111 Real Estate Essay Topics

🏆 Best Essay Topics on Real Estate

🌶️ Hot Real Estate Essay Topics

  1. Strategic Project Environment: Lusail Real Estate Development Company
    Mazaya Real Estate Development and Lusail Real Estate Development Company are forced to adopt sustainability through implementing sustainable operations.
  2. Oil Prices as a Trend in Real Estate Business
    The scientific work aims to consider the impact of such a real estate trend as oil prices and how their growth or fall affects it.
  3. Real Estate Appraisal: Single- and Multi-Family Houses
    An appraisal is the opinion of an expert to estimate the value of a residence. What the appraiser will work on will be giving a report in regards to the size, state of the house, etc.
  4. Real Estate Role in Sustainable Development
    The objective of this paper is to investigate the role of real estate in sustainable development in developing countries.
  5. The Real Estate Development Company: Code of Ethics
    The Real Estate Development Company is committed to being a responsible member of the government and society. This paper examines its ethical business practices.
  6. Housing Price Prediction Model for D.m. Pan Real Estate Company
    In this paper, a regression analysis was conducted to determine the nature of the relationship between residential floor area and listing price.
  7. Concepts Used for Real Estate Closing
    This study examines four distinct phrases that may be utilized throughout the closing process of a real estate transaction.
  8. Cost per Square Foot in the Pacific Region: Hypothesis Testing
    This paper uses statistical analysis to compare the average sample cost per square foot to the reported cost per square foot.
  9. Real Estate Strategic Improvements
    Strategic planning is a systematic process that aids in creating goals for an organization’s future and determining the best way to accomplish them.
  10. Median Housing Price Prediction Model for Real Estate Company
    In this paper, a regression analysis was conducted to determine the nature of the relationship between listing price and commercial space in East South Central.
  11. Real Estate: Impact of New Building Trends and Technologies
    Architectural rendering, construction simulation, 3D models, building information modeling, and sustainable building positively influence the future of real estate.
  12. Technologies and Trends in the Real Estate Industry in the USA
    This paper discusses how technology has played a significant role in advancing the building and construction industry in the United States, making it a global power.
  13. Demographic Changes and the Future of Real Estate
    An increase in population in any region will always increase the demand for accommodation houses in the real estate industry.
  14. Megatrends in the Real Estate Market
    There are several significant megatrends, the effect of which provokes transformations in the real estate segment.
  15. Real Estate Investment and Hospitality Industry Performance
    The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected real estate investments differently. Some businesses benefited from the rise of coronavirus, while others recorded so many losses.
  16. Aspects of Fundamentals of Real Estate
    The city’s proper zoning and housing can increase the quality of life and provide free of pollution living conditions for citizens.
  17. Investment Viability in Real Estate
    The real estate is divided into residential real estate and commercial real estate. Residential real estate is concerned with all types of housing; apartments and family homes.
  18. Islamic Reits: Real Estate Investment Trust
    This paper reviews some of the studies done on IREITs with the aim of determining their effectiveness during economic downturns.
  19. Comparing Islamic REITs: Insights from Global Financial Crises
    The performance of Islamic REITs during economic downturns has not been determined. It has not been determined whether they perform better than the conventional REITs.
  20. Islamic Real Estate Investment Trust
    REITs form part of Investment Trusts in Real Estate. These are trusts that give investors an investment guide in all landed properties.

✍️ Real Estate Essay Topics for College

  1. Smart Home in Aging Society: Real Estate Industry
    The increase in the global aging population has been recognized in connection with the trends in morbidity and mortality of older adults has continuously dropped.
  2. Real Estate Judgement Summary
    The case presented by the United States Attorney General seeks a determination of whether the mineral reservation law.
  3. Investing in Real Estate in Germany: Factors to Consider
    Real estate investment in Germany is a sure bet as only 45% of the population occupies their own homes. In Berlin, only 13% of the residents have their own homes
  4. The Relative Effect of Property Type and Country Factors in Reduction of Risk of Internationally Diversified Real Estate Portfolios
    The aim of this paper is to identify and study the impact of diversifying portfolios of real estate securities mainly based on two categories.
  5. Inflation in the Real Estate Industry
    This paper will cover the real estate industry in the US, as it might be affected by the increased inflation rates, as the demand for housing is not increasing as quickly.
  6. Real Estate Industry Review
    The real estate industry plays a significant role in both economic growth and development. It is the role of each government to ensure investors are investing in this field.
  7. Land Supply and Real Estate Development in Hong Kong
    Hong Kong’s real estate industry is characterized by a high rate of appreciation, a clique of a small group in the industry, and a relatively huge public housing sector.
  8. Scottish Real Estate Market Analysis
    The economics, dynamics and interactions between use, investment and development sectors are discussed for analyzing the factors that influence trends of the commercial real estate market.
  9. Business Ethics in Real Estate
    Business ethics still remains one of the most important areas in business practice influenced by internal and external factor, cultural and social changes.
  10. Real Estate Company’s Information Management
    The report addresses the concerns and constraints that real estate firms have to face during the implementation of their key objectives and management of customers’ needs.
  11. Impact of Economic Policies on Real Estate Market Growth
    The government is looking into revamping growth by addressing unemployment and taxation issues. These two vital factors largely affect real estate markets.
  12. Restriction on Ownership and Its Impact on Real Estate Market
    Real estate is a sector that has attracted several investments in recent years. The sector growth has attracted several rules and regulations to protect both private and public interests of its acquisition.
  13. Marketing Strategy for Rengo Real Estate’s Project Success
    Marketing has a broad range of activities. The promotional approach would enhance the use of promotion mix to try to sell the Rengo Real Estate Project.
  14. Top Real Estate Institutes: A Global Comparison
    Various countries have different policies and structures that govern the operations of a real estate institution. This paper handles five major real estate institutes.
  15. History of State Bank and Real Estate Bank Collapse in Arkansas
    Today, the collapse of state banks is the problematic situation which is often associated with significant economic and political problems in the country.
  16. Jim Mallozzi’s Positive Leadership in Real Estate
    Jim Mallozzi fosters leadership as a key aspect of organizational success. The kind of leadership has direct effects on its realization of the vision, mission, and business goals.
  17. Investigating the Potential Real Estate Bubble in Indonesia: Causes and Consequences
    The Indonesian housing market is heading towards a burst. This reality has been necessitated by economic factors that are integral to its propagation.
  18. Good Faith by Jane Smiley: Real Estate Ethics in Fiction
    The book ‘Good Faith’ by Jane Smiley is a master piece that brings out ethics in real estate using fiction in a way that not only entertains, but also very educative.
  19. Investing in Germany: Political and Legal Factors for Success
    When engaging in international business, investors must comprehensively consider the political and legal factors existing in their preferred investment countries.

🎓 Most Interesting Real Estate Research Titles

  1. Cognitive Moral Development and Real Estate Practitioners
  2. Effective Facebook Marketing for Real Estate Business
  3. Cross Border Real Estate Investment in India
  4. European Non-Listed Real Estate Fund Risk Factors
  5. Controlling for the Impact of Variable Liquidity in Commercial Real Estate Price Indices
  6. China’s House Price: Affected by Economic Fundamentals or Real Estate Policy
  7. Expense and Rent Strategies in Real Estate Management
  8. Currency Swaps and International Real Estate Investment
  9. Buying Real Estate That Is Not for Sale
  10. Commercial Real Estate and Corporate Finance
  11. European Metropolitan Commercial Real Estate Markets
  12. Buy and Holding Real Estate
  13. Economic Recovery, Small Business, and the Challenge of Commercial Real Estate
  14. Commercial Real Estate and Native American Leasing
  15. Budgetary Risks From Real Estate and Stock Markets
  16. Cross-Border Capital Flows Into Real Estate
  17. Contested Market Making in India’s Private Real Estate Development Sector
  18. Economic Risk Factors and Commercial Real Estate Returns
  19. Globalization, Institutional Structures, and Real Estate Markets in Central European Cities
  20. High Inflation and Returns on Residential Real Estate in Turkey

💡 Simple Real Estate Essay Ideas

Out of ideas? Check our online toolkit:
  1. California Real Estate State Exam Latest
  2. Broward County Real Estate Best in Florida
  3. Asymmetric Information and the Predictability of Real Estate Returns
  4. Financial Crisis and the Real Estate Market in Greece: The Impact on Bank Stock Prices
  5. Corporate Real Estate’s Impact on the Takeover Market
  6. Asymmetric Risk Measures and Real Estate Returns
  7. Contrarian Real Estate Investment in Some Asia Pacific Cities
  8. Commercial Real Estate and Management Information Systems
  9. Corporate Real Estate and Stock Market Performance
  10. Creative Real Estate Financing Methods
  11. Bargaining over Residential Real Estate: Evidence from England
  12. Bridging the Gap between Capital and Real Estate Markets
  13. China Real Estate Market
  14. Clustering Methods for Real Estate Portfolios
  15. Consumer-Oriented Real Estate Technologies
  16. Expected Returns and Expected Growth in Rents of Commercial Real Estate
  17. Financial Development, Real Estate Development and Economic Development
  18. Individual Agents, Firms, and the Real Estate Brokerage Process
  19. Financing Real Estate and Urban Regeneration in Iran
  20. Key Factors Which Impact on Real Estate Market

❓ Real Estate Research Questions

  1. Are Nurses More Altruistic Than Real Estate Brokers?
  2. Can Linear Predictability Models Time Bull and Bear Real Estate Markets?
  3. Are Real Estate Markets Integrated with the World Market?
  4. Can Institutional Investors Bias Real Estate Portfolio Appraisals?
  5. Did Investors Regard Real Estate as ‘Safe’ During the ‘Japanese Bubble’ in the 1980s?
  6. Does Real Estate Ownership Matter in Corporate Governance?
  7. Does the Diversification Potential of Securitized Real Estate Vary Over Time?
  8. What Are Interactions Between Private and Public Real Estate Markets?
  9. How Computer Software Can Help the Real Estate Appraiser?
  10. How Efficient Are Real Estate and Construction Companies in Iran’s Close Economy?
  11. How Globally Contagious Was the Recent US Real Estate Market Crisis?
  12. How Inheritance Affects the Real Estate Market in an Aging Economy?
  13. How Real Estate Developers Can Improve Community and Political Stability?
  14. What Attracts Foreign Direct Investment in China’s Real Estate Development?
  15. What Moves Appraisal-Based Real Estate Returns at the Metropolitan Level?
  16. What Role Does the Real Estate Construction Sector Play in China’s Regional Economy?
  17. Why the Real Estate Industry Does Not Build Affordable Housing in India?
  18. Why the Real Estate Market Can Work for You and Against You?
  19. What Factors Are Affecting the Location of Real Estate?
  20. Has the Digital World Had Any Influence on Real Estate in Nigeria?
  21. What Are the Dynamics of Real Estate Prices?
  22. How Student Loans Are Hurting the Real Estate Market?
  23. How the Dot Com Companies Affect Real Estate in New York?
  24. Is There a Real Estate Factor Premium?
  25. What Is a Regression Method for Real Estate Price Index Construction?

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StudyCorgi. 2022. "111 Real Estate Essay Topics." May 10, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/real-estate-essay-topics/.

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