Euthanasia in Modern World: Ethical & Legal Issues

Buturovic, Z. (2021). Embracing slippery slope on physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia could have significant unintended consequences. Journal of Medical Ethics, 47(4), 257-258. This article presents a critical account of physician-assisted euthanasia, or physician-assisted suicide, focusing on distinguishing somatic and psychiatric patients. While the author maintains an ethical position regarding the...

Aspects of COVID-19 Crisis Management

COVID-19 is a health crisis whose impact has been felt throughout the world. Initially, most states in the world thought that it would only take a few months to contain the spread of the virus. However, about two years later, the crisis is still affecting the globe with most nations...

McCloskey’s “A Non-Utilitarian Approach to Punishment”

In his article, “A Non-Utilitarian Approach to Punishment,” H.J. McCloskey critiques utilitarianism which demands punishing of the innocent of benefiting the majority. He begins by acknowledging that it is easier for many people to accept utilitarianism as it advocates for the punishment of the offender. However, McCloskey explains how utilitarianism...

Rick Steve’s Iran: Views and Observations

Iran is a country in the Middle East that has a vast history of about two thousand five hundred years BC. There have been conflicts between Iran and the western countries. The conflicts have resulted in the loss of lives of many people, thereby affecting the economy of the countries...

Gentrification in the Meatpacking District of New York City

New York City has changed drastically over the course of the past 30 years. Its current residents would barely recognize the streets of the place where they live were they offered an opportunity to take a walk there in the 1980s. Abandoned industrial zones have been turned into industrial centers,...

Batman as a Reflection of American Culture

The phenomenon of superhero comics is one of the most ambitious and distinctive branches in the American cultural sphere. Batman comics are one of the monoliths of American comic book culture and represent a whole kaleidoscope of topics that could be viewed from different perspectives. In its more than 80...

The Meaningful Use Program in Nursing

Meaningful Use is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Electronic Health Records (EHR) Incentive Program. Initially, the program aimed to provide incentives for accelerating the adoption of EHR for meeting its established requirements. The program originated from the efforts of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)...

Impact of Globalization on Netflix Company

Introduction Netflix made two significant strategic moves that led to its success. First, the company did not explore all the available markets at once but in phases. It ensured that the market it exploits has been analyzed and is suitable for expansion. For instance, the first phase of its entrance...

“Better Days” by OneRepublic: A Song Analysis

Song Title, Group, and YouTube Link: “Better Days” by OneRepublic The song exhibits more of a duple meter and to some extent, there is some aspect of a triple meter. At the beginning around 0:29, I hear one measure of duple meter in the lyrics (Tedder et al.). The word “waking...

Sony Corporation’s Leadership and Effectiveness

Introduction One of the world’s leading manufacturers for the consumer and business industries in audio, video, communications, and information technology is Sony Corporation. The main objective of this business venture was to build a facility that emphasized creativity and open-mindedness that, in the end, through technology, will aid in global...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” Review

The 20th century was marked by several military conflicts that forever changed the lives of millions of people across the world. One such dispute was the Vietnam War of 1954-1975, in which the United States of America played an active role (Brigham). The war profoundly impacted American politics and culture,...

Adderall Drug’s Impact on Cognitive Performance

Introduction Adderall, a prescription stimulant commonly used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), has also become increasingly popular among individuals looking to improve their cognitive performance. One aspect of cognitive performance that Adderall is believed to enhance is choice reaction time, which measures the speed and accuracy of an...

Identify the Theodicy and Eschatology of the Catholic Religious Group

Introduction The Catholic religion is one group that has several rituals that distinguish it from other religious groups. The term Catholic Church is derived from the Greek word ‘Katholikos,’ which means “universal.” Therefore the Catholic group can be said to be a body of believers found across all nations in...

Immigration to the United States – the DREAM Act

Introduction The DREAM Act (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors) is a law that aims to offer permanent residency to immigrants who show good moral character and graduates of American institutions (Schwab 21). “The DREAM Act was introduced as a piece of bipartisan legislation in 2001 under the rhetoric...

Social Cultural Determinants of Substance Abuse

Introduction Chemical dependence implies the continual use of drugs beyond the discovery of related medical problems. Clear symptoms of chemical dependence include an increased desire by a victim have more of a given chemical substance, fear of indulging in social and recreational activities, and the determination by the affected person...

Bagel Store Versus Subway

We face a new business threat from Subway’s entry of to our locality. The new Subway outlet is located on the same block as our Bagel store. This means that our regular clients will have the choice of either coming to our store or trying out the products offered by...

The Internet’s Impact on Advertising

Background information Advertising refers to business communication practices that allow commercial practitioners to relay crucial information with regard to their products and services (Brown & Boulderstone 2008). Through advertising, businesses provide specific information regarding diverse activities that characterize operations in the market. In most cases, advertising seeks to sensitize buyers...

Educational Preparation for Nurses

Differences in Competencies between Nurses Prepared at the Associate-Degree Level versus the Baccalaureate-Degree Level In some cases, it may be challenging (especially for a non-professional) to differentiate between the baccalaureate- and the associate-degree levels of nursing preparation. This difficulty is aggravated by the fact that both programs require passing the...

Alzheimer’s Disease as One of the Mortality Causes

The issues covered in this week’s discussion will include the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), particularly, the tools that junior and senior students can use to educate patients on the subject matter. By the end of the session, the audience will be capable of: Providing the target population with the...

The Impact of the Affordable Care Act

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) introduced by President Obama in 2010 remains one of the most controversial bills in US history. It was widely criticized for the last seven years since its introduction, but at the same time, a good portion of American society vehemently opposes its repeal. The achievements...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Innovative Nursing Care Delivery: Walk-In Centre

Abstract This paper demonstrated that a nurse-led walk-in center model could transform and improve primary care delivery among underserved rural residents in Kentucky. The model is robust and evaluated from multiple perspectives to determine its effectiveness. An Overview: Walk-in Center In any healthcare system, primary care remains a vital point...

Free Market Economics: Fluctuations of the Coffee Price

Most countries have a free market economy. The market forces of demand and supply determine the price of various products in a free market economy. There is usually very little interference from the government or regulatory bodies. High demand and low supply lead to a rise in the price of...

The Role of Values in Leadership

It should be noted that the contemporary business setting requires the presence of particular skills and character traits for an individual to be an effective leader. The leadership is a constituent element of company management that not only performs formalized guiding but also furnishes a variety of different functions depending...

The “Battle Royale” Film’s Main Ideas

Readings: Summary The notion of dystopia has been a popular setting for thrillers since the 20th century. The specified environment allows expressing some of the greatest concerns about social tensions, thus prompting ideas for resolving ongoing conflicts. Kinji Fukasaku’s Battle Royale is one of the movies that mask its social...

Transgender Care by Healthcare Professionals

Introduction In numerous approaches, the world is progressively turning into a transgender-affable place with enhanced awareness and reception. Nevertheless, among the many problems that transgender patients experience is obtaining suitable medical care. Almost 30% of transgender patients report denial of healthcare services and approximately 50% experience delayed medical attention because...

Military Transition to Civilian Life

Introduction The topic of social adaptation of the former military is a unique and significant area in social disciplines. According to Leal and Teigen (2018), service in the U.S. Army allows hiring volunteers, which helps strengthen the armed forces, but the conditions of entering the service do not imply free...

Staff Shortage Prevention by Developing a Shared Vision

Introduction Staff shortage and turnover rates are some of the greatest challenges that many hospitals around the world have to face. According to Hall, Johnson, Watt, Tsipa, and O’Connor (2016), staff shortage is connected with poor patient outcomes, medical mistakes, failures to rescue, and other negative effects. In many cases,...

“The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time” the Novel by M. Haddon

Detectives and investigators, described in the writings of the corresponding genre of mystery novel, are usually experienced and competent specialists, but modern authors introduce novice detectives increasingly more often. These young explorers are normally children, teenagers or very young adults, who are enthusiastic and determined enough to find the core...

S. Armand’s Lesson and the Horror Genre

The key element in horror fiction is its ability to provoke fear or terror in readers with a sense of dread, unease, anxiety, or foreboding. A horror fiction may contain highly improbable and unexpected sequences of events that usually begin in ordinary situation and involve supernatural elements; explore dark, malevolent...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Reflections on Improving the Craft of Writing

Creativity and the flair for writing are considered as natural traits, and the generally accepted notion is that writers are born and not made. To a certain extent, this is true; the ability to write is an inherent quality in an individual and one cannot expect all humans to be...

Kohlberg`s Theory of Moral Development

Moral Development This research paper aims to analyze Lawrence Kohlbergs theory of moral development. In particular, we need to discuss its application to the so-called Heinz or druggist dilemma, which exemplifies the choice between two limited options, either duty to the law or a dear person. First, it is necessary...

Pathways to PTSD: Sexually Abused Children

The research article being critiqued in this paper is titled as “Pathways to PTSD, Part II: Sexually Abused Children” coauthored by Julie B. Kaplow, Kenneth A. Dodge, Lisa Amaya-Jackson and Glenn N. Saxe. The objective of the paper was to build and analyze a probable model of posttraumatic stress symptoms...

Argument Against Great Wall Between the US and Mexico

Introduction Famously known as the Border of Defense in the United States or the Border Wall, the great wall elevated between the United States and Mexico was initiated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in 2005 by the United States Government under the leadership of Bill Clinton (David 25)....

Louis Althusser’s Concept of an Ideological State Apparatus

Louis Althusser’s concept of the Ideological State Apparatus (ISA) represents an innovative at the time view on peoples’ being involved into different manipulations from the part of official power. The concise picture of Althusser’s ISA represents rather interesting explanation of how individuals living in a state governed by the rule...

Workers’ Compensation Exceptions to the Governing Classification Rules

Abstract The four exceptions to the governing classification rules are crucial for a successful business operation. Hence, the rejection of these exceptions may lead to numerous negative consequences and cause a considerable number of obstacles to the business owner. The paper proves the importance of the Standard Exception classifications, the...

Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Reimbursement Rate

Introduction The excerpt indulges in the repealing for the reinstatement of the Obamacare health program. Obamacare, also referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was created by Congress and President Barack Obama in 2010 (Teitelbaum & Wilensky, 2020). The principal goal of the program was to ensure that all...

Triggered by Trump Jr. Analysis

Trump, Donald, Jr., Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us (Nashville, TN: Center Street Publishing, 2019), 304 p. Triggered is a recent book by Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the current US President and the Executive Vice President in the Trump Organization. It...

The Effect of Opioids on the Body: Dependence and the Consequences of It

The effect of opioids on the body is associated with analgesic and sedative effects, depression of the respiratory and cough centers, and weakening intestinal motility. This narcotic is widely used in medicine as a powerful painkiller, so-called opioid analgesics. The ability to induce euphoria leads to the recreational use of...

Root Cause Analysis of Refusal of Immunization

Contracting a disease, especially a severe one, and not being able to afford the necessary treatment is considered to be one of the most acute fears of a great number of people. Governments and healthcare providers have acknowledged the danger of contagious diseases and launched a mandatory immunization program, which...

The Broken Column’ by Frida Kahlo: Analysis

Introduction Frida Kahlo painted The Broken Column in 1944. It is an oil painting on masonite, 13 inches wide, and 17 inches high, displayed in Museo Dolores Olmedo Patino in Mexico City. The picture is a self-portrait of a woman in considerable physical and mental pain, but in no way...

Daffodils and Falling Leaves in Wordsworth’s and Cummings’ Poems

The poems “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth and “l(a” by E. E. Cummings could not be more different. Nevertheless, the theme of both of these poems is the same: loneliness and solitude. William Wordsworth weaves a vivid floral tapestry that invites the reader into the recesses...

Issues in Prisoners’ Reintegration Into the Communities

Introduction In the correctional system, reentry refers to processes that surround prisoners’ returning to the community after being released. Time spent at correctional facilities can have profound influences on a person’s behaviors, values, and psychological well-being, and such changes can create barriers to resocialization after imprisonment. Common obstacles to successful...

A Problem in the Neighborhood

Introduction Life in neighborhoods involves adaptation to specific conditions since for normal social interaction, concessions and compromises are natural aspects of healthy communication. However, in conditions of obvious irritants and neighbors’ incorrect behavior, many questions arise to one another, which creates inconveniences for a normal lifestyle. In my neighborhood in...

Reflection on Chronicles of the Indies

Chronicles of the Indies might be considered as an important part of the reflection of the conquistadors’ aspirations and actions of the period. Hence, a discussion on the prominent participants’ works related to the period seems relevant to undertake. This paper will focus on Shipwreck, True History of the Conquest...

Medical-Legal Dilemma. Nonprofit Financial Stability and Financial Growth

The fact that some patients are either underinsured or totally uninsured to an extent they cannot afford some medical services is becoming rampant. Those who seek medical attention from certain health facilities without proper insurance cover face a lot of challenges. Some indigent patients are encountered with the unsound option...

Evaluation Essay of Mice and Men’ by John Steinbeck

Introduction The book “Of Mice and Men” was authored by John Steinbeck in 1937. During his teenage life, Steinbeck spent a lot of time working and living in farm ranches within rural California. It is here that Steinbeck got fascinated with the families of the migrant farmworkers. He was particularly...

Religion in Southwest Asia, North Africa, and South Asia

Several aspects of the Arabic language, natural resources, climate, religion, and weather are common in North Africa and Southwest Asia. Moreover, these two areas are the birthplace of the world’s three significant religions. In addition, these regions are studied together due to their geographic and cultural similarities. Countries in Southwest...

Gender Roles in a Modern Society

Throughout the history of humanity, a woman has been assigned the role of being dependent on a man and, to some extent, subordinate to him. It seems to us that even though a lot has changed in the sexist-patriarchal structure of the world by the XXI century and it would...

LeBron James: From High School to NBA Champion

Rise from High School to NBA Champion LeBron James is currently an American basketball athlete playing for Los Angeles Lakers. The rise of LeBron to NBA stardom draws inspiration due to the struggles he faced while growing up in Akron town. LeBron was born on December 30th, 1984, and in...

Phenomenology as a Research Approach

Introduction There is a wide range of methodologies that can be applied to different studies. Nevertheless, one of the best options to realize the numerous factors that underlie a social issue is the utilization of phenomenology. The approach implies an attempt to deal with all the inner experiences unprobed in...

Domestic Violence in Melbourne: Impact of Unemployment Due to Pandemic Restrictions

To what extent does unemployment due to pandemic restrictions impact domestic violence against women in Melbourne? The null hypothesis indicates that there is no correlation between unemployment due to COVID-19 restrictions and domestic violence against women in Melbourne. However, the research hypothesis suggests that the examined independent variable – increased...

“The Babadook” by Jen Izaakson: A Movie Review

The Babadook is an Australian horror film released in 2014. This film is characterized by a strong psychological impact, showing the real suffering of modern life. The film mainly focuses on the revealed problems of paranoia and constant anxiety regarding personal life. It can be understood that in this way,...

The PICOT (Evidence-Based) Format in Nursing Practice

Asking the right questions is key to gaining the right answers. Nursing is a highly responsible profession, which requires accuracy in solutions, which is why the PICOT format is needed there. The PICOT approach is a suggestion that is acquired from the clinical investigation questions, where P stands for a...

Foundation of Army Leadership: Military Culture and Its Impact on Mental Health

The pillars of military leadership are character, presence, and intellect. The character may be described as an individual’s distinct mental and moral attributes. It involves an individual’s actual essence as guided by their conscience. A person’s behavior patterns, and moral outlook frequently arise from their character. To society, an individual’s...

Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony Played at the Concert

Classical concerts by modernized orchestras typically have a specific audience in mind. However, due to the artists’ high professionalism and international renown, some performances are exceptional and not just for particular audiences. The Chicago Symphony Orchestra, one of the most renowned groups of the modern era, will be evaluating Beethoven’s...

The Role of Nurses in Patient Safety

Introduction Risky medical practices are the root cause of avoidable exposure to patient risk in the global healthcare system. A large portion of these risks occurs during medication administration. Consider the case of Peter, a 75-year-old male with a history of arrhythmia. The doctor of Rythmol 150 mg gives Peter...

Operation Geronimo: The President’s Authority

Operation Geronimo (OG), also known as Neptune Spear, was a military operation conducted by the U.S. in Pakistan and formally authorized by President Obama twelve years ago. The military operation revolved around capturing/defeating Osama Bin Laden. Resulting in the killing of the world’s most famous Islamic terrorist, OG is sometimes...

“Same-Sex Marriage in Canada” by Jay Makarenko

Purpose of the research In the research paper, Same-Sex Marriage in Canada, Makarenko (2007) focused on the analysis of historical and legal processes that culminated in the legalization of same-sex marriages in the country. The author’s objectives were to illustrate and evaluate some important court cases that revolutionized the definitions...

Obamacare Policy-Making in the Federal System

More often than not, the structure of the government in the United States makes it quite daunting to effectively implement policies, especially the policies that are developed at the federal level. One of the policies that have been subjected to criticism and failed to live up to the expectations of...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Democratic Leadership and Management Style

Management Style Adopted by the Group Individuals working in groups should exhibit the best leadership skills and abilities. Some skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, team-work, and collaboration are critical towards achieving the targeted results (Gill 2006). Our group embraced the best managerial practices to achieve its goals. The group embraced...

World War I and Political World Domination

Scholarly Literature on the Origins of World War I The first source under consideration is William Mulligan’s “The origins of the First World War,” a large-scale investigation of the causal aspects that led to the outbreak of the Great War. The author focuses primarily on the history of international diplomatic...

Core Competencies in Nursing

Introduction The health care industry has many areas that may seem unrelated to the health care services’ provision. Nurse administrators, nurse informaticists, and many other positions are not related to the provision of the health care services, and they are called indirect care providers. Direct care providers are occupied in...

Nursing Core Competencies: Differences in Skills

The nursing job requires a lot of different competencies depending on the work specifics. For instance, nurse administrators and nurse informaticists usually do not interfere with patients directly. However, all of them are required to be proficient in matters regarding the direct providing of health care. The paper analyses the...

Vomiting Causes in Adolescents and Diagnosis

Assessing a chief complaint A patient is an 18-month-old female, Samantha, whose complaints include bloody diarrhea and vomiting. No dehydration is present. To diagnose the patient, several questions and the analysis of historical and clinical findings are required. The questions should depend on the age of the patient because of...

Consular Service and Collaboration in the 21st Century

The 21st century is the century of high speeds, information technologies, and the Internet due to which the distance among the states has significantly reduced; people started to communicate with citizens of other societies and get acquainted with previously unfamiliar cultures and customs. In the context of globalization, consular collaboration...

Alfred Stieglitz and Greer Muldowney: Biographies and Works

Introduction Born in New Jersey, in the year 1864, Alfred Steiglitz was a very successful photographer in the US during the 1800s. Greer Muldowney is a very popular young female photographer, who was born in 1988. This paper presents a biography of Alfred Steiglitz and Greer Muldowney. Besides, the treatise...

“Bioethics on NBC’s ER” by Pamela Nathanson

Introduction The nursing practice operates within eight ethical elements. One of the most important ethical elements is confidentiality. However, confidentiality complicates ethical principles when nurses face the dilemma of disclosure to improve the quality of services and protect communities against imminent harm. According to Beech (2007), confidentiality plays an important...

Manpower’ Shortage and Creative Solving the Problem

Introduction “The value of a business is a function of how well the financial capital and the intellectual capital are managed by the human capital. You’d better get the human capital part right” (Bookbinder 161). Human capital plays the most important part in the functioning of any business. No enterprise...

The Process of Collecting Intelligence Information

Introduction The process of collecting intelligence information is sensitive since it requires excellence. It does not create room for unnecessary mistakes. Therefore, it is vital to define an intelligence question precisely (Dunleigh 1994, 81). This helps to ensure that the collector of intelligence information does not engage in asking foolish...

The Documentary “Raising Amy’s Awareness”

Brief Summary of the Case The documentary “Raising Amy’s Awareness” gives a detailed analysis of Amy’s misfortunes. The important message presented in this documentary is that Amy was in an abusive relationship. McGee monitored Amy’s movements. The analysis shows clearly that Amy was a victim of domestic violence. Several events...

Progress in Bread Production Technologies

Abstract Bread as a culinary product has a range of physical characteristics that are essential to rating its quality. While the outcomes depend on the wide range of factors, they are quite unpredictable, and scientists are looking for ways to control this process by using a fluorescence spectroscopy method, which...

“A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” by Ernest Hemingway

Introduction “A Clean, Well-Lighted Place” is a short story by Ernest Hemingway, portraying three people, different in age and possessed values — an elderly drunk and two waiters. Through the protagonists’ behavior in the café where the story is set, the author expresses the idea that all humans will inevitably...

Water Treatments and Maximum Plant Height

Introduction The first question this research attempted to explore was how different water treatments affect maximum plant height. The hypothesis stated that the greywater would result in shorter plants in the experiment because such water has potentially harmful chemicals and materials that may have adverse impacts on the soil in...

Defining Professional Nursing: Personal Nursing Philosophy

Introduction The current shift in health care towards patient-centered evidence-based practice influences all the professionals in the sphere, with nurses not being an exception. In contemporary circumstances, it is pivotal for all the nurses to elaborate their personal nursing philosophy to reference it every time they need to make a...

Issue of Nursing Personnel Understaffing in Hospitals and Ways to Improve It

Project Summary Background The capstone project’s focus is on the issue of nursing personnel understaffing in hospitals and ways to improve it. Staffing describes the number of people employed in a particular establishment. The number of nurses employed and the number of patients in a hospital is taken into consideration...

Sun Coast Remediation: Research Methodology, Design, and Methods

Introduction Before making any decisions regarding the promotion of occupational health and the reduction of dust and particulate matter exposure, Sun Coast should evaluate the current situation. To do so, it needs to formulate a research framework and carry it out in practice, obtaining data and analyzing it. Such a...

The USA Patriot Act Implications

Preamble The USA PATRIOT Act is an acronym for “Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001”, enacted by the hundredth and seventh United States Congress. Frank James Sensenbrenner introduced it in the House of Representatives under the code H.R. 3162...

The United Kingdom’s Car Market

The UK is known as one of the biggest car markets in the world. The country not only engages in the production of several car models but is also a well recognized market for most international car manufacturers. The economy ranks among the most developed in the world hence demand...

“Inception” by Christopher Nolan: Human Mind Mysteries

Introduction Nine years in the making, “Inception” premiered in the summer of 2010 as an intense and convoluted but entertaining warning about the promise and perils of understanding human dreams. It is too soon to tell whether the critical acclaim that greeted the movie will translate to Oscar, Golden Globe...

Popular Research Paper Topics

Hazardous Materials Incidents During Summer

First responders dealing with hazardous material incidents during summer experience a great deal of challenges, mainly because of the high temperatures and elevated humidity. In the article ‘Beyond the Rule of Thumb Survival Tip 53’, Lisi (2010), illuminates some of the inherent dangers presented by the summer weather to first...

Comparative Political Science: NATO Membership

Among the all countries on the Earth the United States of America is considered to be a unique phenomenon as a country. Founded on a new land by almost hopeless people whose only desire was a total freedom, this state became a huge machine that tends to be the giant...

The Second Industrial Revolution in World History

Introduction Historians have often considered ninetieth century as an important stage in human development as there were tremendous changes at this period of time. The second half of the ninetieth century witnessed path breaking inventions and so this time is aptly called as the phase of second industrial revolution. Inventions...

My Experience With the Logic Course

In this paper, I will overview my experience with the logic course. I will try to evaluate how it affected me. I will also try to give examples of the positive effect it had on my everyday life. Before I started the course, my idea of logic was pretty uncertain....

Cool World, an American Animated Film

Introduction No one can deny that movies are therapies for culture for many viewers. The cool world which was a smash hit in 1992 was produced by Frank Mancuso, Jr. who has been featured in several videos such as Puberty, Tracking Patrick, The end of Experiment, Tears of the mother...

Climate Change: Causes and Consequences, and the Issue of Social Collapse

Causes and consequences of global warming It is generally accepted that the main cause of global warming is greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse effect resulting from heating the atmosphere with thermal energy held by greenhouse gases is a crucial process regulating the Earth’s temperature. Carbon dioxide (CO2) takes the largest...

Factors Affecting Nutritional Intake

Introduction Proper nutrition is an integral attribute of a healthy lifestyle according to any diet. However, despite the availability of information about what the optimal menu should be, there are factors that affect individual food preferences and choices. In individual cultures, attitudes to specific food products may vary depending on...

Biometrics in IT Security

Introduction Biometrics refers to the use of uniquely identifiable human characteristics to secure systems. Biometric information like height, hair color, weight, and eye color has been used for a long to assist in the physical identification of individuals. However, the constant change of biometrics and the ease with which they...

“Follow the Leader” by Eric B. & Rakim

Introduction “Follow the Leader” is a hip-hop song by an American rap duo Eric B. & Rakim, the stage names of Eric Barrier and William Griffin. Released in 1988, the song was critically acclaimed and is still considered among the most prominent and influential compositions produced by the rap duo....

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper: Critical Analysis

Nighthawks is a 1942 oil painting by Edward Hopper featuring three people having drinks at a diner at a corner of the street at night. This work represents American realism of the XX century since in his art, Hopper painted contemporary American life. As his work is praised for the...

Popular Research Paper Topics

The Case of Nutrition Food Inc

Introduction Following a widespread claim of food poisoning in Southern California and Seattle, Nutritional Foods Inc, contracted me as a consultant. My role is to discuss “The case of the Nutritional Foods”. In the foregoing consultancy, I will give a brief breakdown of the case, underline facts, issues involved, ethical...

Male and Female Breast Assessment

Male Participant Physical Assessment of Male Breast The male breast is rudimentary in the entire lifetime of a male human being. The breast is very small and the only physical feature that can be observed is the nipple surrounded by areola (black tissue on the nipple) at the center. The...

Sound and Space in Urban Settings

Project Description While Crossing a London Square, there are a number of views that you can experience. A London square-park has been chosen in order to experiment the experience of vision while you are passing through it.The square which has been chosen is surrounded by a number of features. These...

Atherosclerosis: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment

Previously, atherosclerosis seemed as an insipid collection of cholesterol in the artery made worse by the formation of smooth muscles, a view that has changed presently. The concept argued that endothelial denuding injury caused platelet aggregation and release of platelet factors. This, in turn, triggered a proliferation of smooth muscles...

Profiling Procedures in the Los Angeles Police Department

The law enforcers and most commonly the police, have profiling procedures that separate certain groups of people from the majority. These could be set up according to race, age, minority groups or a number of other elements. In order to avoid such discriminating behavior, there are policies in place that...

Poverty and Poor Health: Access to Healthcare Services

Introduction The magnitude of the relationship between income level and poor health is not appreciated enough (Woolf & Braveman, 2011). Regardless of individual characteristics, education and neighborhoods in which people live have a considerable impact on their health (Donatelle, 2014). Even though disparities in housing and transportation have been substantially...

Canada and the USA Indigenous Symbols on Team Logos

The issue of the exploitation of Indigenous symbols and mascots in sport team logos has long been a controversial one both in Canada and the USA. It has been widely discussed in media and academic circles, as well as in educational and professional sport environments. Despite the fact that since...

Deceiver (1997) Movie Analysis

Deceiver is a movie centered around a police cross-examination room where Wayland (Tim Roth) is subjected to a lie detector test in line with the murder of a local prostitute. Wayland stars as the son of a textile manufacturer and a Princeton who is currently unemployed. Wayland knew the dead...

Frida Kahlo: Master Drawing in Art History

Frida Kahlo was a stunning woman who expressed her tragedies in the form of paintings. She was a Mexican native-born on 16th July in 1907. Her father was from Germany, while her mother was a descent of Spanish and India. Moreover, she had three siblings named Adriana, Christine, and Matilde....

Diversity and Inclusion in the Company

A new generation of entrepreneurs will have to face the issues no previous generation has faced before. The environments are becoming increasingly multicultural, and today’s venturers must know how to meet the needs of customers with different backgrounds, lifestyles, and experiences. I decided to go even further than that and...

Absence in War by Candlelight by Daniel Alarcon

In his story, Daniel Alarcon, raises an important topic and conveys the secret of all immigrants from disadvantaged countries. The author says: “leaving is no problem. It’s exciting actually; in fact, it’s a drug. It’s the staying gone that will kill you. This is the handed-down wisdom of the immigrant.”...

Equal Employment Laws and Other Regulations

In the context of the growing globalization of the world community, the experience of legal regulation of certain public relations in foreign countries is of increasing interest. One of the main sources of U.S. law operating throughout the United States is the U.S. Code of Laws. Each of the sections...

Peer Pressure and Decision-Making in “The Breakfast Club” Film

Introduction Peer pressure is a type of social connection between people in one group that implies direct or indirect influence on the decision-making process. Peer pressure exists in different environments and settings; however, scientific evidence suggests that one group is at the most risk of being affected by peer pressure...

The Power of Fear to Limit Freedom

Fear is a feeling which is extremely powerful and therefore can force people to become disoriented and lose control over their lives. Similarly, countries and their governments also tend to embrace fear instead of staying objective and reasonable. In many cases, as a result of the fear, authorities begin to...

Whole-Genome Sequencing in Genome Epidemiology

Introduction Genome epidemiology is a relatively young but promising sphere of scientific knowledge that appeals to genetics to anticipate and cease the spread of infectious diseases. One of the innovative methods it applies to study outbreaks is whole-genome sequencing. As apparent from the name, it enables depicting of the entire...

Mental Illness for Brilliant People

Introduction Mental illness is defined as a health condition with changes in ones emotions and behavioral change. Mental illness is said to accrue from stress or challenges after engaging in social, work, or family activities. Like heart disease and diabetes, it’s a medical problem. Mental health can take many forms...

Natural Theology Book by William Paley

The two chapters analyzed are the works of William Paley, an English clergyman, Doctor of theology at Cambridge University, as well as the author of the fundamental work Natural Theology. Paley’s natural theology is based on the popular idea of the world as a mechanism for his time. This is...

Virtue, Utilitarianism, and Deontology

A set of guiding principles – morality – focuses on the core of what allows people to live in unified communities. In addition, morality sets what society considers acceptable and right. However, it is not a universally established principle. What one might think is acceptable in their culture could be...

Successful and Unsuccessful Strategies in Relationships

Relationships of any kind are based on the connections between people. The connections may be either consolidated or weakened, depending on the work of the partners. Not every couple is able to feel complete harmony and vivid emotions for many years. Sometimes the peak of emotions, joy, and love may...

World History: Researching of Holocaust

“Holocaust” began to be used in the context of the mass extermination of Jews by the Nazis in Europe during the Second World War. It was an industry that created giant factories of death with its logistics and killing technologies. Anti-Semitism and the history of dislike of Jews have deep...

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Airport Voluntary Reporting System and Its Purpose

Introduction The Airport Voluntary Reporting System (AVRS) is a tool for managing the relationships and interactions between staff and visitors to improve the quality of security services. AVRS enables the alignment between security requirements and conditions and the current state of affairs by promptly guiding and optimizing airport control, screening,...

Screening Program for Suicide and Overdose Prevention

Raccoon City Primary Care Screening Stakeholders Police, EMT/EMS, nurses, social workers, people struggling with drug addiction, and people struggling with suicidal ideation. Purpose of the Program Evaluation The program evaluation is intended to be applied to determine if the intervention has yielded positive results and has fulfilled its objectives. Thus,...

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Every successful leader and manager goes through a long journey of trial, and error, learning philosophies, and approaches to leadership. Joan Carter, my boss and the head of the ________ company, is no exception, as over the years of experience, she has acquired valuable skills and knowledge that she provides...

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Introduction Healthcare institutions’ mandate is that of providing health services to patients. For this to be successful, it requires funds that normally come in reimbursement. Reimbursement mostly comes from third parties, insurance, and government medical cover such as Medicare. For reimbursement to be facilitated, billing needs to be done, tallying...

Amazon: Jeff Bezos’ Leadership

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After completing their tasks, three young girls titter as they play together. Nevertheless, when interrogated, the girls confessed their secret of using false documents to work unlawfully at a Chinese factory that makes cell phone parts for Samsung. The girls were aged 14 and 15 years, which is too young...

The Provision of Social Amenities for Illegal Immigrants

Introduction Over the ages, the US has been regarded by many individuals as a land of great opportunities. For most individuals, it is a fantasy to reside in the United States, a nation in which opportunity beckons at the corner. Even though a majority of individuals have actualized their fantasies...

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Introduction Work environments can have a significant impact on the quality of the nurses’ work. In the article titled “Nurse Work Environment and Quality of Care by Unit Types: A Cross-Sectional Study,” Ma, Olds, and Dunton (2015) presented results of the quantitative cross-sectional study, according to which the higher quality...

Kraft Foods’ and Abbott’s Diversity Management

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Police Administration: Structures, Processes and Behavior

Stress is defined as anything that can place an adjustive demand on any living organism (Charles etal, 2012). Distress refers to negative stress while eustress refers to positive stress. Hence, not all stressful events are depressing. For instance, stress can excite a gambler and thrill a matador athlete. In other...

“Disgrace” a Novel by John Maxwell Coetzee

Speaking about the world of literature, it is necessary to say that it is quite difficult to divide the most famous and appreciated books into two groups based on positive or negative aspects of life that their authors are focusing on; in fact, when it comes to good books, it...

Kate Chopin and Her “The Awakening” Story

Introduction American literature is the written or factual work prepared in United States and some of its former colonies. It consists of thousands of short stories and classic novels and covers all other kinds of subjects and genres (D’Arcy 6). One outstanding fact that remains is the struggle to forge...

Theme of Little Red Riding Hood: Comparing the Versions of Perrault vs Grimm

Are you wondering about the theme of Little Red Riding Hood? This Little Red Riding Hood analysis essay compares how the themes of this story differ in the versions written by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and by Charles Perrault. Read on to learn this fairy tale’s genre, setting, symbolism, and...

Natural Freedom in Romantic American Literature

There is a common denominator that binds the works of James Fennimore Cooper, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Washington Irving, and Henry David Thoreau. The four authors share a common affinity to the concept of freedom in the context of societal pressures, religious dogmatism, and government control. Washington Irving describes this phenomenon...

Cancer Burden and Prevention Strategies

Introduction Cancer remains to be among the leading killer diseases in the United States and most countries across the world. The pathologic condition involves the uncontrolled division of anomalous cells, which invade and spread to other tissues through the lymphatic and circulatory systems. To enhance the understanding of cancer, this...

International Law and CIA Rendition

Rendition means transferring individuals perceived to be criminals from one state to the other. In the current international system, rendition is the major cause of controversy because powerless states feel that the most powerful interfere with their sovereignty. Powerful states claim that suspects who carry out terror attacks should be...

Case of a Patient With Dyspnea and Other Symptoms

What is the Chief Complaint? The patient’s chief complaint is shortness of breath. The patient also noted the presence of other symptoms, such as unproductive cough, fatigue, and obstruction of breathing at night. She denies other symptoms that can be associated with shortness of breath or cough, such as chest...

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Why Rick was dismissed Despite having proposed a radical change that could have resulted in efficiency in marketing scheduling, Rick was let go by the PPP because of his behavior, which the others thought would destabilize the status quo, in a fairly traditional and family-based company. Through proposing and showing...

The Issue of Slavery and the State’s Rights

Slavery and the state’s rights have been an issue in certain states in the U.S. this has raised concerns of various institutions and organizations within the states in question. This paper seeks to find out whether the issue of slavery and the state’s rights were important in the secession process...

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Chapter 3 of “The Triumph of the Seeds” by Hanson

Chapter Summary The chapter “Sometimes You Feel Like a Nut” of Hanson’s (2015) book presents the author’s empiric and exploration journey by understanding how seeds store and use energy for embryos and germination. The biologist attracts and captures readers’ attention not only by an eye-catching chapter title but also by...

Databases in Early Lung Cancer Screening

Inrtroduction Lung cancer is among the most common variations of the condition. It is extremely dangerous to the person affected by the illness, mainly due to the period in which he or she is most likely to seek medical assistance. Many lung cancers are first detected when they have reached...

Should We Restrict Internet Usage by Children?

The internet, these days, is the most commonly used means of communication besides being widely utilized as a source for accessing information as well as entertainment. Many people use this media as a platform for social networking also. Thus, in a practical sense, the internet offers many advantages to people...

“The Coconuts” Comedy from Sociological Perspective

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Rene Descartes considered the mind as a nonmaterial element. The brain that has physical representation but still holds the abstract concept of intelligence is separated from the mind, an entity which includes self-awareness and consciousness. John Searle questions the classical concept of dualism. The consciousness is real and non-reducible because...

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Marketing and Management Tools for Netflix

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Disease Research: Breast Cancer

Introduction Breast cancer is a multifactorial, complex illness that demands proper clinical understanding and a multidisciplinary way to determine diagnosis and treatment. Over 250,000 females in the US are diagnosed with invasive breast cancer every year (Watkins, 2019). The overall mortality rate for such patients has decreased; the disease remains...

Fire Disaster Plan For a Skilled Nursing Facility

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Research of Genetic Disorders Types

Hemophilia is a severe hereditary disease characterized by a clotting disorder (coagulation) resulting from the absence of coagulation factors VIII (hemophilia A) or IX (hemophilia B). The main manifestations of hemophilia are hemorrhages in muscles, joints, and internal organs. The mechanism and type of inheritance of hemophilia have been studied...

Formation of Social Order in Japan

Rapid technological progress after WWII made Japan one of the most developed countries in the world. The political system of contemporary Japan is largely similar to Western democracies as a result of post-war reforms. However, social order has not changed significantly, as historical traditions play a pivotal role in Japanese...

“The Pursuit of Happyness”: Analysis

Introduction Contrary to popular opinion, conflicts are an indispensable element of interpersonal relationships and a crucial tool in building better understanding among participants once appropriate strategies are used wisely. The significance of conflicts is often underrated since, in most cases, the parties involved in it either lack the necessary skills...

Navigating Ethics of Patient Confidentiality

Ethical implications of a breach of confidentiality There are some responsibilities and ethical considerations that nurses are required to observe at any given time. One such consideration is maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of the medical information gathered from patients (Erickson & Millar, 2005). If the information is to be...

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Psychology of Relationships: Case Analysis

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Applying Regulations in Care Settings: Hospitals and Rural Health Clinics

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“Health Information Source Use…” Article by Gall

Abstract Approved meanings of health disparities have been different and often extensive, which can have severe costs for setting aims, targets, resource distribution priorities, and evaluating development. While learning in class, most lectures familiarize members with the challenges of describing health differences in ways that attract the most important principles,...

The Rules of St. Columba: Exploring Irish Catholicism

Irish Catholic Church history is filled with notable and authoritative figures that defined the further development of Christianity and contributed to the evolution of the theological discourse, as well as the spreading of Jesus Christ’s philosophy. St. Columba, or St. Columbanus, was one of the people that predetermined the further...