157 Equality Essay Topics & Discussion Questions

Equality is a burning issue nowadays because of its potential to reduce poverty, improve education, lead to healthier communities, and decrease violence. If you’re looking for good equality topics, you’re at the right place! Here, you’ll find equality essay titles and ideas for your discussion, debate, presentation, speech, or research paper.

🟰 TOP 7 Equality Topics for 2025

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Equality

  1. Multiculturalism as a Threat to Gender Equality
    To make democratic states realize that tolerance must not equal acceptance and that the specifics of a particular culture must not be projected onto another one.
  2. Social Justice and Equality in America
    There is no single vision of the idea of equality in American society, especially with references to the concept of social justice.
  3. Perception, Equality, and Curiosity in Cross-Cultural Communication
    Effective communication is significant when passing a message from one person to another and may be influenced by various factors.
  4. Is Equality Act 2010 Equal Enough for the Workplace?
    All employees and employers in the U.K. are covered by the Equality Act 2010 (EqA), which regulates legal relationships based on discrimination.
  5. Addressing the Issue of Gender Equality
    Gender equality is one of the core problems of the current century. It means providing equal conditions for men and women
  6. Global Misunderstanding of the Idea of Feminism and Gender Equality
    Global misunderstanding of the idea of feminism and gender equality in education leads to devastating consequences that cannot be allowed.
  7. Equality in Different Philosophers’ Arguments
    Equality has been the subject of debate among many scholars and philosophers. During the 20th century, the concept was met with ridicule.
  8. The Social Model of Disability: Equality vs. Equity
    In modern society, the social model of disability is most closely associated with such terms as equality and equity.
  9. The “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” Documentary
    The documentary “True Justice: Bryan Stevenson’s Fight for Equality” tells about the inferiority of the judicial system in the United States.
  10. Starbucks Corporation’s Approach to Equality
    Starbucks values its workers and is one of the few businesses in the retail industry to offer both full and part-time employees excellent benefits.
  11. Equality in Education Question
    There are several opportunities of life where people have always looked for equality among them being education.
  12. Gender Equality and Women’s Rights
    The issue of gender equality in society has gained popularity in the course of the precedent century with the rise of the feminist movement and women’s struggle for equal rights.
  13. Equality and Increased Participation of Women in Work
    The study indicates that women come across challenges in an attempt to get promotions. The majority of women hold positions that cannot help them get promotions.
  14. Equality in “The Politics” by Aristotle
    One of the outstanding works that discuss the origins of political life and organization of society is “The Politics” by Aristotle.
  15. Key Milestones in Women’s Fight for Equality and Rights
    There were significant events, such as the formation of NAWSA and the Montgomery Bus Boycott, that highlight women’s fight for equality throughout history.
  16. Equality and Liberty in the United States
    The US democracy is defined by its unique geographical features and historical developments that explain how American society has achieved its rights to equality and liberty.
  17. The March for Equality: African American Struggle for Civil Rights
    The walk on Selma that occurred in Alabama in March 1965 was a critical Black History event for the United States as it directly impacted the achievement of equal rights.
  18. The Issue of Racial Equality in Healthcare
    The paper states that racial inequality is one of the most critical issues in the world today and it has influenced such spheres of human life as healthcare.
  19. The Electoral College: Ensuring Fairness and Equality in Presidential Elections
    Every four years, in November, Americans elect their president, and for this purpose electoral college was established which was included the electoral college in the Constitution.
  20. Events Devoted to Equality Challenges
    The paper discusses the event devoted to discussing the On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous novel by Ocean Vuong and an event about a North Korean woman’s journey to the US.
  21. Women as “Another”: Subordination, Objectification, and the Struggle for Equality
    The article explores the concept of women as “another” in Simone de Beauvoir’s groundbreaking work, “The Second Sex”.
  22. Employment Equity and Equality: Research Planning
    Recently, there has been a significant interest in exploring the factors affecting employment equity and equality. These two concepts have become the cornerstone of work ethics.
  23. Gender and Racial Equality Barriers in the Workplace
    Gender and racial bias still exist in many fields, resulting in significant turnover rates among female and black workers.

💡 Simple Equality Title Ideas

  1. Democracy: Equality Between Men and Women
  2. America Should Exercise Equality at All Times
  3. Overview of How Inclusive Practice Promotes Equality and Supports Diversity
  4. Gender Equality and Economic Growth in Brazil
  5. Health Equality Across Australia: Aboriginal People
  6. Freedom Budget for All Americans and Economic Equality
  7. Dynastic Inequality, Mobility, and Equality of Opportunity
  8. Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Equality of Citizens
  9. Education and Its Role in Seeking Equality for Former Slaves
  10. America’s Core Values: Liberty, Equality, and Self-Government
  11. Empowering Women and Promoting Gender Equality
  12. Canadian Women and the Struggle for Equality
  13. Being American: Liberty, Equality, and Republicanism
  14. Breaking Down the Equality in the American Internet
  15. Domestic Gender Equality and Childbearing in Sweden
  16. Black Equality Movement and Law Enforcement
  17. Feminism and True Democratic Equality for Women
  18. Economic Growth and Evolution of Gender Equality
  19. Empowering Boys and Men to Achieve Gender Equality in India
  20. Affirmative Action Necessary for Achieve Racial Equality
  21. Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in Work With Children and Young People
  22. Gender Equality Will Remain Lofty Dream in Pakistan

👍 Good Equality Research Topics & Essay Examples

Stuck with your research? Try our online toolkit:
  1. Gender Equality: Language and Literature
    The universal human rights principles propound that every person must be treated equally before the law regardless of their gender.
  2. Civil Rights Equality and Equity: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
    The paper analyzes 1960’s epitomize the civil rights struggle in the United States which were headed by two men: Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.
  3. Equality and Diversity in Visual Culture
    It is essential to explore the themes of equality and diversity in cinema to identify how visual culture helps represent real-world social problems.
  4. Gender Equality in Daily Life: Fictional Works Analysis
    In “The Awakening”, Kate Chopin discusses the struggles of a woman trying to break free from the constraints of society.
  5. Contemporary Gender Equality Challenge
    This essay investigates the issues associated with gender equality on both individual and community levels and identifies the possible responses to those challenges.
  6. Gender Equality Cannot Be a Universal Concept
    This paper addresses whether gender equality is a universal concept that needs to strive across regions and cultures or whether it should have different meanings.
  7. Toxic Masculinity and Gender Equality in the US
    Masculinity has historically been associated with power, leadership, and wealth. Yet, it becomes toxic when it starts to form particular social expectations from men.
  8. Fight for Equality and Mexican Student Movements
    In March 1968, thousands of American students took to the streets of Los Angeles to demonstrate their protest against the inequality in the system of public education.
  9. French Revolution: The Birth of Freedom and Equality
    The French Revolution is reasonably deemed one of the most significant events not only in the history of France but also in the whole world.
  10. The Role of Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion in Environment
    The goal of any political union is to ensure natural and inalienable human rights. These rights are freedom, property, security, and resistance to oppression.
  11. Has Social Equality Been Achieved in the Modern World?
    The problem of white supremacy is still debatable in the countries of North America and Europe. The era of colonialism has long been a thing of the past.
  12. Marriage Equality and Its Constitutionality
    This paper addresses the constitutionality of marriage fairness in the United States by first tracing the evolution of same-gender marriage as a fundamental human right.
  13. African Americans Struggle to Achieve Equality in America
    African Americans’ struggle to achieve equality underscores the foundation of democracy and equality in America, and this essay will encompass the path to equality since 1865.
  14. Gender Equality Strategies in Education
    Global organizations make substantial efforts to solve the problem of gender inequality, which remains relevant despite the improvements made.
  15. Lee v Ashers Baking Co: Violation of Liberal Principles of Equality
    The case of Lee v Ashers Baking Co is an instance of discrimination that should be considered to show the Court’s approach to the violation of liberal principles of equality.
  16. Diversity and Equality in Nursing
    Medical staff is still prone to discrimination and underrepresentation, although the corresponding legislation has been in place for decades.
  17. Gender Equality: Do Women Have Equal Rights?
    Although developed countries demonstrate higher levels of gender equality than states that openly discriminate against women, the equality climate in the U.S. remains imperfect.
  18. Reflections on Equality and Tolerance
    Tolerance today is an ethical doctrine of this time which occupies a central place in the system of values of civilized states.
  19. Gender Equality in the Media Workforce
    Gender equality has come a long way since what it had been 40 years ago that’s why denying the progress is pointless, as many changes were made, for the better.
  20. Sex and Gender Equality in a Personal Worldview
    The debate about sex, gender, and associated issues is integral to contemporary society. Inequalities are the consequences of socially constructed concepts.
  21. Gender Equality as Smart Economics’ Policy Agenda
    After assessing the available trends and data, it is reasonable to conclude that in the world of the future, the gender gap will be even narrower
  22. Impact of Equality in Capitalistic Society
    In the era of capitalism, differences and superiority are welcomed and encouraged. Thus, the topic of equality is a frequent theme in popular culture and media.
  23. “Women’s Assessments of Gender Equality Critique” by Kurzman
    This article explains how women’s assessment of gender equality does not continually match with the worldwide indices of gender inequality.
  24. Equality in the US Declaration of Independence
    The US declaration of independence and the notion of equality are topics that have been explored at length, especially due to disagreements regarding the meaning of equality.
  25. What Makes an Ideal Society? Revolutionary Ideas for Gender Equality
    The article is relevant because it demonstrates how a perfect society can be achieved by first realizing social change, as it was done before the women’s movements.
  26. Integration of Gender Equality in Organizational Management
    In essence, the integration of gender equality in management practices would help advance modern employee rights among organizations.
  27. The Houston Riot of 1917: Human Equality
    The Houston riot of 1917 is one of the milestones of African American history in the state of Texas, claiming the commencement of a reconsideration of human equality.
  28. Women’s Equality in the 1960s
    This article discusses Carol Oates’ novel Where Are You Going and Where Have You Been ?, which depicts 20th-century American social ideals that prioritized men over women.
  29. Embracing Equality: Gender in Medieval Europe
    Women commenced being recognized towards the end of the period, hence giving them hope to reach men’s community standards.
  30. Gender Equality: Men as Daycare Professionals
    Gender equality campaigns have traditionally been focused on making “predominantly male professions accessible to everyone” without paying attention to the opposite situations.

❓ Discussion Questions about Equality

  1. Does Democracy Promote Equality?
  2. Why Is the Principle of Equality Important in a Society?
  3. Can Women Achieve Political Equality?
  4. Who Developed the Principles of Equality?
  5. How Can Equality and Diversity Be Promoted in the Workplace?
  6. What Is the Relationship Between Gender and Equality?
  7. How Can We Maintain Equality in Our Society?
  8. What Is the Main Goal of Gender Equality?
  9. Does Democracy Engender Equality?
  10. Why Is Equality Important in the Workplace?
  11. Who Is Responsible for Promoting Equality in the Workplace?
  12. Is Absolute Equality Possible?
  13. Why Is Equality Important in Public Health?
  14. How Does Feminism Promote Equality?
  15. What Is the Relationship Between Justice and Equality?
  16. Does Income Inequality Lead to Consumption Equality?
  17. What Happens if There Is No Gender Equality?
  18. How Does Communism Create Equality?
  19. Why Is It Difficult to Achieve Equality?
  20. Does Increased Gender Equality Lead to a Convergence of Health Outcomes for Men and Women?
  21. What Is the Difference Between Equality and Equal Opportunities?
  22. Can Gender Equality Be Achieved in India?
  23. Is Equality a Basic Human Right?
  24. How Did the Great Recession Affect Equality in the United States?
  25. Which Country Has More Gender Equality?

📌 Easy Equality Essay Topics

Stuck with writing? Try out our free toolkit:
  1. “Is Gender Equality the Silent Killer of Marriages?” Article Analysis
    The article “Is Equality Ruining Your Marriage?” by Suzanne Venker explores the adverse effects of integrating egalitarian concepts in the marriage context.
  2. The Human Right to Equality and Racial Issues in the US
    This paper examines the issue of the human right to equality and non-discrimination, which is in question in the United States.
  3. Woman and Gender Equality in Canada
    With the modernization of society, there is a need for additional measures to ensure the rights of women all over the country.
  4. Radical Feminism vs. Equality
    Radical feminism seems to fuel the tensions between men and women and does not contribute to the resolution of the conflict.
  5. Liberty, Freedom, and Equality in America
    The development of liberty, freedom, and equality in the United States should be considered through the lens of the diversity of nations.
  6. Ethical Dilemma of Worldwide Gender Equality
    One of the most significant issues in the context of the 21st century, however, is the ethical dilemma of worldwide gender equality.
  7. The Debate on Pregnant Women’s Equality in the Workplace
    The reasons for pregnant women’s discrimination are a result of a gap between discrimination and disability laws.
  8. Political Theories: A Perspective on Human Nature, Order, Freedom and Equality
    According to John Locke’s theory, the state of nature meant that all people are equal and independent and that human beings can defend themselves, their liberty, and life.
  9. The Struggle for Black Equality
    The African Americans were the majority particularly in the profound South and this meant that if they were to vote then they could manage to transform the power organization.
  10. Race in America and the Role of Government in Equality of Opportunity
    Slavery in American existed as a legal system until the Thirteenth Amendment was set in 1865. The paper looks at the role of the government in ensuring equality of opportunity.
  11. Issues in Sports: Gender Equality
    Numerous societies have not recognized that women have the flair to take part in any sport that a man can do, with equivalent expertise if not best.
  12. Socrates in Phaedo: Equality and Justice
    One of the major questions of philosophy has always been the nature of the soul, what it is, where it resides, where it comes from, how it is developed, and for what purpose.
  13. Castleford Regeneration Project and Social Equality
    The people of Castleford have brought up the initiative of doing a regeneration project for their community to provide the economy with the needed substantial investments.
  14. Theories and Practices of the Compatibilities Within Diversity, Equality and HRM
    The following paper shows a critical analysis of theories and practices of the compatibilities within diversity, equality and HRM.
  15. Rigoberta MenchĂș: Women’s Equality and Political Commitment
    When discussing her political commitment and position, Rigoberta MenchĂș refers to such important issues as equality of men and women.
  16. Gender Equality Through Education: Long-Term Solutions
    Gender inequality is a highly complex and extensive social issue which is prevalent in every layer of society and industry.
  17. Industrial Revolution: Economic Growth and Social Changes
    This essay will examine the impact of the Industrial Revolution on American society and discuss the issue of equality in the modern US.
  18. Technologies and Equality for Democratic Society
    Education is a fundamental aspect of any democratic society or state. The fact is that ignorance and the lack of knowledge create the basis for speculations.
  19. How Domesticity Slowed Gender Equality in 19th-Century America
    While the Declaration of Sentiments itself as a legal document was an incredible achievement in the battle for equality, there are a few things that make it truly significant.
  20. The Right of Married Same-Sex Couples
    This essay explores the constitutional issue of marriage equality for married same-sex partners that still face discrimination, as shows the example of the case of Pavan v. Smith.
  21. African American Equality in Tolson’s and Morrison’s Novels
    This paper compares and contrasts Melvin B. Tolson and Toni Morrison’s approaches in addressing African American equality, with a close focus on their literal works and the associated themes.
  22. Relations Between Women Equality, Cultural Prerequisites and Feminism
    For centuries, women suffered from discrimination that caused a lot of social, legal, psychological, and medical problems for them.
  23. Legal Perspectives on Equality Among African Americans: Progress and Ongoing Challenges
    This paper discusses the role of the white population’s vision of racism to address this problem effectively while developing efficient and adaptable laws and policies.
  24. Balancing Equality, Freedom, and Security Rights in the U.S. Framework
    The problem is in the fact that rights to equality, freedom, and security reflected in the UDHR should be adopted in different states of the country.
  25. American Laws and Cultural Equality: Progress and Challenges
    The purpose of this paper is to indicate the challenges faced by African Americans and their quest for a law that governs equality in the United States of America.
  26. Industrial Revolution, Democracy and Equality
    The impact of the industrial revolution on society should not be understated. It transformed mostly agrarian economies into those oriented towards goods and services.
  27. Improving Team Dynamics: Creativity, Sharing, and Equality in Small Groups
    Such topics as diversity, creativity, and leadership are especially interesting and should be studied because they are critical in the workplace, and the knowledge that is received may be utilized.
  28. French Revolution: Freedom, Equality, Social Justice
    French revolution (1789) is one of the greatest events not only in the history of France and Europe, but also in the history of the world at large.
  29. Advancing Gender Identity and Promoting Equality in Sexual Orientation Discussions
    In this paper, the focus will be on marginalization and representation in regard to promotion of equality for sexual orientation and gender identity of minorities.
  30. Gender Equality in Britain in the 20th Century
    In Britain, the media through the television systems operated discussions and seminars on issues concerning gender in society.

đŸ‘©â€âœˆïž Gender Equality Essay Topics

  1. Achieving Global Gender Equality: Current Progress and Challenges
  2. The Role of Education in Promoting Gender Equality
  3. Gender Stereotypes and Their Impact on People’s Social and Economic Opportunities
  4. Why Is the Gender Pay Gap Still Present in Societies?
  5. Media Representations of Gender Roles and Their Impact on Equality
  6. Strategies to Achieve Gender Equality and Eliminate Gender Discrimination in the Workplace
  7. Gender-Based Violence: The Need for a Comprehensive Solution
  8. Women’s Political Participation and Representation
  9. The Role of Men and Boys in Promoting Gender Equality
  10. Ways to Tackle Gender Disparities in the Stem Field

✍ More Equality Topics to Write About

  1. How to Achieve Racial Equality in the Criminal Justice System?
  2. Environmental Justice and Equality: Ways to Protecting Marginalized Communities
  3. Equality for People with Disabilities: Issues with Public Spaces
  4. The Digital Divide and Equality: How to Promote Equal Access to Technology?
  5. The Effectiveness of Policies Aimed to Address Income Inequality
  6. Affordable Housing as a Way to Encourage Socioeconomic Equality
  7. Benefits and Limitations of Affirmative Action in Addressing Inequality
  8. Gender Equality in Parenting: Challenging Traditional Gender Roles
  9. Equality in the Access to Clean Water and Sanitation: Evidence from Developing Countries
  10. Age Equality in the Workplace: HR Policies to Address Ageism

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