dentistry can only be created or reviewed by persons with a strong background in dentistry. Hence, specialty checks and further training in curriculum...

Brookside Dairy Limited Marketing Plan

About the company Brookside Dairy Limited is based in New Zealand. The company intends to enter the China and Middle Eastern markets with its milk powder product. This paper presents the company’s financial statement and a marketing plan to penetrate the markets in China and the Middle East. Financial statement...

The Turn of the Screw through Psychoanalytical Lens

In his chef-d’oeuvre novel, The Turn of the Screw, Henry James underlines the psychoanalytical premise that the unconscious mind significantly controls and directs the conscious mind of humans. An unnamed governess, the narrative’s protagonist, qualifies Sigmund Freud’s notion that the normal human mind, in most cases, cannot rationalize its thoughts,...

Depression Intervention Among Diabetes Patients

Title of the Article The article in question entitled “Qualitative study of an intervention for depression among patients with diabetes: How can we optimize patient-professional interaction?” dwells upon treatment of depression in patients with diabetes. The article is used, as it can be seen as a good example of the...

Base Rewards on Job Performance

Introduction Reward systems are directly associated with job satisfaction and performance at the workplace. Satisfied workers are more committed to their tasks and in achieving organizational objectives. Dissatisfied employees lack the right motivation to task performance. Job satisfaction is exhibited in individuals’ attendance on duty and the motivation to go...

Application of Statistical Methods in Healthcare

Effective health service delivery and management are based on the timely analysis of relevant data. It includes information on social, economic, demographic, environmental, and other health indicators. Such data are often presented in the form of medical statistics – rates of morbidity and recovery, allocation of resources, activities of medical...

Haitian Cultural Considerations of Death

Introduction Haiti is a small Island near the Caribbean Sea with a relatively small population. Based on research findings, the people of Haiti have unique cultural practices that are quite different from other cultures in the world. Regardless of the fact that the country was hit by a serious earthquake...

Global Marketing in the Smartphone Industry

The selected business industry for this scenario is the smartphone industry. The business research topic is customer satisfaction and value perception. The purpose of the global marketing research is to find the impact of consumer perceived value (CPV) on a smartphone purchase intention. Maximizing CPV is a major challenge for...

Racial Inequity Supported by Technology

Introduction Multiple sources, scholars, and scientists support the statement that algorithms and electronic programs tend to support racial inequity, affecting surveillance and criminal justice. The book “Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code” explains how people face discriminative obstacles in the digital world when algorithms tag accounts...

Relations With Third Parties in The Australian Company

Application of the facts A director of a company is a person employed to execute all duties related to the management of a company. According to the case of Salomon vs. Solomon (1897) 31, a company is a corporate entity with perpetual succession. A company can own property, sue, as...

Internet Privacy and Internet Frontier

The information age has completely changed how people conduct business is in the current world. Every day, many people use the internet to disclose information about themselves, but with little knowledge of how others use the same information without their consent to conduct business. The increasing number of social networks...

The Problem and Perspectives of Suicide

Introduction Suicide is one of the most debated social issues across the globe. Though various views have been raised about the different reasons why people commit suicide, no specific reason has been suggested and empirically verified. Despite that sociologists are not in particular interested in the reasons why people commit...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Taxes Analysis in the State of Arizona

Taxes Table 1: Displays Various Taxes, Where Funds Are Used And Government Body Responsible For Rates. Tax Funds Governmental Body Responsible for Rate of Taxation Arizona State Sales Tax The funds add to the revenue collected by the state, which is then used to run government projects and public services....

Incident Command System and Disaster Response

Introduction The necessity for a coordinated disaster response system was highlighted by forest fires. The devastating wildfires that scorched southern California in the 1970s highlighted a slew of intergovernmental and interagency collaboration and communication issues (Chang, 2017). As a result, workers of various forest fire groups, the majority of whom...

“Vesperbild”: The Scale, Composition, Perspective-Pictorial, Space, and Pattern

People of lower classes in society majorly observed Christianity in the past, and therefore religious art did not receive substantial funding. People also adhered to the forbiddance of crafted images, apart from having a smaller number of Christians. They obtained most items from pagan artists and molded them to include...

Six Stages of Consumer Buying Process, Situational Factors, and External Groups

Introduction Understanding the process of deciding on purchasing any product, especially an expensive one, is essential for marketers since this information allows them to adjust their selling practices accordingly. Different factors play a decisive role in consumer purchasing decision-making, which consists of several consecutive stages, at each of which external...

Panathenaic Festival: Personal Experience

My character is the son of the tyrant Peisistratus known as Hippias, who contributed to ensuring preeminence in Greece. Hippias was born in 547 BC as one of the sons of Peisistratus and died in 490BC. Nevertheless, he took over power after the death of his father. He came from...

Contract Example Critical Analysis: Rental Agreement Evaluatiion

Entering an enforceable contract requires sufficient understanding regarding the agreement’s characteristics, ensuring the success of the endeavor. To avoid negative ramifications and create a legally binding agreement that will benefit both parties, it is essential to address each element of the contract and discuss a potential breach of the arrangement....

Electronic Health Records: Bhoyrul’s Approach

Introduction Health care institutions continue to concentrate on timely and high-quality care delivery, adopting recent technology solutions and embracing evidence-based practices. For instance, electronic health records (EHR) enable sharing of information about a patient’s condition and care between various providers and medical institutions. Undoubtedly, IT solutions improve quality of care,...

Observation of Neo-Local and Multi-Generational Families in the Framework of Modern Trends

Introduction The modern world is very diverse and well combines current trends with the remnants of the past. Once multi-generational households were the absolute norm, different generations could coexist nearby or even under the same roof. The reasons for this could be entirely different, from economic to social causes. Standing...

Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Fresco and Rivera’s “Man…”

Both Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Fresco (1508-1512) and Rivera’s Man, Controller of the Universe (1934) seek to depict man’s place in the world. The Sistine Chapel fresco was commissioned by Pope Julius II for the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace and was painted by the Florentine artist Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni between...

The Plight of Industrial Workers in Ancient America

Introduction Life in the Iron-Mills is a published work by Rebecca Harding Davis. The story is set mostly in the period before 1861 which was the year of publication. Events described in the story are based on the writer’s hometown of Wheeling, Virginia State. Explicitly, the narration is built upon...

“Antisemitism: Here and Now” Book by Lipstadt

Subject and Thesis Statement Antisemitism is one of the commonly discussed themes in American society and worldwide. Regarding the presence of facts and data falsification, it is not always easy for ordinary citizens to create a specific opinion and stay confident in the correctness of the chosen position. The contributions...

Human Rights from a Historical Perspective

Introduction David Little believes that human rights are directly related to freedom of conscience and religion. He is also convinced that the existence of human rights is what has contributed to autocratic regimes, the arbitrary use of force, and wars. The rejection of this concept is what leads to the...

Coty: Financial Indicators and Reports

In current economic conditions, the necessity of conscious prospective management of financial activities based on the scientific methodology of adaptation to the changing requirements of the external financial environment is actualized for enterprises. Financial planning and budgeting are the practical tools of perspective management of the enterprise’s economic activity subordinated...

Flagyl ER: Pharmacological Characteristics

Introduction Flagyl ER is one of the common medications that help prevent the symptoms of bacterial and parasite infections. It is a brand of metronidazole that has been widely successful in treating infections in various body parts, including skin, joints, respiratory tract, stomach, and reproductive organs. Ultimately, the current project...

Operation Anaconda and Principles of Mission Command

Abstract Operation Anaconda was an example of ambiguity in the interpretation of success and effectiveness. This paper examines previous evaluations of the operation. It provides the analysis to understand the situation better and assess incorrect command actions to avoid them in the future. Information from official sources is used in...

Cultural and Social Influences on Alaskan Native Oral Health

Alaska Natives have the worst oral health of any racial or ethnic group in the United States. More than half of children and adults suffer from caries and other oral diseases. This paper will examine the social and cultural causes that affect the dental health of the Alaskan Native. Diet,...

“Sara and Customs of the Old World in Bread Givers” by Anzia Yezierska

The novel Bread Givers, written by Anzia Yezierska, is about a young woman living in a family of Jewish immigrants and is centered in New York City. Family obligations are the main factor that prevents the heroine in the book from achieving her goals. Sara Smolinski is the intelligent and...

Paul Polman’s Leadership at the Unilever Firm

Introduction Changing a company is a complex endeavor requiring a strong and confident leader. The case of the British company Unilever presents Paul Polman – a CEO who set out to radically transform the company’s vision. At the time of his appearance, Unilever was suffering from the loss of demand...

Funding Sources and Financing Mechanisms

Introduction Sources of funding and finance strategies are critical to the success of any capital project. These factors are critical for every project to continue ahead, from finding the most significant sources of finance to constructing the most efficient repayment plan. This paper will offer an overview of funding sources...

Medicine: HIV Case Management

Introduction The present paper presents a HIV case management framework for a 36-year old woman who has been diagnosed with asymptomatic HIV infection. Although most of the patient’s laboratory results (e.g., electrolytes, serum creatinine, and liver function tests) are within normal limits and no resistance mutations have been detected in...

Research and Development (R&D) Process at Unilever

Product development Product development has been defined as the process of creating new or dissimilar features that provides new or extra benefits to consumers. This could involve alteration of the prevailing product, its appearance, or design of a completely new product that gratifies a newly identified consumer preference or market...

Media and the Global Public Sphere

Over the past few years, information technology seems to have reinvented people’s idea of public relations completely. Not only has modern media provided the methods to maintain constant contact with the people who are hundreds of miles away from the message sender, but also created the environment for evolution of...

HazMat Company Emergencies Response

HazMat emergency response includes the procedures and regulations that are aimed at the treatment of those who were exposed to contamination with the hazardous materials. The emergency standards, such as HazWOPER, are necessary at the workplaces in the industrial or chemical organizations where employees face significant risks of being exposed...

Modernism in Hemingway’s “Big Two-Hearted River”

Introduction Big Two-Hearted River, a short story written by Ernest Hemingway and first published in 1925, tells the readers about the feelings, thoughts, and perceptions of Nick Adams, the story’s main character, that he had during his visit to the river. The text contains virtually no significant events and no...

“A Streetcar Named Desire” a Play by Elia Kazan

“A Streetcar Named Desire” is one of the most popular plays in the US history. Along with two other plays – “Glass Menagerie” and “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” – it brought its author Tennessee Williams tremendous success and fame. The themes opened in the story help the audience...

Lawyer’s Social Class Position in Weber’s Views

Introduction This paper discusses how the social class position in the society is attained. The paper explains how a lawyer as a professional person attains a social class in the society. This is based on Weber’s attributes of social class and stratification that encompass power, prestige, and wealth. The paper...

Creativity and Innovation Analysis

Introduction Innovation is a key driving force of entrepreneurship. On the other hand, creativity brings about innovation and entrepreneurship. Without creativity, it would be hard for an individual to innovate. Consequently, there would be no entrepreneurship. According to Martins and Terblanche (2003, p. 68), creativity refers to ‘the process by...

National Security and Press Media in Vietnam War

According to Errington & Miragliotta, the American government used national security to inflict more control on civil autonomy and media (2007, p.6). National security influenced the media to put across their preferred views. National security manipulated the media to portray the opponents as untrustworthy and weak individuals. National security used...

Universal Healthcare: Budget Benefits and Threats

Universal health care is aimed at offering an itemized health care bundle which will be of assistance to every individual of the society with the objective of making available economic risk safety, enhanced health outcomes and better-quality admittance to health facilities (Glasziou, Moynihan, Richards, & Godlee, 2013). Universal healthcare is...

Seneca’s Fall of Man: Causes and Consequences

The phenomenon of the ‘fall of man’ in the Roman philosophy and political thought is related to the ideas declared by Seneca (4 BC – AD 65). Seneca was one of the most prominent Roman stoics whose political vision was opposite to other philosophers belonging to this group (Klosko 174)....

Popular Research Paper Topics

Education Reforms under the Bologna Treaty in Romania

Introduction The Bologna treaty was characterized by a series of reforms undertaken by 45 European countries. The reforms aimed at creating an integrated higher education era in Europe. The 1999 Bologna treaty presented and emphasized on six objectives which were directed towards the establishment of a European Higher Education era...

The Process of Creating Music CDs

Introduction The modern audience must be familiar with the long-standing debate on the process of music CDs. Despite all the information published on the matter, some questions remain more persistent than they probably should be. The most enduring one is “If blank CDs cost so much less than album releases,...

TSC’s Project: Distribution and Inventory Management

Key Issues Short-Term Objectives The major component of TSC’s Project 275 aimed to achieve growth in sales, EBITDA, and RONA is distribution center storage and throughout capacity. The analysis helped the company to reveal some constraints in distribution and inventory management which are primarily correlated with poor logic and lack...

Overview on the Grief, Loss, and Bereavement

Bereavement Bereavement is the objective situation that people face after experiencing a loss of an important individual through death. For instance, it may involve a number of mental reactions such as a feeling of guilt, excessive anger, and despair. Physical reactions may include insomnia, loss of appetite, and illnesses. Complicated...

Diabetes in Children: Symptoms and Diagnostics

Introduction Due to the fact that diabetes is most frequently met in people over 65, there is a common delusion that it can be classified as an age-related disease. However, more than 200,000 children and adolescents in the United States currently have the same diagnosis (Hamilton, Knudsen, Vaina, Smith, &...

Health Literacy: Diverse Needs and Learning Styles

Individual Learning Styles and Unique Learning Needs of Diverse Learners There is a variety of ways to determine the specific learning styles of students. For instance, a teacher may focus on the type of data that the learners accept in the fastest and most efficient way. Alternatively, the way in...

Laying Sidewalks and Bridges in Missouri

Description In most states, public entities are permitted to collaborate in service delivery and joint purchasing. Bridge bundling is the practice of delivering small-scale pavement and bridge projects under one multi-project contract (Xiong et al. 37). The aim is to reduce mobilization cost, derive economies of scale benefits, support contractor...

Russia’s Annexation of Crimea: Global Implications of the Annexation

Introduction Russia’s annexation of Crimea has led to a host of global implications ranging from a set of confrontational policies towards the US and EU to European security challenges. On March 16, 2014, a local referendum was held on the Crimean Peninsula (Grant, 2015). The referendum showed overwhelming support for...

“Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter” by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni

Introduction Mrs. Dutta Writes a Letter, a short story by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni, tells the readers about Mrs. Dutta, an elderly Indian woman who moved to California to live together with her son and his family after her husband died. The story shows how hard it is for the old...

Engineering: Luggage Spring Balance

What is the luggage spring balance? The Salter brothers invented the spring balance in Bilston in 1760 (British history online 2013). There are several kinds of spring balances that are used for different purposes. This report seeks to discuss a luggage spring balance. A simple definition of a luggage spring...