Introduction Cerebral palsy is a non-progressive condition that results from brain damage to the fetus during embryological development or immediately after birth (Carroll and Robert 468). Due to its early onset in a person’s life, the condition is diagnosed in infancy and early childhood. Clinical features of the condition are...
Topic: Stem Cell
Words: 985
Pages: 4
Introduction Two proposals of investments by Health Care Medical Center are different in nature not only in their functioning but also so far as initial outlay is concerned. Three methods used for evaluating the proposals and for taking a decision between the two investments are breakeven point method, payback period...
Topic: Health
Words: 985
Pages: 4
Introduction Supply chain risk management relates to the procedure through which organizations employ strategic steps to discern, evaluate, and mitigate threats within their end-to-end supply chain. Two primary risks could disrupt one’s supply chain; including external and internal risks (Prakash et al., 2017; Son, 2018). Threats in the supply chain...
Topic: Management
Words: 985
Pages: 4
Introduction Modern medical field requires new, high-quality ways of treating patients, considering the objective moral code. In everyday medical practice, the workers and the employees must know of and follow four fundamental principles of Health Care Ethics: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice. First, autonomy suggests that every medical professional should allow...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 985
Pages: 3
Johnson & Johnson is a company that produces and sells goods worldwide, is crucial for multiple markets, and requires its internal management to be well-structured and diversified. Decision-making for such businesses must consider the overall mission yet address the local unit or product need (Mroua et al., 2017). Furthermore, becoming...
Topic: Business
Words: 985
Pages: 3
The book by the title The Plum in the Golden Vase is also known as Jin Ping Mei (JPM). It was originally written in Chinese but it has been translated into a number of languages for the purpose of readers to enjoy the plot and interesting characters. The Plum in...
Topic: Literature
Words: 986
Pages: 4
Introduction Brand positioning, product differentiation and understanding competitors are three distinctive marketing strategies for launching a new brand in the market dominated by one brand. Through these strategies, organizations aim at make continuous improvement in their product marketing strategies for sustaining in the industry, with a sizeable market share. By...
Topic: Brand
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Introduction Change is a way of life and forms an inevitable part of our personal and corporate lives. It is indeed almost impossible to live, or work, without some kind of change, either in ourselves, others, or the environment in which we work and live. However, it is seen that...
Topic: Business
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Introduction One of the epic inventions related to computers is the internet which has led to a transformation of the world in as far as communication is concerned. The internet via websites presents a crucial front for the achievement of the objectives of most organizations and individuals. As such, it...
Topic: Twitter
Words: 986
Pages: 3
It might be difficult for people to openly discuss the moral dilemmas that can cause one to choose between abiding by the law and helping others. This story is placing the reader out of their comfort zone by showing such a dilemma in a hospital setting. The thesis of this...
Topic: Law
Words: 986
Pages: 4
Summary The poem, “My Last Duchess” was written by Robert Browning in 1842. The work can be described as one that’s the prime example of a dramatic monologue in the form of a poem. The dramatic monologue, as a genre is a self-conversation that is presented from a particular character’s...
Topic: Literature
Words: 986
Pages: 4
Introduction Supporting the economic success of America’s military veterans is receiving national attention and funding. According to Edwards, “veterans often face numerous challenges living outside the military environment” (Edwards 7). Since many people successfully transit from the military to civilian life, some veterans may find it difficult to adjust from...
Topic: Home
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Healing and Autonomy Spirituality practice in healthcare has been a controversial topic over the last decade. Spirituality and health are increasingly becoming a topic of discussion in healthcare and medical schools and provide more insight into combining them. More healthcare facilities offer spiritual support to patients as an extension of...
Topic: Spirituality
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Are WMDs the Future? It is difficult to argue that the future of health care is still far away. On the contrary, humanity is already facing incredible scientific and technological advances every day that is significantly changing the agendas of medical science. Although by now these products of progress are...
Topic: Health
Words: 986
Pages: 5
My family’s musical heritage Since my early childhood, my parents and especially my grandparents have taught me that music is an essential part of our culture. I agree with them because growing up, I have realized how much it influenced my identity. That is why I knew what music they...
Topic: Heritage
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Background The tourism and hospitality industries have evolved into highly dynamic and quickly developing sectors in recent years. International Tourism, Hospitality & Events Management is a segment that combines the studies of general tourism and hospitality industries, and it is a broad field with numerous job options that include restaurant...
Topic: Management
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Introduction The healthcare industry is undergoing radical transformations, with rising costs, concerns about the quality of service, and growth in the prevalence of chronic diseases in modern society. To address the healthcare industry’s emphasized difficulties, utilization review is the process used to fit the patient’s clinical picture as well as...
Topic: Management
Words: 986
Pages: 4
The Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory, also referred to as the SASSI, was created by Dr. Glenn A. Miller in 1985, revised in 1994 and is now in its third edition. The instrument is a screening questionnaire used on people who depend on substances. It is a brief self-report, easily...
Topic: Abuse
Words: 986
Pages: 4
Introduction Cannabis is one of the well-known types of psychoactive substances, the legal status of which has always caused a fierce debate between proponents of legalizing marijuana and those who believe that marijuana use should be criminalized. This speech is aimed at an adult audience (over the age of 18(21))...
Topic: Health
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Introduction The client is in an unstable mood and requires medication to be “normal.” The mother reports that the adolescent needs to learn to control her emotions. The client does not take responsibility for her choices and actions and justifies her behavior. The client bases her opinion of herself on...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 986
Pages: 3
Introduction In this paper we will analyze trade mark Michelin, its new product and will talk about the effectiveness of the advertising campaign. Michelin is considered to be one of the leading tire manufacturing companies in the world. There is no doubt that this market is quite competitive and in...
Topic: Rhetoric
Words: 987
Pages: 4
“Death Be Not Proud” by John Donne The poem “Death be not proud” by John Donne is an Italian sonnet. First, it has a total of fourteen lines with the first eight (octet) having a different rhyme scheme from the last six (sextet). The octet is of the a-bb-aa-bb-a rhyme...
Topic: Literature
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Introduction Leadership is a very important skill which is not possessed by all; hardly very few people are blessed with this skill. Being a leader is not easy; it poses many challenges and the person who overcomes these challenges make a successful leader. A leader instills confidence and provides motivation...
Topic: Challenges
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Introduction Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs, the first and only atomic bombs to target enemy cities in a war, were created as an outcome of the Manhattan Project. The name was because the project depended on previous research (Atomic Bomb 3) done in New York. The chief scientist was Robert...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 987
Pages: 4
The essence of human life consists in achieving something that others do not have, though most people are quite persistent in denying this fact. It is hard to argue with the conviction that striving to achieve more than the others gives hope which sustains life in a dreamer. This is...
Topic: Death of a Salesman
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Supplication or petitioning can be considered a kind of prayer where a person asking his superior for something. This prayer can be for himself or for someone else. The person who is making the supplication is referred to as a supplicant. Normally the supplicant is the inferior of the person...
Topic: Iliad
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Introduction Today, the demographics of college classrooms look much different than they did twenty years ago. College isn’t just for recent high school graduates, but for any individuals who want to extend their learning, earn a promotion, or finish a degree started many years ago. As more “older” students, meaning...
Topic: College Students
Words: 987
Pages: 3
In recent decades, people’s social status and the concept of classism have been assessed through a variety of sociological and psychological perspectives, with many researches tending to refer to citizens’ ability to gain a social prominence as such that closely relates to the environmental factors of their upbringing. For example,...
Topic: History
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Outline Global operating companies are always facing financial risk related to currency volatility. It affects all aspects of the global companies. Global automobile industry is a major industry which is affected crucially by the currency fluctuations. In this case study, the foreign exchange risk management strategy of BMW, a major...
Topic: BMW
Words: 987
Pages: 3
The background and significance section of the piece indicated the reasons for the research’s conducting. The first reason is that, despite attempts to prevent medical errors, progress in this area is minimal, so effort should be aimed at their recovery (Gaffney et al., 2016). The second reason is that nurses...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 987
Pages: 3
During the latter quarter of the 1800s and the first quarter of the 1900s, scientific development, especially in microbiology steered in a novel aspect for the field of public health. This bacteriologic phase of the public health movement was led by the discoveries of Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch and...
Topic: Health
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Summary The comfort of patients is the responsibility of every medical facility. To ensure that patients are at ease, the hospital administration has to adopt a holistic approach in caring for patients. Oral hygiene is one of the important things that must be addressed by hospitals. A study of existing...
Topic: Disease
Words: 987
Pages: 3
The current essay is an analysis of Oresteia based on the book “Aeschylus Oresteia” by Peter Meineck. In this paper, first of all, a brief overview of the trilogy will be presented. Then, the following topics will be addressed and analyzed: the issue of justice and Oresteia’s argument about it;...
Topic: Literature
Words: 987
Pages: 3
Introduction Pride and Prejudice is a passionate epistolary novel written by Jane Austen in 1813. Letters are an important part of this novel as they are used to tell the story, develop the characters and build the exposition of themes. Correspondence was a common way of communication during that era....
Topic: Pride and Prejudice
Words: 987
Pages: 4
Introduction Health geography provides a valuable aid in studying medical practices. This discipline introduces knowledge about the peculiarities of healthcare and medicine, depending on the geographical information of the studied area, culture, and people. This topic is particularly significant for Canada since a local indigenous population has peculiar health treatments....
Topic: Culture
Words: 987
Pages: 4
There are several ways that an organization can transfer its risks through commercial insurance in the insurance market. This includes catastrophe bonds, collateralized reinsurance, large deductible plans, weather-based derivatives, risk retention groups, sidecars, and captives. Traditionally, many companies and business organizations manage risk by transferring it to the insurance company....
Topic: Insurance
Words: 987
Pages: 4
Research Problem/Purpose The article “The Role of Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, Self-Efficacy and Agentic Capacities on Nurses’ Turnover Intention and Patient Satisfaction” by De Simone, Planta, and Cicotto (2018) examines the impact of various elements such as work fulfillment, employees’ commitment, and self-efficacy on healthcare officials’ turnover plans and patients’...
Topic: Self-Efficacy
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Produced by Oprah Winfrey and starring a two-time Academy Award winner, Denzel Washington, The Great Debaters is a 2007 American biopic period film chronicling the success of the 1935 Wiley College Debate Team. Located in Marshal, Texas, Wiley is a historically black, private liberal arts college and was founded by...
Topic: Cinema
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Abstract Baroque period is distinguished by the depiction of space and movement where expression was of great importance. Exaggeration and luxury are the major distinctions of that period that were revealed in painting as well. However, the Italian Painting of the early period illustrated the religious theme where an emotional...
Topic: Baroque
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Outline In the present world, managing work, study and family is a serious issue among many individuals. When studies come along the way of work or family, life gets more hectic. We should be able to spend time for study, work as well as family. Effectively balancing studies with work...
Topic: Education
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Store manager As a store manager, the key is to have good forecasting sense and ability to lead a team. The store manager has to motivate a team consisting of employees at all the levels, there are certain unexpected times such as dissatisfied customers complaining or claiming a refund, as...
Topic: Performance
Words: 988
Pages: 4
Lord Byron is a romantic poet and Browning is a Victorian poet. Byron is a nihilist and pessimist. Browning, on the other hand, is known for his robust optimism. However, both are very great as poets. Their poems deal with various aspects of love, and their capacity to depict the...
Topic: Literature
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Branding In the business world companies or business, ventures create an edge over their competitors in the market, by making their products unique from similar products in the market. A brand is, therefore, a unique symbol, mark, or word that discerns a certain product and or company from similar ones...
Topic: Brand
Words: 988
Pages: 4
Introduction The international criminal court is an international platform in legal action against the perpetrators of crimes involving genocide crimes of wars, crimes against humankind, and assault took according to its founding decree (the Rome statute of 2002). The tribunal is also mandated to carry out investigations upon the alleged...
Topic: Court
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Abstract One of the sources of dimethyl ether is methanol. This report analyzes the viability of manufacturing dimethyl ether from methanol by heating it and converting it to dimethyl ether and water. The report considers different costs of operation to calculate the profitability of a plant producing 100,000 tonnes annually....
Topic: Manufacturing
Words: 988
Pages: 4
Introduction In the aspect of the VPCM, prisoners are at risk under the influence of three main parameters. The lack of highly qualified personnel, limited resources – all this belongs to the “resource availability” concept. Relative risks occur when prisoners are exposed to unfavorable conditions and are increasingly suffering from...
Topic: Health
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Reduced Number of Wars The most important and striking trend in the change in the practice of warfare in the world is that the number of armed conflicts has significantly decreased. The most famous confrontation of the twentieth century after the Second World War is the Cold War, the essence...
Topic: War
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Tesla’s Disruption and Sources of Competitive Advantage Tesla is a disruptor because it sped up the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). Specifically, Tesla developed the Roadster, an electric racing car that could accelerate from 0 to 60 mph as fast as the latest Ferrari models (Van den Steen et al.,...
Topic: Electric Vehicle
Words: 988
Pages: 3
Similar to many other regions of Western Europe, the Enlightenment era greatly affected the social, cultural, and political aspects of life in Scotland. In particular, the concept of “useful knowledge” was a significant term that many Scottish thinkers of the 18th century frequently used in their writings and presentations. In...
Topic: Enlightenment
Words: 988
Pages: 4
Introduction The Egyptian revolution was a result of a long-lasting urge by the people for social justice. The uprising also created considerable shifts in society that translated into further democratization of society, and the government was able to launch several successful economic reforms (Teti et al. 57). Nevertheless, these reforms...
Topic: Reforms
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Introduction The paintings sent by Don Manuel de Amat y Junyet in 1770 to the king of Spain belonged to a genre known as casta paintings. This artistic category strived to catalogue the diverse populations living in the colonial world, and thus it can be argued that casta paintings suggest...
Topic: Art
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Introduction Profits of an organization mostly rely on a good business strategic plan. In the case of Mountain Bank, the profits have been declining as a result of the poor business strategic plan. The best step forward is to develop a new strategic plan which will enable the bank to...
Topic: Banking
Words: 989
Pages: 3
As a Tem Leader, what could you do to help a multi-national team work more effectively than a domestic team? What major problems might occur and how might you best handle them? Cross cultural conversations have become the basic pillars of the global business success or failures. At workplace, it’s...
Topic: Culture
Words: 989
Pages: 3
Behaviorism appeared as a critical response to psychoanalytic theory that was suggested by Sigmund Freud. Many notable psychologists such as Edward Thorndike, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Burrhus Skinner, and others were convinced that in order to explain natural laws of human behavior, psychology should develop scientific methodology and conduct an...
Topic: Behaviorism
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Betty Keller’s essay Tea Party is one of her best works. It demonstrates the talent of the author as far as the reader may observe how many themes may be covered in such a short story (Betty Keller). This essay is like a hymn to the remote love between two...
Topic: Literature
Words: 989
Pages: 3
Prices of Related Goods Prices on the goods related to any given industry are a factor that influences supply and demand in it. This observation includes the hotel industry as well, and the prices on related goods obviously impact the hospitality industry in Sidney, Australia. In general, the prices of...
Topic: Economics
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Introduction In order to incorporate scholarly findings into practice, it is crucial to evaluate their quality at first. Academics across different areas have to possess the appropriate skills to detect bias and develop efficient strategies to minimize it. Scientific articles serve as the main channel of communication for innovative ideas...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 989
Pages: 3
Introduction Modern medical technology enables patients to recover more quickly than at any previous point in history. However, the human connection between patient and care provider remains the fundamental basis of recovery. “I am Here” is a personal story from the patient’s viewpoint. Marcus Engel’s book, Compassionate Communication in All...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 989
Pages: 3
Introduction Economy symmetrically responds to changes in oil prices, whereas oil prices asymmetrically respond to crude oil prices. According to Kidnay, “the natural gas industry began in the early 1900s in the United States and is still evolving” (Kidnay et al., 2019, p. 1). As a result, crude oil and...
Topic: Natural Gas
Words: 989
Pages: 3
Power is recognized as having a heavy influence on a group of individuals or over someone. In the dramatic tragedy Hamlet by William Shakespeare, power can be portrayed as the theme that drives the play. There are several chains of events in the play that have resulted as a result...
Topic: Hamlet
Words: 989
Pages: 3
This paper will analyze the Polish novel Drive your Plow Over the Body of the Dead by Olga Tokarczuk, focusing on several key themes of feminism, protection of nature and its innocence conflicting with human immorality and ignorance. In the novel, one of the major themes is nature vs. humanity,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 989
Pages: 3
Introduction A family assessment reflects a complete effort to obtain insight into the dynamics of this familial unit. This evaluation strives to give a comprehensive and impartial review, recognizing not just the family’s concerns and issues but also its intrinsic strengths, deeply established beliefs, and ultimate ambitions. This assessment aims...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 989
Pages: 4
Introduction Organizational psychology is as old as time. It is primarily concerned with how best organizations can work under specific conditions. It is obvious to assume that the success of an organization leads to the psychological satisfaction of employees and even volunteers. It emphasizes group-type settings especially in offices and...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Business Writing Steps (Pringle & O’Keefe, 2003) Communication plays a pivotal role in all facets of life. As such, it is always important to consider various factors in order to ensure that the message being communicated is received and understood. While writing any communication within an organization, the following steps...
Topic: Business
Words: 990
Pages: 4
This essay compares and contrasts two church denominations. The essay looks deeply into the origins of the primitive Methodist church and the Methodist Episcopal church. It further explores the similarities and differences in their beliefs and practices. Conclusively, this essay establishes that save the Methodist Episcopal Church is more polished...
Topic: Church
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Introduction Organizational culture is instrumental in shaping employees’ behavior. It is possible to state that it defines the development of any organization. Organizational culture can be defined as a set of “shared basic assumptions” that are considered valid by all the members of the organization (Ehrhart, Schneider & Macey 2013,...
Topic: Culture
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Introduction Every organization, company, manufacturer, and other businesses hire managers that play significant roles in production processes. Organizational behavior is an essential aspect of managers’ professional experience. The following paper will discuss the importance of corporate behavior for managers from various modern organizations. Discussion In the previous decade, people who...
Topic: Business
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Introduction Widely considered to be one of the most significant American writers of the 20th century, Faulkner concentrates on themes that are universal. His novels, The Sound and the Fury, Absalom! Absalom! are experiments with shifts in time and narrative. A Rose for Emily is the strange story of love,...
Topic: A Rose for Emily
Words: 990
Pages: 3
Introduction The legislature itself has certain responsibilities in the way in which it frames legislation, or in the manner in which it effectuates more general administrative changes. The judiciary may well have to fashion appropriate tools of review to deal with these novel institutional changes. Legislation or law making can...
Topic: Law
Words: 990
Pages: 4
It used to be easy to acquire knowledge. Ancient men and women need only to rely on authoritative figures like the patriarch of a clan or a religious leader to tell them what is right and wrong. But after the Age of Reason, it dawned on the human race that...
Topic: Philosophy
Words: 990
Pages: 3
Introduction Illegal immigration is a contentious subject of debate in many countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia which were traditionally known as receivers and also in Europe which historically had net emigration. The debate over the effect of immigration and its effect is mostly drawn on economic...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Choplin’s story is set in a time when many females were supposed to play the role of a housewife and a homemaker. This was a time where roles for females and males were defined by society such as women took care of the house while the man was responsible for...
Topic: Marriage
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Vince Lombardi states that “leaders aren’t born, they are made”, which makes it crucial for mangers to understand the importance of effective leadership in team building and communication. While it is an accepted fact that efficient leaders motivate their teams to deliver results, it is also extremely essential to understand...
Topic: Communication
Words: 990
Pages: 3
Introduction Supply chain management is one of the most difficult tasks for organizations dealing with many different kinds of goods supplied by different vendors who are both internal as well as external and who has many outlets. The problem becomes more complicated especially if the organization has one of the...
Topic: Management
Words: 990
Pages: 3
Advertising has come to be known as the most influencing and persuasive part of the media. It has often been used as an important tool in making people act in favor of the advertisement rather than using their heads in judging beforehand what to do and what not to do....
Topic: Advertising
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Common Health Traditions Based on my Cultural Heritage Nigerians prefer taking healthy food, particularly vegetables. Food is grown naturally and has to be served hygienically because the handshake is a common greeting method. Nigerians believe in sex after marriage and not before. This makes the elderly be against boy-girl relationships....
Topic: Culture
Words: 990
Pages: 4
For Selina, singing is a response to the invincibility of external forces and a way of shielding from what she is not able to accept. Singing is necessary for protection from the outside world and interaction with it. Critical Lenses Two critical lenses will be used to evaluate the text,...
Topic: Literature
Words: 990
Pages: 3
Operation Anaconda, conducted in 2002 by a joint military team of the US Army, Northern Alliance, and friendly Afghan troops, is an example of a complex operation that requires consolidation and joint command. The military forces involved in the operation were commanded to destroy the military Taliban formations based in...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 990
Pages: 3
Introduction Children below the age of five years are in active growth and body development stages. They require enough nutrients to facilitate tissue formation and to remain healthy and effective. Therefore, they need continuous vitamin A, C and D supplementation to enhance healthy growth. Despite obtaining the necessary nutrients from...
Topic: Vitamins
Words: 990
Pages: 4
Introduction Since the end of the Second World War, countries have become concerned on how they can manage the use of nuclear weapons however, some countries that have nuclear weapons in their military bases and are continuing to develop other. During this period, the United States and Soviet Union had...
Topic: Soviet Union
Words: 991
Pages: 4
Introduction In every nation, there is a set system of tax collection. The U.S. is not an exemption to the rule. Their system is self-assessing and presupposes that citizens, as well as foreigners, are liable to taxation. The taxation of foreign citizens is different from that of resident citizens. Every...
Topic: Business
Words: 991
Pages: 4
Is airline travel safer in terms of terrorism today than before 9/11? Why or why not? Airline travel is safer now in terms of terrorism than it was before the events of 9/11. This is because prior to the attack, there had been intelligence reports that Osama bin Laden would...
Topic: Infrastructure
Words: 991
Pages: 3
Introduction Art history is examination of art objects, the process of their development and the description of their stylistic peculiarities such as design, look and genre. This branch covers study of masterpieces all around the world. Artists are ‘makers’ of art who embody the feelings and emotions of the environment...
Topic: Art
Words: 991
Pages: 4
Outline This essay aims to explain the workings of the OPEC cartel and its activities in the past year. The essay first provides a basic definition of what a cartel is and then gives a short description of the constituent members of the OPEC cartel. The essay then explains the...
Topic: Petroleum
Words: 991
Pages: 3
Classroom management is a phrase used to illustrate the process of making sure that classroom activities go on as planned and that the students undertake the activities relegated to them without any disruptive behavior. It involves all the activities undertaken by a teacher or any educational instructor to ensure the...
Topic: Classroom
Words: 991
Pages: 4
Introduction Castroville is located twenty miles from the town of San Antonio. It is more of a village than a city which was established in 1844 by Henri Castro and other immigrants from the Alsace region in France. Since its foundation, Castroville still maintains features that were established by the...
Topic: Texas
Words: 991
Pages: 3
Anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere is associated with mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological factors. There are two main types of air pollution, ambient air pollution (outdoor pollution) and household (indoor). These are most noticeably manifested in places where people live compactly, especially in megacities, where weather conditions differ significantly from...
Topic: Air Pollution
Words: 991
Pages: 4
Participants The research will be conducted using questionnaires in a medium-security rehabilitation center in California. The sample rehabilitation centers in California would be chosen according to convenience. Considering the time and expense involved in the research, we would select the centers closest to the place of research. The programs will...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 991
Pages: 3
Introduction Since the beginning of the 20th century, the phenomenon of cultural transference has become extremely relevant in the context of multinational enterprises’ development. According to recent research, the paradigm of business is now engaged in activities aimed at finding a balance between the globalization trend and unification of products...
Topic: Business
Words: 991
Pages: 4
It is important to note that an effective treatment and care delivery process is highly dependent on a health professional’s ability to communicate critical and essential information to a patient. Implementing any form of change meant to improve an organization cannot be done without ensuring that the shift will be...
Topic: Health
Words: 991
Pages: 4
Introduction Exercise is commonly associated with decreased risks of cardiovascular diseases and higher quality of life. It is often recommended for patients with specific heart problems, such as stable heart failure. Through echocardiography, doctors may uncover various data on their patients’ heart conditions and problems. With the help of five...
Topic: Health & Medicine
Words: 991
Pages: 3
Choice of Topic This paper seeks to prepare a personal letter describing the experience gained with regards to Bayeux Tapestry. In this case, the preparation lies in the assumptions that the war is an individual and actual experience in which there was direct involvement. As such, this letter will contain...
Topic: Armed Hostilities
Words: 992
Pages: 4
Topic Description Modern society is experiencing an increasing prevalence of childhood obesity. Many medical professionals and organizations agree that it has become an epidemic. Obesity at an early age causes a variety of health complications and has a long-term impact including serious illnesses or premature death. Up to date, interventions...
Topic: Childhood
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Introduction Trust between stakeholders is a paramount issue in business. Lack of integrity and honesty between organization partners may result in adverse relationships, which will further undermine performance outcomes. de Oliveira and Rabechini in their article called “Stakeholder management influence on trust in a project: A quantitative study” discuss stakeholder...
Topic: Management
Words: 992
Pages: 4
Introduction The article under consideration is “Second language learning: conscious or unconscious” written by Yang Chaochun and Cheng Lian (2005). The article is focused on the problem of whether the process of second language learning is conscious or unconscious. The main purpose of the paper is to evaluate critically the...
Topic: Education
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Rock and roll is a music genre that emerged during the close of 1940s and the dawn of early 1950s in the southern region of the United States (Aquila 46). The originators of rock and roll combined blues of African American origin, country music, gospel music and jazz to come...
Topic: Evolution
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Introduction The American Civil War is a war from 1861 to 1865 between the Union of non-slavery states and border slave states – the North – on the one side, and the Confederacy of slave states – the South – on the other. The issue of what was the cause...
Topic: Civil War
Words: 992
Pages: 4
A patient, family, or population health problem and realistic goals that are relevant to personal practice Hypertension is an extremely common long-term condition characterized by the persistent presence of high blood pressure. This condition severely affects a person’s general well-being and can contribute to the risks of life-threatening conditions, including...
Topic: Hypertension
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Introduction In the past Michigan like any other American state has always given its prisoners time credits, which primarily depend on prisoners’ behavior during jail terms. It gave the majority of these time credits on a continuous basis, whereby the number of credits increased progressively as one spent more time...
Topic: Law
Words: 992
Pages: 3
In our current society, the free choice of smoking has gradually evolved into an alarming levels of addiction. Although smokers are warned on the dangers of smoking on the cigarette packs, they have repeatedly ignored this notion, and though avoidable, cigarette smoking has continued to cause deaths and disability across...
Topic: Smoking
Words: 992
Pages: 3
The study of clinical states in cancer patients is of fundamental importance for medical sciences. For example, it is well established empirically that one of the central manifestations of cancer development is pain. Research data show that more than half of cancer patients report pain (Dalal & Bruera, 2019; Durham,...
Topic: Cancer
Words: 992
Pages: 4
The “American Arithmetic” by Natalie Diaz is a poem that reflects the effect of racism and police brutality in America. The author narrates from the perspective of a Native American and expresses her dissatisfaction with racism and favoritism witnessed in the country. The poem describes the challenges facing native and...
Topic: Literature
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Introduction The newspaper industry has existed since the 16th century and has evolved with time. Newspapers began by being the most accessible and affordable source of news back in the days. However, the digitization of news has changed the world of the newspaper today. Observer Centric Company covers local news...
Topic: Newspaper
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Managers and organizations in any field of human activity should take the recruitment process seriously. This is due to the fact that it is the employees who ensure the success, demand, and profit of the company. This aspect also affects the tourism and hotel industry, in which staff must meet...
Topic: Tourism
Words: 992
Pages: 4
Introduction Heart of Darkness is a novel written by Joseph Conrad and was first published in 1902. It centers around Marlow, a sailor, and his journey up the Congo River to meet Kurtz. As Marlow travels, he encounters cruelty and inefficiency in the treatment of the black inhabitants in Congo....
Topic: Heart of Darkness
Words: 992
Pages: 3
Introduction Stranger on the Third Floor (Ingster, 1940) is considered one of the earliest examples of film noir. Boris Ingster was a Russian-American screenwriter, who shot the film on a shoestring budget and was forced to use creative techniques to make the most of what he had to work with....
Topic: Cinema
Words: 992
Pages: 4
Introduction. Definition of healthcare quality, healthcare safety, high reliability and just culture Quality of health care is the extent to whereby health care services improve the probability of anticipated health results. Healthcare safety encompasses the patient’s well-being and involves healthcare practices in response to the unpredictability of healthcare systems and...
Topic: Health
Words: 992
Pages: 4
Introduction While examining mergers and acquisitions, European regulators pay close attention to the risk of dominance. In this context, the term dominance can be defined as the ability of the organization to prevent the competition in a certain market (Geradin, Layne-Farrar,& Petit 2012, p. 43). It should be noted that...
Topic: European Union
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Introduction There are various theoretical styles for analysis of mythologies of the antique evolution. The reality is that the myths mainly form a definition that scholars can easily follow and relate to during the current timelines. Physically, dichotomy exists entirely especially under the intensities of pantheons over the powers regarding...
Topic: Mythology
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Introduction Leadership is a concept that has long been studied, yet there are still no guidelines or at least a clear definition of this skill. Every business needs a leading individual or a group of people who would shape the company’s policies and define strategies. Despite the traditional understanding of...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Introduction Despite advances made in the field of medicine, asthma remains to be one of the most widespread and chronic lung conditions affecting most children while still at their tender ages. It is alarming that out of every fifteen children picked at random, one of them is most likely to...
Topic: Asthma
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Introduction The “Practical Decision Making in Health Care Ethics” has been at the focal point of research across the many fields of studies, precisely in the disciplines of Religion and Theology, Bioethics, Medicine, and Nursing. Raymond Devettere, one of the most renowned researchers and authors in this field, contends that...
Topic: Bioethics
Words: 993
Pages: 4
Introduction The ozone layer has been tampered with by chlorofluorocarbons which are chlorine in nature. They are emitted through refrigeration of gases, air conditioning, metal cleaning, and aerosols propellants. It is seen that the depletion of these layer will worsen with time if companies and individuals do not change their...
Topic: Business
Words: 993
Pages: 4
The population of the world, which consists of many peoples of different cultures, nationalities, backgrounds and beliefs, is becoming a “melting pot” where the cultures and races are mixing, decreasing the prejudices and stereotypes that have long existed in human history and unfortunately still exist today. The article titled “The...
Topic: Family, Life & Experiences
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Modern tasks assigned to the nurse make this profession multifaceted and technologically complex. If, in accordance with the laws of dialectics, our society is now entering a new round of development of the attitude towards diseases, i.e., focusing on their prevention, it is necessary to accordingly form and develop a...
Topic: Nursing
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Introduction Medical care systems are formed in order to meet the medical or health requirements of specific individuals. There are many different medical care systems within the globe. In some nations, the medical care systems have been established and are not yet planned, while in others appropriate plans have been...
Topic: Health
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Purpose of the study The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of a multi-component health promotion and disease self-management intervention on physical function and health care expenditures among Medicare beneficiaries and to establish if these outcomes differ by urban or rural residents. The study was conducted through...
Topic: Health
Words: 993
Pages: 6
Introduction A mouse-trap car according to Balmer (1998) is a kind of motor vehicle that is motorized by the power that is accumulated in a wound up mouse-trap spring (1). A simple mouse-trap is constructed by attaching a string on a mouse-trap’s snapper arm and then winding this string on...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Introduction Healthy aging is one of the most deliberated topics globally since older persons exist worldwide, and most people hope to live to old age. According to the WHO, healthy aging denotes developing and maintaining functional abilities that facilitate wellness in advanced ages. Thus, healthy aging involves the creation of...
Topic: Aging
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Summary In 2010, Walmart had a market value of $210 billion, more than the value of the following five largest retail companies combined (Miles,2019). Walmart remained the largest company in the world in terms of market value. The company’s revenues and profits grew in 2010, and its stock price increased...
Topic: Walmart
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Introduction As a new manager at SNHU Pet Supply Company, my top priority is to provide a management plan revealed in rebuilding the team culture, aligning organizational practices with leadership, and addressing the specific challenges that have affected the team’s effectiveness. I will implement management practices and intuitive and creative...
Topic: Leadership
Words: 993
Pages: 3
Social networking can be defined as a virtual environment in which individuals form groups for a common goal of socializing. Traditionally, social networking is mostly done offline by groups of friends or people sharing a common interest. Technological advances have, however, changed the social networking concept to the point where...
Topic: Communication
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Introduction This report summarises the managerial and organisational structures of Ford Motor Company. An analysis of the market environment in which Ford occupies will be taken into consideration to determine the internal and external factors that affect their organisation. Historical Background Henry Ford started Ford Motors in Detroit, Michigan in...
Topic: Ford
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Public hospitals infrastructure is the base that supports the planning, delivery, and evaluation of health activities and practices. The main elements of public hospitals infrastructure are security and building management systems, medical and administrative staff, departments, an operating theatre, facilities management, and data and information system. A building management system...
Topic: Health
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Introduction The North American Free Trade Agreement, which has been in existence for seventeen years, was signed in 1994. This agreement created a free trade area between Canada, the USA, and Mexico. Since its inception, there have been critics and supporters of this agreement. This paper seeks to examine both...
Topic: Trade
Words: 994
Pages: 3
Rationale There are no good reasons to delay or cancel the construction of the Tellico Dam on the Little Mississippi River. The biggest issue that I have with how the current situation is unfolding is that the Endangered Species Act and its proponents seek to find the underlying moral principles...
Topic: Construction
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Key Points of Therapeutic Conversation A therapeutic conversation is meant to identify communication needs of family members and encourage them to express feelings. Not only does it help to develop more targeted and age-appropriate intervention strategies but also allows rendering necessary psychological support to patients through the practice of active...
Topic: Family
Words: 994
Pages: 3
The first industrialization and the increasingly popular enlightenment movement were considered influential and changing the lives of eighteenth-century Europeans. The industrial revolution ultimately brought changes in the economics, population, family structure, labor, and consumption patterns. With the introduction of new technologies, smoke-stack industries rose to replace the agricultural economy of...
Topic: Industrialization
Words: 994
Pages: 4
The way in which managers communicate change is very crucial to the success of a changed program in any organization. The communication style which the company decides to use should ensure that their staffs appropriately understand what will happen and why it should happen. They should also be in a...
Topic: Business
Words: 994
Pages: 4
The Madonna adoring the Child Jesus is the work of a renaissance artist, Francesco Botticini. He was born in the 1400s in Italy (Kuhnel 11-13). The year of his birth is estimated to be 1446. There is a debate over the time of his death with some sources claiming that...
Topic: Art
Words: 994
Pages: 3
Workplace ethics is one of the most important issues today as it determines the moral standards and values of employees. The case of Wilson shows that standard ethical principles cannot be applied to all situations and problems occurred in the workplace. Every employee can expect workplace safety and healthy working...
Topic: Ethics
Words: 994
Pages: 3
For many decades the word “racism” and “fetishism” evoked negative sensations and connotations due to well-known factors. These delicate topics were never something to be easily dealt with. Nowadays we observe the reverse. Not that they are approved of, they are clashed together to reveal an interesting but nonetheless frightening...
Topic: Social Issues
Words: 994
Pages: 3
Introduction Currently, the U.S. air force is the most powerful in the world. It consists of “of 180 Air National Guard F-15A/B and F-16A/B aircraft located in 10 units and 14 alert sites in the United States” (“Strategic,” n.d.). In addition to ten dedicated units, “2 F-15 dual-tasked general-purpose units...
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 994
Pages: 3
The Roman Empire was the most powerful force in the Mediterranian area at its time, and one of the most significant ones in world history. The role of the military in the process of the empire’s expansion was crucial. The Roman army was maintaining the effectiveness for many centuries due...
Topic: Ancient History
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Introduction Building a successful career in 2021 seems to be harder than climbing Everest. Management science has evolved over the years and now spans a variety of sectors, including communication, marketing, psychology, sociology, and many others. Such concepts as personal branding and networking become more important to every professional trying...
Topic: Brand
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Project Description The project is focused on process and operations improvements at Kaiser Permanente. The project will take four weeks to complete, and the project will require $10300 to accomplish, including analytical instruments, analytical work, and organizational endeavors. In the case of the project scope, it aims to apply the...
Topic: Management
Words: 994
Pages: 7
The pursuit of sustainability and caution toward the environmental impact are characteristics of a developed society. In these terms, combustion engines cause pollution, the effect of which multiplies with the unprecedented spread of automobiles across the globe. Consequently, the pursuit of efficient transportation did not stop with this technology, and...
Topic: Electric Vehicle
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Medical advancements would be impossible without the use of biospecimens. Over the decades, scientists have used the tissue of patients to experiment, which has contributed to a large body of scientific knowledge that humanity has access to nowadays. However, as the ethics and policy issues surrounding research started to gain...
Topic: Sociology
Words: 994
Pages: 4
Introduction Divorce has never been a desirable occurrence in American society. However, the recent reports indicate that there is a consistent rise in the rate of divorce in this country. According to the report by Hawkins and Fackrell, almost fifty percent of marriages in this country end up in divorce...
Topic: Divorce
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Trifles is an early example of a feminist drama, written by Susan Glaspell in 1916. The drama revolves around the murder of John Wright, a farmer described by his peers as an honest and hard-working man. The man was found in his house, strangled with a string. His wife, Mrs....
Topic: Gender
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Abstract Employers are increasingly becoming aware of the benefits of having a diverse workforce. As a result, the modern workplace is rapidly becoming diverse in terms of age. The situation presents both benefits and challenges to the employers. Among the most profound challenges that emerge from an age-diverse workplace is...
Topic: Aging
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Rationale and Purpose Suicide is a major public health problem; in 2016, suicide became the cause of 1310 deaths in Arizona (Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System [AHCCS], 2018, p. 1). However, the legislation related to the reduction of suicide rates in Arizona is limited. Suicide prevention policies at schools...
Topic: Suicide
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Clinical psychology Introduction Psychology is a vast field of intellectual endeavor. As a result, there are numerous areas of specialization. Some of the more popular specializations under the umbrella of psychology are listed as follows: For this study, I decided to focus on clinical psychology as an umbrella that covers...
Topic: Counseling
Words: 995
Pages: 4
The social work group forms for the purpose of rehabilitating HIV patients under the supervision of The National Health Service, one of the popularized social service and health care groups in England. The members of the social work group attempt to relieve and block hardships and sufferings. The journal article...
Topic: Health
Words: 995
Pages: 3
Introduction Democracy is a subject that is perceived differently by different people. The most accepted definition of democracy, however, is that of ‘the rule by the people’. We will not however expand on this as different people have different understanding of what is ‘the people’, and ‘rule’ (Schaffer, 2000, p.1)....
Topic: Politics & Government
Words: 995
Pages: 3
Case Summary In April 2002, Albert (Al) Fiorini founded Atlanta Home Loan (AHL), a mortgage lending and financing company by investing $40,000. He had impressive experience in mortgage banking, so the new company grew well. AHL had telecommuting marketers, eight loan offices, and all worked remotely as it was a...
Topic: Business
Words: 995
Pages: 3
Introduction The question of objectivity in the practice of science is problematic for various reasons. First, scientific theories are based on objectivity claim that they have unique access to truth. This assertion is premised on the argument that empirical science, or what is commonly known as measurable science, can validate...
Topic: Formal Sciences
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among 65-year-old or older male patients is a complex task that requires the development of research skills, leadership competencies, and scientific knowledge. It is not enough to identify the chosen problem at the microsystem (family support), mesosystem (employees), and macrosystem (hospitals) and consider nursing...
Topic: Disease
Words: 995
Pages: 4
The ethical dilemma that Mr. Markham is currently facing is the necessity to choose between the two undesirable options. These are: whether to report the board of directors of the pension funds the real numbers regarding their value of liabilities, which are two times higher than the ‘official numbers,’ or...
Topic: Ethical Dilemma
Words: 995
Pages: 4
Introduction to the Project The modern world is a global space where long distances are no longer barriers for people willing to travel. More than a billion people travel between countries across the world for various reasons. Nevertheless, this number has reduced significantly in the last one and half year...
Topic: Economics
Words: 995
Pages: 5