“The Love of My Life” is a fictional story by T. C. Boyle, an American short story writer, and novelist. The narrative presents the dramatic events in the lives of the two young characters, China and Jeremy, whose irresponsible behavior forced them to make a cruel life-changing decision and question...
Topic: Literature
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Legalizing physical-assisted suicide has been providing a ground for debates in the scientific community for a long time. Some scholars assume that the legitimation of euthanasia is an ethically correct and necessary decision, while others firmly disagree that doctors should have a right to take a patient’s life. The papers...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction In physics, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Mass, and Inertia depend on each other. The five units are the core and important areas that Physics students learn in research for the purpose of enhancing and initiating modern Physics. Meanwhile, there are changes of these terms depending on the way they have...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction Poets of ancient Greece laid the foundation for the development of drama. In this regard, the tragedy Oedipus the King is a prominent exemplar of ancient Greece’s literature, which is considered by many scholars and critics as the summit of Sophocles’ attainments. The play poses one of the most...
Topic: Mythology
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s book “Black Lives Matter to Black Liberation” explores how the Black Lives Matter (BLM) began, its history, and how it came to shape the black liberation movement. It also features the role that neoliberalists played in the development of the BLM. Although most people would think the movement...
Topic: Black Lives Matter
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction Globally, nursing education is distinct among the nations. The nursing education of Poland is obviously different from that of Sri Lanka. This essay chooses the two nations because of their variations in economic development, educational growth, nursing management systems, and historical backgrounds. In presumption, the nursing education systems of...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction Hospitals are considered centers for acute care delivery for more than one hundred years (Fuller & Drenkard, 2011). An overview of a typical hospital care setting will allow the wary observer to detect the flaws in the health care delivery system. It is the responsibility of nursing practitioners to...
Topic: Agile Project Management
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction The body’s immune system plays a critical role in preventing various body organs from diseases. However, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune disease that is depicted by organs and tissues being damaged by immune complexes and autoantibodies (Harrison, 2008). According to Ben-Menachem (2010), SLE is a chronic inflammatory...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Purpose of planning Business plans and the information they contain are meant for an organization’s management and investors. Good business plans help in pulling the management team in an organization into a cohesive unit with the same goals. It helps stakeholders in the organization to understand the organization’s objectives, their...
Topic: Culture
Words: 890
Pages: 3
It is a known fact that human beings have philosophies that defer from one person to another. These perceptions are grossly influenced by the environment and the person’s interaction with that particular setting. The following is a subjective analysis of the themes of ultimate reality, nature of the universe, the...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 890
Pages: 3
The given research analysis will primarily focus on the character named Pat Solitano of the movie called Silver Linings Playbook. The diagnosis of Pat is bipolar disorder type 1 due to distinctive features of this disorder. In order to be able to distinguish bipolar 1 from bipolar 2, one should...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Why did you choose your site? The selected site is a grocery store. It was selected primarily due to the impact they have on urban experiences. It is important to note that the grocery store has been heavily affected by technology, and in recent times, has also been affected by...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction There is a need to properly address customers’ wishes while developing software. The customers’ needs are constantly evolving; hence it is common practice to address these needs first. However, this could potentially lead to disastrous consequences as security measures are placed as the second priority. Therefore, leading IT companies...
Topic: Product Development
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Background The third-largest island in the world has admirable biodiversity and unique culture to over seven million people. Papua New Guinea is a permanent home to the Huli clan located in the Hela province and the southern part of the highland. Their culture is built strongly with the corresponding norms...
Topic: Culture
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction The role and place of women in society have long been addressed in literature, visual arts, and performance art. The theme of gender-based power distribution has been brought to the discussion by many writers and play authors. Some renowned examples of a successful portrayal of the flawed stereotypical perception...
Topic: Gender
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Coca-Cola is the largest non-alcoholic beverage and one of the two most strong beverage brands. The soda industry has been hit hard by the economic downturn, and exchange rates have affected major soda brands’ earnings in the aftermath of the recession. This is because of the rising popularity of healthy...
Topic: Coca Cola
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction The limit of non-renewable or finite resources causes a necessity to develop a strategy for their advantageous utilization. Therefore, the problem of their proper allocation has been discussed by scientists worldwide for a long time. In addition, with the emergence of COVID-19, which only strengthened this issue, the concern...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 890
Pages: 3
The Topic In the essay Danger in the Convent, O’Toole aims to analyze how the rumors and accusations circulated around the convent of Saint-Claras reflected the racial hierarchy of the local colonial society. At the beginning of 1674, “troubling rumors began to circulate throughout the city of Trujillo on the...
Topic: History
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Gender Diversity First and foremost, it must be emphasized that gender diversity in the workplace is indeed necessary. The main point of this factor is the destruction of gender and social stereotypes. This can be explained by the fact that a visible manifestation of female power can convince society of...
Topic: Gender
Words: 890
Pages: 3
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) tops the list of the world’s most populous nations. As of 2020, the Chinese population was slightly above 1.4 Billion (Paul 79). The high population translates into a substantial domestic market, attracting investors from different parts of the world. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is...
Topic: Law
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Abstract Molecular analysis for studying the spatial configuration and properties of proteins has applications in modern biotechnology. In the present work, the enzyme pectate lyase (Pel1), obtained in the early stages using the transformation of recombinant plasmids into a bacterial culture of E. coli BL21(DE3), is studied in this way....
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 890
Pages: 3
In American history, the Salem witch trials were a series of inquiries and repressions that resulted in the hanging of 19 accused “witches” and the imprisonment of several additional suspects in Salem Village, Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Salem executions took place later in the timeline when the fury of the...
Topic: Salem Witch Trials
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Relationship Between Water and Global Health Problems As a matter of fact, the sufficient, continuous, and affordable availability of safe water for drinking and other purposes, including domestic use and food production, plays a highly essential role in the control and prevention of global health problems. In turn, poor sanitation...
Topic: Disease
Words: 890
Pages: 4
Introduction Governments and international organizations raise their attention to environmental issues as the consequences of human activities become severe for nature. Indeed, climate change air and water pollution result from expanding population, industrial development, and hazardous emissions. Ecology, the essential science to consider when elaborating nature protection programs, explores the...
Topic: Ecosystem
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction It is hard to disagree that there is a tendency to categorize various art forms, which may benefit both the creators and the audience. The former can better understand what ways they want to develop or what characteristics to attribute to their works. The latter can also learn what...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction and Purpose Amazon Company is a technological business organization that offers e-commerce, digital streaming, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence. It is one of the most renowned brands in the world, operating in different countries. The enterprise is an online retailer offering products and services such as books, movies, electronics,...
Topic: Amazon
Words: 890
Pages: 4
Introduction When research is performed in any field, scientists must develop a conceptual framework for their studies to have a clear vision for themselves and articulate it to others. It is built prior to the experimental part to help researchers answer specific questions (“Conceptual framework vs. theoretical framework,” 2022). However,...
Topic: Relationship
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Ever since humanity gradually transitioned toward a sustainable way of living, nature is no longer perceived as a set of resources for civilization to use. Nowadays, people believe that environmental concerns should be taken into consideration above the majority of other factors. While natural disasters still occur, they are the...
Topic: Environment
Words: 890
Pages: 3
“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin (1894) uses key literary elements and symbols to provide insights into life and death, marriage, and other topics. This is the story of a woman who, when she believes her husband is dead, seems more vibrant than ever and passes away upon...
Topic: The Story of an Hour
Words: 890
Pages: 3
The Death of Ivan Ilyich by Tolstoy is a novella presenting a chronicle of the illness and death of a judicial official Ivan Ilyich, preceded by his life story. Through the description of how Ivan Ilyich experiences the approaching end, Tolstoy conveys the message of spiritual salvation. In The Death...
Topic: Literature
Words: 890
Pages: 3
Introduction: The Author’s Intent and Its Interpretations Of all the equality issues, the one regarding render profiling and the means of fighting it might seem somewhat overlooked. Despite the fact that considerable efforts have been made in order to attain equality between men and women in the XX century, at...
Topic: African American
Words: 891
Pages: 4
A barrier is anything that will impede progress. Each and every person in society will one day face some type of barrier in their lifetime. It could be inequality, racism or discrimination, which are among every social class, gender, religion, nationality, and sexuality. These barriers are sometimes seen in healthcare....
Topic: Health
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Modern society has been equipped with the technology that has revolutionized almost every aspect of life. In Science and Medicine, latest advancements have become a remedial source for various health related problems. However, it is well known that controversy exists or surrounds science through several forms. Due to this, new...
Topic: Cloning
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Patient/family/client situation The roles of professional nurses continue expanding and changing relative to the rising populations in need of healthcare on one hand, and on the other hand, there is the philosophical shift in healthcare provision in that besides nurses curing illnesses, they are also required to promote health, take...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Natural versus anthropogenic climate changes The wealth of information acquired by environmental scientists across the world has revealed that the current state of global climate change is attributed to both natural and anthropogenic climate changes. Natural climate changes occur in cycles in the world, and they are caused by the...
Topic: Climate Change
Words: 891
Pages: 4
In the past, it was widely believed that Total Quality Management (TQM) was linked to business and manufacturing activities. However, nowadays, this practice is actively employed by different service providers including medical facilities (Ramseook-Munhurrun, Munhurrun, & Panchoo, 2011). It could be said that this strategy has a vital impact on...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Overview Ebola virus disease, also referred to simply as Ebola, is one of the conditions that are known as extremely deadly unless addressed within the shortest period. Because of its extraordinarily short incubation period, it is very easy to spot, yet the management of patients’ needs requires immediate actions, specific...
Topic: Disease
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Definition of the Illness Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a condition that occurs after a stressful or disastrous occasion. It is characterized by a feeling of fear, upset, withdrawal from other people, and denial, among other symptoms. Though similar in symptoms to Acute Stress Disorder (ASD), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is...
Topic: Disorders
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Introduction Physical restraint and seclusion tend to be used by healthcare professionals because they are believed to be beneficial when there is a necessity to control patient aggressiveness. In this way, they seem to be a great measure to prevent harm to both staff and other patients. However, some professionals...
Topic: Health
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Violence is the use of physical force against two or more people that results in injury, psychological torture, or death. Violence can be between individuals, communities, or countries. Factors that cause violence are numerous, and they vary depending on the causes. Behaviors such as drinking and insults also trigger violence....
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Rationale At the beginning of the 21st century, the population of Massachusetts faced healthcare issues caused by the rising costs. The previously developed Medicaid program was expiring, and the necessity to create a new solution occurred because the representatives of the general public could have become unable to pay for...
Topic: Health
Words: 891
Pages: 4
“Tartuffe” by Moliere When it comes to the “high comedy,” “Tartuffe” by Moliere is an outstanding example. The play was not put up on the stage for a long time because of its religious context. One of the complex characters in “Tartuffe” and Moliere’s plays, in general, is Orgon. He...
Topic: Candide
Words: 891
Pages: 4
The types of care that are maintained in healthcare institutions largely determine the nature of a particular treatment plan, the features of recovery, and patient outcomes. Based on the analysis of a specific methodology used by medical specialists as the primary means of assistance, it is possible to determine the...
Topic: Health
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Introduction Web applications raise a myriad of ethical and legal issues, especially in cases of user-generated content, as is the case with the FlowTow web application. FlowTow is a web application where users from all over the world can share images and comment about them. Thus, the user-generated content is...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction It can be assumed that effective leadership implies the presence of a variety of skills in management, which will allow it to promote and encourage the active participation of employees in the work processes. Nevertheless, the importance of effective followership should not be underestimated since it is the workforce...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction MediSys Corporation was incorporated in 2002 in the United States and manufactured medical monitoring solutions and devices for the internal medicine and general practice markets. The company achieved significant success with the release of their first two monitoring systems and became very profitable, and at the same time was...
Topic: Corporation
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction Understanding the differences between various nursing roles performs a vital function in the arrangement of successful collaboration within healthcare settings. Advanced practice nurses are some of the most skilled healthcare specialists who perform many duties to reach the best patient outcomes. However, a more recent specialty, forensic nursing, has...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 891
Pages: 3
The history of writing this poem is not widely known, but it is stated, that it was written in the surroundings of the Egyptian oasis, as such clear and detailed images of the scenery may be attained only after immersion into the atmosphere of the Egyptian surrounding and feel the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Why do so many people associate the field of psychology with clinical issues rather than science? Since its inception, Psychology has been widely taken as a clinical way of treating mental disorders or working out relationships (PsychNet UK) through counseling. Due to this reason, it is usually perceived to treat...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Metaphysics Before science developed into the sophisticated form that we witness it in today, solutions of problems that had possible associations with science were dealt with and studied under the umbrella of metaphysics. Before the advent of modern science and very well before Aristotle, metaphysics was the most commonly used...
Topic: Metaphysics
Words: 891
Pages: 3
The paper’s aim is to study the main ideas of Socrates, the outstanding Greek philosopher. In the work the author studies the Socratic Method, sheds light on Socrates’ ideas of soul, virtue and knowledge. It would be hard to find a more mysterious and captivating historical figure among philosophers than...
Topic: Socrates
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction Cognitive development is related a child’s development process. It focuses on the child’s memory, development, problem solving skill development, thoughts and language development and social and meta cognition. Cognitive development is mainly related to human’s brain growth. It can be discerned as the development of intellectual abilities in a...
Topic: Child Development
Words: 891
Pages: 2
It is important to note that Americans are people who have always been striving to realize high-flying ideals. These ideals are illustrated in a popular American ideology called the American dream. The American dream has filtered into every aspect of American life and the film world has not been left...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction Broken hill proprietary company was first incorporated in 1885. Its major operations included mining of silver and lead at the broken hill in Australia. The current BHP Billiton Company was established in 2001 by merging broken hill proprietary company and Dutch Billiton plc. This resulted in the formation of...
Topic: Employee Motivation
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Introduction A study’s population sample significantly affects the credibility of its findings. Therefore, researchers need to select the right population sample without compromising the quality of their work. This paper delves into this issue by explaining the intricacies surrounding the selection of a sample size. In line with this goal,...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Healthcare is a sector that is the most intensively exposed to stress and emotional exhaustion or burnout. Medical workers deal with patients’ health problems that imply constant mental pressure and a high level of responsibility for a professional. The problem of low staffing in the industry depends on the emotional...
Topic: Health
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction Nursing is a career tasked with the provision of the upkeep for the ailing and the feeble. Caring is generally defined as the ethical model of nursing enshrined with the safeguarding, improving, and conserving dignity of the people. Caregiving and nursing care get employed interchangeably on the caring concept....
Topic: Nursing
Words: 891
Pages: 3
The health status of American citizens is the government’s priority when it comes to politics. However, the complex nature of the issue leads to its consideration from various perspectives that can be contradictory. One such aspect is abortion, and the right to this service has been widely discussed by politicians...
Topic: Abortion
Words: 891
Pages: 3
If you want to learn about some secrets of show business, you need to watch the brilliant musical 42nd Street. This musical was written by Michael Stewart and Mark Bramble in 1980. The production under consideration was performed by the Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts in 2013...
Topic: Music
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The issue of homelessness has been quite acute and widespread for many years. In particular, it is especially significant in New York. On the one hand, it is difficult to “stay afloat” in this city and earn enough money. On the other hand, even though they are homeless, people...
Topic: Homelessness
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Sentinel City is a community mainly occupied by business units. The majority of houses in the city are two-storeyed and made of brick or concrete. Some of the old buildings appear to be in bad condition, while others are properly maintained. The city does not use sources of sustainable energy,...
Topic: Health
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Perhaps August Wilson’s most famous work, Fences, explores the Maxson family’s life and relationships. This moving drama was written in 1983 and helped Wilson win his first Pulitzer Prize. Fences are a part of August Wilson’s “Pittsburgh Cycle” collection of ten plays (The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica, 2019). Each drama...
Topic: Fences
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Concrete Bricks Concrete Bricks are manufactured under the BSI Kitemark Licensee with specification to BS 6073. The Specification and Workmanship of Concrete Bricks are based on: Location Reference: Depends on where the Brick is intended to use. For eg: Earthquake resistant building, Moisture resistant Building or Weather Proof Buildings. Work...
Topic: Design
Words: 891
Pages: 4
Introduction Presently, ethics has saturated rational components of, notably influencing most human behaviors. Several actions executed by individuals reflect their ethical attitudes as regards to the section of society affected by such actions. Furthermore, inquiries regularly emerge concerning an executed act whether it was morally correct or ethically erroneous. Notably,...
Topic: Animal Ethics
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Research plays a critical role in the scientific world, discovering and describing various phenomena, events, causal relationships, thereby promoting the resolution of numerous issues. It can be applied in many industries, especially healthcare, education, psychology, social science, marketing, and business overall. Nevertheless, depending on a research question, scholars use different...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Being an unequivocal art form, a film allows capturing the air of a specific era and creating a time capsule that will guide the generations to come through the essential ideas and philosophies of the past decades. Leave It to Beaver is one of such shows, where the essence of...
Topic: Television
Words: 891
Pages: 3
For decades, leadership has been considered to be a vital part of an organization’s competitive potential. There is a significant amount of research regarding various leadership styles that led to creating several classifications of their distinct properties. For example, Daniel Goleman’s analysis focuses on emotional intelligence as the basis of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The issue of human settlement plays a pivotal role in defining and understanding the key social processes, including urbanization and intercommunication between individuals and environmental systems. However, only since the advent of the innovative technology era, has humanity been able to trace the dynamic landscape evolution due to operational...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 891
Pages: 4
In the modern world, it is impossible to imagine public organizations without competent management. For this, management principles are applied as the most general and universally applicable rules prescribing how leadership should be exercised and the organizational structure in firms and institutions of any type, regardless of their purpose. These...
Topic: Hospital
Words: 891
Pages: 3
In shooting the movie “At Last,” various requirements are being needed. They include sets, attires, camera concepts, rehearsal composer editor, cash flow insurance examination, locations, among others. This exercise requires discipline in that one must wake up very early in the morning and prepare for different occasions for shooting. Thus,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The introduction of democracy into American politics was marred with controversy and rapid changes that set a precedent for the future of the nation. Democracy was fostered in the belief that all men were equal after the revolution and would contribute equally to decision-making in the country. These assertions...
Topic: History
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction A “Break Free” (2015) advertisement has an original plot and addresses the images of elderly people in a nursing facility. Throughout the video, the main character, an old man who got inspired by a runner whom he saw from the window, is trying to leave the nursing home (“Adidas...
Topic: Adidas
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The focus of the book analysis is The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, written by Olaudah Equiano in the 18th century. It is an autobiography document that contains a wide range of narratives on spirituality, travel, and, most importantly, slavery. The book was written and published...
Topic: Slavery
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Some people may think that almost nothing in this world remains a secret to humans. Indeed, there were numerous discoveries and expeditions throughout history, and if there were anything hidden, scientists would have already found it. However, an accidental discovery made twenty-seven years ago, when many persons also believed that...
Topic: Art
Words: 891
Pages: 3
The success of Peter Jackson’s earlier adaptations of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings brought forward the idea of adapting The Hobbit to the cinema. Taking the liberty to fill in the unexplained parts of the book, Peter Jackson decided to release The Hobbit as a trilogy as well....
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The present essay will seek to discuss the themes of sexuality and gender within the framework of modern society, as well as their relationship with structures of power, as the topic has high prominence in the anthropological discussion. For this discussion, sexuality refers to the expression and the variety...
Topic: Gender
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Majora Carter appeared on TED in February 2006 with her speech “Greening the Ghetto” were she was describing her project of renovating South Bronx. By the time, that neighborhood had gained a reputation of a problem area that was strongly associated with crime, drugs, and diseases. However, the focus of...
Topic: Design
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The story of Lispector’s main character, Macabea, is told through an additional perspective of the sophisticated S.M. Rodrigo. The contrasting viewpoints on life and principal values consequently provide alternative realities for the reader. Most importantly, the narrator’s judgment and telling of Macabea’s story contribute to the development of a...
Topic: Literature
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction Notwithstanding its relative newness in comparison with several other religions, Christianity has numerous adepts around the globe. This considerable popularity apparently is the reason for the existence of quite various denominations because the sociocultural specificities influence the worldview and favor its reconsideration to a certain degree. The core beliefs...
Topic: Christianity
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The depiction of life struggles in literature can be as varied as the authors’ approaches to details are. In the case of “Hateship, Friendship, Courtship, Loveship, Marriage,” written by Alice Munro, and “Miss Adele Amidst the Corsets,” written by Zadie Smith, the difference is tremendous. The former story’s characters...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The coronavirus pandemic is a global phenomenon that literally shut down businesses and forced people to stay locked indoors for fear of contracting the virus. Subsequently, the pandemic was a rude awakening for institutions without any disaster management strategies as most of them were forced to close their doors...
Topic: COVID-19
Words: 891
Pages: 3
The organization of the Department of Labor is the Department whose activity is based on the workers’ development and providing services for protection. It creates a security system for American workers, provides unemployment insurance, helps veterans, and provides job-related training (Datla, 2015). The Department of Labor has its specific organizational...
Topic: Law
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction The current assignment aims to complete cost analysis for laptops by different manufacturers. This product is chosen because it is an irreplaceable device in everyday life and the professional sphere. That is why customers obligatorily buy laptops, and people typically study the market to find suitable options. This fact...
Topic: Business
Words: 891
Pages: 2
Introduction The issue of cultural competence in health care has only recently started gaining popularity. However, the lack of public awareness of the need for improvements in this area does not make the problem less important. Moreover, while cultural competency is acknowledged as an essential component of general practice, there...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction Lead is a toxic metal in paint, gasoline, and batteries. Individuals have been exposed to detrimental effects, including severe health hazards such as neurological injury, learning and behavior problems, and growth retardation, resulting from its use over centuries. This research paper intends to investigate the crucial issue of lead...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 891
Pages: 3
Introduction A continuous sense of tiredness, unhappiness, and hopelessness are key signs of clinical or major depression. This mood disorder is an illness; it makes one feel frustrated, angry, miserable, blue, or down in the dumps. Such mood changes alter the daily life programs of an individual for sometimes. At...
Topic: Depression
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Nathanael West’s novel, The Day of the Locust, depicts the story of the lives of people who live in the fantasies of their dreams. They dream of a life full of luxury with lots of money to crown their happiness, yet such a life seems unachievable. This creates a phenomenon...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Introduction The poems, “When I Consider How My Light is Spent” by John Milton and “Sad Steps” by Philip Larkin, provide a reflection of how individuals can utilize their lives, especially from their youthful period through into their old age. The poems highlight the lives of individuals during their youthfulness...
Topic: Comparative Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Two poems written by Robert Francis and George Herbert are separated by more than three centuries of the literature process. These aspects influenced the style of writing and the peculiarities of the poetic language. Nevertheless, it is still possible to determine the main differences and similarities in Francis’s “Catch” and...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Introduction The following paper will outline the outcomes of the public policy meeting, which took place on the 16th of May 2017 in Nevada City, California. The meeting was devoted to the state’s health care situation; during its course, various aspects of citizens’ health behavior and care delivery within the...
Topic: Health
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Problem Statement A problem of affordable housing is a burden of the American population. Although attempts are made to solve it on the federal level, they are still not efficient is some states. For example, Charlotte region of North Carolina faces a shortfall in affordable housing which is supposed to...
Topic: Economics
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Introduction A strong academic background has a strong and important effect on all the fields of health science sin the modern times. It is the principal qualification requirement for all the professionals involved in the healthcare sector, including clinicians, physicians, laboratory technicians, biomedical specialists and pharmacists. To be a registered...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Although manufacturing and service companies are different in their purpose, both manufacturing and service environments prompt companies to rely on established processes to deliver their products or services to customers in the most efficient way possible. The concept of operations management describes the processes which are included in the production...
Topic: Lenovo
Words: 892
Pages: 4
The unique selling proportions for Microsoft are competitive pricing, compatible services, and high quality products. The company targets users of computer and mobile phones across the globe. The company uses multiple-product branding to reach these customers. The company’s products are technology-based and created through series of research to meet the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Introduction In qualitative research, it is paramount to utilize specific methods and techniques in order to obtain reliable and useful results. This paper considers the use of the observational method for analyzing video recordings depicting parent-child interaction and compares this method with two other techniques, namely, conversation analysis and coding....
Topic: Parenting
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Introduction In geography and economics classes, students from all over the world are often exposed to the concepts and dynamics of developed and developing countries, particularly in terms of their socioeconomic and political endowments, governance structures, technological standing, as well as human capital development index. In the class discussions, developed...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Introduction The health sector offers many career choices in the diagnostic, patient care, and therapy sections. However, individual interests and talents determine the perfect career choice. Some of the popular health professions include pharmacy technician, physical therapist assistant, radiologist, respiratory therapy technicians, and the licensed practical nurse (LPN). The paper...
Topic: Career
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Poe’s short story “The Murders in the Rue Morgue” presents an example of a classic detective tale with an extraordinary detective and his faithful companion. It is possible that this story was a predecessor of the genre’s development, incorporating numerous signs of detective fiction that were and are still used...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 4
People often consider diets as a temporary measure meant to help them attain the type of body they want. The problem with this way of thinking is that a diet is more than a measure; rather, it is the embodiment of a lifestyle choice. A diet can be considered as...
Topic: Diet
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Have you ever imagined that the complete human life can be depicted in a few pages? Can you remember books that describe stories of life? If you do, it is more likely that these stories are at least three hundred pages long. It is logical as far as people live...
Topic: The Story of an Hour
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Risk Categorization Risk categorization is an important aspect of the risk management framework. For organizations, a risk management framework is the procedure of recognizing and attempting to moderate risk occurrence. Risk can occur in numerous forms, which include integrity risk and competitive risk (Debono 16). Consequently, risk can be inadvertent...
Topic: Risk Assessment
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Concrete Experience and Reflective Observation From my personal experience, I can also state that the articulation and explanation of the need for change are among the most difficult phases of any transformation process. The fact is that workers already have some experience working in particular environments that remain comfortable for...
Topic: Organizational Change
Words: 892
Pages: 4
Walter Whitman was a famous American writer and poet. He is also known for his achievements in journalism His works revealed both the transcendental and realistic vision of life. Both periods were presented in his works thus being rather controversial especially in his outright collection of poetry. It goes without...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction The chapter “Period of Reflection on the Road to Follow” of the book I, Rigoberta Menchu: An Indian Woman in Guatemala written By Rigoberta Menchu tells about different thoughts appearing in the head of a little girl. The readers come to know about definite conclusions which the main character...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction The Shirazi is a group of Swahili-speaking people found along the coast of East Africa. The Swahili people have been known variety of diversified traditions and some very confusing history. A lot of research has been done on these people mainly from the fact that they seem to have...
Topic: Culture
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Competitors’ Strategies This is very crucial to the success of the auto dealership. It has to have competitor strategies for various activities. These include the types of products they intend to launch in the near future and their financial status. This information will help the company to plan for the...
Topic: Marketing
Words: 892
Pages: 3
The field of nonverbal communication has been gaining interest from researchers as it plays a crucial role in establishing connections and understanding others’ intentions. Nonverbal communication includes many dimensions such as body language, emotions, and emotional intelligence, personal space and contingency, the tone of voice, and distinctive signals such as...
Topic: Communication
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Social interactions are an integral part of each person’s life. These relationships can change not only under the personal circumstances but also external factors, such as work. This paper aims to study the social cooperation of people in the workplace using interviews and analyze how the concepts of friendship and...
Topic: Relationship
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Pages: 3
Elementary education involves the initial stages of the formal system of education. It is also commonly referred to as primary education and is designed for pupils aged approximately between five and thirteen years. Notably, this phase of tuition is often preceded by selected learning for children below five years of...
Topic: Education
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Pages: 3
The rhetorical analysis is a necessary tool that helps to understand how writers or speakers use words to fulfill the communicative function of their text. The art of rhetoric deals with effective, persuasive oral or written communication, applying certain techniques that are widely used in creating commercials and advertisements. This...
Topic: Advertising
Words: 892
Pages: 3
The management of any large organization implies the control of its assets and shares. By issuing new stocks, redistributing, and repurchasing old ones, it is possible to regulate the financial position of the company and change its policy depending on the current economic situation. However, there is the possibility that...
Topic: Economics
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction One of the greatest challenges in the world today is the problem of insecurity. This problem is gradually getting out of hand because of an increasing number of criminal cases. Crime can be defined as “the breach of rules or laws for which some governing authority (via mechanisms such...
Topic: Crime
Words: 892
Pages: 2
Introduction Social work is an essential aspect to individuals as well as community at large. In addition small and organized groups can also immensely benefit from social work services. Studies reveal that it improves human life through education, direct practice, better organization of society, policy formulation and integrated research. It...
Topic: Social Work
Words: 892
Pages: 3
There is a productive tension produced as a result of the coexistence of photographic aspects and painterly qualities in the image and so, this paper aims at explaining how this painting is a translation of photography. According to Maniichuk and Brady, this painting is an example of social realism, which...
Topic: Photography
Words: 892
Pages: 3
All O. Henry’s works are imbued with attention to imperceptible “little” people, whose troubles and joys are vividly portrayed in his stories. The author aims to draw attention to the genuine human values. As a result, the most seemingly deplorable finals of his short stories begin to be perceived as...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 3
A strong-sense critical thinker always strives to be intellectually fair. One of the qualities of such a thinker is that they try to understand the viewpoints of other people. When discussing or debating an issue, it is essential to give opponents a fair chance to express themselves (Elder and Paul...
Topic: Critical Thinking
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction Islam is a monotheistic religion, the most significant scripture of which is the Holy Book Quran. This doctrine firmly outlines gender roles, which is why most people consider that attitude towards Islamic women is the misogynistic one. However, the Quran declares that women and men are created to be...
Topic: Muslim
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Pages: 3
American internal and external strategies allowed it to gain political power worldwide. The violent competition for establishing the new world order was particularly evident during the Cold War era. However, the lack of competitive forces in the 1990 and the 2000s resulted in creating an idea about taking responsibility for...
Topic: Natural Sciences
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Many of the societal phenomena that play a functional role for communities and reflect the scientific and technological progress of the era do not have an unambiguous effect. The advent of trains is humanity’s most ingenious invention, offering a timely solution to a transportation problem. On the other hand, the...
Topic: Transportation
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Summary Operation Anaconda was conducted in Shaikot Valley, Afghanistan, in March 2002. It was fought in difficult mountain conditions and ended up with an American victory. More than 50 U.S. combatants were wounded, and eight were killed. The battle can be analyzed from the point of view of mission command...
Topic: Afghanistan
Words: 892
Pages: 3
The fight against the segregation disease turned out to be successful for the US’s people of color. However, at the time of the debut of A Raisin in the Sun in 1959, the movement for the rights of black people led by Martin Luther King had not yet won its...
Topic: A Raisin in the Sun
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Little women 2019 film tries to stay true to Little Women novel by Louisa May Alcott, but new adaptation in the film has made significant differences. This indicates a notable difference between the narrative technique in the book and the film. Some of the narrative techniques changes made in the...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 892
Pages: 3
The present work studies the relationship between the electric current applied to the body and the measured voltage using an experimental approach. It is known that current and voltage are related using Ohm’s law for direct current, so it was expected that the different resistances of the devices used would...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 892
Pages: 2
Breast cancer is one of the most common pathologies among women above 40 years old. Most frequently, this oncology is diagnosed in females between the age between 55 and 64. The risk factor for developing the disorder are a personal or family history of breast cancer (ductal or lobular), and...
Topic: Breast Cancer
Words: 892
Pages: 3
The Blind Side is an inspiring film based on Michael Lewis’s novel of the same title. It centers on Michael Oher, an African American adolescent who struggles due to poverty but is later welcomed into the family by a wealthy family of the Touhys. With the help of Leigh Anne,...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction The congestion of the roads in massive cities is one of the most problematic issues the administration of various countries strives to solve. The congestion pricing system was invented to solve this issue by making some roads payable. The city is divided into zones, and the lowest and highest...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 892
Pages: 5
As societies grow, so do their traditions, or, at least, that is what people think. Yet, old habits die hard, as people can discover once they visit one of such places. By traveling through rural areas, one can stumble into small towns, seemingly forgotten at some point in the history...
Topic: Social Issues
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Pages: 3
Depression in young adults has become a significant health problem across the US. It causes persistent feelings of loss of interest in activities and sadness and, in most cases, affect how young adults behave or think about themselves. If not detected on time, depression in young adults can lead to...
Topic: Depression
Words: 892
Pages: 3
“Badeye” by Ron Rash is the narrative about childhood loss of innocence due to the fascination with snakes. Temptation arrives in the guise of a man named Badeye, who sells snowcones and offers an eight-year-old boy a beautiful, lethal coral snake in return for delivering moonshine to a client. The...
Topic: Literature
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction The specific problem that this advocacy seeks to solve is deaths that result from gun-related injuries. There have been rampant murders as well as suicides related to the same. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicate that more than 45200 people died from injuries associated...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Various biological factors can cause criminal behavior in an individual. They include genetic influence, family history, and psychosocial aspects. Charles Albright’s family history is believed to have significantly influenced his engagement in serial killing. An analysis by Coyle et al. (2015) illustrated that Charles fitted the diagnosis of someone with...
Topic: Psychology
Words: 892
Pages: 3
Introduction The problem of identity and being human is one of the popular topics in world literature. Numerous authors have argued about what qualities and features differentiate human beings from others and make them part of society. At the same time, these discussions are critical for understanding the values appreciated...
Topic: Frankenstein
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Pages: 3
By the moment a school child learns to read and write, tasks should become more and more challenging and engaging. Teachers in contemporary schools often face a problem of involving students in the learning process. The young generation of students was born in a digital world. The Internet and other...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Health Care Timeline An analysis of important events, major figures and their contribution, the formation of health related organizations gives an insight into the history of U.S. health care ensuring better understanding of current health care system reforms. 1847 Foundation of American Medical Association (AMA) by Nathan S. Davis put...
Topic: Health
Words: 893
Pages: 4
In the nineteenth century, men from the southern part of the US were very chauvinistic. They treated women like property, and used intimidating tactics to conquer them. Chopin, for example, writes that “when he (Armand) frowned, she (Desiree) trembled and when he smiled, she asked no greater blessing” (Chopin, 2006,...
Topic: Conflict
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Introduction The article, “Sidesteps Broad Gay Marriage Ruling,” by Peralta Eyder, explores the controversial 2013 ruling against the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) by the US Supreme Court. In the tradition of most countries, marriage is considered a legal, religious, or traditional union between a man and a woman. This...
Topic: LGBTQ
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Introduction WAN means a global network. It is many times greater than LAN (local-area network) in its scale. When a network interface is connected to this global network, it is assumed that WAN is accessible from the Internet. WAN can be spread across vast distances and distributed between remote offices...
Topic: Tech & Engineering
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Introduction The research article under review is entitled “A Quantitative Assessment of Patient and Nurse Outcomes of Bedside Nursing Report Implementation” by Sand-Jecklin & Sherman (2014). The purpose of the research article is to quantify the impact of a mixed type of bedside report on nurse and patient outcomes in...
Topic: Nursing
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Pages: 4
Introduction Depending on their aims and future career plans, students can choose the associate-degree level of nursing education or the baccalaureate-degree level. The levels differ in various aspects: the duration of the study, competencies that the nurse will have after he or she graduates, tasks that he or she will...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Topic Proposal The topic proposed is the way to reduce congestive heart failure (CHF) readmission rate. In healthcare, the readmission rate is hospital admission due to episodes of acute coronary infarction within a given period after discharge. CHF, which affects about 6.5 million Americans, is known to have multiple etiologies,...
Topic: Heart Disease
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Zamra Health Center is an organization with a mechanism that ensures stability. There are systems that the internal stakeholder must adhere to in order to complete their designated duties. The organization may never succeed without managing some of its challenges both from within and outside. Risk management helps the firm...
Topic: Health
Words: 893
Pages: 4
The Process of Selecting and Locating an Instrument A researcher should consider three factors when choosing an instrument for research: validity, reliability, and comparability with data from other studies (Bastos, Duquia, González-Chica, Mesa, & Bonamigo, 2014). The validity of an instrument is its ability to create results measuring what it...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 893
Pages: 4
This “13th” documentary analysis explores the facts presented in the film as well as its cinematography. You will also find here a “13th” documentary summary. 13th Documentary Essay Introduction In 2016, Netflix released 13th, a documentary film directed by Ava DuVernay. The documentary was intended to draw the public’s attention...
Topic: Cinematography
Words: 893
Pages: 4
Obesity in children remains a major public health issue. A growing body of evidence suggests that social networks present a viable way to improve the situation. The following literature review aims to evaluate evidence of the effectiveness of SNS-based interventions based on available qualitative and quantitative studies. Comparison of Research...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 893
Pages: 3
Introduction Hamilton is a famous Broadway musical devoted to the history of the United States. Based on the story of its success, there is a variety of ways to generate profits in the theater industry, including merchandise, social media strategies, and touring. This essay is devoted to the potential of...
Topic: Art
Words: 893
Pages: 3
BEBay auction was founded in September, 1995 and is the world Internet auction for the sale of goods and services. As of March 2006, the number of eBay registered users worldwide is about 193 million. People spend more at eBay auctions than on any other site which makes it the...
Topic: eBay
Words: 893
Pages: 3
The need for judicial review is a particular aspect of many trials with cases of different levels. Here the social position of citizens and their constitutional rights are taken into consideration. The reason is that human factors can be predominant while providing litigation. The paper leads to investigate the objectivity...
Topic: Law
Words: 893
Pages: 3
Utilitarianism theory states that the moral value of an individual’s deed can be determined by the way it is effective in the long run. This means how an action is able to make an individual happy thus leading to the conclusion that the moral value of this action is determined...
Topic: Utilitarianism
Words: 893
Pages: 3
It has been very truly said that “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under heaven…” (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8). Seasons play a vital role in the ever changing moods of a person’s life and they even portray the different phases of life, from youth to middle...
Topic: Literature
Words: 893
Pages: 3
Introduction John Wesley was born in 1791 in Lincolnshire, England, and he was the founder of Armenian Methodist. It started when Wesley adopted open-air preaching, which was first established by George Whitefield. Wesley Methodism was an evangelical movement that believed that a person who had faith in God could be...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 893
Pages: 3